'I I THE OMAHA" DAIL 1 * ' " * > I TWETiK-TTT YRATJ vMATTA NEB PRJDA7 MOKNIJTO DECEMBER 22 1882 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , The Soiiato Suddenly Sits Down on the Holiday Scliomo , The Democrats Bodily Desert Pondletou's Reform Bill. 'Lively Political Speeches by tienatoru Conger , Williams and Obr-ert ? . 'The California Railroad Tax Gases Ar/jued in the Sn- prerce Court. Synopiia of the Epooohea of Ed- mandn , Ganderion , Hart and Brftvator. Ttoo Land Grant Railroad Lobbr Too Numerous to Mantlon. CAPITAL NOTES SpecUl DUlfetchca to Till bin. OUU OWN LAJinKllTHON. WASHINGTON , December 21. The president nominated Goo. M. L m- bortaou to bo United States attorney for Nebraska , MAIL 71URNKD. A telegram received to-day from the Buperintoudeut of the mall service says the otorago ou on trr.in 19 , New- York and Chicago railway postofiioo , with contents , burned about 2 o'clock this morning , six milea west of Scho- nootady. It contained mostly newspaper - paper mail for the Toledo aud Wabaah connection , bnt part of the paper mail for Iowa , Wisconsin and Ne braska , throe pouches of letters for Chicago , from Now York City , two potichia of lotto ! B for San Franoitco , and much of European mail for Chicago cage and San Francisco , which arrived by the Bothnia , City of Chester and the St. Lanrient , - BUOKEN ENUISiH. The engine of iho United Statea steamer Ringer broke down otf ilex ico. She is going to San Francisco under sail for repaira. This atop ? in tho-Pacifia for the surveying - re mainder of the season. A FESUB BILL. The public land committee to-day adopted a substitute for P-ichoco'a bruah fence bill. Its provisions apply particularly to California lands. THE HUCAU UUTV. The ways and means committee this afternoon approved the classification of the sugar schedule as made in the tariff commission's report , and also agreed to recommend the adoption eli i , tha polarissop .te t , but ruachad nn decision as to rates. T1IE CALIFO11N1A. TAX OAHX.H. There was a good attendance at tha supreme court to-day , but at no time one-half as large as on yesterday. Members ot the bar made up moat ol thoao preaent , though there were aigln aeers dropping iu during the day Attorney General Hart reaumod and finished his argumo : : * by ono o'clock. He devoted moat of b. ' . * speech to the elaboration of two ot t.'ie ' loading points of hia brief , to-wi. : that the power of the statu in apportionment of its taxes is ono which has hitherto baon hold to ba unlimited by any provision - vision of the federal constitutiaii , and likewise the right of apportioning ita taxed 1ms boon hold to bu within thu oxclurivo juriadiction of the atate. Leaving this , ha dwelt conauler.\bly on his concluding point , that under the constitution of California corporitiqna HM aubj jot ro absolute and mm strain ed ctntrol of the legislr.turo , and this control involves ; i i uolioii'oi exercise of the taxing power. Hart's argu ment waa a thorough presentation of the principles of the case , devoid of aenasuon. It was a careful and strong offering of the atate'a aide of tha case , and , as auoh , deserved the commenda tion it recolved from nil who beard it. Senator Elmunds then b-gan i , apeaking10 minutes. Ho argued that the railroad had boon denied the right to ba hoard before the board of equalization , explaining that to deny ia not only to rcfusj when sought , but it ia to omit to extend , to fail from any cause to do equal juatico and BO- euro equality of Burdens. The court could do what the railroad asrtod for ( give thorn a hearing without any invn- uionof elates right ? ) . Ha contended that in respect ot the paraonality of a corporation under the constitution , the rights hero drawn iu question are as completely personal aa if the corpora tion wcro a private partnership , for , in respect of ouch questions , a corpora tion la merely an aisociatlon of private persona with their aggregate means for the noconiplishmont of juat objoets of public value. That could not bo ac complished without such aggregation of capital and co-operation of Individ- uftl enterprise. The argument of JnoTgo Sanderaon differed from others in th&t he at tacked more severely section 3GOI of the political code of California , hold ing that it was not lav/ , not having been pacBed by a majority of the mem bers of the lugwlaturo , and therefore must be dlorogarded by court in dis. posing of the question bofoto it. Next ho insisted that it was clear the ; defendant was a person within the : meaning of the federal constitution ; that the revenue lavra of California , ao far as they discriminated jgiinst the ) defendant they isolated thelourteenth amendment ; that the franchise enjoyed - joyed by the road did not como from California bnt from conj/reaa , und that the tax was illegal. Judge Sanderson got two or three extensions of time from the court , icceiving in this /ay fifteen minutes time that ahould have been occupied by Attorney-General BrewBtcr in closing the case , bull , Browner nasd tea ti e he did gut to such good purpose that no harm was done. Ho was entitled to thirty-seven minutes , but occupied but twenty five , [ n opening , ho said Lord COKO had ronmkod that souls were only created G 3d ; that aorporationa were created > y the king , and therefore corporaio .ions had no caul. No such rights , 10 assorted , belonged to corporations as btlouged to private parlies , for corporations were creatures nnd aeruC vants of tlio alato and could not by any torturing be regarded na human beings. Thu right of tax was the aoul of legislative right. There was no good ground for any lawyer to soy that a atato did not have a right to its own method of taxation , and to collect ita own taxes for its maintonar.ee. The l w of the atato gave theio corporath tions notice of their indebtedness and liability to ttxition. They had their day in court , and because they did not accept the notice they had no right to como here and try to got the court to give thorn another day. Rail road property woa a class of property that owes ita lifo to the favor of the state. It is evident , said Browstor , that this railroad has no other ground to rest its case upon except the amendment to the constitution ; the surrender of all other and their appeal to that shows It , yet the court must hold that this does them no good , in that it does not ap ply to their case. Dwelling further on the point that there was no feder al franchise involved , Brewster con cluded. As ho was about finishing , a funny incident ooonred , Ooukling and Judge SandoHon nat immediately behind - hind Browstor. Ono of them made a remark of aomo kind in regard to the point made by Browstor. The remark was loud enough for him to hear it. Ho turned , facing Oonkllng , aud said to the oourt , the learned adversaries had taken a parting ahot at him , but that it WAS iu the back. Conkling , smiling , said , "Shako not your gory locks at mo , thou canst not say I did it , " Browttor nald It was between thorn both. The court smiled , a very uuuanal thing. HAILKOAU LAND GRANTS. Judge Holman , who leads the op position in tha house to the Pacific railroads , eays that the next cession of congress will declare all unearned land grants of thoHO roads forfeited to the governmant He says also that owing to the organized strength of the various roads hero operating against legislation the present coniiroau will not bo able to accomplish that result. The book trade to-day adopted a resolution inviting the various protec tive associations of the country of a kindred nature to join in demanding a hearing before the committee on ways and moans of the houno of representa- tires of the United Statoa. The man- nfacturero of pig iron , bar iron , plate and sheet , aud othur kinds * 11 iron in states east cf the Alloghanioa decided to submit a statement to congress express ing oatiafaction at the appointment ot the tariff commission , and contin uing , "while not approving all the changes proposed by tha oommisaion we believe that in the main each re- factious will not naralyze the indna- tkUo to" be affected' ui . * * * - further respectfully represent that the development and proapority of the leading manufacturing industries of the country are very grnatly inter rupted by the feeling of uncertainty which prevails in the public mind concerning the action that is to be taken by congress upon the question of tariff 'ev taion. " CONGHESSIONAJk. Spej'.al Dispatch to Tin 15 . BKNATK I'llOCEBIJINOd. WASHJNGTOX , December 21. Sen ator Saundera offered a resolution declaring - claring it the sense of the aonuto that the uro-emption law which allows lands to b < a entered or purchased at § 1 25 par acre , without requiring port niiADont settlement , ahould bo ra- pealed , and that hereafter all government - ment landa ahon'd ' bo held and rot Borvud for nctual settlement only. Ilaforred. The resolution providing for adjournment - journmont over the holiday a waa taken up cud diecaaaed at length. It was finally defeated by a vote of 23 to 150. Connidemtion of the civil service bill waa then resumed. Senator Conger said the senator from Dilawaro ( Bayard ) need not bp at a loss to understand the reasons which made the republican senators ao earnest in their deaire to advunco ; public business at this time. They had boon taunted by the soiutora on the other side in language fit only for ehoebUoki ) , and had been told that the people bad condemned their past ao- ution. . Ho would admit it. The poo- plo must certainly bo In a strange and angry ntato of mind if they > could contemplate setting auide even temporarily the republican party , which hud saved tlio country , and en- trusting the government to the handa of the democracy. [ Laughter , ] Ho had seen with intense sympathy the Benator from Ohio ( Paudloton ) as he antood in the camp ot the ononiy [ laughter ] and begged his follow dem- ooritu in vaiu to let the aonuto proceed to act upon his civil soryico bill. icThere wan something heroic in the at- titndo of that senator in standing idthere trying to aavo the the country from his politio.il frienda [ laughter ] , but thu senator from Georgia ( Brown ) talso occupied a heroic position when he declared it was no time to paca a civil service bill , which would keep the republl- QJcans in clfioa and koap the democrats out , [ laughter , ] That aimntor was logical and the senator from Ohio ( I'enuluton ) could not answer him. Indeed , the senator from Ohio him- self wao now carried forward in sup- port of his civil service bill by the momentum which he acquired In his pact efforts for its passage at a time when ho had no dream there was any pronpeot of his own party coining into power and having n chance to fill thesu cilices. [ Laughter ] Senator Williams opposed the civil service bill a * Impracticable and , worthless. The only practical uttompt he had eeou made to reform the sur- vice waa the proposition of his col- : leago ( Beck ) to inquire Into the abuses perpetrated by the republican officials on the lust campaign and that was smothered by coupling with it au- other entirely irrelevant inquiry. He wa in favor of real reform , but ho would not vote for this little for the same reason that ho declined io vote nt the last session for that other aliam , tlio little revenue bill. Tills bill proposed a system of com petitive examinations for the lower ofiicoa , a Bart of inuaago atullor , through : which o ah man must pans before ho could got into the general string , [ laughter. ] There was a great < deal of nonsense talked nbout civil service reform. Real reform would consist iu , putting decent anc. honest men In high places and letting them bring back the government ot the republic to principles aud prac tices cf Its earlier and batter d ys. Ho would like to see the democratic member of coupross who would go back to his constituents and toll them ho had voted to make the tenure of the present office-holders permanent in order to keep hia friends from being tempted into oQiao-sooklng. [ Laugh ter ] , How many' rotes would thnt magnotiz ) ? Why , ho would bo hooted ; people think , and I do too , that whichever party is in * power has the right to pnt its friends in otlico. As for this poor little thing that is before - fore us , I don't think it amounts to anything ; "Old Hickory" Jackson would pnt his foot upon it in a mlu- nte. [ Laughter ] I don't think it would/bo law if wo passed it ; yet it might bother us a little when wo come in , and I don't want any obstructions In our way. [ Laughter ] The only way to reform in to select an honest president in 1884 , turn on hoao , give him a big hicicory broom and toll him to nwoep the platter clean. [ Laugh ter ] . The amendment proposed by Pen- dloton striking out the provision that entrance to the service shall bo at the lowest grade and substitution of ono that appointments a roll bo apportioned as nearly as poaalblo among the states and territories ana district cf Colaui- bia upon the baaia of population was agreed to , Senator Cockrall made an argument to ohow that this bill , if passed , would not give the precident or head of the department any more power to reformer or purify the service than they had already under existing laws. The re publican party had had full power for years to enforce these IUWB and to paas othera if these worn not sufficient , bnt they had not dcno it because they had hnd no 'real deairo for reform. The tnizacy of this bill wonld de pend upon the executive , and ho did not believe that under a republican administration it would accomplish anything , in any way of reform. In a democratic ( administration it would , but a democratic administration would r jform the service without any such law. Although ho he had no faith in the value of this as a reformatory moaauro , ho would vote for it because the republicans wished to have it , aud he waa willing to give them one more opportunity to reform the great abuses for which they were ro-ponii- bio. In speaking of the assessments , yjotion . oFGBneraI | uuHla of violating the law against it. Senator Hawley said ho wished to do justice to honorable aud brave men. General Curtis was treasurer of the atate committee against hia will and protestodagalnst assessments. He was only technically guilty. In spirit ho was ayainat theae atscc.H- mouta and when ho controlled men himsolt he told them not to pay aa- seisanitinU nuleca they desired to do so. Senator Cockroll said he wan glad to find General Curtis did not levy nBJCSsmonts of his free will , but ho wan eorry the republican muchiuo waa BO strong that an honest man could not withstand ita pressure and that , therefore , General Cartia had to yio- late ] , hia own conviction of right and inako these collections. Ho then wont on to quote from the republican campaign text book for 1882vhen ho wan interrupted by Senator Hoar , who stated that the second Hubbell circular and the Campaign - paign Hand Book were the Rot of ono ima ( chairman of the congreaflional committee , It Is true ) , binding no por- aon but himself. Senator Hawley Lat mi add that especially in the matter of OiiinoBo im- migration and In various otnor things I repudiated the Hand Book. Sunator Gockroll waa glad tha eona- tors had an opportunity to make their explanations. Ho did not doairo to cist any reflections ou any senator who i was opposed to thoao raids. In atha I course of hia remarks , Senator Oookrell < quoted from a letter from David ] Davla to a gentleman in Wash- ! in. ington , declaring that the govern , mcnt , which hud long boon In the hands of the republican party , needed unow blood. Senator Conger inquired whether it was in good taste toquoto the letter of the gentleman from Illinois in his abxoncel Senator Veat said he wa rosponsi- iibio for bringing that document , hav- ing read it yesterday In the presence of the gentleman from Illinoia. itSenator Conger said in that the senator showed good taste. Senator Vest replied that ho would not allow the senator from Michigan to determine that question for him. A senator who had Bald the language of his colleagues WBB worthy of shoo- blacks , could not teach him good IItaste. . Senator Conger I wonld never at- tempt that. Senator Vest I think not. Senator Conger If the gentleman mhas waited 24 hours to make that hit , I am glad ho Ima the opportunity to- night. The gavel of the presiding olhccr pnt a atop to the colloquoy , Senator Cockrcll cloned hia speech with a prediction that the return of the democratic party to power WRS only a question of two years. Sanator Sherman reported from the committee the bill proposed by the tan II commission to further provide iurfor the collection of duties on Imports. olThe commission found that many ar tides were being appraised ior import duty under the general provision ro- lating to articles not specified , while autheir inbataiitial equivalents in mu- torlal were on thn free list. This in remedied in the present bill. Adjourned , JIOUHK I'KOCRKIIINOH. WAMII.NHTON , Dccembar 21. Mr. Kelley ( ( t'onn. ) chairman uf the ways and moAO * comniittec , roSoi ported n resolution declaring it Iho Bonae of the houto'that in caao the internal revenue laws bo au amended an lo aboliah the tax on tobacco , anuffatid ci am. othbr provition should bu mndo for allowing rebate tax paid on stock on hand at the time such law swa into effect , provided such stock inog stamped and in unbroken packam agon. Mr. Kasson , ( Iowa ) , on behalf of the minority | committee , reported n tubatiin tuto resolution docUting that in the judgment of the honao no further ro duotion of taxes on manufaoturod tobacco will 4bo made than that provided for m the house bill to reduce internal revenue taxation , now in the ( innate. Mr. Kelly g vo notice , that ho would ask ojnsideratlon of the resoate lutton to-day or to-morrow. After introduction of n number of bills for reference the speaker laid before the house the report of the col- lector of customs of SItka , Alaska , justifying the shclllm ; of au Indian village ( by the revenue steamer Corhit win. The house shortly afterwards wont Into committee cf the whole on the army appropriation bill , which appro priates $24,631,700. , After explanation of tha bill by Mr. . Butterworth ( Ohio ) , Mr. Hewitt ( M. Y. ) addressed himself to connidern- tion of tho' provision that for army transformation the land grant roads which have received government aid wlbj loan or guarantee of bonds shall be allowed compensation of not exceed ing 50 per cent of the amount paid by private parties for the same service. Mr. Hewitt said the provision attach ed to this bill was in substance the same as the one attached to the post- offiao appropriation bill by the amend ment of the poutleman frr m Now .For- Boy ( Robeaon ) . It was a curious and suggestiro fi ot that the gentleman who represented the posti Dice appro priation ' bill opposed the amendment which waa forced upon it , and that the pontloinun who reported this bill to day announced ho waa opposed to this provision. ' P'Pi Mr. Buttorworth aaid ho hud .ex pressed his unwillingness to give hia Piat aosout to the doctrine that the gov ernment mights , arbitrarily fix compensation - ponsation to tfio 'acifio railway carry- ft government'supplies. General debate then nlosud , bnt without further action the c'ommittoe rose , and after granting twenty five momborn leave ot abaenoa the houeo adjourned. A BUFFALO BLAZE. The Offloa of " Fhe Oomzaercial A Fatal Explosion of Gas Add * ta the Exolttment ot tha People- SpeiUl DbiuMi to TIIE l ) . BUFFALO , December 21 , At 5 o'clock to-m'ehL a fire broke out iu James D. Wanen'a bnllding , in the oflica of The Oominorciul Advortiaor , corner uf Waihington and Division atrooto. Thn ilimos lighted up the aky for miles uround. Under Main street , a block away , are nitnaled I three largo cisterns of wntor aud when ono of them waa oponcd a trempiidouu explosion of gns followed , blowing ono man twenty fiot into thu air and knocking several epoctiitorH down , The injured man wai taken to the hospital. The root of the Masonic temple caught fire and two floors woio burned. At 7 o'clock the inaid of The Cjmmorcial Advertiser's tillieo wan completely conauined. The Com mercial building IIVH a frontogo ou Wanhington atreot of over ono hun dred feut and coat § 70,000 One- half wai occupied by The Advertiser and the other halt by the wholesale aaddlnry houao of Harvey D BIskos- luo. In tlio rear was a largo bailding occupied by the Jowr.tt ATanufaolur- ing company for p. box factory , the manufacture of bird cagcu and othur articlue. Although cotif idornbly dam- nged by lira und water tin * building w&3 saved , The fire orlfiinated in the engraving room and woa caused by nn omployo allow ing SQIIIO rags which ho had buon uaing fnr waxing u plate for transfer to e itch in a gas jel. It U supposed that in hia excitement ho threw tlio rags down and Ignited flora o vnrniahed plate worn hanging on the walls Nothing was iiaved The files of The Advertiser for fifty years were lout. When the alarm was given the oin- ployoi rushed from the building , aban doning thuir coatn and hats. 'Ihuee iu the job department , owing to the nmoke , were unable to make thnir way down stairs. They got on the roof and crawleJ along the parapet to the Jewett building , whore they deasona- ed in fl&futy , Several mun fnlntod when afo. Out of Iho 110 nni. ployos in the building only onu man ' > , VVa. Muhony , was injured. Ho waa badly burnt. The loss on stock , Uxturna and building ia estimated at $175,000 , in- ktsuranco § 125,000 ; Blakcaleo leas ca > ni i- mated at $70,000 , Insurance $50,000 ; The Miller it Greinor building , one of the fineat in the city , was erected in 1870 , at a coat of $150.000. Kighteeu tolodges and commanderies held their conventions in the temple above , The carpets and furniture of the various rooms ooBt § 12,000. und the jewels and paraphernalia 925,000 more , nil of which uru a total Ima. The damage to Miller , Gt-oinor & Co.'a grocery atook ia estimated at $50,000 , and the building ia damaged $50OCO more , It ja safe to calitnato the total loss re.at $300,000. The honpitality cf The Courier ollico aryras tendered Mr. Warren and The Commercial will bo liaued to-morrow rofrom The Oonrior ollioa. It is atatud that Warren intends to rebuild bud uuthat an order has been given Lyrnan A Sons' ! typo foundry for ft now sup < ply of type. Firot Elnwherr g , > vcUl l n > tch to Tun ll * . ST. J LOUIH , Docembar 21. To-night i\ fire briiko out hi W H. llaucrty it Sona auction houto , Gil Washington nvcmio , running through to St , Oharlen street. It pretty well do- stroyfd a stock of mtacollanonus mor- ohntidlau valued at ? 1 0,000 , insured SIJO.OOO. The two upper lloors of the building was occupied by Ell Walker & Co , dry good * , whoso main nloro Is on the corner of St. Chnrloa and l 'iflh street , nsd abuts the Qagorty building. The o Hears htd about $75,000 worth of goods in them , moat of which were de stroyed. The upper part of the mnin otoru was alac damaged about $25 , 001 , covered by insurance. The building adjoining on the west WAI occupied by G. Mayor A Co. , hnts , n ps ] , gloves etc. , and by Frank & Frank , 'manufacturers and dealers In men's goods. Their loss cannot bo ascertained to-night. Mayor it Co. were insured for $40,000. NEW YOUK , December 21. A fire broke out to-night in the book bindery orj of Knbt. Ruttor , 110 and 118 east Fourteenth street , and did damage - ago to the extent of $50,000 , partly insured. Although the fire was di rectly oppoalto Tony Pastor's theater , tin audience was nnawaro of the fact. Detail * of the Kingston Fire. BI | * ci > J Dltatch | lo Till lint. NEW YOUK , December 21. Ad ditional details are at hand this mornnsl of the re-cent fire at lug - great Kings ton , Jamaica. It appears thnt had there boon the simplest moans at hand when the conflagration began to put out the fire it could not have spread iarthor than a few yards. For some time after the alarm was given but few bundles of shingles wcro in flames. The fire brigade arrived on the scene ton minutes after the alarm , bnt there was aomo difficulty in attaching the hoao to the hydrant. Meanwhile the 11 imos ascended aud caught the tall building to the north of the savings bank. The water won now pretty wall brought Into play , but the sparks from thia high huuso > blow wildly about , aud in n few minutes eight distinct houses in va rious parts of the town were ablaxo and sending sparks to other housed , by which moans the de stroying element soon surrounded Boveral districts , literally defying the efforts of the firemen. The people are homeless , and hundreds are sleeping in the open air at Central park and the race conrao , whore the governor is endeavoring to got touts belonging to the military erected for their covering. J. 0. Krotchinar , United States oouaul at Graytown , in an account of the : fire at Kingston , said everything was cone. The entire business part wol " ol "Kingston wan a mass of ruins and the Buffering and want indescribable. The steamer Alvo was compelled to cut loose from the dock and stand out wharves In their cfi'jrts to escape the flames. The Alvo'a boats were eont ashore and upwards of 250 refugees were fed and cared for on board the steamer. The authorities of Kingston have ordered that shingle roof buildings shall no longer bo eroctnd. As to the origin of the conflagration , itBecmo that u number of boys w ro smoking in a luinbor yard , when ono of thorn , frightened by the approach of hia father , throw his cigar in a pile of shavings and chips , and with hia companions Hod. The fire communicated to the lumber pilon aud in on instant was beyond control , und burning llercply. Several days before the fire the resident * were told the city wau to be doatroyed by fire , and their only safety lay in flight. Several peraous perished In the fliiues. Boor Tnx ADolltliniont. Sj > wlil ; to the Cincinnati Commercial. WANIIJNOTON , December 1---Mr. ! ) Nolan , of Albany , to-day introduced in the honoo a bill to abolish the in- torual revenue tax on fermented liquors , nnd for other purposes. Bo- Hiaei abo'hhing the tax , ho would ro- pnal nil of the statutes regarding brewers' bonds , and proscribing the methods of collecting the boor 4ax. It it proposed thnt it shall tuko elt'ect on March 1 , 1883. Mr. Nolan , who represents a great brewing interest , snyn that ho has received many com munications asking him to use his good olliccn lo Bcouro consideration of this subject by the ways and wanna oom- mittoo , and hu found that the beat way to direct attention of the coin mit ten to the matter woold bo to intro duce a bill to repeal the lnwa impos ing the tax. Mr. Carlisle , of the oommittoo , has asaured Mr. Nolan that ho will be givnn a chance to pro. sent his views to the members of the committee ntan early day. An effort will ba made to nocuro au abolition of the tax , but if the oummitteo should refuse to abolish it an attempt will bo made to gotu Bubatanlia'l reduction. Advlioil to Go Homo. SpocUl IMipitcli t ) Till Hm. ST. Loure , Doceraber 21. The : committee of the groonbaokora ad journed sine dlo ahortly afeor mid night , Lo Orandall , the secretary of the committee , Bays there wasastroucr fusion element after a full djscuaoicm of all the questions bearing oa the welfare of the party , All the oppoa- ! ition for fnalon with either the old parties or the organimtlon of a now ) party was rquarely beaten nnd horn members were directed to return home and go to work to still farther build up the patty under a permanent or > ; 4ni/.itlon , that being deemed BB perfect as it can bo made. Twenty- two states were represented in thu mooting. A Maiiaure 111 Brooklyn- Bpecltl iJbpatth to Til JIM , NK\V YOHK , December 21. Alex ander Jcffarson ( negro ) committed I a double murder la Brooklyn to-night , aud seriously Injured two other per sona. The faota are ; At 171) Buffalo ! avenue resided Mra , Kmma Juckaon , an aged colored woman , her daughter Annie , 21 years of BKU , Henry llicka , ( colored ) 41 years old , and Celestial Jefferaon , i\ \ > years old , the brother of the murderer. Alexander , who loved Antilo. wan jealous of his brother Calestinl nnd tliok * . On several occasions ho throated tl kill the entire family. To-night ho stealthily ap preached the houao and discharged the contents of a double barreled shotgun through the window. The firot barrel struck Hicks in the aide , killing him instantly. The second struck Celestial and severely wounded him , The murderer nnxt cut Mrs. Jsckeon'a throat from car to car , causing immediate death , and aft or novoroly cutting Annie Jackson in the breast the man made his oioapo. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. SX | > cW DbqwtchM to Till Him. T11K PIUNLT..S ' HOLIOITUUK. 1 1 < ONDON , Dccombor 21. On the uotrs reaching the Prince of Wales that Gambotta had had a relapse , ho telegraphed inquiring after the real condition of the sufferer. A reply was forwarded that Gambotta's wound had < thoroughly healed aud a careful examination satisfied the physicians that the condition of the patient ia Ratiafactory. cuAMnr.li ! or COMMKUOK AHOLIHHED. BKKUN i , Dooouibor 21. The Una- alau government intends to roplaoo the < chamber of commerce by the chi of economists to comprise tin artisans and representatives of manufactories , agriculture and com merce who will bo chosen by their con stituencies. These chambers are to chose a council to act as a central association A 01C1LUN TKAI.V UOIIUr.HY. NAVLKH , December 21. A pass on gor train waa stopped and robbed by au armed band of men. The govern ment has offered a reward for the ap prohonaion of the robbers. A UUHKIAH HAUON BKNTENOBD. Dacombor 21. The sovorlty of tno aontonco of Baron Rimmipgcn , seven years Imprison ment and deprivation of title of no bility , is explained by the fact that his previous conviction and deception lasted five yoars. FKKNOU _ _ _ PAUIR n ml t i i , Djoomber 21. The cabinet to-day considered the expedition tc Tonquln. President Grevy aasontoc to the proposal of the minister marine and It waa adopted. The government will demand a credit of 11,000,000 franca for the expedition. Three more deaths in consequence of thu explosion the Carthage factory at Mont Valerian. The re mainder of the injured women are Buliering fearful agony. OKNKRAL NTONE COMINO HOMK. CAIKO , Dfejmbor 21. General Stone pasha , Into chief of staff of the Egyptian army , has resigned his comnr mission and intends to return to America. ROBBED AND TUUNKD OUT. DDIIUN , December 21 The secre tary of toe Take * emigration fund ap. " ' -"J " - - - - - the distressed IRISH MANUFACXUItUM. A company Is forming , with a cap ital of JL'1,000,000 , for crovolopiiijj ; Irish mauufactoros. DIAMOND UOllUKUV. MoNTUKAL.Decomber 21.Tho chief of pollca has received a notice from Scotland Yard of a grout diamond rob bery iu London and ofi'jring a reward of $2,500 for the capture of the thief. MCK PJIKNOIIMKN. PAUIH , Daoombur 21. It is thought desirable to remove Gambotta to Pnrio at the firat opportunity , an the country houaa is damp. The archbishop' Bordeaux , re ported dead , ia only seriously ill. r.AUTIirY AdUE. HAVANA , Ijcombor21. Two slight nliocks of earthquake at Santiago do Cuba worn felt on the llth Inat.f Another shock , very violent but abort , occurred on th'o morning of the 12th. WKHTUATK T1IK LOO.V. DuitUN , Dtfoombor 21. All wit- 11088084110011110011011 with the Phtuaix park murdoru , examined and instruc ted will attend tu-riorrowut Killmftin- h&iu jail to BOO if they could identify West ate an one of the uesaenins. OEHM INY AND IIL'HHIA , Br.iiUN , Djcomber2l. The Baurno han recovered itn normal ntato nn.i confidence ia ngiiln displayed. The result of the nowopnper etoriu which hai just pasaod is that It lies enabled Kuropo * to sou . , the rolutiona . between -t Germany nud IlutHin nro much more cordial than previously supposed. A Brnltrm Bank HixlAl | DlspaU-li to Till ! line. ROOIIEHTKK , Djoombor SI. Wil liam C Mooro'o prlvuto banking houao at Victor , Now York , hoa cloaod ita door * . The .euapenaion was c uaod ? tay the fttiluro of the City bank at Koch- eriter. The liabilities are efltimatud at atn § 100,000. Moore ind the aaslgn- mout to Joalah Aplon. The bank will hardly nay more than mxty cents on the dollar. The Brohtn Sjxiclal I > bwtUi | to TllKlliiR. JJOMTON , Dacombor 21. A largo and excited meeting of stockholders of the defunct Pacific bank wa hold to-duy. A resolution waa adopted urging suits to.bo brought against ho directors of the bank and the od States attorney be reticstud | to proa- ecuto them criininally. fill Moyamcutt. 8 | > ccUt DUpatch to Tun Una. PiTiHUUiin , Dacombor 2U. Oil opened ftrong this morning at 82Ao and advanced to 83a. Then it bco me weaker imd declinud to 82o. Closed at noon at 82JO. The Bssaion was at tended by i > u excitement , and the trading WBB light. TUo Spirit ot Joino Abroud. lal DUpavth ta Tu llm. IlAUTronu , Dcccmbor 21 , The Ford brothera were advertleod to ecru turo hero to-night , with an illustra tion of the manner of killing Joeao Jarnca. Just two dollars were taken at the door , uud the lecture was post poned , TOW PATH TOPICS. Echoes of tlio Jubilation on the Banks of Kearney's Hanoi. Water Powerful Boom to the Basiaees of the Town and Country. Thi OnlTUoniaui Pathlng Uencral O'Connor for the Seimtormhlp. Dr. Collins' Reformed Arithmetic andE. Other Mattora. Oorr < wpon < l < WK > ot Tni Un. KKARNBT , Nob. , December 19. The people of this place are fooling unusually jubilant just now. In the- first plaoo they ro fooling good over the success of their canal project , two mile * of which la completed , and when put to the test worked llkn a . charm. This canal is to furnish a fi hundred I horse water power , and also to furnish the city a splendid system of water works , and have water suffi cient besides to Irrigate all the adja cent country , The Canal company ia organized with a capital of $100,000 , twenty-fivo per cant of which is paid in. In addition to this tha city voted $30,000 in bonds , and at a mooting of the council last night it was ordered that the bonds bo issued and turned over to the coin piny at the rate of § 2COO pormilo as fast as finished. I find that ovorybidy hero is iu favor of General Connor for the United States sonato. In fact this , fooling extends all over western Na- brask , and I apprehend that there are not half a dozen mem in all Baffilo county , outside of a small U. P. rail road ring , who would not do their level best for him. The reform school at this plaoo now has thirty-aavon pupils , accord ing to the statement of Dr. Collins , the superintendent of the institution , although it was calculated for but thirty. But the doctor's arithmetic IsOB not looked upon as good authority , especially when it is remembered that OBhe Iu he once decided , whllo speaker of the house of representatives , that twenty- uU ot was two-thirds of thirty-two when a certain Bait land bill was pending ; and ho not only decided it , but he stuck to it , and , according to the journals of that body , twenty-one IS two-thirds of thirty-two , although this proposition disagrees with all the arithmetics now in use in our common . schools. Mr. Grimes , the postmaster hero , in inre Washington as o witness in the star route' cues. All he knows In. the matter is that one mail lack i WM delivered at , tht impost- . the " government will have to pay about five hundred dollaro , and as they have already had the same thing on tho'iirat trial , this Information will cost the United States at least ono thousand dollars , to aay nothing ( f the raarnhal'a ' fees in subpoenaing him. The Kcarny county sheriff mur derer , Mat. Ximmorman , was confined in j il here Sunday night , on hlaway to Lincoln. Already the people here are speculating on another probable circus at Minden , like unto the llioh- ards nffiir , and many people are mak ing calculations to attend , and it ia publicly stated by uorno that if they do not mocood in getting a ticket they can at least tear down the enclos ure. ure.Tho senatorial candidates from the oaotorn part of Iho ototo are making frequent trips to this part of the vina- yard. General Manderaon was In liaatinc-s 1 lost week and rumor lisa it 1I that 1t t Dr. Sewers , the Bouator cloot from I Adams county , is now uu out spoken Mandorson man. Obhor can didates are looking around and no candidate imagines that ho has leas than ton or fifteen votes , and as there are about thirty candidates and only one hundred and thirty-throo votes , UU poaalblothat there will bo some disappointed men. FngilUt Sullivan. Special UUpatch to Tun Hits. CmiM Dv , Deo. 21. Jero Dann , manager at John L. Sullivan , pugi list , Btates the reason why no arrange ment ior n glove fight between Sulli van and Elliott for Eome other city wan not made after itst prohibition hero , ia the fact that Elliott is really a alck man , Buffering from paralyaia of the brain. They will probably never meet , as their personal animosl- tico have boon nettled and they have become fast friends. Sullivan goes to New York after a few days , thence to Hot Spriu s for six weeks , thence to Han Francisco , where he will appear. Fork Over the Soadi. Bpoclil DUoatch toTui Un. OUIUAOO , December 21 , Judgment w s obtained here against the Key stone Building company for 5159,000 in favor of / Elkins , of Colorado. It appears time the company contracted to build a railroad frotnLebanon , Mo. , to Fort Scatt , Kas. , nnd Elkina ad vanced them money , taking bonds as collateral. Demanding Their Pay. MILWAUKEE , December 21. About two thousand employes of the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul car shops threaten to strike if not paid before the holidays. The company IB dis posed to wuit till after that lime. The rule hits bceu to pay the men before the -'Oth of each month , whllo tha charter calls for on or before the 15th. The action of the employes was takou simultaneously with that of the men employed in the Chicago shops of thu company. The pay cur at present U in Chicago. Public opinion favota the I action of the men , No serious trouble * I la anticipated.