VHF - All I TWELFTH OMAHA NEC. SATURDAY MOENING DICLUMBER 1G 1882 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL TliB Sohemo of Beviving Amtri- can Shipping on the High Seas Reduced to Writing , Several Novel Propoaitiocs involved by the Minority tf I ha Ootnmittoo. The Odorous Klug of the Kna- vey Poo63 Before the Public no iv Great Reformer. Neither Power Nor Obloquy OBD Block Ilia Labora for the Paople. The Cry of Oivll Service Rr- form totill Echoes Through the Capitol. Bidn for the Slur Honto Bcrvloo ui U-wltU tbo Rc Appropriation ! Procoedlngo of Conffross Qonorat Mlacollrxny. THE SHIPPING INTEREST- Special Dfip&tch to Tim liis. HHrollTOFTIIE SKLEOT COUMITTBB. WASHINQTON , December 15. The bill presented In con gross to-day by the joint select committee on the decline - cline of AmortcAii shipping contains theEo ctiotions : Firat , that no vessel on iixiid iu cjmmerco with the domin ion of Oiinada nh ll bo subject to tonnage - nago or duty , nor shall consular cer tificates ba r < quired from the same ; second , that individual liability ot ship owners ahull bo limited to the proportion uy or all debts or liabili ties which hi i individual sharp of the veeeel bcara to the whole ; third , that when any veaaol , whether otoam or sail , ah nil bu constructed and equipped ia the United States for foreign trade , including trade between the Atlantic ) and Pacifis portaof the United Staio ; , tbo ownur or uwnuta of a'.iuh vcssola shall bo un'itlad to receive uud collect from the United States a drawback or the sumo equal in amount to the duty which would have been collected updn imported matericvlaof like descrip tion tuid of equal quality with American materials used in the construction and equipment , engines , boilers and other appurteimucei } of such ntcarn or suit vessel ; provided that on ascertaining such drawback the duties on oush ironer or steel material shall bo computed on iron and ntbel advanced in manufaotnre not biyond the point of platoa , angles , bars and rods ; and provided further that thia section shall apply only to vessels commenced after the passage of this act. The minority report IB oignad by Senator Voat and Rjpreaentatiros McEano and Ooz. The report de clarer that the war which began in 1801 waa not in any aaziso tha cause of the a.nnmorsial phenomana under consideration. It wai aooelorited by the COUIBB of events which , if the cir cumstances existing from 1855 to 1861 had continued , would htvo bon inev itable oven hid there been no war. It would ba a'great miatako to infer ( is many thus have glvon the testimony baforj j ) int cointuttsea oaem to Infer ) N that if ull obatruotlous and barduiii upon the iujtrumantatity of no mujh of the commerce of the United States a ) purtaitm to the ocean were removed , wo should bj a iiu at no distant d.iy a great ship building and ship us'ng nation. Such a result is impossible. If all obitrustioas were removed , and if the s vi of the moat improved pattern and modern construction and fully equipped were aiven us and placed aa fro a gifts at our wharvoi , it is doubtful if our ocean cominsnip and shipping wonld be materially relieved and developed , One reason of a general - oral nature against auch a revival ia the preoccupation of our people In ether more attractive and ramunarn- tlvo omploymenla. It ia not likely that ary gruit iaoroajo or ravival of our ahip-buildiog and shipping inter- esta will tuko plaoo until wa have rofcbod a maximum production in our lines of labor , especially in ngrioul turo. When that point ia reached and our energies are devoted to oth'jr pursuita the ocean may have ita olden attrao.ion atni remuneration for ouv people. Another more practical and tangible raaaou M thic all trad-j and cammorco is ouDiitiAllj' birtor , pr.duat buinij given for pcodiuc and oorth-j for aor- vluo. la ordur t'i sell wo must buy and in orJur to buy wo must neil , and ho who will not buy oinnot eoll and he who will not sell cinnot buy. Again , shipi have baon truly called tha children , not the parontr , of com- merco. The tnerahnnt mirtna languishes for lack of libjrty. Its revival must oomu from onlarrfement ot our freedom. The minority , whllo o > ncurring with the report as to measures reported by the committee , dpairo also to present two other propositions ; firat , for ad mission tree of duty of all materials finished and perfected and ready to b ) put together in a ship , and bocond , forfreo admfasion to American registry of ships built abroad. OAPI I'AL NOTES. 8p cal DUpktcb to Tai Uir , HTAK HOUTK CONTKiOTH. Dac. 15. Tnongh the contraota to ba made in January are foi atar route mail service on 34iOOC , milea of routes , principally iu tha west and touth , not moro than 100 bids hivn boon reoaivod. The dcp&rt- mant thinks the cause of ao few- bids ii owing tn the fact that there ia note * o much money in the business at formerly , NOMINATIONS , The president thla afternoon sent to the aenato thu nomination of Ool. RobU Murray , surgeon , to bo colonel and Assistant turgeon general U. S. A. Thia makes several promotions tn line rflicora. The houao committee on foreign affairs hopa to reach final settlement of the Hawaiian sugr question at the drat mooting of the committee after the holidays. Nothing important tranapind be- lore tbo cabinet at thti meeting to-day. The treasury to-day purchased'50- 000 ounces of silver tor coinago. A HCAHF. AND A HKIf. The war department ia informed that tire aergennta of cavalry and two Indian icouti struck the camp of half- breeds nnd Oreo on Milk river , Mon tana. The puriy fled with their horses leaving behind P8 carta and hnrnau , 20 hldo > , 1 , ( > 00 pounds of meat nnd other proparty. TO HOMKSTKAll AITLIOANTJ. With a vtocv of guarding ni far ns [ )3atibto ngainst such Liud frnndn ns 1 t osu rec-ntly ronnfted from Dakota and other parts of the vrcs1. , the com mUiioncr t.f the general laud oflJce , with the approval of Secretary Teller , lui itaucd u circular letter to rcgia- ior nud rocoivcnof the United States lund ollicps Mlth r.'gard tn dt-cUritory statement t of homrntfad npplicanls THE INDIiN Al'l'UOrIII\TI5N UII.1 , , reported to thu tcnato since itu pus- l > o by the house , IK increased In the aggregate amount $150,200 The n | ; irecrato ; amount appropriated by thn bilfiu reported to-day is ยง 5,303,100 T11R TARIFF. The committee on ways nnd means to day continued its work upon the report of the tariff commission. Iron iu pigs , wrought and east iron , aornp Iron , and scrap steel of every descrip tion , including old iron and old stool railway barn , threo- tenths of ono per cent , provided that nothing chall bo deemed scrap iron or acrap ateol that las been in actual use , or that ia fit only to bo manufactured by romolting or remoulding it. CONGRESSIONAL. Special Dlipfttch to TUB 11" . BENATK 1'KOCEBDIXOS. WASHINGTON , December 15. At ; ho oleo ot the morning hour the con sideration of the French npoiliation bill wni resumed. Thn French upoiliallon bill pissed , and the senate rtaumod the oonnidor- ation of the Peudleton civil scrvicu bill. bill.Senator Senator Miller said tha senator from 3jorgia feared that thh bill , if panned , would tend to establish a lifo tenure of ofiico , but in faot i : would nimply put back the tenure of appointed rill : oia to whera it was during the firat Ifty yeura of our national life. Senator George thought the passage - ago of thia bill would Inaugurate n most important and necoeaary reform , 'or the ovila which it sought to remedy were of thu most momontoua character affecting doepiy the purity of our gov- ernuiontal udmiriatratton and oven thaoatonhur the stability of our innti- lutlons. Kapubliciua wore nowso thoroughly con'cioua of the guili of political asnosumeuta that they osmo to oongresa on the firat , dny of the session and by their president aaked the apoedy yaasaqo of n law to prevent them relapsing into sin. Thn senator from Georgia ( Utown ) tsaamed to think there would ba no chance for the democratic puty unloaa it could prom ise its members the apoila ofDcoe. He ( George ) repudiated the idea. Ho de nied the democratic party WAS de pendent upon "cohcslvo power of public plunder , " and slid it would go into the citnpiiim of 1884 aa it wont into that of 187G under the mete of "reform , fidelity to public trusts , eaonowy in administration , " and not' with the mitorable battle cry of " to the victors to the "Booty , woo van- vuinhisdl" O i motion of Senator Pondloton the lira : section of iho bill wai amend ed so iia to require the civil nurvico commfajionora to ba einfirmod by the scnnto. The question waa on Senator Alli son's amendment providing there shall bu three cimmiasionors instead of five and they shall not bo connected with any department. Senator Bayard spoke of the im portance of reforming the civil ser vice and the demoralizing rff.cta upon publio men of the "spoils" system He would support the pending bill and W4 * quite ready to meet the responsibility to which the oonator from Gjorjla ( Brown ) paid the demo crat who supported it would bu held. Sdnator Mor aa offered t-vo amend meats , which ware orderol printed Ono of them rfc munandi lh > it no ad * viia or rocomtnindntion of any upplt- Cint for oi'itnl/i'Uion / or upp intment , von by n aanitur or roprdanutativo , shall bo rec-lived or conaidirod by the uxamlnera , unloij it shall hiv/a buon previoutly tskod in writinij by one or more of them. The ether a'lthorinai the commission to designate in oich state five ox-sminriM not in the service of the United State * , mid not moro than throa of them belonging to the aumn party , who oh ell examine appli cants residing in ouch * Utu. Senator Blair offered , \ resolution , which wa agreed to , directing the aucrutary of the interior to furnish the latent and fullest information in the poBBesiion of the bureau ot education in relation to schools endowed in whole or in part by the government , and liUo iu certain other aohoola. Adjourned. HOUBK I'ttcc-EEmxas. Mr , Kisson ( lovn ) , from committee on wayaand means , reported bok the bill amuuding the act to repeal dis criminating duties on goods produced in Eiat Oipo of Good Qopo. Paaeed. The bill relieves from a payment ol duty Buch goods ns may be in bondad warehouses or on shipboard on 1st of January , 1883 , the date when thegon- eral relief qooi into effect. Dr. McLean , representative of the Ninth MiHsouri district , abort term , appeared and was sworn in. The homo , in committee of tha whole , resumed comidenUion of the poitofflse bill , Mr. Calkins ( fnd ) iu the chair. Mr. Townsend ( III. ) delivered an argument in favor of the amendment which he proposed to offer for the bill , abolishing postage on second data matter. Mr. Uobeson ( & J. ) cloiod the dis cussion. The bm proposed to rodnoJ i stigo tax on iudlvldiiRl people 33 } : ier cent. It was a roduotion which he experlonco of the world had shown to bo In the interest of the spread of intelligence nnd dinaomtna- ; lon of knowledge. Wh tovnr dan ger there might bo in the exp - p riraout for hunsulf , and for ; | IORO who were associated 'with rm , ho accepted the responsibility asforo the Amerioixu people , Thin WAS a moatufo iu the interest of indi vidual people , nnd if nn > Additional : ix was to bo levied for ita support lot i : tall on the g4tt < g < xtod capital ot the country. Ho hnd been diieotod by the ojinuoitlon on approptiMiona to offer an amendment to the bill providing .hat compensation for curry 1m ? mails oa the rmlro.ids of oompAiitcn i nt roe o ivcd govprnment nld in boi.d siibt- dice as well M land grant. } , alull nut xjocd fifty per cent of tbo amount aUotrod hy law aa compensation for ; ho Bimo ucrvlco by railroacla whinh lad not received government aid. Of course thia amendment was for the jaucfit of the people. Whun a man undertook if benefit thn individual in ; iroit ho must recolvo the bloxia nf the consolidated potter whom ho ultnck- jd , but he ( Robcsoii ) for ono should 3a contout in the reootdi of history .f it were understood Unit no long an 10 held the key of the position ho was neither overridden by power nor [ rlphtenod by obloquy. The bill waa then road by noctions 'or amondmonta. Mr. Oiswoll ( Wk ) , on behalf nf the committee on uppropriationr , offered nn amendment Increasing the appro- niation for "atar" sorvicafrom $5,000- UOO to $5,250,000. Adopted. Mr. Robinson ( M.kst. ) offered an amendment appropriating $600,000 for lecossary and rpecial mail facilities. Mr. Hiacock ( N. Y ) offered an amendment to the amendment fixing ho amount at $ 200,000. Pending no- ion , thti committee rt-aa. Mr. Dunnoll ( Mtnn ) offered a roso- ution reciting ullogationa that aomo collectors of cuatoma all along the lorthern frontier are in receipt of arga fees from the axle of bhukc , which are not turned iuto the tronaury , aud that eniJ collectors are In the pay of impovtora and corporationr , and directing the romtmttou on ways aud inetma to inquire into the truth of ; htse allrgitiuim.Adopted. . Ad- ourued. Tbn Spccixl Dl.-p tch to Tlix Bun. OUIOAOO , Dicembcr 15. The ses sion of thu American Agricultural nsao- ctatiun oloood tc-day , Ulrich Block- endertor , of Pennsylvania , read a ) uper on under draincgo. J. Sterling Merion , of Nebraska , made a reply to Ge . llanm'a apecoh. J. S. Slaiiger , of Colorado , read a paper on agrioul- ; uro in Colorado by irrigation and drew a glowing picture of the future of hia atata. A resolutirn waa adopted .hat part of the tariff ommusion'a report which recommends reduction of the tariff on wool , while retaining : ho tariff upon manufactures thereof , a unjust to the farmer and in the in terest of manufacturers. At the _ evening renion addrensea were delivered by Hu&Vy 'J. I'uilpot , of Iowa , on "farmers markets ; " Oon- reaemau Stevens , of Now York , and Prof. Johnson , of Michigan , both on "ensilage1' ; nnd Prof. Van Buron Dinalow. of Ilinoia , on 'Tho wool wing interests of the United 3tatoi. " The question of protection or free trade crept into the discussion of tholftat subject aud created quite a etirrlng debate , on which it was evi dent the farmora were radically di vided , At the evening aeasion a reso lution van pataod calling on congress Lo leghl.Uo for the suppression of plcuro-pnoumonia in cittlo , Arrange matitn with referonoa to the proposed national agricultural exposition to beheld hold next year were further con sidered. Adjourned sine die. Hlyr ctnnmor Barucd SpooUl Dl p tch to Till llm. SUREVBPOKT , La , , December 15. The ateamboht Kite Kinney took fir j in the bayou at the ferry landing to day. The boat and cargo are a total loaa. Thia waa the first trip thia season. The boat was valued at 820,000 , Insured 810,000 , The [ cargo consisted of 2,000 bales of cotton oil cake and ether freight. No lives lost aa far as known. The fire from tbo burning vessel spread to the adjacent build- ga , being driven by high winds ; loat ulnut $130,000 , Several buildings near the ferry landing were destroyed , r.rnong them O. M. Oaamberlnin'ts ma chine shop. Captain P. M. Whito' * residence , Knbinson'o boat uhnp and George L. White's residence. The tire originated in the deck room , CMiso unknown , and spread on rapidly that the paisengnra and crew lest nil their baggage. M. W. Apple- gate , U. S. local inspector of steamboats - boats , lost hia valise containing all the papera of the trip of Inspection. Yon Ott and HU Brldo- BfvAtl Dt [ tcb to Till Hem CUICAOO , Daoembsr 15 Socrot&ry Folger t'j day made a decision ou u novel point made respecting the oper ation of the Chinese law. Some months ago a Chinaman , then living in Pittaburg , left for the home of his birth , announcing that he was about to be married and that ho proponed to raturn with his brldo to this country. Mr. Foluer aa)8 If Yeo'Ott , for auoh la the ufleatial'a name , returna to this country with a nou-residoat , uhe will nut be allowed to remain , even though nho ba thu wito of one who would be if he returned alnnn , Run Down nnd Killed. Special Dispatch to Tun Dm. PrrTHUtJitci , Diicomber 15. An Al toona ( P * ) epeoial rayj ; A terrible ucoidcnt happened lait night a few milea from thia city , by which four persons were killed. The parties wore J. Parks , Wm , * 1 meron , and two young ladies namt d Flora and Alice Erwin , They were returning from a prayer meeting , aud while walking on the railroad track were run down by an engine. Three of the party were tilled instantly and the other died in a fjiv minutei , WALL STREET WATCHED , Tbo Oauo of tbo Reoent Sonro and Increaoed Vijjtlncos , Barglarlo * Planned , Hut Hot Executed. 1tucl\\ \ the Vo > t-li p tth. Nuw YOUK , December 14 In * op : ctor Byrnc-n nioortnliud jc ; cr < 3ay l at t. Wi > ! l-orjnniroil ; plan was on fotit o rob ono of the , biu > kn in tlih city ; lo wau unablii to McirMlu which Milking inatilulioH was to l > a attacked , ao hotdi kmensuren lusMi'g it * * horiib > > ' ha pjlica oiptains'ttatloni'dau ofllotr ai thu ontrixnco to tver , * bi.nk in their r'Kpcivt5 ! ] ) recinc'tB. Ti- ! order wna ibayod to tha letter nnd eurybank n tbo olty wns gttiirdod thrnughout ho niftht. The matttr . adl cuted > y Snpcrintosidont Wallmi ; with In- pi-otora Murray , Theme , Hyrnea nud Jilkc. Several poltco captnins wcro hen BUtnmoned , atid about 5:30 : o'clock the comniAiidcrn of prccluo's ' were summoned to the in * spoction dlaUiot iflhes nnd received private iuntruotione. 3oon nftcr roll call and nflor the pa- rolmoti wont on duty the superior olRcora Trent around , tnkiug sonio nen off puafc nnd sending them to various banks immediately , or tolling horn to go to the tntlo house , ohango their olothos and tike ordora from their oomm nding cfl'nor.Tim ) nata thus uncovered were doubled , , ho man on the next post covering the ono loft unguarded. Every n * ving > , sUto and national bnnk in this city 83iith of Fifty-ninth atreot wnsgu.ird * od by n police officer in uniform or in oitizsne' garb. The majority of the oflhcra thus on dnty wtat of Rrond- way nnd Fifth nvcnuo were in uniform , while thoeo on the east aide were in ciliz'ns' clothoi , j The police nu- horitioi would give no oxplana- Jon of this .jtinwoutod vigilance. L'ho most that any o fiber would nay w.-vs that ho was obeying ordotd from his nuporiora. The man on guard apper.rcd to know nothing of the object of tbo movement. Thoeo who did not uny that thny would not submit to interrogation declared that > ll they knew about the matter wno hat they wcro takcn off pest , nE- oignod to H "fixtd poal" near tlio bank , where they kept guard , nnd were tild to keep their toycs ouon. Nothing in the inatruirna ! ; given ndicatud whether riot , robbery or fire was feared. A policsmnn who stood * ith his back against the entrance of : ho Second N.jtlonnl bank , being aakod f hu was stationed thort > for the pur )030 of guarding the bitik , nnnworcd n the nflitm&tivo. In rospoiiBo to 'urther [ tiuostions , kiho polloennui aid hu guarding of the bank was an un usual circumstance , nnd that ho had OBUEK3 TO IIUUAIN hero until ho was relieved nt mid night by another officer. A police man who paced to and fro in front of , ho Excelsior savings bank wns' nlso asked it ho was assigned to special duty thero. " What riant .have you to ask me , uat quB&lioiil'Nio"retorted enapptshly , "It is a civil ono , " remarked tbo reporter porter , "and as auch deserves a civil .nswor. " 'Well , " replied the policeman , "I won't answer it for anybody but my superior officer. My orders nra note : o nnswer any qucatluna an to why I am hero. " In cases where two or three banko were in adjoining building * , us in several blocks in Wall mid Nassau ntreots , one policeman w&u instructed to watch all the b.mk.i , there baintj no uecotaity to place two or thron ollicnrt a few feet from each other. At 1:1)0 : ) o'cfock thin morning two policemen were quietly walking back nnd forth iu front of the sub-traasury builiiin/ ; nt Wi ll and Nassau alreulu. The patrolmen unnt on duty nt the banks duting the "tout" which ends nt mid night were relieved by other patrol men who appRarcd to hnvo the eamo vogue instructions as tlionp who preceded - coded them. The captains of the precincts in which banka were guard ed were marked on the blotters mi "on special duty ; " that i ? , thuy l d not gene to bed , and those whc have homes were not auppozcil 10 bo thoro. They were believed by the eergcantu on duslc dnty to bo going the rounds of the banka visiting the inon ntationcd nl them. YVhtlo no public explanation would bu given , ono police < tlicialsald that from what ho hud heaid and coon ho had coniu to the conclusion tbnl the ofTu'mla at police hnudqunrtcrn hai learned that u cliqcp of expert bank burglara , " . \ mob1' in pulico parlnnoo , had been kept under surveillance bo- cftuso of Information that they woulc plan u bank burglary. Theco gnntry , like the nvcrago policeman , Icnvo i trail that a blind man can tracj , nai they were kept in view and their plant were investigated until it itppuircd curtain that they and thtir tools woru ready and thatTHK THK "JOB" was to bo oonsumatod , Thisinfornu- tion came too late for the police to give notice to every bank In iho city and the police oflicora for oncu adopted od tbo axiom , "Prevention ia better than euro , " nnd unarded the bank buildings. No explanation could bo obtained in regard to the wearing o uniform by somu of the officers am the wearing of citizens | ; aib by others Ssmo olticora on the r st sida hut special inttructiona to keep their HH slgnmonts eecrnt , und they wuro tok not to recognize any officer hish o low , but to keep to their "fixed posts' and watch clcsoly , Not even the bank odijera were apprised of poaaibh danger. Many bank presidents nut bank ofiictira were called on to ascertain why their banks wttru specially guarded. All declared ignorance of any reason why extraoi diuary guard should be placed ovt- the'bauks , and nearly all eiprcutti ignorance alto of the fact. Many bd t rayed great netonUhmont , and on gentleman , when the icf nmition wa imparted to him , started immediate ! ; or the b.ick , although midnight wai Icso nt hand. The reporter ticcom- ) tnied him , and on the way pointed mt the policemen on guard over two mnki" . There wnn no policeman , towovor , on watch nt his own bank , ml niter having waked up his wMoh * inn and obtained the iuformvton Imt no policemen hnd boon there uriug the night ho hurried oil to the unrest pulloa station with the remark hit If nvory ether b\nk in town WAS o bo guarded by a policeman his jftnk sliould nlso have the banofit oi no. TRAGEDY. iiloody Work i\t MUlnlRht. peclM Dljjwitch to TUB llin. GKAOJ.VILLB , Minn , , December 15 -.Kihii CallnghAD , nnd con , twclvo cntfl old , wuro ftally nhot nnrly ul 1'acstUy moraine ; . Chlln litvu hnd von nn .1 rproa in tottn nil uicht nnd lis non lln\lly : gut him to pUrt for umoabcint ono o'clock. JohnNoonnn , lie vil ! tu ? marahal , tiiei. to arrest CUllnghnn , when n young nun nnuud ohn Mortia oipottnlutcd . < i'h thu nnrahr.1 nnd vouched for Oallnhan ) ; nomptly ntartiug for homo if ; lvcn nn opportunity. At this ioonnn roldAJcil G.ilA ! hnti nnd sliuchcii MotrIff. Oallnghun , tu'sing ho opportunity Ihrm alLrdcd , ulimbod ute the nnftou ith hin boy and tnrtcd the team , but hnd proceeded mt n few rodu 'ihvn the bjy dieoov- red soiuo nr.u following them , Just a ho called the attention of hia fnthtr o this f not the puty following tirtid it thorn four shota in quick cuccjssion. 'ho firat won hnrmles * . The ncctud ent a b.\U th oug'i the br.\in of the ither , the other two pJhiiug through Kobcdy.of the boy. An outcry w.is nude nnd n man rnshtd to the spot where ho found Nuouan nnd ilorris clinched , cich charging ho ( ithet wilh thu ahootlog nd both were nrrcotod , In u short imo the excitement of the aitizons WAS intenao , nnd nothing but iho un- ortnlnty aa to who via the porpo- r-itor of the daitaraly deed provonto'l irlmo beiiif ; added tootimo by a lynch- ng. The boy , though tcrnb'y weund- d , w.ia iillvo nt lust nccounts , nnd in Very clear manner tavo his evidence , vhich wna nuppoaoJ to bo hia dying tntomont. Clo tnnnp ; JJiioUot Shops- peclnl Dispatch to TUB Una. CHICAGO , III , , Deocnibor 15 Sonio irao tinco the aeprotnry of iho bonid of trade ur.nt notion to the telegraph onipmiiea doing bunincai on the inurd trntlu thnt rfcor Jan. lit , 1883 , 10 operator would bn alloivod on the ward who trinsmittod maiket quotn- lonu to "bucket shops. " In confer- nco with the committee of the board ; o-dny , Ool. 11. 0. Oloury , g'eneral URorinttindnnt of the Western Union ulogruph company , stated after the Into mentioned no such quotations would bo transmitted ever the West ern Union wires to nuy partcf the country. There are about 270 bucket hopa in the country doing business ou McaEO figurca nnd It is believed this otion will close them all up a the > rohibttun ! extends to gold and stcck ickors which furnish quotations to > ucket nhops. " A Wlnnlpmc Fire- Special Dkpitch to Tui BEX. WINNIPKO , Dicembor 15. A fire which burned two hotels last night iad moro disantroas rosulto than first anticipated. Richard Howbridgo , an uvalid living in Iho Oanadian Paoilia lotel , waa burned to death. His ro- mikina were found this morning. Mra. ? cntt , ii.jurod by the fire while trying : o BAVO the cowing rauchino , ia more nuriouoly injured than wns supposed and may dlo. Loud complaints uro r.r.do Rgatunt the firu brigade. On the whole , h.wover , Ihii mun worked iflhlcnUy , but roriouj defootH in thii appnr ttuu were made apparent by this juU-r , Smcu the ruorgoniEition ol .In ) atrvlce no opportunity had oc curred for n t&oticnl tort. It is now jloarly until whora Iho fruits ure , and , hu citizens will probably insist on their being immediately remedied. A Myntorioni Arrcit- Qpcelal Dlipatch toTui Bn. NEW YORK , Daoambor 15. A close ly veiled woman was brought to police headquarters in n hack to-night. She was vuited by a number of people. The viiitorn and pulioo refused nil in timation < > f who uho waa or why ar rested. It ia regarded a un impor- tint arrest. _ A Bit * Fire in Toledo. Special DUpatth to Tile IlrJt. TOLKDO , 0 , , D ciiinbor 15i The I fall block , t.ituiuvd nt the curnur eSt St Olair a d JcU'virnn streets , cm thu ( incut bntiii'jim blcok in the cil > waa totally dedtioytd by fire thii morning , A L/VTHIl ACOOUNT. The loiiaea nro very heavy nnd fnl priuclpilly upon ft few wholcaih nouses. Taylor , Uoduora & Ou , whnleualo boot , shoo an'l rubber liouso had a stock worth $300.000.upoi which loss will ho ever 8200,000 ; in cured for 3280,000 , The building coat $225,000. liy u foreclosure of H mortuayo it beoiino the property o the Connecticut lifn inauranco com pmy : , upon whom the loss fills , I WMiusurndfurSllO.OOO. The tola lots in 050,000. The total insurance Is about 8500,000 , _ Tbo JcaunnttB Inquiry. HpecUl Dliiat | < ti Dim UK * . WAHHISOTOK , DaeombJr 15. Ii the JeivnnuttJ inq'iiry ' Lteutonnn Waynrlght was permitted to question Ntwoomb on behalf of Dinuihowtr , i wttneaa. Kiver rttfumer Huuk. Upeclal IXapaUh to Tilt DEI. PKTEiisuuua , Vii , , D.omnber 15 The btejinor Carrie , owned by th IVternbnr Btoambiat company , aun ! this uftiruoon in the Jjimes river Bho hadii largo oirgo of freight. Th pmongtrs und crow had a narrow tiiojpo , _ Beautiful tkin , and fair oomplexion robust health , and powers of undur nro a follow the USD of Brovrn'a Iroi Bitten , CRIME AMD POVERTY. Twin Evils Wliioh How Afflict "tho Isle of Saint sand Scholars , " A Brnoo of Bloody OrgnuiBi- ' ioo.i Eovorilod to the Po- llcu of Dub'in. L'ho National Ls\i > uu Luvia.ni. Paper Piano to Reliuvo the Dietreeu. liroo Uoro Mon Dantk at Qnlwny. Msauaelon of the French Budget Vartoun Other Events. GENERAX. rtmElCJN IlEWff. OptcLU Ultrttchit to Tut llti AN 11UHII JURY miAUHEKa. DUIILIK , December 15. The jury , niter deliberating : in hour aud a halt , tailed to aircu ; upon n vcrdlot in the OABO of tha murder of thu fiMitur , Thonns Brown , who w.is shot dead ou October 3rd last near his own house in OaMlo lalnnd. TUR LUNATIC WIBTOATE , PLYMOUTH , Dacombor 15. The atoamolip Nile , from Kingston , J&- mate i , having on board Weatnatp , the epU-aocuaod participant in the murder of Cavendish and Burke , 1ms arrived. \Voatgnto wn sent to Dublin. The pasBOiiRoricjiialder Wostgatonluiintfc. The Nile cxpuiiefcjd such terrible w < M\thcr Motuky last that the vessel waa given up for loat , The boats were carried awny and the water Ibodod'tho engine room , extinguishing the lower Grea. The pationgora were panio- stricken nnd heart-rending aobncs were wltnoisod. CONDKMNKU IIUHIIMP-X. GAUVAV , Dtxomber 15. Patrick Joyce , Milts Joyce and Patrick Oisey , the thrco men oouvictod of participa tion in the murder of thu Joyce fam ily nt Maarortrninn , were hanged in jikil hero at 8 o'cldck this morning , 'ho prison innido nnd out wai heavily ; unrded , Miles Joyce protected lib nnocenco to thu last. The three prisoners hoard miss hortly bcforo the time act for the ox- cut ion , . They refused break fast , ihoy necontled the scaffold with firm topa. Oaney , who hud uttornd ti moan at iirnt night of the gallows , nounted the steps two nt n time. Bo- ere the drop fell Myles Joyce apoko n Irish , ao follows : "I am going bo- nro God. I waa not there at all and iad not n hand or part in it. Thu jord forglvo them that swore against no. " Hu continued to reitcrnto hin nnoconro to the end The drop foil at 8:25 : , simultaneously for all three of the men. My lea Joyce nlone struggled slightly , .there being nome litch with .ho ropo. Hia dying jpqoch was delivered with oxtraordi mry vehemence. Ho/was still apeak , ng when the drop fell. At the In- qUeat following the exception it w a proved that the nooks of Of soy nnd Patrick JOTO werefraoturod , and that Myloa Joyce died of atrnngulation Vlylca Joyoo must have struggled two or three rninutea After the rope had 3L'on ndjuatod around 'his neck ho urnud nnd nddreaaed the roportora , hu disarranging the rope The jury severely censured M rwooJtho hung man , for curulesiiiocn. THE IHIHII NATIONAL LBAOUK DUIILIN , December 15 Thoorgnn- zing committed nf the Irish National league met to day. Among thnuo areacnt were P.irnell , who provided , 3ir J'rttriok O'Brien. Loamy , Hualy md T. D. Sullivan. It waa announced , hat the rucciplH to the prnsont time amounted to 820 Harvin ton , n < c rotary of the committee , read n report stating that , of 250 branchoi of the league formed , 70 had forwarded sub scriptions. The propoEal to merge the Homo Rule association , with ita funds of 7,000 , in the National league wna accepted. It wai resolved to form n central branch , of which the oflhurn of the various local branches would ha ex-ofllcio member ) . Par neil proposed a aerlea of resolu tions which were adopted.J } hey con demn the decision of the government to alleviate the existing diatruit' in Ireland by menna of thu poor lintircn instead nf by pnblio iroika enterprises - prises ore insultlm ; to the Irish pro pie ; declares that in t lit ) recent utt r ancea of L rd Djrby favorinjj umiurn- tion from Ireland , the cuimnluuo dtecorna the intention to fi'.urvu thu poorer inhabitonta out nf thti country and revive the wars' , tradi tion of " 4G ; " ntlirtn thnt if public workn and enterprlBon nro not uv once resnr'ed to , it Is tha opinlnn of the committee that a bynloin nf outdoor rellul ought to bn atartud and rccom mend that a bill to amend the laud act bo introduced In Ireland. UEOIIKT CKIMIXAL HOOlltriKH. , Dacumbor 15 Jenkinuon , director of the criminal invostigUion depurtmunt ; Qurr&n , ( jueon'a aounsel , and Millnn , auporintondont of detec tives , reaumod their privuto inquiry to-day. They have received iiiformn tion of the existence of two eucrot orgnnizationa in Dublin , the object ot one being the overthrow of the government in a fuir fr/ht ami of the other the assassination of informera The duclojuroB laid barn an extraordi. nnry atuto ot tl inga , but thu polloi are resolutely silent an to the partiou < lixr facia rofealed. Br&dy and Huu < Ion were to-day ugain privately examined amined before a magibtrAto. TUB , December 15 In the olmu ber ( if deputies tn-duy dircuta nn nl th oxlrnprdiuary budget win rotumeU Herrieon , lulniot'jr of pnblb worki * iiialeted upon tbo comblotioti of olovo raiUay lines alruudy cominonced , H considered the Irgtolature would con init a urnVH crrnr if it reduced th grant of 280,000,000 frrno * uuw kn for , A uemi'dtiictal statement In th owspapcrs dcclareo' that Admiral nurrqu berry hi > . < neither reelgiiul or hnc hu nuy intir.ition of fn. doit x- KUS8IAN 1UILWAYS. OOLOONK , December 16Tho Oa- ettu publishes a litter enumerating Ight Milwnys being constructed on la western frontier of Russia , which. o far as can bo necn , are not required or commercial purposes. UyK.H LOST BY FIRE. BELFAST , December 15 A watoh ro nnd four < M > i pcrt hod , IIVJI'.CTKD. BntLiN , } ) ivinb.r 15 Th" bun- amtli has definitely rejected the mo on favoring the abolition of com * ulsory militnry ecrvico. HKDIIION IN TURKEY. COXRTANTINOPUS , Djoambor 15. oflitloin proclamations hiva : been natcd in luo strocls S vorul prrtota iavo been nrru'ed Vim u. . % n6l do- angnniont of the eultnit ) a bLComttig note iippnrent dully. THR AUHTItO OKUMiX ALU.INUB. LONDON , Deormbor 16. The Ool- guo Oiizolto iu o 'a inning itn rovoln- ona with regird to the Anstro.Oor- mn nllinnco BAV > : "The teims of the Ilinnco nro , if cither empire la nt- ockcd from two nidoi the other shall cmlor sa MII/WAUKEK MYSTJGHIEi. Abduction. Elopornont nnd Dofa'cu- tlon. pocUl Dlipktch to Tni UIB. MILWAUKKE , December 15. R. D. . Vhltthoad , of thu humnno eocioty , ho went to Nebraska to look nfter laggia Honnenko , tolrgrophod to the athcr of the mitsiug ( ; irl to-day mt nothing could bo learned in [ nstings and that Brown , who c'nlms 0 have found the ihrco duetor \ ? , tad gone to Iowa. Whitohiud left tastings f r hnnio to-dny in company ith n dtti'Ctlvo. Tlioy will stop at hennudoah , la , \a \ louk up Brown , 'ho ' receipt of the diopnloh wna first oniod by Hcnnecko , who shortly f tor left the olty , Ruing secret tn- : rnotons to keep h a noparturd ro * ret. I' is surmised ho nlso wont to owa. Potitivo ttilinyti i\r < i not oxpeot- d baforo to morrow. Nothing Ivvj boon hoard jot ftcin Id mun lloiscr , formerly of Carpels , loisor & Go. , trunk minufrvouir.mi , vhn disappeared Uoidbor 14th , taking vith him $25,000 , leaving un < > gnd vlfo destitute. It hat been found hat Hotter left iu coinpauy of the info of n saloon keeper. The third mysterious disappearance 1 that of Mary Nelann , ; tn atlrcc.ivo nirried woman , aged 25 , ivhj lof . on November 21nt , leavim ; \ huibnnd ud three children , ana of whi01 is a nursery babe. It is thought she loped. A TENEMENT PANiO- Mlracalom Kacapes from Sorloua In * Jury. pecUl Dlipktch to TIDI nil. NKW YOUK , DccombeT 15. A fire iroko ( ut iu the baok room of the irst floor of the nl * story trneincnt , Non. 170 and'172 Scffilk Rtroit , thU jternoon , soirid upon the ntainvay ind Cut'off th r ecnapj of tenants in > ho second nnd ih rd ulorhV The others favnd themaolvoi by Uight to ho rouf. Tflero win great px itoment. \lra. \ Caroline Soharor and MM. Milltr hrew their throe children from the window and leaped out uftor ihom ; escaped injury. A thirtjlivonot / adder fell with ihruo riremen who wpro rescuing tenauto ; they esc. > psd with slight hrultic * . Onnpitr-ttivoly slight damjgo wns done by tbo flames. M A Pnpnr Rua bf Lunntlos- NKW YOBK , December 15. A now ilnnetary body has appeared in the inivorsu of journalism. It Is culled "Tho Moon , " and i prepared untiruly by the lunatics contincd in the Witrd'a [ aland neylum Thu ongravad huad * ng is u view of the atiylnm , and though iri is not rqunl to the produc- ion of the beat artists , It is tiovc-cthy- iusi n fair work of ait , with tnu oxcep * tion that iho epiros ur > ruther larger him nooosa ry. Dr. AlacDaimld says thtrj is plenty of U'oiu ' iu thu asylum to supply matter. This bears ouc the ttgu tmt ! it rrqairi-H a mn of brilna to make a lunatic. K'nor Stnmp Fraudii- Special Utip&tch to Till IIi . NEW YOKK , D-oumbiT -Qjorfje Biynrd nnd Gustavo 'F. Poiimond , . liqnor dunleri , chikrgod with rousing revenue atanips in coniu'Ction vith the proprietor nf Bush's distillery , vi ) withilriwn the p'va ' of not gui\ly \ nnd cnterod that or guilry Bahr ivns riilovmd on (75,000 bail to appuir for nontoiH'.t ) . It is rupjtted they huvo offtred to aomi/romico with U'O govtirnment by paympnt of 8100,000. A Dead Roliol. Special Dluputch to Tun linn. iiioiiMDM ) , Va. , Djcember 15. ll'jburt Quid , thu a ti tant secretary if war unoer the confederate govern * mont , is dead. A Verdict in tbn hturla CB * . Hpudal Dlsvwtch to TllH U . CniCAOO , Ditcumber 15 , Thii morn- ini ; I ho jury in the Tereea Siurhx caao camn into nnnrt nnd rendered a vor- diet that BtnrU ' .n gniliy of man * slaughter , and ( hat the punishment b ono yonr in thu pumtentiary. A. motion for a new ( rial wart onterud bjf the defutinu. Slnninfi N t'lUlui'Oii. SjH'clil nivpuUh to Tun Km. Ntw YI.JIK , Drtcembsr 15. Thu bnuuosH fAilurea f > r thn past seven d yi number 208 , aa compared with 11)0 for last week. MOTIIKIW DJN'T KNOW. How many childitm itre punished for boinu uncouth , willful and iiidiOerent to in- fitructions or ruwatdv , simply beoausd tuey are nut of health ! An inUlli- cnnt Udy aid of n child of this kind ; ' Mothers should know tint if thny irivo the littlw one mndnrato doees of llop Bitii-m for i > v v ur thr e wet-V * ilia ohildren would bo ul ! u parent could dectre. "