t. / ; > / / < * * ' m . ' / OMAHAr DAIL + OMAHA BEE. l\ TWELFTH YEAE , OMAHA NEB. TUESDAY MOUSING DECEMBER 12 18d > 147 * THE NATIONAL CAPITAL- ! he Ohief Twinklers in tlio Star Route Conspiracy Again on Trial , The Supreme Court Settles the Title to 20,000 Acres of Liud in Thayer County. Another Bill Introduced to Ro i- ulit * Presidential aud OPU- Blecttouo. Mr. Belniont P.o&ds for Mutual Control of the Nioani- nuay Canal. Startling Revelations Made by Imprisoned Tdieves and Monte Men. Senator Vou Wyoli Ailm f Fnpors Regarding Railroad Building in the Niolirnrn lleiorvc- Prodoedlnxu of ConwroBS and General Newe. CAPITAI , NOTES. Special Dispatch to Tit * 13 n. THE HICARAC1UAY CANAL. December 11. The nab minority statotnunt submitted to ' i hi ) huuso to day by Mr. Bohuont , 01 No T York , from the committee on foreign afl'kiifl , respecting the Kioatu , gu.iy cnnal , recited at length bin roa eons for non-concurrence in tbo bill agreed upon by the majority ot tbe committee. The document is devoted to a review of tno whole question re lating to the proposed canal , nud closes ni follows : "Tho proposed canal ia to bo bcilt tntiru- ly within the jurisdiction of Ni- caraguiy , just aa vho Panama canal is .to bo built entirely within the juris diction of the United S tit en of Col umbia. Spunith Bposking republics and governments to the rontb are nn deeply intoioLted in huau canul ncroaa the Ijthinus and their wishea in re- rpact to politicil control are entitled to kind and even gcncroui considera tion by the government of the United States , It certainly beeomea the gov ernment of the United State ? , as the most powerful in its present atrength to treat its neighbors to the south of It in conformity with a standard of juBtico so absolute nnd perfect as to defy rensoni.blo criticism. " IN THE BTAR IIOUTE TKIAL , " Morrlok contended that Slophc W. Doroey chould bo compelled to appear personally in court for trial. The motion was opposed by Ingarnoll on the ground that attendance in court would bo at the risk of perpetual blindness , but maintained that bin presencn was unnecessary during the trial. The judge scstaincd bis pre vious peaHen that the defense might just as well bo maintained in the ab \ sence of tuo defendant as in the pres ence , except us. to the point of hie offoriug to teutify. The affection of Doraey's eyes did not ptoveut hie being phymcally and mentally compe tent to testify. The author of "Para- dlso Lost" had written that grand work without n glimpao of eight and ono of England's generals was a blind man. Ingersoll moved for a continuance of the case BO far an Dsrauy was con cerned. Overruled. Judge Wylic . then directed that the jury ba called , and twelve jurora having answered tc their names , ho rendered his decision on the question of peremptory chal lenges , holding that the defendant ; in tins case were entitled to four par- eraptory challenges f6r all of them , and cited authority for the dccioion , Thodifimso oxcoptcd to the ruling. OONVillMATIOKH , The scnato in executive session con < firmed a largo number of nomination ? , including General Popu and Colonel McKenzie to bo major general nm : brigadier general respectively. Nc contents. The awards made by the G article board of audit will probably bo pait Til ui sd ay. The president nominptod Glmudlei B.Watson collector of tustoms for the southern district of Oregon , Secretary Teller to-day hoard argument mont on the motion to reopen tin caeo of the sarvny of public landi near San Franchcj. CAPITAI , THOCm. The citlion'a1 corimltteo had an iutorvluw In thu jll to-day will O'Leary and Murphy , convicted threi cardmonto and bunko men. Eiot detailed the circumstances of man ) robberies , Including the government printing offbe inouuy theft , gave tht names of the thieves nnd the dotoc tivea who "stood in , " aa well as th < per cuntngo of the proceeds ( ho rob bera yivo the dott'C ivo , which wai 20 per cent , The ilotuctivcs , it WAI even said , planned jomc jobs and DO looted tbo men to execute them , Murphy and O'Laary gave a clrcum stantial account cf the Christian diamond rabbery , and alleged tin. tbo diamonds of the cx-mlniutor valued at from $15,000 to S20 , 000 , were disjioeod of i.t i groit sacriScd in Now Vort i\ui a heavy per cuntago given to th < detootlvoj who are named. "Tho wif of ono of these men , " O'lmry said "nov weara dreasos made from sill taken in the Bnrdetta robbery , am given to the dolectiyo aa his part o the plunder. " It is alleged that th entire detective force of the dit > * r received dividends levied weekly u bunko and monte mon. The detecl Ives involved , save one dlmlssed fa betraying the government's interest In the star route cases , are yet on th forco. Magrudor , a inorabor of th committee , thought he recognise O'Loary , who is well educated , an eked him if ho had ever bopn ut col- ego. O'lioary ons-vered " t Gonzutrn ollego. " "Then , " said Magrudor , 'wo. were college matrs. I now ro- nombor you wnll. " O'Ljary scorned rently mortified nt tl it identification. UE rOSTJFPICK Jiri'llTUIATlOX DILI rovidwi the carrier torvico m y bo ztrndcd to tin or twilvu no > v cities lining .1881 , tlin cities to hivvo R lopuKtian cf 20.000 , or Ihn revt < niio rom its poiUflhd of $20,000 and nor- ice to ho futnlahed at the dircrotion if the paatnmatnrunnoral. Tne bill ppropriatcs Silt 018 520nnd reduces ho amount for star routes $2 200,000. 'hia is thn largest item of rednntipn , nd with thp amount cut off in dropping pedal saivicp , SGOO.OOO , makrs the otnl amount appropriated $695,881) ) oas than for the liscil your cf 1883. THP. "EimAbKA. IINI ) OASKJ. The supreme court rendered i\u pinion to-day in the Nebraska land uses , affirming the decree of tbo cir- uit court. It holds that when the ppelaut , Vm Wjck , made his entry nd obtained patent therefor titln had uesod from the United States and oiuequently no right could bo con- erred upon him. The opinion is ociaivo of n largo number of cases , > Bflidep the ono hero presented , and will eettlo the tillo to 18,000 or 20,000 croa of land in Thayer county , No- iraekn. Articlrs incorporating the Mexican Central Telegraph and Telephone company - ' pany were filed to-day ; capital stock , $450,000. AN WYCK ANII TUB PENSIONS COM- MIlTtK. A ropuollcan senator is ai'ul to bo n trouble about tbo chairmanship of ho poneiona committee , made vacant iy the resignation of Secretary Teller , ionator Mitchell ia the next on tha 1st , but ho ban a chnirmaiisliip , nnd lenator Van \Vyck , who oiitnue nuxL t is claimed , has dcclaied lua mde- > andonco of caucus rule. lAir this larAtlon some of the sonaU rj do tot like to give him the chairmanship , 'ho republicans nro trying to settle ho matter amicably before calling a auoua. Tlio bouto committco on education o-day authorized Chairman Sherman 111. ) 10 report to the houon 'with n Avorablo recommendation for his bill ppropnating $10,000,000 annually or the licit livp years to r.ld in public ducation. It is propoaod that thio um all ? , ! bo distribntcd among tno t-voral tunitprir.3 by the secretary of lie treasury in the ratio of illiteracy , 't in also providud that a sum not ex- ending live per cent hf the nppropria- ion may ba expended annually for he education of teachers. CONGRESSIONAL. pccial Dl > patch to Tux RKI. SENATE FKOCEBDINOB. WASHINGTON , December 11. After he morning hour the senate tpo'c up he bankruptcy bill , the question be- rig on Senator Brown's motion to pnttuorfo ind finitely. Debito en- mod &i ( i at 2:30 : the ucimto "refused , > y a vu uf 31 to 2G , to postpone in definitely , and by a vnto of 34 yeas o 20 nays adopted the Lowell bill , ntroducod by Senator Hoar as a sub- itituto for the ono reported by Sena- or Ingalls from the committee on ju diciary. On motion of Senator Sherman the Lowell bill was gent to the committee on judiciary for revision. Senator VuuWyok offered a rosolu- ion , which was agreed to , directing ho uccretary of war to Icf jrm the aonatci whether any corporation ia coDBtructirg a rsilroad through tbo Siobrnrr. military rcservbtion v itbout authority from oougreB3 , and whether the military authorities have aasentod .hereto , aud for what reason. Mr. Slater presented n memorial 'rom the chamber of commerce of A&torh , Oregon , csking an immediate 'crfi.uur of the land grant of the Drcgon Ceutr.il railrowi. It was re- 'erred. Also a concurrent resolution rom the legislature of Oregon in favor of n oasaage of the bill to morporato ho Nicainugua canal company. Re ferred. Mr. Morgan , from the committee on public lands in Alabama to form operation lav/a relating to mineral "aiida. After an executive session the ccn- nto adjourned , 1IOUSK. , Ddcetnbor 11. Mr. Bblmont , ( N. Y. ) , a member of the committuu on foreign affairs , pro- Bontod hiu views on the Nicaruauu | ; canal question. It W&B ordered to bo printoil , Mr , Townsend , ( His. ) , ofTirod a resolution elution rocitlui ; that it is alleged that corlain existing railway lines of trans portation have entered into combina tions for the purpooo of preventing the oinetructi n of competition linen into the territories and through statea thereby establishing monopolies in transportation and dircctinp thu com mittee on commerce to report without delay prohibiting and punishing such combinations. Mr , Strait , ( Minn ) , objected to n present consideration and it waa re ferred to the committee on cununt'rc'j. Under n call of ulatett anuuinjr of bills wor i introduced and roforroJ. Bills wern introduced : | jjl3y Mr. litngtiBin ( Penn , ) , u UDOU- tion inquiring what railroads , aldod by the government , have failed to con struct and maintain their own telegraph - graph lines or leased their tolcgrapli property to other companies. By Dibborill ( Tonti. ) , to abolish internal - tornal revenue t&xoa and allow a rebate on whisky and tob.ncco ; also , to reduce duce the specie in thu treasury tc $150,000,000 by requiring tlio eecro t-try of the treasury to pay out eilvci dollars for the current expenses of the government , By Mr. Springer (111. ( ) , proposing i constitutional amendment relative tc the election of ptesidont , vice prcsl dent and mombbra of congreaa , II fixes tbe term of president and vici president at six years , and makes thi pre&ident ineligible to election for tbi next succeeding term ; abolishes thi electoral college and provides foi direct vote for president ; every stati shall ba ontitledtcTaa many votes a it has senators' and representative in congress , Mid the vote of oioh ohill bo cut in proportion to the popular vote in the otato for each cMidbialo. The term of members in congress is fixed at three 3 CAM , and ench HMMOII s'lall brgin the first Wcdnosdny in Januiry. In c uniting thn votoacasc for pr.'tident in j tint convention each Bctihtor and number shall Imvo ono vote. vote.The Diilrict of Coiumbin bills wore then considered , and ilia speaker an nounced a few appointments on com mittees , On motion of Mr Steele ( hid ) a bill passed authorizing brevet oom- m ssions to ba cominiif loncd oflieots for diitinguiahed comluot In engage- mnnts against hostile Indiniis. Tbo poaUflho nnd millinry acsdoiny appropriation bills worn ordered print ed as if reported. Adjourned. Spcclnl Diiatch ] to Tim HHK. Pmsnuuo , Daeombur 11 A Hello Vernon , P . , epccial rays : Thi morning at 5:80 : o'clock u copper still containing twontv-fivo btmuls of whisky , ut the Gibson ton millc , ex ploded , injuring William LUCAS fatally and destroying thu main building , together with tbo United States wirolumto , containing 4,000 barrels of whisky. The loss is' esti- mat-d nt $400,000. PiTTdiiUKO , Dacombor 11 , Liter account eajs the fire from the flrnt wai a fiorcoonc , all clf-irta to control boh g iisoluns , It soon onvolopcd the distillery proper , pissing through the receiving room , grinding mill , malt boutt. ' , and then through the covered passago-wny to the warohoupe. In tno IIOUIH the buildings wpro tot.illy destroyed. The dlstillr.ry was the largeRf. in thu country , its capacity btin 1,000 barrch pur month. The otiuo ot the ixplo.iion in unknown. The Titz Poi'tup BllX. S'pec.In1 rigjiaUh In Tin ( IIP WAHU ere , December 11. When the bill for the ri-lief t.1 Fitz , Fobu Portur ia reached in the iionato S < inn- tor Logun unyn he will oppose it to the end. la A cpnvcrmtion llii in'irn- iog on thu uubjcct , when rcm'tidod ' that Grant nnd othern were bringim ; a nironc prisaure to bear in Porter's f.ivor thu Hun.il or said ho did not think Grant waa any batter informed about the cuso than bu , and nt nil events ho had no vote on the pending bill. - _ MmnTnifnnds' Wax Worln. Speclkl Dltpntco to Tim Una NEW YOUK , December 11 , 1'Vod Gobliardt returned to New York to night and gave a dinner At tbo Ilotel Urunswick. A duplication of Mme TAtBdndn' wax works , which ftll Amur lean vinitora to London are pretty sure to visit , is nrnon" ho cmusomint ontorpriijp' ba cotab- lishcd / .auorn of tbo Eagli/ ' , irod a former resiil' jwa , in Twenty- third on annual outlay of $20,000. 'I.iuy will soou stock this hnueo Trlth the wax works and call i1 > "Mmo. Tassands , " _ A Row nt Opollilia. BpseUlDIeoatch to TUB Ilxi. OPBILIKA , Ls. , December 11. The two factions of the old and now city councils raised a riot , yesterday , in which the mayor and polica were in volved Nine white men and ono no- cro were shot down. Seven will die. The mayor has gone to Montgomery to apply for troops , Snipondod Mills. Special Dispatch to Tim Our , PHILJLKLI'HIA , December 11 , The urge Riverside rolling mill at Triton and the cotton uill at .Newcastle , Delaware , closed Saturday for an in definite period ; 400 ha'idn are out of employment. The iron mill cloned on account of dullness of trade and the employes of the cotton factory struck against a reduction of wages. The Braggart BaoLc Ont. Hpeclal Dispatch to Tin BKX. CHIUAOO , December 11. Tom tUlon and James Elliott , the puga > lints , were to have mot this evening at "Parson" Divle'ii place , to pat up Ihe preliminary forfeit tor a priza fight for the championship , Elliot ! and bla backer were on hand , bul Allen failed to appear. A BIiootlnR Student Bonnoed. Special Dispatch to Tim lln. CHICAGO , December 11. A atudenl in the Chicago university to-day Jmc trouble with a follow atudont. Presi dent Anderson , of the univcroity , re primanded him and ho replied with impertinence. Dr. Anderson under took to remove him from the ropm , when hu drew a revolver and tried tc shoot tlio president. Ho was disarm ed , and the faculty subsequently ex pelled him. Death of Mn. Trlnlor. SpeHal Dispatch to Tux Jits. LOUJHVILLK , Ku. , December 11. Mrs , Margaret Trlnlur , BO terribly butchered by bur husband , John Trinlor , last Wednesday morning , died this morning. Thu verdict a , the coroner's jury was death at the hands of John Trinlor while suffering from mental aberration. Boitoa Debut. Special Dispatch to Till lilt. OIIIOAUO , December 11 , A Boston special eaya : Bo far BH Mrs. Ling- try 'a dramatic abilities are concerned it may bo said by way of illuutratioi that tbo theater hero was only about tffo-thlrda filled last night to BBQ her play "Ilofalind , " and nearly , if'&uot ' quite , a third of the audioncn lot before the performance was closed and Saturday i i a good night for thca tors hero , Boiton Merchant * ' Dluatlsfaoilon Special DlipUch to TlU DIE. BOSTON , December 11. Interview are pabliihnd with leading sugar re fiuors in which dissatisfaction is manifested ifestod with the report of the tari commission , Beautiful skin , and fair complexion robust health , and powers of endurance ance follow the use of Brown's Iroi Bittenu THE DID WORLD , he Gorman and French Budgets Discussed in their Respec tive Parliament * , The Irish Laud Commieoton Decidoa a T&t Case In Fa vor of the Tomato. 'rnnoo nnd China Preparing for n Taiilofor Torrltoiy- GENKB.AL FOREIGN NKWF. Dl p tchtoTimB n. THB'KOYITUN JDIIIUIAKY. LONDON , December 11 , U Is nn- dcmUmd high law oillcers will acconi- puny Goner Woodlortho _ purpono of arranging thu judicature all'itra of Egypt. (1 BUM AN LAW MAKKtm. BKHLIN , December 11. The rcich- atog rejected the ( motion In rofrr portions tions ol the budget ot 1884-5 to the hndiiot committio by n vo'o of 224 to 43. The house nh > > rejected bn mo tion to roftr'thofbudgtta uf 1883-4-5 to thu budget ocmtnluuo fur the pur pose of liRVlng tKo committee consider whiither the objnbtinna to the system of bienninl baugqln liavo cobd found- lions. It naftjfi'iully decided thu coniimttco Bhoulcl only ducuda certain portions of tho"bud oc tor 1883-1. The Pruiaian dojiRalUm in the buti. dosriith aubcnittffl n luotiun providing for iuoretkBC of j4lllJ on raw timber to nftcbii pfennigs find on wrpught tim- bar to i.wonty.fhu pfcnnigu.vr hun dred weight. "J nn ; rnwoii IIUIHIUT PARIR , Decoinbor 11. Thu dub\lo nn tbo cxtruoriiinniy budfut bcg.xn in the chamber1 o ' doputioa to-ilny ftl. TirArdmitiistorof himiiou , mainUintd that thn df fioit cf fifi COD.lOO frnco ih the hndgst fcr lES'J nnn moro npii'tr'1 ' out tban nuli'ninao 100,000,000 fraiirs had been dpvood ? 10 the redumption of the public debt tie doa'ar d the dcticit for ISSSVciilrt not reach 1 000- 000 francs. Thuovornmimt / was do- termtnod to opWwe all frrsb esnondi- turee not rigorously jtntitiod. lla in- listed upon thtifnccOHity of canying nut public worltB by installmuntB. Tirard'u epuoch wan rccoived i b ap- plauee. The chnmbpw willnotBitto-morroV on account of the fuuoral of Louis Blanc Gambotti left bii bad to-day. TB8TIUCJ TUB LA D ACT DUBLIN , Djcombor 11. Full court f the land commiodon , on appeal , onfirmod the decision of Commie- loner Litton on the teat COEU jjllbct- rig 1,200 tenants on the catato cf JirJohn Leslia , County Monaghan. ho question was concerning the in- orprotation of the "hanging galo" uUiupof j J * rerirn of rent act , and it was decided strictly in 'the ten ants' f ivor. THU CONDEMNED KEBKLH. OAIUO , Ddcombor 11. The expected decree will bo issued in a few days de grading Arab ! and other condemned > asha8 , and ordering the cauGacation ) f their property. SUIT LOHT. LONPON , December 11. The Brit- sh ship Fiona for San Francisco via Qaoonulown , previously reported loat with all hands , went cahoro on a Band bank three milut off Suinorcotea , [ jiccohishiro. She has broken in , wo. I'AYIKCJ THE HILLS. LONDON , December 11. It In un derstood Egypt vrill contribute 3,200 nunthly towards the oxponsiiti of the army of occupation. FJIANOE AND CHINA. December 11. It is atatod , lmt China is making ijroat prcpurn. ; ion to resist French designs on Ton- quln. The French govornmnnt is consequently urged to take active measures. IlOUllBK 1IU6INKSH. IIEHI.IN , Decoinbor 11. The gov ernment will opprco the bill taxing 30UVP.O tr/.neuotiona , Certain largo aankorn have renolvo'1 to train far their to foreign plucoa it the bill r. law. Till ! 11DHHIAN AMIIAHSADOU loft for St. I'litortburg on a visit con nected with elForU making to induce uneii to reduce her high tariff duties. A H1IAKK. ST. TIIOMAH , December 5 , Two ahooks of earthquake occurred on the 4th. An unoccnpiui theater at Point- a-Potre burned ; IUBH , 400,000 francs THE HKATHKN MOVINO PAIUH , December 11. IVloBramn from Saigono report that 10,000 Chi- aj have orotsed the Tonquin fron tier. NOTEH. LONDOK , Dicombor 11 The liabil ities of .Sibona Kfilf , the IluuMun mil lionaire , whose failure is announced , amount to tuvoral million roubles. Gladstone lud an audipnco with the queen tj dty , A railway nollteionocuuircdat KOII- jgsberg to-day. Two persons killed and nine injured , The town hall at Dambirton , Scot land burned to-day. Tlio Northwestern Wnr- Hpoclnl Dlip&tch to Tux Dm. NEW YOHK , December 11. The sub-committee of the northwuatort roads mot again tlfn morning. Pruai dent Porter , of the Omaha road , ealc that before ho joined the others tha he had not changed hia rnind on th territorial question aa far aa he know The solution waa no nearer than i was on Saturday. Ilughitt , of th Northwestern , naid that the committee too would talk over all the subject in dispute this morning an would then try , if possible , to com to an agreement. It was ottrtainl time that something was done. 11 thought that concessions ( woul be made which would leave room fo hope for a settlement. Merrill , t the S\ Paul , said no far as ho know niftttnrs remained the sumo as on last Saturday , end ho would inako no prediction - diction in to thu result t f the commit * too's work. Hlddle , of the Hook Is land , oaid the outlook waa no brighter at present than it was at iho com mon com nut , NEW YonKDi'ccmbcrll. , Thoiub- committee reported to the full meet- in ; thin afternoon that it had tint been able ? to agtco and iho conference ad journed until ! l:30 : to morrow after noon to give thn committee further time to consider the questions referred to it. it.Tho The Kngllnh mail for Australia goes forward to-night via the PoniifylvrtiilA road. Bank lloltbod- 8pcl l Dhpntch to TUB lit * . KINCLV.Y , Kan. , December 11. Tho.El wards County Bank wan en tered Saturday evening at G o'clock while the cnatiin- was at supper , the VMiilt opened hv tnrkliiK the combi nation , aud robSt-d ol $12,000 Par- tloi are euiptictnd , and it in thought the mnnoy will be recovered noon. (3ii Smirdhy evening L. U. Boico , cishierof thu bank , locked the safe nnd vault nnd wont to his supper G W , Crawford , county treasurer , has ait oflico in the rear of tbo room occu pied by the Imik. lie loft the build- irg with Ilio oisliiotRiul they returned tcgMhor about an hour later. It WKB then discovered that BOIUU one had been in the routn in the iiicuntimc , u number ol coins being rc.UtcreJ about thu II mr. The cusliier tm- looked the vault and rnfo and then din- covered that 012.COO bad boon stolon. The burglar * evidently had entered the building from the umr and paaaud through the troinuvcr'a oflico into the bank room , a pMial uf the door bo- t.wuvn the roonin having been broken. Tronuuror Crawford wan acquainted with the cpiubiimdotx to the vault , being - ing in tbo Imbit of ) icoping hia books thorn , but no ono olco know it except thu tmhior Boyco. The were no in- .dicatione i f povvdcr having been used , bunas thu doom inunt have been un locked , nnd tbo vntiro afl'tiir baa a myeterinns nDpoarauce , Ic is likely devi'lopinonto of inturcn will bo made in a dny or two. DciUictives were soon But vo work Mid it ut ropotrod thai tbo money ban boon recovered , KANBAH CITY , Doccmbor 11. A * rnod llvi. ) dinpatoh tuyn : Intolll- ntico WRH ruct'ivud hero to-day that ho robbury of the Kinsley bank , vliioh occurred lust Saturimy nighr , aa boon trnood to tbe county treas urer , J.V. . Crawford , of Edward ounty , by moano of a bunch of hojn nd a glovn dropped nt the door of the auit , nnd that Crawford haaacknowl- dged himttlC guilty and agrcod to urrcndur tlio stolen money , whith it oumn ho hid away Bumowhero cutaido f Kinsley , At present Crawford IB cpt under guard at hia residence in Cinslcy. Deipondfiuay and tJcnth. poct > l Dispatch to Tux B . CHICAOO , Dacombor 11 Mrs. Dora iVondcll , who has boon living in Oali- ornia for BOIUO years pvit , and whooo lusband died there , committed suicide lore to-day. Doapondunoy on account f the death of her husband and oblld ras the motive. A Free Flubt lit SchoolC'TH pedal Dlepklch to Tin llm. OAMBitiDai : , 0. , Dicurabor 11. Vm. 0 , Frazlor , a cchool teacher of Cumberland , this county , during an attempt to discipline pupils to-day , iccamo involved in a general fight , in ho courao ot which hu stabbed and tilled John liayoo , oged 20 , and everely cut Charles L , Frazlor. Heave ; ave himself up and is in jail. Bank Fraudi- Ipcdal Dltpiktch to Tint Ilkx. BOSTON , DocemborllThe receiver of the I'acilio national bank baa bo- ; uti notions to recover upon the notes or various Bmull amounts , and has Attached the property of the National Security br.nk to thu amount of $20- 100. He alleges Iho Pacific bank md in its possession chocks , together with deposits , at the defendant bank o thu amount of $11,000 at the timd if Iho contemplated imiolvuncy , and hat Iho transfer wan fraud ulont. Gnulliorn on n Striae- flpeUl Dlipatcti to Tim Dm. NKW YOIIK , December 11 , The ship oaulkorj are on a uiriko. The Vlnutur Shipwright ' tnnocmtion inniati , jiixt no caulkeru chull bo employed unless the association baa full control of the -vork. Kciiintor JMorrill 3K = clal DUpatrli t < Tim lisa AUCJUBTA , Maine , December 11 , Lot M. Merrill is yradnally weaker in both mind and body , HU WAS FIRED A I oqunoIouH YoniiK Mun Frorr Dowu Uuat. The fine Italian voice of a prottj youth won hoard warbling yeatordaj morning , awakening the echoes of i nhilly atmosphoro. His refrain wen like this : "Conea vo If you can A Madison Bquaro ycuut ; umn , A Maralmll 11. Mnllory Very eougsulaiy liooin 'The I'rcifevtur' young man. " After threatening to run him in the policeman eiuirted him to th sanctum. Hero ho dtcclosod hi identity , He tmid hu vras Fran ! Farrol , busiuuca manager of tlio Slnd iiou iSquaro "Profeesor'1 company He were anweut property tmulu , Afto divostim ; himself of hia envelope o rather ulster ho remarked in sott volco , very piano , "The 'Professor1 i coming ; he'll bo hero soon , durhi | thu present month , before anotho moon , the lUth of December will BO him. " There was a wicked sub nil ting over ut the managing editor desk , who u both skeptical and wa ( gish."What "What 'Professor1" ] ho asked tli sweat youth , "The professor of Madison Bquan Mr. W. H. Gillette , " promptly re- tpomlod Fftrrcll. "Who the deuce isho ? " again quoridd thn nub "Who Is he ? Who is the professor ? " fohecd the lily-of-tho-vullpy youth , "A moat excellent and simple-hearted gentleman. In intellect , in tcicntifio analysir , in power of nbitrnat renson- ing , a veritable giant. In emotions , in nfLura of the hoar' , in eocioty nb- turVHiicu , an Inexperienced child. Withal n positive and yet a negative character. " "What did ho do ? Break niton nny banks or wreck any trailroadit" asked the wicked rub. Do ? llo courted ninq girls , jlltod olght nirls , and marrioi ono daisy in one nhort mid < aummcrd ry , " demurely said 1'Vrroll. "You don't sajl Tel mo all about it , " quickly spoke up thu tub , seeing the vision of a'20artlclo floating in the nir. "It'll mike a guod item. Whoru did it happen ? ' * "In the White mountains , lust sum mer. Some of the Louisvillii ladles inuy remember it. D > > you ninh the whole fitor > ? Yci ? Well , you nee , Profosaor Uintdalo that's bin cogno men of the Boftton university , want in Juno to the Poggnwameott liouso where his aunt waa spending the soli stico. The Professor was a continued book-worm , and in his forty-onu years' sojourn on earth had never had n love romance. His nunt desalted him to make a choice , nnd rcoomimm' dud a certain young lady \l itor asn ' Vxcollont opportunity. ' She coached him In what ho was to eny to the 'excellent opportunity. The Professor , in his absent mindcdnecf , opoku bla speech to ovury girl in tin- hotel and before noon had Irightonud all the opening buds of humanity with 'ho had rusolviid to lead a bachelor H'u no longer,1 and straightway thu lunbcjjin. Mno of thn girla accepted him , but hu forgot all about them mid married u dniaj Daisy Brown , a child of the woods , whoso artloosnees and simplicity and love of 'specimens' proved tuo ninch for the vordnnt ssholar. llo jilted the other girls , but not until rovoral funny incidents had occurred. " "Well , what ban all thin to do with ut ? " exclaimed the disappointed sub. "Jumping MOJOB ! To do1 exclaimed - claimed ho ; "why , a heap. "Tho Pro- 'eBBor" ia to appear Saturday night uoxl at Boyd'a theator. " " 0 , then it is a play ? " said the other. "To bo suro. Didn't think it was I 1 'Thu Pro- a prayer mooting , hope - irjtir' h from the Madison Square lieutor , Nojr York. IIo ia 'liaaal CirkoV brother and 'EamoroUUV rothor , us it were. It ran in New 'ork 151 nights Wo briug r.long all 10 pretty girln and they are pretty all the collcgp boyn , the original couery , the original company , and n cal waterfall. " The play was written by Mr. W. 11 Gillette , who takes the title role , lie i also ono of thu authors of "Etrno- raldn. " Aa "Tho Profoasor , Mr. Gillette presents an entirely now ibaractor on the nUgo. The work 9 a literary gam. It is a valu able contribution to stage literature , t is as entertaining aH anything iolhern over did. Prof. Ilinsdalo ia a positive and nn amusing n charac terization as Dundreary. Mr. Gil- "otto was a member of Mucanloy'a itock company sumo yrar * ngo , and was somewhat a local favorite. "The oyal , loyal Gillette , my boy , is the leoplo'u pride and pot and joy. They jo to laugh and enjoy his fun ; they : hout and yell , ovary mother's son ind daughter at Gillette an The Pro fessor. Now ! " and ho stopped to take a breath and a chair , while thu mil : bruatonod to take to Council Bluffr il ho loquacious youngrili-r didn't aup- press hlniBolf immediately. Finally two policemen removed Mr , ' 'arrull to thu Paxtoti , and quiel tignod mound the oflico. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. The loRgera uf work lu tlio woods. A iccimc ( nil of nf : lichen of enow facilitates tlio work , Tlio wagcn of nporallvoa at the Spring field. Ill , , watch fuctoiy were rcdijcoi "ronl ten to flltecu rer cent Deccmbor 1st At a roc-cut mcatliig of Bt.ou ! eluet ran wotkeri ) tlio uiuniborn agreed thu , irotpectH were good for Btoady work u good ratcH. The 1'hlluilolphlu nrd lUadlug Coal nni rou cmnpnny'u rail mill clufcd Decembe 'M ( or ton dayu. After tlmt n reduction o wnge < i will incur on a \ > Mconformlni \ ; ti ho price < ; f r.'xllH , Ucptmlon in tlio Iron trade ban caunoi n Htuppagtj In wo/li In tlio gulilo and ba Ifnuitnient of tlio Alleiitown , i'a , , rolliti , nlllfi. Tli roe hundred mun aio cut n tnployment. Thn $2OtO.OOO to be rained by Uiu Mn tual Union Telrgrnph ooinpauy wilt be i-x uendcd In oxtonilliiK the UQCH through nm tcrr toiy anil conHttucttng "tickers" fo tine In dlliercut stock and gruln excbanget Riioni/o rulturo In tbo TJnHfil State ! I lltely noon to pioicnt Humedeflnlturebiilti poiiKi-u grown In Key West unit point lonK tlia Flotldlan ooaet dhows excelleuc equal'ta thoxe of Modltorrauean eponei An exhibit will to cent to Kngland , Application will bo in ado to the ici : MntJuclniBetlB U-KUlituao for an act Incoi porating a uoinpauy to build a canal acrm Capo Cod , Ihe lonyth of the caoal wl be coven miles ami > t half , Oli foot In wMt and 22 feet dt. p , 1)e Lcanupb will mpe Intend the construction. Thirty union tliocnmkeru , who have bee chnrtiod from a factory In liurhngtoi Now Jurucy , lime made nrrantenieuts I utart a co-operative factory In ttiut plac the capital to bo furnished by partlCB I Nuw York , It U nalil that ouly uulc men will lie employe J. JUIIIOH liiuhoj ) , chief of tbe New Jeret itato Inn can of labor anil Induetrle thorouKhly Inspected the KioGramlununi works nt Ouro May last week , and give tliu following iiUtittlca of tbe ceaeon work ; Number of tons of cano cartel < tbo mlllH , UOU7 ; net welgtit , 6.350 ton pounds of nuKtr manufactured , 310,001 totul amount of state bounty , The New York , Plltsluij ; . " Chic railway will noon commence building o ( eratlouB. This will lilvo a new truuk Hi between tlio enat and went , which fact li tereata railroad aud bnslneaa men. Tl company ha * boiuht u large ipuantity Bteol rttils. and fO'J men are working i couatructlou between Wampum , Pa. , ai New J.labon , Ohio. Brunch hnei will ! built to Up > aluuble coal laud and uffo oVlmrtraino facilities for the usw ro d , SHAWHEETOWN SHAKEN. A Sudden Eiso and Fall of Hu man Flush and Bones and Ohunka r-f - Boilers , . A En-wmll ! Blown to "Atoms and Bight Men Instantly Rilled. Ki Vrnl of Yho x Actually Bio Into Miuco Mont nnd Boat- ) tnrnd Ahant * Hpcclal Dl p lch to Til lln * . SHAWNKKTOWN , Illflvj , December 11. A torrlbla aoaident occurred nt the sawmill of J. Vincent it Son , to-day nt noon. Klovtm mon employed about- the mill worn scattered atfbut the en- glue room , eating their noonday lun- chtion , when the boiler exploded with extraordinary violence , completely wrecking the mill , distributing the iron plates of the hollar * in various distances from n fair feat to a hun dred yardo , nnd killing eight of the cloven men and wounding the other throe. ' Ono body was blown into the river and two inoro were hurled n di - tnnoo of two hundred yards. Several of the men worn actually blown into inlncc-mcmt and frlouds subsequently wont about with polls picking up the indistinguishable fragments thrown about , The following persona were instantly killed : Win. Montgomery , Ohan , Bloes , Henry Uughea , Ohna Uirk , Goo. Prieo , W. P. Giovc , .fames Motrtughlin nnd Simunl Konnrdy. Anothur named Wiido Ken irna blown to n aoimidorablo distance , , both arms and both logs broken anil otherwise injured , nnd died in nn hour after- wrrd. * Tlio remaining two men' were both badly hurt , one ot them , it ia be * liuvod , fatally. Sovor.il of tlio iinfor- tnnato mun lenvo families in indigent circumstanced. Thocauto of the ex plosion is not known. .Anothor Rnil Mill Closed. SpocU\li \ | mtcli toTiiu llttn. GmoAOo , December 11. The otool rail mill of thu North Chicago rolling mill at South Chicago , a very largo concern , eluvt down to-dny. It ia un- doratooil to bu partially owing to the quiut state of the rail market , partly lo doubt about ( ho tutitF action cf. ' congrcao , and ptrtially because no definite Bohodnlu of wogea for next- year has been fixed. Tlio furnaces am atill in operation. The abutting down of the mill owned by this company in west Chicago was announced ooinu time agu. A Ponmylvnnla Pool- Special DIrpatch ( o Tun II L PHILADELPHIA , Doaauiber 11. The directory of the Philadelphia & Ilaad- iug railway approved the traflio agreement with the coal and iron company , and the Pittnburg , Me- Kcoaport & Youghloghony , Pittsburg & Erie , lake Shore & Michigan Southern and South Pennsylvania railroad companies. A mortgage of $20,000,000 is to bo created to build the South Pennsylvania , each company named agreeing to not apart 20 per cent of the groaa earnings accruing from the now business to moot the interest on the mortgage. Chicago and Now York. The two cities above named are the uroat-commercial content of the United States , the former containing in the vicinity of 050,000 , and the latter about 1,500,000. , The number ot people - plo actually in Chicago at any onetime time would doubtless range far above those figure ? , as Its floating or Iran- ulont population is enormous , running up into iigurcn that can hardly bo credited. Tlio trnflio passing between these two cities doily ia very largo when ono considers ihat they are within a fraction of 1,000 miles apart. Boston also has n largo traflio with Chicago , and to give an idea of the accommodation ? ncoaaoary to provide for the passenger bueincaa alone between - twoon the throe cities , wo may etato that the Michigan Central railroad , which is the principal thoroughfare between the cities named , runs five express trains daily thrco on Sun days , made up of fine now day coaohoa , smoking cars , drawing-room cars , palatial Bleeping care , and last nnd beat the famous dining cars. These dining cr.ro have done moro toward making the journey from Chicago to Now York , and Bos. ton comfortable and oujoyublo than any other modern invention , as they do away with the old custom of get ting ont at waycido stations and do- vouriui ] poorly cooked victuals , with the momentary expectation of seeing your train pull out and Itmvo you , ' as an accompaniment. In the Michigan Central cars you have plenty of time to enjoy your meals , and those who have already dined in the cars hold that it is ono of the plcaoiuitcst exper iences in the world to calmly roliih a good meal as yon fly over the smooth atoel rails , with the whole outside world la panoramic motion before you. Other great features of the Michlpan Central railroad uro that its through trains for Now York and Bog- ton run out of Chicago along the Michigan Lake front within a stone's throw of the city's costliest mansions , through South Park nnd the magic city of Pullman , affording an exten sive survey of this marvel of a mar velous ape , mid later pauiing in full view of Niagara Falls. It is for the latter reason known to ull travelers aa "The Niagara Falls Route. " * That wonderful o&tholicon known as Mrs. Lydia E , Piukham'a Vegeta ble Compound has given the lady a world-wide , reputation fordoing good. It lii like a living spring to the vital constitution. Her Blocd Purifier will do moro to cleanse the channels of the circulation and purify the life of the body'than all the' sanitary dovlcoa of ; the board of