Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1882, Image 7

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13 : . IE.
. . . TCT a : it H .SB a o > . , .
Lanas and Lots Bought and Sold.
Wholesale Dealers in Lipors and fines ,
No , 13 Main St , Council Bluffs , la.
"Branch Bonsc ; Liufcr , Kiel & Jensen , Sioux Fnllp , D. T.
( Wholesale Dealers in
215 , 217 and 219 Main Street ,
Of All Kinds. Hew Goods. Few Prices and
quare Dealing , Call and Examine Our Stock.
\ tra ? * B * .1 ri P" pa n t * TO"
L 0. A. BENhDSOT ,
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
Saloon and Restaurant ,
ADOLPH DOEHPLINGKR , Proprietor. . Choice Wines and Cigars.
Oystero in Eveiy Style.
709 Oounoil Bluffs Iowa
( Succeeaora to EKB & DUQUETTE ) ,
luudilu i gj-
6 afid 18 Pearl-st. . rouiicilBluffs , la.
Funeral Director and Undertaker.
No. 17 , North Main Street. Council Bluff *
Calls promptly answered at all honra. night or d y. New btutt nd London conUgM dlruo
bom the factory nr run In connection therewith.
Office , lo. 14 Pasrl Stroot. Hou , 9 . m. to
2. , and 2 p. ro. , to 5 p , m. Kesldence , 120
Bancroft Btieet. Telephonic connection wltn
Ointral otfico. _
J3i. 33E 3E2C33- : " "a2r.
Shop Oonier Uroadvruy end Scott S >
TOO * . OmCKB. w. u. 11 icsrr.
OfflCffi & PUSH ,
roasat ,
Council BMs , la ,
Established , - - 1866
Dealer * In Fcrelgn [ andl Doo)8 tlc. Kch nge
and bnn'ii n
, B , J , HARDIHft , M , D , .
Medical Electrician
Or wJ cat a ot Electrop tblo Inetltnllon , Fblla
delphla , 1'enca.
Offloe nor , Broadway & Blonn Avo.
The treatment of all dlscwta and pilnfiM dlf-
Coultlo. ) peculiar to female ? a specially.
d. G. TIPTON ,
Attorney & Counsellor.
Office over First National Bank , Council BIuHi ,
Iowa. Will practice la the sUte and federal
court * .
Justice of the Peace ,
Oonnoil Bluffs. - - Iowa.
W. B. BtAYES ,
tasandKealEstate ,
Proprietor of abstracts ol PotUwatUmlo
nonty. Office corner of Broadway and Uala
ilrente , Ooaaci1 Blaflj low * .
Gfsnins Bewsflted ,
OK ,
ftfl Story of ttte Sewing MacMno ,
& Uadcome llttlo pamphlet , blnelicd jol
tett wilh Durocrsas onjntTlngc , willt)0
to cr nau-l peno'i celling tot it , at zr bmaat
or gsLi-cHcocf Tliefjlusrcr UtnnitctuncgCom-
i-ADy , in KU bo seut by mall , post p id , it
luy jlu'zoIlTlcs Rt dlsUneo from oai officoi
iw ! liingor Si
Office , 34 Union
Murray & Lanman's
Basi for TQMJ , BATH
edy. Anun-
for Ucmlnal
WcttkQl)30 ,
fellow ttfl tk
. ' * * ] n8nC ( ' olATER TAKIHB ,
Salf-Abnac ; as Lees ot Memory , Unlvcroil Laosl
tude. P ln In the Dick , Dimness o ! Vision , i'io
ir.atmo Old Axe. and in.njr ether Il ae < a that
load to Insanltr or Con amptlon an ! a Pretut
tnro Orave ,
fiXfull pnrtlcnlara In oor pamohlet , whlcl .
wo desire to send Irto 1 v rotll to every one
jKH-Tho Spcclflc Medicine Is eold by all drudt'ltt *
at a nor j Mlca e , or 6 packufcs lor 86 , or will
be eent frco by trill on tecdpt ol ths raonoy , t > j
rue o-7
To Nervous Suiterera
Dr , J. B , Shnption'o Bpoclfi
It U pCBjtlTCcnro fcr hpormAtoirhci , u
SVcotiiMn. Impotmcy , in all rtlsoncj r'
from Srif-Aboiio , i Heatal Au loty , I/OTJI
Ptlm lo ha JUci nt " 1 . mj JtCCJ
1 tc
: c.fle
> I
tent free to an , At rite ( or ( hem * ed tit f
Pries , 8r l35 , Jl.W fit ptcktjr , e eU
agoj for ye.OO. Addieas all ordera to
Vol. 101 aad 103 Ualn 8k. BbQilo , IT , T.
Bold In Omaha by 0. t , Oooiman , i. W. bill
A Cowboy Trogwdy in the For-
Off Owyhee Mountain ? .
Portland OrfKonlin.
It was just n year ago to-day that
two youug mon , named Olark nnd
Denton , employed on ono of those
largo cattle ranches that are now to
bo found only in the territories ,
started out from the "homo station"
to hunt up a band of boot atoors that
had been roaming in the hills nearly a
dozen miles away , Winter wns com
ing on , and the San Francisco butch
ers were clamoring for more steore.
The two youngsters were employed
by Jnhn Callow , an old-timer , who
had not been east of the Hookies in
thirty years or more. Early in the
small fifties ho was mining away up in
Northern California , where ho made
good wagcf , but like nil the rest of the
big-hearted men of the Argonantio
era , apcut it ns ho went along. Eirly
in the sixties ho waa ono of the in
trcpid band who cro'scd the Sacr.i-
mouto river near oil Fort Heading
and struck out eastward over the old
emigrant trail. For three hundred
odd miles this party of eighty gallant
prospectors defied every danger that
bravo men over mot. Their line
of march lay through n track-
lees wilderness , where boars
were thicker than raccoons
are in any part of the Sacramento Val-
loy. The largo bands of hostile In *
dtans , now fortunately extinct , the
Wylackas and Taschastns , then ranged
up and down the streams which united
to form the Sacramento , and every
night the camp was guarded as though
the cohorts of Tamerlane threatened
to swoop down upon it. After untold
hardships the party reached Jordan
Oreek , where they found the great
Bonanza of War Eagle Mountains.
Years rolled by and the diggings were
honeycombed. John Oatlow began
to invest in cattle , and u few years
eaw him rich nnd prosperous , with a
domain extending further than ahorse
could gallop in n day. The business
of his ranch called for an army of
riders ; men export iti oaddlo nud born
to some other feeling than fear of per
sonal danger. In the morning while
the lada were eating breakfast , n Ion ?
row of saddle horses hitched in front
of the door made an appearance ai if n
company of dragoons had halted and
were foraging upon the hospitality of
who had the entire range of sixty
mtlca vividly photographed in his
mind , just as u skillful river pilot
knows every rock and snog in his
river , nud can rely upon escaping thorn
on nny night light enough to coo the
water without a wind ripplo. Break
fast over , the cattle king walked
slowly to the firo-placo , and , filling
his monstrous meerschaum with tobacco -
bacco enough to make nn elephant
drowsy , ehovelcd up n live coal and
tamped it down with hia thumb.
"Well , boya , Igueas we'll begetting
ready for another drive to Winno-
muck. Carroll , you and Bill Howard
stay home to-day and hava the wogon
horses shod. Look well to the grub
wagon , for I don't want it to break
down with the fodder and have to
leave it in the middle of the desert.
Packard will not the ahoea on eight
horaes for you to-day , and nigger Dan
will go for cook. "
"Whatahall I do , air , " aakea Nathan -
than Olark , a dark andnwarthy young
herdsman , known aa "Littlo Tex. "
"Well , Tex , you and Frank Benton
go over into Juniper flat and rouse
out them steers over there. Bring
'cm over aa far as the French corral.
They'll crooa the river easy now , while
the water's low , and no ice a runnln' .
When you got to the French corral
you will find Blue Peter in thoro.
i'io him to the fence before you turn
in the atcera , or ho will bo nagglin'
them to death. " "Blue Potoi" waa a
dark blue roan bull from the once
famous Whipplo herd at San Matoo. '
lie owed hia name to his peculiar
color , and Mr. Outlaw owed a largo
aharo of hia ample fortune to the lusty
old aultan whoso sono and daughters
were nibbling the succulent bunch-
grans oil a hundred hillsides. But the '
veteran wns in the aero and yellow
loaf of * lifo and the herd needed an Infusion -
fusion of now blood. Show old John
a bull that Baited him , and ho would
pay five hundred dollars for him as
quickly aa ho would three. Ho t
knocked the ashes out of his pipe and >
said :
"Oobloy , you rldo up the boggy
meadow nbovo the French corral , and
you'll Gnd Blue Peter in there with
about a dozen cowa. Drive 'cm cM up
into the corral r.nd then drive the
cows. Then you go on and make the
beat of your wny across the river , to
meet Bunton and Little Tex with the
eteera that are comin' in from Juniper
fl t. They will got there about 10
o'clock , and it'll ' take 'cm coven houm
to got the etoera back to the corral for
the night. Wo can easy bring them
up hero in the morning. Ef I have
time I'll drive down to the corral and
load old Pete homo. Pete otnyu in the
barn for the rest of hia dayti. Ho
waa a good investment , nnd ho nhan't ;
bo loft to starve on the hillsides. Two
hundred and ton atoora for Miller &
Lur wonder if them fellers ain't got [
pretty near monr-y enough ? "
There wno "mounting in hot huete"
nbout tbia tuno. Hearing Berne loud
talk amen ? hia cowboys , the old man
walkoddov/nto inqoiro the cause ,
"Who'a a-doin1 all this brlndlln1 ,
' to know "
I'd care ?
"It's Red HInff Sam , air lie eaya
ho won't rldo Ohulkllno , air , after me
puttin' the enddle on him , 003 his ho roc
la sick , sir , " replied Bill Farr , the ata
bio boss.
"Lot roe have him , " anpgcstec
"Little Tex , " ' I'd rather ride him
than any oihor horao on the rv.iob
Ilo'a been a cavalry horeo and was
eold by the government when Forl
Orook waa abandoned. You can see
the vent on hia shoulder yet , thougl
) ilia pretty well grown over. "
"Shall I ahlft your saddle ito
hlra1"ai > kodUillFarr.
"Yei , and give my horao to San
Hurst. He'll ault him butter to ride
down in the muddy bottoms alouj
filuttol creek , anyhow , " replied Nc
than Clark , aa ho vaulted into tin
addle and blow the amoko of a cigarette
otto from hia nostril * . "Oomo along
Webfcot , " ho culled , and the next
moment lin nnd Frank llnnlnn were
bounding over the frosty trull torard
the river Owheo.
Fair and lornly reader , I think I
can hoar the musical rlpplo of your
laughter ns you dnnoo in your mad
glee over the amoolh worn bowlders.
Whuu asthma dothroncd wy strength
you clear waters nnd lifo giving brccitu
caused my body to ba born anew.
Some six ycara previous to thp po-
rlod of this story n mnn named French
had owned a portion of the ringo nf
which Qfttlow is novr solo mnjter. JJo
built a strong corral on the line bo
tweoti himself nnd hit noighborr , with
the undorMiinding that both mould
ha o free ueo of it in cor.tulernUon of
the water right , which wns from a
spring on O.vtlow'a land. Urnce the
corral got its name mid rotnincd it
long nfter Its builder had cold out
and quit the country. The lads
rode along by It nndaflotdod nutrangu
contrast ns tuny galloped eido by side.
Nathan Olark wns n plump , muscular
young man , with dark hair and eyes ,
betraying hio nationality in the gu'f
states ; Uontoii , the only native of
Oregon in the whole outfit of covbojs
on old John's ranch , waa of alight
figure and featured delicate
, ouough
for a school girl. Ilia frame w a ot the
atub-and-tnist order , however , ami how
wife s nctivo na ft cit. At first " \Vub \
foot" was the general butt of the
ca ; bub ns ho was very conaotontious
in the discharge of his duty , ho coon
grow into favor with the elder horckra
nnd the major-domo who kept the
accounts of the ranch. Apparently
slight in tiguro and delicate ot consti
tutlon , ho was as sinewy and powerful
tuB man of his weight as could bo found.
Born on the banks of the grand
old Columbia , at Hood river , just
when Oregon was knocking at the
door of Oongress for admission into
the Union , ho had shared the drudg
ery incidental to the llfo of on Oregon
fanner's son till 1879 , when ho went
out to SnnLo river with n party of
prospectors ! from The D.illcs. The
placers proved worthless and the par
ty disbanded at Silver City , where ho
entered into the service of his present
employer. Between him and "Little
Tor" had grown UD a brotherly affec
tion. They rode together at all hourj ,
and were the first in the saddle nnd
the _ , last . . to dismount. Ono day Fill
Forraaid :
"Tox , I think yon and Webfoot had
ortor got married. "
PNato Olark' . f ace flushed with anger
for a moment , and then ho oaid In a
quiet way :
"If I knew a woman that I thought
aa much of aa I do of Frank Benton , I
would marry her to-morrow. "
On they galloped past the French
corral , over rocka and through plushy
bottomn , up hill and down dale. It
waa nearly 11 o'clock when they
reached Juniper Flat , and found about
a hundred head of steers browsing
among the stunted troea. Riding up
the summit of the Bleep hill and look
ing northward toward the line of tim
ber which marked the course of the
Boieo river , there was not a hoof or a
horn in sight. "Little Tex" turned
around in his saddle , nayiug :
' Rsckon they're all hero , Frank ? "
"Yea , all there is to gtt , " replied
hia companion.
The two rr.ou now dashed In and
out the stunted trees with loud cries
of " ! " "Git homo old "
0 "Honp-la , Nigl"
"Oat > of that , Timbprfoot ! " "Look at
ye , Broadhornal" " And soon the
whole band were cantering slowly
down the hill towards the Owyhoe
river. It was a lovely autumn day ,
clear and cool. The cloudless nky
above , and the air , purer than can bo
found anywhere doe , tinged with
frost oven at noun , betokened an
early and severe winter. From Ju
niper Flat to the "homo station" of
the ranch was about twenty-two
miles southeast , while the old and de
caying town called Silver City waa
about a like distance. At lait the
band ] reached a grove of cottonwoods
on the bank of the Owyheo , and
"Tex" rode ahead to the water's edge ,
to keep the herd from going down
atream. Above the ford the water
was so deep that they would
not attempt it. At last the loadera
of the band had crossed aafely
to the opposite bank. Benton waa
bringing up the roar , and the laat of
the stragglero was already in the wa-
ter , which wai cold as ice and awifter
ithan i mill race. Nathan Olark then
started his horao forward , and as ho
did so the brute stumbled and throw
hie head back wildly in hia offorta to
regain his footing. Aa ho did BO , 0d 0a
head struck Olark fall in the face and
knocked him out of the saddlo. Be i-
fore he could "recover himself ho was
thirty yards down stream , where .1k .1o .1P
Hank into a deep hole. Ho came up
with a frantic ecronni and sank back
to rise no more. Poor Frank Benton
waa nearly crazed with nnguiuh a ho
paw his friend disappear in the angry
wotcra , and behuld the terrified horeo :
galloping homeward wilh the saddle
turned under his belly. It wan past
noon , bu'tho day had never grown
warm. Frank drove the lust of the
cattle over , knowing they would not
crocs back again.
In the mean time Oobloy had napa-
rated tha polygamous "Blue Peter"
from the quadruped houria of his
harem , and wan about to ride down to
the ford to meet Clark and n ,
when ho recollected that It was nearly
noon , and there waa to bo a pot-pio ,
for dinner at the ranch house. More
over , It waa to bo prairie chicken potpie -
pie , ao Oobloy muat take it in. So ho
led the old bull up to the atablca aud
got there in time to got a plato at the
second table.
"See anything of Tex and Webfoot
in your travoh , Ooblej ? " asked the
proprietor of the ranch.
"No ; I reckon they had u job hud-
dlln'tho band , " waa Oobloy'a reply.
'I Bhonldu't ' think so , " replied Mr
] "on cold daya like this they
generally got in among the junipers
, aud it don t take lung to got to'
i gttther. Ride down aud moot them
after you fioiHh dinner. "
Oobley mounted1 again aa BOOH ua hock
: hoi finitthod dinner and rode bad
toward the river. Aa ho emerged fron
the hollow where the Irouch corra
atood ho saw the band cf eteerd coin i
ing down the trail which led over tin
low divide ,
"So here they are at last. Why
they are way ahead of the boys
'Taint right to run a band of fatstoon
aa hard ao tbat. The old roan wll
nigjlylvo them fit for thla-it'a aomo of
Wobfoot'o doin's. By Jinks , of hero
ain't old Ohnlklino a goln' like n comet
ith the RiuUllo under his bjlly.
What's up , I wonder ? "
The terrified horse galloped np the
corral and Ojbloy dismounted , Approaching
preaching Ohalkliuo carefully , ho first
patted him on the neck nnd then began -
gan to extricate him from the mam of
vrcck wi.h which ho WAS ontnnglod ,
The horau's knees were badly skinned ,
indicating that ho had n novoro fall.
Cobloy lad him back to the stables ,
saying :
"Thorns something gone wrong
with 'Little Tex , ' for 1 caught
Ohnlklino near the corral with the
saddle turned. The cattle nro mound
there nnd they're pretty badly ftm up.
But I rode np to the head of the
low divide and could BOO nothing of
the boys. "
"Thero must bo something the matter -
tor , " said Mr. Catlow , with n look of
alarm. "Tex and Web never would
have run the steers like that ; and
then the sorrel horse comin' home
alone , too. Wait , and I'll go with
alV "
An iron-gray stallion , a son of the
mighty Lodi , stood nt the barn door.
Vaulting into the taddlo with a lightness -
ness not to bo expected in n man of
his years , old John and Cobloy rode
down . ( to the corral , where they spent
an hour In penning up the stccro.
Then they started tor the river , but
not a sign could they ROO of the boys.
It ( was now past 3 .o'clock , nnd the
dull < , pray , hiudon sky foretold n cold
and ! pitiless night.
Meanwhile , Frank Bouton had pursued -
sued hio eonroh for the body of h'u
lost companion. Itas too late in the
year for hydraulic mining , and the
river wan quite clear , llo rode Hlowly
along the bank and looked into every
holo. Everywhere ho could uco the
bottom , but not a glimpse of the body
of his friend. A bright thought
struck him. "Tho big drift below the
muddy crossing , " ho said , and put
spurs to his horse for a point live
miles down the river from where
"Little Tex" loot his lifo. Half ou
hour later ho stood beside a vast
"jam" of logs of every imaginable
kind of timber. There was a hat
swirling J about in the foaming eddy.
The poor lad scarcely know what to
do. The water was forty feet deep
behind the jam , and probably his
dead friend lay at the bottom of it. In
his dcapatr ho gave a glance up the
stream , and saw an object rolling
down through u rifilo , It caught
against n anag. It was the body of
Nathan Olark.
Snifc water and a tired man are not
oatily reconciled. Benton felt that if
ho alighted from hia horao and undertook -
took to lift his dead friend out of the
water , ho might become parulyzod
with cold and lose the body altogether.
So ho rode in as close to the Bnaj us
he could and made a 110030 of himiutu ,
which ho slipped over the dead nnn'n
shoulder. Then span ing his horao ,
ho ] dragged the corpse out on the river
bank. j
"Oh , God forgive me , " thought the
tender , hearted youth , "for lassoing n
human , being like if ho was n dumb
brute. "
A ghnoo nt the dead man's face re
vealed the fact that hltt forehead was
crushed in by the fearful blow received
from tlio horse's head Ills clothing
was froisan stiiT , and na ho lay upon
the bank , oDld nnd stark , his sighUcsa
eyes were turned up to the sky just
reddening with the last glow of depart
ing day. What to do with him was
now Frank's perplexity. If he left
hlrn there the wolves and panthers
might mutilate the body No , ho
must lift him on his horse and take
him homo to the ranch. Stay , it was
every foot of twonty-threo miles to the
ranch , while it wao leas than sixteen
tu Silver City ; nnd they would have to
take him to Silver City for burial. It
was Bottled. Frank lifted that body
acrona hia saddle nnd Imhod it securely ,
face downward. Thun taking the
bridle roliia in hid hand ho started on
a sharp walk. Do looked at his watch
"Half past four o'clock. Laa-i than
nn hour ot daylight. "
The fira > lour milon of walking did
not bother the wiry Oregon boy very
much. But ns durkuosa drew on
apace ho began to feel the iutoneo
cold , which nippoa his thin features
and Boomed to chill the very marrow
in his boaos. Tie walked aloii { { with
ocoro foot and aolitng hcnrtnnd thought
of hiu in * , or'a anxiety at his ubienco.
At times n night bird would PABU him
with booming sound , nnd from n lone-
ly cairn of rocks on the hillside would
ring out tlko lonely bark cf a coyote.
All elao was still , and In the chill
fltnilit night ho wat nearly perishing
with the culd Lighting a match ho
idlooked at hia watch and it wai pant
nine o'clock. ' Nervous and agitated
Iwyond all usual habit , ho trudged
aloDfj the trail till mddenly ho csino
, upon n bro-id road crossed with i-ovur-
nl vrngon tracks and full of deep rut * ,
It wns the county road loading frum
Home to Winnomucca ,
, "It , can't bo more than eight miles
more , and perhaps , by nil that's good ,
thoro'o a light now , "
Ho walked nlong for an hour ,
which Boomed like an age , but the
light had gone out , At last ho stood
' in front of an adobe hovel where lived
a man named Columbus Kilbourn ,
called ' 'Olum" for short. Bunton'h
voice wan weak as he called for help
and wns answered by the bud bark < i
a dog , Then came a rattling at u
No. 328 Broadway ,
In the line or fancy articles , odor cases ,
hand painted toilet sets , hand made laces ,
kid gloves , etc. '
No , 519 South Iain Street
I pay the highest Market Pricj and Deduct no 4
( Successors to J. W. Rodefer )
Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Cor , Eighth Street and
Eleventh Avenue , Council Blufl's.
only window in the hovel as a voice
called out :
"What the drniron do you wantl"
"Help , in God's name ! ' answered
the pcribliini ; man ; "I'm ' nearly dead
with cold ! "
"Hit's only throe miloB to Boono-
vlllo. Go on there , " replied Clum.
"I can go no further. My horao'a
given out , nnd I'm neatly dead with
he cold. Let mo in , do ! "
"Dorn'd cf I like to , You may bo
a very coed man and you may bo a
denied Walln Walla horao thief bound
for Wood river , " growled Mr. Kil-
burn , anfjry ut being distnrbfld so Into.
"For God'n s.iko , don't turn nni elf , "
pleaded Frank. ' 'I'm here with tl u
doiid body of a friend , Hutu Olark. "
"Dunno anybody of that nemo , "
mud the voice from the window. "
"Thoy RometimcB called him 'Little
Tox"sobbed Frank.
"Why the dragon didn't you say act
Hold on , atraugor. "
Five minutes later Frank's tired
horao waa in the adobe barn , munch
in hia hay. The body waa rolled In
nu old blanket and laid in the straw.
Kilbourn kindled n fire and gave the
furnishing boy a cup of hot coffee and
u venison etcak. Frank piled up In
an old bunk and wni BOOH fast ar.loep ,
When liu woke up in the morning the
coffee pot waa niniiim' on the fire , bul
the roam f ilt Quid , Ho looked np , nud
half the roof wart gnno ,
"What's the matter with your roof ,
Mr. Kil'iiiu/j ' ? " ho risked.
"Nothin" , my BOH , only I hud no
other boaruB fur to make a coflin far
poor Little Tix Durncd if there
wasn't lots of good leather in tlmtboy.
Bo I toro off the shakes. "
Thh is no fiction. I can prove U
by ft souie of HltncuHes , Idaho in the
"latt ditch" of the noble army of
thut cro dropping off like
autumn lcivca , Like the lant eqnare
thnt ctood by Oanbrouno on the night
of Waterloo's rout they die , but
ucrer surrender. This rough follow
who unn ofrd his IIOUEO in that tinv
borlcan desert to make n colllu for n
friend , performed a horolo act , bu * <
ono tlmt would Invo been but an
every day occurrence in the days of
' 49 A yoir or more and ho will al o
be placul upon thu muster roll of the
iwiuolcHS heroes.
A messenger was placed upon a
r.t once and dispatched to the
and that night the cofrboy'd
remain * were downtly interred in fie
old cemetery at Ruby , below the Now
York mill. Every cowboy in the
country stood there with bare head
and sad face , on the side of thut black
mountain amid u blinding fall cf
snow , an the man of God uttered those
loving words , "Tho Lord hath given ,
and the Lord hath taken away ,
Dlossed be the name of thu Lord for-
| over. " An appropriate tombstone
marks the rcatiny place of "Littlo
Tor , " arm Frank Benton weara a hand-
tome gold watch instead of his old
eilvcr ono. It is the gift of his om-
iloyor as the reward of fidelity.
Term of thuuennda of dollars arc equ nd-
cred yearly on travoHnK quacki ) , who go
from town to town profciuhifr to euro all
ilia ilia tlmt our poor humanity la belr to.
Why will the public not learn common
neneo , and if they are Buffering from dys-
llvor complaint , Invent a dollar In
Scpsmor , euld by all druggists and
endowed bv the faculty. See toatimonl-
ulh. Price M ) centn , trial bottle 10cents.
Embody now 1882 tmprovemonta. Moi
prixotlool ( ott'uruu ' ; Coiit loan to hocp ID
Cider ; Una lend fuel will glie more boil
and a larger volume of pure air t"ln * ° f
luruicu iiiajo ,
ttvlii by I'imCKY fc DRADfOnD.Omaiu.Neb
It la a sure , prompt and effectual mm tin for lii-
Ion , l > ) m > ] iU , Intermittent KciIM , Wan
Ol | | iftito , Nirvoua l ) < , blllt > In aU | Stages ,
\Vuil" , l/oas of Drain 1' , Prostration ,
neat ami ( funeral ! * § of I'oiur. It repair *
iicrvoiu itwtu , n Junnalen the fadtJ Intuluct ,
btrinulithtmi the cnfieblul hratii anJ rcbtorcj
nurprhi nv tjno and vlnror ( o the cxlmuyted or *
eaiiH , Tlioex | > crkme ot thoimnJi protusltto
bu nn liualuulilo runoil.v I'rke , fl.ooabottlo ,
or nix for fV 1'or nalobj all druirsiits , or sent
sccurufromobsonatlon on receipt of price , \iy \
l > r. Stoiiikiirt , P. O. Buz til GO , SU
IlOlltH Mo-
The Great Popular ItemoOy for Pllue.
Sure cure for Ullod , Blcedng& ! Itching Pllea
Ami all form * of llemorrholilal Tuinon.
Tin so Kui'i'OsiTOKiM tut directly upon tha
ooatd of thu llloocl VeHaelj.and by their a&trlngcnt
clfocU gently foruti tin ) blood from Uio swollen
tumora , and by nuklni ; the ooaU of the > vln >
btronir , present the'r rcnilinf. and heucu a radi
cal cure li guru to follow their we , I'rlco , 75
ctnta a box. For Kale by all drutrgUU. or ttut by
nmll on receipt of prke , by EQ Hsli Medloai
Ii tttnt , 718 OUvo St- . St1"0'4
. 4 !