Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1882, Image 3

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    kWm a i
. j . u . JBROJWJ : > T < sc o o
Boots and Shoes ,
" \ OMAHA , NEB.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , onuRs , auiifis , MOLDINCS , LIME , CEMER
Onkm Pacific Deoot OlttAHA
Window and Plate Glass.
3TAnyoDO conUniplatlnff untldlng store , bnk. or any other fln * will flnd It to their ad
aotago to correi end with u before purchialnjj their Plate Olau ,
OMAHA : - - HE8.
.Storage , Commission and Wholesale Fruits
1421 & 1423 FARNHAM STREET.
gonfcs for Peek & Bauehors Lard , and Wilbur Mills Flour
OMAHA , - - NEB ,
'Flour ' , Sail , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies ,
, -t , < A Pull Line of the Best Brands of
isnnts for BEHW001) ) RAILS AHD L4FI.IH ft HAND POWDER 60.
1. O.
1213 Farnam St. . Omaha ,
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
unrotuMAcmNERy , vtvnxa , noaz. BHASI AKD IRON nrrucas Pirn ,
Cor. Farmra and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. >
Fire and Burglar I >
1020 Farnham Street ,
In only attained by nalng bo
" , . ' ' "T ? HM II Ktf a C a
Stoves and Banges ,
tirTZM I Tj3 vant
WITH delay
For sale by ) for
SONS the
Jull-toiely every
A Primitive Disregard of What tbe
Western Nations Consider to bo
the Proprieties.
the eye discovers in Japan
may bo recorded ; yet that , observes a
Yokohama correspondent ot the SMI
Francisco Chronicle , ii bnt the fringe
of the mantle that covers the inner
life of tiny people. The homo and the
fireside communion la not vouchsafed
to the foreigner in Japan. Courte
ously and politely as ho nmy be
treated , ho still is krnt at n polite dis
tance from all the intimacies of homo
life that dhtinguish thu people ( f thn
western world There are so ninny
notions and nets that teem to be
spontaneous with this people that ore
so directly opposite to the received
ideas of the western world , that ono
is amazed at the apparent indifference
to many matters considered of prime
importance elsewhere. To the mind
of the western world it Is a cardinal
requirement that the sex shall bo B.I-
crod from the gjzo of the male when
iu a state of nudity , and their charms
nro covered with jealous euro.
Ilero you shall ace as you journey on
the Tokaldo , the great artery of travel
of the empire , the women naked to
the hips , and the limbs uncovered
above the knee , and without n thought
that it is not the moat correct thing in
the world "Evil to him who evil
thinks. " I know uot but It may boas
correct as a nioro elaborate covering of
the boy. Those women nurse their
children without the thin disguise of
covering the head of the infant and
the fount at which it draws ita iifo.
When the heat approsscs them they
bare their shoulders and broaUs and
limbs to the breezes. Unconcerned as
ii no eye rested upon them , they go
about their daily labor and household
duties in that state of undress that
would shock the Iifo out of a fastidious
woman of the western world.
The men do likewise , only more BO.
cloth is tied about
lib loins with an
other piece passing between the loqa
and attached to what is tied about the
body. On the street , in the house , or
in tno field BS many can bo seen in
th's attire aa nioro completely dressed.
Children , entirely naked , are running
about M unconcerned and unnoticed
its if it wIXH enjoined on them so to do.
Now , all this aeonis so far away from
what it should bo that it causes astoiv
ishment when first witnessed , bnt
a repetition of the sight soon
famaliarizes ono to it so much so
that it almost loses its singularity
There uro no more indications f rudu-
nt'as or intended immodesty than are
obiorved among those who wear am'a
pie clothing. .Nona of the processes
of nature are considered as offensive
to the sight , for what nature demands
the Japanese think can not bo wrong.
In the treaty ports , where are congre
gated the foreigners , these things are
uot palpably apparent. In the inte
rior , during thn heat of the day , it is
common eight , in all the to-vns and
villages , to see the mother stretched
upon the mata Bleeping , the babe be-
Bide her , taking its nourishment , the
man or men of the house und the in
children also dozing away as if there
waa no future , and all tbo clothing
that is visible would bo about the
loins and hips of the woman. The
houses , too , during the day , are en
tirely open to the gaze of tha most in
quisitive. In traveling the road the
Kiklaha man will stop at any tea bouse
or hotel and deliberately denude him
self before all who may bo present ,
and proceed to wash his body as if
there was no eye open for miles in any
direction from hjm.
At the bathing establishments in
the interior there is no seclusion at uo
tempted In the business. At Kega , at
Asbinoysi , Umoto , and elsewhere in
the flakono mountains
the hotels are
provided with bathing facilities , but
privacy is unthonght of by the Japan
ese. The bathing quarters are gen
erally in the portion of the houuo
moil acooHsiblo to the residents in it ,
and whore passing and repaying is
constantly going on. The bath'ng
places are largo equaro bcxea , into
which the water is constantly flowing
ind passing off from by overflow. It
is no uncommon thing to see men , is
women and children , , bathing to
gether , dressing and undressing in
ho open space around bath. There
B no suspicion that there can bo any our
mpropriety in doing this. It seems
o bo a favorite recreation to moot
the bath , and gosuip and .ot
shat while they enjoy the wnsh-
ng. The husband and wife BOO no
error in the thing. They will delib
erately undress before strangers and
go into the same bath with them
without the least hesitation. And in
ho private bath houses of Yokohamu ,
exclusively for the uaco of the fcmin- n
no BOX , all the attendants are rnsloe. >
Those things appear an otrango to )
hose unaccustomed to them that the
irst prompting of criticism is to ad- nit
udgo llmt there is an utter absence of
shame and modetty. 1 ot this peO
Ie undoubtedly fail to see where im-
nodesty plays any part in this regard ,
'hero is no lowdnoea manifest , no ovi-
onces of undue familiarity , or imper- ip
Inont freedom apparent. Mothers
ind daughtere , fathers and sons ,
irothera and biatcrs , mingle together >
the bath and think 110 * ,7rong in ao t
oing. lie
The construction of the houses ad
mits of but partial privacy. Thin p
aper partitions , which elide past ono
tiother ' , are not much Impediment to [
10 'transmission of sound , and at
light the dhadowB randii by the lights
the different apartments pivo very
orreot indications of whit is going on. oil.
jifo in a Japanese hotel is a rovula- 10
ion of carelessness ono would have to
avel far to duplicate. The con-
ruction of the house is responsible '
much | of this , for every occu-
ed room is entered from a corridor tmcs
ou to the sunlight and general nao ,
10 sliding paper screen when in posi-
on admitting all the light that : do (
round glass would give. The occu-
rnnts are nerved with their meals in
rooms , each person ordering as ;
desires at any moment during the
or ovoning. An order given for ;
meal Is to bo served is filed imme tiih
diately. fish
A clap of the hand summons a ser year
to attend yon , and that without
, The matted floor is the sofa and
lounge to sit upon , there being pro
a cotton or allk quilted cushion ono
the uao of each peraon. During they
day it is very rare to find the storm
screens closed at the front of a room into
occupied by visitors , The interior of known
department is as open to the in resting
spection of every one in the house as tain
it it to the uiet of the occupants.
The conversation is the property ol
neighbors AS well , unless carried on in
A very loir tone. At night the bed
ding arrangements are prepared when
required. A number oi thick quilt ,
piled one upon another , comploiu the
outfit , with n rest for the head. A
lli ht is placed in the room that is tup
potod to burn all night. It ia n small
toper , placed in a vosaol containing a
oil that ia intido
vegetable put of a
tquare Inntorn , made of paper , and
sUnding some three foot high
The 'preparation ot food at the
hotel * is n process that c n bo wit-
nonned by the guests , as the kitchen
and cooking facilities Jjro placed iu
O.on vie * of all. Kitchen , store
room , pantry , and the general ofllco of
the tBtablishmeiit occupy the moat
cnnsplcuous room on thu premise * .
The cooking is done on portable fur
naces und over charcoal tires. There
are no chimneys needed or used. Fish
are usually kept in a remrroir andi
killed as they are needed , Fre h
vegetables are kept under trickling
WAter , and in all well-conducted places
there ia a scrupulous ncatiirai mani
fest in all the culinary nrrmiacmentd.
Everyone , guest or othtrnise , must
take off his shoes before hn can enter
this establishment. There nru
no croaking noises or tramping \
huird to Irritate thu norvouii ,
and cnrne uovor trouble while ono
is in n 'npauoao hotel , The nuts
upon the floor are as yio'ding ' to the
tread as the most luxurious carpets
over mado. I wish I could say that
there troro no lions to trouble a gnost
as ho seeks to compose himself to
sloop , but in truth 1 can not , and n
great drawback it IB to ontt'n comfort
to bo pestered with thcee nimble in-
sett * tlut nro domesticated and lit
homo iu these places , The thick mats
upon the floors make famniiR places to
hidp in. Mo3ultoM ar < guarded
against by large note nttr.choil to the
coilinu of the room and retching to
the floor , being nearly no largo as the
room. When the nut ia in position
for the night , if it is in paifcot o.m-
dition , the mntquito is lolc out in the
cold. HH may sing his aong , but ho
can not blto. If nome one would
invent some method to hive the [ tleaa
ho would make hia fortune quickly.
Wonderful Discoveries In the Doptha
of Old Ocenu.
Kf\r York Sun.
In a lenturo dsltvfrrd at tbo Nn-
tiotn Academy of Scionccu , ColuniQQ i
bia college Profeaeor A. E Verrill of
Yale college describes the physical and
geological character of thu HUH bottom oil
off our coast , especially that which
lies beneath the gulf stream , Ho
linn raado 1,600 observations this sum oil
mer for the Uniiod St/itca / fiali rom- oil
mi aionors. Ho hno cruised from
Labrador to Chesapeake bay , and
about 200 miles out to sea. About
sixty miles outside of Nautuckot to a
itreak of very cold water , a d ani
main dredged up are like thoao caught
the waters of Greenland , Spitz-
bergen , or Siberia. The water in fifty is
fathomn deep , and the bed of the
ocean is of clay. Bowlders weighing
800 to 1,000 pounds are dredged np. the
Professor Verrill believes that they
are brought down by icebergs from
the arctic regions and dropped when
the ice melts. The bowlders uro If
found as far south us Long Island.
Farther out to sea , seventy to ono
hundred and twenty miles south from
the southeastern coast of Now En
gland , the bottom of the BOO , which
has inclined very gradually eastward ,
that , whereas the water on the
edge of the bluff ia 100athoirm deep ,
thn bottom of the basin it ia 1,000
fathoms deep. The slope is as high
and as stoop ai Mount Washington ,
and on its summit , which is level , a
diver , could ho go to so low a depth ,
could not pnt out his hand without
touching a living creature. The bottom
tom of the sea is covered just there
with a fauna which has never been before - "
fore found outaido of the Mediter give
ranean sea , the Gulf of Mexico , the
Indies , or other tropical regions. The the
number of species of fish dredged np
800 , and over half of them have
never been soon by naturalists. Sev
enty kinds of fish ninety of Crustacea
and 270 molusks have boon added to
fauna. The ago of many of the N.
specimens shows that they must bo
permanent in that region. The trowel
down from the fillips by a milo of of
rope brings up a ton of living and
dead crabs , shrimp , star liah , and an
ho trowel simply scrapes over a small
Burfaou , the ocean bed la plainly cur-
otod with creature ? . vnr
tins region , and countless dolphins , pivo
ul it Bocma strange that not a fish I'rlo-
ono is ever dredged np. A pleco of
vood may bo drooled up once a year ,
, it is honeycombed by the boring J
hell flab , and falls < o pieces at the ,
ouch of the hand TJilu shows what
lestiuction ia constantly going on in
hose depths. If a ahip sinks at neu F- .
with all on board , It would bo eaten
by fish with the exception of the
jotal , and that would corrode pnd
iaappear , Not a bono of n human
3dy would roraain after a few days.
ia a constant dioplcy of the law cf
survival of the fittest. Nothing
nade by the hand ( f man'was dredged
after cruiiiug lor months in the
rack of ocean vessels , excepting coal
inkers shoved overboard from utoain-
iiipa , IIuro Prof Vorrill corrected
limsolf , ' Twenty-five miles from
ind ho ( IredgLil up an India rubber
. That , he haii , w < .a ouo thing
fish could not e t.
Hero the gulf stream Is forty miles
urthor west than any map thowa ,
'rcjfusuor Vorrill continued ; and this
roam of water from the south nour-
the tropical life near Masia-
lusotts. The temperance farther in
lore is as degrees in August , on the
; of the sariimiuo Mount Waah-
ngton G2 degrees , while further out
sea the temperature of the water
rowa colder. On the surface the
oily-flail , nautilus acd the Portu
ucso man-of-war , with other tropica
, are found. In this belt the tile
, about which uo much WEB said a
ugo , wore found in Immense For
quantities , bat this summer , although Kallwir
expeditions have boon made for the
express purpose of catching some , not
could bo taken , Undoubtedly
hud been killed , to a fish , by a
which carried the cold water
the gulf stream ; indeed , it ia
that a cold current of witter
on the ocean's bed may con
arctlo fiih , and current of warm
water floating over U on thn eurfaco
may bo alive with tropical fish.
At the bottom of the aoa , there h&a
been mnoh dispute. Animals dredged
from below 700 fathoms cither have
no ojos or faint indications of them ,
i r else their eyes are very largo 0114 ,
protruding. Crabs' eyta nro four or
live times as largo as thoao of a crab
from the surface of the water , which
ahows that light is feeble , and that
eyea to bo of nny ute must bo very
largo and sensitive. Another str/uigo /
thing is that where I ho creatures in
those lower depths have any color it
is of orange or red , or reddish orange.
Son nnomono * , corals , shrimp and
crabs have this brilliant color. Some
times it is pure red , and in manyapoo
imenn it inclines toward purple , Not
a gtoet or blue flail is found. The
orange rod is the fish's protection , fir
the bluish green light in the bottom < f
the ocean make * the orange or rod thh
appear of n neutral tint and hides it
from enemies , Many animals tire
black , others neutral in color. Bomo
fish nro provided with boring tnili no
that they can burrow in tiio mud.
Finally , the aurfaco of the submarine
mountain ia covered with shells , like
an ordinary sea bench , showing that
it ; Is thu eating honao of vnstrchoolsof
carnivorous animals. A codfish takes
a rvliolo ojntor into Ua mouth , cracks
thn shull , digcdtii the meat nnd spits
out thii roKt. Grabs crack the shells
and suck out the meat. In that way
oomo whole mounds of shells that are
dredged up.
AtlantA CM itltutloii ,
The little nut which burrows in the
ground and taken care of itself may bo
called iiinclar or peanut or groundpoa
or goober ot anything oleu that the
farcy of its friouda may ohooso lo in-
vunr , hut its importance Is not thereby
affected. Baring the war , when n
regiment of Georgia troops marching
through Virginia broke into a clever
field nnd torn it np by the roots in
search of the esculent nut they won
for Uu'insolvo * Uio name of "goobor-
grnbloro , " nud it Is iv name which still ,
stick. ! to the people of the Empire
Stntt ) of tbo Sunny South. Wo are
till called goober grabblern by the
outnido world. But do wo dcsorvotho
trille ? It is to Ins feared not. Indeed ,
according to some statistics that have
recently been published , Georgia Is
not quoted at a goober-raising or
gcmbbc-grabblitig . State.
It ia eotimuted that Virginia will
prod uoo this not lesn than 2,000-
1000 bushels ] , Tonuossru 000,000 , nnd L
North Oiroliini 125,000.
Not ft pound of goobora is made into .
in this country , though during the
war this business reached largo pro
portions in the south. Gottonneod
, Jiowover , Imo driven the peanut id
out of the market in this country
and has nearly siicceodad in driving it
out in Franco. The African nut ,
which is used in Franco , ia grown in
Georgia , The North Carolina goober
was oucti considered the best in the
market , but it was driven out by the
Virginia variety. The African goober
omull and meaty. The Spanish and V
small and fine , nud the Virginia largo
and well-flavored. Wo have no doubt .
Georgia would bo the best of all ,
but tLb cannot bo known until our
farmers raise some for export. The
crop is worth $3,000,000 , and nearly ,
not nil of it , passes through the
hands of the vendors on the street I.
corners and in thn small shops. The
crop is not prepared for market by the
farmers. It is brought up and pre
pared In factories , being divided Into One :
grades and brands. In Virginia forty
bushels are raised to the acre ; in Ten ltd
nessee , sixty nnd seventy. The de
mand is constantly increasing. iy
many children are punished for being br
uncouth , willful nnd Indifferent to in
structions or rewards , Dimply because
they are out of health ! An intelli
gent lady said of a child of this kind :
"MothorH should know that if they Z.
the little ono moderate doses of r.
Hop Bitters for two or three weeks
children would bo nil n parent
could desiro. " 113
Hereford' * Aold Phosphate Iu
Abasolof Alonhnl.
Du JNO. WHEELER , Hudson ,
Y. , says : "I have given it with QKO.
present decided benefit in a c so of
innutrition of the brain , from abuse
alcohol , "
Bucklin'H Arnica tdolvo.
The UXST iiALVB In the world ( or Onts ,
UnilsOH , HciroH , Ulcer * , i/alt Hbeum , l'iv
Sores , Totter , Ch'ipnoil Ilanda , Chll
bhim' , Oornn , nud all akin oniptluns , nod
pohillyely cnronjilUi , Ills guarnntoed to
iiitijfr.ctfon t tuotij rcfnniltvl , D
I'rlo25 cauts per ex. for NiU by U , mnnt
R MERS & GO. Odil tf Uwliik
FL. . Sommers & Oo'a
] .
Wholesale Manufacturing
Fruits , Nuts and Cigars , mock w
S 14th St. T
In ZDlDir Kair take tb
UMiagO&'lfDPfllWBBfr ( or
Tralui leave Omaha 8:40 : n , m , and 7:10 : a. m
full Information call cm ft. P. DiUKLTlok ,
. . Hth anU raruim it. . , J. IIELL. U. „
D rx.t. . oral JAHKBT.OLAKK , ( liner Council
Stook , Woolen Eage , Iron
Triced Paid. SblpmenU from the Hai
country lolIciUd. Iterolttancee Uood
I Promptly made. I N B katt
si *
jBnsiness Directory
Alulract nd KM batata.
JOHN L , McCAOUK , or > pOBlt Fott Offloe.
VT. R. BAtm.KTT SIT Booth Ilth Street.
Architect * .
Room li , Crolghron nlock.
A.T TjAROK Jr. . Room . Ciolchron niock.
uoota and unoet ,
f'ut Boot * anJ Hhon. A ( trod arulm > nl
* m8 work on hanJ , corner lth ! ! an J Hartier.
14CS. KUICKSON , S. fi , cor. IRth and
U < loth etreet , rnannfacsurrtt to erJet food
Hea promt.
LARHIMKR Mannfaetnw. U1T Donrlr * .
UooKt , New * arvl Utatlonery ,
J. I. rilUKIIAUF 1015 Farnham Street
Duller and Egei.
jj/tliANK A SOIIROKUKK , the PP | | a and R.
loutw In NcbrauVa mtAhlUhM 1R7J Omaha.
Urrlgot ar.o Noun Waon .
tru .RNYDKU Ulh ami llvntv Strata.
Olothlna nought.
J KAURIS will r * hlthNtCaahrrlo ( lot iieonl
ban I clothing- , Corner 10th and ramhara.
rug * , I'alnn na OH * .
f nuacl l , rim Vane Oooon , Oar. 1Mb anil
Oongui .Uoflta.
T.J. WltlTEHOUfKYholwalo A UoUII , ICth II.
. FIKLU , ifOmi North Bid * Cuailnjf Htrcel.Th
PARR , nnifVlnt. inin and llowarl Ptrrat * .
Uonllit * .
Oil. PAUL. WUIlama Ulock Cor.
Olvll Enfflneeri nd Ourveyor * .
AHURKW ROSRWATKR. Orelghton Block ,
wn Qurrojra , Oradt and S wer ge
Dry Uixxl * Notion * , tie.
JOIIH H. r. LKlUIANN & 00. .
< w Tort Iry Uixxl * Utore , 1810 and ISlI faro-
hittn dttuci.
lk 0. Knewold alw > l'00t and * hona A raclflo
OI1N WnAllNK.VBONB cor KthftJackiantM
Jewo era.
JOHN DAU1IKR 1BU Farnham Street.
GHAH. UIKWK. 1AH Parnham het. 10lhlltd. .
Hotel. .
ANP1KLU 110U3K , tl < o. CanAelJ.Vth A ramhaui
D011AN 110UUK , I > It. OHty , 813 Farnliam 81
tiLAVKN'S liorr.l , . V. tU\en ) , 10th HI.
3iailiorn Hotel OUT. lUmol
Jlllrt. A. HYAN
icnviiwest corndr ICthinJ Dodit * .
licit ItoirJ tor the Money .
e tectlOD ! ( Uuuanietd.
> ) all Houtn.
Hoard by Uio Dny , Week 01 llontb.
Ooo < l Tenua for Cadi ,
Furnhbcil Rnnn
riirtiliur * .
IT. nnOBll. How and rje.-oni ) Hand JTurnllnte
uit Htorei , ill * Domrlw. Illxliogi caih prlco
Id for iiecond h nj (0 < X ) | .
nONNSK 1.109 Doncla M. rina tondJ Ao
roroe rvoriw.
aOUT , miKflACO ISUnarnoyHI. , Impraii
Ion BGXM , Irrc And \Vood Fonc j , Offlo
tllni a. Oonntti * Vine and Walnnf.
Pown'jrokor * .
icth at. . i > et far. ft
Rotrluorator * . Onntlold' * Patent.
in M in > i
Olgars and Tobacco.
VVE3T \ FR1TSODKR , manufacturers of Clgari ,
andVholroUo Doalcra n Tobacco * , 1005 Dooglaa.
F. LOKKNZKN manufacturer UlQFarnhara'
I10NNKU 1M9 T > onirlaa r t. QJOd line
H. DKRTHOLD , 1URS and UeUl.
Llmo and Oomont.
OnTKK \ 0\l\V corner fitli and PoDflaa Bli.
Lainpa ana unuiwura.
BONNER 1SOO DonjilM HI. Good VatUtf
Merchant Tallon.
at oar nioet popular Merchant Tailor * la re-
elvlng the latest doniai for Spring and Bummer
Hood * for Kontlcmon'a ' near. Btyllih , durable ,
nrtceo iow M over 1200 rurniun Btret. '
URtl. 0. A. KINQKR , Whctoeala and BtUll , H
Ooodi In Rrcat variety ! Zophyn , Oanl Doardi
uodrry , plorca , Oorocf , &o. Ohoa | > ot nouiw la
Wooi. rurchwsrs gavu M per cent. Order
Wall. 116 Fifteenth Htrcel
OMAUA01TY llILLfl , flth and rmnham BU.
proprietor ! .
rose . and
UTKVICKS , 51st betwccu Oamlne and Inr
A. lIc3IIANi ; Corn SSd and Oumln ; BtruvU. and
Hardwaio , Iron und Uteel.
OLAN h I WOWOnTJIY , VYholcoale , lit tot
Itth Btrccl
A. HOLMES carne JOtli and California.
Harneto , Onddlej , &c.
B WE1BT SOlBth St. bet Farn- Uarney. ing
Olothlna ; and Furnlihlng Qocf
. II. I'UTKRHON. Alao Hate , Capo , with
Notions and Cutlerv SOi n. 10th ttioel. a
Oornlco Work * .
Ocrnlco Works , MMinfactareti Iron to
Oorulco ! , 11 n , Iron and ) .to Kooning. Order
any i locality promptly diocutod In the be
dinner. Factory and Ofilca 1210 Uarney lit. to
0/HPKCIIT , vrorlotor. my
Oalvanltod Iron Vornlcel , Window Cap , ( to. , not
inamifncturud uid jmt up In ny part of the am
lanntrv. T. HINHOLD 41B ThlrUontli street
O&minioion Morchanta.
JOU1I 0. Wlh I.IH.U14 Dodgtf Street. of
0. IUCICMKR. Far deUlb leo largo kdrertlle
In Uallv and Weukly.
oven ana
A. IlUl'.MJCUTJClt ,
Inftovoa / and Tlnwiro , a'.il
Tin lloofa and nil klodk of
Fcllona1 Block.
130NNKR 1809 Lou lati Ot cod and Chcip
baico n * .
Ine oew liricl ; block on Douglao Stroe ) , hai
( rut opened a most rle aot Kroi HkU ,
Hot Lunch from 101 : > It
every day.
n > tmlnnl > " J ALOONKK firO IBIh Slre ) .
KVANB , Wbolomle and Retail K d II and
CuHivitora Odd Folio ft Hall
, OKO. HKVK , I'UOP. leads
Crand Central Onllory , cure
13 iilitcenth Strwl.
Uuonlo Hall. Punt CUM Work and J'rouipl flve
Plumbing , Ua end Utoain Plitlne. With
W. TAIll'V & CO. . 210 13 Ht , bet. yarnham chaaor
Douglaa. Work promp yatteudcd to. money
U. riTZI'ATIUCK. I ouclas Btre t. 0.
Phyilclan * and Uuritoonu.
B. OIBI1S , M , D. , Boom Ha i , Orelghtoc
, Hth Dtrcol.
P. 0. LKIHKNR1NO , U , V. Uatonlo Block.
IIAIIT H n CvxandKir mm nnitnmn
$500 REWARD. jim'r
above ruward will be paid to any person
will produce a 1'alnt that will ixjual thv
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber jnia.
Paint ,
nroBt'rvlnjf Shingle * , Tin and Gravel Roola. , lmt
WarrauUxl to lie Kiro and Water Proof , All Inu
promptly atteiidod to. Chuaper and Uot
than any other paint now In Una.
Solo < Vroprlctorn , Omaha llouno , OumLa , Neb.
Clficor & Puney , Ur.lUco , Ur. Plnnoy , Kuller
< Illiida , Iowa.
olllce , Omaha Neo ,
S. KAUSM , You
TilE STAR TAflOii Hop If
, ,
Door W. of Oniioksuank'fi , IM 111
now a compUta Block oi Fall and Wlnloi
* . ronalitlnK ol frencb Knglltb and tht
OoDMtlo. Prlcea low M tbe owoul
Worthily point to th
A ) an article of rich rare and oioecdlng merit
tloscrre place on etery tldcboard ,
JJ Sooinl Glniiii of Hub Pnnoh '
mo t welcome aceewory of friendly Intorcoureo
peculiarly accufitable at parties. Uncork , an
llsrwuly. runchra brewed at request are fa
behind It In fli or.
lifted orator * net cr tils lorn
The noure whence their cloqmnco flow
llollci mo , It ooiim , after Ulnner or lunch ,
From flowliiR bowl of QUAVhS1 HUB PUNCH
The nam ami tltle-"IIUB rUNOII" l
adopted -
ted oa m.itk All unituthorltnl me of
thl trde mark will ho promptly prosoutod.
0 , II. HllAVr.H&SO.NS , fcOSTO.V , X1ASB.
by Grocer * and Wine Merchant *
Trade tupplloi at Mannfnclnror's price *
by M , A , MoN'anmrn ; famlllea tuppltod by
A. H. UliuUtntio , Omaha N b
Murray & Lanman's
i tMV M nail
Pest for TOILEj , BATJJ
Silver Plated
Donr PIntpii Engraved to Order-
No. COO N. 7th Bt. St. I/Jul.i , Mo.
The most contrnlU locnttd hotel In the city ,
oonia 76o , 01.00 , { IBO anil J2.00 per day.
First Clura llc titurnnt connected with th
.HURST. - - Prop.
Corner Fourth and Tcnit Btrccta.
o * .
Disappear before the perfect nlt rntlva
and touio clFoct of the Rrenteut of nil Blood
I'urifiei-H. It HO completely rootfl out all
nolnon from the hloocl and uracea the deb
ilitated ayatcm , that diseases of thla nature
dlsapperrllko oiialf before the wind.
S. B. S , , cured mo of Scalp Sores , Borea
Noatrlla , nud Kara , after ov rythln ( ;
known to the medical profession hail failed.
Tine months have passed since ( luit
taking S. 8 , B. ; there H no symptom of the
dleoaso tomainiug ; I an > permanently
cured. It stands unrivnlpd for Blood Da- !
ouagi . " JNO. 8. TAGOAUT ,
Salamanca , N. Y.
"S. S. 8. eland * without a peer. The
profession will have to acknowledge it a
Specific for Blond Diseased. "
ir N. L , GALLOWAV , Sfonrao , Ga.
"About four or liyo weoka ago I was
alDIctcd witli n very cggrftvnted typo of
UloodDiocaso. I commenced using S S. S. H
after taking the first bottle felt * o
mutih relieved that I bought five more ,
am glad to say , after unliig four of them ,
I am entirely cured , frcviously having
been under medical advice for several
montliB. " 0. G HATCUVK ,
.Richmond , Va.
"After Buffering from the worst Blood
DIseaco for more than two years , and hav
been treated by Hovoral eminent physi
cians , confined to my room and bed the
greater part o ho time , my body covered
copper-colored sorea from tiio size of
pea to that of n siUor half-dollar , I was
niph in despair. At lout I commenced
tnkingS. 8. 8. In a short time I began
improve in flesh , ull the gores ho lpdaml
could feel and know that I waa well , and
8. 8. 8. mnet the credit be plven of
entire restoration to health , I have
token n doao for over six months , and
as free from Hares or blemish as any
. " LOTTIK KOSH , Atlanta , Ga.
"Improved after taking the firtt bottle
8. 8. 8 , ; in two weeks was abla to oomo
home , finding the waterawcro no benefit. "
J. W. HKID , Newport , Ark.
"Our science hoa not made knownaoomr
blnatlon equal to 8 , 8 , S , for skin or blood
diseases , "
1'Ji. U. Incon , Go ,
Dr. K. o
tpeclQo ( or Hjsterla , Dlalneii , OonmWoni
Nervous Ileadache , Mental Doprosalon , Lotl
Hrmory.Hpernintorrbcua.Iinpotoncy.lnrolaal * f
Knilftfllor.i , I'ramatura Old Azo , caused byarot >
exertion , lelf-abugj , or orer-luduli'onca. wall
to mliory , decay and death. OneVpxwl
recent caio. Iat.h box containo onen.tnth
tieatment. One dollar A box , or slxboxeiloi
dolliraj Bent by mall prepaid on receipt ol
, Wo cutrantes ilx hoios to curt any cate ,
each order rocehod hy ui ( or nix boxei , ao-
corapanled with Eve dollare , pill .fend tbe nj. ,
o our written guarantee * to , return thi
K thu treatntcnl dot not effect n care ,
t. ' Qoodmau , ttnrM , Bolt , Whalwalo and
EUl ( ieC > Q tia , f S. .Oril'K by mall M
! ! diwlr
If ; oilHr * . > tiuil\
w of
' iliitlrv voii' Khi nurVT t"u 'r3
Hop Ettc ! > r u uiv HOP ( It
| ? If jou i
ur tlLil : , old o
litir on a l d 4 < J *
. nlr < w OP | Slttori.
whoever yonnrr ,
Mlifptivvr you uil j mjollj rrom i > tai
your yrtcm j form ( p tune |
utvdickaniliiFr.tuu- i > ill > tiiiii > luat niiulu
or ntlmujutlntr , | Iia < aUriiireiiiuttri |
' ' °
rA'S1'H op
HOP l.locur * foi
, use o' uiilutu
will ! > ' ' * *
itraiiirjouuK - Sffi !
ltjoue lin Sold by drey.
i.MlitVU7 V H1IU NEVER Ciniuluv
It may Ciniuluvm
. It Una i cu. .
nved hurt *