THE D TLY BEE Q3MLAHA THUBSPAY , DECEMBER 7 -Vr Know That BROWK'S will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insurca hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility , and gives a new lease of life Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant .sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and ncrvcscnrichcsthcblood. Overcomes wcaji ness , wakefulness - fulness , and Jjick of energy Keeps off all chills , fevers , and other malarial poison. Will infuse ivith new life the weakest invalid. . 37 Walker St. , Ibltlmore. Dec. 1881. For lx yean I hive been a creat sufferer from Illoocl Ulteate , ) ) > pepsh.a&lConulpatlon.andbecame co debilitated that I coul J rot retain nnythlnsr on my lom ch , In fact , life hall almcnt become n turilen. Xliullj'j when liopo had almost left met my huit.iml teelnz HROIVN'S IRON' IlirrnRt Oiltcrtiied In the p aper , Induced mo to give It a trial. , 1 am nowtallnR the third bottle' and have not felt o well In lU yean as I do at the present time/ Jin. L. F. ( BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will have a bettor tonic IJ'p upon anyonc * who needs " bracing up , " than any medicine made. ! T IJ' ' Every Corset ( a warranted satis factory to Ito wearer lu every way , or tbo money -will bo refunded by tlio person from whom it wna bought. InoonlyOorsHpronounced by our Icndlnjr phyplcinnf uol Injurious to tbo wcnrrr , nnil endorsed uy Udlca i the "moitcomfonitlo ana tHrfoct flttlne Convt crer tuada. " PlUCr.S , 1)7 Mnll , Poufnao PnMl lOwlth Preserving , 01.00. Pdr.AOJ.i.llne , Ol.CO Abdominal ( extralicnry ) 2.00. Nurelna , II.BO Health 1'rc.ervlntr ( Onn rontll ) * 8.0U. I'urn/con BLIrt-Kupporllnit , VI.DO. Oortalo l < jr Icodlnu Itetutl DruVrn oerjwhcrc. C11ICAGO COltSliX CO. , Cblcauo , IU. ulloodftjoiv y Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NEII. Capital Stook , - - $100,000. JAH.Il. HKAimvr.1,1 , . I'rosldont. A. 1. , ChAHKK , Vlto I'rciilUcnt. K. O. WhlijiTUU , Tfmurer Haum&l Alexander , Oswald Ollv r , A. L. O'arkc ' , K.O. Wobutur , Ooo. II. 1'ratt , Jos. 11. Hcartwell , , . D. lI.MoKlIllnnoy. rirsfMcrtgago Loans a Specialty Tlili Comp&ny ( urnt licn n permanent , homo Inttltutlon nhcro iJihool Ilouds anil otlicr IcRally UiuulMunUliial Kccurl Ics of Ncbnuku can bo be negotiated .0:1 the nio t favorable t rm . Loan made on linproit-l farina 11 Ml tl' scttlctl countlco of the mate , tlarounh ixviiomilblo local oorrraponilentt. 100,000 vf TIMKEN-SPRINCVEHICLI-S NOW USE. l ) tor etiy tldlnir. They nra lor aalo by all Loadlnjj Car Ugo Builders and Dealer * throughout ' he country , SPBtNGS GEAR8 & BODIES For c l b Henry Tirnken , Fattiitc * anl Bull Jerol Flue Cirilwtti , et-XT 3C.OJXTXI3 , - - 3KCO. [ Mm Bt * ua IIOBK acojjir 1'fc.aldenl vice lru'l. W , S , Dxcuci , BUG. aod Treat. 00 Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn ! ' < > . urn , Hrrrowa.Farm Rollers Bulky v Rakou , fluottet hUevatlDff Wlndtni , tea. We ue pi red to do lob work aod raanolM or leg lor otLvj portlt * . jL4diM4al or Jen MK9EKUU MANDFAOTUEUJQ 00 ' tlocolo. tit ' _ "BLACK-DHAUGHT" curttt \ THE RISE ONBEE r-- -v Tne Omfthft Brewers rvnd Thei Patrona. To the Koltor of Tin niu. The recent adrAnco in the price o beer forced upon us through clrcum aUnooa oror which wo have no contra has caused BO much commotion am agitation among a certain portion o our patrons that I feel compelled t go before the public with a candid am truthful explanation. Giving to th steady riao in the price ot hops durln , ho pait four months and their ecnrci , y nnd conaequont probable rieo dur eg the coming year the ooit of manu 'acturing beer hna been materially in creased nn compared with the coat o prcvioua years. The folio wing exhibit thowa the dif > eronco which our firm , Molz Bros' . Growing Oompsny , has baencompollod o piy durlnir the present ocason as compared'with the past : EXHIBIT. nors HEOKIVED ix 1882. September 10 , D. Wilbur it Son , vo bnloB , 807 poundi , at G5 cents , ! 583 OCj October G , A. Magnus , five ) aloR , 009 pound * , nt 70 conta , 8030 C5 ; October 13. W. W , Watkine , wcnty linlcfl , 3,887 pounds , at 70 cuts , $2,741,33 ; Odtohor 17 , 8 , Ram- ey , two bales 4U8 poundp , nt70centa , 28500 ; November 14 , W.V. . Wat- ciiiD , twenty bales , 3,800 pounds , at 51.10 , S4.280.00 ; November 1C , W. V. Wntklns , twenty bale ? , 3,705 onnds , nt $110 , 84,141.50. Total , 3,7G5 pounds. Amount , $12,078.03. Thin shown that up to this date wo lave purchased 13,705 , pounds , mounting to $12,078 03. Estimating : io consumption for the coming oca- on at fifty per cent more , wo shall dd ht the present rate of $1.10 per > ound , $15,141,50 , to the outlay for tops , which will aggregate a total of 27,810.53. Now the avorngo price f hops in 1881 was 20 conta per > ound. Oomputiug the amount Iroady purchased nnd the estimate or Iho year at the same figures , ho _ amount would bs $7,157.80 , naking au increased outlay or. hops nloog this year $20.001 73. llowfiig ilint our Balea during the omlng yonr'wiil bo the earno oa last rcar , 13,000 barrelo , nnd estimating no dollar advance on each barrel , ho o mount added to our income would > o $13,000 , or n leas to in of over 7,000. It ia evident therefore that n iso of ono dollar on boor will still cave a detitet of over $7,000 in the atabliBhmont. The following extract from the 3ruwor'fl Journal ahowa the con- nmption and eupp'y of hops during ; ho two years , 881 ComumpUon in Kog- Ian I i. . . 381 , COO bales 681 Cotmniplioain America ISU.OoO I ales f > 09,000 bales AVAILABLE bUPl'I.Y. 882 Crop Kiigland ar.000 bales 882 Crop America 115,001) ) bales WHOLE HIHTI.Y ON HANI ) . Infilancl nud Atoorjcn 80,000 balcH iurilui from Germany 85,010 bales Total , lG5OlObul ! Shortage for 1882 2.4 000 bales Uiuiur thobo conditions what buai- neon outlook in there for the brewer vho lao ; not a suQioient umouut of capital to lay in a laryo stock of hop ] or thoontiru oaftoouzo that'ho can iupply hia pitrono without going into ) ankruptoy. And nwiv u few wor s concerning ho onterprioo of the Oinulm brewers luring the piat toil year ; ; IIOIT they mvo made every aaoniioo nnd have > erne uvcry discomfort to raiao the mcussary capital to conduct their 1)U3- nces , piyiuy for inturcnt on loans , in rdor that they might bo nble to com- > oto with the moot ostousivo estab- fshmunta iu the oast. What a saving jr thu retail dealers in Omaha uring the last four years' whcro they ; ava only been paying $8 per barrel , lulo the dealers in oilier eltioa lirough the Missouri vf.lloy have been ) aylng as high as from $0 to 810 for > cer imported from tlio castorn oitiea , jeoAUao their own broncra were tin- blu to supply them with the quality f bser that could compete with Mil. raukoo and St Louis , And who hna icon compelled during all this time to , nako c-xortions to check the aggrco- ion of fanaticswho _ arc endeavoring o force prohibition upon ucVcro Uiu > rowers of Omaha called upon o respond to nil these demands > r waa the broworj of Milwaukee and U , Louis , who orn now trjing to > roak up our business ? llow much would bo taken out of the circulating lodium of thu city if the greater lart of thu supply of beer la to bo mportcd from abroad instead of bo- ig purchased hejo. For instance ot- mate tlio total manufnoturo of beer n Omaha at 45,000 barrels during 10 comiui ; year , nboat one-half of which thould be imported , this would ako at least over $200,000 out of the iroulatiog medium of Omaha and ilaoo it in the hands of eastern oiipl- alista. This would bo a direct loss to imftha and Nebraska , now would ic1 farmers fare who are now elllng thousands upon thousand * of > irley directly to the Omaha brewers , nd who , if they were compelled to flip east , would realize so much less , wmit to the coat of freightage. What would become df dc/.nis of families whoso heads are employed in the Vlous breweries of this city and whew w now receiving butter wages for ubor than they could pcstibly earn in my eastern city ? WJiuro does the till : of the money go to that wo earn ? V/hure did the thousanda upon thous- auda of dollars go that wo have pent during the past ton years Li bnildinca , in improvements , ud machinery and the vast auiua \ wwo are constantly circulating hrgugh the laborers unit employes in our uatabliahmonU ? lias not this Jiuiwy gone into the haudB ot carpen ters , bricklayers , machinists , etoain- fittop , mechanics and laborota of ov- 'ry iprado , as well as merchants , and : ms not this been a large aouroo of iroep rity in our city. How much ire the brewers compelled to pay in ; ais.which go not only to the iiatiou al government , but to the city , CDUU. , y and state ? How much are wo caUed upon to contribute to bonevo- ent and charitable institutlona and blic nterprUea ? Have any of iblrked our duty in that direction ! When th * iuuei upon which tlio vital 'f our patrons are Involved come up who ia then that comes to the front of the battle and stands th brant of all the expenses ! And now a few words as to myself When I was honored with a scat ii your state aenate 12 years ago did I not represent my constituency faithfully , nnd particularly those who with mo are opposed to the _ fan atlcal encroachments of prohibition ista and from that day to this have J not at all times been ready to oxer all my personal Influence night am day in favor of every enterprise to help to build up your city end to help to further the interests of my patrons as well as my own ? And what have foreign manufacturers of boor done during this period ? They have amatsed immense fortunes in their own section nnd now want to establish n monopoly by ex * tending their t radio into Omaha nnc breaking up all competition , Do they furnish n bettor quality of boor than you can got in Omaha for the tame price ? Surely it is well estab- iihod they do not nnd nobody knows .his bolter than the consumers ol jeer. This imported beer , they Bay , a slops as compared with the pure and crystal beverage that wo brow out of the unadulterated hops nnd malt. malt.Wore Wore wo disposed to nso glucose and other foreign substances which nro used by eastern braworlca wo could undersell them. A blal horskito drum- nor of ono of these great firmu who las recently visited Omaha boasted hat the chief of hia concern had made n hop speculations nlono $250,000 possibly n little loss. ) This concern b only trying to destroy our traffic with the money that they made in hop ; ambling. Pcrhapa u part of this op gambling fund ia to bo used to rive out our local homo industry , nd ruin our business. Tlio small irofits which our Omaha browcra have > een compelled during thojpant years o Ilvo upon selling beer at $8.00 a larro' , ha loft them in no conditioner or sinking largo sums in suoh ruinous ompetition. In conclusion I appeal to our patrons ) weigh well nnd consider impartially 10 effbot of their coursn in thia matter , 'ho reason why wo have reluctantly aisod the price of boor upon you isbo- auso wo know that fie high license nd. ItUonosn of the season makes it urdonsomo. If hops hai only oublod in price wb should not have ono so , but they are no IT more than uadrupled. The business mon of Omaha are as ocply interested as wo pro in main lining homo miinufactorico and { hero * > y keeping largo auras of money in Irculation and in assisting In the per * nanont growth of our city. The working mon of Omaha must nccua- aiily sympathize with those working icoplo whom wo employ and to vhom wo can givo' employment n thu future ifto tiiu allowed to gem m without this foreign interference. Wo have achieved n triumph in the mat in bringing Onnhn to the front , i a point whom beer can be maun- acturcd Hint will in excellence com- ) oto with that imported oven from Europe nnd which already cnjoyn n national reputation , but we must live and wo want to live and lot livo. FUEDKRIOK METZ. AUXILIARY ASSOCIATION. Earnest Work by tut ) Ludy Frleuda of the Y. M. O. A. The lady frlcnda of the Y. M. 0. A. mot in the association parlors Tuos- ay afternoon nnd orgaiulzod for arnost work , The meeting was or- nnized with singing "To the Work , " nd Mrs W. D. Wrighter , Sr. , road a irt of the fifteenth chapter _ -John , ud Mrs J. E Gish led in prAyoh The committee appointed to draft uleu reported and the following was tlopled ns "llulea governing the Li- ics Auxiliary of the Young Men's Dhiistian association of Oinnhn , No- AltTIOLK 1. Name anil Object. Sro. 1. The name of this society [ inll bo The Ladies' Auxilliary of the roung Men's Christian Association of SEO. 2. The object shall bo to aid i work of the ntsooiation. JUITICLK 2 , Memltirx SKO , 1 , Thu members of thia so oty shall bo members of the Young Ion's Christian Association , having onfotmed to the constitution relating o auxillinry membership , which is as ollows : "Article 2 , section 7 Lidioa lay become auxilliary membora upon le payment of ono dollar , nnnually , r life auxiliary by the payment of ftcon dollgrj. " SEO. II , The of\ors ) \ nhall consist of president , vice president and score- ary. ary.HKO , in. It shall bo the duty of 10 president to presided at all moot- ugst and perform the duties usually ortaininK to Buoholl'uo , SEO , IV. The secretary shall keep a ocord of oil raootinga , a Hat of all nombors of the abxiliary and give no- co of all reaular and special moot- nga. nga.UEU. . Y , The oillcera shall ho elected nnually , on the first Tuesday in Oo- ober , SEO. VI. Vacancies occurring may o filled by special election. OUUEU 0V UUSINESH. 1 Reading of scripture nnd prayer. -Roll call. 3 Reports of regular committees. 4 Reports of special committees. 5 - Unfinished business. 0 New business , 7 Adjournment. After the adoption of the above , the olio wine' t fibers wera elected ; Mre.V. . D , Wrightor , Sr. , prosi. out. out.Mrs. . J , K , Qish , vioe president. Mrs. J. IS , Davidson , secretary , The following committees were ap pointed by the society : On decora- ion , Mra. J. F. Ilainaworth , Mra. J. 2 , Giah , Mra. T , H. Lonvitt ; on vis- tatiop , Mrs. G W. Kwtraan , Mrs. ) , II Dewey , Mrs. Gratton. Informally , the ladles spoke of the work before them , and discussed the matter of the reception , which hero oforo has been such a pleasant fea- uru of their work , Adjourned to moot on Tuesday af- ernoon next , at 2:30. : When you feel out of aorta , have ho blues , melancholy , etc. , It most ) * e Indigestion that alia you. Brown's iron Bitten cure * it , OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. COLORADO. Tha reform school at Golden has begun the manfaclure of brootni. At Silver Flame they have only fire hears of sunshine from 9 to 2. Theitreeti of 1/onemont are generally torn np by the work of laying water mains. .To . Smith and Jack McDonnell , Lead- villa brniserc , hare signed articled for n soft glove mill. WYOMING. A hotel tsbeing built nt Granger. The Almv coal miners are yielding about ITi carload * a day. The new Carbon county court house wil bo ready for occupancy by the now year. An extensive wool market will be opened nt Laramle In the spring by 8. II. Ken- nndy anH n. California wool capitalist named Leo. Messrs. FtihrMid Moctr.lcft Laramleon IheSSth forWanhlngton Territory where they will ( ret a betd of 20,000 sheep to graze nenr Laramle. On the ! 27th tilt , James Crowley , a Mo tion band at Liratnic , wa run over by a flat car , the wheels parsing over his body , which wan /rightfully / ciu he < l ; hut , strangely , the man was not killed and Is now apt to get around ns lively as over , MONTANA. Another dally paper is to be started at Bulte. "Whoop Up" coal coats $20 to 24 n ton at Ben ton. Another bank Is to be established at Miles Olty ioon. Abont 22,000 votes were cast In the ter ritory at the Into election. 1'lnns nro being rapidly per footed for shipping beef from Miles City to Chicago cagoThere There wnro 201 giloona at the eastern termtnui of the Northern PacIBc ia Mis- soul n county. Winter quarters of the Northern I'o- clfic will ho Bozemnn. The road will got thereby Christmas. . Lieut. Griffith ! . , a lain Wont Point grod- nato and a favorite at Tort Caster , lately mot a most terrible death. Out upon tele graph dnlr , ho had pent his mon ahead - * hen presently hia riderless l.orso joined .ho troop. The lieutenant was found dead and horribly mangled it being supposed that ho wai dragged a mile , when his head was literally kicked to pieces , NEW MEXIOO. Another hotel Is to bo built nt Socorro , The authorities at LM Vegas are closing up th dance hall * . Sonta Fo Is arranging tat a trl-centcn- nlal celebration next June. Ono cattle company In Colfax county pays taxes on 8500,000 worth of stock. A Mexican waa roontly lynched nt voma Porrta , nccu'od of murdering n sol dier of the Twenty-third infantry. His louse was burned nni his haystack do- troyed by the indignant toldiors. It < s now proved that the Mexican was not ; uilty , and the people of Lomn Porda are udlgnant at the haaty conduct of the sol- dleri. CALIFORNIA. The now Odd Fellows' halt at Gllroy will be formally opened on the 1st of Jan uary. uary.A A man 59 years old and who had never Been iv locomotlvn was at lied Bluff last vcck. Ho is a Vlrqinitn , und 1' ft hu naIve - Ivo fltato in 18 1C going tn Missouri , ? our yeaw Inter ho migrated to Oali- ornla nnd retired to the fastnesses of tbo VIodoo mountains , where he has filnce ived. About midnight on tbo 33th uU , , the ntorlorof the Golden Eaple etables in Sacramento wore discovered to bo In a ) Ia < u Q \ h Jicc' , including two stallions , Silver Olitfnnd Ensign , valued at 512,000. voro burned. AU tha wagorn and omni- JUSCH were also consumed. Loss estimated at ยง 35,000 , UTAH. The "olive oil" aold In Salt Lake nnd extensively mod by the Mormon church for anointing thU bretherea IB made from The Denver nnd Kio Grand railroad is tow five miles woat of Grand Junction. .i'rom the Utah side Uioy lay ono mils of .racl : per day. The Colorado section will 10 nt the Utah line on the IGth of Decora- ior next. The Ogden branch ia graced ; ivelvo milei frnm Salt Lakoi making the uad ready for tha rails now en route. OREGON. A hand of forty Piuto Indiana , who at hotiinoof the Bannock Indian war were xllad from Nevada and placed ns hostilcs an the Yukima reservation , have escaped. The Astoria city council pajsed an ordi- rnnoj on the 28th ult. , authorizing a con- ract with the Columbia Water company , X P. Thompson , proiideut , to constiuct 7ftter wrks to nupply tho-cl y with water rom pure mountain streams. The fran- hleo extends for fifteen years. The com- nny ia bound ta construct a reservoir 200 eclnhavo tide water , of the capacity of 2.0CO 000 galloDP , the main pipes tlx. and ho distribution pines four Incahs in tilatn- ter. Twenty hydrants are ti hoaupplled , rce for fire purpoaj , with siilliciant water o throw from tour hydrants through a ne-and-a-quartcr Inch nozzle at ono time , or eix hours continuously , with cuflicient ) reasuro to throw eighty foot nhovo the ovcl ; all puolio ImlldlDga nro to bo urnlalied free , The work ia to be com- ileted bofora the fint of August next. Die cRtiamted coat U ? 100OCO. MISCELLANEOUS. A survey has been ordered for the branch oad from some point on the Short Line to Joise , Idaho , Tbo Washington Territory Legislature bo coming seaUon will bo composed of six- ton republicans And twenty democrats. Tbo reports to the effect that the Plate ud Waslioe Indian trlbea In Nevada were t war with each other are premature , nnd row out of the fact that considerable feei ng has become manifest over the election f n aucceaanr to Chief Winnemucoa , re- ently d ceased. It is thought , however , hat a chief will be selected withunt tbo rlbes resorting to bloodihed It Is said that dissatisfaction still exist i it Ban Carloa , A. T. , and that the chiefs lave moro than once complained to Gen- ral Crook , threatening , If things are not arranged more eatlif aatorlly to them , to go o the mountains. After this threat had > een repeated to the General two or three Imes he suddenly exclaimed , "Well , then , go ; but remember what I have told you.1' Called to French , We feel called upon to prtuch u few go < - > ol facts facts that are worth knowing. We want tverybody to enjoy all that Is > o > slbla in this world. We want all those vho are suffering from rheutuatlem. neu ralgia and oil nchcB , sprains and pains to enow tht Thomas' Kolectrlo Oil U an nn- ailing and splendid cuo. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , DMA. . UA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best the market atlords. The traveling public claim they get bettor Bccoinniodatious Mid uioro ( , 'oneral satisfaction here ; hau at any other house In Ornahp , Rate , $2 per day. augSltfm Notice The "Hawthorn Centennial Ex celsior Hoof Paint , " was patented May 34th , 1881 , and ottera patent unm- i > or 211 , 803 , Any person found or known to tamper with the manu facture of aald paint will bo punished - od to the full extent of law , No per son has any authority whatever to sell receipts. ' BJLWTUOEM" & BBO. , Lancaster Pa BEMIS' NEW MAP OIE1 OMAHA OTJSO ? PLETED AND READY FOR DELIVERY Four Feet Wide BY Seven Feet Long , LA.RGE3T AND MOST COMPLETE MAP OF THE CITY EVER PUBLISHED. ! Compiled under direction of Au- ' drew Rosewuter , City Engineer , And Examined and Compared by George Smitli , County Surveyor , Thereby making it the OFFICIAL MAP * OF THE CITY. ) vor Six Mouths work upon it at u Coat of about $1,500. CONTAINS EVERY NEW ADDITION aid out up to this date. Also all public and private buildings of note photographed Iliereon. Shows all New R-nlway and Depot UrouiiQs , All property shown and described within half a railo south and west of city limits , and all within one milu north of north boundary of city , Fully Mounted , Colored , Varnished And Cloth Backs. PRICE $7 EACH. PUBLISHED BY Geo. P. Bemis Real Estate A.geiioy , I6tb adooa i < is Streets. . of .Pr tar < i Iron , ' < of 1'crwi/m Hark and .rA0 j > horuta a painlablo form , JBVr JttbUtly. Zo * of wfpp - M , rrogtrmtlon of Vital ! V.A.I.HOBB3 Writes : /nilDIIlt7O' BBV. J. I. . XOWNEB , After thorough trial of the / rUrflrlCid/ ix / JBON'TONIO , ' ! take pleasure rne S InduBtry ftJSfo eulW ? ylBLD D1J > most cclleni rroi use. Ministers and /JLMU LI UAft the debilitated vital'forces. llo Speakers will find It of the Rreatest value where n Tonio is nocco- Bary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial nprent , posseeslnfr un- doubtoa nutritive and rcstorntlvo . Lmtrnllt , Ky. proportlos. , Oct. 2 , 1S8Z , RrrASEDB77HflDR.HARTER , MEDICINE CO. , S13W.ltAM CT..CT.MOTO. WHOLESALE Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. { QB&\ > utfseun" > I OBERFELDER & CO. > 2I3 Farnam St. . Single Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from 35 to S10- Double Breech Loading Shot Duns. 318 from.-to 876 , Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , from P to $25 , Fishing Tackle , Base Balls and all Kinds of Fanoy Oooiie , Full Stook of Show Oases Always on Imported and Key "West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and "Wood Pipes and everything required in a first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and ifotioiT Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price List and Samples. . JJ . A. M. CLARK ? 'L . . , Painter&PaperHanger .Vi3 & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Slides' ' and Curtains , CORNICES OURTAIN POLES AND ' FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes. 107 South 14th Stvoot OMAITA. - - - NEBRASKA BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF ra I ft irln in all Brannlina < ia n. TiiniTKKNTn STKEET ? OMATHTA. NKH ( SUCCESSOR TO JAMES DEVINE. ) Manufacturer of fine boots and Shoca All my boots and shoes contain'bat t-chns iniitcciala nnd I WARRANT EVERY PAIR. In addition I constantly kuep on hand a largo stock of Men's only , eastern nado Boots and Shoca , ut pticou way down. 0. J. SCH51IDT , n23-lm 12th St. , bot. Farnam and Hatnoy. DiRECTORY OF LEADIE8G WS8TE8H HOTEL HOTELS ARLINQTON. WEATHERLY HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , BARATOQA HOTCL , MARSH HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL : HALL HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTE _ GRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOUSE GREENWOOD HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , END'S HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , MORQAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , CITY HOTEL , PARK HOUOE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOTEL COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PARKS HOTEL , COMMEttO AL HOTEL , DAQNELL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUOE , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , BALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE WOOD3 HOUSE , UOUOLAS HOUSE , BEDFORD HOUSE ARLINQTON HOUSE , PROPRIETORS ' J. O. MelNTIRF , A. U. WEATHERLY , O. C. REYNOLDS , J. 8. 8TELLINIU8 E. MANS , JOHN HANHAN A/V/.JHAUL CHENEY & 30LARK , J. Q. MEAD , | E. SEYMOUR , P. L. THORP , A. O. OAARPER. W. MAYFIELD , E. STOREY. t. U ENO , O. O. HACKHEY , FRANK LOVELL , E. L. QRUBB , 8WAN ' & DECKER , QEp. OALPH , C. M. REYNOLDS , D. H WALKEP , 8. DUItQCSS , 01 A. LLIAMB , MR6. M. E. OUMM1NQS , J.IU AVERY , Q. WDURK , F. M PARK , | HENT Y ViLLO , OHAS. DAQNELl , rtlU. LUTTON , FRANK WILKINSON , H. H , PERRY , D , F. STEARNS , JOHN EOKERT , J. 8. DUNHAM. J. T , OBEEN. J. M. BLACK & SON , LlnWn , Nut , Manning , 'owa. Coon Rapids , own. Mllfbrd , Neb DROWH6VILL6 N 6 Btrorrnburg He Loulivllla Blair , No . V Nellgh. Neb. HabraikaoityioS ; [ Weeping W t r , Hi Hardy , Neb. Qraenwood , Nab ) OUrlndo , low * t Eremont Neb1 Athland , Nab Atklnton , Neb. Qulde Rood , N . Oreiton , I * . Exlr , la. Atlantic , la. Audubon , la. Neola , l Harlan la , OornlnK , la. Btanton , r Burlington Jur tlon , I/ B' ' ncli rd , la. 8hen ndoah It , Dnyld Olty , Neb OollecaQprlngt , Id. Vllll&co , Ic. Malvern , la , Ida Grove , la Odebolt , IB , - ; Oiceola , Neb , Olarks , Neb. Bedford la. Marytvllla Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction N4t WIN8LOW HOUSE 0. MeOARTY. Seward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. U. JONE8. Auroar Neb. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. CROZ'ER. Sidney , Neb , AVOCA EATINQ HOUSE D. W. POCKriOLD. Avoca la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak1 FOSTER HOUSE Capt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewlj , la. WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER. Orltwold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la LUSK HOUSE. J A. LUSK. Login , la. DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON. DowOlta.i JAQQER HOUSE , tlAUunn BOM , Denlton , fa , HAKMON HOU8K , TAMA CITY , IA. , Harmon & Kealw , Prop.