mnT3 rx A TT rr DAILY . TWELFTH YEAR OMAHA NEB. THURSDAY 'MoBNING , DECEMBER 7 18-a , 143 , THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Congress Disposed to Obay the Behest of the People With Donsitablo Alaorityi Political Pruning Kaivas Al ready at Work on the Tariff and Taxes. Two Eminent Nebroskoua Ra- warded With Govern ment Office. A Large Numb or of MUcollnnocm Patriots Provided For. CAPITAL NOTES apodal DUpatchej to Tni tin * . NOMINATIONS. % WASHINGTON , Dacambor G. Nom inatlons sent the xenato by the prcsi < dent to-day : John , W. Garden , of California , rotator'of the land oubi at Shasta ; Frankly Ward , of Oalifor ilia , receiver of public moneys at Suwavilte ; Vaa Riuda , of Nebraska , eoeivor ot public moneys at Niobrara ; Jas. P. Luio , Inoiinn , register land offioa at D end wood ladlia agonls Tom 0 , Oonneli , of Ohio , Umatilla agency , Oregon ; D. M. Rlordan , of Arizona , Navajo agency , New Mexico co ; Jno. Clark , of Michigan , Colorado river agency , Arizona ; A. H. Jackson , cf Nebraska , Pinu agency , Arizjna ; Brigadier-General John Pope to bo mijor-goneral ; Colonel Ronald S. Mal tii.z'.o , Fourth oavalry , to ba hii ndiat-guneral ; Major William A lUokor , p ymaster , tp bo lieutenant- culnuulatid dt'puty paymaster ouural ; Mijir George H , Klliott , corps of en gineers , tu bo lieutenant colonel of engineer ? ; Commodore Earl English , to bo chief of the bureau equipment and recruiting department. Abe a large numbar of army promotions , THE NORTHERN PACIFIC , The praoidot-t approved the report of the government ojmmlcsionora ac cepting the newly completed coition of the Northern Paoifio railroad , com prising 104 miles iu Montana territory and irc'uding the bridge across the MiVaouri rivor. BUTLER AND ARTHUR. The prondont entertained Bon But ler at a dinner at the aoldiora * homo Isst evening. REAR ADMIRAT , 2UGHOL3ON will bo reliaved of command of the European otation , in March next , by Commander Baldwin. Nicholson will probably be retired in March. C THK PANEL OF PETIT JURORS for service in the Star route trial was nol yet complete , and court adjourn ed until to-morrow. A HOUSE OF ELECTORS. Among the bills which have been presented to congress on the subject of civlLeervioo reform is a bill intro- dviasd Dy-Mr JTorcrossJ-of Massaohu"- setts , to create a house of electors to couelst of one from each state elected by the people and eligible the same as rnttmbera of the house of rep resentatives. The term of offioo is six years. The country is to ba di vided into postal districts , aud post masters shall bo elected by the pao- * ploVjf the respective districts , subject 1. tc the confirmation of the house of electors , or by the postmaster gen eral. All other civil officers as pro vided for in artlclu 2 , section 2 of the constitution except members of the cabinet , embnssadors , other for eign ministers and United States judges shall b elected nnd examined or confirmed by the house of electors , The house of electors shall make all rules governing its confirmationsolectioiiD _ or exam inations of civil 'officers. Congress shall determine what class of postman- sors shall bo confirmed bv the houau < ? f electors and what by tflo postmas ter1 general , and shall designate what officsra shall bo elected , examined or confirmed by the honao of electors , nnd also who shall make cppointmente of minor offisera. Congress shall olac have power to provide by law for the filling of vaeanioa that may happen when the house of electors ia not in eeseion. The election or appointment by the president as provided ahull bt for a term cf five years. The pretidonl shall luwo power to lotnove any oil ! cor of the civil service for any reasn : except political. XUE ALABAMA CONTE&T. At iho last cession or congress thi ee t of Representative Shelly , of Ala bams , was contented by J. Q , Smith Smith died in April , 1881 , before thi termination of tbo contest , which ro suited iu uneoating Shelly , who wai elected to" fill the unexplred term Smith waa never seated because o : his death. Shelly is now raising thi question whether , under sootlon 51 revised statutes , ho is not entitled ti pay from date of the death of Smith although he has already rocaived pa ; for two months time. NEWbl'AI'AI'ER LYIJJO , Judge Wylie iu his charge to th grand jury said : Newspapers weri constantly containing soandulous li bets on public men and on privat character. That was a species ot offense fenso that created moro unh ppinrg and misery in society and did mor injustice .han any form of cfinio um in all probability a printed lit l3o r ithor suspected the writers fu periodical newspapers had smou them moro than the usual proportio of liars. They were paid for ly'uy The moro sbusational the Ho was vn the more calculated it was to blast th peace of families , and the spicier i was the more the paper would sal and the newspaper men wonld lunc in derision at anybody who und' ute < to talk to them seriously about th hi justice of a thing of thi kind he knew where men of integrlt and honesty connected with the new pipers who entertained and cherlshe honorable and Christian sentiment and he thought on the whole the : was on improvemon ftj * jx in that respect. If the public w , lease t6 patroniz3 such papers as ho alluded to , suoh law , vies and caimo wonld soon die out , CONGRESSIONAL. 6pKlM Dispatch to Tun Bit SENATE rilOOKEDINOS. WASHINGTON , Dacomber G. At the oloto of the morning hour Senator Platt called up the resolution of yes terday , asking the commissioners of pensions to furnish information in ref erence to the pension roll , and the Srobablo effect upon it if the pending ill to increase the pension of per sona who lost mi leg _ or nrm in the service , br are suffering from equal disabilities , is passed , After discue- sioti and'umondmont directing the commiesiouer to furnish a complete list of persons borne on the roll , the resolution was adopted. Senitor Sawall gave noiica that ho would call up at nn early data the bill or Uio loliot of Fitz John Porter. The eentito then took up the bill to establish A uniform system of bank ruptcy , and Senator Ingalls proceeded to explain its provisions. In concluding ho submitted certain minor amendments agreed upon by the aub committees , which were or dered printed. After the disctmion the bill wont over as uofiniohcd busi ness. Several bills on the calendar pained. In executive session the nom inations wore referred. Adjourned. nOUBE PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Wlllio , ( Ky. ) , offered a resolu tion cimllar to that offered in the eon ate yesterday by Back directing the committee on civil service reform to inquire into the details of the alleged political assessment madq upon gov ernment employes during election , Mr. Canwoll , ( Wis. ) , off-red a reso lution authorizing thu comauUco on appropriations to embody in Iho pool- cffha 1)111 n clause reducing letter po'itagn to two cunts. Adopted. Mr. Kelly , ( I'd ) , oflurdd the usual roaolution for distribution of thu president's messaio and the house pro cced in committee of the whole to its consideration , After discussion the resolution was adopted aud the house went into committee of the whole , Mr. Waite , ( Conn. ) , in the chair , on the state of the union. Mr. Stool ( Ind ) offered u roaolution directing the committee on civil ser vice reform to enquire how much money wan collected by the campaign managers of the domocratlo party from the Cobdeu club and from the free club for use in the election of 1882. "Letitbs adopted , " cried several democrats , but Mr. Kasoou objected to present consideration , for thu same reason which prompted him to object to the Willis resolution ; that commit tee had as much work before it as it could accomplish. Mr. Townsend ( ills. ) called atten tion to the fact that the objection oamo from the republican side , and then the resolution was referred A bill authoiizing the extension of the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad tea a point on military lands of Fortress Monroejma referred , , Mr. KaBson prbsented thp iews of the" minority of 'the" committee on ways and moans on the internal rev enue bill. They wore ordered printed. The minority report is signed by Mvrsrs. Kasson , Dunnell , McKinley , Haskoll , Morrison and Rutsoll. They say they are not prepared to recom mend the entire abolition of Iho tax nor run the risk uf reducing the rev enue of the government below the amounts which will evidently be re quired to meet arrearage of pension in addition to o.hor current expanses of the government by extrava gant reduction in either source of public revenue. It is a much more agreeable duty and inuoli moro feasible to reduce the taxes ( rum time to time SB the un known extent of our revenues shall bo developed than to ro-impnse them to meet the cspontos of the govern ment. Any reduction which it now appears safe to make wo bolievp should bo effected rather by the abolition of tixes more closely related to the use and convenience of our people. Messrs. Dunnoll ind Haakell filed a cuppleraontal minority report , in which they favor the abolition of nil internal revenue taxes except those on malt and spirituous liquors , tobao- CJ , snuff ) and cigars. It it becomes apparent the government does not ro- qulro the entire amount taken trom liquors nnd tobacco , a prop osition reducing these taxss iruy bo favorably considered. They believe , hoivover , before thia tax is abolished , thorp should bo an comprehensive a revision of the tar id made as the length of the session will permit. That revision should be made entirely independent of other Bourcot of revenue , and there should bo suoli adjustment of duties decreed as will fairly protect American Industrie ! from ruinous foreigu ojmpotitlon , Ad < jourued Ourloua Military Humors and Pro- Jocta , From the New York Bun. WAHUINOTON , D. 0 , , November 28. Wo are told that a petition is nevi quietly circulated flaking congrora tc repeal ao much cf the approuriatior bill for thu current year us mikes tht retirement of Gen. Sherman com pulsory upon his attaining the ago o Gi. Ono of the arguments In favor o this measure is that In case of the retirement tirement of Sherman , as the law nov o" provides , tbo command cf the d will devolve upon Lieut. Gen. Short dan during what may prove a critica presidential campaign. The cupposed hootility to "Sherldai on the part of the democratic mem bera is the remembrance of his cele brated banditti dUpatch sent at th time he was in command in Now Oi leans. On the other hand , it is averrei that a combination of the friend * o Sheridan aud Hancock will ask ths the grades of general and Hontenan general be revived , the understand ! being ; that Sheridan shall be promotr to bo general and Hancock to be lieu tenant general , Others , who are inimical to hot ! Sherman and Sheridan , say that the prefer that the former shall rptiro next year M the law now provide * ; nnd when they have olootod o demo- crAtlo president , ns they expect to do the following year , should Shoridim continue obji'Olionnblu they will revive - vivo the grade cf general , and pio- mete Uancock to the place and the command of the army. The advocates of the latter conrso ohim that there would bo ample jus tification for it in the precedents es tablished by Sherldnn's own promo tions. In 1801 , when ho WAS promoted meted to bo major general , ho jumped Hancock , who ranked him as briga dier ; and when , in 18GS ) , Grant made him lieutenant qonoral , ho over- sUnghod Hallook nnd Monde , al though the former was n full major general bofoto Sheridan wns oven a major. THE IRON MEN. State ofTrado and Tarllt Revl lou , Spool * ! Dispatch to Till uii. PITTSBURO , Pa , , Dooombor ti A special meeting of the Western Iron association was hold this aft srnoon for the purpose of considering the state of trade. There was n largo attend- nnco of Pittshun ; manufacturer ! ) . Representation from mills outside the city was only fair. Reports showed that while prices are low stocks wore not accumulating and if manufactur ers wcro not so eager to put their stocks on the market priora would bo better. The stool trade WAD alao look ing up nnd it was otated that sluco the reduction orders had been placed for two hundred thousand tonn of steel rails. The report on the tariff com mission next received consideration and was discussed at some length. Mr. A. M. lifers , one. of the most prominent manufacturers present , stated to a reporter uf tor the meeting that , the iron tnanufAoturors generally oxptoiscd thomaolvoH as eatisllud with the report na a whole , but not with certain p rta of it , especially the ro cominondation for a reduction on scrap , which they considered too lovr. The steel men are also very much dis satisfied nnd aay that n reduction will ouablo England to compete with them oven in Now York. Before the ad journment of the meeting , n commit tee appointed to obtain the slgnatnren of the manufacturers calling a general meeting , at which the tariff commii- nion report will bo considered , nnd some definite stops taken , either for or against. DAKOTA TERRITORY. Bill Providing for its Admission na n State to be Pressed to Passage. Sp.clal Dhpatch to the CTobe-D.'mocrat. WASHINGTON , Deoomber 4. Dele gate Pottigrow , of Dakota , said to The Globe-Democrat correspondent that ho intended to press for passage the bill providing for a division of Dakota into two territories. While he intends to do all he can to secure the passage of Dakota admission bill , lie ia inclined to think that there is little prospect of this being accom plished this session. Bat in the event of a'failutu to " ccurn this , he thinks it is very important to the people of Dakota that there should ba a division of the territory. He said that from a conversation had with senators he understands that it 19 the purpose of those having the Dakota admission bill in change to PBE88 IT TO rA'feSAOE as early as possible. The bill Is the first on the sonata calendar as unfin ished business. Chairman Burrows , of the House Committee on Territories , said to youi correspondent this evening that he intended to do all ho could to secure the passage of the bill this session. The bill is the thirty-sixth in ordei on the House calendar. Among the measures which precedes it are some very important ones which It la very doubtful can bo passed this winter , and as the unanimous consent can not bo obtained to take the Dakota bill up out of its order , it in extreme ! ) probable that the House bill can not bo pasiod , The bill will have to come from the senate , and unions it if buried on the speaker's table , will be passed by the Honao this xiulor. It is possible that the democrats maj defeat the bill by fillibustoring tc prevent its being taken from tin speaker's table. The Huso Ball Oliamplouihlp. Special Dispatch to Till Iln. PROVIDENCE , R. I. , December C. Thu national league of profuftniona base ball clubs awarded thu champion ship of 1882 to the Ghicagoa. The up. peal from thu action of the Olovelam club suspending Doichor was die missed. N , E Young waa rc-olootci secretary. Worcester and Troy club resigned and made honorary members A minute was made of the death c President Hubbort. The Widow' * Price. Special Dispatch to Tim liu. ST. LOUIH , December 0 The at torneya far Mrs. Alice W. Slaybacl filed at a late hour this evening a nlvi suit in the circuit court for $5,00i damages against John A , Ouckrlll managing editor of The Post Despatch for killingher husband , Ool. Slayback a few weeks ago , Soar Mnili and Moonshiner * . SpocUl Dbpatch to Tux Bun. CINCINNATI , December C. The Gt zettb's Mt. Sterling ( Ky , ) special say Davis and Farmer , two deputy mui shals who wont to the mountains t selza illicit distillers , were attache by a party of thirty moonshiners an driven twenty-five miles to Froncl burg. They escaped unhurt , TELEGRAPHIC NVOTEH. al Special Dlspatcbei to Tui B IlAliniBBiwa , Pa. , December 6 , Tt House of Kpre entattvea uoniiita cf 11 democrat * uud 83 republicans. NKW OELIANB , December C , The cou pllmentary dinner given by the cltlzstu 1 CapUia Jfttnei B. Bids WM great u ceti , Ixmxw , December 5. Anthony Trc lopi > U ded. "SIC TRAHSIT. " The Bal-orouB Ooddoss Partially Hiflos Her Oharras From the Vulgar Throng , . V A Few Adiuirera Repaid With a Peep Through the Btorm Doors. TboRotnltof KaoouMfal ObtorVn- tlon nnd Tohoa. TRANSITORY JOYB Special Dltp&tchei to Tni DM. YOUK , December C. Olouds prevented Dr , Potow , at lamllton college , getting aattsfoctory viows. The observers atYftlonrowelleatlifud with Iho results. The sign&l ollloesat Washington are pleased with their work. Profoisoru at Wcei Point 10- f ard the results of tholr observation * as excellent. Princeton nccurod 183 photographs. Vamr reports the defi nition of the planet and sun excellent. Negatives taken hero near noon are very good. At Philadelphia both contacts - tacts were BUCCCOSfully observed , but heavy atmocphoro prevented micro meaauromout or apcctroscopio obicr- vationr. At Mtridou , Oonuuccticut. bells announced the beginning cf the ooutaut nud the public cohools closed. Seven telescope * open to the public were set on the grounds of B-sv , J. T. Potteo , a prom inent loc\l astronomer , and 0,000 per sons looked through them Dart mouth , Amhorat and Maine Kialo colleges legos wcro interfered witll worioaslr by cloud ) . In tilinc obierv.Uions Ht Hitvard oolhgo all f jnr contiola were nalitfactorily observed. The spcctroBcopo nhowed no perceptible nbaorptiou of attnotphoro by Vonut. Pyromutrical observation showed the diau of Vouea darker thau the sky surrounding the eun. Thu observing utatioua nuthorizad by the UnHoriStaien government wore at San Antoum. Tex. ; Port Sjldcii , N. M.j Oadur Koyoti , Fi ; Santn Cruz , Patagonia ; Cordova , Chili ; Oipu of Good Hope , and Auckland , Now Zealand. A dispatch cays thu obser vations at San Antonio were not wholly successful , the first two'contacts hav ing bcon lost on account of cloud ) , Ovrhig to clouds , uho , the that contact lost at Cedar Keyt ; 180 good photos wcro taken. The Belgian comtnienon at San Antoofo uindo 120 measuroinonls. At QutbiO there was but 15 minutes of transit. No observation of value ware obtained nt Woodstock or Toronto. First the snow storms and then clouds caused much disappointment nt Montreal. The clouds and rain at Halifax made any observation impossible. COLBERT'S CALCULATIONS. CHICAGO , December 0. From reports ports on the transit of .Vonus at va rious points Professor. Ellas Colbert , the well knownltastronon\f : oft the Tribuuo , Hguied up".oVJiOrvfttiO a , reducing to the Washington time which the different observations would give for the contacts at Washington , Observations received up to 11:3C : give the following results : Second contact , ton observers , average timo. 9 hours , 1G minutes and 2E seconds a. m. ; Annapolis 2C seconds fast , Frisbio , Washington , 20 fast ; Sampson , Washington , 9 fast ] New York 10 fast ; Princeton , 12 fast Havorford , 18 slow ; West Point 4 fast ; Alloghany 18 slow ; Hough , Chicago cage , 23 slow ; Jlurnham , Chicago , 15 slow. Third contest , 8 observers , averngt time 2 hours , 39 minutes and 47 seconds ends , p. m. Amherat G seconds alow Now York , G slow ; West Point , i fast ; Havorford , no error ; Annapolis , 1G fast ; Fihbie , Washington , 9 slow : Sampson , Washington , 8 slow. MISCELLANEOUS. . DUBLIN , December G. The transit of Venus was plai iy ) visible at Cork LONDON , Docombjr G The transl of Venus was favorably obaorvcd a : Durban und Captown At Madric the observations wcro prevented b ) bad weather. NKW YOIIK , December G ; Thi weather is clear ; md favorable for thi satisfactory observation of the iraust of Vonus. BOSTON , Dacsmbor 0. Notwith standing the huivy clouds the Har < vard observatory made satisfactory ob 1 nervations of the first and sicotid con tact in the transit of Venus , OrrAWA , Canada , December G.- 1 The observer hero took a succcssfu observation of the transit of Venus u thu interval between ingreno um oxress this morning. PAUIB , Dacombur G. The blaol clouds made useless the prepara tions to obunrvo the transit of Vonua LONDON , December G. In uolontifi circles no resulti ara expected fror thu observations of the transit o Venus mad ) in any part of the world except so far as the nucoosa of observa tiono are concerned , Ty.oii lulled With Buob. IpeUal DiipaUh to TIIK UKK. NKW OKLBANS , Diccmbor 0.Th Times Democrat Jackson , ( Miss special eays : Advices from Baldwii give a detailed account of thu killin pf Speaker Tyson. Domestic troubl in the family of Col , Tyfioi/4 brothc culminated in an attack on Ed , Sauc dors , a merchant , by the two Tyson' ' and son of each , which ronultcd i Blunders being badly beaten , Duriu his confinement he was repeatedly it formed that Ool. Tyson had throatono to kill him , Going out for the fin time on Monday , ho carried his shogun gun and shot Tyson on sight , killin him instantly , Tynon had a pistol o his person when killed , , St. LoulB Stock Yard * JpedU DUpatch to Tu Bi . 8r. Louis , Daoember G , The SD of the Union stock yards against tl Wabun railway company for f 500,04 damages for breach of contract's ha' „ J. been compromised , The auit Ia wit I drawn at the cost * of the stock yard and a now contract made between the parties by whioh the \Vabash yards will bo supplied from nit points west of the Mississippi river nt the rate loss thnti to the ynrd.i on the east tide of the river by an amount cf actual cus tomary trantfor toll on all nhiiunuita from competing points. The Wabiwh roads gives what concessions it wauls to shippers , but pnys the Union stock yards a toll of 82 pur car for all oats going through to St. Louis aud over the bridge. THE PRIVACY' MESSAGES. The Western Union and Its Custo mers. Spedil DUpatdi to Tim DM. NEW YOBK , Decombar G The ex- ocntivo committee of Iho Western Union Telegraph company to-day adopted the following : \VimuEA8 , Uojust imputations have buoii made against the integrity of the management of this company In respect to the sanctity of private mcssap.0 * pasting over its wires or throuith Us c flues ; and WHKRKAI , It has always boon a oar dinnl principle with the company to guird the aaorod privacy uf telegraphic corroapondunco intrusted to ita offices ; the company having for thia purpose expended many thousanda of dollars in relisting the demands of courts , jurlrj tmd legislation committees In oases where thin company lm-i no other interests at stake than its lion- orablo obligation to cuatomori ; there- fornResolved Resolved , That the imputation that official * or oilier peraoua connected with this company have thu privilege to inspect mo cagun pissing over its wiras or through its cllious ia without fotiridattou of tact. lltsulvtd , Tout any officer , clerk or oihttc employe handling messages who shall roper : or divulge the contents of such message * to any officer of the company or olhor uura'ju shall bo promptly dismissed from the service of the company and prnsccuted under the law uukiniu' it a penal offense to divulge the contents of musstgeo. FATAL , DUG of a PliDadQlobla From Hydrophobia. Special to Qlobo-Domocrnt , 1'iiiLAnELVHiv , I'u. , December 4. James Caviinaugh , who has for several days tmiftirod from hydrophobia , died at hia rrsidoncp , No. 2732 York atroot , early this morning , utter ox poricncinii. the most intense pains * inco Friday. Since first stricken with jho dread diu'aso the Euffcror hao scarcely had a moment's relief till last Saturdiy night , when ho became de lirious. Ho Induced his attendant to go down stairs for n moment , and no sooner was the nurse's back turned than Cavauaugh sprang from his bed , and picking up r largo trunk , dashed it througl iho window-sash and then jumped after it. The nolso soon brought i numbar of people to the place , wh < gave pursuit , but the sufferer was flael of foot and had. gone moro than tw < squares tioforo ho won captured VVhen taken back his condition "gre * worse , the spasms grow more frequent and it was with difficulty that ho wai kept in bed. At 3 o'clock his atrongtl began to fail , and at 4:30 : he breathoc his last. During his illness the patient wai approached by his wife , whoattomptec to soothe him ono of hia spasms. It reaching forth his hand his nail oaughi th back ot her hand and made an uglj wound , which , although painful , is n t serious. Ono of the physicians in charge ol the cauo , Dr. Joseph Strawn , says he was called in to eeo Cavanaugh or Friday evening without having hoc any previous knowledge of thu cane Ho found that although his potion had complained of dizziness in thi head for several days , and during thi lint nix months had several times be- fern felt the name unusual sensation no'thing serious was apprehended bj hiij family until Friday morninp , whei ho was obliged to take to his bed. Hi first complained of a atrango feolinf about the throat , whioh rapidly | ; rev worso. When the physician roachec the house he aekod the invalid ono o two questions as to his condition , am WHH informed that ho could not nwal low any fluid. Dr , Strawn then handed od thu sick man a glaaa of water am atkcd him to drink it. At the sigh of the wr-tor Ctivanaugh had a via lent cpivun , whioh contracted hi body painfully. Ho naked that tin water bo tnken awny , and seemed ru liavud when it was carried out of thi room. This and certain other symp toms familiarto physicians , immediate ly led the doctor to believe that thi man was u victim to .hydrophobia He , thorefor , asked him If ho had eve been bitten by it dog. To whhh Oav ananqh replied : "Yes , twice. A llttlo ever a yea ago I was bitten by u dog o : the calf of the log , und a year ago was bitten on the thumb by anothe dog ; both wourida soon healed , and have never boon troubled with thet since. You don't think It is hydrc phobia , do yon , Doctorf' The physician , convinced by thi | speech that ho had read the symptom correctly , endeavored to relieve th ) nick man's anxiety by assuring hit U that there was no fear of anything F. Uo Ug terrible. o i ; Glvenl'n. Certificate ! SpeotM Dlapatcb to Tu ! ) * . UATON RoraE , La. , December G. The governor , after an examination < the law and facto in thu Kellogg casi has given the certificate of election I Kellogg in accordance with retun from the Third district. The Iiobanun Qravo Uonbon. BptcUl DUpatch to Tim Ilm.December December G. great throng of colored people wo in the Lebanon , eemotory to-da Men were digging into the graves lit friends to satisfy themsolvoa of tl ie presences of the bodies. The bodl ieX ) of Louisa Morria and Leah Lyn re are missing. The empty coffins wo reh only found where tho' bodies shou have been , In tha grave when J sophino White was supposed to have been buried the bodies of Kllzaboth nnd John Qihblns were found , The oomelory authorities will nid In the prosooution of the dospoilora of the graven. PRESIDENTIAL TIMBER. Conference of Western Demo crats $ t Chicago. i Strong Points of Scvornl Promla- Bftcl l to7li9Ctnclnn tl Comnnrdnl LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Djcembor4 The Courier-Journal's Chicago special says ; Within the past twenty-four hours a politic * ! conference has boon hold hero. KB members comprised pri marily the lenders of the democratic party in all Michigan , Iowa nnd Wh cousin , with a largo delegation of the foremost members of the party from aevoral other western and middle states , Its members represented not only the notivo political loaders of the party , bnt the editors of the principal democratic papers. The conference waa of long duration , and the discus sion was earnest , candid and generous , while the ontito situation of the coun try received thorough nnd careful con sideration. 32Tho chief Importance of this con ference lies in the fact , that its pur- pete wan to settle upon , as far as prac ticable at the present time , a demo cratic presidential candidate. It waa the unanimous verdict that such tv candidate mast conio from the west. In looking over the field and the men by statea UiodiscusaiourcgardingOhlo resulted in the conclusions that the October vote ( I'cndlotnn nnd Paine ) put that state outside the palo of prev identinl possibilities. Thin suttkd upon , there wnro left the mtups of four men to bo diocusscd. These were Palmer and Morrison , of Illinois , Justice Field , of Oilifornln , and Mo- Donald , of Indiana. The general drift nf feeling regard ing Ex Governor Palmer was that while ho is a in in of irreproachable character , the highest and bust nature , und at present thoroughly Identified with the party , ho wna not n demo cratic veteran , and it wixa thoroughly suttlcd that no man within the purty who can not show n continuously per fect record as a democrat , and whose entire antecedents were democratic , could bo seriously considered. The name of Morrison was dwelt upon nt considerable length , and while it was conccdod that ho postages many Bttrlicg qualities for tx atnndard bear er , it was concluded that hia dictator ial brutquenoss and inhnrmoniou ; methods with the national manager ! of the democratic pirty made it 1m possible for colcolion to rest upor him. His great ability was fully rco ognizad , and it was agreed upon that his candidacy for the spoakorship n the next house should be , strong ! ; urged , as it was generally ooncodoi that Iliudall was no longer an avail able candidate. Regarding Judge Field , that gentle man was meat favorably considered .but his present gosiliou on the sc piema bonohvfrom whloh'lt wOnld1" b necessary for him to retire , seemed a insurmountable obstacle. Finally , when the name of Me Donald came before the conference fo ducusaion , there seemed to bo spontaneous . . and unanimous accori . upon his fitness. This roach ed a dr l. | . groo bordering upon onthusumn. Hi record was thoroughly dwelt upon and the different members n the conference discussed the sam in all its bearings. His recon upon the money question , and hi o insistent , honorable and p&triotl course , during the war , his earnes and able support of , all wise meuuro of reconstruction , his well known can did , manly and fearless position upo : thu tariff question , and the fact at al times , on all measures , affecting th good not only of thodemocratiopnrty but of the whole country , lie ha proven himself not only a doaiocr.i of lifelong consistency , but a etatui man of sufo conservative an pitriotm methods. Another matte of importance and Interest we aho informally dliciissed. This we in connection with the name of CToloi el Nitasr of VVisconsin , nnd it waa gor orally conceded that if this brillltu orator nod most nblu man made th nice for governor of Wisconsin no : fall , as it In believed ho will , oocurln un election , as would certainly JTBO' ' ho would lead the Wiooouuiu dolcgi tinu to the next democratic rmUoni convention , and take the second pint on the presidential ticket so surely the ho did so. The Sioux Uommlmiou- Special DUp&Ub to Tin ! ! . YANKTON , Deoouibar G , The Slot commission bait received the consul of 20,000 Indians to thu cession of portion of tholr reservation. I'V thousand moro Indians are to bo Into viewed on the subject. This willclo the work of the commissioners , strong wind Is blowing and cousiik able snow ia falling hero , Tlie RiiBor Routo- g orvum irufHiMU * o Till IlKV , H LOUISVUIK , Ky , , Deooisber G. o John Trinler and wife , of Chicag n have boon in this city several daj o stopping the resldenco of Fro Sennlng , The former having lot business at Now Albany , thin mor ing , Trinlor cut his wifa's thrc > almost frwm car to ear and then d the oama work for himself , boiug de when found. The wife is still liyir J ( i but death is a question only of u f to | hours. Insanity is the supposed cau. A Lumljer Pool- SpoclU DUipatcli to Till Su. OUICAOO , December G. Tbo gone freight agents of the roads runnl to Missouri river points mot hero ro day and formed a lumber pool to tn roy. poluta. The question came up whotl y.of a single pool shqnld bo in&de to he points or whether U bo neparatod ti ts two divisions , north and south , t ns after dUouuion. it was decided to ri reId the matter to tho' general mauag Id for decision , Adjourned to the 31 o- tost. THE OLD WORLD. England Protests Against Franco. Protectorate * dver Madagascar , The Fronob Expedition to Oea- tral Africa Ready to Start. Gorman Politicians Splitting Hairs While the Ministers Increase the Taxes. An IntoroatlBr ; Assortment of Itumt. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. Special Dtapttch to Till BKW MADAOASUAH rAOTKCTOHATB. LONDON , Dtcomber G , The Central - tral News announces that the British ambassador at Paris informed Franco that Kngland will not consent to her forcing n protectorate onJMadagascar. NOTKD MEN FAILING. Von FJatow , the wolknown ) com poser of operas , has become blind from cataract of the cyo. Trollopo is now snfforing.from con gestion of the lungs and failure of ac tion of the heart. Death ia near , FllGKOH FINANCED. PAHIS , Dnccmbor G. The chamber of deputies adopted the estimates of the minister ol commerce. During the debate the minister of finances de clared that the ! > ovorumunt felt it waa time to ctop the inccnaant incroaad of expenditure unless it wna intended to jeopardize the financial equilibrium of tlio nation. THE OATH OKALLKOIANOK. HOME , December G Bertani , the acknowledged leader of the radical party , has taken the oath of allegiance to the king. PRUSSIAN BERLIN , December G. The Prussian government will Introduce in the buudsrnth n [ motion in favor of In- creating timber duties , with a view to deriving a largo revenue from forests. Haonol- and sixteen followers have written the progress ! committee nay- ing , though in regard co co-operation vtith other liberal groups , they re mained In a minority against Riohtor , they would not sacodo trom the party. They require , however , unconditional recognition of their standpoint within the progrpsaist party nnd demand ita organization mid the official press shall nor bo employed for combatting their views. REAROHIKU FOR THE POLE. LONDON , Djoembar G. Larraon , who accompanied the Jeannette ex position has boon engaged at Nalgotz Island in search of the Danish explor ing vessel Digmphna. The govern ments of Denmark and Holland pro pose an exploration with' , the ob ject of assisting the Dutch exploring ( yo 8ca _ ' Yarnnjandplgmphntt. . THE CONGO TERRITORY. PARIB , , December G , DoBrazza's expedition in Africa will iuoludo three hundred negroes who will embark on the gunboat Sagittairo at Senegal. THEATRE BURNED. LONDON , December G. The Royal Alhambra theatre burned to-night. The andloncohad just retired. Within half an hour the dome boll and build ing and neighboring house were soon gutted. Nothing was saved from the theatre. FOHTilABTJCR-OENERAL FAWCBTT obtained some sleep to-day. His con dition to-night is moro satisfactory. WRECKS AT HKA. The British ship Fiona was lost at sea with all on board. The Collier has foundered off Ber wick , Ton persons drowned. FRANCO. IN EQYPT. PARIS , December G. It is stated Duolorc , prcsldent.of the council , yos- turday communicated to the cabinet his reply to England's proposals to Franca in regard to Egyptian control. . It Is pointed out in parliamentary cir cles that acceptance of the presidency of the debt commission would make necessary the maintenance of impar tiality which would dulnr France from defending her interests. OKNKRAl AMNESTY. CAIRO , December G. In view' of the disposition of Arabl's case , it ia expected that all the leaders in the re bellion except Suliinan Pasha will bo pardoned DUBLIN , December G , The number IX of ; agrarian outrages in Ireland 4 during the month of November was 4a eighty-nine. This contrasts favorably ire with provlons lists. r- UNFAVORABLE WEATHER , rso \ LONDON , December G , In consequence seA quence of unfavorable weather the , ir- transit of Von us is totally invisible from the Greenwich observatory. OBKHAN FLOODS , BERLIN , December G. The loss by floods in Rhenish districts amount to millions of marks. The damogo to B , the town of IXinitbury alone amounts. d. \o \ a million marku. Sixty houses ; scar Mayonce have been swept away. n- nat at DURBAN , December C. The intel I'd ligence Is received from Transvaal ad tnut the Cr.lfrcB have been driven into adg > g , Chief Mupoch'a caws. One cave has ow been destroyed with dynamite and it ewe i ) supposed fifty natives were killed. The commandant and a Boor wera aha killed. A HEAVY VIRE. LONDON , December 5. Stanford Ing Court , Worcestershire , the country to- seat of Sir Francis Winuington , ote burned tlui morning , together with a. tier lot of valuable fine state pictures and ute all personal manuscripts. aid A BattinK River. for Special DbpaUhtf to Tin Dig. en COLOGNE , December 0. The Rhine 3th has risen thirty-one centimeters iluce 2 o'clock Sunday morning.