THE DAILY BEfr-FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22. Oh , moot mo at the Slbro \ To got my Holiday Supplies , Where oft I bought bofsro , "BOSTON TEA CO. , 16 Main Street. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F MOL j . vtr. tt > COR Tcr X Zfc 313 aaa o .w. lianas and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVSYANCERS , onUNCIL BLUFFS - A - - - - IOWA. 8 0. A. BE T1IK LNA.D1NCJ DKALEll IN 337 Brondwfiv , Council Bluffs , Iowa , FOB CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , "MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , HIA&AEA PALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Poluta Enatandaouth-Eoit. THKLINKCOMPIlISns Nearly 4,000 rallca. Solid Smooth fit-d Tuci 11 conncctlono arc mido In UNION OhPOTS has a. NatlonM Ilepntatlon W I'Clnc the peat Through Car Line , and li nnlveraallj oncedect to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Kail- oad In the world for nil Clowes of travel. Try It and you will fine * tr.W'llat , ' * Inxnrj ln teaj ol a discomfort. Through Tickets via rhi * Cclcbrawd Line fai B le ut all olHcod In the West. All Information about Ritoa o Faro , Rlocpln ] Car Acocmuiointlons , Time Tiiblcfl , 6c. , will \ > t cheerfully clvcn by auplylclnz to T. d. POTTER. 2d Vlco-frC3't & Gen. Ma PERCIVAL LOWELU Gen. Panon.Ycr Agt. Chlcign , W. J. DAVrJJPOKT. Oca Asent , Conncll BlnOt. U. t. DUSLL. Ticket AB . onhi ' Iv HEAT YOUR HOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD , MAUK I1Y BIOHABDSO , BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , ILLS , Embody new 1882 Improvements , llor. practical fea'uuw ; Coiit loss to keep In order ; lieoloiN faol w'11 ' K" ° taoro hn t nd l rfer volumo0' pure nlr thwi suy fu/nacc m&de. Cold bv 1'icrcy and Bradford , Omaht. GOLD ROPE. TholntrlDSlc merit and superior nu&lltj-of oni GeM Hope Tobacco hag Induced other manufac turers to put upon tbo market ( roods similar tc onr brand In name and style which are offered and eold for lo amo&cy than the genuine Gold Rope. Wo caution the t ade and consumer toioe that our name and trade mark are upon each lump. The only genuine and original Quid Hope Tobacco (9 ( manufactured by TUB WILSON & McNALLY TO BACOO POMP ANY. , OLD SORES AND BLOOD OB SKINT DISEASES IN ANY STAGE , Disappear before the perfect alterative and tonic effect of the greatest of all Blood Purifier * . It BO completely roots out all poiaou from the blood and braces the deb ilitated By-stem , that diseases of thia nature dlcapperrllke cbaif before the wind. B. B. S. , cured me of Scalp Sorea , Sores JnNoBtrils and Ears , after everything known to the medical profession bail failed. Three months have passed since I cult taking 8. S. 8.5 there I * nosymptom of the disease lemainlng ; I permanently cured. It stands unrivaled for Blood DIs- eases. " JNO. S. TAGOAKT , Salamanca , N. V , "S. S. S. stands without a peer. The will have to acknowledge it a pecifio for Blond Dlxeasen. " IJr N. L. OALLOWAV , Monroe , u . "About four or five weeks ago I was aflllcted with ft very aggravated type of. BIoodDiseaso. I commenced using ; H H. o. and after taking the first bottle felt KO mush relieved that I bought five more , and am glad to say , after using fourofthem ; , that I am entirely cured , freviously having beeu under medical advice for eeveral months. " 0. C llATCUKK. ] chmond Va. "After Buffering from the worst Blood Diseace for more than two years , and hav. lug been treated by several eminent Rliysl. duns , confined to my room and bed the greater part o he Ime , my body covered with copper-colored sores from the elza of a t > ea to that of a silver half-dollar , I wns well nliih in despair. At last I commenced takings. S. S. In a short time I began to improve in llesb , all the * nrcs healecl.aml I could feel and know that I wan well , and to 8. 8. S. mnst the < * edit be pivenof my entire restoration to health. I have not taken a dose for oyer eix months , ami am as free from sores or blemish aa any one. " LOTTIK KOHS , Atlanta , Oa. "Improved after taking the urat bottle of 8.8. U. ; in two weeks was able to come home.fiudinit the waters were no benefit.1 . J. W , Kc > i Newport , Ark. "Oor < ytoce | has not made knownacom- binatioiWDal to S. 8. S. for akin or blood MAS8ENDDBQ 1'h. G , , Macon , t5a. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CIMCIOO , HOOK roUM > AND raoinc. Depart. ArtUo. Atlantic Uxt..R20pm I Paclflc Exl..n:10am : Hx and Mull".92.1 A a Cx and Mall.vOM : p m I ) . Molncs oc'.7lG : a m | Dca Molnoaoc\4:40 : p ui ClllCAaO , RURbn-'OTON AKD dUlNCT. Depart. Arrive. AtlanticKxf..8:30pml : TnMc ExJ..9.-20a ru Mull and ix.fl 0 a m Mall and Kx.7UO : p m N. Y. Kx 4:00 : pm I Neb & Has Kx..8iU : a tn CHICAGO JLXD MORTUWMTKRN. Dc ] > art. Arri > e. Atlmitlc Ext..6:15pm : I'actnc Ext..9:15am : Mai nnd Ex'.9:20 nm Mali and < Bx.Cin p m Accom. ( Sat..5r 0 p m Accora. ( Mon , ) . l:15p : u KANSAS ITIT , ST. JO * ASD COUXCIb Depart. Arrhe. Mall and Ex..9:5.1 a m I Express OiOpm Express. 9:10 : p t * | Mail and Ux.G'45pm PSION rAcirio. Deput. Arrive. OrcrUml rn. Overland Ex.4:00 : p. tn. Lincoln Kx..11:30a. : m. Denver Kx . . .S.OOn. tn , Dcmcr Kx.:00p. : m. Locil V.X. G iOa. ru. calKz 7:25 : a. ra. " Ex 8:05 : a. ra. Emigrant..520p. m. " Lx r00a.ui. ; WABAB1I , HK. LOUIS AND Depart. Arrlre. ilall and Ex. . 9:45 : a tn I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p in Cannon liall. . 4:50 : p m ( Cannon Ball. . 11:05 : u m BIOUX crtr IKD rACtno. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Clty.7 5 a m Frm Sioux CV-C- p m For FortKlobrara. I'rm Fort Nloorara , Ncb 7:55am : Neb . oao For St. Paul..7:10pm From Bt. l'aul..8 0 a tn CHICAGO , MILWAUKKH AND ST. TAUL. U'iu u Council Ilufl3. ) Arrlvou Council Binds. Mall and Ex.ll.-i0 a in I Mall and Ex.fiA % pm Atlantic Kx. . | 5:15 : pm | Atlantic hx..IU:10 : a m CIIICAOO , SIM.WAl'KF.K AVU ET. TAt'L. Lea\uaOidaba. Arihiit at Omaha. Mall and Kx. . ' 7:15 ft m I PaciUc Ex t'JM a m Atlantic Ex.3:40pm | : I Mail and UK. T-SSpui "Except Snnda ] s. { Except Saturdays. ( Except Mondajs. ( Dolly. Council BluQs & Omaha Street H. R. Leave Council llluffs. Lca\ Omaha. 8 a in , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 ft m , 11 a in , 1n , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , 1pm , 2p in , 3 p m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. | in , 4 p in , 5 p in , 6 ) > m. Street cnra run half hourly to the Union Paclflc Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 9 o clock a. tn. , and run rcxu'ariy during the day at 9,11 , 2 1 , 5 and C o'clock , and run to city time. DR. A. F. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOK. flfflce , No. 14 Pearl Street. Honii , 9 a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. m. , to 6 p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central office. TDM. orrioio. w. n. u. roan OFFICER . & PUSEI , Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign I n t\nd bnrro K MRS , E , J , HARDIH& , I , Dt Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGIST. Qradaato ol Eloctropnthlc IiutltutloD , Fblla < dolphla , Peuca. OfflOB Oor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. OOUNOIL BLUFFB , IOWA. The treatment of all dlscous and pMoful dlf- flcultloa peculiar to fpumlen a spoclilljr. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , COUNCIL LLUFFS , IOWA. Office Broadway , between JJfln and Pea troutJ. * U1 practlca In State and KeJo urtt BATH INSTITUTE , von LADIES A GE\TTLE1IEN. Corner Bryant Street , OHO door north of Dobaney'H Oporo House , where thOionufTurliiKfrom rtcent Coldi , Hlieiiniatlbtn , Neuralgia , Lumbago and oilier dUtreHnIng ail- menu may tlnd rclfef In thu timely line of cither the Thermo-Eleotrio § Moated Bath I desire an J hope for the patronage of plijfcl- clans who may nUh for thtlr patlcntM this auxll- larj , and will ( ; io any to directed c\ cry poHnlblo attention , RKcolilcK my wlff , a competent loilv ' will attend MM. K. M , LOtl'wOOI ) , _ Proprietor. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. fnstice ot the Peace and Notary Public. i IBBroadway , Council Bluffs. NEW STORE. ew NEWYORK PRIGES. For Dry Goods and Fancy Goods go to L HARRIS , 734 Lower Broadway RAILROAD PSOL1NU. Totfat Kdltorof Tui 1)1 * : The writer * i notawnro until now that there w i taw to provout tAll- road pooling , but it nooins that tluro It ctnoU A law , nnd ono that is nmplo la Its provision , if enforced , to break up nnd destroy this monitor ovil. It ia knowa to orory shipper and btisl- non man ol Counoll BIciTa that the five trunk lines called the pool lines , centering here , pool and dlvido tholr earnlntrs , tvml it Is vull known , and ciiii without any difliculty bo prinoii , that this pool haa oxisH il ovut the cnr.ctiiH'iit of tliis Inw , which pr < vides a ppimHy of S5IM ) n month Rj'cinst each road vioutliij ; it , aud im tticro ntn now liru ro.tda in the po < 1 the prnnltj' would amount to $25 000 a month , or SS'JO.OOO n year Now wo havu n rftiiroail coinuiissioii whoso duty it ohonld ho to look nftor thin matter , but it PIWIIB they are allont. ARaln , it is the duty of the _ Rover- nor to eoo that the lawa are faithfully tmicuted , but ho isnlsosllont. Thun , under the clrouui.Unncos , who will on- lorcu the law ! A Bini > lo ludividunl would bo crushed in nn uttompt to do it , by .theao monsturr , who in their late quarrel over the di- vltiou of the territory Appropriated to thcniisulvm diBcloBdd the real nlnto of alfjira. Nothing but a powerful com bination dare tackle this mouator pool n combination of mutt directing our choola might do it. Certainly i\n- thor gubernatorial olectlon will note > o allonod to paes without placing a nan in the executive chair who will OB that the laws nro faithfully exo- ntccl. Congress , howorar , nhou.d ako hold of the matter uiul at once inns A law to regulate railroad traflio. Jnder the present laws the people uro lorrcrli i > , and are compelled to accept ust auuh torniB as theeo unjuit , tin- inly corporntiona may offor. lowa'a wealth couainta mainly iti her cm in olds , consequently it ia the producer who eutfors moat from this pool. Give ua again a granger law in Iowa. The iroducor not only aulTwra from the > xorbltant demand of the railroads or carriftgo , but those shipping grain o the Ohicgo and St. Louie markets mvo to hour the additional burden of un per tent shortage , or rather steal- go , as it ia a rule for the elevators to ako ono per cent ; that is , on a cur of ; ruin ofGOO bushels they take off live > Uehols , and receipt for only 495 mshola. Sometimes they take more , ) nt the average is ono per cent. This an bo regulated by compelling the nilroids to weigh and receipt tor all ; rain and goods shipped , nnd compel horn to deliver the sumo quantity rc- eivod. CITI/.JIK. COM&ZERCiai. . COUNCIL nivrvH suuKEr. Corrected daily by J. Y. Fuller , mer- linudiso broker , buyer and of ; rain and provhionv , otBce board uf trade ooinf , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHKAT-No. 2 ppring , 70s ; No. 3,02 ; ejected fiOc ; coocl demnnil. COHN U8o to fcedora and SOo to Bhlp- > era ; need demand for nhipmont. OATH Soarco nnd iu good demand ; 30@ 2c. 2c.HAT HAT 4 00@C 00 per ton. UVK 40cj light eupply. CORK MEAL 1 25per 100 ponods. Woon Good supply ; pricoj at yards , 00@G 00. COAL Uoliveroi ] , bard , 1000 per ton ; oft. 5 00 per too. BDTTEII Plenty and ( n fair demand ; rcnmery , Me ; choice dairy , 25o. ERG ! } Scarce and in demand ; 203 per ozen. LAHD Fnirbank'e 12c ; wholesaling at SB. SB.POULTRT POULTRT Firm ; dualers pnjinif 13o pe innnd for turkeys and lOc for chicken * . VEOKTADLEK Potatocc , 45c ; onlonn , 25o : abbagod , < iO@40c per dozen ; apples , 2 20 ? < 3 CO per barrel. whent flour , 2 30 ® CO ; Minnesota wheat , 2 C03 CO ; bran , Oc per 100 pounds. BKOOSIH 2 00@3 00 per dozen. KTOCK. CATTLK 3 00@3 50 ; calves , 5 00@7 CO. Hooa lirisk demand at C 35@5 75 ; car oad lota about 5c per 100 pcunda more. Will ItRonlJy Care Rhenmatlsm ? We answer , honor bright , it will euro rheumatism , and the severest casts too , Dr , Thomas' EdctMe Oil was specially irepnred for the rheumatic and lame. No. .lea letters from the people telallvo to its metits In nearly every paper in tb.4 coun ry. The Baa Hey Again 'tcU'iSuu. "When pa and I got to Chicago , " i lid the bad boy , "wo walked around own all day and wont to the s.orrn ( and at night pn was. oflful tired , and ho ) ut mo to bed io the tavern nnd went oat towalk around r.nd got rested. I wasn't tired , and I walked around the lotol , I thought p& had gene to the heater and that made mo mad , and I bought I would play him for all I was worth , Our room was 210 , and ho next room wp.i 212 , and there was an old maid with a Scotch terrier oc cupied 212. I saw her twioo and flhd called mo names , cause aho thought I wanted to steal her dog. That made mo mad al her , and BO I took my jack cnifo and draw the tacka ont of the in thing that the numboiu wore paint ed on , and put the old mald'a number on onr door and our number on her door , and then I went to bed , 1 : riod to keep awake , BO us to help pa if bo had any dilliculty , ] Ut I rather gut HI I get asleep , but woke np when the dog barked. If the dog had not woke mo up tbo woman's ecre m would , and if that ladn't pa would. You BOO , pa came dome from the theatre about twelve , and he bad been drinking , Ho aays everybody drinks when they go to Chicago , oven the minister , PA looked at the numbers on the doors all along the ball till ho fonnd 210 , and walked right in and pulled off his coat and throw it on the lounge where the dog wan , The old maid waa usleop , bnl the dog barked and pa said , 'That cussed boy has bought a dog1 ! and ho kicked the dog and the old maid wokn up and snid , 'Whatis the matter , pot ! ' Pa laflud and oald , 'Nothln' the nu/ zar with mo , pit , ' and then yon oughl to have heard the yelling. The ok maid covered her head nnd kicked and yelled , and the dog enarlcd and bit pa on the pints , and j > i had hit ) vest oi and hio sqoponderB uubuttoued , aiu ho got tcared and took his coat ant wont out in thu hall , and I opened the door ana told pa be was in the wront , room andI kuowed it , and ho came in our room nnd I locked the door , and the bell-boy , and the porter and the clerk came up to ECU whit ailed the old maid , and eho said i burglar got in her room , am they tounj pa'a hat on the lounge , and they took It and toid he o bo quiet and they would find the > urgUr. Pa was o scared that he awcat Iko everything , and the bed was offal watm , and ho pretended to go to sleep , but bo waa wondering how ho could cot hla hat back. Iu the morn * inpI | told him it would bo hard work o explain it to ma how ho happened 0 Rot into the wrftng room , nnd ho : atd. it wasn't necessary to y any- hlng nhont it to ma. Then ho gave no five dollars to go ont and buy him 1 now hnt , and ho said I might keep .ho change if I would not mention it whoa I got homo , and I got him nnn for ton shilling * , nd wo took the 8 > 'clnck train in tlio morning mid came lomo , and I h'poeo the Gb.lo.igii uoti-o- ivort ar : trying to fit pa'a hat onto u > un'lar. lnoemed offnlly tolicved rht > n wo gotr.cnm the otato line into Wisconcin. But yon'd A dido to rco lint como out of that old lady'a room with his coat ni'd veat ou bio arm , nnd us suspenders hanging down , looking onrt. Ilo dasont lick mo anymore or , 'li toll ma where p- * left his hot. ' WUAT AN OLD Q R&VE UlaVSAljBD Adlpocoro , Often Mlatokon for I'otrl- faction-A Corpao WolgUluff (300 Pounds. , rt Knqutrer. Asa ROnoral rule , nftor bodies have atu Iu tlio grave for n long lapse n { oaro , an attempt to disinter them re- ultu la the discovery uf nothing fhoro ban H few cf the larger bones of the koloton nnd the akull with its hidooun array of too'.h nnd eyeless sockets A CMU haa just bocu developed , however , which , while it doon not present any acts that uro not already known to ho BcientiGo world , still offers numcr- ma pointa of interest. Twenty-three roars ligo the motnor ot Mr. Robert jsltch , owuer'of the printing works , 2 West Eight ntroot , died lud- lonly at the then family res- donco ] near Dupont , Indlnna. ) r. S. B. Lswis waa in attendance , und pronounced the digoaao pnralysia ir apoplexy the latter , probably , AS ho was qulto fleshy. The body waa mriod iu the oomotery at that , place , { ot long aiuco the son determined to unearth the remains , bring them to Cincinnati and place them In the fanii- y lot in Spring Grove cemetery. The extou who did the work of opening ho grave , waa possibly surprised when 10 reached the coflin to find it aa per- oct , almost , aa on tbo day when it waa 00 reverently lowered to ita rest- ng place. The casket was lifted out , nd oil who had any connection with ho work of removal remarked upon ho extreme heaviness of it. It wa xprosscd hero , and six strong men ound IK no cany task to lift it into nud ut of the wagon. The weight wau ully 500 pouuda. The burial CASO io if ( ho peaked-top style , common In hose days. The cloth covering for ho outside still romainu intact. A { ihnpao nt the interior explained the auao of the object being BO heavy , 'hu body waa found to bo almost in no good order aa regards form and ontline , aa on the day of death. The bond ltd oeparated from the body. The natures , with tbo exception that they were withered in appearance , were well preserved. The eyes were but ittlo BULkon. The body waa perfect , * nd with arms laid close by the side and the hands folded peacefully across ho breast , presented a startling real- stic appearance. Tbo lower limbs were intact to a point midway below , ho knee. There the left ono pre sented the appearance of having de composed ere the preserving proccoa lad begun. Both the foot wore gono. [ Taint lines bore and there Indicated where tbo grave clothes had been , The luavy iimtr-liuing of the casket still remained , although lapao of time had oosoned it from its fastenings. The iody waa black , except In ono cr two ilaocs. There it bM sealed some what , and presented the appearance of wet plaster of Paris. Not the leatt odor WRB apparent. The form looked : o bo as solid as stone , but an exami nation developed the fact that it wan of the consistency of wax and easily penetrated with the finger. "A body which has undergone thin conversion , " says tlio American En cyclopedia , ' 'may ba afterward pre served for an Indefinite period of time without changing materially its former or appearance.1 The conditions noc- oscary to produce the change are that the body must bo buried in a moist [ ) lace , "uud ono , " says the author quoted above , "in which the water colloctH In considerable quantities and remains utandlng on or about the level of the coflin without being rap idly changed. " The first notable in stance of the kind was revealed with the disinternifint of the bodies from the Cemetery of the Innocents , in Paris , in 1787 , and again in the re moval of bodies from thit old Potter's field at the junction of Forty-ninth street and Fourth avpnuo , Now York , la 1849. The soil in which Mrs. Laltoh waa buried was rod clay , un dorlaid with limestone , conditions propitious for the process performed. The ease bscatno nolaod abroad in Dopant , and Mr. Lietch has boon thu recipient of numerous letters from poreoni of a speculative turn In mind. Ono oven went DO far aa to offer 850C cash for the body , which has now bjun safely disposed of. Doteotiveined Private GiUoerti Usually wour their badge * of authoifty concealed under their clothing , but J > r , Thomat' Ecltctric Oil wears Ita badRes iu the form of printed labels attached to each and every bottle , to that all may know its minHlon. It It given full and complete authority to arrest all aches and pains , ant does Ita duty every timo. S. L MAXON , OL. 3E& O 3E 3C VJCt 33 L3 " 3 ? . Offlce aver m\nt \ bank , OODNOIti BLUFFS , - Iowa I. U KDUUHCSON , . L. HIH'OiUT. i , w. HIKES ! I'realdent. VLco-tWt. , Uuthler , CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blufh. Organized unrtor the lawn ot tbo Utita ol IOWA Paid up capital , t 76,000 Authorized capital 209.000 Internal raid en time deposits. Drafts Uiuei on tbo principal cltlca ol tbo Unltod btutoa aud Europe. Special attuntloa Klvun to collotloii and ocrroipcniltmco witu prompt roturu. J. D.Fxlmond , K.L.pbuifart , J. T.IItrl , W.iWWalluc * . J. W. Ilodlcr , I. A. Miller A. W. Wreut. MRS , fl , J. HILTON , M , D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 222 Broadwv. GounolllBlaffg THE OTTAWA CYLINDER CORN SHELLER , . * tX M * Y' * A-iL. " 4- * V > vii' & * Mrev- : ! Unmarried Persons Should Inoso no time in securing n sortificato In the Marriage Fund Mu- ual Trust Association of Oodar Upids , Iowa , concerning which oirou- nrn nnd full information will bo Bent rco upon Application. It ia organised under the Inanrnnoo Lnwa of Town , nnd in the only legalized nnd Icgtti * nato Institution of the kind in the on n try. Its olHcora nnd managers ro nniong the moat prominent busi * less nion in Oodnr Ilnpldo , including , mnkors , the postmaster , capitalists , ailwoy managers , Insurance men , ending lawyers , physicians nnd other ellablo citleona. Over $16,000 haa Irondy been paid to members. It is splendid Investment , as safe , secure , nd euro as n government bond. You an just B ( well have a good sum of money to o'ommeuco married hfo on , na not. Remember it only coato you mo cent for n poatnl card to request ull explanation nnd information. iood agents can got territory if op- ) lied for noon. Write to-day. Do lot poatpono Iv. Mention whore you aw this notice. oot'20-lm * Vr , proioat 110 pratondod mlraolo ' TratU l mighty and mnit pro- vnll--No Sophistry onnwithitnnd the power of ita lionoit nttornnoo. UITOR KVKXIKII 1'RIWH : DKIR Sm Kcvllntr ilteply Kratcriil ( or the great > encflta which I hut a rix-chnl from the uou ot n try tnluitbli nrtlclu wlilch ha * iU origin iul loino'ln our bcaullful city , nuil hoping tlml oth- ra who nrcullllcteil UN I ham l > rcn nny nnd like rllol Ironi Its uii' , I bcR the Inilulirenco ot a few lies In your valu.ililo jiajicr for the prlvilojo ot cmmmilcathiK' to } oil n btlot ututcinuntof fact * or tlio bcnuflt ol the nm'tltudo ' of CTero'N to 1 * ) lit with on cu'ry blclo. Many cf my frlemla well .now Hint I hiM ) \crync\trtlynflllctcJ with rart illscABo for a iinnilicT of j mra anil have Bitf- iTt'il from It as only Iho o run nuflfrr wliohavo liatillBoosc : tt ri'ilncod myutruiiRth BO low tliat I oulU ncarrclr unik ui.rCBi my room , nniltho \i > rtlon rcnili n-il ino BO ohott hrotlutl that I arod scarceIj nio\e , and life seemed \cry bur- i sonic. 1 v as treated for my malady by the | iliy ! claii3 xml dutlrcd no boncllt from tliol rr.-itinriit or | irifcrlilloii8 ] u til 1 was adtlacd y my faa lly jihj-Blo un to usa Hunt's rutnedy , on ly trouble was cau i l 1) } Inaction of my k ilnejH vlilch alTectcxl very rcrlounly the action of my cart , t comincncod taUntf It , ( having little n It or any other medicine ) and it helped ma ondcrfully , and I .am now a great deal bett r , nd ha obcon e\emlnco I beganlUuso Intact IIA\O taken no modlclno that ha.i bcncfltted mo o greatly. Jly breathing la cay , and I have gained In Btrcngth no much that I am able to do ly houiiuwotk , I cheerfully recommend Ilunt'a lemcdy to all who may bo' allllcted Ml ha\o ic'cn , or who nro siifTcrlni , ' from general doblllty ml ucrvoui prostration. Respectfully , MILS. A. O. ItOCKWHI.t. , 1'uail Kirtv , I'rorldcneu , It. I , A rtnndardmcillclno lorcurlnKliriKlit'if Disease 'ropHyKidney , ll ) < ulderandGlaiidumr HaladlcH ,'b HKMKHV. FcmaluVoikncni , 1'aln In ho bank and lonm , Uratcl , Dlibctea , Intcmper- nco , Kxccsn , nnd Prostration of the iicrxnim cys- em , are cured by HU.ST'H IIKUKDY. HUNT'H KrU' [ > r ImparUi health nnd Igor to the constitution > honlthft1 buceine dcbllltntrd. HII.SM'B lt > - UY rchtorcii thu Invalid to health. Sulvan & Fitzgerald , DKALK1L3 IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Crockery , Glassware , Alto amenta ( or the following llnof of Steamship Companies : Canard , Anchor , Oulon. American , arid Btati Steamship Companion. * BT > IF * . , jdb , JE" * H ? Q ror sate on the Koyal Bank of Ireland aud Hack uf Ireland , Dublin. Thouo wlo Intend to oend foi rlcnds to any part of Europu will Ond U to tbelj ntereut to call on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTB , 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs MAUBBR & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Xltcli Oat QlaBH , Fine Proncb Oblca , Silver Ware tic. , 810 BuOiDVAT OOUNOIfi BLUFW . D. M. CONNELL , Funeral Director and Undertaker , No. 17 , North Main 8t. , Council IlluHs. Calls promptly an erod at all houra , nl bt or ay , cw heane and londen lattliKOU illroot rom the factory are run In connection therewith. EexterL.Thomas&BrD. WILL BUY AND BULL. AND ALL T11ANSAUT10NH OCNMEOTBD TUKKKWITH. Pay Taxoa. Knnt TTonnca. Eto. J. E. BERGEN , AND FANCY GROGERES ! N , \V.Onr. inthandOiiiiilmt Btrect. DR. F. SCHERER , Physician and Sui-geon , OIIKOKIO DI8K49K1 A til'EOIAI.Ty. Uedtclnci ) furnllhod it oQca , OJico , N , W. coraer 18th and Farnam ertreot * , over Merchant > National Vault , Omaha , Neb. Olflco Ilourt 9toll0a. ; in. , 1 toC to gp. m IttAljenc < 1114 iniitli 13Ui n'riio MCCARTHY & BURKE , Undertakers , aiB'UTH ST.BET. FABNAMAND DOUGLAS - CT : No. 328 Broadway , FOR HOLIDAY NOVELTIES , In the line of fancy arlicles , odor cases , hand painted toilet sets , hand made laces , kid gloves , etc. FINE MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. GEORGE F. CRAWFORD , BUYER AND SHIPPER OF EGGS. No , 519 South Iain Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I pay the highest Market Prica and Deduct no Commiission. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESAIiE AliD RETAIL DEALERS IN LACKAf MIA , LEHIBH , BLOSSBUEft AND ALL i ' IOWA GOAL GONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC , Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffs. THE HORT LINE OK THU Milwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY B now running Ita FAST KXPUK8S THA1NS from OMAHA AND OOUNOIL' BLUFFS WITH Pullman's Mapifloent SlBepors AND TIIB- Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE , Or to any point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the JIIOT HOUTK , the OMoago , Milwaukoe&St.FaulE'y Ticket olllcii located at corntr Farn&m and Fourteenth ttruttH and at U , f , Depot and at Mlllaid Hotel , Omaha. jt3THcoTlino Table In another column. K. A. NAH1I , Qcneral Aeent. O. H. FOOTi : , Tltktt Agent , Omalix S. B. ilKHUIIX , A. V , II. OAUI'RNTKIl , Ucncral Manager. General Tana. Agent. J. T. CLAIIK. OKO. II. IIKAKFOUU , Ocntral Sup't. Ann't Gin. 1'aiu. Agent. To Nervous SUfterers THE GREAT tUTiOPEAH REMEDY. Dr , J. 13. Bimpson'o Wpocifclc It U a poajtlvecaro far KpermttoirluivflonilL * Wi-oknt-TS. ItnpoUncy , uj all dlro ic rcsiiltljj from Eulj-Abutw , at ) Mental Anxiety , Loaji llecjory , Ftlcs laths I ! ck or Bide , u-.d dltoarei ! ) ' w'th'wcudi'i 'Jl ' CUOCboU. _ _ r'aoiplileti itcit doe io all. VftHi for them tai get ( all p r tlculan , Frltc , BpoolBc , 11.00 per packico , or six ptok. t'04 lor 55.00. Addrc > all orders ta II. BltaaON MUJIIUIHU 00. Noa. 101 and 108 M la St EuH > ! o , N. T , Sold In jffiaha by O V , UooOnun , J. W. U tl i t .dhw GRAY'S ( SPECIFIC MEBICIHE TRADE MARK The Qrealnt/jOK MARK English rcm- dy. Anun * falling cura for Somlnal Weakness , K. j , SpornmtorMKc - 7 f ? -I 1 . * * " * thoa.Impot. ency , nnd all Dlaeoaosthat' follow as ft BEFORE TAKINO.oe'iueneo of AFTER TAEIRI. Bolf-AhiMo ; us Low of Memory , Universal Laid tade , 1'a.ln In tbo Back , DlmneH of VUlon , Pr mature Old Age , and many other Dltoaiea thai load to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave. Of full particular ! In onr pamphlet , which wedeslre to send f roe t r mall to every oat. TTho SpeclHc Medicine Is sold by all drugristi at 11 per package , or 8 p ckfoa fat IB ( or will bo sent fro by mall on rooilpt ot the money , by addroulnK T11KQUAY JEDICIHE CO. , noffalo , N. T. nnu ot IPV finoal'yttieKiT .jnur ilutlfi nri < li > niifht worlr , ut - lore tiratuncrn u Hop Uitter * . iruto , UIB Hop 1' It > ( > u r joane * nrt I . jutrnlnif from MI. * v jlkcrllcii or iUflri ! ' Jtluni It you urn m r- Hul ui lKli ; , old or l.o.r'raUli or ujmuliu Inir on k bd r > c ! OPHU , rlr "n H O p J \niK.ter yonnrr. iliaujinnt out < LO- I i titieotjTpr you ir l . . . _ lljrrom u > I form uf K lonejr iliut y o u r lytem Pfltifi e tl t ntlKUt Mltnufil luvr 01 winou M' rfi tImciT u "or HcpQttnr ! 811 ta . ' oL II U un uiiclut * , cliH'a land IrroiitUk of th Me ' toi' . . Uoodll SOP dnuikunneiii. cur * ui o ( u | > lvau You will be lltctacca , vr ourtdlf jouun Mop Blttoro . . Bold t > r draff. Iziru. Bend f of NEVER. ttt It rnny a vl your IFAILI . llfe lt ha * cu. , siued hun- DOCTOR STEINHAKT-S ESSENCE OF LIFE. Foil OLD AND YOUKO , MALB AND FKUALK. It Ia tutu , prompt and effectual remods for In- indention , Dwpcpila , Intermittent Fut era. Want of Appetite , Kcrtoun Debility In all iU8taic8 ; , \Vcak Memory , Loan of Drain I'nucr , Prostration , ll general I < o of I'o cr. Itruiialra , rvjmenatcii the fadml intellect , the cnfocblod brain and rcatores ) , ' tjno and > lk' ° r to the exhausted or- Kins , The t'X | > vrlc'iice of thousands proves It to bo an Imaluablo remedy , 1'rlco , $ t.ooal > ottle , orulxfor$5. 1'or naluby all dnirelita , or SCD kcciirelroiiioliiervatloii on receipt ot price by pr. Stoiiiliart , P. O. Box 2100 , St. ZiOUtB MO- r DOCTOR STEINHAKT-S SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great TopularRcmnJy ( or 1'lleg. Surocuro for JHlud , Bleedlng&Iicbin rilea ' And all forma of llcraorruoldal Tumora. Tlicso SutTOairoKiKH act directly upon the ooaU of the lllood Vessels , and by their astringent cfleUii gently force the blood ( ronvlho swollen tiimora , and uy iiiaklntf the ccaU of the velnn utroni ; , prevent tholr rUllllnp , and hcnco a radi cal euro U euro to folUw their tuo. I'rico , 75 cento a box. For ealo by alldru glsU , or sent by mall on receipt of price , by y.p li Ii ftlndioal instltuto , 718 Olive St , St iHinia Mi. l 'A