THE DAILY BEE OMAHA , THURSDAY DECEMBER 7 i882 The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Thursday Morning , Doc. 7. Weather Report. ( i'he following observations lire taken ft lue pame moment of Ument M the station Q inod. ) WAB DWARTHKHT , U. 8. StOHAtBlB. ] VICE , OMAHA , Dec , fi. 1882. ( h 15p.m. I . ( k er 3 toti 0 Inches ibote low wilor tnatk i J 'h , dot n al Yankton , Mississippi 3 fe t 1 Inches at Divtnpoit , ! Itot 10 inches at 31 Paul , D Let 4 Inchei at Hi. Louti , 2 Icei Inches at La Cro.s * , % nd 4 toet 10 Inches at u b Kn * . BEVITIES. The west'honnd train was an hou laid leaving yesterday. -The "bald Kaglo" of the United State ever protects the ' 'Big A. " Anhousor-llmch ) i Brewing compan ; brow thejjenulno lager , 'Tony Fault's own" U only to In hiclat 1214 Fftrnam-Ed. Mauer'a. .Tohn T. Ilaymond will ho hero Frl day nlRht. Uo .will | > lay "Frcah , th , " The Social Art clnb will continue It exhibition In Rtdlck's block until th IGth. Ihe Social Art club will clinrgo fo nlnglo adnnaslon , 15c ; children under to ; yearn , freo. George llunnlng la the permanent tel agent of thu "Big A nnd Kaglo" beer o St. Louie , for Omaha , and the west. In'Judgo BencUo's court yeitoi day thcrojwcro three plnln drunke. Tw were comruUtcd nod ona pnld , The young ladles of tfce Chiletln chnrch will give nn old fnshloncd canj , pulling at the rentdencft nf Mm. Sloven next Friday eveuk'R. In our report } 0.tonny ] of the clet tion of ofDccra of Cutter puit No , 7 , U , A U , the names of II , H. MclConn , 'jnnlo vice commander , nnd 0. V , .Toncn , char Iftln , were rmtttcd becauao unt nbtalna ble. While nt IMuolra & Kilckion1 wo were uhown a innRnlflcout eolLi llvc ncd eolil InlaU bread pinto , engraved , bearing the date * 18f > 7 nnd pinch mei1 for tha silver wedding mm I vet mtry of Mr. nnd Mr . .loihua liudd , form erly ot Omaha , but now roM.lcntn of 1'ou drc Canon , Col. - A tglcgratu from Mr , A'tams , of th Central mus'o hill , Chicago tell * UK tha Nellason'd concert receipts last nlirbt it Chicago w re 97,24& , and moro poupl were rafuwsd udmtsvlon than wern In th hou'e. A , traveler atnrtiog from New York t go to Shanghai by way of | Chicago nnd Sa ITranolsco , overlthw Union Pacific railroad will travel 10,423 milehy ; way of Chi o go , St.Jl'aul and. the Northern J'Hcltl railroad ta Shangliri , ho will tra\elcml 8,766 mllo' . The lleleni Herald eays : "Th Chollar mine , at Maiden , has been noli ] t Mr. Katon , of Omaha , for f 80,000 , Wll energctlu development itliia valuahle lea \ > rotnlsoi Boon to bo CUB of the liortt pnyiti ralnM In Kantern Montana. " Now th question la , who la this Mr , Katon ? The Thursday evening service at th Young Men's Christian association wl hereafter ba for young men only. Tl : member * and friends will do nil they ca to extend InvItatlonH to young men to th special Bervlco. The mooting begli promptly at 7:30 ami lastu only ono hou UiioJ Binning ut o.kch uervlui ) . Mine. Nilnson vtnl her entire cancel company , ucconipautud by llsnry K. Al bty , director , will pass tluomth Onintm e mutu to Stn Fr.iiH.l8CU , Iu n epoclal cm the Monton Marble thia mortilni j DdKumbcr 7tb , arriving via the 0. , U. . ' fi I' , railroad aud departing vl the U , 1 H , JAUICH Cluto , of the Wester Union telegraph olDcf , la as happy as j rj-hn advent of unIghl pimud boy , ' ' Mr. Gluts It auxloui to pr.pM&t from uoted pedsbtrlans wl Iwo b iJ nxpatlenoa iu the tupprtuton < colic , und bivo A record fur luaklnj ; tin In A K 'U 'Joti'pleae , There will lie i d y work about t. Tbe many friends hero of Mr. Vnv MoOonual will read with InUreit the fc low I ii ; ; from Ti > o New North wo t : "M lx. 11. McConnell , the popular nnd the oujjlt eolnir general rpent of the U. 1' . rul Mud oiropiny , located at Silt L ke OH ; w-u In town yesterday "jutt to ea ( hi eerytbln | { was gilogjalonif tUfactorily , which It It. It is our pleas * to couyraU Ik o "Me. " on belnit tha father of a dativl ter preiented to , him thrto May Lltnln s imlUfly , Fiank Hughes , the m u who „ charted from custody on the wounds c insanity , After couGnemeut on the charg of n murderous w > ult on Jens Jensen , o Ihe river bank , was taken from tbe Dot K\u county Jail Tuesday and left fc NeivYorfcln clur e of Dfputy Sh-.rl Crowe ! ) . JH the end of LU jtui ney liuv | be delivered over to the cnitody of friend , Thtri arc not n few who bellov hU Insanity to be all bumlu ; and veutur the auertloii that bin friend will not bav tnncb. trouble iu Uklng care of him , H phyfd it well nuy way. Johu IVaUon and II , Anderson atre.Ud on tbe charge of stealing good and money tc tbe value of $58 , from 0 K , lieager a boarder at tbe Calllorcl b-rnie , aud who were arrested Tuelai night at the transfer , have been beUf.b ball in tbe sum of $300 each , to appaar/be fore the next jcraud jury on the chujje o 'grand larceny , They waived txwnlna . itlou. ThU make * ten men awaiting tin ' , * 5t' ' ° , l > ° ' f > gr d jury , and prlratt tnowledge of certain events transplrln eads to tbe belief that this nnmber I table to b doubled within the next week The owe of ( tallagbet and Mclntyre wa set for S p. m. The Missouri I'aclfio train due fror the south east , last ovcnlntr , did not nrriv until about midnight , All the ( rains nlon .ho line were laid out nnd tbe pawtenger report that the weather ns far south a ltnnis City WAS the same ai In Omaha. A large delegation ol the rnorribera c .ho Hoynl Arcanum from Fidelity cow ell , of Council Bluffs , came over to Omsh aat night on a special train , and wcr royally entertained by Ihelr tirelhern 1 this city , They returned by special tri ! about 11 o'clock. The weather last night wan muc milder than during the day , no far M th wind nnd driving anew storm were cor corned , both of which fell late In the al ternoon. lh < j mercury , however , conttr tied to detcend Rteadlly , nnd from two di ; rccs aboi o zero at 1:45 p. m. was down t ten below At 8 p. m. ] 5y the courtesy of tha state officer the now wing of the cnpllol building wl ! ba opened on the evening of Decembe 14lb , by a public reception to the peopl of the state , by the 1'letsant Hours Clu of Lincoln. The committee In charge Ir vlte nil to nltend who can ponslbly do sc Kcdnccd fate has been iccurcd on Ihe U , i M , II. K , from all points ns follows : T liarlies of ton or more , ono and ono-tourt faro for round trip. Portion of twonty-fiv or moro ono fare , and partlof of fifty c more three-four Urn of ono fnro for th round trip. The west wing will be mo for reception , the different rooms belo opened to vliitom. The hall of the eat wing will be opened for dancing. N pains will bo tpared to make the oceanic an enjoyable ono to nil. A free night school under thesuperv ston ( > f tbo Bonrd of Education and Supoi Intendent of 1'ubllo Schools , wlllbeopenc at the CItv Mission Echool house nn lOt street , between Dodge street and Caplti avenue , commencing Monday evenlni December II , 1882. All wishing to jo ! the Rchool will meet mo nt the nbo\ named school houaa on Thursday ovenlnf December 7th , at 7:30 ( harp. Addlno Jones. NOVEMBER MOKTALITY. The City Phyelclnna Report for line Montb. The monthly report of the city phj nicinn , Dr. I * . S. Loisenring , fur Nc vombar , lilod with the city ccunc nhowod that that thcro hu boon 38 duatha nnd Cl births , n ba ! anco in trnno being agaiunt death , b fifty per cent. . Of the 38 duatha , 1 was of dipthcrir 3 croup , /overs , 2 puorponil dioonsoi 3 diarrhoiil discasoa , cincor 1 , pulmuii ary diacaaes 0 , heart diaonso I , menIngitis Ingitis 1 , dropsy 1 , accidents 4 , unumi 1 , unknown 2 , insanity 1 , Imbiliu USD of morphia 1 , trismuu 1 , conj-ublio of lungs 2. Agoe Under' ono year 8 , botwoo ono nnd five 4 , between five un twciity-fivo 11 , ever twenty llvo 11. By wards Flrot , 11 ; Second , C Third , 2 ; Fourth , 2 ; Fifth , 2j Sixth 5 ; hoapitule , 0 , Annual death rate per 1,000- 1 2030. Sox , olc Male , 21 ; fonialo , 17 ; ro' orod , 1 ; married , 7 ; einglu , 30 ; wii owed , 1. Interment Prospect Hill , 14 ; Hoi Sepulcher , 9 ; Gasady'n , 2 , county , ( removed , 0 ; Laurel Hill , 3 ; Ploasar Ilill , 1. Blrthz While , 57 ; colored , ' . rnnlo , 39 ; fonialo , 22 ; still-born , 6- total , Gl. Ono pair of twine. A graud ma io lantern exhibltlo will be glvoii nt Mananio IIall Monda ovoDiup. Ticltutn DO aud 25 cents , f ( sale at [ Orohard & IJoauV , Dowuy , Storm's , Roao'a Art Empoiiun Hrunnor'a grocery store und Ala Moyor'n. A BAD OIRX. lucldontu Oonnecloa with tuo Trana of Vunuu. That important astronomical oven the transit of.Vcnua , occurred ycatc day , but waa invisible up to latest ui counts ovou with the aid of glasn i The ntorm begun about daylight an incroMud iu violence ua thu day ni vanood. The mercury wont awa down aud the cold was intense , \vj J" u gale of wind added to iln oiieffo „ hands , nosca und cara. The > oow fc to 11 depth of two or throolp0il03 ; , Th otaio ot weather letodyfrom omni $ o Sidnuy. From Sidf0y to Inraml "S Iouuy , InVv uht wind but r BI101T. Oldof Etip.incor Blickendorfer , of tl U. P. , who wont to Sherman to tali obaorvations roportou that up I noon IUH utttinpta were i vain but ho hoped to oatoh a gllmpe of the sou later in Iho day. Froi Luramlo to Ogden it was cloudy bi calm andw. rmor tlun hero. A poonllv fuaturo of the atorm i that the .weather aorvico prodlotod i clear day nnd the baroniotoi in this city all roao instead of falling It must have boon brought on by th transit of Venu , and according ! Judge Bmjuko iesuod a wai rant for her arrest for dUoniurly con duct , and placed the pipar in th hands of ICd. Gorman , whc liaa th charge of keeping all dwroputabl from diaturbiug thu peace ItrnoiKOb KussU'Balvo. Lswt fatnll : \Uu Iu the world , and excelleut for stabl Royal ArcU. At a mooting of Omaha Ohapte No. 1 , Koyal Arch lloaons , hold Tuu day evening , the following officer wore elected : K. 1) . Carter High Priest. W. U. Bowen-K/nt / ; . Michael Cody Scribe. Jf. Bellman Treasurer. J. J. Pointa Beoretary , BuokUn'3 arnica Halve. The BBUTSAIVB In ttoworhlfor OnU -DniUaa , ores , Ulcert , bfilt liheuin , Fe vw Sore * . Tetter. Cb pmd HnniLi , Chil blalns , O roi , ami nil kln eruptions , nni XrtltlTeJr cure * pllti. U guaranteed t > viia sAtisffcctfon i ' ru aey rclunded Moo , 25 oenti t i ex. ( Tot wit b 0 A GRAND SMASH , A B , & M , Train Demolishe Two U , P , Passenger Trains. A. Terrible Collision During Yesterday's Storm. DotalliToi tholWroolc and IU In oidenti- A moat disastrous wreck took placi ycatorday at tbo crossing of tin U. P. nnd B. & M. roads , on the shoj track , at thn acono of the rncmorabli fight two yenra ngo. The accident oo onrrod about 8:35 : , which ia the timi that the Union Pacific ) wcatboum train and Lincoln train pull up ti croas the riror preparatory to atartinj from the transfer. Those trains al waya como up together empty am drawn by ono engine and they lof the ahopa ycatorday exactly 01 time. The Lincoln ( rain had boaido ita onglno the mail car number 1 < ! bnggago car number 3 , day coaol 80 , nnd the old Union Pacifi director * car , which has bcci transformed it into an elegant da ; coach and ia known as No. 10. Thi wan followed by the mail car of th regular overland mail car No. 2G4 am than the usual string of baggage cars day coaches and Pullman sleepers As they reached the crossing at whiol it ftcotns they nro not obliged to atu ] ozcopt at certain hours of the day , o which this was not otic , a B. & M engine drawing a train and puahin | freight car No. 2CCJ , ( ahead of it cam from the suuth at a lively rato. I IB dtatod that the B. & M is obliged to make a ate every time before crossing this track , which they did not do this time The atortn wni pretty lively about thi hour , and it ia probable that the bo : b ing ahead of thorn , the unginoo did not ace the U. P. train which wa about to cross his path , at nny rate n atop was made , and the tirst thin ; that was known was No. 2,000 wen plunging into the Union Pacific ) trail likoa comet dropping into the BUM "What a wreck vtas thuromy country men. " The way that tlio earn and truck and-kindling wood elegantly varnishoi and ortiittuonlod flew in the air waa holy terror. The box car of the B. & M. mui have ( struck the train about the middle dlo , and also the mail car on th overland train. The mail car of th Lincoln train had merely ita iroi trucks knocked off to ono aide of th embankment ; the buggago car of th same train wan knocked clear oil th track nnd lay bottom upwards at th bottom of the grade , eomo ten o fiftuon feot. Next to it catno coacl No. 8G , which lay on ita aide aud in badly demoralized condition , th trucks being elF and the frame bad ! ; shattered. Thasocara were all upon th west aide of the track , but No. 10 la ; on the east tide , nnd auch a tote wreck that it ia hardly possible the aho can bo rejuvenated again. Th B , & M box car look liked a ulua ba that had been eat upon by Futt Qlonn , and the mail car of the rogt lar train was in about the earn atato as that on the Lincol train and greatly damaged. With ! half au hour a wrecking train waa n from the ahopa nnd busy at work trj ing to clear the track * , but up to nee : had made no perceptible progrosi The violence of the storm , the bitte cold wind owooplng down the riye bottom aud the blinding snow mild work nearly impoapible. Ono ongin waa frozen up within half an hou after coming down to help , an men were going about with icicle two Inches long on their boarde Superintendent Havenn was preset ] on the ground in perooa nnd aotivel superintending the work of cloarin the track. Thu spot at which the accidrn occurred IB on the crossing of the Mr trackri , both of which hi wo quito higj embankments and it ia conacmHyntl a very diflhult place to wor , ther being aheota of water rJj Jaoh of th fouriqnaroa uniting M/tho crossing. Tlio ditmago wj nmount to Bovon thousand djft fl | probably filly e sovonty-fi tf thousand , nnd whotlu the lota/will , n upon the U. P. t wlutfly r tj,0 jjt & ji. wn pnv for ATnot known at present. A new trai was mndo up for the Lincoln run au aont round by way f Boyd's puokir hotiBO and the B. & M. truck to tli miiu line , and a now overland tr&l was made un mid sent out in the Run mniinor. It was ono of tlio wori wrecks over noon in this locality for long time , nnd curtuinly must hai been liio roault of gross careloastici on the part of somebody. It wna wonder that there waa not n loss i lifo and a number of aorlous injurioi Sovoial olliclnla were asked in n spool to the parties to blaruo for th accident , Ono said that the B , & W claimed to have had n flag out an this was denied by other parties. ] la probable that if the flag was out ; could not have been soon on uccour cf the snow , which waa blowing line In the air. So far aa could bo ascertained none ono waa seriously hurt. Ac.Id Pln. i > hnto Gives Btrength whore there hna boo exhaustion and vigor in place of iir paired vitality. Army Ordora. Leave of absence for twenty day is granted Major J. W , Wham , paj master U. 8. A. ilu will close hi Recounts and turn over his balances o public funds to Major 0. U. Bullion pay department , before leaving. ADJUTANT UKSKKIL'H Or CUE , iNUTO > , NotcmtwrVI , 16t& To the Commanding Central , Department c California , ( fen Francisco , C.I. : Referring to a letter from this office dated November 16 , 1882 , in regan to the payment of a per diem to en listed men detailed au gardener * , fron : ompany or pot funds , I have thi loner to inform you by direction o : ho general of the army , that ' * * * no expenditures fron joit lunds are allowable , except euol aa are authorized by paragraph 637 Army Regulations. U. 0. DHUM , Adj. Geu'l. Private Oharlw U. Dickey , com pany 0 , Ninth infantry , ia relieved from extra doty at the Chcyonno ord > nance depot , Wyoming , and will report port to his company commander with' out delay. The quartermaster's departmonl will furnish the necessary transporta < tion , and the subsistence department commutation of ratirns , it being 1m. practicable to carry cooked rations. Private Charles Lynn , ro enlisted , nnd Recruit Frrd daman , enlisted al Fort Omaha , Neb , nro assigned RS follows : Private Lynn to light bat tery D , Fifth artillery ; Recruit Qlnman to Fourth infantty. The Turnvoreln. The Omaha Turnverein hold ita nn- nnal election of officers Monday night , December 4th , with the following result : President , lion. Oharlea Kiufmann , Vice president , G. W. Anthoa , Recording secretary , IJonry Unu bens. Oorrosponding secretary , Oharlei Motz. Master of gymaatics , R , Rosen1 zwoig. Assistant muter of gymnastics , J , Biohol. Treasurer , J. I. Fruehauf. Onstodian. thas. Wtymiller. Standard bearer , Fritz Wells. Trustees , Philip Andres , Herman Kundo nnd Ohaa. Rosaokor. Thla Booioty holds monthly meetings - ings and also monthly debates or questions proposed to them. Its prcHidont in , < x-officio , a mom' bor of the Giirmau society , which hat purchased n lot and will erect n Ger man tchool at nn early day. The president elect , Mr. Kaufman , is at able presiding offiser and i thorough worker in all busmen : with which ho ia connected , ni [ a aeon by his record of yoara it the city council and if the pist few months no president pro tent of thn' body nnd nt times acting mayor When honora cf this kind nro be stowed on him it shows good judgment mont on the part cf the givers nnd 1 n merited compliment to the recipient , \VC MEAN BIZ ! A Challenge to the Omaha Sporte men'd Olub. The oocretary of the Omaha Work ingmon'a . .Sportsmen's club , Mr. Ed Lcodor , hands us the following fo publication , and Bays his club mean buBtneea nnd ia anxious for au carl ; acceptance : A. CHALLENGE. To the Ozmhu Spoilsmen's Club : Wo , the Omaha Wotkingmon' Sportmon'a club , hereby challouqo an ; eight members of the Omaha Sports men's club to n friendly shoot tor nr oyster ouppar tor the two cluba , to bi paid for by the losers. Understanding that the Omoh ; Sportamon'o club has accepted a chal loni'o to shoot the Kauaaa Oity clul for $300 aurt desiring to see them win wo do this in order to give them i little practice. Wo will pit Sus&n B. Hathaway va , Coon Dog Mills ; Spatter Mouth Pur maloo vs. Spoon Hill Potty , and wi will pit our main stay , Mr. John Hey who at our recent match won thin money by not killing n bird , agains Billy Hughes. E. LEKDEH. Seo'y of the O. W. S. 0. ' Having a first-class magic lantori nnd views , I am prepared to give or entertainments , travels without travel ing , Sunday school exhibitions , ptc. In public halls , churches , or in privat houses. S. Leasing , 900 Whoatoi street. KAHN-KS.HN. A DollRhtful Wedding on Dodg Street Lost Mlgbt. A very interesting social event too ! place last evening nt the rcsidonco o Mr. A. Oahn , on Dodge street. Th occasion was the wedding of the nioc of Mr. and Mrs. Oahn , Miea Saral Kahu to Mr. Simony Kftb of Olevjsiaiul and late of Chicago. ceremony was Bolcmnizsd b , Tudgo A. M. Ohndwiok , in the presence once of n very large asuemblago c ladiea and gentlemen , including th intimate friends of the family. Th toilets of the ladies were rich an tasty and the gentlemen were equal ! careful in appearing in full ovonii ) dress. Among the puojts from abroa veto Mr. Jacob Kahn , cf OIovel.VH' ' the groom' * father ; Mr . A. J Brown , of North PtU0 | the bride sieter ; Mrv IforilnandK-jhi ) , of Yanl ton , u. T. , the brlde'a brother , an fllr. and Mrs. D. Who , of Cincinnati III Addition to thoao theru were abou seventy-five ladies and gentlemen c Om&lm. After the nuptial knot had bee tied , Ptof , Martin Calm played wedding mnroh on the piano and aftc the usual cougra' ulutlons Imd boo offered , the guests sat down to sumptuous repast. Toasts to th bride were drank in sparkling cham pngne nnd the evening passed in th phmsanlojt nnunor. Daring the progress of the woddiu supper , oongratuatory diupi\tcho3 wor read from Chicago , Cleveland , St Boo , Yankton , Cincinnati , New York Philadelphia and North Plutto. The presents were very numerona elegant nnd costly , coming fron friends both iu and out of thu city. The happy couple remained at th Paxton over night , and will start on ; tour of the east this afternoon , THE 80AB3 OF TOWN. OMAUA , December 0 , 1882. To the Kdltoi cl Tin Un : I desire , through the columns o your valuable paper , to call the at toution of the palicu to thu practice : of certain dhreputablo persona win appear to make a business of insult Ing unprotected young ladies whet they appear upon the streets aftei dark , I noticed last evening , whlli on my Why home , n burly negro no cost a girl apparently about Bixteer. years old , with Insultlnc language and totlona. This occurred between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets In t locality occupied by business honsei nnd reputable people. The negro whc insulted the young lady la known and will bo summarily dealt with should 19 attempt another offense of the dnd. WATCHFUL KYI , F/uiioi in Public HAlli. OMAHA , December 6 , to The Editor of Tun Bin. I notice a great deal written abou this time , in the public ptinte , on preventing venting injury to life nnd limb whet panics occur in crowded building ! caused by alarms of fire , etc. Liwi have been enacted and municipn regulations adopted requiting cortait arrangements to bo observed in thi construction of public buildings Thcei nro nil well enough ns far as they go but when n panic takes place iu i crowded building and nil try to pns through the doorant once , n jim mm result , nnd thn weakest bo tramplot on nnd injured. The beat preventative of such ncci dents thnt occurs to mo would bo t < teach audiences how to leave building under all circumatancos , I wnuli recommend n kind of drillto boused universally , at every church meeting theatrical porfctmanco , concert , etc The mlnistorsii churches , the prompt era in theatres , nnd so on , might b the oificcra in command. For instance at the close of a service or perform nnco , nil would remain seated unti the officer appeared and called "at tontlon , " then "stand up , " then faci exit , " then "first row , march , " thoi "second row , ditto , " and to on unti the building was omptiod. There an few buildinga which cnnnot be oinil ; emptied in five minutes , If ovorythlnf Is done in an orderly and dolibcrat way. nnd no fire will gain i dangorou headway in that time. With thi system thoroughly enforced , audience wonld soon ncqutro a discipline , cool noea nnd self-possession of coldlers and they would bo nblo to restrain th few who might appear to bo loain their heads , and make them keep i the rank } . Such n oyatom would also insur politeness nnd decorum , nnd rcstrai those rude persona who nlwnyn w n RB it were , to got out over the bodie of the others. It may fairly bo mess ured that anyone who can spare tw or three hours to attend church o theatre , cannot have business of BUC importance that ho cannot wait fiv miuutca longer in order to leave th building decorously. I offer thu nbovo f rude augpcation in the hope that they may lead t thought and discuoaion , to the prc volition of injuriea to lifo nnd liml nnd to ' .ho ditulnuition of tin inimbu of ouch horrors ns have recently oc curved. Yours , M. B. S. SLAVEN'SYOSEMITE COLOGN : Mndo froir the wild flowers of th FAB PAMKD YOSEMITE VALLE1 It Is the moat frspraut ot perfum Manufncturad by H. B. Sloven , Sa Francisco. For Halo In Omaha byV J. Whltehouso and Konniuo Broo , & Oo. WARM WINTER GOODS. KDKTZ'H SIOUK. Ladiea Logginu. Children's Leggiua. Ladies Hoods. Children's Hoods. Lidiea Mittu. Children'd Mittp , Lidiea Underwear. Children's Underwear. Kurlz'o Store , 1306 Farnam streol THE BOHE10IAN QiRL. Tno Boston Ideala Still Drawing BI Houses. The Boston Ideala had nn iinmena onthuaiastio nnd appreciative nudiom last night , notwithstanding the o : tromo cold. The house was filled nn no waning In their popularity to t discerned. To have aeon the long lines of had and carrtagea which filled Furnai street between Fourteenth and Fi tponth , ono would have said the 01 tire upper ton of the city was out. ] is n fact that neither love nor mono would secure n conveyance after fat o'clock yesterday afternoon. The opera , "Tho Bahamian Girl , ia ono cf the finest in their roportoii attd-Kaa'tilollently rendered , iu fni with a perfection not to bo oxcoedc by any compnny. The matinee thia afternoon and evi ning performance to-night will cloi ono of the moat succeesful ongag monts ever played In this city. BATTLE CREEK , Mich. , Jan. 31 , ' 70. GKNTLEMEN Having been ailKctc for n number of years with India * " tion nnd general debility , by the n1 vlco of my doctor I tified Hop Bitter an.1 ! m ? t my they affordsd ma almo instant relief. 1 am glad to bo ab to teatify in thalr behalf. THOS , 9 , KKOX. Gnllivat RoionoM There can by uuiuethluf ; heroic in n me iclne an well as iu inrlividuals. Uurrloi Blood Bitters have tlfectcd many n L'&lla rcacuo among the mifoiini ; tick. Thou nndu Imve eicajiod the ini-orie * of clj > [ > ? slit aud nervuim debility through tlio n thlR wonderful modloltio. It id emplml cully the bent stomsch nud blood tonic the world PERSON A' . J. A , Campbell , cf Htanton , It at tl Metropolitan. lllaa Jeasle Croun e , of Fort Oalhoui U at the Mlllard. Hen. G. W. A. Taylor , of New Yoi city Is at the Mlllard. W. 1 * . Noble , of the Sh mhone sgenc ; 111 a gu * t of the Paxton , Col. 0. 0. Oreon , of Utic , New Yorl U a gueH of the iMillcri ) , W. B. Gaff ry and L L. Palraanteei of Dutte , ara registered at the Paxton. Hon. P. D. Stnrdevundt , State Trea. urer elect , of Geneva , ia at the 1'axtou. Chaa. K , Chapln , buaine'8 manager ( the Milu'Burleii ; } ) compiuy , la at the 1'a : ton. ton.J J Wurtz , ropreaeutluK I. Well & Co St. Joe , H In town. He IianoldOuiab boy and an A No , 1 fellow , Homeu Stull bat returned to IJaho an Councilman Kaufman U again in the chal at president pro. tern , of the city foonnol W. J. Hanaewortb , Plattimouth ; J. V Ueilne acd wife. Wayne ; A. Palxqulat Tekamah ; W. D , NicholU , Beatrice ; Win Adalr , Dakota , nnd Jamen 8. Antlsdalc Columbus , are at the Metropolitan. Geo. D. Brooki , Bulle Mill * ; Mw. U D. Meier , Misi Cobb , Un. House , L. 0 3urr , and and 8 , M. Benedict , Lincoln Qr , Hlwood and wile , North Bend , J 1'yth and L , Tiowbridge , Nebraska City among the visitor * from interior Ne- irMka , who regktercd at the hotel Mil. artl lait night. Col. Luke Murrin , tlio jovial and popn- ftr Cheyenne man , who has a hott ol rienilA all over the country wherever he ofln , arrived from the went laat night en onto to the east , nnd stopper ! over in ) maha for tirenty-fuur hour ? . He will oturn In time to spend the holidays \vilh ilfl fftmlly. Mllen Xentmypr , Sohuy or ; S. S. l owc , "reinont ; J. 11 , Van IJinltlrk , Aurotn ; O. P. Mauon , Lincoln ; AJra. G. S. Smith , Mrs. T. K. White , Mr * . H. E Kilmer , tlrs. A. W. McLoughllr , Mr . T 13van , itra. Jacoby , and friend , Plattmotith ; H. ) Ay , Lincoln ; Jacob Drum , lieitrlcIrn. ; . A. Brown , Bradsh w ; A. .1 , Cornisb , Lin- coin ; Henry Furhmau , Ficuirnt ; .1. H , lungateand wife , J. It. Stewart , Mrs. F , V. K eney , Mlsa Uitle Thlcllen , Blair ; f. < * . Chrk , Lincoln ; C. Durae , Crete : .T. I , Johnson , JJlalr , were among the NV ) raaknna nt the Paxton last night. General Victor Ylfrmntn is In town. Mr . W. S. Wlujr , wife of the U. P , auditor of poateugar accounts , baa gone on a visit to Blnomlngton , Ilia J. N. It. Patrick , accompanied by hli rlond , Mr. Krv.ln Davl , who Is hl gnost , arrived homo frcm New York Tuesday. Mrs. O. P. McCarthy left Tucjdny nl ernoon for Indbnapolij , to attend the uneral of her . the ncpho.v , two-jenr-old child of Mr. end Mrs. A. F. Potts , of thai city. Her brother , Mr. George L. lUrney , uccompnnlod her. MOTHERS DON'T KNOW. How many children tire punished for being uncouth , willful and indifferent to in < atructiona or rowuida , simply because ttiey ate out of health ! Au intelli gent l&dy mid of n child of this kind ; " 'Mothers nhould know tint if tlioj jzivo the little iino moderate dosoit ol Hop Bittern for two or three wteki the children would bo all n pur on I could di > airo. " UIBD UALLr.Y IN Una city.'Decemlier 5th iMchiilap , fun of Air. niul MtR Tiu . C Ualley. njjedl year nnd 10 mnmbx. Funerel will taUo tilnco fium the TOE ! ilence , South.Fltleenth itroat , Uccembo 7th , lit 1 p. m. HAIIMON Ida J. , wife of Arthur S Ilunuon , died at IU o'clock Tuesda ; niKht , of scarlet fever , nged 22 years mii G month ; . The funeral will take plftcj nl 2 p. m , Thursdny , Dec. 7th. Mr. Harmon id now bereft for the second end time within a few days time , his Httl Ron having died of tlio entuo dtcad disoaei on Monday last nt the ago of two year and two months. His wife leaves a Httl ouo only two montliH of ugo motherless. Diamond Dyea will color uj thing any color , Mid never fail. Tai eaaieHt und best way to ecouomlzo 1C cents , nt nil IO LOAN MDMtY. MONEY TO LOAN On personal property c any description A. C-.Troup , Attorney , 21 south 14th Street. 128-Uno TO LOtLtt On cnJtMl inorraraRd ae MOWEY . A. B. Tutlau , No. 1610 Dottglc etrect , front room , up-stalr < . 435-tf A 8 otr cenlli ieit In Bnmo.ot $3,600 an upwards , for 8 to 6 years , on Brst-claai city an farm property. Biuia BULL EatArs and LOA. Aonor , 16th and Donrlaa Sts. * ONGT TO LOAN Olll at Law Office ot t M1 L. Thomis noimB Crelzhton Block. HELP WANTED WANTED Position as tra\cllnc agent. A experienced salenman , dculrln ; a change wishes to encage with a flrat-claiis house Iron January or February next. Acquaintance p Ii clpally in Colorado and territories , a d mostl with wholcsa'e grocery traOo Position wlti b o fry preferred , llifcrf nets fflvtii. Address I'Gcnnan , " UEK cilice , Omaha , Neb. adlntne room elrlaat Harnej Street restaurant , No. 412 lUrney street 382101. . " "iTTANTUD-A ( rirl nt 2010 Hurt street , WANTED 2,000 laborers to know there I plcntj of work nouth , utf2,00 per ilay. I'n sent faro to St. Louis $6 uo , Mcmphi * 81.00 , * ci Orlexn , Sll.OO. Cov' < i T ckct oinee,317 V 'a ' ' ton Avenue , North Minneapolis , Minn. W ANTED A good mllkir , Saratoga dairy. _ 379--t ANTEO-Olrls immediately at the "Ore den al. 313.11 ANUE'l ) A good ix > k at New r ngla'dre' ' laurant , 1118 DoujUs slruet. 3:0-71 TTl J ANTED AKonfirto"tal.u oidcrs for Nn\ln VV evplanatocy Doct r llo k. Tor tern : write to J. 1) . SHKU.Y. dec Ut General Agent , Kalrmor.t , S'ch. Two men ol trod add res < to cai WANTED sell cowls. Sto < ly omplojmvn sure pay. Cull Ui boutli 10th fctreo' , 357-7 * - . W B8 81. Ai WANTEn-Clianiloniiald. 20 h J.ul | S\t "ITTAN'TRD Tofcrurothu rmlc of a e VV eJue.tti > 1inichsnlc. Ao pripotlllrin < on lldcr.'d ii'ilci tbn uppllaint ji * > ittei agcni > ri kiiowlnVuot tlnmeihinlcil tc'enou. < all o roonitG ant 7 , 1'.veietl'i Duck , Cancel ! Blulld. ANTi:0-liooK : can\ai cra at 17North 1ft W btrca. 333 If SED Every one to loa\o orders forlicl W at 217 N. ICth street , upUlrs. . 33U tf ANTED Ono | f od camosser ti e goods on Installment , steady work an Inquire at 218 N. IGth sUe9t , room ( SITUATIONS WANTED. By an Englishman , Urgeexpei WANTED ror > osa plicc In private f miler or ctni-r work , Call or aidrcvu "R , L. 11. " mr Y. M. C. A. 3S1-61 WANTED A jounj ; man wou'd like to get tltuatlon as khlpiiiiiif clerk. Ii. W. Allcn,56 N. 12th ttrtxtt. 3M-Ct MIOELLANEOUa V/AMTd. I ANTED Iloardfraby the day or week 141 W Howard St , 345-linj BUSINESS CHANCES. . USINFSS CHANCE-A good blacksmith 1 \i \ offered tpoclal Indunemcn' . to locatoatOil morn .Ntb. Apply too. Krwttthirc. 13J-.1-lu RENT-HOU8EB AND LANI1 KENT A lOinforUblc house nt ri-asona FOU . Inquire at iOI3 llerco etnet , bet d 21bt. 3f S-7 ( RENT A cottage of four rooms , 2 clo rU ) FOR pantry and cellar , city wattr In the house Alto 4 large room * and clooet in a double house hard and bolt water. L. DUGOAN , 3CT-7 } 1112 South 13th St , _ I7MJK RENT A housu of 3 looms , oulUMo foi JJ one or two families. Hint VJUaironth , Iu quite PIS Cuica o ktrtil , Ut , 12th and 13th. 307-llt _ [ _ _ l01l REM-lUJdenno No 1712 DouehwM. JOHN O. JAO. 1 . ? OR RENT One uitolyhirnUhed room for ore I 1 or two gentlemen , No. 112 Harney s'rtwt , ttt. 8th and Oth. 3 Cat FOR RENT 'mall coiUgf.tfeT'nport and 1711 strstl US , S. LEHMAN. 318-U TENT P If Mint furnished room suitable Fott forgfn'ltman , 1C19 r rnnm. 364-3 * Ion RENT rurntohtvl room , 1612 Fitmiun trett Fen lir.ST-Ncw two ton hc of t room , nliortdiUnco from 11 a oHlcc. lltnt rcaon Me.1LI.1SM.YATES. . 381-tf IlKNT A nice furnUhod room. Apnly nt FOU . 8038. Ninth atrrct aMC' _ 1T10U hKNT Ilousalth three rooms lor JO U per month on Douglas bctnren 2Cth and 2Tth street. AJ.ltni "llcllulre" , llco oflioe. .152 Ct "I70H HKNT FurnlsheJ aniltinfuraUh < l loom * JJ HlOJAckson. 3M-SI HKNT A front ro-ni fnrnU c < l and an FOU ! < htil room Insvm } 'a block corner eilit tint Honanl. 15KVT The trslJencoetil. FfU UOO.IacVaau. Inrjulra on ptcull a or M 312 1 3th kt reel. 311-tf . .OK HtNT-Unturiidled room two blocks fwcat ot postulllco 117 lOUtn lith itre t' 31MI " 171OU HENT Kurnl h l ro n. Inquire 313 N. J ; InliftiLct , bet n Unvenport AiiJ Chluuco directs. 330-tJ 1011 U N'T A now hou e , furnia'td , eljflit I 1 room < , bath room , i table , etc. One ol the finest locations In the city ; CM CO per month. Inaulre lor three chDeinls' vntato a cncj- , IBth i.n.1 . DouglCT atrctU. _ notlBtl IlKNT New ae\cn room cottage well lo- FOH , has set era ] clotltfl. city and cetrrn water C. F. Drlsooll. 283-tl mils' Now Map ol OmAlm , hist completed and. B ready lor dell * cry nt $7 each. Is 4 Icet vide iy 7 Icct lonp , UirpL'jt and moat complete map oi I Omaha o\cr publlahcd. Olllclnl map ol the tlty. See column. FOR Iir.NT Oftlco rooms. Enquire at Now York Do * OooJa store. ISTi-dec-U EORRP.S.T Up-staira , 1417 latnhim stree 5Mf JOtlNO. JACOD3. I7IOK IttN'l Ilruse ot b tucrm in Qrst-cliM JL order , 10 lito ha from opt ra house , cheap $15 Homo of It rooms , all convcn'ecco , 8 blotkifratn opera house 40 Ilougo of r rooms , 23il and Nicholas streets. 18 Store on Farnam , 2 floors , 125 on 14tli,2 fioora. . . 75 SwellIront loildenccs S60toC5 IS-tf MoCAUUE , Opposltu Poatofflcc. KENT Unfurnished rooms In brick FOIl home. 1411 Chicago street. IfO-tt T7IOR RENT Elegantly furnlulic * ! rooms with JL ; gas and hotter , JUIerencis requited. Ap ply at northwest corner ct 23d and Hurt btrcoti. U33 tt T7IOK RENT Furnlihed room lth board lf > 08 .JD California street. 171-tf TTlOll llb.NT llouao , tix rooms. JurnHlicii , In- JC qnlro at D. Hyde's office , Mlllnrrt hotel. 7C5-tf fjK . K NT Two nuw Uwolllneb tna two otini A ; dwelllnj-a IndcslroWo loollty , fy McKoon No. 1R14 r > milnn ttrcct 81T-tf TJtOK UK.NT Large oWco loom cr Halt store , JD 1020 Fftriihum ntical. 707-t ( OK KENT A store m UMcotubo liiock , nn ICth ttrcct , tictr Divcnport. St A. D , Balcomlio. 600-2Stt POt SALE -A handnoiro tit ct in'nit ' furs , c'st'nz 815. anil nc-tcelj nmi , U\n be bought for loss than half ihclr > aluo. Cor. 17th andJackionsticets. E830I FOU SALE H Inch s' nd rd Co- BICYCLE in air ccnditin , A btrxain C. M. Woodman. 751-tf FOH SAI.K A small gr In olc\ntor and Vpork don nil the ral roadtracls at Fremont , Neb. , with the ( jrounds , bv Hoberl Kittle , 37g.Ut BAH AIN Forsnle , a small house on leased A ground , thrio room * , closet , pan ry , sum- rno r Kltci en , Rood cc'lnr , and wa'ei. Cheip for cash. Inquire on premises , second door north of St Mar'sn\enuc , on Fau > lew street , or at J s. Jolconer' . walcpn , opera houao block. S50 9t T70R SALE A go d restaurant and ho ' InV I1 flourishing town of four thous nd hdiibl- tantsdolrgagoodbusiucss Ownfrwisln ( t ) jell on account of ill hoilth , easy terms. Andiw C. F. Cawan Urand Island Nob. 3.3-tf . . _ _ * - - - - ii- - i .1 ----Tttr _ j - Foil SALE-Saloon doing a businwa from 81,050 to $1,200 a month. In one of the best locations in the city. Satisfactory- reasons for selling. Terma ery reasonable. For pirtlcu- lars address "E. C. " Bee olilce. 3Il-lwt ! XCELLENT BRICK for sale , $9.00 per thou- sand. Yard , IBth street , two blocks emith of Bellevue road. LORKNZO DIEDLII. 177-lmnoviat HOTHL FOIl SALE First class hotel lor solo In a 111 o western tomi. lion all the first clats trodo. Reason for Belling other business. Per jiarticulars , address , Hotel , OMAHA BKR. 183-lmfnovlSt FOIt SALE Steam engines new nd econd hand 8 , 10 , 1 , o horse power. Also steam boiler * any size. Inquire Om ha Foundry - dry and MachlnnCo. - iiov24-Im-ni-i < l FOIl SALE-Barrela and kegs. Also hoop poles bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th and Pierce. ICOdeetl * JKKRY SHTMOOB. BE1II8 New Mapof Omaha , Justcomplotnd nnd ready for delivery at 87 c-xch. Is 4 feet wide by 7 feet long. Largest nnd most complete map of Omaha over published. OIBcUl map of the city. Boo column. POR R NT Brick Ho\e , Inquire atdruiratorft corner loth anil Douglas. T OST Largo b nek Newfoundland dou , whlto LJ under neck. End of tall unite. Had on black leather collar. Liber I rewir for ict.rn IT llll. t m Rogers i. Son , 11 h nnd Farnam. 375-&J A final a aliment and dUcbarife. The LOST Under will be palda lownrd hy joavlnc mine at this nlllcc , JOHN V.CCEUT. 371 fit C. NAIlp , TwM.luU.t. Deerh.aJs . , n * ' ' UoHunl and J"1" * " . OltS JAS. H. & JOHN D PEAnODY i.y liat-o removed from 13th and Farn m ktrotta to room * 1 , 3 and 6 , Rtdiik'u block , 1507 Iniam -reet. _ _ 210 n22-lm U * Ono brown rraro colt it'rl'i fora- . two hlfa Jct whlto. iboii' rwn viarj o"d ' " ' Iff JAS. STEPHENS MA ( STER ' F PALMYSTEHY AND CONDI- TI NALIST , 198 Tenth street , K-twiun Knrnarn and Ha ney , Will , with he alii nf Liunllan sdrlto , obtiiln for anyone a glnncu hajioot and pri'hcnt , and on certain condition * < > fu. turn. Boots and Shoes made to order. ci ( ft sati-iartlnn trutrantreil. Absolutely Pure. Tbh i > owder never rarlea. A uitrve. purity , Btrength and wholenoaienees wore economical than the ordinary klndr , and cannot be sold in competition with tbe multitude of low test , abort weight , alam or phoaybate powders. Sold only in cam ROTAS. BAKING FOWUCB Co , Wall Bt. , New Yorfc