Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1882, Image 1

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Brfly , Dorsey & Oo , Agair
f Before the Court and
Jury ,
Wylio Overrulei Al ]
Motionn Tondinj ? to Delay
the Trial.
Orituo of Political Assess'
menta Horriflos the Qravo
and Sedate Senators.
The Bftckruptoy Bill tind the
Yellowhtono Perk Briefly
TIio IniUuri Approprlntia 3111
bj- the HOBHO "With n
A Larno Aimortment of Intoroatlnt :
SpcaUl Dtop tche6 to Tni OKI.
WABHIKOTOH , December 7. Ia the
supreme court of the district , criminal
term , this morning , oil jurors aum-
mpnod being in attendance , the dis
trict attorney announced the govern
ment ready to proceed in the caao of
the United States ugainat Brany and
others. Ingorsoll submiUcd that on
the ground ot the illnoea of Stephen
W. Doraoy the trial ehonld bo post
poned. Judge Wylo overruled tha
motion. Ingoraoll excepted to the
ruling and asked time to go to his
client's room and procure his signature
to n papar , for which purpose rocoas
was granted.
On roaoaombliug of court , \Vilaon ,
for defense , read an affidavit signed
by all defendants , thai they cannot
safely go to trial the present term be
cause of the government tr > ing to in
fluence ypluion against them , and that
Judge Wylio ia ao bUoodagainntthem
M to bo unable to fairly dminiBtor
jastico. Judge Wylio said the paper
vr a inaalting to ths court. The mo
tion for ouatinuouco oa account of
DoMey'a ii'noiB ' was rafasad , aud the
motion of Wilson , calling for bill par
ticulars , was overruled. The attorney
general occupies a teat in the court.
The president nominated for postmaster -
master Charles E. French , at Santa
Anns , Cilifotuia , and Commodore Ed
mund R Oalhoun , United Status
navy , to bo rear admiral.
The ways and means committee thin
morning unanimously adopted a reeo-
lotion to proceed at once to the con-
eliluratlon fi ( the taritr
port , aud to frame a tariff bill. The
olork of the committee was directed
toj prepare a nchodule of rate a now
existing and of those proposed by
the members of the committee.
The order suspending Indian In-
apootor Pollock wau revoked , aud ho
his been ordered to report for duty.
Secretary Teller has modified hia
instrustion ? to regiutrarB , rPcaivorK
and surveyors general , laaued Septem
ber 22 , to road as follows : "No ap-
plic.itiou by an aaiociatlon of persona
for a patent to placer claims ahall ba
allowed to embrace moro tliaa 100
acres , and not loss that $500 in work
.must bo shown to have boon expended
upon or for the benefit of each apper.Uu
location embraced in auch application.
If aa individual bocomea a purchaser
aud poseutior of several separate
claims of twenty acrea each or leaa , he
nif.ybo permitted to include ia his ap
plication for patent ny number of
such claims contiguous to each other ,
not exceeding in the aggregate ICO
acres , but upon or for the benefit of
each original claim or location ao em
braced ; ho or hia grantora ruuxt have
expended the sum of $500 iu improve-
for poatal earvico has been cut down
to $350,000 by the post oflico committee -
tee and comes before the renato as
specie ! order on Tuesday next.
The treasury dopartmeut to day
jjurohaiod 205,000 ounces of silver at
u rate lower than for nevnral years.
ry Folger decided aa inter-
eating qucHlion in connection with
Ohlnttro immigration to-day , A tele'
gnvm vraa received from the collootoi
ut I'.irtiand , Oregon , to the effect that
a Ohmntnan resident at that port had
n wife aed ehiU at Victoria whom he
wanted tu bring to hia homo in Port.
land. Toe collector aakod for instrnc'
tiona in the premises. The aeeretary ,
in considerinij the case , took the
ground that the wife partook of thf
status of her hnaband and was entitled
to the aamo privileges on the tueorj
ithat husband and wlfu are one ano
Inseparable. The collector was ac
ordingly uolifiod to grant the deelroc
TLo oolioltor of the treasury ac'ec
favorably upon oifero on behalf of tlu
roprcfeentativen of Oeo. Law aud M r
hull O. Robert , to pay the earn oi
$1,040 each and ooeta in the com
promlsa of the claim of the govern.
rntut Bgvinst them for 2 080 as sole
securities on iho ollicml bond of Thoa ,
liutler ICiug , as collector of custom !
at Sati Fraticixco , dated Oct. HI , 1850 ,
The sum of 2,080 has boon duly do
wosited , and the amount of co t deposited
posited with the United Stated at
torneys for the southern district oi
Now York. King gave two bondn ,
ono referred to in which the preaeul
offer is made , aud the other dater
May 1st , 1851 , with Jaa. D. Palmei
and F. G rifling aa securities. On tin
firet bond separate euiti wore com
moncnd in the United States court n !
New York on the 26th of April , I860
On ( rial tlm jury found n consent vor
diet for $2,080 , the amount claimed
and Interest from Aug. 26th , 1851 ,
the objection to the opinion of the
court on tht < caao to bs made and nub
joct to ftdjuctmcnt with liberty to
cither patty to turn the same to t
special vicit on n bill of exception.
The CHJQ vrna nrgucd before Judge
Smalloy on the 3rd of April ,
18GO , but before n decision wab
rendered the judge Oicd and nothing
further appears to have boon dona at
that time. The principle ia dispute
was the chsreo by the collector for
stlary from October 30 , 1850 , to January -
uary 14 , 1851 , amounting to 92,027 ,
nia oath of cfllcorna taken in NOT
York on the lirat named date , but be
did not pntt-r upuii the duticn of his
offiin California until the 14th day
Jnnuity following. Thn matter h&a
Iw beou referred to SocrcUry Folger ,
with the rooummondfttlon that the
oil'ar of compromlEo be nccopted.
Thn citizciis1 committed appointed
to secure greater protection against
burglnia aud anuik thiovcn liaa been
furniahod r/itli valuable cluoi by noted
three-card monte mou. O'Laary and
Murphy , uorr in thu district jail , und
a private dotcctivo ho a boon nm-
ployed to verify them. If thu detec
tive Buccoeda , the commit ! eo willmako
a presentment to thn grand jury , and
make public the ryntum i f dividing
opoila bntwcen urofcasional Ihiovoa aud
certain mumbui's of the police.
Speo'&l IhBi kh to Tui Bu.
WASHINGTON , December 7. Soni-
Lors VoorhcoH , Sherman , MoUlll ,
Vest , Ingalls , Ohilcott mid Miller ,
[ N. Y ) , presented potittona for pass
age of a bill to increase pensions of
ono-nrrnocl and ono-loggod soldiers.
[ Deferred.
A reaolntion waa adopted directing
the secretary of war to ccnd to the
louato copies of any contracts made
ay the interior department iu regard
; o the leasing of the Yullownlouo na
tional park or any part thereof to any
lerson or company with the privilege
of erecting hotolo and telegraph , lines
and running ntagva therein.
At the cloao of the morning hour
Senator Bock called up hia reaolntion
or inveatigatioa into political assess
ments during Inut campaign.
Senator Hale oilered a uubstituto ,
reciting the allegations that the demo
cratic committee levied contributioco
oa liqaor dealers , browera and other
associations and dlrooting the committee -
mittoo oil judiciary to Investigate
those chorgca as well as these made
nguinct the republican committee.
After brief discussion the substitute
vis ordered printed aud at the sugges
tion of Senator Harris the matter wont
over till to-moirow.
At 2 o'clock socato resumed oonaid-
oratiou cf the bankruptcy bill. Sen-
i tor Garland spoke in advocacy of the
) iil aa prepared by thu judiciary com-
nittte. , _ _ ; , - , - .
aavor l coinmUtoo amnndments
were agreed to.
Senator Veot moved to strike out
he provision that n man wbo fails for
twenty days to discbargo aa attach
ment against hia property in a civil
suit , ahall be deemed a bankrupt.
Agreed to.
Time waa extended for filing claims
or horeoH and pquipmoats lost in the
Jnltod Stntea army service. Ad-
ouracd ,
Mr. K-lly , chairmaa of the oom-
mitteo on way a aud meana , reported a
concurrent resolution for printing
20,000 copies of the report of the tariff
commission. Passed.
Aliui a resolution setting apart
Wednesday , the 13th of December ,
'or consideration of certain bills on
.ho calendar previously reported from
.ho committee. Ho stated that the
; nls ! referred to related exclusively to
administration of law. The resolution
was adopted.
Mr. Haakoll ( Ka. ) presented a mem
orial from non-Mormou people of
Utah. Referred.
The house then went into committee -
tee of the whole , Mr. Page ( Gilo ) in
the chair , on the Indian appropriation
bill. The totdl amount of the appro
priation H.H provided for in the bill ia
On motion of Mr. Jlaskoll , on
amendment was adopted for the inser
tion iu patents authorized to bo issued
to certain individual Indians by the
treaty of 18011 with the Sioux Indlann ,
"that land * cbnwned by that treaty
shall remain furovrr inalienable and
not mibject to tasij'jon , "
After diacufiiou the committed at
2225 aropo and rupirtod the Indian
bill to the houee , and it waa pttBEcd.
At 3 o'clock the houeo again went into
committen of the whole , Mr.
A. T. Durnell ( &Iinn ) in the
chair , on the atato cf the union.
A bill authorizing the government
to obtain title to certain lands in
Erie , I'd , and uatablUh a homo for
indigent aoldiors and Bailers waa dia-
cussed at length , und opposed for the
Biiuo reason given during conoidora-
tion of the measure last Reunion.
Finally Mr Hewitt ( N. Y ) moved
to utriko out the enacting cl.mui ) , The
committee agreed , and the bonao latei
confirmed thu action , Adjourned.
Congron Contest * Iu Ohio.
Special Dlsjiatch to Tun Dm. '
CoLUMiiuic , 0. , December 7. Tiu
state canvaseirig board , on a vote fci
congrK9inon , found tha face of the
niturnH showing 280 majority toi
Murriy ia the Third district and 51 foi
Morey in the Seventh ; 090 for Warnos
In the Fifteenth , and 8 for MoKinlo >
in the Eighteenth , and returned them
accordingly , but agreed not to isauu
certificates till Monday next as James
H. Campbell gave notice of a manda <
mua in the supreme court to Issue him
instead of Morey , as Olermont county
returned 3,517 votes for Ii. T.
Moray and the other three conn
ties oi the district for Henry
T. Moroy. In the Third district
Montgomery county returned 8,202
for B. Maynard Murray , and tlu
other counties for II. M. Murray , In
the Fifteenth Morgan county retutned
1,729 Notes for Andrew J. Warner ,
And the rest for A. J , Wnrnow , trhilt
hia name ia Adonirnm J. Warner. Ir
'egularilioa were found in other dis <
trictfl , but only In thoau named would
tlio result bo changed , The result ol
the Third , Seventh , Fifteenth nnd
Eighteenth district.1 ! will bo affected bj
ho pending action ,
ProccedlnRB of the Convention lU
Special Dlepfttcli to Tin Dm.
MILWAUKEE , December 7 Second
day'u aejsion of the National Butter ,
Kjg and Checao oasociatinn , P. P.
Ivulcahoir , dclogato of the llus > mu do-
pirtracnt of agriculture , was intro.
duoed. The gentleman is making n
tour of the country for the purpose of
invuttlgating the American nyctom of
agriculture. .Jonathan Perrfon , of
Illluoia , addroAftud the convention on
hay and grasi and thu quv.U.ion of
butter fluvortng , which ho considered
dun to the kiud of grasn fuel. The
groit reputation of Pennaylrani * but
ter for line flavor wan owing to the
graioea of that region containing ben-
zoio acid. The time would como
when batter would be flavored urti-
Soamnn of Now York , Hoarna of
Stratford , Conn. , Saymour of Now
York , Boutel ) of St. Louli , aud othora
delivered addroaaco upuii top'os iutor-
cating to thu butter , egg uud cheese
In the afternoon ooiaion reports of
varloua committees were road and
dlacuasod. Thomaa Hlgglna , of
Ohoahiro , England , spoke at length on
the excellency of the exhibits in the
dairy fair and thn increasing kind
fooling between the commercial Inter
ests of the two countries. J. J. Mo-
Donald , of Philadelphia , waa elected
[ > roaldont , and R. M. Littler , of Iowa ,
aocrotary of the national association.
Vice preaidenta , one from each state ,
to bo named by the otato dolcgatlono
and submitted to the executive com
mittee. A prand ball in the evening
oloaod the second day's cession.
B&rfcod Wlro In Court
Special Dispatch to Tin DBS.
CHICAGO , Daoombor 7 The barbed
wire fencu litigation was resumed here
.o-day in the superior court. Thu
jock Stitch Fence company , of Joliet ,
[ 11. , filed a bill against the Wusbuni
fc Moen Manufacturing company aud
[ tmao L. Ellwoud , following in the
itopa of the Chicago Galvanized Wire
? ence company and the Crandall
Manufacturing company , the former
laving already boon granted a degree ,
loldiujj the settlement with Jacob
laiah fradulont aa to them , aud put-
ing them on a par aa licensees with
ETaiah aa to back pay damages and
! uturo royalties. The court granted a
> rollminary injunction enjoining the
cancellation of the Look Stitch com-
> any'a license or the collection of
royalties pending litigation. The
larno company also sued the Waaburn
& Moon and Ellw
company - _ : . . ii.-n t
WO for ba'ck"di. .i0. , ' . U
The Steal Trade.
SpecUl Dispatch to Tni Bu.
PiTisnuRO , December 7. This af-
: oraoou Secretary Martin , of the
Amalgamated association , received
word from President Jarrott , who is
at Chicago , that the conference bo-
; weea the Bessemer otucl manufactur
ers of that place and their employes
to fix the rate of wages for the next
rear , which waa to have taken place
: hia week , haa been indefinitely post
poned. It ia utatod that the postpone
ment ia the result ot a determination
on the part of the managers to nuepend
operations after January 1st , until the
report of the tatilf commissioner has
seen acted upon. Pittsburg manu
facturers refuse to confirm or deny
this report , while the employes believe -
liove their will bo a suspension after
the date mentioned.
The Trlnlar
Special iJt.ipatch to Tun 11 .
LOUISVILLE , November 7. Mrs.
Trinlor , so terribly cut by her hus
band yesterday , is atlil alive and there
a hope that she may recover.
Nothing definite aa to the cause of the
deed has yet been learned , the mys
tery being greater than yesterday.
One theory ia that both Trinlor and
Ills wife were victims , not of the hus
band , but of a third party. The mat-
probably never will be cleared up un
less Mrs. Trinlor riseovora. Trmler'a
funeral took place to-day.
Nayy Yard * auel Spirits.
Special Ulapatch to Till I ) .
OIIIUAOO , December 7. The gov
ernment commieaton inspecting the
navy yards waa hero to-day , and
loaves for Florida to-morrow. A mem
ber of the commiesion stated the nuvj
yarda thus far vialtod coat the govern
ment about $50,000.000 and would
not sell for $1,000,000.
Dr. Rush leaves for Wanhlngton to.
morrow to urge the passage of the bil !
io extend the bonded period or
whisky In behalf of the western ex
port association. Members Hay if they
can got thla they will not ask n reduc
tion of tax at prouent ,
Railroad Tux Uhirkerc.
Special UUpatch to Tint DBS.
NKW YOUK , December 7. Suit began
gan in the circuit court of the Unitoc
States by the Manhattan and Now
York elevated railroad companlci
againat the city ot New York , to en
join collection of taxes imposed upor
the roads. Tompv.ary injuuctioi
waa obtained , The caao brings nj
the question whether ono kind o
property can bo taxed at a higher rati
than another , and whether doubli
taxation ia pormieaable under tin
constitution of the Dnltod States ,
The fiattlo of Winchester.
gpecUl DUpatcb to Tin DIE.
OOMCOUK , N. H. , December 7-
The veteran association of the Fourteenth
teonth regiment propose celobratinf
next year inthe | | Bhonandoah Valloj
the battle of VViuoheater , the scene o
Sheridan's lido. Gen. Hheridan wll
be invited to be present.
A Terribly Destra vo Fire Hag-
log in the cart of
The Hntlro Fir Departiuout
Oftllad Out t FlRht the
Flooda nnd Si/rins Dejtroy
Much Proport ; in
and pince.
A.vobl'a Rebel us Partuora
Tontoaosd 1 Perpetual
The Snoiallit Xiix of Qrirxanny tn
yeara. ings on
northern aide Addle street art
gutted. Ryland' warehouse waa do
atroyod. Thu ou tdo wall of Foator ,
Porter & 0o.'nbu ling haa just fallen ,
setting fire to a h no on the opposite
ido of Wood ntr it. The flumes arc
teadily'ajnrching in. It ia stated thai
Tester , Porter & Jo and P. Ryland
ire fully insured The losa will be
0:30 : The fire i the opposite aide
if Wood street now extinguished ,
flames are ng confined to tlu
> lock of bnlldln bounded by Lon
don Wall , Phill Lane , Addle and
Wood streets , tip whole of which
> lock , it ia ex ; otod , will bo do
troyod. SUbor t Floming'o ware
louao on Wood B oot ii gutted. Tlii
inly part of the ilock now Intact ii
bat facing Londo VWull. The build
' - \Jwlng to the sori& n - . i .i ) fire
Captain Shaw , oto'of of the fire brigade
gado , called out marly the whole fin
PLYMOUTH , Ecgland , December 7
Harvey Ooxidi's creosote works ii
ou firo. The codhgration is an immense
monso one.
Heavy snow foi last night necom
> aniod by n furiata gale and low ton
jeraturo. Railway travel is delayed
The Bnow and mircury are still fall
BEHLIN , December 7. The repot
on the oxccuthn of oociahat laiva
preaontod to thn reichatag yoatordaj
concludes aa follows : "fho convie
ion is irrosistably forcad on the government
ernmont that repressive measure
must bu continued.
VIENNA , December 7. Extonoiv
emigration from the Mountain dli
tricta of Hungary to America 1m
caused the Hungarian government t
request Austria to stop emigrants tic
provided with passports.
OAIUO , Djcotnber 7. Mahomc
Samy , Abollah Paaha , Alii Fehmoj
and Toulba Pasha were arraigned th
morning and pleaded guilty to tli
charge of rebellion. The prisonoi
were sentenced to death , but the aoi
tonceo waa commuted to" exile for HI
by the khedlvo. It ia rumored thi
the European mob in Alexandria wi
attempt to lynoh the pneonera ,
LONDON , December 7 Twwity-fn
fire onglnea are now pUying on tl
ruins of the Alhambrn. Owing to tl
great hoighth of the minarf ta it ia in
possible for the water to reach then
The oouthorn minaret ia still burnitij
Damage to surrounding property
great. All dresses , properties , Keener ;
JBlo and instruments for Chrintmi
production nt the theatre were d
strayed. They not insurci
Eight houaes situated back of the . \
liauibra were burned. Total loia I
the fire 150,000 pounds.
PAHIH , Dacombor 7. Deputies b
longing to the extreme loft demand
state funeral for thu Into Louis Blati
The will of the decease orders
strictly civil burial. Ho bequoat
his library to the city of Paris.
LONDON , December 7 , Telcgrat
from various parts of the united kin
dom report a tmow ttorm of unuai
Bovcrity. Railway trailic In mai
d'stricts IB almost if not wholly BI
ponded. A train was snowed up
last night at Cheshire. The pi
songera aulterod acutely. Tolograpl
communication between Glasgow a
London ia broken. Elsewhere in
sagpa are greatly delayed. Ma
wrecks on the coast. At Oldham a
neighboring parts of Lancashire t
storm waa not equalled in thirty yea
Losses heavy in many places ,
OAIUO , December 7. The lour rel
leaders arraigned Thursday were si
toe oed to exile. Aiimllar Dntonco wil
bo pawed against Mahmoud Ferny
Arabl's military engineer , nnd Kakool
Sarny , his under secretary of war. Thi
six prlaonora will leave Egypt In tot
PAUIS , Dacombor 7. Anothci
French cruiser goes to Madngtvo , > r.
MAURI i ) , Dfccmbor 7. The minis.
try haa resolved to present in tlu
cortoa a bill nuthorlelng the free in.
troduction of cereals , subject to alighl
limitations , in order to relieve thodiv
tress in Andalusia.
Docoinbor 7. Great disap
pointment was expressed in the Bun.
di'erath to-day at the absence of Bla-
mnrck , who waa expected to make an
itoportaut addreea. Bovoro neuralgic
provoutud ble aUcntlonco.
Iu the rcichatag to-day Buiolmrd.
nccroUry of atato for the imperial
troaanvy , urged the necetsity of lutro.
ducing tno consucutlvo budgclo. He
said the Bnanolal altuatlou of thu em
pire WHO very favorable. The budget
for 1881-82 gave n aurplno of 280-
000,000 marka , and that for 1882-811
of 50,000,000 marka. lllckort aakod
the houao to reject the budget for
1884-85. Dabato waa adjourned until
PAHM , December 7. Agonor Bar
doux and Jean Juloa Olamagoran were
elected life aonatora.
The Sciuo oontiuuos to rise. Tlu
government aakod the chambers foi
one million franca for relief of suffer
era by the floods.
Eiiomrd Pailloron , poet and dra
matiat , nnd Charles DoMatido , pub
liciat and historian , were elected mem
bora of the French academy.
DUBLIN , December 7. DAtivora
the soldlor who assisted the police ii
securing the murderers of Djtootivi
Qox , was awarded by the commander
in-oniof of the army with a good con
duct medal and a gratuity of n fov
DUBLIN , December 7. Dowlinai
vhoj killed Dotcotlvo Cox , was re
moved from thn hospital to Kllinaln
ham jail , Four men are awaitliij
execution with Myloa Joyce for th
Maamtraana murder. A petition ha
been presented tbo lord lieutenant t <
reprieve Joyce on the ground of mis
taken identity ,
Balllo Qtokoi Acquitted.
AKKADELFHIA , December 7. Th
case of Salllo Stokoa , on trial for th
murder of Malinda Stephens , wa
given to the jury at noon. Two hour
later the jury appeared and rondcrei
a verdict of not guilty. Immediate ) ;
Mica Stokoa waa surrounded by ho
counsel and friends who oxtoade
About throe o'clock tKcTjury cs
a body , when the stoical here
ism maintained throughout th
trial forspok her and sh
garo away to hysterical oxciamtlon
of grief mingled with her thanks an
sadness. The jury were profound !
impressed , while there was not a dr
eye In the assemblage. Miss S. wl
leave for homo In Howard county t <
morrow. It waa ascertained after tl ;
jury was discharged , that the vordic
was formed an soon as they reach u
their room , not a negative being hoar
upo the fiwt inquiry aa to what tli
verdict should bo.
SHO.OOO Dions.
gpncUl Dlnpitch tn TUB llm ,
NOUTHAHPTON , Mapo. , December '
Isauo Jonou building occupied t
the Nonotuck pocket book compan ;
Journal oflico and others woroburnei
L'JSB , $30,000 ; insurance light.
Now Orleans t > Ijlverpool
Hpeclal Dispatch to TiliDia.
NEW OHLKANH , December 7. Tl
steamship Carmona cleared to-day f <
Liverpool with 10,300 bales of cottoi
12,000 bmhcls of wheat and 2,01
BtavcB. Thin is the -largest cargo
ODtton ever carried by ono veasc
Total value of cargo , $042,000.
A Polnr Rlluard.
gpeclil Dispatch to Tim Dun.
, Djcorabar 7.
polar wave wwept over Manitoba , D
kola and Minnesota yoatordoy. Sp
ciala to The Tribune reports 07 ° b
low zero at Winnipeg , Man. , tl ;
morning. C7 ° at Bimnarck , 3d °
Grand Forke , 27 ° at Fargo , 28 °
Jatnectown all In Dakota ; 30 °
e L'ikoCtty , 28 ° at Bicckonridgo , 25
Winona , am' from 15 to 20 ° below
other Minnceota pointo. It was 28
below , henat 3 a m , 21 ° below
5 a.m. , 15 ° bolowat 9 p m. , and C
bulow at midnight to-night. Tl
weather is clear and beautiful , wi
light nnow , _ _
A Bloody WeddlBR Fontt.
l DlipaUheutoTui Ui ,
DKNVKU , Dcombor 7. The Ropi
lican's LIB Vegas ( N. M ) npeci
says : At a Mexican wedding Ii
night ot Saballo , a Bmall Moxlc
town near this city , Franolsca Nol
H drunken guest , nhot and killed t'
brothers named lloval. Then Nol
ID proceeded to hia home , wharo
amused himself by cutting his wif
oara on" , Nolan waa afterwards
IB rested and confined in jail , There
ntrong talk of lynching him.
\ \ \
a o Ball
Bpeclkl DUjmtcli to Tux Dti.
a,11 PKOVIDENOE , R. I , December 7 ,
,11a , The National Baao Ball league ado
a- amendment liable
ale od an rendering
lo expulsion any player under contr
id with a league club who shall , withi
consent of auch club , agree to en
the seivice of another club , after
id plration of contrao * . . The ached
aeries waa changed from twelve
a. . Thu playing
fourteen gamoa. n
were amended to the effect that
pitcher's hand in delivering the 1
el must pass below the shoulder inst
of the waist. Tbo rales wore fart
amended by a provision for Iho ap
pointment of four league umpires at
an annual salary of $1,000 each. A
committee waa appointed to coniidyr
the advisability of rooogiilctug con
tracts with Iho Northwestern Iwguo
and other nush associations , to rtp rt
in March. Uouck , Hike , Dorgan ,
Nolan , Gross , Fox , DicViraon , Crjw-
ley , Broirn and Owklns wore rcslond
to membership. The Spaldii R b\H
w adopted ,
At the evening eosnlon A , G. Miiln ,
Chicago , wan elected president.
Now York and Philadelphia wore ad
mitted in place of Troy and Worces
ter , and a return to the old dlntin.
UilshliiL' colors In uniforms of the
> ldor , clubs agreed upon , Detroit.
Chicago , Boston and Philadelphia will
nntuo the board of directors , Ad-
Horrible Mneanore oi Aineri-
onna nnd Mexicans in
Oror Thirty Men Klnnuhtcrcd Tiy
Ju nuil HU
Bptnlal Dtopatch to Tin bu.
. N. M. , Deonmbor 7.
Paftlculara have boon received of
: ho wholesale slaughter by Ju and his
Hand near the town of Casa Grande ,
n Ar.xyo du EnconnillaSj in the state
of Chihuahua , of Americans and Mexi
cans. Ju and his band hare boon
committing various depredations for
some time past , and n few days ago
wont to the ranches of Jofo Politico ,
of Oalloua , and Dan Juan , of Oiuiddl-
rlo , and stole many hood of sheep and
cattle. They also visited the ranches
of other citizens and drove off many
more. Jofo Politico aud other suf
ferers gathered n band of about thirty
men and started after the Indiana.
They oamo upon them before they
know Ju and his band were anywhere
near. They were Immediately sur
rounded by the Indians iu Arayo , and
Politico , aa BOOH as ho taw the num
ber ot the band , which was over 200 ,
dispatched ono of his men for asaiat-
auco , who managed to escape , arriving
at Galliano. Ho got together about 70
men and started at once for the acono.
Ju Bout out a party who engaged in u
Qght with him , preventing them from
joining Politico. The rescuers saw
the slaughter , but could do nothing
for their unfortunate frionda. Everyone
ono ot the pursuing parly , with the
exception of ono man who wont for
auccon , waa butchered bp thu savagei.
They then retreated to Sierra Mauro.
When the friends of the unfortunate
victims went to bury the dead they
found not far from the spot where the
massacre occurred the bodies of five
Americans , who had fallen viotimr ,
too , to the IndiaiiH. Two of those
Americans , it has been oinco learned ,
wcro from Grant county , Now Mexico ,
Tholr names were James Biggs and
W. McDowell. They had boon in
Chihuahua for some time purchasing
ftOnT6 uiife ngu ifiuiuuldu BolutuZ
unnont citizens of Chihuahua.
KANSAS CITY , December 7. Tin
Albuquerque , N. M. , News has ro
celvcd an account of a terrible monsa
ere cf a party cf Americana aud Mex
icano by Ju and hia band of Apachee
near the town of Casagrande in Chi
chuoha. The Indians have boon vorj
aotlvo of Jato in predatory ox
curaloiiB , stealing and raiding , Tin
Eottloru formed it parly o
about eight men and starlet
in purnult. They were surprised noit
Oasagrando by Ju and hia band , nurn
boring 200 , and completely surrounded
Ono of the party escaped through th
linen and wont to thn settlements fo
aid and soon returned with a band o
thirty men. The Indians , howovci
hold the succoring party at bay am
meanwhile massacred the entire part
which had been nurprieod They the
returned toward thu mountains ,
DJSIIVKU. December 7. The Albi
quorquo ( N. M ) special from Oil
huuhua , Mexico , states the rocen
inatsacro in Casa Grande by th
Indlanu proves to have been ahorrlbl
affair. A band of Apaches , nnmboi
ing live hundred , creased the bordui
descended upon the little town , an
began an indiscriminatu maisnor <
fully seventy-five } > uri onii /uli
ing vlctlmo. Several girla and womc
were carried oil" by the aavogcf
A largo quantity of stock and otho
property were stolen , The houoea (
thonnfortunatoMexicans were burnoc
and dead bodlen stripped of the clutl
kg aud jewelry. The murdoiod pe ;
soiiB weru among thu wealthiest clas
Several of thu moet prominent familit
are among the viultin * . Troop ) liav
bof-n dispatched to the scono. Th
Indiana having a long start their ca ;
turo ( a not predicted.
The Arotlo "Wave.
Special Dlnputchcl to Till I ) .
CIIIOAOO , Dacembor 7. It wan o
trnmnly cold lout night and to-da
the wave extending over the who
northwest , the thermometer raugii
last night from zero to fifteen belo <
Hero it waa bight below , early. Tl
10m weather ia generally bright , the sue
m fall being only two to four Inches ,
10 waa n terrible night on the laku ai
several crafts wore unable to tnako t !
harbor nnd were frozen up , the harl ;
la being Iced over thla morning ,
Condition of Mli Boud.
Special IMeputch to Tu * Us .
TAYLOUVILLU , 111. , December 7.
itto Miss Bond had another violent p
to oxysm yeutorday. The grand ji
LCt returned indictmonta ogainat J.
Ut Montgomery , Win , J. ftfontgome
; or Lee 1'otord , Kmanuol Clcmunla a
IX- Dr. Vermilion ,
to The lUth | Alabama-
lea MEUPIIIH , December 7. The do
: hu oorata of the eighth Alabama dlsti
all noinluated General Joe Wheeler to
the vacancy ciurod by thu death
ler Cougreiimau William Lowe.
The "Sly Old Ooon" Secures a
Liberal Share of Joseph's
Golden Hoard ,
Aud Afrooa to Bafund With
lat'reat thn Coming
January. '
1 " Complimentary " Rnmark
on Millard by a Supremtj
Vnllticnl Flam neil Ponpla Artlit-
loully Ofciuynl iu tlui
fjou < lt kv\t.
io of Tn Iln.
PAW.NLK Oily , D.iecnnbot 0 , 1882
No onu can imngiixt the changes tlmt
have taken place hum in two shoit
yeara The town lu sprang up from
a proey old villai'o to bo qullo a stir
ring youug city an your correipoudent
found in leas time than it tikes to
write it. Among the first onus I met
was ox Governor BuMur , now a rip-
loafing anti-monopoly candidate fur
U. B. Senator and a State Senator
oloot. Gov. Butler' * couroo in the
coming liyislatuio ia the nubjcot of no
little oonjeottiro , not only here but
claowhoro. "Davo"la a alyold coon ,
Bays Uasslor , and Hansler is cirreot.
"Davo" IB ono 01 the original hay
makers upon whom the proverbial
message about practicing his purauii
"whilo tltu sun shlnea" ia vorhoalty of
the blandeat kind Ho no aounor
hoard from the outer prcolnoto than ho
put up his lightning-rod and started
out into the storm. Ho waded up
the muddy streets of Onnha and
viewing thu now laid caravansary , for
weary imnnbnra of the Icgislatui-o ,
emblazoned "Millutd , 1882 , " he tar
ried for a moment to rent his stal
wart form and noting iho fcin ,
' 'Money ta loan to members of the
legislature at any tot * , ' borroarrtd
$5,000 of the golden hoard iiiid hind
him back to Pawno ? , and la now look
ing for nteors and nwino w herein to
plant Joseph's dollars , Joseph should
have a care how lavishly he Inina to
Individual mombora or the Omaha
National may noon experience u suing-
ont money market f Im supposition
that Gov. Bailer in to turn over Ilia
it in vote and thone of iluupnny
Walker ( members of the lower homo
from this county ) in roturu for the
golden favor ia not a violent auppusi-
tion as to the promise to do BO , but
your correspondent Icauia here that
Humphrey and Walker are apt to bo
guardians of their own votes. Spunk
ing of Millard'n candidacy n calls
the opinion of u moinbor of
the Supreme bench ; ho said
"tho candidacy of Millnrd in an out-
mj tm\j J . -il-4 . .
n j - - - * * v l i u. hie
ho has no legialutlvo experience , ana
iti heavily handicapped by hia commo
tion with the natioual banks , the 0.
P. r.iilrond and all monopolies in gen
eral. "
Gov. Nanoo'sappointmentnf David-
con for judge of this dmtiio : to sue-
caod Weaver , created a oouaation in
the district , an Ool. Colby had RU- _
almoat unanimous endorsement from
the bar , prcoa end loading poll-
tlcUiia of the district. Onl.
Colby had pledged from D-i-vea
that if the matter was lett to him
Colby should have it , but having
learned that Dawes had promised the
name thing to thrco others Grigys ,
Morris and Davidson and concluded
to trust it rather to Nanci' , who is
said to have consulted other intoros'B.
I mot Colby at Beatrice yefterdny ,
upon his return from Lincoln ,
and ho ia cheerful but ho and
serves notice of wnr. Your a'ate- '
mont tliat Mr. Paddutsk'o filloy
will follow the Millard mire is soma-
what in doubt. Mr Filloy got t nough
of the Paddock buMiieaa two yours
iigo , and is not kutm to bo catted
uround by the Utah romimsniou , and
my beat information ia that ho wou't
bu. Filloy'a neat ii couteatcd by Joy
Burrow * , and , if Oapt. Aahby is a
truthful prophet , thn latter will do
the voting for renator. Castle
a brother in-law of the immaculate
Nunco , is uloo to bo contested by ono
of Oapt. Aahby's friends , and the
oiptain promises to make a big ( sensa
tion , Ho eays that the I ) . & M.
voted Buveral train loada of niggers
from Atchiaon and committed other
outrages upon the purity of the billet
lot that puts the Phelps county end
Ripublic'in valley scrapes to flight
lilio goeeo.
I go hence to Richardson and ahull
vend you a line from there. W. A.
Gitrloh Faraer * .
Bpodal Dispatch to Till BHI.
CHICAGO , December 7. Bhotchley
& Protheroo , two Englishmen , paesod
through here yesterday In chart ; o of
tncniy-two ostriches on their way to
California , whore they propose starting -
ing an ostrich farm between San
Francisco and Los Angeles. The birds
have otood their journey so far excel-
lor.tiy , and their owners are confident
ot getting them Mirough to the ccait
in good ulmpo. They travel in the or
dinary freight car with a stove in it.
The Totaooo Tax.
JpccW IMtpatcb to Tu CIL
GHIUAGO , NoveinborT. The tobac
co manufacturers of Chicago held a
meeting to-day , Representatives of
2,000 operatives wore present , and
drew up a petition to congress asking
y. immediate action on the tax question , on the ground continued agitation
ruining buaineao and depriving opera-
tora of their subuifitance. They favor
total abolition of the tax and suggest
u- in cast ) it ia done a rebate bo allowed *
ia on All unbroken packages of manufao
lilt tnred t baoco , as a matter tf justice ,
of Copies wore sent to Illinois senator *
and representatives la congress.