Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1882, Image 1

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    y ' > * DAILY BEE
l' > ii ,
Several Important Land Cases
Decided by Secretary Teller ,
Tbe Sp.ndwich leland Bupar
Monopoly Endoreod by
Tte Tftrili nnd Shipping Inter-
estd Ocnsidoredby the
PoatofH e Officlnlrt KickinR
the Reduced Ap
Poudloton'n Reform Bill Haoolvoi
Strong Support in tbo Sonnto-
ProceedlnRB of CougroeeQonoral
Ei iUl Dlipfttch to Till ll ,
WAUIINOTON , December 13 Sccrp
tary Teller decides that Ir.nds within
the limits of grautn of n luilroid com
pany to whiih pre-emption or homestead -
stead clitms , capable u ; being for
feited , lind attached r.t the time the
grant- took effect , are excluded from
railroad grant and upon ubandonniont
of such claims the Ir.nds do not inure
to the company bui uro restored to
the public domain. Ho abe decided
tl'fit when n person having a tiling in
l.i" under the coal bud Ifttr oontraota
wiih third party to occupy nnil work
Bunh bud Jia must bo oonuldorud an
biu'ing Bold the anma and cannot
cccuro patent. Bo decides further
that an orroneoua entry in thu regis
ter's office , if ordered corrected , nhould
not projndico the ctaioa of the appli
just isouoJ conUini nn elaborate reply
of Gen. Francss A. Wrtlker to news
paper criticisms upon the results oi
the cunaua inquiry ot mnnufacturiug
atatiatica of cities.
It h3 boon ascertained deduitt < ly
that the chairman of thu ueunto ji-dto-
iary committee has bsou instructed to
call on the president for a aUiOment
giving cau303 far Mirobal Ilenry'a re
Secretary Folgar to day directed the
collector of oimoms of Now York to
roliquldato entry Iroo of duty usiigu-
meut of Sandwiuh Island sugar , upon
which wai recently made.
has made an elaborate report to the
secretary rf the navy respecting the
celebration of the birthday of King
Ktlakua , of the Hawaiian islands , in
which his ahip , the Alaska , took active
part iu the regatta. Oao of the races
was won by a barge crew of his ship.
Noroa , a a itnan on the Jeaucelte
appeared before the board thia tnbi
Thocoramittea on appropriations mot
to-day , an umandmeut to thopcutofiioa
appropriation bill was adopted , which
provides that all roads , which have
been [ grunted bands , subsidy in ad
dition to land grants , bo reduced to
fifty pur cent bale w the ainouut paid
other roadu tor carrying the maila.
The Indiin appropriation bill will be
ready for Iho lull committee of thu
senate on Friday. The pros djtit sent
the following nominations to tha sen
ate to-da > : J. 0 BancrcftDivi ? , to
bo judge of the court of claims ; Ghas.
II. Chamberlain , rfcaiver of public
rnunoys , San Fruncieco.
The houeo committee on foreign af
fairs will probably consider on FiiJuy
thu It iwaiian treaty as it eil'dcta the
nagir trade of 'tho United States. At
the li.'it cession tbo committee was
evenly divided aa between retaining
the reciprocity chapter of tha treaty
Henry H. Morgan , ol Louisiana.
WRH nonfirmod secretary of legation uf
thu Uiiitud States to JMoxico.
The ways and means committee to
day adopted nil tbat part of the tnrllT
commibaion report relating to .iul-
phalcs , nitrates , ehlorah , etc. Ohro-
tnic acid , chronnito nt potash and
hydrate or caustics were pasted for
further inquiry. The word "acids"
was inserted in the paragraphs com'
prising essential oils end alkalis. This
was the only change made.
The noloot committca on American
shipping adopted the following propo
sition , prepared by tbo San Franciioo
board of trade : "That whenever auy
vessel , whether utoim or sail , shall be
constructed and equipped in the United
States for foreign trade , including the
trade bstiretn the Atlantic nnd I'.v-
clGo pnrln in whole or in psrt of the
materials ot produc'ion ' of thu United
States , the ownera of auh vessel bhall
bo entitled to receive and collect from
the United States a sum equal In
amount to the duty which would have
been collected upon imported materials
of like dctcrlption and of equal quali
ty with American materials need in
the construction and equipment of
engines , boilers and other nppnrtn-
nance * of auoh steam or Bailing veaeol , "
A NEW robT.
The president approved the act t < .
rectify und ontabllsh the title of the
United States to a site of a military
post at Eipaao , Texas.
William H. Leiater , aged 40 , d"V
In the adjutant general's ofliop , k ' . .
himself to-day , He was a citizen cl
Bullofontaino , Ohio ,
The Star lays : "There wai aoroc
talk in the court room after the accep
tance of John H , Orane as a juror it
the star ronto tr ) l , to the efloa.
thrrosoontlon had bren nvorroachcct
by the defend ints in getting tthis
juror into the box. It scomi hia viowa
recardtng religion ngruo with lu cr-
soli's "
TUB rosrorricE
Thcro is much tribulation In
circles owing to the mpaitronoM of the
postolllot ) approptin'ion bill , The do-
partinont , it is titld , will ba inoro or
loss at the inarcy of lir s outraotors ,
who , well knowing the limited means
at ita disposal , can ro t secure in the
knowledge that it \ \ impoatiblo to for
feit contracts and utrard tboai to the
next lowest bidder. Probably through
inadvertence an old atatuto seems to
luvobacn taken a * n guido for the
cotutruc'ion of the bill with the result
of abolishing fourth cUts , matter , and
throwing nnrchaudijo and other mail
uiatter , formerly thit claso , into first
olas , nt two cents for every half
It is understood the house commit-
ton decided to allow the Ohippowa In
dians 87,000tfor lands which they
clounivnd % which has boon opened for
SpecUl DUpatch toTm lln.
WASUINQTON , December 13. Several -
oral petitlous were presented for in-
croasu of pansiona of ono-nrmod and
ono-legged soldiers aud relating to the
; ax on tobacco. At the cloeo of tlio
uorniug hour Senator Book called up
its resolution for investigation of
wlitioit aisossmonts , the question 1 > 5-
ni ; on Senator Edmunds' motion to
refer Senator Bock's resolution und
substitute cfl'jrod by Senator Halo to
the oommitteo on judiciary. After
debate this "us adopted.
Senator Flatt , nt hia own r qu ? t ,
wa relieved from the duty of ooiir-
man of the oinr.nittoo on ponsiona.
Coneiduratiou ol Senator Poiidloton'a
civil Eorvico reform bill WAI then ro-
sumod. Senator Iluwley took thelloor.
Uo argued that nrnm- thing must bo
done to reform our clviLservico. Don-
tinunuce of the prtucnt oystcm wa : <
rendered inipitbU < , not only by the
evils dovulop > d under i' , but nlio by
the exlraordinitry growth of the coun
try nnd umstquent increase in the
uuniber nf public ollicoa. The timu
'or no i in had cjiue , tuid ho ( flawley )
doped the senate would p 3 tb'is
pKin , Atmple nnd practical bill.
Formal amandincnts reported by
the r.pmnitttce wcra agreed to. The
question was then on Senator Hoar's
niDiMidtncnt providing that con-peti-
tive cs&minutioiiH shall bo , us far pos
sible , upon such subjects as are em
braced in a gaocl com nun school edu
cation. After some discussion the
souate hem waived this amendment
In favor of one ofl red by Senator
Logun , providing that examinations
"iliaU ba practical in their character
nnd shall relate to mat'ors which will
fairiy test the relative fitness and ca
pacity of applicants to discharge thu
duties of the service into which they
leek to bn admitted , "
Senator Pendleton favored the idea
atnbrnc d in both these amendments ,
but thought it was already provided
for in the bill.
Senator Pondleton , having charge
of the bill , assented to the amend
ment/I and they \wore adopted. , r
O > luotiuu - f Supitor ,
provision for payment of the exponaes
of the commissioners was limited to
traveling expenses.
Senator Ooke ofl'ered an amendment
which was ordered printed , providing
that "for the purpisj of equalizing
appolntmonta between the several
status itud territories and Dietrich of
Columbia , and also between poiitical
parties , all persons now ia ofBcs , place
or omploymeut who would have been
within the operation of this act had it
been iu force when they respectively
onturtid tlio public service , shall with
in twelve months from approval of
thia act comply with the terms and
conditions of the applicants under
thia act for original entrance into Iho
tforvico or vacate the places had re
spectively by them. "
Senator Garland introduced a bill
granting the right of way for the St.
Inuii & San Francisco railroad com
pany through the military reservation
at Fort Smith , Arkansai. Referred ,
Senator Allison explained the ob-
jeot cf his amendment oiferud ycstor-
day ns n nnbjtitulo for the first section
of the Poudleton bill. It win to pro
vide that there shall bo three commis
sioners instead of hvo , and that the
commission aha.ll bo composed of pur-
sonn ijot connected with dopartniontH.
Pending comiidurution of the amend
ment the senate went into executive
notion. Adjourned ,
The cang roaslonal library bill came
upas ununished buaineco , the pending
question being on the nntiou made by
Mr , Randall to lay upon the table the
motion to rcoontiiler 'he vote by
which the houie duu > ( l > < d to refer
the bill , with instructions. The mo
tion to reoonsldor wai tabled yeas
115 , na > 8 101. Thia vote has the
effect of rocommitti'jg the bill , with
Instructions to the committee to report
back a bill for erecting the library on
ground belonging to the United States
in Washington.
The hoiuu nt 12 : 10 went into com
mittee of the whoioontho agricultural
appropriation bill.
The committee rojootod all amend
ments , reported the bill to Hie house
and it passed. The house then went
into commlttoa of the whole on
the military academy appropriation
mil , soon reported it back , and it
On motion of Mr. Townsend (0. ( )
a resolution was adopted making the
n oaoibnat bill a special order for Jan
uary 17th.
Sir , Randall ( Pa , ) offered a resolu
tion requenting the secretary of the
treasury to ascertain as nearly as pea
eibla the amount or estimated amounl
paid for ocean freight on exports and
imports from and to the United Statoi
for the fiscal year ended June 30 , 1882 ,
Adopted. _ _ _ _ _ _
A Kuiiiai l > and Syndicate-
Sjwdil DUp tch to Tui Bu.
KANHAH OITV , December 13. Ar
association of unusual strength anc
slgnificAnoe , to be known aa the Amer
1 and CAttle Syndicate , WAR
w d here to-day. It consists of
thirty members , inc'uding some of
the most inl.irnhl ! bu iness men of
the city , hankers , laud and cattle
owners , bath Ui" > d S'a'.ra fonftton
and governor rf the stato. The y. >
dlcito Is prejinritsg t control largo in
terests iu the territories oonth and
west , witli br.inch fliifs in Texar ,
Now York ii'id London A meolidg is
to bo hold to ioiiipuH ! > or uniz tioti
when further detuils will ba made
The Editor of thw OhicaRo
"Tribune" Dieat-ota the
Oomuiiaaion Report.
An Able Addro > Bcforn the
Special Dtipalch to Tut BHI.
CiiiOAOO , Dicembar 113. In the
afternoon rcasion of th Amerionn
Agricultural natoclntlon Hon. .T. Ster
ling Morton , of Nebraska , upoko on
the UrifV , arguing that all tariff taxo.s
not iiotiirtl'.y ' iieede.l by the govotninont
stiould bo ubolishud nt ocoo. Presi
dent N. T. Sprnguo , of Torment , gavn
Ilia experience with "allos nnd tiusil--
age" und was deluded with ( jiioaiions
at its olosa. Reports of committee -
tee on forestry , rooummeuding cooperation -
operation of atato and nntionil
govornmonls in planting trees
nloug water courtcs and of that ou
transportation , recommending devel
opment of water coinputitlon by
iniproveniuut of rivers nnd building
canals , Vero laid over for disctisMnii.
At the avonitlg ccoslon Dr. William
Hope , of Lttith , Scollrt'id , read a
paper on the exhaustion of soil ' 11 ita
relation to fertilizers , mid Hon. < 1 B.
3rinnoll , of Iowa , one ' on the subject ,
' WliMis duo f coin 'agricultural associations
. " s
ciations to poipcrity1.
lion , Joseph Tifedill , editor of Thii
Chicago Tribune , nitdo nu abe ! apseph
upon thu tliemu , "Tno tnriff coainiia-
mun report. " The rpjukor eald ho
and baon born nnd bred in the high
; ariff school oit Hanry Olny aud of the
iigher tariff aohool of the Ponim 1
v.inla democrats , but lima , reading
ind observation led him to change hif
mind and begin to doubt whether high
duties nro good far the Amurl
can people , especially farineri.
The great argument of protcc'ionUta
with farmers 13 that if free trade wns
Inaugurated nil manufactories would
bo obliged to cloao their doors ; Ihrvt
their hordes of operatives would be
obliged to abandon the cftioa und
pour out tip jn the farms , where thuir
Bompotitiou and the incroueod produc
tion would run the prisa of farm pro
ducts down. All tbia tulle i ) a delu
sion .in d humbug. No word or other
force could drive thriffy laborers upon
farms. They couldn't bo induced to
i > ivo up tut ) enticement of city life ,
and oven if they would they had
neither the capital nor knowledge
neceusary to jvorl : firmu successfully ,
The epcaker snid the report of the
tariff commission in aomo ro-
spools was a surprise to him.
It was better than he anticipated
from a commission selected with npcc-
ial reference to "how not to do it. "
The comraioslon , when appointed , vras
supposed to be for the purpose ot
maintaining all the monstrosities of
the present tariff , and ad iug TIQW
cnea , It posiiblo. It waa not tor htm
to say how much the recant election
had to do 'with changing the original
intention. At all events the commis
sion had made a fairly good report , a
commencement In the right direction
of tariff reform According to their
claim , they had taken off 20 per
cent and simplified the imposing
und collecting by throning
off compound duties. Ho no
ticed , however , that the woolen
manufacturers had influence enough
to retain the present abominations ,
and fifty-five millions of woarora of
woolen goods must still stand the
tax. Thu commitmion admitted the
need of n free list , but foil chort in
carrying out thia concession to com
mon eenso. An extended frco list of
raw materials was especially needed ,
The speaker instanced nsphultum ,
Portland commit- , Bed * ash , bleaching
povrdors , all kinds of coal , nalt , lumber ,
copper , iron ore , flix tow , needs and
coarao wools ns nmoog the proper
things to at on the free He
proceeded to argue from the I'.mount
of gooda manufactured and the
amount imported that the fnrmora
alone pay ttvo to three hundred mil
lions annually moro than they should
for their necutaarlcs. Farmer.anil ou
free trude principlcn , the tariff put
down to their credit being n in ore
straw , chaff , ntid worthless The
argument that without tariff foreign
goods would praps in nud drive out
homo manufacturers applies to but
one-third of the people in cltica and
towcs , as the articles consumed by
the other * two > thitds , not to men
tion fnrmore , uro unprotected.
Would not manufacturers continue to
supply this two-thirds and
the farmers , If protection was taken
off the other fraction ? Protection , ho
said , Is a system of reciprocal rob
bery. Ono manufacturer , protected
to the extent of fifty par cam , robbed
a brother manufacturer to that extent.
The brother manufacturer In turn
robbed him. If protection waa taken
i M' both , they would bo at evena on a
lower uc.ilo of priced. Ho hold our
manufacturers are no longer infants ,
but stalwarts , and able to take o&ro
of themselves. Aa the result of per
sonal observation , ho found Kagliah
free trade laborora as well paid aa
the American protected labor
er. Farmers wagea are a
third less , the price of thingH
ho hud to purchase proportionately
lower , do recommended a reduction
of the tariff to 15 or 20 per cent ltd-
valorem. This would enable the farm
ers to buy moro , aa gooda would be
cheaper , and this in return would fur
nish employment for 800,000 to 400 , .
000 moro manufacturing operatives ,
The disappearance of the American
navy ho held waa due to high tariff ,
because American vessels must curry
protected , therefore dear and unsala
ble , gpoda to other countries , Eng
land is perfectly willing wo should
continue protection because It gave
her a monopoly of the trade of otho :
Lord Derby Rejoots the Idea of
British Protectorate over
Cut lODt'liah lufluerjco Muet
Alwnya Proootniuato to
Guard tfio'Oimal.
The Financial VtReBOuro'B of
i &S ?
Franco RoBotvPod for u
Great Patnotio Bll'ort ,
Thr Work of theO riu n VnrUn-
mriit Snioid aln tlio Irn -
Tfe *
tinn "Aviijr.
The Austro-Gormixn Alliuuco PJO-
.ProHorvo the I'onoa
of Eoropo.
fcj *
( JpeeUt Dlsintch to Till llRi.
k t
LONDON , Dooomnor * 13. L-jrd
by , in a speech aVMtuichcntcr tu-clny ,
rujeotcd tlto idea ol n protoulor.Uo for
Egypt. England , ho raid , ought to
nut ro ; ii kin in Ejjyp * . longer than
was absolutely nPO Muty to restore or-
dur. English influr'lloo iu E ynt mint
preponderate , but it was not lu'ct'tiu uy
to exotciflo it iu uiftofijiiblvu npirit , nor
to exclude frcu aria iricudly rontuita-
tion with Viaticep UuUmtm to the
attltuduof Franco twaid Madagascar ,
Lord Darby rnidr" ' * ! ' rtmtc blii mudh-
liuu conld pnvt'tttiiRitf ' | 80i ! t f Mada
gascar , wo oughjftwtffjr Our nurvlcei ,
but if , us it app'ognhmibiblis the di
puto la only a prolix : fur annexation of
it part of the mlii ul/rivi ) in nut , Kbit.uri
from mrtiutiri k' Etiord Darby miidn
no allusion to hhfcMiry * nio thu c\bl-
not a i si'Ofittary QufttutJ fur I.ith.i.
PARIS , Dacaubarutt. In the chun-
bnr ot deputies uiiWjdebate nn the
extraordinary budyta wns rctmuiud ,
Ribot , reporter of jUio | Budget com-
niitlositd thofmandiril power ol FrAuca
jnuat iu na case bo/foomproniiaod , for
thu country might iicud it r.t any mo
ment for -a great patriotic tffart.
Ribot'a rotnaika were applauded.
MAIM in , Dioombar 13. In regard
to the parliamentary oath question ,
thu government propose to admit
cither MI nato or ufiimation on condi
tion of supporting Alfonso , the word * ,
"Legitimate Kingof Spuln , to bo
omitted. '
LONDON , Dt camber 13i At the
hearing to-day in the libel ease of Bolt
vs. Lawea , the bus } which the plain
tiff , iu order to proyu his ability as a
sculptor , has bdon executing in the
room adjoining Ibn court room , was
produced iu the Witness box , together
with the person' ' Irora whom it wad
takom The intriduotion of tbo buat
and ita courijprDiuiLjyVn grouted with
Inurl apphu"i | > ji. A
DUIIUAN , December 13 f I. is stated
the Boera captured the Koflir chief
OAIKO , December 13. Arab ! and
other prisoners sentenced to exile ,
have been requested to bo ready to
atari ; within ton days. Allowances
have boon granted thorn for their
properties , which wore confiscated ,
The property of their wives was not
confiscated. Thu leniency produced
good effect on the li.Us.
DUBLIN , December 13. John and
Patrick Carroll , convicted of killing a
farmer naraod Hiclcoy , were aoutnnued
rcapootlvoly to ton and twenty years
penal servitude.
Jus licoO'Broln declared thoopinion ,
in which tin ) jury concurred , that
fligninu was the least entity of the
thri'o porsonn concerned in thti murder.
Mnrwood , tlio executioner , arrived
ou hit way to Gal way. Ho is osoortud
by nine dotoctivcs.
BKULIN , Dicambar 13. Mnrohauts
Iiavo Oitllud conferanoe of nil Ger
man chambarn of coramorco for the
purpo o of organKlti { ( united action
K mnat taxation of Uonreo tranoac-
in the Prusoiati aruiy. llocently a
cadiit ehot himself at Htohtcrfeldo , a
lloutonnnt killed himself at n ball at
Spnndau , and another oflioar u'ed by
} \it own hand in Paria. * Deaths by
duelling are nlso frequent.
The imporiul iniuiater of the in
terior , in reply to 'a question by
Windthorat , ultramontauo loader ,
e.iid the buniioBrath decided not to
ivo effect to tbo drcisionof the relch-
ttag in favor of abolition of the law
upon unauthorized oxoraiso of occlosi-
nslical fnnotiona. The ovrirnuiont
could not oxpUin thu romnii for tliti
refoatil. Thty drolined mi prtnciplu
to ( 'ivo the roiohotaj ; rnuaiJiia for thuir
deoision ,
OoNHTANTJNOi-LK , Ddoombor 13.
The sultau has had built for his uac
an armored carriage , bullet and groiv
ado proof ,
LONDON , December 13. The Oi > '
logno Fazotto Htaten on good t uthorltj
that the Austro Qcrman alliance ,
originally couoliidud for five years nnil
which oxplrod October 24th , will b (
prolonged because it has alroadj
proved of great advantage and fur
nished strong guarantee of maintenance
ance of poaco.
A process for cheap production o
aluminum has been discovered. Thi
invention causes no little exoitomon
in the metal trauo at Birmingham am
Advice * from South Africa a y Got
ovrnyo eignod the Xulu eottlomont
ind will return to Xulnlrvnd early in
fAiiunry , the British resident and
nlliturj1 cscirt saconipMijiiif ; him to
Dlntuii , wheto ho will bo instnllod
CON&TAXTINOP.M : , Djcsmbo" 1J. !
The pained in pn\o icnlly In n ntnto of
sclgo Nobody ii nllowod ti ) enter
inkn.i B'linnioMpd. The'a alarm
9 owing to sedition among the troops ,
< vho nro niigry nt the way the palace
Hunrds nro paid , while they are in
r\it. The rcappoiiitiiicnt of Ounnn
Ashu , who is unpopular in the army ,
M minister of war , hni added fuel to
ho fl imes ,
LONIION , December 13 The Times ,
on the ocanMon of the fifteenth mini-
viiNnry of Otftdittouo'aontrauca into
public life , luo printed a retrospect
> ( hij cftrevr , covoriusr six columns.
The muiy uolitical assoolMiona have
' Oloitntiot OUdatoiu1 , nnd nearly all
if thu Ljtidon papers and a great *
nr portion of the provincial press do.
vote li-adura to the stibjoot of Iho ac-
iount of thu influence of Gladstone
n the but l\M ountury.
Binhop Winohontur hna doolincd the
irohbishoprio o ( Uantorbury , owing
its ndvancnd IVRU.
L > rd Djrbv hnn acooptod the soaro-
for Tndin.
VIKNNA , Ddonubor 13. AntiTerrorist -
Terrorist ustoriatinna , the object of
which in to oppima the ' .rojecta of the
have bocn formed at .St.
JUnohca fhuvu been * ( a >
ut I'.uii. Kico , Qeiiovn ,
/iricli , London , Kiniunburg , Buch-
iront i.iul CoiibtHiitinopk' .
A Kivtal Dlsuacor ou tbo Sunset Routo.
'intch to Tim Rm.
SAN A > TONIO , TJX. , December 10.
At 7 ii. in , Tuesday Iho fnlso work
of ttio hridtiti aurocn Grnat Dry Otui-
pen , four mih'i ) wo. t of loccn river ,
in The Sutisut road , aud throu-fourths
of n inilo from iho end of the South
ern PiiOiflc trnuk , full iu n oolid mass ,
: ) recipituttng ninotcon henda n dis-
anoii of Hjvuuty-fivo tout on the rooks
neloiv , Suvttn men wuro killed out-
igh' , onu ntora IHH einco died , mid
ihuro is httli ! lie pa for recovery of the
.hreo othcra. The fulao work
ind been orectrd oomo time , nnd the
weight of the material .brought upon
t for the pt-tmunont bridge is fliip-
; > o ud to havu been too great to bear
ind it gave aivay. It wus over a deep
; erie , havliif ; ulmoat porpoudiotilnr
illffr , and thu length of the bridge was
! 00 foot. The dead have bocn buried
n an adjacent cwo , nnd * two physi-
liana are caring for the vrouuded.
Chls disnntor will delay omplotiou of
ho biiigo perhaps sixty duyo.
Another Inyontlon by Choa. F. Brush.
Special DUpttch to TUB Ills.
OLP.VELAND , Deccmbor 13. The
[ i'iad < * T to-morrow raoruiug will , con-
; nin u < lftaoription of an in'vontion by
I'rof. Ohao. F. Brush , prusidcnt t f the
Brush electric light and power com-
! ! ] , of thia city , for storing olootrlo-
ty. This invention m a success in
every way , and ita completion scoroa a
riumph for ita inventor over all the
> rominont electricians of the world.
The battery in nimplo of construction ,
oonsittiug of u box containing cells , in
each of which is ( impended two lead
ilatea electrically treated and im-
meraud in acidulated water. Thoplatea
nro called accumulators , mid on which
are stored electricity. B.itterioa can
> e packed and nhippnd the aamo an
merchandise , and handled without
danger. The capacity of the battery
dopundn upon the number of cells ,
Electricity loses nnnu of its force
rom storage nnd 0.111 bo used for any
) urposo for which needed
A Buffalo Souuanl-
Special Dl > i > atcli to Tim HKK.
ISurvAi-o , December 13. Mr * .
ilarttni ,1 , Oolllus wan to-day released
roui the inaino asylum in this city.
iho vruu placed in tlui iniititution on
ho IDJi of lust Octobrr by hur hua-
land , who hun paid all expenses.
After her ruloaso MM , Colling , after
coniulling bur attorneys , demanded
of her huabind a written agreement
.hut ho would iu future treat her IXB u
wife und not inoircoruto her in an
other asylum. Thin ho refused to do
jut promlued verbally to comply with
icr withes. Shu rulnsed to rotnrn
lomo with him and claims her recent
: x vrlncu has bo < ni the third einco
let ; mr.rrlud llfo ,
A UPliinky Dliturbaiiuo-
Upedal Dltpntch to Tux ll .
CiNcisfNATjj , Dcoombor 13. WhU-
< y adrar.ced two cjnta to-day without
the direction of the ommlttoo of ex
portation , The break Monday was
'ikowisu not ordered. The committee
lisa likewise itcquiescd in these natural
lluctuations , but it in likely another
meeting of the association will be hold
Friday or Tuesday next to take action
to prevent unauthorized prices. .
Kingston' *
Eposlul Dteiwtch to Tin UK.
NKW YOKK , December 13. In-
iricH amnng the agencies of the
foreign Inuuraucu companies confirm
thu report of a largo conflagration at
Kingston , .lAtnuica , bnt it in thought
the loss has been exaggerated. However -
over , the damage ie bulieved to be
heavy , inasmuch as the large ware <
honteH situated within the boundarlei
of the burned district , contain at thii
seaaon of the your heavy stocks o !
sugar , rum and other merchandise foi
nhipmcnt to the United Statea am
Europe. The fire included the die
trlct from the corner of West am
Port Ituyitl streets nearly to Kas
atroot. Both sides of Port Koya
street were destroyed with thi
wharrea to the southward
Mi ) t of the buildings destroyed wer
of Htone or brick , Th&t portion o
the city devoted to reildenoet vru no
reached by Iho Ihnic * . The principal
loners will undoubtedly bo merchants
who laid in large Blocks of good * for
.tho Ohrittnm scnson. The theatre ,
rncontly fitted up , was de.itroyod.
The ire must have been c'xlmnilvo ,
jtlcging ffctn the largo orders for
lumber pouring in from Kingston
during the day. The loss id estimntod
horn at half the amount stated in
early dispatches.
l < TUltioi > a Efforts to Mnko UpMrs. .
Lubouclioro Salla for Uotno.
l Dl i tch to Tnn nmi.
Niw : YOIIK , Djcombor 13 A morning -
ing journal tayo : Mr * . Libaachorc
spunt yesterday with preparations foi
hurdopurluro. Though the fact tlmt
aho WM to anil thia morning WAS by
no moatia settled. Mm. Ijing'ry ,
fiuditig their separation in n inomenl
of ill humor , had groan into an enor-
imui scoudM by gtmeril ossip , had
wisely attempted to heal thu brench.
When Mrs. Libouohuro arrived in
Philadelphia Sunday tbo following
telegram ronchod her :
Mri Uti.ucl\crIo ! Uticttfi , rhlliUolphU.
A there hns been BO much titlk in the
nownpipern , I urn uro everything can be
B.ithr Ctorllyixplnlncd ncd milled If yon
wilt stny aver nnd met , mo in Hnntnn.
Mrs. Libouchoro , who felt pro
voked to encounter what aho regarded
unwarrantabto ntliioks upon her , roiilly
did tint wish to hurt Lilly , aho wna
sorry for hor. She. knew that at the
worst what Airs. Ltngtry had done
wus moro indinorction , that no anrinus
wrong had boon committed ; hence
aho wavered , nnd at tint thought she
would meet Mrs. Ltmqtry ntjaln to of-
feet a reconciliation and become
friotidn nenin. Slio rKplied , "I will
try aud otty over if I poenSWy 0111
nuilto arrangrmentn to do an. " Bu !
aho had already tnkeit her passngo on
the Sorvla , and Into lust evening do-
cidoi aho could not stay to repair thu
breach cauiod by Fred. Gobhart , but
must depart to moot hur husband.
Mrs. Libmtchoro wont on board with
her maid ut midnight , thus ending
abruptly her brief but eventful May
in Now York , but promising to all
her friondf aho would return in com
pany with her hunbiuid unxt m milt.
A Ii navy Gnlo.
paclal Dispatch to Tim linn.
ST. JoiiNH , N. F. , D.odnborl3 _
? ho heaviest gale for many yeara
wept over the island last night , foi-
owed thin morning by unprecedented
ugh tide , cauelng much dntnago tc
ailwaya along the ahoros of Ooucap-
ion bay.
Board of Trade-
poclal Dbimtcb to Tils llm.
CHICAGO , Dooombur 13 The board
of trade adjourned for the day at 12
o'clock and fifteen uiiuutoa later the
numbers , headed by a numbar of
> ands , formed n procoasion in the halla
ind corridoia ot the board aud several
mudrod strong marched to the , head
of L . Sallo street , whore the ceremony -
mony of laying the corner stone of
.ho . now board of trade building was
( orformod. ,
Sagar *
Special DIfpatch to Till Hit .1 , ,
NEW YOKK , "DJoarabor Thi
secretary of the troaaury decides that
sugars now raado in Hawaii are not
liiferont within the moaning of the
aw , from those niado at the tiuiu the
rcaty was signed , aud uro entitled to
como into the United Stales free ol
luty. This ruling will have a direct
joarinj ; upon 3,000,000 duties upon
Arroit of Grnvo Robber -
pedal Ullpatch to Tin Iliit.
RICHMOND , Decombur 13 Tlio
tatu guard In Oukwood cemetery last
light arrested two moolcal atudonta
nd two colored mm ) in the not of
opening n grave. Fonr dcnd bodies
ukon from the comelery were found
t the Virginia medical oollcgo. The
tudents in cuutody are prominently
f jfuit Homu
poclal Ulipatch to TIM II BH.
Niw : Yonic , December IB. The
ixth annual moutin ; : of tlio National
Assoclatiou ot Trotting Ilorao Breed'
ra wan well attended , The Haiooia-
ion has n momborahip of 15& , and the
roaauiir'u report shows a balance oi
(18,023 , The constitution of the as-
ociation and trotting oodo vms amend
ed , A board ol dlreuton was aluo
Opoclal UI | tciB ) to Tun HKI
TitKNroN , N. J. , Decomlier 13 , The
tale troop * havu been ordered lureadliiean
n event of riot mnonn the ii'.rlkliit ; jlaiia
workcru at Malaga ,
liOHTON , Decenilior U , Thoutenin liarli
ilcmla- ) from Bath , Maine , for Now
fork , in IhmtKht lost.
ST. LOCIH , Decsmber 18. The hotel a <
he Union etack yards , In tlio northit
mrt of tlio city , burned to-uight. Loti
lot yuk u crtalued ,
CIIIUAUO , December 13. Tom Allen
1m piilii | { > t , rufiuoi tit luikkn any orrange
nentH about tha match with Jim Klllntl
mill thu nrilval ( if hid backer , Itlchard 1C
fox , who 1 < m pee ted hero Saturday ,
OHAUK , Kan. , December 13. The bollei
of Jolmnoa'j nnw mill , ttiroo miles frou
lore , blew up to-day. Tbo proprietor , W
\i. \ JchijHon , aud Andy lleckwond , were
dlleil , Thrtu others aerloaa'y ' wounded
NKW YOIIK , December 13. Four ca
lo ( U of xlioup &ro huro waiting glilpinen
M Knglaud , Hald to lieu preeuut froinMar
| uHl ( < if Lome to the ( lueeu.
I'lllLADEI.rniA , December 13. Mo
Nntnee , one of the Lebanon ceuieter ;
iiody uimtchfru , In hla confesnlon mad'
imlillo to-nlKht , charge * thit Dr. AV. S
KorhfH , dunionittratir of aim to in y of , ] e |
[ er < on college , wan the iiutlgutor and 11-41
| ioter of the whole iilot.
Gunrdint : the Banlii-
Special Dlnpatch to Tui Uni.
NKW YOKK , Daoember 13 , It I
reported to night that a privatedi
teotivo and special policeman were sti
tlonod at all banka below FiUy-uInt
street. OorUin it is that Wall atroi
wa well watched , and only thee
known to have business there g <
through nnquBMtionod. The reguli
police denied that they know anythlii
of the necessity for an extra lore
and the specials r fuiod to give an
A NBW but Ephemeral Throne
Oioatod in tlie Northwest ,
Hii Olphuesa "The Publto be
D -A " Notifies Porter to
Pack Up.
The Pool Scaronljr Cool Before
Vnndcrbllt Bny Control-
Hates Ordered to the Old Figures
The 1'orcontago and Proflte.
Wnr(3Jn t a-
t > ocul Disputed to Tim Un
NKW YOHK , December 13. The
ailroad nvitiiigorn have ni < rcrd on n
ruflb Imsiii as follows : The Minno-
polis division of the R cl : liliuid 25
rarcont ; the St. PAH ! 117J per cent ;
ho Northwestern nnd the U mall a 3 ?
> or cent ; the St. Paul divltilon of the
lock Inland 14 pur cent , and the
thora 43 per cent unoh.
Boitora the Rate * ,
ixclftl Dltpatch to Till Bill.
AltLWAUKKK , Dacembor 13. Man
ger Merrill , of the Chicago , Milwnn-
cee & St. Paul rorvd , tolcgraphod to-
ight from Now York to freight and
iissongor iigenta to reitoro at onct >
ho old ratoa.
Pjrtor' * Power "Wuuinn-
jwcUl nlsi lcli ti l"n ln.
Kr.\v YORK. Decambcr 13 The
lory to night 11 that thn railroad war
a at nu end , rates have bsun roatorod
nd the ngreciiMtit nill bj nigned to-
norrow by thu presidents nf tin dif-
rcnl roada , buidlnt ; thenuolvos note
o violate the contract , that ia , to
'scalp" tickets , for a period of one-
ear , under tha usual penally , sup-
oaiid to bu § 500. In regard to the
ivision ot t will a it ia ruthontativoly
itatcd that each recd will got all the
matnotn it ran , and that no ngreniuont
f par coutBgon cxint , The etory about
ouoolidation of tbo Northwestern and
) nii.liii roads n not cojicldortd by
.ho.tu who should he nutlinrltlea to bo
n idle rumor. Bjth Hugbitt nnd.
, 'ortor rcfuio to npeuk on
ho inbjuot , but it h moro than likely
Imt tlughilt. will bu president of the
Omikhaand still ratuin his poaitiou as
gouornl nmnngcr of the Northwestern
oad. Said Mr. Riddle , "I have no'
doubt but that Vuudcrbilt cither has
mrchoaod n controlling interest of the
} inaha railroad , or is eating in this
natter for the Northwestern , wlr'ch ia
ynonomouB , I think Porter will bo
; lad resign hia position. Ho wan
mxioua to do so iu 1831 , The whole-
var , no it is called , hna hud by far too-
much importance attached to It. " '
The committee hold a protracted
ossion nt the Windsor hotel in the
fternoon , and nt nix announced the-
irosidents of the Northwcntorn , St.
'nul & Omaha , and Rock Island ro&ds '
would telegraph to have the rates ro-
torod nt once , so they may take of-
eot Thursday morning , Members of
ho committee have agreed anon the
liyision ot traffio , and Oablo .and
Jlogfeitt have b'ognrt Tipvislnj ' : test' "
ilan. _
a Freight Fool.
pedal Dlipatch to Tin Il .
NKW YOIIK , December 13 , Ameet-
ng of freight ogontn of railroads in-
erostod in Oalifornla buslnosa waa
icld to-day at Commissioner Fink's-
Ilioo for the arrangement , it waa
eporlcd , of & now tariff on btuinesa-
, ' i California. The day wns spout in
iBcuaalng the subject. When thu
nooting adjourned Mr. Fink's deputy
aid no conclusion had been reached
nd ho did not know when they would
mot again. _
The Iron Mountain R. R-
Klal l > l | > atcbto TIIK Una.
ST. LOTIH , December 13t R. S.
layea , first vioo president of the St. .
Iron Mountnin aud Southern
uilway , in a circular dated yesterday ,
ayu the Iron Mountain company hao
lurchated the road from Forest City to
lolena , ArkanaaH , and it will bo oper
ated as u part of the Iron Mountain.
' _ _ _ _ _
KannuN Autl-Mououollst-
pvclal Ilu ) > ttti-h to Tin llm.
AUII.KNK , December 13. The con
tention of anti-monopoly leglslntorsi
not ut 4 o'clock to-day , J. A , Djxon
ni ulcotod chairman and Scott But-
erfiold sucrotary , What is known as
Bonutor Waro'w lill to regulate roil-
oads was read nnd considered by sec- '
ions , A great variety of opinions
voni oxprotsed. Some wanted n rail-
oid comminaion appointed by tho.
; ovornor , while others favored their
ilootlon either by thokglslaturo or by
.he people ; others thought there wast
10 necessity for a commitaion and that
ho whole matter oonld bo regulated
> y Htutiito. No definite action waa
akon and only the question of com-
nilesionorawaa , discntaed ,
A Star Ronte
WAHHINOTON , December 13 , Tho-
ellbrt to secure a jury in the at&r route.
caao waa ronuruou to-day ,
Seven talcauon Mure called in and
were oxcuaod and the murahal watt
directed to summon ton moro for 'to
morrow morning. Adjourned.
Qooree O. Miln In "Rlohalleu" Last
Nl < ffat.
The aolienou at Boyd's opera house
last night was by no means large , and
the presentation of "Richelieu , " by
Rev. Geo. 0. Mlln , did not seem to
tbo as favorably received aa his "Ham-
lot. "
Ii is a matter of regret that no op
portunity wts oilorded our citizens of
seeing Ool. Bnrloigh in some role cal
culated to dlopLy hia ability , and
there is no doubt but such a change
would have drawn a much better bcuse.
Aa Iu nearly nil combinations ou the
road , this one has a skeleton Iu Ita
ole oi , r.nd it will probably become
visible to the naked eye at no