TELE DAILY BJBE UMAJ1A , WEDNESDAY DECEMBEB6 1882 The Daily Bee. Wednesday Morninp , Deo. G. Woatlior Keport. ( alio following observation * ro taken at the same moment of time nt all the stations , U , B , JBiaJMAflra. VT.OK , OMAHA. Dec. 5. 1882. ( M5 | > .m. f itinons. * J iL D nror. . . , 00 10 Fre h Mr Cbeyenng. 3022 NW rtitik Cloudy 10 2 NW Fr i Cloudy rut . . . . .1025 C lrn Clou y .TO 20 Ilrl'k ulouily T iRton. .TO 21 Frwh Dm Koines 30 11 N Frwh Thtstrm P v-rirort. N iFr n loudy Ft. Paul. . . 30 10 W 'lltlek ' C oudy PtLonls . 29 m SWKro h Lt rain Mnorhead. 30 24 ( Cloudy Vincent. . . 3020 Fresh Clear Jlsranrck. , 30 31 NW F.oh Cloir BtiforJ . . . . . . > 0 in W rresh ( .tear Ouster. . . . . 30 27 NK light 0 loudy i > e dwood. 30 2 * NK Tr BO Lt snow AMicibolne. 30 20 : t Fresh ciotidy Bh ff 3 f t 0 Inches abore low water mark At OmiU , ( toz n 6t Tankton , MlaslsslpplS foot 11 Inchei it PiTcnpoit , 2 feet > 0 Ineho nt St Panl0 feet 7 leches At Hi. Liuli , 2 feet > C Inchco at La Croiso And 5 feet 2 Inchtu At Du- bnqae. LOOAL BKBVITIES. The young Indlea of tlio Chtletlnn church will give nn old fashioned .candy pulling at ( he residence of MM. Slovens ncxtft'ilday evening. Alcgiilar.mcattng of Nebraska .Engine company No. 3 this evening nt Firemen's balk All members ore requested to at tend. J. QJ. Griffiths , Secretary. For the benefit of our Council Blurts friends who expect to attend the mattnco of the Boston Itlsal Company this afternoon - noon , It may bo mated tliat the admission L-c' fee is ono dollar for all parts of the house , IF The number of Nebraska peopla who h came to'Omaha yesterday was astonish- ing. Bomo came to ceo. tboopera com pany , some to do chopping and some to combine the advantages of both. 'Thero ' wcro at least fifty people at the Mlllard alone. An > ldea of the cxpensa incurred In running largo hotel may > be had from the fact that the proprietor of the Mlllard paid 5140 to an Omaha water company tor water consumed in November. Tbo bill of the 1'aiton for the same period waa fe'r ' SUO. In the summer months it la a much heavier ozponte. Among the deluge of Inventions which are now going through the teat for public favor , none wlllde-llfjhttho student or storekeeper , and nil others who toil and "bu > n the midnight oil , " than the "Amer ican Duplex burner. " It is the old style burner improved by adding a second wick , doubling the poner of the light and { equal izing the heat In the obltnnov ; thus dimin ishing the hanoes of brcaUnga. The dc- dgn is elegant and finished handsomely. Tun BEL has thoroughly .tested a sample acd heartily commends It to all. Bllsa & Isaacs are tbo agents. Policeman O'Dontgbw and W. Amou last night arrested two men for grand lar ceny , at Council Bluffs. The marshal bad been working op the case since Monday evening and brought It to successful ter I . U * mination last evening by recovering the goods and capturing tbo thieves , The goods consisted of an overcoat worth 1 , * new suit of clothes made by Martin the tailor , worth (45 , and a small sum ol money. The men arrested are named Mac- Anderson , and John Watson , alias Do. "Witt. It was a clever case and neat work was done by the men engaged in the case , who deserve credit for it. The goods were taken Monday morning from the Callfor nia bouse , on Douglas street. The mot are now in jail , The electric light will noon be burn inf. There will bo another social hop al Fireman's hall , Thunday evening. Omaha is again connected with Bloui City by the ice bridge at the latter place. "Tony Faust's Own" lager beer 01 draught at Mourcr'a. Omaha has over 10,000 Inhabitants according to Woll's now directory , teen t appear. , The exhibit and sale of the Social Ar clnb opened at noonyesterday.In Redlok1 block. The atmosphere was quite pleasant yei terday , but bas changed to a wlnterU degree. degree.Tho The U. B. court is once more In ful blast , having begun with the case of WI ! on vs. Buchanan , " ( Tony Faust's Own" lager beer o draught at Maurer's. JudgeWoayer , oongretuunan ° electfroi the second district , is succeeded by Hot 8.1 * . Davidson , appointed by Oovernc Nance. Nance.Mr. Mr. and Mn.'Joshua ( Dudd , former ! of this city , und now residing at Poudi Oanon , CoL , will celebrate their sllv / redding acnlversary on Saturday next. The polloa Monday hauled In fi .plain drnnkc and one suspicious characlei ( Thelatterproved bis character and wi .discharged. Cf the former , four were eon .raittedandoBoJcose continued. All the numbers of Allemanen lodt No. 16,1. 0. 0,03" . , are hereby requested I ttead the funeral of our late brother , i 31. Stein , on Wutaetday , December 6. ' 6 ! A&temble at 10 o'clock , Odd Fe low's ; L 11. Brethren 'froip ' other lodgi Are Invited. II. Loreuten , N , G , 1 Jtothbojr , secretary. "Faust's Own" is the genuine lager. An attempMwlU > belmade on Saturds o t to organize a Gymnasium club I Omaha , vdtb one thousand dollai 7' ai > ( Ul. Kuroka ball will t rented and fittedjup in u complete style i a gymnasium , with an rfjolnlng room ) be devoted to 1 tie practJoa of the man ! art. The club will largely-be composed < railroad clerks. Theietm-n of flen. 0.4 > . Howard an Capt. Sladen , from the weat brings als the Information that Fort Hall , Idaho , I to be abandoned in the spring , flea. Bheri dan has gone to crmildor the adrisabilil of abandoning Voit Cameron , Utah , a well Little Phil will pan through Ouia ba the last of tht ] we jk enlroate'to , head 'luartera in Chicago. Tbe members of Capital lodge No .A > Yj , k A. M , | ar ordered to Frcemwon's hall , to-day , De . 6 , at 1 o'clook p. n , . sharp , to attend the fu neral nt our deceased brother Julius H. Stein. Sojcnrnlng mrvsonn cordially in vited , All should appear clothed an DIM * ter masons. By order of the W. M. In the police court -nomination of John Gallagher , charged with lulling mortgaged property and forgery , resulted in bis discharge , but he was at once rearrested rested on the charge of obtaining money under falro pretenses. Henry Mclntyrc , all in Gallagher , was held nnder the latter charge , There WAS a lively row Monday on lower Twelfth street , la which n negro woman and her white lover figured a lead ing artists. Aside from considerable noise for a few moments and the throwing of a few dozen bricks the row was marked by no special features , and no nrrciU were made. There seems to be a great desire among sporting men to too Jack llanloy and Nolan come together under more equal cir- . cumsUnocs than at their last 'bout , and it is understood a prominent eport stands ready to furnish backing for tbo latter. 11 the rumor Is true Nolan will at once PO into training and lovers of good pport will soon bo enabled to witness a match with gloves that will astonish the natives. A youthful Israelite named Cramer lias been swindling a number of our lead- Idg Hebrew citizens by reprctentlng htrn- self to be a preacher and school teacher of their rcct. After ] getting what ho could out of them , and dumping it on faro bank , ho was detected in the fraud and got the grand thiko. To usov , slaugoy expres sion , "Tali beats the Jews. " THE OTHER SIDE. Rov. 'W. J , Earsba Bonn Leave to DlfTor .with the Boo. OMAHA , December < i , 1682. To the Editor of Tils Dm. Your vigorous editorial in this oven- ing'o issue , la regard tn the teachings of the pulpit , contains a mistake that I am much surprised to BOO you i all into. You assort that the pulpit is given up to "exposition of theory" rather than the "preaching whoso objoot is to induce practice. " Shallow minds are apt to fail into this error , but a mind that could .IBJUO the edi torial mentioned ought surely to have escaped it. The writer , wo must snp- pose , haa formed his views by reading accounts of the preaching of ono hun dred years ag ? , rather tlyxn by a per sonal attendance upon the services of the day. Theological hair-splitting was the fashion in the times of the puritans , but it has gone out of date with their pointed Imtii , The truh is , the minister who fails to preach with the practical lifo of his congregation in viovr is grossly un- fathful to Christianity. By our com mission wo are r < quired to preach lion- usty. , truthfulness , tomporuuco , virtue. With this you ogreo. But wo go ono atop farther.Vo not only declare the duty but wo also supply the motive for performing it. Woeay : Bo yo honest because there la a personal God in the heavens who will punish dishonesty. Bo yo truthful bcciuso there is a fu ture judgment when all hearts will bo laid bare. Bo yo temperate because no drunkard hath pirt in the King dom of God. In defending , therefore , the personal existence ol God and the reality of the judgment and the parity of God's kingdom , wo are simply strengthening the motive. Whether wo can prove thosothings is aside from the question. The question is ; Are wo to bo blamed because wo not only advocate the duty but also supply the motive ? And in the enforcement of the latter are wo not using the most effectual moans of promoting the former ? It is a moro quibble to say that the preaching of the day is engaged upon speculation , There is no sentence so frequent upon the lips of ministers os this : "You may believe all the doc trines ot all creeds and never bo saved ; you must repose confidence in Christ as n person and reveal that confidence by taking love for liimas the motivoof every action. " What is the result i Whpovor really follows out this dir ection becomes a law abiding oitison , an honest dealer , a virtuous and tem perate man. No real Christian could over have uttered the ungentlemanly oaths that fell from Mr. Ingorsoll'a lips in the Union Pacific depot of this city some time since , and were hoard by ono of the prominent railroad oilioials of Omaha. It is ono thing to give a catalogue of virtues , it is quite another to inspire a man to practice them. This latter the bible certainly does. I am , sincerely yours , WM. HAIWIIA. Horsford'i Acid Phosphate Gives strength where there has boot : exhaustion and vigor in plaoo of im paired vitality. Election in Ouator Post. Gnorao A. Ouster Post No. 7 , G A. U. , hold its annual mooting one election of officers Monday with thi re following result : Gen. Goo. M. O'Urion , commander re Simeon Bloom , senior vice com ruandor. | junior vice cominau dor. dor.M. M. J , Feenan , surgeon. Jack Hey , officer of the day. Frank Qarroty , oflloor of the guard G. R. Rathbun , quartermaster. Delegates to the department en c&mptment : M. G , McKoon , Hlmooi Bloom. Alternates , G , R. Rathbun Mr. Hurley. A real bletsing Is the Stylograph ! Pen. 11 is the neatest writing instru meut we have ever soon for the deal aud the pocket , and uses any cotnmoi ink , holding enough to write severs days without refilling. It combine all the readiness of a lead pencil am the durability of any pen. For spoei and legibility it ii marvelous. Then Is no stopping to dip for ink when i word is half written. Tbo entire ms , terial of the pen is nan-oortosive When ft is not iu use it m y be closui np and laid away , or oariiadiu thi pookot for weeks , it being perfect ) ] air tight , aud then in a moment pui to work. In wriliug tt does the nexl thing to thinking. Any person wb ( has writing to do will do himself i never-forgotten favor to rjot ono a1 first tight , Try it and le conrinctd. Editor Religious Telescope , Daytou Ohio. It CITY COUHCIL An Unusual Number of Ordin ances Passed , The New Gaa Company A.eks For Bight of Wivy , 3m oolanconinn lrjr f , of Import ance nnd Otherwise- The city council hold a regular mooting last evening , the following members being present : Mcssr * . Baker , Bohm , Corby , Dollonc , Leo- dor , McGnokon , O'Koofo , and Kauf man , president pro torn. The journal was road and approved , PKTlnONH AND OOMSIUNIOAT10N3. From the city clerk : No complaints have boon made as to cquilization of taxes. Filed. From the mayor : Approving certain - tain ordinances. Filed. From the city engineer : Accept- unco of main sewer of Waring system by J. 0. Elliot , nnd pipe contract by II. W. Oromor & Co. Approved. From the city engineer and county surveyor , making a recommendation as to straightening out Nicholas street from Fifteenth to Saundcrs , with an average width of 0(3 ( feet and alloys 18 feet wide , lloforrcd. From the city water company : Hydrants have been placed on Farnnm street nt Twenty-fourth , Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Referred. From came : Hydrant has boon placed on Ninth and Jones. lloforrcd. Fromsamr : Hydrants have been p'accd at the intersections of Douglas with Sixth , Seventh and Eighth ottoots. Referred , The report of the street commis sioner for November , showing expen ditures of § 723.09 , was filed. The city physichn'a report for No- vembijr , showing ! ! 8 deaths and CL > irths , was filed. From Patrick Burke , et nl : Re monstrating against any chaneo in the width of Nicholas atrcot. Referred. The sidewalk contract with Ohas. Gardiner for quarter ending January .st , J883 , was approved. The city marshal's report of liquor [ valors and druggists doing business n November , was referred. The city marshal's report of prosti- utes for November , was referred. . The report of cooes In police court during November , 1882 , was presaut- > d and roforrnd , A number qf biliii were presented and referred to their respective com- mittoi'Q , Several resolutions ordering side- ralks , were adopted. HKSOLUTIONH. By Dunham : To have old sidewalk akou up by grades in front of lot 8 , > look 11G , corner of Farnam nnd Sev enteenth , rolaid , Adopted. By Herman : To cause all awnings on Sixteenth utroot , obstructing travel n the sidewalks , to bo removed forth with. Adopted. By Dunham : To insure No. 2 on- Ino house in u responsible company , loferreet with power to act. 11KFOHT8 OF COUMITTBE8 , Ou claims : Allowing oortain claims. Inferred. The petition of Boggs & Hill to ; rado Twenty-second street south of davenport at their own expense was referred to the city engineer with lower to act. On streets and grades : Recom mending a box culvert and other im- irovemonts near Tenth and Pierce. Adopted. On water works and sewerage : Recommending acceptance of final estimate - timato of sewer work done by MoHugh md McGavock on Seventeenth and U. Mary's avouun , and appropriation of $2,30737 tlu i of or. Adopted. On same : Allowing oortain bills. Adopted. On same : Recommending that two lydrants bo placed on Saunders street. Referred. On eame : Recommending that a iydrant bo placed on Seventeenth and Lsavonirorth. rental not to begin until July 1st , 1883 Adopted. The street commissioner was in structed to repair St. Mary's avenue sidewalks. OllUINANCKS. The appropriation ordinance for November expenses was passed. An ordinance granting to the Unl ted Gas Improvement Oo , of Phila , Pa , the right to lay pipes , mains and conduits iu the city was read aud laid on the table , An ordinance authorizing the issue of $33,000 worth of paving bonds foi District No. 11 , Douglas street sharoc the same fate. An ordinance amending the ordi uauco ordering the connection o sinks , barns , etc , with sewers wai passed. A special ordinance levying a tai for the curbing and gutteriiiR of Sixteenth teonth street , from Douglas co Izan street , was passed. A special ordinance apprnpriatini 812,035 87 for payment ot tlia Hum was passed. A special ordinance levying a ta : for the pacing of Thirteenth street from Douglas to Dodge street , am another appropriating S289 51 in pay moiit of tame were passed. A special ordinance levying a ta : for the grading of Tenth street , fron Farnam to Douglax street , and an other appropriating $143.55 for payment mont of sarno were passed. A special ordinance levying a ta : for the curbing and guttering o Douglas street from Sixteenth t Nineteenth street and another appro priatlug $4,405,50 to pay for some wore passed. I A special ordinance levying a ta : for the griding of Sixteenth stree from Farnbam to Howard , llowar street from Sixteenth to Seventeenth and St. Mary's avenue from Seven teouth to Twentieth and another aj propnating $1,573 , 55 for same , wor poised , A ipecial ordinance levying a ta : for construction aud material of BOW era iu sewer district No. 5 and anothe appropriating money for the paymon of the aaiuo were passed. Similar ordinances wore passed fo sewer district No , 7. The s mo for sewer district No , 6 Adjourned for two weeks. The PbUomathean Ooncorvs. The opening concert of the thin urles of the Philomathoao club wil bo given on Thuwday evening , Dec. 28th , at Max Meyer & Bro'o. musio hall. The clnb which this your pre sents , nn unusually strong organiza tion will bo assisted by Misa K. E 'opploton , Mies Claire Ruttin , Miss ktionio Maul , Miss Lizzio A. Pcnnell , nd Messrs. Wcstervolt and Ponnell. I'ioketa are sold by subscription mly , and the litt is now open nt Max ileyor & Bro'o. mosio store. The pro- iraramo will bo published to-morrow. A is to be hoped that the subscriptions , o this winter's season cf concerts will 10 even longer than these of last year. Jho Philoaalhnan club is well worthy t > { all the patrona o which our citizens san afforet it. No city of Omaha'a ute in the west can bonst of n musical irganizatlon which is its equal , The ibillty of its members , no lean than ; ho high character of its programmes , mglit to commend it to the public ipprabation. As a medium for odu- : ation in the appreciation cf the lighor class of musio. the influence of .ho Phtlomatbcan clnb has already ) een felt iu our city. The list t > f jompositiona to bo poilirmod this winter will comprise winy of the .loading works of Bcctbovon , Moz rt , Handel , Schumann , Bach aud Hay- "en. A SAD EHUAND. Death of the Father -of Hon. QBO. P. Bumls. Ono week rw.o yesterday , Hon. Gee , Bemis left this city , his homo , for Boston , Mass. , in rosponao to n hasty ummoDB. The following from The Cambridge Tribune of Dec. 2nd ex- ilnino the nuturo of his sad errand. EUKUY nuns. Died Nov. 28 , 1882 , aged 82 years , nd G months. Born in Lincoln , lues. , n Boston merchant for moro ; han fifty years , for twenty-five years MI honored citizen or Cambridge , where his last days were npent. Such "a the moagro outline of a long life , unt closed. Yet I deem it only fitting hat ono who has long known and oved him should odd u word to this brief record of earthly years. There ire many to whom this and the simple notice of death in another column will bring a shock of sad surprise. Not that death at an ago so advanced waa unlocked for or singular , but to these who know him well and wcro wont to neot him at his plaoo of business and ; u the streets of the neighboring city , ho may well have seemed , up to the imo of his enforced retirement from ho scones of active life , some six rears since , the very embodiment of vitality and manly ouorgy. It was mpossibie to look into the face of his man nnd not believe in him at * once and completely , nor waa such confidence ever misplaced. I have known and have had close business olatlons with many men , and can ay with absolute truth , with neither ixaggoratlon nor the fulsome eulogy ; hat gushes so easily when death has dosed a lifo record , that I never met his superior , ccarculy his equal , for perfect integrity aud unsullied and undoubted honor. As to a uenerosity , over too free for his means , lot the poor , to whom ho was a providence ; lot the families of our soldiers absent in our defence , tell the story. For the last six or seven weeks Mr. Bemis has been confined at home , a victim uf progressive paralysis , yet , despite the weakness and irritability consequent on suoh a complaint , his mind re mained clear almost to the end. It was a kindly touch that loosed at last the silver cord ; friendly hand that clasped hit , and led him out of weak ness to the strength of renewed man hood ; irom the feebleness and tremor of age into the land of immortal youth. 'Why weep ye , then for him , who having won The bound of man's appointed years'at latt. Life's blessings all enjoyed , life's labon . done. Serenely to his final rest has passed ; While the soft memory of his virtues jet Lingers like twilight hues when tbo brfcut sun Is sttt" r. n. A. THE OARF1ELD FUND. A Laut Appeal Irom the Commie- eloner of Nebraska. Col 0. S. Ohaso , chairman of the Nebraska board of the Garfield mon ument fund , haa received the follow ing LAST APPEAL : WASHINGTON , D. 0.\ Nov. 23,1882. / Col. 0. 8. Chose : DEAII SIB When you receive thii our lost appeal in behalf of the Gar. field monument fund it will bo toe late to donate articles for the bazar , but not at all to collect and send con trlbutiona of money , Your ropron. sentatives iu Washington have done their best to pluco the -matter before the people of our state , but as yoi wo have received no response , Wo again most earnestly re quest that you , if possible , o : some other person of influence am public spirit , make a personal oppca to your friends acd neighbors to redeem deem the state from the possibility o failure in this matter. This fair , o : bazar , will be a splendid success with out our aid , but if the monumpn shall bo built without a contributioi from Nebraska It would bo an everlasting lasting disgrace lo our state. It seem : to us that a few hours' eilort of an ; njoud of the murdered Garfield or o any lover of the fair fame of Nobraski would secure a nice little sum of mono ; which may bo sent by money order o : registered letter at any time befon iho 15th of December next to th > secretary of this board , whoa address is peisioa ofilso , Wash logton , D. 0 , The names of contrib utors should bo sent with the dona tions , that engraved receipts from th treasurer of the fund may bo roturnei to each and every contiibutor. J comparatively small mm from cad important locality in the otato wil constitute a decent aggregate as th share of Nebraska toward this gram objoot. Wo desire that the contribu tors names shall bo published in th state papers , and we have no doub that whoa the donors shall hereafte visit Washington and behold the magnificent nificont monument which they helpei to build , they will feel proud to reool leot how generous and patriotio the ; were iu oontrlbutiug to honor th memory of ono of the greatest am best of American statesmen. WM. L. PEABODV , J. W , RAWUNS , Chairman. Secretarr. THE LAY-OUT. What Criminal Business There is on Hands for a Grand Jury , Will the District Attorney Order the Jurors Sum moned ? It was stated yesterday that the grand jury drawn for the special term of the Douglas county district court , which aits on Monday next , had not been summoned and probably wonld not bo. It would acorn from the beet Information mation obtainable tbut n grand jury at the ptosont time would Gnd work enough to occupy ita time profitably for R few days. Since the closa of the criminal week of the November term of the district court , a number if important cases liavo corno up , Vmong others nro the following : Philip Lenders , charged with the burglary of Quftm'a saloon , on Six- conth street. This is said to bo a clear case against the prisoner and would probably occupy but n briol .imo . in investigation to find n bill. James \V. Smiley , charged with jelling mortgaged property and now icld under bonds. James Gallagher , charged with ob > ainini ; monny under false pretence : < ; md Wm. F. Molnlyro , alias Galln- > her , charged with the name ollenso. W. W. Warren , charged with ob- nining $815 from Oaldwoll & Ham- 'Hun'o bank upon faleo reprentations. E. P. Shotwell , charged with as- sanlt with intone to kill. An the man hot has died since this charge , it will > robably bo rnado stronger unleia the > risoner should bo cleared on his pro- Iminary hearing which does uow eeom possible. John Quirk and Tom Henderson ( or Quirk ) , cnargod with the burglary of various hu9lnosahouBcsabouttownand { against whom there seems to bo "a dead open and shut" caso. The list given foots up eight import ant caE03 which demand the ittontton of a grand jury. If hold n jail until the February term , two nonths at least , they will cost the County for board alone at least $20 per nonth each , co oy nothing of othorjpoa- slblo > expeneo3. This would bo $4C each for board , or § 320 for tbo eight. The oust of agraud jury ought .o fall far short of this , and the time occupied after convening would cer- atnly bo morn costly than it wonld bo ; wp months henco. It all hits to bo paid for at the uatno rate anyway , and jy immediate attention the county night bo saved considerable unneces sary expense. PBRSOlMAti. A. M. Hill , of Louisville , is in the city C. M. Carter , of Lincoln , la at the Fax ton. * Geo. S. Bell , of Wnhoo , is a guest of the ? nxton. Major T. 8. Clarkson , of Schnyler , la a , he Faxton. Henry Keefer , of Lincoln , is at the Metropolitan. . ' J. T. Hart , of Council Bluffs , was in the city yesterday. Hon. O. F. Mason , of Lincoln , Is agues of the Faxton. M. W. Fraty , of Oakland , was at the Metropolitan yesterday. Mrs. K. M. Mndgett , of Weeping Water , is at the Faxton. f J. Lyman. cf Council Bluffs , tegisterei at the Faxton last night. S , D. Crans , of Hastings , registered a the Metropolitan yesterday. E. H. Cowleu , of Pine Bluffs , Wyo. was at the Metropolitan laet night , Hon. J. 0. Crawford , of West Point , i in the city , stopping at the 1'axton. Mrs. Winshlp and two children , from Wakefield , Neb , were guests at the Metro polltan last night. Mr. 0. H , Day , the well known jowele of Lincoln , is in the city , in attendance on the United States court. Mrs. Hamblln , of Council Bluff * , waa at the Mlllard last night. She came over to see the Pirates of Fenzance. G. H. Scheor , of Wayne , K. M. Perry of Blair , and Jaraea Kay , of Columbus were Nebraska guests nt the Metropolitan yesterday. A. D , Guild , Lincoln ; John A. Mac Marpby , Flattsmouth ; Chauncty Abbot and wife , Schuyler ; Mrs. House , Mrs Jndklos and Mrs. Session ? , Lincoln ; K O. Caie and wife , Steele City ; Mrs , A Pryor , Roca ; llev. Geo. W. Walnwright , Ulalr ; Wesley Jonet , ColumbUH ; A , L Abbey , Lincoln , are among the Nebras kaus who registered nt the Mlllard las night. THE CATTLE CURSE. A Nuisance that Should Bo Abated At Onoe. TUB BKK desires to call attention to a matter which is of late becoming quite sorions , and that is the nianno in whicli houses , cows , and othe animuls are allowed to run at larg upon the streets of the city. Ther have been several accidents rooontlj by reason of the violation of th ordinance which regulates this matter and a few days ago a case was brough to our attention , in which a child ha < been gored by a cow wandering abou in the neighborhood of the famllj residence. It was a mere acoidon that the child was not killed , and as i is impossible to keep children in the yard at all times , it is a matter of interes to all parents as well as to the tax payers of the city , who will be other wise called to pay a heavy bill o damages , to have the ordinance in re gard to cattle , and other animals run ning at forge strictly enforced. The act of the legislature governing cities of the Unit-class among preroga tiveB allows the city oerancU to prohi bit or regulate the running at largo o domestic animals of all kinds and de scrlpUons within the corporate limit * , and provides for the imponndirg of Ml animals ruuning tit largo con * trary to such prohibition , and f < r the foi failure.and srxlo of the animals mponnded , payment of the expenses ; or taking up , caring for , culling of ho same , &a. Tbo city ordinance irovldon for a pound master nnd ) oucd , designates the boundaries , &o. , nnd makes it unlawful fjr nnitiuls of every dcsctiption to run ut largo upon ho streets , avenues , alloyfc or puulio 'rounds of the city. It orders that i shall bo Iftwfal for any poison tn ako up cuch animals found running nt largo , authorizes I ho appointment ot a pound-muster , and'in factcom - ilios entirely with the act of the leg- slaturo granting this privilege. Whether Omalia haa n pound.master or not we are not cortnin , but if it haa wo desire to call his attention to the 'act that his presence * in no mo parts of iho city might give him a little moro business than has boon beard of fiotn [ iis ofllcrt lately , and if this ordinance ts not enforced n little bolt or the council will do well to put some man in the position that , will enforce 11 Iluraan lifo haa bopu ntidaiigorod annugh already , cud the violation of this important regulation of the city should not be allowed any longer. Yo Fnir OIIOA 'Who to Graoofaily preside at your husbands' hospitable boards nhuuld furnish his guests with Huh Punch , which eclipses in Htvor all pnnchot hastily mndc. Trade supplied at manufacturers prices by M. A , MoNnmara. Kimllies mppllel by A. IT. Gladetoae , Omaha , Nebraska. OMAHA , Nob. , Icc. S , 1682. The floulti ! letters in reply to advcrtlscmcnta remain uncalloj ( or at Hi H alike anil vvlll be belt for ten days only alter this date : Teacher 1 "C. J. ' 1 'T J. " 40. . V. " 1 11 & M. " 3 " 0. L. " 1 Doctor 1'ortcr 3 "L. " . . . , 1 D. " t "I'.O. " 1 X" 1 "K" 12 "AW. " T "A. H. A. " 3 " 7..V. " I "Box" 1 "DoWalt 1 " 0. X. " 1 'X. A. " I "F. P. " „ ! " 13. 8. S 1 "F. 1J. W. " 1 "Clgara" 3 "P. X I "A. ' 2 F. II. THIany 1 " ? . E. T. " t L 0. llcno 1 mafeoJ-at THE REE rUIIMSIIINO CO. IO LOAH-MONtY. j\,1 , ONEV TO LOAN On personal property of 1VJ any description A. C.tTroup , Attorney , 213 Bouth 14th Street. 8-lmo . 2U LOAN Ou chattel rnurmco se MU.NSY . A. D. Tutton , So. 1516 lonRl 9 t tree t , front room , un-stalrs. 43E-tf TW LOAA At a poi cenllc- = anms.oJ J2Doa cr , on Orkl-rhsa oljy tsi tuivs propsrlv. BUMIS UBAI , Esttvs mil , IKh and Dabclan Sis. TO J.OAN 0 ll ftt L w Otsce ot 1) MONEY i notimfl Orotebffln Black HCLP WANTED WANTED 2,000 laborers to know thcru Is plenty ofork south , nt2,00 per day. Pre sent fare to St. Louis $ (3.00 ( , Memphis $1.00 , cw Orloin , Jll.OO. Cox'gTcket olllcc,317 Washing ton Avenue , NorthMimicapollsMlm > . dee C-2t A st'u boy to take caroot her c > WANT13I1 anil work In store. Adilrcss "Her lianr , ' 1'ostofflcc ; 378-lt "ANTED A ( food milker , Saratoga dairy. 379-lt WANTED A good stccdy man to take care of horecs acd work around house. References required. Apply N , E. cor , 10th and Colfonla. dec B-lt ANTED-Olrla Immediately at the "Oeci- dcn'al. 313-tf 'ANUBD A Rood cook at New t ngla-d rei- laurant , 1418 UoujlaH street. 3JO-7 ( ANTED Agents"tcTtake oidcra for Navlns' explanatory Stock Doct ; r Do k. For terms write to J. D. 8I1B1LY. dec 14t General Agent , FtUntnnt , Neb. Two men of Ted address to can- WANTED sell goods. Sto dy employment , sure pay. Call 421 south 10th street. 357-7" A fdlnlng room girl at Maus tt WANTED ' restaurant , 151s Dodge street. _ _ VTT'ANTKD A good , active Intelligent boy to VV assist In tending clfrir and nrus stand. Good feforinccs required. Inquire of T. F. Lyon , JIIIIIr.1 Hotel. 330-tf "fTTANTED Chambermaid. W gf8 81. Ap- VV ply 018 Burt ht , tctwein 20th and 21st north tide. 313-tf . Tnpecuiefhu Bfivlcca of a welt WANTF.D mechanic. I > o propoitini coo- lldered unloj th applicant p > 'B ? 6ejft genernl Itnowlrdgo of tha muchinlcal tclcncaa. all at rooms0 ncd 7EveieU'.j Block , Council Blulfa. ANfKU Hook cnn\a-wrs at 2I7North street. 333-tf SED Every one to lea\o orders for help W at'J17N. ; ICth streetup-stalrs. 332 tf Olio peed canvasser ti sell WANTED on Instal inept , steady work and god pay. Inquire at 21S N. ICth street , room C. 207-tf OITUATION8 WAMTED Emp'o > ment by a good hand as WANTED orother ork. Inquire Y. M , C. A. * 855-5t SITUATION WANTED-As clerk or would like i to traveler some wholesale houtu. Address "M. " Doe office. 358 5t By an Englishman , Urge cxpcr- WANTED . place In private f mlly or other work. Call or adresi "It U B. " care Y. M. C. A. 3.11-flt WANTED Ajoungman wou'd Ilketogcta situation aa chipping clerk. K. W. Allen87 y. Utli strict 3J1-C ) MIOECLAHEOU8 WANT8. ' Boardtn by the day or cek 1417 WANTED , 3ii-lmt A couv'e ' ( f Scandinavian boarder WANTRD per week. Apply KM south 18th Hticct 337 C { BUSINESS | CHANCES. CHANCE good blacksmith U BUSINESS pcciol Indusemcn" , to locate at Gil- morn Nob. Apply to O. Frostt.Jtbtre. 13J-29-lui "OR RENT MOUSE8 AHO LAND lU'.NT A comfortable house at ruuona Full ' . Inquire at2013 I'icrw ) Btrtct , bet. JOtli and 21 t. 308-7 } TTtOR RK T A cottaj ' , offourroomn.2clo tin , J ; pantrj and cellar , city water In the houne. Also 4 largo rooms and closet In a double house. hartand ) writ water. U DUGGAN. 1U2 ( iou"1 IStli St. ITtOR HF.NT A houoe of Utoouu , suitable foi 1 ; ono or two families. Rent f20 u u-onth. In- quite 1S10 Cldi go btrtft , bvt. r.'th and 13th. dccU-tit 'rIl"HEtVflUbldciKe \ ( TJeTmaItouglas htl 1 } dco&-tf JOHN (1. JAO-llS. IlKST-Kiw two utorr houiju of t n FOR . , nbortdktuncti from p-iu office. lUot reasonable. WILLIS M. YATE.S. dec 5-tf OU KKNT HOUM On Chicago tri'et , between llthand IMh. Inquire of John B Ift , 1Mb. and Chlvngo. 377-1 tj TTlOll KENT 'mall cotU rDa\'Dportandl7tll Ji itreet. 15 , H. LEHMAN. 318-tf It TENT Plciuint furnlilioJ room nultabie 'orgtnileman ' , ICl'J Farnam. 3Ot-3t IOIl UENT-Furnl h d room , 1GI2 Faro&m F ttrvet. RENT-FuiaUhwl room , N , E. cor. tth FOB Jarkton. 3T.l-ri { I ? OR nKNT-On nicely furnished room for one ' ' or two Rentlemen , No. 112 Harne/s'rett , btt. 8th and Oth. 3 C-9t _ REN p - A nice furnished room. Ap < y at FOR . 2039. Ninth Street. _ Xa-G * KENT A well furnished front room wither FOR without board , at o thwrxt corner IRth anil Davenport stitct * . Tirms very reasonable. 011 i E T IIou 6 with three roomifor $9 1 ' per month on Douirlai between 2Clh and 27th rtrwt. Addrcil "JIcGiUrc" , lice olllca. 3D2-6t TTOR RENT Furnlsh.d MidunlurnlshoJ looms j HtOJftck on. 35l-8f TTIOR RENT -Corner t'ro 10th ! r t .nd S * . Jj Marj'a kvciiue , ultal > o fordry gooJsor drug- ( I. B. Ccok , at .MllmrJ hotel , or on premi ses. 3M-5 RENT A front ro-tn furnl rod and a > i FOR room In Il.inO bloik corner right nd Howard. 9II-U F'Tll RKVT-Tho residence ot M W Kennedy 1709 Jackson. Inquire on plea Is. s or at M2 Slhklrctt , Sll-tf j Oil KKhT-UnlurnmticcI room two blocka r TCCIIS cl iiottoffico , 117 icu'n lith ttre t4 3H-tf Tjion HI-NT Furnished room. Inquire 313N. i ? ITthstirct , Ijetwaen Davenport and Chicago streets. a-M-tf K NT A new houne , furnished , eight FOR * , bath room , table , etc. Ono of the finest locations In the city ; &H ) UO per month. Inquire for three days , Dcuils'rcal vstnte n cncy , Ifith Hid Douglas utrceU. novIH t ( nEST-Tho Monitor Home , of HOTEL , HaiUn county * Nh. A firitchcn home , wcl < tutnl'hnl aid datng a teed Imilnm H Or rent tu n co d hutd mor w uld gelt or ( \olmtgo ( cr tt hi r iirnicity. For pattlc < i'ars , Ail.itcsa oratply to 1S4AU MULLHOt.LAND , 2S04W Almt , Nab. lOll RENT Now seven room cottAge well lo- catctl , hvi scicral closlts , city and c stern water C. F. Drlsroll. 233-tf i > 11M1S' New Jlnp of Omaha , Just counilctod and fj ready ( or delivery at 87 each. la J ( cot wMo by 7 ( cct long. Lanrcut and most comjiloto map ol Omaha c\cr published. Otllclal map of the city. 8co column. 'Wj ' rtOH KENT Offlco rooms. Enquire at Now ! York Dry Goods store. lOMcc-15 -poll llKt.T-Up-nt&irs , 1417 Kiunhiru ntros JD BMf JOHN -IACOU3 7\JH ( UhN'i n me D ( b ioome in Uis 1 } order , 10 bin k Irom opera home , cheap . . . . . . ' . $26 Homo of U t"-J . = , Ml ccnvcnlocci- block * from opc-n Vuso . . . . . 40 Hourc of B roomn I'.M in J Nlchohi ntrcols. 1 ? Store on rarnftui , ' . ' fl > ors 1 5 Hereon llth.B ! l ) . > r * . . ; 76 Suclltront tcslcls. < . . . . . $50 to65 43-tt Mo'AHUK , r ppO'lto Poatoinco. flOIl UENT-Unfur. . tshcd rooms In brick 1 house. 1411 Chicago street. IfO-tf FOll UKNT Klrjratitly furclslioJ rooms with pas and boater. Hifnrcnccs required. Ap ply at northwest corner cf 23d and Uurt Streets. V33tt fiOK RENT Furnished room with board IfOS California street. 171-tt IOURhNT Unuau , oix rooms , rutnlxhcd , In- qulro at D. Ilydn'a oHlco , Mlllard botol. . 705-U (7 ( > OK UftMT _ Two new awelllnca tad two ol&ei JD dwellings Indcolrabloloctlity , by McEoou No. 1514 DnuelRn strei-l ; Ur-tt "T710H tJKNT Largo olnco teem or half store , .1 ? 1020 Farnham stteot. 797-tf JTlOrt KENT A. itoro m Balcombe block , nn I ; letli xtrset , near Davenport. St A. D. BalcoTibe. BOO-23H IOH SALE A small groin elevator and & pork , warehouse.chtap , nt A on all the ral rnad track 8 at Fremont , Neb. , with the grounds , by Robert Kittle , | dco5-'jt ADAU i AIN Kor silo , a small house on leased ground , tlirco rooms , closet , pan ry , sum- mo r kitclcn , peed cc'hr ' , and wa'ei , Chojp for cash. Inquire on premises , second door north of Hi Mary's luemie , on Fan view street , or at JIB. Falconer * sal on. 'pora hnn o lilook. 3 001 b\UU SALK A go it restaurant and Jiotui in a flourishing town of four thous nd inhabi tants doing a good buslucss OwnirwUhcatoecll on ocount of 111 heilth , easy terms. An dregs 0. F. Cawan Grand Island Neb , 313-tf FOK SALE Saloon doing a business from 81,050 to 81,200 nmonth.ln ono of the best locations In the city. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Terms very'reasonable. For pirti.u- lars addrssa "E. C. " Bee office. 312-lwf XCELLENT HRICK for sale. S9.00 per thou- < sand. Yard , 16th street , two blocks south of Bcllcvuo road. LORENZO DIBBLI. J 177-lmnorlGr OTEL FOll BALE First class hotel for sale I 1 in a li\o western town. Has all the first clafs trade. Reason for selling other business. Tor particular * , address , Hotel , OHAIU But. 183-lmfnovlBt TTIOIt PALK Steam engines now nd ccond Jj hind 8 , 10 , 15 , 20 horsa power. Also steam boilers any size. Inquire Om 1m Foun dry and MacDlnoCo. nov24-Im-m FOR SALE Barrels and kegs. Also hoop poles bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th and Pierce. ICOdccll * JERRT SXTHOUR. TkEMIS New Map of Omaha , Just completed and JL > ready for dtlhcry at $7 each. Is 4 feet wide by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map of Omaha ever published. Official map of the city. Sea column. Eou HINT Brick i tore. Inquire at drugstore earner 10th and Douglas. IOYCLE FOll BALE Inquire 0. M. Woodman - B man , Omaha. 751-tf LOST Largo b'aik Newfoundland dog , white under neck. End of tail white. Hud on black leather collar. Liberal reward foctrnt Milt - t n Rogcra & Bon , 14 h and Farnam. 875'Itt TOST < A final s atemont and discharge. The J lucky finder will bo paida icward by leaving same at this alike. JOltiN ECO BUT. 371-2t } SC. BUAINARD , Taxidermist , fleerh-ads , a . rpeclalty , 13th , bet. Howard and JkCkbOn , G5-n3-2m DOC10RS JAS. II. & JOHN D. PEABODY have reniOTod from 13th and Fam m streets to rooms 1 , 3 and t , Iledick's block , 15fi7 Farnam atrcet. 249-uZMm fllAK N U ? One brown mare colt it rlnfore- JL head , two bird fact white. bouk two vtars old. t 217-tlt JAS. STEPHENS EDWARDKUEHL , MA018TEII OF PALMYSTERY AND CONDI- TI NALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam and Ha-noy , Will , with ho aid of guardian ai irlta , obtain for any ono a glance ho past and present , and on certain conditions he fu ture. Boots and ti hoes modu to order , ti rrt Ball-faction ruarantrcd. k Absolutely Pure. This iwwder never varies. A marvei \ purity , strength amd wholcsomeneaa More economical than the ordinary klndi , and cannot be gold In competition with the multitude of low teat , short weight , alum or phoaphate powder * . Sold only in can * ROTAL DIKING FOWDKB Oo. WM1 St. , New York-