THE DATLr BEfl-OMAHA MONDAY DECEMBER 18 Oh , meet me at the Store To get my Holiday Snppliss , k Where oft I bought Wire , BOSTON TEA GO. , 16 Main Street. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FF1CE. or.vsr. . e * CB TODC : K , aa .SB a o. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUKOiL BLUFFS " " " " " " _ . _ TAYLOR BROS , , 1005 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. AND Wholesale Dealers in Liquors and fines. No. 13 Main St , Council Bluffa , la. I * Branch House ! Lindfr , Kiel & Jensen , Sioui Fnllp , D. T. 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , G-IRO OE ! IRIIES Of All Kinds , New Goods. New Prices and quare Dealing. Call and Examine Our Stock. MRS. 0. A. BENEDICT , TUB LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. ST. LOUIS HOUSK Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLPH DOERFLINGER , Proprietor. Choice Winea and Cigars. Oysters m Every Style. 709 Lower Broadway. Ootmoil Bluffa Iowa DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( Successor ) to ERD & DUQUETTK ) , 16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bluffs , la DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OOce , No. II Pe tl Struct Honii , 9 ft. m. to i , and 2 p. m. , to S p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft ntioob. Telephonic connection with Central office. TOOS. orricxa. vr. n. M. rusir OFFICER . & PUSEI , Council Bluffs , la , Established , 1856 Dealers In Foreign [ nd | Domestic , Exchange And noire necnrltles. E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGIST. Oradnato of IQectropathlc Inatltatlon , Phila delphia , Poani. Office Oor , Broaaway to Blenn Ave. COUNCIIi BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dlMMee and * polnfol dlf- Oealtlea peculiar to females a > pecl liy. JACOB SIMS , . Attorney and OounsBllor at Law , COUNCIL LLUFFS , IOWA. Office llroodway , between Miln and Pea trortM. VUl practice In But * and Kodi nrt . BATH INSTITUTE , FOR LADIES & GE1VTLEUEN , Corner Bryant Street , One door north of Dohaney's Opera House , where Uioie snirerln ? from recent Coldi , HhcumatUm , Neuralgia , Lumbara and other distressing ail ments may find relief in the timely use of either the Thermo-Eleotric t Medicated Bith I desire an ! hope for the patronage * f physi cians who may wish for their patient * this auxil iary , and will five any so directed every possible attention. wife. Proprietor. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice oi the Peace and Notary Public , IBBroadway , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTUUEU 0V Silver Plated . WINDOW SASH Door Plate * Engraved to Order Ho. COO N. 7th St. St. Louis. Mo. Send 81 , 82 , 53 , or 85 for a re tail box by Jlipreaa of the best Candles in Atatrica , put up elegant boxes , and itrictly pure Suitable for present * . Express charges light. Refers to all Chi- ' ' cago. Try it once. 'O O. K. QTJNTHHB ! OoBfc tloner , Chicago , m I COUNCUL BLTJFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CntCAOO , BOCK ISLAND AND PAClflC. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..B.-20pm Pacific Ex.9:18am } : Ex and Mall.325 a m ExandMall.ca5p.m D. Molnes ac'.7:15 : a m DCS Molncsac'.4:40 : p m CHICAGO , BDRLIKQTOX AJID QU1NCT. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . . 0 0 p ml Pacific Ex.020 am Mall and Ex . .0r20am Mall and Ex.7:00pm : M. Y. Ex.4:00 : p m | Neb & Kos Ex..8:20 : a m CHICAGO AliD XORTUWXSTXIUT. Depart Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . .0:15 : p m I Pacific ExJ. . . .9:15 : a m Mali and Ex".9:20 : a m Mali and Ex'.0:15 : p m Accom. ( Sat..6:50 : p m I Accom. ( Mon..l:45 : p m KANSAS cnr , ST. jos AND COUNCIL Depart Arrive. Mall and Ex..9:55 : a m I Express 6:50 : p m Express 9:10 : pm | Mall and Ex..C'45pin UNION PACIFIC. Depart Arrive. Overland Ex. 1130 a. m. Overland Ex , ,4:00 : p. m. Lincoln Ex. . 11:30a. : m. Denver Ex. . . . 8:00 : a. m , Denver Ex..7:00 : p. m. Locil Ex 0:30 a. in. Local Ex 7:25 : a. m. " Kx 9:05a. : m. Emigrant..620p. m. " Bx r-oOa. m. WABAJ1U , ST. LODU AXD PACIHO. Depart. Arrive. Mill and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4 JO p n Cannon Ball. . 4PO : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m eioui cnr AXD rAnric. Depart. Arrive. Tor Sioux Clty.7a5atn Fnn Sioux C'y.oao p m For KortNlobrara. Fnn Fort Nlobraro , Neb' 7 5ara Neb 'OW For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8 0 a m CII1CAOO , MILWAURan AND ST , PAUL. Leave Council Binds. Arrives Council Blu ? . Moll and Ex.'flSO a m I Mall and Ex.0:55 : pm Atlantic Ex.5:15pm | : | Atlantic Ex.010 | ; am CIIICAOO , UlLWACKRI AND ST. rAUb. I/eaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. Mall and Ex.7:15am : I Pacific Ex | 9:45am : Atlantic E . . | 3:40 : p m | Mall and Kx.7-25 p m Except Sundaj s. f Except Saturdays. J Except Mondays. ( Dally. Council BluttH & Omaha Street R. B. Leave Council liluDs. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 11 a in , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p llam , 1pm , 2pm , 3p m , 4 p m , 6 p ru , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m Street cars run hall hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at 9 o clock a. in. , ana run regularly during the day at 9,11 , " 4 , 0 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time. DR. WHITHER. 8T.I < Ol7ISlMo A UEOULAU GRADUATE of two medical coll"Kce.hM been longer enraged In tha treat ment of CIIUONfO , NKKVOU8. SKIN AND DLOOD DlMaies than any other physician In Bl Louis as city papers show and all old resident * know. Consultation free and Invited. When II Is Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment , medicines can be sent by mall or eiprtso every where. Curable casts miaranteod ; where doubl eilnti It Is frankly ttated. Call or write. Nervous prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness , Mercurial nn other affections of Throat. BKln nnd Bon Ulood Iiiniuritloa nnd Blood Polnonlnji Skin AltecUons , Old Borea nnd Ulcers. Impedimenta to Marriage , lUieumatl Piles. Hpeclal attention to cnnoa from oVer.worked brain. SUlKnOAJ. OA8BE receive special attention. Diseases arlslni from Impru'lenco , Excesnos , Inrtulgenoei oU ny receipts ; ho may ma " ' Wh ° ma > ' "Otl Wby' caui , con xuoncei and cure. Sealed for 25c poatile or stam T a 22 Genius fiewarded , OB , Tbo of tlio Maoblne Story Sowing ie , , A hacdioma llltlt pamphlet , blrulaol ft\ \ IQT * wllh Bumeronj engrattngf , wllljtn GIVEN AWAY la ny kaalt preen cilllcg for II , at any bran Of laa-offlte of The Blngcr llaDufaclanngOoi pany , oi will be we at oy mall , pott paid , unto in ? pirton living al dleUnoe from our offlet ho Slngor ManufaoturlDg Oo , , Ptlndptl Office , 34 Union Squaw NEW fORK IOWA. ITEMS , Marthalltown has two roller skating rinks In fall bUit. Theichooli of Marble Hock have closed on account cf the Itch. There are three new caani of small pox reported at Lewli , l' ts county. Unnlap has a manufacturing company organized with n capital of $100CC3. Merldcn offen $5,0.0 and fire acres of land for tha court houio oi Cherokee county , The new police patrol wagon in DCS Molnei lift * been put In torvice. The outfit coit 5750. The roller skating rink at Creston , in the basement of the opera home , is the fitust of the west. An Investigation into the efficiency of the Sioux City fire department show * that it is in good order. The state board of agriculture will meet in Dei Maine * the ceoond week in January nnd elect n new president. St. Patrick' * church at Mlsiourl Valley hai just put in a new boll at a cost of ( GOO. It weigh * over a ton. DM Molnoa is troubled with thieve ? . Over 31,000 worth of property atd money has been taken within the past week. John Jnnger * , of Marcus ha sue , ! the city oflicials of th t town for 80,000 damage - ago * for deitrnclion of his galooit property some time ago. The child of Thomas Lawrence , who lives in Cas * county , was scalded to taut Saturday by a kettle of hot water being turned over it.accidcntally. Marsballtown parties are ready to go ahead and build n street riilrotd , but the council appear * to bo unwilling to grant a charter which the contractors consider rea sonable , It is not likely , according to tbo Dei Molnes Register , that the ease against Babbitt , charged with nttemptlni ; to blow up the DCS Molnei distillery , will bo tried until next spring , Clinton baa prohibited the Telephone compauy in that city from Betting polei In other places than the alleys , and th tele phone company must giro a bondjof $5,000 to indemnify the city against damages. A freight train on the Chicago , Bnrllug- ton and Qulncy railroad struck a team , wagon and two men near Avery on Mon day Both horses wore killed , the wagon wrecked , and one man injured seriously. Some mallciou * rascal turned the water on in the United States circuit court judge's cbambpr in Kcokuk on Saturday evening , and before discovered the ( bora bid been flooded and much properly dam aged. Pomeroy Is greatly excited over the dis appearance of n butcher named Young , who was lust seen in conversation with bis partner , A. S. Burns and Ben Cornell , the town marshall. A detective is working up tbo case. It is reported that Polk county i * on fire near Altoooa , The coal mine explorers on Halnes' farm about forty rodi wet of Al- tooua , north of the railroad , struck a vein of gas 110 feet down , which drove them out of the ground , and In some way caught on fire. Honesty the Host Policy- In advertising a medicine it Is best to bo honest ; deception will never do ; the people ple won't stand it. Let the truth bo known that IS unlock Jlttod Bitters cure scrofula , and all eruptions of the akin. This medicine 'u cold everywhere by drug- B"t . DOUBLE ENTRY- A Oharpto Made on Each Bide In the Settlement of Saloon Men and tnelr Customer. On Saturday a man named Warren Gabriel wna arrested for the larceny of a scarf , and the examination of the case revealed the fact that ho had spent most of the night before in Moaa & Gihnoy'a saloon , playing cards and drinking , and having no money had shoved np his scarf for security , until ho could pay up In cash Satur day nlfht. Early In the morning he tried to got more ( drink , and not be ing able to do so , took the scarf nnd triud to pawn it on Broadway. Judge Aylcsworth hold that the contract en tered into by which tbo customer gave the scarf as security , was of no ac count , aa the law did not rocognizs the right to sell whloky. The man waa entitled to his scarf just as much after this contract an before. Ho therefore discharged the prisoner , but took occasion to preach a very pro tracted aormon on the text afforded by this revelation of saloon life. Ho oxpreseod the wish that ho could le gally send the man to jail for thirty days , for it WM aggravating and a dia- grace to BOO men shoving up their clothing for drink , when citizens were endeavoring to afford relief to the needy. Ho thought there ought to bo some way too for enforcing the or dinance , so that saloons ouqht to be closed at such Into hours at night , and such men compelled to either go home or stay on the streets. After the larceny case woa disposed of , a com plaint was entered against the saloon men for keeping open after hours They pleaded guilty and wore fined 85 nd ncosta , which may servo as a warn ing not to do any more "peep o' day" business , Mlaa Harris' Recitals. The last of the eerioa of piano ro- cltala rraa f > ivon by Mlea Lydla Ilarria on Saturday evening at Mueller's niusio ball. Those recitals have both oharmod and cnthusod thoao of the tnnslo lovora of the city who have at tended , and all wore convinced of the j nut lee of the claim that oho la not only an artist of ununtiul raorlt , bat that aho ahowa auoh goriina , joined with oulture , an will Boon place her in the very front rank , Her execution of ihe moat diflioult rejections la al- moat fanltloea , and aho inipurU BO irnch of the aoul power In her inter- pretationa , her touch ia ao aym- pathetic , her playing ao full of inagnotiara , that aho moves the omotiona of an audience , as no merely mechanical renditions , how- uvor perfect , can do , It lu In this , more than aught oleo , that aho ahowa that genius claims her aa ono of Its own , OUR very romarkabln feature of Misa 13arris' recitala is lhat aho plays through the entire programmes entirely from memory , and there are stored in this wonderful mental re pertoire about two hundred of the most difficult compositions of the best roastora. Mlns Harris goea from here to Tabor , where aho will favor the ccllege students with three recitals this week , thus affording them a rare chance to hoar the masters of music faithfully lutorproted by ono who her. self promises at no distant date to bo known far and near as ono of the leading of planista. The Clover Field. George Gorapocher , hla brother Tony and Oharlea Graves were la the police court nguln Saturday afternoon , on the charge of frequoutlng homos of ttl-famo. Georgy't wife , known M Hello Clover , WAS there nlio , arovin- panied by two of her soiled doves , prepared to testify againit the trio. The informations were found faulty and the cases dismissed , but now informatloiu were nt once filed , and they pleaded guilty , and e.tch was fined live dollar * and costs. The case against Gcorgo Gorspocher for keep ing his saloon open after hours was continued until to morrow afternoon , thii being also based on cnmplnint of Belle Clover. Another chiirco , of aseauUlng ono of the u'itle , was lodged before Justice Fraitipy against Graves , and thatcaso was continual until next Wednesday. From all this hubub it appotra that lU > Un Clover is determined to shaku bor Guurgc. She claims that ho has ot to flirting with so mo other women , Ho uhlir.K that ho owns an interest in the pi op orty , and that she got on a tantrum and smaihod some of the furniture , and did other damage for \thioh elio must pay him. lie talks of not only aaoiug her , but also of qottinu a ill- vorco from hor. It would bo a relief to this community if this row which has broken out anioiift them , would result in clearing out ( ho nest of cor ruption and deviltry altogether. Pottmnctnr Snm'i A. Hewitt , Of Moutercv. Mich. , deliver * himself In this wise ; "ior cold * , burns , torn throat , and rheumatism , Thomas' Kelettric Oil cnnnot bo beatrfo. I y keep it up to thn standard , and it will satisfy the people. 1 shall eond for n new mipply > non. Wn proioutno pretended mtrnolo ' Trath 1 * might- mid muat pro- valllfo Sophistry cnuwlthstnnd the po-wor of iti hooott nttornnoe- hDITOR iVRM : < iO I'BBW ! DKAR Sm Keeling deeply ( tmtcdil for the great bcncflta which I liroo rccelviil from the use of n cry > aluabU article which has Its origin nnd homcltn our beautiful city , nud hoping thai oth ers who ( ire aflllctcil M I have been may find like relief from IU use , I beg the Indulgence of a towlines - lines In your Tuluablo paper for the prhllojoof cammnnlcntlngtoyouabrk'f statement of facU for the benefit of the multitude of deters to be met with on every > ! dc. Many ef my friends well know that I hivobccn vcrysc\crcly offllctnl ulth heart disease for a number of ) ears and have suf fered from It as only thoeo can suiter who ha\o thatdlscnau : It reduced my strength so low that I could scarcely walk acrosi my room , and the least exertion rendered mo so short breathed thit I dared scarcely move , and life secmwl > cry bur- ensomo. I was treated for in ) malady by the Iwst phjslclans and derived no benefit from thcl treatment or prescriptions n til I was ad\lscil by myfatrlly physic an to U P Hunt's remedy , as my trouble was caused by Inaction of my k dnejs w hlch affected very torlously the action of my heart. I commenced taking It , ( hating llttlo In It or ny other medicine ) and it helped mo wonderfully , and I ; am now n great deal better , and two booi ever since I began Its UHO In fact 11m o taken no mudlclno that hvt bcncflttcd mo so greatly. My breathing U easy , and I Imvo gained In Mrcngth so much that I am able to do my houscnotk. I cheerfully recommend Hunt's Remedy to all who may bo allllc'ctl ' an I li.-ue been , or w ho are suffering from general debility andnenous prostration. Itcspoctfully , MltS. A. 0. KOCKWKI.L , I'c.iil Strtc , Protlilcncc , 11.1 , A etnnJardtncillrlno forcurlnffllriL'lit'flDlicaso Dropsy , Kidney , HlaJtlcr , ftiulOlmidutiir JInlwllcn. Isllrar's HEMKUV. Kcuialo Woikinsu , 1'aln In the bask and loins , Orn\cl , Dlibclci , Intemper ance , Excess , and J'rostratlon o ( thu nervous sys tem , i-ro cund by lluvr's HBMRUV. HUM'H HKM- KUV lniPi.rU licaltli and vleor to > ho oonstltutlon u hen It has beccme dcbilitatrd. IIu.NJt'rt HKM- HUV restores Uie Invalid to licaltli. NEW STORE. New Goods. NEW YORK PRICES. For Dry Goods and Fancy Goods go to L , HARRIS , 734 Lower Broadway , SuHivan & Fitzgerald , DEALERS IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookery , Glansware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Al o agents for the following lines of Steamship Companies : Canard , Anchor , Oulon. American , and Btato Steamship Companies. For i le on the Royal Dank of Ireland and Bank of Ireland , Dublin , Those wto Intend to send foi friends to any part of Europe will find U to tbtli nteiMt to call on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs PETHYBRIDGE & NEUNAS , rnoruiKTORa BEOADI AT IMKET DKALEltS IN Fresh and Salt Meats , Poultry nnd Garao in their season. Wiener and other Huusagea a specialty. No. 321 BROADWAV. MAURER & ORAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Oat aiaee , Flno Froncti China , Silver Ware &a , UO BtXUBWAT COUNCIL 1)LUF8 S. E. MAXON , A. xc. a 3BC x ion xi rc rx * . Office over saving * bank. CITIZENS BANK Of Cormoil Blnifa. Organliod under tha Uwt of the Utate of Iowa Paid up capital , I 76,000 AuthorUed caplul. 200,000 Intercut paid on'tlme deposits. Draft * Issued on the principal cities of in * UntUd BtatiM and Kuiope. Special attention frivou to collectloul and correspondence with prompt returns. BIIHOTOfU. J. D. Edmnndwn , E. L. Bhngart , J , 1. Htrt , W.W.Wallac 1 * , J. W. Uodtvr , 1. A. Ulll.i A.W. BUMl. ! 7 < ltl MBS. fl , J , HILTON , M , D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 88S Broadwav. OouaoUUiluJh. THE OTTAWA CYLINDER CORN SHELLER , UO..GKNKIUL AGENTS , COUNCIL IILUFFS , IOWA 100,000 TIMKEN-SPRING VEHICLtS NOW IN U Q f. They simians Ml other i for oa y rldlne , < l durability. They nro for snlo by all Landing Oar Ingo Builders and Dealers throughout ho country. SPRINGS GEARS & BODIES For sal b Henry \Timken \ ( Patentee aninnllde'f > f Flno Carriage ! , - - 2XXO. 1.1 n j-3.x : aa IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's Pest for TOILET , BATH HANDKERCHIEF. OLD SORES AND BLOOD OR SKICT DISEASES IN ANY STAGE , Disappear before the perfect alterative and tonlo effect of the greatest of nil Blood Purifiers. It so completely roota out nil poison from the blood and brnces tha deb ilitated system , that diseases of thin iiature dlsnpperrllko cmill before the wind. S. D. S , , cured mo of Scalp Sores , Sores in Nostrils and Kara , after everything known to the medical profession hail failed. Three months hove passed nlnco I rult taking S. S. S. ; there 11 noBymptom of the dlseaso icmalning ; I air permanently cured. : It BtatuiB unrivaled for Blood Dis eased. " JKO. S. TAQQAUT , Salamanca , N. Y. "S. S. B. Rtunds without n peer. The profession will bavo to acknowledge it a Specific for Blond D5 catcH. " lr N. L GALLOWAT , Monroe , Go , "About four or five weeks nco I won afflicted with ft very aggravated typo of BloodDIsoaso. I commenced using S S. S. and after taking the first bottle felt no mush relieved that I bought five more , and am glad to say , after using four of thorn , that I nm entirely cured , frovlously having been under medical advice for Rovoral months. " O. G. lUTOtnrr , .Richmond , Va , 'After suffering from the worst Blood Discace for more than two years , and hav ing been treated by several eminent physi cians , confined to my room and bed the greater part o he tluio , my body covered with copper-colored sores from tbo slzo of a | > ca to that of n Hllvor half-dollar , I was well niph in despair. At lost I commenced taking 8. S. S In a nhort tlmu I began to improve in flesh , all tbo gores hoaled.and I could feel and know that I WOH well , and to S. 8. 8. in nut the credit bo given of my entire restoration to health , I have not taken a dose for over six months , and am aa free from sorefl or blemish ax any one. " LOTTIE HOBS , Atlanta , Go. "Improved after taking the flrst bottle of B. S. S. : In two weeks was able to come homo , finding the waters were no benefit.1' J. W. ItElI ) , Newport , Ark. "Our science ban not made knownaoon > - binatlon equal to 8 , 8.8 , for ukln or blood diseases. " T , L. MAflBKNDUBO , 1'h. G. , Hocon , Go , BOLD BY ALL DRUOQIBTS KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE OOL L.T.'FOBTJSR. IVoungBtown , Ohio , May 10,188 * . Di. B. J. KanDiLL * Co. I had ajrery ralua ble Hamldotonlan colt that I prUod very hlhl ( > . he bad a Urge hone spavin on one Joint and small ono on the other which made hlui vorj lame : I had him under the charge ol two refer Inary lurgeons which failed to euro him. I WM oneday reading the Advertisement of Kendall'i Bpavln Cure In the Chicago Kiprem.I dotormu | ! atoncototry It and got our Orugglsta hero U send forlt , sod they ordered throe bottles ; I took all and I thought I would give It a thorough trial , I used U according to directions and thi fourth day the colt cowed to he lame and thi lumps have disappeared. I used hut one bottlt and the colt's limn * are ai ( roe of lumps and M unooth as any home In the state He Is onllrr ly cured. The cure vtai so remarkable thai have let two of my neighbors bav the remain Ing two bottles who are now tulnglt Very iwpacUuIly. L , T. FOSTER Send for Illustrated circular Klvlnjf poiltlri proof. Price (1. All Uiw < Uts have Ik oi e r > get 11 for you. Dr. II , J. Kendall ft Oa'u fie Drletorv , tniviljim'h Faun , Vt. SOLt ) BY ALL. i.w-1 * Fttwldent Vlcu PiM'l W. 0. Dmum rt c. aad TroM. THK NEBRASKA HHJUPAuiuBINu CC Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Oorn Plantera Hrrrowa.Karm BoUere Hullcy Hay Hakes , tiuoKet HJioyatlnn WlndmlllB , &to . . . . We ate prepared to ? do Job work and manuiao nrlng for , other parties. 'uAUDFAOTUIUia 00 Lincoln. U * . U _ No. 328 Broadway , FOR HOLIDAY KOVELTIES , In the line of fancy articles , odor cases , hand painted toilet sets , hand made laces , kid gloves , etc. FINE MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. GEORGE F. CRAWFORD , . . OX.XU3 JLOC.1 BUYER AND SHIPPER OF EGGS. - . 1,519 South Iain Street , h COUNCIL IILUFFS , IOWA . I pay the highest Market Pric3 and Deduct no Commiission. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AD RETAIL DEALERS IN LiCKAIMA , LEHIfiH , BLOSSBM AND ALL GOALS ! GONNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Vi Atrflnnn. Onnnnil Bluffs. THE SHORT LINE -Of' THE lilwankee & St. Paul RAILWAY s now running Its PAST KXl'UESS TIIA1N8 from OMAHA AND GOUNOIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's ' Magnifloont Sleepers AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE , Or to anv point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Tatu the I1IOT UOUTK , the Ohioago , Milwaukoo&Sfc.PaulR'y Ticket ofllco located at comer Karnain and Fourteenth stretU and at U. I' . DcK | > t and at lllllanl Hotel , Omaha. t3"See Time Table in another column. K. A. NASH , General Avvnt. 0. II. KOOTK , Tlckiit Agent , Oinaha. 8. 8. MKKIUI.L , A. V. II. CAWKNTEil , tiunuralllttnager. Ocneral Pass. Agent. J.T.OI.AHK. OEQ. H. IIKAKKOUII , al Sup't. Awi't Uen , 1'oss. Agent. To Nervous Sufferers 1MB QflFAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Or , J , B , SiuipBon'B ( Specific It ls i j * | tlTdcuro for Hpormatoirhoa , Bemlu. ' luiK | > tincy , r.nd all dlneuti rasuttjat from Uolf-Abiuo , u McnUl Anibty , Lorai Ueniory , 1'alai lutho _ IJick cr ldi , and dl5eu < 4 * * " " ' " ' iii. 7rTT ! "ai * lufcu * n. t1 /Kvn . Jouramptlflp % ! 3 JSlSa. lowBity " carlygrurt lu SptclOt UedKlue It OolKg tU > d irlth wonjtr ( til miccoos. tent fie * to all. WlIU foi Ihem and gel toll par tlculari. I'rlce , Bpeclflc , 11.00 p r package , oi til pack agci for li.M. Addicts all order ! to D. HIUHOfl UKU1U1NE CU. Not. 104 and 108 Main tit BtuUlo , N. T. Bold In Omaha by 0. V. ( Joodnian , ) . W , Btli . . _ i f GRAY'S SPECIFIC MBDIOIIIK TRADE MARKThe , , Or tTIUDit MARK English rom- edy. An un failing euro for Seminal Weakness , Bpormator- Ihea , Impol- knoy , and all Diseases that' ' " " " " " ol AFTER TAim Uolf-Ahuso ; as Loss of Memory , Universal Laid tude , IVln In the IXuk , Dlmncig of Vision , Pre mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Grave. tyPuM particulars In out pamphlet , which wo desire to send free I v mall to everyone. CVTho Bpeclfleatedlclno Is sold by all druggUta at 81 per package , or fl p/vckige * for $5 , or will he sent Imp l > y mall on recilpt of the money , br " - TJIUOIUY 4KD101NEOO. , Bnlalo , N. T. mo oo7 I m n of lr tmtuiuiiror TOUT dUtll-1 TC nlibi norlc , to re * . 4llmulAiiliind u lorp brain uerrean Hop Uitteri. rimuim Hup B > Jl you are jomnat and I diicretlou or dTiilpal. rl il ot l il . old or I o r traltn cr l nKul l > I uf. , rulj on Hop ! Sitter * . \Vhwmr you are. , 1 hoiuuuu ow < ll- yjlienuTpf you rtel | ) trJoJI ; frorj lorn * K loner hiilwua thai mlKUl ' timeir uinor. Ho | Hcp&ttcr : . . r. lJ bulnt ill dlkOie tlalm , unii Irruilx * . ofl > - i wurA , . HOP lila curl' Cot' ItOOti. | OI U. dru&koaneti , rt * I Httr ut < or ujilurn , 7on irlll l > e baeco. tf ojrtJIf ynuuit Hot > Bl t rId NEVER Id may nv.your IFAILI nr . ft nu pmcut hun DOCTOR STEINIIART'S ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AMU Youno , HLH ino KauiLK. It Is a sure , prompt and tlTottual rcmeds for In. digestion , , Intermittent l''ov er . Want of Arpctltv , Ncrtous Debility In all itsSUrai , Wvak llcniory , Loss of llraln i'owcr , I'rostrotlou , \VcalnesaaiiaKfneral Lese of Tower , It rejialni nervous waste , rejuvenates the fodtul Intellect , btrcnxhtlioim tbu cnfi'ebkd bruin and rvntoroa surpris nir tone and \lgoi to the exhausted or- Kans. The oxpcrlvlice of thousands proved It to bu an Imulualilo remedy. I'rlce , | ,00 a bottle. ornlxfor3. For aloby all ilrumfUts , or sent securufromobbonatlonon rucilpt of price , by Er. StoiiiUart , P. O. Box 2460 , St- out * Mo. DOCTOR STEIWHART'S SUPPOSITORIES ! Tlio Great ropularllemody for Tiles. Sure cure for Ullud.Uleedlug<chmgPllea And all forms oi Hcmorrholdal Tumors. Tht e Hi-rroaiTOiuw act directly upou tha coats of the Illood Vtxuclt.and by their astringent i-flocU iruitly lorce the blood from thu swollen tuuiorn , anduy inaklmf the coats of the tolas btronr , prevent the r refilling , and hcncv a radi cal euro is suru to fulbw their use. Price , TO c iiU a box. Kor sole by olldrujffUU , or sent by uuUl on receipt of price , by En HsliMedlooX 718 OU TSt"St. . 1 .7