Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
" rnbllnbed every morning , except Son *
y. The only Monday morning diOly.
One Yew.$10 03 I Three Month$3.00
8ii Months. . 5.00 I One Month. . . . 1.00
OIK WKRKLY BEE , published every
One Vew . 9200 I Three Month * . f/0
SU Months. . . . LOO I One Month. . . . 20
Newsdealers In the United States.
nitons Yelstlng to JSem and hdltorul
.natters obould be addrpjsed to the hMTon
Latter * nnd llymlUBnccs fhould be rd
dresml to Tin , UEEroBUnniNoCoMPANr
OMAHA. Uruftn , Checks and Postollieo
Orders to bo made payable to the order of
mho BES PUBLISHING 00 , , Props ,
TASK advance in hopa has caused *
junp in boor and o rlso in froth ,
'Christmas la approaching , and it is
bent tirao for some lynx-eyod mail-
nee , who hw unakas in his boots , to
Vind another gro t aoa aorpont.
If Dortay regains his eyesight , and
docs not go to the penitentiary , ho
may yet * bo induced to join Bob In
porsol * i a lecturer on "What nhall
wo do to bo saved. "
California nowrpa-
pora 'have interviewed Jones of Ne
vada to discover why Dolonp'o ' capo-
diticn failed. The senator told 'thorn
it Ceiled bocanao it did not succeed.
Bur. democrats are still wrestling
with Pondloton'i civil service reform
elephant. The last man that Unklet
iho animal w i Vent of TKlasourl.
rcndleton is in a bad way if ho cannot
itroep down his Vest.
THK Philadelphia JVcjj takoa Bonn
i lor In guild to task for saying that the
civil service bill is a cheat and that
each party ts trying to cheat the
other.Vhilo wo do not take much
etock in fthIngalla as a reprcsonta
tivo of the people , wo 'rather admire
his pluck for tolling the truth foi
order to prevent delay in the
work of tariff ruvition Iho house committee
mittoo on ways and moans huvougrco (
to remain In Washington during the
holiday recess , That will keep thi
lobby in hot water between Oaristma
and Now Yoara and afford a good
chance for converting the member ;
of the committee to their viovra.
TriB high protective duty on light
nine ; roda should at once bo abolished
The demand for lightning rods ii
Michigan , Colorado , Nebraska am
Kin a AS will during the next mouth
zhaust the entire supply of Amorl
can mnnufaotnrura and wo think it m
rapoultion on senatorial candidates to
deprive thorn of the advantage otForcx
by the lightning rod mwkot abroad
WITH the decision of the nations
supreme court in the Curtis oiso
which makes it a criminal offense for
certain ofliccro and employes of the
United States to solicit or receive po
litlcal aucsamoiita from each other
wo have reached one important step
toward the reformation of existing
abuses in the public service. Nowlo
-congress pass a law that will prohibi
federal officials from acting as mom
bora of political committees or bccom
ing delegates to political conventions
and wo shall have traveled a good
ways toward purifying the cesspool o
politics nnd putting down bosaism.
THEY have a Sunday closing Icogu
In Now York , whose business it is ti
cinso the arrest of persons who violate
late the now Sunday la * ? . The agents
f the league made efforts to procure
arrests in a number of cases lust Mon
day , but as a rule they were not vrll
Hug to go to court aa.complainant
* nd the police were not disposed to
put themselves ont to assist in those
prosecutions. The outcome is tha
the law is a dead letter and the league
* failure. This is what has happenec
'a every city where Sunday laws am
strict prohibitory laws have been on
acted. The good people who clamor
for those laws are never willing to
make personal efforts to bring the
.law-breakers to justice and the police
are generally hired to "keep order" in
Sunday lager beer garden * .
IT is doubtfnl whether the advantagi
from two cent postage will bo as Rroa
AS has been predicted by the advocates
of that reform. The penny posta
card affords a very cheap medium fo
all intercourse that can be curried on
without oocrccy , Thoss who are compelled
polled to cainmunicato by letter woul
do so just ns often at thrco cents po
letter as they will at two cents , 0
conrso business men , and eapceiill
bankers who have a largo correspondence
once will profit by the reduction , bn
ivo doubt very much whether tin
bank or merchant would iuoroaso th
number of his letters one per cent bo
CAUSO they go through the mail fo
less than three cents each. Of courj
if the government can carry letter
. .for two cents without loss it Is prope
that the reduction ba made.
The pension list that bears the
nmos of disabled loyal soldlors who
allied in defense of the flag and
avcd the Union , la a toll of honor.
Every soldier whoso name is right-
ully enrolled as ons of the hero' , *
who fought and suffered for Ais
ountry can bo proud of the
The suggestion that it would
im or his children to publish hfm a ,
nlltled to and receiving { n his
Id ago the small corr
llowed by the nation < Ihoso
who took up arms in dr/euooof the
opublic is all bosh , a' jfl the widow
rho lost a husband , o / , eon on the
old of butllo cannot bat bo proud of
colng her name on &o roll of honor
ido by side with t ho gallant defend-
rs of the countryJ It Is only the class
hat have no ri ht to a 'poneion ' that
aisos its voice Mgainat the proposition
o publiih tbo pension roll which
would lead to tha detection of im-
It in notorious [ that hundroda vf
outdrold who never 'Citno within a
huKsand inllosof the btvttlo field hfcvo
nccccrlod in getting their names on
bo petition roll by * fraudulent teatl-
Jaony. Almout ovorf neighborhood
a cognisint of this -cort of scandal ,
BEoro is a caeo in point : An elderly
crlpplo hu oppoaref in 'Detroit claim-
ng to bo Gharlen K. Brewer , who
enlisted in company A , First Michi
gan artillery , in August , 1801 , and
was reported killed in the battle of
Bull Hun , in A-agust , 180 ? . After
that battlb 'Charles E. Brewer was
never again soon alive by any person
man who > now claims to bo the idonti *
oal Chmrlcs IK , IJrowor has his certifia
cato of enlistment and plenty of bat
tlo-scam 'toshovr ' that ha waa a sol-
dior , but tolls a very ntrango atory
about hiu ( protracted disappearance ,
lie anya > the injuries received in the
battle whoroiu ho waa reported killed
impaired hia memory HO that ho can
not tell Tflioro ho was or what hap
pcnod to him fur a long time after the
battlo. All ho known is that ho found
himnclC-at last living in Kaniai City ,
whore his homo now io , and being in
dcHtitcts circumstanced ho haa visited
Detroit to got p.onio Of hia old com
radea to oaaiafc him in obtaining a pon-
uloii , vith the arrears allowed by the
This miiy bo Oh&rlcaiE. Browcr ,
but the utory is juit each n ono CD
would bo concocted by connpirntora
who bed obtninud or Gorged Brewor'n
cottiiicato ami found oorno old deserter
sorter or battered old rebel willing to
porsoc&to a dead unlou soldier for n
share of the plunder then to be filched
from the treasury of a grateful and
outraraously ; awindleti country.
The trial of ono 'VTackorlo In 8t.
Louia developed pretty strong proof
that it la no easy for a living man to
per ocato n dead soldier and enjoy
hla pecaion. The tppalling increase
of tha pension list -makes it morally
oertaic that a largo proportion cf the
pensioners are wicked impostors. Any
miscreant who robbed u wounded sol
dier on the battlefield may , if ho preserved
served hia victim's papers and Jo ordi
narily ohrowd , mnko use of those pa
pora and by perjurad testimony got on
the peunion roll nnd oren draw a snug
fortune in the way of arrrocm.
The law , as now administered , offers
a premium on raao Hty and fraud , and
the proposition to publish the ponnion
rolls in each locality or district where
the poimionora reside -.would not only
put a stop to the imposition , bub would
rid the country of hundroda of bogna
ponaionsra who have no claim upon
the government.
Monopoly organa in this state were
in has to to record the faot that Con
gressman GTaloutino had introduoad a
bill looking toward the taxation of
unpatontod lands claimed by the rail
way companion. The purpose wat ) ev
ident. The nowipapCM that paraded
this "heroic" and latter day effort of
Mr. Valentino evidently assumed that
the people would at onqr deduce
from this act another , to-wit : That
Valentino and those who nupported
him and with whom ho and his forcer
will labor shortly to elect * United
States senator , were anti-monopolists
good and true. Aa the time draws
near when the legislature cf this
state will meet at which a sen <
tor must' bo .chosen , it be
came Uglily important to carry
the conviction to anti-monopoly republicans <
publicans that Valentino is all right
on the autl-monopaly question ; and
more important still , that those anti
monopoly republicans should draw the
inference from Valentine's bill that
his friends , who will labor at Lincoln
to cecuro their mun for senator , wcro ,
llko Valentino , good anil-monopoly
republicans , It waa ouu of thoau acts
that a llttlo political magician would
quite naturally hold up to the juz9 of
men whom ho ton frequently casumea
are ready to applaud deception. Old
"Joey liagstock" would probably ex
claim "dovilhh clover , " but then Joey
did not lUo in thii ago , Wen who
know why tiioy uro antl-monopolists
nro not so ready to bo wught with u
clover trick , and drawn into the hoped
for "regular" " '
republican "caucus,1' on
which all the hope'a cf the monopolist
are baaoil to secure n monopolist for
senator , Aside from iho radical dif.
forcnoa which exUta between a repqb-
llcan monopolist and h republican
who 'a nn antl-monopolltt ; aside from
lh ° J purpoo which the monopolists
l Lincoln will have in view in bull-
< " Boxing republicans , one nnd all , into a
party "caucus , " the time has
prone by for independent men of
any party , who happen to differ
with the "bcuses" on a nutter of prin
ciple , to bo read out of n party
for refusing to bo caught In the old
"party" caucus trap. When Iloscoo
Oonkling roti nod end sought n re
election in 1881 the party ciucus waa
the thing that waa to do it , but the
men who Bubjtquently elected Lip
ham and Miller , nnd not Cotikling and
1'Jatt , saw the device that apoko for
the result that would follow their at
tendance on a caucus , and th
That ref Dial defeated Conk
ling , nnd the effort to read out of the
party those who refuted to bo whipped
into a caucus has met with a disastrous
result in Now York. Without doubt
nn effort will bo made to secure the
attendance of enough republicans nt n
regular "party" caucus to control the
election of a conator , but the pledges
made to the tiooplo are too numerous
and all would bo broken by an attend-
anoo , for the reason that all will bo
bound by the action taken 'in caucus
by the majority , nnd 'iho only trno
way to redeem the pledges given Is io
Vomaln away until , at Icaat , It can be
soon what the real purpose of the
loaders io in the matter of a candidate
for senator , The poopMo will not bo
prepared to accept nny excuse for at
tending , and no man who weakly pure
his trust in a caucus promise wil
bo hoard for a moment by the
people in defense of hia action
In tho'Conkllng ' contest oMBSl-prob
ably flin most 'bitter ono on record
these who remained away from thi
canons wcro derided * nd denounced by
all the "regular" party organa a
rebels , and nil sorts of epithets calcu
latcU 1 to render then politically odiout
1t in i the oycs of mon were heaped upon
them , but they were as obstinate & .
Gen.Grant ( In the Wildornota and &
Cold ( Harbor. The result of thablong
and bitter legislative contest v.-nn thi
defeat of the regular caucus at tin
outcot and the irregulars , overcoming
the regulars elected their senators
Nebraska can elect an anti-monopoly
senator and it depends at the outset
whether anti-monopoly republican
will ramain firm nnd trno to tho.poo
plo or not.
to regulate intoratato commerce
merco has boon agreed upon by > the
houeo committee on commerce , which
will noon bo reported. The bill
wrong in inception and calculated to
stave off eucK action by congress aa
will remedy oxiitmg abuses in railway
trufiic. The committee rocommcnc
through this bill the creation of a rail
road commissh n that will bo limitod-in
powcr > to the gathering of statistics
about the railroad traffic and submit
ting a. re port of ita'findlngs ' to the noc
oougrcaa. Such a cominiasion would b
a more sinecure. There is already a
buroac of railroadi with a commia
oioncc at its head , and all th
do'irod information can bo had
through him , juat as well as through c
What the country wauts is laws that
will prohibit extortion , discrimination
and favoritelsm by railroads under se
vens panaltica laws that will prohibi
otoclc watering and credit mobilior
construction companies. Such lawn
can bo enforced throoph the fedora
courts , and it should bo made the
duty of the United States district attorneys
tornoys to prosecute oilendera. Ii
the committee on commerce canno
frame such laws they had bettor leave
tbo question of regulating intor-stalo
commerce to the next congress.
executive communication to the senf
ate in which ho a ay a ho cannot dia
ponse with any of his olorka without
detriment to the public service. Too
bad , Now we can't oven got military
service reform ,
TUB Cincinnati Commtrcia' devotes
one-third of a column to an editorial
eulogy on the death of Genera'
Mead's war hone , which ocourcec
last week , in the nximo of horsohood ,
at the ago of 30. ft was a sad affair ,
The horse had boon carrying a robe
hulloi in tbo near hind leg for moco
than twenty years and had not boot ;
booked for a back pension. A post
mortem by an expert horse coroner
revealed the fact that ( ho bullet had
worked Us way out through a saddle
AITIIOTOU St. Louis is about 100
miles nearer to Omaha by rdil than
Chicago , the newspaper mall from St.
Louis is delivered from throe to , five
hours after the Chicago papers have
been delivered. Why thin is eo
nobody hereabouts cun loll , It
strikes us , however , that the St.
Louis papers thould take interest
enough in this matter to have their
mail facilities and connections 1m.
The Jx'ow York Sun prints a letter
from Uncle llufns Hatch , who is the
heed nnd front of the Yollowctono
Park speculators rinir , in which ho
endeavors to show why the proposed
loosecf the park is desirable.
After enumerating the many natu
ral wondera of the locality the moun.
talw covered with perpetual enow ,
he geyaers which "spout boiling
waters , the devil' * paint pots , the
canyons , the glass mountains , the
elk , antelope , big-homed sheep , griz
zlies , panthers and the like , ho adds
hat at present none but expensively
equipped camping parties can enjoy
this wealth of natural attractions , the
only habitations being tbo huts
01ol tnattin ( # hunters and _ the
larracks of the nuaerintcn-
dent. The United States , he stys ,
cannot with propriety go into the
} uslues3 of running hotels , bath-
louses and livery stables , or of tar-
ilohlng camping parties with outfits ,
Qouco the leasing of parts of the
park , under which Messrs. llobart
md Douglas propose , with the aid of
lilireolf and other gentlemen , to build
and run hotels and do the things
which the government cannot do , and
that is the objoat of the leases now In
course of execution. At precunt there
cR cn not over eighty-five inika of avail
ftblu wfltfon road in this domain.
Not leca than 300 miles will bo
needed to make its beauties ac-
ceiaibk ) to tourists , especially
if ladles nnd. families nro over to enjoy
joy them. Ho claims that there have
b&on'extraordinary misunderstandings
concerning the scope and purpose ol
the lease. It is evident that Gun.
Sheridan , who visited the park with
nn escort , of 200 cavalry , has novel
soon < the contract , or ho would nol
have made that report about obliga
tions which the government woulc
not ] bo nblo to shake elf , Ragardin
the general's desire to BOO the park
controlled by government oflicora ,
'JJnclo llnfus says it is BO controlled.
Guessing that perhaps the genera !
meant military cllhura , ho proceeds
to picture the spectacle of
colonel as hotel manager ,
couple of elegant lieutenants na
clerks , a sergeant in charge of the
dining room , n squad of privates ii
'United ' States unitorm as waiters , nc
a major of cavalry in charge of the
livery stable. Uncle llnfus further
points ont that long before Oon , Bhor
idan'o report was made ho and his as
aociates had called the attention o
the secretary of the interior to acts o
extraordinary vandalism committed in
the park by federal troopa as well an
tourists , in the wholesale slaughter of
game , which was left to rot in hoapi
on the ground , the burning df thou
sands of acres of baautiful timber am
the useless mutilation of goynor
cones. To pnt an end to thin the ; ,
recommended miltablo legislation am
the t allowance of assistance to the
gamekeeper i adequate to put an end to
the t depredations of akin huulora
They now propose , if permitted , tt
have otio or two handsome hotel
open in June , with an equipment o
stupes , wagone , oaddlo horaeo nn <
guiduH for the convonienca of eummo
tourists. Aa they hope to irmk
money , it will bo for thuir iutcreu * t <
preserve the game and natural beau
ties of thupliice to the utmcstcf thei
ability. Tiicy want to make it thi
grandeot pluaiuro resort on earth.
Bhrrmrok will have a ttrct railway in
the aprlog ,
Tha domnnd for improved 'farms i :
Southern Dakota will be unprecodente
It is eatimntod that the population o
the territory will bo increased neii yeur a
Icaat 100,000 l > topk > .
Some of the Santaa ladiaagharobocom
io that they can read ud v , rite the En
glish language fluently.
The Northern 1'acIGo compiny recontl
pold u qunrtor section of land n jolnln , ,
BiemarcK for $50,000. The purchaser
were reildonts of thu city.
The I'onobscot mine , near Ouster , I
becoming one ot the woitaluablo claim
In tha Hillu. Tbo will ntuohcd to th
mine U kupt In conatuut operation.
The population of Burleigh county 1
5,000 , embracing 1,000 Scandnaavinns , i
Gorman ? , 250 Irfali , 200 French ,
and \Vwlah 150 , und Ainciican
Tbo bodies of Mrs. Selniger end he
child , Kusaian refugees , were recently los
In a storm nnd frozen. Their bodi buvi
been found bjtwesn Stump lake am
The different sheriff ) of the.countio
have been transferring their convicts from
Detroit , Mich , to the now penitentiary a
Sioux li'ulh. Twenty-nine buve been
brought back.
Should there bo no financial mmeere tbl
c /inter it is probable tbut the tush to th
Devil's Lake country will be enormous
The focal point will be Odeeuu , the future
capital of Northfin Dakota.
Tbe Hastings & Dakota railroad I
closed for the winter between Millbank
ned Aberdeen , The recent snow utcrm
filled the deep cuts , and it Is found im
noaslblu to operate tbe road. Wablmy
Webster , UrUtol , Andi'ner , Crntou am
13ath are tbe prosperous towns thus cut-oi
from the outside world.
Tb.o ameltcr at tbo Hartvllle
minea w n euccoisfully blown last woelr
Vtom thirty to thlrty-nvo tons of ore aeu
daily used with a product of fix tons o.
Cheyaane U terribly excited over tbe
large number of fare * occurring there. Thfc
week JC : fo' hall , a large building , was
fired by .incendiaries and burnt to tbe
Work haa been commenced on a build
| ng In Larunie City which will be known
aa the wool market , California and east-
em buyers will bave ) offices there and buy
tbe wcol raUed on Laraniie plains.
There is an unuiual stagnation of busi
ness In Ltromle City , It Ii said to ba due
from tbe.fact . that the cattle Interests hve
almost tntlrelf deserted Laramfe plalur ,
and there are only two firma making their
headquarters tb re.
Figeon shooting iixthe sport in tbe terri
Bpricgfiold , Ufah county , baa the Cntiil
theatre in tbe teirltory outsidn of Salt
A block of 40.GCO ahanit of Silver Kin ?
toek waa lately sold to a resident of Sail
bullion valued at $127,420.40 was re-
ceivcd by the btnks in bait Lake one day
lft t week.
Alfafa la being lowed in all parts of tha
territory. Jt grows as well in Utah aa lu
The bank ( I llrecklnridgo has
pondocj. _
Lleuvtr'a new city hall baa already bean
Colorado'a beer lax for the pact year haa
been $37,38 i.
Ills estimated that ( be Grand river will
u&ter l.SOO.OCO auei of laud.
Tha contract' " already let on the new
LowU home at Ounul on reach over $133 ,
Ore chlumenti from Sllrerton for tbe :
mouth of February amounted to 3,455,326
It U ald that 'J.S'Jl peapla li > ing in the
Ute are nnnble to re d , and 10,674 are
nable to write.
The removal of tbs county teat cf Cn -
ter county from lloilta to Silver Cliff It
alting' a ttorrny prottnt from tbe residents
f the first-nsmcd town.
Considerable feeling exIsU In Denver
i\er the propoced chance In the lite for
ho government building. Governor Toy-
or offered a place at Sixteenth tnd Arapa *
ice streets , which wan tacitly accented ,
ml through the efforts of Senator Hill It
i thought it will be changed to another
> < trt of the city ,
A circulating library will be established
at Illnckloot.
Some quite boiv ? tran feM of real
o'tnte h\u been made In BlscMoot re
cently ,
A lawre f rci of tren will be cut to work
in the Queen Victoria mine , on Lookout
Mountain , This U ono of the be t mines
on Woodilvtr.
A force of man nro employed in tbo
hlorido mine In tbe Oormnnla dlv
rlct. Cftbmi have hem tullt nnd pro
visions have been Ittid in for tbe winter' , )
The legitlnturn at Botpe City tm not
yet organized , There U a tie , politically
in both hcunzf anl it will probably bo
Home time before a comproroiie can bo
A cutioBM geolodcal fact exht * In con
nection with the K * > otonal river , In north
Idaho , It rinek In British Columbia , runs
Into the United States and then circles
hack Into the land of Its birth and empties
Into tbo Colnintin river ,
The total assessment of Chotoan county
is $2,309,238 ,
Work Is now being done in the Unite
mining dlttrlct.
The weekly nhlpinenU from tbe Duttc
mines now nmonnt to $100,000.
A vigilante committee has been organ
Ized at Livingston to hold the ronyhs In
The Plcgan and Craw Indians are steal
Int ; stock from each other and also mnr
dering one another.
1'rize fightera abound in tbe territory
and "haid glovo" contents are occnrini
in nearly all of the towns.
It Is said that over 33,000 head of cattL
hare been taken out of the territory for
shipment to eastern market ? .
'Fortn Shaw and Moglnnta will probably
soon be abandoned , as they are no longe
needed for frontier protection.
The placer diggings in 1'migrant Gulch
noarHoreranD , have been sold for$31,0iO (
'It ' Is thought that the yield of gold durin
' 1833 will be great.
Now Taccmi will teen have a nation :
The assessed \Alue of taxable property
in the territory this vear in $32,500,807. nu
increase of CO,78u , 6'J over lust year. Th
levy Is two und a half mllli on the dollar
ami the revenue derived from it amount
to $31,410.
A company hna been organized nt Seattl
far the cultivation of hopii. They hav
purchatcd 700 nrrcH near the town , payln
3-2 nn Here. They will ulant 300 acrei I :
March , and the first year' * yield , csti
united atrSuO pounds to the acre , will pa
for the land. Tbo expenses lor the nrs
Benson will bo about 500,000.
There nre 1" 9 putionta in the Nevada in
sane asylum ixt lleno.
Tbe InJhn ? , Italians ami 'Chinese
Mnd and 1'yrami 1 Inkef , uro reported a
destroying immenco < | aautitiea of trout.
The exports from the Santa Ann dcpo
for the week endm0' December cther
over 240,010 pounds.
The city of Sicramouto bai coutractec
with the gaa company there to light th
city for $1,100 n month.
Las Angeled Is very lively in building
Thrco Btory brick bmldinpa are being crec
ted in considerable nutnberr.
Tbe California Southern Kailroad com
cany bpg n tbn gutvey of the rend from
Colton to San Bernardino yesterday.
The bueineaa portion of Willows , which
waa destroyed by fire name months ago
has risen from Iti ashes , and a block o
tuhatantitl brick buildingu baa taken th
place of tbo fraznu utructures burmd.
Tbo saw-1111118 nt Ulenbrook , on Lai
Taboe , have Hliut down for the venter , am
a largo number ofhe lumbermen wil
crosH the mountuinu and work in tha up
coast lumber c mpa of California nn
J. M. Hutchlngs , guardian of the Yoae
mite valley , ( nyj that the' number of tour
ittta to i he valley the pout ceusou waa tin
procedented. Substantial bridges liav
been built ncrosn ull r.tvinea an 1 arroyoa
where needed , nnd good roads tivobcei
constructed to all poiuti of the valley , eav
through 'Indian ' canyon , which will re
quire some further work next reason.
Another free gold lead has been openec
in the Nogal country.
Work has been resumed on the Nortl
H mistake mine at White Oak.
A gold mine in the Dragon mountains
recently waa sold for $100,000 ,
Silver City'a trade with Mexico is tern
porarily cut off by the Indian outbreak.
The Cash Entry tniuo in the Cortilloi
district bai been void to Alexander Gill foi
$5l , COO.
Tbe miner * in tbe Clifton camp are
making war upon tbo Chinese laborers em
ployed there.
Two car loads of brick were rooentlj
shipped from'KanKas City to Lake Valley
Tbe freight chargoa were three times the
price of the brick.
Francisco Nolan , a resident of Sab&llo ,
little town near Mora , went to a wed
ding last week nod while there ibot am
killed two brothers named Royal. Then
he went home ard cut off both of his
wife's ears.
. Pipe of tba Power Company Tears
up a Street.
to tha . ' .
Spc-ttl Pott-n.'ppatch.
New YOHK , Dacombor 19. With a
load report the bed of the street at the
northeaat corner of Nassau and John
streets waa upheaved , and a cloud of
steam epoutod up as from & Geyser , at
10 o'clock yeeterday morning. The
Bteam continued to rise
, and for a
llmo WRO heavily laden with lamp ,
black , which waa protusely spattered
over the sidewalk and against the
windows In tha street. The Btroota
ware crowded , and people who veio
sufficiently near tocee the earth open
t their feet were badly frightened.
The passage of an express wagon was
eorae-vbat Interrupted , the driver bo.
ng r-cared as well aa ulightly scalded.
Ufa horse plunged under the died of
the hliBlug ateajo nnd the bottom of
ihe wagon Haa bombarded from be.
neuth wllh paving stones. In the after
noon n yanjj of the American floating
and Power company'a workmen haa
ileared nway the debris , allowing a
iolo nine foot lone , about four feet
ecrora nnd two deep from which- the
EIearn wna atill ascending from the
company's plpjs. It waa elated that
ho workmen of tha company had jest
rolaid the paving stones and had not
proceed ? d moro than n block on their
vray whuu the explosion occurred.
Boasters and Qrindors of Coffees nd Spioes. Mnnnfnotnrera of
Clark's Double Extracts of
U. n , CLARK & CO. , Proprietors , ,
1403 Douglas Street , Omaha , .
1108 and 1110 Harney S t , OMAHA , NEB.
204 Horth Sixteenth St. , - - OMAHA , NEB.
1005 Farnam St > , Omaha.
Proprietors , Wholesale Dealers in
{ tograi
M' rA'-
r 1 - , t3-L"-
- ' '
' A ! = *
_ Mills Supplied With Choice Tariofcies of Milling Wheat ,
Uootern pplied with Oats end Corn at Lovrcst Quotations , with
prompt Bhipraento. Write for prices , ( i
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor.
Carpenter's Materials ,
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door
Framp < ?
OP A <
fih n !