Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1882, Image 5

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    A Plea fop Postponeswit nf the
Ineyitabla by WLUS of a
The Neoesaitjr ot IBnllghteninsr
OorjRrer.a Shown by the
Who Fmdeavoru to Strftddle
\ the Quoatiou by Defend-
Both Bid 03.
'The Conditiou of the Faciflo
Koads tvna the Amount Duo
the Ooverninent.
The Coinnjili iiiiiifir of XVmRloui Ro-
Tlow/ , the Work of the Ycnr ,
Wltb. Rtaommondntiom.
Mlsceimnoous News From the Na
tional Capital ,
Pp d l Ultimtch to Tim line.
WASHINGTON , Dooomber 10. The
auditor of rnilroada ncconnta in his
annual report for the fiscal year ended
Juno 30th , 1832 , nayf Aftur making
extensive trips of inepr.ction of the
vast properties of the numerous
bonded nid land rant rnilroado , ho
finds u decidedly healthy improvement
in the couatruution , operation and
business mmifvst , bailer locomotives
are being mod and improved patssn-
gor nnd freight 'earn 'purchased or
built. Tho'unprucedontcd busincia
of the year denorvoa very thoughtful
consideralion. The Pacific compauioa
are rapidly extending tholr lines. The
money applicable to 'repayment of in
terest , five per cant of not earnings
and sinking fund and rovenuca
derived from transportation , the re
ceipts will bo 61G804OM ; total caah
payments to December 31st , 1682 , re
quired from companies ia addition
to the retention of the entire compen
sation for p.ervicoa are :
Central Paclfio 81,282 261
Central Brancb Union Pacifiu. . 1 , < J33
Union Pacific 001.83C
Total S2.1CG.051
Total indcbtcdncs of the noveral
subsidized Pacific roada to the United
Statca , Juiro 30 , 1882 , W.IB :
U. P. principal..S 33fi39.512
Accrued int HO.OiO.O'JS
C. P. principal. . . l7.85jGSO !
Accrued iuterist. . 21,285,133
- - 52,140,813
S. 0. & P. prin. . . 1,028,320
Accrued iuierwt. . 1,415.117
- 3,043,707
C. U. U. 1' . prin. . l.GOO.OCO
Accrued interest. 1E0.180.S2G
Total S310,1BO,82G
Transportation cervices performed
and money paid into the tro.wurj :
Union Pacific 512,360,001
Central Pacific 0,004JG5 (
Sioux CHy & Paclfio 95,278
CentMll3ranch Union PaciOo . 131.GGG
Totil 518,692,112
Balance in favor of the United
States , but not dno until maturity ,
principal .6103,31.1,780 Sinking fu.d .
accountn amount i ( Juno 30th ) to
$2,7K > ,221. The coniniHsioner s-.ys
thii fund ha3 evidently not ncjnmp-
lishcd the result anticipated , and since
April , 1881 , may be ro3ardod as to hnvc
practically failed for \tu\t of suitable
investinont. "In view of tha lotv rate
of interest returned from inveatmonta
mzido by the aecrotary cf the treasury ,
I deem it my duty to recommend , Sec
tion 3 , Act of May 7 , 1878 , bo amend
ed to authorize the escrotiry of the
treasury to inveat the ninking funds
tn first mortgage bondo of the compi-
me ? , or such bonds aa have been is
sued lo them by tlio Ucited
Stftteo , or in. other good and
sufficient securities ; lo convert
the bonds > now held by the treasurer
of the 'United ' Scatna ic eaid ainltlng
funds into'Kionoy at the market rate ,
and invest the same inlike oecuritioi.
AB many doubts have boon cxpresaed
aa lo the ability of the 'compinies to
meet their indoblpduc&c. al maturity ,
und aa to the eiliciency cf the provia-
ions for sinking fund , I tdosrn it pro
per to suggest whether il mSy not be
profitable , and highly dceirablo , with
the .ccnaent of Iho companies , to
change'the fosm of -indebtedness
from a unning bookacsocnt into aot-
tlomout and actual delivery of ititor-
eat bearinc bocda for tho-amount ol
the fund , to ibe duo on a convenient
day , aayJulyil , 1883. a1 iraioh time
one-half theintcroat will have boon paid
by the UntleaSlates. . Let the as
certained amoont be divided into BQJ
100 aomi annual inatulltuonte , each to
be reproaentod&y a redetaptian bond ,
one payable .each six moutba > logethei
with interoal iiipon Ihe wliolc unpaid
remainder of the dobl , tha liea to remain <
main aa it ic. "
Tito reporl oaya the adjustment ol
railroads Is ono icf the most d llcult
and delicatefcuestionsof modern-times ,
and It ii specially .complicated > ia the
United Stalec , whore every trun'c line
runs through aovaral stales , each in <
dependent witfain ita jurisdiollonand
jealous of all inlorforonce by the gon.
eral gos-ornmorit. C'ho enorosoua ox.
lent of this interest and the tapidliij
of ita growth , butli iu llio tin.
crease of mileage nnd tonnage ,
demanded that itc reUtiou t-j
tne publio ahall Ko under eome JJK.
dicioua control. lUtot. Ri'.d dia riin <
inalions should not be. entirely within
Iho arbitrary dotercair.tlion of mil.
iron'l oompanios. They subject tr
'Competitions Ihoy ciuuol osntco1
mpon Iho ocean , npon the lakes and
inpon riven. The great lakes nnd
riyora" nro so tvdvantsgoouelySlontod.
'with their numerous , far-reaching and
yvMely-extondcd navogablo Iributiir'
J6H , thai waler oompotltion k carried
into almoal every portion of Ihe
country , with the e/rect / of iio roduo >
ing general rates that tb.9 United
Stales onjoya the cheapest railroad
transportation in the world. AB yet
no just basis of general appli
cation fcr the -adiuslmonl of
rules nnd discrlmiualion haa boon
found , nnd it is undeniable that
there nro headships neither few nor
amall arising frcen existing discrimin-
atlon , often arWUrily Imposed , which
affect disastrously ] oon\ trade t non-
# ompeliojj points. There if a growing
bo Bubjcctcd to restralnU of Hv.
is railroad m ftgesaonl * ivorae to
reasonable control. It h become a
nocnsslty that war of rates shall bo
Controlled in the interest of the people
ple and roads. Such wars uosottlo
with their operation commercial val
ues , affording sudden and un
reasonable profits to few
and entailing heavy losses npon
others. The railway commission-
; rs appointed it twenty- ono etalai ,
, ho reporl continues , eieroldc * a
loalthful influence over railroad man
agement ; but railroad trnnapottation ,
strictly confined with stnto jurisdie *
tiou , 13 so limited that it loaves the
real difllcultics unsolved ntid nearly
nuafTected , The power _ of congress
over the whole subject can hardly bo
questioned. The supreme courl of
Illinois has conceded it , ntid the doii-
along of the supreme court of the Uni
ted Stales seem to render h indis
putable , A commitaion ia recom
mended to take into consideration the
whole question nnd report to congress
facts niicotsary for intelligent nnd of-
liclout action on the aubject. The
ludltor speaks of the unnecessary and
dangerous di < aiminrity ! of railway sig
nals and recommends the adoption of
a uniform sjetoin. lie roviovra ia de
tail the ( partitions of the Pacific
roads tntititiuned nud closoa the report
with nu pstimato orf the cxponnoa of olllcca for iHo next fiscal year
nt $20,000.
ipMsltl DUr Uhc3 to Tu * UKX.
Djcnmbsr 10. The
report of thn c-ommitaiouer of pen
tons for the fiscal year ended Juno
10 , 1882 , issued by Commissioner
Jadluy , si ; a tbo bounty land laws
should bo generally rohioiioled and
simplified Oougreaa ohould give
thoughtful consideration to thu out ire
lystom of pcnaione , making illsAbhity
rather than rank a measure ot pen-
Mans to the otllcors and nion who
wore drawn from and roiumoS to the
walks of civil life.
There are now 117 diijrout
; rades of pensioucra. It is proposed
o give nn oflher Iho benefit of his no-
u&l rank , aa an net of dimple justice.
! t in recommended , nlao , iu order to
jlaoa nit war claims more nearly upon
: ho same footing , that the limitations
ti Election 713 should bo removed RO
.hat cr.aca barred by Ihrou years' limt-
tuiiou shall hnvo their date of com-
mencament at the time of filing the
application rather , thiui al thai of Iho
iltng ot the last picco of ovidenco.
WidoiTn nnd invalid soldiora of the
regular rniy and navy , whoae rights
iccrucd aincu Juno 30 , 1383 , should
allowed n rosaontblo tuuo to file
thtir application ! ! , and ponaiona should
date from the ccmm&nccment of ac
cruing of the right , tmtoai of , as now ,
From the date ot filing opplia-itionn. A
yearly salary of § 5,000 IH rocom-
uuirdod for pension ngonla.
Speaking of.tho poiibion population ,
tko cuuiuiisaloncr ospreasen regret that
no provition was made in the tenth
cousna for iti ctiumaration , The beat
approximation that can bo.mado phovrs
ot 2,063,391 aoldlora who cnliatod
duripg the war pcntiona have bocn
applied for by , or on ar.cuuut of , only
2G per cent. The report conclude *
with a statement thai from the best
available information , it nppeari that
thcro ia a tturrlviug aoldior population
of llttio over ono million , out of which
cluimu lor pension in the
future raiv bo nndo by those
who incurred personal disabilities ,
Secretary Taller decided not to
adopt the recommendation of the
commissioner of the general land
oflico looking to the institution oi
auiuj to vacate patonla inaucd to Iho
Sou .horn Pacific railroad tn the Lua
Ancclcs district in Cahforbia. The
lands iu question have been sold by
the railroad , and the secretary oaya
jaalico nor good policy require
quire- the intervention of the gov-
ernnienl io disturb Iho title con
ferred , " In private land caaoa Teller
decided lhal there ia no appeal from
the decision of the board ot equitable
adjudication , and ita decisions are not
fiubjaofto review in any other tribunal.
Dr. Yarrow , United Stntca army ,
eaya Guitoau a romaios are really to
bo turned over to the person whom
the court ahall designate na entitled to
from Analaaton ialand to 'Little Falla
an ovout unpreoodoulcd within the
inoaiory of * ho oldeat river men.
Jcdgo A. B. Carleton , of Indiana
ono of the Utah commission appoinl
on under the Eimuuda bill , has ur
rive < J. He says there is prncticnll ;
no open opposition to the enforce
raent-of the new UvasKongAIormons
and that while thcro ia no very grea
immediate benefit apparent from it
operation , ho has ctrong hopes it wil
eventually prove auooeasf.ul in Jtho ab
olitiou of polygamy fay deterring
young If ormotia from inarrying a plu
rality ot wives. The commission ii
to moot here the 15th Inet , . Jndg
Carle to a is the first member to arrive
here. A full report of the operation
of the commission it to be prepanoc
at the approaching meeting.
WASHINGTON , December : C , The
aenato and bouse ngricullaral omrnit
tee expects to complete the prepara
tion of the agricultural s.ppropriatior
bill Monday .next.
Muht of tlio western raombore.of the
hoiiso favor the reductiou of lottoi
postoga to two centa.
Mr. Anderson ( Kauaaa ) , whoso bill
waa adopted by the peal ollico commil.
toe yesterday , aiys ho Trill ofTor sn
umcndmont nhun the < iueation conieo
, \norn \ ! iho honae , in view of makiop
Iho act takd cnust * t the beginn'jjg ol
tko nf xt fiacal year ,
Fa rho house Mr. Page , from th *
fiosauiorco committee , reported n roao.
lution cHlling on the i-ocrotary of war
f < c information OB to whether thu
money appropriated by the last river
und thixrbor bill WM ppuroprlated fur
worL-c or objects not m tha iiitoroal oi
commerce and navigation , and if BO ,
reqnccUog lhal epecificatiomt be fur-
nlaliod Uieni.
Judging from a long conversation
the members of the commercial com-
niittoo are very much aggrieved over
the views expressed by the president
respecting the last river and harbor
bilL Some members go AB far as lo
say they will prepare a bill this year ,
' of tba president
and manufacturers tor a reoato e < i t
: o a reduction that may bo made in
, ho tax on tobacco wore presented by
Senators Hall , Miller and Edmunds.
Senator I'ondloton aaked the unani-
neus content of the senate to take up
ila civil service bill.
Redeem * d Dank Note * .
> p cUl Ulrpttch to Tn Bui.
WASHINOTOX , Decambor 0. The
receipts of national bank poles for ro-
lomption durinc the week ending
, . -d y waa $2,103,000.
A XianRtry Sonmlol.
Ipcclkl Dlrpatch to Tux llnx.
WASHINOTON , December 0 Mrs.
' .labouchero , who accompanied Mrs.
jnugtry to thia country , quarrelled
with her because the Jersey Lily in-
iated on carrying on A very otront ;
flirtation with ono of Now York's
; ilded youtha has turned the batteries
of her tongue on her friend. She
lives in an interview published this
morning a breezy review of Lingtry'a
record , nnd tells how n scheme for at-
racting iho barbarous Yankees to pay
heir money fir n tight of Manager
Ibbey'a latest attraction was worked
ip. ShoeajBaho haa had enough ol
lira , Langtry'n nonsense , nud ia going
lotuo. The Lily replies that Mrs ,
jibmnhoru lives in nglaea house nny-
iaw , and ought to be careful about
hrowiug atones.
C. Darr'a Residence at Lincoln Do-
ptciM Ul i lch to Tui Uu.
LINCOLN , December 10 , At 1230 ;
o'clock thia morning Iho fiuo roaidcnno
if C. 0. Barr , in Ihla cily , wna dia-
levered lo bo on firo. Tito fire atartcd
n Iho bascnnnl , probably from the
loaling apparatus. The fire department -
mont was slow in getting to work , nnd
t is probably its fault thai the build-
ng Is a tolal loaa. The houao wna
nol quite completed , although $30,000
its been npent thus far In its oroo-
ion , The insurance ii between S 2-
000 and § 15,000.
Tno Voatorn Union and the Mutual
Ulfipatch to Till Out.
KKW YOUK , December 10. With
reference to thu Application Saturday ,
nsdo bj' Joseph P. Greaves , for pe'r-
nission to bring suit to vncato the
charter of the Western Union Tolo-
; r ph company , the following corres
pondence passed betnoun Dr Nftfviu
3roon , president of the company , and
' ho attorncv-concral :
"NKYouii Docamber 0 ,
cstlo W. Husso'.l , Attorney CfcncralAlbany ,
The Wfntcrn Union Telegraph company
requiroi no tinv > for preparation to meet
the ullegat'oaj 11 thu implication ureient-
etl you by J oaoph P. Gre wes. Wo desire
to hnvo the matter heard nnd disposed of
nt once , on Mruday , it possible.
NonvtN GUEEN , Pres'dont , "
Omen OKTIIK Arroiishv CIKSI iAl , ,
ALBANY , N. Y. , Dec. 10 , 1SS- . >
To Norvln Green , Esq , president of the
Western Union Telegraph Co.
IKAU ) Sin : I am iu receipt of your tele
gram announcing your desire f ir n heiriug
ami disposition of the applied ion tu bring
suit against your company nt c nse. Vari
ous engjgamrnts ( csupy ruy attrntion
during this wcolr , causing my absence
from Albany , but , nt Rome pordunnl uncri.
fie ? , I have as igaed Krid y , the 15th
inst. . nt 10 o'elcck , at my nllics , asthotiine
of hoir-ny , iuntead of Tuesday , iho
10th. I do this on account of
your rcnclinefi to meet Iho charges
without delnv , nnd upon the assumption
thnt the gentlemen who hnvo preferred
thofia charges nro ready to have them con-
i-idered nt nny moment after nrceentatiot
to tha nttornoy general. Notice to you ol
the application and bearing ia in no senss
designed aa nn expression of nny opinlor
that the application should bo granted , but
simply OP , according to the custom of thii
oflicp , hearing is necessarily accorded t <
applicants , that you may be represented il
you choose nnd afford mo such livht ai
your answer would give.
I-iESLEE W. llUShKM , ,
Attorney General ,
A Drunken Murder-
Spocbl Dispatch to Tux lilts.
ST. Louis , December 10. Oharlei
L. Lamb , grand aon of 0. F. Jackc.on
the noted rebel war governor of Mia
aouri , while drunk late Friday night
went to the house of a man namci
Hull , living a mile or eo from Hanni
bal , to a woman with whom ho wat
formerly intimate , but who had reoontl ;
marled Hull. Lamb became ubuaiva
when Hull otruck him with a poke
knocking him out of tlio door
which was cloaod on hirnC Th <
drunken man discharged a pisto
through the window , the ball tnkitij
oifoct in Mrs. Hnll'o lott aide , hillirij
her nlmoatinalanlly. Lamb lied 01
Iho Wabash train , bul waa captured a
Chapin , III. Ho waa brought bad
yesterday , and taken to the Pal my r
jail laHt night , after havinp been ai
raigned for murder in the firat degree
Spectil Dltp tcb to Tni HUM.
BAHOOR , Me. , December 10. Di
N. S. Davia , P. 0. Knight , Oharle
Moserveyand three Frenchmen ar
supposed to hare been drowned 1 ;
Moosehoad lake. Mr. Davia was be
Ing convoyed to BOO a pationl al th
lime of iho supposed disaster.
Tlio Penal Ccclo
OpeolM Dfopatch to Tin Ki : .
NKW YDUK , Dscoaiber 10. Th
penal code wua not enforced ta-da
with the stringency of the prevlou
Sunday. Arreata wcca few. On
meu waa atrcatod for Hhovelling anon
'JJio ? aocia ntio labor party in mict
ing denounced the 'pons.1 cndu.
A Pnnio in n Itotol.
i > ) iatch ia fur. HKK ,
VOUK , December IO. Bhortl
baforo C o'clock thia morning a fir
broke our in the kilchon of the Btui
levant homo , which wua BOOH extin
guishcd Tha guests were oeinsdvitl
n panic and flea the building. It i
not thought any puruous waa injured
Uow TO OKT SIOK. JJxpnaa your
self day and night , eat too mncb. with
out exorcise , work too hrd wlUiou
real , doctor all the time , tike all th
vile nostrums advertised , end tLai
you will want to know
How TO GET WBLL. Which in an
rnrered in Ihree words Toke JToi
Hilt ore !
mere rn iiiurwvu uw-m u > IIIM > | > u
the r t hones at Minnaapollr.
Gorernor Kost r , of Ohio , tut limed a
proclnmntlon for nn election to fill the
vacancy of both t tm of the l le Con-
Uf m n Upd 6'rafT. The election will ba
leld J nu ry 2 ,
The nipreme couttof MUsonrlhinlnued
ptremptorr writ ordering ths rfg ! t r to
count two disputed preolncts in the Ninth
district. This elect * J m D. UronJhtftd
.o congrtsi and dofeMs MoL ; D , republl-
c n.
The family of louti Uraiulcnbiirp. a
well known citizen of Dlooniioetnn , 111 , ,
WM { raluined d y or two Mnce by oatlns
.rlclilnto in faui c ; . One cf th * Ininlly hr > <
llfd , ud Mr. UrAUcieubiirg nnd wife c n-
: iot recover.
The lowi ulato OMIT wain ? board Sulur-
Uy ( liotCRnrded the Injunction itauvl by
Iiulio Mottonry , nnd on the ndvlsa of At
torney General McPlwson cdmted Tnylor
trmmlilp , Mttalinl p-mnly , which plveUho
ct In etmgrcus to Iton , Jnimt Wllun , re-
The trtil of Mm. finale Pftttemnn , In
ho dtitrlct court nt Independence , IOWA ,
amo to an end Friday nllit by \erdlct
f not guilty. She wai chnrgo.1 with
lohoning her husband last M y , eight
[ rxtoR ol Btryilinlno belut ; fouuil hi hh
tomnch , The trial katod for ten iln nnnd
wn tha inoiteicltiog murder trlnl ( wer
'leld In thli county. The theory of do-
'enne wai iiiicido.
ChicftRo blowers held ft into' Ing Saturday
' .i con lder the rncommondutlon of New
York brewer * tlmt unite ! notion lie taken
, o tnlio elf the tax on fermented lliiuori.
The nutter W < B dlscutae I Infurniftllr , No
dolinito action wni tnken. It wns decU'ed
to tend n delegation to the St. Ijxiii meet *
ing to oomidcr the question of tnMng the
[ irlco of becrto componinto for the great
In hop1 * .
Joseph P. Graves , of New York , a Hook-
holder of of the Western Union Telegraph
company , tins muds nf > | > llentlon to tlio
nttorney general of Now York for com-
menctMnent of nn nctUu ngnlntt the W ( .st
ern Union Telegraph conipany nud It *
director ; , to vanto Its churter nnd nnnui
tbo fronchife of nnld compiny , nud to re
move tha illrectorj from i 111o nn t compel
them to account for their olHcinl conduct
In the management ( if nlfnlrii nnd property
committed to tholr charge , A large
amount of documentary nnttor accom
panied the application. Tlio attorney
'oncrftl da.'idcd to hoar the cmr. Western
Union olHcinls any it Is eplte work.
A desperate attempt to eicino from the
prorlnctal penitentiary of Alnnitobn , nt
tony Mountain , was made by prlsoimta
FrliUy. It wan n regultr conspiracy led
by ( Jirvin , nn Amerion , reccntlr scuton-
: cd to seven yenra for shooting McU.muld
in n barroom Hght. Garvin came behind
the guard , knocked him pennslcjc , took Ms
revolver nnd kova nnd cillod on the other
pihonsra to follow. Wnnlcn He'hon csmo
in at the other end of the corrid r nnd
Garvin liri'd five ( hot ) nt him , but nil mlaj.
cd. JJcdaon ijr Fpoi Garrm , thro , T him
down and disa mcd him , receiving n cut
ou the nnn with n kntfi ) the prinaiur had
concealed. liefora the ( ther jiriaoni-i-j
cnmo up the guards approached with rillei
and orrtured the rebels bnck. Tim piisuii-
crn sullenly obeyed , nud all were xoou
under lock and key.
fc'onor llomero , Mcxicnu miniitrr , will
b eco of tha Aloxiom uoimnt.iM ners t >
mcot Grjr.t and Tri.icott un.l negotiate A
n w treaty I etAfeon the United Htit - < and
Moxicn 'll-imorc ) will bj h ro in three
CouiiHcl f r the government in the nt&r
rout ? oas'soxprem dellRht at tlio pwHpiet
of the ( itfavlunta going ou thaultnea <
mau.1 , a promlicd by ix-Ssnator Dorsoy
in hi.s alildavitnakiug for contiu'uu ' o.
Thoj' Bteui toontcitain uo doubt they will
sscure their point regarding e < iiillty of
The navy dep irtmsut bna mn-ln public ax-
tractn from the tneinoraniluiu of DeLing re-
apoolmg the unplpataiit feeling which ex-
iated betwcon loLongaud ) Jcromo Colliux ,
Collins is charged with greeting the cap
tain with much diarespo.t , diobcd > Ing or-
dora , etc. The extracts say that when Col.
Hru wont on the ship lo ma > io ubsorvatlona
hia practice to icniiuu longer tnnn
iiflunl , DeL ng'a charge of diHODedieuct
wns omphnticnlly belied by Collins. ] nr
co.lrtiay which ersHuod JJeLiug IJB Co' .
lins wai cur , contemptuous and dbre
upoctful in both Innguago nnd bearing , urn
that he threatened to report hia coaduc
to the oretury of the navy. A. rougl
draft of it report to the tocrotary of tin
n xvy covering the earno ground in dotal
wai alau made public.
Th till iutroduct .tn tlio him B by Hep
ro entativa McCold to provide for regula
tion of intri-iUto commprco provideH thn
each railroad ehnll on Murch 1st each yen
[ mliHflh a Rchedulu of rates ; GO per cen
of the rchedula r.tca ahnll be the minimum
of ) ates , nnd 50 psr cent above the iimxi
mum allowed to be charged in any caic
These rates nro to bo charged for londiu
and hauling and arc tu be fixed upon th
piincijilo of impartial Horvico for a fa !
cnrp jnito profit fromhoncit public service
Coniolidntin ? , discriminating , pooling
&c. , are prohibited nud punished , A com
initteo of nine members , ono from eac
judicial circuit of the United Statei , shal
op appointed by each congress to mipei
vine , investigate nnd report to congress n
to the management of and control of rail
rend * under the law , and recommoii
The perfect of St. 1'eterahnrg has oi
dered the police to expel nil Jew.i rcsidiu
within the city without oflicial permiuiloi
The jury in tbo case of Patrick IHggim
oh trial 111 the principal murderer ot th
two Huddjs , f tiled to ngreo. Klgpdus I
to be placed ou trial agiln Monday ,
The Spanish red book contains n note i
which Hpaiu demands the United HUte
should rut have the right of exclntlvo it
torventiou In connection with the Pununi
Lloyd's agent at Bebnatopool roporl
that during tbo lute gules several mark
casualties happened in the IMnck HOI
Fears , ho H VI" , nro entertained concomiu
thi o.-ity ' uf the llutnlan war rhln Yu n
bound f ruin SeOaatopool to Kioolarolf , i
eho id nuicli iivorduo.
Duclug a performance at the Ode
theatre t Barcelona , Saturday night ,
thief cried -"Fire ! " A pinlo ensued an
many pemons were trampled upon in tl
ru4h to get from the theatre. One perio
wan killed and elfthteen injured ,
SecrotRry Teller Talioa an Importiu
Secretory Teller haa written tl
following very interesting nnd itnpo
tnnt letter on certain feature : ) ( if tl
Indian ( { uentloii :
WASHIN TON. D. 0. , Dec.U , ' 82.
Tlio Hon. Jtiraru 3'rii.e , ( 'ommUklon of lull :
But ; I dcfiro to call your utldiitk
to wlmt I regurd t.i u { { rent Jimdr.-xni
Iu the nivilizi'.ion of the Iridi'itm , viz
The conlinuunca of the old hcathci
ith ddnccp , auuh ua the nun danci
oealp dancj , w r danoo , etc Thei
or feaatH , na they ara noim
timea called , ou ht , in my jadgmun
be discontinued , and if the Indian
novr cupporlod by Iho government ur
nol Trillin ) ; tu di'cnutintui them th
agentn ehould bu instructed to cump
euch discontinuance , Tiieoo feasts <
dances are not aoclal athoringa ft
the amusement of those people , hi
on Iho contray uro inlondod und oa
at Ihe young warriors of the trlbi
At uuca feails the warrior reconni
hit doeda of 'fariufa boanU of hi * li
to shock even the savage oar. The
audience attnnta approvingly to hit
boast of falsehood , deceit , theft mur
der , and rape , and the young listener
U Informed that this is the only road
t ) fame and renown. The result is
the demoralization of the young , who
are incited to emulate the wck ! < < d n-
duct of their cldorn , without a * h . * ht
that in so doing they vlolatH ' ,
but , on the contrary , wi1'- ' " > co.i
vlctlon that In so dointt' I1 - * n\v-
ing for themselves nn H-V , ; nnd
doeervod fame am \ \ < t tli. u people.
Active measures R' n d ht tnkoti io
dicciurauo nil f. < , ; - , , i.d dniioes of tlio
character I ' ( A'-
is alao ono requiring the immediate a1-
tontlon of the ngontn. While the In
dian remained in n otnle of al loial
somi-imlopcndcnco there did not eoom
to bo any great necessity for inlcifer-
once , oi oa if auch interference vr s
ptno'.ioablo ( nrhloh It doubtless .waa
not ) While dopoudont on the chase
the Indian did nol lake many wives ,
and the groal masa found themselves
too poor to support more than ono ,
but , alnco the Government supports
them , this ay stem no longer oxiita , nnd
the mure numerous the family the
greater number of rations allowed. I
would nol advise any interference
with any plural mntriago now exulting ,
but I would , by all puasiblo methods ,
discourage all future marrlngon ot that
character. The mariiago law , if it
may ba aaid to exist at all among the
Indiana , is exceedingly lax In ito char ,
actor , and it will bo found impossible
for same tiaio yet to impress them
with our iiloi of this rela
tion. The niarringo atato , existing
only by the cnnnont of both parties is
easily and readily dissolved , the man
not recognizing any obligation on his
Aa far aa practicable , the Indian hav
ing taken to himself a wife should bo
compelled to continue that relation
with her unloBS dissolved by aoino rec
ognized tribunal on the roaorvation or
by the oourta. Some ayatem of niar
ringo ahould bo adopted nnd the In
dian compelled lo conform lo il. The
Indian nhould alao bo inalruoted lhal
ho ia under obligations to onro for ant
( support , not only hii wife , but hii
children , nnd on hia fail tire withoul
proper cause to continue na the heat
vf auoh family , ho ought iu nome mail' '
nor to be punished , which should bt
oitliui uby coufininnoMt In the guard
house , or agency prison , or by u ro
duotion of hia nxtionn.
to the civilization of tholndiuna is Hit
tnlluenca of the mcdicino men , whi
ivru nlnnya f jund with the anti-pro
parly. The medicinn monte
to various nrtificcn nnil djucci
lo keep the people under Hiolr inilu
oaco , ntd ave especially ao'i/o ' in preventing
venting the attendance of the ohildrei
at the public Echoolu , using their cor
jurors' arta to prevent the poopl <
train abandoning tholr hon.thor.isl
ritLB and customa. While Ihpy pro
fern lo cure dlaeaaea by adminiatatii ) (
a few aimplo remedies , ntlll Ihcy rolj
miinly on their art of conjuring
Taoir oervicca are not required oyei
for the iidminialnUion of the few aim
p'o remedies they are competent ti
rjuarnmoud , for the government nup
plica the several ngnncipa with akillfu
phyaiciaus , who pracliso amonj ; th
Indiina without charge to them
Stopi ahould bo t&kun to compel thes
inpoaitora to abandon thia decoptio :
mid dlccoutinuo their pruottcon , whic :
are not only without benefit lo th
Indiana , but positively injurious t
ia an ugont of civilizAtion und ougl :
not to bo overlooked. When an Ii
dlan acquires properly , with n di
position to rotuin the E&IIIO free froi
tribal or individual inteifjrcnoo , 1
haa made u atop forward in the ron
to civiliitiou. . Ono great obstacle I
rho acquiromonl of property by U :
1 adian IB the very goneial custom <
> oalroyinj > or diatributing hin pro ]
orly on Iho dcnth of a member of h
family. Frequently , on the douth <
an important member of the famll'
all the property accumulated by i
head iu deatroyod or carried off 1
the mourners , and hia family loft j
doaolation and want. While in Iho
independent elate but little Incoi
vonionco waa felt in auoh n caao , c
account of the general community >
iatoroat and property. In their prc
out condition , not only real incoi
vonionce la felt , but diauatrous cona
qucncea follow. I am informed I
reliable authority thai frequently U
head of a iiamtly , finding himself tin
stripped of ita property , becomes di
couraged nnd makes no further n
lumpt to become a proporty.owno
Fear of being considered lacking
allachmonl lo Iho dead frequent
provouta the owner from Inlorforii
lo aavo hia properly while It la boit
dealroyod in hia presence and co
trary to hia wishes. It will bo dif
cult to accomplish much toward tl
civilization of Ihe Indians/while
are allowed lo exist. The govor
munt having Attempted to support tl
Indiana until auoh a time u thi
ahall become self-supporting , the i
tures. of the government aa well
that of the Indiana demands th
it every possible offorl should bo mai
to induce them lo become
norting at as early a day aa posaibl
I , therefore , auggcst whether it ia n
practicable to formulate certain rnl
10 for the government of the Indiana i
the reservation lhal Hliall restrict ai
abolish the practices I have montionc
I am nol ignoranl of Iho diUloullloalh
will bo encountered in Ihla effort , y
I believe in all the tribna there will
( ouud many Indiana who will aid t
government In ita cffortu to aboli
ritca and cuatoma PO injurious to t
Indiana and BO contrary to the oiv
that they eo earnestly doaii
Secroltry of the Interior.
many children nro punished fur bin
uncouth , willful and indilTerent to i
Btructiona or rewards , oimply becau
they are oul of health ! An into !
gent lady aaid of a child of this kin
"Mothers should know tint if this
' ulvo the little ono moderate docee
Hop Blttera for Iwo or throe wee
the children would bo. all a pare
could desire. "
Go to Hubermann'i for Presents.
/ /
Gladstone Anxious to Retire While
at the Zenith of His Strength
and Popularity ,
iw the FaBoinMlon of Power
Proves Stronger Phnn the
for Roar.
Sovorrtl Important OhftnjjeB in
the Cabinet to bo Made
The Rapacity of England nnd
FrAuoo in Attic's Houao Oon-
Bidnrnblo Dlttornoao.
The Domlnortrlnt ; Eptttt of the
Former Cat * tlio Igniter to
the Quick.
Political Evonta of the Week , Irish
Nowe , th Exllos. ami Other Mat-
tora Conveniently Grouped ,
3p cUI l > lip tch to Till HUB.
LONDON , December 10. Mr. OInd-
stone's probable rotiretnonl for tlin
ohancollorahip of the exchequer and
reorganization of the ministry , Is now
being much discuaaod In the London
papers. The premier's nonrcot friondc ,
nnd I fancy the premier hlmaolf arc iu
doubt what his iutontlona really arc.
Ho would Hko to rotian , while himself
and his party are nt the zenith of tholr
alronrjth nnd popularity , nnd yet ho
wishes to robin power which ho haa
nlwaya foand ouch a. fascination in
wielding. The Times puts forth n
feeler for the Marquis of llnrtiugton
no premier upon Air. Gladstouo'a re-
tiromont1 but the choice would
not bo by nny mcaua satisfactory
to n radlcnl olomont. The radieala
would infinitely rather jump to the
end and have Mr. Chamberlain. It
mny como to this , but it will not
probably como to this yet nwhllo.
Gladstone , I think , will in nil likeli
hood bo induced to tlavo off the irro-
prosalblo conflict between the whiga
and radicnlu , which is Euro to arise
whunovor ho retires , by postponing
for u while his resignation und retire
ment , llo will probably fotain the
prouiicrahip throujli ; the regular aes *
nion of 18811 , nnd turn over the dulinj
of chancellor of the exchequer to the
present aecrolary of war , Mr. Child
otH. The coiiBorvntlvcH , it ia unlvor
nnlly admitted , have nt proaont m
ohttco3 whutovor of rogjl ilng power.
Tin : DKsruuoTtojr OK TUB ALHAMUKA
causes renewed demands from the
play fining publio for u thorough ru
ununtruo'ion of our thentont , froit
many of which canapu in nvont of con
would bo itnpooaiblo.
England now growing li
France , r.nd the Mudnjjaecar inciden
hna boon an additional oxiaperation
The BrilUh govorumoiit showed aoim
dispoaitiou to recede from the poailioi
lirftt taken , which Indicated ft determination
nation to interfere with the Fnncl
project of annexation of the island
but there ia no apparent yielding o
French protouaiona in regard it
Ejrypt. The French government ha
been noli God thai E inland muat nebo
bo interfered with in her conduct o
alfiura in Egypt ; that nho is willing I
it recognize the commercial intorcDtB c
Fraucu In Egypt und in ublo to protuc
them , and that the French peopl
must bo natialicd with that. If the
accept the situation in n ohojrful an
friendly upirit , England will do he
part. In the meantime they caji g
ahead with their annexation tchemc
in Madagascar and Africa without foa
of interference. Cnhonviso Englon
will concede nothing und oppop
everything in Madanascar. "If w
only had nn army , " eay the Fronol
"that vo oould uao to give omphnn !
to the phrases of our diploinuta. " Th
bargain proposed ia , however , credit'
bio to neither party.
are the liberal victory in Ltverpoo
Foratnr's npoeoh nnd frcuh cabinet
Mr. Forator'o opcooh i > xtorta the uc
mission that it ia an itblo and coi
o- clnoivo vindication of his policy i
Ireland from the pipers horotofoi
bitterly opporing him. Cabinet ape
ulationii are becoming publio at tl
Bamo moment , that the report la circi
latnd that Forotor has been invited I
resume the oflico. Thin has oliclti
nn outburst of hostile criticlama i
journula identified with Ohamberlaii
g who is resolved nt all hazards to mal
Forntor'a cxclunlon poruiauont. Th
nli. - game is being played too oponl
li. though nobody supposesi Forutor eon
10 or would re-enter the 4'blnol ' undi
the present circumstances ,
n- puzrlen political critics , but the It
tie presaion Is general that the proceo
oy ings against Davltt and Healy hai
boon carelessly managed by the la
ouicors. Hoaly's American statemo :
of the Kilmalnham treaty has reachi
London , and it rejoices the tone
The government , however , Is at
evidently disposed to treat Ilea
mercifully , regarding his violence
to e p Uftvitt'a and to prevent tl
Irish leadership from escaping fro
the Parnollites ,
ot Buminarily telegraphed , attracted nli
bo nttontion , English papers which r
ho ticod it , consider it conciliatory touc
oh ing domestic politica. They oogei
ho applaud the proposed reduction ot t
IN duty on iron nnd Folger'o proposi
for stopping fillver coinage. Th
grieve over their correspondent ! ! ' nu
Bjgoa , which any that tariff roducti
is nnprobable.
Tin : uncEiTiON or THE QUKHN
on the ntrcota on Mo n dixy nt the ope
ing of the now law coutti indioiti
lau like the review , her reviving pupul
li ity , the crowd nhowlng at Union mil
lid : ontluulasm. The ceremonies inai
the great hall were stately , Impreer :
Sf and . picturesque ' , ettiquutto not p
milting anplai i
j Thia week Arabl and other priei
, rs will embark with their famllloa
l .1 veuel At Alexandria and depart I
mission from the Englith government ,
and each will bo maintained tS o by
the government in n tn ' . ' tivting
hia provloua Arabl ,
on the day ' sentence ,
ftddrpuod a ' .tho Ilrltith
publio in . ilma to have
ownr-d i. i the govern-
mpti' i . . its I .tlan policy ,
! cador & lilily , fully
v $ , from a ps c point of
< , it couroo up to t1 'sent nnd
ru.u.qulahingcheerfully English
C'irjquerorn rhT rank whii had nn
dcr nkunli ma If iit lilc ) . yhadiu-
ttirrupUd , V i' > t pf'rcdL > don as
a ploo rif xU * , bt. w eon-
suited. Tnn ( Jcylon < . 'uiivi ' * uree
with him boltrr , and ho wilt iv i be
ing dined to death , n falo which cor-
tninly nwnita him hrro. BusiJi-a ho
known too much , and it is cx uhaut
ho should go to a place whuro his
silence could bo attended lo.
Special Dispatch M toTni Hin.
PARIS , December 10. The acnato
haa voted 1,000,000 franca for Iho re
lief of ( UTorera ( by Iho Iboda in Iho
Seine district ,
Charlca Alcxatidoro L\clmnd , n dio- ,
tingulahcd French advocate , ia dead.
CllANlir.8 IN Tlin BUimit OUIIN'BT. '
LONDON , Docombjr 10 The Diily
Now * understauda that Kirl Djrbf
will immediately enter the cabinet.
No other changes than necessary will
thereby occur at present , at any rate
not before the mooting of parliament ,
lliough Ihcro will probably bo further
iionr. KXILBS.
OAIKO , December 10. Mahmoud
Fohmy , Arab ! Panha'a military en
gineer , and Yaooub Samy , hia under
accro ry of war , wore acntenccd to
VIENNA , December 10. The re
ported negotiations between Digiera.
Russian foroien miniotor , and the vat-
lean , resulted in the latter agreeing
to contribute to the eradication of
the dis.ifTiictlon in Polend in return
for Russian nrcoment to allow the
consistory procmonlzo 1'ollah bishops.
LONDON , December 10. Gen. Sir
Evelyn Wood lakca command of Iho
khodlvo'a now army.
CITY or MEXICO , D-ic'jmb.r 10.
Tno minister of foreign alTj&ira & aaya
Ihu report of the commiaaioncra ap
pointed to nciro ute a oammorcial
treaty with the United SUlra , if in
correct. Ilonnu ) , who Kixiled for Iho
United States to-dr.y. carrlca full iu-
Btruationa on the Riibjeot , nnd shortly
a eommission will bn appointed lo
join him in Wuahin to ! ) , whore the
nogotifttionn will bo conducted. The
miniator of finance atatita Iho Wood-
hoiini Mexican bonds offered in New
Yord nro not rtcojjnised by the Mexi
can government.
Nonr. MAiiiNiij
LONDON , Djcombsr 10 More mar-
inei ave to bo aont to Ireland to do
police duty.
ALIIXANDUIA , Djoombor 10 The
peaceful dumonstr.ition of rev ral
tlioutand poorer mo ttbera of 'the for-
oifin cilony wni nude today Dnforo
the eonstilatps of groit po-ver/i /
to protcav. ugiinal the dly
in payment of indemnity for.
losao.5 during the Imnbirdment.
Nearly nil oonsuls prnnrieol to tale
graph their respective govommonta ,
'L'ho Frcacli agent cxpnaacd cppra-
honaiun that n long dtilav In the pay
ment ol indemnity would cause norl-
oua diiturbaucoa nmoiif ; the lownr *
coH5C ! i , The English eonaul waa aba -
a nl ,
LoNIlo l December 10 , Francla
Muria Kelly , at ono time I ho moat
noted nctroaa in the United Ivingdorn ,
ia dead.
PEHTII , December 10 A.B a rcpull
of the debalo in tha die1. Rohoncizy ,
the deputy who made the ohargea haa
boon oliallon > : iid by the minister of
publin worVa I'vaa nccoplod and
thituuul wu ui befoughl to-day.
ROMB , December 0. The Tiber la
riaingand thro atone to inundate the
lower part of the city.
THE HAGUE , December 9. A telegram -
gram from Achoon reports thai Dutch
troops , supported by the Batch fl jet ,
repulsed Iho A jah of Paaaauqan , with
a heavy loaa lo Iho latter
PAIUB , December 9. The condition
of Gambolta ia li'sa favorable. A
hemorrhage ia apprehended
LONDON , December 9. The heaviest
lossoa among tha insurance companies
by the fire on Thursday night are the
North British Mercantile , 80,000 ;
the Commercial Union , 50,000 : the
Phounix , 40,000 , and the Royal Ex
change , 42,000
The remains of Anthony Trollopo
wore buried to-day at the Kenaal
at Green cemetery.
3d The Railroad War.
IB. Special Dlvpatch to Tun UK.
ill NEW YORK , December 9. The con
iy ference between the president1) and
as managers of the northwestern roads ,
lie the object of which into terminate the
m railroad war , wua rasutnod this morn
ing at the Windsor hotel. Aftur a
session u ! nearly two hours u',1 ' the
bt matters in ntspute xroro referred to a
10- committee of ono roprf nnntatire from
ih- each road and the meeting at'j urncd
ihly : until HJO : ! p. m. Monday. .1
Politic , and Vioc ,
Special Dispatch to TUB lieu.
oy CHIOAOO , Dacembpr 10 -
L'jinbird , a well known campaign
on Birigor , died last night , leaving his
family in dcatitutooUcuin iiicea
Although raids on gunhlint ; houses
m- of the better class cuntinuo there is
3d , no ceenaiion of the vice Now duns
ar- are replacing pulled onca.
[ do Gallant Rescue * .
ive There can be something heroic iu a racd *
Iclno UH well as in InHlrldual . Burdock
oren - lilood Ultters have effected many a KalUnt
rfiicue nmong the sutlerlug tick. Tbotu-
anda have escaped the mlierlea of dytpep-
ala and nerrouo debility through the u of
onon this wonderful medicine. It It ) emphati
on cally the best atomsch and blood tonic In
im. the world