N THE DAILY BEti-COUNCIL BLliJFES IOWA WEDiS1 SDAV. DEOEAlBkix 13 The Daily Bee. COUHGIL BLUFFST Wednesday Morning , Dee , 13. SUBSCRIPTION FIATK3 ! Br Hall 110.00 per Year ! Offloo : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near MINOR MENTIONS. Splendid nupper at the 1'lnk T. J , MuoUcrV Palace Muslo Hall. DUhes , gla wnrc , lampn , etc. , at 303 Broadway. 1 { owe & Son. Largest stock of Toy * and Holiday Good In the city at Seaman's. Prices dely competition. -Old papers for sale at THE BKK office at 25 cents per hundred. Subscribe for nownpapora and periodi cals at II. E. Seaman's book store. Furniture of all kinds repaired by Howe & Son , 303 Broadwoy rermlt to commit matrimony was yesterday Riven John Hcnrlcknon and Jlarma Nation , both of this city. -Don't ferRet the Paper Bar.aar nnd pink T at Dohany's hall , 8at rilay. Bcal saoqno' , fur trimmings , very low , at MctcaU I3ron. ' The 1'rlnter1 Union linn arranged for A grand ball at Jlloom k Nlxon'c , Clirnt- mas night , It being their first annual. ' Largo quantity of ovc.i intl furnl- turo at 303 Ilroadway , 1 f owe & Son. New lot nicely decorated , BO plecci , of ' te * t , only S5 at Maurerfc Craig. The railway war , no far 01 local mat ters arc concerned , remain In Utu quo on passenger rates , the St. Paul B till keeping to Its cut. Hand.palntod china , art pottery , solid silverware , bronzes , &o. , at Maurer & Craig. James Ame > , a dcaorter from tha reg ular army , and who ought to bs at Ft. Laramlo Instead of here , has voluntarily surrendered himself at police headquarters ready to bo returned to duty. Too Shugart block Is so near comple tion that It Is expected that nomnwho have leaied offlccH therein will proceed to fit thow up this week , ready for complete oc cupancy in a few day thereafter. Anyone doilrlni ; to eccurn desirable desk room In a centrally loottod office , and < b some collecting In lieu of tent , can hoar of a very advantageous opportunity by addressing A. B. O. , DKK ollico. A German workman named Witt- meyer la now lying at the Crouton house , suffering from a broken log , canned by it heavy stone falling on It whllo ho won at work at the Shugart building. Council 'Bluffs ' lodge No. 40. Knights rf Pythian , bavin ; deemed best to post pone tbolr dance on account of bad woithcr last week , nro to glva the name next Monday evening at Castle hall. Tbero was a good attendance at the elocution class at the Baptist chapel Mon day evening. The ringers of the class are to meet at the homo of M < SH Soara tomorrow row evening to prepare music far the next meeting , Tuesday , December 10. John Barnci , an Individual of color , was arrested yesterday for taking part In a Sunday night row among seine colored dovei on Broadw y , He will have n hear ing before Judge Ayleswortb to-day. The Ancient Older nf Hibernians o this city have received on invitation ti participate in the grand annual ball to b given by the order in Omaha , on the evenIng Ing of the 14th of December. A large del ogatlon will roipond by attending In per on. The work on tbo Madison street via duct it proceeding well , and If tbo woathei continues favorable it Is expected to b < -completed intho course of three weeks , II ii ono of the moat substantial and linpor tant made duiing the year , Juitlco Abbott Imt evening tied tin noose matrimonially binding Fredericl Schlebowattklo and Lena llemltr. ai hue band and wife. The equlro tumbled dowt three times In wrontllng with tbo bappj bridegroom's name , but in in a fair way U lecovor. Tbo city council mot in nccordana with adjournment on Monday evening , bu owing to lack of a rmorum , another d journment was had until uext Monde ; evening , at which time It Is expected tb assessor question will be settled , nnd otbe matter * of Importance will bo brought up A telegram wan received yesterda ; from Mn. Carpenter , who claims to b a wife of the man now charged witl bigamy , and la on her way here from Vii glnia to appear avalnit him. It appear that ike , too , hat relatives In thin part o the country , Mr. Forman , uf Hone ; Creek township , being her undo. The NoatrumPulfer , who woudrowi o by the Masons In Lake Krle , and whoa ghost utlll meanders In till * vicinity , I * ou with a jeretnlade objecting to the acquit tton of business houses or builueni met provided tbey ball from Omaba. Surel uch brilliant writers are the life of a clt ] Where will Uie wor.dlie when tbe twlnkli wink * out. Of all tbe ineak * tbe ineakleat tnea is tbe one who sneaks his neighbor' * mori ing paper. There have been several con plaints of late of Ibis petty thlev cry , at one party baa b en teen. THE BKK pu poses to help "top thl * despicable practli by at least publishing the name * of iu < personr , and it la expected that one < more arretti will bo made In a few da > which will probably have a riformato tendency. There was ono excited ladhidii dsmcing about police beadquatteri yaste day irorolng- lie bid ccme to Coun Bluu to ceo the ilgbti , and after dcpoa ing 32,000 of bli wealth In a bank , ke 3100 In hi * pocket and slotted on t round * . On wtklng up yesttrday moi log he found most ot It gone and c < eluded that he bad been robbed. 1 found , however , that be bad banded over to a friend to keep till morning a liad forgotten'lt , The delay in the arrival of tbeCblca & Northwestern trains for a few day * pi IIM been owing to tbe accident to t bridge oyer tbe DM Molne * river detwe Boone and Molngon , tbe same bridge tl JmmorUlixed KaU Shelly , who uved pv cngerlrln from death and detraction there. The ltt accident con l tcd of the given away of the central tp n while * . loaded freight twin was paiiilng ocr , and sixteen cars were unceremoniously dumped Into tbe rlrtr. The ! o will foot up 810- 000 , but unfortunately no oie wo * Injured. While the repairs hre being tnnde , tbo trains run irom Grand Junction to Gowrlo and there strilte the Toledo branch of the Northw tern , which strikes tbo main line again at Tama. This h s made the trains n little tardy la reaching here. Largest stock of toys and holiday goods in the city at Soaman'a. Prices defy competition. tf Holiday goods , solid silver and plated ware at . Barhorn'j , 17 Main street. ddclO .It Mnequntalro kid * in street and party shades nt Ilarknues , Orcutt it Co.'s. "Alovoof a bonnet will make just the gift you are looking for , Mr. Spoopondyko , and don't forgot tc drop in at Mrs. Norrls' ol'igunt millinery store and note hur buAUtlful styles and special priced. TJ , tal" Bliss' is the phco of all placon wlinro the holiday iooda ; are found in the greatest profusion. E Burhorn'a is the pi ice for close buyers to call for their holiday prca- outs in the juvrclry lino. Ills stock is complete nnd prices very low. doclO 31. Iloliday geode , solid Mlvor nnd plutod ware at E. Uurhorn's 17 Main streets. doclO Hi Call at Harkntsi0outt & Co. 'a and ceo the heautilul' Inccii they hr.vo just opened for the holiday trade , Po trnta t r Hnm'i jl. Hewitt , Of Monterey , Mich. , dellvcn hltnrolf In thin wise : "Far cold' , hump , cnro thront , and rhcumatlHm , Thomas' llclcctric Oil cannot bo boatan. I any keep It up to thn stanilnrdjLind it will fiatlnfy the people. I shall eenirfor n now supply c HTEALINQ STEEDS. TboThU f Captured nnd HafolyLoaRocl in Jail. A Gorman , who claims Omaha for his homo and Gustavo Brotschnoidcr for His name , was yesterday lodged in jail hero on the charge of horse steal ing , Ho had for nome tirao boeu at work for a farmer in Monoua county , and having some difficulty with his employer , was discharged and returned - od to bin homo in Omahn. List wock ho returned to Monoua county , and watching liia opportunity , stole the farmer's to.un , ua ho claims merely for npito , or to got even financially with hia employer , but aa circumstances indicate , with the intention of nailing the homos and pocketing the cash. It is cLtimod that ho drove the team about twenty mil oo , and then tried to sell them , but falling to find a customer ho put them in n lively stablennd instructed the proprietor to sell the team for $190 , il ho could , and forward the money tc him nt Omaba. Ho then took the train for homo , but was overtaken , ar < rested on the cars , and after having t preliminary examination , was hcld.toi trial , and brought to the county jai hero for safe-keeping. When you want to got & preson that will completely settle the bnsi ness and forever ctptivnto the hear of tbo receiver , just take a tun around the block and call nt Bliss1. About the noatcst thing In the wa ] of a holiday gtfr , provided you have i home that is worthy f them , is i parlor chandelier or hall lamp of the latest style owl with the now and novel lorroring apparatus. There ii no doubt but that such a gift woult delight your wife nnd all the family and yourself , too. Gall at the Gat company's oflico and get ono befon you forgot it. Dolmans cheap at Ilarkncss , Orcnt Co.'e. dl3tf The Ilcsouo Engine company wll hnvo a meeting thin cvoning nt 8 p in. sharp. Important business is 01 hand and every member should bo ii attendance. PERSONAL , . M. O'Nell , of Yunlrton , In nt the Ogden D. A. Little , of Dei Molnen , dined a thoOgdou yesterday. Dr. Walter * , of Avoca , ii In the city called to court as a witness. Charlie Grecu hai returned from an ei tended trip through the east. Mr. and Mm. J. K. Cooper have re turned from their eastern trip , Imvjt'g c.n their vlnlt Hhorton account of dlaagrceabl weather. Their trip was an extended om though miulu ou the IIy , and they vlnlto New York , Washington nud other cltlei and they report a moat enjoyable time. Jacob Honecraun , who han been vieltln hli countu , Constable Koaecnm * . for a fe1 dayi pait , returned last evening to h home In Garden Prairie , III , , where he , engaged In too thriving a Imslncsu to mah It advlnablo for him to move wett , otbe wlso he would come to Council IMulfn , i he wan charmed with the city and Its pei Plo. Call at the Eioolelor gallery , coiner nor Main Htroot and First avonui Holiday pictures ; best work. dool2.1 ( Choice cigars made of the host ti bacco are alwvya to be found at Ai drew N , Jackson' * , ooto manufacture of the Northwestern cijjar , whlc stands without an equal , llovai Roods a apeclalty , Fifth strnot , Ni 109 , sooond door below Mueller mutio storo. It- Itpt pt How TO GKT SICK. Expose yon he self day and night , eat too much wit ! n- out frxorclno , work too hard wlthn' ' in- re t , doctor all tbo time , t ku all tl inle vile no truins advertised , and thi It you will want to know nd How TO GET WKLT , . Which la a nwored in three worde Take Hi Hitters ! gent nt Thunder it Down Uia , h Th t for Uinanew , for rbeumallmn , I . hf > , pain * , and for > praln * Dr. Thorn : m J-'tUctric Oil I' a positive and rellal ' 'tintxy. ) Dr , Tlonitu' i'tttotric Oil cau > ' purcbwed of any dtuggUt. HELPING Till : HELPLESS Another Caao of Destitution Which la Being Looked After Promptly. Yesterday another case of dcslitu tion commanded attention , it being a family the father and mother of which are both sick in bed and hence unable to do anything to keep tbo wolf from the door. There are two children , and they were yesterday fonnd to bo in r.ad need of clothes , while the homo itself was very scantily - ily furnished and lacking most of the usual comforts. Steps were at once taken to relieve their wants and sup ply them with the needful. Tocroaro two erroneous ideas , which may bo gaining ground , nnd certainly onght to ba corrected wherever found to exist. Ono of these is the idea with which some maybe bo impressed that Council Bluffs has moru than its eh are of poor. Ono might easily g n this idea from the proimnoticj given by the _ press to the clnrity and help bting given. This prominence has been given buctuso there nro many hero who nro warm heartedly inUrented in thczo matter. ! , in fooling nnd iu puokotbook , nnd who want to know what is going on It Imn also boon prominently brought before the public to incite an interest in others who are careless aucl luke warm about il. The frcquon&y nnd prominency of such muiuioiis is , therefore , no indi cation that Council Tiltll'i is n city of much pauperism. In fact , the revurao is the case. There nro few in proportion who need help , but a nmall proportion out of over liO,000 itihabltantu furnished abundant opportunity for the proper bostownl ot oharity. The cuoond errotiooui notion which may havu spread Kotnoprhnt , is that contributions nro being carelessly din- tributod. Tnero is no cause for ouch a fuoliug. There it no cnujo for Kiioh te feeling. The contributioon which have baen placed in llav. Air. Lamen's have been very carefully diitributod Ho has given to no ono without first carefully learning the actual facts , needs nnd worthiness. There have been fifteen famiheu thus aided , and the ono yesterday nukes sixteen. Of theHo thuro have been only five men , and every ono of these completely disabled , nud not o.tpablo of earning a cent. Thu others have been \vidotvs and children. It is desirable that any who have employment to give of any kind should nviko the sumo known , as there &ru several to whom a chance to work would ba u greater charity than money , us it would give them a needed chance to help themselves. A plnn Inn b'jen BUggoatcu which nootna u practical ono , that those who have on hand any material out. of which rag Ciirpeta can bo made , should contribute such , and some of the girla in the needy families ciu bo given employment in preparing the name for rap o.irpotE , to cover tbo bare floow , and in casu of a surplus , to null for the bonuGt of the fund. Such help would bo little felt , and would be gratefully received. E. Burhorn'a i.i the place for close buyers to call for their holiday pres ents in the jewelry lino. His stock it complete and prices very low. doolO-St , Nervousness , peevishness and fret ting , so often connected rfith over worked females' lives , is rapidly relieved < lievod by Brown's Iron Bittern. Go to Harkncss , Orcutt & CO.'B foi dolmans fur trimmed dolmans , woo dolmans and fine silk dolmans. dl3tf ( All Admire a Hnndnomo Face. A pure , clear Mn will make auy f c' ' handsomo. ManifeHtly anything whlcl ntrengthens and rurichei the blood wil directly affect tbo whole person. Al eruptions of the itkin disappear when Hur Jock Jllaixl Ilittcn at o employed. They an n vegetable remedy of Inentlmable value UOJUY CUSTOMER- OlHcor Kdgnr Fires nt Htm Threi rimou Before Oitpturlnt ; Him. Yesterday afternoon n young mai giving his name an John Dillon , prob ably an alias , raised u row at Kiel Bachus * place , and win npparontl ; bound to clo n out the bar and thi barkeeper. Two other young men ii the saloon at the time taking a drink sought to interfere , as they say , ti got tha belligerent out of doors , bu as tha bartender at the time thought to take his part. The result WAS i livelynutinoo , though n brief ono The police , on reaching the spot ] found quiet restored , and thi parties had started off. Ollico Edgar and Mono kept nftor Dillon nnd gave him quite n chato from the Milwaukee & St , Paul depot down the track. Ho wou'd ' not halt , ant Oflicor Kdgar , after calling to him uuv oral times , proceeded to firo. JI binned away ihroo times , uirnimj hiyl enough to nkip him , and the fellor then halted and wes captured. Th two others who were supposed to b concerned in the dlFair were moii ( [ uletly urroetod nud all three wen brought into the station. On tin way thither the f.-lloiv oilling hlinsol Dillon was very ah mivo and ugly am made much rt Distance on boin , searched , but was safely landed in th back room to meditate , Ono of th others , giving the name of Oharlo Smith , wns released at or.co , inqulr ; of the bartender showing that ho ha very little hand in the row. Th other , giving the name of Atkins gave $10 cibli for his appearance thl morning , The Council Bluff * headquarters fc butter , eggs and poultry and the load iii wholesale depot for fruit is th well known house of J. 1. St. Joh & ( Jo. The Omaha trade of this fin iu quite lare , and the people of thi city havu long ainco found it to the : advantage to got their goods in tl prodcoi line trom this snuaro-doalln and enterprising firm , of 310 Broai way , TUe Ulntrlct Court. Moat of yesterday , In the distrl court , was taken up by the trial the case of Watson vs the Wabai or railway company , in which plaint ii1 seeks to recover damages for the lo of a foot , caused by alleged carelos noes of the company's employee * nwilching , whtlo plaintiff wns unloading - loading a car of lumber standing on n side track. The case wns given to the jury late yeaturd&y afternoon. A start was made in the trial of the case of VAlmor vs Kampf , in which the plaintiff geokn t3 recover damages for personal injuries rccaivcd by nn alleged aseault at Avoca ladt summer. On the other side it ta clsimod that the injuries were slight , nud were received by his falling djwn lomo slept whllo druuk. This caeo will probably bo finished o- The grand jury has returned bills against John Garbick and John 0. Wood for larceny and against George 0. Wood for seduction. The grand jury will probably complete its work this week. Max Mohn han two dozen fat ROCSO for aalo Have fat roast goosa for Ohristmaa , and don't you forgot it. d3ood3t CHRISTMAS GOODS In great variety at Ilarkncaa , Orcutt & Uo.'s. dlO.f UAIlV MUntC. The 1'lrut of the Trio of Plivuo Hecltalo by Mlsa Harris. Last ovotiing wan the first of the lories of piano recitals by Mias Lydia S. Harris ) , of Onioago , nnd it drove to Mueller's hall a fair sized audience , nnd ono which was composed of the real muaio lovoru of the city , who could and who did appreciate the Bflio numbers , and the truly artistic manner in which they were rendered. These who knew Mien Harris when she was' co.mcclud with Mrs. Ford's conservatory of inunio hero were de lighted nt the evident progrcas she has mtido since thru , while those who hoard her for the lirst Urn's wpro won derfully surprised , her renditions ex ceeding their expectations oven. She showed the spirit of the true artist , indeed , and her opening recital hero fully justified the high commendations which preceded her coming. To-morrow evening will bo the second of the series , and Saturday night will bo the closing. FANS. Harknoaa , Orcutt & Co. have an elegant assortment of vrhito and col ored fans. d3tf Sivo your money by buying horac blankotn nnd lap robes nt 0. J. Bock' man's , 335 Broadway. A 'Word of Caution- Railroad men , mechanic ; , commercm' travelers , baee balllst' , f.umorp , and otheri who labor out of doors , are pscnUnrlj liatiln to accident nnd injury. Tltomas Kdcctric Oil for bruises , burin , bites nut sprains , is ODD of the finest applications ycl devised. The nobbiest thing in the cigar line ii R. patuut cigar box , which is a per feet imitation of n lcir6 ! book The inscription in gilt tattering on tin back-is , "Dr Qaack'a Medical Works ' The volume does with a. brass catcl and it has a canvns binding. The in tnrior dhows o donblo box of cigara 50 in a box , and a sweeter smoke i hard to find than those cigars far nishcd. For n smoker they are tin neatest Christmas present imaginable and for the entire business is enl ; 83.00. F. R. Lavin , 308 Broadway is the only man in town tint can havi them , as the box is patented. Lavin' factory is a splendid plaoo to cot ciga holders , fine pipes and all kinds o smokers' goods. When you feel out of sorts , hav the blues , melancholy , etc. , it mne bo indigestion that ails you. Brown1 Iron Bittern cures it. Mlla in Kicbelleu. It was expected that the Miln-Boi leigh dramutic company wonld preson Hamlet in Council Bluffs to morrov evening , bat ic was found impotsibl for them to do so without losing day. day.They who nro disappointed in nc seeing Mr. Miln will bu glad to lear that arrniiQemcutii hnvo been tnadu fc a special train to and from Omaha tc night to accommodate those who wis to son Mr. Miln in Ilioheliou , whlc the Kansas City papers declare to b bettor than hit Hamlet. COMMERCIAL. There appears to be n good profit i shipping corn to Liverpool. No. 2 corn , i o , b. ID Chicago id G7io , which wit freight and insurance of I'JJb makot th cost to lay dawn a bushel of corn in Llvei pool 87c. The Liverpool price la 7a 2d which is equivalent to 03c , and at this ( if ure ( here would be a profit on ehipmen of lla per bushel , I'OUSOItj W.UIfH MAUKKT. Corrected dally by J. Y. J < 'uller , mci cbandlae broker , buyer and shipper < grain anil provision : , ollice board of trod room" , Ciuniil lllulfi" , Iowa. WIIKAI No. 2 cprlnff , 7Co ; No. II , C ! rejects ! fiOc ; ijood demand. CollX-30c to fccdors and 27o to ehl [ per ; ; Kond demand ( or Hhlpment. OATH Scarce and lu good demand ; 30i ( 32o. 32o.HAT 4 WHO 00 per ton. KYK JOc ; light supply. COIIN M KAI. I 75 < B)2 ) 00 per 100 pen nd Wo.in-Good supply ; prices at yard 5 rc@0 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 1003 per toi soft. 5 00 per ton. UUTTKH Scarce and In K ° ° d demani or-nmery , 35c ; cholco dairy , l5c. ! Kutm-Scaico and In demand ; 2 : p < dozen. LAHD Wholesaling at ISc. PouLTiir Firm ; dealers payln ? 13c pi pound for turkey * and lOo for chicken * . VKOKTABLES PotatowlOc ; oulooK , 25 cabbage' , 80@10o per dozen ; apples , 2 I @ 3 60 per barrel. I'LOI'll llent Kansas wheat flour , 2 39) ) 2 60 ; Minnesota wleat { , 2 60@3 60 ; bra : 7585a per 100 pounds. UiiooMU 2 00@3 00 per dozen , " MOCK. . OArru-3'oO@3 50 ; c lvM. 6 OOffl ? 50. HOCH lirlslc demand at 5 50@5 05 ; c r load lot * about 60 per 100 pounds mora. o GIVEN UP BY DOOTOIIS. "Is it poasiblo that Mr. Godfrey up and at work , and cured by ao elr. pie a remedy1 "I assure you it is true that ho entirely cured , and with nothing b Hop Bitters ; and only ten daya a ; hia doctors ave nirn up and eald , inu t die ! " , , ' "Well a-day ! That's reraarkablol will go this day and get some for t [ n poor George I know hops are good COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE. SpcclM advertisements , tut I/o > t , Found , To Loin , For Sale , To Ron I , Wants , foardln ; , etc. , IU be Inncrtod In thle column al the ow rate ot TEN CKNT3 PER MNE ( or thA first Inwsitlon and FIVE CENTS PER LINB for each rubtoquout Inutrllon. Ltare adv ertUements at our office , No. J rt-nrl Htrc'ct. near Broadway. Wants. Two OriUhM birl. . < r at K23 WANTED , Council HhitTi r. W. Derksen. dtcl3 m3t ANTED. A few more d.iy hoarders at 813 Month .Main St. Mr * . Julia A. Snoor. JicU-2t SCO buildings to more. Vie make WANTEK illy of tnorl g houscn and mfcal AiUrow W. P. Aln ortn , box 870 , Conndl UluOii , lix. Kvcryhody In Council niuffs lo WAKTED Tin Iitn , 20 ccnti per week , de llvorad by carrier * , OiDce , No 7 Fenrl Street near Uroivdway. For Sale nnd Hont I710U HUNT OH HALK-Tcn cr eland , J } R05dhon e , one room nnd kltclicii blu-k- mcl thi hep , stable room for tlx bor ts , Rood well , frootlcellar nd cue hnndtel and twenty bo-rug fiult trciFt Noir Tony creek , ntnut fle mflu of Ccuncll Hlufls. Knqulre nn lha ) > rtml < ) cict A. HlllcroraJdicsjhltn at Council TTIOH HAUV-Tho Western House , No. 30S Ul > - I ; l r Uroaduny ; or will trade for Improved city or fnrm iiro | > crty ; or will sell furniture and rent building ; iconon , III licnlth. Address J. S. 0. SIcCiuiHTKR , MW Upjxjr Uroftdway , Council IthilT * , Jowa. lU'.IXS-ln pncV Rciof n hundred nt25c OLU mckfc.c at TIIR HKK office , No. 7 l'inr\ \ street. tf ' \ A lumbtrand coal yurd , doing a Keel boilntsu In a now town , oj the Chicago cage , Milw.iukecfc St. 1'Mil rallrottd. l/Oll HKNT My new two-story brkU store _ L' building , on South Main street. pt.-n.-ii WP.IS. SAMi My twelve-acre fnitt farm , on 1 South Hrttstreet. 1'KTKH WE18 UAL. ! : lleiutiful le menco jots , HIGH ; nothing down , and fSporironth only , hy KX-UAYOK VAUQHA . aplS-tl MlbcollaueouH. FIYTIT1NO renewed at tbo Excelsior gal BY lery , 100 Main street , for holiday nurk , Do whorojcn can i ; ° t civility nn I Mr treat mint. DISK ROOM In a central odlcv on first floor In exchange for osMstanco on aa-onnt8 and collections. Addnss , A. 11. C. , HKK. olllcc , Council llhiffH. (17-tt . W. L. PATTON rayslclan and Oculist. Dll. euro any caao of eoro cyoi. It la only a matter of time , and can euro generally In from three tc five \vcoks-lt makes nr differ ence how long diseased. Will straighten crcco eyes , opernto and remove I'tyrccinma , etc. , and Insert artindal ej-cs. 6pocl l attention to re- mnvrlnor t&downrms ap5-tf 3 AND Dr , Meagher.zzOoulist , Aurist , AND SPECIALIST. In Chronic diseases , offcra Mi sen Ices to all nt Dieted with dlsta'esnf fh < Ec , Ear , or Chronic dleasei of any ch > r ctcr. U'nmnts a turo In alllbcumailc nlTt-ctl.na Can ho contmlted liy mad or In ranton at the Mitropolltan hotc-l , Council UliitTi" , Icinn Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DKALHU3 IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookery , Glassware , Also agents lor the fonowln ; line * of Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Oulon , American , and StaH Steamship Companies. X > 3ES , . # h. 3E" T3 ? 8 For sale on the Koyal Bank of Ireland and Bank of Ireland , Dublin. Those w > o Intend to Mnd foi friends to any part of Europe will find It to thelj ntereut to cut on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 Broadway. Clonnoil PETHYBRIDGE & NEUNAS , I'ROPllIETORa BBOAOTiT MRKET DHALERS IK Fresh and Salt Meats , Poultry and Game in their season. Wienei and otbor Sausages a specialty. No. 32T BROADWAY. ARTISTIC POTTERY , nioh Out GIBBS , Fine Pronch China Silver Ware < Sic. , Mn H 04nwiT rjOITNOIt. BMIKPS SIN ION & WEBT. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Council Blnffs- Extracting and nillnx a ( pccUlty. Flrat-cli * worV narantonl. MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED AND- SALE STABLE , All Shippers and Tricolors will n good acoomtnndntlon ntid roaaontibl chargns. SOUTH 3f BEET , OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Jowa HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprlntora S. E. MAXON , A. XX. O 3Et X I'Xfi XI ' < O ' 37. Office oter titlnjci bank , OOUNOIti BLUFFS , Iowa " REAL ESTATE. n , 0. Jornu , lu connection with hll Uw aci iillrctloo bu lnesibuji and itlll real eUt rvrcjDi wlihlnr to buy or toll city prap r > ctl tl bli otncf , ovf r Bushntll'i book ite Pear I'reot r.p IOHONDSOS. i. b.iqcoiRT , A. w. grant I re ldenl Vlce-J'iea't. Cashier. ia CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluff * . Organized under the Uwi ot the 8UU of lowi .ld up capital. . . . . I W.M Authorlwd cajHtal. . SOO.OO Interest paid on tlms deposits. Drain Usu * on th principal cities of ( h. United Bute * am Europe. BpocUl attention ttlTen to collection aud correapandenco with prompt returns. _ DIBSCTOU. J. D.Kdmnudsoo , E.L.BhO2art , * TA ? ? * Wt'Wl'W * ' ' " ' A.w.BUMt. HARKHE8S , ORGUTT & CS. AID CARPST H0IM1. Broadway , and Fourth Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa mar-I-Sm Headquarters For the Cele brated Weberi a n o s , and TT Toys Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. S Address , I O J. MUELLER , . COUNCIL BLUFFS , M Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1,75 and $2,00 Bluff and Willow Sreets , Ooecil Bluffs , B. HAQG & CO. raipr A. -B-'i-i u-v- ? ? 3TIU" GEI F BOTTLED BEEE , MADE FKOM IDE ARTESIAN WELL WATEU. ALSO AOKN1S FOR THE DEE iu JL w sjcm ; jrjfcsi Order * filled In uny part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. JOSEPH REITEK , aiAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowest Possible Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. GooH's Hair Store , at prices never befere touched by ay other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold , lllver and colored nets. Waves made from Ivlles' own hair. Da not fall to call before purchasing lltewhere. All goods warranted as represented. MRS. J. J. GOOD , ? 1 Main street. Council Bluffs , Iowa. MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalic cases. Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices , Our Mr. Morgan baa served as undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands his business. WAKKROOMB , 340 AND 337 BROADWAY. Upholstering iu all its bnincbcj promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrcqniui , Telegraphic - graphic and mail orders filled without delay. _ GONRAD GEISE'3 MALT Council Bluffs , - Iowa. Her and malt In any quanMty'to ' suit purchasers. Ueer $8.00 per barrel. Private families sup plied with.Bmall . ( rae l.cpca c > s nehvored IreoofcbarKOtoanypartoftb clty. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlltx Brewing Company's Celebrated MILWAUKEE BEER , No , 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited City nrderti to families and dealers delivered free. C.A. BEEBI ! , W. RUNYAN , W. BKEEK O. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Retail Dealers In FUB 1TURE K os. 207 and 209 Broadway and NOB 204 and 206 Pierce Etreet , COUNCIL ULUFFS , IOWA. JACOB APPEL. NO. 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffs. Out conttantl Increasing trad < s sufficient proof of our Mjuare dealing and attention to c mm. Good ttcr a'vtatiion ' hand , rromptly delh cry of trooda. S. M. CKOOKS , Pros. N. B. EASTON , Beoy. J , 0 , HOFFMAN , Vies Proa. N , B , MOOUE , Ooanaolor. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE CO , [ Incorporated under the Laws of Iowa. ] INSURANCE AT ACTUAL COST. Insuring LIVE STOCK Agilnst Loea by ACCIDENT , THEFT OR DEATH , . Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever. Kxperieuced agents wanted. Correspondence solicited from all partu of Iowa , OPFIOEs 103 Pearl Street , - Oonnoil Bluffs , Iowa , decS-dtf J , F. K1MBALL. UKO. il. 011AMP. KIMBALL & CHAMP , ( Succoaeen to J. P. & J , K. C * s dy. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. W haie he only complete set of ibitroct book * to all clly lots and Undt In PotUVktUml county. Titles examined and abstract * furr Ithtd on short notice. Money to loan on city and tun property , short and Innr time , In turn * to nit the borrower , lletl etta. bought and told Offlct at Uoli ' ' oppotlte co irt bun * *