DECEMBER 14 The Daily Bee. vOMAHA. TburBsdiiy Morninir , Dec. 13 Weather Zloport. . ohscrvntloni are taken ti mo tnnmcutof time nt nil lLo static : WAR - DirARiMKjn , U , 8. SIOKALHKB. OMAHA. Deo. 13 , 1682. ( - - * D-wivct. . . . SO C7 W Ilrl'k Pair lh y' n . 017 N\Y uifirh 0 91 aW 23 87 1\V Trrsh le r 0 . . . . 33 (2 Frnh Jloudy 0 fjU f.Bhl Cloudy D ilolnee. 10 10 Jlouiy 30 03 V3V fieh Clou'y .0 01 3V Cl udy M.t/mls . SO K NW 're h Cioudy Mi < cr'jf4ul. , 11 10 N Frtsh Cioudy Yln-xnt. . . . . 10 fo N\V 'icih F.lf JUuurck. . . , i ) re E 111 I.I BnO' 23 LleiiRu Ouster. . , ,0 10 'r h hry'no ilpn-lwood. . S3 00 Light < vet frcun t Onr-hA , dot n at UU-.lMtppt fronn &t UATenpoit , ( rcten at B Paul , < f ct 5 Inches at 81 Iriuh , and h-otc kt LiCrotM lud tt Ouiuqui. T OO L , BKEVITIB8. Llttlo Harry Allen , the threc-ycar-ol con of Mr. Allen who lives nt 1011 Ca < Btredt , narrowly oacapcd death frtm polio < n Monday nlxht. There will Le n necktie noctal nt th renlilence of Mrs , Alutner on the routh nil ) o * Capitol nronuo httwcon 13th and 14 1 mots nn ThnriiUy evening , Riven by tli Good TtmpUra , nnj to which all Irlend ere cordially Inrlted , The result of ttlio prollmluRry hoarln n IholQubk CBE was nbouljan [ proHlcte n Tun UEK , Tht brothora waived cxnm nixt'on and wore committed In default c ( ROD bill each. Their counsel , Col. K. T Bmytho , gave notice that during the woe he woulit present an argument In favor o the amount of ball. The Omah-j Oleo Club had a vor Bft'i * fftotory uttendinco at their rehcnrnj TuHJ'ljy. They have Reel for a lotc now music and ezpeot to hoar to-day fret one cf the tlngerdlnCblcaKC with whom they luvo beim negotiating ( eau au ntipearnnco nt tliuir annuil concert i March. \ warrant had liceu , Issued froi Judt > o Wrlght'H court for Mra. 0. I. Cleaumn , tliu charge bolug that nho ran o ccttain niurlKicd [ cofids , the property : Col. U. F. Sinylhc. A. warrant IB nUu DU for 1'jdilli Kuancmon ( or uompllcity iu th ftff.ilr. The goods wore la tiuoka nmlnr s&l < l to have been 'hipped nauth by ex prifn. The A. M. K. church , corner IBlh an Wobtter street hold their quutorly mod In , ; Sunday. There wni n K' " l time n ! di\y , dot7SO Uiv. II. W. KliiR , of N < braitcA City , preached nn lutere < < tlo { ; BCI mon on the taxt , "What Think ye c Clitlal. " Atlheclojeif the utrylco tli pantorln charge , Kuv. Mitoboll pretentc to the mcinliorii and frloutiH the ? , r > cartlf c.U'ia fur tha building fund , aud there wi one hundred nnd twentyBiveu do lars t\\\ ecrlS d and omo pnld on tubicrlptlot Thu tliler wr.LlH to ruiso five hundred i tl.u clmrch , ai d we think he will nucoeot Twtnly-four new pupils were enrolle at tha nluut school Taouduy. The funeral of the late John McDot neil took place at 10 n. m. yexicrday froi the the Oth btrcol ca'hodral , Sales of Teas aud Coffee dally Incrou , in ; ut the Oraod Union Tea Company , 11 South lnth ttrect. Lovers of . gjod cup ol Tea or CiI cli'nild not fail tn cMl ut the U rand Unlu Tea Onmpan > ' Store. Hon&rved rents for the Mudlson Sqnai "Pfolessor" Company on Saturday evei Ins HI > "n ca' ' ° this morning. The W. C. T..U. will hold their weel ly nicttltit' in the parlor * ol the lUptn clmroli on Tfiuwiiy nlteruon , Ueconilx 1 Ith , at 3 o'clock. All li.rmhcru nro n qufrittd ti be prunout , The funeral of llui Ute Kd. I'litrlc will tike pluce ut 2 p. in. to.juy at h U'.n ic idciico In Hiraton ( precinct , h tor Hi1 n t on the pmnltpH. ihu old Hottlorn of UjuglM county 01 pect to hold a meeting on tha 10th of Jut uury , the HUnlrcnuiy cl the apBembUng r tinl'.r l territorial IcgUlature. In .fudu * Ueneko'ri court yestcrda tbrri. worn four plain diunktr , ono an o. meiubtr of th police fcrce. Oao putd , 01 w.s nninmltted , one fired out nf tonn MI thn rfll er'u cmo continued , A colored lioy wua aneatod yoite d y while trjlni ; to dlppo-o of a vlcto leml pipe , llf uUlmtvlJlo have found ll pipa aud urt the vlcllmn of the lead p ) | rji.inry Imd nut mlsml nuy Utoly tin oorfuiiied hit d ury and IIOWHB dUchargui Harnoy Shannon Tiieadty follnwol fitnrui pree dcut In rje tlnj ( u tennn tnnting down u pmtlon of tin ) honuo. 1 n1 hii oui.entu'H were nnettud for tl i ilu-tiuttlon ol property , Tti cutd ill unt iibw the force of exampl A warrant h s been itiued for a Mi U u alt who bid Home trouble with unelg bar ver a fence wlilcli the latter put \ and miller ! ti thu coriieii f t' o liouno. Mi liarri-U tui. U oil , AD Ml.o u right to i anil now the ullfihu lui , il ipuirel com Iht.i uourt for utlUwoiit , - Cli. lies rhcwioie , who U m tharl with Ilia Milu party , und whooe teoaltl of Tu43 Jay uau uulvcnully Cupokvu of Vii ) incrlttitlou' , U au cld-tlme newipa ] mini aud tyjn , Yoteidtty he wan nrou ; tha Irr.teinlty , nnd vu TllU ] ) . Gh\rllo 1 < . \n uillit Imtli out rxd at Ihu "cite , " mill [ t , withal , l aud comment 'iiablo ututltinau. f o.lUvic , the 11th tiuctbutcb bs6 fuuud hla dog , wblcb wan lout FH tints io ; and hut ilnce hreii * dvettliej by ittbcr p.ltlet. He § ji thutllany c whnAvanU to tlud the anlmtlwlll call at offio' , tbeie Is a 9100 bill tied to hit t wb'ch take when ' they mty they get d'g. Cpt. K. K. Suiltb , ol Kiu KrancU came ID from the t t Tucodar , where hu Uen vloltlng hit tick mother , ud U till way lick to take charge of ht < h the "Ibwhead , " a wh l * hlp belonglug Capt QooJkU. 1'erkln. & Co. C Smith came down from whaling expe tlon In which he , In the time of fc mor.tbr , fceutcd ft haul worth tf-8,000 , t blegest , U Is tuppoud , ever made by blp. lie ban been twenty-two years the coast , and lost A ship In the Arc ocean In 1871. The A. O. H. ball this eve ng , at Maionlc hall will be An unusual ntereiling nffilr. The committees charge are made up of members who kcc tow to make the ocowlon an enjoy * ) . UCCCIF , and AS the balls have Mwayi bei nmong the pleasantcot In the winter teric a good time ma/ confidently bo ezpccte --The Union P cfio ! ro d announce * eduction of rules on grain and stock fro Mum Creole , and all local points on tl mainline cast to Omaha three conti pi 00 pounds , or nbont nix dollars per ca 'he satno reduction also applies to n toInU on the Grand Island , Nlabrara , an lepublican Valley branches , In addltlc o this the rate * on all Classen of merchai lie have been reduced live cents per 1C pounds , From parties who came In from Syri nac to-day we learn that W. C , Bordci ie flf ( ! ) detootive. "formerlr of tli 'inkcrton force , " who nrreitod J , U lamtlton In this city latt Friday , was I own yesterday and rearchod rover : louses east of town In quest of Magi ; ! lonnccke , the oloven-yoar-old girl thi was abducted from Milwaukee ap Ooti > er 24tb. He did not find the ghl , an o nnd bis "pard" left for the weft th morning. Ai yet , n they Informed ontleman nt Syracuse , they have nc mide any moro nrrests , Nebraska Cit AH UNFAITHFDju 8T WARI ABlngulnrStoty ofnNophow'rt I'roiv mont of Ills Undo. Among the arrests made by the pr on yesterday afternoon , was ono i which P. O'Gonnoll was the violin ppcnrlng nnder the non do plume i ohn Doe. The arrest WAS for plain drunk , nn 10 only unusual clroamstunco cor cctod with the case WAS of the f nt the young man had over $100 i lis pocket boo ! : , and that curtain pu ; es had spcad t > rumor that ho waa gel ng away with certain property lei i his caro. It wan charged that hi nclo , Mr. John O'Kode , who live car the corral , hud left him in chary t hi ) stuck nnd farm while ho won ast on a visit and that 0'0onnullw& iaposing of the saleable property an jockotin ' the proceeds. A BKK reporter called on the prh ner at his cell in Iho city jail ani md a brlof talk with him. Iio nai : mt the only property ho had snl was twenty-live head of hogs , fo which ho received $185 , and that h iid given $85 of this sum to hi mployor's son and that the rest we onnd in his pockut book lu eaid ho had triud to sell off th > ws and hay , as charged , und that h was not at all uneaay as to the report n circulation , as all ho bad done wa inder authority. Ho admitted tha 10 was in n bad fix by reason of drink ng too much ' , the only oonscquonc f whioh'ho was In dread being tha iiings would not go on all right a 'tho place. " O'Oonnoll ia a fine looking , Intolli out younc fellow , who came out fror Tow York about throu weeks ago n lis unolo's invitation to take care c iis farm c.nd stock while ho went oasl nd to do him juttino is not a inn upablo of selling , out Lla relative. II vlll probably make it warm for h ocuBors. PADDOCK'S VIEWH On Polygamy nnd the State of AllAli In Utah. Ex-Setitttor A. S. Prtddook is in th Ity on hia way east to attend a mcul ng of the Utah communion , whic will shortly ba hold lu Washingloi Ir. Paddock in a short convorsatio tatod that he thought the results c ho comuitasion work would bo bum iolal so far as they wont. Iio did noi lowuver , agree in many points wit iis colleagues r.nd was much mot adtcal than they , in hia idea of th omedica needed to out root polygam nd make Utah n loyal and lav abiding territory. Ho believed tin , hu entire governnirnt of Utah ouj-1 o bj wiped out. Ao things uro situi ud it is iiupoanlblo to enforce the lawi or to convlut any Moimou of crime i uuy court. Ho believed that a no * govermmmt rhould be whic hould act in a logUlutire , judlci : arid oxoculivo oapaolly , wilhnorfcr t oiiforco its docrooo. Ho pljced Tt uioro confidence in the loyalty of tli non-polygtunuij Mormons than in th lolygnmlsls. The church io sutem ) ) < The laws of the United Slates ai sot nt doDonco. Wowan eulFrago , nil hu ex-Hanator , is n humbug and fraud , and only aeslhts in porpctimtii .ho evils. Mr. Paddock will bo in Lincoln : .ho coming senatorial fwidango. FOR RENT. Sloro at Oikdftlo , Nob. , with shol [ ng and counter * nutablo for a gr cory or ( tcnernl miTchaudiso Btor Wnquironf 11 , O. ClarLOinuhs , llobert Wilton , county clerk , Os dal. ' , Neb , 4 3 14 Army Order * . The following extract from n cot munlcation from the commondii oillcor , Ohcycnno ordiunco dope \Vyo. , is published T i t'ni infurmnti and guidatico uf this command : "In view of the above faota I won respectfully recommend tlmtoorupa commandcra to this dupnrtmoufc dlrtotud not to reload cartridges InvveUmanufncture , but to uuo th < und expend the vhollH aa they wet non-reloading cartddges. By making the uiual requiiltlc company connnBiidera can obtain i lauding cartridges of Frankford Ars ( t l uuuufuoturo expressly adapted the priuiur now furnlahod. " J. H. TAYI.OB. "Buohupaibo. " Quick , comnluto cure , all anuoyi ' ICidney , Bladdur , and'Urinary C easoa. Druggists. $1. A RELIGIOUS ROW. A Pastor Fires a Sunday Schoi Teaclior Out of His Ohursli , A. SonBstion Among1 the Oo orod Church-tlc-ors of this City. There wai a Hvnly time in the J- tl. E ohnrch , on the corner i fightoeitth and Wobiler streets lu ovoninff , which would furniah n f ubjcot for The Police Uazotte orecm qn filly sor.aationnl poricdhal. Th roublo vfM botwoonllr. A , 1C. Jotl uperiutondont of the Sunday school and the Ilov. B. Mitchell , paetor the ho ohnrch. The exact origin of the affair caul not bo uncertain d laat uight , bnt i corns that Mr , Jutt has boon ncocse f Homo Irregularities , acd was on ac ount of them suspended from hi ) o Hiou and summoned to appear ani mower to .ho charges brought gains ilm. Ho wont to the church las veiling , where it appears some tort o Sunday school was hold , find wa nfonncd that ho had boon umpundoi torn from his duties aa superintendent Upon asking to bo allowed to mak statement ho waa informed that i raa not nucetnary , an his actions wer ally known to the pastor and trua cos , and thereupon the difficult ; irose , in which Mr. Jott charges thai ho pastor first abused him , the : truck him in the face , and final ) ; wont to his desk , pulled out n revolve nd fired at him flu ho rnado n hasl ; atreat through the front door. Bu .woeu this time and midnight Mr ott trout to the poliou headquarter o find out if any charge had boot nado against him and any warran isucd for his arrest , and told hln aid f the story. Soon after Mr. Mitoliol ileo called nnd delivered his eido o ho utory , and udmlUcd lirwing tnrnoi ott out oKlus church , and fared thi hot after him , which ho clalintx 10 wao obliged to do. The nftVu us .created qaito a eonaa ion in the colored churcl nd it will and undoubtedly go iut < iio courts and the dovcloj munis provi itotcetiug to the public us well as ti lese moro intimately connected with . So far as wo cun Itarn the troubl cose over nome cluim preuontod b ; : io Btipurintuudont , which nan con dered too high by the pap tor am oino Intimation was thrown out tha 10 money had been pnt to an im iropor UBU. The row will probabl ; > e investigitod in the police court to y. w A LADY'S Sbo Sustains Bavero Irjurleu. Yentorday about 2 o'clock , i Mrs. Oallagan , mot with a painful am poDolbly fatal accident. She wai crossing the intersection of Thirtcontl nnd Farnam streets , Roing west to wards Bellman's establishment. A nho stepped upon a plank covorcd will frozen enow aha slipped upon thi ground apparently stunned , until j pedestrian passing by stopped and aa stated her to rise. It waa found tha aho wns unnblo to got up and her lou < odes attracted a crowd of people. 1 doctor was called who eaid that he hip had ben broken , nnd that thi otherwise sustained severe Intorna injuries. She waa removed to ho ; homo , over the drua store corner o Thirteenth aud Jaoknon streets , ant cared for. The lady is married am 00 years old. The accident wa probably duo to the horrlblocondltioi of thu walk. Tin great ilIstlnRuUlied feature of Kei dlng'a Russia Salvo is its power to reduc iaflatnatlon. New Year'a Reception. A meeting of the Indian of th Union Catholic Library r.ssooiatioi will bo hold nt the library roomp Creighton block , this ovonlii | at 8 o'clock , sharp , for thu purpose o disonssiui ! preliminaries with a viet to making arrangmuonta for the hold ing of the ladies' annual rscoption ii the library on Now Yoara. UATTLB GREEK , Mich. , Jan. 31 , ' 70. GEhTUJMKN Having been afillotci for a numbur of years with indigoc tiou and general debility , by the ad vlco of my doctor I used Hop Bittert and must say they afforded mo nlmoa Inatan relief. 1 am glad to bo nbl to testify in their behalf , \ TDOS. Q. KNOX. The Hull Trial When court convened yostorda und after ( ho jury Imd tnkcn thci state in thu box , Mr. Ltmbertton re called Oharloa L Uaum , the hard ware merchant of Lincoln , to tostifj It was aoparontly the attention of th proruoution to authuntlcato the fraud iloncy of the vouchers which male the basis of the indictment of Hul md the proceedings against him , H ostlQed that ono voucher presented t lim had been raised twice aa much a "I should bo. Hull requested him t pits the mnouut of surplus which wa lue thu government , to xho credit c thu John DJO nucouut , Mid the wil in MI htnti'd tbut Hull told him that h thud thu miiuuiu to tr&m > lorrud tht In CAao any government oillciaU , wh might be investigating , could not dii cover anything , aud witness decline to do it. floorgo Yallory , a clerk for A. I Marshall & Company , coal dealer was recalled , and tcotified that tl ainuuut of coal roprnioutud by Dull vouchers and drafts could not by an possibility have been di-livorod , TJ welching nnd other bookn of the fir ; show the amount of coal sold and d livered and it was not in oonformil with Hull's account. J. II , Hurley , the druggist , was r called , Ho testified that ho could n have sold Hull the five gallons of u oohol alleged to have been purchase for the government by a voucher f that quantity , because ho would 1 violating the law in so doing. Win asked why , ho replied that for sales quantity ho would hove to have wholesale license , whereas ho on had a retail license. By several witnesses it WAS shov by the prosecution that the dral from the depirtmonts at Washtngto for the alleged supplies were dellrere to Hull , Instead of the persons I whom they ostensibly belonged , an that they were deposited by him < his own Individual account at th banking house of Marsh , Moaicr < Co. , in Lincoln. The delorue ticitl admitted during the morning eessio that Hull filled out and signed all th vouchers , twenty two in numbci They also admitted the genuineness c the vouchers. The prosecclion hero rested the ! cant ) and the court adjourned. Th dofcrss commenced the inttoductio of evidence in in the af ternoo It is predicted that the balance of tc day and ell of to-morrow will thus b consumed , atd that the case will lie be concluded before Friday night. A CURIOUS CASE. The Suspicions Actions of a Lin coin Han , The Police Trying to Get at tin Bottom Facts. The B. & M. train which srriroi m this city last evening brough among its paasunnera a man , womai and little gitl about ton years of age the former registering himself at : Tenth street hotel as B. Stewart , o Lincoln. On the way up the attention of. passenger , who occupied nn adjoinini neat , was attracted by n canverautioi 3etwoon the child and the man , wh appears to bo her father. The git naked how ooou they would bo ii Eiincoln , and was answered that the ; were not going to Lincoln , but wcr near Omaha. Upon thia the bura nto tears , and told her fathe ; hat ho had promised to tak lor homo to her mamtn at Lincoln. The man attempted I quiet his child by a liberal cxpuudi lure for peanuts , candy , etc , ani upon arriving in thia city the fnmil ; was registered nt a hotel , near thi depot under the name t > lvtm above It is claimed that the prica of ih < lodging was paid in cdvauco and thu the parties retired at onco. The chief of police was notified tifiod of the auspicious truuu Dutinn and a dispatch wan sen to thu chii-f oE police ut Lincoln t know if EUch it umn was irunted them hut up to midnight no reply had boti roouivod. It appears that in the couversntioi on the cars thu little girl dropped in formation which led to the suppoaitioi thnt the women waa or had been i servant in Stewart's family and tha nil waa not aa straight as it might hu TIi3 reply to the dispatch ii ixwuitoi with interest. M. C. A. Some Pleasant Features Anticipated The members of the Young Men' Christian association are endeavorinj to make their rooms ono of the moa attractive places of the city. Th ladies' "decorative committee" hav been hard at work for a oouplo o days arranging pictures , mottoes , etc. and the walla are very beautiful wit ! a handsome collection. The Ladiei Auxiliary , organized laat week wit ] such a promising membership , will b an invaluable aid to the association They have begun preparations fo thoirNow Year's reception , which wil surpass all their previous efforts- having the advantage of ouch delight oily arranged rooms. On Monday evening next they givi heir regular monthly social rocop ion ia their hall. The music hu > eon ono of the very pleaaant fen .urcs of these entertainments , and 1 will be none the loss eo OH this 0020 ion. An excellent piano has jo * icon pluoed in the hall to remain 'dur ng the eoason at least , and some de Ightful entertainments may bo ex tooted. Under the direction of the usocia ion , curly after the holidays a vocn uueio class will bo organized for ourno of fifteen loesons , with Mr. E 1. Allun , the association organist , a ho instructor. The rudiments wil ccolve careful altsnlio'ri , nd'this wil for al io a rare opportunity who cannoUroad to commence. Tick eta to the courao , $1,00 ; members o he a ocintion , CO cents. Thougl hero Is a grant taste for muslo ii Jmaha , and many good voices amen both ladies and gentlemen , there r < \ very few "who understand tbo lira mnclplco. There should bo n do ! if nt leant a hundred. Wo give herewith n short report c ! io general secretory for the month c November : Visitors and renders 1,00 Sunday (4 p. in. ) sorvlcs , . . . 153 \lonthly \ reception . 20 I'liankeflvluR ucrvluo. > 1C Jxtra meetlDga 1' Song service Saturday oven I or 7 ' iVeeltly nriyer meeting Workers' moetlug ToUl W During the mouth forty-fivo call were inado on siok and injured youn not ) . A li t of well BuUr.tod rooms MI bourdhif ; houmis can always bo foun at the rooms for the accommodatio of thcso who are strangers. The library of 600 or more volumi la ready for circulation to merabon and ia being used. During the month a telophone- No. 37fi-haa boon placed in tl\o roon for the oonvonionco of buslnesn rue wanting Information. The readimj rooms of the aasco'i ' tion are open from 8 . m. to 9 u , m and a very cordial Invitation is e : tended to all to call. Paper , pen Ink , to. , are conveniences tobefoun ut any time at the rooms. Notice- The "Hawthorn Oontennlal E : celsior lloof Paint , " was patented M 24th , 1881 , and otters patent nut bor 241 , 803. Any person found t known to tamper with the mani faoluro of said paint wlllbopunla : od to the full extent of law , No pe sou has ny uUiorlty whatever to < HAAVTHOBM & BEO. , Luioutor Fa THE STAGE. What an Ex-Minister Thinks i the Drama , Interview With Gee , O. Milt Mr. Oaorgo 0. Miln , whoso succei on the slago has been phenomenal i the history of the drni * , waa foun jostotday by A reporter of Til UEB in the corridor of Jtho Millau laving juit returned from a rehoarsi of Richelieuwhich hu acted last ovet ng in the opera house. Ho graci ully yielded to an interview , and a or referring to the arduous dution c the journalist , said : "Tho pnbll will some day learn to dialit gaish' between the laoitimat drama and the trashy French , ploj which are now bidding so successful ! 'or public approval. I hold thi Shakspcaro is the master mind t inmanity and that the intcrprotatio of his works is just as truly prcachin as any homilies from the pulpil Cake that wonderful ccliliquy trot Elainlot. What moro beautiful eoi non on ngnoatioiam conld bo dc ivorod. What moro olTnctivc allaye of the fears of death and of the here iftor of which notio of us do or ca enow anything ! Is there any mini ! or who o uld so well pnt into burnin anguago the philosophical stutimcnt which Hamlet oxprtaaeo in that re narkablomonolcguc ? The atas o inue > e made a vehicle lot the transmissio of thought , of purity , of philosophy itjincat bo made nn educator wine nppealo alike to the intellect , th Bunsi'B and to the emotions. And th > ublio will nome time learn to sept rate from the moro mercenary barn stormora the actor who strives with u ho energies of hia nature to vivif ho giaat idoaa and to personate th noble charactcra of the drama aud t uiako the world bolter through th expenditure of hla energies. You as no why I loft .tho pulpit and thro1 up a salary of $0,000 a year. BE : auso I found thut I could not honeal y kenp from preaching my viawa an ; hat the expression of my nentimont seeuu'd to DO incomp-ttiblo with th ohiiioh organization with which I w connected. I wished to get out quioli y. I ubhor anything like nensuliot ; ilism. But the church woul not _ Iet mo. Ouco out of th mlpit I Boemod to have n tlternativo butgtho ntago. With a wii nd three children I could not stud aw and wait for a practice. Morcat ile life was abhorrent to every ir stiuct of my nature. I had n goo voice , n taste for the drama , nnd atrout , ' ambition to do well whs other actors had nuccacdcd in accoir plishing. And so I choao the life c in actor , bolioviag that I atill cottli 53 n gentleman , that I could rotai ny refinement and tha n field for ust ulneca aa wide as wide as thatafforc id by aud pulpit was open to me. Le .ho . public once learn to npproialo a actors work through his character , no ieprociatiog him because there hay ) oen coarse , and hard , and cruel , an > utal men who have personated nobl characters on the atagd and a grea step will have baen taken towards re 'arming ' the drama. Speaking a Richelieu , Mr Miln said that the wa not such u tax upon an actor's power , as Hamlet. ' 'I do not play the Ricli elieujof history , " ho eaid. "I coul not play that for ho was a cruel crafty man with scarcely a rodeomin element to his character. Bulwor' ' Richelieu gives us a strong yet tonde old man whose wonderful discern nont cf character enables him ti : hwart the schemes of his enemies , t punish guilt and reward virtue. " _ Mr. Aliln is a remarkable couvorsn .ioualist. Ho posscasoa a rich am mellow voice , dark brown eyes , clearl cut features and a wonderful mabilit ; of expression. Bin succeeo on th stage has been entirely beyond all pn codont. His Hamlet ranks with the cf Barrett in breadth of conco [ iion , but fn'U below it in ranj and compj. H of execution. Mi Sliln's defects as an actor are thee which can only bo remedied by stud md practice. At present ho in an an jltious , scholarly and refined tragt dian. Ho has a true clr.mntic iastnit and rare power in interpreting hi conceptions. Ills voioo is ( tsel i magnificent ondonmont , urd lii 'ac mirrora every tliuught. I its action thvru is atill rooi 'or Improvement , an iicprovomoi which ia ci > rtiiin to couo with tspoi onca. Already ho has won the ril ; ; to bo olaBBod with that snnll nnnibi > f tragedians who awaken though tad who nrouuo onthueiaiai bRCn-.iH they possess the power of nwopjii. with no feeble hand the chords of lit man emotion. His career will t watched with eager interest by thriui ands who had sat under his mlniatt in the east nnd west imd who lea mete to love him for hisechrlarly nttfiii ments , his frankneio , bU honesty < purpose and his youthful enthusiajn PEKBONA1 , A , Cnnfield , of Lincoln , is In town. A. G , Hlggtnton , Is up from Lincoln , 11. 8.1'leIJ , of Lincoln , is in the cit Olauditu Jonei , of Sou an' , la in tl city. city.John John J. Mhlocl : , of Laadtille , IB In tl city. city.Fr Fr uk 0. Phelpha , of Lincoln , U in tl clfy.B Charles D. Smith , of Lincoln , is In tl city. city.Hon. Hon. Lcrtnzo Crounie , cf Calhoun , in town. George N. CUytou , of Kaueaa City , lii town. A , W. Kiunruin , uf Bau FriucUoo , la the city. S. J. Porter , of Fairmont , was In t city last night. A , K. McDonnell , of Fremont , was town last night. lion. J , K. North , of Columbus , was the city veiterday. Get * , A. Draper , of Laadville , anlv from the we t yesterday. Geo. B. Smith , surveyor general of ! bmka , U ap from Plattsmoath. Mr.ll. E. Athinfelter , ol the firm M. 0 , Fkul * Oo. , mk&nfkctnnn nrtoe * , PhlUcUlpLf * , P . , Is I idti city , where he U enUrtsIolng h m ny filecdt with nmple < . CeterM Oaorge IT. Roberts , of Orlean In * ( torn the west last ntoht. C , 1' . Halljtrwsnrer of th lloih Klni tlicstu' , San Frtmchco , i lu tha city , Lieutenant fJovernor Yl , G Cams ut wife , > j ( Sjntird , are In town. Eugene T yhr , < f Onr 3' , Xf. T. , wi nm n the imltvli froin t o west jo to day. day.Ural Ural Slftui < ltcr , ot Fullcitcn , vn vbitois tn the n etr xilia y . Clarence Bnell. raiTCicntlni ; ' .Tclm niock & C , ) . , rft. Loulf , In In towo , iiiK acim&lnt.icccR * Uh old frloai' ? . P. J. MaMahon , of the firm of Ursa < McMahon , Connall IMutTi icil o lntn met was A vlftlt r to tha me rjpolli nf ia yesterday IO LOAM MOMtY. \ 1 OHEY TO LOAN On pcraonal prot-erty c LVI any description A. C. Troup , Attorney , 21 south 14th Street. H8-lmo 0\UYTJ LOAN ( In chattel mortRfisc i curity. A. 1) . Tutton , Ko. 1610 Dough itrce. front room Ui | stairs. 42J-tf QQC.i AAfiTO JOAN-At 8 per cent Ii > $ < OUiUU tcrcst > n sums of t'2)00 anil u wards , foi'Sto 6 years , on flret cl.vs city nnd ( an iropcrt.i. HKMIS URAL RHTATB Lml LOIN AOK.NC 5th and TO L I AN-Call at law olUco of 1) . ] MONEV an room SCrul liton Block. T0 I' 'AN ' At lozfil rates. HALI.OU mtos. , 458 15 Ii21 Karnam ktreet f , f > < AMbt ) WANTP.U A nlilc-nwirtc , rcipoiiHllilo part lofcinl out nKtnUfor a Her cone lliirnc 'it , any hmp. No sinoKe , no odor mil n i Chin nc.r. A fortune to the ritjlit man. Sample 1 > nail. fl cents. Address Tnco llyxlicc , 11 } xli House , Jltrldcn , Conn. Hot 11C3 -kit- ' : WANTKD A practical houfco keeper In sma family , ca y ork ( rood natui mcrica preferred , address It , K. It oo'jici. -1 15-171 AN ! l'.n \ clrl to do general liotiscwork I W a small family , I 4 South iiStluornerDodgi 4JXM3 WANTED- thoroujlily competent R rl f ( tfuncralhom oilttow'iomgoodi\a'citti : bo paid Apply nt 2tOfl VoAgt 8 : . 41D 13 " \ \WANMED > oy about IByearaold whora VV wrlluagood hand. Warren Swltzlcr , 21 S KthBt. 4H.13 _ WANTBT ) A flrl for nncril I.oui4 < rct 411 10th ttriot c t sldu bo'.wcfn Uatn < and Hinat.l Mtreetf. 42i-17 [ ANTE Two men to Hell ( rood.onsma weekly payu.cnta. Ko.Vbtono Wrlnirer Co 421 Sotltli lUthstr- . 432-14 * _ AVTCO--A nvtry co kntula dinlni ; rooi W Klrl lit the Cn.i.ihtO'i hoiue. 407-12 WWANTEl WANTElTwo dinliiR room tfrls at 1'arnai Street ros nurant No VJ12 Farn.tin etrtc : 382 13th. . YHRVA > t &OIMoN. i \0 TAILOltS I'.mtt inakcrt wanted at Vapor X 411-KU U A nurrt boy tn lc rn ra rl f W CallntiJujdme 319H.irno.yh SSOtf TTTANI < D-rlrl for ( jcnerat bou-ew rk. stra V\ lazily 'o-.d homo for n toijil il.i. Arp 511 tcuth lith St. 4CO-U Kvcry one to leave orders forlicl WANTED . 10th street , up-stalra. 332 If WANTED Ono R od caniasser ti so . goodi on Installment , steady work an gocd lUy. Inqulro at 218 N. 16th treDt , room I -Agents to take orders for Navln WANTEDAgents explanatory Stock Doct rBoik. For tern write to J. D. SHEGLY. dec 14t General Acent , Fairmont , Neb. SITUATIONS WANTED. Emrloymcnt In office by a lie WANTED man. Good rufercnns gU en. Ado resit M \ugu3t Welss.FIro Iiidiirance agent , city. 4B2-H WANTED- position by a thoroughly con pettntBookkecpcr of many years cxptrlem unexceptionable referencwi. Addrtes Bookceiie this oHnce. 45117 " \TTANTED A danwh g'rl wonts place In pr YV vatefamll. Call at the Scandinavian hoti Uth St. 4JM3t _ \\J ANTED Uj your. ? married man , ultuatlo v In any capacity accustomed to oflicouor > ut will take any respectable sit a' Ion. Adrlrci U. 8. 707 . 18 h St. . between Webu-er anp llur 4W-141 _ MICEH.nr4t-oi.fU WANTO. WANTE" partner to bclp advertiser , wh Is a practical man of ' . ' 4 J ears experience , t ejtabll-h \\bolcsilu nnd retail tlnnen. fhce ronand copper Hiulth liuslrieat. Capital lib under partner's own control. Hr t-dass rcfci : n-cs Has tools lioroe an J ungon , etc. "S. E. lice office. 45G jnj \TTANTED-Fow day boardeM at 220nort VV ICth up stairs. ( Ha'combe Blcck ) 403-ICI WANTED naidcr by the day or week 141 HowardSt , 315-lm ) BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS CHANCE KOO < 1 blacksmith I offered > pucial Indunement , to Icxjato r.t 01 morel eb. Apply to O. Fn tttbcre. ; lK-2j'li ) OR RKNT-lewIy funiblied room. Ii F qnlru 723 kuui\ \ i Ifeth ttrcu' . 457-141 TNloly fnrnmlied front paor wit bed room and cl'usct. a. W. corner 18th an t'arhaxi * > 453-tf "ITIOlt RE.V - A K'O'4,1 , ro n house on 171 IJ Strtct odjuliiln niSmntll Hall. Apply to M J. 1'attcrbou rulliimn Our ollkxi .C h an J Kariui St. j l -lit ( _ _ I ; ( nrn'fchfd iwtlcr wltii ulfepluif room. N. I cor.Sr. tl rljaveDUecn\lvt'j tre5t. r r i i the door. v 442111 T OR lir.NT l uio 14 Vooms on the Corm U 13th and Cnlcugo. Imiki r ol TlmothyKcll' \ 433-171 ORRSNT One lurnl.hei'room S. K. cirm 14thondCa , 7 _ . 4 < 1.12t l OR RENT-IIouw on Chc | ra , M. 14th c r 15th itreota. Inquire fit JCha Svtlfe , co Uth and Calcojo. I 418 1 > | FOlt REN r rurulshed rJm ( , 412 8 * ftrs- bet. Uurd and lUrucy.i 447 K itK vT llou e blmaiifl wua tat Uidc tjOrt ; 8j. luqulro hWoae O'Nill 11' - rd , \ 4lf-t ( FOKR NT llouso birn ind1 Sac-u Urit o camming SI , Inquire t Itu eoe O'NcI IBlh and h warJ. \ 40-tt POit KKNTOR 84l4 . Thohtrtdsomjicalaeni cf Dr. Jamcill. I'cabixlysltu'ttoon ' tbusaul west corner at lUd and Jorei str t four blcci from the I'.xton llou-e , Ihthofma h all II mrdtrncantg lecctu . or U D * ntDo > < ia < n cel.i luina-o tit.m reit for ffO 'p-r ' c cell nni it oiu full lot for Line Ihrudxcd di/lltr / 4212 * FOI < HEiT-Svore at Oklfle , Neb. wil tnelviifr and coun en eulwblu for aerocii or g'litrat tuerch ndUj Horn Iriialru ol H. f O aik Om b . cr Kobtrt Wlltcn , County Cl , r ! IHVclu'e , Nut > . 455 IpOUUFJiT-One nicely furnUlxd room for 01 t"j > thagdith ) 4Q.y rPwor-l > ! ; ' > t lurnUhed rooms. Wil at CO J.twlth reference. y 415-4f It ? tor vllb - , -wlthou l > f rd t 11IN , 14lh bttw n UodAnd Uplt I tveim. 4311 nENTf tfnlrtfrt freal room * , prtca J1 re on b' at * 7 , Itartir tetvetii Ifith and lfl h. SM-ll' | \V , 0 fl'R1SII ED * 5t MS AJ 1) BOARD JL Almable bo rdera , MTO Dodg 8" " , S8-t "TTIOR RENT Front roam with bonnl. Modern J ; ImproTtmenlt. No. 171 S Dodge St. 303-13t T7 > 011 RKN1 Residence No 1712 DauzluSt. a : seau joii.f o. JAO KJ. FOR PENT mall cottaffrD.\T > nrott and 17th ( retU IIS , ' S. LEHMAN TTU'R RRVT-Ths fesldcncoof M. W Kennedy C1 liy.laek an , Inqnlra on promlj.n or ntsw 3ll-tf OR RrNT-t'ituninKol room l o I' 117 .pu'n Uth itru f TT1 0R RKNT PnrnUhcd J1 I7th t > cct , betw en Cblcmo trcc.t ; . K NT A new iiou , ftuni iHl , el ht E10H 1 room' , Hth room , i table , oto. Ono of the nnc t locations In the city ; $ ao W ) per month. Inquire for three days , licmln' rvnl eiitaUj n tncy , Ifitn iid DoHglCT etrccU. novl.1 if K-OR RKNT Office roorui. Enquire at N Jl1 York Dry Good * store. IM-deo-li 1 JKMIS' New Map of Omitm , Just oomp1etc < l and U ready for delivery t 87 each. Is 4 Icct wide by 7 feet IOIIR. I arecst and most complete map of Omaha ever published . Official map of tl.n city. Bee column. _ _ FORRKT-Up-star ! > , U17 Fatnh m i tr r 8Mf JOHN W. JAUODS n | IlKNT Unfun Ulicd rooms In brick benne , 141 Chtraco ntnvst. F'OE RENT t'urnlshed room with boarJ lf.03 California btrcet , IjlOK KH T Homo , . .i.roonis. . fnrnlshcdr 1 n . JL1 4'llr t U. Hyde's efflCD. illliftriJ hotel. _ _ _ 7C&-U 'ClOK K.NT TWO new awclllnws na two ottitf JC dwelllnra liulwlrttbin loc.IUy , by McKnon No. 1H4 lnngU slrt _ Oll IIKWT lrg * offica room or hMt store. IMP Fatnham stioet. _ niOit RBMT A store til Uoloomhe block , nn K 18th Ureot , near Davenport. St. A. D. Ualcombo. t06-23tt 1T10IIHALF. ClIKAP-Ono 15 horse po or potk- IJ ublo b Hot and cnglno on skids. AddrtM Clms. H Davis , illy. 401-1 It IJ OS S/U.T Irmroicd farm , 81 acres , cl'ht X' miles o t. A bargain thin wo k. 459-15 BALLOUH'l ' . , 1)21 ) rarnam HL i m , * fiilll t , $100. New 0 room hounotichalf lot , desirable lo cation , m nthly I'ajni nU$2U. CO-16 ItAl.LOl' K OS..liJFarnan8t. . OHKU1. Ono tew counter bulletin bctrJ. Itqulrea * . Scliroter & Doc FOR SAI.G-A iccoral clock ol BliHiKESS . laagootl ttf n On tlo Jt. atnl w. real Koine a good bii loesi And curry a well wdnjtcd stock. Ciu u ( of B'lltig to chtiiRn lntiro' Kor tuitker nmrmailon , ndclrois "ilcl.ij" UeoolBco. 4J7-14 i iJU SAUt , i wo pool tabla tftiiuniKlckanil I 1 Jlikn'j loct-ryoi goal M now , onlyut > fd ttnee nioiitlisa il | , tcrk' 1 t'-lo aiinnit that ii o. evcrytamz coup nta a' low fenrcn rnd uraU t run. Cbarlis BrinJe , fuO ten It tait. ITlNn SA E Cliaap , a good lica 7 tcAin olhor Jj ei-sh mess and vtagon. Inqulro atgn Lror enwortli Sr. 4t7-13f F OR S V Li : Pony broke to satldlu nnd to drlre shi u r doun.o. Foatur & Qnj'a Lumucrjard. 410-tt TT10 ' SAtiU A'lntclmcor.c1 tund buaiHi-n lu L1 llritclim oMi.r napood 1.9 new u' ,3.11 H'.r. ney. alB-tf O r.t r' m oconl Imnd o'lai-tov F OCiH ftt 1319 Warm. } ' S : . - VOR SALE-4t Inch bndard Co- BICYCLE In fclr luiutttcu , A tn.tgaln. C. M. Woodman. 761-tf SALE \ small gr in cln\atoranA v > orc 1T10R . . up , ar d on all the nil.road tit.M * . at Fremont , Ni. , with the L'rounda , by Robert Kittle , 372-1 It I\OR SALE A go d restaurant and hotel In a. U flourUhlng town of four thous-nd lulmln- tants dobga-oodbuiluess Owner wkhai to sell on aoount of lit hetlth , cany terms. A'idresn C. F. Cawan Grand Island Nob. 3i3-tf , XCELLENT URICK for Bale , 89.00 r > or thou- * ' sand. Yard , Itth street , two blocks south of Bellevue road. LUKEKZO DIBOI.N. 177-luinovl6t OTEL TOR SALE First class hotel for sale In a lit western town. Has all the firxt cla < s trade. Reaaon for selling other buulnoas. For particulars , address , Hotel , OMAHA Unit. lS3-liu.'novirt "TTtOR SALK Steam engines now rnd econd JJ hind 8 , 10 , IS , 20 horse powor. AJso- Kteam boilers anV size. Inquire Om ha Foundry - dry and MaciilneCo. _ novSl'lin-in BEMIS New Map of Omaha , Jutt completed and ready for delivery at $7 each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 feet long. Largest and most couiploto map of Omaha over published. Official map of the clt > . Seocr.lumn. _ . I' Woter tpanto dog thcr.color about nix ro.S old with hcavj u-athcr rollar and brass biickla. Reward bj returning to Chin , Krug- Simpson * Carriage Factory. 151-11 * ' ST * box of Canw tcra too'H between I3th T' St nt ) KiulU uddition. Finder will pliasc IcatoHonl with O. HurseD 52nd St. north of Pacific anil1 receive reward. 452-1 1 * IOST -KnlghU Templar badge with double I caglo on reverse side. lultablo rcwara will fce juld at Roe office. 4G3 19t DecembT 10th , horde and hune * FOUND a > . end < -f Qr < en street c r line cr d. dresn 0. J. Uead , cor. 33 J and Ducatur > tn fM Omahi , Nth. 440-131 . IIRAINARD , TaxldcrmUt. ifcrliftds , a . umiak ) , iith ; , le . Howard and j-ck.on. C5-n3-2m _ _ _ i-\OCT10RS JAS. H. & .IOHND. PKAKODY t / huv remotcil from 13th ami Far mm streets to rooms 1 , : ian < i 6 , lUdick'a block , 1507 FAmam a rre' . yio.n'- ' " ' fTtAK N OoelirawniiiafoccUit rlnfore- I head , two hud fct whim , plum * two yf i Old. [ 217 HI JAS. STEPHENS. WAO STER OF PALMY81T.RY AND CONDI- Tl NALIST , 498 Tentu " ( rest , hctween Fariinm. and Ha noy , Will , with ihaald of jiriU , obtain for anyone a glance and present , and on certain conditions ) ! fu ture. DooUand Bhocs made to order , ball-faction e Absolutely Pure. Tlil po dcr never varies. A marvel of purity , and wholesome newt More i onimlcal itrengtn than the ornlnary k nd , and cannot be sld In comiictllion with the multitude of low ttst , inert wthlit alum or ph rphate powder. Sold only la cwi. Item DiW u PO MR Co. , 100 Walt St. , Now York.