Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1882, Image 6

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    . . . . . . . w I S U I I U IIJC
The Daily Bee.
Monday Morning , Doc , 18.
By Carrier , - - - - - SO ccnt per week ,
BMdl - - - - - - 110.00 rt Y at.
Offlco : No. 7 Pearl 8tro t , Near
_ _ _ .
J , Mueller's 1'ftlrvco Munlc Hall.
Dl htB , glassware , lamps , etc. , at 303
Broadway. Howe i SJD.
Council Bluff * lodRe No. 40 , K. of P.
is to give Iti dunce tbli evenln ?
-Old papers for unlo nt TUB HER office
at 25 ccnUporhuudml.
Subscribe for newxpapan and periodi
cals at H. K , Seaman'o book tore.
The lletcne l dj 6io preparing for n
masquerade on January llth.
Furniture of nil kinds rcp Ircd by
Howe ABou , 303 Ur , ad way
Seal sacquo' , fur trimmings , very
low , nt Motcall Bros. '
The city council U to mott In adjourned -
journod session this evening ) or nt leant try
Largo quantity of * tove * nd furni
ture at 303 Broadway. Howe & Son.
New lot nicely decorated , CO plccoa , of
tea gets , only $5 at Slnurr.r & . CrnlR.
Usv. T. S. Blayncy , of Omaha , occu
pied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church
Mr * . Jamci Gardner , who was talon
from hero to Ait. Pleasant , in roporttd an
quite 111 there.
Hand-painted china , art oottory , solid
ilrerwate , bronzes , &o , nt Matircr &
Largest stock of Toy * and Hclldiy
Goods In the city at Seaman' * , Prices dely
The Boys' b > nd are organizing for n
dance on New Year' * night at Bloom A
The Council Bluffi Medical society late
to meet hero on the first Wednesday even
ing in January ,
The Milwaukee and Ht Paul has
pulled down its nlun , ' " { 1 to Minneapolis
and St. Paul"
'Permit to wed has been given to My
ron O. Intnnnn and Amanda K , Cheney ,
both of Washington township.
Evidence in the divorce case of Ma
tilda J. Slmw va. Wm. Shaw was taken in
the district court hero Saturday.
In the cato of Nellie Hoop vs. Charles
Borghausou , for damages on account of
selling her father liquor , n change of venue
has been taken from this county.
In the case of the Traders' bank VR.
Hamilton ot nl ) tried in the district court
Saturday , the jury in the ovenlfig return
ed a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for
James ! ' . Bay , of LovcIanJ , and
Hannah J. Bufllogton , of the same
place , were made huiband and wife by
Judqo Ayletwarth on Saturday.
Albert Litzke and Mol.Ie Abbott , of
Noels , on Saturday got the necessary
papers and had Judge Heed tie the knot
before they left the court home.
A man named S. Randolph Smith la
reported as organizing n children's tem
perance society at Andnbon. Ji it possible
that this Is Stephen R. Smith , who flour
ished hero last summer on the other side of
the fence ?
William Stafford , supported by Miss
Ilosa Paul , Is to appear In Homeo and
Juliet , next Thursday evening , at Do-
hany's and the same company will appear
tftliay evening in "Tho Marble Heart. "
Abe Lincoln post , G A. 11 , Is mak
ing extensive preparations for its masque
rade ball , to be given at Bloom & NIxou'a
'hall on the evening of the l7th. A jolly
time \t \ promised.
The Printers' Union , lately organlred
.here , Is to dye its first annual ball at
Bloom k Nixon's hall , Christmas evening ,
December 25tb , The affair will be full of
enjoyment , and the union should meet
with n hearty encouragement and liberal
support by the public.
MM. Ann Buttoifielclwhile out riding
with two of her girls , met with a serious
accident near the city mills Saturday. In
taming the corner at Washington avenue ,
the buggy was tipped over and all three
thrown to the ground , etch receiving quite
serious cutr , bumps and bruises.
Alex Hitter was happily reminded
that Saturday was bin C8th birthday , by
being presented with an elegant ebony ,
gold-btaded cane , the donors being G , M.
Waihburn , Jacob Appel , W , Fay , P. D.
Mottar , S. H , Cramer , Joseph Blerwlse
and 0. Wesley. .Tile BEX joins with them
and others In hoping that Alex may live
tu celebrate many more bir'lrjays ' ,
Mrs. O'l learn atd Mr . Simons un
fortunately live on the lot , nvnr the C. B ,
& Q. depot , and have no division fence and
but one well. As a result a bitter quarrel
has enimtd , and MM. O'Hearn now says
she Is afraid that MM. Simons will do her
some hum , and that she has gone so far
an to threaten to chop her Into mince meat
with an ax. > Mrt. Simon * Is therefore in-
TlUd to appear before Justice Abbott and
The mysterious "Pink T" paper bazaar
WM held at Uchanr'a Saturday afternoon
and evening , and proved a great financial
uccem and a incut rojoyable occasion ,
There was an attractive bazaar , of pink
and wUte , in the center of the hall and
there all sorts of fincy articles were dis-
pored of. The hall was adorned with
decorations of pink and the refreshment
* * tables were spread with pink throughout ,
X tiving a very pleating effect. The Bava
rian band enlivened the n enlng hours also ,
No two homes in the city combined
can show tlm f
variety cf poods as can
1)8 found at BrackflU'a.
Call at HarlrnMi , Orcatt & Co.1 , ,
and KO the btautilul Jacea thry have
jn t opened for the holirlny trade.
Call at the Excel
* inr gallery , cor
ner Main street an * First avemip
Holid y picturebut-punk ; decl2-in
Io cmt ' TMiety at H-ikiiew , Oro-tt
& Oo , | , dlSU
I , ,
I ,
Harry Oarpeutor Oonfrontpd
by Two Women
to bo Hi Wives ,
The Ornnd Jnry Tlnd nn Indictn
mont Ajinlnut Hlm >
There haii been ionio donbt felt nnd
01 pressed an to whether the Virginia
wlfo of llarry J. Carpenter , now lying
In jail hero on a charge of bigamy ,
* ould appear against him , She or-
nvedhuro , however , Friday night , nnd
Saturday morning vUitod police hoad-
quarton. Oflicor Edgar accompanied
her to where the Council JJIufTu wife
wan , nnd introduced thorn to each
othor. Their mooting was moro cor
dial than ii usual in such CMOS , they
exchanging an affectionate kiss , and
entering at i > nco upon a confidential
chat and narration of experiences.
A little later in the day they visited
the court house together , and called at
the j il. Oflicor Edgar called Car
penter to como to the grating , but
the latter on approaching nofioou who
was there nnd boat a rotroat. Ho was
ordered to the- front again , and com
plied in part ; but kept nls lace turned
aside , until the oilicrr spoke to him
pretty sharply. As ho turned his
head the Virghh wife said : "Hollo ,
Hurry , that's joti , is it ? " The ether
wife remarked : "Yes , that is Harry. "
Having fully identified him , they
repaired to the grand jury room and
there gave their evidence , on the hear
ing N ( which the jury found an indict-
mtnt for bigamy , which wai reported
to the court."c
Carpenter is nnid to bo thirty-one
yoara old , though , in procuring n
marriage license hero ho gave his
ago as twenty-eight years. Ho
formerly lived in Wheeling , West
Virginia , near which his mother still
resides. The Virginia wife marrlod
him about eleven yearn ngo. She was
a ochool girl nt the time , a daughlor
of n grocoryman named Henry .Rob
inson. Her father had placed her nt
a female college , intending to glvo her
a thorough education , but aho bo-
canto infatuated with Carpenter , and
was marriftd to him. They had four
children , two of whom Hvo with their
mother , and the other two in a chil
dren's homo at Wheeling. Oarpontor
kept n produce store and fish market
there until about thrco years ugo ,
when ho loft the city suddenly , it being
ing claimed that ho hud become sadly
involved by gambling.
Carpenter wrote his wife that ho
waa going to Sanduuky on business ,
and BgMii wrote her from Co'umbus
saying ho would return soon , but she
hoard no moro from him , until the
ootrespondonco opened loading to fits
arrest in the eastern part of thin state.
Carpenter appeared in Council
Bluffs as n clerk attho Western house ,
and hero formed the acquaintance of
Mies Raohol Stevens , whoso widowed
mnthor lives on 1'iurco street. The
girl was only sixteen , and becoming
infatuated with him waa married to
him n few months ago. Ho suddenly
disappeared about the time that aho
discovered herself to bo in n condition
most needing a husband's care. In
her efforts to find him aho wrote a letter -
tor to his mother , Mrs. Ellen Carpen
ter , in Virgin'- ' * , tolling her the cir
cumstances. Strangely enough hla
Virginia wifa'a namo'ia also Ellen , and
the letter fell Into her banda inatoad
of the mother's. She replied at once ,
telling of her txlutonce , and asking
From this correspondence resulted
the arrest of Carpenter. Ho had
written to hla wlfo hero from Bis-
marok , Iowa , near Burlinpton , sign
ing hia name Harry J , Montague , and
Oflicer Edgar being aout thither ar
rested him and brought him to this
Ho will probably have his trial at
ho present term of court , nnd it is
Moult to BOO how ho can manage to
scap < 9 from the punishment which
coins ready to drop upon him.
It is understood that there ia some
ittor foollnp between Carpenter's
mother and his Virglnlu wife , and that
n account of statements made by the
ormor the wife intends commencing
uit againat her mother-in-law for do-
atuation of character.
Have you boon to Braokett's ? If
not , why not ?
Fine Dolmans , at Darkness , Orcntt
t OO.'B.
* Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Corapound stroiigthons the ttomnch
and kidnuya and ulcla digestion.
Fine Plush OJor Oases t
l 2t
Brackett'a novelty rooma are all
aglow with beautiful holiday goods.
Older made to order ; ohiokonn and [ 1
urkeya wnutad ; cash paid for butter
and i > t'RB. J. M. St. John & CO.'B
eign , No 310 Broadway.
Oo to Ilarkneia , Orcutt & OO.'B for
dolmans fur trimmed dolmans , wool
dolmans and fine silk dolmans.
Nervousness , peevishness and fret
ting , BQ often connected with over
worked females' lives , is rapidly re
lieved by Brown's Iron Bitters.
Christmas Novelties , at JTarknoBB ,
Orcutt & OO.'B.
. 'All Admire a Handsome Face.
A pure , clear skin will make any face
handsome. Manifestly anything which
ttrengthena and enriches the blood will
directly affect tha , whole pernon , All
ruiitlons of t he bklu disappear when Jlur-
i/ccA JllooJ Uuert ienaioytA > \ , They are
. vegetable remedy of Inestimable yalue.
FixlDR For n Fair.
The slaters of the St. Francis ocad-
omy are arranging to have a fair at
Dohaay'a , January 22d , 23d and 21th.
Already a nnraborof articles hare been
contributed to be disposed of for the
benefit of the euterpriio ; among them
being a ohlua tea aot , by Mr , William , 1I
Welch ; 920 , by Conrad Lanzodorfer J I
handsome Vwy chair , by Mrs : ! ' ' ]
Mergcn , Mrs. Tholl and Mrs. llannan ;
ft pair of blanketr , by J. W. Liing ;
a Bet o furs , by Spetman Bros. ; a
ladj'n hut , lij Mrs. Arbothnotj a
child's cloaV , by Mr , Friedman ; a
euitnr , by Mr. Muollerj a chromo , by
Hewn & Son ; a chromo , by Mr.
The ladies have bought an elegant
Bilvor \ \ < toft tot , to bs pivon away by
clianco ; also , gold headed canf , to bo
voted to the most popular raijway con
ductor. Numerous other articles have
boon ( , provided , and arrangements ore
being made which will result in making
each of the thrco days of interest to
the pnb'ic , and of profit to the canao.
Now is the time to bay Christmas
presents , and Brackott's is the place
to get them.
At the brand xcw Bloro there is a
brnnd now stock. L. B. Clark & Co ,
10 east Broadway , has the nobbiest
lot of druggists' sundries in the holi
day goods line that can bo found anywhere -
where up-totvn , and wo are not euro
thHt Oouncll Bluffr has a drug store
that will beat it. The doctor ia a
; pnial gontlomun. Oill and git
acquainted ,
50,000 della nt Brackott's.
Oar Reporter Monday wo will ia-
nuo the only papar , with 2,000 extra
circulation ,
Motoalf Bros "All right give us
something , whatever you can eoo. "
0. R Nine talcunun , with nn
nvorngo of two customers to each
salcunan. Ono-thud of the number
ladies. C.ioh clerk buiy. Stock itn-
monso nnd moro caaoa nt the back
door ,
. Thia ls > the titno that the house
keeper who valuen her reputation for
, OhriatmaB pantry looka around for the
best of fljur in town. On thnt score
wncnn cry eureka. Shopnrd & Ward's ,
12i South Main street , is the place
and the Bullalo Hour in the article.
Every big guaranteed and never has
ono been returned. The food store
trade of this firm in * ory cxtonnivo.
_ .
Five houses lor rent by Swan &
'We'll Howl Anyhow. "
"Ojuncll Blulh business men are
all lools but mo. " [ Alorgan.
"All fools but us.1'Chapman. [ .
"They pntronlzo THE BEK , hence
we'll howl. "
"Yes , we'll howl. " "What howl
. . . , .
will wo maker „
"Say they are killing the town by
advertising in TUB BBB.
"Bully , that's it. " "But how will
wo provo il ? "
"Wo don't have to provo anything ,
just aay they ain't a homo institution ,
that will settle them. "
"What if they show that wo don't
palronizo our homo establishments
and get our gooda from the east , oven
grccerlcB and dry goods ? "
"Oh they won't find that out ! "
"Well , wo hope they won't. "
"Shall wo whoop It up ? "
"Yot , whoop it up , as TJIE BKB is
gottlng away with us , as wo must say
something to aoaro thorn , for wocau't
compete with them on anything , BO
wo must i nine a dust nnd arouse prej
udice , no matter if the thing does
hurt the town. "
Almost opposito'tho Ogden house
Mrs. Pfeiffer hatt now on sale an immense -
monso variety of fancy goods for the
holidays , such as laces , slipper pat
terns , zephyrs , feathers , gloves , hair
goods , dolls , hoods , caps and the most
stylish bonnets and hats. The little
folks and the ladies crowd the store
to see and buy , for "Ohriatmas is com
ing. " Fall stock ( f white undercloth
Boating staves at actual coat at A.
J. Mandol'a , No. 325 Broadway.
Before you buy any furniture or
stoves it will pay you to call at A. J.
Muudol's , as ho will not bo undersold.
"You mustn't txpeot mo to wrlto
loeala to-day too tiusy 10 breathe. "
Sc said F J. Oaborm- , the man who
Loops the bun-ton giocory opposite
th Ogden , but wo noted a big crowd
an a h ppy one , three mon doing up
goods witti lightning speed and Os-
berne graceful y filling his mouoy
drawer. The shelves are still full of
holiday delicacies and the staples are
in great profusion. This is a BKK
supply store and we know where they
havu good things choap.
Brackott makes lower prices than
over this season.
II. K. Montgomery has returned from
L , V. Nontcn , a Chicago pen man , was
in the city j citerluy.
Father McMrnumy ! u been called to
Davenport by the illncai of Biahop Me-
Ur. 1'oulton line returned from Corning ,
wlieru he has been attending the annual
meeting of the state horticultural society.
An elegant lot of Black Silks , very
cheap , ut Harkncss , Orcutt & Co'a.
How TO GKT SIUK. Expose yourself -
self day and night , eat too much with
out exorcise , work too hard without
rest , doctor all the time , take all the
vile nostrums advertised , and then
you will want to know
How TO GET WELL. Which la answered -
swered iu three worda Take Hop
Bitters !
W , T. BIUUN ,
NUTH , CHUU8 , and
The Restaurant
3t par excellence.
Cheap coal h the thing just now ,
Bovier mine , Missouri soft coal , $5 ,
Laokawannn hard coal $10 , beat quali-
tie , Delivered free of charge. Come
and leuvo orders now before it la all
cone. Southeast corner' Pearl and
Broadway , Oouncil Bluffs.
MollcloUB Mlechlef.
Between 5 and G o'clock yoiterday
morning , Officer Sterling heard mid
lower Broadway a crash of glass , and
eon captured as the offender Jobu
DoVa. It Beenu that he had picked' ' I
np A beer keg in front of Peter John-
eon's saloon , and throw it right through
tbo front , smashing the entire glass
nt ono fell swoop. The prisoner was
formerly a partner with Johnson , and
they had some diflicnlty together ,
hence the aurmisu that Delia , being
the worse for drinV , took this freak of
thut ; getting oven by smashing John-
eon t front , .
Mrs Johnson declares that from
the window of her room in the next
bnllc'ing she saw an attempt made to
set Gro to the saloon also , by lighting
sotrio papers in the narrow p c3 be
tween the two buildings , but no maiks
of any such conld be found ou oxim-
inatlon yesterday ,
Bliss ban the fancy premium Bas
kets. 10-2t
Bath single and double , for tslo nt
roducud prices. Vf. W.
H 124 South Main atreot.
Hatknos ? , Orcutt & Co. hnvo nn
oleynrit naaortmonl of white nnd col
ored fans. dl3tf
Sea the now goods at Bib * ' . 1C 2t
Thnutlrr it Down the A of ,
That tor hmoneif , for thcnmallftn. for
chpn , pnln , end lot upralts Dr. Tlutmai1
J.'clcctric Oil li n pnsltltc and roll.\llo
remedy. Dr. TAomnj' JJflntrie Oil can Lo
purchased of a
Go to Harkncoc , Orcutt it Co. "a for
Lace Goodii , Fancy Hnndkorchicfs&c.
IA Word ol' Cantlou.
lUllroad men , tnechnnlcr , commercial
tra\elcrfi , Into linlllstfnrrnerB , and others
wbn labor uut ( it duutK. nra peculiarly
Itahlo tn nrclilcut and Injury. Thomas'
J-'clcctric Oil far brul'CR , burns , bites and
, Is ouo of tbo Hnest appllcntlons yet
WINSTON , Fonsvut Co. , N. 0.-
GEKTS I desire to express to you
. my thanks for your wonderful Hop
Btttera. , ' I was troubled with dyopop-
fila for fire yeara previous to com
mencing the usu of Hop Bitters some
six monthn ago. My cnro haa boon
wonderful. I am pastor of the Pirst
Methodist Church of thla place , and
my whole congregation can testify to
the great , virtui-o of your bitters.
Very respectfully.
They Fleece an Old Gentleman Out ot
a Fat Holt of Money.
A very bold confidence game nnd
robbery waa played successfully on the
incoming train ou the Chicago &
Rock Island road. The victim was n
rather elderly gentleman ou route for
Columbus , Neb. , with whom the
sluirpara foil in conversation. They
represented themselves as merchant ? ,
who liad baen to Ohicigo buying gooda ,
nnd while chatting along "tho ex
press own" cam'j in aa usual in turning
a trick nnd demanded Homo $40 ex
press charged. The victim was naked
to lend the amount , and the usual
profler of n check was made , which
was drawn on a Coluoibus bank for
$000 , and facetiously Ligned "Chairs
ft Tables. " The victim was induced
to lend the required amount
on this security and as he
was counting out the money from his
pc ckotbook , ono of the'sharpers grab
bed the pockolbook saying that they
had got to get nff there to see tbout
the gooda , nnd ho could draw the dif
ference on the chock when bo got to
Columbus , another pulled the cord
putting on the air brake , and the
crooks jumped the train , taking the
entire amount of the paesengors wealth ,
about $180. The officers here were
nt once notified , nnd they have kept
on the lookout for the rascals since ,
but of course , without capturing them.
There are a number ot crooks hang
ing about tha city , any ono of whom
would bo likely to do such a trick , and
yet they are ao slippery that it la dif
ficult to catch them in uny apacifio net.
The city can bo mado'oo warm for
thorn , however , if they were prosecut
ed for vagrancy , as they well might
bn , for the city ordinance
provides that "All persons having
tbo reputation and character of being
cappura of gnmblere , all persons hav
ing the reputation of being "three-
card rnonto men , " etc. , are vagrants ,
and as such lUb'o to a fine of $100.
fc If arrested on such a cbnrge , oven
if not convicted , these follows would
soon got out of the way , ns they dia-
like the publicity arising from snob
nrroati , but it seems an if it would be
no very difficult matter to convict
the m , s there soema an abundance of
evidence to show that they have the
reputation of crooks , at least , and it
would remain for them to show tlmt
they are engaged in a legitimate busi
ness , which would give them a tight
Dealers in TOJI > , Fancy Gooda and
Musical Instruments will find the
largest nnd frethojt wholesale stock
at Mueller's Musio Hull , tloclO.Ut
Seekers and lovora of the weed will
Find their wanta well luopliod at Tern-
ploton & Lamb'a , 232 West Broad-
Way. _
Dolmans cheap nt Harknesa , Orcntt
& CO.'B. d3tf
Sve your money by buiing horse .
blankets and lap robes at C , J. Bock .by
'c , 335 Broadway. _
Musqaetalro kids In street and
party shades at Harkness , Oroutt fc
_ _ _ _
Good Babiei.
"Tis a Joljr da/ from Fas' and Wcit , a
For children thrive and niotbcr's rest ,
The cUrlliif gir's all named Victoria ,
And Ith the bo ) s , they hm c CastorU.
It Is a ( act , there Is no "may bo , "
A mothvr'smllkein't rate the baby ;
While sweet OABIUI1IA dlgtatlthelr food ,
Chug thtm health ami males Hum good.
"la it possible that Mr. Godfrey isIs
up and at work , and cured by to aim-
plon remedy t" a
"I assure you it ia true that ho Ia
entirely cured , and with nothing but
Hop Bitters ; and only ten daje ago
hia doctors . cave nim up and eatd he
* "
inu tdh > !
"Well a-d yl That's renmkable ! I
will go this day nd got acme for my ,
poor Gaorge J know hopa are gcod.1
A Railway Laborer Falls Un
der the Oars nnd ia
The Result or the Tvqnest Show *
It to ba Hrtve Boon a Pnro
Yesterday afternoon a laborer
nnaicd Aichor Peters' , Kickonburg ,
mot with Minitant and horrible
death nt the lower yard of the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
A construction train was being pushed
along the track near the yardmaator'a
office , nnd n crowd of Inborcrs were on
the flit cars. The way car had been
uncoupled and as some of the labor-
era began slopping over onto the c rte
to got tools , ole , . ono of the rnllwty
men ou the pay car called to them to
got bck as the c\t WAB detached nnd
the train nbout to shirt. They did
not hood the warning , howovcr , nnd
as the slack wna token npin the train ,
there woo i\s \9 usual , n alight j r or
jerk. Etthor this or the crowd of la-
honirs puohititr against him , canted
Kickonburg to fall off the end of. the
flat car , Ilo fell on hin
hands ni.d knees iu the middle
of the track. The brake-beam
caught him , turned him over , nnd the
Mhcela of the next car passed over
him , killing him instantly. His head
was mashed by the wheels into a jolly ,
making recognition nltnoat Impossible.
Pitcos of the aknll were thrown porno
distance , nnd the oppcarnncd of the
remains were indeed horriblo.
Coroner Fnul wwj immediately sum
moned , nnd impanelled a jury consist
ing of G. W. Oattorlin , G. W. Grower
and H. W. Tilton. A number of wit-
nouses were examined , from whom the
above state of facts were hnruod , and
n verdict Waa rendered of accidental
Kickonbnrg came to this country
from 'Denmark ' last spring , nnd hns
worked hero moat of the nummer. Ho
was a single man , and the only rela
tive ho had in thin country ia n
brother , whoao whereabouts are un
known. The remains were taken
oaro of by nndortnkor Oonnell , nnd
will bo bnripd by the county , the
deceased having no frienda.
Don't Dlo in the Houso.
"Rough on Rats. " Clears out rata
mice , roaches , bed bugs , flies , ntrta
moles cltipnmnks , gophers. 15c.
Corrected daily by J. Y. duller , merchandise -
chandiso broker , buyer and shipper of
grain and provision ; , office board of trade
rociing , Council Blulln , lowc.
WHEAT-No. 2 spring , 7Cc ; No. 3,65 ;
rejected 50c ; cooil demand.
Conx 32o to feeders and 30o to ship
per ? ; Rood demand for shipment.
OATS Scarce and iu good demand ; 30@
HAT 1 00@fi CO per ton.
R\K 40cj light supply.
COUN MEAL I 75@2 00 per 100 ponnda.
WOOD Good BUppK ; prices at yards ,
COAL DellvcredWiard , 10 03 per ton ;
soft. 5 00 per ton ,
BOTTKii Scarce _ and In good demand ;
creamery , 35c ; choice dairy , 25c.
Enca Scarce and in demand ; 2lj"per
dozen. .
IJABD WholesnHns' at 12Jo.
PODLTUT Firm ; dealerspajiut ; ] 3c per
pound for turkeys and lOc for chicken } .
VKQSTADLKS Potatoep , 45c ; onion ? , 25c :
cabbagev , 3U@40c per dozen ; apples , 2 50
@ 3 50 per barrel.
PLOUHBeat Kansas wheat flnur , 2 39 ®
2 CO ; Minnesota wheat , 2 50@3 CO ; bram ,
70o per 100 pounds.
BUOOMH 2 00@3 00 per dozen.
CATTLB 3 00@3 50 ; cftlven , C 00(5-7 ( 50.
HOGS Brisk demand at C 40@5 00 ; car
load low about 5c per 100 pounds mure. .
When you feel out of sorts , have
the bluee , melancholy , etc. , it must
be indication tlmt aila you. Brown's
Iron Bit turn euros it.
NOTICE. fapedal adrtrtl tment , sue
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sal ? , To Kent ,
Wanto , Boarding , etc. , will bo loscrtod In this
column at the ow rate ol TEN CENTS PKB
LINK ( or the fl.-st Insertion and FIVE CELNTE
FEU LINE ( or each eubaoqucnt looortlon.
Lcare adv crtlsemcnts t our office , No. 7
Pearl Street , near Broadway.
W ANTEE BOO butMloga to move. We moke
a eiiecUlty ot moyli B bouses and Bales'
Address W. 1 * . Aylcsvorto , box 679 , Connc
lilufla , la. _ _
\TTANTED Eyerybody In Council Blutts lo
YY to take TUB Cut , KO cents per week , de
llvcrcd by carriers. OHlco , No 7 Pearl Street
near Proadway ,
For Sale and Rent
bent rcstuarant stand on Main itrect.
TIHK ( or sale , with ( urnlture , etc. Cliunp
orfcuh. Wrltutoiuoorcall , J. NVINAN ,
1" Ct Oorntr Willow * c.
SALlTho Western House , No. 308 Upper -
per Kroailnay ; or will trade ( or luiproietl
city or ( ami property : or will sell lurnlturo and
rent building ; leason , 111 health , Aildrcsn J , S.
C. MtOLLismu , HIS Upper llroadwu ) , Couucl
Illiirts , Jowa.
UKI3-ln packages o ( a hcn > < rcd t 26c
a pacKve at TIIK 13KH olllce , Nu. 7 1'tarl
i.iOH UlUiT Jly new two-story brick store
I ; bulldlntr , on South Main street.i.v .
PETER tt'tjttct
1710K SALE My tuolvc-acro ( rultarm , on
r South flf.t si rcet. I'KTKU WE18
1.1 OK bALB ueautilul rooidence lots. < x
P eacb : BOtblUjr down , and Operwonth only ,
r VEUVT-llNQ renewed at tbe Excelsior gal
Hi lery , 100 Main itiict , ( or bollday vturk
Oo ubeteycu on get civility a id Mr treat
. W , L. PATTON riiyslclan and Oculist
DK. euro any cue ot sore eye * . It Is only
matter ol tltru , and con cure generally In
from tbree tc the weoVs U malea nr ilflcr
ence bow long diseased. Will straighten cross
OJFJ , orerato and remora FtyrcKlnms , etc. , and
Insert artificial ejos. Special attention to re
motelntr tdav orms apS-t
Dr , Moagher , = : OoiilJsfc , Aurisfc
In Chronic dleases , offers his services to all a
Dieted with dictates ot thi E > e , Ear , or Cbroul
dlteases ot any clurictcr. Warrtnts a cure I
I Kbturnatlo aBectlons. Can be consulted I
ma I or In permn at tbe Metropolitan boUl
Council UJuDs.IoH a.
Funeral Director and Undertaker
Ko. 17 , North Ualn St. , Council llluff * .
Mill * vroinptly auiucred at nil hours , nl bt o
dat , ew hearse and ionJ'n raril.iio < i illrec
jroin the lactory ate run In connection thurewltb
, * * * . o
& * ! fT $ 'O
A 'T-iff k / " * ft 'VL ifK yi s j fff V L tf ? * ; ' .r * *
Broadway , and Fourth Street , ,
Cooncil Bluffs , Iowa
IP Headquarters For the Cele
Toys and Fancy Goods DT
Wholesale and Retail.
Address ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1,75 and $2.00
Bluff and flow Sreets , Council Bluffs.
8 TFlTT-'S-8 U-Clr jf. "nfFI tn IR-ttlLJ tPTt "A/V7 UTTgyiTETU . jg
Orders UlicJ In any jmrtcf tbe city. Crdera by telephone promptly attended to.
At tha Lowest Possible Prices.
That never require crimping , at Mn. J. J. Good's Hair Store , at prlcea never befcro touched by
ny other hair dealer. AlBO a lull line ot switches , etc. at t ready reduced price * . Aim gold ,
Urer and colored nets. Wavoo muw from lidlca' own hair. Do not fall to call beftre purchulng
ilcewbere. All poodi Trairanted a > reprueotwl. UBS. J. J. QOOD ,
? fl Malnatreet , Counrll Bluffs , low * .
The finest quality and largeot stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalic cases.
'alia ' attended to at all hours. Wo defy competition in qnality of goods or prices ,
Dur Mr. Morgan baa eervod an undertaker for forty yeara and thoroughly nnderstondi
ilBbusinoM. WAREROOMS , 346 AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholstering In
all its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Telegraphic -
graphic and mail orders tilled without delay. _ _
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Boer &n < l n.alt in nny quan'Ity'fo suit purchasers. Deer J 8.00 per barrel. Private families sup-
piled with tinill licgH at 1 1.00 cue * ' , oelvered lieoot cbnrge to any part ot the city _
Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT- FOR Joseph Soblltz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council BlufTn , Iowa. Orders from the oonntry olklted
City nrdere to famlliea and dealers delivered free.
C.A. BKKBK , .
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and Hetall Dealera In
f U jRW U UR
JSos. 207and 209 Broadway aud Nos 204 and 206 Pierce Street ,
NO. 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffs-
Oiu . coiiftuntl IncrMtlnK trades sufficient prool ol our iuare dcallm ; and attention to i
omcrt. Good tter o' at i on band. Promptly dellrery o ( goods. _
S. M. OHOOKS , Pros. N. B. EABTON , Beoy.
J , 0. DOKFMAN , Vice Proa. N , B , MOOHE , Couneolor.
[ Incorporated under the Laws of Iowa. ]
Insurance at Actual Cost ,
Inaurlntr LIVE STOCK Against Loss by
Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever ,
Experienced ngentu wanted , Correspondence
solicited from all parts of Iowa.
OFFICE : 103 Pearl Street , Council Blnfl8 , Ia.
dcc8-dt (
( Successors to J. P , & J. K. Castadjr. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
We hire h onlycouipl t a l oab tr cl books to all city loti and land ) In PotUwUtKnl
count ? . Titles examined and abstract * furnished to sbort r-otlw. lloney to loan on city sod farm
propwrtr. short and Icttg time , hi um to ntlt tb * bonowii. B&oJ esta bou bt and aold OUtot
at b old staul optKKlt * tv irt IX.IIM