Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee
ThurHilny Moruing , Dee 14 ff
tn i.
: No. 7 Pearl 3tro t , Near
-Sp' ndd ! Mipper At the Pink T.
-J. Mueller's 1'alace Music Hall.
ll h , Rlawwaro , lamps , oto. , at 303
Broadway. Howe & Son.
- What Is n 1'ink T ? Go Sitnrthy
night nd ice.
-Old papers f or ale at THB BUB office
at 25 ccnUperhundrcd.
Subscribe for newspaper * and periodi
cals at II. K. So man' book store.
The Grand Army of the Hepubllo Is to
Hire a maiquerade ball on the 27th ln t.
Furniture of all kinds repaired by
Howe & 8on , 303 Broadway
-Don't forget the PaperB r.aar and pink
T at Dobany'a ball , Saturday.
The delivery wnon of Spelman Bros. '
tore bos been nushed some by a run
Beat sacquei , fur trimmings , very
low , at Metcalf Bros. '
Large.quantity of utoveo and furni
ture at 303 Broadway. Howe & Son.
The ice houses are belnf ? put In con
dition for receiving another supply for
next lammer'inse.
New lot nicely decorated , 50 pieces , of
tea Mis , only $5 at Mnurer & Cral ( ? .
Hand'paintod china , art pottery , solid
silverware , bronxos , Ac. , at Maurer &
U. Wagner , of Wagner A Meyer , has
sold his Interest in I'homlx hall to J. L ,
Largeit stock of Toys and Holiday
Good * in the city at Seaman's. Price * dely
An old lady living on Curtain street
bad n bad fall by flipping on the sidewalk
by Sliugnrt'a tow bulldln ? Tuesday even-
The female minstrel show who hav
appeared for two evenicgs pait nt Del-
bauy'ii succeeded In dlsfimtlng many of
tliom win paid their mouey for paste
boards ,
M j. J. G. Harrington of this city h
received tbe sad "uwa of the death of his
older and only brother , Hobcrt H. liar-
riugton , who died at Tonawnnda , N. Y. .
Tuctday nftornoon. Ho was In the 5Bth
year of bis ngo ,
Auditor Mftlimy , of DenUeu.received
the sad t nd sudden rows on Monday that
h B HOM. Edward Malooy , a fireman on the
G. , M. & St. 1' . railway , bad been killoi
at Van Hoi'n , Iowa.
Anyone doiirlnt ; jo eecuro dosirnbla
dtwlc room In a centrally looitod office , and
do si mo collecting iu lieu tf rent , can
hoar of very advantageous opportunity
by atldrcsibff A. U. 0. , BKE office.
-Oliatloi Moore , wbu Is to retain tbo
roUll builness at Feregur & Mooro's late
stwid on Btoadway , IB laying down a now
floor and making other Improvements.
Nick Kubl , the 'proprietor of the St.
JOB house , will soon begin the erection of
a three-story brick bulldiru , aud will fit It
up In n convenient and attractive manner
for hotel purpose i ,
The clerk tf the courts yciterday It
sited marrisge licenses to Hugh McKey
nolds and Amanda Itolaud , both of Big
Grove ; also to John A. Diukley and Belle
Ayres , of this city.
The plan for having some of the needy
faoilica given work at malting rag carpets
for their own homer , out of material ( .ivun
them , seems to be meeting with a hearty
su port and has be un to bo put into act
ive operation already.
Ihl.i evening Mrs. Hants gives the
second of her plant ? , recitals at Mueller's
palace muelo hall. It Is almost needless
to say that It will bo u ran ) treat and one
which all true muilo lovers will appreciate
George Qoripicher , hi * brother Tone ,
and Charles Groves wore arrested yester
day for disturbing the peace , It belli ?
claloied that they wece mixed up In an
altei-tlur/i hurrah , on lower Broadway.
They pleaded not guilty , and gave buniln
to appear this afternoon.
The pantomime of "Cinderella" Is to
be given in connection with a fnlr and
scclablu lo-nioirow ( Frldaj ) evening , un
der the auspices of tba "Young Volun
teers , " an organization of young folks.
The admiiuiou is to \ > o free , but refresh
ment * will be served at 23 ceuts for adulltt
and 15 cents for chlldn u.
Tin ) funeral of Mlis Kit'e Clarke , whu
dlsd iu ClilciiM , aud whoie I cumins wens
brim jht to this city , was bold yesterday nt
tUu Catholic chur b , tbe friem's gathering
iiirt &t the leeidcnce of Mr , George Blax-
ilui and proceeding from there to tbe
c urth , and thence to the cemetery.
-Thoia Udlen who are Milling to new
for the poor are to meet main thii ifter
oouu at 2 o'clock in the Biptttt chape ) ,
prepared with needle and thread to do
worthy woik. It I * expected that one
family of children will lx Irouglit to the
chapel , and th ro clothed to-day , as the
children were at the meetly ; last week.
Merchants and otbert can contribute
dresi goods , ianneli , etc. , and are rcqueatcc
to make ths same known without waiting
for pedal solicitation ,
Jubu Dillon , alias Burkr , who was tb
wont of the trio arretted for a illiturbanc
of tba p ace on south Malu itact , am
who was fired at three times by Ollice
Edgar Ufoie kutrenderiup , w s In cour
yeiterday repentant and sober. He plev :
ed guilty and Justice Fralney fined bin
925 and coils. H was unable to pay am
was consequently locked up , Oharle
Smith , ODD of the other' , forfeited his so-
curlty , which ooniliUd of a $10 gold plec
'put up for him by a friend.
Charles Smith , arrested fordUturbln
tbe peace Tuesdiy uftercoon , was releaeet
to appear Wednesday , a friend of his put
tlnir up surety , They appealed for trla
yesterday uicrnlng , but the witnesses no
baviug been lubp iiaed , the case was con
tloutxi until 3 o'o'ocV in tbe afternoon. A
that boor Smith and bis friend appear *
again , but tbe witnesses bad not arrived
and they weraftoldlt trM t'nountil it wa
three. The friend demanded his 610 , as be
had turned bis m n Into court , hut found
that the clerk had b en grnlihe d by a
law firm , who cUltned the $10 an their due
for having been consulted by Smith and
his friend , tbe tult being set for next Mon
day. Finding that ( he 810 wan lUbleto go
to the lawjer , Smith and bis friend walked -
ed down stairs and did not appear egaln
the 810 thus going by defau t Into the city
treauiry. While Smith and his friend
had at least the satisfaction tf not letting
the lawyers get It , they claiming tliftt they
had never engaged nnyoco to defend them ,
but bad simply talked with them about it.
Both single and donbln. for sftlo at
reduced prices. W. W. aiiKKMAN ,
d4 4t 124 South Main Direct.
"What can wo do for you lo-dajl"
"Nothing now ; lee busy. " And this
hna boon the answer for a wook. at
Molcilf &I3ro.'e great clothing em
porium , The atoro euoms to bu
crowded at all hours of the day and
all dsyi of the week A splundia
atock , low piicefl and courteous atttm-
tion will soouro business in any line ,
and Metcalf & Bro. aru noted for
these aud numoroua other good points.
Lntz & Lange are atnoAg the vio-
tlms in the MoinRona bridge disaster
so far at least as to bo out their fine
doors shipped to go into their ntoro in
the now Shugart block. They will ,
howuvcr , noon have their now store
equipped , and will then have as fiuo a
wholesale establishment ns any tobao-
3 house In the west.
Flno Dolmans , at Darkness , O.cntt
& Co'a.
The old reliable ilrm of II P.- Snow
& Co. la on hand for the holidays ,
and will famish staple geode , with n
fair sprinkling of notion * , at reasona
ble prices for good articles , Every
body knows Mr. Snow , and like to
trade with him. General merchandise
la the atook , and the ntoro Is 205 Main
To-Nlght'd Recital.
The following programme is ar
ranged for the pious recital to bo
given this evening by Miss Lydiu S.
Harris at Muollor's hall :
1. Beethoven Sonata Appasilonata , op.
G7. Allccro assftl Andante with varia
tions -Allegro presto ,
2 , Schumann Entrance , Wnysldo Inn ,
Prophetic Bird , Hunting Sung , Home
ward. Forest Scenes , op. 82.
S. Chopin Nocturne in G major , op ,
37 , No , 2 , Ballade in A flit , op. 47. .
4. Schubert Llfzt "To be Burp on the
WiiterH , " " 1'he Wanderer , " "Tho Ktl
King. "
5. Lltzt Waldoirauschen , Polonaise
The house that scorns to bo catching
the holiday ardors for Groceries is
Wru Strobohn it Oo.'n , 201 Main
ntroot , They exhibited to your re-
poxtor a list of names that proves ( Iu
superior character of their patron ago
and the orders accompanying covered
almost every delicaoy to bo had in
this market. Low prises for ouporior
goods , nnd courteous attendance is
what does it. The bant and biggest
stock of Cigars aud PiptB yon ciu
imagine , and yon want some for
Ohnatmaa presents.
The largest line of pocket books and
hand bags at Bushnell & Braokett'a.
This Is the time that the house
keeper , who valooa her reputation for
Christmas pastry looks around for the
floor in town. On that tooro wo can
call Eureka , Sheppard & Wcon'a , 121
South Main struct , is the place , and
the BulF.Uo flour is the article. Ever ;
bug guaranteed and never has been
returned The feed Undo of thin
firm is very extensive.
All wishing to present themselves
their friends with a souvenir in
old , fiilvor or art doeign. should not
uil to call on 0. B. Jacqucmln & Co. ,
nd make their selections for the hoi-
days early , at 27 Main street.
Musquotalro kids in street and
. arty shades at Harkness , Orcult &
Harknois , Orcutt > fe Co , have an
Icgant assortment of whitu and col-
rod fans.
Sato your money by bujinq homo
ilankots nnd lap robes ut 0. J. Buck
nan'c , 33G Broadway.
A Word of Caution.
Hallroad men , mccbanlcr , commercial
ravulois , baie balllstr , farmerei , aud othem
who labor out of doom , are peculiarly
lable to accident and Injury. Thomii
i'ctectric Otl for brulfi'tf , buiiu. MtiH nud
( trains , U ouo of tbe fluent upplicatlous y
When you fool _ out of sortp , havi
ho blues , melancholy , etc. , it muo
> o indigestion that alls you , Brown'
'ron Bittern cures it.
Diamonds , diamonds , laooina \ , cai
rings , solitaire rings and studs , lockets
ots , crotses , at
0. B. JACQUKUIN & Oo s ,
'J7 Main street ,
Solid silverware , only firnt-olaa !
ooJs , ( eterllng ) , No charges feat
Masquerade Ball.
Abe Lincoln post , Council Bluffc ,
will glvo A ball on Docom.
ber 2th iu Bloom & Nixon's hall.
Now , this is the night of all nlghta
for a grand atT&lr , aud who OAII bcut
the buju in blue for inuuqurating t.
right roynl limb ?
When anything is to bo made i >
booming tucoons it in the 0. A , H
that can do it. nud on this occasion
the old vote will "bo as young ns they
used to be , "
Christmas Novelties , at Ilarkueis.
Orcutt & Oo.'g.
The Quest albums at Bushnoll &
Br&okott'i ,
( All Adiulie a Handsome Face.
A pure , clear kin will make any facu
liMudaomt ) , Maclffatly anything which
rtrrnethens and enrlchei the blocd will
directly affect the whole person , All
eruptions of the skin disappear when 21ur-
Joel JlteoJ Bitttrtue employed. They are
a vegetable remedy of ineitlmabla valu * .
A Jury Efltlmnton the Value of Ono
Foot at $0OOO-Other Onees
on Hand.
The jury in the oats of John Wat-
eon vs. the Waba h , St. Lsuis & Pa-
cifi6 railway company , brought in a
verdict about 10 o'clock yenlorday
forenoon , sfter having bi > en closeted
oonsultiuii about the matter since
about 4 o'clock in the afternoon of. the
day previous , about eighteen hours ,
The finding was in fnvor of Watson ,
and the amount awarded him being
§ 0,000 , It ia understood that several
of the jury wore in favor of a larger
amount , which was the cause
of the delay in reach
ing a vordist. This action
was brought to recover damages jor
un Injury received by the plaintiff ,
through the negligence of the defen
dants , switching n car in upon the
track where the plaintiff was unload-
Int ? n lumber car , without notifying
him of Its approach. The plaintiff in
hit effort to cEcapu the danger , and in
his confusion got hii right foot
crushed between the drawhoada of
tU csrs. The trial has lasted two
days and -was ably conducted on both
aides , Messrs. Mynstor , Snook &
Adams appearing for the plaintiff , and
Messrs. Solomon & Burnett for de
fendant * .
Yesterday the case of Volmor vs.
Kampf , was still on trial , It being n
claim for damages for personal injuries
rpcoivod in an alleged assault , made at
Avoca last summer , In which several
were concerned.
Wo have a largo assortment of toys
on hand that wo will soil off at cost ,
an wo aro' discontinuing that branch
of our business entirely. Wo invite
all who buy toys for the children to
glvo us a call.
Call at IlnrkiiBBS , .Orcutt & Co.'s
and see the hcautilul laces they have
just opened fur the holiday trado.
An elegant lot of Black Silks , very
chonp , at Harkncss , Orcutt & Co.'a.
Cheap Coal ID the thing just now.
Missouri coal , { 3 ; Ravier Rival , $0 ;
Lickawano , best quality , $10. De
livered froo. Leave otdora now before
it In all ( , 'ont. S. E , corner Pearl and
Broadway. A , H. NEWBU , ,
For steel cngravingo go to Bushnoll
& JJrackctt's.
When you want to get a present
that mil completely eottlo the busi
ness and forever ctptivato the heart
of tbo receiver , just take a turn
around the block and call at Bliss' .
Dohnana cheap at Harknesa , Orcntt
& Co.'e. dlStf
Call at the Excoliiior gallery , cor
ner Main street and First avenue.
Holiday pictures ; beat work. dec2-10t
Choice cigars made of the best to
bacco are nlwayo to be found at An
drew N. Jackson's , solo manufacturer
of the Northwestern cigar , which
stands without an equal. Havana
goods a specialty. Fifth ' street , No.
109 , Bocond door b'olow Mueller's ;
muoio ntorc ,
A Chapter on Council UluCa.
The twilight twlnklor tells the poo-
ploof Council Bluffs "how to build
up a city" and its morning ache repeats
poats the advice. The groans of these
patent modioino advertisers are heart
rending , and if they had any readers
abroad they would take it as an
indication that this city was dying.
These papers are gasping , it is true ,
but Council Bluffs ia booming. Her
wholesale trade is pushing into every
part of the wuat. Her travelers can
bo found at every station thin aide oi
the Sierras and theno wholesalers have
the good sense to palronif.o a paper
that can aid them in booming their
town and their trade instead of the
ones that have less than u dozen
subscribers west of the Miesourl.
In great variety at Harkucss , Oroutl
& Oo.'a. d3tf
Thunder it Down tbo Ago
That for lameness , for rheumalUm , for
aches , pains , and for ppralnu Dr. Thomat
Kcltctric Oil Is a positive and reliable
remedy. Dr. 3'Aomai' Kcleotric Oil can bo
purcbaaed of
Bushnoll & Brnokett have thu larg
ect anaortmont of Christmas cards ii
the city.
Go to Darkness , Orcntt & Oo.'n fo
Lice Good * , Fancy Handkerchiefs3 ,
How TO GET SICK , Expose yonr
nolf day and night , oat too much with
out exorcise , work too himl wlthon
root , doctor all the time , take all the
vile nontruras advertised , and then
jon will witut to know
Dow TO GET WILL.Which in nn
oworcd in three words Toke Qop
Blttora !
Go to Darkness , Oroutt & Oo.'s fo
dolmans fur trimmed dolmans , woo
dolmans and fine silk dolmans ,
Nervoiisnoi-s , pcevishnrea and fret
ting , mj uftuii cDiimiotod with overworked
worked frmllea' Jivoa , i rapidly ro
lievort by Brown's Iron Uittora ,
TUB BEE reporter , tired of the uof
coal nuisance with ita dirt and soot ,
determined to Invest luu baco burner.
Ho wont to ovcry store In town whore
stoves nro eold and llntonod to nil the
eulogivu ou different styles. The best
inducomonta , however , weru oflored
by Jobu Eponotor , 80 Broadway , nnd
one of hia beautiful bane buruura bo-
cauu our property Since then our
fire haa never gone out , but has kept
thethoimouiotor in doors steadily be
tween 60 and 70 , although onteido it
haa Bank to 12 below , aluce that atuvo
wont ou duty , Four doiupora furnish
regulating apparatus that roducea our
coal bills by economizing the UBO of
fuel ou mild days and at night. The
stove has redeemo'l every pledge Mr.
Kpuncter made for it , aud it has done
even more. It delights the entire
family , IB a. thing of comfort and
beauty and a treasure that we would
not part with for five times its cost.
For 11 Christmas present to your wife
end home one of Epenetor'a bate
urnon , And cleanliness , comfort and
applnesa will reign on Ohriitmas day.
Gold watches for gentlemen or la-
ios. Monograms artistically on-
raved on the same without extra
hargo at
0. B. JACQOEMIH & Co.'s.
The Bnptlatfl Are Bout on Hrwmg a
Spire and Other Imp
A business meeting of the members
f the Bjptlst church was held Tnca-
ay oveuing and after some discussion
waa decided to proceed to raise by
alncriptlon a turn safliciont to finish
no spire , to put ntono steps in front
nd at the oide of the church in place
f the present wooden one , nnd to
roaco and othorwho beautify the in-
erior of the building. The estimated
oat of these improvements is about
2.000. The church is not very well
bio to lift on such an amount , and
ao plan Is to call upon other citizens
) r some help In the matter , fooling
hat such church Improvements are a
i a to rial boneQt to the city at largo ,
'his church has just raised $500 and
aid off the lost cent of indebtedness ,
o that it is free from all claims , and
rhatovor is contributed is to go
iroctly into the improvements con-
emplatod. Council Bluffs is remark-
bly short * on good churches for a city
f its size , and such building improve
ments as are contemplated are cor-
aluly praiseworthy.
Free of ( Joat.
All perrons wishing to lest the merits of
n great remedy one that will TOsitlvcly
nro Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Asth-
ii5. Bronchltit , or any affection of throat
> ud lungs are requested tD cell at
3. F. Goodman's Drue Store and get a
rial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
or Consumption , KIIEE or COST , which will
how you what a regular dollar-size bottle
will do
George H. Butler , of Detroit , la in the
Dr. Lawrence has returned home from
ho south.
James Kwing , of Cincinnati , arrived
tore yesterday.
P. 13. C. Lally , of Vail , Iowa , visited
be Bluffs yeateiday.
Frank Cook lam returned from a trip
j Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Miss Ida Ctusady is nt homo again from
) cs Molnes , where the has been attending
G. A. Brecht , representing tbo vinegar
notory of A. Brecht & Son , Cedar Rapidf ,
was hero yesterday.
Judge Aylesworth was out of the city
esterdaj , aud Justice Frainey'sat on the
wool sick in his stead ,
William Patton , son of Dr. 1'attou , has
eturued from Kokomo , Colorado , whore
10 has been for a year past.
C. S. Hubbard U planning to start the
ast of next week for an extended visit tb
ils old homo in New Jersey , and a skir
mish among the eastern cities of impor-
anco and interest.
Little Freddie Bates , son of Ed. Bates ,
s recovering from the effects of the severe
accident which befel him a few weeks ago ,
A. A. Burnham , of Champaign , 111. ,
one of the firm of Burnham , Tnlleys &
a , , of this cltjr , arrived here jcsterday.
Dr. Poulsen left last evening for Cor
ning to attend tbe annual meeting of the
Hate Horticultural society , to be held
ihere to-day and to-morrow.
Poatmaiter Sam'l A. Hewitt ,
[ ) f Monterey , Mich. , delivers himself in
this wise : "For colda , burns , sore throat ,
and rheumatism , T/tonat' / Ecltctric Oil
cannot be beaten. I say keep it up to the
standard , and it will satisfy the people. I
shall send for a new supply toon.
Deals Iu Dirt.
The following transfers of real es
tate are reported for THE BEE as
taken from the county records by J.
W. Squires & Co. , abstractors of
; itlos , real estate and loan agents ,
Council Bluffr :
R. E. Williams to P Parks , part
no | of BO \ of 21 , 74 , 40 ; $25 ,
P. Parks to E. Martin , same de
scription ns above.
Sheriff to C , D. Watts , so of so J-
of 8 , 70 , 44 ; § 05.
J. M. Palmer to Goo. Ii. Champ ,
lot 14 , In block 29 , Burna Add , City ;
J. F. Bryson to F. W. Crow , lot 10 ,
In block 1 , Oirson : $1,000.
Shereir to T , Baloh , assignee , n of
no | of 4 , 70 , 28 ; $531 42.
A. E. Hull' to S. A. Morris , part
sw | of no i of 12 , 75 , 40 ; § 24.
.1. II , Uniiry to T. J. Clark , part n
ir J of n o iot 7 , 77 , 38 ; 81,000.
V1J. . G DO. ! wm to H. E. Goodwin ,
w J of H o i of 19 , 70 , 42 ; 8419.
B. M. Olarlc to M. J. Bird , n w i of
a o i and n e 1 of s w > of 7 , 7& , 39 ;
SI. Mcrcor to T. Ooleman , s o j of
n w i of yo , 74 , 38 ; $1,100.
G. A. Mercer to J. T. Colomau ,
part of n w of n o Jof 30 , and part
of B w J of B o f of 25 , and part of s
w 1 of B w i of 25 , 74 , 38 ; $900.
' ! ' . A , Cummins to Horace Everett ,
w 4 of u w | aud a o J of n w i of 10 ,
75 , 42 ; Sl.'OO.
A. Miller to T. Ellam , part s w i of
n w i of 15 , 74 , 43 ; $040.
Dnuiurried Persona
Should IOCMOIIO MDIO in securing n
certificate in the Marriage Fund Mu
tual Trust Association of Cedar
Rnpids , Iowa , concerning which circu
lars and full information will bo cent
free upon application , It is organized
under the Insurance Ltws of Iowa ,
and is the only legalized and legiti
mate institution of the kind in the
country , Ita ofilcora and managers
nro among the most prominent busi
ness men in Cedar Rapido , including ,
bankers , the postmaster , capitalists ,
railway managers , insurance men ,
leading lawyers , physicians and other
reliable citizens. Over $15,000 has
already been paid to members , It is
a splendid investment , as safe , secure ,
and sure as a government bond , You
can just as well have a good sum ol
money to commence married life ou ,
as not. Remember it only costs you
ono cent for a postal card to request
full explanation and information.
Good apents can get territory if ap
plied for soon. Write to-day. Do
not postpone Ii. Mention where yea
" - oot26-lm *
Grain marVcita at Chicago have bten
very weak to-day on account of incressleg
receipti. Moat of the corn arrivals , bow *
ever , will not apply on contract ? ,
council , murrn nunKrr.
Corrected dally by J. Y. Knller , mer
chandise broker , buyer and shipper of
grain and provUIonc , office board of trade
room * , Council Bluff * , lown.
. WIIKAT No. 2 cpring , ? 5e ; No. 3C5j
r9 joe ted fiOc ; tfood dpmacd ,
Conx-30c to feeders and 32o to ship
per * ; iford demand for shipment.
OATS Sjatco and in good demand ; 30 ®
HAT I OOSG CO tier ton.
UTK--IOO ; light mpplv.
COIIKlFAtl 7 % 2 00 per ICO ponnds.
Wo ill-Good supplx ; prices at yards ,
5 OO&G 00.
COAL Delivered , hard , 10 OD per ton ;
soft , n 00 per ton.
lIUTTEIi Scarce nud in good demand ;
or Binery , 'Vic ; choice dairy , - > c.
KOOH Scarce and in demand ; 20 ] per
LAIIII Wholesaling at 13o.
POULTHT Kirm ; de ler < n > ) ins 13o per
pound for turkey * and lOc for chicken * .
VEOKTADLKS Potatrcc , 40c ; onioar , 25c :
bbage * , bJ@40c ( per dozen ; applts , 2 f > 0
@ 3 CO per barrel.
Ktoun Best Kansas whnat ilimr , 2 32 ®
2 CO ; Minnesota wheat , 2 50@3 CO ; bran ,
70o per 100 pounds.
BnooiiH100@3 00 per dozen.
CATTLK 3 00@3 50 ; calves , f > 00Si7 ( 50.
HOOH Brisk demand at C C0@5 GO ; car
load lots about Co per 100 pounds more.
"Is it posoiblo that Mr. Godfrey is
up and at work , and cured by ao sim
ple a remedy ? "
"I assure you it is true that ho ia
entirely cured , and with nothing but
Hop Bitters ; and only ton days ago
his dootora gave him up aud add ho
must dial"
"Wella-day ! That's remarkable ! I
will go this day and got some for my
poor George I know hops are good. "
NOTICE. Special advcrtlsvmeDta , sue
Loit , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent ,
Wnnta , Doirdlnp , etc. , will he Inserted In till *
column at the ow rate ot TEN CKNT3 PBR
I.IKE ( or the first Ingirtlan and FIVE CEhrTJ
PER LINE lor each Bubooiiuor.t Insertion.
Leave adv crtloomcnta &b our office , No. 7
Fcarl fltreet ,
'VST ANTEE SCO buildings to move. We make
YY a specialty of mo\l houses and Bafosl
Address W. 1 * . Ajlcs ortrj , buz 879 , Council
Blufls , Ia.
\T7-ANTED-KTcrjbody In Council Blufla lo
YY to tnlie Till Uz , 20 ccnta | wrvtck , ( l
live red by carriers. OJlco , No 7 Pcatl Strcut
near Urcadnay.
For Sale and Rent
TT OR SALE The Western House , No. 308 Up-
1 } per Hroadwajr ; or will trade for linproicd
city or farm property ; or will sell furniture and
rent building ; reason , 111 health. Address J. S.
C. McCALLmKR , 808 Upper Broadway , Council
Hinds , Jowa.
BKES In packages of a hundred at 26e
a packate at Tils Dm Vlflce , No. 7 Pearl
street. tt
JWH UBNT My now two story brick store
' building , on South Main street.
F iOR SALIi My twcltc-acro fruit farm , on
South i'lrit street. PKTER WEIS
T.1OH tiALK Beautiful residence lots , KIO
Jt ? oMh ; nothing down , and gSpcrironth only ,
J7IVKHYT1ING renewed at tbe Excelsior g l-
CJ lery , 100 Main strict , fo > holiday urk.
Oo where you cm get cltliltr and Mr trett
"JESK ROOM In a central office on first floor
JLIn exchingo for aaaistanca on accounts and
collections. AadrcaH , A. B. G. , Urn offlce ,
Council BltifTii. (17-tf
. W. L. PATTON Physician and Oculist
Can cure any case of sore eycit. Ii Is only
a matter of time , and can cure generally In
from three tc Ove weeka It makes nr differ ,
ence how long diseased. Will straighten cross
eyes , operate and remove Ftyreelnms , etc. , and
Insert artificial eyes. Special attention to re-
veln todewormn apS-tl
lErsraEi AND
Dr , Meaglier.izOoulist , Aurist ,
In Chronic dlFcoses , offers his service ] to all at
dieted with dlstases of th < E ) e , Kar. or Chronic
dliKBBcsot any character. Warrants a cure In
a 1 Ilacumatlo rffectlcna Can be connultoct liy
ma > l or In pomon at the Metropolitan hotel ,
Council lliin ) . Iowa.
SnHivan & Fitzgerald ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
Also Bgenta for the following limn cf
Steamship Companies :
Cunard , Anchor , Qulon , Atncrimn , Mid ( ! Uli
Hteiruthlp Cctnjcnlcfl.
3D * 3EL ufl1. . OE-
For sale on the Hojtl Bank of Ireland and Uanb
of Ireland , Dublin , 'ihoae w. o Intend to ectul ( ? )
friends to any part of Kuropo will flnd It to llicl *
iiturest to tall on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway , Oonnoil BlnflB
Fresh and Salt Meats ,
Poultry and Game iu their season. Wiener
and other 8auagea a spoilalty.
Hlch Out Oltwiri , Fluu Kronen diinti ,
Silver Ware iio *
8. E.
/tv act o 3ac 3C IT , aa 'orrr
OXoo ovur
1. D. IDMCWMON , I. L. SIIUaHlT. * . W. BIBIII ,
President , Vlce-l're 't. Cashier.
Of Council Bluffs.
Orgtnlud under tbe laws of tbe Uts of Iowa
PaU up capital. . . . ! I TB.CCO
Authorized capital SOOoO ,
Interert paid on time deposits. Draft * Itwued
on the priociMl dtles ot the United Statai nd
Europe ; Special attention clven to coJIeHloni
and corrutpoudenca with prompt retoiu.
J. D.Edmnndwn , E.L,8hug rt , J. T.Hut ,
W.W. | WoIUw , J. W. HodfW , I. A. IlUUl
Broadway , and Fourth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
. '
Headquarters For the Cele
Weber Pianos
, TJ
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
Address ,
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Mow Srsets , Oomcil Bluffs.
Orders fllica In any part cf the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Balr Store , at prlcus never before touchwl by
ny other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold ,
Illvcr and colored nets. Wnvei made from lidles * own h lr. Da Dot fall to call before purchasing
llsnwhere. All gomU wuranted ag represented. MRS. J. J. OOOl ) ,
29 Main ntroei. Council Dluffn. Iowa
The finest quality and largest ntock west of Chicago of wooden and metnlic cases.
Calls attended to at all bourn. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr. Morgan bag nerved aa undertaker for forty voara and thoroughly understands
his business. .WAKKUOOMS , 346 AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholsterinir in
all Ita branched promptly attended to ; nleo carpet-laying and Inmbroqnini. Tele-
graphio and mail orders fiurd without delay. _
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Be randmaltlnany quanlltyllo suit purchasers. Beer $8.00 pti barrel. Private families sup-
piled with small Ucg < at jl.CO each , oil Nored > reoof c > artro to any part of th city. _
Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AUKNT FOK Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
1W T T 1157 / & TT
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country olicitnd
Citv order * to families nd iloalern dfllvend free _
C. A. BEEBE & CO ,
Wholesale and Kctall Doalorc In
N os. 207 and 209 Broadway and Nos , 204 and 206 Pierce Street ,
NO. 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffe.
( nu constant ! Increxinif trndiv tulfclent proof of our tuiuaru ilcallnt ; and atlcntlrn to c
niuH. Oocil tier u'mun ' pn f oml. 1'romnlly dfllver ) fit goodii.
S. III. CHOOKS , Prea. N. B. EASTON , Secy.
J. 0. HOFFMAN , Vice Pros. N. B , MOORE , Counselor.
[ Incorporated under the Laws of Iowa. ]
* Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever.
Experienced agents wanted. Correspondence tolicited from all parts of Iowa.
OFFICE : 103 Pearl Street , Oonnoil Bluffs , Iowa.
( Bu7c uors to J , P. & J. N. Ctesad y. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
V bate > S only compieU ul of ab&titet books to all city lotj and * In Pott tUuil
count- . Title * exjcln d and abttracts furrUhtd on short notice , Money to loan on ell ) ted f im
proptity. ihort * nd loog time , In iuro to suit th borrower. 1U1 estt bonubt uJ ncla Oatc *
I itoal opt lu caut