Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1882, Image 5

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    i "no Nebraska National Bank
Of Web.
FMd p ChipltAl , - - . 8330.000
. K. JOHNSON , Preddentof Slofl.e , Johnson A
A. E. TOUJIAUN , Vleo Prudent , of 0. , B. ft Q.
It H. , Boston.
K , V. MOIISK , of W. V. MorseS Co.
OHN 8. COLLINS , of O , II. & J. S. Cotlln * .
U. WOOLWORT1I , Counsellor Ss Attorney- -
\ Uw.
Ik 8. HEED , of Bron Re d & Oo.
n. W. YATKSCMherUt ! Cashier of th First
Motional Bank ol Omaha , and connected with
Ihe active rnruiafreraent of that U&nk since IU
organization In 1963.
Orun for btulnsM April IT , 1832 , with Iho
Urffo-t capital ol Any bunk In Nobr > k .
CoiAwmoKi receive epcclat attention tnd chir-
fts lowix t obtMnvIo here or clsowhf tc.
lNTkn8Tktlow ilon time depcMts upon faror-
. able terms and u on accounts ot bank * and tnnlL *
Ktrruxai , Ooferamenl Bonds , and
CouMy and Cl > y ncnirltloi bouRht and stfd.
It h tirep.'ucd to do a general banking buslncm
la nil In details , ami In tht treatment of cuttom-
* r will pursue the moet liberal policy consistent
th data banking
Special Dlnpatchto Tim 111 * .
New YonK , December 7.
Money 2G per cent , cloaod otfered at
S per cent.
Prime Hbroantilo Paper G@8 per cent
Sterling Exchange Bankers' hilU ,
steady at $4.80 ; demand , (4.84.
Governments were i per cent higher for
Sj and extended r > ' ; otherwise unch tnged
Speculation on the stcck exchange to
day visa dull ALd generally weak , prices Iu
consequence closlug leer than ) ester Jay.
Tbo market opened a fraction above ycb *
terdty's closing quotation * , but immediate
ly alter became dull and weak and early
in the afternoon recorded a decline with
only fraction il recoveries of 1@2J per
cent Denver & Rio Grande , Northern
Pacific common and preferred , Noith-
western , Oregon TranCon'.iuontal wid
New Jersey Central being most c m picuous
in the downward movement. There WAI
then a rally of J@H per cent led by North.
era Pacific pi of erred , but the market again
became depresied nnd shortly before tno
close fell off J@1J per cent Denver & Rio
Graads , Northern Pacith prafirroi , St.
Paul and Michigan Ceutnl lielng prom
inent in the decline. The market closed
firm at n fractional rally. As compared
with yeilerday's closing prices the list is J
@ 3 | c nt luwar Northwestein , Dau-
cr < k Rio Grande , Missouri P. ci5iaud
St. Paul being prominent iu the decline.
Yoststday. To dtj.
8'g . 102J 102J
5's 101 i 10j.'J
4Va Coupon's 113 J U3i
4's 12'4 ' 120J
Piclfio G's of 1895 127 127
Oontral Pacific firsts 115 115
Erie second : ) 9GJ 95
Lehigh & Wilkcsbtrre 100 JIO.J
Louisiana cuusfla GO 09
Missouri 6Vi 113 ll < !
St. Joseph 1U9J 1(9 (
St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. 110 111) )
TennesseeG's 41 41
do new 89 * 9J
Texas & Pacific land grants. . 5 li 57
do R. G. div. . . . 7Uft 78 |
Union Pacific 1st mortgage..llo 115A
do land yranti..IU S lllj }
do sinking fund. . 117i HGj
Virginia G'a 35 30
do consols G's > > 2 G2
do deferred + ' -i tl J
Adams Express 134 134
Allegheny Central H51 $1151
Alton & Terre Haute 42 40
do pfd. . . . 80 8 ( !
Amoricau Esprw 93J 04 i
Burl. , Cd > lar liaiii-ia & North. 77 7G
Canada Southern G8 Hif |
Col. , Gin. ft lud. Central..lOiJ 10'J
Central Pucillo 87J 8li
Chesapeake & Ohio 2,5 22 ?
do 1st pfd. . . 3li 33J
do 2d ptd. . . 212 21
Chicago & Alton loj : 13li _
do pfd 133 J 183
Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 125 J21
Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 7'J 78
Cin. . Sand. & Cleveland 4'J 4dJ
Olova. , Col. & Cindunati. . . . 77 75
Delaware & Hudsou cnur.l. . . . 107 10G |
Del. , L-wk. & Weston 12 * 12H
Denver Ac Rio Urande -15 4i
Erie W 3 < jAde
do pfd " - '
Eai-t. Tennessee U" 10uJ
. . > do preferred 118 } 1174
ForrVnyne & ChicaRo UK 'J ' I §
Haimibrtl it Bt. Jo th [ 45 : >
do pfd. . . 72 72
Harlem 200 W'O '
Hoiwton & Texsn Central. . . . 70 72
Illinois O iitrtd HU 14a
Ind. , Bloom. < S Wiwtora 32J 32
Krmsis > Tn as SJ 3U
Luke Erie ft Wentorn L'.ljJ S _
Lake Siiuru & Rlichi/an So. . . 1101 H4i
Louisvilli. . t Nashvillo.1 51 $ tVt
Louinv. . N-w Al- . & i-'hlciKJ 70 08
Mailett.i ' Olnoinnatl 1st pf I 11 11
do 0-- ' p'J ! I
MIV , IJI | , a Innu.tu.i H ! , (
Miui.Vui.olid cj St. Louis , . . . 2i < 4 'X
do I'fd. ' G5S Hi
Miiidonrl Pacific 10 : ' $ lOii
Mobile & Ohio l\'i \ ! ' IIS
Manhattan Beach li4 ! 124J
Morris A EPHBX 52 i 524
Niuhvillo & Chattunoofa 71 i 70J
NevJortoy Central 51 SOt
Northern Pacific. . . 4M J
do pfd U3 9Si
" ' " OTn " " ' ' '
N"m'do" OTnpfd. . . ! ! . . . . ! ! 1M Jf'l
Nev York Ceutral 1OJ l.X ) { |
Ohio Central lijl W
' ' ' " '
Ao 'pfd. . . ! . . . 7-i 75
Ontario & Western 7 , 20
PaeTfio fliil W i 3 ,
I' JG7 V > ,
Pe-j.-ij , iooatnr& Evanu * . . , SB J-n
Pitttbarir 'r Clevfllaud 133j It'll
Pulhiun f-ilaco Oir I'JUj 121 . . . [ j " !
Hock iiland. . . . . 127 lJ t
Bt. Louis Sc Siu Fran H15 .H
do pfd. . . . 61 51
do 1st pfd 93J < !
St. Paul & MllwfcUeo.l.iVi m
do pfd..HUi 11&4
St , Paul , Mirm , & Slanltob.i 111 * 141
St.Paul&Oroaha. . . 17 ? 4GJ
Jj pfd 105p 101 j
Toias * Pacific 3 374
Union Paclti' ' 10S 10i }
Lea Expr a. ) ( n o.i
"du" ' JC jifJ ! 51 53
WeUs , Fargo h Co. Expra .127 127
v7o tern Unios Telegraph. . . 81 | 81J
Caribou 'I ' *
Central Arizona S B
Excelsior 1 J
Homestiiko 1 { l J
Little Pittsburg 1 1
Ontario . , . . , . . , - * ' 'J ,
Oulukailvor 8jf e j
do pfd , < J 40
Robinson B *
BlivcrOllif J
Sonth Pacific n J
Htacdard 6 6
Sutro. , B
Offered. fKx. Interest. pUked. | Kx ,
OHIOAOO , December 7. Fl > .ur Market
lull ; cjuitnou to chut < cprinfr , 3 60 ®
* f-0 ; comtuou to fancy M.nncwitix , 4 OOW
CO ; patents , B M ) wlnu > r , 4 00 ; south.
ru Illinois , 4 605 U ) ; Canada , 4 MXg
, to.
Wheat Fair demand , but at lower
atej regular , 941@9lio for December ;
4f@9le for January ; l Jjl@95i for Febru-
ry ; 1 OCj cU OOJ for My ; iVo. 2 red
vloter , 941(0,9450 ( ; No , 2 Chicago spring ,
l91icj | .so , 3 Chicago spring , 77c.
O rn Good demand , but nt lower rate * ;
4 | © 5bc for cash ; 6lj@l4jo for Derein-
er ; 63Ji ( 533 for January ; dS\o for Fob-
uaryjfcfijja for May.
Oit < strong anil higher ; 35jo for cwh ;
3os)3f'2o ( ) for December ; SAfio forJauu-
ry ; 3Cjj for May.
Rye .Market steady ; 57o.
Barley Market steady ; 78@79j.
Flax Seed tronger ; 1 13 $ .
Butter Strong nnd higher ; creamery ,
sir to fancy. 24@iOc ; dairy , fair to fancy ,
-Market o ler ; 2Sa.
Pork Anf.iv * and firm ; 17 45@17 60 for
h ; 1705 ,17 07i for January ; 17 75
@ 17 77J for Kobtuiry.
hanl Market cuskr ; 100510 70 for
i h ; jOii'C410fi7i fir December nnd
fanuiry ; 10 7010 72J for February.
Hulk .Moils Steady ; tiiotildert , G75 ;
hort iln , U SO ; uliurt clear , U ( .
\VhUUy-Stcady ; 1 17.
CAM * HoAiii ) . Wheat Firoiur , but not
notably higher ,
Otiru Firm nod iniahajized.
O.\ts Kirni , ercojit for January , which
Pork Fair demand , tut at liuir rata ;
. ' 4i for December ; 17 DO for January ;
7 74 lor February
LinUneettled ! but penrrally hlqhcr ;
0 G24 bid for Djtembui ; 10 G3@lO 074 tor
NW VOKK. December 7. Flour Mar-
: ct dull ; miperfioe st.itu and western ,
25@3 fcO ; cotnmuu to good extra , 3 SO ®
40 ; good to choice , 4 50@7 10 ; white
wheat extra , G 25@7 25 : rxlra Ohin , 3 90 ®
75 ; St. Louis 3 90@7 00 ; Minnesota pat-
ut process , 6 G5@7 3J.
\Vhcnt Opened 4 ( $ Jo lower , but eubso-
lacntly r.-covartd Irom the decline and ad
vanced n Hill' , tin ! DK linn ; No. 2 sprinir ,
numlnxl ; utur.ttled reJ , 90o@l 12 ; steamer
No. 3 re , t7c ! ; No. 3 rert , 1 Oo@1 051 ;
teatner N. . . 2od , 1 054@l'l G ! No. 2 roil ,
.08i@l083 for certificatelO. . - l 10 do-
iveied ; mixel winter , 1 l3@l 131 ; un
graded white , P3J3I 13 ; No. 2 white , 9'.lc ;
teamer No. 2 white , 880 ; No. 2 red for
) ecember , 192,001) ) tuithcls sold til 1 G8@
" . OiJ , closing at 1 08J ; do for .Tanuiry ,
.98,000 . bushals nold ut 109J110Jdoling
it 1ICJ ; do for Feliruury , 592,000 bu hels
lid at 1I2J@1I2 , clocing at 112fi ; do
or March , 3L',00l timhebi eoU at 114@
11J , clomiL-atll4J.
Corn Ojxmod 15jlc ; lower , but subso-
ueiitly recovtrocl from the decline nnd
advnncfd l@Jr , and clotoJ unsettled ;
ungraded , 43a74c ( ; No. 3 , 57ii584c ;
to-Jiner , G9i 71Je ; No 2 , 73 741o m
tit , 03oNo. : Sfor April , Ulc : No. 2
or May , 03Bfi1gi' ( ( oioai . ut G3 c.
Oats itajj hifiiier ; mixei v.estciu , 3953
tc ; whittweaturn , 42 U48c.
H.iy QnU'tbut iirm ; GJa
Frcah western , nuletbut firm ; 29
Poik Market quiet but firm ; new mesf ,
Beef-Quiet , but stcadr.
Cut MtMta Uull and nominal ; long
lear middle' , 10 00.
Lard Stronger ; prime steam , 11 45@
1 51) ) .
Butter Firm for choice ; 16@39c.
( 'he'so Quiet hut firju ; woetern flat ,
or. LOCIH.
ST. Lainn , Decfltnbor 7. Flow : Dull ;
iimily , 3 80st3 ( 95 ; choice , 4 40@4 r.- > ;
uuj , 4 G5@l 95.
Wh t Lower ; No. 2 rod fall , 94jjc for
aih ; U145 f"r tre | yu. r ; ! laiJ@95Jo for .fan-
i ry ; U7ife97io for February ; 102J@
d2J f > r filaj ; No. 3 red fair , 88S@89c.
Corn Lower ; 4DS@49Jo forc.nh ; 491o
irthe year ; -18g3 lorImitfiry ; 491-j for
february ; 51j5gr iJc ; for May.
O ti Lower ; 37c for ca-h ; 'W.J3 ' ° r the
renr35Jo ; for Fjnnnry ; 863 for Mf.y.
Rye Lower ; 55s aiked.
Barley Market dull ;
Eggs Steady.
Whisky Steady ; 1 16.
Pork Q liet ; j jboing at 17 405317 50.
Hulk lueatH Market dull ; shoulders ,
> 75 ; Inner cluar nud ahorfc rib , 9 25 ; ehort
leu , 070.
Bacon Very - lojv ; only a small ped-
Iling trart" .
Lird-Qaiel ; It ) 57J r.skcd.
t < 43 I'iil ' I'mtho M-ar ; 93c for Janunry ;
'i6 ' < s hid for Febriiury ; 1024@t 02g for
CornLiv.or ; 't J@ U3 for the year ;
9s for January ; 4 ? for February ; ole for
Oats Slow ; SGJo fir the year ; 31Je
or January ; 31Jc tjid Ijr 1'Viruary. '
KANHAS f'lTV , Decniubcr 7. Wheat
Veirer ; No , 2 red , 79Jo for cash ; 802 ®
Jlc for Jaminry ; 82ii f r February ,
f'cirn Stu'idj ; 4C > iffPJc { tor cash ;
Ojo for DiiCJitiber ; 0J3 ior Jauuurv.
Oats Uette33J3 ; jsked for cash ; 32
) ld for Derninr. .
jliutteUnchanged. .
- Unc laiitjou.
j liLC.Tra , DeceiuLor 2. Flour
GoldoSheaf. . 3 00 ; Kaueua City winter
heat , 27"i'oj3 25Minnesota ; wir.tcr wheat ,
8 00@4 00.
Wnoat- i. 2. 7-"ic ; No 3. kG5s ; i
Corn NTo. ? , . ' .0 : N > .2 , 30c.
Hje- o. 2 , 40j.
Barley None.
HWM Scarce ; foUin ; ; * s > ? p vjlwra at 30c.
Corn Ms-.l 1 7- > for whitu ; yrUov2 00 ;
corn ch'.p , ' . 'o 00 per ton ; corn rud
chop. 20 00 nor toil.
Broom Corn SJf.t9o ,
Hoy-LaofcC , 4 00 ( 0 00.
Wood 5 OOKO 00.
V'ool 1E@25 ,
Butter Urearaery , FOct la roll" , "
ooi , 20s ; rolh r.oi TJJUI . il , . . - . , . -lied
Ouionj lUo per bushel.
Ii'.vo Chlcleu 2 M@3 00 per dosca ,
Potatoua ! 10s per bushel.
tUljbagfw 2S10a per do/ ,
Tnrciui 30o per bn'hol ,
hi VI ! STOCK.OMitlaKxlrr , S 00 ©
3fO Veal Calves -r. B0@ " 00.
1100 7 2.5. Sheoii--S 00 ,
Special r.'jyatvtoa to TUB Usx.
O.IIOAQO , Decembpr 7Tha Urorcra
-lonrnal rvp iU Ai fullnwa :
llogi Slovt and tcneraily uteady af
clo-iuir rutos of Weflntsliiy ; mlx'l. ; . ' ) 7 < G
0 .10 ; heavy. G 250 SO ; light , 5 7ofeO 35
oliiuH , 4 0001 ! ) 8.r ,
Cattle l'ftir ami RpnorAlly steady
Christmaicattl ? , ( JUj07S ( , gooilta hoico
thlijplug , 5 KifeU GO ; coiomon to fair , ! ( X
( a00 \ ; liutcliorn in ruuJenite BUpiily uiu
fulr demand ; common to fair , U 00(552 ( 7ft
medium to i oul. 3 00 © ! 00 ; utockers uui
fcodera , 29JJJ ( | 10.
Hlifep Weak nud dull ; common to fair
2 50@3 'JOj medium t'j Kood , 3 40(5)OD ( ) !
chuice to extra , 4 10&1 50 ,
KANSAS Our , December 7. The Live
Stock Indicator ropo.-ts :
Cattle Supply too light to make a
market but the feeling U fctrong.
Hog-Firm and aehade higher ; SCO ®
G40 , with the bulk of Bftlea at S 90@0 20
Bheep Steady ; 100 naunda average eold
at 3 25.
BT. Louw. December 7. Cattle Firm
bat vl'jw ; Uht sblpplo , 4 OOfel 75 ; heavy
ditto , 4 7.V5 60 ; common to fAlr b"tehets
2 7o@8 K ; good to choice , S 60@4 CO ; common -
mon TexMis , 2 75@3 25 ; K od to bent
ha jr. S 60 4 00 ; Col ir.vlo liters and
wMtcrn h lfbreod , 3 75 © 7fi ; itockcr ,
3 00@3 fiO
Sheep Ste dy wlthn f lr demand ; com-
moo to fair , 3 7.3 00 ; go .i choice , 3 35
@ 435.
HORH Higher and Retire ; llnht to Rood
Yorker * , 5 7f @ 6 00 ; pnoklnst , C 15@C 50 ;
butcheri' to extra , G 40@G Gf. .
Nsvf YORK , Deoemlior 7. The Drovers'
Journal bureau rexirts ( :
Ueovcs No truffle in beet cattle ; Ml
offering * must bo oirrlrd nvfr ; tlres ed
beef ulnnr but fttendy at 71@10o for native
Sheep-Very dull ! 3 " 5@G 00 per owt
for sheep ; 5 OOgfi 25 for i'jinbs ; dressed
mutton Blow nt U 00rfS 00 per owt ,
Swine-Firmer for live hog * at G2r@G GO
per cwt ; few carload * nold at G t" > 0@G ( iO ,
Spool * ) Dltpatchm to Tin ! ! ,
YDIIK , December 7. Coffee-
Dull ; Hlu OArRow iiuoteii ntC@.Sjo.
Sugar Market dull mid \venk ; fair to
good refining quoted at OJ@7e.
Molrt9Jei Active nurt llrm ; Now Or-
leaiiHlOfiOOc. .
JUco Steady with a fair demand.
Petroleum Dull nnd nominal : United ,
10i ; crudi . 7i ( ; 8ic ; rofincd , 1 07t(3 ( > l 078.
Tullow-Quot , but ite.\dy7i@7fle. |
llosin Stundy ; 1 7 @ 1 8i.
Turpwitii.o Stiougur ; filjo.
I'lTianuiin , Dscember 7. In the after-
uuon tlitio wni a complete tutu In ttio
niarhot , and piicoa advnnced fiom 1 O'j to
I UJ , doling ( Inn at 1 HJ. There was
grojl excitement nt thu cxclniu ) through
out the doy , nud cansiderAblo cit changed
( mud ? , Iho total rules nggrec&tlog 2,585-
OCO biirrcl.i.
LOHDON , D < ccmber7. The wool ales
to-day were G 100 bulrn of Now Kenland ,
r3ydney nnd Port Phillip. The market
waa steady and competition good. The
British imports Increased iu November
032,000 cotup red with the same month
of the previous year. The exports decrease -
crease I ! 120.000.
Bpocttl DIirutchM to TUB Bn.
OHIOAOO , December 7. Eocolpta nnd
BhipuicnlB of flour and grain for the past
24 Lours hnvo boon aa follows :
llecehitn. Bhlp'tg.
Flour-hbla . 93000 21000
Wheat-bushels . 73.0CO 18,000
" . ? 35,000 OU.OOO
" . ornoo
' . 5.000 4.C03
Barley- " . lO.OOO 22,000
NEW YOHK , December 7. KccelpU nnd
ehluaioati o flour nnd graiu for tuo past
121 hours have hccu us follown :
llccoiptM Shp'lB.
'lour-bbln . 27,000 2,700
Vhcat-bushcls . 7.r" 73.000
Corn- " . 03.C03 21000
Oats " . Hi-lOJ I' J
Sr. Loma. December -Receipts nnd
hljimenta of ll-jur nud grain for tuo past
1 lioura ha.vo becu ra tuUown :
Hooi'ipta. Ghip'ts.
"lo'ur bbla . 7,000 10,000
Vheat-bnshbh . r.2OCO 21,000
oin- " . CJ.OOO 58,100
Oats- ' . 3.CCO
lyo- " . 1.COO
Barley- " . 21,000
KANSAS Ciir , Dscetnbor 7. Kocoipta
.nd Rhipmenta of ? ; rain for the past 21
louni have been as follows :
Keo'tE. Ship'U.
Wheat , bnEbola . 15.0CO 19.0CO
-0ra ; " . 32,000 S5.0UO
CHICAGO , December 7. llccclpts nnd
hipmcnts of HTQ stock for the past 21
tours have been as follows :
Rec'ts. Shlpm'ta.
Hogs . 41.000 2,300
Cattle . 0,500 3,800
Sheep . 3,000 800
NEW YOKK , December 7. Receipts nnd
hipments of live stock for the pabt 24
icurs have been as follows
lleo'ts. Ship'ts
Iots . 6,300 .
Cattle . HOO
Sheep . 0,800 2i
Jeef , quarters . GUO
.luttou , carca'BCs . 150
ST. Louis , December 7. Receipt ! and
" of live Block for the pas ! , 21
lours have been aa follows :
Reo'ts. Shiptn'ts.
Hogs . 10,000
Cattle . ' 8 > 0 . " 00
Sheep . 1,200 400
KANSAS Cur , December 7. Receipts
and bhijnneuts of live Block for the past 2 1
lour * hrvvo been OH follows :
Kec'ti ) . Shlpm'ls.
3ogs . 4,300
Jattle . 160
Sheep . 350 . . . .
'Wbolosaln Prloca.
Omoi ? or Tiia OMAIIA BEn , )
Thurc8cl&y Kvenin , December ? . J
The only changed reported in the market
.o-day are as follows :
Wheat No. 2 declined Jc ; No. 3 de-
cliued ic.
Barley No. 2 declined lo.
Corn Declined Jo.
Local Grain Dealing.
WHKAT.- Cash No. 2 , 761c ; cash No.
3 , GOo : rejected , 44ic.
UAIUMY. Cftjh No. 2 , G7c ; No. 3 ,
RYK-Caah , 43s.
NKW COHN411o. .
OATS 30c.
SKUDS-Flwc Hcoj 'JOo p ° r Iiu ; Red
clover , choice now , $ b 00 per bushel ;
nmmifiotu clot or nov , D700 ; white
obvor , aefill OU ; Alfi.llr. cluvor ,
uow , $12 50 ; * lsiko , uon , 51H UJ , 'Iici-
.thy . , coed , uoir , $2 00 , blue
; rab3 , oxtru claati , vl fA ) ; llue fjuirti ,
clean , $1 25 ; orolmd graun t'3 f/J ; raj top ,
choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri ,
80s ; rnllotJerniuc ! , 8100 to SI 25 ;
HanKariiui ( iOc ; Ucagu oraaa , i to 5
IjuibelB , 35 00 ; otogo < > rf ngo , 10 L'uhcla cr
over , SI BO ; honey lucosl. per lb. , 25c ;
JCOlbs.,82500 ,
I'roducoantl Crovleloni.
POTAT6n3-40ai5a iwr bmhel ,
ONlONS-30$50o ( per hunhnl.
1JUTT13KOhoico country , 2530o.
HONI3Y Csliforala. per b , 21.
A1'LJI."KS Per barrsi. 2 753 25.
OYSTRllS-S.lect , 45j.
ORAPKS Califurida , 51 f0 2 23.
LKMONH-Sl J5'al ! W ) p r bor. '
UKANf--DomeHiu Uerrr.ftu 203@250
per hunhal.
OHrOKKN.S-10@llo per
TUUKBYS Il@l2o perppound.
Grouora' ijlst , ound.
CANNED GOODS -Oy tero , 2
oa.0 , 2 GO ; Corn , 2 11 > ( fcl.mntam
per cue , - 09 htukad corn , 1 CO ; do
2 lb ( Ynnnoouth ) par cw < > , 3 00
siring Iwane , per cti'.e , 2 10 ; Lima bean
per caeo , 1 70. y-wx-otaHh per case , 1 80
Peas , commonp.r _ caao , 1 50 : noafl , choice
percaae,2 70. lilaskberrloa , 2w , peroAae
210 ; strawhorrlea , 2 Jl > , par oaae , UBO
rupberriua , 2 Ib , per cam , 3 30. Dam
sous , 2 lb , per cane , 2 45. liartlot
peara per cane , 2 GO. Whortleberrie
per cane , 275. JCgg plums , 2 lb perouse,2 DO
Green gagcs,2 Ib per case , 2 00 ; do choice ,
Ib per cam I 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case
4 005 75. Peached , 2 lb per caee , 3 00
do S lb , ctuio , 4 001 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , i > c
coM.230 : do pie. 6 tt > , per doten. 2 30.
FLOUR Jobbing prices. Jack Frort
St. Lents winter ) IS.PO p ? r 100 ibi.s T .
xka Patent K us.-u > , (3t < 5i MinaohfthA.
klinncaoU Patcut , 53.70 ; Slnwni-e Fancy
winter , $3.10 ; KAgl < % XXXX winter ,
83.00 ; Triumph iprinff , b v.t , $2.80 ; Chri -
ian's nuperlfttlrcs 3.GO ; bran , per ton ,
$14.00 ; chopped feed , $23.00.
COFFBJ6. Rio , lair , lie ) IMo. good
2c ; l Im to choice , 13 to 13o ) Old gov't
Java ; 2Ci < Hlo,2 ) oloeha , 28ie ; Arbnoklc'R ,
O1IKK8S Full Cream , 14o | Part
Hklra , lOlo ,
rrcr , 8c ; graining colors i light oak , dck
nx. walnut.Jioslnnt and a h 15o ,
Jc ; medium yellow , 7Jc ; dark j tllow ,
SYRUP Standard Com , , 40a , hbln.j
Standard do , 4J gallon Jce ss , $2 25 ; Stan-
ianl do , 4 gallon kcg , 91 80.
iMKATS Hamn , IGc ; brcaVfant bacon ,
one ; clear side b con , none ; dry rait
moon , lOJc ; shoulders , lljo ; lerco lard ,
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brlj , 0 7fg
Vo. 1 muckoret , kltn , 1 00 ; family mnck-
rel , half brln , 4 75 ; famllv mackerel , kt ! ,
85o ; No. 1 white fish , half brl , G 00 ; No. 1
SPIOKy. Pcptwr , 20 ; Alhrloo , 20c ;
Jlovou , 35c ; Nutmeg , SI 00 ; Cataia , 2lc ;
M-vce 8100.
LYE American , S 3i ; Greenwich , 8 40 ;
Veelern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lcwia !
ye. 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
FKED Johblng prices , Chop feed ,
l.DO per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , $1.40 ; bran ,
Oj per 100 Ilia.
IjiRD Omabn Redlining Co. : Tierces ,
IJo ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12c ; 20-lb cnnx ,
21o ; 10-lb pnllK , Bcrow top , 122o ; 5-lb do ,
UAo ; H 11) do , 12Ho.
JIOM1NY Now , W CO per bbl.
SODA In lb papers , 53 rcr cane ; keg
oda , 2lc ,
NKW PICKLES Medium , In burrels ,
700 ; do iubnlf 1'bls , 4 00 ; smalls , In lib ] . * ,
03 do , iu half bbb , 5 CO ; gherkins , In
bbln , 11 00 ; do , in half hbls , G 03.
UTAUU1I. Pearl , ; ic ; biUar Klons
i c ; Com Starch , BJo ; KxceUloraloaa ,
o : Corn , 7Jo.
TP3AS .Uunpowdor , good , 45055 ;
Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o ;
Bbrlco , GO@7Bc ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@
Oo ; choice , G5c81 00 ; Japnn Nat Lunf ,
5c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good ,
5@40 ; Oolong , cho.ce. 40 < a55 > Souchong ,
ood. ! tr(5)40c ( ) ; choice. 3545o.
llOPlC-ainal , i Inch and larger , lOJc ;
linch , lie.
WOODKNWARK Two hoop pallf ,
75 ; three hccp pailo , 2 00. Ttibt , No.
, 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double
Cr wn290 ; Wollbuckots , 360 ,
LEAD Bar , 81 65.
VINEGAR Pure pplo extra , 16o :
ure apple , 13c ; Prnssine uuro auolo , IGo.
SAliT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 G5 ; Ash-
ou , in sao hs , 3 CO ; bbln dairy GO , 5s , 8 50
SOAPS Klrk' Savon Imperial , 345 ;
Cirk'H tatluot , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ;
Cirk'e whlto Rur.i- , 52.1 : Kirk'a
Cutoon , 2 15 Kirlt'n Prairie Queen ,
100 cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's mugnolln do ? . ,
POTASFl Pennsylvaula cans1 case ,
n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doi. in case ,
'JO : Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 f > 0.
PEANUTS Uoaetd ! , choice , rod Ten-
eiweo , lOo ixjr lb ; fancy white , lOJo pnrlh ;
n'v white Virginia rnw , lOo ; roasted ,
"cANTHi&S-Boii'g , 40 Ib lfg , 15Jc ; SP ,
ifc : bics 40 Ibn. , IB or. , , 6 , 1CJ7.
KICK T.onijiani. iiriino to choice , 7iia (
Jo : fair , G'ti7e ; Patnut , 7c.
MATOILKo L'or caddie , 5c ; round ,
30J , IV1C ; sqxtftie , C.ISIM , 50 40 ,
Dry Goods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8ic ;
Auiiloton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot *
7K , SJe ; Buckoyu I/L , 4-1 , 7c ; Cabot W ,
Ic ; Chitteuaniro A , GJc ; Uront Falls E ,
L.Q ; Hooaier , GJo ; Honest Width , 8ic. In-
fan Head A , 8jc ; Indian Standnnf A ,
ic\ \ Indian Orchard d. w , , S\c ; Lawrence
jL , 7c ; MysUo River , 7ic : Pequot A , SJo ;
Jhawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , Stc ; Wachua-
tt B. 74c ; do A , 8ic ; do li ! 48 , 121c ; Wai-
ott BB. 8Jo.
-4 : 7io ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-J , 7ic ;
tlantic LL , GJo ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7o ;
icnnington O 4-4 , Gje ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJco
ndiau Orchard AA 9-8 , S ci Loconia O
9 , 8ic ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9ic ; Lonsdalo 4-4.
Oo ; ropperell N SO , 7c ; do O 82 , 7io ; do R
6. 7Jc ; do E 39 , 8Jc ; Pocasset O 4-4 , 7 c ;
\VamButta4-4 ISc
rfn L 4-4,9ioBlackstonoAA ; Imperial 8c ;
lo do half bleached 4-4 , Oo ; Cabot 4-4,8 $ ;
fidelityd-4 , 9oFndt ; of thoLoom,10 ; do
can.brlc4-4,13cdoWnt6rTwist,10ioGreat ; ;
fallaQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
liousdido. 10c ; do cambric 37 , 12lo ; Now
York Mill * . 12Jc ; 1'oquot A,10c ; Pepperol
N G Twillc , 121c : Pocahontas 4-4 , OJc ;
'ocnaaet 1-1 , Sic ; Utica , lie ; Warruntta
O X X. 12ic.
UtlOKS Colored ) Albwiy 13 brown.
! c ; do C , drab , Uci do X . Btripou and
phdds , 12Jc ; do XXX brown aud drab ,
tripos and plaida , 12&c ; Arlington fancy ,
.9c ; Bnmswick brown , SJo ; Chariot fnncy ,
.2ic ; do eitra hcavj20o ; Fnll River
irnwu , oitro heavy , 11 io ; Indiana A
Veoonset A brown. 15c
a . : nnokeag A U A 3
.9o ; do XX buo 82 , 18Jc ; Arrownnca ,
> lo ; Claremout B B. IfJio ; ( Joneitoga ex
, ra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , fljo Lewistnn A
* 0 , 15c ; Miuuehnha 4-1 , 20c ; Omoeit super
oxtni 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IGjc ; Put
nam XX blue ati-ipo , l-o ; Hhotucliol S
lOJc ; do S3 12c ; Yoomnn'o blue 29 , 9c
DENIMS. A raonkoak , bluoand hroun
IGJo ; Andover DD blue , IGJc ; AflingX
: mo Scotch , Iflic ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXto
lodolUc Haymalccr'u blue uud brown.
9Jc ; Mystic River DD stripe , IGfo Pcnrl
iCiver , bluu and brown , Iric ; Uncasvllle ,
line and brown , 14ie.
OAJiLBRICS Barnard , r\a { Eddyotono
lining , 24 Inch double face , 8c ; Garner A
qlazed , 5 c ; .Manhattan glove finish , CJo
: ! iev/port do 60 ; do glaieu , SJol Pequot do
jc : ( JoLltwood kid finish Oo.
OOJWKT .1KANS Amory , 801 Andros
coggiu nnttoen 8iJc ; Olareudcn , Gjc ; Cones
o tgu sntteoiiK , 7ic ; Ilallowcl , Sc ; Injdi
Orchard 7icj Narrigoiwott , improved , o
ijucrill Bittoon 9 n ; Kockport , 7 o ,
PKINT.S AlletiR , OJc ; American , GJc ;
Arnold , 7o ; Berwiolr.Ifc ; Cochoro , 7c ;
Uouusloga. Oio ; DunkirV , 'lie ; Diumoll ,
6J(3)7c ( ) ; Eddy tone. 7c ; GlsuceKor , Co ;
Harmony , bio ; Knickerbocker , GJc ; Mor
rl ao D. 7 < ! ( Mystic , EJc ; Sprat-uos , OB ;
SoulhbrHgfi Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl
boro. GJc ; 'Mental GJo.
GIWUHAMH Am Vi-iw , 12Jc ; Aimu.
drc 9Ji Am-lo , 10c ; Atlantic.
Oo ; Cumberland , Vie ; Hijrhlanrt ( , 74c ;
Kfinllworth , KJo ; Plua kult I , I0cj K\it
i3X , ho
COTTON ADEo Ahborvlllu UJo
Awatc , We ; Aaior'nan , llo ; Arlbl.m , 20c ;
Cairo D < , nd T , ttijc ; Clarion D and T ,
17ic ; Doccali Co.strlpoa DfttidT.lGo ; Kt < y.
c.tuno , l'o ; ! ; ; &utucket , I'M ; Nouiinreil ,
IGo ; Ocean D and T , ISjo ; Royul , 1GJ i
Busses , 12c ; Tioga. 12Jic ; Wnohusott ahirl-
ln't 5imk ! : ) . IHJo : do , Nnnkin , 121c ; Yorl : .
plain , N .nkin. 12)c ; do , choc'-ei , utripoj tno
fnncy , l k ; ao , 8 oz , 20c ,
do 0.4 , 23 ? ; do 8-4 , 22e ; OnntlnfnUl 0
12 , lie , Fruit of Iho Loom 10-1 , 27J ; Nev/
Yurk tnlUiUS , 85c ; ( b78 , 30a ; do M. 224o , 10-1 , , 25c ; IVquutlM , 25J3 , ilu
74 , IUi. do 49 , Hip ; I't'.t | . > ercll'Jrt. | 29c ;
Au G7.2ic.ia57 , 18sUf/cu ; 00 , 8llo ; du
53 , 2i to ; do 48. 17c.
Plnt Ol ! < end V.rnlha *
01L8 110" carhon , per gulloi ) ,
13Jo ; 150 * headlight , per gtlloji ,
15Je ; 17. " headlight , per gallon , 20ic ;
llnscud. rnw , per falluri , 3 ; linseed , hoiM ,
per ( ; alloii , fiUa ; lard , vintdr nti'tl , ,
ton , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 7V , castor ,
XXX. i * > r Italian , 1 20 ; No. y , 1 Ifi ; sweet ,
ner gdUou. 85o : Bporm. W. B. , per p Hmi-
1 G1 ; fall , W. li , , per ( { ftllun , CUe ; -r.t-fuot ,
extra , per gallon , 7Jc ; No. 1 , G5u ; lubri
cating , z ro , per K llou , SOcj summer ; 15c ,
goldoji u-.aclJIco , No , 1 , per gallon , 35c ; Np ,
2 , SO : 0perm , signal , i > er gallon , SOc ; tur-
poutme , per Kallou , G5c ; uaptha , 7J' , pri
ghUon , 18o ; 64' , 17o
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omah *
P. I' , . Glc ; white lead , St , LouU , pure , G9 < >
green , 1 to 5 lb cons ,
French zinc , gia * > n seal. 12o ; French tine ,
red Heal , lie ; French cine , in varnish a-ut ,
20c : French tinoe , in oil oust , 15o ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 Ib ooui 12o ; raw uuc
burnt Slunna , 13ot Vandyke brown , v |
refined lampbl&ck. 12o ; ooach black and
I'ory ubick , 16o ; drop black , IBo ; lroaaU
bins , 80o ; ultramarine bhu , 18oj
green , L. M. & D. , 14o ) blind and shntUr
Btwn , L. M. A D. . 10o ; Paris green , 18 ;
Indian red , Ifiot Venetian fed. 9c ; Tnscnn
dre , 22cj American Vermlliod , I. A P. , 18o ;
chrome yellow , U , M. , O , A D O. , 18c |
yellow ochre , 9c | golden ochre , 18 ; patent
Dry "alnti
Whlta lead , 640 ; French t Inc. lOct Park
whltolng 2Jc ; whiting gliders. IJr ;
nhltlng com'l , Ik ; lampblack German ,
town. I4c ; Irmpblack , ordinary , lOc ; l nn-
slan blue , 55c { ultramarine , 18c ; vi > n' ' ) Vb
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4j ; nmlvi. i- *
4cIenna ; , burn t , 4c ; itonna , . l'a
Paris green genuine , 25c ; P ri 4'-n n < m'
20o ; chrome green , N. Y,1 Mo , ourom
preen K,12c ; vomdlllon. h-n. ; , , 70o ; vermillion
million , America , 18c ; uriiAi , rod , 10a
roue pink , 14c ; vencllr.c. tuiki , Coku > H > so
? .Jo ! Venetian red Am. , t jcj rol lovl , 74c ;
chronic yellow , genuine , iOo hroine yol.
low , K. , I2o ; tvlir , rochelle ( to ; oohro
French. 'Jj.i ochrv , American , ic ! ;
Winters mineral. 240 ; lehl , < h brown. 24o :
spaulsh brown , 24c ; Prince's inluotM So ,
VARNISHES Bartelo per KAlloa.
Furniture , extrtt , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 ,
(1 ; coach , extra , (1 40 ; oaeh , No. 1 ,
SI 20 ; Danmr , extra , PI 75 ; apan , 70ctf- ;
phaltum , extra , 85o ; ( hollno 83 60 ; hanl
oil finish. 81 SO
Heavy Hardwara Lilt ,
Irou , rate * , 9310) ) plow ntcol , ipecial
cast , i'cj crucible,80 ; special urGormanGc ;
east tool do , 16@20 wncon nnokoa , sot ,
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per cot , 1 ! ; felloes , sawed
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; axle %
each , 76c ; pmmro nuts , per lb , 7@llc ;
washers , per lb. 818cj rivets , per Ib , lie ;
cell chain , per lb , G@l2o ; malleable , 80 ;
iron wodceo , Go ; crowbnw , Go ; harrow
teeth , lo ; horseshoes , per keg , 6 00 ; spring
steal , 7s8o ( ; Burdetrs horscehoos , 5 50 ;
Burden's mulcfhocn , G 60.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Bnck ( hot , 2.10 ,
Oriental Powder , kegs , $0.40 ; do. . 1ml
kegs. 53.48i do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast
Inc. keen , l35i Fuse , tier 100 feet 50o ,
BAltBED WIRE In car lots , 7 5'J per
100 ; in lees than car lots , 7 75 twr 100 ,
NAILS-llatcs. 10 to GOJC , 425.
Oak solo , S8o to 42a ; hemlock so'.e , 28o to
Me ; hemlock kip. 80o to 100 : runner ,
65c to 80c ; hemlock cnlf , 85o lo 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23o to 2Gc ; oak upper , 24c ;
alligator. 4 00 to C 50 ; calf kid , 32@36o ;
Qrotscn kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
110 to 1 5D ? French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run-
setts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 10 50 ;
toppings , 9 00 to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , 80o
to 35o ; pebble 0. D. Morocco , 35o ; slmon ;
2 M ) to 3 00.
HARNESS No 1 star oak , 42c ; No 2
do , 39o ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38o ; Nn. 2 do ,
35o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o : No. 2 do , S4o.
Horsei and Mules.
The market is brisk and all grades are
lling well at jv tllght advance in pi ices.
The demand for good horses exceeds the
supply considcraoly , Prices range a fol
lows :
Flue single drlvcrn , 8100. to 500. ) Extra
draft horses , 8175 , to 225 , ; Common draft
horses , $100 , to 150 , ; Extra farm horses ,
8110 , to 125. ; Common u > goad farm horsea
890. to JlOO.j Extra plugii , 8GO. to 76. j
Common ulugn , 820. to 3-10.
MULES. 15 tt. 15 * hands ( cxtrn ) , tf25.
to 150. ; 14i to 16 hands ClOO. to 140. ;
11 to 144 hands , 875. to 100. ) 134 to 14
hnmU , SliO. to 75
ALCOHOL Itff proof , 225 per wine
gallon ; extra California fipiritu , 1U7 proof ,
1 per proof gallon ; triple relined dplrlts
187 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ; ro-diitllled
whukio- 00rl ( ) 60 ; fine blended , 1 50@
2 fiO ; Kcntncliy bourbouB , 200@7 00 ; Ken.
tuakv and Pennsylvania ryco , 2 10 ( 7 00
BRANDlES-Impartcd , $ li 0001000 ;
domeitlo 1 40riJ4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domestlo ,
1 405/f8 00 ,
RUMS Imported. 1 50@G 00 ; Now
England. 2 00Wl 00Mome ; tlo. 1 60(23 ( 50
175@4 00.
OUA IPAGNES Iraportea per case ,
2ROO3i OjArosrlMJ , cane , 1200 ©
10 00 ,
OLARET3- case , 4 60@10 00
WINES Rh no wine , per case , G 00 ®
2 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00.
Wo quote lumber , lain nud shingles on :
cars at Omaha at the following prices ;
under , S22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50.
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , 823 53 ;
1C ft , S23 50 , 22 ft. , 820 50 ; 21 ft. S2G 50.
FENCING No , 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 00 ;
No. 2 , 322 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmrnon
boards ) . (2 > ) 00 ; No. 2 , $18 00.
LIME tor barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per ous <
40 : : Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa planter ,
bbl , ,82 50. Hair per bn , 4Uo. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , $3 60. Straw board , 83 60.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ;
Morris Run Bloxshurg , 812 ; Wbitobroast
lump , $5 50 ; Whitobroaet nut. 85 50 ; Iowa
lump , 85 50 ; Iowa nut i > 50 ; ( lock Spring
53 ; Anthracite , 310 6r@ll 00.
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartarlo , OOo ; Bnleam
Copabia , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sanzafrns , ner
lb , 14 ? ; Calomel , psr lb , 75c ; Cluchorlidiu ,
per oz , Cl 15 ; Uhloi-ofonn , per lb. 100 ;
Dover's powders , tor lb , 81 40 ; 'Eptoir
SUln , per lb , 34o ; Glyoorinc , pure , po bl ,
33c ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22o
Oil , Carter , No. 1 , per gal , ? 1 20 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $110 , Oil ,
Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum. GC ;
Opium , $ r CO ; Quinine P. li W. It it. A S. ,
per 07 , $2 05 ; Pntaniium , Iodide , per 11
3175 ; Salaciu , per oz , 40a ; Sultihalo o
Morphine , Mir oz , $3 8 , * > ; Sulpuur ( lour
per lb , 4c ; Htrvclinliiu. tier ox. 81.15 ,
OiKrr * nd Toboccos.
_ S. Seeds , P15.00 ; Connecticut ,
62.'i.ll6r Mixed , ? : )5.00 ) ; Seed Havana ,
850.00) ) ClearHnvana , 375.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule ,
2i lb , COc ; Our Rope , first quality , 62c ;
Star , noui-ds , 24 lb , bultc.GOc ; Homo Shoe ,
pouudB , 24 Jb , Jmttti , 60c ; Gilt Edge ,
pounds , 21 lb , butts , GO ; Anny and Navy ,
lounds. 55o ; BulHcn , pound ? , 59c ; Lorfl-
. [ .rd'H Climax , poundc , OOc ,
FINE CUT In tmllH. Hf.rd to Boat !
7bi ; ; Goldun Thread , 70c ; FouutHin , tOc ,
I'ftvorito , GCc ; Rocky Mountain , GOc :
Fancy , She ; Daisy , r.Oc. In tin foil
C tllns O. H. , 0 Hi boxes , per lb rWc ; Lori-
lllard'a Tigur , COc ; Diamond Crown , ( Wo.
BIiIOICirHr All prudes Common , 26 to
33c , Granulated Blaekftnllii Durham , 16
oifilc ; Dckcs Durham , 1G nz , 40c ; flenl of
North Oarollim , 10 or , 1C ; Seal of Neuron ,
kn , 1G in , H8s ; LnnaJnok , 4 oz , Huon bags
per lb , f 1 85 ; Matburfni1 Puck 8 on , tin
oil , MKDo ; ' T nil tic.
rllact hurl , Cta.
UIUiilirooj ! hutchor'n mdi.fia ? * '
cured Bjfo ; Jido ! , Kritan Bait , part cured 7Jf
htdoa , 74o ; dry tfint , hu'ind. 13Mcdry ;
oalf I'.nd kip , ] 2rc5l4c ; ilry fill hldcH.oound ,
10@llo ; Rrwn calf. wt. if toIMU. . llft)12cj )
irc > cn cult , v.t , undur 8 Ils , per ckin , ( > 0st
t-rcen m-lN , f.OW' 1 25 ; Krosii Imr.b iikln.i ,
31 25Jjl ( ) DO : d maed ( hidim , two-third rate ,
cut Kcoreil and oua Krub , clft.uod t ? o-
tLIrdj rate , . hrandod hulon 10 per f-ont , ott
; chort Vri)8 ] , 40 narrow trlp o
it > l Btrlue. JOo. 'I c.llov 7u.
ernjuuvos ed , iitht , 14 < t'.10o ; hesvy.o ,
Kiirc ; medium uuwftuhod , light , 1B@UO
vihorl , oholco , Ii2o ; fitlr , 30c ; tuli-diii
r.iul w. , Me ; burry , bliicknnd cvttixl noel ;
i6o ! let. '
(11'C' fruui
mil at tl >
sl roa'ljlu ' tfttli iirliito all wwlcin
I6 in TVJjiSU f'AI.'l . 'CO Fsulimvt Cliy.
VlkiouN of Vonui ,
Special Pl r un t Tun llai
WABIIINUTON , December 7. 1'rof.
llilyard , Hupuriiituntlunl of thu couat
and geological survuy , hua received n
report from AaoiBtiiut Davidson , chief
; of the transit of Yonus party at Fort
Beldun , K , M. , aiinoUnoiiiK complete
Buccaia of observation ! ) of all four con-
taota ; 21G eplondid photographs wore
obtained ,
MKLUOUHNU , Decembur 7. 'i'he
Iran ait of Vena * was euooosafully ob
nerved hero nnd nt Cnpctown , now
inland , Tftsmanln nnd Now Sonth
W los. Thlrty-thrco photopmpba
wcro ohUlnoct t Mollxiurno. OUnr-
vatlons at Qnconslnnd and Sydney were
LONDON -cmnbor 7. The Ainorl-
run nhjctTprs in Now Xenland ob lncd
iin" ] " ( iil oba rv4tioiia of the transit
. I Yriiun.
I'ANAM * . Decnmbor 7. The transit
of Vfiiua mt dldtltictl ) reun linro.
CITY OP Mixit'o , DBoeinber ? . The
wonthor throughout the country yn > .
U-rilny was fivvurnblo for antisUot'ty
observation * of the trati.iit of Yoiiu * .
Unmnrried ljonaoua
bhcnld loose no time in nocurini ; n
cortificivto in the Marringo Fund Mu-
nl Trim Afsociation of Oodnr
lltpida , Town , concurnlnp ; which circu
lars nnd lull information will bo rout
fruo upon application It ioorRinnziid
under the Itmurmicoii6 of Toira ,
mid is the only lrgabf.nd and Icglti-
initto inatitution of the kind in the
country. Ita oftbors and mannijera
are among the most prominent busi
ness mon in Orrtar lUpldo , Including ,
baukora , the postmohtor , cnpltiiliata ,
railway manngors , insurance men ,
loadini ; lawyers , phyaiclatm and other
reliable citlzono. Over $15,1)00 ) hoa
nlroady boon paid to nicmburs , It U
a snlotulid invootmont , 05 aafo , eocutu ,
nnd auro as n government bond. You
can just nn wull have n good turn of
nionoy to coiuincnco married llfo on ,
aa not. Uemonibor it only cunta you
ono cent for a postal card to request
full explanation and Information ,
Oaod nyunta can got territory if ( )
plied for aoon. Write to-day. Do
not pontponu li. Afontion whnro you
saw this notice , ootSO 1m *
Friday. December 8th ,
Tlie fitTorltacomdlan
Jolm T , Raymond ,
In hli new nd brilliant comnlj b ; A. C. Gunter
The American,1
fhlch run 100 nights nt Park Thwiter K. Y. NOT
T jl\cn in ih a , Uproatloui Htrnoi , "Pri'sh "in
IOVK. Kre li" In illlllcnlllM , "FrcsV In the
hiircin , 8 II > 1 ltli the wlnlo fixml y. A ncrcnm
ot merriment from I cjlimlntt to etui. Mairnin-
cent scenery. A p cncllil roni | tullrools nnd
on K.ilo Tlni'slaj
A3Cut on { Artists'
_ . . _
it i. H N n k
W. Jt N. Tuba Colors at ! ) c.
Chlnrv Galore , 14c nnj upwuJt.
Wft'er Colors In boiM , Co anil up.
30 Inch Cumiuj-i per jurJ. SOo.
UtrutclivrM , 25 to BOo.
Arti U'faHcl , 1.10.
JIulilHtlcVn , 'JOc.
llaliOK 1'ollcttoii , Me.
IlrUtlo liruitics , gonnil up.
Hable llruihcs , Ific and up.
Poppy nnd Doing Oil , largo bottli , aOc.
LliiBocd OH , ISe.
U uck Craon > , dor dozen , 20c.
Copies for 1'ulntlng ( or rent. Plaque * , ip n-
nc | , Shells , Porcelain and Ivory mre ( or Dooo-
ratlni ; at cost.
I'ivu slzca fatln TanihorlnoB , Drums , Danjoa
and Wliltu Ilollywochl ( or oriiauicntlnirttt low 9t
( igurt * .
1519 Dodge St. , south side.
Successor to U , (1. HcKOON & CO. ,
Room 1 , Droigliton Block ,
Representtho Followlujj Conipuiilea
fl iitlnt'iital of Kow York f i 200,000 n-
Coinmcn-lal Union of London 1 , .COXlu ( ( d
Klro Assoo at on ol riilhulcli'i-\ | | . . . . 4,40HWU ( UO
Ocrimn American n' .S'oiv Yor.i . . 3,41(1,000 ( Ol )
Imp rlil mill N < rthcrnof , KU O.Oi'O 00
Mitloii.lof IlnrlforJ 1,700U,0 Uj
Orluntol Hart enl l,40'u > Ul
I'liujiilxof llnioklyii ! ' , feUODOO o l
I'diiinj-ha-ld of I'hlbiliiliili | | VJUD , JO ( , ' )
lloyil of Mtvrpaol ! ! 6.uiliKXl ! 00
hprlnKlluM of ltl >' > V.0'IUOU OU
m H ov HM Iv
Uarpenfcop. Suporintonfloiit , o ,
All Llii'lu of Job work done.
Old liwliiinyt liccomtnicted.
w lmlldiiK ! oroctml. J'laiir ) and ruxlflcatlon ; (
( urnlthod.
IJurnB7 St , , hot. 14th nnd lorh
Physician -and Surgeon.
OUco N. W oarnrr 13'Ji And fcrmun ttrc < l ,
OUT Merchant u Natlunul ) lin , O ili , Neb.
OffM Hi-H-0till'19a - M. , 1 to0OIK ! 7 to
p in. Uun'jtnuj llli mutli 13th Bircit
Maliur if Apilliiitl | n of Mniy Outer
tor lVu | < ir Llci < nnu ,
Notli-n li hereby nlvi-n tint Mary Outer dM
iiijontliuttli .Iij of I if. ) , A. U , , IHK'j , nioliurnp-
piluatlun totliu llo.ud of ( Jouuty Uuiiiiiilmioiifru
of DollIu.i cuuty , Nolirmla : , fur llcciibu to nil
Malt , Kjilrituoux u il Vlnuut I.liiioi | , at Vullcy
Station , 1'ia In Va'h-y ' I'rvvliiLt , | IOII | IH Co. ; Ku
from tlio Iliiitily of D-jccinlur , IhS ' , to thu IIrut
davofU eh , IKS.-I.
IHliL-ro do nu ubjeUlon , rcmonbtraiivu or jno-
tiv.1 Illwl i within two uivliK from Dtifinliir 0 ,
A , U , 14. , tliu mid lltuimj ulll be crantiil.
Tliu Oinulri lluu nuKup-iptr will publlili tlio
nbu\u iiotluu uiiuj uach furtvvorccku at Iliu
upcmu of tliu applicant. Tliu County of 1 lout-
Iu | i nut to ho thciuullh.
dcco County CluU ,
. .An x
& Lanman's
[ Trom the Uoston ( Half. }
JJitm. JCAtlon f
Tli beTel ( roe < t llkfnc of Ittn. Tjdl R.
* lm , of Lynn , - < . , who IK > TO All other human bolnn
nnj U tnrthf allr cftllwl U "Itnr Ivlf ml of VlomiM , "
fomo of her rnmvrnnilniU lototocAll li r. Sht
< - lon ly dorotrd to htr work , IUch l IhcrrutoomU
of n llfrtnJj , ml l.i oUlgml to ICPJI tit Id7
M l Unt , to hf lp hrr kniwor th l rR corrr [ xmdenco
| pj > dullfonn In upon hrr , e ch brvlnK IU tfftttt
tranlfn of rofferlnir , or Joy at reUvw from It , He
VrccUU C < > mpcniull ft mtdlcln * for ( rood uid not
rtll r nw * > . I hure p" > n lly InrntlirttMl It u > 4
nn ll flf < l of tin truth of thlx
On ftccount of lt prorcn merit * . It 1 pcomm nd l
ndprtcrll Klliythol > f tph7 lcUn In ttia country.
One Myti " It wort-n Ilk * n cli nn onj urr > much
rvUn. H will rare entirely the worst form ot fulling
; t the ulcnn , IxMirorthoKi , Irrreitlur and Jvtlnful
ifn tni.\llcni\110t rlaiiTrouble , Inflammation uiil
Jtrrrntlon , HixHlln n , nil ntiplarcmrntt nnd the con-
icqnrnt > i > lnaliTi > AkneM < , anJ li especially lultpted to
the Chance of Life. "
It pcrrnr lc fircry portion of the lyitcm , and Hires
new life and lror. ( H irmo M falntiionn , flutulcncy ,
dn > tnii all cr tlnR for ttmulAiit * , nnd rrlleTm wrnk-
ift of thontnmarh. It cum llli tlnr , Headache * ,
S'rnou * IVxtratlon , Clencral Poblllty , SlfeplttwncM ,
[ K-pmilon and llullffoitlon , That fetllng of bcnrlnff
doimrau lnK | < aln , vrcliiht and ImcLocho , Is aliray *
prrmancntly cur d tiy Ita Hse. It will at all tlrnra , anit
untUr all clminmtanro , net In hanuony with the law
that em rmi ( he female ryutcm.
110'f t only $1. ir hotllo or l f orV , and l > Hold b *
niccliU. Any mlrli-o rfqulrcvl M to tprtlal ranm , an
the tinmci nt ninny ho hixvc been rcttored to pcrfwj
hralthliy the tint of the Vi'KelaMoCompoMnd.canb *
oblolndl liyndilrfnslncltni. ! ' . , with itampfor rrply ,
at hrr homo In I jnn , Ilnm.
Kor Kldnpy dnilplalnt of tilhtr rn lliln com pound , ttf
Dn nrpaavod lu ahundiint tntlmonlali nhow.
Mm rinktmm'i IJror I'llln , " myn ono writer , "ar
l\etnt in tht irurM fur the euro u ( Oomttlpatlon.
MUoumrM and Torpidity ot the llrrr. Hrr Ulcxxl
l"urincT workt wondrra In lla ipecial line and bid * fall
mnal the Compound In Iti Ixipulartty.
All mutt rrrprct hrrna nn Ancol of Mercy whoie o > *
Rinhltlon In to doirootl to othonk
1'hlUdflphU. I-n. CO Un.A. .a
Are acknowledged to bo the
best by all who have put thoin
to a practical toct ,
Piercy 6 Bradford ,
Thou dmlrlnjt to maho money on
fiuMI anil niflnmtu Invoatmenil ID
S20 train , proflnloai and htock/jHcul ) -
tlo'j ) , cm dit nn by opuratlirjj.on oar
plin. FromMny 1,1E81 , to rho pre-
WHKAT sout t'lU' , un Invfitiniii-B o { . # 10,00
to VMWJ , VMti proOts linro l no
nuliic I anil inld to Invcstori
nuioun lngtoi < crcr > I tlmoa thnorlK
$50 Inil Investmout. Proflla i U lit o
ovury mnlli , ctlll Ii > nvliif the
orlKlnnl lnei'.mont triiVm roone ;
STOUKB nrjnyablaon donmu-1 , EjpJannto-
ry clrcu'.nrn an I oUtosiontii of fund
\VDfitfrcj : Wo unnb roj > pongbl |
a onU. uho wll report en crops nd
SIQO Int'oduco tha plan. Liberal com-
ruloelnniild. . Adrlrcns
Kslcr Block ,
& mmiim N
Archltoctuot tlio Omaha National Dank , N
biukiv Nail not ( link , Pnxton fl. Qallarulior's
Dlocl' , AuaJomr ot Uio Dtcrcit Uo.irt , lultin *
BextoL.Tliomas&IiPO ,
Pay 'I'aios , Kent IIonacB , Etc.
Cr ) > t itr.j-t ) I co 109 , B , Cut a to tllockOjih
P"4 { ! iL1i f'iR.I f\n
i fsvjr W , 01' lruM2)iaiiri'3 ! ) ,
IM no1 n tjm ) > U < t ttocX o ! VM and Winter
CCT ] . - oi.rtlotliii , ' cf French K'jgtleli &aJ tha
l r ! > r ri + tj ( * . l'rlco low Mthn mvnut
Mattilr of Apnlluatliiii of W. 1' . Smith
for Liquor License ,
Notluu l < i lurcliy t1" " tnut W. I' . Kuilth dl-t
iipii thu tn'h dv of Nov , A. 1) . 14S-1 , fl'u ll'.u
iipl-lluat'oii - ' Dllio MarorandO.t ) Council ufDiuV
ha , lor llci'imuloujll Mi.U , bplriiujuiund Unoii *
I.lipio'/d , ut Nli l'JQ2 Il.irnuyitioet , i'i-1 wir.l ,
( liuaha , ! 'u'-i , froui tliUtn day ol lJujo.Mljor ,
Itbi , to IlioCtli dnv tt March , IM
K there bo n > objo.'llon , ruaoiut'a , ce fir jirfv-
tuit Illcd will. in touocl > H from ii < h of 1'ou. A.
II. Iao2 , thu full Ih UI.BO will l > Drtiitral ,
TDK Outut Ilrx ncnifcpspcr ll' imbileli tlio
ubgvo notlua onto itvutxu tr inn nixkiiat
Ilia txperauof ttoBpiilia t. Ttu u yoOam'n
U col to bu v'lnrvul ' cl.iTcvvlili.
ikcfi J , J. I. . U.JJ.WJ-.T.1 , ( I y Clerk.
Panor SLuok , Won lento , Iron
lligbtiit Pncoa ,1'jld , Sbipmenta from the
country solicited. Kumituuc
OUAHA I Promptly in ( l I
The best in tto coantry ; ( or tbe inoncy ,
M A. McNamara ,
Houth lrourtoonUi Stroi .