Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE .UAIJU * J3 Jffi : U'JLUUAI o
The Omaha Bee
Pnbllfthod every morning , oxeept 9ue
y. The nly Monday motnlof ! dally.
Oae Yew. . . . $10 00 I Three Months. $3.0
8U Months. . 6.00 | Onft Month , . . . 1.0
'HE WEKKLY BEK , pWilUhod evcr
One y our . $2.00 I Throe Months. &
Bli Months. . . . 1.00 | Ono Month. . J 2
or Newsdealers In the United Stntei. \
tfonB relating to News and Kclltorla
.nutter * thcrald bo nddrctsed to tbe KDITO
IxsUern and Kemlttancoii ehoulrl bo M
OMAHA. Draftm Checks nnd rostoffia
Order * to be m Jo payable to the order o
the Company.
The BBS PUBLISHING 00 , , Props
li KOSE WATER. Editor
MK. FOMKR'B report aa aoorotary o
the troaaury wai lon ir , it not more
Impressive , thin Qrovor Olovoland'
majority. _
TUB LouUvlllo Commercial Is writ
tag on "Tho Dotnocratio Idonla.
The domooratio ideal la a full treasury
and a white nmrx'/i ohanco at th
NBHIUBKA'S winter h a bonanza in
o tt'o ' feeding , Thora is more mono ;
for onr farmers in corn on the hoe
than in any other way of markotln :
their produco.
SINCE hlfl defeat la Kansas , St
John has taken to lecturing , and the
domooratio newspapers are hoadlnf
reports of his performances , "An
other Good Man Gone Wrong. "
EVEN the railroad organs are begin
nlng to admit that there is somothlnf
more than demagoglsm in that antl
monopoly ioano. They all want to
'catch on'1 nowadays.
TUB choorfulncoB with which con
grcaa received the report that no rlvei
and harbor bill would bo offered atthc
prcacnt nceeion rliows that the sur
rivera of the lait explosion are no
yearning to fool vith anotherunloadci
Cninr JU&TIOB DALT , nf Now
York , nud uovcral other cuiinonl
Amoiicanr , have boon working with n
vtxud question beforu the American
Geographical society. Thiit lu&rncii
budy fa in doubt , which , if any , of the
nuniurous porlntiiu of Christopher
Oolumbu.i la uuthonlio
NANOB haa mtde u very
creditable appointment in aolroling
Mr. S. P. Davidson to fill the vacancy
mixdrt by the resignation nf Judge
Weaver in the Virnt coiigrdeui until dis
trict. Mr. D.v/ldnon has boon a auo-
oonsful practitioner before the otato
and federal oaurU and is a quiet , dig-
niliiiil nnd plain spoken man , irho
ftivea nvery promise of m iklug ft good
judge While ho has undo no effort
aa far , w wu can learn for the position
ho evidently In backed by man of
uiflnanco who hiivo convinced Gsv.
Niinao that ho I'D the ri ht man for tbe
THE Northern Prtcillo is pushing ita
line steadily toward oomplotion , nud
by the O'OBO ' of the your will have but
310 miles incomplete , with large
forcea of workman closing the liuu at
both omls. Tli3 nutire uupply of con
struction maliurbl for thu uucom-
pleto porliau ia ro-.dy with much of
U dtlivorod whora needed. The
compj.iy has thia yvar built 410 miles
of the mUn line nnd 253 miloa of
bunch lines. When the Northern
Pacific is completed nnd the 0. , U. &
* Q system roaches California , the Pa
cific ooa-it will have four indopundont
linca of railway connooling it with the
Thispapor doairoa to do no injuaticn
to the Omaha Gas company or uny
other concern Unit dona bubincxa in
this city. Wo concede they have the
right to supply our oity nud olti-
om with RCB , but deny that they or
any other company ever Imvo had or
ever can have an exclusive franohiuo
to lay down gno maiaa in our ettouta
or to muua'c.cturii gan in Oaiahn
Neither the original charter of 1868
or an/ ordinance pivWd ainoj then
o&n deprive our citi "na of the right
of giving tlu uublio use of our utreota
to any. othur concern that may pro-
pooa to supply Omaha with gas at a
cheaper nite than U now coats ,
The Republican r.i uenil coinoa to the
front in duforiBO of monopoly nnd
charge * UK with ddiberuto lylug nbout
thu ftaiio'iiao of the ( { ia company nnd
t qnotia un ordinance eald to have been
, ? ' paasod tun ycurj after the fust QUO
oompuuy van chartered in which the
ralui uru fued at $4 50 instead of
$3 72J Thia duiu not help tlio matter -
tor , It only ahowa that the city coun
cil of four yearo ago ehamefully violated
lated ita trust in attempting to clungo
thu conditions of the original gr&nt.
It does not juutify the present counci
in rjfueing to graut the right to any
responsible company to lay down plpea
on condition that they will furn
ieh us with batter and choipo
gas. On this score wo have
not one word to retract. Wt
do , herr > * , consider it proper to oa ;
that the gu4 company ia entitled U
fair treatment , and should have th
preference in the patronage of th
public , If they will faruuh us as good
gaa and as cheap gea on any otlie
The proaidoot's mofsago is nuppoioc
to reflect the best and the mo t tna
turo thought of the country upon the
living Uinoi ot the day , In a greatoi
or loaa degree it represents the coin
bin ad judgment of the chinf oxocutivi
and his cabinet upon the most Import
ant subjects of public policy , Since
the adoption of thn federal constitu
tlon it has exorcised a moulding influence
once on legislation and has euggostoc
methods and measures for the guld
an co of congress in its law-making
capacity. Few presidents have hac
the temerity to originate start
ling changes in the policy oi
the party to which they belonged
They have boon content , aa the htghcs
office boar or of the party , to re flee
the sentiment of the majority and U
offer such suggestions on the issues o
the day as forced themselves into
prominence through the platform am
press. In every Inntanco whore the
executive has attempted to run counter
tor to the public sentiment congroci
has boon prompt to ignore his rcooin
mondatlons ,
The reference to the great Issno o
null-monopoly which appears in Prcni
dent Arthur's bit message makes at
era In the political history of the
oonntry. After ton years of oarnoa
battling on behalf of the people of the
United States as against abuses of glan
corporation ! ) , the men who worn bravo
enough to withstand the attacks o
the monopolist * ) , have the satisfaction
of seeing their claims fathered by the
president , nnd presented , through his
mossvgo to the national congress
The cries of socialism , domagoglam
and communism , which for nearly a
decade have greeted every man who
dared to raise his voice against the
chartered plundering of the people ,
bavo dlod away , and congress at Insi
stands face to fane with an lasno of
such surpassing importance that it
throatona to overshadow all other qucj-
lions which are now agitating the
body politic , and which are affording
subjects for popular debate.
The tariff quoalion ia admitted to bo
n preening one. Exorbitant taxds for
ho boncfit of the few levied upon the
many have caused an uprising of pub
ic nonUmont which domauda a prompt
reduction in our import dutioa. But
ho question of the tariff ia ono which
can bo nettled at any moment by the
leoplo. It ia they , through tholr
lutional legialaturo who have levied
hcso taxva up'm thotnuulvcs , partly
or the public biiiolit and partly to
encourage prlvnto induatriea. But the
arid nffbcto primarily only foreign
mportationa. It is the same
or the same classes of gonds
uuded at whatever port. Railroad
larlfia affect every artlolo of both for-
Ign and domestic consumption. They
iccriminato against cities and indi-
iduals. They are an arbitrary tax
wlod by irresponsible parties , who
augo their exactions by the capacity
f the public to boar them. Where
lie customs tariff exact a a dollar , the
&ilroadj extort ten. Of the two
uoslionn that of curbing the rapacity
f irrcsponaiblo corporations oxcuodc
i prcFsing importation the issue of n
eduction in our cuatomi duties ,
Olvll bcrvlco reform has forced itself
pen the public utrontiou. The peo-
lo have r.niiouucod their belief that
10 active participation of 100,000
ilico holders in pulitics under the dl-
motion of a single party its injurious to
m buat intoreots of the government.
'hoy pioteut ngainnt u partizia ma-
line which can override public
pinion nt the dictation of party
ofSROu. More than t TV only times that
umbbr of employes are controlled by
ID railroad monopolies of the United
tatu.s. Tnoy exorcise aninfluonce upon
10 ballots which ia exactly in pro
utllon to the dictation of the railroad
Thu anti-monopoly iaauo touches
IP iutoroatn of every citizen in the
ountry. It li therefore & national
auo. It ufToolo uliko the producer
nd the consumer. Unrestrained
uwor IISK ghon to our railroad kings
rule more diipolia thnn that of the
oudnl barons of the middle ages. It
as otiablad thorn at plouuuro to
nako and unm ke coiniunnUlcu ,
o build up and destroy private
uduttricK and lor.iiso and depress the
ilccs on every claos of commodities ,
'ha state c.\n protjct Hit onn oUkuns
nly from the brlgandugo of corpora *
.aim doing bntlnoas in the state. It
B powerloja to enforce the laws ro-
trictiug common carriers who take
runic beyond ita bouudarioi. And
ioro cornea In the neooanity for federal
ogUhtlon which nhall apply equally
a all railroads and which can ba en-
uroad in any portion of the country.
bngross la nlono udcquato to dca !
vilh this fur-reaoMng q'icatlon , Tiie
inbliff dtmands prompt cotton. The
) residcnt suggcats its precsing luipor-
auoQ , If the representatives of the
people now at Washington fall to
maet the popular doairo , other nnd
more cfllciont iuatruments will cor
talnly bo found ,
IN n general way the publio is not
interested In the parties who own or
control u newspaper. It is only when
the paper assumes to voica the sent !
uionta of a party while It really ia
the mere mouthpiece of men or com
binations of capital who oaro nothing
whatever for party except as it servo
their endu , that the publio has a rlgh
to enquire about Its ownership or eon <
trol. When the announcement wai
made a few days ago that the Unlor
Pad Go hud gone oat of politic * and
AS & first step had told its interest <
torost In the Omaha litpublican , the
natural inference was that np to thai
time the control of a paper which had
pretended to voice republican senti
ment , and that was ostensibly pub' '
lishod in the interest of the republican
party , had passed into the hands ol
parties who would henceforth publish
a paper as a true exponent of part }
principles , This would doubtless be
gratifying to republicans who desire tr
see the party press freed from cor
porate shackles ; honoet , fearlces and
earnest in dofonaj of the rights of the
But the change of ownorchlp is not
a change of control , The great mon
opolies that have for years dominated
In our politics have another way ol
controlling those bogua party organe
besides owning stosk in ouch concerns.
It is n notorious fact that while the
railroads have never had a dollars in
terest in the Omaha Herald , they
have controlled ll& conduct aa absolute
ly as if they wore mlo proprietors o !
that paper. And they control the
Omaha Itqntllican in the tame way
It in an open secret that tin bulk ol
the income of both of those concerna
comes dircotly out of the r.\llroad
treasury. Mora than that , the editor
of the ono paper and the man
ager of the other have for years
had an income from the handling of
freight at the Council Bluffs transfer.
.When parties accept such favors they
are bound both by honor and self in
terest to render a return by support *
ing the policies of the monopolies and
by using tholr party influence in its
The liepvbluan denies that its rail
road patronage will in any way influence -
fluenco ita political policy. That will
do to toll to the marines. When the
railroad owned a largo share in the
paper , the same editor time and again
denied his master , and upon his word ol
honors which is not worth two straws ,
assured thu publio that the charge
that the papar was owned by anj body
connected with the railroad wat n base
falsehood. How long could the now
oroprlctori of the Iltpublican meet
ihtlr bills r/oro they compelled to
Forego the job subsidy from thn raii-
rotda ? How long would that subsidy
sontinao if they dnrod to army thdm-
jolvca earnestly and vigorously against
.hoabu30M of corporalo monopoly ? Do
huso fellows imagine they can hum-
Ijiig the publio by the protonae that the
ITUrk is awarded to them because they
ire the lowest bidders or because they
lave bolter facilities than anybody
ilso ? In the word s of Bob lugorsoll
t vront do. And the ropublicantpaity
n this state will never follow loader-
hip that subsists on monopolies and
ooks to impose upon the party a role
hat baa already brought it to the
of ruin.
ST. Louis is all torn up ever bad
lavements. The Post Dispatch aeks :
Does anybody doubt for a moment
hat the streets which wo are main-
aiuing or rather not malntaing in
U. LJII'IS , are costing us hundreds of
housanda of dollura in the way of
lostruction to property and the de-
iroseioa of bualnuaa ? A stranger
; uzlng upon our awful thoroughfares
o-day would hardly feel like reooni-
nonding St. Louh as u place of per-
niinunt abode.
Do stampers over come down to St.
Til \vhisky distillers are willing to
ubmlt to the burden of the preaont
rhisky tax for a few years longer ,
roviding uougruss will extend the
line for kouping "spirits" in bond ,
'his ia vury pouoroua on the part of
tie diatilkrd , but wo doubt whether
ongrosa will conaidor it prudent to
ncourago homo industry in bond ,
ABOUT two months ugo , daring the
touted term in the Third district , V.xc
landa , ono of Valontino'a bummers
p in Knox county , wan appointed
eglator of the Niobrara laud oflico.
'ho name was eont to the Eonato by
ho president Wednesday , but there
) a very fair prospect that the ronattt
rill refund to confirm.
fho Colored People of Pnlludolpuln
Terribly Exoltea Over the Work
of CUiaulu.
DbpaUh to Till Hen.
PIULADKUMUA , Deoombor 7. An
ndlguation meeting of colored people
vas held thia afternoon and a roaolu-
; lon adopted giving honrtfolt thanks
.0 the proprietors and attaches of The
L'rcaj for the arrest ni'd imprlaonraoiit
of grave robbery. When the traatoo
of Lebanon cemetery , turned Burton ,
appeared on the platform there wni
great excitement. Savoral razors
and rovolvcri were drawn. Nearly
everybody ehoutod for vengeance ,
while Bishop Oampbv'H and other
clergymen invoked pcaco. The poaco-
nukora were Ruccos ful , but the meet
ing tit oncu ndjo mod , The announcement -
ment vus roado that aubscriptioiis to
prcjjeoutu the ilunilit will bo received
at The Presi onico , Thirty graves
wore opened to-day. From about hall
of them thu bodies had been ctolon.
The health department will not allow
uny more gravc-s to bo opened until 11
is known whether the person died
from contagious disease.
Trunk Ziino Talk ,
BpocUl DUiwtch to Tui Ban.
NEW YOKK , December J. Ropro
eontatlves of trunk linea are still en
gaged in the discussion of differentia
rate * .
Daring the yo r 489 bnlldlnns h ve beei
erected in Fargo ,
Stonmbot > tmen report a rnce ntfal eo&toi
for 1832 In Upjwr MUfouri tlTern vja ! (
tlon , all tbo beaU having paid well ,
Yankton Is thowlog material sign * o
proiperity in the matter of building. /
number of substantial stores and htuici
are being orcctid ,
Lewis and Clark , the exploren , nn
the winter ot 1805 at the mouth of Knlfi
river , In Mercer county , and on the prei
ent ttte of SUntin.
TLo people of lUpid City and Brown
vllle , In the Black Hillc , are endeavoilof
to have a dally mill service eatablltbol between
tweon tbe two cities Over 400 stgnalnrci
have been placed on a petition ,
According to A low estimate , the ] iopu
Intion of BurJelqh ecunty ii over C.CUO
This embracea 1,000 Scnudlnavlans , 4X (
Germans , 2.10 Irlib , SOJ French , IfX
Scotch , Engilfh and Wtlih , and 2,9J (
The next legislature of the territory wl !
hftvn the followicg cnrnplcxlon : In tin
ouncll ten memhetH will bo republican
and two will be ileaiucratt. In tlie houm
the republican ] v ill number ulnatoen nnd
the democrat ) ) five.
Dr. J , II , Furn m , formerly of Yank
ton , hiu been figuring as a wife deserter Ii
Tnrrytown , III. Thu doctor left Yanktot
sudlenly In Jatuiry Unt , and was no
heard of until Ills stjorttomings appcatec
In a Chicago pnper n week ngo.
Luls Sawady , thu Marlon poslmattor
was tnksn to Yiiiiktou n Jew dny RRO am
n charge of cmbizzUnicnt of povernineui
funds entered agiluiit him , Bail wan fur
nished , an 1 he W B rclo-wtd Since utresttt
bin conduct has been erratic , veiglng upoi
Bkntlng him becomn the nmusomont 2r
Cheyenne nnd Ltruuiio , the Ice IKIU it
L'uad condition nud tlia sport fine.
Bill Nye , nf the Boomerang , is raid tc
bo seriously til from brnln lover. Seme
feura are entertained fur his recovery.
Balln and parties are much in vogue IE
Laramla City and Cheyenne. Froepetit ;
is given aa the rojuon of this gayety.
The First National Bank of Cheyenne
has moved into Ita new building. It inaald
to be one of tbo moat ulegant bulldlngu fui
banking purpose * in the west.
The citizens of Liramle presented Dat
Nottaga , the sherltl of Albany county ,
with HU elegant gold chain ns a teatiuionlal
of their apppreciatlon of his services.
A man named Aleck Jncobeon atoppcc
at a hotel in Laramie City a day and of
foroi in payment a check for $54 , getttni
tbo balance in cash. The check was bigus ,
It Is claimed by ttockmon that the pus' '
Kca-on bus been a very good one for cattle ,
Rnncherd nro feeling tiaod in view of th <
[ iroipectivo prohti , und they Bay Block in
vesttnentH nro the tot in tbe territory.
Crnnideirnblo building h belns done ir
Denver at preauit for thia > soti of tht
The drnmntlc Ftaaon ! ntho larger citisf
of the i tate tluu fur hnn bctn very Hucccsf-
( til , 0-mip.miiH til good lepuUtiun pluy-
mg to uuod houses.
Tha cue o ! John A. Co/id , wanted at
North 1'latto , Nth , , for arson , ciirue np ia
Douver thia week , antl tha prisoner wai
turned ever to tlu Aobrnaku anthoritiea.
The craplnye ? if the Danvrr & Soutli
[ ' .irk rfulrtmil , in the Denver shop ? , ( { .we
a reception thin week to the riituining
master inechnnic , James H. Kirk. Pres
ent * Bfjgregating over $500 In value wore
uudti him.
Sumo human fonn n were recently found
near Bimli utution , on thn route of the
UOATB. & AI. railroad in Denver. They
ire supposed to hi thuae of a yountcuttlu
luyac > , * uBd litowu , who lefb Denver
very early ID 1873 , and never returned or
was heard from.
Coal mining Ia the greatest industry of
joinont county. The ooal are-v Is Im
mense. For instance it ban been demon
strated that there is over 100,000COO tons
} fcoal _ in one main eoam of a Canon City
mine. Other mines in the county show
veins aot Itsa remurk lle. )
Large coppsr Teina have already boon
Jibcovered in Fremont county , and others
ire boiuR fouad. It ig estimated that the
copper bofttios JClnB ! baa tin extent of forty
mica from east to wont nnd forty -livo
nileu from north to eouth , Lodes in tbe
jreeu mnuntolna Imvo become prominent
through development.
A corporation called the Coloiado For-
.ilizlng cjuipany ban been organized nt
joldeu , with' a capital of 3200j.OtO , The
ertilizer will be manufactured from the
jonuH of dead auiuiald. Brick building *
extending along the Irackq if the Colorado
Central a distance of1,000 feet by a width
) f 250 feet , have boon built.
A man named H. D , Stonohil ) , a part-
ibr in a dry goods utoro in Douver , re-
: ently took n quantity of the gooda to uhnw
t lady customer at her roiidence. He
ailed to totam thn gootU , and au inquiiy
Mas instituted. It W H found- that both
ilonehlll nud hh partner , J' . 1) . Mayer ,
iad boon nollmt ; Btolen goodu , Mjynr got
iw.iy while Stonehill w s unt-.tul and
leld to uaiuer.
Thoio are eighteen papers In tha terrl-
ory ,
The value of raal estate In. Butte ia in-
: reaiiug.
Tha low by the receot fire in Billings is
aid to lie over $20,000 *
Th Bntt * electric light cnmpauy has
ioinmonceil nupplylug illumnutiug power
o Silver Cily.
Chinamen wort lap in atnnJoucd plncer
liKgings noir Silver Bonr iihipped 82,200 in
[ old dust last week ,
The shipmentH of cattle to tbe cast this
raar o\er the Northern I'uclfio are ozpoct-
J to bo avir IIU.OOO hcuU
Butte City ia to have nnolbcr morning
nowtpnper to bo called tha Ltbor Union ,
J , W. C" rleton will bo the publisher.
Theodore Shed , Indicted for tha murder
if John llu h in lleUna W H admitted to
nil in tbo hum nf $ U,000 thid week , and
All of thu Montana pipers ppcnk of the
rtmmrlcahly mild weatuer tor ihU ueanou
now ; being enjoyed in all portion * of the
Uriiwry , Nuthing like it lisa ever been
jxiicrltnced before.
John O'Msrs , a Butte justice of tbe
tence bsi c'liiuneuced a libel suit ngalnat
ho Miner 1'ubllsblug Company for $10-
XK ) . Thiri in the first case ol libel over
nought RRaiiut a Montana piper ,
Whl'u ' David Auckland , of De&rbon was
nn hh vny hnms fr.-m the east with three
carloads \&lutble horse ? , bo bnd twtnty-
'our two year old colla killed by tha train
tunning into a creek. His loss vtlll am mot
to S5.COO , _
The Bullion mid Ophlr mined at Bullion
were recently sold by Cal , \t'M McConnlck
nnd Marshall ShuuguliesBy for 200,000 ,
Thia h considered n low juice f r the
Sinmal Kl'lgwny , the murderer of Cur-
loy Sherwood nnshad hhsentoucaof bung
ing commuted to imprUi umetit lor Ufo bj
the aUiun of the ijovermir. Thb Rectnatc
ple&suthc public ,
A petition for commutation of i < BBtcuc
from death to Imprisonment for life in ihc
case of Michael Mooney , eeutecced foi
billing JDO lliukloy , U being circulated it
Mula-t G.ty. Some doubt * oxi-t as tc
Moouov'a j-ullt.
W. W. Butler , a convict in the Idahc
penltuntlary has invented a new barb win
fence , for which he ban obtained a patent
lie has been in the pen for eight years ,
during which lima he baa experimented oi
patents , ,
A force of men are working on tin
Monntaln King mine , patting It In ehapi
for rapid work when the nmelterfor r dnc
thn of area Is oaiupleted , The ore Iron
this wine yleldo from 6303 to & 00 per loj
sIlTOt nd ftlno carries considerable gold.
Tbe Blftckfoot Iltglftter c yt tb t thtn
hw been n greater development of Indus
trio in th territory thin year than eve :
I efore. This ii attributed to the railroad ;
I elng built. The mineral ontpnt has beet
donbled. Tbe mines and smelters of tbi
Wood river and Sawtooth tnllln turn ou
over I5.000.COO during 1833.
A vount ? man In CorVallH , Or. , clenrcc
$3,100 or $4,000 In the pout two mentbi
speculating in hops.
A grouse that was killed on Pice crceV ,
Baker county , Or , recently , had pieces ol
gnld-beidoK qiuttz uf n aggregate valut
of 50 cents In lti gizzard.
The trial of David Morris for killing t
man named Oliicer Rome time npo ] 9 | r
progrcfB In Portland. It will occupy tome
time , and the remit is uncertain.
Thn total number of Indiana in Oregon
nnd Washington Territorv is 10 502 , ol
whom one-tlxlb are males over 21 years
They have nearly half a million acres ol
arable land.
The Oregon railway and navigation
company have completed the gridinc and
bridging of tbe road from Wnlln Wnlla tc
Milton , a distance of thirteen miles. Track
laying will be commenced immediately ,
The people of PortKnd are looking for
wardeagerlv to tbo completion of the
Northern Pacific to that poiut. Thej
think in > ro trade will go to tlmt rnad than
to the Oregon nhort Una being built by tht
Union Pacific.
The case of Chun' ; Yune & Company vn
John Kelly , ex-colltctor nf tuitomp , will
hu trial next week at Portland in the U. .
S. C urt. This 13 a tckt c\ta of seventeen
Chineio firms who piitddutlta three yean
ago to the defer ( knt which they clairr
wcro Illegal ia part.
Hen. Nelfon Co'e , pioneer of Colnm <
bin county , cntnmlttod Biiloltle last week rvl
Hiveralda , CO inil j from Portland. II <
had been tulfcrkg from n cnncer for eev <
oral years past , and 1 f * hud become un.
bearable. A loaded rifle wnx the weapon
uaed and hla left brutst tocdlved the bul
Columbia county baa a population ol
over 4.000.
The railroad companies have decided tc
furnish and run the depot at Wollulc
Pendleton Is troubled with thieves and
gamblers. A vigilance committee ifl pro.
posed as a remedy.
Waitsburg IB having a business ant
building boom , Prlcos in real eatato hav <
doubled in the patt three months.
The commissary general of the arm ;
reports that frenh beef for troops cost !
le s in Washington territory than in anj
other part of the United Btatos.
A recent trial at Walla Wnlla , before f
U. H. ( Jommr ! ionor , roaultod in the con'
viction of Edward Bceech for eolline
liquor to Indians , Sentence has not yet
butn given.
Governor Newel entertained Lord
Lome , governor-penoral of Cnnnda. ant !
party ] < t week. The parlyiaited Taco'
m.t and JCalaam besides other towns iu the
John Justin , of Wall" Walls , recently
lo-it a horse nnd biuidlo by bis innocent
\vay , Hugh Medlock , a ycung mm ,
wont to hit ttablo and bonowod the outfit
nnd never ciimo back.
On December 1st n party cf BOcap -
tiling chartered n Htcamer tj go tluck-
huuticf , ' near Pont Towntentl. During the
afternuoon , a thj p. ty worn x'lepnring
tu return homu. Captain Curtm undertook
to tnko n feuu from a bkiu" . Tha haoimer
: aught and the cntito charge entered his
left breast , killing him instantly.
Glancey , a Mcslcan who murdered Clnr-
cnco Grny iu H-int.-i Barbara , two yeara
ago , wai recently acquitted on hia third
trial at Kedwood City.
It is rumored that the Santa Roan ranch
in Sun Diego county , cuntaining 47,815
acre ? , together with the horeea nnj cattle
thereon , baa been Bold for $250,000.
The growth of Santa Anna ia rjuito ro-
markcblo. The town Vvas laid out in 1872 ,
tud contained but ono or two Bhantie ? .
The population is now eaid tn to over 2z90.
The people of Lou Angeles are anxious
; o bavo a free postal delivery. Tuey now
claim n population of over 20,000. The
jo&toffico building is inadequate to proper-
y transact business.
The streets of Loa Angeles era in euch
) a.d condition that the pap-rs and citizens
ore reuioustnvtiiig. Tbe cause Is the cure-
eta mnunsr in which tha ga" , tower and
vatcr ujinpiuiea l > y their pipes.
Forty-seven deaths have been reported
; u Imvo recurred in Oakland duiing No-
ember. Tnis is the largest number re
corded In a corresponding month for five
rears , nnd is deemed extraordinarily large.
Charioa Chipruan , win , after ev.tding
; he law olbceru lor upwni Is of two year ? ,
vz * recently captuied at Stockton , baa
> etn couvlotod of cattle stoaliug in Lo <
Augclea and tentonctd to two yeara in Sun
Qaeutiu ,
A laroo nnmbsr of important real estate
alcu have token phco In Lou Aiigoleu ru-
tcntly , which indicates n material growth
of that olty. Prices pild wore excellent ,
and n boom h cxpeuted during the cumicg
A. E. Dftvin , presiilpnt of the South Pa-
cihc Count railtutd company , Is said to ba
negotiating for the purchase of the Oakland
i Ftultvnlp Ilorsa railroad , with thu iu-
ontion of joining it to the nnrrow gauge
railroad. Should the purchase ba mndc ,
t U understood that a commutation ticket
will carry paasengerd between Sail Fran-
cicco ana Ka&t Oakland or Ftuitvalo.
Conor nl Gcorpo Crook ia iu Preeaott. He
reports about 3 , 00 warriors ntnong the San
Marlon Indianu.
A miner named Gillaghor fell down a
nlntng t > h < tft at Piou or last vjeok and wai
natautly killed.
C buries Hoamor. imllcted for thomurdo
of Joseph Fowler in Yorjpai county , Win
Acquitted f the crime.
I'hoPifk Mlnicg company at Phiunlx
4 ndverthlng for mlnor to work i-i thiir
nine. ThU u thought a fa. > orablo Inctica-
tion.Tho Tombslonw Kepublica i has com.
meiKiHt IhU tructlnu uf st iimv oiuco. It
ulll Lc n Uvo Btory buildiag i > nd will 1m c
ever ] coaxiuleuru.
Thn Tucson chi'i plnysxi too Tombstone
nlnangameuf baoo ball on ThtnknuivlnB
iuy , which resulted in a victory for the
[ uimor by n ccoio of ! it > to 16.
The Preccott ( A. T ) Territory saysi
( H CMS from Fort Apacbu is tu tbe effect
that 900 tons of buy were lecently destroy.
ui by fire near the fort , which ia about 170
milea cant of Pretcott ,
A Voucv Meu'i Chrintbu
bnabecu organized nt Socorru ,
Wbila hunting in Apache canyon , near
Li * Vegao , labt weoli , William Cole lud
an encouutor with a largu and herco female
cinuumou beir , and came out of the fight
eo I'Mliy mungled that Ms life is dC3 >
* That wonderful catholicon known
ftsMra. Lydi.E Pmkhnm'a Vegeta-
bio Compound lisa given the lady o
world-wide reputation for doing good ,
It la like R living oprlng to the vital
conetittttion. Her Blood Parltior will
do moro to cleanse the channels of the
circulation nnd purify the life of the
body than all the tanitary devices ol
the board of health.
"BaoUupaiba , "
Qrjck , complete euro , all anneylnj
Kid-joy , Bladder , and Urinary Din
Drnggiata. $1 ,
opyr A
Eoastora and Grinders of Ooff ss and Spioes , Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
U. G. CLARK & CO. , Proprietors ,
1403 Dmigha Street. Omaha. Nab
1108 and 1110 Harney ft. , OMAHA , J3SB.
204 North Sixteenth St. , - - OMAHA , NEB.
1005 Farnarrij St. , Omaha.
M. Heliman < fe Co.
1301 and ISOaFarnam StGor. 13th
Proprietors Wholesale Dealers ia
Mills Supplied With Glioioo VariGties of Milling Wheat ,
Wcstesu Trr.6V jSuppllod with Or.U and Corn tit Lowest Quotations , with
prompt eh pmorits , Write for prices , j
K W ? 8
& 2 '
> Una'
: arpe3iter's Materials ,
Stair Railings.Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
rirct-olasi facilitka for tlio nmif-icture of all Mndos of Monlilio J , Painting ami
matching a Spcci-.lty , Orders from tha couu'ry will Le promi'Uy executed.
addro all commnulcatl na to A. MOYKK , Proprietor
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
"vcrooxiaoKTi * spncrics ,
2W North 10th St. , Masonic Block. Mtin House , 46 , 48 and 52 Dew.
tore avenue , Chicago. Kef or by permlBaiqn to Hide and
Leather National liapK , Ohlca. 0 ,