Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1882, Image 1

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November's ' Gale Severely Visible
in tlie Work of Congress ,
Economy nnd Reform in All
TblDgo the Burden of
I to Song.
The Postal Committee Unani <
mously in Favor of Two-
Oent Letter Postage.
Every Questionable Claim or
B.ll Shovad in the Wuete
TholtanntitJDUicimflyPtnnluf ; and
Pnrffating n
Bpcefal Dljpntchca to Tnu Bu.
WASIIINOTOX , Dooombor 8. Tlio
form of the cartific.ito to bo used iu
connection , with the awards made by
the Garfield board of audit wan completed
ploted to-day. The nwhrdn will bo
included in ouo certificate , and payment
mont made the board in bulk.
The houao committee on postofficca
and post roads this morning unanl
moualy adopted the report of Chair
man Btnglum in favor of the passage
of Audoraon's bill
Representative re
ducing letter postage to two cants per
hnlf ounce , to take effect on January
1 , 1884
Mr. Biughara , in hia report to the
hoinn urging the reduction of letter
postage tu two cents , given statistics
as far back aa 1702 , when the rate for
carrying letters was six cants for a
distance of thirty miles and twenty-
five cents for 450 miles. There is
alco a rarcful eatiunto based on the
history of the past , which ausUlns
the theory of the report that the stim
ulus to letter writing which would
naturally bo caused by reduction ,
would greatly lessen the estimated
loss of the first year , which
( not counting tush increase of letters )
would * only reach $8,000000 Tno
entire lees , the report , HCBUjieu , could
bo offset by a fair ullowaneu for carry
ing mail matter of the government.
It 13 uho QJtimitod , should the reduc
tion not take plncu until January 1st.
1884 , aa provided iu the amended
Auder'on bili , Ihu surplus ot the first
half of that fin.mci&l year Mould bal
ance the lo.ia of the last half , aud there
would bo ample time to exhaust or
call in the printed supply of govern
ment stamped three cent envelopes.
The surplus of the pootofiioo depart
ment in 1882 will ba fully doubled , it
ia bolioveu , iu 1883. It ia suggested
when the loss experienced by this re
duction shall be fully made up , nnd
when there shall again be a surplus , a
reduction of postage ou drop letters
should bo made.
Another notable change In the bill
is the omission of the amount asked
for apecul facilities ( $600,000) ) . This
means th abandoumeot of tno "fast
mail" service. Thu bill will be re
ported to the house Monday.
Judpo Lawrence , firat controller of
the treasury , sustains the recant de
cision o the Blxth auditor of the post-
offioa department , in a case ooming
from Jackson , Misj. , to the effect that
rates of payment tixod by the postmaster _ -
master general for advertisements in
a newspaper for proposals to carry
mails ara final and uro not to bo re
viewed by miy other authority.
Secretary Teller decided in the ease
of the U.antio & Pacific railroad
Bgalnst Forester , who made a homestead -
stead within the granted limits of the
company , alleging settlement three
days before the company withdrew ita
land , that in failing to appear at the
time of makirie final proof , the com
pany waived the right to assert title
to the tr&ot.
The sonatu committee on military
affairs this morning decided to report
favorably the entire list of army nom
inations recmitly referred to it
Tim senate committee on foreign of ;
fairs hsd under consideration Iho
Oaroan treaty negotiated by Com
mander Shufeldt. Considerable progress -
gross was made , but several meetings
will be required to dispose of it.
The houaj committee on foreign
affiirs this moraiug authorizsd its
cbuiruiKii to request the house to fix
a day for coutideration of thu Nica
ragua ! ! canal and Venezuelan claims
bill * .
Secretary Folger to-day ordered the
cancellation of bonds delivered to the
United States by the executor of the
late Joseph L Louis. Total amount
$950,000 , These bonds will be In
cluded in the reduction of the debt
for the present month.
The house election committee had up
the case of Caine , who claims admis
sion as the Utah delegate. It was re
ferred to a sub-committee.
A member of the senate military
-committee , speakine about dismiieed
army officers , said the committee was
in no temper to listen to appeals for
reinstatement , nnd that the visit of
army officers to Washington would
probably be fruitless.
Iu both the house and senate peti
tions were presented asking prompt
action on the tobacco tax question.
In the home the diplomatic ) bill
was reported and referred to the com
mittee of the whole. It appropriates
ome $80,000 Jew than the appropria
tion for the prosput year.
and refiners of the ooantry , who are
bitterly opposed to the rocommenda-
tlon of the tariff commlsaiv ' ' * ' " * '
gard to the duty ou sugar , are uJ /f /
atsombllng , hero for the purpose of
persuading congress ndt to adopt that
recommendation. The say that while
A nominal reduction of from 10 to 12
per cent Is recommended , no * sctual
reduction is in fact proposed , and
that to adopt the recommendation ol
the the commission won'd bo to make
the law oven more complicated and
oppresaivo than now in ita relation to
the sugar interest.
which will ba reported from the sub
commitloo to the full committee to
morrow , provides as fallows for the
principal items of expenditure : For
inlaud transportation , § 2,000,000 ;
transportation by star routes , $5 500-
OOOj railway p..itnl clcrl.c , $3,977,000 ;
mil , -ny pi..i , , o-rri. $10,000,000 ; tot
teroMiiors , ? 3GOO.OOO ; postmasters ,
$10 000,000 ; inland transportation by
atoirnb'wts , $7,000 COO ; for foreign
mails , $ : )50,000j ) depred * tiou , ? 225-
OUOj ntivortUing , $45,000. The above ,
with ttenv not miutuarit d , unices a
total of 542,000,000. T010 i3 an in-
crotcj over the amounts noyioprSatod
lastyearof Sl,200OOOf"rpjBtmastora'
salaries , a decrease of 51,500,000 in
the approjiriuinu for ttir route tor- increase of $815,000 for in
land transported < u by toil , twd a
dtcrcMo of § 100,000 by boat.
Application was made in the supreme
premo oourt of the district to-day for
a Eumuioua to the secretary of state
requiring h'm to show cauio why ho
should not p _ , y over to certain claim
ants money in hia possession under
what is known aa the Bon Weil Mexi
can claim. The claim amounts to over
§ 400,000. The claimants sear their
rights rnny bo impaired by the treaty
with Mexico now pending.
Special Dltpateli ti Till Bex.
WASHINGTON , December 8. After
the morning hour consideration of thu
bankruptcy bill was resumed
Senator Jones ( Fla ) offered on
amendment giving the party sought
to bu thrown into involuntary bank
ruptcy the right to demand a jury trial
aa to the 'grounds of bankruptcy.
Agreed to.
Senator Morgan offered an amendment -
ment miking It bankruptcy the deal
ing in futures in certain articles of
pnmo noosBflity , such as wheat , corn ,
sugar , cotton , rioo , otc. Agreed to.
Senator Hour made im address ad-
vociting the Lowell bili.
The house went into committee of
the whole ou the private calendar.
The principal bill was that for the
relief nf the oflicera and crow of the
Monitor who participated in the
action with the Aferrlmao on the 9th
cf March , 1862. In the course of the
dlscujsion Mr. Bayno ( Pa ) , called
attention to the fact that yesterday
the house voted do < m a measure for
the benefit of sqldiors who were in
poor houses and now all at once- ,
Lot a great opponent of the rescue
of .impoverished soldiers ( alluding to
Mr ! Hewitt' , of Now Vo L ) 'wun and
described the conference which ho atone
ono time attended , and how he and
that conference had saved the spolia
tion of New York City , and told how
ho wanted to appropriate $200,000 tea
a few men who had taken part in the
combat with the Morrimao. If those
people were poor , lot New York take
care of them.
The enacting clause of the bill was
then struck out , on motion of Mr.
Atherton ( Ohio ) , by a vole of 102 to
32. The committee then rose , but no
action ou its report was taken by the
Mr. Biugham ( Pa. ) reported a bill
reducing postage to two cents. Ho-
Adjourned until to morrow.
A Swindling Intnranoe Company.
SjwclM Dlnpatch to Till UK > .
DENVER , December 8. The Den
ver Fito Insurance company has col
lapsed. It iraa organized fifteen
months ago with a capital stock of
$1,000,000 , of which over one-fourth
was paid in. It now transpires that
it never hud n dollar of capital in
money in the treasury and the only
assets consisted of a few unsecured
individuals' notes and tracts of unim
proved land in the southern states , to
which they held imperfect title. There
is trouble ahead.
CongrrKB Contoit lu Iowa-
Special Dlijmtch to Till D .
DEH MOINES , December 8. Judge
Mo Henry , of the district court , tins
morning issued an injorcunn on the
state canvaeting board forbidding
them to count the votn of Taylor pre
cinct , Marshall coun'y. To obey the
writ will seat Frederick , democrat , in
the next congress. The board sub
mitted the legality of the injunction
to the attorney-gtinorAl for uecition ,
who will render his opinion to-mor
Damped In the Dltob.
Special nUp tch to Tni U .
MACON , Oa. , December 8 , The
passenger train which loft for Mont
gomery this morning , ran off the
track one mile east of Georgetown
near Eafaula this afternoon. The en
tire train thrown ono hundred yards
down an embankment. Everybody
on the train except the engineer and
orew more or loss injured , Mail
Agent Wiley Harris , Express Mes
senger F. M. Foley and train hand
Nat. Williams warn badly hurt.
AMlsiliilppi Contest.
Special Dlipatcb to Ton lint.
JicKsoy , Decembers. It is report'
ed that the grand jury will investigate
the conduct of Tate county in the re
cent election. It is said Manning will
refaso the certificate. This meets
with the approbation of a largo ma
jority of democrats vwno think ho
should make his contest independent
of tilt ) Tate county matter ,
A Rello of the War
SpecUI Dl ptch to Till Bu
Nxw Your , December 8.Tho ao-
tlon of tno United States against Harrison
risen , ex-agent of the United Btatcs
' - " for the of
r -"aaury , recovery nearly
4 / / TOO arising from the sumo bo-
Inn Jlseated during the war , and
which it Is alleged ho devoted to his
own uio , was brought to ttinl to-d y
In the United States circuit court.
The Alleged Abductor 'of ft Mllwnu-
koo Qlrl Captured.
SpodM Dispatch to Tui Bti
LINCOLN , December 8 A sonsa
tlon haa been developed hero to-day
by piece msal. The sheriff of Adams
county , this elate , went to Nebraska
City yesterday and arrested a man
giving his nnmo as McEwin , em
ployed iu the packing house , on n
warrant ohargln ; ; him wi'h being the
abductor of Magtfo Honnioko , c-f
Milwaukee , whoso disappoarancn cre
ated so much excitement. An alleged
member of Pinkcrton's force cnusrd
tint arrest. Ho H ys the mtui'ti name
iii Hamilton. Tlio nllcgd nbduotor is
nboat 33 years old.
Tlio nloeclDK of ManaKora n Failure
No Prospect of Poitco.
f pedal UIipAlcb to Tin Iit .
NEW YOJIK , December 0. The following -
lowing is The Sun's report of the
r.tllway mooting in the Windsor hotel
Friday morning : There wore present
President 11.11. Porter and Director
Uoujamin Browster , of the Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha
road ; President Hugh Riddle and Presidents David Daws and II.
R. Cable , cf the Chicago , Itock Island
& Pacific road ; President Al-
bsrt Keep and Vice President
aud Oencral Manager Marvin
Ilughltt , of the Chicago & North
western railway ; and President Julius
Wadsworth and Director J. Mllbani ,
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
road. They remained in session for
about two hourH and then adjourned
till 10.30 o'clock tliia morning. All
who attended the conference wore
unanimous in saying no progress was
tuado and that the meeting waa har
monious , that is to say , no ill-temper
ed languaga waa used. The Omaha
company null stand to their original
claim for distribution of territory
or a definition of toriitorial
lights , aud that this point
should bo decided litat. It was bickod
by the Ruck Island and Northwestern
roads. Tiio St. Paul people nay they
were willing to confer upon this point ,
but want the matter of rate discussed
and decided first. Adjournment was
taken with a view of giving ono slda
or the other an opportunity to ahnuge.
its opinion. Those who attended the
conference gave no encouragement to
the belief that the war will soon bo
settled. Stock' brokers generally
made up their mlmls yester
day that It would not bo
settled for some time , and that the
present efforts would end < if not in a
row , at least ia making the prospects
of peaoe more distant. Jay Gould , .
who was active two weeks ago In pro-
motine peace among the roads , apa
Rusjoll Wagewho in largely intores'e'J
in tha St. Paul road , and ha/ all
along been confident that a eottktnont
would ioou be made , said yesterday
they cuuld detect no indioAtioui of
such an event , aad united in the opin
ion that peace was still n long wav off.
Th * Official Count ia Wisconsin.
Special Dispatch to Tim IJu.
MHWAUKEV , December 8. The
official camiiss of the last election was
completed to-day by the btato board
of commissioners , with the following
result : Total vote in the state , 210-
924 , of which the democrat ! polled
103 C30 , republicans 94COG , , prohibi
tionists 13,800 , groonbackor * 2,400 ,
and miscellaneous 2,392. The senate
will stand 17 republicans , 15 demo
crats , and 1 independent ; assembly ,
45 republicans , 53 democrats , and 2
independents , giving the democrats
3 majority on joint ballot over fall.
Iijrnob law In
BpocUl Dlipttch to Tui Bu.
BASTUOUI' , La. , December 8
Wednesday night the jail doors hero
were broken down by a body of indlg
riant men and Robinson and Bill
Chase taken out and hanged. Pub
lic opinion is in sympathy with the
List Saturday a negro named Wes
ley Andrews endeavored to kilia white
man named McDowell , three miles
from Bastroup , The negro was cap
tured and is reported lynched.
Th TrluleiTructdy. .
Special Ultpatch to Tim Bin.
LouiHviLLE , December 8 Mrs.
Trinler , who , u tew days ago , had her
throat cut by her husband , tha latter
taking his own life , has recovered
Bufliolently to take oath that the deed
wa committed by her husband , who
linit attempted to shoot her at au
early hour in the morning. Failirif
in this he slashed her throat and thot
killed himself. Budlness and not do
raestio trouble was the cause.
V7raoked at Boa
Bp dal DUpitch to Till lin.
PHILAUELPIIIA , December 8. The
tug George W. Ohllds aad steamyaoh <
Idle Hour foundered off Hatter&s in
the storm of November 22. All on
board were lost.
POHTJUOCTU , N. H. , December 8
Three schooners dragged anchors
to day and wont
ashore. The crows
wnro saved ,
" , aorf d UouoerU" In Now York.
Special Dlapktch to Tui IJu.
NKW YORK , December 8 In the
cases of Harry Hill
, and the manager
ol the Atlantic garden , who o "sacrec
concerts" were stopped Sunday by the
police , the court holds such concerts
not forbidden by the pmml code.
Solsleii Monopolists.
BpecUl Dlipatob to TuiBii ,
MOM THE At , December 8 , The mau
ufacturers refuse to confpr or com
promise with the lastera ; 5,000 peoph
are out of employment ,
The Losses by the Big Fire in
London Foot Up Fifteen
Million Dollars.
The Great Flood Reaches the
Ho 't. of the City of
Milliono of Rate , Driven From
the Sewerp , Boldly Prouii.
untie the Streets.
QlttdMtono to Retire from the
PHuio Minlotersliip.
A JRnllroikH Colliiitm In XV hicli
Koliort Bounor , of Nov Y rk ,
Econpod Uulrjured.
A Qlirual t/lctary for the Glnclntoiio
GllnUtrv In the Liverpool
Elootlou. '
Various Moms of lutoroat From Other
Quarters. / ,
Special DlipatcbM to Till U i. I
11 ANT YEAItn.
LONDON , December 8 The Ore
which broke out last iight In the
lter Ohristmp. Iinrd ? > < > > # / _ , . .
invited to join the cabinet. Ohildore ,
now the war aeoretary will become
the chancellor of the exchequer , t > nd
Dilko , the under foreign aecrutary will
outer tbo cabinet. It says that those
changes may bo precursors of oven
more important ones possibly before
the end of the ntxt session cf parlia
ment. Gladstone in ay consider him
self entitled to retire and in such a
contingency there is little doubt that
Hartiugton will become the prime
A flinr ASIIORE.
LONDON , Decembers. The Gorman
bark Argonaut , Captain Bremtra ,
from Bremen for Now York , is aahor
ou thu island of Terachilllng , and is
probably a total wreck. Tha o&ptain
and ten of tha crow were drowned.
Four of the crow were saved.
Thu luueral of the late archbishop
of Canterbury took place to-d y at
Addlngton. Representatives of the
qnoon and the Prince of Wales wore
present. The Duke of Connaught at
tended in person.
PARIS , Decerabar 8. The Ropub
Hquo Francaiso , Gambotta's organ
ssyi that if the government of Grea
Britain continues to pursue its egotia
tical course in Egypt to the d ti'iroen
of Franco's interests , Franco will pro
tect those interests in any was sh
may think bust.
BERLIN , December 8. The chum
bora of commerce of all the seaports o
Germany have protested against Hi
exclusion of Amnrican pork , Th
Rovernmout , however , will porsoven
in Its determination to prohibit thi
DUBLIN , December 8. Trevellyan
arrived last evening.
LONDON , December 8. A stcamo
whose uarae is not incortainod struc !
on the rooks near Ponzinco to-dau
and foundered. Tha storm contin
ues ,
CAIRO , Dooember 8. Ceylon is th
place of exile selected for the rebo
BT. JOUNH , N. F. , December 8.
The steamship Baitieh Crown , frou
Liverpool for Philadelphia , paneed
Cape Race this afternoon. She reports
ports a rough passage , The b-irgr.a
of the wrecked steamer Herder were
drifting ashore , also portions of the
cargo of the wrecked ship Asdrubal.
LIMA , December 8 A slight shock
of earthquake was felt hero this morn-
General Plerola telegraphs his ina
bility to accept the unreasonable proposals -
posals of Chili , and states thst he has
deferred bis return to Peru until a
more favorable time.
PARIS , Decembers. The chamber
of deputies adopted the budget , 40
to 40.
ALEXANDRIA , December 8. Thirty
six slaves of both toxos were omnnci
paled and mauy prisoners released , a
PARIS , Dacombor 8.Tho water 1m
reached the heart of the city. Drain
in the low lying quarters are unable ti
find an onllol , aud the water hits risen
to A level Tilth the roads. In Rue dc
L'Univorsily the water is a foot dee ;
in many places. The collars of th
foreign office building are flooded. Th
{ fotro D. mo quarter Is awarminc ; witl
rata driven out of the cowers , aud th
iwoplo nro sufTorlng from their dupro
ST. J'KTKKHUURU , December 8. The
festival of St. Gaorgo was ooiobr.ttoc
to-day. ( AH dinnitarlon of Iho order
uasomblod til noon Iu thu winter pnl
ace , where the To Djttm wns snug ant
a banquet mibseqiiontly hold. Tlio
czr proposed the health of the em
peror of Germany , which was drank
with onthusiwm. In the evening n
theatric * ! performance , nt which rho
emperor , empresi and Imperial family
were present , wai given in Aunitch
doff palace ,
LONDON , December 8 , rho . . ,
says the resultof the Liverpool olec'
iI tion I IB n signal victory for the minis
] try. That the government has olrondy
recovered its popularity of Uh > , and
that the authority and ivtluonco
of the opposition are on the vnno , are
'iota Indisputable.
Lito to-night the mins were still
f inNiildering aud nl'Oixmo from twenty
hydrants were pouring on them ,
Eight hundred people are thrown out
of employment.
Old Commander of the
PJatte in Hio New Field.
What Two Mem till of Common
Pcnto "Work Hni Boon to
Qalnt Aileiua.
'ortcaponilanco of Till Bu.
PiiHsonTT , Arizona , December 1.
! f any of your readers , disgusted with
snow and wind , pines for n trip to
country where the air is as balmy as
summer and where overcoats are per
nanuntly at u discount , lot him come
10 Arizona , To-day as I im writing
; ho thermometer registers 79 degrees
Glow does that sound to a reader who
Is no doubt figuring up the price ol
ooal and shivering as ho turns tha
oold corner by the poatoflho which wi
all remember so well. Hero wo are
at Whlpplo barraoVs , CO miles south
of Williams station on the Atlantic &
Pacific railroad , and just ono mile from
iho town of Prosoott , the county sea
of Yavapafconnty , Arizona.
s the headquarters of the dopartmon
of Arizona , Apache land , where near
y ton years ago General Crook made
a record as an Indian tamer which
still lingers in the memory of the olc
settlors. The post , which Is ono ol
ho ploasantoat and most cheerful ol
any of the western frontier garrisons ,
tea in a little plain surrounded by
lilln at an elevation of some 0 COC
'act ' above the eoa. The quar o
; ers for the muu ana offin
cors are partly of frame und
partly of adobe , and are built , as is j
iiiu&l , around a plaza or parade ground , j
Tao h adquarterr of thn department
is i located j ast outeido of Fort Whipple , .
vhero t\iu \ ataff officers' quartoro , thu n
chapel < , ciib house and headquarters nai
bnilding ' aud corral form quite a little aisi
nettle. The buildings are warm and si
comfortable , ahd mauy are superior to sii
thoio of Fort Ouuha , which isn't say
ing Tory much for either. The j
is contained In the military division
of the Pacific , of which Major General
Shofhld is the commandant. Tno
department comprises all of the terri
tory o ! Arizona and that portion of
Oallforria which lies south ot a line
drawn from the northwestern Arizona [
boundary to Point Conception. With
in thceo limits live no lees than six .
tribes of hostile Apachei and a dozou
other trib's ' of Indians , including the
Mohavi'n.ilarlcopap , Papagos , Ohmaa ,
Moquis und Pollutes.Vithln
the paat tun yearn no lots than throe
oonimandc'U have wrestled with the [
Indian protlein in the department ,
Gen. Orook.Ool. . Kautz , Eiphth in
fantry , and Qol. Wilcox , of the Twelfth
infantry , who less than throe months
ago was supersede-d by Gon. Crook.
Arlzoniann call Gon. Crook
"TUB . "
and with good reason. Ho Ia the
only general win haa ever succeeded Bp
In quieting the Apaches. In 1871 ,
juat before th general's first cam-
palcn agamut these hostiles , a mem
orial was prceentod to OODCTCSS by the
legislature whlh farniflhod sworn
ovldonco that daring the two years
previous 1(50 ( pctHonathad been mur
dered ] and 801 horses and mules and
2,407 cattle kiUsd or stolen by those
houtllo tribes. _ , A stern application of
Crook's ojhiiiiitio for the first time
Hindu them sue for peace and pledge
themselves to remain on their reser-
yatlons-a pledge they kept until a
year ao ! , when poor management and
bad agents caused the recent out
break , which Orook was again called p
upon to quell. I found General
Jrook last night comfortably located
n his quarter * , with Oulonol Martin f
and Captain Roberta. He had ju t
returned from a two months' trip to
ho agencies of the hostiles , on which
is was accompanied by Captain John
. Uourke , his indefatigable aide , and
oth looked like browned and grizzled
veterans after their journey. General
Crook Ihrovy his right leg over his
loft , gave his side whitkcrs a vigorous
pull , and submitted cheerfully to an
interview , of which the following Is
the substance :
Upon my arrival hero I found the
Indians very unoasr and unsettled ,
and foam were entertained by the
whites of
Turning over the command of the
dopartmznt during my absence lo Colonel -
onol Martin , I at once started for Iho
ngonclui to examine matter * for my
self , hold conferences with the diaaf-
footed ohiofn at d to attempt to got at
the bottom of the trouble. The In
dians nt once ocufoteod that they contemplated
tomplatod n general war. They com
pkVicd that they had been lied to and
abused , that they could trust no ono
and that everybody eoomod to bo
against them. Zhoy frankly acknowl
edged that tho/ had ccuno to Ilia cou
elusion that tfny had to die aud they
mJght as wi l die with tluir JJUIKIIU
their hand * .
thirteen hundred bucks. This
Dccmod to boiu very badahnpo.
IV Indians complained that Agent
'plliny had swindled them , and I
Juuss they had plenty of cause for
their complaints. Uoro the Indians
were very much scattered , and my
Iirst work was to induce them to come
iu to the agency and hold
From my former dealings with
Jhom they reposed a great deal of con-
idonoo in mo , and I sent out to them
M coino in and have a talk with mo
and sent word to them that oven if
xiy decision would bo agalntt them
that they nhould not bo harmed in any
wsy by oomlnR in and having a talk.
At first they were very reluctant , and
icsltated considerably. Ono follow
whom I know very well when I was
lore before , hpaltnting about it , I
asked : "Why. do you not know me ? "
when ho replied , "Well , really , I am
not sure about it ; you look like the
same man , but I oinnot tell now who
is my friend and who ia not. " Finally
when a few of thorn cams in , the rest
came all right. " In rosponeo to n
luoationas to
made for their government , General
Crook said the Indians in each band
were numbered , and onch given n
brass tag or ch ck , the diUuirontbauds
having dilTjrent shaped tnga , sn that
the tag shows not only the band its
owner belongi to , but htn number iu
the band. A record of those , together
with a full and complete description of
the owner of it , is kept iu a book.
They wore then instructed that anyone
ono being found outside the resort a
tinn or without his tog , would bo con
sidered as hostile and treated acoard
Inylg. The reservation Is also being
murvoyod , and they will bo provided
with seed ard in thotpring bo allowed
the privileges of selecting any location
they may cheese within the reservation
tion to plant them. Heretofore they
were only allowed the privilege of
cultivating around thn agency , and
Ban Carlen agency Is located iu the
most barren and uninviting ; portion of
the territory , which , is saying a good
deal. TJjo'Indiaus have nlso been
Buffering greatly with malarial fevers
and have died off in great numbers
around the agency , which naturally
discourages them. Now , as they oitn
make their own selection of location
they are bettor satisfied. I found
also that a change had to bo made hi
As fast as thu time of the old scouts
was up for which they wore diluted
they were discharged , aa they were
mostly boys and young bucks , without
standing orlnflaonco among their own
peoplo. A low , however , were reenlisted -
enlisted nnd others will bo enlisted
under an entirely new system , Wo
ihnll hereafter enlist only those who
iavo character and standing among
heir ] band * , and who will have tn-
] luenco with them , to keep them under
control. To send strangers in among
.ho citizens to govern them would
arouse their jealousy about the same .
ai to import Europeans to govern and
run i our affairs. We have two officers
stationed at San Carlos , and there are
two i civilians , who are called chief ot P
scoutn , to look after thorn , and two In tln
terpreters. , I anticipate no more n
trouble from tha San Carlos Indians. ?
of dealing with the Indians is to deal
justly with them. They know pretty fi
itoll what they ouaht to havn and ex- |
poet to have it. It douau'fc par ID j
vmko promises that you can't fulfil ,
t is a theory of minn that no tribe iit1
can bo thoroughly pacified until they t1b
.indorV.and firat that you are able to b
keep them in oubjaction by force if I
icci'ssary , and second thnt jou will ot
ioop your promises with them and oa
lot uio force uulena it is necessary , a
My policy has been to encourage tha 'Ii
ndians to ncoumuluto property , to 'IR |
3uy hortos and cattle and to raise R
crops where they can , giving them to d
understand that they will bo treated t
ustly and fairly BO long as they keep a
vithin the regulations laid down for ' (
heir control , 'I
Buainen Xutlnroi >
d l Dbpttcfati toTuiIlu.
NEW YOUK , December 8. The
Miiiness failures of the last seven
lays aggregated 190 , of which twenty-
vo were iu Nnw York city.
Punning Fnultlvei With Bloodhound -
hound * .
pcl l Dkpatch to Tui Iln.
LITIXJC ROUK , December 8 , This
morning eleven convicts at work on
ho penitentiary attacked and dis-
nnod the guard and escaped , They
roro puaued with bloodhounds , but
dllod throe of thorn , and night com- .
ng on , the pursuit was abandoned ,
A Horrible Graveyard *
cUl UUpttcli to Tui IJu. ho
PirrsuuKU , December 8. Iu the "
reo colored cemetery hi the suburbs
the city there are at least four lay UlT
rs of dead in the enclosure only par- Ulbi
lally burled , many uncoflined , and bi
0x8 have been feas ing ou thu remain * ea
or many years. Portions of bodiet e
re being dreggcd to nelphboring farm erin
IOU60B. in
Lincoln Boarding Houses Preparing -
, ing for the January Feast ,
Offlco SpritiKin Up , Even
in Bnrr ri Soil.
Lnncaater Trotti Out n Suffl-
oiont Number to Moot the
Demand for Generation ? .
1'lltmoro'n Favored Son Trlr the
Boot That Xni-nii Clarft Never
Iho Stnto Prlntltijt Oontnict Let n
Grimily Ri'duoe < l Prlcno.
' otre ponUcn : ot TIIII linn.
LINCOLN , DfoomborInleen thnn
ono month this city will bo attracting
more than her share of attention.
Already the members-elect will be se
lecting their rooms , mid the hotels
and boarding houses arc preparing for
a grand harvest , aud noailv e > ury
man you moot Is a candidate for m mo
oflico In the ocrmto or house. The
colored troops , most of whom ( ought
bravely and voted the straight railroad
ticket , who am expecting u oed slice
in the shape of position ? , according to
promise , will find that Jordan is a
hard road to travel. Lancaster
county not ouly has fifteen or twenty
candidates for fireman , janitor , etc. ,
but she has alee two candidates for
speaker in thu persons of Hon. 0.
0. Whodon and Hon. M. L Scs-
simia. It is not often that ono
county can offjrd two candidates for
sneaker especially after that county is
furnishing nearly lulf of the n'ato nlli-
eern. In reality Mr. Sesaioua is pro
bably n candidate only to defeat Mr.
Whedon , Mr W. having a rcatonablo
show of BUCOPSS his euuiniub hnvo fig-
u red out this cilnin to defeat him. And
these uro not all the candidates ; tlu-io
ia at leant ono more , and the readers
of TUB BKB will smile when they hejtr
thnt A. G. Higgiimon , the correspond-
out of the Omaha Republc ) n ut this
place , b the anti monopoly candiiJuto
tor Soerotary of ilia Stmate.
Hon. P. D. Sturduviknt the nu\vly
oloctnd stale treasurer , vrts in tn--n
yesterday , and your correspondent
lud the pleasure ot meeting him.
First impressions are said to bo the
best , and our first impression of him
wus that ho would bo a fair mau in
any place , and bin very laokn indicate
that ho will bo true to the men who
elected him , and this view uf him was
strengthened when we saw him step-
up to the ticket office aud lay down t :
the money iu exchange for a railroad
ticket. Wo will venture the nstortion.
Vbat this is the first tlmo iu the hia-
tury of the at&to that a prospective or
an actual member of the state board
of equalization over paid a dollar for
a ride on any railroad iu thu sluts
from the day of his election till ho
loft the oflico at the end of liis term.
The bids for ntfito printing were
npoued at the capitul yesterday , and
thanks to the Tribune Printing Com
pany of Lincoln , thnutatu of .Nebraska
will have her printing done at a rea
sonable rate durirg the next to
years. It is a little remmkjtblo that
the Journal company should put in A
bid for work which must satisfy every
man in the state that the editor of
that sheet is a liar and that Senator
Van Wjck did not toll near alltho
truth when ho exposed the steal oF the
past two years. Senator Van Wyck
charged that the Journal compauy
were rccelviug six prices f jr making
the assessor's books for the state1 , and
the Journal took great p ilns to publish a
statement to try and convince the people
plo that the white paper cost more than
the price mentioned by Van Wjok , and
now after all this this same company
yesterday put in a bill offering to do
this , work at a loss figure than the Sen
ator over supposed it could bo done
for. Who is the liar ? There were
four i bidders for this printing , the
O.Tiaha : Republican , Omaha Herald ,
State Journal and the Tribune Print
ing Company of Lincoln. The bids of
thu Republican were about twice as
hiuh as the rest , and consequent
ly ; Mr , Yost wont homo with
out anything Tha remaining
three bidders received a slice
all around at remarkably low figures.
Thu difference in the price paid for
printing i batwocu the old and the now
contracts will amount to ton thousand
dollars at least. Under this now con
tract The Journal company will do
about one-tenth uf the work , Too
Omaha Herald about onn-fourth and
The Tribune printing compauy of Lin
coln the remainder.
The deputy United States mmhals
are in town to-day inviting witnesies
to go to Omaha to attend oourt in the
Hull case. Wo are informed that the
case is to bo tried before Judge Fos
ter , of Kansas , commencing next
Monday. W. A.
The Bady Bnntobera In Court
BpetUl DUpatch to Till Un.
PiiiLAUKU'iiiA , December 8. The
grave robbers , MoNamoo , Pellet , Lev !
Oho r and Robert Chow , were arraigned
to-d y for further hearing. Twenty-
five police oflicers were present to pro
tect the prisoners Dr. Forbes , de
monstrator of anatomy at Jtffereou
college , testified ho had never thought
could bu regarded as accessory to
"body snatching , " merely because ho
never in ado any investigation of the.
manner the bodies were procured.
The colloqa was getting about 150
bodies u year. Thu students paid $10
such for a "ticket , " und $1 each for
L'very subject upon which they op-
iratod. The prisoners were committed
default of $5,000 each for trial.
' I
/ I