THE DAILY BEE jiOWA rTHpSlDAy DECEMBER TbeQaily Bee , QOtWCIL BLUFFS. Thuraday Morning Dee 7 RATKSI l , i4tilM , - SO cent * per week , * j tfall . 110.00 per Tear , > mco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Hrovlwny. MINOR MENTIONS , J. Mueller's Palace Mwlo Hull. "The World" Is to be shown np t Do- hany' * this evening. Dished , glassware , lamps , etc. , at 803 Broadway. Howe & Son. -Old papers i or snlo at TUB BKB office at 25 centsperhnndrt d. Sub crib for newspapers and perlodl. eats at H. E. Seaman's book otoro. Katberlna Rogers Is to appear n Do- hany's ' on Lccemtor lltb , In Bait Lynns FntuUnrU of nil Write repaired by Howe A Bon , 303 Broadway -genl Baoqtiei , ( ar trimmings , very low , at Metcalf Bros. ' Lut oYcnlng' Council Bind * Ledge No , 40 Rave An enjoyaiil d L rgo. quantity of utoves nd ( urn ! * lure t 303 Broadway. Howe & Son , New lot ntoely decorated , M piece * , of to * iU , only 15 at Manrcr k Craig. Obri * We t won the only distinction yesterday of being the only drunk brought into court , bis tine being of regulation giro. Hand-painted ohlna , art pottery , solid silverware , bronzes , fto. , at Maurer & Kd Burke It the official chimney sweep of the city , and all orders entrusted to his care will bo promptly filled. Leave orders opposite tbo Ooy house , on Broadway. There was little chance yesterday to u o the imolced glass prepared for looking at Venus. She was too modest yesterday And kept shady. The Danish society "Danobo , " which now numbers 05 member * , is to glv * its first annual dance at'Bloom & Nixon's hall on the evening of December 0 , Olkor'a band is to furnish the music. The Knedan who was found latelyi wandering about with hands And feet frozen hw beeu no well cared for nt the county farm that ho is about recovered. Ho will loio only one finger. Jnitico Abbott ban probably the oldest steel portrait of Qoorgo Washington In the west. It Is tn n volume of the Amer ican Ilevlew , published in 1790. Ho also has an Italian plctnro about 200 years old. Smokers and lovers of the weed will find at Templeton & Limb's , No. 232 Broadway , one of the best stocks of cigars and tobaccos in the city , and many novel- tied in that line for the holiday trade. Ii the district court yesterday there was little done of public interest. A few dl- voroo cases were disposed of , and motions entertained and defaults entered ; end court adjourned early In the afternoon. These who have food or clothing for the poor , which they wantdistrlbuted-un der the supervision if Rev. Mr. Lomen , should leave the simo at the Baptlit church , on any wtek day between 10 o'clock a. m , and 12 o'clock. Business cam * to a brief iitanditlll In the grand Jury room yesterday on account of the clerk being taken suddenly with an attach of enlargement of the corns and a hr.nkago of the leather In a new pair of boots. A bailiff was sent post-hatte after pair of old foot coverings , an I builness was resumed. Ed Stockert & 03 , , the upholsterers at 809 West Broadway , have In stock n spe cial and unusually elegant showing of up holstered ffoodi and novelties especially adapted for the holiday trado. They hiwe also a One display of picture frames , mould- Inns , etc. , and those who are planning for gifts ihould surely visit thin establishment , as tlicro Is certainly n great variety of rich goudx tor elect from. The case of L , II. Mitchell vs. D. McGlnnls and B , Marks promises to como to a head next Monday. McQinnis dill holds the fort , armed to tbo teeth , and pro poses to keep pojsosiion of the Rambling room.- * , while legal notice is nerved for him to give pDisowIon ot the rooms next Mon day. William Jones , of Avoci , ws dls- chur ert from jail yesterday afternoon , having served bis time , coralstlng of the whnlopfoue day , for petit larceny , It nenuis a good deal of a farce for n justice at Avuca to send an officer with a mm from Avoca hero , and put tbo county to w > much expense for a twenty-four hour/ s sentence. * It appears from tin city records that Pat Lv > y was not appointed ono of the oauitolttee to InvtBtlguto tbo q estlon of ' paying In eastern cltle , The resolution was "That the mayor , Aldermen Klclier and Newell be Appointed n special com- mitten fo vlilt ehutarn cities and Invest- ! , gat tbf Blfferentklndi * of pxvementa ( In n ocoati > J same and report to the council.1 ' The Catholic uchuols of the city are meettaf ; with Increasing suocesi , At 8t' . Fraud * aoidemy , for girl , there are be.- twein ulnoty and a hundred muilo scholar - ar and about fifty In drawing and paint ing. There are now forty-Qve boarders at tha fohool aud one hunlrod nnd fifty day scholars. The building Improvement late ly rnftde In the academy not only add * to the architectural appearance of the build. Ing but also affords much better conven iences and more room , Col. Keatly makes a complaint that the city auditor reports only the amount of bills allowed , and warrants Issued , and In- sltti on having him giye a showing of the amount In the treasury , the amount of 11- came * and fines , etc. In juutloo to Auditor Burke , it should be known , and is pretty well known by this time , that bills and warrants Is all he U called upon to report. The city treasurer reports on the amounts ot tnouf y on band , andthe city clerk reports - ports the amount received by him from fines and licenses , All the report * have been made public ; and the facts and figure * must be drawn from all three source * In order to get a omp'eteideaof the financial , condition ot the city. ' Nervouiness , peevishness and fret- tioi ? , so often connected dth over- tforUtd fumalo ' HvM , u rapidly re lieved by Brown' * Iron Bitten. FKOVID1NQ IOR THfi POOH. Some of the Eftorta Doln * Put Forth by the CborUBbiy Inclined. The sudden coming of cold blmls should caueo those who are warmly clad and who are blcwod with com fortable homoa to remember the many who are less fortunate , and who are in ncod , not merely of comfort bnt of necessaries. There are several prac tical plans already in operation , eaido from what the county in doing in a formal way from fundi raised by tax ation. There are aomo wants which the county officials do not fool war ranted in meeting , and there Is abundant opportunity now presented for these who nro warm-hearted and openhanded not only to bestow charity , but to of fer help to rodor dopoudonto inde pendent , and by rendering them torn porary asaiatanoo to make them self- supporting. There are a number of ladies who have taken aomo practical stops io help aomo ol the needy and to make thorn self-helpful , by gathering to gether the children oncoa week for In- truotion in sowing , manners nnd va rious kinds of practical work , and by furnishing material and superintend ing their work are helping thorn to clothe themselves comfortable. On Thanksgiving day they wore- furnished adinner together , there being about forty in all. This work is reaching out in various directions. A great many are contributing arti cles of clothing and food to bo distrib uted by Rev. 8. G. L rnon , who is1 thoroughly posted in regard to thd wants and conditions of a number of families. Yesterday ho found ono family , a widow with five children , who were sorely in need of a atovo , they having a pile of old iron which they called a atovo , but which gave forth no heat but much amoko. The family were really suffering , and Mr. Lamon seeing that there was a necessi ty , provided ono. Such expenditures require money , and these who have to spare should gladly keep him ( supplied for such purposes. There is another family , a widow with two children , aged eight years and three years respectively. Iho husband and father before bin death leased a lot and built him a houoo. By overwork in trying to get his little homo paid for , ho was taken sick and died. The houao is paid for , but the lease of the lot is up , nnd there , is danger of their losing their little homo. It is proposed to raise enough money ( probably $100 will ba re quired ) to purchase tbo lot , so that the family may have their little homo secured. Thia would render the fam ily self-supporting , as the mother by her industrious and economical habits could raanago to keep the fam ily trom Buffering , and the children , both boys , will soon bo nblo to help her. Such a move will plaoo them in Bach independent circumstances that there will bo a good prospect for the boys to arow up to bo valuable mem bers of society and financially It would bo a taving to the community rather than to bo compelled to help them nloni ? by tld-blls. The ladies of the city should remember - member that thpro is to bo a mooting this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the chapel of the Baptist church to son for the poor. The sowing ma- ohino agents of the city have igreod to furnish machines for the jo of the ladies , who should not bo otorrod from attending on account of nolomont weather , for they ought uroly to bo willing to subject thorn- elves to the slight discomfort of a ; rp ! from a comfortable homo to a lomfortable chapel for the sake of hose who know no such comforts. Bushnoll & Braokott are opening ut the finest stock of novelties that an be imagined. "A thing of beauty is a joy for- cr. " There are ton thousand joys or sale hero and any ono that cannot nd holiday presents in the imraonso arioty ot beautiful things hero pro- ontod will certainly bo very hard to 'leasts. ' At Pnoonlx Hall. Wagner & Meyer have hero the lolobrated Annhouaor Buaoh , St. Louis oor , on tr doc5 3t A Now npnpor Editor- O. M. Holcom , of Bloomvlllo , Ohio , ritoa ; o explain : "Had that terrible diBcaro intsrra , fur twenty years ; couldn't taste or moll , and hearing was falling , Thomas' Kolectrlo Oil cured ma. Thou- * are facts voluntarily given iigalmt a former preju dice of patent medicine , " The Exoelnlor Photograph gallery , J. I1' . Bucko proprietor , is excelsior in 'not ' as well as in name. Mr. Burke uses only the instantaneous dry plato prao'.BB. This is the latest thing in > hotography ; it is a very superior pro cess and captures the ribbands ut the airs as Mr , Burke can show. No other process gives such beautiful lights nnd shades. No other process takes the babies while laughing nnd squinting. No other process takes the horse while trotting a2:20 : gait. Now Is the tlino for your holiday pho tos. Avoid the rush and go nt once for your pictures. PERSONAU , Thom d 8. Wright , of Dfs Molnes , is at the Ogden. ) ' / W. W. Dodd , of Liberty , Ind. , arrived at the Ogdeu yesterday. John Ilowen , of Den Molnes , was in tbo Uy yesterday looking nfter the paper trade with an eagle eye to business. 8. Wlnther , of Keola , a railroad wan aud a conitant reader ot Tnu BKK I * In the city on business before the grand jury. 0. B. Stone , ono of the lightning opera tors of Omaha and who has many olll friends here , il In the city , called hither by the marriage of H ulster last evening. The Missouri Valley Times takes ad. vantage of a visit of Mayor Bowman , of Council Bluffs , to that town to pay him a handsome compliment became of his splen did management of the recent congreoslon- al campaign In this district , Anything said in praise of Tout Bowman is not wasted , for he de ervas all the good words that may be spoken of htm. As a com mittee chairman be j active and indetatl- g4de } , M an otfioer he ( s entrgetlo and jO , as a man of business he is palni.tak- ioz and honorable , an'd M a. .cltUen he is urn10 zwx jJX fair and liberal. If the world was made up of men like Tom Bowman it would be a veritable paradlie. Olenwood Journal Hughes A Towslecs' oyster depot is a trade center for holiday supplies , confectionery in endless variety , nuts of all kinds. Cigars of the cholcctt brands sold on narrow margalns All kinds of crackers nnd oinned goods , in short all the delicacies of the season can bo obtained of this young and intelligent firm. There WM a large attendance at the chapel of the Baptist church Tuesday evening to organize an elocutionary clats under Ilev. Mr. Lumen's Infraction. A committee was appointed to protidemusio lor the next meeting , which will be bn Monday evening of next week , on account of a church meeting Tuetday evening. The purpose Is to meet regularly everj Tuesday evening and to afford instruction as well as entertainment to all who may desire to participate , and especially the youn ? folk , A rehearsal for the musical portion Is to beheld . held at Miss SmithV , corner of Seventh and Mynster streets , this afternoon , MERRILY MATED- A Ban Francisco Gentleman Wlnn One of Council Bluffr'Daughter. There was'morry a woddlngpartylnat Dvontng at Iho residence ) of Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Stone , the bride being their only daughter , Miss KatoStone , ind the happy bridegroom being Mr. \ . F. Meighs , of San Francisco. Tho' loromony was performed by Rev. P. . F. Broioe , and in the presence of A nmpany of friends , who were as hon- jst CM they were hearty in their pre ferring of well wishes and congratula tions , The hospitality duo such an jcoasion was not lacking , and the iffiir throughout was an exceedingly liappy ono. Mr. Mcigs is traveling mlcsmau for a largo San Francitco jobbing houfio and is a young man TO i thy of so fair a prize. She whom bo has thus won has many friends lioro , having lived hero &lnco girlhood. She was among the first graduates of the high aohool hero and has since khen taught in the public schools of this . city with much success. Mr. and Mra. Meigs started last evening for 3t. Joseph , and will visit Kansas City , 3t. Louis , then Chicago , and from there will start for their homo on the Pacific coast. Tboy will bo accom panied by the kindly wishes aud re membrances of many. Notice to the Pub.lo. I hereby give public notice forbid- ling anyone from selling any intoxi cating drinks to my husband , Richard Qrlmmolmann , and that I will prose- outo nnvono Boiling to him , Mns ADELINE GHIMMELMANN. Grandy & Oo.'s corner drug store is ono ot the loading places for Christ- oiaa goods. The toilet sots in their cases are simply superb , and there is an air about the entire store that is suggestive ivo of the near approach of Santa Olaus. In the cigar line they propose to soil at least as good an article as any in the market , and at the same time satisfy customers by reasonable prices. WINNEUUCOA'S WIFE- Details of the Ceremony of Stoning Her to Death , as Given by an Eye Wltnesi. Keno Gazette. The facts concerning the disappear ance of VVlnnemncca'a wife have now come to light , and are related by a half-breed called Grizzly John , who is fully acquainted with the circum stances ot her death. Ho was an eye \vltncBs of the horrible scene , which ho described to a Gazette reporter in pataablo English. Immediately after the affair ho went north on a deer hunt , from which ho returned yester day.Tho The evening before old Winnomno- ca died about 100 Indians took tbo tquaw to a largo spring , where she had been ordered to bathe. Other squaws stripped her and washed her rotn hpad to foot , and then sprinkled icr with ' fine ashos. Then they tartod for a range of hills a few miles from Coppersmith Station , 'lading the iquaw , naked and bare- oot. Upon arriving at a chosen spot hey lit a circle of fires , which lighted p a spsca of ground about ono hun- rod foot in diameter. In the center f this was a stump eight or ten uches high , to which the trembling quAw was securely bound by ono foot ivith a rawhldo strap. She still hold lor cuiid , a bright little papooeo .bout two years old , When she had been secured each buck sought for a ! t > rtnin number of stones about the izo of iv nmn's fist , and laid them in a ilo within the olrolo of fires. When nil was ready for the sacrifice .ho Indians joined hands and began A monotonous chant , which lasted for a few minutes , when ono of them stopped into the ring aud began an harangue , As ho continued to speak the poor , agonized iqnaw gave vent ti piercing shrieks , crouching upon th grout'd and pressing tier babe to her breast. This lasted for aorno minutes , Then at a signal there was' alienee except copt the wailn of the Intended victim Suddenly the speaker sprang toward her and graxpod tlui child , She etrug gled frantically but uuavailiugly to retain tain it , and was compelled by force t lot it to. ( The fiend hnmediatol. strung the infant around his head holding it by the auklo , howling lik a demon , and being echoed by th red duvils about him ; but tha tquaiv did not raise her head nor omit a slnglo sound. Suddenly ho dashed the child upon n rock and killed It in stantly. Thou ho resumed his plaoo in the circle , which swung around again , chanting as before , till the ono who killed the baby came opposite the pile of stones he had collected , when the movement stopped. Stepping forward ho picked up a stone , and go ing to within ten feet of the crouchIng - Ing victim ho hurled it at her with all the strength possessed by his brawny rod arm. The missile struck her on the side , and was answered by a shriek of anguish. Ho returned to his place , and the circle revolved again until an other Indian was entitled to a murder ous fling. The wretched creature at the sUko w s crouching in aoeh an attitude that only her side and back were exposed , It was forbidden to hit her upon the head , and the second stvago , choosing the most available target , launched a ; txk at her with the projectile force of a catapult , striking tier botwonn the shoulders , and cutting a fearfnl gash , from which the blood flowed down her back in n small rivulet. lie then re tired to his place , and the circle moved on as boforo. Thus they continued their murderous pistlmo until the poor , pitiful object lay prone upon the ground , a bleeding , sense less mass of mangled flesh. As she Uy upon her back , the navagowho had harangued the band at first , raised n largo rook over hit head with both hands nnd Inflicted the coup do grace by smashing her skull. Then there was pandemonium for a few minutes , after which they dispersed and collect ed wood for a pile , upon which the remains of the luckless tquavr and her babe was burned. A few were loft to keep up the sacrificial fire , while the others returned to old Winnomncca to comfort his dying moments with the assurance that his yourfj ? squaw had prcoeodcd him to the Indian's happy land , Forming In Norway. A correspondent of a London pa per writes : Of the 123,000 square miles which Norway contains , only 3,500 are pastnrago and only 080 are under the plow. The consequence is that not only corn , but also butter and moat have to bo imported in largo quantities. From what has'been said it will bo inferred that the conn- try ta more pastoral than aprionUural Tot one see very few dattlo when passing through the country in sum mer , , The reason is that at that sea son , aa In Switzerland , the peasantry drlvo their cattle up the mountlans , and themselves Hvo in "saetors" or picturesque huts of solid timborv Much of the agriculture in Norway ii of the most primitive character , small wooden plows , hold by boyn and drawn by men , being still commonly used in many parts of the country. The principal crops grown are oats , barley , rye and potatoes. Flax and hemp are also successfully grown in southern parts. The chief grain re gion is the valley of Lake Mjoson , whore the growing of wheat has somo- timou been attempted , bnt not with marked success. The hay crop , though by no means heavy , is widely diffused , and it is gleaned in what would gen erally bo deemed impossible places on narrow lodges a thousand feet above the eoa and in deep valleys where thpro is very little sunshine. The hay is dried in a peculiar fashion. It is not spread over the field , but ia hung out a in uomo parts of Switzer land , on fences or hurdles. Rows of posts are sot np in the fields , and om these lines of cord or ire are stretched at a din- nnco cf ono foot or ghtoon inches from ono another. ! n these lines the hay is hung , and it emalns there in wet weather as In ry. in wet weatbor the moisture drips to the ground. In fine weather ho sun beats on the outer layers and ho wind passes through the interior , ind whatever the state of the weather he hay Is loft there till it is ready to > o housed. The hay ia transported rom the upland regions by a novel ontrivanca known as the "hay tele- raph. " A rope or wire , sometimes no thousand foot in length , slopes own from the top of a precipice to the bottom of the valley. A bundle > f hay ia suspended from a ring ihrough which the rope or wire passes , , nd is shot down to the bottom with ightning speed. Bundles of brush' ' wood and fire-wood are sent down 'rom the higher ground in the same way. The scythe generally nsod in mowing the bay is much smaller than ; hat in nao in England. In the Valdres route , however , near Odnaer , " noticed some attempts at what would 10 called Eoiontifio farming. In ono field a mowing machine was at work , .nd . in another the hay had bzen iprend out la tno English fashion and was being turned over by a revolving rake drawn by a horao. Both machines were evidently of recent importation , nd attracted the attention of the natives much more than that of the oreignora. Whatever may be said of ho Norwegians , it can not bnt bo ad mitted that they are most ingenious 'n devising contrivances which at once iavo their labor and take full advan tage of the peculiar conformation of heir country. Their timber-shoots re another inatotco of their laborious ingenuity. They make wood-ways or ilidcs which extend over hundreds cf eot from the tops of the hills to the leaahoro. Millions Given Away. MilHonH of Bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Couuumptlon , Coughs and Colds , have been given nway an Trial Bottles of the 'urge ' size. This enormous mtlay would bo disastrous to tlui pro prietors , were it not for the rare/ merits . ) OB eeod by this wonderful medicine. Call at O. F. Uoodman'M Drug Store , pud get a Trial Bottle / , and try for yoursolf. never fails to cure. S. E. no " Offlca oror sarln bank. .OODNOIb BLUFFS , Iowa. STEAM LAUNDRY. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON f ANDERSON Proprietors. This laundiy has Just been opened tor boil- neei , and we ar now prepared to do laindrr mirk of all kinds and guarantee satisfaction. A epocUlty made of fine work , such as collars , cuff * , flno thlrU , f to. We want ever/body to 1-Ue u.1 a trial. , , LARSON & ANDERSON . oxio. UANUKACTUHEU OP Silver Plated WINDOW SASH I Door FlatM Eagrawd to Order- No. 003 N. Till St. . St. Loul * . Mo. GOLD ROPE. The Intrlnrto merit and superior quality of out Gold Hope Tobacco has Induced OWM1 mannfae * turers to put upon the market roods similar to our brand in oama and style which ar * offered and told fo leumocey than th * genuine Gold Rope. Wo caution the t'ad * and consumer to tec that our name and trade mark are upon each lump. Th * only genuine and original Gold Rope Tobacco 1s manufactured by THE WILSON & McNALLY TO BAOOO COMPANY. COUNCIL BLUFF * SPECIAL NOTICES , NOT10E.-Speclal AdrertUcment * , sue Lost , Found , To Loan , For B lo , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will ba Inserted IK this column at the ow rata of TEN CENTS I-KB tlNK for tha Crst Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent Insertion. Leave adv eitlMmsnt * al oar office , No. 7 Pearl Street , ncr Broadway. Wants. WANTED A flrnt-c'aii * cabinetmaker Ap- p y t W W. Chapman's , 107 south Main Itrett , council IllufTi , Ia , WANTED A ( food Citton or Golden hand PIMI In KOO ! condition ( second hand. ) 0. 0. Fitch , WANTED. llroom-mnlicr ; a No. 1 broom tier wanted Immediately. Apply or call on Copxon llroom Co. , Mahern , la. \T7-ANTED-A situation an baokkceper or Vy siltnmin. llctt of ntorcncc * . .Addrcaa R. , WANTEB- buildings to mo\ . We male , aspedtltyof mot I g housca and sate l AddrfMW. P , Ajlcsvtortn , boi 879 , ConncU Pliitli , Ia. WANTED Ertrybody In Council DlnOs Io to take Tni IJii , SO cents per week , do llrered by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Street near Broadway. For Sale and Rent "nun RENT OR SALt-Ton acrts ol Und , JC Rood home , one ruotd and kitchen black smith ( hop , stable room for ilx horns , good well , good cellar and one hnndrel and twenty bairng fiult trees. Near Pony creek , abiut flte miles of Council Bluffs. Enquire on ihe prtmljesof A. Miller or addresi him at Council Hlufl * FOR HALB-Tho Western Home , No. 308 Up per llroadway ; or will tnulc for Improied city or farm property ; or will sell furniture and rent building ; lianon , 111 health. Address J. B. 0. McCAUisTKR , BOS Upper Broadway , Council Blnffa , JOB a. EOK SALE-Agood A No. 1 soft coal burner heitlng ito\e , at r. H. L rln > , 003 Broad- wav. OLD BKKS-In packages of a hundred * t2Cc a pacia.o at Tne Bun onio , No. 7 Pearl street. u FOtt SALE A lumbar and coat yard , doing a goal ImslncM la a now town , oj the Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad. MOIl HENT My new two-story brick store D building , on South Main street. PETEIt WEIS. EOU SALE Hy tnohc-ocre fruit farm , on South Flr.tsirett. PETER WEIS L10U BALE Beautiful residence tots , too JO each ; nothing down , and $3pcrironth only , by EX-MAYOHVAUaUAN. aplS-tl Miscellaneous. T-vKSIC ROOM In a central onke on first floor \J In cxchtnpe for asulstnnca on accounts nnd collections. Address , A. B. C. , BKE office , Council Bluffs. d7-tf QTlLb AHEAD Great success. Call and sco O new accessories and specimens of pictures Ukenbv the reliable gelatine bromide process , at the Excelsior Gallery 10,1 Main street. . W. L. PATTON Physician and Oculist. DR. Can cure any case of sore eycii. It la only a matter of time , and can cure generally in from thrco to flvo weeks It makes nr difference - once how long diseased. Will straighten cross eyes , operate and remore Ptyrezlnme , etc. , and insert artificial eyes. Special attention to ro- roovnlng tadevtorms ap5-tf SETSTDEl AND Dr , MeagheiMzOoiilist ; , Aurist , AND SPECIALIST. In Chronic dlfeaets , cffcrj hU services to all sf dieted with dlitasea cf th t Eye , Ear , cr Chronic dl'easos of any clnnctcr. Warrants a cure lu u 1 nbtuma'.lc Can bo consulted liy mail or In DOMOD at the ilitropollUn hotel , Council Bluffi , Iowa Sullivan & Fitzgerald , DEALERa IN GROCERIES. PROVISIONS , Crockery , Glassware , BOOTS , SHOES , ETC Also agent * far the following line * of Steamship Companies : Canard , Anchor , Onion. American , aud BtaW Steamship Companies. X > XL . & . X * U ? S For sale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Dank of Ireland , Dublin. ' Those wt o intend to send foi friends to any put of Europe will find II to tholj ntereet to call on SuUivan & Fitzgerald , AGENTS , 843 "Broadway. Oopnoil Blnffa PETHYBRIDGE & NEUNAS , KROPRIETORS BROlDf AT MARKET DEALERS IN Fresh and Salt Meats , Poultry and Game la their season. Wiener and other Sausages a specialty. No. 321 BROADWAY. EUROPEAN HOTEL , The most centrally located hotel in the dty Rooms 75c , jl.OO , gl.&Oand { 2.00 per day. First Cliaj lloataurant connected with the hotel. .HTJHST. - - Corner Fourth and Locust Btrutta. M OUEJR A ORAlGr , ARTISTIC POTTERY HIob Oat , Fine Frono Silver Wore &C. . r > < o BUUDWIT nouNOii , SIN TOW & WJSfciT. DENTISTS , 14 Pearl Street , Ooulioil Bluffs. Extracting and fllllDf a specialty. Flrst-clarj irork uiranteod. > EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 45Broadway | , Council Bluffs MAIN STREET LIVERY , FEED AND- SALE STABLE , All Shippers and Travoloru will n good accommodation and reasonabl charge * , SOUTH S TREET OPPOSITE OHYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - Iowa HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprletora. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. Garnet , U connection with his law and ieU > c41oabndnesbuy ( and tells i U nUU. renoBS wishing to boy M f ll city propert ) call ithls office , o * t Bu/Unell-i book Her , PSM ! HARKHESS , ORGUTT & CO. , DRY GOODS AMD CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , and Fourth Street. Council Bluffs , Iowa mar-S-Sm J. MUELLER'S Headquarters For the Cele brated Weber Pianos , TT Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail. Address , I o d. MUELLER , G COUNCIL BLUFFS , F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2,00 JEB : DC SS'SBLTEL Bluff and flow greets , Coecil Bluffs. B. HAGG & OO. XX3T GEISE' BOTTLED BEER , MADE FROM THE ARTESIAN WELL WATER. ALSO AQENIS FOR THE Ordora filled In any part cf the city. Orders by telephone ffeqmptly attended to. JOSEPH EEITER , MERCHANT TAILOR , MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LA.TEST STYLES , At the Lowest ; Possible ) Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. Thai never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Hair Store , at prices never befero touched br ny other half dealer. Abe a full line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold , lUver and colored nets. Waves made from ladies' own hair. Da not fall to call before purchasing ilMwhere. 'All goods wairanled aa represented. MRS. J. J. GOOD , S3 Main street. Council Dlufla , Iowa. MORGAN , KELLER & oo , The finest quality ancl largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metallo cases. 'alls ' attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan baa served aa undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understand * his business. WAKEUOOMS , 846 AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholstering ID all its branches promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequin * , Telegraphic - graphic and mail orders filled without delay. _ CONRAD GEISE'S BREWERY & MALT Council Bluffs , - Iowa. Beer and malt In any quantltyto | suit purchasers. IJecr $8.00 per barrel. Private families sup- illod wltli email Itega at 31.CO each , delHored treoof charge to any part of the city. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlltz Brewing Company's Celebrated No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffa , Iowa. Orders from the country oliclted litv orders to fainillea nod donlers dellverf d free. _ A. DEEBH , W. RUNTAN , W. BEEBK O. A , BEEBE & CO. , Wholesile an J Ketall Dealers in FURNITURE AND CROCKERY Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Blufis. JACOB APPEL , OIE ! NO. 629 S Main Street. Council BluflV . ' Our consUntly IncreulnB trade U sull'dcnt proof ol our square dealing and utteotlcn to o a omers. Oocdbutter alwajon Land. Prompt dellicrycf joods. MRS. J. E. IV1ETCALF , Mllllnory , DresamaUlnp ; , Etc. Cuttmer and Pitting a Spedlalty. No. (43 Vroadwar , Oppotlte Rerere House , Laces. Embroideries , aud Ladies Underwear. Handkerchiefs , hose of all Hindi , thread , plnr. needles , eto. We hope the ladles will call and eoe our stock of roods. roods.IRIOIE ! , Merchant Tailor. ( Late Cutter for Metcalf U . , ) DeVol's New Building , Main Street. Council Bluffs , la , Bulls to order 818 and upwards , J , F. KIMBALL. GEO. H. CHAMP , KIMBALL & CHAMP , ( Successors to J , P. & 1. N. CaiMd ? . ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. W * hare He only complete wi of abitracl books to all city loti and laodi In PotUwitUml county. Titles examined and abttracU tvurUhed on abort ooUtw. Uoo y to loan CD city and lara property , ihort uid looft time , In munf to suit I hi borrowtr , Kesl e t . bought and * old alj old Unl oppoetMcout bonii >