Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1882, Image 5

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i no Nebraska National Banl
Of OniAlm , Nob.
I'uld Hp Capital , - . . . $ S60.0C (
. II. JOUNSOK , Pmld nlof St * .e , Johnson t
/A. T. . TOGZALIK , Vim Pr ld.ut , of C. , B. & O
I1n. . , ivxoii.
-ff. V. MORSE , of W. V. Jtcrwa Oo.
. OHN S. COLUNS. of 0 , It. & J. fl. Oollla * .
W. WOOUVOUTH , Cocnwllor & AttPmer-aJ.
Lax- .
. B. KKUD.M BJTOO Kfd & Co.
'II. W. YATrS , Cashier , lat Cwhler nf the Flnl
National lUt.k of Omaha , nd ronrm-t * . ! with
of th t B\nk lnc < lu
OrmiD for iu ln < ti Apll 27 , Ihsa , . .im ib ,
'Urpt t wplUlol ny bank In Kebruk * .
( > < m re > tiT * special attention and ehar-
to I3 el atiUtnab'e h r * or tl cwri t * .
lM r. rt allow < t n time depoHlJj upon favor-
* V. | > uric * and Upon account * of b4nki and bank-
I''RrMN Kxctuxot , OoiirnmtDt nsno > , anj
"IV u .t > nd Cl j imirltlet bctiBlit M-.d old.
II trimmed tjdagoiiorMbAnUlnrbuslce ; i
lo i : IN dtlMls , inJ in the treatment olcwtoa-
i will punua tin meat llticial pollf r cor.tlntect
r inlf Imtiklns1
i Dlpptch to Tut Dn.
NEW YORK , December Ifi
GIt.ncy 4 < g 5 percent , closed r.t 3 per
I'rlmo Mercantile raner (3@8 ( per cunt.
BU'rlinu Uxchange .Firm ; Hauliers' mils ,
W.MS ; demand , $4.83J.
l > ry ( j-oods Import * for the week , $2-
Gonrmneuts were firoi ,
lUilroad Bonds wctc active hud strong.
State fcecutitieii were active. Tennessee
compromise advanced to 49 and G' mixsd
The Block umrket wni strong nt theopen-
Ing and rrloej vtcra higher thsn at.tho
dope Thursday. During the niornlns
houK and early In the nftetnoon there
were eouie fluctuations. After 2 o'clock
the market became veiy active und there
was an advance in evcr > thinp on the Hat ,
the activity increaiing toward the clote ,
which was buoyant. PromiLeat feature- )
In the activity in the hat bour were Paci
fic Mail , which eold UKce.-nIvely at 44J@
45J ; Kilo , 392&10I ; Canada Southern , 70J
7ig : Michigan Otntra' , 10.21@102J ;
Union Pacific , 103g@l&tj ) : Delaware ,
X > nukawaara k Wis cm , 131J@13i ; and
Northern 1'aciBo preferred , SlS'sSCjj.
Aeidc from ll.cso special features the mar-
liflt was slronf ? and the highest price j of
the daj were made at the close for nil
TLa Vosttxyi : I" Is a fact nettled be.
yand dlsputa that tuo'Omih * company liai
pasted into llta ccntiol cf the 3\oith > vest-
civ , Lufc all htalamculs at lo bow thli
trausttrif co itrol is to be coaiplete.i
whether by Ijase or consolidition and all
tattcient of .what iffietB aieto icalgnand
what uew nucu to take their placet , au
premature. Deal ) in I'rtciUc Mail pro-
gieja utnoDK a few prominent individ-
uala who are each largely interested , but
the public is not trading in stock largely.
It la Intimated , howe\ar , that a com pie t
change in the ovnorehip , control and con
nections of the PaclSo Mail IN one oi ihu
Dear f ilure. 'Tha advance in Union 1'iici-
fie yeatetilay and to-day ii due to covering
of shorte , and not to the LuyiuK of any
fool , as bus been rumored. Northern
Central railroad directors URVP agreed to
declare a 4 per cent. seu.l-RHL\u > l dividoud ,
payable January 15ch.
VcsU-iJaj. To-day.
a-3 . io3g ID
6V . ,
, . .
IVifi : L'b ot ISllo . 128 128
Central Pucilio ( irats . lll" i 1103
Erie nocond * . H7 7rf
Lehigh & Wilkusbarre . iOli lOu
LouUidnn caueoli . G81 ( iSJ
St. .Toeoi > h . 1 H-81
Bt , Poul & Sioux City fii etc. ing lilt
TenccsseeG'g . 4'JJ 424
do new . ' 42 iOj
TOI.RI & PaciHo lund Ktauth. . B8fc 6 J
do K. 0. Jiv. . . . 84 8
Union Fnciiic 1st mortal.- .IH'1 H
do land t-rantt . .llli 11
no einkiag tun'.U7 ll'i
Vlr iulft G's . -7 35
ilo coueolhb'B . W ( us
do deftrrtd . V-'i 1-j
Adauia Exprdrw . J33 13 }
Allegheny Central . lity J1I54
AJtoa& Terre llouw. , . . . .4Gi JU
do pfd. . . . Ull 9
American l xprens . 91 01
Burl. , Odar itopida & North i1- . ol
CftnaiU Southern . 7lg 718
Col. , Cm. U lud. Central. . . .1014 10 6
Central 1'awllc . S7J
Obtf pcjtc & Ohio . .it
Hr Idtpfd. ; . . 'S
, ] , 2J jiid . 25J
Chl. , Burl. At Qulncy . 12SJ 12'Jl
Chi. , St. L. & New Orleaw. . 7 l
Olc. . Biurl. & Cleveland . f-0 61
OlcvA , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 801 82
DcUwnre&IIadnoncanil. . . 100 | 1 W
D.-l. , Laclt. ft U'tstern . lMj ! UI4
Dtuvor & lllo Graadr . 1U !
Kriu . ? 0i
do pfd . & 0 <
ito preferred . Ho
Fort Wayne & Chicago . la.i
alS tit. Joseph. . . . . . 45 45
do pfd. . . 821 fcV
Houston .V Texr. Central. . . . 79 73
Illln U Central . 4iJ 11
Ind. , Bloom. \Vestern . Jjj S5j
Kftncan & Toxn > . 31 3
Lake Eric & WeH era . U > ' - ' !
Laise Shoru & Mlcblpaa ilo. . .1174 ll ;
lxuinvillo / Nft'hvillo . 6IJ M !
Lo'jUT , , New Alb. .t < Jhc ! ? o CO W
Marietta ft , Cinciimttl Ut pfd 10 HIde
do do Sdpld 6J 6 !
MemphliA Charleston . 4' * -Ib
MU.uu ! ; Cental . , . 101 ? 102 !
Mlni.capoll3& St. Louis. . . . 8 83
do pfd. 7u 7' !
MlwonrJ 1'ftclflc . 105 I" ; i
Mobile & Ohio . llfB J
Manhhttan Bench . 1-2 l-'f
MonU&Kasex . 6J4 gl
Nai-hvlHo & Chattanooga . 72 | U
N w Jersey Central . 61i pi
Northern PwlCo. . . . Bt 45
do pfd . 841 87
rorthwe t rn . W8 | 1
do pfd . lfit-3 1 7
New York Ceutral . WSJ 11132
OhioCcutrftl . 14
. . . .
do pfd . OU V4
Ontario & Western . , . . . 27i * 7
Oregon Transcontinental . o A os
ruclBo Mall . 41 *
1'Lnamn. . 167 107
1'eoria , Decatur & Evansv. . . 2W < <
PltUbnrpA Cleveland . 133& * 4t
Pullman Palace OJF . IS If
IlewliDK . Wi 15
Tloclt Island . 130 13t
8t LouU & Ban 1'mn . 81 &
do pfd. . . . 64 6 !
. . ,2. . pM..I * < 12n
3t. Paul , Mitin. H Manitoba , 145 * U4
at. Paul A Omaha . 67j 57
. ll15 104
United Statet Kxpiwc . W C7
VbMh , St. U Ac Pacific. . . . 3(1 ( 31-
. , do I'M. 66 * 6.\
„ „
Jvellii , largo & Co. Exprpw.l'Ja 120
Western Union Teler ( ph. . . 83 } 83 !
OariboH . . . ] | ji
Central Arlrnua . 2 j
Erooliior . i i
Qomestake . 1C ? 1C !
uuie puuimrs. . : : : : : : : : : : : T 51
Ontario . 331 3
Quicksilver . 9 } gj
_ . * J > M . 40 40
Robinson . . * 1 i
dllvorOilft . 8 * a
. . . . . . . .
Standard . oj ( I
3utro . j j
Oirero , ! . fKx. Interest. tAhked. CEx.
8p el l Dlsiiatchcs to Tin U .
CIIICAOO , Uectmtar 15. riaur Stendy ,
with n f.\lr duniRnii ; common to choice
prinR , 3 & ( l < ftri fiO ; common to fancy
if. nnepota , 4 00@G 10 ; patents , 0 50j win-
trr , 4 00 ; Boutberu Illinois , 4 C0@5 10 ;
C-niuh , 4 W@5 10.
Wheat Dull , we k a d lower ;
Corn Un clllcd , but centrally lower ;
fur ca < bj CCZ@61o for January :
for February ; 54jaf,4ia , fjr
rejected , 4DJo.
i i'.ilrly norivo and n slnde higher ;
H7ic for cish ; .H7J i for December ; SPic
For January ; 3SZ/g36o | forFobimrj ; Cjc
for Maj : rejected , Illo.
Uye Firmer ; PSJc
Barley Si evly ; SO.- .
Klax Spcd-Stcad > ; 115l 15J.
Drewed JIogs-Higher ; 7 20@7 37i
Butter Strailv , with a fi\tr demand ;
creamery , 20(5.40 ( : ; dairy , 12d35c. (
Eggj-Market easier ; 27i28j.
Pork Active , but murktt slnwer ; 17 15
Lard Fair cUmiUci. but a * , lowj.- rates ;
1040 for cash und December ; 10 42& ( &
10 45 for Jnnnarv ; 1052i@105j for Feb
ruary ; 10 62J@10 05 for Alareh.
Bulk aio t Steady ; ehouldera , G 7fl ;
> hort ribs , 9 10 ; short clear , 9 40.
Whhkv Dull nnd lower ; 1 16.
CALL BOAIIU. Wheat Unsettle J , tut
; cnerally lower ; declined J@j.
Corn-Fair lem cil , but at generally
lower rates ; declined lajs. (
Oils Irregular ; 37Cia/j3 for Decem
ber ; 3Go f r January ; S'lj'i ! for February ;
3ligj for May.
J'ork-Aclivo , but lower ; 17 12J for
January ; 17 3) for February ; 17 10 for
M ircli.
Ij rdFair demand , but at lower rates
10 40 ked for Dioembtr ; 10 40 for J-m-
i.rj ; 10 5D for February ; 10 57i fjr
NEW Yous. DecemVer 15. Flonr Mar
ket firm ; tmiTcrtine ntato nud wotcrti ,
J 25@3 7o ; common t good extra , 0 7.J ©
1 40 ; good to < hoicr , 4 50@7 HO ; white
ivher.t extra , 0 2.ri@7 6il ; extra Ohio , 3 SJfaj
j 75 ; St LJUI'S 3 8 @ 7 00 ; Minnesota pat-
.lit prosCRS , n 7ft@7 .r)0. i@Ja luwer ; No 3 Chicago
iprinc , SG ) ; ungraded rel , 82cl ( ) 1 4 ; No.
i i d. 105S ; steamer No. 2 rod , 103 ®
@l 054 ; No. 2 red , 1 08 $ ® ! 10J ; No. 1
red. lllS@114 ; unpradtd while , Olc ©
1 13 } ; No. 1 white , 1081 091 ; No. 2 rod
for Ur-cember , 1 ObgcgL ( JOJ. cloeinff at
I 08i ; do for January , 1 09g@l 10 | , clotlng
at 1 19J ; do for February , 1 llj@l 12i ,
: loirjK nt tlli ; do for Marcn , 1 ISJiiq
I 14i closing at 1 1'J ; do for May , 1 lo@
1 15J , uIoalDRat 1 in.
? .orn 1@J lower ; uusraded mixed , 58 ®
72c : No. 3(678MBs ; No 2 , bli@70o } in
Blevatoi ; steauior uiUpcl , f5@cOj ! ; No. 2
For January. 051@fiGlc , oloains at C53o ;
No , 2 for February , I.4J@6'5 < % closing
as Cljc ; No. 2 Jor May , l53@G. o , u osiug
at OSe
Oatn i@jo beUnr and fairly active ;
mixel western , 42S 4Sc ; white wenterrj ,
lluy In goo I demand and hrm ; C3c
Egga F eh vstern , tiemaud fair and
nmrkot tirm ; SQa.
Pork Dull : md dtojplng ; now mets ,
IS 75@19 25
Beef Dull and utirhiuneJ.
Cut Moats CJ lict ; lonif clear mlddlo < ,
10 OU.
Lird Ijower ; prime stoam. 11 OD.
Butter Market 4 liel , but firm ; lG@43c.
Cheet - Qaiet b. tBto.\dy ; woattru lUt ,
Br. IiOUlB , DecPin'isr ' IB. Flour Quiet ;
fauilly , 3 80 ( < 9ii Hi , elinlco , 4 40@4 55 ;
fisncy , 4 05 ® I 95.
VVbeit Very quiet ; No. 2 red fall.94c !
for ranli and the yent'J ; Js for January ;
07J5i07ic for I'Vlirutrj ; UIJo bid for
SUrcb ; 02i for Ala ) ; It u. rud fall , 90i
( ft'JIo.
Corn Unaettlcd , irropular and higher ;
Iiil7otur ( caih ; 463 4njj fir the year ;
10j47o ( ! fur January ; 47iSl7c ( ) for Feb-
iu iy50@503J ; for Muv.
O.tlligh r ; 3l10c ! for ca h ; 38J@
H8jo for honr ; 4io ( for January and
I'VliruRiy ; 4ii tt f"r Aluy.
Ilye rlijti rr57o.
B rlcy Q liet ; 50)80o. ( )
Butter Quiet ; dairy , 28@82c ; creamery ,
33(8385. (
KxUH-Stfady ; 24s.
Wblakv Steady ; 1 13.
Pork- Quiet ; 17 5 for I'V'iruary. '
Hulk MnJtH Market easier : nhoulilere ,
G BO ; iort rib , 9 10hurt ; cluir , ! > 40.
Bicon Vnry nlow ; shoulder * , HfiOjthort
rib , 1075 ; tbort ce r , 1100.
; ; lu 35 © 10 40.
, . „ . _ HoAitDVhont Lower
91Jo bid tor tUo ju&r ; SjifSO.'iJiJ for .T n >
ury ; QGBs ( or February ; 1 00i@l OOJ foi
Corn-Ii.wer ; 452@ < Ci5 for tlio year
4Go fur January ; 4ijo ( for February ; 478 <
for March ; 49Jo for Mav.
Oata-Steady ; 38jo [ for tha yfar ; 3"i\ \ (
or January and February ; 3GJo for M y ,
KANHAB CITY , December 16 , Wheat-
Wo k ; No.i red , 78io bid for catL ; 79Ji
or January ; 81 0 for Febiuarp.
Corn Sttady ; 8'Jjo lor oaih ; 39Jo ! bit
jr January ; 40jc bid for February ; 41 Ji
bid for May.
Oats Firmer ; 31o bid for cash ; 33
b'd for January.
Mutter and Kggs Unchinxtd.
Spuetal r'r ? tchc to Tun U r.
Oat"4' * " Dacembor 15 Th Drovon
Iburual rop-Tta ait followi , :
llnga Opened ttron an-1 ru'e'l qcttv
at 5@10o advance , but closed with the ad
vance ull lost ; inUe ' , 5 GOf O 10 ; heavy
01@070 ; light , 6 450 ( 05 ; nVipi , 3 00 , *
5 10.
10.OAttle Midsrairly actlvo t.nd genei
ully steady ; fttniy , C lOg.O fiO ; K'jjit t
choice Filliping steer * , 5 lf ) < 5 > fi ill ) ; sou
ni"n tufiir , 'J25@340 ; medium to K-IW
3i @ 'lli5 ; ttockcra and kulere , 3 OX1
riheep Steady ; coturnnn to f lr , 3 COi
3 DO ; medium to need , 3 U5@ W chulc
to extra , 4 tO@5 40.
ST. Loow , December 15.-C ttlo-
Firm nnd In Rood demand for all KO < I
cr diti ; eood to choice chipping Htter
4 7&5 DO ; light do , 4 00@4 75 ; get
Cb\vi rnd helfeir , 324iO ! ; oornmo.
2 Ml@3 25 ; good to choice butchern' ttr r
3 5Qo > 4 DO ; common to choice Texaas , 3 I
@ 4 37i ; itoskem , ? JO @ 3 60.
SheetJ Firm ; al. goo4 rad a
f lr lo gjKxl mnttinB , S 15@4 OJ ; cholci
to f ney , 4 25W4 60 ,
HOR S e dyt pacV r demanded cnn
cecsion * ; little clone ; few tranofor * morli
Wire nt y < - trili v > price6 40(35 F5 fo
light ; 5 K5C S6 20 for picking ; 6 10G 2J
fur bu'.chen' to tta ,
NKW YORK , Deosmber 15. Tb DroTm
Journal burnau reports :
Bpevfs-Qiwllty good with a number ol
car lo di ot extta nd premium steer *
value ! firm and active at n small ad' '
vanc - $ common ti choice native sleern
t < 00@fi 84 per cwt ; extra anH prctniurc
do , 7 00@8 00 ; exporters u sd 15 > head.
Sheep-Steady ; fiUflmc.v sleep 4250
610 per cwt. Urnbj , fi C0@7 00.
S wine- Lire hngs dull at G 80 p r ewl ,
for the belt.
KAKSAS CITT , December"15. The Llvt
Stock Indicator repot U :
Oitile-atenly ; native btreM of l.VOfl
to 1 , 00 pounds sold 4 30g4 80 : row .
3 fX310 ; stoskers and feeder ? , 3 50 ® 110.
Hoiid Kiwi aodnrhaHo higher ne 5 30
@t > 10. with the bulk of tale < nt6 G i5 ( 90.
Shcrp Qolct ; goad tj choice muttour ,
3 00 3 50.
Tun UBH.
NKW YOUK , Deoember 15. Coffee-
Q'tiet ' ; Hit * Cargoes cinoUd nt C@SJc.
Sugar Active nd tirm ; f lr to good re
fining quiet at GJa ( 7c.
Molniisen Dull and nominal ; 50 teit , 30
@ 33j ; New Orleann , 40 G2j.
KIce Sto.dy , with n fair demand ;
domestic , fi@7 '
Petnilptitn M'urVet dull ; United , ;
crude , 77J c ; rcllticil , 7S@7J ! .
Tallow-i < inner ; p'ims ctly. 7J@Sj.
Koiln Mnrkotdull ; 1 C5ol ( ) 56
Turpentlue Firm ; 514 3.
PinaiiUHo , P. . , Djcember Ifi. This
afternoon the market w very dull nnd
little dltpositlrn o tipeculato wa evluctd
Opening bldOOjs. The market remalood
in the ntighbornood of thii nearly all the
( easlon , but towrHs tha cloje grew firmer ,
advancing to 9Sjo. } Sales , 993.0CO bbls.
Bptdal DUpatvhcs to Tin Dii
CUIOAQO , December 15. Ilocclpts and
shlntnenta of flour and grain for the past
24 bourn have been as follows :
Itcoeltits. Bhip'ta.
Flonr bbls 19,000 18000
Wheat busholn GG.0'0 12,000
Corn " 2)6,000 101,000
Oats " 123,000 47,000
Uye " 8.5UO 2COO
Barley- " 55,000 31,000
NEM YOBK , December 15. Ilooolpta aud
shipments of flour and grain for the paf > t
21 hours have been iu followb :
llecoipts Shp'tn.
Flonr-bbl 15.000 4,700
Wheat bushels GG.500 2 ( > , ( HO
Corn " 71.650 69.000
Oata " 11.000 S3. )
ST. Louia , December -Uecoipts and
ihlpmenta of flour and grain for the paat
2i hours have boon as tollowH :
llccolptf. Sliin'ts
Flour bbls fi 000 17,000
Wheat bu hbl 14,000 4 ,00fi
Corn " 42,000 11,000
Oats- " 7 ± 000 . . . .
Kyo- " l.UO 1,010
Barley " 1G.OOO
KANSAS CITT , December 15 liecoipts
and uhipuioiita of grain fur the paat 21
houra ba\o been as follows :
Rec'tf. Sbip'tH.
Wheat , bushels 18,020 . . . .
Corn " 41,000 41,010
CHIOAQO , December 15. Uecelptn and
shipment ! of live stock for the past 24
houra have been aa follows :
Ileo'ta. Shipm'ts.
Hog 38,000 fi,000
Cattle UOOO ' 4,000
Sheep 3'COO 1,8.0
Nnw"YoBK , December 15. Receipts aud
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Jtec'ts. Bhip'ta.
Hogg 3,110
Cattle 1,400 * 27fl
Sheep 16,700
Beef , quarters " 3,800
Mutton , carcafses " 920
Including to-morrow.
ST. Louis , December 15. Receipt ) ' atd
shipments nf live * tock foe the past 21
hours have been as follows :
Roo'tn. Shipin'ts.
HogH 13.0X ) 150
Cattle 1,100 11C
Sheep 1,000 16C
KANHAS CITY , December 15. Rocelpti
and shipment * of live utock for the pout 2-1
hours have bcon as follows :
Roo'ts. Shlpm'ts ,
Hogs 5,700
Cattle 400
Sheep 50 . . . .
Wlioloitnlo Prioni-
Friday Uvening , December 15. (
The only changes reported in the mar
bet to-d y are ita follows :
Wr.e t , No. 2 , declined Jc.
Barley , No. 3 , declined Ic.
Re advanced Ilo.
Corn declined Ic.
Oats advanced 63 ,
Sugar declined JSJo ,
Candles advanced is ,
Uocal Grain Daallnpa.
WHB AT.- Cash No. 2 , 70 = ; cash No
3 , C9ic ; rejected , 4 ( Jo.
tlARLliVr.-Cajh No. 2 , GBc ; IIo. E
UYK-Caili , 44io.
NKW CORN380. .
SKUDS-FJax ued 039 per bn ; Rci
lover , choice new , 81 ! 00 per bushel
mammoth clover new , tl 00 ; whit
cbver , IIFIW , HH ( XI ; Alfalfa clover
now , 512 50 ; ahdlto , new , 818 03. Tim
othy , gwxl , now , t2 00 , blu
grans , eitrrt clean , $1 CO ; blue erase
clean , $1 25 ; orchard graui 82 63 : red tor
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or llluwmr :
80c ; millet , Gorman , 8100 to 31 21 !
Ilungariau SOc ; Oiiikge ornnge , 1 to
butbcls , ? 5 CO ; oage o run go , 10 busheln o
over , $4 60 ; honey locust , per Ib. , S5ot r.c '
Produce and Provltlonc.
I'OTATOKH-603 per buahel.
ONlONS-SO@50o per buihol.
IIUTTKRChoioo country , 20@25j
I10NRY Cftlifoi-alH. per b , 21.
APl'L-KH Per barrel , 82 75a)3 ( ) 25
OYSrKna-llooth'j .mdPlatt'B tnl3 <
ftotf , 40) fctsii-lnril , SO ; rnixlfumc , 23.
OllAI'KS Cftliforuln. 1 tO'Zda 21
LKMONti- VBW4 60 per box.
BEANE' Domestlo Herman a 00Si2 (
per hiinbiili Navy per buahel , 2 75 3 00.
CniCKKNS-1231oporlb. ! ;
TU KKYd-16j per poucd.
. . . . „ . Orot'orB'Uatound.
„ „
OANNKD ( ! UOD Uyuturi , 2 I
( Field's ) , ) > cr case , t 00 ; do 1 tb ( FioH'e
per CMC , 2 75 ; oo 2 Ib ( Itauiford ) , p r otf
J 75. Lobsters , 1 fh per rtotni
1 80. Tomatoes , 2 Ib 2C5 ; do 3 ft p ,
oiHe. 2 GO ; Corn , S n > ( Monr l :
l/er caHo , a O'J eoakerl corn , I > i 0 ; d
2 Ib ( Yanuoouth ) jvcr cn'e , S 0
Btriug beans , per ca e , 2 10 } Linm boai
per case , 1 70. H > jc jtatih per caw , 1 8
Pea , common , per case , 1 60pous , choio
percasa,2 70. Blacibeaies , 2I& , pcrcaa
5 10 ; strawbcrriws. 2 Ib , per case , a 6
raspberries , 2 Ib , par caw , 8 33. DAI
cons , 2 tt > , per caie , 2 45. Bartle
pear * p r cwa , 2 GO. Wbortlebtrrl
Lcr case , 275. Bgg pluua,2 IB pom.sefl !
Ureon Kage ,2 Ib per case , 2 90 ; do choice
Ib | r case I 50. Pine Appls , 2 R > , tier n
400575. Peachea,2lb pir wi , 8C
do 3 H > . CMC , 4 ( XX9I M ) ; do , ( pie ) , 8 Its *
CAf.p.230 : do pip , 6 Ib , per dotcn 3 SO.
Fii ) UR JobMnc prlsc , Jack Krosi
St. Louis winter ) $3.90 per 100 Ibi. ; To
pckik Patent Kansas 83.85 : Minnehaha
Allnneiota Patent. S3.70 ; Shawnre Kunaj
winter , f3.10 ; Ka < ? lo , XXXX winter ,
$3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , $2.80 ; Chrii-
llan's superlative , 3.50 ; bran , per ton ,
114.00 : chopped feed , (33.00.
COFFK.E. Hlo , lair , lie ; Rio , good
12c ; i ltnt to choice , 13 to ISo ; Old cnv'l
Javai SClUUlo.S Mocha , 28Jc ; ArbnokUX
Oream , 14o | Par !
SUGAltS Powdered , lOJo ; Cut loaf ,
9 c ; Granulated , OJo ; Conteatloncr'i A ,
OJo ; Standard Kxtra U , 8Jo ; Kxtr C ,
. : ; medium yellow , 7io ; dark jjllow ,
SYUUP-Standard Com. , S7c , . ;
Standard do , 4J gallon kef ) * , $1 lJ ) ; SUn-
dard do , 4 gallon kegc , 81 70.
MKAT3 Hanw , IGc ; breakfast baoon ,
non ; cleat tide bcon , none ; dry nalt
bacon , lOJe ; nhonlder * , lifo ; lerco Inrd ,
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brl , U 7ig
No. 1 mickorol. kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brln , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits ,
85ns No 1 white fish , half lirl . 000 ; No. 1
SPIOKS.-Poppor , 20j AUnploo , 20c ;
Oiovoj , 3 o ; Nuttuc < 3 , * / 'hi ; v/iutm * , Him
Mace SI 00.
LYK American , 3 OS ; Greenwich , S 40 ;
Western , 2 76 ; North St r , 2 00 ; Lewis'
lye , 4 60 ; Jowell lye , 27ft.
FKBD .lobbing prices , Chop feed
$1,50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1,40 ; bran ,
70n per 100 Ibs.
I , \HD OmahallrfinlntngCo. : Tierces ,
lljo ; 4' ' ) and 5Q-lb caun , 12. ; 20-lb cans.
U'Jo ; 10-lb pall * , screw top , 12ge ; 6-lb do ,
U'Jc ; 3 1 > > do , 1'Jftc.
HOMINY Kow , 84 50 per bbl.
SODA In Ib paper * , $3 per cw ; keg
sodn. 2Jo.
NEW PIOKLES Medina , lu barrel ? ,
# 700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00tmnlln ; , In bills ,
903 do , In haUhblK , 600 ; ghetVlcn , lu
tibia. 11 03 ; do , in half bblx , 6 Ol ) .
STAKOU. 1'earl , 140 ; Bin or
Sis ; Corn Starch , ajcj
Jc ttOom , 7lo.
TEAS .Uunpowdor , good , 45@5D ;
Oholco , 607Gc ; Imperial , good , 40@45o ; , C0@75o ; Young Hyson , coed , 806) )
Oo ; choice , C.r c@l 00 : Japau Knt Lonf ,
J5o ; Japan , choice , C0g75c ( ; Oolong , good ,
15040 ; Oolong , cbo.uo , 40o5 ; Souolionp ,
? ood. .HoOlCc ; choice , 85(8400 ( ,
llOi'K SUal , i Inch and larger , lO c ;
3Inch , lie ; J Inob , llio.
WOODKNWAivK iVo hoop palU ,
1 75 * three hoop palls , 3 03. Tuba. No.
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboard * , 1 85 Double
drawn 2 'JO ; vVellbuckotu , 8 50.
LKAD Uar , 81 65.
VINEGAK Pure rpple extra , ICe :
pare apple , ISc ; Fruiuinir euro nunlo , IGo.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 05 ; A h-
ton , lu eao kt , S 50 ; bbla dairy CO , tin , 3 50
SO APS--Klrk'a Savon Inijierlftl , 345 ;
Kirk'fl ratinit , 3 6DlCirk'a utandard. S 75 ;
Kirit'i V7hlto Iluoslan , 525 : Kirk's
Eutoca , 215 Kirk'a L'ralrio Quceu ,
(100 ( cnV.en ) , 40 ; Kirk'a magnolia doz. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 oiwe ,
In caie , S 35 ; BabbUt'a Ball , 2 doz. lu case ,
1110 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In ciue , 1 CO.
PEANUTS Konstod , choice , red Ton-
neesee , lOopor Ib ; fancy white. lO c porlb ;
-white Virginia raw , 10o ; roasted ,
CANDLSS Boxes , 40 ! bBlFR,15Jc ; 8r ,
16 0 ! btawn-10 Ibs. , 10 or. . , 6e , UJ
KICK Toul.iinna prime to choice , 7J ©
7io : fair. G 7c ; Patma , 7c.
MAVlyilKo I'er cudilio , O.'io ; rouud ,
or.toj , f H 10 ; a juarn , caans , co 40.
Dry Qoodt.
BROWN OO1TONS Atlantic A. BJc ;
Applotuu XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Be ; Boott
FF , SJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Chittonaniro A. GJc ; tlroat Fallu K ,
3Jc ; lluouier , GJc ; Honest Width , 8o. In
dian Head A , 8Jc ; Indian SUuiUru A ,
8Jo ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8c ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7Jo ; Po < iuot A , BJc ;
Shawmut LL , 7o ; Utloa 0 , 5 o ; Waohua-
ett B. 7io ; do A , 8ic ; do E 48,12io ; Wal-
cott BB. S c.
1.4 ; 74c ; Alligator 8-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Jo ;
Atlantic LL , Bio ; Badger Stnte X 4-1 , 7o ;
Benulngton 0 4-4,6Jo ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6 00
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 80 ; Laconia O
- - - - -
lOc ;
30 , IjVa uu Aa vrt w
Wamsutta4-4 ISo
gin L4-4OJcBlftckfltouoAA In.porlal 8c ;
do do half bleached 4-4 , 9c ; Cabot 4-4 , SJ ;
Fidelity 4-4 , DJoVrult ; of theLoomJO ; do
carr.brlc4-4lScdoWatorTwiiitI101o ; ; Great
FjillaQ.UHo ; Indian Headehrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
Lonodale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12ic ; Now
York Mills. 12lc ; Pequot A.lte ; Pcpporel
N G Twills , I2ic ; Pocahontaa 1-1 , OJc ;
I'ocnraet 4-4 , 81oj Utioa , lie ; Waniiuttn
o x x , laic.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown.
c ; do C , drab , Lie ; do X * . atrlnea ana
jlaidu , 12ic ; do XXX brown end drab ,
itrii > es and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy ,
! lc ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy ,
2c ; do ertra benvy , 20c ; Fall River
irown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indian * . A
irown IHp ; Vetouset A brown. Ific
TWJIUAUa AHioBkeac A U A 82
.flc ; do XX bluu 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowacnft ,
) ic ; Claremont B Ii , lOJc : Coneutoga ex
a , 17ic ; Hamilton D , llio Lowihton v
. " 0 , IDo ; Hlnnahnha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega \ \ \ > ei
extra. 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82 , IGjo ; Put
nam X2 blue strijio , 12c ; ShetucUet S
.04s ; do S3 12c ; Veoman'a blue 29 , Oc
1)KNIMS. Amoakoalt , Mueand bronn
OJc ; Andover DP blue , IBJc ; ArllngX
ilue Scotch , IS c ; Concord OOO , blue aw
ver , blue and brown , Itlc ; UncanviUo ,
jluu aud brown. 14 r.
OAMBIUC3 Baru rd , I5ioj Eddystonc
lalujf. 24 inch double face , 840 ; Garner A
; lazed , 6&c ; Manhattan glove finish , 5Jc
Newport do Oo ; do glazed , fJc ; Pequot dc
KJ ; Iy > ckv/ood kid finiah Go.
COltSET JEANS Amory , So ; Andrea
ooggln Httlteeu 8JoCarondcn ; ! , 6cCoiioi ;
oia ( sittecna , 7c ; Hallowel , 8c ; Injdl
Jrulmrd 74o ; N&rri : { n ottlmprovedc
? cnperill iiattfieu Die ; Hockport , 7Jo.
PUIN'TSAllew , 6Jc ; Awcricatj , 6c
tVrnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4o ; Oochcoo , 'Ic
JoneBtotfu. CJo ; Dunkirk , , 5 Dunnoll
i5J@7c ; Jjddystonu. 7c ; GlaucoHtor , 6c
Harmony , 5Jc ; KnioVfrbocker , CJo ; Moi
ri no D , 7c ; Mystic , OJc ; Sprai'tiet , Os
fSonthbrid < ; n , 6c ; do. Glughaou , 7c ; Marl
joro , DSc ; Oriental " '
GlNGHASlS-Am lreag. lajci Amo
Ueat ; dread 9ii Argyle , lOJo ; Atlantic
flo ; OiunborlanJ , 7 ; IHgbland , 7Jc
Ksnllwortb , 8.\cj \ I'itm tctt , lOio ; Ss
, 8c
COTTONADKSAbborvilto Ifli
Agate , We ; Aincrioau , lie ; Artiaian , 'Me.
Cairo 1) and T , ftjcj Clarion D and 1
17 * ? ; UeocA'i Co.ntripuaDandT. IGc ; Kov
Btono , 18Jc ; Nautuokot , 19c ; Nonpareil
IGc ; Ocoaa D and T , 13Jo ; Royal , 1 H
Hasccx , ISc ; Tiogi. . iajc | Wachnnett shiH
Inf sheoks. 12ci do , Nankin , 12ic ; York
plain ftMnkin/i c ; do. chock : , atriiwfi uu
laucy , 12to ; An , 8 oz ,
c'o 0.4 , 23i ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Gf-ntlncntr.11
42 , lie , Fruit of the ] < oorn KM , 27J ; Nn
York rnilJnUS , S o ; do 7 , 30o ; do f.H. 22ii
l'omlirLo ; 10-1 , , 25o ; lVfiuutlf.4 , 2Sic , d
' /4 , lUc do < 0 , Ific ; Topperell . 00. 2'J. .
lo 07. 2c-lo ! ; 07 , IBs ; Ut'/ca SO , 30o ; d
5 ? , l.4c ; do 48. 17c.
filntt Oil * nd Virulihti
OILS 110" can on , per ( jalloi
13u ; ifi'j' hooliijht , per gillci
lOc ; 1"S * Ltadllclii. P r ( { allou , 20- -
linseoJ , raw KorKailyn. . ; Unseed , I "
per gallu
Ion , 10
per Kallou. BOc : * i.e. u , W. U. , ptr gallo
1 CJ ; &m , W , 11.per 0'nllouCOc ; ueatsfoo
extra , per gallon , 7f > c ; No. 1 , OJo ; lulu
eating , zuro , per Kallon , .TOc ; hlimmer , 1C
golden machine , N . 1 , ix > r gr.llon , 35c ; N
'J , SO : sperm , algnal , per gallon , 8o ( ) : tu
pontme , per. callon , fiSe ; uuptbh , 74 , i >
gallon , ISc ; U4 , 17c
PAINTS IN OIlj White load , Omul
P. P. . C c ; wblte lead , St. LouU , pure , 65
Manallleo greou , 1 to 5 Ib cant , 2
French zinc , gisin e > l > 12c ; French tli
rod seal , llcj French zinc , lu vaniUh as
20c : French riuce , in oil aatt 15o ; Hi
and burnt umlnir , 1 Ib cans 12o ; raw oi
burnt Sienna , lUo : Vandyke brovra ,
refined lampblack , 12o ; coach blaclc an
l oty black , IGc ; drop bla < V , IGo ;
blus , SOe ; nltramarluo bke , 13ci
freen , L. M , & I ) . , 14obllnd ; and nhutle
Krpan , L. M , A , I ) . , 1 1 : ; Paris green , ISc
Indian red , 16ci Venetian rod. Oc ; TTUCN
dr * , 22c ; Atnerloan Vonnlllod , I , A P. , ISc
chrome yellow , It. , M. , O. ft D O. , ISc
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 16 ; paUin
dryer , Sc ; prMning rolorat light oak , darl
oak. walnut , thostnut and ub IDo.
Dry "alntt
White lead , 6i ; French tine. lOol Pit )
whltelng 2Jc ; whiting RUde
v. biting com'l , He ; lamt > black
town , 14c ; limpblack , onlinary , Kv ;
< lan blue , We ; ultramnrino , Vv , , .uyiLi
brown , 8c ; umbpr , burnt , Jit 't.uW ' , ti\v
4ciienna ; , bunt t , 4c ; rVi i. , < -n\t , 4c
Paria green gonutuo , 2V i iNri * rfwon com' '
20u { chrome green , 7 > V , ' Wj ; chrom
green K. , 12c ; Termlll < j. i < ug. , 70o ; vei
million , Arnxrii'n , l c ; Indlnu rc-l , lOc
nme pink , 14 < tenwllMi M d , < * ohu i n
2oi Venetian red < Viu. , lijc ; roi , 7J < ;
chrome yellow , genuine , ' . 'Uo bromp yel
low , K. , 12o ; oohro , wxihello Bo ; ochre
French , 2Jo ; ochre , American , Sc
Winter mlurral. UJc ; lohlgh browu. 2 to
ipanlah brown , 2ic ; Prinoe'a tnuioral Uc ,
VAUNISUKS Uamli per gallon ,
Furniture , extra , 91 10 ; furniture , No. ] ,
$1 ; coaoh , extra , Cl 40 ; each , No. 1 ,
Cl 20 ; Damar , extra , Cl 7C ; apnn , 70c ; M.
phnltum , extra , 8"io ; ibollao (3 bO ; Imrd
oil fmUh , $1 SO.
rloavy H rdwtr Clit ,
Iron , ratofl , $3 10 ; plow utool , tpoclal
t , 7o ; cttclbKHc ; spoclaluronnaulV ) ;
owl tonl do. 10@20 wngon tptikea , net ,
2 23@3 OOjhubr , per net , 1 25 ; fcllocn , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , r&cb , 70Wo ; axJci ,
oaoh , 75o ; miuaro nutr , i > cr 11- , " © lie ;
wmhora. per Ib. 6@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per Ib , C12o ; malleable , So ;
Iron wedges , Go ; crowbar * , Oo ; harrow
teeth , Iti ] lioruwliocx , per krg , t > 00 ; iprlng
atpol , 7d-Sc ( ; liurdonn horuorJioca , 5 CO ;
Burden'a mulwbora , G DO ,
SHOT. Shot , Sl.Sftj UnoJc iihot , JJ2.10 ,
Orioutal Powder , krga , ( $3.40 $ ; do. , htl
UORB. .48 ; do. , quarter keg * , 31.88 ; Blatt
Ing , keen , ? R BTi : FUBO , uer 100 feat & 0o.
BAUBED WIUK In car lotn , 7 5'J per
100 ; In IOAS than car lotn. 7 70 nor 100 ,
NAILS Kate * . 10 to G0f , 425.
Oak sole , SHe to 4Uc ; hemlock BOO , ZSo to
35c ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner ,
G5o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 8Co to 1 20 ; hem
lock upper , 2Sc to 2Go ; oak upper , 24c ;
alligator. 4 00 to Q 50 ; calf kid , Sl)5c ! ! ) ;
Grciscn kid , 26 to270 ; oak kip , 80o to
1 00 ; oak calf. 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 5T ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 : rua-
Botta. 5 60 to 7 CO ; linings. 0 00 to 10 t < 0 ;
toppingB , fl 00 to 10 M ; B. L. Morocco , SOo
to 35o ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 85o ; ilmon ;
2 TO to 3 00.
HARNESS-No 1 star oak , 42o ; No 2
do , 8'Jo ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38o ; No. 'J do ,
85o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c ; No , 2 do 51 o.
Horao * nd Mules.
The market IE brink and nil gradea nre
Belling well at illght advance In pi-icoa.
The demand for good homes exceed ) the
supply conuidcraolr. Prices range an fol
io wa :
1'iuu alcglo drhcru , Cl&O. to SOO. ; Kxtra
draft hornoa , 5J176. to 225. ; Common dra/t
bor CD , 8100. to 150 , ; Kxtra fnrm bonjn ,
? 110. to 125 , : Common io good fnrm homes
890. to 8100. ; Extra plu.w , SCO. tn 75. |
Common plugs , $20. to 340'
MULES. 10 to lt > j haudJ ( extra ) , Wffi.
to 150. ; Ill to lf bundn , 8100. to 140. !
14 to 14 } bauds , 37C. to 103. ; 1.1.J In 14
bands , 8iO. to 75.
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL Ib/ proof , 2 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California npirlt3 , 187 proof ,
1 per proof gallon ; triple reliuort dpiriU
187 proof , 1 28 er proof if.illou ; ra-dlstlilod
wfciskios , 100@150 ; iino blended , 1 50a ( ,
2 GO ; Kentucky bourbons , S 00(5)7 ( ) 00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania rycn , 2 Cfii)7 00.
BltANlMUS Impottcd , C6 00 ® W IW.
domestic 1 4004 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 B0fi 00 ; doraenflc.
1 4008 00 ,
RUMS Imported , 4 C00i ) 00 ; New
England. 2 004 00 ; domestic. 1 fcOtas T.O
1 75@4 00.
0 11 AMPAGNKS Imported per ease ,
2ROO@3j t ! ; A ai5t ( > 4.i , case , 12003
CLARETS- case , 4 r > 0@lB 00
WINES Rh ne wine , per cane , G (10 ®
2 00 ; Catavka , per case , 4 C07 00.
Vfa quota lumber , latn aud Ellington on !
cars nt Omaha at the foHowlmrpriceo :
under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50.
TIMBERS 1C ft. and under , 522 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 323 OQ ;
1C ft , $2.1 50 , 32 ft. , 820 50 ; 21 ft. 320 50.
EENCING No. 1 , 4 and G in. , C24 00 ;
Nn. 2. $22 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd common
boards ) . $2.1 . 00 ; No. 2 , $18 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per ouu-
40c ; Cement , bbl , G'J 25 Iowa planter ,
bbl , 82 CO , Hair per bu , 40o. Tarred
felt 100 Iba. S3 50. Straw board , C3 GO.
COAL Cumberland Wackumlth , ? 12 ;
MorrU Rua Blouaburg , 812 ; Whitobroasi
lump , 1 > 5 BO ; Whitobreaut nut , 5 CU ; lows
lump. 5 fiO ; low * nut J-5 50 ; Hock Spring
58 ; AnthraeJt ? . 810 5r@ll 00.
Of an
DRU a Al-ID OHEM1OA UB - 4cd !
Corbollc , fiOc ; Acid , , GOc ; Baliau
Ib ,
per .
S ltf , per ii > , .igi'i wjr < * k"ni w i"I'a MI
33c ; Loud , Acetate , per Ib , 22i
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per tfal , ? 1 20 ]
II , CVitor , So. S , per gnl , $110 , Oli ,
Hvo , per pn81 \ 50 ; Oil , Origanum , Gf ;
Jpium , UT 00 ; Quinine P. & W. & 11. ft 8.
wr ot , 32 Oj ; Potassium , lodido , per It
175 ; Halaciu , per ot. 40o : Hulpbato (
lorphlno , vor ut , C-3 8f > ; Sulpnur llom
er Ib , Ic ; Htrvchnlnc , ocr cz , Cl 6j.
Oleorx na roticocot.
OIGAKS. Scoda , 810.00 ; Oonuwtlcut
25.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Bood Havnua
J50,00j ClearUnvAim , C7E.OO.
1 Ib , GOo ; Our Hops , flrnt quality , C2c
> Ur , poupdn , 24 Ib. buttB.OOc ; Homo Khoo
loundK , 24 Ib , buttc , 58c ; Gilt Edge
louudj , 24 Ib , buttGO ; Anny und Navv
) oundi. ( 55o ; Jfullltm , pound * , t'Jcj Loril
ani'u Cllinar , IXMIU'B , GOc ,
FINK OUT In nallH. Hard to Boat
5o ; Goldan Thread , 70c ; I'ouutaiu , 80t
' 'avoritf , Me ; llocky tlounUln , COc
anuy , 65c ; Daley , 5lc. ! Ilk tin foll-
JaUiiii ) U. B. | D lh boxen , per Ib ( iiic ; Ijori
llard'H 'J'JRor , tXo ) ; Dlumond Grown , C3o.
HMOKlis'G All gradoa Common , 251
i3c , Griiniilatdd BlsolrK-olLi Durbau , 1
r51c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 40o ; Seal f
Jcitb Carolina , 10 or.10 ; Seal of Nobrar
c , 10 oz , 3So ; Ijono Jack. 4 cr , llnnn hagi
wrlb , 81.35 ; Marbunm'Puck 2 oz , tl
ell , t5o ; Do Tail eSs.
.torluo unwM oJ , light , 14Vil6a ( ? ; fccnvv , !
gUlrk ; modlnra uuwaahod , lilit | ; , ! HcrliO ( )
uhui , ch'ilco , 2"c ; fair , 33o ; tub-din )
id w , , 2 c ; buny , blacV nd cottad woo
tun , Etc.
HIDES 'jreon butebcr'n btd , GC7j
cured fijc ; Md a , greet ) tall , part cured 7j
bldne , 74c ; dry iliiit , Bound. IBQHe ; di
civlf and kip , 12@14c ; dry bait hldun.iiouni
10llc ; green civlf. wt. tolbtt/i ) , , 1112
yroeu cull , wt , under B ) ii , par ukln , DO
trrecn j > olt , fiO51 25 ; yrocn lamb ukln
SI Vi Jir/O : damaged hldon , two-third rat
cut jcwiod and one xrub , olwHod tw
tLlrdi f.tte , ) branded bidet 10 per unnt , ' .
Coua KhStw , No , 1. 45o ; No. 2 , 30o ; No.
'JO. ; Mo 4 , lOc. Mink , No , 1 , 50c ; No.
SOc ; . .o. 8 , We ; No. 4 , oc. F < lx , Ni .i :
Mr ; No , 2 , : o. Hkunk , N < . 1 , blfii
G5c ) nhcrt fctrl ] > o , 40n ; narrow rtrlpro
bri'vl alrip * . 10o. Tallow 7c.
51 if * b > i Tincy nd orior eU direct frc
wHU I u , w ' -lji ! } proajptly hy rail at
lovt4io lhlo ca h pilcuto all wmlurn pell !
law-It TYbKK HALT TO Fanlnaw CU , Ut
Mu-ilofor Wotltmun.
Ht. JatcjUzette.
A licppy day will have dawned f
thu Iftborlng classes when it aball
recognized aaan indisr. itablo fact tli
to got from c workinun hla beat wo
it is nocusaiuy to feed him well , clot
him well , lodge him well nnd provi
him with agreoablu ontortai.uu
whilu ho it workiiiK. I'endiuf ; tl
'too ' heppy ouimaunnation , dUpa c
bolnp taken In Sptln to ammo th
workman dutirt ; his I onra of toil ; nni
the pi MI in BMU to have boon attendee
"by oxcoKnnt results. "Slructoral al
lorAtlonn" having boon ordered fo :
the M dM-1 theaters , M ( slno
the burnt' a of the Illng theater
ator at Viniinn ) nt BO manj
plav houicn in TArlona parta o (
Karupr , the noc r < ary operations won
irthwith nuu. . . inkrci at the Theatre
Koyal , but thy e''l nnl proceed
woidly oncpgh to give the manngoi
nny liopo of bom * , \ , irt to , > , i 01 thr
day for which the o'lnimwiifeio ut 11
the losaon had been fixed" . In hl <
difficulty ho selected from a nunibci
of workmen thoao who niut n tat - fi > i
mnsic , uud enga d a j orti > n of tin
opera bawd to play to I hum M tht-j
built , joined and painted , Chmrci
by the strains of a line orchsatra , Ihi
men \borod 1 with auch food nill thai
they cotnplotnd their work in uxeol
lent tttno. And now , according to tin
rCpoc.1 , the ( ] ucfltion of mnplojiog inn
tic as an aid to labor it botngnprional )
couaiderod in high placea. llolifjloi
is treated na n putiino by tlm Silva
lion army , and whv tint worl ?
Pony , weak , and aiokly ohildrrn
need Brown'n Ifon JJlttrri. It wil
alrongthr > n und invli'nratn thorn.
A Oixnrtid Uook Agent
Attn taCanitltullon.
' \Vo had bettor undorataud cnch
other , " ho said deprecating , an ho
shambled into the editorial room , "bo-
fore wo beftin , I'm a book agouti"
Unmindful of tha groan that mot
thin ritatcmont , ho wont on :
"I'm nota whito-haircd philanthro
pist from Now Ilavon , who ban oomo
south through sympathy for your
stricken pooplo. I'm n fair , square ,
bjid'hendod book agent. "
Kncouragod by the recaption of tliii
frank avowal , ho took a aoat , nnd
dropping hia foot into a wnato-baakot ,
aaid : '
"I'm not n retired clergyman who
Boeka to scatter religion * Inatruotion
whllo ho builds up llio worn out frame
in your balmy ollmo. I'm not an
apoatlo of art who haa consented to
aeok your benighted region nnd oda-
oato your people by parting with o
tow picture books in parta. I'm not
a tcmporanoo lecturer from B.tngoi
who paya oxpenaoa by dioponaing of
literature on commission whllo hn ro-
gonurateatho rum-sucker. I'm notl
all theao nor either. I'm nn un
modified book ngcnt , with iionoof the
corners rounded , running on oheek in
pursuit of tin. "
"Horo'n candor at Joint , " roimrkm :
the young mun who writes the putfa ol
hardware otorc * .
"Yea , oaudor * ut boat. I'm not r
gilded ahani. You don't pick mo u [
for a prinoo in disgulno , or art or nior
ality going incoi ; . I do not ( ly tin
iki-.ll r.nd crosjbonoa hid behind i
holidiy llg till T have grappled ani
boardiid you. 1'vo got the regular olr
doath'a bond n.tilod to the mast , ant
t m n piratn from krul to usnto
board , and if you don't want tha
nort of company bbw mo out of tin
water. "
Ho had the whole force on deck a
thin point.
' 'Ivo got no off hand preamble t (
my bloody work. I do not lead you
through lliwery paths of caao to when
I have got the trap eprung. I do no
beguile with aneouote , itiapiro witb
oloqueuoo , seethe with perauasion , o :
pique with locil goaaip. I was no
directed to you aa a loader of cultun
or a person who'd bo likely to buy. ' 1
won't ahow you n Hot of high-toncc
decoya who have put their natnoi
down to get rid of mo and to drav
you in. I don't choir the work I'n
soiling , and I've never boon nblo t <
learn the idiot's soliloquy that ex
plains the pictures. "
Hare ho paused whilu the manage :
callnd far the cash-boy.
"That'a about the uizo of mo am
my bueiiiesB. The book'u right hvn
fifty parln , fifty conta a part , plonl ]
o' pioturuu und big type for the reading
ing , written by uomubody or other
and moans ten dollars clear money t <
mo every time I work ono off. Di
you take , or do I co ? '
. By this time eleven copies of tin
firat part woto ordered , and tin
"olovon abl " raaumcd their worl
while the oflico b > y indites tliln ttifc
ulo to a mun who ain't athamcd o
hia little rnckot.
Hop Bitter * Arc the I'uroit RUI
Uf t Ulttnri Evur Made.
They nro compound from Hopi
Mult , Duchu , MnndraUa and Dr.ucol
ion the oldi'Ht , boat , and niost valv
able modioino in the world und con
tain all the beat and moot cumtiv
properties of all other remedies , boin
the ureateat Blood Purifier , Live
Regulator and Lifo and Health lie
storing Agent on earth. No diaoae
or ill-health can powibly long exis
where thono Bittora uro used , ao vni
iod and pcrfeot nro their oporatinna.
Tiioy give new lifo and vigor to th
oged and infirm. To all whono employment
ploymont cuuno irregularity of th
bov.'ole or urinary orgunn , or who re
quire nn Apotizcr , Touio and mil
Btimulmit , flop Bitters are invalua
bio being highly cnrutivo , tonio an
Bthnulnttng , without intoxicaCir.g.
No matter what your feolinpn
Bymptomn ro , what the dioDawo oral
ment iv , uou IJop liittorn. Don't wa
until } ou tire Mck , but if you only fo
bad or miaurablc , uuo Hop Bitten i
once. Ic may aavo your life. Mm
droda have been saved by BO doln ;
i'ivu hundred dollura will bo paid fi
a naao they will not euro or help.
Do not , eulfor or lot your frioni
nntlur , but nab and urge them to ui
liop Bitterd.
Uoinomber , Hop Bittnra h no vil
dragf > < id nrmtrum , bub thu Puteet ni
Beat Mi.dicino over made ; the "I
valid'a Friend and Hope , " and i
family or parson should bo witho
them. Try Um MiMnrn n-day.
to ( otDf Kill Utu tlii
3iU : ii.iu , and
for lull til ! < muUlun < : n < K , H. V. , .
, litli Mia K ruwu nt . , J. JliCI.L , U
- . or JAHKIlf.
Geo. P. Bemi
Heal Estate Agenc ;
Eth and DouRlm B . , Omaha
; 4 IUNO OIICuun itrlcJy a brokerage Inuln
oo ) not | > ocuUtu. a id Hioroori ) an ; lu t
' 0 . t on our UKIH urn liuami ifilmt lo , ,
IBB I' < i ltlroOnr.a
Per > lt tlio > 1'Alnrul CorapUInU nml WruVneMM
M ximraon to oar trot female population.
Intrntcdljj a Womoti.
TreparoJ tijr n Woman.
r41 l Dtiotrrr W wll P f Milter/ .
9 tm ! drooplnc tr-lritu , InrlRontft nd
hi\rmi > nl > n < the orconlo functions , clrei tlwtldty nij
nrmnnm to tlm liep , rcitoro tlio n&tural Imtra to tb4
fyianil | > Unt on the ri\lo clirek of wom\n the trcttt
Mf s ot llfo'n fprlns anil mrljmnmrr tlnio. '
Tyfhjrtlclint Uin It nnd Projctibo It Frcely.-St
It rrraarra fnlntncni , ( l.\tulcncy , dratrar * all crating
for ntlmuUnt , ami IT-HOTM ncvikiirn ot the ttomiuh ,
Tlmt frcllnj of bcarlnit iloim , cutting ptn , wdgU
nnd luwkachp , Ii almiyt ixrminently cured l > 7 Itt ui
1'artha Hire of KUnej Oomplnlnt * of either to
thl > CompounJ U uniurpwicJ.
i.rni.1 n. iMMCtiAirn IIT.OOD
lil rmillmto rn-ry Tiutltra t liumoni ( rant lli <
Jilixxl.ntiil rt > o t m < anil nrvufftli to the ijrutcm , of
bum woman ur child. ln Ut un UAVluff It.
lloth tlm Compound nnJ niood rartflrr an prrpar 4
at l3iuid2UWift rn Arrnuo , Lynn , Itufft , Price oi
elthf r , Jt Pit bottles for f- Bent ty mall In the torn
otplll-s or cf loa-mrr * . onrvct-lptotprlcp , (1 pcrtxn
forflthrr. Itn. I'lnkbnmfnxljr amtw naltlctt no <
( nqalrj. EnelilM Jet. rtamp. BcndforpAmplilct.
Jf fumllT nhoul.t without LTntA 'E. riNKHASn
Mvr.U rilJ-S. Thrr euro eonntlpntlon , LUlouinm
and torpWlt T of the Urvr. 3 ccuu p r boi.
nil lruKKUtn.-5W >
Us U In the principal churches ( or commun
ion purposes
Thla cetolirattd natlro Htne u mnda
Ju'ca ' ol the Oporto Oropo. raleod Ii thli
111 Invulunlilo
arc uniurparnnl liy onyo li-r native nlm Being
tlio Jiuro julcu c ( thu Clripc , prodtui d under-
Mr. BDcfr'ii o np miinl lupcrvlilan , It ipurlty
and ucnnlnenriBara gnar ntccil. Ill voungfal' '
chllil can partake ol tlRgrlicroua quilltlM , and
the weakcot Invilld tue It to IRC. Ill
r'y b ncllcUl tr the agid aid iltbllta
oil , auj lUitcil to the nilonu ullmoila thatat-
foot tuo weikcr > ex. It IN In > cry ri pcct nlno
' '
Tlie P. J. FIIEIUIY Ian nlnn ot rupcrlor chai
actor , and parlnktM ol tlia quilltloiof tht ,
ir.ii8 | dam which It If inada Far 1'urlty ' , rich
iicfs , flv .r uti'l ' moillcliitt | troporlMi ] , It nlllb '
fonnd unejci'lloj.
P. J. Brandy.
Tti trati'ly itindg unrhnllcd In thlscouotr
leliit/ar uiwilcrfor moillclmlrmrpcioi.
U in a puie rlittlaton from tno ifrnpo , and.
eonlalim valuable moilUal prone ties.
It Imo a drl'cato flavor , similar to that ot tho-
i itim w'i > ch It l > dlitlllcd , and Ii In great-
( aver finoiiLllntcUfB ( aniulca.
Heo that the s'ttnii ' lure ol ALFED BPBRtt , Pa-
MC , N. J , , In our Ihn cork of tacli boltle.
Hold by Kcnnard Ilro'i & Co , . Ii. Parr-ikhrotav
& Ilocht , ll. W Kane , Jamoi kKonyth nnd J. O
1'olntoi , eodv
Thoio deilrlnii to rnnko money
r\ryn iihull and medium Investmccli Ini
O Cl ) Rraln , iitoriilont anil iitoi'k epecul-
tlunn , atii du no liy onotttlnif on our
pita , From Mi y 1,1881 , to t La pi *
vent diti1 , an Investing ma cf ? 10C
to il.COU , rauti proDN bavo Uedo
rual.ioil and paM to Invcilorti
kit ouq Inn to cover.1 times ( bo r.rlx
Invl Inveiimeut. Proflu paid 1st o
ordinal Invintmeiit rcikmu raoniy
I or | v.ya1il on demand , ttxpltnata-
ry drculare and itatamenta ot lunrt
W lent free V.'o want responalbln
t/enU. who wtl report on crops nrt
$100 Int-oiluco the pUn. Ubotil coro-
mUilons paid. AiUrosj
mtcMon J.creluntd , tlnjor Jloc ,
Loan & Trust Company
Capital Stook , - - $100,000.
JAB. II. HEAimVBMfc PrwlJen * .
A. I. . CLAIIKK , VU'O ITtjMcul.
K. 0. WhUSTKll , Trr4 urer
Samuel Alexander , Oin-.Od Ollr r ,
A. L. U arkr , K. U. Wubttur ,
Coo II. I'rulr , J.VK. IL HfutUull ,
D. il.MeEllllmioy.
First Mcrtgago Loans a Specialty. '
Tlili Comjany ( urnUhci a pemmncnt , buna
Institution uhi'io School llondi and other loyally
Uiuixl llunldial tt-cl'rl lf ol Nclnuka cuu \ Hbo
bo iiv otlattd on tha most U\omblu Uriu * .
Loan * made 01 linpron > l turini In allwcl' ' icttleu
counlli of thuBiau- , through rtMioulU4 | local
corranXiidi.iit | < i ,
E or CARDUl" ftiur ttrq '
\j \ makiis u Uai'pj IwuiehiiliL