Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 20, 1882, Image 1

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    i ii i ' 11 , MI
House Suddenly Changes
Front and Decides on a
Holiday Recess
A Lively Speech by Abram
Hewitt on the Pacific
Railroad Debt.
The Total Increased from $99-
000,000 to $103,000,00
in One Year.
Tl Gambling Mania Increasing
Official * .
The Senate Posses the Indian Bill and
Talks on WnlBsy.
SpocUl Dbratcbci to Tin Bis.
A. BUI Regarding ; Telcjrnm -
WAHHINOTON , December 19. A
bill waa introduced iu the house to
day by Mr. Joyce , ( Vt. ) , and In the
eonato by Senator Logan which requires -
quires every telegraph sud cable com
pany to recolvo and forward the busi
ness of any other company whether
it relates to bueinoss ot the company
offering it or otherwise. It also
makes it a misdemeanor for
any ether person transmitting to
send and examine the same
The trays and moans commiUoo to
day fixed on wire rope and iron strand
the sumo as on iron or stool , steel
wire the same guago , throe cents per
pound , instead of the same rate aa
that upon wire of which rope in made.
The rate on steel in any form not
otherwise provided for was changed
from throe to three and oue-hnlf per
pound , copper and cement from two
and one-half to three and one-half per
pound. The committee will probably
complete the metals to-day.
Cainn , the claimant for delegate
from Utah , will bo hoard by the sub
committee on elections to-morrow.
The pensions committee of the
house this morning agreed upon the
substitute for all tno-Mexloan service.
Pension bills are now pending and it
will report the same to the house.
The speaker laid before the house a
number of requests for leave of ab
sence and a debate ensued and objec
tions wore raised on all sides. Several
were granted , however.
The cross examination of Browstor
Oamorou waa resumed In the police
k court to-day in the hearing of the
Diskaon case. No thing of importance
waa elicited.
The president to-day 'nominated
Sam J. Hilboru , United States attor
ney , district of California ; Robert 0.
Campbell , Louisiana , United States
consul at Monterey ; Henry Jeaug ,
Now York , consul ( general at follow . ,
As WAS predicted in these dispatches
last night , the house to day reconsid
ered iu action and adopted resolutions
providing for the usual holiday recess.
The only surprise in the matter wan
the recess resolution did not secure a
larger vote.
Mensra. Berry and Rosecranz pre
sented in the house to-day bills grant
ing Ohurlotto HoDanqal , widow of
the Lito Admiral MiDaugal , a pan-
aioii of $50 per month. Rjgecranz
also presented a bill authorizing the
retirement of 'Col. H. J. Hunt , of tha
Fifth artillery , with the rank and pay
of brigadier general.
Roocrunz to-day presented in the
house the petition of ninety-nix busi
ness firina in S.m Fransisco , aa atao a
resolution of the produce oxolumge ,
asking for the paisago of the post-
otiice bill , Be sent a letter to The
Alta denying that ho had retarded the
consideration of the poatoilico bill by
naming a oommisuon. Ho nays the
commission named would got the boat
aito for the lo t money. "I am
willing that the commission ohould
adopt any substitute which , it pleases
which will give us a now poetoilice , "
Siisclol Dtupatchts to Tim Bay.
WASHINGTON , December 1 ! ) . A
batch of petitions were presented
for ilia increase of pensions to one-
armed and one-lugged soldiers. A
number of billa were introduced and
referred ,
At the close of the morning hour
Senator Sherman onduavortd to bring
np his bill relating to the entry of
distilled npirlti.
Senator Plumb objected , and the
consideration of the Indian appropiii-
the civil tervico bill
oamo u"p"aa' unfinished b. asluesr , but
it was laid aside in prdeetb obmplote
the Indian appropruttoq bill. The
removal of the Crow agency to some
point east of the Big Horn liver in the
vicinity of Fort Center wan'aprced to ,
The bill then passed nnd by unani
mous consent Senator Sherman suc
ceeded In getting up a bill extending
the time for withdrawal of distilled
spirits from bonded warehouses.
Senator Conger thought the ten
dency ot the bill would bo to encour
age overproduction of whisky. It
was a measure in the interest of the
whisky men , and at the end of this
extension another would be aakod.
Senator Ingalls moved to amend
tbe bill by adding a provision , that
from and after the expiration of three
years from entry any diatllled spirit *
now In warehouse , five per cent
Interest shall be collected upon such
spirits , to bo computed down to the
imo of withdrawal. He asked Sena-
I \
tor Sherman what effect the bill would
hate on the revenue for thn next
two years. 11 o undoistood that on
thettOthof Juno thora wore 90,000-
000 gallons of whisky iu bond , of
which about 00,000,000 were hold In
Kentucky nlouo.
x Senator Shornm. said it was true
about the amount s ated waa hold in
bond in Kentucky , but It was not
owned there. It was sold iu bond
and owned all over the Union. The
revenue would not b ? materially
affected by the passage of thla bill
because a certain quantity of spirits
could bo consumed , nnd if that now
In bond wore forcad upon the market
ether whiskies would bo withheld.
Senior Ingalls'amendment was then
agreed to , ayca SO , nays 17.
Senator MoPhoraon offarod a ro o-
lutlon , which was referred to the com
mittee on finance , declaring that it bo
the sense of the sonata that , in oa o
of a reduction or abolition of the tax
on tobacco at this sessionthoro Hould
be a corresponding rebate of ti tax
paid on stock in hand at the time the
law goo * inti effect , provided such
atooka are stamped and In unbroken
House resolution for a holiday re
cess waa referred.
Senator Edmunds called for the reg
ular order , DO as to proceed with the
pending bill. On a vote the motion
waa lost 1C to 30. Then , with the
civil service bill { before [ it , the senate
Mr. Buttorworth reported the army
appropriation bill , and asked iu con
sideration immediately after the post-
ofiico bill is disposed of.
BgTho speaker laid before the house a
number of requests f jr leave of ab
sence and a debate ensued and objec
tions wore raised on all aidea. Several
wera'granted , however.
Finally after a warm delnto the
house by a vote of 127 yeaa to 110
nayu adopted a resolution for a holi
day .recess from December l2d ! till
January 2d.
Mr. Williama ( Wis. ) , chairman ' , ot
the committee on foreign affaire , re
ported a joint resolution reciting that
the government of Franco proposes to
establish at Tunis a judicial system
common among Christian nations , ao
that the country shall ba fully opened
for the protection of the citizens of
the United S tat en in their person ,
property and rights , and authorizing
the president to declare by proclama
tion that the right on the part of the
United States and ita citizens to claim
extra territorial jurisdiction has ceased
and will bo no longer claimed or exer
cised. Passed.
Mr. Neal ( Ohio , ) offered a resolu
tion instructing the Gar Bold board of
audit to report to the honao a schedule
of all claims presented to and allowed
by it. Adopted.
The house then went into commit
tee of the whole , Mr. Galkinn ( fad , , )
in the chair , on the poatoflico appro
priation bill , the pending amendment
being that offered by Mr. Robeson
( tf. J. ) , providing that railroud com
panies which have received bond sub
sidies in addition to grants of public
lands shall receive cs compensa
tion for carrying mails fifty per cent ,
of tbe'amount now allowed them by
law for that aervioe.
Mr. llobesou explained his amend
ment was intended as 4 n amendment
to the charter of these railroads de
claring legislative intention. It did
not reduce the compensation largely ;
it reduced it only to CO per cent , and
when that reduction waa made those
roads would still have more compensa
tion than other railroads in the coun
try. Thla legislation was necessary
in order that the question whether
congress has or has not control over
this matter should bo brought fairly
to the test of judicial decision and
settled for the present and futuro.
Mr. Hewitt ( tf. Y. ) opposjd the
amendment. Hero wua a proclama
tion which sought t6 lusert into the
cnartora of those companies a con
dition subsequent , and the authority
far making this now condition wan
claimed to bo the right to alter ,
amend , and repeal the oiigiiml ac'.a.
In the charter of the companies there
was u provision that the rates to bo
paid should bo fair and reasonable.
The right to alter andumend the charters -
tors waa reserved in remarkable Ian *
_ u pa ; and butter to accomplish the
obligation of this act , "Congress nitiy
at any time , with duo regard to the
rights of euidt compnnioi , alter ,
amend , and repeal thla act. '
Ho had never seen a clause
in any charter in which that
peculiar language was Inserted : "Hav
ing due regard to the rights of eald
companies" wau congress prepared to
begin the work of confitcation of prl
vato property , which , when once ap
preprinted by a vote of the houaa ,
would proceed with fearful atridoi
until IE ended in Its logical result
communism. The Pacific railroads ,
for cm-ring mails laat year , wore paid
$73 ! > ,000 ; fifty per contof that amount
ed to about ? 3li9,000 , If the government -
ment wanted to get any compensation
for its immonee granta of landa and
bonds , $309,000 was tcarcely worth
while considering. Lst it take the
whole 87U,000 ! ) and put it Into the
treasury as some compensation to
the government for the great
Ions which certainly awaited
it when the bonds matured.
The amount duo the government im
mediately after the passage of the
Thurman aot was 809,000,000. The
amount duo last JJUth of Juno was
8103,000,000 , an increase of $1,000 ,
000 in ono year. If the government
wore to-day to take possession of the
property it would havn to take it eab-
ject to prior lions of $02,000,000. The
result would bo those re ids would
8105 000,000. There was on itnpres
uion abroad In this country that those
railroads did not intend to pay the
debt duo to the United States. Ho
( Hewitt ) confessed ho shared in that
impression. There was but ono har
rier in the way of the obligations of tin
people to take theee roads ant
that waa the operation of Thurman'a
sinking fund act , When the bill waa
passed , It waa believed the funds to
be provided were uufliciout at boat to
liquidate the debt. Hut in the roper
< * ' the commissioners of tha Pacjfio
railroads there waa a statement that
when the debt mntnroa thorn would
30 duo the government $71,000,000.
Add that to the $02,000,000 firat
uortontto l > oud , and it would be soon
835,000,000 waa the minimum lien
which would bo on thnao roitda. Ho
iad not been unobservant of the pol-
oy of these companies. They weie
securing ether roads , and ho expected
o see them abandoned nnd
.ho . people of the country would bo
> rought lace to face with the great
question of administering aud own-
ug railroads. The proposition brought
> eforo the house would diminish the
sinking fund by 50 per cent of the
componaatlon now allowed for carry-
ngstho malls , for that money wont
into the sinking fund , What ought
congress do diminish the moans pro
vided for paying tbo government , or
ought those meant bo increased ? The
doty of congress waa plain. The
Thurman act had boon held to be
constitutional ; logiilatiou of the kind
now proposed would bo hold uncon-
ititutional and valuable time would bo
lost. If the committee on aoproprla-
lions would amend thla proposition by
striking out the provision that the
companies should take one-half the
compensation and Insert in lieu there
of a provision that they should pay In
to the ainklng fund a sum equal to
Sfty per cent of the amount now al
lowed by law ho would support It ,
Mr. Holman ( tnd. ) offered and ad
vocated an amendment providing that
land grant roada'aa distinguished from
thnao which have also received bond
subsidies ) shall bo paid only fifty per
cent ot the compensation allowed
other roads which have not received
government aid. Ho contended
; ho decision of the supreme
court in the Union Pacific c&so
did not decide , but , on the contrary ,
carefully avoided deciding that con
gress oould not alter , amend , modify
or repeal the original charters. It
waa no hardship to require tbe rail *
roads which had received imperial CB-
.atoa to transport mails at less com
pensation than waa paid other corpo
rations which had not received such
Mr. Anderson ( Kas. ) opposed the
loaition taken by Mr. Oasawoll that
ho companies had veatod rights with
which congress could not interfere.
Whore could it bo shown that any
company had a veatod richt to deter-
nine wiut waa a fair aud reasonable
ompensation for carrying mallt ? He
asserted that the Pacific railroads re
ceived much higher compensation
; han ether railroads , instancing
the caao of the Kansas Pacific ,
which received three times the amount
paid to other trunk linea , and yet
: hose magnificent companies actually
had the audacious , malicious , ejjro-
_ ioua cheek , impudence and deviliam
: o come to congress and aay they must
30 paid express rates , and , notwith
standing all that , hia friend Colonel
Robert Ingoraoll waa actually in a [ Liughtor. ]
Mr. Robeaon said the object of his
amendment waa to bring the compen
sation given the Pacific railroads down
to the compensation granted ; ether
roada. Ho repudiates the idea that
congress had no power to do BO and
dented there waa any veated right in
the companies which asserted that
their charters should nntbe amended.
Pending action the committee rose.
The speaker announced the oecort
at the burial of Representative Orth ,
of Indiana , Messrs , Calkins , Pierce ,
Steel , Wateon , Davis , ( III. ) , Warner
aud Rooco. Adjourned.
A United States Supramo Judga Bald
to Patronize Faro Utinke.
Spec ill Itbp.itrli to The ( Ilobu-Duii'ura
WASIIINUTON , Daoembor 17. An
iploauftiH and highly oonsutional ru
mor has been ll/ltig about the lobbies
of Washington during the laat two
day a. If concerns a high cllblal of
the government , DO high that even
the tongue of baleful gossip dared uot
raoro than whiupor his name. The
rumor was to the effect that a cer
tuln member of the supreme court
of the United Slates had lost
a largo sum ut faro in a
public place , at a common green
table , among common gamblers. The
Htory wna that ho hud entered and
taken a seat at the green incognito ;
had won , then loat ; then won again ,
then loaf , until the aim was avrelled
to thousands , when ho staked all hia
ready cash. Ho gave hin distinguished
name to the baker and hia personal
check waa honored , llu loat the pro
ceed ) aud checked again and nualn ,
until the proprietors of the place re
fused longer to take hb obligation
nnd coaxed him to leave the place.
Such waa the tale , There were many
who bsllevod it , and there are mntiy
about town who believe it still , It is
well known that there are hero a good
that play , some ct whom frequent gam
ing housoi , the moat of whomhowever ,
confine thomsehea to private parties ,
The gaming inatinct is not confined
to the humble anywhere , and In
Washington many a high oiilcial'a sal
ary good to support the iliahmon in
and out of congress. There ia u new
ly elected congressman hero from
Missouri , who is known to have lost
$3,000 li , game ofrlondly" poker
in u ringlo night. This knowledge
givea color to thu story of the justice's
luck , The court oigm of yesterday
said :
' There were some very ugly rumors
coing around last night , affecting the
character and morals of a gnntlemon
of high social and official standing.
The Republican sought out the otory
and ita basis , and found there wai not
tbo nlightustfoundation for them. "
Your correspondent hus also Bought
out the rtory , but while uot prepared
to prove the truth in a court of jus
tlce is not able to substantiate the
truth < jf the denial. Oa ilia block fi
miliarly known us "Rum Kow" are a
number of gaming houaei. While the
windows of these houses' ' fronts are
always dark &tid closed , the arneu go
on night and day , There ia no troubo
in finding a place to lone your money.
The slip , slip of tbo card * from the
deal-box goea on uncea ingly , and the
rattle of the dice and the whirr of the
ronlbtte-whcol can almost be hoard
from the etdewalk by the accuitoum
car. Up into ono cf these
lalaoea , where it was inserted the BU-
jreme court justice wtuit , your cor
cspoudont penetrated in search of
aomationulnows , A panel ononingin
, hn door disokuctl thokcun aye of tlu
usher , on the ntert for visitors. The
room within oontninc' ' Hio usual para
jhorimllji of faro , ronletto mid rouqo
ot nolr. I : waa btilliautly llghtod
and thronged with government otli
oinU and professional sports. A
ilustorof under secretaries of foreign
cgAtiona. who are inveterate game
sters nndahnvoo of
snt at ono tabln , lUnkod by profes
sional and government nlerka. No
nombnr of the supreme court could
lave sat there au hour or so playing
ilgh stakes without being known.
"Wo are not giving away our pat-
ona , " said n wolf-known donlor of
are , who had just given pluco to his
relief , whoa tnlcon naido. "Gentle *
non come hero for A qulot game , nnd
t is none of our business who they
aro. No , I wouldn't have known a
member of the inpromo court if 1 had
soon him. Aa to playing array a few
: houAanda , that is done hero , aud , for
all I know , every plnoo on the row
every week during the scoiioni. Yo ,
aoino high officials. Onon in a while
senator , nunrly every night mom-
bora , corao here , though they don't
usually play big'money. "
Ono of the proprietors came for
ward and Interrupted ui. "flore's
wauta to know ' whether .Tudgo
lost & heavy' lake here , " said
, ho dealer.
-Tho ho doou. Well , wo don't
enow , that's nil. : Wo don't know who
'oses money horof nud wouldn't say so
f wo did BCD. "
"It waa qulto cany to understand
this. "
"I don't know a ninglo justice of
, ho supreme court oicopt Chief .Tua-
: lco Walto , " said a gambler who f ro-
] uonta this particular place , "and
Waite never plnyi. Ono might
uoaio hero , of oourio. 1'ro heard
aomo talk about this , but I
don't , bolipvo it. No man can lose
? 10,000 without exciting the curiosity
of every fellow here , and ho would go
away a marked man. There would
jo no difficulty in running him down ,
f he was u high au official aa Judge
My theory of the story ia that
some man who oloaoly resembles Judge
waa hero playing heavily , and
Mayors have gene away nnd spread
.he story that it waa the justice uf the
supreme court. "
"That ia the most sensible view of
; he matter , " remarked another of the
cloth , and this Is all that cm bo
"earnedabout the sensational story.
Fruit * of 'ilba Fnir.
Sjwcful to The ClndniiikL CominenUI.
WASHINGTON , December 17. It in
charged here that not one of the
iwards rusdo at the QiaSald fair hai
Deon paid. Canes , watchet and jawela
were voted to varioua persona , but
none of them have yet reached the
awardeoR. , It waa given out that n
profit of ,68,000 or 10,000 wai real
ized out ol'tho fiir , I'ut the know
ing ones assort there was a deficiency.
Look out for a howl on thia subject.
1'ho "Hospital Monument" folks are
savage over thia business. They aay
they were to have half the procooda
of the fair , but the "ether menu
ment" folks hava hogged ovary oont.
Nortlinrn Iowa Mnrthalnhip
Dl < | iitcli to the Globe-Democrat.
DOIIUIJUE , Ia. , Djcombor 17.
There has been fur aomo time past a
determined struggle among the poli
ticiana of northern Iowa for the pos
session of the maralulahip of thu
northern district of the atato , The
more prominent applicants for the
plnco wore Collector Bjdgorow
nnd C5. A. "Wright , of Sioux City ;
L. M. 0 order and Marten , of Cedar
Rapids ; Matt Stadinan , of Uonton
county , and Gooruo Heborling , cf
Jnokaon county. From private in
formation received in this city to-day
the matter hus been prnct'cally aat
tied in favor cf a dark herat * , Qeorgo
Perkins , editor of the Sioux City
Journal , who , it is said , will receive
the appointment. The office ia ono ol
the moat important iu the state , nnd
Is worth anywhere from $0,000 to SB ,
000 or moro yearly , nnd ia in consu-
quenoo & big hone of contention.
Concord Shaken up by tin Earth
0pedal Dlntiulch to Tim Hit.
CoNonuK , N. H , December 19.
At 5 : > iO tills evening one of the so-
voreat earthquake aiiocku ever felt here
occurred. Thu shook wua llku u
heavy explosion aud ohook the build
ings , from which the ponplo rushed t <
the atrests , In one building the con
cussion waa nullijiont to oxtln-
guiah the gas inaido the building
The shock wua like that of nome heavy
object falling , net'iiiing to bo ubove
rather than below. It cvidontl >
traveled east and west and waa felt ii
Pittpfielil DOino four mtnutoa later than
hero , It wua nlao felt ut Great Falls ,
Manchester nnd ether places. The
( hook lasted nboutoleht _ seconds.
The Klusr JPuralyzara.
Spoclil DUpntcli to TJJUUKB ,
NP.W YOIIK , December 19. An Jm-
"lonso crowd of people in the Cjoper
Institnto wulcomsd thoOarmiiibooiul-
lot , JohoTitt Most. Mnit delivered a
short BpQooh in GerniRn. He d&-
Boribod the spread of the revolution
ary movement in Europe and thu in
fluence it was likely to exorcise
throughout the world. In this coun
try the freedom prevailing gives ai
ample ecape for the promulgation o
Bociulistic doctunea. The Karopean
organlzttloaii were so far perfected aa
to paralyse thu kings.
TJinlr Oharaotara Keaturcd.
8 | > eckl UUpatch 10 Tils Ilui.
Cotiijiisua , 0. , Ducembor 1J. ! T&o
legUlauvo bribery cijea were finally
dtancsd of to-dny. Rupresentativo
Wright waa acquitted and n nollt
proBequi v&s outorcd in the caao o
llopruimntativo Black. The state com
plotJy broke down. These memburu
have been v'otims ' o { unfounded rumen
mon aud apeculationa , . . '
4. .
The First Eight Miles Flooded
With Water ,
? ho Citizana Jubilant Over the
Premised Succooa.
Several Kearney gentlemen were in
ho city over Sunday , and In convor-
atiou with ono of them THK BPK re-
> ortor found him very onthualaatio
> vor thu benefits promised to Kearney
rom the big canal now in proooaa of
Thia ia an enterprise originated by
Cearnoy men and backed by Kearney
apltal , aud aa moat of our readers
enow , contomphtoa the conatruotlon
) f a canal fram a point on the Plat to ,
about alxtoon miles above Kearney , to
ho city , the water thus obi inod from
ho rlvnr to bo used for irrigating par-
IOBOB , for city use and for water power
n the tnilla aud factories which It Is
ixpoctod to draw to that point. It la
wonty-ono feet wide at the bats ,
wenty-livo at the top" and four foot
loop , and will convey an hnmcnao
rpluino of water for the purposes do-
iffnod. The estimated cost u S100-
100 , $ : > 0,000 of which is contributed
> y the city , aud thu rcat subscribed
n stock by private Individuals , In
utiH ranging aa high aa $0,000 to
$8,000. $ The work waa commenced
Mi April , and ono half of the canal ,
liaht miles , was completed ana
ho water turned in last Frid y.
? rein fiur hundred to aix hun
dred mon and teams are now at
work , and the enterprise will bo
mahod to rapid completion.
Vt its termination on the bluff north
of the city a reservoir will bo con
structed from which the city supply
will bo taken , and from which the
rater will have a fall of soventy-llvo
opt , which will give a good power f jr
mills and manufactories.
The surplus water will ba conducted
AI by one or moro natural routoa
hrough the country to re-enter the
Platte or rfwoll the tide of Wood
ivor. The \\holo surrounding coun-
ry oin thus bo llllodwith rills and rivu-
' ' American . "
elB.nndtho 'great desert.
uade to blotoom as the rose. It la cer-
ainly a big aohomo , and ono that all
rill wish may result iu the enriching
if iho city aa well aa in the credit
oilir.ona will have for their pro-
; resslvo spirit.
Ai rival of the Distinguished
Singer in San Francisco.
A FJattorlnR Ovation by tbo Scan
dinavian * .
Un Kranclico Call Ilec. If.
The reception to Ohrlstlno Nilaaon
[ louzaud , the distinguished Swedish
cantntrica , on her arrival in this city
frestorduy amounted to a porfoot ova
lion.Kxtoneive preparations hud
been made by the Scandinavian colony ,
with a yio'v of fittingly marking her
advent in this city , and a largo dole
jation , comprising the consular roprq
lontatiros ot Sweden and Norway and
Denmark , the oflbora of the varioua
Scandinavian societies and private
citizens constituted a reception com
mittee , which prrojedod to Vallojo
Junction , whore the went bound train
waa boarded. As BOOH ai the com
mittce had entered the private car in
which Mine. Nileaan and the ether
inombots traveled , 0 , 0 , Falloniua , on
bohulf of the committee , extended hur
a cordial welcome , at the s.vno time
expressing the ratificntion that the
Soindinavmu colony felt at boiiif ; able
iu extend their congratulations to
their illustrious countrywoman. The
lady acknowledged the compliment
raoefully in u few words delivered in
licr native tongue , u'ftor which a general
oral hixnd-nhakitig followed , during
which fiho waa presented by the speak
ur Mich a beautiful bouquet , made of
Ibwcra which Mme. Wilanon ia aaid
moat to .ilFout.
While the courtcflioa wore liolng exchanged
changed , the lady appeared to enjoy
the situation heartily and waa the
oynoGiiro of nil i-yes , Clad in n neat
traveling suit of datk blue , her full ,
trim figure and cruet carriage wore
shown to advantage , while her emll
ing countenance , coupled with the
happy allusions aho made , etripped
thu occasion of its formality , nnd for
onoy the reception partook more of a
renewal of acquaintance than of a
meeting of Btran eiB Mmo. Nilason'a
blue eyoi sparkled with good lumior ,
and i > prolusion of light brown hair ,
gave an additional charm to the face
alroady'noticoablo for Ita expression of
intelligence and good heurtodnosu. In
converaiUton with the reporters who
had accompanied Iho committee , the
singer said she was delighted with the
trip , and that excepting the slight fu-
tiguo , naturally to be expected froir
the long journey , aho waa iu excellent
health , oho monttoned with coiuid-
erably iittoruat the various placea of
note she had seen along the road ,
dwelling principally , however , upon
the acenca witnessed In crossing the
Sierras and Rocky mountalnn , and being -
ing much interested in the heavy
gradoi encountered . While the sin
ger waa engaged iti describing thoao
"little wonder * , " aa aho wna pleased to
term them , ahu occasionally stopped
to oxpnai her dullght at her visit to
thia yttt uvknowa country to her , at
the anne time calling uttontiou to a
large ro owhioh aho remarked , proved
that Flora had bestowed her gifta lav-
hhly upon California.
When the train bearing the party
had arrived at the Oakland depot , the
iipeoir.1 car waa surrounded on all
sides by men , women aud children ,
vying with ono another to obtain a
view of the osmtatrico , some oven t-o-
tug BO fr in their enthusiasm aa to
obstruct the very c-ilts on either plat-
foim , Carriages were In waiting ,
however , to convey the lady and' th
mombcra of the committee on board
the boat , m > that thoao who were loss
fortunate rn tocurinq vantage ground
ruahedjfrftntically eftor thojcarrlngo
containing Mmo. Nileson until it
reached the further end of the boat
when it was again unrounded by an
anxious crowd , which hovered about
until the Market street ferry slips hud
boon reached , and oven then the
assemblage waa loth to depart.
-IN utATtON.
The exit from the landing Into thn
street waa a repetition of the above
scone , which still another time char-
notorir.od the entrance of thn lady into
the I'lilnoo hotel. A largo crowd had
collected in the lower yard , and when
the carriage containing the distin
guished gucat was BOOH to stop at the
aide entrance , the crowd rushed for
ward , only to aoo her vanish Into the
elevator. Wottonnan's superb band
atruck up Scandinavian aire , while
Mme , Nllsson passed to the fifth floor ,
where she waa mot by a bevy of young
girls representing : characters us fol
lows : America , Mlns Florence Lund-
borg ; Denmark , Mlaa Carrie Potor-
aou ; Norway , Miss Nelson ; Sodon ,
Miss Blomqulat. In advance of the
eminent aouRatroia walked the follow
ing young ladies aa ( lower girla , atrow-
ing ( lowers along the corridor to the
reception room : Mias Daiaio Rtmo ,
Miss Violet Rome , MUa Tulle Bent-
zen , Miaa Hattie Lee , Mlaa Hattlo
Schultzborg , Mlaa Minulo Bovson-
Miia Hattie Tot/.on , Miss A nos Simp ,
sou , Mlsa Maud Simpson , Mias Linda
Swanborg , Miaa Minnie Motaon , Miia
Clara Motzon , Mias Hilda Anderson
and Miaa Kbba Anderson.
The room in which the reception
took place waa beautifully decorated
with garlands , ilowora and flpraya of
atnilax , and on a table rested a largo
pyramid of fruits indlgonoua to the
soil. When the gnoat , leaning on the
arm of the Swedish eontul , had en
tered the room , Mrs. Lindakog road
the following address , written by 0.
0. Falloniua :
With proud admiration and joy wo
hasten to welcome you to our city.
When the telegram announced the
glorious news of your coining to glad
den us with the silvery notes of your
voioo , our hearts were electrified ; wo
oould scarcely believe that BO great
joy waa in store for us Ropreaontu-
ivea from our skater kingdoms , Nor
way and Denmark , together with the
whole population ot San Francinoo ,
mite with us in woloomir g you , and
oin us In tendering homage to the
rorld's moat gifted queen of BOHR ,
Jhriatino Nilason : but they cannot
'eel the pride that awclla the hearts
of your countrymen aa wo extend to
rou our joyful woloomo. In the f u-
uro , when events that are spoken of
irlug us joy and pleasure , they shall
) o dated from the happy period of
aur visit among us , and wo trust that
u the near future our great and
jlftod Bongatroas ohall return to glad.
Ion us again with the awoot melody o !
her Bong.
Oluistlno Nilsaon wa , born in Bwo
don on August 3 , 181'J. When still
quite a child she developed rare talents
For music , especially instrumental ,
readily executing olmplo aira on the
violin and flute. In Juno , 1857 , Mr.
Toriiorbjolni , magistrate of Ljungby ,
who hoard her play , aonthor to Halm-
stad , and shortly r.f torwards to Stock-
lolm , at which time ftho waa 1-1 years
of ogo. Three years In'er she ap
peared on the fltago at the latter
lUco , and Bubacquontly went to
Paris to complete hur studies .
She made her debut in 1801 at thn
Theatre Lyrfquo lu "hi Traviata , "
playing in the muno opera in London ,
nnd niH ) in "Faust. " In 18GO aho
returned to Paris , where aho tang
"Ophelia , " and in 1870 oanutoAmer
on and appeared in COLO < rta under
Max StrakoBch , appearing in opera lu
187 : ! 4 , taking tne part of Eien in
"Lohengrin. " On August 27 , 1872 ,
nhe married with great pomp Augusta
Ilou/.xud , n creole of good family. He
died in February lust under clroutn-
ntanceu which are familiar to every
ono. When she subsequently made
lior reappearance before the public aho
received an invitation to aing before
the queen , but aho cloned with Mr.
Abbey for her proaont tour iu tha
The Adums Bunko Qamu in Mow York
Hpeclul iJlxpatcli to Tim linn.
NBW VOUK , Djoombor 1 ! ) . Thure
day ttlteraoaii Alfred Clock , an oU
and respected oiti/.Jii residing at 53 !
Madiooa avenue , waa accosted by
well drocRud atrangor , who protoudot
to know hia family. Clock waa in
duced to enter n houue with the
stranger , nnd the bunko game
played on Charles Francis Adams was
introduced. Ol couran Clock played ,
and as a renult lost 950 cash , lit
continued playinu and drew ohooku
for $128 , 6200 , $700 , und finally ? ( i ,
000 , It being auggortod to hi'ii b ]
the sharpnra that if ho drew $1,501
from the Fifth Avonno bank he uiigh
regain thu money lost. Ho aasentec
and in company with ono of the sharp
era wnnt to the bank in a hack nm
drew the monoy. When ho returnee
to the hack the 81,500 waa tokei
from him and ho wan told evorythiiij
waa aottlod. He told hia family , who
put police on the case , From th
description furnluhod by Clack th
police arroated Win , KJwardu , Eight !
uvonuo and Fifty-seventh street. II
waa Identified aa ono of the party o
awindlera. Clock was unable to lo
cate the house iu which ho wu
swindled. Ho ia imvcnty yeara old.
Tlio Lcnillni ; Qbuul Iniliotcd.
l DUpatcli to Tun ll i.
PiiiUDELi-iiu , Dacombi r 19.
Kight bills of Indictment have boot
found against I ) ; , Forbcv , of JefforBO
medical college , for complicity will
the resurrectionists recently arrested
Too Mnoli Carolling-
Bi > cuUUI | uUi ! to Tun llKK.
KociuibiKU , Dooembor 19. Thorn
as Doyle and Kitio A. Morgan , the
runaway couple from Onsida county
were found aull'ocatcJ in their room
this morning ,
The Military Operations of Russia
Great Uneasiness
iu Berlin ,
Newspaper Canard Creates
a Panic in Business
'ho Garmnn Praia UnaaliB
Approve the AllianoVlth
peclal Dhifwtcbnt to Tn * DM.
BKULIN , December 19 , The only
opin engaging attention hero Is the
olationa between Germany and Rua-
la. Ruaaian exchange waa never
ewer on the Bourao ainco the battle
f Plnvna than now. Ono hundred
oublo notoa of the ncmlnnl value ol
20 marks were quoted Monday at
95 marks offered. The pinio aoomi
mainly duo to an article in Vasiiioho
ioltung concerning the massing of
bo Russian army on the Galliolan
routior. This ia regarded ia well
nformod circles , both in Berlin and
Vienna , aa abaurd , but ita effect on
jnsincsa shows nneaalnoaa has been
aisod in the minds of the public.
Krous' Xaltungasya : Aa all kinds
f symptoms and rumors were report-
d from Russia of a tendency opposed
o the amicable aontiment nf the Czar
nd DoGlora , it wan deemed expodi-
nt to throw out a reminder that the
rcaont policy of Germany had auftie-
ontly provided for all emergencies.
BKUUN , December 19. The Ana-
ro-Gorman alliance moota with the
inanimoua approval of the Gorman
jrcaa. The Gormania aaya the pro-
ongntion of the treaty will effectually
) ar Pan Slavlat intrigues , Ruaaia's
xpanalon aspirations and French.
ilana for revenge.
LONDON , December 19 , The storm
n northeast Scotlandcontinnea. Three
veaaela have gene ashore and thn
crowa of all drowned.
TWILUNOATK , N. F. , December 19.
The hoavieat wind and snow atorm of
0 years , prevailed for the laat 48
loura. Twenty-two veaaola wrecked
u Green bay. loss of lifo fooled.
PAUIS , December 19. The Jonrnal
Oo Paris Bays : Gambotta anllors from
ilight Inlhmmation of the bowola.
The nowa of the illness cauaed a
great aonsation In the chambers.
The council general of the Selno
expresses a desire that the govern-
noiit proceed with the Slmpton
unnol Bohomo , to stop the Gorman
mannfaoturora being snbititutod by
tray of St. Gathard tunuel for those
of France or Italy A motion In favor
} f the Slmton project will shortly ba
Introduced in the chamber of deputies.
BEUMN , December 19. The pre-
imiuary preparations for rendering
ho Woaer navigable for Boa going
ressolo from Bremorhavon to Bremen
mve boon finished. The work is oBti-
natcd to coat 30,000,000 marks and
will probably occupy BX yeara. When
completed it will gtvo an iiffmonso 1m-
otua to the trade between Bremen
and Now York.
Duiius , December 1 ! ) . In the po-
ice court to-dny Wostgoge waa
uhargod with purticlpitlon In the
I'hmnix Park murders and
; waa re-
nnndod to Longroa.
YeatotiUy n number of laborers
paraded the streets demanding worker
or food and declaring that they wore
starving. They surrounded thO resi
dence of Bishop Duggan , who dis
tributed Boitio money between thorn.
( J rcat distress prevails In the towns.
PAUIH , Docnmbor 19 It la aemi-
oiliciiilly announced that the Chinese
evacuated Tonquin In pnrsuarco of
ordera from Polun , and that the rela
tions between Franco and China are
COUK , December 19. Parnell'a re-
caption was lukowarui compared with
the onthusiusm' exhibited on , the ccca-
aion of hia visit hero a year/ago.
A Huge Rollroad Pool.
Bpoctol Ulimlch | to TUB JJn .
NKW You ic , Decombet .O. The
preaidonta , vlco p r aidonto arid5" gen
eral managers of the California lines
and sonthwoatorn'roadB , who for the
past few days , have been In session at
the AVinJuor .hqtel ip-day amicably
arranged alt dotaila-of 'a Joint agree
ment , with the oxoaptiorivtof , ono "or
two points on division , which will ba
referred to the presidents of the different -
ent coinr.nnloa for settlement.
Nomtnutlon far Congrats *
Spocl&l Ulafiatch to TUB Uu.
WjiuuLiNd , W. Ya. , Daoerabsr 11) ) ,
'Tho demoorfttlo congrutsional con
vention of the Seventeenth Ohio dis
trict at Bellairo , to-day nominated
Rosa J. Alexander for the vacancy In
the Forty-seventh and Forty-eighth
oougroHses cauaed by the death of
J. F , UpdogralF. Alexander was Up-
dt grail' competitor In October ,
A F Iro.
Special Dlcpatch to TUB Dm.
GIUNI * FOKUH , D , T. , DccomberlO.
A fire early thia morning destroyed
over a hundred dollars' worth of prop
erty. _
Do Not Bo Deceived
In these tnniw ot quack tnedlcme adver-
lUemenUevuryHliere , It in truly gratify-
jut ; to lind ono remedy that (4 ( worthy oT
pruUe , aud which really doua as recoiu-
meiidud , Klictno lUttera we can vouch
fur 03 beiug a true and reliable remedy ,
ami one that will da a mcomtnendeu.
They Invariably cure Htomnch and Liver
Cuiiiplaiuta , UUoasea of the Kidneys aud
Uriuary dlmculUea. We know whereof
wa apeak , anj can readily say , give them
s. trial. Bold at fifty ! ceuU a bottle by
0 , F. O. ) ain n ,