THE DAJLY Bjsifi-COUNCIL BLKWS _ O\VA SATURDAY DECEMBER 9 The Daily Bee. OOUKCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , Dec , 9 SUBSCRIPTION r.ATns : By Carrier , - - - - SOccnhpfrweok - ' - - . . . . . . no.OOper Ve r Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Nea MINOR MBNTIOJNB J. Mueller's Prince Music Hall. Toys nd holiday goods at Seaman' * , Rev. A. Rogers will preach nt the Baptist church to-morrow orcnln ? . Dishes , glaMwnrp , lamps , etc. , nt 303 Broadway. Howe A Son. Old papers for unlo ntTHB BEE office at 25 cents per huLdrcd. Bntaerlbe for newspapers mid period ! * oils at H. K. Seaman's book store. The outgoing train eastward thin nf tcr noon is over the Chicago k Northwestern. Furniture of all kinds repaired by Howe & 8on , 303 Broadway 53e I saeque' , fur trimmings , very low , at Melcnlt Bros. ' The mails from the coot came in on time except the D , & M. , which was n lit tle tardy. Lsrgo quantity of ttoreiind furnl tnre at 303 Btoadwny. Howe & Son , New lot nicely decorated , 50 plecsi , ol te * sits , unly { 5 nt Mnurir & Craig. If ycu want anything In silks , linen , embroideries , hand-made lace , handkcr- chlof * , go to Bliss' . doc9-3t In tl.e district court yoJterdny the case of Phillips vs. the City uf Council Bluffs was on trial. Hand-painted china , art'trattory , lollt silverware , bronzes , &c. , at Maurcr St Oral ? . The jury In the superior court has boon discharged for tbo December term , after trying ono caso. Permit to wed was yesterday given to S , V , Kelly , of Hard In townnhlp , nnd Miss Amanda Jane Day , of Garner town ship. Ed Burkois tbo official chimney ntroep of the city , and nil orders entrusted to his care will bo promptly filled. Ltiavo orders opposite tbo Guy home , on Broadway. Since the cold weather started in the fine for drunkenness bni been mlectl by Judge Ayleaworth , though not always raised by the prisoners. Instead of 93 and costs it is now fjr ) nnd costs. Una of the best displays from whloh to eelcot holiday gifts is at JM Stoclicrt & Go.'s uphohtorlng oitabliabment , 300 Broadway. There are mnnr really elegant goodi nnd many novcltloj In thnt line. Call acd DOC. Same idea of the su Won change nf the weather may bo gained from the fact that Dennis Gilmore was plowing in his field about fifteen miles north of hero. On the next diy ho was shovelling away snow drifts about his front door. J. J. BHs > , whoso card appears In another - other column , is well prepared for the bo ) , iday trade , the display of fancy ni tides of all sorts to please the ladles and to orna KF ment the parlor and the boudoir being one of the best ever shown up at that popular fashion and millinery emporium. There baa been some talk of starting a large slied cigar factory In this city next prlng , to employ about sixty-five hands. There seems no reason why nn extenrivo cigar factory would not pay well hero , and aa a distributing point no city can afford better facilities. It tti is to be hoped that * the enterprise will not end with talk. oo Pt The petit jury was impanelled In the Ptr district court yesterday , consisting of Sjin- lifm uel Crnvor , of Keg Croik , R. P. Sealey , m of Council Bluffs , II. C. Brandts , of Jauics township , David Jerman , city , J. A , Price , of Ilardln , L. S. Russell , city. Chris , Ilogedorne , of Ploaeant , 8. P , Hun- Qi non , city , N. W. Matson , of Norwallc , A. Qiz B. Crandal , city , JClvIn Carter , Ilockford , > J , A. Bunucll , Knor , Thomas Dulln , Val pa ley , W. II. Biir , of Valley. Tho'cthers on the regular panel were excused. The only jury cnso tried in the superior - ior court this torin wan that of Lewellan ) vs. The O. , M. & St. P. Railway company > in which the jury returned a verdict for the defendant , Lowellun had two stilts agaiuut the company , ono for wages and one for damages , and the former claim WAS ! 1 settled by the company on condition that ) the latter suit , started before Justice Ab bott , should bo withdrawn. The latter cate was dismissed and the suit begun in liWl Wl ; superior coijrt , The Jury teemed to lelleve timt the juiiiit'i ) Wis1 fceltTeJ by the dlsmlsial of the suit before Justice Abbott. to John Bono & Qo > Imvo just received a largo stock of 811k Far Worsted and Beaver DuUttann at lower prices than ever known in this market bofbio. Call and examine thuui. decO-St B. F. Linktou has not the , largest etoro nor the grandest display In the city , but if you want to buy BOIUO- thing that is n "lootlo" bettor than yon , can Rot almost auywhoro else just drop in to the Bijou grocery opposite the court houtu , Main atreot. d9 3t PERSONAL/ . A. H , Fitch , business manager of The Omaha Commercial Itecord , was In the city yesterday interviewing advertisers with fair-success. Dr , 15. I , Woodbury end George Phelps , of the Ogdeu house , have gone to Arizona to look after mining interests. W. If. Brill , of Biogharapton , N , Y. , Is at the Ogdeu , J. B. illlcketts , of Dubuque , arrived here yesterday. Bam J. Wolf , cf Ilaclne , | In the city. One of the James boyn is now in Council BluQe and ho has boeu Been by many of our people , and la person ally known to quite a num ber. Ho is not the blood thirsty wretch that those who do not know him might suppose him to bo , but is a genial gentleman who is buuy as a bearer , furnishing the best of every thing in the grocery line at such ratea that all may lira well Gall and r.rn kirn at the comer of Willow and Main treeU. MORCCHANOESrtm CHARITY Fresh Cftsoj of Destitution find Wnnt Where Kooa , Uiotulns nnd Money Will do the Most Good Yesterday several norcaic * of destitution atd want trtrn dis ? > vcrerl by Ilov. Mr. Lemon , who is nt present giving filmontlils entire time to distri butiacr , the contributions placed in hid handR for the nofdy of the city. One of those was a widow lady with Five children. She had no stove , and the bitter cold weather uoa causing her self nnd littlu ones , much aalTorlng. A ch'oap steve vras furniohod her , it bointr. purchaaod out of money con tiibutod by generous hearted citizano Another case was that of n man nt Strretimllo , who la sick , nnd hence unable to work , Ho WAR in nocd of care Hiid comfort , nnd by biiiig helped out of hii presnnt ootiditlon will bo as before , a solf-supporting ciilr.on. Mr. lijmen ntartcd nut jcntcnlny with an txprcaii wagon pretty well filled with load , bundles of clothing , and other article ] for the needy ones lie eays that the pnopla havu nhrxvod themselves most gonoroui ) , nnd yet thuro cnn bo much more t oed el on it. All of thu clothing nnd otlior nrticlea thui fnr contributed liuvo bocn good nnd narvicoftblo , nnd not aid romtuintn nnd castaway gtrmrntB , Thora in n special need no IT , ho i.tya , of boJding Very few contribute in thut line , as forr faniilioi have more than what they wnnt to ute them- eulveo. IJu itijn thnt ho could din- poao of fifty blitnkota and comfortiblen tn great mlvjuiln o to thoio who nr.i really suUVring for the wnnt of thorn The cash fund wns yesterday reduced ducod to ubout $3. Ono thing is rather remarkable cvory cash contribution - tribution thus far Imn boon without flpllcitalion , with ono or two oxcep- tiotm. The monny lias bean Aunt through the postoflico ntul haiidod in without the nskint ; , ami atilt thuro is a ohnnco to tiao moro. The ladies are joining hcnrfily in the good work , and nt n gathering nt the chapel it the Baptist churcih Thursday afternoon there was n goodly number present , armed with neodloa and pro vided with material , from which they proconded to make garmontn for thu needy. Ono family of children were brought in , measured nnd comfortable clothes made for nil of them , then and llioro , no thi'.t thuy will bs nblo to nt- tend school. At this next mooting others will bo clothed in tike manner. BADLY MASUED. All the Indie. ' , on the beautiful Holi day Gifta nt Bliss' . Gentlemen , don't pou forgot it. D23 Broidw.iy. J. A. Churchill A Oo. , pump mu- ufacturora of thia oily , lavn their nt the junction rf Afnin nnd larl. . TJicy have the beat chain pump in the world Uieir own ntont and they uro nouding it to Beaten mid all sver thn country Their ntaudnrd stock pump is the beat Hindu of any wo liavu They also hnndlu the llowo ncalo , for which they are gonorM ogcnta. Doath.of PrOBldunt fortor.'r ' L. Baldwin received a telegram last evening from John R. Sohaofibr , of airfield , , Iowa , stating the death of John W. Porter. Mr. Porter has icon president of the Iowa State Ag- icultural society for several years. ELIn homo Is In Iowa City , where his luneral will take place on Monday afternoon. The neatest little store in town is A Oulvor'a , and his counters are rhrongod all day with customers. Of oourso thia Is the time for holiday mrchneoa , but hero there is a steady rado foi1 staple goods , sold at low figures. A largo list of opocially fine materials for holiday goods ore n w offered. Oppoalto Kiel's Hotel , Main treat. Horiford'n Acid Fhoopkato Gives strength where thuro has bocn exhaustion and vigor in place of im- laired vitality. "V lint Wo Wnnt. GIve Homeopath lit * nelleti , Allopath its pills ; but for rheurantlnm , fnr aches , or pains and sprain ? . THOMAS' KCLEOTUIO IL Is Ineffably uperior to either. It has enefittcd as many people OR It hns had purchase . All druRf Istn sell It. At Pboanix Hall. Wagner & Meyer have hero the celebrated AnuhousorBatch , St. Louis 0C oer , on - . doc 5 3t Norvoaiiies , poovishnets and fret- Ing , so often oonttOotcd with oror- worked femalesli"j,8 , , la rapidly re- loved by Brown's Iron Bitters. A Now "paper Editor- 0. M , llolcom , of Bloomville , Ohio , rliea explain : "Had that terrliilo dsoat ! catarro , for twenty yours : couldn't taste or smell , and brarlng was f .IIing , Thomas' Kclectrlo Oil cured roe , The * * are facia voluntarily Riven ngalnrt a former preju dice of patent medicine , " * PICKED BY THE POLICE Hoveral Minor Canon which Demanded mandod Attention Yobtorday. A colored boy , giving his nnmo as Ed Ilonry , sneaked a box of cigars of Duquette , Guibort & Oo.'a wholesale confectionery store yesterday , and waa arrested by Ofllcur Motse. The youth pleaded guilty to larceny and Judge Aylosworth sent him to jail for thirty days. Two men named Sales and Blu- mor got to quarreling over a game of casino , ono charging tbo other with cheating. Words led to mutual blows , and Blumor was ar rested for assault , The evidence brought out the f tot thnt both were to blame , and after lilumor had been fined (5 and costs nn Information was filed againut Sales , end ho was oilloc upon to contribute a llko amount which ojused him to regret that ht hadn't kept still and let Blutnur uo. John Miller w s on nn ugly drunk Thursday night , and was raising BO much of a disturbance at the Liudoi house that Chief Field was called in The chief collared the i an , and hat quite a di < aperato struggle with him him , sometimes ono being on top a mutinies the other. * Miller was yes t rd y arraigned on two charges on of r > cins { dru. k , find the olhorcf as . null , having unshod A man's finger the ntyht bolor.Hn pleaded goilty and won taxorl in nil $15. Hurt .Scitt and JDannis Murray , for beine drunk , wrro yesterday fined $5 eaah .and coils. The ynting man l ) vi , whn wni or- ro"ilnrl for bpalinv countryman out of $4 60 , by taking it right out of his hind , wfti tnkpn bfforo Jiisticn Frni- noy nod by him disihar cd. The vic tlm testified tf. thu fellow's idontitv , and claimrd that ho took the monoj- out of his hand without his consent. The priionor did not deny having taken the money , but swoto that it wan given tn him tu see if it wan good , nd tht ho in turn was robbed of it or else lost it The question on which the CMO aocmod to turn was whuthor the money was handed over voluntarily or snatched out of the vlctim'n hind , and there being no cor roborative testimony on cither aide thn juiticn let the follow 00 , Yostcrday tlio man Otvena , arrested in Minnesota for nnpor onnting other pcrnonn nnd cutting limo checks onshad by the Chicago , HurltiiKtot it Quinoy company , wa btforo Justice Kratney yentertioy. 1 Jo waived an ex amination and unn bound over to nwait the action of the fjr.tnd jury in the Rinn of $500 , which , being unable to furnish , ho Wiii ennt hick to j.iil. "Whnt Onn'ebn Curi d Must 7jo Kn. This nld ndaifo rtocs nnf. slgnllv that wo must Miffcr the mlprli B cf dyd [ epil , when n tncillclnn with the curatlvo properties "I liurdock Blond Hitter * Is iivnil.iblo. It Is one r > f tlm mnit rubntintltl mid rollahlo reincdlps told to day. IOWA ITEMS. Th * Atlnnlln waterworks arc ready lor The Cednr Fnlls 11 ix mill Is about ready to begin work , The Iclephono uill bo put Into Storm Like tbu week. A 1 , " ! . year-old girl nrnr OOculuoin caught a Imll tnglo the other day M the bird wan making away with a tameKOonc. Patrick Kox fell into a vat cf hollln * ; water in n packing bouo nt Dubuquu on Thnnkegt log day and waa scalded to death. i" Spout Fifty Dollnm In doclorini ; for rhtiimatinn before I tried Tliomnh' Kcloctric Oil. Used a CO-cent buttlo of tbU mcdichia and ot out in one week. For burn mid riiralim It Ii cxrel- ] rnt. " Jan. Durham. ICibt Pembroke , N.Y , _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ * # * "Evil dispositions are early nlicMvn , " Evil tendencies in our ays- tenn aao to bo watched and guarded ncaintt. If you ( ind yonraelf getting bilione , head heavy , mouth foul , eyes yellovr , ktdnrys disordered , oymptoma of pile.1 ! tormenting you , lake at once n few dosen of Kidney-Wort. It is nnturo'tf grcnirnt uueiotint. Una it an nn advance puar.l-don't wait to get down eiek. ndrtrtiecmcnt. - Nnw YniUV utIier- Sptsclnl Dlipatch to TUn Bin. NKW YOUK , Ddccmbor b. The weather hero IB ulcar nnd cold nnd the thurmomotor wan nt ZITO ut sun- riso. From GloTclnnu , Ohio , Comes a letter signed T. Walker , raying : "About six months go I commenced tak ing Burdock Blood Bittern for nrotrnctu I cato of lumbago and gcnetnl debility , nnd now am pleased to state have recov-red my appetite and wonted strength. Feel better altogether. " e . ] HE GREAT CURE o T t > ron It-H-E-U-M-A-TJ-S-M - - - - - - - - JU i t ta for all the polnftil disease * of tu KIDNEYS , LIVER AND BOWELS Itolcanaeithosystem orthaacrid poleon Uuit onuses the dreadful suffering ; which only the victims of rheumatism can realize. THOUSANDS OF CASC8 of the viont forms cf ttla terrible dtaoaw lave been Qttlolcly relieved , and In short .Into .IntoPERFECTLY CURED. PRICE | l. Uqfll ) cr DRY , ROU ) by lld'COISTS. ( it ) Ury can bo ncnt by mall , n IXTA IllClIAltnbOK & CO. , Ilurllnirton.Vt STEAM LAUNDRY , 723 W. Broadway. LARSON C ANDERSON , Proprietors. This laundry baa Just been opened ( or biut- noes , and we are now priparcd to do la indrj vork ot all kinds and ituuautoe satlstactlou. A specialty made ol flne work , eucb as collars , cuffs , flne shirts , etc. We want orerybodjr to give us a trial. LARSON it ANDERSON. 0X10. 3 MANUFACTUBKU OF Silver Plated WINDOW SASH Dour PJatm JEugraTrd to No. 009 N. 7th Bt. St. Louis , Uo. EUROPEAN HOTEL , The meat contrail. lee UJ hotel In llio til ) looms 78a , | 1,00 , tW and 2.00ptrcUy. First Clue UostatlMIit connected wl'.d Ihf hotel. . litfllOT. . * Prop. Corner Fourth and Loom Streets. 93xr. I. D. UIIVKDHll , I. L. SlICUiKT , A. W , STRIS1. rroaldenl. Vlco-l'rtVt. - Ca hler. CITIZENS BANK Of Uoimoll Blnftk. Or anUod under the laws ot the HtaU of Iowa Pdd up capital. . IT6.0CO Autborlied capital. , . , , SOO OCO Interest paid on time deiioilU. Drafts Isuuw ! on the principal cities of the United btatea and Kurope. Special attention given to collection ! and corrwpondeace with prompt returns. D1KICIOU , J. D.Kdtuundton , K.L. Bhurart , J , T.Htrt , W.W. Wallace , J. W. Uo3fer , I. A. llUlei A. W. Strwt. JACOB SIMS , Attorney anil Oounsollor at Law , COUNCIL LLUFl'S , IOWA , Offlc tlroftdvay , between Miln and Fea tra t VUI priutlcd la Hutu aud fade GOLD ROPE. The Intrlnilc merit and superior quality of ou OoldKopelobacco has Inducwl other roanufac- turers to put upon tue market * oed similar to cur brand In came and style which are offered and told for lets ruocry than the genuine Oold ilepa. We caution the t adc and consumer tote that our name and trade mark are upon each lump. Th only genuine and original Gold Hop Tobacco U manufactured by THB WILSON & MoNALLY TO BAOOO CWMPANY. COUNCIL BLUFFS KAILROAD TIME TADLE. cmctto , ocn ISLAKD i5 rxnno. Depart. Arrir * . Atlantic txt , .nsoprn l Pacific Kx.0lS | : am Kxand > lall'.9a' > am K and U. ilolnn ac'.7ICam | UeiMolncnacMilOpm CIIICAOO , Depart. Arrire. Atlantic Kxti..530p m PadRc Kt.flSOam | lal'aml Kx' . . 8:20 am Mall and Kx".7.-00pm N. Y. Ki . 4 Opm | > eb&Kas Ki. . 8:20 : am criicioo JLXO Depart. Arrite. Atl ntciit.r:15p ! : m I Padflc Kt.0l5 | : am Mall and KiV.0.20 a m Mai and Kt.6IS : p m Accom. (8at..r ( ) p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:4A : p m KtmAs cnr , n. ton AD council. RLcrn. Depart Arrife. Mall and Ei.A'i ! ) in I Rsprern . Cu'Opm Eiprew . 9:10 : p m I Mall and Ex. , < ! p m fmo.r rACinc. Depart Arrire. OrerUnd F.i.lUTOft. m. Owi ndKi.4 OOp. m. Lincoln Kx..ll:30K. : m. I > i > rircrKx . ,8.07 a. m , Denrcr Kx..7.uup. tn. Ix > ol K * CiTOo. in. Local Kx 7:25 : a. m. " Kx DOS a. m. Emigrant. . . .6:20 : p. m. Ex r-oOa. m. WAnASII , sr. LOUIS AID Depart Arrlte. ( all and K . . 9:15 : a m I Mall and Kx. . 4utOp Cannon IWI. . 4M : pin ( Cannon 1UII..11:05n : tn siocx cnr AMD rAnrio. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux C'ity.TiHam Fnn Sioux C'y.G:50prn : For FortNlobrarx Fen Fort f.'lobrar , Ncli * 7.V : tn JfUi "Ci'iOprn For St. 1'aul. . .7:40 : p m From St , l'aul..8ao a m OIICAOO , lULWAt'KKH ASD ST. TAtU l * t Council DlutTs. Arrl n Council lllnlTs. Mali ami Kx."Ordain IllAllaml Kx. . 'n/Opm Atlantis Kx. . | 5I5 : pin | Atlantic hi. .10.10am 'CIIICAOO , MILWAUKfR AND ST. PAUU I/tiTciOnmlm. Arrl M at Omaha. Mall mill Kx . ilfiaml VwMf Kx | ut' : am Atlantic Kx.3:40pin | : | 1UI1 anil Kx . 7-'i" > | " Except Sundijs. tKxccntSatimUs. ( Hxrcpt Mondays. IDMf. Council Blullfl & Ornnha Street It. K. louncll li'ufTs. ' I/jure Ofnaln. 8 a in , 0 u in , 10 a in , 8 a nt , 'J a tn , 10 a m , 11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , .1 p 11 a in , 1pm , 2p m , 3 p m , 4 p in , B p m , 0 p in. m , 4 p in , f > p in , ( i P m. Street cars run half hourly to the Union I'aclflc Dcixjt. On Hundiy the cars tculn their trin | at 1) o clock a. in. , anil run rckii any ilurlif ? the day at 9 , 11 , 2 4 , 5 and 0 o'clock , anil run to city time , OHIOAGO , PEORI 8T. LOUIS , iVSILVVAUKEE , DBIBIIII , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTGN , And All Polute Til KLINE C01I IMtlBEH Nearly t.CCO miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track llcciincatlnnnnromAduln UNION DhPOTO hH9 a Nutioiul Hopr.tatlon 19 l'dn ; th < rent Through Car Line , ncd la unlvoranll ] onceded to bo the FINEBT EQUIPPED Kr.U oad ID the world for nil claraa uf travel. Try It and \ ou will dm" traveling a laser ) UBtoad of a dUcomfcrt. Through Ticket ) via rhie Celebrated Line lai Ed o at all olOcca In the Weflt. All Information about lUtoa o Fore , Uleoplnj Car Acoonmodatlons , Time Tables , & & . , will b < cheerfully Riven by applylnln to T. J. POTTER , Id Vlco-Prcst & Dec. Manaircr.Chloira PEROIVAL LOWELL , Oeu. I-uaewer Agl. Oblomi W. J. DAVENPORT , C ) n. Agent , Conucll Binds , II. P. DUELL , Ticket irt. . mruo-od IT THE SHORT LINE OF THR- ilwaukee & St , Pau RAILWAY i now running tta FAST KXPUES3 TRAINS from OMAHA AND OOUHCIL BLUFF WITH Pullman's Mapifloent Sleepers AND T1IK Finest Dining Oars in the World IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO1 MILWAUKEE , Or to anr Dolnt brond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NOHTH TO ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take tbo 1IE3T IIOUTK , the Chicago , Milwaukee&Sfc PaulE'y ' Ticket ofllca located at corner Farnain am Fourteenth ttrvcU and at U. 1' . Dttpot and a Mllla d Hotel , Omaha. tJTSee Time Tublo In another column. F. A. NASH , General A , ent. 0. II , FOQTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. B. UKIWII.IA , V. II. CAHPKNTEn , Oenenil Manager. fieneral I'aw. AKent J. T. CI.AIIK. OKO. II. IIKAFFOIID. Ueiierai Sup't. Asjt'tUen.l'a&i. Agent Nebraska Loan & Trust Company IlAHTlNOS , NEU , Capital Stook , - - $100,000 JA8.I1. HEAUTWKIX. 1'rvsldeit. A. L. Cl.AHKK , Vice 1'ri'sMciit. K. U. IvtlWimt , Triuuiurir UIUKOTOUS. Samuel Alexander , Omtald Ollvrr , A. L. 0 arke , K. 0. Webster , Geo. II 1'ratt , Jas. 11. Heartvroll , D. M.McF411lnuey. First Mortgage Loans a Speoialtj Tlili Company furnUhei a permanent , bora luttltutlon uhuro School llonds and other le all ( sued Municipal iccvri > lcs of Nebraska can b bo negotlatod ou thu incut faronble Urms Loans made 0:1 : Improve * ! farms In all well aattlw counties of th * state , through rtepontlblc local COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES , NOTICE. Sp c' l a < 2\rrtl mitiV > , tut att , Found , lo Loan , for 8< , To Rent , WantK , lloirdlnif , etc. , will bo Inccrtoil In lhl < calmnn at the ow ritfl ot TENCENTS PEt .INK for the flrsl Intortlon and FIVE CKY/E PRR LINK lor each ruUoqaent lnn rtlon. are ulv tttlscmenti at our ofHce , No. 7 'mrl Otrnat ' Hrni d . , nc'tr > < T. Wante. WANTKD Two flrnt tl s barbers t MJ Ilroadwar , Council ElufTi. P. W. Derksen. WANTEt ) . Ilroom-mnktrj a No. 1 broom U r anted Immollattlj' . Applr or call o Copion tlroom Co. , Malrem , I * . ItTANTEB WO buil.llnps to more. We make YV nupcchlty of mirl' ' g houses and 8&fen | . .ildrrniiV. . I' . Ajlfawortr .box ; 879 , Oonncll Bluffs , la. ITtrANTKIX-Krerybodv tn Counril Bluffs la YV to take Tun nan , iO csuts per no k , < le meJ by tarrloM. OIBca , No 7 Peatl Street o r For Sato nnd Rent .lull lir.Nt Oil FAIi-Tcn ; kens 01 Und , ? RO-Hlhnn c , one room nd kllthcn bU-k- mltb h3P , dtablo r ] ui for Hi borro , oil , gocu cellar on 1 ono bnndiel and twpnty > a niR Jiult ttcNo r I'ony crrtk , HDMII < o inim o [ O unc'l ' 'tluI . I.nqulro nn ihr r > tnhoi tf A. Miller or odcltcaj blm at Oauncil ludt 71O11 SAI.tThe Western llotin , No. Up- 1 per I'rooilwny ' ; or nlll trade for Improteil If or form property ; or will nell furniture and rent building ; ICOAOII , 111 bralth , Addreu J. S. I. MI-CILLISTRR , 809 Upper Ilroulway , Council InfN , Jo r 70.1 SALU-AcaodAKo. 1 M.t : o'nl burner . heulnj MOTS , at J1. It. Ltrln'r , 303 Urund- w-av. wav.Jli'J HKE3-In f cl < Kr of ft bundred t 7Ec a pucsa. e nt 7nc Dux oHlcc , No. 7 P' rl rect. t/ * AOjlSM.K \ Iiimbiriviid coat jrvrcl , ilolfp & goo ) linslnem In a now tawn , oj the CUl- citfo , JilUaukuo A.8t. I'ntil rMlromt. ,1OH KENT My nev t o-8torj brick itore ; building , on South Main ctrcct. 1'ETEH WKI8. filOIl SALK-My tne'.vc icre fruit tnnn , Boutli Kir t Direct. 1'KTKlt WE1S JIOU I1ALK IutiUul ( runtdenir iota , ita each ; nolhlujf down , bnd S3pcriMunlh only , y EXMAY01VAUOUAlf. . nplS-tt Miscellaneous DESK HOOM In a central edict on first floor In cxihingo for ussla nnco on accounts and oltcctlons. Acdrtn , A. I ) . C , Hnr. olllce , omicb Buffi. U7-U QT1LLAI1KAI ) Grcut oucccpg. Call .nJ wo 5 new Accessories and > pclmons ot pictures . Vcnbv the reliable Rclatino bromide prooecu , t the KTColelor Gallery KXiMalnatrcet. D1U W. L. PATTON 1'Uyslclin end Ocullel. Can cure any cam cf Bore eyon. It In only matter of tlmo , and can euro g'meralli' In rom three 1C flvo oek It mnkcn nr Jlflcr- eco how lonp dlscaeud. Will etrnht ! n crots yee , operate nud remove Ptyrcptnuia , etc. , and iBert artlDclat oycn. Special attention to ra n\png | tft'l 3ES-SiT3B ! ANO Dr , MeaghBi1 = 0culisfc , Aurisfc , AND SPECIALIST , n Chrnnlcdl'ca > B , cftcn hN lenlcoi to all at Icttd wltn illmntes of th 1'jo , Kar , cr thrrnlc louaioeofany chir.cter. WamnlB a cure In 1 Uicirjia li : tflcctl ns Can bo cunaulted ty 111 or In iHjrabn at the lit trojiollUu hotel , ouneil liluffj , lotta Sullivan < fc Fitzgerald , DEALERS IN GROGEliiiS ? , PROVISIONS , Crockery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , Also agcnta for the following linen of Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Qulon , American , aud Stati Steamship Companies. i. SB" Tor sale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Bank of Ireland , Dublin. Those wto Intend to send tot 'i lend * to any part ot Europe will Ond It to thai ; atereit to cul on Sullivan ft Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 343 "Broadway , fiouncril MES , fl. J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , xBtiT CouaolllBlnCii. PETHYBRIDGE & NEUNAS , I'llOI'niETOItfl BEOiDIAT IAEEET DEALEltS IN Presli and Salt Meats , Poultry and Game in tboir season. Wiene : und other Situangcs a specialty , No. 32T BROADWAY. < 5 ARTISTIC POTTERY nich Out Qloee , Pine Freno Silver Ware &a , MO nuoinwtr POUNCIL ni.DFPH & WUlbT. DENTISTS. 1 Pearl Street , Conncil Bluffs Eitrac tnp nd fWlDir a specialty , HOWIK U. ABBOTT. Justice oi the Peace aik Notary Fubhc. , Council Bluffs ? MAIN STREET AI IhdiMsiidbV i i LIVERY , F& ir ° AND- SALE STABLE , All Shlppora ai d Travolero will U good aooommodation and roaaonabl ohnrgoa. SOUTH i TBEET OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa HOLLAND & BnLLKPv , Proprietors o aa ac iws 'esIP. . Office over uvlug * Unk. OOUNOIij BLUFFS , - Iowa REAL ESTATE. W. 0. James , to connection with bli law an lalUctlon burioresbuya and elli r al eU e fsrtons vlshlDf to buy or s ll city prop rt > ithlsomoeOTtr DushncU1 ! book IttMl HARKNESS , OJfCUTT & SO , , Broadway , and Foui1 ! ; ! ! Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa mnr-J-im 3 ? Headquarters For the Celebrated eber Pianos , TT X , Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. S Address , I < j. MUELLER , Cv BJ COUNCIL BLUFFS , Guarantees the Best $1,60 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff and WDlnw Sreets , Council Blufe. B. HAGG & OO. GEISE1 BOTTLED BEEE , MADE FROM ' 1HE ARTESIAN WELL WATKK. ALSO AGENTS FOH THK Orders fllleJ In uny ptatct the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. JOSEPH EEITER , MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowust Possible Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Oood'a Hair Eton , at prlcoa never befere touched by ny other hair dealer. Also a full line ot switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also fold , Illvcr and colored nets. Waves made from ladles' owu hair. Da not fall to call before purchaslntr ikowhcro. All goods wairanled aa represented. MRS. J. J. GOOD , 89 Main street. Counrll Bluffs , IOK . MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , TJ 3S3T 33 > S JESMC&jaZ 3ES The finest quality and larxeat stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalio c&ecs. Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan has served as undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands his business. WAREROOMS , M6 AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholstering In all its bninchoj prcinptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele graphic and mail orders filled without delay. _ _ GONRAD GEISE'S Council Bluffs , - Iowa. Beer and rralt In any qnati'lty'lo ' suit purchasers , liner W.OO per barrel. Private families lup- piled wit > am lj t. OK * nt tl-Plajj. ! ! jL'L ' * . y Ifouof charge to any pirt of the city. -PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE ACJENT FOR Joseph Sohlitr Brewing Company's Celebrated No. 711 Broadway , Conncil Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited CItv ordont to famillcn and dpalera delivered free. _ A. UKKBII , W. KUNVAN , W. DKEBB O. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale nnd Ketall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY ITos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Blufih. APPEL , NO. 529 S Main Ftreet. Connoil Bluffs Our c-onitantlv Increieln trade Is tutfclent proof of our dealing and atentln ( to c s omers. Ootd butter a'wajs oil land. I'roropt delhery of goods. S. M. CIIOOKH , Pre ? . N. B , EAHTON , Soo. J , E. HovrsiAN , Vice Pres , N , B. MOORE , Counselor. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE CO. [ Incorporated under tbo Laws of Iowa. ] INSURANCE AT ACTUAL COST. Ituuring LIVE STOCK AgUnut Loan by ACCIDENT , THEFT OR DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever. OFFIOBs 103 Pearl Street , - Council Bluffs , Iowa , dt-cS-dtf J , F. KIMBALL. GEOCHAMP , \ KIMBALL & OH4MP , ( Buccuuon to J. F. & J , M. Caaudy. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. at teoldstanl oppnult * rout bi.iuw