Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1882, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , Deo. 2 ,
Weather Uoport.
U'ha following observation * are token nt
tar gains moment of time nt all the stations
named. )
WAR DxrAimicirr , U , 8. SioHAtBsB- \
TIOE , OMAHA , Dec , 1,1882. ( IMSp.m. f
loapprocla1) ! ! .
- > Jroi 3 ( MI * Inches abov tow water mark at
0 aha , 2 feet 0 tochet at Tankton , Mlaslwl
4 feet 10 InchM at Direnport , S ftet B inches at
81. Paul , 10 I t E lochc * at 8k. Limit , 2 fwt
10 Inchd at I * OroiN and 9 tttt 4 Inche * at Du
Weather prophets now foretell D short
but severely cold winter ,
Married , November 27 , br Rov. J. M.
Rlchaids , li.lph M. Greer rEd Emily E.
Tbo first three days of December tule
tbe winter months , so watch And see what
U to be expected ,
John T. lUymond appears ot tbo
optra house next wrek hi "Fresb , the
American. "
"Fire King" ( jlna No. 2 was ont yes-
tetday pumping out tbe cistern on 1'arnnm
and Ninth ntrtoU.
Watson Wytnan and John Harclln
have returned from a bunt down on the
B. tc M. with n fine btg of geeie aud
Goto Wymati'a Conmerclitl College
to learn book-keeping , penmanship , bunl-
nee * atlthmetlo and commercial law.
The .Travelers has paid upwardi of
$5.f 00,000 for claims under their accident
policim. W. I. Ha'wk * , agtnt , 1221 Fur-
Bin > street.
U S. Uenton , an attorney formerly
I tills city , but new a resident of Den
ver , Iil bo umrled there next Tuoidixy to
lli i Klla Celesti * Downs.
All o'ergymen resident in Nebraska
detirioghalf-luie pormlU , will pleauomako
ppllcatian far same an early In December
v pm > lble. Office , 1224 Farnnm , Ornahn ,
Nob. A. F. HorJeii , ngeul B. b M. ,
klike Gilllgan , who wa recently sent
to jail bacnuw he would not leave tbo city
M ordered by Judge Ueneke , w a released
Thumday morning , and will ot onoe go to
work and bcbavo himself , he nsyrt. He
b certainly earned , and should be Klven
the chnnce.
Tbe Miunnerchor society had aspenilld
entertainment Tbunday nlgbt. Ouu of
the principal feature * wai tbe grand tur
key mine. Tht ) itngiag done by the ls a-
atrcbor wui exoeptloaally fine , nnil olto-
gether tbe society may con ratula'.o them-
tlve on the uoce a uf their Thanksgiving
The crowd which besieged the box olfico
at tbe Boyd Frl ay morning was tome-
thing never eeu before in Oriinhft , 3 , H ,
Lacty was the luoky chap who headed the
line. Several uf cur prominent citizens
pent nil tbe forenoon in the line awaiting
their turn.Tbe advance ailo yesterday imu > *
amount to $1,50. ) or $2,000. are
till plenty of good teatu , buttheieia no
tirou to bo lout in ncourlng them.
LI eat. II , II. 0. Dunwoody , inspector
of tbe U , H. signal service ; who posatd
through Omaha recency , in at Lincoln
ttinferrloi ; with 1'rof. Thompson of the
ttate nulvewlty in regard to tbe establish
ment of. a atalo woatbor service to cooperate -
ate with .that controlled by the govern
The arrival of a now tun and heir to
Mr. Felix Slavfn wan announced reoantly.
Mr. Slaveu his nigcllkd hi * admiration fur
Hon. William A. Paxton by naming tbe
jouttful Bclon of hU homo for him , Wil
liam I'axtm S'.avon. ' The little fellow
promlicA to mid credit to u name which la
ynonymoua for nuccta * and iiroJj > crlty in
Omab * .
The Congregational church ou St.
Mary'4 uvetiuo in now fully completed anil
very oomfoitubly furulshoJ. It U pro-
pnud by tboie interested In ( tbo uow
cLcrch tohavcsei\ , * every Sunday morn-
tog at tbo tuual hour. At uooa an pomlblo
the B < rvlcea of it rcgulur puatcr will bo
ocuruJ. The lUv. W. B. Wlllard , of
Dubdre , III , , will preach next Sunday at
10:30 o'clock a. m.
-The Urldenco of Mr. Hert WllkiuH
tortifr of Twenty-third and Cbarloa
etiteU , wta the scene of a hljjhly enter-
tijnlugbociul party on Thanksgiving o\o.
Tbe entertainment wan furnl > bt > d by Mr ,
t icarColviu. The excellent nmuY , u > -
ciul Lop and the bountiful repast which
wiuiervt-1 , were tbo principal features
which combined tu u.uke tbU one of tbe
cnokt pleonjut nflttlrs of tha neaten , The
Omaha medical college and tbe telephone
cMiinptny were both will represented.
Much credit la due Oacir for his ( ffortM to
pleat * hi * Rue * ! * .
Articled of Incorporation of the Wood
it an L'nued Oil Work * were filed to-day
with tbe county clerk. Tbee pltal stock
la fixed t 81 0OCO , divided into vbnrea of
$100 each , which way be increued to COQ ,
000 a * needed , The exUteuco of the coin
puny will expire January 1,1933. CUrlc
Woadmin , D , G. 8cb < field , 8. E , Lscke
Cr.o . W , Barbtow and 11. H. Whltelow
are tbe Incoipcritorr. Omaha in tlie
Vt-'ii'8 % b cdiuuters of tbe campuny.
While Muinger Nugent wanoutThun
day with bU t and w gen borne portion
of the harnei * t' w y on Tweleth utree
n' r Dcdge , aid tbe eight bcrsc * he wan
drivirg were qulcVIy in a badly mlxei
tale. One was thrown to the ground am
another fell en top of biro , tut the ten
lortunatdybtbaved splendidly , and by M
Ihtje quick work on tbe port of byttund
-r what Biigbt have been a veiy ( evere
Mvd ectttly acclde&t was Avoided.
A Flood of Sensations , Criminal
and Otherwise.
A Fatal Fight on Lower Tenth
A Man Ban Over and Killed
By an Engine.
k Bnd Jjnyout for the Dnj of Penan
and Boat ,
Notwithstanding the day appointed
> y President Arthur as a season of
national Thanksgiving was as bcautl-
ol as the heart could wish , it was by
no moans n period of Sabbath-liko
loaoo and quiet , as many preceding
Thanksgiving days have boon. Tlicro
were an unusual number of big
unohos , with the accustomed liquid
refreshments , and there wore ft good
many men staggering around the
streets at an early hour in the day.
[ n addition to the customary round ]
ups , a fatal shooting affray , a fatal ac
cident , and other crimes marked the
noludod six suspicious characters ,
hreo drunks and a vagrant , all of
whom appeared before Judgu Bonoko
yesterday. ) Of the first named of-
ondora , four are hold for examination
md two were discharged. Two of the
Hocutnbi paid the customary fine , and
the other was committed. Thu va-
jrant was turned boso.
The most serious affair of the day
was that which occurred about BOVOU
o'clock in the ovoningon Tenth atroot
lotwoon the Occidental hotel and
'AIT'S drag store. At this point a
ivoly street scrimmngo resulted in the
irobably fatal shooting o.f Ilonry Eb-
irling , an omployo of Mr. Volkmcier ,
ho.Cumlng street butcher. Eborling
s a young man about 24 years of ago ,
whcao homo is In Fort Madison , Town ,
rhoro ho still has a father and
irothor residing. Ho came
o Omaha some time ago and worked
at first for Adam Snyaor , the Farunin
itroot butcher. Thursday ho had
> non around with frionda mid had
Irank onoagh to feel it , aud in this
condition entered the office of the Oc
cidental hotel , at the hour named
tbovo. Hero ho ueed aotno very of-
onbivo language and was requested by
he landlady to retire to the street if
10 mutt persist in such talk. Ills
iompanion trlod to induce him to
'rous ' and at length the hotel runner ,
5. P. Shotwell , undertook to eject
lira. Shotwoll pushed him out into
; ho street and followed him and a
mining fight ensued , Eborling being
ho larger and better man of the two
ihysloally and punishing Shotwoll
ovcrely. The latter tried to etop the
ow and called enough , but it was to
10 good , and the bystander * ,
nstcad of interfering , rather on-
eyed the fight and wanted tbo
larticlpants lot alone to fight
c out. Finally Shot well was dowvod
nd drawing his revolver , after one In-
iffootual attempt to shoot , sent a bul-
ot at his opponent. The bail struck
lim in the collar bono and took an up
ward oourso to the neck , nud , it was
eared , had produced n mortal wound.
? ho injured man Buffered only from
ntcrnal hemorrhages so that the exact -
act extent of his danger was. not at
onoo to bo determined. Ho was
licked up and carried into
atoro near by , and Dr.
V. 0. HOBO summoned. Ho
was subsequently removed to St. Jo-
eph'o hospital , where ho was still
alive at noon'.ycstorday. Sheriff , Miller
and other clllolnls visited him there ,
and reported that ho would die. Shot-
well was arrested immediately after
ho nhooting by Officer Slgwort and
edged In jail , the charge being as-
unit with intent to kill. It was the
; unorully expressed opinion that the
meaner was obllgad to shoot to save
lis life , or eave himself from a no-
voro boating , but that ho oxocodod
lis authority in following Eborliug
nto the street after ho hud ejected
ilm from the hotel building , Shot-
roll has boon a resident of Lincoln for
Iftoon years , and has a family now re-
niding there.
A fatal accident occurred about
nldnight near the sand-houao of the
Jnion Paoifio railroad shops , the via-
im being Pnillp Flnanignti , a helper
n the round-homo.
Engine No. 237 was standing nt that
joint taking in a supply of rand , which
iporatlon was being superintended by
the helper , who w/ion donu stopped
down over the pilot and culled out to
ho engineer "All ritht ? | " The on-
; ino was otartod ahead slnwly , but hud
> rooceded but a short distance when
ho engineer , Pat O'Donnoll , heard
inmo ouo cry out , "Whoa ! whoa ? '
L'ho engine was stopped nnU backed
up a few feet , whim it was fuuud that
the cries had proceeded from Flaunt-
; an , who had evidently stepped off
ho pilot and either f.illon or made n
nisotop , and had boon caught and
orughed to death beneath the pilot ,
which on this engiuo in about ulyht
nchos above the track , Flan-
nigan had been dragged un
der thu pilot for ton or
twelve feet , and when found
wiui dead. It Is thought Hint he step
ped forward off the pilot and was
caught by his foot uudurneath It.
Coroner Jacobs , upon being notified ,
proceeded ti the spot , and vomovlng
the remains to the round house , held
an inquest. The Jury accordingly re.
turned a verdict of aoiidoutal death ,
with no blame attached to any ono.
Upon examination of thu body it was
found that all the ribs on thu light
aide wcro broken , and all the organs
of the cheat crushed , in fact the whole
interior of the man was mashed , bul
the tkln was unbroken , The deceased
was 38 years old , lie has u wife and
children in county Oonuaught , Ireland -
land , two brothers in Omaha and u
brother iu-law in Denver.
Notwithstanding the at rest of the
boj s supposed to be implicated in the
numerous burglaries of late , two more
places were entered on Thanksgiving
day , The Qrst of tlicso was Ililoy &
Ddllono's taloon and wholesale house
corner of Douglas and 12th streets
from which wines , cigars and n smal
amount of change were takon. The
rent door was pried open
and the general indications showed
; ho visitors to have been
amateurs and not professionals.
[ t was only last week that the same
firm snffercd.
About G o'clock in the morning a
nan described aa being largo and
icavy act , and an exceedingly ugly-
ooklng customer , entered thostoro of
J. J , Drown , on D.niglns and Four *
oonth streets , by prying the door
open. The clerk , who sleeps in the
store to guard the establishment , was
twakonod by the noise caused by the
jurglar , and raising up In his bed saw
lim not far from hinijtvnd got a good
rquaro look at him. The burglar did
not seem at all disturbed , but merely
said "Good morning , It's a pleasant
day , " and wont down Douglas street.
The coolness of the follow puzzled * ho
: lerk , who thought perhaps the door
iad boon left unlocked by mistake ,
tnd that the early visitor wan a ens-
; omer.
There wore nnmorous fights on the
.ho streets and in various saloons
about the city , beginning early in the
morning and occurring at intervals nil
day.Thoro were two or three rows on
Douglas and Fifteenth , between the
contractors and persona who insisted
on driving ovnr the now pavement.
Dno pugnacious individual was finally
"edged in j&il , alter a brisk fight.
Policemen O'Donohuo and Burke
arrested two men late last night who
are believed to bo the burglars who
mvo boon operating extensively in
; his city. The men were mot about
lalf.past ono this morning coming out
of the alloy on Fifteenth between
Farnain and Douglas. They start
ed up Farnain , walking rap
idly , were overtaken in front
of Philip Goon' building ,
They gave ovaslvo answers about their
busincis so late , and finally started on
run were quickly pursued and taken ,
[ n going down to the jail ono of them
Iroppod two chisels , and upon fur
ther search , after ono of them made
kttompta to pull a pistol on Policeman
Burke , two pistols were taken from
.hem that answer the description of
; ho revolvers stolen from Lang &
Foltlck. The chisels fit exactly to the
marks on the doors of J. J. Drown
and Henry Hornborgor , which is
strong proof that these men are , as
suspected , a brace of burglars. Both
men uro fine looking , well dressed
? oung men ,
A Newspaper Editor. ]
0. M. Holconi , of liloomvllle , Ohio , ritoa
to explain : "Hurt that terrible discaio
cntarra , for twenty years : couldn't taato or
smell , and bearing was frilling , Thomas'
Solectrio Oil cured me , Thog * are facts
voluntarily given ngnfmt a former preju
dice of patent medicine. "
A Llttlo ItUBHian nxile Has a Hard
Time to Get Alonor.
Our citizens generally bavo 'noticed
ho boy of twelve years or there
abouts who continually peddles apples
about the streets.
Ho is ono ot the Jewish exiles from
lussia , or rather ono of the number
driven from homo by Russian cruel-
y. Ho came to Omaha some months
tgo with the largo company of refu-
; eos who were eared for by Omaha
: itizons and sot to work in the city or
ts vicinity ,
The boy in question is an energetic
and induhtrious youth , who cannot
rak a word of English , but io per-
ont iu offering his wares. A gang
of hoodlums , who delight in annoying
ill honest , hard-working people , have
> e n in the habit of catching on to
n in and abusing him in every way.
Yesterday they attacked him , and
alter misusing him till ho could
itaud it .no lunger , ran him into Mr.
H. Elgu'ttcr'a store , whore ho took
refuge- for four of his life. A fine
scone this is for a Christian city and
n an ago of freedom. The eight of a
dozen young reprobates chasing uu
npifenslvo lad across Farliam street
might bo relished in Constantinople or
Jerusalem , but the police should see
hat it is not repeated in Omaha.
PITTBFOUD , Mass. , Sept. 22 , 1878.
Slits I have taken Hop Bitters
md recommend them to others , aa I
found them very beneficial ,
Sec. Women' * Christian Tetnptranct
Union. _ _
Tbo Qlovo Contest Thursday
Won by tbo Colorucllu-o.
There was a big crowd at tbo Acad
of Muaij Thursday night to sou the
jlovo contest between Jack Nolan "thu
Unknown , " and Jack llauloy , the
Colorado champion , the terras of
which were that Hauley should kuock
the Unknown out of the ring in four
rounds or present him with 860.
Trouble did not begin until nearly
midnight and then it was nearly one
sided , . Hauley went in for business
and after the first round wan mnstor
of the situation. Nolan is a lino-look
ing man and built magnificently , but
ho was no match for Hanley and acted
on thi ) ( lufimsivo entirely during the
second and third rounds , Hu was
knocked clorvu , knocked over iconory
and a largo portion cf the time
waa clear out of sight of
the andionco , Hanloy was at
length proclaimed victor , and stepped
forward and tendered his cervices to
nnyouo olao who wanted to put on the
gloves with him.
Manager Fletcher acted as timekeeper -
keeper , to the general satisfaction of
the Budlonoo , and George Wambold
and George Ihrni'.i were seconds of
and the "Unknown"
Uanloy rcsneo-
tivoly. Mr. Bounott was the dignlQed
and popular referee.
indulgent parents who allow their
children to oat heartily of high-sea-
flonod food , rich pies , cake , etc. , will
have to use Hop Bitters to prevent
indigestion , sleepless nights , sickness -
ness , pain , and perhaps death , No
family is safe without them iu the
The remains of the late Philip Flana
gan will be removed to the residence of his
brother Hugh , 1115 Sherman ftrenue , ( fell
morning , The funml will UVe plac on
JnncUy at 1 o'clock. Tbs deceased WM *
native of County Cvan , Ireland , nd WM
86 years old at the time of hi * sad death.
Nat. Drown , of St. Jo , It In lha city ,
II , A. W. Tabor , of Dearer , In at the
Ben Coir , tf Harms City , Is at the Met
George D. May , of Chicago , Is at the
II. B , Horrie , of Cheyenne , wag at the
Paxton lait night.
rjllon. George II. Thnmmol , of Grand
Island , Is in the city.
II. C. Goodell , the elevtor man , of
Atchiion , l at the Millard ,
John W , McKoever , of PlfttUmouth , is
a guest of the Metropolitan.
W. L , Hall and wife , f Council Bluffi ,
wore guertH of the Millard yesterday.
Mr . Frank Fold * and her two children ,
From Schnylor , are at the Paxton ,
J , G , Golden , of Central City , WM in
town yesterday at the Piuton ,
II. U. McGlll , the well known grain
dealer of Claries , Neb. , Is at the Millard.
Mike Leavltt'a company enjoy the hos-
pltklityof the Millard during their stay in
F. Gulgoge , a prominent capitalist of
California , was at the Metropolitan last
J. P. Hawkr , of Goshen , Mo. , was
among the guests registered at the Metro
politan last night.
Prof. Samuels , of Quincy , tbo celebrated
optician , Is at the Paxton , and hit face
looks quito familiar to many of our citi
zens who know him here several years ago ,
J , P. Hagai and wife , of Hastings ;
Win. Adair , of Dakota City , and J. G.
joodmao , of Teknmab , were among the
guests at the Metropolitan last night.
U. M. Grimes , of KeaineyT. ; B , Night-
ngalo and 0. H. French , of Loup City ;
N. 9. Ilarwood , of Lincoln ; Billy Floyd ,
of Genoa ; Philip C ! n and Buck Toylyr ,
of Columbus , arc at the Millard , from in
terior Nedraska.
John B. Hlnmnn , amutact mansger of
the Mlln Builelgh dramatic company , and
managing editor of The Chicago Alliance ,
was in the city last night and while here
received a ditpatch announcing the illness
of hi ! llttlo daughter. He leaves thli
morning for home.
Guy A. Lnlnc , of North Platte ; II. D.
lathaway. of Lincoln ; V. G. Lintry , of
.Hair ; J. 0. Bluckman , of Fremont ; J. J.
Stuffs and Ira Thorcas , of Oakland ; W.
tf. Starr , of Brock ; and Charles V. Hay ,
of Weeping Water , are among the Nobraa-
cans at the Paxton.
P. P. Shelby has gone to Kansas City.
Chat. A. Pfeiffer , cf St. Joe , was at the
? axton Thursday.
Congressman Valentino left for the na
tional capital to-day.
A. G. Hlgginson , of Lincoln , was in
town oyer Thanksgiving.
Edwatd K. Kidder , buiiness manage
for John T. Raymond , is in the city.
W. J. Davenport , the old reliable C. ,
B. & Q. official , ate turkey in Omaha on
the 30th.
Eugene Moore , of West Point , congress
man Valentino's new private secretary ,
left for Washington City yesterday.
Mrs. 0. W. Burgdorf Is in the city for
a brief vieit , and is a guest of Miss Maggie
Roeder , on Sherman avenue.
Hon. Morgan R. Wfce , of Washington ,
D. C. , is in the city , returning from the
west , and stops t the Millard ,
. ( Miss Sophie Grant.'loft for her home in
ioeQuaker City Thursday , after a viiit to
old fi lends in Omaha.
General Superintendent Holdredge , ot
, he B , & M. railway , returned from the
west in his special car Thursday evening.
Robert Fletcher , representing ( he seed
: ouso ot Thorburn & Co. , New York , has
joen sojourning In our city for the lost
ibree or four clays. He has done a largo
Mr. H. E. Hackman , representing Samuel -
uel C. Divis & Co. , and A. W. Eisner ,
representing Bernhelmer & Co. , are in the
city. These gentlemen represent two of
the largest firms in St. Louis ,
. E. Hopkins , of the farm of Douglas
& Hopkins , wholesale liquor dealers at
Crcston , la. , was In the city Thursday
and took in the glove contest at night
Mr. II. was looking over the city in the
Interest ! ) of his firm , which expects to
open a mammoth liquor bou o here toon.
Tables supplied with the best the
market affords. The traveling public
claim they got bettor accommodation ! )
and moro general satisfaction hero
than at any other houfio la Omaha ,
Rate , $2 per day. anR21tfm
A Card.
I desire to return thanks to thopeo-
plo of Fort Omaha , and the friends
who ao kindly assisted mo in my re
cent bereavement over the loss of my
husband ,
BIIPvINliU-In this city , November SO ,
at 0:25 : a. in , Ida 11 * y , daughter of
Jacob and Catherine Shrlner , g d 11
years and 0 month ) .
Funeral Buml y , at 2 p. m. , from the
residence , No. 141R Chicago street. FtienJs
Invited ,
ORAIO-Maudle M. , daughter of Mrs. B.
M , Craig , December 1 , at 10:30 a. in. ,
oged 16 yearn.
Funeral December 2J , at 2 p. m. , from
ruldcnue , Seventeenth , between Jones
an J Leavenworth. Friends invited ,
NOllTON-Phlllp , died at Ogden , Utah ,
yetterday. |
Notice of Funeral will be given here
The "Hawthorn Centennial Excelsior -
colsior Roof Paint , " was patented May
24th , 1881 , and otters patent num
ber 241 , 803. Any person found or
known to tamper with the manu
facture of said paint will bo punished -
ed to the full extent of law. No per-
sou has any authority whatever to sell
receipts. HAWTIIOUN & BKO , ,
Lancaster Pa
There WM a boom ia real estate yes
terday , Sixteen transfers were filed at the
county clerk's office.
The Big Dost Storm and Sadden
Change of Weather ,
An Old Bailer Pronounces the
Storm "a Pommeroe. "
Ono of the most curious and sud
den changes of weather over experi
enced in this nook o' woods took place
early last night. The day , like that
preceding , had been a remarkable
ono for December. At 0 o'clock someone
ono called the attention of THE BEE
reporter to tht beautiful brilliance of
.ho stars , and at that time there was
not a breath of wind to disturb the
atmosphere , nor a cloud in the sky to
dim the vision. A few moments later
a blast of wind struck the city that
made Uomo-aha howl. It was a regular
old time Nebraska blizzard with the
melody of a midwinter Manitoba wava
mixed in to give it variety. The moat
noticeable characteristic was the ab
sence of any provocation for the at
tack. Not a cloud oven the size of a
man's hand was to bo soon. In the
north the glow of an aurora or a pral
rio fire was visible at first , but soon
clouds of dust whirled as high as the
roofs of the tallest blocks and swept in
blinding storms down the streets.
A detail from the fire department
was ont with old No. 1'a steamer ,
pumping ont the cistern at the corner
of the Paxton. The sparku from the
itaok , and the cinders from the fire
box made a sort of terrestrial comet ,
md the boy a shivered from the cold
blast which drowned the exhaust of
[ ho engine. "It would bo a bad night
: or a firo" they oaid.
On Fifteenth the fire kept up by
the paving contractors began to grow
dangerous The coals flow about in
ohnnkn the sfea of a man's head , and
.hreatoncd to do serious damage , and
Dfiictr Bnrk secured assistance and
ranked the coals with sand.
At Fourteenth and Douglas there
was a regular prairie "suck-hole" and
a horse and buggy driven along there
about 11 o'clock waa belated for flvo
minutes by the mud and dust. The
nnlrnal ran back and iorthand whirled
about until it looked as if it would
overturn the vehicle. A horseman
mot the same experience at the same
spot. The signs swung with violence
everywhere , thosntd formed in eddies
and the old papers gathered in drifts
on the walks everywhere , and the
mercury foil most perceptibly , threat
ening the immediate approach of win
An old sailor who has roamed the
sea for twenty-one years says the storm
was what is called in South America
"a Pommeroe. " It comet * up when
the sky is clear , aud without any warn
ing of its approach. It will pick up a
ship and dash it down upon the water
with such force as to crush it
like an egg shell. Ho has seen it
gather up rocks that ten men could
not budge and hurl them through the
air like meteors. Its path Is often a
degree wide , sixty miles.
At Oapo Town , South Africa , it
gathers and bursts in a black cloud
tbovo Table Mountain and is called
the "Table Cloth , " the dense cloud
unfolding its inky folds like a scroll ,
rolling down tbo mountain side and
iweopiug the town as smooth as a mar
ble floor.
At a later hour last nigbt the sky
Eilled with black clouds , or dust , and
the night was as dark as a stack cl
black cats.
U. O. L. A.
The entertainment that the Union
Catholic library association got up to
ally commemorate Thanksgiving day
proved an excellent ono. Some time
before the entertainment began a tre
mendous crowd assembled In the
rooms of the Union Catholic library
association and all the etanding room
was occupied , oven the window sills
being used for noatlng purposes.
Miss Murlo Zamineck opened thu
programmu with a brilliant piano solo ,
iftor which Mra. 0. McCaffrey nud
Mies Ella Kennedy treated the andi-
enco to an exceptionally line rendition
of the vocal duct , "Lily and the
Rose. "
Judge A. M. Obadwick delivered a
very fine essay on libraries , which waa
received with onthuMastio upulnueu.
Messrs. T. Storrioker , Vauiplow ,
W. 0. Mathowp , and Gdo , Bradley ,
were simply immense in * their iuutru-
mental quortetto.
The Tour of Repentance , by Miss
Julia E. Hardonburg , olioted loud ap
plause , and the vocal polo "Sons und
Prayer , " sung by Miss Ida Gibson ,
was received with great onthusianm.
Mr. Jno. M' . QiyiKre was a BQperb
success in his bono imitations , mid the
piano solo by Prof , Wrtlthor wan re
ceived with unmistakable eignscf ap
Mr. Charles McDocald acquitted
himself well iu his rending of'Tho
Rover. " The vocal duet , "Star tf
Evening , " by Mrs. J. Hoyw.-ud niid
Mra. Goo , Crager , was rocewud with
unbounded enthusiasm and was vooif
oroualy npplaudcd. Mrs. M. Zemin-
eck'a violin solo waa a grand success ,
and the iLstrnmnntal duet between
Messis.V. . 0. Matlicwi und T. Shor-
rlcker gave much np.tisfsction and was
loudly applauded. Mr. F. M. Mo-
Donngh , the genial editor of The
Watchman , ground out aomo of his excellent -
collent machine poetry , which was re
ceived with the enthusiasm that any of
Mac's poems invariably evoke. The
entertainment concluded with a grand
instrumental trio by Messrs. Gaynoro ,
Vumplew and Bradley.
First Hate Evidence.
"Often unable to attend liuilneas , being
subject to serious disorder of the kidneys.
After a long Metre of sickness tried Bur
dock Blood Bitters and was relieved by
half a bottle , " Mr. B. Turner , of llaches-
tor , N , Y , , takes the pains to write.
Made fronr the wild flowers of the
U is the most fragrant ot perfum t
Manufactured by H. B. Slayon , San
Francisco. For sale in Omaha by W ,
J , Whltchouso and Kennuia Bros. ,
& 0o.
UBE Keddlns's Kns in | SMve in th
Loue , ami use Keddlns'a lluulua S lva in
theeatable. Try it.
not cfjudhd in nny other atoro in
the city. Our docidul success on
fine Cloaks this /all has far exceeded
onr expectations at wo have already
sold much moro thin fall than TTO over
have in ono year. Our very large as-
eorlmont is already somewhat broken
bat wo fitill h\ve somg of the best bar
gains bat would suggest on early call
to thono who have not ynt purchased.
a pure Cotton Bittt at 8 1 82 , other
if'ores advertise thnm an bting worth
worth 15.3. At 12 3 one you cannot
buy eltowhero for "less than ID ; , said
to bo worth 25o. Equally cheap bar
gains in Bed Comforters and Blankets.
at 25 is _ tush a rare bargain wo can
not duplicate , when what wu have are
sold. Also a full line of cloth Buck
and Calfskin Gloves and Mittens.
Also atl siV.oa of Misses' all-wool yarn
Hoinry , extra length , nt 25o , worth
donblo the money. Ladies' Scarlet
Underwear nt OOc is such n rare bar
gain.that you cannot match it elsa
whore for leas than $1 25. Bargains
in Gents' Underwear , Hosiery , Silk
end Linen Handkerchiefs , Mufibrs ,
with many other Inducements too nu
merous to mention ,
to see them at BUSHMAN'S.
P. S Wo do not advertise reduc
tions and closing snips all the year
round , but mean just what wo Bay
when wo advertise , and when wo ad
vertise tlmt you otn not match ouo of
our bargains oloowhero , wo believe it
ia truo. BUSBMAN'8.
Kldn'oy Diaoaso.
Fain , Irritation , retention , Incon
tinence , Deposits , Gravel , etc. , cured
by 'Buchupaibn.1
Givn llmnetiimth Ills pdlletx , Allopath
bis pills ; but for rheutnsttlum , for a'-hes ,
For pnina nnd pprtlni' , TllOMAB1 EcLtcruio
[ ) HIn IneiTably mipcrlor to either. It has
irnefltted aa iinnv people SB it has had
purchasorn. All ( frngpiuts cell It.
IV,1 , ONEYTO LOAN On personal property nf
1 > I any tl > scriptlon A. C. Troup , Attorney , 313
south 14th Street. Iffi-lrao
It ) I.OAA on inaittl mortwuti se
MONtV . A. B. Tutton , No. 11516 DounUn
treet , Iront room , njwitalr' ' . 4S5-t (
Al H per oonlln.
cn t In dom3.of W.HX ) aoa
, lot Zlqt veira. on Drgt-clan city and fjon : ! yvnra lisi ) . tjiiiti and
njoy , 16Jh .101 ! DctLriai Vtkv
ONEY TO { .OiK-lSill . - tt
- at L.RWOrnco ol ,
I. Th'n * 1 - T * l lrhtfl" KlnoV
.MLOn 581 WASTKDrrmraoulately 279 Ilir
JL nev street hot. inth and 18th , 307.2
f ANTED Tno rrthrco furnished rooms sul-
table for light housekccplnr ( , not moro than
fcrca liloo M from Paxton house , at moderate
price. Address "S. " Mil Farnain St. 32C-H
utrett. 333-tf
Girl fsr Bene'al housework or
WANTFD Apply at 1713 Chicago St. 335-tf
W 'ANTED Anursop rl for children. Inqulru
815 No. 18 h Slreet B20-1
W AN ED Every one to leave orders for help
at 217 N. IGtb street , up-etalra. 333 tf
WANTED Two good tiaellng mlesmen by a
wholesale and manufacturing dlug house ,
x > sell drugs tnd drtiggtata sundries to the trade.
? revlrlou3 experience unessential. SUtc ago rc-
f jr. nee ic , Mr J. Carlilo & Co. 82 and 84 Wu'er
Street Brooklyn N. Y. 3i2-odnov 29
V\rANTED Ulrl at 1086 Sherman avenue
W 324-tf JIlS.J.M. COUNiMUN.
! E J 7 wo good can rateers , Steady cur
WAN and good goods to work on. Call
471 s-.uth iota Btr jot. 01-30
A Bkandlna > lan girl about 14
years old tn take care of a baby. Omaha
BaVcry. 610 10 St. 279-SOf
Ono g od canvna cr ti eo'l
WANTED on instal.munt , steady work and.
god pay. Inquire at 21 d N. 16th etrtet , room 6.
A girl to do Koheral housework ,
WASTED . Good waged paid Ad
Iron K. 0. OmliK Kearner Nnt. nfl9-t >
" \T7"ANTED By young married man situation
VY In any capacity , has been accustomed to
Illce wort but u 111 take any rrspcctablo situation
snot fraid 'ifworcanglvugoo < lclty reference ? .
Address II. S. lira orllce. or 7U7 N 18th St. bet.
Webster aad Burt- 318-2t
WANTED Hy an eastern lady , position a
teiher or bale ; lady. Address "To'ehcr ,
Boo ollicu. 30 $ 2) )
Employment as assistant bookkeeper
keeper , or any kind of writing or work In
sioru , Atldrens "E. M. " Omalia , Neb. fill ) 3 {
\T7"ANTKD Guitleamn bo.uJerj t the couth
VV iaitojritrbf 20 h aul l.i\oinrt itrn't * .
CHANCE-A good hlacl.imlth In
BUSINESS liidti-iMnen' , to locitoat fill-
Uloro eb. Apply to O. rrodtt , h ru. IXi-2'-lin
KCJB fthNT fOUH * ; * fiHtf t , * O
I710K KKNT Hurnlihod room. lnqulro313N.
I.1 I7th btitct , lietMrasn la\cnportand Chiiairo
street" . 3jO-tl
OR DENT Neat cottage , well , clsturn and
Mllar. Aluo toaaa noit door. 1221 North
19th street.
fTlORRENT t rieploviant froit room with
.1 } c.osit furclthtd or unfurnished 1311 C j.
IIKNT lar o routh front room nicely
FOIl , 1DOJ Narnam St. 819-r
B OU11KNT 1'ltaaint inrnlihed room suitable
L for Kentleman , 1619 Furium. CI42) )
I OR BENT Housa ft three rooms , Karner
F and V2d ! troU , by 0,8. Moa < eum ry ,
Nationalllan < c buildln < . Seme line fur
i\OKlli.M irier 'cro 10111 mrevvaua n.
JJ M r > V uvei u suitable tor oryKDodsir drug
gist. OBCooklaxltllardhotclorou preuilBM.
T7\OR \ IlKNT-With board 2 nicely furnlslitd ont
J ; rooms 110 13Ui St. between Douglas and
DoJge , Day boarders $1 , per week , 311
TTlJll HUNT Uocnw In second story , IB18
J < I'cJce Uf3t. JAb. 0. LlUl'MAN ,
' KENT -11)0 Monitor Home , of
HliTEliF'iIt couutys N.h. A r tcl s
hou e , wet furntthid aad doing a good bu III-BJ
Is fir rent tu a go d liotai ma , cr w uld sell or
cxchatigufcr otttr | roeity. | For participant ,
Address er apply Io JSAAUUULLIIOMMNI ) ,
200-lw Alm > . Neb.
; , OU UENT New set en room cottage uclllo-
JJ cated , lits set eral closiu , city and c stern
water C. F. Driscoil. 283-U
"I70U hE ! T t houfea , egbt ro.mi each on
JJ lythaad Loaveuwortn. Inquire at 1019 Far-
oaiostreit. ms-.l t
710U KE < T 3 nlcily lurnl nud rojiut. one
L' duor r.o th ol Do Ue. on 18th. J6l'30t
I > KM1S' New Map ot Omaha , Jujl couiplutul and
_ tj ready ( or Oclh cry at Tf i-ach. In 4 luct w Ide
by 7 fwtaag. \ . larVmt and uioit oauii > lete map
of Omaha ever publTihci } . OtUdal map ol th
city , fiuo column. _ _
V < ) Il KENT Office rooms , Kjiquln ) at Now
U York Drr Gooite ( tore. laSUec-U
TTtOR HKNT T T > fum-VshMl rooms , 1814 WeV-
J ; rtcr sited.
R RENT Unfur WM Joorns In brick
t\maf , HUt Chlctca Mrcet. 1PO-M
l.i K KhNT furnished room viU U nl 180 *
1 California ttrett , 171-U
FOU RKNT-Ur-stnlrs , 1417 Famhirrf tre
_ _ rV-tf ' JOHN O. JACOBS.
fOH l.b.Nl I'lonte of B rwoiiia in Drst-diM
order , 10 bloika from opera house.
cheap. , . , , Jfj
House of It rocms. all convenience , B
tilatKi froci opera houu. . . . 40
House ot C rooms , 23d and Nlcholai streets. , If
3toro onFarnam , 2 floors 118
"Itre on 14th,2 floors. . 7R
3 * ell Iront lonldonrc $50toV8
48-tt McCAOUn Opposite Poatofflce.
I/OR Ul-LNT IIou-isc ot r rooma.soth andDoao
JU rlM trctlgatnonth ,
2tlJ BOa08AIIILU _ _
OR HKNT Klegantiy fnrnli > Uoor roomT with
fran and heater , htfercncea required. Ap
ply at northwest ccrncr cf 21 and Butt fitrceU.
933 U
011 hKNT iihtm-m tjno 6 and ono 6 room * .
Inquire corner GhlcagoMid 15th bt. T. Bwifr ,
FOIl KENT Hotuo , six rooms , tarnished , In-
qHlro at D. Hyde' * office , Millard hotel.
iOU K1.NT Tvro new dwellings na two otbt
dwellings In desirable lee Jlty , t > r McKoon
o. lilt DoiiglMi street
I710R RENT A cottage ot five rooms. Inquire )
JD at Northwest corner 16ih and Lhlcaeo street.
KKNT Large ofllou room or half store ,
1020 Farnham eticet. 707-U
FOR RENT A store ra Balcombe block , no
16th itieot , near Davenport. 8t. A. D.
Dalcomb . 6CO-2SU
FOK SAIJ : A RO U rcstAurant and hotel In s >
flourlihlng town ot four thous nd Inhabl-
tints doltfragoodbnulucfs OwnirwIshoitoseK
on oc ount of 111 ho.lth , cosy fcrms. Address O.
F. Cawan Grand Island Neb , 313-tf
FOR BALE Saloon doing n butlntoa from
SICM to $1,200 a month , In ono ot the best
locations In the city. Satisfactory reasons for
selling Terms very reasonable. 'For utrtL-u-
ars wldrs8 "Ii a" Bee olllco. 312-lwt
OK SA K BJiq .aieai'f Iron rooting , ApplA
Omaha FounJry and MacLlna Co. , Omaha ,
Neb. 275-801
XCELUKNT BRICK for sale. 89.00 per thou-
sand. Yard , 16th street , two blocks south
of Bcllcvuo road.
OTEL FOR SALB-Flrst class hotel for ealo
1 I In alhe wcttcrn town. Has all the first
cla < s trade. Reason for celling other bualnvw.
Per particulars , address , Hotel , OMAHA BKK.
TTIORSALECHEAP-Bakcry , well located ; good
P business In , no of tbo lltellcat to ns In No-
bracks. Reason for eel Ing , poor health and
must get out of business. Inquire at Ban office ,
"J710R PALK Steam englnea-new nd ccornl
I' hind B. 10 , Ifi , 20 horse power. Also
Bte&m boilers any clzo. Inquire Om ha Foun
dry and Moc.lru Co. nov21-Im-m
FOR SALE Barrels and kegs. Alee hoop polc
bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th and Pierce.
i BMIS New Map of Omaha , Just completed and
> ready for d. . livery at 87 , eathv Is 4 feet wide
: iy 7 feet long. Largest And most complete map
of Omaha o\cr published. OlBclal map of the
city. See column.
"T710R Una Prick i tore , inquire atdrueutore
JJ corner lO'.hand Imualau. 935.H
| , < 0 SALE Thrco thoimnd western wethers ,
I.1 Iand2jearao.d. Welghtabou Bp pcunds.
OK2 tf m an't n Kf arncy , Neb.
11CYCLK FOB SALli-Inqulro 0. M. Woodman -
man , Omaha. 751-U
pOK 3ALK Good bulldlnj ! . brick. Call a *
' " ' Wcrks olllco. 146-tf
HTAKKN DP Onob.y colt ono ytar oP , ono-
JL lUok cJt one jcarod with two white feet.
Ihoowmrcan have them by pi\lrfrfor their
kfenlngrn tor this adrertleamcnt : tikld colti
the B u i bun kept by Charles Mentor. S2S-tf
TOST A gents watcli gold filled coso and , P.
J S. Barlctt movement , Walthan glass ; on St.
Mary's avenue between 17th and 24th Nov. 5Ui.
Sultab'e reward will be paid on returning to J. K.
Kismussin 21th and Lcavenworthj nov 29-3t
tb'e DrcpB and Cl ak Maucr , U now prepar.
id to mike Lad en * and Children' , ) Drei en with
neatness and dispatchTutting and fitting a.
speclilty. 1201 Howard Street , corner Twelfth ,
Omaha , Neb. 320-2
rnAKKN UP-Andhe for lcr < wn ie hiai , e l
I about tha nose , one rniio south of county
mAKEN UP Sir berry roan cow 8 ynara old.
JL Owner can ha > o Ihetamoby Colling , division
and llurt. 282-30'
bavi rumored from 13Ui and Harn m streets-
to rooina 1 , 3 aad C , Kcdkk's block , 1507 K mom
etreer. 243-n22-lm.
npUUt N Uf Ono brown mare colt ttir In fore-
I htad , two hud tout white , ihouttwn VMS
6m , [ 217-tlI JA8. &TKPI1KNS
0. DllAINAUD , Taxidermist , 13th and How.
, ard. C5-ii3-2in
HO FARMERS The hlf-hoat cash print paid
I. ror Hye , Bar ey and Corn Krcb B Vinegar
Works , Jonoa street , between 9th ft. d 10th , Oma-
Croomhouse , ne , Park a\cnue 25 00
6 rcom lio-ibu , barn , 2 actusCum Kg St. . . . 15 00
iroom house , new , south loth street ' , U 00
i room house , ull modern iniirovemont | ,
-1'ark a\en\ie _ 35 00
) ro-m loui a , 21th and Dodge , all modern
.ifiO GO 00
) room house , barn , ghenmnavoiue 27 OO
D room house , u rncr Coburn and Col.'ax ,
2acrcs and 2000
6 room house , cellar , both well and city
water , Content street 'M 00.
bole Ajjent.
1500 Parnom St.
dl-tf ,
TI NALI8T , 498 Tenth street , bctweon Furnaia
anil Ha ney. Will , with ihualil ot KU&rdlut
tirlrltH , obtain for any one a glanca ha pout
and present , and on certain conditions he fu
ture. Boots and Shots made to order. < i trt
satisfaction nmanuc.1.
Absolutely Pure.
TbU powder never vnriw , A luarve.
purity , strength and wboleaomenesg
Jloro economical than tbe ordinary kinds ,
and cannot be Bold In oompatitlou with the
multitude of low test , short welubt , alum
or phosphate powder * . Bold only In cam
Wall St. , N wYoik