TlLb DAILY BBb-COUNCIL BLTJJiTS .OWA SATURDAY , DECEMBKh , 16 The Daily Bee. UOll OIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morninff , Dec. 10. sunacKifTiuN KATKM : n ? Gaiilor - - - - - zoccnt' ' Pft vrMlk * B/lKu - - - - - - lnOiptrY ( ar. Offlco : No. 7 Pourl Htrdet , Near MINOK MENTIOJMS. The city council Is to try for n meeting Monday evening. J. Mueller' ' * 1'oUco Muslo Hall. Dlshf * , flaviwixre , lamps , etc. , at WI3 Broadway. Howe ( t Sou. The outgolDii train thl tfternoon call- ward l over the 0. , 11. & Q , railway. Old pnpcw for sale at THE UKE office at 2,5 ccnt [ ) crhilulr < d. There Is to l.e a mcctm ? 01 the teach- era of the public ncbooU Rt 0:30 : thli morning - ing at Washington street rchuol. Subscribe for newspaper * mid perlodl- eals nt If. 13. Seaman's itore. Itcv. 1 * . 8. Dlayncr , "f Omaha , will preach to-morrow mottling nnd tvenlog In tbu I'mbylerinn chutch. Furnlturo of all kinds repaired by Ho o &Bon , 303 13rcnilwxy Beal sftcqucs fur trimmings , very low , nt Motcall lros. ! ' W. H. llrlggi' lloHton Operatic inln- strels made a showy meet parade ywtcr- day , and gave cm outciUlnineut last ve- nlug at Dohany's. Large quantlly of cloves And f/irnl- / turo at 303 Broadway. Howe & Son. New lot nicely decorated , TiG pieces , ol tea cite , tiqkr $5 at Mourer ti Craig. I'ernilts to wci ? hav > been given to A. D , Lawrence nnd Mary A. Gardner , of Mapleton ; also to George Craftn nnd Loon a 15ello Denning , both of thia city. Ilivnil-painlcd china , art notlory , solid silverware , bronzcR , < tc. , at Manrer & Oralg. Largeit stock of Tcy nnd Holldny Goods In the city at Seaman1 * , I'riccodely competition. Abe Lincoln 1'oit , 0. A. K , Is mak ing extcntlvo jirepjrnllom fur Itu mns- imcrado ball , to be given lit ISloum & Nixon's hall on the ovcnlng of the -7th. A jolly Uii.o la promhod nil. There is n stranger ( u the city rcpre- rentlng hlintclf an n "reverend" of nonio kind , who IB HOlicUIns futidj for corno caute or other. McCarthy aud the public In thU ait In all CIHBH la rciueatcd | ti > bo on the guard agtlnit friud , The Printers' Union , lately orKfinlred here , Is to give first nnmutl ball at Blno'm Nixon's ImllClirlttmai tvculng , December 25th. The affair will bo full of enjoyment and the Union should meet with a hearty encoururement and liberal nupport hy tbo public , Steve Manafiold , who has been driving the book nnd ladder truck , lately gained a two weeks' leave of absence to KO to lied Cliff , Colorado. Ha has concluded not to return to thin city , and Marlon Stevens bus been given the reins na a bubttltuto. Chief Tcinploton , of the fire depart' rnent , seem * to bo having much more than hta hare of bereavement. He ha * juat re ceived news of the doith of another rein1 live , Mlis Mlnnla Templeton , ' who died at ber home la PncIQo City , Mills county , after an Illness laetlng only n day or two , The gambling fraternity yesterday ttpped to the front , and each paid the 429,10 , technically called n fine , but which IB In fact a monthly HOCDBO fee collected by tbo city. There la n > nuo mincing mat ters. The city virtually license * gam blln ; , the roundabout method being need of Cuing them all regularly , cnco a month only , and letting their plucca run without any effort to tnpnrcB * or c1oe them , Yeaterday forenoon one of Uoccroft'ii < exprea team * uinde a little flurry on IBroadway bv taking n tun. The team brought up agamit tha delivery wagon of C. 0. Cook , atanilluc In front of his place * Both wagoui wtte umatihed soinctwhat , and 4 < oorge 1'eterBuu , who wna loading nonio flour into Cook's wnfpn , had a narrow es cape , the polo ot the oxprctut wsgon jtttt grazing him ni It , went craiililng through the endbonrd of the wagon. 'An influx of Iowa atatejmcn In rupoi- ed at Washington leoklog after the loaves and fl lics to ha dUtributoJ la coniequeuce f the formation of a new federal judicial district within thia state. Mcaars , Myer , Kirk and linugerow , all of Sioux City , want tha office of United States marnhal , Mr. O'Connel ) , of Ft. Dodge , would Ilka to ba dlitrict attorney. The editor of The Sioux City Journal , Mr , George Perkins , Ia having blmaelf groomed for th marshal- § hlp wlthj'roiixoUof UCCC H.Glenwood [ Journal. Gold vntchos for gentlemen or In dus , Monograms nrtiutically on- yrM'cd on the HHIUO without extra charge at 0 , B , JACQUKMIN & OO.'H. Call at Harknras , Orcutt it Co. 'a and tea the beautitul lacorf they have juat opened for the holiday trade , Call at the Kxcelsior gallery , corner - nor Main btrcct and First avtmue. Holiday pictures ; boat work. deo2-10t The first man wo patronieod in Council Blufla wu D. Maltby , Wo took in k general nupply ot groceries nnd not an article failed to give s&tis faction ; hones wo are free to aay that for good goodu , fair prices and polite attention tha houao uameu ia the ono to go to A tpeciul aff < tir will be the OhrUtmua stock of delicacies now opening up. J. M. PiilLLii'a' , " FOK HOLIDAY t" , 413 UKOADWAY. An elfgant lot of Black Hilkt , very , nt Harkncsa , Orcutt & Co.'a. How TO GET SICK. Expose your self day and night , oat too much with out exercise , work too hard wlthnu real , doctor all the tinur , tukn all ( In vile noatrama advertiit-d , and ) u > yon will want to know ioGKT WJJLL.- Which U / ia three words Tale Hi SEEING KTAHS. Some ofTboso Whom the Police Have Interviewed- Wan Kelata on Beln < f JullPd. Thoma * Dowring , n yonng English man whg came to this country for the first titno this fall , lonnd it difluult to get any work by which to earn an honest ponny. At leant , to ho gays. On arriving iu this city a faw day * ago ho went tno rounds , aaklng for n job , and , getting discouraged and hoing short of food , money and clothes , ho wandered into the pollco station and atkod 'Sriniro Durko to netid him to jnll for two vreekf , until ho could gat wurinnd through nnd fattened up. Ho hopud by tint timotho weather would bo milder and ho could do out-door work. The 'Squlro not bning ablu to comply with this strange request , the young Englishman walked out , nud , proceeding to Mrs. Davis' secondhand - hand Btoro near hy , dcllber- atoly smashed out f.omo glass In the window , and was of coursu arrested ns .u limited , Yoatet- duy ho uppnnred before .lustico Frainoy nnd waived oxaminalton on the charge of nuliclous intachiet. Ho was thcrunpon sent to jail to nwait tliu action of the grind jury. On the wity thithur ho liifomitd Deputy Mar * shal White that if liu wai turned looto on this chnrpo ho should proceed to about $10 worth of nomuthiMg to got bnck in jail ngiin. There has boon muoh interest excited - cited in regard to tbo Carpenter cnso , the young man being atill locked up hero on n charge of bigamy , it bolng claimed th < vt ho has otio wifn here and ono in Virginia. The Council BlulTft wifn lun bi'cn anxiously await ing the arrival of the Virginia wife , as have nlno the police , for without the latter there woo A probability of the case tailing through for lack of evidence. A telegram has' been re ceived stating Unit Oarp'pntor's mother , who ( duo livt'B in Virginia , ia on her way here , and asking that tliu trial of her aon bo put ell' until her arrival. Another tclogram has been received stating that the Virginia wife in aliio on her way. liy the tirao of starting , as atatod in the telegrams , both should have arrived hero yenterday morning , bat nolthorof thorn showed up , and it Is probnble that they huvo boon delayed - layed n little on the road. Harry Williams WBB in court yontor- day for beiai' drunk. It scorns that ho rained u noisy row in a darkey homo on 1'iorca street the night before - fore , but ho got ou"H i-h the regulation lino. lino.Pat Pat McCaun , who has baon there before , was again in police court yea- torday and wgsin lined for being drunk. George AV. Evnua , who iu known oa Dig George , " wai complained of by Marc Cunningham for naault and bat cry and for gambling , the result nf BOIUQ trouble oror a game of cards. The complaint wun withdrawn aud the co.its uottled. It wnaozpocted yentordny that there would bo a auc-jnd chanter added to the Gorapacher-Bello Clover racket , but George failed tofilohia threatened complaint against the Inttur and thtir troubles were allowed to rest , but will oomo up again thia uftornoon in po lice court. Everybody ia going to be a gucat at the Pink T this afternoon and oven- lug. Doors open at 3 p.m. ; supper at 5.30. Admission Adultu , 15 cents ; children , 10 cimli. CHRISTMAS GOOPS In great variety at Harkucss , Orcutt & Oo.'o. dlStf TOYB ! TOYS ! ! Wo have a largo assortment of toyn on hand that wo will neil off at coat , M wo arn discontinuing that branch of our buelneea outiraly.Vo invite all who buy toyj for the children to ; tvousi cull , 0. B. Jxcyuii.MiN & Co. Cheap coal ia the thing just now. Javier mine , Missouri soft coal , § 5. Tjiokawnnna hard coal $10 , beat quail- le. Dollvorod fruo of charge. Oomo nd leave orders now bcforo it la all gone. Southeast corner Pearl and iroadway , Council Bluffi ) . A. U. NIIWKLL. The Bavarian Band will play at the > ink T to-uighfc. All torn up and goods scattered nil > ver the atoro. That IB how wo found Iughos& Tawalco. Thia is the result of having n tremendous rush on the oods for Chrlstrnaa and the receipt of tremendous lot of holiday goods. Low pricea and attractive article a win at 12 8. Main. W. T. BUAUN. OlbTKKH , OANIUKH , OAKkH l.'ONJKGTIONS , HUTH , ciUAiui , and The Ueotaursnt 3t p&r oxci-llencw. Go to Hatkneta , Orcntt & OO.'H for lolmanB fur triuunod dolmans , wool dolrnana and flno ailk dolmans. diatf _ Norvousnofl , peovlahncra and fret Ing , so nftuu connected with over yorked females' llveii , ia rapidly re iovod. by Brown's Iron flittura , Uhrialtuaa Noveltice , at Harkness , Orcutt & Co'a , WHOMSSALK HOLIDAY SPEC IALTIES. Talk about holiday goods and Saut Olaua headquarter. ! nnd you are o your base If you have not interviewc- Duquette , Guibert it Co. Why bless yourgonial aoul Duquette , Guibort & Co , , are the wnrohouso men for old Santa himiolf. Old Santa geta his supplies from them in carload lots , and if there Is n dealer In holiday rfoods between hero and Honoluln that has not been interviewed by their omniuriuont drutumeia then wo arc off In our rookonhiR. Hero they have orauiidi , grapes , par , and no end to conftotionury , cruokore , etc. When we called to write thnm up the Grand Pasha of the double front WAS ao busy with hit oiutombra tlutTU couldn't got within ten foot of him. TA11 Admire a Handiomo Face. A pure , clear eklu will make any face hautUoine. ilanlfcetly nnythlnpr which irruKthcui aud enrlchej the lilood will dirfcilv kfftut ( he whole person , All t ii'iloin of tliKukindltappearwhen liar- ilvek Jib * * ! IlitUnuie tniployed , Tljey are n v tttable tuutxiy of iueKiliuablo vtluc. CONCERNING TUB COURT- Vnlmer Wine Pirat Blood in Ills Bout with tte AVOOII Brovror Other Cases of Interest In the suit of Vftlmar vs. Ivnmpf , the jury han returned is verdict in fa vor cf the plaintiff for 5500 Thia wao was brought to recover damaged for Injuries claimed to have been received in arowat Avooi , whore they both live , and where * the defendant - fondant ia n prominent and woll-to-do brewer. It is claimed that there were auroral engaged iu the disturbance , and that the pUiutiir WAS kuockpd down , klr.kcd and badly injure : ! . In di'fencn it was claimed that the plaintiff was drunk , aud that what injuries ho recicvud must have come from falling down the atopa of the rowi-ry , nnd that tlicso lnjurB ! wcro not ns aeriotin aa the plnitttill claimrd. G. A. apponn d aa ittornny for the plaintiff , Mid Ltndt & Up.rt for the dntamhnt. Vutmor hud brought i-.uitn "ttgainat a number of othtrs whom ho clatmod woiu iu Bonn w y concornnd iu the trantaction , but hu hat diamitoed theaa. In Ihn caao of NV.itson v.i. Webb , in which the jury gav * u verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $0,000 , fur the loss of hiu foo' , n motion IIM boon unterod by the attorneys fir the railway for a new trial. The case of the State va El Sullivan - van wan triad yesterday Thu defend ant b ° tterknoTnas " , ? "Ono-LcggLdSul- llvan , " ia charged withatcahnga watch from G W. Kmtis , fninllirtrly known M "Big Gcorqo " The jury acquitted him , and ho n once rcciru nt liberty. Sullivan ha3 the reputation amoni ; the police of being of the alycst suoak- thiovi'R in the oity , and aoveral efforts have been made to got him to leave the city. It woo hoped that there could bo enough evidence produced in tliit case to send him ncroja the atato , but it neomK to luva bcon lacking , and ho will probably continue to hang about town to the aunoynnco of all. Yentorday nf tcrnooa the trial of the Traders' Bank v . Hamilton & Jeffer son WAB bs un. District Attorney Connor has gene home to epond Sunday. The grand jury continues ila work. Bliss has the fancy premium Baa- kota. 10-2t All whiting to present themselves 0' their friends with a oonvcnir in gold , oilvcr or art dueign. should not fail to call on O. B. Jaciincmln & Co. , aud make their milnctions for the hoi- idnj'B early , nt 27 Main etreet. Yhon aix plug huts are Bold to one crowd , direct from Boston , It ia proof potitlvo that we have the good * to ruit classical people , provided they go to the right The above reflections were induced by an observation of THE BEE reporter - porter taknn on the npor , while one of the Metcalf Bran , fixed up an entire Boston troupe with the latest style of ulossy plugi and other ot cetera * . When yon want clothing , hat ? , or anything stylish for men's or boys' wear , or furs for ) < uHuo and miiaes , the place to "catch ou" Is Motoalt Bros. ' big store , 342 and 314 Broad way , and "don't you forgot it. " A LARGE STOCK OP FINE HARNESS - NESS , Both single and double , for sale at reduced pricea. W. W. hiiERSiAjf , U4It 124 South Main street. GIVEN UP BY DOCTORS. "la it possible that Sir. Godfrey ia up and nt work , nnd cured by ao sim ple n remedy ? " "I assure you it ia true that ho Is entirely cured , nnd with nothing but Hop Bittoro ; nnd only ten days ago hio doctors gave Him np and said he rmi t dittl" "Well a-dayl That'a rcmarkablol will go thin day and got aomo for my poor George I know hops are good. " Dealers in 1'oye , Fancy Gooda nnd Mualral Instruments will Cud the largest and fronhoat wholesale stock at Mucllcr'a Muaic Hall declD.Ut FANS. Harknous , Orcutt fc Co. have an elegant nsEortweut of white and colored - orod fana. See the new goods nt BHst * . 10 2t Thnndftr it Down tlia AUDI , That for lamenesn , for rheimmll m , for aches , palnn , nnd for pralna Dr. Thomai J-'clectric Oil in n porltivu aod reliable romudy. Jr , ThoMai * Ktltoirie ( HI can to purcluued of nny dnu'gijt. Go to Hnrknoss , Oroutt it Co.'a for Lice Goodi , Fancy Handkerchiefsito. The Pink "P. " The folio wing auleottonsaroinoludot in the programme to bi rendered a * the Pink "T , " Dohanj' * hall , thi evening : Overt ' . "Krolmlnn " .re , , Hebor WIenr l.leder Waltaor Karbacl Olivette Selection Aria from Nornm Bellin Mascot , , HulcctiotiL Concert Overture' Colienrnde Hlr n Waltzeu Walrtteufe Medley , American llouin 1'atlence , iclectiona Uullivuu Seekers and lovers of the i.'ced will find their wants well tuoplled at. Tom- plotou A Lamb'a , 232 Wu t Broad- way. Doltu&UB cheap at Hark ness , Orcutt & Co.'a. diatf Save your money by buying horao blankota nnd lup robes at 0. J , Bock- man's , 335 Broadway , Musquotairo kida In street and party shades at Hnrknota. Orcutt & Oo.'e. Wlion you foul out of BorU , hav the bluua , inulauoholy , uto. , it mu bo inditoatio ; that aila you , Brown' Iron Bittcrtf onn it , Diamonda , diaruouda , ) nco pins , ra in B , aoliiuirc rinya and ctuda , look eta , oromr , nt 0 , B. .Uogur.Mm & Co B , 'J7 Uin 'A Ward or C ntlon. K&ilroad men , luecfahnlcf , conmerola travelera , bate bulllstj , farmery , and other who labor out of dooti. are pecuHarl liable to Hrcidrnt and injury. Ihoma J-'dtctnc Oil for bruins , burn . bites anc ro'atin , ii one of the fmwt n plicatiimi ye ATTHEINSXITtmON- How Toacbora nnd Puplla nro Carry- Tnemsoivep , The Deaf Mute Uawkoyc , published nt the institution for the deaf nnd dumb , < this week well Ic.don with go ( d general rcedicgmattor , nnd v/oll tipicod with loc.l incidcuts of in > torpot. From that paper it appoara thnt there nto no IT at the institution 270 pupils , 1G4 boys s.nd cC6 girls. T. Iv. Wiiitsr , the night watchrann , met with rnthcr n nvrlou * mishap the nthor night by running a nali into hiu loot. loot.Joeeph Conrfld , ono of tbo pnpilj , a eon Buffering greatly with nawoll- od jaw , the renultcf a blow from n ball bat , in the hands of another boy while at piny. Superintendent Ilogcra prcaahed at the Baptist church Intt Saturday flight , his text boiug "AJl Thing ! ar Yours. " Seme ono took him nt hla word , nnd rttolo hia $7 hoiao blanket , hilo ho was l.tjing down the truth from the pulpit Vrhcro is no holiday vocation nt the inntltution , it being deemed beat not to have ono on account of the loss of time ontitod by the pupils visiting liouio , Platm nro laid lor observing Christmas a d Nnw Year's , however , at the itiBtitution , Solid ellvorvrnru , ouly lirst-clnan goods , ( torliin ( ) . No charges for ( { nt 0. B. JACQUEHIN & CO.'H Fine I'lush Odor Canon at Blips' . P1SKSONAL. A. J. Ingertoll , of Milwaukee , is at the Ogdcu. J. K. Harrison , of Hartford , Conn , , la in the city. N. K. Adams , of St. Loui ? , nrrivtd nt the Ogden > eiterday. M. K. Weatherby , the liveryman , has one to Den icon for a few day ? . Hichard Hnel' , an attorney of DC.H lolnefl , was in the city yestsrdny. Miss Mary Mnr/flall , lormcrly in the re- rddrV cflio bcrr , has returned from aidvillc. L , Baasett , of the firm of 1'crcgoy & loore , A. A. Parvunj aud H. E. Colby , 11 of Council iilndfl , were ia the city fotiday nnd regitterod nttbe city hotel , larlan Herald , Charles Bump , the grocery man on up' er Brondirny , is bhowing some matkud bility in aketcbe acd cartoons for one ho ban had no leiiumf in the art. Ho bss emi caitoniuliich ahow clearly that be an a keen Bonso of the ludicrous na well as ready use of the crayon. Jnicea 1'raney , the toiler r.f Council iluJn , was in town Monday aud took sev- ral iirdern. Mr. Franoy will return in anuary ar.d take orders for tha spring rude. He ban eoveral customers in town nd nlvuys give gatifictiou whentivor he uafcca a suit or garment. - llarlan Herald. Fine Dolniana , at Darkness , dcatt fc Oo.'a. Baforo buyiug your Chriatinaa gitts all and aoo the fine Holiday geode at Bliss' . 1C 2t ' To tbe Twillgbtor. Does it kill a city to have a branch newspaper office ! Auk Minneapolis with its mills and millionaires , with ta 00,000 inhabitants and its wonder ul flour trade extend ing to Europe. ? ho uowapaper of Hinneapolio in The Pioneer Frees , and its branch oilico in hat city is quilo na popular aa if its main buainecs was douo in Min- noapolio instead of St. Paul twelve mike away. THE THIRD KEClrAI , The OloBo or a Series of Rtiro nl Uutortalumenti. This ovoninjj will bo the third and fist of the pious recitals by Mixs Fjydia S. Harris to be given at Muel ur'a music Imll. The music lover.- ) mvo bad a rare treat in the two other recitals , and thia , the cloning one , promists to prove thnt the best of the iino has bcon Rived to the lait of the 'east. The following is the programtuo aa arranged for this evening : Schumann March temps from F n U l , op , 17. ] lubia tcin- Barcarolle In O , Vol > t C * price. Vccal- riftch Joaeffy Gavotte in K ( rr. fo : oft hnnd alone. ) Kali -In Kileuee , op. 157 , No , 2. Jenren IrrlichtBr. Mus/lcowskl IVrantelle. op. 27 , No. 2. Vocal Chopin Concerto in K minor , op. 11 , ume.itono-Hinsuzi Allegro Vl- , ( The orchestral p 't on n Bt-onnil piano * 'one by Mis. K. f , Kurd. ) COUNCIL iii.urrrf MAKKKT. Corrected dally by J. Y. fuller , mer- sbnudUe broker , buyer and shipper of 'rniu aud proyiiinn ; , oilico board of trade rormr , Council Blulla , Iowa. WIIKAT No. 2 apriiip , 75o ; No. 3G5j icjectu't f'Oo ; coed demand. } CoiiN-32o to fccdera and .10o to ship- rt ; oed demand for shipment. OATS Bcarco and in good demand ; 30(3) ( ) 32o. 32o.HAT HAT 4 OOffifi CO per ton. UYK iOa ; light supply. Coim fclrjii , 1 76@2 00 per 100 ponnda , M WOOD Good nupply ; prices at yards , 6PO@000. COAL Delivered , bard , 10 00 p r ton ; toft. C 00 per ton. UuTTKii Scarce nnd in good demand ; cr amery , S5c ; choice dairy , 25o. KOOH-Scarce nnd In uemniid ; SCs ixir dozen. IJAHD Wbnlegnllni : at 12io. 1'ODLTlir Klnii ] dealers paying 13o per pound for turkey * and 10c for chickens. VKHCTAIII.K.S I'otatici1 , 45o ; o'nioDf , 25a : cabbage * , ISl'cglOa per dozen } npplea , 2 f > 0 @a 60 per barrel. KLOl'li Jicat ICnnaai wheat flour , 2 33 ® 2M ; Minnewta wheat , 2 60@350j bran , 70o per 100 pound * . JlliOOMH 'J CO3 00 per dozen , HTOCK. OATTI.K 3 00@3 50 ; calvfw , 5 00(3,7 60 , Houti Urtik deaioiid nt G fO@5 00 ; car load lot * about So IAT 100 piuudd more , * Lydla E. PinUham'a Vegetable Ccmpound alrungthuus the stomach and kldneya end alda diK ation. GGUHGll BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOVIC'K. SjitcUl ftdrcrtUemtnM , cut Lett , found , To I/o\n , For S\l , To I'.ent , Wanti , Botrdlnjf , etc. , * lll ha InstrteJ to Ihlj colnmn at Iho o rate ot TT.N OKNTS FRfl I.IK ) : ( or the first Insertion and XIVK CENl'3 PKR LINK for GMh tnilitoqurnl InMtllan. Ltavc ndv ertlMmtnt/i it our ofUce , No. 7 Pfarl Street , nc r Btoadyay ; Wnnta. \\r ANTEB-KO hulldlnli ( to move. We make TT n tprclilty o ( movl g houses and < farm ) AililriM W. t1. AjleswortD , box 879 , Conndl UluT ( , WANTED Ertrybody In Council Blud la to take TnK DEI , SO cent ] per week , de llvercd by carrier * . Offlca , No 7 Pearl Street For Sale and Rent SALKTlio Western Hou e. No. 308 Upper - per Droadnay ; or will trailo for Improved city or form proper ! ) ; or Hill ncll ( nrnlturo aiM rent btilMIng ; icnson , 111 hc.ilth. Acldro-n J , H. 0. McCAi.usir.n , WS Upper llronduay , Council HlnfTa , OLD HKia-ln p ck Koaof A hundred nt 2 c n package ac TDK UkK oilier , Xi > . 7 I'tntl street. t ( liAOK HUNT My lie t o- tory brick Ktoro J.1 bullclliifr , on South Main street. wiis. : ] 71011 .SAMMy twehc-acrc fnilt Mr in , on South FlrttRircct. PCTl'-U WK19 I7IOK BALK 110'Vitltul roMilunco lOle , rtiO 4 ? r cb ; r.olhln ? down , and # 3perrronth onlr , b ? KX-MAYOH VAUOHAN. apI3-tf MlBcollnnooua. I VEHYT'INO renewed at the fcxcelslof cil- Ill lory , 100 italn ntutt , for litllil.iy votl. Oo uhuujiu on KCt clillty fiuil Mr trcit aunt. Dll. W. L. I'ATTON-l'hyslclftn and 0 < mllat. Cnn euro any coao of lore cycv. It U only n matter of time , and can euro generally In from three tc five weeks It m.iktt ) nr JUTcr * unco how long dlecacud. Will etralqiilcn crorj ujoa , operate and rctnovo I'tyrci'liim ) , etc. , r.nd iDnett artlflclal cjes. Special attention to ro- tnovplnif fadownrma ar5-t ( aae5t. Dr , Moaglior.ziOculist . , Aurist , AND Sl-nClALIST. In I hronlcdl ca ? fl , cUcro hl sen Ices to alt at Mlctcd with ill .ft ea ot th < Ejc. Ear. cr Chronic licenses ot any chtrscler. Wnrrtnls a ( .urn In alllicuma'lc tUcctUns Can be consulted liy ma 1 or In ceraon nt the Mttropolltan hotel , Council lilutfj. Ion a. S3 A SURE CURE for nil dlsenaeo of tno Kidneys and I It liaunpoclflo action on tlilcmoot Important crc&n , enabling It to throw off torpidity and ( [ Inaction. etlniillattriK the healthy nocretlon ; ofthoBlle , and by keeping the bowels In fret. 1 condition , cJItctlni ? ita regular dlschargo. W/fI - > iI * icJ a Ifyounremiflcrincfroiii „ JjJCjltJk Ida malarla.linvothochlUfl , | , nro hllioua , dyspeptic , or conatlfxitcd , Kid- ' uoy-Wort wlHsnrolyreUoTO&qulclclyoaro. \ Y In this toason to cloanws the Eyatcm , every I ono Blionld toSo a thorouRli court o oflt. (11) ( ISOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Prlco.SI , NEW STORE. For Dry Goods and Fancy Goods go to L. HARRIS , 734 Lower Broadway. Sullivan & Fitzgerald DEALERS IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Crockery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also agents for the following lint * ot Steamship Companies : Cnnard , Anchor , Dillon , American , aud Qtatc StearuaMp Companies. 3S For eilo na the Itoyal Bank ot Ireland r.nd Hani ol Ireland , Dublin. Those w , o Intend to wnd fat friends tr any pnrt ol ilurone will Quil It to the ! ) ntorcat to cult on SuUivan & Fitzgerald , 343 Broadway , Council BlnfFti P THYBRiDGE" & NEUMAS , rilOPRIKTOllS BROABffiT liEKET DEAI.E11S IN Fresh and Salt Meats , Poultry and Gnme in their teaaou. Wlene nnd other Hausuges a specialty. No. 321 BROADWAY. Si ORAlGr , ARTISTIC POTTERY Rlcb Out Oloea , Flno FronctJ Chlno Bllver Wore tic. . 80 l ) CASWT CODNCII. BLUf K8 * . xa , o aac x I'-tf. . xz canc - . OtflM over vavlOK ) bink. OOUNOlLi BLUFFS , - I. D mn DSO.t , 1. L. BIIC04&T. i.W.BTRRIT I'rruldent , Ylco-Frcs't. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Contioll Bluff * . Or2 nlzoJ wider the Uwg of the State ol Iowa Paid up capital t 76,00 AutLotliot ciplul 100,00 Intercut paid en tlmt iUi > oell Dralta lesuoi on the principal cltlc * of tbo United Btatea and Kurope. Kpeclal atteutloii Klvrn to collection and correvpondouco with i romjit retnrai. DIRKCTOSF. J. D.Kdmnmlion , K.L.BhUF rt , J. T.IUrt , W.tW. W ll c , J. W. llodler 1. A. Ullltl A. W. Rlr ( > . . TTdtt MBS , fl. J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEQH . CouncilIBlngr S nd 31 , 31 ! , $3 , or 55 for n v tall box by Kxpresa of the leu Oaudira In America , put up elegant boits , and strictly pure Suitable for preeeuU Kxprets ohnrgea light , nefew to all Chi- b x v cago. Try It mice. in O oV' OONTHER : M IContcctioner , ' Chlctgo. A tml package ot" BUCK-DRAUOHT' ! ' HARKHESS , QRCUTT & GO. , , f' tf'-N. * * * * * if1 * * S"e * > AMD Broadway , and Fourtli Street , , Council Bluffs , Iowa mar-2-rm Headquarters For the Cele brated IM ; F 1 * " ? ! Trl A GL 1 &t M U } j TT Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail , S Address , C J. MUELLER , GOUNCiL BLUFFvS , BBS fflca a Guarantees the Best § 51.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 ISR * TB Bluff and , ffflnw Sreets , Ootacil Bluffs. B. HAGG & OO. GEI n-\ BOTTLED BEEE , MADE FROSI IHE AKTE31AN WELL WATEU. ALSO AOEN'S FOR THK Order ) tilled In any partf t the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. JOSEPH REITEK , E TAILOR MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LA.TEST STYLES , At the Lowest Ponsiblo Prices. NO. 310 UPPER. BROADWAY. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Oood'n Hair Store , it prices never bofera tonehed by ny other hair dealer. Alao a full line of f witches , etc. at greatly reduced pricea. Also gold , ilHcr nnd colored nets. Wa > oa made from ladles' own hair. Da not fall to call before purchulng . All ( joods warranted as represented. UBS. J. J. GOOD , 19 Main ttrcer. Council Bluffi , Iowa. MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , The finest quality nnd largest stock went of Chicago of wooden nnd metallc cane * . 7alla attended to at all hourx. We defy competition in quality of goods or pricea , 3ur Mr. Morgan ban served ns undertaker for forty years nnd thoroughly understands his business. WAKEROOMS , 346 AND 3fi7 BKOAD\VAY. Upholaterinp In all itn branched promptly attended to ; r.leo cnrpet-laying nnd lambrcqclni. Teln- { raphfc and mnll ordera filled without delay. CONRAD GEISE'3 Council Bluffs , - Iowa. Kcernnrt nralt In any ( ( imD'lty'fo suit purchase , lioer $8.00 per barrel. Private families sup plied with tmtjl I < CK < at gl.CO cae > ' , eel vercd Croont chaa-e to any part of the city. _ PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer in aud SULK AUKNT FOR Joseph Schlltz Biewlng Coihpnuy't * Celebrated MILWAUKEE No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffe , Iowa. Ordera from tbo aountry elicited Citv orders tn families nnd dealers delivered free. C. & . BEK11B , W. ItUNYAN , W. DKKIE O . A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholotaleand Hvtall Dealers In Dealersm C&9 jNos. 207 and 209 Broadway aud Nos. 204 and 206 Pierce Street , OOUNOIL BhUFFS , IOWA. JACOB JJO. 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffs. Om coiutantPiicruln'tiBclis ( eiitllclcnt prooj of our square duilln an attention to c Oof il tier tt'wax * on I and. 1'roinpllv dfll > eryo ( goodi. S. M. OiiooKS. Proe. N. B. EASTON , Baoy. J. 0. IIoFFMAN , Vice Prca. N , B. lIooHK , Couneolor. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK IfJSURAfiCE CO. [ Incorporated under the Laws of Iowa. ] INSURANCE AT ACTUAL COST. Injuring LIVE STOCK AyaJnBt Loss by ACCIDENT , THEFT OR DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever , Kxperienced atentu wanted. Correspondence solicited from all parts of lena , OFFIOE ; 103 Pearl Street , - Ooimoil Bluffs I , Iowa. \ decS-dtf J. P. OEO. 11. OH AM I' . ( Succcaton to J. P. * J. M. Cundy. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. We bat a > h < ! only complete of abttrccl tooki to aJl dty Iot and lacdi In FotUw.ttual county. Tltln examlntd and ab traot furr lined on ibcrt notice. Money to loan on dty M.iitti.D proiHtrtr. ahort and | pn ? time , In lumi to lult Ike borrower. liial ctta tcu-ht aud oU Ois at Vie uld UnJ pppOiiU co nt hnuM - ?