THE DALLf BEii-OMAHA SATURDAY DECEM ° EK 16 ITLE ABSTRACT " 0 F FIGL * - * . , -o o T j Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , .MONKY T0 LOAN AT L ° fr KATES. * i m % JOTAMBS PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA. TAYLOR BROS" 1005 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iliolesale Dealers in Lipors and fines , JNo. 13 Mniu St , Council BlutlV , lu. _ Branch Honse ; Linder. Kiel & Jonsnn. Pionx Falls , D. T. 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , Of , A11 Kinds. fcfew Goods. New Prices and quare Dealing. Call and Examine Our Stock. S. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DKALEU IN "T Tans ? , f s. T"a ( fir toWH& 03J ? IftJ wH&M 9v Uia * D 9 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa , Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLPII DOEUFLINGKK , Procrietor. Choke Wines nnd Ul , Oystera in Eveiy Style. 709 Lownr Rrondway. Onunoil Blnffb low * DUQUETTE , GTJIBE11T & CO. , ( Successor ! to EUR & DUQUETTE ) , SQlra IVniforo rlUilDlo dllll ! blJiltjljliyilDlb I'nrifQPfiflttQi'o ' ! 16 and 18 Peiirl-st. . roimcil Bluffs , Ja D. M. CON NELL Funeral Director and Undertaker. No. 17 , North Maiu Street. . Council Bluda Calls promptly nncwcrcJ at all hoaro , night nr d y. Hew he&rso anJ London ( Mrrln ea direct Jrom the factory are run In connection therewith. DR. A. P. HANOHETT , SURGEQH. Office , No. 11 Peart Street Houu , 0 . m. to 2. , and 2 p. m. , to B p , m. Residence , 120 Dancioli street. Telephoalc connection wltli Central office. _ rnoa. orrioiR. w. ii. K. rusrr OfflOEE . & EUSEY. . Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign [ ind | DoumBtle Exchange and home securities. MBS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician GYGr\SEOOLOGIST. of Kloctropathlc In tltatlon , Phils- dclphln , 0109 Oor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUKCII. Bl-'JKFS , IOWA The troatraotil of nil dMi-iiuo ind iiilnful df- ! flcaltlea peculiar to focalea a iiuliUr. ; _ JACOB SIMS , Attorney and BonnsoJlor at Lav/ / , COUNCIL h/jUKKS , IOWA. Offlco Broadway , between Milu uud Pea tract j. VUI priictlcs lu Swie rnl Ki-dr nrti FUU LAOIGs & tiEXTLHHE.Y , Cornnr Urynnt Street , Ono door north of Dohanej's Opera Houtu , win re the unuHorlii ) , ' from recent Cold' , Hhunnatlsm , Keuraljfia. Lututniro and other dUtrcbtliie ail- menU may Hnd relief In thu tlmet ) use of either the Thormo-Electric s Kedloated Bitli I desire and hope for the pat'onage of ph > isl dann who may vtUh for their patltnU ihlu uiuil Ury , and will give any KO directed evtry posulblu attention , U Kefcldc-3 my wfc | , a competent Iiuly , will attunl "adlc * . V. M. [ , OOKWOOI > , Proprietor ABBOTT. Jusfcico of the. Peace and Hotary Public. , Council BlufTo. Samuel C , Davis &Co.j DRY GOODS Washington ; Ave. and Filth fit , ST. LOUIS MO- COUKCII/ BLUFFS HAILKOAD TABLE. CIIICAOO , ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Pacific Ex and Mail1..9:25am : Ex and Mail.6:55 : p in D. ilolnes ac".7in a m Dca JIoinesttc'-lMO p in CIIICAOO , HL'RLINUTOS AND CJCI.SCV. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..f30 ! urn Paclflo Ext..0:20 : nm Mail and Ex.9 ' 0am Mall nnd Kx'.7:00p : in N. V. Kv 4:00pin : Neh & Ka Jb.8:20 a tn CHICAGO AND NORTHKSTKUX. Depart. Arrl\ . Atlantic Kxf..BIH : pin Pacific Evt..9:15am : Mai and Ex.a:20am : Mall and Kx.0:13p : m Acuoin. ( Hat.5:60 ) : p in Acuom. ( Mon..l:15pm ) : KAN8A8 CnV , HI. JOK AND LOU.NCIIt Depart. Arrlv c. Mall and Ex. . . .9:55 : a m I r.xnres 0-W p m Exprewi 9:10 : p m | Mall nntl Kx..OI4iipm DMON rAciric. Depart. Arrlvu. Overland Kx.lUIOa. m. OverlandE1:00 : p. m. Lincoln Ex..11:30 : a. in. Denver Ex . . .8:00n. : m , Denver Ex..7:00 : p. m. Local Ex ( ! :30a. : m. Local Ex 7:22 u. m. " Ex 9.U5a. in. Emigrant..Oilp. ) m. " Ex WABAUII , hV. LOl'IH AND 1'ACiriO. DeiMirt. Arrive. Mall and MX. . 9:45 : n m I Mall and Ex. . 430 p m Cannon Ball. . 4W : p in | Cannon Ball. . 11:05 : am BIOUX CUT AND FMItlC. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Clty.7A3am Frm Sioux C'y.o O p m For Fort Niobrara. Frm Fort Niohrara , Neb" 7:5.riam : Neb * COpm For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St..Paul..8 0 a inFer CI1ICAUO , MILMAUHKK AND HT. 1'AL'L. Loarc Council lilulls. Arrives Council IlluflH. Mall and Ex. . ! t.-JO a m I Mall and Ex.'CM pin Atlantic I-x. jSilB p in | Atlantic hx . . [ 'J:10ain : CIIICAOO , MILWAIKKK AND M. PAUL. LeivuuOmali.1. Arrivvx at Omaha. Mall and ix.7ir : : > am ' 1'atlflc IX [ 9:15a : in Atlantic K > . { | 3:10pm : | Mall and i\7-25p : in "Kxccpt SiniJnjfl. iUxevpt uaturdag. ( Uxcopt Moii.Ui < . ( Dall ) . Oouucll Blulta & Omaba Street B. R. Leav o Council lllnllH. I < earo Omaha. R n in , 9 a m , 10 n in , I H a m , 9 n in , 10 a m , llam , 1 a2 \ p m , 3 p I 11 am , 1pm , 2pm , 3p m , 4 p in , D p in , C p in. | m , 4 p m , p m , ( i p m. Strut can * run half hourly to the Union Pacific Depot. On Sunday the earn tiiirln their trip at 9 o clock a. m. , and run rei rarly durlnjr the day at 0,11 , " 4 , & and G o'clock , and run to citytimo. yon tailor from Uj pcp ia , U3a BURDOCK ILOOI ) UlTTKlttt If yea ire altllctcJ with Jillloiisnctw , uco BURDOCK DLOOD CirTKP.S If youiro proatnted with slcU Headache , tr.Uo HUIIDOCK DLOOD niTTKKS t your llotvcla uro disordered , iiguMo tliein wltb UURDOOK HLOOD UllTKUO If vur Blood le mpurB , purify U with nUUDOC'K BLOOD BIITCUS. If you In 'e Indigestion , you will tmdan antldoU In UUUDOCK J1LOOD WTTKKa If > outre troubled with Spring ConiplalnU , cr- idlcato them with BUHDOCK BLOOD U1TTKHB. If your U verts tor pU , tretoro It to healthy action with JltmDOCK BLOOD U1TTBR3 Jf your L'.vcrlJ ullccted , you will flnclaeuro ro- Btoraavoln BUHDOCK BLOOO B1TTEI18. If you have &ny epcclca of Humor or Pimple , til' ' fcot to Uko BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTEHS. If ) ou have ny eymptomHof Ulccr/i or Bcrofulou * Bores , a curatlvu remedy will he found lii BURDOCK BLOOD BlTTUKfl For Imparting btringth and \lUllty tothoiyi tuu , nothing : anoqual BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debllltj- tone up the B)6t ui with BURDOCKBLOOD lllTrKJlS Price l.00per dottle ; Ti ! Uottlei 10 Cti TDSTEE , MILBDRN , & Do , , Props , nurrAio , H , y. B'd l b3lewl by lab. k UcUUion kad 0. ooiruta. ID 7 tod-ro1 ON THANKSGIVING DAY , 1837 , The ba'obnrnor in the Critstnnn Homo glowed libo & furnnco , ns well It might , the wind being bitter outbids And the ( test on duty. The clock wa on the stroke of 10 , nnd everybody hid gene home but the Old bottler , the ox Poutulinastor , the County Clerk and the ShotilT. Tha hot water kettle on the atovo was hidden in n cloud of steam , but you know it was there by the eoug it sang. The Old Bottler WM feeling comfortable , for ho hnd been "alinghi1 it inlorhimhot , with n baked apple ctunoliod in it , b'gosh , with sugar 'nough to Inko the tooth out'n it.1 FrniiK , the landlord , was wishing to himself that they'd , nil got up ntid go , when the Old Settler remarked : "Tnatiksgiviii1 uevor coinca n tollln * 'round but what I've got to jkin my eye back to how I nttuck luck on tbe oveuiu * c' Thankifciriti' , joat forly-Hvo yo&ra ORO this fall. Yet , hiv , boys , if it hadn't n ban for n lucky llltlo nxsu-1 I had with a blc nho b'nr on the 28 : h of November , 1837 , 1 would a ben married that ovciitn' , nnd would i ben coalpcd by Iniitis , bVonh on thu ! tl of Juao , 1838. " It was evident thnt the O'.d Settler hnd u Hloty on his mind , uud thnt ho intended to got it off. Thn landlord glanced liolplcnnly nt the clock. As ho went to turn out some of the lighta in the room ho niouoly nmmrked that ho wished thu big aho bear hnd taken aomo other course and not in terfered with the ( loathly which had started out to ohnpo tbo Old Sottlcr'a ends. "WotI , I don't know ns I see any thing very wonderful in that , Major , " said the ox-pouudmactor. "It ain't much of n triok to toll a story about not being aonlpod by Indions. Now , if you had only been ecalpod on the 3d of Juno , 1838 , and wcro aittlng hero to-night tolling in about it , why that would bo something n little out of the old ru > , and wo might work up a little surprise over it. " "Ves'r aaid the sheriff , "or it would bo a little interesting to hoar whether the raealo with the boar didn't turn out to bo a lucky thing for the woman , too. Couldn't you give un the inside facts about that , Msjoi ? " "Thoy'a seooh a thing , boys , ez boin' a loutlo too ouuniu' , " oatd the Old Settler. 'What I'm goin' to toll you mayn't bo very h'prisiu' , Mr. Poundmaotor , nn' then cgln it may. [ tat whether 'tin or whether 'taint , I'm ' Roing to toll it , for I ain't likely to think of it again 'fo o next Thanks/jiving / , ail" mobbo by that time none o" yon smart bucko won't bo lingering on this mundane sphnro , an' then you'll bs sorry you misied it. An * ess fur glvin' the in- aide fno'a as to the she b'ar an * the woman I didn't marry , you nuodn't bo nlarmod , sheriff , for 1'vo got "em down to u dot , b'gosh. An I'll give 'em to you dyed in the wool , war ranted not to fade , an' If thoy'o a thred of cotton in 'om take the lot , free gratis for nothin * . Fur four my mem'ry mout scatter n little , hko a load o' shot rammed down hard fur pigeons , I think I'll Blintr another hot nu inter me , which I'll send my rooominorubntnco plumb inter the bull's eye , b'gosh , a riilo ball out'n my old ' mootho-boro , with mo a pnllin' tbo trigger , Crunch the apple tol'blo ' fine , Frank , an * don't use yer ougar ez if they was n heavy tariff on ev'ry spoonful , an' you had to piy it. " The landlard iillod the flowing bowl. "The wa'n't mush of a settlement at Lord's Valley forty-five years ago , " continued the Old Settler , "an1 they ain't much of a one thar now , fur that matter , but there waa u big crop o' fun to the equar' foot in them dnyn back in the woods , nn' I gathered in my sheer cf it. When wo didn't oaro to get up a fight with n b'ur or they wa'n't no painters handy to tackle fur an cvGiila's leotlo recryation , us fel lers ueoty kinder awing round an" take in an apple cut comowlmr in the dootetick , or a huekin' bco now an' then , whenever some o' the agriccl tural tillers o' the silo back on the liilln had corn enough to got up one which wa'n't party darn frequent , boye , I kin tell ye. "Jep Ladyard were one o' the boys in them days , an' ho wore n tough 'un. That feller would rather inlso three meah a day fur a week than to mies a fight. Ho wa'n't partio'lorly mnesy , an' didn't 'xao'ly edge'round to got up ono on the carpet aomowhar , an' it wa'n't ' likely to couio to his run way , he'd kinder work hieaolf over to whar the fun was cookin' , an' gin * er'ly got thar in time to walk in an' clean things. He wa'n't very popular in nocioty , but when folks got BO- quilnted with him they wa'n't no np- ) ) Io cut , nor no corn buskin' , nor no dance over give 'round thnt part o'tho conn try that ho didn't git an Inyito to. That waa naC'ral , though , fur the Joneses made n huskin' ono fall , an' .Top didn't got no invitu. Nox' dayho wallzca over an' thrashed old.Ionessn' his two atub an' twist boys , Dan an * Pate , which was considered about two 0 the hardest riutn to crack they war 'long the Shoholy. Then .Top gave it out that the tiox' man ez slighted him on any blowout in them parts he'd biff the life out'n him an'mow ton acrotio' Kcrub oaks with his carcass. Ez they wa'n't nobody cz wanted his farm cleared in that way , Jup Ladyard wa'n't never short o' invites urtcr thnt. thnt."ThBy wiio a fum'ly named Dish , bolter lived 'long thu turnpike , 'bout five milra from whnro I had my cunp 1 n the fill o' ' 35 Oln man Diehbultur hud a little olearin' , un' they was tol'nblu decant eort o' folko. Taoy had a darter thr.t rather eot nil the boye a cl.incin * 'ronnd the clearin' Milder Dlshbalter vrna a likely g&l , but eho was fiery , nn1 BO durn not ia her waya that they wa'n't many in the dosatriok ez cilo'lntrd to go again anything - thing oho made up her mind to do. Jcp Lsdyard got pumb gnno on Mnrler UIB fuat time ho over met her , en' was dead crazy to marry her. Hut film didn't take a bit o' utook in him , an' ujety to bluff him on1 mitten hiir till they eaid it were durn funny ho didn't take it out'n thn clii man. "In the fall o' "M Bam Giles eorapod together enough apples to ell up a pcelln1 , an * I took it in , That was the fust time I over aeo Marier Dish- belter , I wa'n't takiu' no back scat in them days when it come to ihakin' the foot , an * mo an * Mnrier ruthor walked off with the alap-jack that night , The conBokonocs wor" that she to k n big shine to mo. I r lked hum with her that night , an' whrn I Irft her nt the door f > nu * ) to rni > : 'Yer comin' to see mo nox' S\turdsj7 She reckoned , b'goh , that I would , an' I sco right away that I was ioln' ; in on Saturday jest ir. mire IT. I was nlivo. An1 I dtd come. An' then Marior eaid that I w.-u uoln' to como thnr throe nights n week , to say uothln' o' Snud v J > ' I kiow'd I were goin' to do it , though I didn't want to , no moro'n 1 wanted to quit deer huntin' an' go down in the holler an' lity fur coons , "Well , boyn , jest z rog'lar rz them thrco niglitn a week an * Sunday rolled round , jest to rcg'lur yo'd find mo rv moggin' over t'ords Dithbpllur'a. Jop .Lsdyard was nil cut up. li'a a durn wonder ho didn't lain the lifo out'n mo , 'cauto hooauld n donu it in lees'n n plg'a whisper. Ha didn't , though , but ho dfcrud mo bio nib , a lioun' , nil the akinn ho could capture in A year , an' n hull raft o' ttnpu if I'd ' alido away nn' give him n chanoa with Marier. I told him that I'd gio him mor'n thnt if ho would t kt > lar oFn ( my handr , but cz to givin" her the mitten , ho mout jest cz well atk mo to hold a live doer by thu tail while I skinned it with it ponknifo. "So things wont along till thu fall o' " 37. Owe night mean' Mnri r was eotlin up , puttin' away a loetlo o' Ihu ole mnn'a elder an' clinwin' a cruller now an * then , when all of a suddeiit Matter ray : "Wall , , ) hn"eaya aho , "wo'ui goiu' to bo married , " "That so ? " an7B I. I was sot back cz if sotuo ono give mo a biff in the eye , but I knott'd wo was goiu' to bo married if Marier said BO. 'That ao ? ' saya I. 'What'a tliat futI / eayi. " \Val , ' says Marior , 'they ain't no durn feller cz runs those yer woods , ' aaya aho , 'oz kin aet up with mo three nights out'n ov'ry week , ' aho say a , 'an como to dinner nn' supper Sundays , ' snya ahi > , ' 'loss ho moans ter hitch outer mo so cz ho kin be 'round fur breakfast , to > , ' aaya nho. 'So jo kin git ready tor bo hitched nox1 Thanks , pivin night , ' snys aho. "Thanksgivln1 were jest four daya away , boys , an * it rutlior seemed tome mo that Mnrier wa'n't givin * me much o1 a ahow , an' so I says : 11'ThankuglvinV aayal. 'Gosht'l. michty ; , Marier , ain't that a lootle suddint ? ' aaya I , ' "Mobbo it's Buddint , ' ho , an' mobbo 'taint , ' eayo aho. 'Butsuddint or no Buddint , or. Thanksglvin' night o jine , ' aaya aho , 'for ov'rything'a ready , nn' the invitca ia all out. ' "Goiu1 back to camp thnt night 1 tried to make up my mind to out my Btickn out'n the countrybut I couldn't. Then I wondered if 'twouldu' . , bo n good ideo to jest elug n btillot inter my conk , or alido my huntin1 knife 'crosa my wizzan , an' give Jepp Led- yard a olmuco artcr all with Miner. But the door huntin' were durn line that fall , an' it Boomed too bad to quit the camp so auddint an' not git my work in on aomo o' the big bucks that waa bound to como my way 'fora the Roacon waa over , an' BO 1 pacaod on that idee. Then I got a little consola tion an * hopu out'u the thought mob- be , b'goah , my gun might bust cz I were olupgin' a doer an1 aeud me whar Marier couldn't git her hooka on mo. But thia didn't cheer mo up long , fur I know'd the make o' that ahootin * iron , an * they wa'n't no more bunt in .it they were in a crowbar. So I glvo np alick an * clean , and bunked in that night a considorin * myself a married man. man."If over four daya got away with thoirsolfa in lota thun no tlmo , I kin tell you , b'gosh , that thorn four did. It was five mileu from my cibin in to ole Dishbeltor's , an' ez Marior lied told mo that I were to bo on hand at 8 o'clock by the plumb-bob , an' that if I wn'n't thar , b'gcsh , they'd bo music , I mosied out o' my citnp at ( i o'clock to make auro o' boin' on time for thij fnnor'l. I lied mo gun with mo , more from habit o' carrying 'it thun for ueiog of it , an * I hod't gene moro'n a milo 'foro I bed the Block o' that gun nt my shoulder , drawed bead , an' whanged a slug inter ono o' the biggest ahu bars I over clapped my eyea on. She wa'n't more'n twen ty feet away , but the shot didn't act- tie her , an' quicker'n a hornet olio wore up on her ha'nchca nn' mnkin' fur me. Then of a audint it flaohed on mo thnt hero wan my chance to get the best o' Marior. Ihedn'ta durn thing to fight with , an * I know'd I didn't atan * no more chance with that b'ar tbun I did with a flash o' llghtnin' , if aho meant busi ness ; but I buckled right into her , nn' the raeaol wan in , I'll never tell you how long wo fit , fur the next thing I kno'd nrtor tackling the b'ar I were layin' in my cabin , an' D.m .Tones were a doiti' roe up In race , whllo Pete were slingin' water in my face. The first thing that como inter my mind waa that I hadn't reached the woddiii' feaat in time , an' ' that Marior hnd been makln * music fur me , " 'la mo an Mirier married ? ' was the first thing I Haul. " 'Not cz bad cz that , ' eaya Peter Jnneii , 'but diiti near ez bad , ' aaya ho 'Yer the wuat chawed up man I over see , ' aaya ho , 'but the b'ar'a dond , ' rays ho. 'Yer slug dope the buelneoe , an' Jurn lucky fur yer it did , ' naya ho. "Thon it all como back to me The b'ar hod knocked mo out o' time , but my bullet had done the tworlastiii" business for thu b'nr. ThoJonnonhad tumbled over mo an' the b'ar hugged together in thb brush on their way homo from Diohboltc-r'a , nn' had lug ged mo inter the cabin nn' folchod mo to. ' "But thoy'fl ben the dcuuo and all of time to Dishbelter'n ' a over , says Dan. 'Tho hull durn .township was thar , an' the layout waa bifj. When thin part o' the countryaetaontator/iid prance in u ( jluss dish , un * lies butter on two plates , ' eaya Din , 'l/gosh , yo kin nnko uy jcr mind that 'tain't no durn common nhindlg that'a on the tap' * , and tbo Diihbeltetu set 'cm out. Marior had on n Irnn now rod calikor , an * u tireen ribbi n tied round her head , The old man had bin white shirt on , b' oah , an' kop * hia coat on. The ole woman hnd on a yellcr apurn , an * they waa n fire in the front room , They done the thing han'/ioinc ; and when 8 o'clock came an' you vra'n't thar , you just oughtor to tionrd the bride let out. Me an' Puto couldn't atan' it , an' went out an * atood in thu woodshed fur ten rainlts. When we cot back Marior was bettor , an1 the f uat thing 1 knovr'd , up aho popa an oiya : " 'I toll yer,1 says Bhn , 'that I'll bo if thia pethcrin'a * dod-goahod yer gciu THE OTTAWA CYLINDER CORN SHELLER , ar * = sssss Tr snr AtiliNTS , ( WUiYCIL BLUFFS , IOWA to bo dieoypintod by nuy Ka italoot what comes a c-campln'in thc&u for patta , ' nifl she , 'tin' it they'a any [ oiler in thia yer room re is got the erit to buckle on to mo , ' Rhora\x , 'they'll H thn red-hottest weddin' yer to-night thnt uvoratruck Piku countj 1' nys she. " 'Au * who d'ye B'DOSO hod the grit ? ' saya Dan M i Ldyard , b'goah ! Marior never weakened , un' in lota tlmn ton miulta the 'Squiro bud 'em hitched , an * uv'rybody in Ihu room hod kitsod the bride nn' was jeitmore thun gushin' away at thnt layout. ' "Buys , " continued the Old Settler , "I war abort about five pounria o' meat that the b'ar had cluwua i IPeii me , but I had a bottle o' rum laying back on a shelf , an * I told Dan Jones to got it. Ho got it , an * I e ya to 'em 1 sayn , boys , oxcuau mo fur taklu' the fust drink , but I want to glvo a toaat , I aayi , nn' this i < It : ' 'Yor'a to Marier an' the feller that hod the grit. An * jcr'a hojnn , b'gosh , that Marier ' 11 never bo n widdor , ' "Now see wliat'd a turned out if I hadn't a mot thu b'ar. Marier made it ao hot for .Top that ho couldn't think o' no place that wna aafo for him but way out woat. She'd made it jttnt ns hot fur mo , nn' thu fur west would a gobbled me. Jop wont a huntlu' out thur nn the 3rd of June , 1838 nu1 nn Injiu Mugged him an' raised hia bar. If that hadn't been Jep it'd n been ben me , b'gcab. bcis , ns sure na a picked Hint , nn' I wouldn't a ben fattln' no twelve pound turkovit for thisThivukflgivin'l1 ' Aa soon as the landlord made change for the poundnmator ho put out thu lights , nnd thn boys went home. Honnity tbx Bent Polioj. In ftilvortlemi , ' it medicine It IB licit to bo honent ; deception will iii'tor do ; tin ? people ple won't Htun.l It. Lot tlm truth bo kuown thnt Hurdock llloail Jtittcn euro earofuln , etui nil oruitii | < iiH of tbo Hkln. TbU inedictno it told everywhere by drug- gl t . An lutnriiiil itovoiino Oillor I'ltUMUKNCIt , All . ' 2 , ISH'J. KniTOKOK IIOHTIIV HlRAMI. DK\R SIR During uiy term of sen lee In the Internal lle\eauu li' ) > irtmoiit ot thu UnltoO HtntcH , at tlio tlinoinyolllco wiwln thin city , I WM unilctcJ ltliata\rru attack of HUncy Inoa e nndnttlmca tuffcrcJ Inti-nnej. I rrcvhril the mudlcivl nihlru ol eoinucf our luwtlihjHlctanslo n lei > tlmr , without lieliij ; lirnclUjei ! by tholr priacrlptlous. IlchiK illaoournKcJ by thu fulluooo the dai'torn to help nit1 , nnd bcln r urKi'il to line Hunt's Koincily 'by n frlrtul who had tmU'dlls merits , althouch tcluctint to try n jrntcn * moill- Iclnc , I o.s finally ludticcil to try the remedy , nnJ I'lrocuroJ tno bottlca ot It , mid commenced taking ItfaUhlully nccrdlct to thoclltcctlonx. Before I haj taken It thrcu ilayR thu uxcnitU- tins pain In my back had tllHtpjH'nrciI. anil before I r-al 1180(1 two liott'cH I Mas entirely enrol Whcno\cr , from OMiroxerthn or n > lolcnt cold , the palna In my kldnt'jH return , a fuw doaen of Hunt's lUmodj quickly ulTccts acui . licforo tlo-lnt , " I Img to invntlon thu remarkable cure of a friend of mlno In Now 1'ork city , to Hliom I ree ninicmlciUhln tnl ab'o nitdlclne. Ho wag Bufleriii ) ; no\orcly from an at lade which ua * pronounced by blx phjelclan a dfilded caxo of Ilrl ht'H Dlsrasu of thu Klilno.1 . obtained two hotloHOf llnnt'd Uunii'd } for him , n il ho com menced tallng It , and bu in to In. prove at oncii , \vaHxpeoJllyrcetorcilto heallh , and boat- tributes thu caving of Mi life , under tbu IjleMiIri ; of a mere fill l'ro\IdoiKv , to Hunt'H Ucnuily. Another friend of mlnu In Now York , to whom I rccainntiidod Ilnnt'a Utinmly , wan suffering eivuro'y ' from k dncy ilhcatu , mid wiHcntlmlr cured cf It after nblnKthls uondcrful uicdltlno only a thoit jwrloJ FcullnK dfoply ( rate fill foil ho gnat bonollta oipcrlcnc i ) by my frlendu nnd mj elf from Iho use of Hunt'H Krwedy. i' fuel It tn bo my duty , i well inartiit prlfikfo , to ( iirnlth you tbli voluntary and unnolicltod Btatemar.t cf facts fo tholnformatloi ofyourlarKo number of reader ! , many of whom are undoubtedly piiOcrln ) ; from tnls widely i prceillnifecourgo , and I lille\u ) that It li the brat medicine now known , and that It will cum all cu > < n of kidney dUtasul that can re cured. I tlull liopleatwd to confer wllli anyone who may dulro un Inters liw itordlii ( ( , ' thu btite- meo'ii 1 creh contained. Tiuty Yours , II.CI1MONI ) IIRVfiHAW , ttl MiHii Btiett. _ 100,000 TEMKEN-SPRINCYEIUCLliS NOW IN TISE. They turiuta all otuern for etey rliilns. r'.yU d durr.blllty , They nro for aiilo by all Leading Oar Ir.go UiiilJora and Dculcrn throughout hu country , sPBDSaS G13ARS & BODIES For HM b Henry Tim ken Pateotoe nnUullJor of I'luo Cirla ft , l-nii - a lii &BisIMi'S PER'FUME. Murray & Lanman's sl for TOILET , BATH nd nr No. 328 Broadway , FOU HOLIDAY IfOVSLTIES * A'W AJJUfft Tuli JL tfi * y v M&JM A A JJitVJfc In the line or fancy articles , odor cases , hand painted toilet sets , hand made laces , kid gloves , etc. FINE MILLINERY A SPECIALTY. GEORGE F. CRAWFORD , BUYER AND SHIPPER 01 ? EGGS. No , 519 South Iain Street L BLUFFS , IOWA I pay the highest Market Prio and Deduct no Commiission. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WUOLKSALK A D 11KTAIL DEALERS IN LiOKAf AfflA , LEHI&H , BLOSSBUE& AND ALL COMHELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Ofllce No. 34 Pearl Street , Yardn Oor. Eishth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Oounoil Blufl'q. THE OUT I INF u n H LI si L -OF TIM : Milwaukee & St Paul RAILWAY U now running IU PAST KXI'llUSH TIIAINK from OMAHA AND CODNGIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's Mapifloont Sleepers -AND TIIK Finest Dining Cars in tlio World- IF YOU ARE GOING EAST 10 CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE , Or to anv point bet end ; or IF YOU ABE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINN13fl.rOI.IS lake the IIK.VT ItOUTE , the Chicago , MilwaulMo&St.PaulR'y ' Ticket ollieii located at rorni r I'arnani and I'ourtiiciitli Htrceta mid at U. P , Deiwtaud ut Mlllaid Hotel , Omaha. tSTtico Time Tublu in another column. I' , A , NAHII , General Avent. 0. It. KOOTK , Ticket Atfuit , Omaha. N. H. Miitltlf.l. : , A. V. II. UAHI'K.STKIt , Oeni'ral Manager. Ocncral PIIHU. Ajjcut. J. T. CI.AIIK , ( li:0. : II. IlKAKrOHII , GeneralKup't. Axu'tdin. Pawi. Audit. To Nerva J3 Suttcrero THE OlftAT EUnOPCAN RSMLDY. Or J. H. Simpaon'H Spooitlc Jt I ) k 5 j ] tli'ocuio for Upcncatacbrii , Scialu , notkaaM , liuiKtti.uny , uid r.U dlts i' rnuullir.t d v. 3 ll-AbiM > , M Me Ltd Anil 'ty , Jam i V ! nurj' , f ilno In tasDtcUrrHlilp , uid diem , DM ' , . , , ' „ , 4 r /iv6t lead , to o fpccUle tUdivldO li > D | ( uced with VTondec * ful nicceaa. Pamphletl not fret to kll. Writ * tot thorn tnd got fall p > i ttciiUrt. Price , Bpoclar , 11.00 per pickigc , or eli pMk- UTM lor ti.W. AUilnva UI orduw to 1) . BIM80N MKDICIHK CQ. Noi. 101 nJ 100 Main lit. llullalo , N , Y. Sold tn Ornth. hj 0.1 , Qooduua , J , W. Ball GRAY'S SPECIFIC EXCDIOIlfE ' TflADB MAR&tTho & Qroatyru DH MARK ody. An Hi ) . fMllnif ruro for Ucinlnal Woolcncss , Bpermator * rhon , luipot. ency , and all follow M n BEFCflFTAKIHQ.Bo.iu nco ol AFTER TAIIRI. ! Jol-Alii ! i ; w > I/OBJ of Memory , Universal L il tudci , Pain In the Back , Dlnineu of Vision , Pis mature Old AI.-O , and many other DUeasei thai lead to Infinity or Cocaumptlon nd Prem * . turo Oravo. CVFutl particular * in nni pumcblet , which we ilolra to aend Iruu I v midl to every one. /3TThu HpccinclloJIclDo It told by at Jlpcr pknf ( nr U packt cs for 86 , or will l/ Bent ffvo l.y c-ull au runt ip of the money , by addromliiu TUB OKAY JEDICINK CO. , Boffalo , N. Y. ino'ocj jr ) ' ' ! ! nil * tttm\ uf liililli'K wrttli d t > lull i. Milt uC jr Jlltl n l\l > lt * lirht wniv , tu It : .ililnllUuMu U „ < n uii < Hop B. juitrnrliiRt t-lcc. 01 jlnt'U , uld > irH < iiitii7i itiTi'rlcf fropj iiiwi ( IrrJUn'ir iV.'u-uljii Hi I ng uu n L'U , cLM. JCM , rrl ) > n H o p Pfi Olttert. Wliiicitrr yoiiorr. 'J lmiu\B ( . CM4. . - .ilifiwror jou r f | i tr i ilV ' r "n aumt .Mai your ojHtmJ furm > ! I'lunev ( ll rAkn llml illicit ) HcpCIMerr wzwaajs , . . I. O i rn r It * ii triK.lnt. f lutn , . inii'irt , nl ! risil ll- > f l.i" t irrli tlucrt , UUP lilucur < ( a. ii i-oirtfrii i VIB W.I I ( ) iir.r II ) "Lnjt Ifiu r-riri UJIC > 0l It nrnn/Uil tlrciilu- MBiililliiVtry - U1 It liny / , t < r\ /our ffti co. , IOil. . rr.'C DOCTOR STEINHARTTS ESSEEW.E OF LIFE. , ilALK AND t > MALM. It l < a mire , prompt and effectual rcmeda for In * ( llgunUon. Djapcpila , Intermitttnt Fevtn , Want of Ammtlte , Norvouj Debility In all IU Hta.'ca , Weak Memory , lira * of Drain Power , Prostration , d general I.oen of Potter , It reinlrj ncnoin woxte , rejuvenates the fadeil Intellect , ( treiiKlitheim the vnfeiblul brain and reitortx turprln ng tone and vltor la the exhausted or. L'aiid. Tlio experience of thousand * proves It to uo an Invaluable remedy. Price , SI. DOa bottle. oralxlortS. Kor i.aleli > all Urii l'tx , or eent iiecuro from observation on reitlpt cf price , by Er. Stcinhftrt , P. O , Box 2400 , St. UUJN Mil. _ DOCTOR STEIWHAIIT'S The Grrot Popular Remedy for Piled. gun-euro forlillml , Dlceding&IichtagPileB And all foriiu of Tumors. Thtse KUITOHITORIM act directly upou thu ooatd of the Blood Vcysi.1 j , and by their astringent tllotU gently forte the blood frouKhoiuollen tumore , and uy making the coaU of the vein * ktronv , prevent thu r relllliiiy , and heiica a null * ualeure U sure to f nil ivv their use. Prlcu , 7S ctnU a box. For gala by alldruireUts , or gent b > mall on receipt of price , by Eu liili Modlool , 718 OUvo St. St