THB DAILT BKK OJidAJbLv. FRIDAY DPCEMJBEK 8 < 882 The Daily Bee. Friday Morning , Dec. 0. Wonther I&oport. ( JCbo following obaervaHonr arelcen a tbf same moment of time at all the station QAtxied. ) WAB DKTABTVBxr , II , 8. SIOKALSKI. j vicr. OHAHA. IX-c. 7.1882. (1:46p.m. ( I itiTtcn * . B Dentrr > 3031 2C N Obryeane. . . 032 * Light Fair WMhakla. . . . 10 79 8 Light Cloudy Phtvi. . . . . . . ior,7 u a\v Fair OnnMia. . . ! . . so py 3 I\V Light Cloudy Tankton. . . . JI33 HW Light D < ilolnr . . TO * 7 NVV Frwh Ittvnnpott. . , W 78 . \V Clear P . Taiil W7I \V Fresh Clear Pt.LoiUf . . W M 3 , NW Fro h Cleir Mnorhrtul. . . J 73 12 ,8\V , Frr h Our Vincent Jls-mrck. . . . sera 0 'HI5 ' Fre h Clomly tluford „ . . 31) M 11 HE Cloudy CuiUtr a a 1C .K ' < ' ! Cloudy Ueadwond. . . Rlr r 3 left 7 Inches ibovo law wiUr rattk a B , dor. n it Tanktin , Mlwlsslipl 0 leo * 1 at Divcnpoit , 2 feet 10 Inchon at &t f ot 4 Inchoa r l Hi. I.oul ) , 3 f < xl i -Inchitat lAGrowani I loot 10Incbai kt C Thoiowcro two jilltn drutiku boffin Bcncko yesterday anil bnt ) wore cent up In default of ton dollaM anc The puly given by Mr. W. 8. Ilel ( ihroy at Manoulo hall loat Hatnrdny oven IDR was the bent of the tcaion. A Urg tktld i elect crowd will bo prcnent at th tioxt party , which occurs on Bnturda ; cveolni ; nt the name plnco , The fifth annual lm'1 ' of the Anclon Order of Hibernians will lake place a Masonic hall , Thursday evening next , De emb r 1 Hb. It will be , like all proviou occasions of the kind , exceedingly plcaimn knd THE UEH will Voop itsroaderi potto < as lo the details of arrangements mado. The young ladies of tbo ChtlnUai church will slvo nn old fuhloncd ind ; pulling at the residence of Mr * . St vcn this ovcntnR. Tbo dolly Minio nnd Drama is th latest venture of the cntorprlnlng Nev "i'jorkor , Gen. C. Fronnd , who hai started wd bollovo the only mutloAl nnd drAmati dtlly publ Inheil on earth. It contain twenty col u m in of reading matter , tele graphic and other corroipoudonce generally ally useful to the profession. It ia to 1 > hoped it will bo n financial succcu , The co\mty \ clerk was busy ycstcrda ; cleaning out the vault in which bin paper nd books nro fctorod , and preparing to ID crcaao I In Btorago capacity. In the coure of tb a work ho burned the ballots east n the fall election cf 1872. The name ] o Gov. Furnaj , Bruno Tuchnct , etc. , 01 the itata tic Vet. nnd Onon Wilson , Win A. Owyer , Wallaoa 11. llartlott , John L Webster , Chan. F , Ooodmau , Marlli Dunham , II. L. Dodge and N , J. IrcUnt oo the C'junty ' ticket looked Hko old times G&llaut Rescue * . Tbcro can bo Bomothlng heroic in a med Iclne at well iu in IniHvlilualo. Uurdocl Blood Bitters have e flee ted ninny a kalian reecuo nmong tbo suffering nick. Thons andi bare escaped tbo mlierion of dyppep ain and ncrvims debility through the ni o this wonderful medicine. It Is omphatl caJly the best alomnch and blopd tonlo li the world PERBONA.U. F. K. Hardy , of Norfolk , ia at the Mil laid. 'H. U. Scott , of Denver , It at the Mil lard. . J. 1' . FInlny , of Wnhoo , is at the Metro polltin. Walttr Loa , of New York , h at thi Millard. II. II. Cblllborg , of Wnhoo , Is at thi MUIard , iB. W. Boobo. of FortNlobrara , ia at thi 'MUhrd. W. W. Dodd , of Liberty , Ind. , it al ctho Millard. * George 'IHirpln , of Loadrlllo , Is at the Metropolitan. , James Holley , of Springfield , Utah , ii . .at the Millard. - Thomaa Trice , of Lincoln , waa at tbei Metropolitan yesterday. .Itev. James V. JCuowles und wife , of Ogden , are at the Faxton. A. O. GI ( lord , of Glendive , on the Yel lowstone , Is ot the Paxton. J. K. Groenilote , of Klmwood , was at the Metropolitan last night , 1 H. H. Chlllbersr , of Wahou. waa a guest of the Metropolitan last night. O. 1 * . Yolton , of Lnranile City , Wyo. , ill among the guctta of the Faxton. MM. C. J. ForterQeld nnd child , of St. - -Panl , were regl.tered ot the Mlllard last might. ' 1'rof. Iltvrry KmerBou , wife and baby arrived ia the city yesterday to visit the i/amlly of D. 0. IJroolu. They are at the Mlllaid. J. D. Haakel , Arnold O. 1' . Mason , Lincoln ; J. Vf. Del n , JudlanoUi J. M , Thatcher , Fort NIohrara ; Chnrlea Nelly and lady , Lincoln } D. K , Jlnutngardner , Orleaci ; J , Sf , F ttor on , Pl ttmouth , andW. 0. GulUway , Nellgh. renlstered at the Paxton tut night hoin Nebratka. Sol. 0. Towilec and A. K. Koch , of ? alt Lake City , nnd A. 0. SmltL , of Ogden - den , are among the guests of the 1'aiton , Living come in from the west to upend the JioIKUya. Ilr. Tow lee repruioota M. Hellmau & Co. , in the far west. Mr. Koch loots after Max Meyer A Co'a Intercut * and Doc BuiltU Ia the okl reliable deputy for Tootle & Maul , All are Jol y c ° od fellowo and cnjcy fhslr occasional vitita to the Gate City andi clvilttUlon. MOTHBUS DON'T JCwow. How many children uro punished for being uncouth , willful aud inditTorent to in structions or rowsrdr , simply because t cjr are out of health ! An inttjlll- ent lady raid of a chUd of this kind ; "Mothers s.hould knew th t if they give the little ouo mcxlarato doseo of Hop Bittora for two or fhreo weeks the children would be M u parent oould dotire , " Diamond Dyea will color n > thing any color , and never MI T'n- uaaiest nd best w jr to WHH O X < IH. Jl1 ' - it All drnggUU. J MME , NILSSOH. The Famous Stager on Her Waj to the Coast ; . She Travela in Her Own Bpe cial Oar , And UAH n Galaxy of Sturm Witl Her- The paBBongorR who waited for tin Union Pacific overland train yoator day , many of thorn noticed , a lad ] who , black droasod nnd warmly clae ! n fur , walked deliberately up am down the platform as If the cold wine had no more effect on her than a raj of sunshine. At a glnnco she soomoe not extraordinary in her appearance and no cxcltomont was cauiod AS she passed among the passengers 01 strayed off by herself. It would havi boon qulto different had the crotrt known that the tall fignro , to otatolj and mijostlo was the great primV don uaMmo.01irlatlnoNileson. And whom BKB reporter was introduced to the distinguished aluger&nd hnd an oppor tunity to observe her broud brow , hoi docp oorioua gray eyes , with perhspi DOIIIO traces of n time of tours , and hoard her clear pluanant volco , she soeincd no longer plain. She crootct the members of the prosu cordlallj nnd nt once began to aik questions ni to the novoro weather which Hho hat just run into , how long would it last , would it bo spring time when aho vis < ito'd ua again , and a thousand othoi queries. She asked in what direction the city lay , and expressed regret thai nho had not walked np to BOO it. When told that Omaha had about 8 , BOC Scandinvrlan inhabitants and that hoi reception here would bo n warm one aho said : "Oh , doarl My country will aoon bo entirely dctortod. I fine 0,000 in ono place , 8,000 in nnotho nnd BO on , nnd I think the supply wil coon runout. " Mmc.Nllaion has certainly Itnprori < in every respect slnco her last appear ance In America. Her strong am awoot Norao foaturca have become heroic , nnd her manner still retain that engaging conrtoay which pleasoe the pcoplu. TUB BRB reporter was shown the elegant car in .which Mmo. Nilssori nnd her party nro crossing the coh continent , nnd it looks cosy nnd com fortnblo enough to suit anyone. It i ono of the largo rolling palaces belong ing to the Worcester Excursion Oat company nnd la called the "Mnnton Mnrblo. " It is much like other "specials,1' perhaps n trifle more elaborately finished. The etuto room in the front end of the car is for Mme Nilcson'a manager , &tr. J. II. Ooplo a ton , whllo an elegant ono in the roar ia occupied by the madame herself nnd la fitted up In regular boudoi Btylo , with dainty chairs and cabinets ot the rarcot workmnnshl ) itnd moat 'coolly wooi. Back of this is the kitchen with French cook nt tnchmont nnd the larder nuppliod with everythingtiioo In the eating line from loators to black-tail door. And by the way'speaking of this aubjcct , three of the principal female theatrical stars of the country trnve this season in private cars oipoolallj engaged for them. These include Mmo. Modjeska , Mmo. Nilsnon am Mrs. Lnngtry. The stnr of to-da ; gooa about in great style , and it takoi a good big bank account to back U | her whims and make her fool comfort ablo. ablo.This This car hao boon fitted up oapoolallj for the use of Mudamo Nil § son while in America. The interior hao boon refurnished nt an expense of not los than $5,000. Cars nro rather costlj affairs and eat into iho profits of the ongagomont. In the first plaoo the ; cost $50 per day for their use , whicl sum gooa to the Parlor Oar company * ! treasury , nnd does not Include the tiauling of the car nbcut the country which is equi/ftlont lo the faro o eighteen patRongora. Sundaya conn the same as other days. Then there a n porter , n French cook nnd servants - ants for the Madnmo , nllfof whom nro under ply during thn ontlro engagement - mont , as well na a manager , who tccompanlca the stnr nnd locks after ionnclal intorosta ot hia employer. The ontlro party in the Mndamo'a sar , including the sturn who accompany icr nro as follows : Siguor Del Puonte , baritone. Miss Hope Glenn , contralto. Tiioodoro Dlorkaton , tenor. The Mendelssohn Quintotto olub with Ryan nt the head nnd the follow- ng members : Mr. Isadoro tiohnitzlor , Mr. Sohado , Mr. Qieso , Mr. Thiolo. Mr. Ohas. Pratt ia the piano accom panist , and with Mr. Henry E. Abbey omplotcs the party. The last named { ontlomnn is well known na not the east important member of the party F ho la named last , lie was mot nt Ilia point by Judga 0. A. Baldwin , rho IB an old school mntonnd boyhood 'rlena of hli , nnd for whom ho had u rory cordial greeting. A distinguished member of the larty was Theodore Biorkaton , who is : ho son of the governor of the King'a 3astlo at Stockholm. His father ia letter known ta the admiral in former pears of the Swedish navy , The party goea direct to Ban Fran- risoo , where Mmo. Nllsson gives tour ioncorts on alteruato nights , vie : Tuesday , Thursday , Saturday and Monday. They then , after seeing the joast , jump frotn San Francisco to Denver , Topekn and Omaha , appenr- ng here at Boyd'a opera house , Janu- try 22 , nnd at this point THE UEK : an safely sty they will receive nn > v&tion. "niiowrrs UKONOUIATJ THO. 3111S are ezcelleut for tlio relief of iIonrsouiMa or Bard Throat. They nro ox > * dlngly effective. " Chnttiait World , Kny. FRESH. loan T. Jtaymoad at Boyd'a Opera HOUBO To-ntgut. John T. Raymond , the favorite omedlau In this section of country , rill appear at Boyd'a opera house his evening la one of hia 1st- stand greatestpUys , ontiUod "Froth , he American , " such a aoason ai that en- by the Boston Ideal * it U the highest compliment that can be paid him to say that he will undoubtodl ) draw a big home and bo u eucce i > fc * > i If thora had not been an entertainment mont in Omaha for a month. BEER UP OR DOWN ! A Goldsmith Gently Taps a Ketr o Metz'a Boat To the Eoltor ot Tin Dn. In Wednesday evening nnd Thnrs day tnornlng'e BKK I road nn nrticl entitled 'Tho ' Itiso of Beer. " I reply I would bo ? to atato that I seems that the writer of said nrticl must have very abort memory , fete to my knowledge ho ia nnd haa bee soliciting trade In places where otho browora are established. I myaol am in fnvor of patronizing nnd sustain Ing "Homo industry , " provided the do not become n monopoly. HI statement that n certain brewery firm has made $250,009 by gambling it hope , nnd that said firm is trying tei establish n branch here with the tn tnntlon of spending said amount fo the purpose of getting their beer in this market * honld nlroady induca thu parties dealing In that line of good to patrontzo said firm , nn I do no think the citizens of Omaha have att ; objection to having that amount In rested in this city. I am also of the bclit'f that the writer of the artlol would hnvohnd no objection to makin the $200,000 if ho hnd had the capita with which to do it. A. GOLDSMITH. WILL IT PAY ? A Bad Send-Off for the Olucoso BnsinesB , But It May bo Th&t the Now Process is Bettor. In view of the fact that the Board of Trade has united with some ot ou loading cillions iu the effort tocncour ago the starting np of a Qlucoso fao tory in Omaha , with a capital of hal a million , and the matter yet unset tied the following statistics from an oaatorn exchange will bo of interest About $100,000 haa already boon Bubicribod to the Omaha project auc a commlttoo waa authorized to go oant aud visit several works nud BOO what their linprormlonn would bo. favorable report of this committee would no doubt bo omlorced by the butiuoasracn already interested in the scheme by a subscription nmplo to act the work going. It may bo thai the now process proposed for the Omaha worko would not bo BO loojng n game as the old. But the list will tpaak for itself : GLUCOSK noun TO ouiRr. For n whllo glucose making promisee to bo the best businccn in the country. The Ilamlins , of BufTalo , mudo it moa profitably there , and showed their faith in the business by opening facto rlos in Poorln and Lonvonwurth. Bo- aides > their three great factories , thir teen othoro have been manufacturing the villainous compound in the west having Invested hundreds of thous anda of dollar * in buildings and mach inery. With few exceptions the in vestments have been most satisfactory There Booms to have boon no domaue for so much glucose. The business Hko the making of steel raila at $70 a ton , seems to have boon overdone and the manufacturers arj whininj for relief. Whether the glucoai men , llkp the utool men , wil seek relief tn congress for their infant industry has not yet boou announced , bu. that something munt bo douo speedily , or the enter prising capitalists , who have stakoc thoic. all on this hopeful infant , mus "lay" elown the baby , and BOO n groa Infant industry periah , ao early , anc BO full of promise. It is touching to behold their grief. If now only ai enormous tax on sugar could bo pilot on for the benefit , of n few dozei sugar plantations ; then , with extra high oagar and a vigorous crunndo o ilandor against the now and hones rival sorghum , thuro muy bo hope o : salvation by consolidation and running an half capacity. Wo find in The Davenport Democrat the following itatomont of the present condition o thlnga in the western factories , Davenport works , capacity 3,000 to 3,000 bushels of corn per day , shut lown two weeks ago , that the preaonl proposition might bu considered ; wil osuino operations in thirty days , whether the consolidation is effected ir not. The Dos Moines ( Iowa ) and Sago- ; owii ( Illinois ) works have proved 'allures , sinking all the capital in vested , Marshalltown ( four ) works , after laving need up $250,000 oipital , are > ainc ; enlarged from 1,500 to 3OOC , jushel capacity for profitable working ! rho Btockhpldora have never received i cent of dividend. Rookford , III. , capacity 1,000 bush ) ls per day heavily encumbered and die. Geneva , 111. , capaclCy 800 bubhols ior day , Idle failure. Freeport.Ill.atpaoity3OOObushola ; > er day. Idle , with 7.COO barrels of tyrup on hand. Resumption of opor ktions improbable.- lowa Olty , Iowa , capacity 1,000 jushels per day. Bhut down because ) f dull trado. Profitless so far , St. Louis , Ho. , capacity U,000 jushols per day. Idlo. St. Joseph , Mo. , capacity 1,000 } ushola per day. Working occasion ally , ta there may bo demand. Danville , 111. , capacity 1,000 Jbueh ) la per day. Shut down because of lull trado. Tippecanoo , Ohio , closed for repairs , ho only really aucceatf ul works in the rest , outeido of those owned by the larulins , aud the Davenport works. Peoria , 111. , capacity 8,000 bushels > cr day idlo. One in Peoria and ouo in Leaven- rorth. having an aggregate capacity > f 20,000 bushels per day , are iu op- ration , but lolling the product at a ory uuremnuerativo price. The Limerick worka at Buffalo are elining works for the purpose of taking sugar out of corn starch for using with real sugars for table use , se 0,000 to 8,000 bushels of corn ally. The great works being built in Chicago , 15,000 bnsbeU daily , con. template the same butinces. There are big works near New York owned by Daryea and Booth A Kdgar having an aggregate capacity of 10,000 ba hcls dtitly , in operation , Will not enter consolidation , but make combination with the consolidated companies. The works at Kftns&B City , Mo. , and Wheeling , W , Va. , were built foi refining by thn dry process , Thoj absorbed $100,000 each , and are dead failures. Detroit works , capacity 3,000 bn < shola daily , are idlo. SOME BAVARIAN NOTES ; Surprising Freshness of the Apponrnnco of Ancient TOWDB. A Plaoo Whom Time Ha * XVrotJchl No Change. 8p al Corrwjiondenc * Chicago Dally Jfewi. NOKGMIIRKO , Bivarla , Nov. 14 , 1882. I find that Americans vlsltliif Germany nro very often ( surprised even amazed and disappointed , OVPI the modern appcariuco of the princi pnl cltlca. They como here oxpectinj to BOO towns thai were built ony wherefrom from five to eight centurion ago , am they do sco them. But there is little left to rnmind them of the middle agcfl , save here and there nn oh church , a section of wall faet tumbling down , n caatlo that baa boon ropairce over and over again , until it ia an now as Tom's jack-knife , or nn ancient rnth haua. Berlin , for instance , is , to all np poaronccBt young and fresh na Now York , with its munificent blocks o brick , grauito nud marble , and its br&nd nvenuso nnd streets. Dresden which waa built originally hoavou onlyjcnowa when , looks no elder than rebuilt Chicago. Even venerable Lolpslo , although nhe ntlll rotaina her crooked nnd narrow alroets inside what were once her mont nnd ram parts , and nlthough BIO now nnd then makes a desperate iflort to preserve Bomo nnolont landmark from the do- tpolllng hand of the modern architect , ia fast losing the otruoturco which at tracted travelers toward her n hundred years ago. The mnnin for tearing down nil thnt is old ia to widosproac that in a few yerrs nho will bo , like her elslcr Dresden , n city of iron anc glass fronts , and the quaint nnd curi DUR gablo-onds will have disappeared forever. AN ANCIENT CITY. But there is ono city in Germany which has clung tenaciously aud nffec blonatoly to the monuments of other 3ayB , which haa guarded and protect 3d her old halls , walls , towero , jhurches und houses so closely anc reverently and faithfully that neither indent nor modern vandal 1ma boon * blo , cither by argument or force , to inako her anything but what nho waa sight conturica ago. And I am in thnt old town to-night , nnd looking from the window of my hotel over t thouoand red-tiled roofs toward the twin atooplcs of a red-tilod church , behind which risoa the rod-tiled cas tle , which wan built in the year of ] nr Lord nine hundred nnd some- bhtog , or a nhort time before Jane Grey SwieBhelm was born. Not that my room in the hutol in up BO high thnt it overlooks the town , oh , no. Iho hotel is en n high hill , nnd iln first story is on a level with some ol the tallest gables. My first impressions of Nuremberg were veay strange. I believe the first impression of everybody who enters the town for the firat time must bo strange , for the place ia onUrelyJdiffor- unt from anything which the Imagina tion can conceivo. I entered Nurem berg nt 2 o'clock in the morning , through the principal gate of the city , that is , through n tunnel which runs under the old wall and castle. Outside - side the wall I noticed , as I drove From the rnilroad elation , were nu merous handsome , even olegnnt , villas ind business blocks , ns modern as modern could could bo , bnt from the moment that my droschkr. crossed tbo bridge over the moat , and passed bhroagh the tunnel under the caatlo , everything was changed. A TKAN8FOKMAT10N RCKNK By the palo light of a moon in her last quarter ( a now moon would have boon decidedly out of place iu Nurem berg ) , nnd the yellow glimmering of the street Inmpa , I could BOO that I tad loft the century in which I was born and raised behind mo , and that [ was living in another ago. The juaint old housea looked down upon iuo from either aide of the narrow itreot , and the windows looking like 10 many oyoa nwny up in the gabled roof Boemod to wink nt mo , ns much ta to Bay. "Well , wo'vogot n Chicago nan here nt last , and wo'H show him that's what. " Ono ia apt to bo a little sleepy nt 2 > 'olock in the morning , even if ono ms not boon traveling in a railrond iar all night , but when everything .round you looks na old nnd na drowsy , s Nuremberg nppoared to mo that uorning , it requires n herculean of- prt to keep your eyes open. I bu- ievo I kept my eyes open , but I could tot look at ono of these gable win- Iowa without imagining that It wna finking nt'mo , and the moro the win- lowe winked iho moro embaraasod I olt. And so I waa tumbled and oltod over the granite pavement , wakening echoes which , por- mpi , had boon sleeping for a century r two , and Nuremborgora who had leoti sleeping for sevtral hours , The ohooa grumbled along the ramparts , lashed themselves in fits of ill-con- oaled anger against the towers , mocked their heads against the houses nd wont flying before mo nlong the arrow streets , until , what frith the traugo BconoBj the atrango noises nnd ho winking of the atrango windows , I clt that I waa being driven in a very haky old hack , by n very shaky old river , who Boomed to bo Raiding n ooidodly shaky old horeo through the ilddlo of the world's history , with o possible chance of over reaching iy journey's ond. TUB HEIQN Or VOIU'IIEUH , And still the old hack rumbled and ittlod while I tossed and tumbled , utll it struck me thnt if this racket 'as kept up very much longer the urgormeister , with a posse of Nn- Jiuborger police , would bear down pen us. and run the old hone and 10 old droBohka nd the old driver ad myself into oue of tbo horrible ungeom of the oaitle , and keep us there for sixty years for disturbing the peace. The driver waa evidently asleep. Indeed , I am positive that ' heard him anoro once or twice as thi horse "slowed up" to turn i corner. In fact , evorybodj in Nuremberg except tnysel Hoomod to ba asleep , nne Morpheus waa doing his love best to get hla arm around my waist but I wouldn't lot him. I waa nfraii to go tn sloop. Whenever I closei my oycs I imagined that ono of th gnblo roafa was tumbling down on th droachka , eyes nud all , and just as waa about to bo buried nndor ai avalanche of mortar and brick nnd rei tiles and window glais , I invarlabl ; nwoko wi'h a start. I had closed m ; eyes for the fiftieth time , nnd was jus to bo buried under one of the talles gnblo-onds , when the great clock of St Scbald'a struck the first quarter , th driver awoke , the horse mopped , nm in n few mlnutpB I was trying fo ex plain to the hotel porter in the wars possible German the kind of n room' wanted , nnd ho waa answering mo ii very good English that ho had a vcr ; pleasant apartment , indeed , nm would tr.ko pleasure in showing it i mo instantly. TUB AWAKP.1UKO I had had but a cert of a blinkin ; view of Nuremberg , or , to put i plainer , only n tqulnt , but I went ti bed with the impression that It wa always dark here ; that A perpotua moon iu its last quarter shone npoi the town ; that the wiudowa in thi gaWc-roofa did actually wink , nn < thnt the hotel porter , the Lack-driver and uaynolt were the only living per sonain the place. But , whenlnwoke the golden rays of n November nui were dancing on the painted floor there was nolso and bus lo in thi atroet ; n chambermaid in the hnllwa ; was singing "Go nway , naughty bay naughty boy , go nway , " in Gorman nnd Nuremberg , with nil her old tow era , and ramparts , nnd moats , nne castlon , BOEmod to bo r.o thoroughly up with this vulgirnndmonoy-makinfi age as any of our western cities HISTORICAL. Before going into details rcgnrdin ) the wonders of this nuciont town , i very brief sketch may be of interest te the readero of The Daily Nows. It ii very nearly a thousand years old ; i may bo older , but that is as old aa the oldest inhabitant claims it to be , I waan "free city of the empire" in the twelfth century , nnd Henry IV. and Bnrbarossa resided horo. Frederick II. and Louts the Bavarian , as well ai the two first named , printed it "manj valuable privileges. " Tracing its his tory from that time down to the present it is soon that Nuremberg has always hold n place in thi first rank of historical cities , nnd onlj caasod to bo a "froo cily" in 1800. Il haa been governed by governoa will ; nil sorts of names , who hold a plcscv in history principally bacanso ot thi cruelties which they have perpetrated , Itn old caatlo and rntthaus to this daj contains the numerous iiiHtruruenti o torture invented in "tho good olc times , " nnd some of them nro horri' ble enough to make the blood run cold In the veins of n Sioux Indian. The plnco acema to hcvo boon selected foi the torture nnd imprisonment of state prisoners in former tiraeu , which nc conntn for the numoiouu dungeon ; and the numerous towern nnd prisoni to bo found hero. If yon would like to road something about the dark dayt of Nuremberg I will try to intoresi you. J. J. F. AHK your drngg 1st forRedding's lUuHiat naive. Keep it iu the home in case of ncci denta. Price 25c. SLAVEN'SYOSEMITE COLOGNE Made frcir tbo wild flowers of the KAK FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEN 11 is the moat fragrant ot pcrfum t Manufactured by H. B. Slavon , San Francisco. For nalo in Omaha by W. J. Whltohouso and Konnato. Broa. , & Co. Baal Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed foi record in the county clerk's oflico No < iromber 8. Reported for TUB BKB bj 3eo.V. . Ames , real estate dealer : G W. Arnea and wife to Mrs. 8. J. Welch , ft. d ; lota 23 and 24 , block 3 , Hanaconi Plnco $1.000. Bongs & Hill to S. A. Ryan , w. d. : lot 12 , block 2 , Arbor Place $425. J. H. Ponbody nnd wife to H. W. fates , w. d. ; lota 1 and 4. block 106 510H. H. O. Jones and wife to M. A. 3haao , w. d. ; lot2 , blockl.Elkhorn J10.J. . J. S. Brigga and wife to J. S. Hal- jort , w. d.lot 30. Nelson's addition & 2.000. Jfo Fair OUM Who BO Gracefully iresldo at your husbands'hospitable boards ihould furulsh hia guests with IIub Funch , vhich oclitieea in flavor all punchei hastily nade. Trade supplied at iiiauufacturera irioea by M. A. McNamaro. Families lupplle-t by A. If. Gladstone , Omaha , BATTLE CHEEK , Mioh. , Juu. 31 , 79. GENTLKMEN Having been afllloted or a number of yonro with indigea- ion und general debility , by the ad- 'ice of my dootor I ueod Hop Bittora , md must aay they afforded mo nlmost nntant relief. I nm glad to bo able o testify in their behalf. THOS. G. KNQX , CAUSED BY A MOUSE- "bo Bis Piro In the United Dank Building. * prcikl to St. Xouls Fa9t-DI > l > aUh. NEW yoitK , December C , A fire on ilonday night in the eighth story of ho United bank building , nt Broad- ray nnd Wall street , was n matter of inuaual interest to fireman , insurance ompanicB , and the owners , builders nd occupants of the largo o dices and iniidings which have been lately put ip , It waa the first fire which haa ccurred in any of the many ntoried ire proof bnildingn. It started pparontly in the flooring on the iroadway side of the eighth tory , and it consumed the wood work n the two ollices on the north- rest part of that floor and in the cor- idor leading to them. The firemen 11 their efforts to extinguish the [ araos tore up the flooring of the cor- idor and the two oflices , and also iroko out the concrete fillings bo- ween the iron joists. This let the rater and small rubbish into the of- ces of the New Jersey Construction ompany and into those of General 7. 8. Grant , which are alio the offices f the Mexican Southern railroad company , Few of the tennnU of th offices that were damaged were ln < surocl. They Bay they beliovcd tb building ABSOLtTTSLY Foreman Oruru says the firo-proof ma torhl but ween the flora and partition crumbled into dust when touched b ; the hand. The heat seemed to havi destroyed its cohcsivenoar. The lire mon were exhausted by dragging tin hone up sixteen flights of stairs. I was Bald by ponoiu who were in tin building nt the time of the firn Ilia thn firat notification the wntchmat had of its existence was the falling o class from the akyllght , which wv brokoi by Iho heat through the well hole. % The lxtoin flights of stair atops , down which the water rneho ; LIKE A WINDI50 ( JATAUACT , were not used yesterday except b ; fircmon and policemen. The fire in nuranco patrol thought yesterday th < fire waa caused by nn ovorhcatm dleampipe , bu * Trosldent H. 0 Fahnestock , of the First Nationn bank f the Rapublio , who owns thi building , said that ho believed it hat been caused by n mouse that hn < dragged ft parlor match into its nest A mounu'n neil composed of fine shredi of paper mid other combnatibli material was fonpd under the flee near the epot whcro the fire occv.rrod A Itaco lo Doatli Bpedal Dltpatch to Tun Ilii. NKW OULKANH , Decambor 7. I'M s < mgera navod from the ntutunbos Morning Star , which exploded iti boilers yesterdiy , ntntod cho wni racing with the Sunbeam when tin disaster occurred. Frank Holt of Chattnnooi n , Wm Freltua , agad 16 , nnd S.\rah Young colored , scalded by Iho explosion o the stuumbeut Morning Star , havi died. Of the twonty-onu persona 01 board at the time of thu explosion fire only are now living. Onto. Sptdal Dispatch to Tun Dun. NEW YOHK , December 7. The Be ! mont-Dovoy libel case ended to-daj by disagreement of thn jury nnd theii discharge. The jury ntood , 8 for con vlction and 4 for acquittal. Judge Cowing grunted a motior vacating the order committing Duvoj for contempt. Iiontixt Bea. Sped * ] Dlgpatch to Tun Dan. LONO BitA. > cn , November 7 Cap tain Emona nnd three mon were lee with a yacht going from thia place tr Barnegat bay. I O LOAM MOMS.Y. | tA ONEYTOLOAN On personal property o IV Jl any description A. C.lTroup , Attorney , 21 ! south 14th Street. l3-lmo ONKV TO UA. < ou cBKtcl tuoriK Ku oe curlty. A. B. Tutton , No. 1510 Doti-Iv Etreot , front room. up-itnir . _ 435-tt - - " V" . nprardo , for 3 4a yet ss , on CTsl-caj3 ! oily ai frn proojrty. Uxxn KtiL Knin sad ton AoKior , I61h cert I > oap' s SSs. ONEY TO r-OAli' C ll ft L T OBen of n HELP WANTED WANNED A girl to do general housework a noutheast corner Dodge and 12th streets. 388-7 W ANTED | Boy at H , Dohle'a Shoe Store. MMO - girl In a fimily of two. In quire 11th and OTenportWo-tsldeBccond houst from Dave poit. SJO-U WANTED-Posltlon as travcllr-g agent. Ar experienced salesman , desiring a change wishes to engage with a flrst-daea house Iron January or February next. Acquaintance p lo clpally In Colorado aid territories , a d mostlj with wholesa'o grocery trailo Position wltr b entry preferred. References clriii. Addroii t'German , " BEK ofllro , Omaha , Neb. TTTANTED Twndlnlne room clrlsut Ua-ney T7 Street restaurant , No. 41211 > rney street. WANTED-A girl at 2010 Burt strett , 3S40 WANTHD-A good milker , Saratotpi dairy. 379st ANTED -Girls innnedlattly at the "Occt. W den'al. 348-tf W" rANUKD A gooU co k at New t ngla-d res- iaurant , 1418 D Ujla-s street. 330-71 Agents tn take cidera for Navlna' ' WANTED Stck Doct. r Do k. For ternu write to J , D. HHEELY , dec HI General Agent , Fairmont , Nob. Two men of rccxl address to can vass and sell goods. Stoidy employment , sure pay. fall 421 south 10th Btree * . 357-7' ' Tonecurethelfivlcesof a well WANT'D mechanic. l\o proportions coa- ildcr < l unlcn thn applicant pi'Sfesesa grneral knowledge ol the niechinlcil tc encis. i all at rooms 6 and 7 , Kreiett'j liluck , Council Dlulls. 3109mao 'ANTED Hook cnnvaiweni nta7 ! > orth 16th W street. ; 333 If WAN KD Every ono to leave orders for help ateiTN. 16th street , up stalra. 332 tf - gsod cnmoKscr ti sell WANTED-Ono goods on Installment , steady work and gocd pay. Inquire at 213 N. 16th atreit , room C. 207-tI OITUATIOHO WANTED WANTED A ultimtion by a llrst-c-ku * Trinch cook. Addrr "A. 8. " 'J07 H. J3th street. 38681 MIOELUAHEItlB WANTB WANT4DItoardeni liy the day or week HIT _ HowardSt , _ _ 346-lm ) DU3INE83' CHANCES. . USINESS CHANCE good blacksmith is l offered tpccial Indusenitn' , to locatoatOII- moro Neb. Apply to 0. Frostt.Jthtre. 13J-29-lra i WO KUUMSIIED ROOMS AND I10ARI > - 1 Also table boarder. , 1810 Dodg SI , 385 tf F'U KKTT o nlciily furnUhel rooms , oni door north uf Dodge , on Ifcth. 391-1 1 li'Olt RUN I I Irasant furn'thed room nuitabit ! L' for gentlemen , 1C11) t arnam. Xl-'Ji I710U RENT Front room lth board , llodern L' ImproTements. No. 1718 Dodge t. : i 3-13t OR KENT A comfortable homo at reasoim IT blopricc. Inqulrtiat'JOlSl'lerco btrcet , bet. oth and 2l t , 308.71 pOR HRNT A cottage of four rooms.2 do ets , I ? pantry " < ! etllar , tity water In tlie houdc. M o 4 large roonu and closet In a double house , aril and soft water. L. DUOOAN , 307-71 1112 Houtli 13th Kt. _ 110R RENT A house ol U looms , suitable Tor 1 one orUofanilllM. Kent * i'0 a n onth , In- ] Ulte UI6 L'hlcaso etreef , bit. 12th and 13th. 307llt _ | 7 > OR REN'JHcs'.dcnc ' * No 1712 IKniglas Tht L1 3C9tl JOHN ( J. JAOIS. ! _ I . ' Olt RENT Ono nict'ly furnished room for on * II or v o Kontlimen , No. 112 Harney e'reot , JCt. flh and 3th. _ 3 p-at EWK ; RENT Muall cottagr.pavxoport and 17lh 'Urea. ' I5 , S. LEHMAN. TENT Plca nt furnUhtJ room ultabie FOR for gentleman , lt > 19 Farnam. 3OI 3t 7\OK RENT Furnlalied andunfurnUlied tootni L1 HlOJuUon. 054 I BHST New two ttorr hrtuo oCt t FOn , shortd lAnc from Mofllra. fum r Aonable. WILLI3 M.YAim 231-U TT10R HF.ST Tb rr tdnce ot M. > f Kennodj f 1709JaVHD. Inialri on pteali.i or kt Xli JGthitrc.t. SiJ-tf 1JIOH RENT- front roru furnUhe.1 and aa i1 unfnrnlibr.1 room in U-eine's blixk corntc ( lCbt | and Howard. 344-U J'OU HF > .T Unlutn'shtvl ' room two F wc > of 1-oJtuBlco 117 tou'o IHhttro.f poll RENTFurntthe.l room. Inquire 313 V. I 17th street , between DiiirnportunJ Cbluwro " * ll R NT A ' - l new rtrm , furnl , room * , bath room , table , He. One of ths nnrst locntlonj In the dly : tie oo per month. Inquire for three da ) , Heroin' real rstaUs areney , lSthi.nd DouglCT streets. _ not 15 U FOR RENT New seven room cottage well lo cated , his fueral closlts , city and e stern water 0. F. Drlscoll. 2S3-U EillS' New Map of Omaha , luet completed and ready for delivery at $7 each. Ii4leot wide by 7 feet long. Largest and most uompleta man ol Omaha i > er published. Ottlclal map ot Uui cltv. fire column. | > OR RENT Office rooms. Knqulre at Ktw ! York Dry Goods store. lan-U co-18 PUK HKAT-Up-aUlrg , 1417 Fatnhr n 4trpe Sr-Sf JOHN U. JAC0119 _ GnypTiibNl llnnra ol 8 rix.niB in nn Jj order , 10 blok8 from opera hjtue , cheap. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . , , . , . fl'O Uniuo rif 11 rorntft. lAl cotiTcnlooco , 8 blotkifram op t housa . 40 Hoiwa ot S rooms , 33.1 and Nicholas stroott. 18 atora ont'arqam , S Hoer . . . . . . . . . . . . 1M ' tort on Hth,2 floora..iM. . . . . . . . . . T6 SuclltronttesldoncM . , . $50 to6B 43-tt McOAUUK , Oppoilto t'oito'I ' ! i. E OIl HENT-Unfurrldhcd rooms In brick IIOUM. 1419 Chicago street. ISQ-U T0tl RKN'T ni-x-utly furnished rooini with JJ KM and heator. Kcferrncrfl required. Ap ply a > north west corner cf 23d and Uurt Ktrc-oU. \aa \ u " 1JIOK RENT Furnished room with board 18CX JC California street. 171-U TTiOH KbJiT Uuuae , six rooms , rurnlfliod , ID- .C qwlro at D. Uyd ' cfflco , Mll.'ud hotfll. 7H5-tt T7WII . e > o MIW n rolllnKH wm two attint J ; il Iu t < c . ! n. la I c i\lty , by McSoaa C. 16H _ 'JTlUlt HKNT i utK 01:100 room or ball ( ( ore. JJ 1020 yarnhtta ' f M _ 707-11 riOH RnWT . f > r u , JUlcomtw hlock , ou L1 18th Direct. > i-nr Uarenport. Bt A. U. Ualcambo. 600-231 ! F 0 SAl 1' - A \c. but little n X fultable lor htorecr utllao. Hold rhoup. Uv rabrant Si Cole. FOU SALB-41) ) Inch iitandard Columbia BICYCLE lumbia , In ulr condition. A bargain. O. U. Woodman. 751-U SALE A email grain clo\atoroml t pork FOR warchousc.clitap , aril on all the ml roml tracki at Fremont , Nob. , with the grounds , by llobert Kittle. _ .372-1 it BAHRAIN For sale , a email boiuo on leaged A ' ground , three rooms , closet , pan'ry ' , ium- me r Utcten , good celhr , and waiei. Cheap for rash. Inquire on premises , socoml door north of St Mary's avenue , on Fanvlew street , or at J a. Falconer's aloon , cpera house block. S60-9J e OIl SALE A restaurant andTiotoVIn flourishing town of four thoiu nd Iniabt- tanli dolngagoodbuslucM OnnrrwlshcitoBtll on account of III heilth , easy turuia. Address 0. F. Cuwan Grand Island Neb. 313-tf POU BALE Saloon doing a business from f 1,050 to $1,200 a month , in ono ot the best locations In the city. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Terms \er.v reasonable. For particu lars address "K. C. " lice otllco. 312-lwt Clf you \\ant to sell join p'uco , then . are tuO communication ) at thlaifllo * rrm good man vho want tj seou. . XCKLLENT UltICK for Bale , $9.00 per thon- - ' sand. Yard , l&tb street , two blocks south of Jiollcvuo rood. LORBMO DIDRLX. lT7'lmnovlBt FOK SALE First class hotel for ult HOTEL lire western town. Has all thu lire * class trade. Rcaeon for selling other bu LneM. Per particulars , address , Hotel , OUAIU Ban. 183-lmfncTiat "TJ On PALK Steam onglnes new nd cond JC hand 8 , 10. IB , 20 ihorso power. Also steam boilen-any elie. Inquire Om ha Foundry - dry and ilacblneCo. nor24 Im-m-j - n SALE Barrels and kegs. Also hoop pole * bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th and Pleroe , * T > EMIS New Map of Omaha , just completed and JD ready for dtlivery at $7 each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 fret long. Largest and most complete map ot Omaha ever published. Olllclol map of the city. Sea column. FOB R KT Brick f tore. Inquire atdrutretor * corner 10th and Douglas , " " EQSCEULANETJS. LOsr Palr ol fpictaclcs on green eau llneor In street. Reward at Bee oltico. 392-Tt SC. DRAINARD , Taxidermist. Dcorhcada , a . rpoclalty , 13th , Let. Howard and Jackson. JAS. H. & JOHND. 1'F.AnODY DOCTORS from 13th and Farn. . m street * to rooms 1 , 3 and 6 , Rodlck'a block , 1607 Furaam "rcet. _ 243-n23-lm N Vf One brown trato colt stir In forehead head , two bird fact white , about two vran JAS-bTEI-UENS EDWAB.DKOTHL . , JIAO'STER ' < F TALJIYSTERY AND CONDI- TInNALlST , 498 Ttnth etrcet , hctween Farnam and llainoy. Will , with iho old of guardian Hclrlta , obtain for any one a glance ha paut and present , and on certain conditions he fu- turo. Boot and Shoes made to order. ( tret oati * faction iruarantrcil. OMAHA , Neb. , Dee. B , 1E8J. The fcllowlng letters In reply to advertUementa remain uncalled for at ili'a ' otIUo and will bo h U lor ten dayn only after this dite : r achcr . l "C. J. ' . „ . "T J. " . 4 "Q. V. " . "ll&M. " . 3 ' 'it. L. " . . Doctor 1'orter . 3 "L. " . " . " . 1 "I'.O. " . "X" . 7 "K" . J "AW. " . 7 "A. 11. A" . . . . . . " / . V. " . i "llox" . "DeWalt . 1 "O. X. " . „ . . 'X. ' A. " . 1 "F.I' . " . "K. S. S . 1 "F. II. W. " . "Cigaw" . 'i "l > . X . "A.7 2 F. II. Tiffany . r. E. T. " i L. C. Rene. . . . mat-eod-St Till : HER PUIII.ISIHNU CO \ Absolutely Pure. This powder never varlea , A niarve , rarity , eireagth and wboloaomenwi ilore ecoiiomlcU than the ordinary kind * , od cannot be sold In competition with the nultitude of low test , short weight , alom r phosphate powders. 3old omly in cam ROTAL BAJtma FQWDEB Co. Wall St. , New York