THE DAILIf BMGMAB.A THUKSDA5T DECEMBER 14 u . -BIRCTWIEr &c CO WHOLESALE DRY GOODS Boots and Shoes OMAHA , NEB. AND RKTAIL DEALK.1 US ; , ' , ? _ til :4 : L Lath , Shingles , Picketa , SASH , DOORS. SUNOS , ( flOLDINGS , LIME , CEMEK AOKNI ron im " - uKKt ORMKNT OOMFANTI Wear fJninii Pjwiflc Donot OMAHA A a. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate Glass. t3T Anyone contcmplktlog building or kny other fine will find It to their kd e to corrcs end with us before purchkilng their Pl te OlkM , O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA : - - - NEB , W.B. MIL.LA11D. EDWARD W. PECK. MILLARD & PECK , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits ' 1421 & 1423 FABNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED } gents for Pock & Bathers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour OMAHA NEB , - - - BEEEBENQES : OJIAHA 1SATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. AND JOBBERS IN < Four ! , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of mm tm IAMAGTURIB TOBACCO , J Rents to BEHWQOD HAILS ASD LAEL1H ft MUD fOWTIER CO. . o. 1213 Farnam St. . JOBBER OF INDOW AND DES JEB. 118 FARNAM ST. OMAHA POWER AND HAND \ Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , urarac uAouiHEEr. BEi/nKa , HOSE. UHASS AND IUOH IIXXIKOH TIPK , svss PAOKINO , AT WHOLESALE A1ID HCTA1L. liALLADAY WIHD-MILLS GHUKGH HDoSCHOaLBlSELLS Cor. Faraam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. ' DEALERS IN ANII rv.u Fire and Burglar 1020 Farnham Street , PERFECTION HEATIHGMD BAKIHG la only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE OAUZE OVER DOORS ; For sale by | MILTON ROGERS & SONS A WORKINBMAN'S ' COLLEGE , A "Faculty" of Painters , Brick- Layers , Pattorn-Makera numbers , Students Who H cotuo Masters of Arts Mentmnicnl , A IcxlCnrrier nu Tutor An Opoulrg forYoutiH Mon. tew YorL Morn'nu Journal. , The oliwB iti Brick l ) or WRS rooit- rg OB a Jouinal ri > ortcr last ovouing ntorcd the .New York trades nohool 11 First nvetiuu near Sixty-novonth tract. The etuiUon purauod hero , In tend of Greek , Latin nnd Frouch , nro iricklnyitiK , frwoo-puintlng and ilumbing ; the text hooka employed TO not Sophocles , Trtoitun nndliiclno , mt trowoli , ruoukoy-wrenches and luo-pots. Thu orimmeiiul hrntichcs ro ornamental hrioklayiug aucl stone- uttlug. The prutosior * uro m&nter * workmen ; the grndnatos , nttitatiu 'ho future Greek letter eooiotios will to trades uiuoua. While the olanilcnl ilutnni of tin ) country uro going out com thuir nlmno mntrcs to hcoomo owing machine agonta , lawyers' lorka ana kcturera in dime museutni , nay not the nlutuni alto of thia aohool > o considered of much tnoro dignity ? t goea ont to build up and ornntnont ho city of Now York and other itlos. UEI10NAIU BntCKLAYEKH , The largo class room which the re porter entered was filled with light nd the clink of trowels , nnd the ro- lortor was confused by the rapid notion of many hands , A r < citation rns going on. The subject wna brick- aying. The trowels unaworad the uustions ; the aplrit-lovel tried the oswcra. No ono cpoko. A plain irorkman with a alonchod hat drawn yor his oyea was the professor. If ho id not rcHomblo a uuivoialty lecturer i bullca-loitroa , or an oraclu in Egyp. un antiqaitieo , ho WI\B nlao imliko lint fainiluir caricature , the jirofun- iounl Eclioolmastur. The academical ibruiy was n pllu of brick , The hod * arrier noted us tutor. Ho moved mong the otudonta , giving cumvnt o some and advicu to othera. Hn low and then consulted the library , lent of the twenty-nine onthusmatin tudtiuta in bricklaying were gotten ip in Darby hats , natty coats , milled hlrta and collara which might have soiled the jealousy of Spin old Some f them wore underpaid book-keepers nd aaluamon. Others were of the tiuvation trades notably cigar- iiakiug. printing and elevated rail way employment A few , fortunately or themselves , had the happiness to m ot no occupation. The twenty-nine ditLroi-t chimnoya iinnod twonty-niuo nifloient ways. The profoasor , Mr , J. Dornaito , hongh ho looked a little awry at Borne ) f the more eccentric piles of brick , reserved a cheerful demeanor not- withatanding. Said lie : "Somo of our young men do excellent work. Several who were with us last winter are now in the union. Our students TO bright , and I think they learn un usually fast. The young man yonder never had a trowel In his hand till our days ago , and ho is building a ) orfeot wall , at least I consider it ao. When a man comes to us ho generally doea not know the right from the wrong uido of a brick. Wo teach him that , and then ho goes to work. The successive stepa of his course are to iprcad mortar , to lay roagh brick , to jmld arches , to work with pressed brick and finally to do ornamental work. Wo teach the technical terms used by architects and buildera , with which many bricklayers , though ex cellent workmen , are unfamiliar. We lave twice as many with us as last pear , and owing to the numerous ipplications for ml mission are about to enlarge our roiiina to twice its proa- ont size. Instruction lasts live mouths , from the 20th of November to the 20th of April , and coats $15. The class moots throe nights a week , work ing from 7:30 : till 10 o'clock. Wo are not opposed to the union and most ol our young men are strongly in fuvor of it. THE CLASS IN PIIIAOV. The thirty prospective pirates who nra learning to plumb were at work in a largo room filled with tools of their questionable calling , They were in telligent-looking and neatly dressed. "It takes brains to mnko a plumber , ' nald the instructor , Mr. Hanson. "Tho trade is difficult and not every man succeeds in learning it. In more advanced work it bccornco pituitary en gineering. Wo tind that ono student can learn four or five times as fast an another. Wo treat them individually and push each uno an fust as ho can go , not taking the slow and fust boys alonf together as they do at college. Our 'students' are from various tradea. Ono Is a book-keeper. " In their courao of instruction the young mon ilrot experiment with load joints , then they tritlo with lead safes , utter which they wrestle with vrhlto joints and finally grapple with the do ooptlve sand-bud. "We huvo more 'students' than Inat " year , continued the instructor , "and are receiving daily applications for admission. Our instruction , which includes explana tions by the teacher of problems In plumbing , aa well AS practical work , la intended to be as thorough as possibly cm bo , When n shop apprentice comes to Inarn hero and tells ua hoou maku a joint , wo say , 'Veiy well , wu'ro glad to hear of It , but we'd like to sec yon do It first.1 Our department o ! tbo school bids fair to grow to largo proportions. The attitude of the Plumbers' Union toward ua is , I bo Hove , entirely friendly. " A TUADK roil JILAOKHMITJIH. Two young men were painting sun llowpra on a ( screen , several were ex ecuting panels , and two or three wore putting the last touchca on norm elaborate ornamenta who'n the re porter entered the room for inatruo tion tu frescoing , The class is nude the personal instruction of Mr. Craw ford 0 , Pyne , formerly associated wit ] the deceased Italian artlet , Uromesti in decorating the capltol at Wauhlng ton Mr , 1'yno la an exauiplo of sue easeful persaveronce in a workman While at hia former trade of wood graining he studied for ten year at night at the Academy o Design in this city to became a froso painter , ikllled in all branches of th wri. lie has it high opinion of Amorl- an fresco artists and thinks no one need go acrots the Atlantic to find nlont for decorative work. Inanan > wor to the question of where his ounp moncftmofrom , hoMi'd ; "Very ow cf them have orrr had a paint rush in their hands before Ono of ho two young mon painting snnflow- ra Is n cigarmaker. Ono ol our moi > t uccoftaful fitudontn Ust year raa n briokUynr. tie showed rjab dolfcAoy of treatment , nd mode the tnost nnmrkablo rogruaa , Some of last winter' * mall class of c'ght ' are now workit < i > with the ldljg freiooen of the citj- Vo have cunt tin young men th > s winter , and I am receiving applioa- ioua from I'onnsylvamu , Michigan nd novorul ether states I nm under tie Improjiloti thitt ono letter is from bo bosa canvainuii i f a western oil- aa , Should he prove as capable a : io bricklayer wo had I should bo appy to assist him in developing hi rtistio talent * . Thu students begin with mailing simple liuceritnd then work ou mouldings , pttiola and orna- lenls in turn. They paint thri'6 icthtsn week , and most of tlnun uotk n the daytime at their vnrioim call iga. Wo finish the school year by 10 UHh of April. Itifltnui'lon cos's 4 a month , or $15 for thi > live montht wo work. In this , aa in oilier dopart- icnta of this school , the ft > tn nro leroly nominal , and are only intend d top y the running expenses. " LOBSOUB in pattern m iking for moulders and machinists , a kind ol ighly-akillod carpenter work , were ogun this full with a class of six members , under Instructor IHdirard ! ollins. The trade is one easily ao uirod by persona skillful in ex-awing , nd is suitable for ingenious boys. The artisans engaged in it xro well aid and hardly auflicn to supply the omand for them , The course ends .pril 6 Tlui foe is 4 , a month , cr 12 for the lull courmi , lusting a little vor four motithn. r'lFAT TltR TlUPi : HOItOOL Irt OOdU KOIl. "It Is well , " said a friend of the chool , "thatno misapprehension lould i-xiHt in regard tu the instttu un. It was not founded by a C.DII- ractor , or a capitnlUt , for the tdltKh urpofo of creating n cheap labor rtisan olasi , but by it re- red gcntlonmn uf wealth nnd oiauro , where generous motive was to bonclii the puor While book- oepuM in thin city nro rociiviii ; ? anew ow HI § 8 or Sil'ii ' wci > kI havn ncuu u udvonijeiUHnt in The Ilvra'd ' ( or n Teek and salt'emi'n got icarco'y as nucb : nnd whtlct oiginnakers , ntreot rivtiro , olcvntrd I'.itlroad umployen nd other workmen are pail bread id bouo wag'os , it t ruining pchool in which men of the underpaid calling an learn the lucrative tradua is and ill bo a benelicicnt thing. The radcs school dcrivu.t a very little rov- nuo from its charges , and is sup- orted by the liberality of itn founder. " n conversation with the latter gentleman - man , Mr. Auchmnlty , ho said , among ther things , that there had been ardly an opportunity fora Now York ioy to become an artisan ; that Now 'ork ought to educate and send out bo finest artisans in the. country that , n the contrary , she was receiving lor artisans from the villages and ending for them acroea the ocean , had cherished the idea of eotab- lahing such a school for twenty years. Ir. Auchmulty takes eopcctal interest u thn cliias in plumbin ; ; , and not un- rcqnently gives it thn advantage of iis personal instruction. He waa ormerly nn architect , and ia inter- sted in the eubjoot nf sanitary en- in oring. The school i under the management , aa general superintend ent , of Mr Do Kay , n gouial and > loatmnt gentloman. Thnro is no other tradoa ichool in ho United States. Paris has two , ono u municipal institution , the other indor the patronage of the Roman Catholic church. The possibilities of , he trades school hero are almost un United. Her fnrd' Aald Plioiphato iu AbuHofof Alonhol. Du JNO. P. WHEELER , Hudson , y. Y. , euya : "I havu given it with present decided benefit in n case of nnutrilion of the bruin , from abuse of alcohol/ MOTHKKH DON'T KNOW. How many children are punished for being uncouth , willful and indifferent to in- ctructions or rewards , simply bccauai they are out of health ! An intelli < nnt Itdy eaid of a child of this kind "Mothers should know thtt if they jive the little ono moderate doses o" Hop Bittera for two or thrco weeks the children would bo all a par en' could denim " WESTJSRJX I 0. SPEOilT , - - Proprietor. Haraey ill. - Omrlia , Hnb , MANUFACTUIIKRS 01' CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS , Iron and Slate Tin , Eoofing , Spuoht'a Patunt MoUlic Skylight , Patent Adjusted Ilutchul Bar nud Bracket Shelving. I am the general ni/out ( or thu abovtt line of goods. IllON 1'JJKOINO , tlrma , Duluitrodo * , Vcrandk , IOnlc nni Flunk lU'Hiiifk ' , Window and Unllir < KMI'IIAJ AO1P.N EUROPEAN HOTEL , Thu moitcBDlrkllf locnttd hotel In tbe city , UootniTSo , 11.CO , | 1.50 knd fiOO per d y. Klrst Clu9 ItNUurunt connected wltn tb hoUil , . HUBST. - . Prop. Corner fourth knd Locutt BtrocU. , HI IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's Pesl for TOILET. BATH ' < nd T11E SHORT LINE -OK TltK- Milwaukee & St. Paul HA1LWAY l now running IU FAST K.M'RKSS TRAINS from OMAHA AND OODNOIL BLUFFS -WITll- Pullman's Mapifloont Sleepers -AND TIIK Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHI O AGO1 MILWAUKEE , Or to knr point Ixrond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH . , To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS the 1IKST KOUTB , the Chicago , Milwaukeo&St.PaulB'y Ticket odtru located kt corner Kurnnni knd Koiirtcfntli vtrrvt * nud kt U. P. Depot knd kt Mlllaid Hokl , Oinahk. t-iTSfO Time Table In another column. K. A. NAUH , Ucnrml Arrnt. O , II. TOtVTK , Ticket ARdit , Omivlift. 8. 8. MKUKIM , , A. V. 11. CAHPENTKIt , ( VnoraJ Matikirer. Orncnvl I'wu. Au- J. T. CI.AHK. OEO. 11. IIUAFFOUD , ( lenerot Hup't. Am't Ueli. I'M * . Agent , FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DEMIjNiABARA FALLS , YORK.BOSTON , And altPolul * Eait knd < Oouth-E it TIIKL1NKCOMP1UHIW Nearly 4WO miles. Solid Smooth Steel Trkok 11 coniicctlonB nre made In UNION DtPOTS hna k Hktlonal RepnUtlon u liclnR the rest Through Onr Line , nnd t ) unlversalli onredod to b the FINEST EQUIPPED Half , okd In the world ( or all cliuuoi of tnvel. Try It and you will flni1 trkvellnf ; k Iniurj Inatuod of a discomfort. Through Ticket ! via rhia Celebrated Line foi sole u kll offices In theWeot. ' All Information about lUUi o Fare , Bloeplni Okr Acocnintodktloni , Tlm TkbUe , &c. , will bi clwertullr tflvon by applyluln ? to T. J. fSOTTER , Hd Vlco-frea't A Ocn. M nk erChlc go PERCIVAL LOWELL , Oen. Fiwxmvcr Ajt. Chicago W. J. DAVjkNPORT , ( Jan. Agent , Conncll Dlufll. II. C. UUKLL , Tlclcol jAgt. mniol l tv Sioin Bity & BIOUX errs KOUTH Hone k tlolld T ln Ihranch Irorr Ooancil Blntta to St. PRH ! Without Ohnnjr.9 Tltno. Only 17 Hourv " OODNOIL BLUFPB 10 ! . PAPt , KINWJfAVOLia nvumi ou nujKAiict knd kll potuli In Hnrhrr/i Inwk , Mlunoir U knd D XoU. Thh line ID wu.ji ; l iritb the Inificvcii Vfi.itlii iouso Ankro.rt'.c Alr-bink > ni1 If lilt H tionu O.inrl wrJ 1'oCdr : nd for rr.KO. SAFIflT AMD COMfOSlT l un'inrriJwoil. Pullman I'ulne Bc ) plofr Oi > i ina through WJ1UOIIT CIIANOK between ) t t i Ultykiid St. fcnl , rl > Oo'icdl BlnOi . 'if Sioux City. Triton likve tlilcn Fkrdv ! TrkPifcr kt Crmt , ril IHiiffK , ut 7:30 : p. m. dully on krrlrul ot K uj ; Ctiy. nt Joroplj and Ooundl JiliiCc truln Iroi tbnnanth. Arilflni ( t nioiix city I1 : < Q p. i i. knJkUhtNenUnlou Depot nt HI. I'aul k , llSt TE UOUEB IN ADVANOK Of AMY HOOTII. /Wrnitneralior / lo laXInK Hi * Bloax OHy lum yon tftt k Tlirou h Trtln. Ti flliorlnl Iho QnickottTime kml a Oomlarl b. Ktdi In kd 'i"hiouLrli Cain betwoou COUNCIL ULUFKH .UD JiT. PAUL lUTOoo tbkt yourTlclmtr t ( . ! flk ihe "Klii'j CI V knd I'nclllo lUtlroti ! J.B. WATTLBH. JR.UDOIIA.IAI/ Cupotlntendtnt. Qeo' PIUII AKCII Ulaoourl Vkllair U VPAVIU ) Gcnllum-l'.uli , Ct/ui dl FAST TIME I K.WK ttVe Ibi OMcap felnrthwesti era Trkln * Ickve OiiuXi 8:10 : P. m. knd 7iOv : m For fall Inlornutlou cull on II. P. DKL"ELTlcke AKO'it , Utb knd Funkm ft * . , J. BKLL. U. IU11 ) ( Depot , ntl JAMKBT. OLAUK.U.ucr A ( rant Samuel 0 , Davis & Co , , DRY GOODS JOBBERS IMPORTERS. Washington ; Ave. and Filth fit , ST. LOUIS MO , taness Directory Abttraot rxJ He fciUt * . JOHN L. UcOAOURopiXMlt ro IOfflM. W. R. BAUTI-KTr 81T Bonth 18th Blrett Architects A WDKI.SROn , AROTHTKOTi Room U. CrclRbton Block. A. T. r.A110K Jr. . Room t. Ciclghldn niock. boott and Uhoet. JAURS DiVINK & 00. , nil Hho a. A good kmortmenl ; io work on h nd , corner Itth nd lUrneT. dirty. SniOKSON , S. K. cor. 18th ind PoojUl JOHN FOimiMATUB , U * Kth tr t , m nu ( ctur to order coed woik i r Unmltlnc ilone. Uea prlnit * . LAUIllMKUMftnutuctureir. HIT DonrlMrt. Uooka , Mewi nd UUtlonery. J. t. FllUEtlAUr 1016 r rnh ra Slreol Dutfer and \KANK & I1CUROKDKK , thepldwl D. nd B. i < uo In NitbrMkk eiUbtMi d 187t Om U rrl ae and Roiid W Ron . i ( IHNTDKIl l lh nIHnnoT8tieet . Olothlng J llAUKla will i hlnhortCuli | < rtca tor iKond hAnl clothlDK , Oornor 10th Mid F rah m. rug * , Hclnu na Ulli. KUHN tt 00. fikim aUH , Flat ? &na OCKMIS 04 > > Itin nd + .J. .J.a a f II'.LD , DOM nnrtti 8ltl OomlUK Street. PAHU. UniinrUt. lain unit llow rl , fitriwl * . Uonllil * . PAUL. WllUtuu llloa Cor. 1Mb * Dodg * . Olvll Englneera and Surveyor * . ANUttKW nOBKWATKll. Orolghton Block , Town Surrojf , Onde and Seweng * Byitern * BpocUltj. Dry Oooai Notion * , Me. JOHN II. F. LKUMANH & CO. . < w TorX Dry Ooodi dlore , 1810 nd lilt Ftra * U m itr'oi. „ 0. Knewald klio boat * nd hoe * founary , OIIH WKAHNHABONn cor X h * Jtokiantta Jowo r * > JOHN HAUMUR 181 * F rnh m Street Undertakare. OHAn. H1KWK , loin F tnn m | M | . Ulh ft Hid. Hotel * . , ANPU'JD110tJHnOco.C oneld , thfli r rnh m nOHAN HOUSK , P II. Cry , 613 ruriihkmSt HLAVKN'S 1IOTKL , f < t > lven , 10th St. Igutbrru Hotel Due. Ham.'l MUS. A. BTAK lunihweal corner KttiM.d Doik-o. Bnat lloird tor thn l tit Ilouni. Botrtl by thu I ) 7 , Week or Month. Uood Tot ma for C h. rurnUhixl Knmng Bumillod. ruruuurw. k t. UUOSS , Mow neil Btxnd nhnd Furniture . > ( ! BIOVA9 , 1114 Doniiis. Ulnhcil cub price 1,1 lor lacond bund goodt. . UONNER 1BOJ DonrU II. Vine cocdi be OI1AHA FENCE ( CO. BOBI. ) TUIK8CO ISUUnrnoym. , ImpniTk id lm Doxoe , Ircr uiA Wood Fauces , Ofllot ilnitoiinlri | ! Pine nd W lntit. PawnbroUer * . HOKIWPKLH 10th HI. , bnl ftr. ft H r Rotrlcerator * , Oandold' * Patent. I ( > ( ] 1M ) U ) " < ' tut Olllur * and Tobacco. V/KU1' & riUTHCURK , niknuticturere ol CU r . nndVholca lo DrjUcrs n Tobacco ) , 1D05 DougUi , ff r UWKNZKN rn ntil cturer 1416 Knrnlum Orocnert. " , BONNKH IBM nrxr'M ? " . Q o < l linn Junk. H. DKBTUOLD , Ktgt and MeUI. Lumbar Lima and Cement. OHTKK d. ORiY corner Oth knd Donglu Bl . Lamp * ana Ulauwara. I. DONNKH ItOt DowclM til. Qood Vkrlely Merchant Tailor * . O. A. LIKDQUKST , Ono ct onr most popular llcrchkat Tailor * li re- nlvlog th Utoit dealgng tor Spring and fiummor Conde ( or ( fontlcmtn'e woir. Styllih , dorable , ted nricoi low u over KM Tknum etret Mllllnry. alia. 0. A. KINQKK , Wholewle and ReUII , Ian ay floodi In Rre t variety , Zephyrs , Card Boardi uoilory , Olovce , Oonete , Ac. Oheapeet Uotuo In Iho Wont. Purchuora aavo BO per cenl. Order br Mkll. 116 nitoonth Street nourand DHAUA01TY MILLS , 8th nd r rnh m UU. , proiirleton. roeor * . f. HTKVSNO , Sl l between OooilnE knd ItM C. A. MoUHANK Corn tSd ind.Camlnit Btreeti. rlardwaie , Iron n < J tttoci , OX.AH & IiANQWOHTIIY , 'Vhalo Io. lie ttH1 112 1Mb ntroot A nOIiMKH coma Kth nr.J OklllornU. Hurneir , U'ddlet , &c. B WKIHT SO ISth Ht. b t Kirnft Ilkrney. . Olotlilnff and furnlnhlnc Qoor * OKO. H. PETKK80N. Also IUU. C p * . Chore Nntlone ind Ciitlorv B04 ft. 10th ttreel , Ooiviko Worke. Wettela Oornlco Wnrka , UiijuUcluien Itu. Oornlte , Tin , Iran > nd I .to RoofllnK , Order f rom knylocellty promptly eiucuted In t * i bo nunnor. Victory aad Ol5ca ! 1213 Ilarney iJI. C. Bl'MCHT , ' "roprlotor. Qilvknltod Iron Cornlcvi , Window Ci'VS etc. nunulkcturiid uid put ui > In kny pkrt ol th country. T H1N1101.P lie Thirteenth etrnet uorniniktion nterunant * . JOHN 0. WIL LlB.Hli Dodio Street. D B. UBIUlUll. For JeUlln oao lirge kdtrerllae ment In D llv knd Wftnkly o u ana inware. A. HUUMKBTEU , In Htovf H knd Tluwnre , knd Vktmtkctii of Ttn lloofu tnd kll klnilii of Iliitl'r f Won OJd fclluwe' Illock. . V.OKNKK IBOU Lou Iw M ooJ nd Ohci Oaico ilk. I1KNKY KAUKMANN , ( i IB * neir brick block on Doufflu Street , hw joirt opened * moiit ele knt BuJ Qkll. Ilct Lunch from 10 to II e\crr il y. < 17U IBIh 8tr .Oooon. J , KVAHH , Wlioluule and Uetktl 8eed P in' ' Oiiltlvktori Odd Ukll HhotOKfipneri , QBO. UEYN , W ) P. Orknd Central Oillory , 2U SUVtonlh Utre t. near Uuionlii llkll. FUtt-cUM Work knd Vrowp nee * ifUkrkptacn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Plumbing , CU und 3team Ottlnc , P. W. TARPY & CO. , 216 11 Bt , bet. Kimhn4 ked DooffUi. Work promi yattonded tu D. 7ITZI'ATI OK. Phytlcl n anil UurK on . W. S. OIUBB , M , U , , Room No k , Ci libtoc Block , 16th Direct , P , B. LKIUl'JJl'.lKO , a. D. MMOnte IMock. 0. It. H AllT. U , [ I. , Bv kml Kkr our. tuttafflo K.STAIIUSIIEU186B. ATTACIlUKNT-Wr J-ATKN1 A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING , CARRIAGE FACTORY 1409 tnd Kll Podg * BUeol , sag 7-mo 6m OUAIIA , NIB. Are aohnowledged to bo the- boat by nil who have pat thomi to a practical tost. ADAFTKD TO HARD & SOFT COAL , , COKE OR WOOD. MANOTACTUllKD DY BUCK'S STOVFGO. , SAINT LOUIS. Piercy 6 Bradford , , SOLE AOKNTS FOU Nebraska LOM & Trust Oompany/ UASHNOS , NED. Capital Stook , - - $100,000- JAS.n. HKAUTWKU , . Prwldont. A. I , . CI.AIIKK , YlrtfPriMidcnt. K.U. WhlUTKl Trcawurcr SAIIIIIO ! AloTniulcr , OsrlJ Ollr-r , A. I , . Clarke , IX 0. Wcbntcr , Ooo. II. 1'rott , JM. II. lleartwcll , D. MitoKllllnncy. First Mortgage Loans a Speoialtp Tlil Conip-iny fiimUht * n pcmi.itiunt , homo Initltutlon uhcro Hchuol Honda nnd other loyally leaucil Municipal Bcoi'rlllcii ' of Nebraska can bo bo ncfotlattM on Oio mmt favorable tcnn.1. Loam inado on lmpn < l farms l'i nil well rctU'oit countlogof thostato , through rt | > oiiBlblo ! eaU corrcipondcntD. $500 REWARD. . The iibovo rc nnl " 111 Im paid to any person who will produce a Ftktnt tliAt will djual the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint,1 for preserving Shlimlcn , Tin and Onucl Hoof * . WnrrantiHl to bo Uro and Wfttor Proof. Alt onion promptly attended to. Cheaper kiid bet tor than any other paint now In u o. 8TKWAKT K : STEl'HENSON. Solo VronrlctorivOmalm House , Ouiah * , Neb. Olllcer & I > u oy , Dr.lllcu , Dr. IMnney , Fuller , Council Illudfl , lov , n. Il olllco , NERVOUS DEBILITY. AOnvt Guaranteed. Dr. E. OTWeflt i Nerve mid Ur -iroklment A ep clfic for IljiUtlk , Dlulneat , ConnUiton * . Norvou nokdkch * . Men til Depression , Lena lekdi to mUery , it cny ktid death , euro recent ckeo , Knell box oanUlnr pun incnth trektment. One dollir k box. or * lr IJOIM ! or > k flvo dollan ; eont by mill prvpnld ou rocelpt or - price. We EOkrnnteo nix boxM to euro uy ol * . With okch ordnr received byn tar U box < , . coup nled with Ore dollkra , ll ! lend Iho pnt . chuei our written junrftatM to return the - money It liio trratment de : not eCcct a cor * . 0. t. GooJnuu , Uruxrbt , Bol . Wbole kU knd i gal coOniabk , f "l. Or < 1 > ii by millkt roll ilkwl * OLD SORES AND BLOOD OB SKIN" DISEABEB-i IN ANY STAGE , cr.B hefure the perfect altorntlva- and tpnio effect of the greatest of all Blood I'lirlfiorn. 3d HO completely roota out all > olou from the lilood nnd brnces the deb- litated Hj'fitfiii , that dineaaea of thin nature dlsapperr Jio cnaff lieforo the wind. H. H. S.y. cured tno of Bcalp Sores , Sorca In NoHtrll * and IDuru , uftcr everything known to tbo medical profopnion had Toiled. Three months hnvo p.icsed einco i quit taking K ; 3 , 8. ; there n noBymptom.of the dlneane svinalnlng ; I' permanently cured. ItutaiiUH unriv&lod for Blood UIs- oaaea. " JNO. S. TAOCA11T , Salnmanca , lit Y. "S. Bt 8. Ntunda without a pesr. The , profcHalon will have to ncltnowlctlgo It a Specific for 151ood DiseneeH. " lr K ) L. GALLOWAY , fonroe , On. "About four or live weeks aio I .wan . ullllcti'd with a very oggrnvatol type ol Bloo.VDIiteuHe . I corumeucod usia H S. . and after takitiK the first botUe felt KG , muHb. relieved that I bought five tnore , and urn glad to say , after using fear of them , . that. I nm entirely cured , frevloutly having hvou under medical advice for tevoral | inoatliB. " 0. Cr. HAIGMKK , Klclioiciul. Va , "After Bulferfug from the worst Blood Dl&eacefor morathan two years , and hav. li\K been trentc'J'by ' i-overul ouiiuent pliyni. cloiifl , confined to my room nnd bed the [ jreater purt u he time , mv body covered with copper-a-lored Bores from the elze of ) i ra tu that of a silver half-dollar , I was well nlph Iu donpalr. At last I commenced UVIngS. S. 3. In a abort timn I began. , to Improve ia flesh , all the soroa bealedond I could feel and know that I was woU , and to 8. 8. B , immt the credit be given o | < my entire restoration to health. I have not taken a done for over nix months , andt urn aH frej from sorea or blemlcb aa any one. " LOTTIE Hera , Atlanta , Ga. "Improved after taking tbe Crat bottle , of H , 8. 8. ; In two weelia waa able to come * homof.n/lin tbe waters were no benefit. " ' J. W. KEKI , Newport , Ark. "Our science has not made kaownncom * . hlnatlou equal to 8. Q , 8 , for Mil or blo/idj dlseuan. " T ; L. MAf3ENnoua , I'll. G , , Alacou , ti . OLD BY AIL DUUX3GI8TS- * * * ital f tU > tlr > Wf.kL rn'.ll ur trv iiulliylbaitrlit < > ( 'cril" , < mr Uutiru l" ) , llmvil nt r.d ' i Hoi | M b J'rUP DIf - ik'irtluu ur If jou r.T or tlol ula r lud'nlnit 're ou * e n tlliturt * I"1 j' ur ej liu\ rtim uiic. u& . . JikT * ( H - or br * tluiui ; nv , et HcpBU ! Oil. O U an < lclu < . ami lrieal < ti LiUturt lt ti It in ay vt.your . It