THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21. Oh , meet me at the Store To got my Holiday Supplies , „ Whore oft I bought befsre , l ! BOSTON TEA CO. , 16 Main Street. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIOE. CT.TOT. . s Q } XT 3C OEC , El J2n CS O. _ , , Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , HONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. MOTATSIBS PUBLIC AND CQNVJBYAHOEBS , COUHOiL OLUFFS IOWA. Tin : LEADING DEALER IN 2E& OO 337 Broadnr.iv , Council Bluffs , lown , 617 Sfc Oharlco St. ST. LOUIS ! Mo A REGULAR GRADUATE ot two medic * ) coU > gcshM boon longer ongnod In the treat. mont of CHRONIC , NKRVOUU. SKIN ANU BLOOD Dltcacos than any other iiaynlcUn In 81 , Louis an city pipers show nd alKold rcsldonli know. Consultation free and Invltod. When II it Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment , tnedlclnM can be ecnt by mall or oxprcea every , where. . Curable cases RUArantocd ; nhcro donbl flzlatn It Is frankly stated. CM1 or write. ' NcrTQUB progtration , Debility , Mental and Physical WoaknesJ , Mercurial and , , other ntlcctiona ot Throat. Bkln nnd Uonca , Blood Impurities nnd Blood 1'olnonlug , 1 Skin Affections , Old Harea nnd Uloorj , Impedimenta to Marriage , Ivheumutiam , Piloa Special attention to canea from over-worked brain. BURCHCAL OASEa receive special attention , Dieeaeeg nrlelng from Impru'lcnce , Kiccssca , Induluonccs 260 pages the wholi UlillliilE story v ell told. Many receipt * ; who maytnai * * * ' who may not > why' causes , consequencoi and euro. Sealed for 25c postage or etampa. n 22 m , OLD SORES AND BLOOD OE SKIBr DISEASES IN ANY STAGE , Disappear before the perfect nltorativo and tonic clTcct of the greatest of all Blood Purifiers , It BO completely roots out all poison from the lilood nnd braces the deb ilitated system , that diseases of this nature dlsappcrrlike cnatt" before the wind , S. S. S. , cured me of Scalp Sores , Sores in Nostrila and Ears , after erurythlnR known to the medical profession had failed. Three montha have passed since I ruit taking S , S. S. ; there 13 no symptom of the disease leinainiugj I am permanently cured. It stands unrivaled for Blood Dis eases. " JNO. S. TAOOAUT , Salamanca , N. Y. "S. S. S. stands without a peer. The profession will have to acknowledge it a Specific for Blood Diseases. " .Or N. L. GALLOWAY , Monroe , Ga. _ -"About four or five weeks ago I waa ainict"d with a very aggravated type of BloodUiaenso. I commenced using S S. S. and after taking the first bottle felt no mush relieved that I bought five more , and am glad to say , after using four of them , that I am entirely cured , freviouely having been under medical advice for several montha. " 0. G. RATOLIVF , Itichmoud , Va. "After suffering from the woral Blood Diseaca for more than two years , and hav ing been treated by several eminent physi cians , confined to my room and bed the greater part o he imo , mv body covered with copper-colored eorca from the size of a pea to that of a silver half-dollar , I was well nijih in despair. At last I commenced takingS. S. S. In a short time I began to improve in flesh , all the norea healedacd I could feel and know that I was well , and to S. S. S. innst the credit bo pivcn of my entire restoration to health. I have not taken a dose for over nix months , and am aa free from sores or blumisb as any one. " LOTTIK Ross , Atlanta , Ga. "Improved after taking the first bottle of S. S. S. ; in two v/ecks waa able to come homo.finding the waters were no benefit. " J. W. REID , Newport , Ark. "Our science has not made knownacom- blnatlon equal to S. S. S. for skin or bloou diseases. " T , L. MABsnNBUKO. I'll. G. , Macon , Ga. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS COL. L.T. 'FOSTER. _ lYouncctown , Ohio , May 10 , 18 = 0. U . B. J. KBHDALL ts Co. I had agvory valoa- > ble Hamblotonlan colt that I prliml very highly , be had a Urge bono spavin en ono Joint and t email one on the other which made him very lame ; I bad him under the cbtrgo of two rotor Inarv Burgeons which failed to euro him. I wai ono day reading the cdvertlaemcnt of Kendall'i Spavin Cure In the Chicago Eipress.I determined foncototry It and got pur CnigBlBts hero l end for It , and they ordered three bottles ; I tooi all and I thought I would glvo It a thorough trial , I nsod It according to directions and tb , fourhday { the colt ceuod to bo lame and Ihi lumps have disappeared. I used but ono bottle and the colt's llmba are f.s Iroo oJ lumps and II amooth M any horss In the Plata IIo 1 entlro ly curod. The cnra was BO romarkabb thai havolettwoof my nolRhbors have the rttntln. Ing two bottles who are now uslnglt Iwpeet Bend lor circular WERVOUS DEBILITY , A Opr * Quwr * * * * " * ' ' * . . Di. E. 07 WosPs Nerre and IJraln Troalncr.t- A specific for Hytloiln , DlnlnciS ) , OomoMoci Nervous Htadiclie , ilcntal Depr jon , LOJI V MemoryBpormatcrrhc6i.ImpottncyInjolunUry Emissions , Prcraiture Old Ago , caused byorei- ezertlon , iclf-abnse , or over-lnduleenca , whit leads to misery , decay and death. Ono boxwl cure recent canes , Each box centnlnt ono ratnib treatment , Oco dollar a bor , or elx koioilo : flvo dollar ) ! Etut by rcall prepaid on receipt cl price. Wo guarantee tU boxej to toro any cue. With nca order rocilvcd by os for U boic3 , companled vrlth fire dollar , will scad the ppi. chuei our written eoar&ctes ta return III money If the treatment doct ro oBcct acnr . 0. / . Ooodmin , UiuzgiE * . Eclf. Wbolculo ae < cul caO-oth * . i 'j. Old'il by mill l mil D , M , CONNELL , Funeral Director and Undertaker , No. 17 , North Main St. , Council Bluff * . Calls promptly answered at all hours , nl lt or day , hew hiarsu and london carriage * direct rum the factory are run lu connection therewith. BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CIUCAOO , HOCK ISLAND AND rAcinc. Depart. Arrl\o. Atlantic K\t..S:20pm : Hxiwid Malt.025 am U. llolncd ac".7:15 : n in DCS llolncaao.4:10 : p m CIIICAQO , BORUNOTO.X AND QUINCT. Depart , Arrh e. AtlantIoKxt..K:30pm : | Pacific Kxt..n:20am Mall ami Ux . .9SMom I Mull nnd Kt'.7:00p in N. V. Ux 4:00 : p in | Neb & Kta Kx..8:20 : a in CIUCAOO AND NOKTimnSTB V. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..5:15 : pm Pacific Ext..9:15am Mall and Ex.t ) . ' . > . 0nm Hall nnd Ex' p m Accom. ( Sixt. ) . p m Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m KANSAS cnr , BT. Jon AND OODNCII , Depart. Arrho. Mall and Ex..OJ > 3am I Expra > 9 ( i Opm 9:10 p m | Mall an J Kv..G'45pm UNION I'ACIUC. Depart. Arrhc. Overland Ex.llvTO n. m. OvcrliunlEx'l:00 : p. m. Lincoln Ex. .11:30 : . in. lomorix..8.00a. in , Denver Ex..7:00 : p. ra. Local Ex C Oa. m. Local Ex 7:25 a. m. Kx P.OTa. in. Emigrant..5:20p. : m. Kx c.-QOa. ra. VARASU , 8P. LOUIS AND 1'ACinO , Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex. . 9:15am : I Mall anil Kx.1:30pin Cannou Boll. . 4r : 0 p m | Cannon llall. . 11:03 : am BIOUX cat AND FAciria. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux City.7S5am Frm Sioux OV.CU50 p m 1'orFortNlohrara. Frni Fort Nlobrara , Ncb 7Mnm : .Vcb 'oao For St. Paul..7:40pin : From St. I'aul.BiO a m CHICAGO , U1LWAUKKK AND 8T. PAUL. Lea\ Council DliiHs. Arri eg Council muffs. JIalland.Ex. . a:20nra I Mall and Ex.0 5 pin Atlantic Ex..C5:15pm : | AtlanticEA. . . 19:10am CIUCAOO , MIUVAUKEK AND ST. r.Vl'L. Lcucs Omaha. Arrhe.1 at Omaha. Mall and IX.7:15 n m I Pacific Kx | 9I5 : a m Atlantic Ev. 43:40 : p in | Mall and E725 p in Except Sundaj-s. fExccptSaturdajs. { Except Mondays. ( Daily. Council Dlutta St Omaha Street R. n. Lca o Council Ilutl8. Ixaivo Omahx 8 n m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a in , 10 a m , 11 am , l/ii , 1 ! p m,3 1 > I Hum , 1pm , Up m , 3 p m , 4 p in , 5 p in , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , D p m , 0 p m. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 0 o clock a. m. , and run rcgu'arly during the day at 0 , 11 , 2 4 , 0 and 0 o'clock , and run to city time. DR. A. F. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEGH. Office , No. 11 Fcarl Street Houis , 9 a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. m. , to p , m. Kealdenco , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central Offlco. riioa. opfioio. w. n. u. rusrr. OfflOEE PUSEI , Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign [ and'DomoctIc ] Exchange and licrao Rocurltlcs. MBS B J HAEDINO H D , , , , , , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOG-IST. Qraduato of Eloctropathlo Institution , Phila delphia , Feuna. Offlco Cor , Broadway & flloim Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all diseases and palnfal dlf- flcultlea peculiar to females a specialty. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Ootrasollor at Law , COUNCIL LLUFffS , IOWA , Offlco Broadway , between Mfln and Pea troett. 'VU1 practlca lu Sttto and Fedo urtn FOR LADIES fc GENTLEMEN , Corner Bryant Street , Ono cloor north of Eohruioy'H Opera House , where thoio KUITorlut ; from recent Coldi , Hhcuiiiatlmn , Neuralgia , Iuinbaio and other illatrtiislng ail ments may llnd rolfcf In thu tlmcl } u > e of ilthcr the Thormo-Eleotrio § Meflicatoil Batli I desire- and hope for the pationagoof phjtt- ciana uho may \\lsh for their patlcntu IhU auxll. iary , and will gltu any no illrtitcd ctury iwsalblu attention , U Ik-sldcn my uifo , a competent lad } . Mill attend ladles. V. M. LOCKWOOI ) , 1'ropHttor , EDW1H J , ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. SIEBroadway , Council Bluffs. SMEWSJORE. ew Goods. NEW YORK PRICES. For Dry Goods and Fancy Goods go to L , HARRIS , 734 Lower Broadway , THE CATTLE THADE. The Movement from Eastern to Western States. In the summer of 1880 the cnston. states had rnthor a dry time of It BO dry , Iti fact , that the springs and riv ulets went out of businces for want ol raw material ; fruits dried upon bush , oaiio , mid vine a great saving of the housewife's labor , but not of bar tem per. The grasses dried brown mid dead in thn pastures , nnd the cows drlod at the pall. Through the lust tontion of the weather department BOWS wcro not notified In time of the Impending drouth nnd Itn oonso- quoncos , and therefore they conceived and bore youug with that cheerful and placid compliance with the command , "Go forth , multiply , nud replenish the earth , " which will in time , if per mitted , bring our infant cattle indus try to the ntntnro of n promising pouth. Their young Idokod up their icola in thoughtless disregard for the morals of the irate holder , nnd the spilling of the calf-fostering contents , which Eooius to bo natural to the thoughtless bnby bovino. As the nummor passed the owners of those lalvcs began to look , down the road 'or ' the coming calf buyer , who had ? ear by year bought their calves nod .akcn thorn to the Atlantic shores , .hero to bo fed and grazed for theater ator markets. But the pcddlor of ronng bovlnos did not como. Ho enow thcro was no use of taking calvca to n plaoo whcro there was no 'cod ' for calves mnot oat to live , as certainly an they live to cat. Meantime , in the States of Mie- sourl , Iowa , and Illinois grass waa uoro than abundant , the corn crop ) ado fair to bo n most p'ontoous OHO , nnd young store cattle could not bo bund in numbers great enough to supply the demand. Simultaneously , and without consultation or apparent suggestion , stockmen In Misaourl and ; ho other States named conceived the dca of bringing from the dairy dla- riots ot the cant the calvoa for which .ho east had no use , because it had no bed for them. Beginning Into in July or in August of that year , the number > f calvca brought to the Chicago mar- cot exceeded 65,000. No oflicial roc. > rd for the calvoa was kept separately 'or ' the year ; they were reported aim- > ly as cattle. In the firat ton mouths of the year 1881 there wcro received in the Chicago cage Union Stock Yards from States ying cast of Illinois 31,191 calvca nnd only 10,730 more matured cattle. Of .ho latter by far the greater number iamo from the States of Indiana mid Michigan. In the firat ten montha of .ho . current year there were received icro 8,559 calvoa nud 12,525 mature cattle. The falling off in receipts of calvca amounted to 22,632 head , in cattle to only 4,205. So much for the hrllling romantic side of the story of ho calf-trado with the oast. THE GHEAT DEOLIHB IN THIS TIUFI'IO n calves may bo csrlbed to two or hrco canoes , ono very efficient ouo bo ng the publicity given by the press to ; ho danger ! with which thla movement of calves from thooaat threatened , nnd still threatens , the herds of the went , and to the publication of the fact that , o those who bought them those ten der young animals proved a very un profitable investment. The latter fact nay have been a most fortunate cno ior the west , however unfortunate it may have been ferthelndividual.smost directly concerned. In 1881 the Illinois general assembly jnactcd a law which was , by the proa- amation of Gov. S. M. Cullum , put nto effective operation on November L of that year. The reas jn for onnct- njj this law and for giving It effect lies n the tact that in certain limited areas n a few Atlantic stated there ha a for many yearn existed , and still exists , m an active virulent form , nnd without - out BO much SH the merest ohcdow of a reasonable BXCOHO , n deadly contagious diaoriBo , which , spread- ng ulowly , inmdioDHly nnd cor- tainlylwhorovor there i n ncarnpprocch of sound cattle to infected animals ere , o infected materials , brings ruin apon herds almost as surely as Gro brings destruction to the grasses of the prairio. From these infected dis tricts cattle could bo brought to the pastures of the west , and there was none who conld prevent it. That tome calvoa were thus brought from ' ; ho near neighborhood of districts where contagious diseases of cattle lave within a short time existed Is fnown more than lhat , it is posi tively known that from au infected iora in which cattle were actually dying from the deadly contagions plouro-pnonmonla , or lung plague of cattle , there was sent to the stock pards of Baltimore a young bull. It was long believed that thin calf was lent to some ono of the western states , but of this no proof has boon given , To Australia a single high-bred cow carried the germs of thia disease. Countless thousands of cattle have lied , and millions of pounds storllua ; iiavo boon lost through their death and through the efforts made to suppress the plague and the end is not yet. The oamo story Is essentially true of South Africa , of New Zealand , and measurably true of America. Ainple evidence shows that the disease has Qot within the period covered by the history of man originated in any herder or in any country , It has always ap peared as the certain result of infec tion , and thus only. Any beggarly calf outcast from a dying herd may take with it to the broad and healthy plains of Iowa , of Nebraska , or of Kansas the germs of a dlacato which , spreading widely because of that very freedom which tends to make our Western beeves the healthiest and best , will quickly infect the cattle of a State , the rallroado , and the stock yards throughout the whole active North , thus eventually contaminating every nook where cattle may bo. ILLINOIS UAH DONE WHAT HUE COULD to erect a barrier to protect her own herds and these in the grand country between her and the Betting sun from the approach of the deadly plague , She has to regret only that her power to do is immeasurably less than her desire to accomplish all of that object , A little moro than a year has passec slnoo the proclamation of Gcv , CaU lum giving force to the act mentioned was issued. In that time the Illinois state votorUary department , ' under the direction of Dr. N , II. Faarou , of this city , has atrivno 10 to use all means a' ' its commands to accomplish all tha could bo desired. Unfortunately the appropriation for the use of thla de paitment was BO email that roasonabli remuneration could Dot bo given fo guarding ono point even the Chicago Union Stock Yards and every poinl at which A railroad enters this state should bo guarded ngalunt the entrance trance of animals from the infectuii areas. To prevent thn pteanqe cl animals across this state to ihoio beyond - yond the vutorlnary department seems to bo powerless. Justice demands that credit shall bo given to lh < 3 gcnoral managers of tome of the railroads nnd the express lines connecting Chicago nnd the east. They were appealed to for such help as they could givu , and have responded as desired. The American and the Adams eiprecs companies , the Haiti uioro Ohio , the Pennsylvania , the Lake Shore t Michigan Southern , nud ether r&ilroada have given orders to their roprc.icntatlvos in the east to tccolvo no bovine animal from thu scheduled counties except when each animal shall bo ncsouipnnicil by the certificate of n competent veterinary mrgoou , to the effect that the nnimal I accompanies ohows no symptoms of dltcnso , nud has not during thu ninety days next preceding the date of the settificsto boon exposed to the con Little us the record of the year ho wo , it is nil that the department iss been nblo to do under existing cir cumstances. Until the uationnl gov ernment ohall awaken to the import ance of the interest menaced with ruin and to the necessity of protecting a ' st industry , which , sturdy baby that t is , inks for no other protection , but nstead promises to food tbo whole civilized world when the need shall como until the general government ihall give thia protection the countless .housnnda of cattle of the country will > o threatened with n plague which may swoop into ruin many a fortune and bring desolation to many n homo. Does It Pay to Grind tbo Corn With the Oob ? Agricultural KpltomUt. We nro frequently naked this qnos- Ion , nnd upon the strength of several oars experience wo can only anawor hat nndor some circumstances it docs , while under others it might prove un profitable. The Llvo Stock Journal itatcs the caio so fairly nud clearly , and BO in accordance with our own views that wo make room for an ox- ract upon the subject : "It depends ipon the facilities for grinding nnd the ctnd of stock to bo fed. Sheep grind torn bettor thnn cattle , and therefore hey utilize the nutriment in whole corn better. The cob contains moro actual nutrlmout thnn is generally sup- > oeod. It shows on analysis 42.C per cent , of carbo-hydrates , 1.4 per cent , of albuminoids , nnd the aamo of fat. [ t is qulto unfo to nay that cobs have ono-half the value of hay whou fed with food rich in nitrogen , which it BO ; roatly lacks ; nnd when the cob Is ; rouncl Una in burr mill atones there s nothing injurious to animals in it. ? hero is mncti Bald about the danger if feeding cob-meal , but there in no oundfttlou for thia prejudice. When .ho . cob is ground fine with the corn it must certainly bo in a much bettor condition for feeding thnn oorn in the ear , when cattle swallow n largo part of the cob without masticating it any uoro than is necessary for swallowing t. Yet the cob does not pass in any- hinsr llko the proportion the grain lees ; and while millions of cattle nro nttened every year in the West on oar corn sensible people will not bo alarmed at the danger of feeding well- ; ronnd cobs. Where mills are prepared for grlnd- ng cobs it will pay to grind in tkocar , as , in addition to the nutriment in the cob , it envon shelling , nnd the cob * mixed with the meal separates the ( articles of meal DO that it goon Into ho stomach in a moro porous condi- ion , the gastric julca thus penetrates t more perfectly , and the meal Is ligcstcd bettor than when oaten alone. Cno wrltor fed five work horaos upon cob-meal , mixed with cut hay , for sev eral years , and their health remained excellent. Wo do-not wish to convoy the idea .hat . corn-cobs of thomsolvea would bo worth grinding , but corn in the car can be ground whole as cheaply as corn can bo shelled and ground ; and , f the farmer is short of fodder , there can bo no doubt that it in f isdom to grind cob and all. 'Will it RoalJy Cure Rheumatism ? Wo answer , honor bright , it will euro rheumatism , nnd the severest cases too. Dr. Thomat' Xclcctric Oil was specially prepared for the rhewrmtlo and laino. No- : lco letters from the people tclntlvo to Its motits in nearly every paper in tlm coun try. Too Late to Attend the Funoral. few York Times. "A few days ago , " said Henry N. Smith , the owner of Goldsmith Maid , "a measure fnvorablo to Union Pacific was to bo introduced to congress , Wo sent a man to on Washington who waa .o wire us the ralnuto the bill waa of bred , The dispatch agreed upon if everything wont right was , 'Father is dead. ' The eventful day came nnd .ho hours rolled on , but father did not die. The stock wont up the ajalo a lolnfc at a time , but the sad tidings of 'athor'a ' demise did not como. When , ho etock had gene up live points on as the naws of father's death came , aut it was too late The boys had received coivod the mourning intelligence ahead of us. I have always taken my chances with the boya alnco , " and Air , Smith drlod his eyes in romombranaa of the sad event , but everybody ona ! amllod , Dotootlvou nud Private Ofilonr. Uiually wear their badges of authorfty concealed under their clothing , but Dr. Thomas' Jiclcctrtc Oil r/cara HH badges In the form of printed labels attached to each and every bottle , collmt ulf may know its mission. It is given full end complete authority to arrest sllachea and pains , ami doc * Itn duty every time , THE BAD AND WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counterfeited , Thin la especially true of a family medlclno , and it IB positive proof thai the remedy imitated in of the highest valuo. Aa anon aa it had boon toatoc and proved by the whole world thu Hop Bitters waa the purcnt , best am most valuable family medicine 01 earth , many imitations sprung up ant began to steal the notices in whiol the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of II. B. and in every way trying to Induce auf fering invalids to use their o ufl in stead , expecting to make money on the credit and good name of II , B Many others started nostrums put uj in similar style to II. B. , with varl ouMy devised names in which th word "Hop" or "Hops" were u od In THE OTTAWA CYLINDER CORN SHELLER , .K--C ' , . . " - - - - fcJ'MSWH- - = r = a- w siap I Ssf fegg ; SIIIJtiAKT IMPLEMENT CO. , GENERAL AGENTS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA away to Induce people to believe they were the Bruno as Hop Hitters. All such pretended remedies or cures , no n at tor what their style or name Is. uid cspiclally th OB o with the word Hop" or "Ifops" in their name or in any way connected with thorn or their laino , nro imitations or counterfeits. Jownro of them. Touch none of hem. Use nothing but genuine Hop Bitters , with n bunch or cluster of ; roon Hops on the wliito Inbol. Trust willing else , Druggists and dealers ire warned against dealing In Imlta- ions or cotiftnrfnlU. Unmarried Parsons Should loose no time in securing n iortlficato in the Marringo Fund Mu- ual Trust Association of Oodar Ispids , Iowa , concerning which circu- ars nnd full information will bo sent roe upon application. It is organized under the Inanrnnco Laws of lown , nd is the only legalized and leglll- nato institution of the kind in the ountry. Its ofllcors nnd managers ronmongtho most prominent bust- loss men in Ocdar Rapldo , including , bankers , the postmootor , capitalists , ailway managers , insurance men , oading lawyers , physicians nnd other ollablo citizens. Over $15,000 has Iready boon paid to members. It It oplondid investment , as safe , secure , nd sure as a government bond. You an just no Well have n good Bum of lonoy to commence married life on , ns not. Remember it only costs you no cent for a po.ital card to request nil explanation and information , load agents can got territory if up- illcd for soon. Write to-day. Do lot iioatpono lu Mention whom you aw "this notice. oot2G-ltit * Wn proiot > t no protonilnil latraolo * Tratli IB mighty null iiiunt pro- vall.-ffo SopbivU-y crm withstand tUo power at * it : . Uoiiont uttorniico. DKAR Sin raullnic iKi'jvty crntuful for DID great iciiollta ulilth I lia\u rtivhcil ( roni the IIHO o ( a cry \alualiti article vhlch lian Ita origin anil lOino.ln our beautiful city , niul hopltiR that oth- rs uho aroaflllctuil ai I have Iwon liny nnd llko cllot from Ita use , 1 1ic the IndulKcnco of a few nca In jour valuable jiapcr for tha prtdlojo of onimiinlcatlnj- you a brief statement of facto or the benefit of the multitude of Oorors to Iw ict with on every eltlo. Many cf my frlcnils 11 vnowthat t h voboencryocrcly affllctrdwllh icart illeoaHO for a number of J ear * ami have imf- crwl from It OH only the n can nuflor lie have hatillai-anu : II tciliieoil iiiy troi'Hi ( HO low that I oiilil xcarcflv walk acrom my room , anil the least xcrtlon rcnilcruil mo m nhott bruathvil that I larccl tcarccly move , anil llfo eccmeilerybur - ctsoino. I waa treatrd for my malady by the lOHt phjelclans and deihcd no benefit from tliel rcatmciit or prcHcrljitlons H'tll I was ultlsal > y inyfaully phjuluan to iua Hunt's remedy , as iy troublunn c.iuseil by Inaction of my k line } 8 ( hlch affected \ery forlously the aitlon of my le-irt. I commenced taking It , ( ha\ln | ; llttlo nit or nny other medicine ) and It helped mu wonderfully , and I 'am now n great deal better , nd lia\u bcoi ineralnco I began IU use In fact have taken no muillclna that lial benullttcil mo o greatly. Jly hrcathliiK' In easy , and I ha\o ; alncd In strength so much that I am able to deny ny lioasewoilc. I cheerfully recommend Ilunt'u temudyto all \\lio may bo aflllctcd as I linvo ) ccn , or who are sufferiiiff from general debility and ninons proatratlon. Ucapcclfully , iiitfi. A. o. nociavHU , , I'catl Htrco , I'rotlilcnco , K. I , A standard mcdlrlno forcurlngHrujht'aDlnoaHO ) roiyKliliiey ] , llladder.andniandular MalaillcK , nlli'.NT'H UKMFIIV. Female WuikncaH , 1'aln In ho baak and IOIIIH , flrn\el , DUbcton , Intcmpcr- nnco , " Kxtcsn , and rrostratlon of the nervous > cm , are cured In HIJNT'H lix.Mr.nv. HUXT'H HKM- yur lnimrU | health and \lgor to iho coimtltutlon \lhenltlm3 becemo debilitated. IluNll'ri ItKM- KUY reiitorca the Invalid to health. Sulvan & Fitzgerald , DKALEIIS IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS Orookery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Alee agentg for the following llnei of Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Quton , American , and HUle Steamship Companies. 3O 23ECd. . 3E" M ? 13 For lalo on the Hoyal Hank of Ireland and Bank ot Ireland , Dublin. These wlo Intend to BcnJ fci friends to any part of Kuropo wilt .flnd It to tholj ntercot to call on SuUivan & Fitsgerald , AQKNTa , 343 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs MAUKT9R & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Oat aiaes , Flno Froncu Oblna , Silver Ware &to * BIO tUOiDWAT OOUNOIt. BLUFK8 S R & , 3K , CS 3EC 3C VOffl 323 C9 J ? . OfCco over eavlnja tunk. CO DHOIii BLUFFS , - IOTTO. I , D , BDUUNDI10N , . li.BIIUOABT , A , W. HTBIIT , 1'jculdent. Vlco-lWt. C&thler. CITIZENS BANK Of Conncll Elulfn. OrganUol under the laws of the Btato of Iowa Paid up capital f 76,000 AuthorUed capital 00,000 Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts Issued on the principal cities ol the United States and Europe , tipoclal attention idvm to collection ! and correspondence with prompt returns , PIlilOTORS. J. D. Edmnndson , G. L. Bbuirart , ] , T , Ilirt , W.W..Wallace , J. W. Kodfer , I. A. illlloi A. W. Btreet. JvJdtl MEB , fl , J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Hrosidw . OonnoUlBloKi. J" . J" . No. 328 Broadway , FOR HOLIDAY NOVELTIES , In the line of fancy articles , odor cases , hand painted toilet sets , hand made laces , kid gloves , etc. FINE MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. GEORGE F. CRAWFORD , SHIPPED OF EGGS. Io , 519 South lain Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. I pay the highest Market Price and Deduct no Commiission. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE A&D RETAIL DEALERS IN LAGKifAfflA , LEHIGH , BLOSSBMI } AND ALL COALS ! GONNELLSV1LLE GOKEGEMEMT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Offlco No , 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Uleventh Avenue , Oounoil Bluffs. THE ORT LINE 1 Bl H B KaHUVlHa -OP TJIE Milwaukee & St. Paul RAILWAY a now miming IU FAST KXl'llKSS TIIAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's Mapifloont Sleepers -AND TIIE- Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO1 MILWAUKEE , Or to any point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take tha UUST UOUTi : , tlio Oliioago , Milwaukoo&St.PaulR'y ' Ticket olllco located at corner Farnam and Fourteenth street * and at U. I1. Depot nnd at JllllaiJ Hotel , Omaha. tZTKm Time Table In another column. F. A. NASU , General Arcnt. 0. II , KOOTi : , Tliltt Agent , Omaha. S. S. Jir.UIHI.r , , A , V. II. CAIH'KNTIUl , Oeneral Manager. General Pass. Agent. j. T. ciiAiiK. aio. . auniral&up't. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J. B. Simpeon'a Bpeolflo II ll positive cure (01 Upeimitouhea , Simltu Weokaosa , IiapoUocy , and ll dlsauvu rtaultloj from Btll-Abuse , 19 Montil Anility , Lout Uemory , 1'nloa In tha Back or Btdo , inj dbcud " - * - * " - ' - lh t Iu d to Ooosumptloa Insanity an otrlygrnrt The ( il > cclflc HMklne li bilog mod tal iuccodj. . i. . j I'liinhletl OLI Iroe lo kll. Willa lot them mid c l lull pu tlcultn. , . Pllce , Bpeclflc , ll.M pet pickmc , 01 ill pwk. uet lot IJ.Cfl. Addreu M orJore to D. BIU80N UKDICLNU CO. KOI. lOt and 106 ililn Bt. liuflilo , N , Y. Bold In Omtha by 0. V. Cloodnua , J. W , Dell l .1 'dbw QUAY'S SPECIFIC MHDIOIHE TRADE MARK T > J ° English rem edy. An un failing euro i for Nominal Weakness , Spornutor- > | uxyv rhca.Iinpol- yStffCXBtk.ency , andall M& k piSieittat follow M n BEFDRETAKIHa.soqucnco ol AFTER TARIHI. Uelf-Abiuo ; ai Long of Memory , Universal Lagil tudo , IMIn In the DacU , Dlmnera of Vision , Premature mature Old Age , and many other Diseases thai load to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Q rave. < zrKuIl parttcnlaro In oar pamnhlot , which wo donlro to send frea t v mall to every one. tfjrrbo BpcclOcMcdlclno la ( old by all druggist * at tl per package , or 0 packages for ID , or will ho sent free by mall on rccilnl'of the money , by addraelne TUK011AY JEDICINKOO. , Buffalo. N. Y. mo rocT If yuu ra . tun nl offm lnpi < i , wt1.iV ! I moll ot lev tbr irliinr miiiilliy * " /our iliitlri avoid nlKlit work , to "ife - ilimiluntiand u torr hralnnprTeuif Hop Uittor * . [ w 4U > , uiu Hop Bt ' Ifyoureroanit nilJ iKfrom > iiy Ic- ilncietlon ur ilixKlpal jtluni 1C you urn innr- rlri : or ulnKlc , old or I i ouiij ; , nulTrrlrj'1 ' from I Inic tS tlcX l i rtr<li ur UnuuUh on * Ci una , ti-lr on Hupf Blttorfc. \VliMt < r younrr. OflfUUUlill OM Afi- nhcuvrer you riel rtjuli ; from torn * hat jittnl ' fnrinoC K la nay ( your nrcd > clcuiulnit. to& . ' pfltscme tliat DUKbl wllhuulnlojlcul//i/l | I i timely uxiaf tali. . Mop HcpQiltera l.ruKnaruront- I [ In an abwluu of tiltoinach ' , ttOPI jlvnil IrreilftUu bis ' ( , ttOP curt' or touch , ttooit drunkenness. IHirtnntni * I ( ' Ul 0 OJ'lVCJ , You will be lltoliaooo , or ruriidlfyoiiute Inucotlot. Hop Ulttert Ifymitmlm Ooldbydrnc- rl w a * le uil llttafi-1- NEVER - > w i > lrllti Hi i It mny " H0t BITTIHI P"A I f I cnvoyour life. It hue fAlLl--.v | lived hun- [ * Trent , O l. tl DOCTOR STEINHART'S ESSENCE OF LIFE. Foil OLD AND , MALK AND FIMALK. u and ( tcnoral Ix > ss of 1'ouer , It reiuvlr * nonouawaito , rojmunates the faded Intellect , etrunRhthcns the enfeebled brain and restores nurprU'iiif tone and \lK ° r to the exhausted or' irana. The vxpcrlvlico of thousands pro ) os It to bo an Invaluable remedy , 1'rlco , # 1.00 a bottle. orulxfor&S. 1'or sale by all drutfgUts , or sent nocurofromobscnatlonon receipt of price by r. Stolrilinrt , PO. . Box 2400 , St- outa MO- DOCTOR , STEINHART'S SUPPOSITORIES ! The Orcat I'opular UcmoJy for Piles. SuracuroforBllna.Bleedlus&ItchlDgPUea And all form * of Ilemonhotdil Tumors. These SurroHiTOUM act directly upon the ooaU of the lllood Yc iels. and by their utrlnnot ellecU vvntly lorco the blood from the swollen tumors , and by makliii ; the coaU of the \tla ttronir , pre\eiit their rcflllliiif , and hence a radi cal euro U sure to follow their uso. i'rtco , 76 cenU a box. For sale by alldnwijUts , or sctit V mail on rouclpt ol price , by Ell lUb M Inititnto , 718 Olive St. t J