DAIL TWELFTH YEAH OMAHA NEB. WEDNESDAY Mi-ENING , DECEMBER 6 18dj 143 WOMAN'S WILES. A Fascinating Female and Her Adventurous Amours , OlemoDB Gives Olara a Very Unsavory Record , And Says She Hni Had Six Hnn- bnnilt- An Intoreatlng Story With Another Story "on tno 81dc\ " A eommunisallon from our corres- Bpondfcnt at Wtstberg , Iowa , a few dftjo npn , published under the head of "Cruel Clara , " attracted a good deal of attention from those person ally acquainted with either or both of thoptrtioa. A BEE reporter wout to eomo pains to look up the details of the case , Dr. 0. 1 . Clemens , the husband of Clara and the man who walloped Hugh Long , being a resident of thin city. THE DOCTOR came to THE BEE office to have the affair investigated and did not ask credence glvun to his word alone but offered to produce the .testimony of a number of witnesses who had known hid wife in Omaha as to her history slnco she struck this part of ho country. The story is a carious ono and olio ITS what a woman of at tractive appearance , lady-like manners and fair education may do to make 01 mar a , man's life , WHO SUE REALLY WAS. Dr. Oltunens produced n letter writ- tun by his wife's father and otlior evidence , which goes to show that the woman's name was really Elieiboth S. Baahliue , daughter of Mr. J. M. Baahlino , of Bauton , Pa. What she was as maid is not recorded , but it appears that while still a native ol the Keystone Shito she married 11US11AND MJU11EU ONE , a man named Garten , and removed with him to Illinois , "The Suckoi State. " She Dooms to have been angling succoisfully for suckers ovei ainoo. ainoo.Mrs. Mrs. Garten first appeared in Oma hi * about three years ago , and workoc for a tiino for a man who waa notec for his 1 CLQSF.NESS IN MONEY MATTERS and rotidincES to make nil ho could. of of thfc uoccBBities of others. She sooi after began to board with a respect aola family on Hop : noy street , bat hoi exchequer running low , and her wear ing appcrol and all her earthly good 'falling into the merciless clutches o her former employer , she was soot reduced to beggary , which waa madi more * horrible 'by sickness. . Abou November Dth , 1879 , she was in JL DESIITOTB CONDITION hut resort went to ahousi kept by o woman who desires hoi name suppressed , for relief. It wat in short an assignation house , accorS ing to best accounts , but the keeper like many others in that very qnos tionablo bueiness , is a w.-man not enl ; of shrewd business qualities am brains but with a heart for her follov women. At this time she had JL. VERY SCANTY WARDROBE , including only 0)10 ) light summer dress a char g ) -underwear , by no moan complete , and in short next tojiakoi as well as poor. Her clothes had falloi into the hands of hur creditor. Bh represented horaolf to bo Mrs. :01ar : D'Artnoy , said her home had been I : California and that she was A-QUAHS WIDOW. She eaid that her father-in-law wa a wealthy binkor on the Gold Coast but -by some unlucky speculation suddenly reduced to penury and hai died broken-hearted at his reverses his wife- following him to the grave i few days later. Mrs. D'Artuoy an < her husband had loft California n < .gone .to Illinois , but iLEFT TiTJUK OHU-I ) , at Bomeiinstitution in its native itato whore It appears there was some hopi of saving a little in time from thi .general wreck of the old map for Tune.She subsequently weno to Eu . 'ropa with D'Artney , bat he di/d / there indshe , returning > to IllinoJs/ / was si badly treated that she could/iot stam jt and came west. She litf. a vivi < imaginatioQ and told /irondorfu atorlea of her European U'Jr , ospec lallv of her visiting the pytwular spoon > -on iiir MKn SK whuro the children < / Israel hw crossed over when llecln ? from Phur aoh. Her desoriptlon/f this nslt wa js graphic end patftotio ac Marl Twain's vinit to the jtavo of Adam Well ! Mrs. B'Artn remained at thi lionao in questioner about thre woeko. She XUE HIOIU : ) AND .SMIKDj was brpkbu'up , flic ! the landlady say " * nd "really to b "pitied.1 ' Therefore her hostess , wbm we will oall Slra Blank for warV of a better name , ont -who lives on a/strcet that is not ex actly Johusof Btroot , put up some o her own hardearnod wealth , redoema her clothes > r bought some new o.iei : and in thoADgnaRO ol the poet , BEf HER ON KER PEOB. At the end of three week * Mrs D'Artorleft Mrs. Blank's honsa ant went o'er to Council BluUa , when Bha ectored a notorious den and re mime < for a while. D'Artney hat been husband No. 2 , but the widow had pot yet gratified her ooaring am bltion , end soon the fell in with th jnan whoso fate it was to be NUMBER T1IUEK. This was a railroad man imc Barkis , and "Barkis being wlllln" ahi weut with him to Marysville , Neb. , vhere she paused aa hla wife , They boarded at a respectabh Souse , and put on a certair. mount cf style aa long aa the money leld ont , when Borkia put np bu watch far their board and they left. The landlord of th.U homo says they NKAKLY RUINED HIM presumably by the fact of their unholy illianco becoming known to the lublto. Alter belcg trs. Barkis or four months eho lott the railroad man and returned .o Council Blutr < i where oho again on- orod the bagnio ahu had lott to go to Harysvilo. Sha had in the meantime copt up the story of her European life aid experiences , at times stating that icr father had been n wealthy Euro- lean and had died and left her to THR TENDER MEROIES OF THE WORLD. Oinra rinniuod at Council Bluffc until May , 1880 , and then went to HarlftV ) , Idffa. A fourth huaband somehow begins to figure In the story at this juncture but the light on this mt of her varied conjugal relations islet lot olcttr. All thnt is known of uum- > or four is thnt HIS N&MB WAS TUOM1MOK Thempsou with a p p-eaco to Mi ishcs , At Harlan nhu entered the ily of a Mr. Hurliss an n ncim- : etrets. Hero she played the role of a ady who had neuti butter days , and old of her father's great riches and oss of propnty. It appears that she s oiio of nature's noblewomen BO far aa appearances go. Her husband ays she is very prcposaesalu , of mo- Hum height and with JET BLACK EYES and raven hair. Htr most remarkable cift , however , is the "gift of gab. " She can "talk like a preacher" and spi"3 yurns like an old salt , at less per rard than prints can ba sold at a live cent oauutor. She catches her full every time and the next ono to awallow. the bait was DJO demons , who mot , wood and won her at the tlurllss mansion. This , I1EU FIFTH MARRIAGE , do convonionca or otherwise , took place July 3d , 1880. She wa < i then a , ) oor girl , and the doctor spent bin nonoy lavishly , gave her a comfortable liomo , and in short was A dutiful , obedient and loving huaband , accordIng - Ing to the statutes in such cases made ind provided. They moved to Ash land and then to Omaha , where they rented onn of the Woodruff house ) , down on Eleventh street. The house waa well furnished , and they always kept n hired girl. Mrs. demons vis ited Mis , Blank aa an old friend , and said OC WAS THE 11EST I'ROVIDEU [ n the world and she was very hnppj indeed. She had previous to this one ainco going to the Bluffr visitud Mra Blank several times and had paid hoi back in part the debt duo her , $15 it all , Mrs. B , throwing off $2.50 foi sweet charity's sake. It is inferred however , that she had oomo gentle men friouds who also called at Mrs , E.'B , for the latter says she remarked at ono time concerning Doc's blind ness to his wife's conduct. "If .Dot ain't a fool he's D D BADLY DtTPED. It.is claimed that Clemens was awa ; from homo a good'deal ' , on account o his 'business as agent ; for the lowi Stock insurance company , and tha Mrs. 0. "got crooked , " sq much 81 much BO that-her friends "tumbled fc it. " She took in a lodger , andho husband coming home' found the cir onmatances such that ho fired 'hlmfcu bag and. baggage. He took room across the street and it is said VISITED HER CLANDESTINELY in her husband's absenco. After thi she grow still more bold , according tc the story , and waa in the street toi late at night and' occompanioc homo by too many strange men ti look well , yet all the timoTjho was pro fesstng the greatest love for her bus band and his-little girl , who lived with them , and who figured extensively < sivoly in the case later on. At thti stacn of 'ho story Mrs. Blank nncon sciouoly dropped A LITTLE r-HILOSOFUY , which is not bad , as viewed from ho standpoint , She said , "Now , mister , ' ( to the reporter ) " 1 don't blame i woman that la poor and driven .to ttu wall for taking a Jriend , but when i woman has a comfortable homo and i good husband1 and then snaps up othei men she in worse than a holy devil.1 Jnst how deep an expression of dis gust this ia may bo imagined , and thi philosophy is not badly at fault. In deed Mra. Blank herself has A CtllltOUfi UIHTOJIY , She is a delicate looking little wo man on the eliady side of forty , blonde , vivacious and business fron the ground up. She was widowed bj the war und left in < ( vtnsan with threi hjjlploeo littl"i childron. She came ti Omaha , washed and ironed , nluvei and toiled and at length concluded tc make her money by "lotting ou rooms. " HKE EDUCATOR IIEK CHILDREN , and they aru now able to take care o themselves , and aru comfortably am tcspectivoly Bottled dowUvSh < r'aTs1 caved enough to bujs-n-WtTacre farm and recently divided it equaly nmonj tfcojchlldfon , with a proviso in writinj tLat aho-'was never to bo allowed ti como to-wont. "I've got it little rol i dhb the bank , tliout-h , to fall baden on , " eho aaid "and don't expect ti suffer. " Besides this , THIS KNKKOCnO WIDOW is under the cure of the (5. A. it. , am one or two other aoeret bodieu evei older , and has Implicit confidence tha the good deeds her husband -did an traaaoces laid up , and that the bread ho cast upon the watera will return to her in the sunset of life. But tils ii not Mrt. Blank's story , and wo retun to THE CONNDUUL CLAttA , whoso capers came to a close on thi 7Hi of November last , when she lof her homo and husband and , with an other married woman , wont to Iowa ostensibly to help the latter ont o Borne trouble , but probably intendinf to look out for a good No , G. Shi went to Maryavillo , taking the littli girl along , mot Hugh Long , and won * with the latter , It is said , to Arllng ton and began living with him as hu wife. She taught the little girl t ( call him Uncle Hugh , and forbade hoi TELLING TALES OUT OK SCHOOL under penalty" of being "throwi down the well , This it u laid came A ) - - . - . out on the trial after thin latest domestic arrangement wan broken up by Dee Clemens' ' unexpected appearance on the scone. The letter sayi Long in structed the wctnan to oomo back to Omaha and got all out of him that eho could and then return to Blan- obard whcro they would livo. This GAVE IT ALL AWAY. 3ho visited her homo in Omaha nnd took away what she could ( the dootcr says she had run him in debt already many times and kept him cramped for means ) , but the shipment of hot Bow ing machine led to the discovery of lor now lynne , and the doctor a few dava ago'pnt in an appearance very suddenly , nnd as Mr. Long was in clined to question his rights ho PUT A HEAD ON HIM p scd. through n little experience iu .ho justice's court , all as related in THE BEK , and with the little girl re fined and in his paEsotBlon c.uno tack to Omaha to live out the stigma hat a faithless wife had cast upon ils name. Uo proposes to remain lore and show that his lifo hag not seen utterly ruluca by woman's per fidy. The principal point now iu dis pute is in regard to. TUT. LITTLE OIUL. Mrs. Clemens claims that it is hers by n former marriage , and Olomona that it is his by his first wife , Olara being the doctor's second wifo. As the latter has possession , nine points of the law are in his favor. Ho showed THE BEE reporter a postal card from Wastburg stating that Lang and his wife were riding aronud to gether since his visit to them , and it nay there fore bo presumed that aho will cling to the now man and take cliancea on the result. . Running Down Doaporndoos- Special Dispatch to Tin BRB. MODEULY , Mo , , December 4. An exciting chase , participated in by o largo number of citizens , occurred lioro to-day and resulted in the death of ono desperado and wounding of two others. On Saturday three men arrived hero and registered at the hotel aa William and John Curry and G. Smith , of Ottumwa. Yesterday a citizen recognized them as Nicholas , John and llichard Oooko , three notorious rious desperadoes , whoao homo it at Mount Sterling , and the ; were further identified as throe of the four men whom the authorities attempted to arrest at To paka , Kis , , last Tuesday , and In whici attempt the sheriff and an aid won badly wounded. The marshal and hii deputies approached them ou tin street iu the business part of the towi at noon to-day. John Cook at onci drew a revolver and fired at the mur ahal. Several Bhota were exchanged Then the desperadoes started on .t run followed by the officers , who kept npi running firo. The fleeing men , afto doubling for several blocks , came upoi two saddle horses ( standing at a rack two of them mounted and startoc southwest , the third continued west ward. Nicholas and John , the twi on horseback , were overtaken am captured , Nicholas getting a charg from a shotgun in his head , whil John was knocked from the nors with a clubbed gun. The horses ala were shot in several places. Richard fleeing alone , was pursued by Marsha Lynch and Thos. Haworth , and afto several shots were exchanged , ho fell mortally wounded , and died while thi oflioorfl were bringing him back t town in a wagon. The British In Mexico. Special Dispatch to TUB Bis. CITY or MEXICO , December 5. Ii an editorial which , it is understood reflects the opinion of the Moxicai government , The Two Republics aaye "While the government is desirous t settle the English debt , it will no aeoume a burden that will prevent 1 meeting engagements with the Amor ioan and Mexican railroad companies. ' The article censures the British polio ; towards Mexico and sys it ia conoid erod that the English debt might b judiciously settled by Mexico payinj ono per cent on the capital for th first ton years , two per cent the soconi decade and three per cent thereafter the whole debt of $53,000,000 , with out intoreat , to ba paid in fifty years New Yorli'a New Code. BpeciU Dispatch to Tui liu. NBW YOHK , December 6 , The firs case under the now penal code , whereby by a would suicide is guilty of felony punishable by imprisonment not to exceed coed two years or a fine not more thai $2,000 or both , was np iu the Ease : market police court to-day. Charlo Ftck , a Gorman tinsmith , was charged with attempting to end hlq.lifo by iu haling charcoal fumoa in his room Daipondouoy at the death of hia wif and children and business rovorpe are -alleged to bo the i act. - TfnlHnu : the Gambler- BpodU Dispatch to TUB Una. CHICAGO , December 6 , The polio made n raid on the gambling house to-night. Up to midnight five place had been raided , including that of M 0. McDonald , known as the "bos gambler" a prominent figure in Joea politics. He 1ms heretofore eseapei all pulls , and had been looked up t < by other gambling house keepers fo protection again" ! raids. A largi number of the inmates were orroatoc and the gambling implements confis cated. Clril Service Reform. SpecUIDUpatcb to Tui ! ! . BOSTON , December fi , U'ho executive tivo committee of the civil service re form leiguo sent a letter to all Massa chusetta members in the present con gresB. It appeals to them to support the Pendloton bill , or nome tlmlla measure ; that the present congroii may not expire without emphatic ac tlon by the Massachusetts delegation In favor of administrative reform , Get * tbe Document. Sptckl l i p tcli to Tun liKi. NEW ORLEANS , December b , J special to The Times-Democrat says The governor , after AU exhaustive ex amlnation of law and facts in the Kel logg c&tO ; has given a certificate t < Kellogg , In accordance with thelro turns of the Third district. THE NATIONAL.CAPITAL . The Attorney General Presents His Yiows on Witness Fees in Western States , The Utah Oommieslon Reviews the Invisible Reforms Al- rf ady Accomplisbud , Wonxsn Snffr Bo the Ohi f ObUnole to tha Extinction rf Iron Kelly uoportaHlo Dill to Abolieh the Tax. on Tobacco. CAPITAL NOTES SpcclM Dlipatchc * to Tut Bit. , v THE HTAU BOUTK JUIIY. WASHINGTON , Doe-ember D. The ar route trial was further postponed on account of n failure to complete , ho jury. imEWSTKIl AND Tit P. qOUUTS. The attorney general communicated , o congress his views upon , the inndo- . qtintoncsa of oumponontion of Untied States in western states and torrl- .orlcb. Ho bollovoa the present law causes many suits on bohalt of the government to fail because of the ill will of witnesses , and recommends ; ho enactment of a lavr providing that witnesses and jurors in California' , Oregon , Nevada , Colorado and the territories bo paid , actual oipcuico while attending court In lieu of mlloogo and per diem now allowed by law. Ho alao Bug goat's as a remedy to overcome the complaint bocauao the judge who presides - sides In n district alao nit a in the supreme court when his decision ia'.ro viewed , that either an additional judge bo appointed in all territorlee , , or that a circuit judge bo appointed as in the states. The warrant in the Sotoldo case wan nolle proacqulod this afternoon. .THE UTAU COMMISSION , In a report to the secretary of the interior , rocoramonda that a marriage law be onaotod by congress which would form an auxiliary in , suppres- nion of polygamy. The commission say that , owing to the peculiar state of aflairs in Utah , the territorial law al lowing women the right of suffrage ia an obstruction to the opoedy solution of the "vexed question , " and should be repealed or annulled by congress. The commission say the law so fir has been a decided success in excluding polygamiats from the exercise ol suf frage , and they are of the opinion that steady and continued enforcement of the law will place polygamy in n condition of gradual extinction. The commission notices on an encouraging sign that many of the liberal meetings have been largely attended by Mor mons , and that these 'meetings ' have bea"b. characterized by exceptional gooc order and good humqr Tn concla sion the report eay0-af > a hpbuiuoUin | moderation , "if , howovor'tho ncx session of the legislative asscmbl ; .elected underthe' jaw. of congres shall fail to respond to the will of th nation , oongresa shall have no hesl tanoy in using extraordinary measure to compel the people of this terrltor ; to obey the laws of the land. " CONGRESSIONAL. Bpttbl Diipatch to Tna D . SENATE rKOCEEDINOS. WAsniNaioN , December 0. ' In th senate , Brown of Georgia presontc the credentials of Barnes , chosen t fill the nnexpirod term of the lat Senator Hill. The oath of oflioo wa administered to tho'now senator. On motion of Senator Anthony th committees as they existed at the clos of last session were continued. Eulogistic remarks on the death c Senator Hill were made , and the seri ate , aa a mark of rcspopt , , adjourned HOUSE niOCEBDINGH. House mot at 12 m. After readin the journal , the Speaker proceeded t call the committees for roports.xJVft Kelley , from the ways an inoana reported a-bill to abolish > ho intorno revenue tax on tobacco , snuif , cigar and cigarettes. Jluferrod to commit tou of the whole and the minority granted leave to file views on the subject joct , * sblr. Anderson ( Its. ) asked that thi oill bo road"whereupon Mr. Kasson in explanation , stated that the tax wai taUeuofT tobacco In all ita forms , t ( ako offoot July next , and that i strong minority diacontod from the provisions of the bill. The next measure ) considered wa : the bill rop.oaling.thn provision of UK law for payment of three months extn wages to aoiimon , which : , ; provides it lieu thereof that whonpi snaman ii discharged at a foreign 'port he shall bo provided with adequate employ inont on another ship or furnished moans to return home. The report embodying recomuion dationa on the subject ol the decline of American chipping y the joint ooramlttco was ordered printed. ' A message from tho' senate announced - nouncod the death of Senator Hill , and alter remarks by Mr. Hammond , ( Ga. ) , the house , aa a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased , at 1:3 : ( adjourned. THE Annual Fair of tbo Uu'ttor and Association. Spvdil DUpUch to Tui lii . MILWAUKEE , December 5. The na tional dairy fair was opened formally to-day with the largest display of ox- hlbita ever seen , fix-Governor Wm. E. Smith , of Wisconsin , Mayor Sto- well , of Milwaukee , And John R , Goodrich on account of the merchant ! association , delivered addresses ol welcome , which were responded to by Austin Belknap , of Boiton , president of the butter , cheese and egg aieocia- lionj W. D. Howard , tyat- klnaon , of the northwestern lalrjraon's association , Hiram Smith , if the atato dairymen's association ; F. \ Doxler , of the Chicago produoa ox- hango , and T. I ) . Curtis , Srracuio , > f the Amoticftn dairymen's asaoola- ion. To-night , the delegations from iaoh ttato to the tenth annual convon- Ion of the batter , eggs and ohceso issoclation , handed In a Hat of lutnoa o the committee on organization , from rhloh to select judges on exhibits , 'ho convention will convene to-mor- o\f afternoon. Nearly five hundred olcgites are in the city , also dologo- long from England and Scotland. THE PEOPLE RULE. 'Parties ' Are the Instruments Through Whioli They Work . Their Will , " And When They Booomo Lese or Mora They Deuort and Destroy Thorn. The Political Gnipol of Governor Clovolhml , of Now York. pedal Diipatch to Tui DBS. NEW YORK , December 5. Major- General llanouok and at a IT and ropro- eatfttivo democrats of this section ttchdod n reception given by tha lanhattan club this ovontnir to Gov- rnor-olcot Cleveland. A grand ban- not followed. The governor elect , in tie course of hit response to the ontimont , said : "I am quite certain ho late demonstration did not spring rom nny pro-oxuting love for the iarty which was called to power , nor .id the people place the affairs of tate in our hands to bo by them for- ; otteu. They voted themselves nud n their own interests , If wo retain hair confidence wo must deserve it , ana wo may bo sure they will cation uo o give an account of our stewardship. Wo shall utterly fail to road aright ho Bign of the tiruco , if wo are not ully convinced that parties are but nstrumonta through which the people ple work their will , and that when hey become losn or more , the people locort or destroy them. The vui- [ uishod have lately learned thcso Kings , and the victors will act wisely f they profit by the lesson. jtf us not forgot that au intelligent , ( linking , reading people will lo ; > k to ho party which they put in power to iupply nil their various needs and wauls ; and the parly tthich keeps pace with the developments and progress of the times , which keeps in sight its andmarks and yet observes those Muss which are in advance , ant ] which will continue true to the people , OB > well as to its traditions , will bo the dominant party of the future. " Ex-Senator Gordon , of Georgia , made the only other speech of the evening. Robbing tfce Mall * . Special Diipatch to Ton BIB. - A'CCaiOAOO , December 5. PreMdenf Wb'ud , of the First National bank , o Denver , has written two more lottort to Chicago bankers in regard to thi losses of his bank by mail. He.aayi the losses must occur in the east aa thna far the stealings have only booi in thrnuph pouches to New York anc Now England ; that ] wlthin the paa year his bank has lost paper of thi value of $500,000 , and the banks Ir Colorado $1,500,000. Ho says hi tried the policy-6fjjsilnco'for a ycarir the hope the postofilco'departmon would do something to euro the evil failing in this , ho determined to trj the policy of publicity. Coottorill Exonerated. , f Bpectal Dispatch to Tin llu. S * Si.-Loois , December 5.-rrTllo gram jury to-day appeared in the crimina court and raado ay partial report Among the blllsnorod wjfl tha against John A.-'Cockerill , minagin editor of th ToBt-Diapatch rfrho wo charg ( d < with murder in too secon degree for shooting Alonz/i W. Slay .back. This is a complete exonoratio for Oockotill , as under the statutes th grand jury is bound to/indict , even i there is only probable/cause. A Mliplaoed Switch. Spot-la ! Dltpatch to Tin Fun. TOWANDA , Pa./December 5. Th accident on the 'Chip Valley railroat which occurred at Rummorlield , wa oiused by u misplaced awitch. Tin Freight train on the aiding was rut into by the oxprws train. Eoglnoc Foulko and Fireman Kingaland of thi lnht train were barnod to death. II. M , Mullen , brakeinan , wna badlj durt. Both engines were badly wreck , od. Tno baggagoexprcsa ; and alooplnj : each were burned , also the mails. No p&saongorB Injured. Belmout'a Bolt Aualuit Davojr Sp cl I Ultpntcli 11 Tui Iln. NEW YORK , December 5. The criminal libel suit of August Bohnonjt igaibat John Dovoy , editor of. the truh ation , waa continued. Defen dant w > a present , havingbeen brought up frordHho tombs , where ho is.under- lng Bent nee of thirty days Impris onment forqontompt of court Aug ust Belmont testified that when ho saw the libel he went to Cardinal Mo- Dloakoy , Vicar Qdnoral IQulnn , and others , with a statement * < ) r the mil * ; ore , these gentlemen want to Djvoy jnd endeavored to huvo vhim retract .he article. Belmont said ho was In ; ho employ of Uothchllds as an apt irontloo and clerk from the time he s thirteen .years of ago till ho cune to this country in 1837 , working with out pay , Ghloun Brlef ) < 8p clU Dltpitch to Tui Un. CUIUAOO , December C , The rail way managers interested iu the war on ritoa in the northwest left lo-daj 'or Now York to attend the coming conference with a view to peace , The board of trade telegraph com- ) any to-day obtained temporary in unction against the Western Union olograph company , restraining It from nterfering with the poloa or wires ol ho complainant The suit is sup- ) OBod to have grnwn out of tno difll inlty between the two companies nt Evit St. Louis. The propeller Michigan , of the loodiioh line , which loft Grand Ha- 'on Saturday for a trip of only a fo * lours , hao not been soon since. It h cared she was wrecked in Iho lit urn f that night. TfjRlUTOIUAL RIGHTS Mr. Portor'a Plan to Create Ilnllroad Provlnoer. p clM Dispatch to Tin 111 * . GHIOACJO , Djoombor 5. The follow- ng statement containing the clearest ixprossion of Sir. Portor'a views and ntontiona rcspccling the railroad war which liavo yet bcon printed , 3ines from a gentleman cluscly nsso- latod with him and ia mitlur.uivc : "If the St. Paul road or its ODU- truotion oompanlca build now linW o points in the territory of the Si. 'nut and Omaha road , thus maVlnrt uoh points competitive , the St.- Paul and Omaha line will protect Its busl loss at the best obtainable rated and will decline to pool any business from ny points with the St. Paul road. ilr. Porter has no objection what- vor to the building of legitimate nd necessary lines , but .does bjcot to railroads being built by oustrnotlon companion in the interest of the Milwaukee & St. Paul tiAlciala and directors into territory whcro no ocond line is needed and where there a not business onoagh to support von ono line , aud afterwards soiling uoh now lines to the 0. M , , & St. 'aul company at an immonsd profit over their cost and then demanding hut such competitive butilnosB bo loolod. Such inditcriminata building > f railroads is of uo benefit to the onn try ; on the other hand it ia a losttivo injury. It destroy * the con- idonco of the people In railroad BO- uritioa and uUtinatoly brings with it inanoial dlsuatora , pMiics , etc. , and at ho satno time nccossajily increases ho coat of tratmourlutiuii. " GouiaExplnlas Hi * Baton to Tezai. Ipeclal Dispatch to Tilt Unt NEW YORK , Daocmbor 5 Goald explains that the change in the rates of freights to pointi in Texas and jouislana applies only to freights bo- weeu these points nnd Eist St. Jouis. The Cairo Short Line and its outhern connection , the Chicago , St. Jouis and Npw Orleans , are carrying rcighta from Eiot St. Louis and potnts common thereto into Toxae and Louisiana. Gould , having located catod hia clock yards , freight dopotc and other terminal facllltica for the Uinaouri Pacifio system in Eist St [ jouis , _ saya the freight rates of St [ jnuia proper have merely been a bonded to East St. Louis , who/O n largo part of the manufacturing establishments tablishmonts of St. Louis proper arc located and that as the Mlfsourl Pa clfia system has a loaaa/oi the St. Louis bridge this Is merely Ignorlnj bridge tolls Grave Ro1 Spodd Dljp kch'WjTi . PniuSBLVHiiJ3oceniber B Franl MaNtooe , "Dutch' ' j SSC vG J Chaff thb lattbr cpJoreowero arrest od/foAt night , wbilo idrlvlng u wagon containing five dead bodies to the medical ical college. The bt/uioa / were atolnu from Lebanon cemnory in the lowoi part of the city.Two , morVarroatt were made this mornipg. \ They were ( fivin u hearing at the Ono of the criminals police court to-aay , inals toatlfied/o had boon employed in the comot/ry eleven years. Body anatohiugjhaG been going on ninoyears. The record of bniiala at the came- tory BhowfU in two montha , fifty-five bodjoa burled in ono gruvo. The .ptatomoni' created a nonsatlon among the audience. The dcfondatita were comniitiod in default of 55,000 , The policc/non with great dllficulty pre vented the crowd from lynching the criminals , who were conveyed to the Olieitnut atreot central station. Opening of the BontliornPnolflc. Special Ul > | > atcli to Tim DEK. 'LOUISVJLLIC ' , Ky. , December 5 , \spcclal train passed through this city to-day on route for Sin Francis co lia the now Southern Pacific line through Momphla and Now Orleans. 0. 1 * . Huntingtoti and Charles Crock er and W , E , Brown , of San Fran- olaeo\woro of the party on the train. Differential Rate * . Sp lul lAii.alcir to Tun UKK. NK Y01" Ddoombo'r 5. Thn general - oral pMVeugar agents of the Grand Truulc Jlflps bpg u to-day n aoriea ol aonnioua tf ooustdor the question o ! diiIdrtinUa\r- > tea bdtwoon intermediate ' points , About DoUTor Special UifpatcU to Tin Dil DKMVIJR , * December 0. Jamea A. Fleming who IA Kinking an artesian well ( it'll point 103 miles euat of Den ver , on a ( jovoriimunt contract , this morning struck a fbnao gravel deposit olfjhb foot in thickness , with a hard saudatono bdd.rook , 'which ia the bed sf G. subterranean streanryvath an inex- liauatiblo flow of clear wafer. The directors nf the National Min ing fc Induetrikl oxpositiou < held a meeting to-day , Ut wh'oh it was de cided to open th\ > exposition dh\tho I7tli of next Jidly nnd continue through August an tjeptombcr. NOTE3 , HpocUl Dlip&tchu toTuiVu Loumvjr.r.K , DflcemVkr .5. Tha cottou expoiitlon will bit open 4 to the public Iu Aunmt , 1883 , and conthme three months. COLUMUIA , B , 0. , December G. Gov ernor Thomp.wn wa lua'ugiirnted. United States Senator llatler wiu re-elected. IhoiiuoNi ) , Vm , December 5 , William II. Tuluiau wag Ityllctcct nn the charge ol forgery In connection with supplemental uHjoisment Hat ) . Several ether employe * In the cominlnloner\f reveauos1 oltice are under arre t. V " , COTTAM , Ont. , DecViber S.-r-AsCuney jwei as a sleeping roouvlgr laborew hurnwl I&st nluht , and three iomneeii { lerkbed. NKW YOIIK , Dectmbef tT t he khednla filed .In the alignment ol Jacob Van Waujfener to II. K. Thurber , t te the liabilities , $758,877. Nominal auieU , Siar.,010j actual oiueti , 3165,716 , NEW YOHK , December 5\- , Theodore weaton , M heavy real edt to oii\r tor made n awlgniaent to-d y. ' \ THE OLD WORLD , The InnooontSiinplioityofAraW Shown to ; His Love Letter to tiio British , The AuatHnn Budge r. Shows the Uaaol Annual Defloit G.F Monnrohioo , TrlolofthoOffloers of the Dofnnat "Ojalon Gnnernlo" Bonk of France. V I TnoTouo nnd the Czar Sottlo. Ibolr DiflT.ironcoa ona Embrace. t * ' GENERAL NEWS pcol l DUpntcl'c * to Tun UKK. AII3KNTKF. JU11O1W Fl.NKU. DUIILIN , Ddcbmbcr C. Of 200 pocial jurors mmunotiod for the win- or aostsos , 117 aUondcd. 'J'ho nb- ontoos were fined twenty pounds each. A 0001) NAME TO TIE TO. DKIILIN , December 5. Von Bojan- ) wski , consul Kouural to London , , will > o appointed director of the ministry of foreign affairs. LAST LRTTRU. LONBOK , December C. Arab ! Pasha writes ho would prefer to live iu DA- imacus , or-if that is impossible , in jpndon , Uu cxprcdBua contuntmunt with hia lot bacauao ho knows hia mis- ortuno has been the moans nf securing or the country ho loves the liberty and prosperity it doaorvca. Ho feola sonfidont when England carries out lor good work she will pornilh him to' return. She will BOOU learn ho waa 10 robsl when ho eot himself nt the load ot the pooplu , who wanted noth- ng but justice , THE ACaTllIAN THKABUUV. The roichsta ? reassembled to-day. Dr. Dunajunslci' , Austrian minister of tinancc , aubmittod the bndgut for 1883 , showing deficit of 31 600,000 iluriiiii , Thn taxes of the tirat itiuo mouths in 1882 included an' inoreaio of 18,300,000 florins , ua oompured with ( thoBO epllcatod during. thfi nmo. pt-riod in 1881. Tha condition of the treasury , the minister naid , ia ex- ' \ tromcly favorablu. The government will bo able to pay off unsecured credits .to the. amount of 14,200,000 florins. After deducting an outlay for now railways and Bosnian oxponors , there ttill bo no adiniriiatrativu deficit. I : la' probable a coiioidorablo portion j > f Iho dt licit for 1883 can be met by cash in hand from the current year , so that it will only bo necessary to roBert - Bert to a vote of credit for railway works and for expenditures in Tyrol. THE "ONION OKNEKALE. " PAAIS , December 5. The trial of . Bontoux , president , Fader , manager of the Union Genoralo bank , suspondpd January latt , began fo day. Bontoux said hn was absent when the company * speculated in ita own shares. Foder ; aaldtf ( the issue of 100,000 new nhares ? IjiUlOtbDOustC pc'dby thodowafillof J the company , and if speculator * who- ' bought aharts had paid for them , thfire , would have been no deficit in the com pany's treasury. The oflioial liquida tion of the Union Generate estimated , if legal decisions already given were maintained , the ahum holders would recover CO per cent of th'.ir losses. ' 1 > K AGAINST THE BUDOtiT. BEULIN , December 5 A majority ayuirmt the biennial budgets has boon secured in the reiohstag. TItl-tl. OK ItlOTEllH. VIENNA , December D Of the eleven , poruons arrested iu cunncction with the riots in the ttuburba , eight were sontouoed to imprisonment , and the others acquitted. CONDITION. LONDON , Docember.D The Bulletin to-night relative to Postmaster-Gdn- eral Fawoott's condition , stated the Fever was pursuing irregular course , and causes great anxiety. MADAGASCAR M1TTE1W. The queen will receive tho. Mala- oa ; sy embassy Tnotd.y. A private letter from Aladagntcir tlatta the , French gunboat left Tum&tav releasing the Malaitassy war vcHsel , from Em bargo. The guubont'd deatinatlo'n in unknown. A vessel toundurud oil the Tyno mouth , all on board drowned. IILSMAHOK AND THE KING. BERLIN , December 5 The parlia mentary situation and Egyptian ques tion wtiro Bubjoctaof disounsion in the ' interview yeatcrday of Bfamirck und the ompuror. The emperor expressed aatisfaoiioii with Bmimtiok's policy. DeGiora , lluasian foreign minister , will make another visit to Varzin. HUfiHlA AMD TllK VATICAN , UOMK , Djcornbor C. DaGioru to day had another private audienuu wi h the pope. The interview ru- nultud In a satisfactory settlement of a basis for arrangement of quoitlona nt issue between Russia and the Va tican , especially one relating to the nomination of .bishops to Polish sees. ENGLAND AND EOT1T. OAIKO , December 5. The kin-dive \ 4jw boon , informed that the English ubvprnment recommends General Sir Evelyn Wood for the now Egyptian army.v Arubi writes a letter thanking. Englan&for ils interposition on hie behalf. AND HANK , IaVEim > OLDicsmbor 5. The Allan line steamer Peruvian from Montreal , while-catering the Mersey this morning collided with an un known Btoiimer , ijhe Peruvian was considerably damaged and lies sunk off Crosby beach. Tno crew and pas sengers were saved , \ SENTENCED TO THKMINIH. / 1lV ) ODESSA , December 5. Solomon . . Haokor , a distributor of revolutionary * ' papers , /tap boon sentenced to xen . year * in the mines . " * . , I TUE.NKW AKCUlll-SUOr. v'U ' j * y LOMDON , December 6. It is rumor'k1 * od that the Bishop of. Winchester will ' succeed to the Archbishopric uf Can * torbury. A