Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1882, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
mumn BLUFFS :
Wednesday Morning Dee 0
By Carrier , - - . - - to cent * prr week
BrUaU . . . . . . 110.00 per Year
OfQco : Ho. 7 Pearl Street. Near
n road way.
J. Mueller's I * Uce Mnnlc Hull.
The KniRhtj of I'jrthlm dunce this
Dlnhcii , glftsuwftre , l mi , etc. , ivt 303
Broadway. Howe & Son ,
Htrknesn , Orcult & Co. , have new
heating pt > araln > for their fttore.
-OldpajieniforMla at THE BEE office
at 25 cents per hundred.
Subscribe for newspupert and periodi
cals at H. K. SeAtnanV book rtore.
V , A. Senrs his opened up n ncftt and
tompllnR lunch counter at the Northwcat-
eru depot.
Furniture of nil kinds Kjnlrod by
Howe & Bon , 303 llr..vhmy
< 2cal saoque , fur trlmmlngn , very
low , at Molcnli lirofl. "
There is to be n npfclftl dummy run
over to-night from Oninlin , after the en
tertainment of the Boston Ideal company ,
Largo quantity of tovei nd furnl-
turo at 303 Broftdwuy. Howe & Son.
New lot nicely decorated , 50 pieces , of
tea fttf , only C at Alnurer & Crnig.
Ktchmond & Co. , the grocer * , have
made an assignment in favor of their cred
itors , the amount of claims being cutlmitod
at about $10,000.
Hand-painted chlnrv , art uottory , solid
illverwaro , bronzofl , &o , at Manrcr &
Kd BurkeIi tbo oflicltl chimney sweep
of the city , and all orders entruitod to his
care will bo promptly filled. Leave orders
opposite the Coy house , on Broadway.
The jury In the superior cotitt In called
for to-day. Several canes yesterday were
continued , and aside from motion * thet *
was nothing Rpeclal done on the civil
J. O'Bryan , who was arroited for
throwing stones at the windows of a bawdy
house , wa9 before Justice FrMney yester
day , but the prosecution failing to show up
was discharged.
In the district court yesterday there
were several defaults and fore closure ? ,
sundry motions disposed of and four ill-
vorcos granted. The petit Jury Is to bo
Impanelled on Friday. The grand jury Is
still grinding away in its Bccret chamber.
Those who have food or clothing for
the poor , which they want distributed nn
der the supervision cf llov. Mr. Lemon ,
should leave the same at the Baptlit
church , on any wcok day between 10
o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock.
A double quartet will to-day have
their matrimonial grievances nirod In tlio
district court , there being four divorce
CMOS assigned : Henry Maxwell vs. Amelia
Maxwell ; Sarah Jane IVgg vs. John Pegu ;
Emma Allen vs. Bonj , Allen ; Amanda
Langley vs. James Langloy.
The pantomime ol Cinderella is to bo
given in connection with a fair and social
t the Baptlit church , December 15 , under
the auspices , of the ' 'Young Volunteer ! , '
an organization of young folki. The ad-
mi&slon is to bo free , and a pleasant entar-
tertalnment for all Is promised.
Theodore Braun has purchased the
confectionary and restaurant eitabliah-
ntntlately owned by Smith & McCuen.
As be has been connected with the business
for some tlmo bo U thoroughly conversant
with It and will surely conduct it succcts-
William Jones , of Avoca , was yester
day brought hero , iu charge of on'oilcor ! ,
to servo out a sentence of ono day in jail ,
for petit larceny. Tbo costs of transporta
tion , the fees and mlleago of the ollicer ,
etc , , will make that one day's Imprison
ment oott the county $10 to SIC , probably ,
The Central Methodist church society
has purchased a site at the corner ol
Seventh street and Court , it being the
Ballon property , the dlmcntlouH being 100
by 140 feot. The consideration paid was
S3.MO and it Is proposed to build a church
costing about § 50,000 , which will certainly
be a credit to this city ,
Ed Stockert & 03. , the upholsterers at
SOO West Broadway , have In stock a spe
clal and unusually elegant nbowing of up
holstered rjood and novelties especially
adapted for the holiday trade , They htwo
ulna a fine display of picture frames , mould
ings , etc. , and those who are planning for
gifts should surely visit this establishment
as there is certainly a great variety of rich
goods toielect from.
Yesterday afternoon the young colorot
wan named WaitbloBion , charged with
Bleating a $300 diamond ring from a
Chicago jewelry talesman named Hunger
foid , was brought before Judge Ayles
worth , and the cose sent front thence to
Justice Praluey' * . Hnngerford having
secured tbo ring , had left tbo city , and the
case wan continued until Thursday to see
If the naleiman desired to appear am
prosecute. Wwhlngton waa taken back to
J. 8. Bulllvan , charged with stealing
a ring from A proitltutt , wan before Jut
tlco Fralney yesterday , but M no proie
cutlog witneai appeared he wan discharged
It is understood that th complaining wit
ness concluded to give the justice court
the go-by , and hare the grand jury pas
upon the case. Sullivan was brought be
fore Judge Aylesworth yesterday , charged
with assault ana battery , it being ancif
nh'jot of the Mme occurrence , He pleade
Kuilt ; to assault , and was Gned f 10 on <
At Pnamix Hall.
Wagner & Meyer have hero th
celebrated Annheuaor fJueoh , St. Loui
beer , op * r decO-Ut
* * * "No eye like th master's eye.
Had yKtop lived in our day be inlgh
well luvo uddod , "No popular onra
Uve like KidneyWort.r All eyea arc
beginning to turn to it for relief from
diseases of the liver , bowels and kid
l ney . Kidney.Wort is nature's rem
* edy for them all , These that cannot
iv < prepare the dty can now prooDro it in
liquid form of any druggist.
Tlio Allowed Blgfuntut Arrlvoa Safolj
on a IH Locked Up.
Ofllcor Kdgarnrrlvod yoslorday frorr
Darlington , having in cuitody Harrj
T. Carpenter , the young rnun wanted
here to Jfnswor to a chnrgo of bigamy.
Carpenter denies the chnrgo , nnd cnyi
that the only wife ho htxs la the young
girl , wlioso parents live on 1'iorcc
atroot , in this city , The woman in
Virginia , who claims alao to bo hli
wife , ia aaid to bo on her way hero tc
appear Rgainat him , and it ia reported
that ho has two ether wives alao , one
of whom ia at North Platto. On being
naked about thU one , Carpenter deified
the truth of Rucli n statement , bnt
seemed anxioUK not to have the wo-
nan referred to appcnr againat him ,
EIo aays ho will prove that there ia * < toast
east ono other man of the Ranio name
aa hit , and intimated that thin waa the
cauao of hia trouble , belt noomod
rather nonpluBned when naked if the
other man of the name tumo had the
iiino kind of India ink tattooing on
lis nrnis , n fonturo of idcntifioition ,
which ho WAS apparently not ( .roparcd
o explain.
Judge Ayloaworth ycatorduy fixed
lia b il at § 500 , and bulng unable to
urniah it ho waa consigned to jail to
await a hearing.
WliatWoWnut *
( live Homeopath hU pellet * , Allopath
lU pills ; but lor rheumiitlttn , f r nchcs ,
or pains nnd ppmlne , THOMAS' KcLFOTIllO
) II , Is IncfTably uperlor to ulthrr. It has
)6uolltted ns mnny ponplo R It has had
mrcliwern. All dnigfljti nell It.
ho Hoard of Trndo Decldo In Favor
of u WuKon Way.
The discussion of the proposed
> ridglng of the Missouri river ia atain
ovivod , and has followed about ouoh
courao an it did laat spring. At a
mooting of the board of trade hold
Monday evening aovrral hours raoro
nroro coosamod in talking it over ,
> rinping out n variety ol
pinions as to . whether the
iropoaod bridge should bo for railway
turposes , or n wagon bridge with
troot car track simply Ic was finally
ooided to favor the building of a
vagon bridge , but not to favor any
allway attachment. A bill for that
urpoEO has already boon introduced
n congress , and the action of the
oard is virtually in support of that
ill. *
Tons of thousands of dollars are tqiund'
red yearly on traveling qimcknvlio go
rom town to town profeaslni' to euro nil
10 ills that our poor Iminauity la beir to.
Vhy will the public not learn common
onto , and if they are Buffering from dya-
cpilaor llycr complaint , Invent a dollar in
niixa BMBHOM , Bold by all druggltti nnd
ndoracd by tbo faculty. Bee tcstlmonl.
IB. Price 50 cents , trial bottle 10 cents.
Some of the Matters of Interest
Wnlcb tne Aldermen are
Handling ; .
At the regular mooting of the city
onnoil hold Monday evening there
waa a. full attendance , and much
routine business waa disposed of ,
such as the. allowance of bills , the re
ceiving and reading of the monthly
reports , the moat important ones of
which was given in yesterday's BEE
A petition was presented asking
that the fonooH , corn cribs , etc. , along
the eaat side of Twenty-third street ,
'rom ' Broadway to Avenue C , be
moved b&ok , they now encroaching
lomo five foot or so upon the street.
The matter was referred to the en-
; ineor and comiittoo on otroota and
The cigarmakera * union desired to
have the use pt the council chamber
ono evening in n month for their
meetings. The request waa granted
The resolution passed by the board
of education requesting the c6unctl to
order a sidewalk along Avenue G , foi
the accommodation of pupils attending -
ing the Hall school , waa granted , and
the usual resolution pasted ordering a
temporary sidewalk.
Three bonds for the appearance of
persona charged with breaches of the
pouco wore presented by the city
attorney , who desired to know what
to do with them. The signers of two
of them olfered to compromise by
paying in cosh about what the fince
would have boon had the parties ap
peared and boon found guilty. The
third bond was surrounded by peculiai
circumstances. A well known crook ,
against whom no specific evidence
could be secured , was arrested on the
charge of vagrancy , and it was difll
oult to got evidence to convict him
even of that. The caao WAS continued ,
and parties in town gave a bond foi
hia appearance , the chief of police ,
marshal and clerk giving the bonds ,
men to understand that if the follow
could bo frightenedout of town II
would suit them better than to have
him over appear. The boudamau did
BO , and the city got rid of the follow
by this moans.
Aldermen Bhugart and Newell par
tioularly protested againat this way ol
doing business. They bollevod it
having the follows triec
and convicted and of making
bondsmen strictly responsible. Thi
former took occasion to criticise th (
police force aa being too lax , and sale
the citizena wore getting tired of sc
many crooks and thugshanging | about
town. As a final outoomo of thi
matter the council concluded to com
promise two of the bonus aud let th <
third ono go , the understanding beinj
that hereafter no bonds shall bo taker
with any auoh understandings , anc
that all forfeited bonds should be
oolleo'ud in full ,
The city clerk wanted to know
about thu city scales , whether thurt
were any , and whether there was an ]
city weijihmaster , or not. , No out
see mod to know. The wetghmastei
had not resigned but was at work U
the postoflioo , The council docidet
to stop using the vacant lots near the
court houBO for haymarket purposes
bt.d let the matter rest there.
Tha report of the city treasure ]
bowed the general fund to be over
drawn about $1,700 , and the pollci
fund to contain $4,100. The total
cash in the trraanry waa about $7,309.
Alderman Shuirart apoko in favor
of tntronchment oi expenditures , and
moved that the chairman of the com
mittees constitute a committee to re
port at thn next meeting of the coun
cil rooommondftlions for the guidauce
of the council in future expenditures.
The question of paving Broadway
and Main atrceta was discussed some
what , and it waa decided to appoint a
committee consisting of Mayor How *
man , Aldermen Noiroll and Kicher ,
and Patrick Licy _ to proceed
oust and investigate the
kinds and costs of paving In use in
various cltic , they to make the trip
without any txpeneo to the city ,
acsessor was talked over , bnt action
postponed until next Monday evening
to which time adjournment waa taken.
A Now pnpor Editor *
O , M. Holcnm , cf Bloomvllle , Ohln.rttca
to explain ; "Hnd tint terrible dfecft'o
catnrru , for twenty yearn : couldn't taste or
rmel ) , and hcnrinK wna fulling. Tbomns1
Kclcctrlc Oil cured tne. Tiiea * are facts
voluntarily clven KnIn > t a former preju
dice of patent medicine. "
Henry Voni , of Otnuho , wag amid tbo
Bluffs yesterday.
J. W. BlanforJ , ono of llio live men of
Had Oak , vlnltcd thin city jeMoulay.
( ! . \VedewooJ ( ? , ono ef Atlantic's
attorney ? , Is In tbo city attending court.
Dlitrlct Altornsy Connor li In the city
n attendance upcm tha district court.
George 1'holp ? , of Odcn homo papu-
arlty , hns gene to Bf , LOIIH ! for a brief
Aid. ] .Icher ttarted yoitcrday for the
east , nnd before hia return will visit frlondn
n Pennsylvania.
Alderman Newell hns nttrted also for
the east ns one of the "big four" to look up
paving statistics.
W. KavanaUgh , of Dunlnp , one of the
lott known busincni men of that place ,
was here yesterday.
A. Alexander , ot Chicago , ono of the
Ivcllcst clothing nun on the rail reached
tero yesterday from Denver.
1'at Lncy started yesterday to visit
he scenes of hia childhood in Virginia ,
nid to visit other points in the cast.
Mm. Janseu , Mrs. S. T. Kuo-e , and
it B Carrie Session , of Lincoln , are in the
city , the gucat of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hamblin.
Mayor Cheney , of Missouri Valley , ono
of the best hotel men in the whole west ,
was shaking hands with friends here yee-
Mrs F. C , Bates has returned from La-
ayottc , I lid , , whether she went on tha sad
mhslon of accompany ing the remains of
icr slater , Mrs. C. K. Uoddard , taken to
that city for interment.
Freddie Bates , the little pcm of Kd.
Jatos , remaluu in about the enme condi
tion , though apparently a Itttlo weaker ,
nnd much concern is felt for him by
Mayor Bowman hai started for tbo east ,
ntendlng to visit Maine befoco his return.
EIo will doubtless toe if there { 3 not ship-
jullding material enough left tbore to pave
.ho streets of Council Bluffa.
BATTLE CHEEK , Mich. , Jan. 31 , ' 79.
GENTLEMEH Having boon afflicted
lot a number of years with indiges
tion and general debility , by the ad-
vlco of my doctor I psod Hop Bitters ,
and must say they afforded mo almost
instant relief. 1 am glad to be able
to testify in their behalf.
To Visit Omaha.
Arrangomonto have boon made for
loir rates , nnd special trains for Wed
nesday evening ( ho.Oth inst. , for all
members of Fidelity Council No. 150
Royal Arcanum expecting to visit Pioneer
neer council of Omaha. Street cars
will leave the Ogden house nt G o'clock ,
local time , makitig close connection
with the dummy trains aud return at
11 o'clock the same ovening. All
members dooirous of going will pleaio
Umvo their nameo &t onoi with I' . 12 ,
Gavin. I. M. TKEi'NOR ,
* Secretary.
Nervousness , peovishnees and fret
ting , so often connected nrith over
worked females' lives , is rapidly re
lieved by Brown's Iron Bitters.
Nlout Shirts a Oauso of Bnldnoea.
lUirllngtmi lluwkejc.
Wo cannot cure baldness , as n bald
head is beyond help , but if those who
have hair and desire to retain it will
follow our advice they need never
ahow a clearing on top of their heads.
The cause of baldness is the habit
men have t > f pulling their ahlrta and
night si.iris over their heads. There
are some who will laugh at this idea ,
but it is not intended that they
hould , as this io net a funny article.
Thia ia buiincas , The p tiling of a
shirt or a night nhirt off over the head
oausoB friction on the scalp , which in
time soars the roots of the hair , and
leaves a barren f.1 .in , n Sahara , for
ever after. Supposn the night
shirt oomes to ft man's foot , there ia
from live to six feet of tail to be
drawn over the tender hair , wlnVi ,
kept up for a series of years , would
wear ou1 , a : y head of hair. Add to
this tbo Motion front taking off the
shirt , and then the uatutal scratching
of the head for ideas , etc. , and the
hair has no rest , and the wonder ia
that there ia a man lefi who has a
spear of hair Icfc on his head. Now
the provontatlve ia for men to walk out
of their night shirts the front way ,
Women are never bald , and aome
sneering men account fur the fact by
claiming that women do not have
brain enough to become bald. That
ia a campaign Uo. Women have more
brain aud of u bettor quality than any
bald headed man on earth. But tboy
do not wear their hair off by pulling
their garments over their head.
They open the storm door of
torments , and walk out into
the light of day , and never disturb a
hair. This wo state upon information
and belief , and if wo are wrong wo can
easily be corrected. It ia alleged that
thty set out of their dry goods different -
ent from men , aud thereby make a
great saving in hair. Taking all the
tuots there is only ono sensible way
for men who desire to retain their
hair , and that is to break off the do-
atructive habit of pulling their gar
ments off over their heads. They may
have to be initructod aa to the beat
manner of getting out of A nightshirt
without using the hcnd for pivot ,
hut that can bo ntrnnged. Lst socie
ties bo formed , clnsscs , if you please ,
and tocuro n teacher to illustrate how
to trtko ofTft night shirt the front way.
If our dixoovery is acted upon bnld-
headed men will bo unknown in the
next generation. '
Docllno of Man.
Nerronn Weakness , Dyapopsia , Impotence -
potenco , Sexual Debility , cured by
"Wolla'Health Ronewcr.'f 81.
HtopUpQlrlB and Show Yourselves
Chlc KO Hera d.
The census bureau establishes ihe
fact Mia * , the cotton factory operatives
ot Now- England arc , nearly all of
them , gitls of foreign birth , There
upon an exchange screams : "Where
arc the Yankee yirle ? ' Where are
the ) ? Why Borne of thorn are at homo
helping their mother * in the manu
facture of roiuco fiefl , woolun nock *
and soft Eoap , Others are nt various
Rchools throughout the country study
ing hair-banging , piano-pounding mid
Kangaroo gaitR. Other are otudjing
nursing , medicine and law. A few
ere preparing for "tho bench" and
"tho cloth. " Occasionally ouo wanders -
dors westward with hur brotd-
nhouldcred husband and aottlea
down to the cultivation
of the peaceful ahocp , ( ho razor
backed shout and dlrty-fnccd children.
Still another tnarnoa the Italian count ,
and goeo with him to "cloudloes
climen and atarry tkion , " and cooks
for him the potent garlic while ho
tarns the crank of a bairol organ ,
singa "Vivo Garibaldi" and exhibits
the nimble Jocko. Baron , n
Brazilian nobleman , captures another
and takes hur with him to his fever *
laden homo to mind thu brato , while
ho shaves the next customer. There
are norno who become the wiveu of
their childhoods' playmates , and re
main In their natlvo towns upright ,
honorable , narrow-minded women ,
who go to "mootin * " twice on Sun
days , and think it wrong to laugh on
a day devoted to the worship of the
Gallant Rosonos
There can be something heroic in a med
icine as well nn in Individuals. Burdock
Blood Bitters have effected many a gallant
rescue among the suffering bick. Thoue-
anda have cscnpad the miseries of dytpep-
Ma and nerv > us debility through the mo of
this wonderful medicine. It is emphati
cally the best atouiacb and blond tonic in
Lho world
PostoUQco Ohanoa
In Nebraska and lown during the
week ending December 2 , 1882. Fur
nished by Win. , Van Vlock , of the
pDOtofiioo department , for the B r.n :
Estaoliahed Talbnr , Knox County ,
Richard 0. Talbot , 1 . M ,
Discontinued Primroao , Hamilton
Poatniaaters Appointed St. Ed.
ward , Boone Oonnty , Mrs. Ellen M.
Thompson ; Wyoming , Otoo County ,
Edwin S. Uregg.
Diocontiiiuod Mount Hope , Sac
Co. ; Roacher , Shelby Co.
Postmasters Appointed Carson ,
Pottawattamlo Co. , Ohas. F. Over-
aterj Cooper , Greene Co. , S. W. Wig
gins ; Eareka , AdimsCo. , A. Y. Oupp ;
Stratford , Hamilton Co. , R. V/ ,
Biggs ; Sivoa , Kossath Co. , Ole
Olesou ; Viroqua , Jones Co. , Wm.
Unmarried Persona
Should loose no time in securing , a
certificate in the Marriage Fund Mu
tual Trust Association of Cedar
Rapids , Iowa , concerning which circu
lars and full information will bo sent
free upon application. It is organized
under the Insurance Liwa of Iowa ,
and is the only legalized and legiti
mate institution of tho' kind in the
country. Its officers and managers
are among the most prominent busi
ness men in Cedar Rapide , including ,
bankers , the postmaster , capitalists ,
railway managers , insurance men ,
leading lawyers , physiciaun and otbct
reliable citizens. Over § 15,000 hag
already boon paid to members. It ie
a splendid investment , as snfe , secure ,
and sure as a government bond. You
can just an wi-11 have a good sum of
money to commence married life on ,
us not. Rsmembor it only costs you
ono cent fcr a postal card to request
full explanation and information.
Good ngonts can got territory if up-
plied for soon. Write to-day. Do
not poitpono ii. Mention where you
saw this notice. oct2lMm *
it ! ) * J MOd OA
ino md PJ JJ ' npo < xXi no * iBttjvd i 3n3 uip
irnp ptro ' iiBO < Isp Ioi ao imp i nopq
jo uonaaiu 'oousunaooai
iSJooto fin 01 oojioij .fiim'-m g
DJoiBM ptra e fo 7p otn omcxuaAC " "
pan ( ) | puonnaooajvira iupooao
oupn poaapaowip u jo xavq ornnt 1 1 ooa
Q3AO2id N338 SVH
aa tor. .
Offlco o er MTlngi bank.
723 W. Broadway.
Proprietors ,
Thti Inuiitlry hw Just Iwou opened lot hail.
nett , and we are now prepared to do la indry
rork of all klndi and guarantee latUUctlon. A
epecliltymmJe ot Quo work , micb as colUrt ,
cuda , Due khlrts. etc. VTo want everybody to
Kive u * a trial ,
W. O.Jiinu , la connection with hit law and
lOllccUoo butlncMbuyt and iclll leal Mtate ,
ftrtoot nUhlDjtto boy cu i U city property call
tl h ! < oOlce , over DnthDcll' * book Itorc , Pearl
Silver Plated
Door Plate * Eagravetl to Order
No , 003 N , 7th St. . . St. Loult , Uo ,
NOTICC. Special tvircitUcmenta , due
I < crt | Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Henl ,
Want * , iJonjdlnp , etc. , will b lntort d In tbli
calutnn at ( ha ow tftto of TEN CENTS TKR
LIMB fcr the firtl Inwrticn ami FIVE CENTS
PCH LINK ( cr each subsequent Insertion.
I/eavo adv < tttsoment § at our office , No. 7
rcnrl Street , near lroix ) < l ny. _
Wanted '
WANTED A flrstrc'nM cabinet ranker Ap-
li y 1 1 W W. Chapman' * , 107 sauth Main
ttn t , council IllulTi , In.
WANTKD-A ( rood C.tton or OoMen hand
\iir-nt In Rood condition ( second hand. ) 0.
0 , Fitch ,
WANTKD. Ilroom-makcr ; ft No. 1 broom tier
w anted Immediately. Apply or call on
Copson Broom Co. , ilaUcni , In.
" \TjTANTKD A situation M boklitcper or
Vy mlomin. llcst ol r.lercntrH. Addrcii
n. , IlnrolIKc. .
- bulldlnjts to \ e.Vo make
WANTKB-KO ma\l g houses and * \lm\ \
AddrtMW. 1 * . Alc ortlj , box 870 , Council
llliijK. lix. _ _ _
Everybody In Council muffs Ifl
WAN1KD TUB UK * , iiO cents per eek , rte
Ilvcred by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Street
nenr Rrn.idnny.
For Sale cvnd Rout
HUNT OH PALL-Tcn . .rrts ol Und ,
Foil lion o , one room nud kitchen black *
nilthihtm , ttable room for lx hortS , Riod
well , goal cellar and tne hnndiol atirt twenty
bo rnffiult treifl. Neu I'ony creek , about
Itvo mliis of Ciuncil llluITr. Knqulro on the
l > ri m'scj cf A , Miller or a-Jdtcsi liltu nt Council
IJIOn SAtKTho Western House , No. 303 Up-
I. per Iroiulnnj ; or will tnulo for Improved
city or farm property ! or will ncll furniture and
rtnt building ; I canon , 111 health. AJdrcsi J , 8.
D. MCCAUISTKH , 80S Upi > cr Uroodwn ) , Council
IHlilTg , Jown. _ _ t. _
Tf.O K SALK-A Rood A bo. 1 nf > M c M tiuihtr
X1 heillnpt tto\o. nt / . 1 ( . Levin' * , 303 Ilroad-
way. _
ltEiS-ln | > nck RcHo { n hundred nt 2Cc
a paciao at TIIK IJm olllcj , No. 7 1'iarl
street. _ tf
ITIOK SALE A lumbar and coal yard , doing a
JP gooi buslntBi In a DOW town ,0.1 the Chicago
cage , Aillwaukoe&Sr. Paul rnllroad.
IjAOU IlKXT iy no r two-story brick Btoro
Jj building , on South Main street.
_ PETElt WE18.
TTIOU BALE Sly twelve-acre fruit farm , on
T South Flr.t street. _ PETER WE13
inOK BALK beautiful roudcuco iota , JS3 (
I * each ; nothing down , and ? 3 per mouth only ,
QT1LU AHEAD Great success. CMI and BOO
O DOW accessories and specimens of pictures
takcnbv the reliable gelatine bromide process ,
nt the Excelsior Oallerv JO'ilIalnotrcot. _ _ _ _ _
. W. L. PATTON Mijslclan and Oculist.
DR. euro any case of lore eye * . It la only
c , matter of time , and can cure generally In
from three 'to five weeks It makes ur differ
ence how long dlscaEid. Will straighten cross
eyes , operate and remove Ptyrojrlnma , etc. , and
Insert artificial eyes. Special attention to re-
movolng tndflttorms _ apfi-U
Dr , Hoaglier nOculist , Aurist ,
liiChronlcdl'cnflis , cllara hh sen Ices to all at
dieted with climates cl th Eye , Ear , cr Chrcnlo
dHeasci of any chirocter. Warrintg a euro In
alll cumntla iDectl.nH Can bo conHulted l > y
mail or In vcruon at the Metropolitan hotel ,
Council lilufli , lo a _
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
Orookery , Glassware ,
Also agents for the following line * of
Steamship Companies :
Cunard , Anchor , Gulon , American , and Stall
Steamship Companies.
X > 3EC fb. 3E * 3C fit
For sale on the Royal Bank of Ireland and Bank
of Ireland , Dublin. Those wi o Intend to send foi
friends to any part of Europe will find It to theb
nterest to call on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
343 Broadway , flounoi ) E1nfo
Fresh and Salt Meats ,
Poultry and Game in their cc.ison. Wionei
. and other Sausages a spouinlty.
_ _ N < * . 321 BROABVPAY.
The most contrail located hotel la the city ,
Rooma 75c , tl.OO , 1. 60 and 22.00 per day.
First Clisa Rcataurant connected wits th
.HURST. - - Prop.
Corner Fourth and Locust Etreeta.
Rlob Oat ainsB , Fine Frono
Silver Ware Sic. ,
tin n OAn < " < OODNOIT , BLUKFH
14. Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
Extract ) UK nd fllllnif | wcl tty. rtrst-cUn
"f n mnrv. | _
Justice ot the Peace and
Notary Public ,
itlftRroadv/av. Council Bluffs ,
All Shippers and Travelers will n
good accommodation and rousonsbl
Council Bluffs , - - Iowa.
Proprietor ! )
The Intrinsic merit and luperior quality of oui
Gold Itopa Tobacco has Induced other mannfac-
tuien to put upon the market rood ! tlmlUr to
our brand la came and ftjle which are offered
and told for l < * moiey than tha genuine Gold
Rope. Wo caution the t-ade and container * oe
that our name and trade mark are upon eacb
tump , The only genuine and original Qold ltop <
Tobacco In manufactured by
Broadway , and Fourtli Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
- -
Headquarters For the Cele
HSyp'hp'p TP i 59 m ft Q
vv C i\f \ v A JU A < i/si M i > j
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail.
.A. Address ,
.A.O I
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Willow greets , Cornell Bluffs.
JLC tja : > "was s : 0533 EC.
Orders QlloJ In uny part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
At the Lowest Possible Prices.
That never reqnlro crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Hair Store , at prices never before touched by
ay other hair dealer. Also a lull line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Alto gold ,
lUver and colored nets. Waves made from ladles' own h ! r. Da not fall to call before pnrchwing-
iluwhera. AH goods warranted aa represented ; MBS. J. J. GOOD ,
" 3 Main street. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalic cases.
Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Onr Mr , Morgan boa served as undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands
his business. WAREROOMS , S1G AND 337 BROADWAY. Upholflterhi In
all its brunches promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambreqalna. Telegraphic -
graphic and mail orders tilled without delay. _ '
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Beer and rsaltln&ny ijuanMty'lo suit purchasers , liter $8.00 per barrel. I'rirAto lamliloa gap *
piled wltli email kct ; < nt S1.CO each , oel'vercd ' ( rcoot charge to any part ot the city.
Wholesale Dealer in and SULK AGENT FOR Joneph Schlltz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
JL7JU JL JUI W w * af didta dm JUI JV * oa JCm
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country elicited
City orders to fatnlllea and dnalern delivered free.
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wbolenalu and Retail Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
NO. 629 S Main Ftreot. Council Bluffr.
Our coiibtantly lncre elnj ; trade U BUlfclunt proof of oiirxquare iliuliiig and attcnthn to c 8
tomm. llocil Imtter a'wsys oil laml. 1'roinpt ilclhfryof good .
I Millinery , DreeamuHlnff , Etc. Cutting ana Fitting a Bpedlulty.
No. (48 Ilroadwar , Oppotlte Revere Hougo.
Laces , Embroideries , and Ladies Underwear.
Ilandkerchlcfi , boss of all Kind ) , thread , pint , needles , etc. We hope the Udles will call
and nea our itock of eoodi.
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Cutter for Metcalf V . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Streei.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Sultd to order $18 and upwards.
( Successor ! to J. P. 4 J , N. Cauady. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
W hare t he oaly complete a l of abitraclliookiio all city lot * and land * In Pottawtttaml
county. Title * examined and abttract * furnhbtd on thoit notice. Money to loan on city and farm
prorxrty , nhort tad long time , In tumi to mil the boirowtr. Iteal c t bought and aold Offlci
at H old itani oppottte to 11 * biuiM-