Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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'iie Hotaka national Bank
01 , Nob.
Pftld up CapitalMUEOTOR3 $250.000
, n. JOHNSON , President , .fstce. * , Johnwn &
A. E. TOUZAUN , Vice President , ? C. , B. ft Q ,
K. H. , llostni.
W. V. J10RSS , ot W. V. Morsc&Oj.
DUN'S. ( MLMNS. ol 0 , H. & i , 8. Collliw.
M. TYOOLWOIITH , Coon rcllw ft Attorney.
C. 8. ItSKD.of Bjron R J ftCo.
R. W. VAXES , Caahlcr.lato-Ouhler ol tin First
Nittttial Dank o ( Om&hn , snd connect * * with
thtactlNomiinafccrnent'rtthat ILmk Unco its
orgrobatlon In leas.
Orraso lor business Artll S7 , 1832 , with the
l Ke t capital ol any back In Nebrnilw.
OOUKCTIOXS rooelvo special attontloa and chap
ijes towe.t obtainable tcra or elsowrme.
iNrxEMi allowed onllme deposits upo < i ( TOI-
bls tormg n < t apontwaunts ol bu&s klid bank-
* ts.
FOMION enur > 3X , Oovcrnmoft "Bonds , and
Ooutty and City securities bouxfet cd sold.
It Is prcpucml ts Co u general tailing business
la all Its deAllsitl In the treatment of custom
era will porrno tin tnaet llbenJfpjlicy consistent
Bpcciw * . DhiMtih to Tim DRR. '
NKW Yowc , November 2C. '
Iteoey Market at So ( per cent , lorod
offcwd abM per rent.
Prime Mercantile Pivpic 6@8 pec .c nt ,
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills ,
stonily at 6-1.80 ; demand , Sl.b.t.
Knovornmrnta werestegnlur. Ilia
Eaniu-i'rt-i per cent bii ior.
Notwithstanding that all stocks opened
lower than closing latfc night the general
tendsnoyup to 12 o'clock was toward 'in- '
crenalng'Ttrongtli , and there wain general
irecovery > of the decline at the opening , and
.in many : asea an adranco over la t night's
nlosing prices. Tbo market continued
.fairly acilva and strong in the afternoon
until the last half -tour when it was rather
jheavy nnd declined from i to If per cent ,
the latter in Doaver to 4G ) , Closing
piices&owover , s.a rule were higher than
the closing prices ct yesterday. The general -
oral feeling In regcrd to stock , nd nlsa as
.rec\rd'i the general financial and commer
cial's : luation ii a great improvement on
theitvo or thtuu. previous din.
Yesterday. 7o-diy.
3'a J 02 10 JI
5'n 101J lOla
4ji'a Coupons 113
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
PaelSc'G'a oTiebV. . . . . . . . . . 1" 121)
Central P.wlBa fiwts Ill 114g
Eria Besonda ilJO ( 10J
2J3li'hVilkosbarre ! | 10J i02
Louisiana consols G8 OS |
Missouri O'a 112 112
St. Joaepu ltd 119
Gt , Paul & Sioux City liista. 110 111
Tennessee G'u 44 43
do new -l"i ; 42
To\aa < & Pacific lund gr.-xutii. . 6."j\ 57
do U. U. dlv. . . . 80 8 j !
Union Paslflc 1st mortgage..115 115
do laud grants..IllJ ) lluj
do sinking fund..iUt > 110
Virginia' C'a 35 35
do consols G'a 01 01
do deferred 12 12
Adorns -Express 13G 130
Ailoghec" Central . . -.llfj Li5i
Alton & 'I'orro Uanto 44 44
do pfd. . . . 802 874
Amoricn c Exprosa U3 i)3 )
Burl. , Cedar Kaplda & North.S77 ( 77
Canada Southern t t6GJ tilJ !
Col. , Cm. & Ind. Central..Um 10'i '
CflntraliTasillc 87i i
Chesapeake & Ohio 23 23
do 1st pfd. . . 33 33
do 2d pfd. . . 24i 21J
Chicago ft Alton 133 132i
do pfd 130 130
Chi. , Burl. fc Quinoy 27J 253
Ohi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 75 75
Oln. , Baud. & Cleveland 50 $ 50i
Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 744 75
Delaware & Hudson canaL. . . 107 108
Del. , Lack. & Western 12U 127 §
Denver & Rio Grande 40 $ 40
Brie 30J 30i
do pfd 85 | 84j
East Teccessee 110 110A
do preferred -118 | 118.1
Fort Wayne & Chicago 134 131
Hannibal & tit. Joseph 43 43
do pfd. . . 74 72
Harlem 200 21)0 )
HoustonftiTexaa Central. . . . 73J 721
Illinois Central vl44i 144J
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 34J 33
Kansas & Texas 32 32
Jjake Erie A Western 29J 23J
Lake Shore > Michigan So..ill3a 1131
Louisville t : Naahviilo 51g 52
Loufsv. , Now Alb. & Chicago. 70 08
Marietta & < Cincinnati 1st pfd 15 14
do do 2d pfd 5 5
Memphis & Charleston K-ti 40
Michigan Central it'74 91) ) j
Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . 284 24
do pfd. . 0 05J
Mlsaourl PadEc 102J 102i
Moblle& Ohio 1181 11W
Manhattan Ecosh 123 124
MorriitEssoz 50 53i
Naahviilo & Chattanooga Caj. 71S
New Jeney Central 51i 11)2
Northern Puerto. . . 44 | 4p
do pfd Uli
Northwestern 13(5 ( 135j
clo pfd 15J-J 1515
New York Coutral 130 130J
Ohio Central 132 13
Ohio&Misslselppl , . . . . . . . . . !
Ontario & Wertem 20 | 20 !
Oregon Transocntlcontal 83j 85
Pacific Mail 31 * 35) )
Panama JpJ 107
Peoria , DecaturA ; Evansv. . . 20i 20
Plttsburs & Cleveland 1381 1S8J
Reading. 1618 162
Rock fcland 128 , 126 ;
Bt. Louis & San F n. . . . . . . . 32i 3J
do pfd. . . . 5l 53
do 1st pfd 93 95
St. Paul & Milwiait * 93 D03
do pfd. . . . 120 .119
Bt. Paul , Minn. 4 Manitoba 140 ? til
St. Paul & Omaha 40310
do pfd 64 ? MI
Texan & Pacific 3W 9j
Union Pacific 1031 Iff )
United States Exprew M65
Wabwh , Bt. L. & PaeJ6o. . . . 30i 3t
do pfd.54J M [
Wells , Fargo & Co. Eipress.127 127
Western Union Telegraph. . . l 8J
Caribou JT. * ]
Central Arizona t '
Excelsior. , J ' .
HomestaVe m 1" ,
Little Pittsburt' 1 * .
Ontario 3 * $
Quisksilver 8 !
do pfd 40 40
Boblcson 1 l.
BilverCllff f J
Bouth Ptcifio , f
Standard C |
' ' * ' " ' * '
Ofrered.'iEr."inte'rVaV. 'JAeked. IlEx
Special Dlipitchos to TUB Bis.
Y CHICAGO , November 29. Flour. -
Steady ; common to choice spring , 3 50&
D 50 ; common to fancy Minnesota , 4 006
600 ; patents , 660 ; winter , 4 00 ; south
em Illinois , 4 C0@5 tOj Canada-4 tOJ (
500. ,
Wheat-Dull , wcskftcd lower regular
la for e ih ; ! U 9 for December : Oli for
OjYn Active , but and tower ; Co ®
, c.whs Gel ® for Novembers 694
5'JJo for December snd the year : Mifa
B for January ; B < g@54ie for May ; re.
ctw , GOo.
Oats Unsettled , bat psnenvHy higher ;
? o forcish ; 3S1 * tor Novembet : 3ftjo for'
[ eceruber _ and the year ; 5M Jc for Jannnrw
Mo for May ; ro } cttd ,
Hyo-Steady ? 080.
Barley Market confer a .
UutUr Steady , with a peed deir.n > t ;
air to fnntv creamery , 24@3Vc ; fife to
ancy dairy , l8i@S03.
Kpg Market easier ; S.Sc.
FUx Seed Market firmer ; I 1S@1 13 ;
tus > lnn , 1 M.
fork Unsettled , but generally lower ;
C S510 80 for caolt , November , tDecem-
er and tbe year ; 17 03 for Janunty ; 17 174
@ 17 20 for Febraary.
Fiird-Unsettled , but pcnoratly higher ;
OG2i10G3ifor cash ; 1080@1065 for
) ecembcr amKho year ; 10 fiO for January ;
0 70@10 72Hor February.
Bull : Meats MAket eaMor ; shoulders ,
80 ; short ribs , U 05 ; shortc'car , 0 BO.
Whisky Steady and unchanged ; 117.
GALL But > . Wheat ICnrket easier ,
with small olinngo in prices.
Corn Firmer , but lutcuotably higher ,
xeept G9j@r ! > 9c for December and 51o
or May.
Oils Firmer , but nnt-nuotably higher.
Pork Generally unchanged , but some
ales rather higher.
Lird- Active , firm and higher ; 10 Go ®
075forcaHh ; 10 GO ® 10452i for the year ;
Of > 5@10f > 7i for January ; 10C2J@10G5
or February.
NEW VonK.Novenbor 29 Flour Mar-
tot iinlet ; auiwrfino state and western.
2.Si ( ) ; 85 ; common to good pxtra , 3 90@
40 ; good to choice , 4 50@7 CO ; white
vheat , G 25@7 23 ; extra Ohfo , 3 90@G 75 ;
St. Louis 3907 < 00 ; Minnesota patent
irocess , G 00@7 50.
Who it-Cash , lljo and options
ewer ; No. 2 epring , nnmlnil ; ungraded
ed , Social 10 ; Rtoamer No. 3 red , 95o ; No.
1 rod , 1 Or @lOGJ-rUamcr No. 2 rod , I 05 ;
No. 2 red , I08@l09t ; No. I red , 114 ;
mgraded white , ' 960(2)113J ( ) ; steamer No ,
white 79e ; steamer No. 2 whitv , ' 89c ;
fo 2 white , 98@99e ; No. 1 white , 4,500
nishels sold at 106) for certificate * , I 09J )
iellvered ; No. 2 rod for Novembar 2,000
nwhelasold atll 033@108J ; do for Uecom.
her 001,000 bushels sola at 1 OSgttlOOj ,
cloning at 108 ? ; do for January , 610,000
bunhola soki ut 1 llj@l 12 , closlut ; at
lip ; do for February , 440,000 hmhoU
old nt 1 lSi@l HJ , cloaiot ; nt 112-J ; do
or \larch. Oi''OUO ' bushel * aold at 1 i5i ©
110J , closing at 115J.
Corn Caali unsettled , clrigiag decidedly
owtr ; options declined J@lic , but ulter-
wards reacted iCrfilJc. cloBitiR firm ; un
graded. < 31 00 ; No. 3,01@G. Jc ; steamer ,
3c ; No. 2 , D'Jiggl i JJ ; low mixed , 75c ;
'fti. ' 2 white , 8 "t ; Ni > , 2 for November ,
1 09@110 ; do for Uitember , Sll@8Uc ) ,
oloiiui ; at 61je ; do for Janniry , COfjriStfile ,
cl fjn fct 6Gj ; do for Febnuty , 03G4e ,
closing fttfilc.
Ojt ftatjo lower nnd dull ; mixed west
ern. SifatSrvhitoweatorn , I0 < 8c.
Hay In good dtiuniil and firm ; GOs.
Hop ? JDti'l ' aud nominvl ; N w York
fit-its , 3cC < 8110 ; eastern , ! ) Oc@lO5 ; j car
ing' , UJcft ) ! Oo.
w Fiesh western , quiet but firm ;
1'ortc L'n'ettlcd nnd lower ; new mess ,
Meet- Quiet but steady.
Cus Mu its Dull und uosunr.l ; lon < ;
c > ir middle10 OU '
LirdHtroug ; prime steam , 1150 ®
nr Dull for choice ; lGg * c ,
< Jhe ° so Quiet but firm ; western flit ,
JCAKBAS CITV , Novembar 29. Wheat-
Quiet ; No. 2 red , 79ic for cash and Do-
cumber-61i@81 Jo for January.
Com Weak ; 45@45.lB for case ; 42c for
December ; 40J3 for Jauiury ; c G16@r
Oats Higher ; 32c bid for carti ; Sljc
bi 1 for December ; 3'Jo bid for January ,
Butter Stuady : choice Kun aa , 25c.
ST. Louis , November 29. Flour
Steady ; ' family , 3 85@4 00 ; ohoioc , 4 45 ©
GO ; fncy. 4 70 © 500.
Wheit Dull and lower ; No. S + rad fall ,
$ @ 9as Cor cash ; 943o for December ; 94 3
: or the year ; liGJ@9lig3 for January ; ! ) Bi
@ 9Sf 3 for February ; 102J bid for May.
Curn Market dull nnd easy ; G8j for
ca h and November ; 54Jo ( or December ;
> 4335lAc--for ! the year ; 49Js fofJanuary ;
49is for > iVbiuary50Jo forAlay.
Oftts-Quiot ; 35i@3Gjc for ca h ; 341 ®
55s for December ; 35 j for May.
Rfe Market easier ; 5G@5Glc.
J3arley-Quiet ; sample lota ranrjo at 50
@ 80c.
Butter Steady ; creamery,33@373 ; dairy
K/gs Steady ; 24@24Jo.
Whisky-Firm ; 11G.
Pork Marfcet dull ; jobbing nt 17 12J.
Bulk Moats-Quiet ; shoulders , G 50 ;
long clear , C 12 } ; short ribs , 9 OG ; short
clear , < . -9 CO.
Bacon Market dull ; small Rales ol
shoulders abC 50 ; short rib , 11 25 ; short
clo r , 11 50@U 1)2 .
L rd Nominally 10 75.
ArsxiiNOOK BOAHD Wheat Firmer ]
9J @ 95of. > rDecember ; 911J bid for the
year ; 505@)6Jo ! ) bid for January ; 96Ho foi
Kehruary ; 1 C2t for May.
Corn Slow and easy ; G8a bid for No.
veinber ; 54jjjforthe year ; 4'lc ! ' for Jan.
uary ; SOJo tor Kay.
Oate t'irmer but nothing done.
COUKOII , BLurro , Novo-nber 27. The
Council Blulla tnarkoU carefully roviaec
to date c/re / as follows :
Flour GoldeuGheaf. 3 00 ; Kansae//iti
winter wheat , 27533 25Miune9ota wiatoi
wheat , 500@4 ! 00.
Wheat No. 2,15c ; No 3. 65c ; rojojled ,
SOo.Corn Ko. 2 , 60a.
Oats Ko.2 , 30s.
Rye No. 2 , 45 .
Barley None.
Eggs Keuco ; eelUig to packers at V\
Corn M si-l GO Ur white ; yellow. I C
corn chop , 23 09 per ton ; corn and oati
chop , 26 00 per ton. '
FRUITS-Apples. A 00. -
Broom Corn 3i@9f.
Hay Loose , 700@00.
Wood-5 OOCflfl 00 ,
Butter Crtamery , Sfc ; In rolls , wrap
Ded , 20c ; roll * not wrapped , 22o | mtroc
colon , 10@121o.
Onions Wo per bnsbel.
Lire Chickens 2 50@fcOO per dozen ,
Potatoes 30i per buah I.
Cabbages2t@40o per oVz.
Turnips SOo per bushel.
LIVE 8TOU1I.CattlenExtra , 8 00(3 (
3 60 Veal Oalvoa-6 60@ * 00. Hon- (
7 00@7 25. Sheen 3 60.
< jttcial C utcbm to Tat ! ) .
NK w Y OJIK , No vembar 29. The Drovera
Jturnal bureau reports :
Ueeves Market dull snd drooping ; Si
carloads of cattle arrived veiy late ; 24 cai
loads of receipts weru for exportation d
rect : 0 carloads for home trade daughter
era direct ; salea were extremely slow an
nothing like a clairanco was nude ; 14 car
loads of light Texan * from St. Louis nolc
at 4 68 p r cwt ; common to prime nat've
ranged from 480KGGO par cwt , , liv
weight , with ceneral sales of fair to goo
Sheep Dull and depressed ; sheep , 3 5
f GOOpercwtjlambj , 4 75@5 76 , 30 car
loads unsold.
Swlue Firmer for live begs at 0 00(3 (
G GO per cwt.
CHICAGO , November 29 Th Drove ra
Journal roiurts OK follows :
I logs -Market filrly active and 6@10 <
miied , 660@025 ; heavy , G16@
r 70 ; llnh\ 706 BO ; * kil , J B05 BO.
Cattle Maiket exceedlnglr dull an-u
overstocked with common grades ; Kk :
good to choice heavy steem , 5258 < 0 ;
taedrem to good , 4 50(3)510 ( ) ; comuion to
fair , it 75@4 25 ; butcherV , In heavy ( apply
t " 2 003 80 ; stockers and feeders , slow
st 804 20 ; Texans , 3 403 75.
Sheep Demand small and market weak
fct low price * , poor to common , 2UO@3 35 ;
medium to good , 3 35@3 75 ; good to choice ,
3 90@4 CO.
KAKRAB Cm , November 2J. The Live
Stock Indicator repoits :
Cattle Weak nnd slcrr except for
butchers' stock ; native steers of 1 2CO to
1,400 pounds , sold at 4 00@5 00 ; dock-
era and feeders , 3 B0@4 S3 ; cowr , 2 75 ®
3 BO ; Texas stcerB , 3 40C rO 85.
Hogs-Steady at BGO@G30 , with the
bulk of sales at B 90@6 10.
Sheep Unchanged ; Uir to good , 3 00 ®
ST. LOOH. November 29.-Cattlo
law and weak ; heavy native shipping
teem , 500@B 75 ; light shipping steers ,
25@500 ; good to cnotco butchers' steer' ,
B0 )125 ) ; cows and belters , 300@400 ;
tojkers , 2 75@3 25 ; fsedorn , 8 B0@4 00 ;
ocd to choice grass Toxann , 3 754 40 ;
omtnon , 303@3BO ; Colorado steers , 375
* JO.
Sheep Dull aud weak ; native mutton * ,
25@4 23) ) Texans , 2 60@4 00.
HOKS Market oieier ; light to good
Vorken , B G0@5 90 ; p cVlnir , 5 0@0 2\ ;
to extra , G 25@G 50.
JpecUl Dlcpatchos to Tun Bit.
CIIIOAQO , November 29. Receipts and
hlpmonts of flour and grain for the past
" 1 hours have been as follows :
Rocoiute , Bhip'ts.
Flour-bbla 4(1000 ( 17000
Wheat bushel 103,200 16,000
Corn " 359,000 162,000
OatB " 82,000 B4.000
lye " 11,000 7,609
Barley- " 61,000 20,000
NKW YORK , November 29. Rocaipta and
ihlnments of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been aa follows :
Receipts Shp'tx ,
Flour-bbls VB.OOO1,000
Wheat bushels 197,000
Corn " 188,000 61,000
Oats " 34,908
ST. Louis , November 29. Roooipts and
hiptucnts of flour and grain for 'the past
24 hours have boon aa t olio we :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Flour bbls 9,000 13,000
WheAt-busheh 4S.OOO 32,000
Corn " 13S.OOO 31,000
Oata- ' 14,000
Rye " : i,0001,000
Barley- " 20,000
KANSAS Girt , November 28 , Receipt !
and shipments of grain for the past 2-i
mum have bcn as follows :
Rec'tf.ehip'ts. .
Wheat , bushels 0,030 17.0CO
Corn " 28.000 13cO ( )
CHICAGO , November 29. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 21
ioura huve been aa follor.v :
Reo'ta. Shipm'to.
Hogs : 20,000 . 3,200
Cattle 9,000 ' 2,403
Sheep 2,100 . . . .
NEW YORK , November 29. Receipts and
ihipmeutu of live stock for the pabt 48
liours have boon us follows :
Reo'ts. Ship'ts.
G.9CO . .
. : ; , .riiO 182
. ' 0,200
Beef , qitsriori ) 2G3G
Mutton , CArc3"Be-i. . Gil
ST. Ixnis , Kovcmber 2D. Receipts and
hipmeuta of live stock fet the post 21
bourn Imvo boon aa follows :
Rec'ts. Sbipm'ts.
Hogs 'fi.fiOO 4/00
Cattle 2,300 750
Sheep 800 200
KAKSAS OITT , November 29. Receipts
nnd shipments of live stock for the paet 21
lioura have been as follows :
llec'tB. Sbiptn'ta.
Hoga 5,100 . . . .
Cattle 1,700
Sheep 7BU
Special Depatcho8 ! to Tint Bun.
KBW vonic.
NEW YOIIK , November 29. Coffee Mar.
knt dull and weak ; Rlu'Cargoea ' quoted at
Sugar Dull and nominal ; fair to goot
refining quoted nt7 3-lG@7 5-lGc.
Molassen Dull ; New Orleans 40@59a
Rico Quiet , but steady.
Petroleum Quiet , but firm ; United ,
107J ; crude. 7i@8c ; refined , 8i@8o.
Tallow -Quiet , but steady ; 7i@7 c.
Rosin Uull ; 1 80@1 87J.
Turpentine Market dull and nominal
Leather Hemlock sole , Buenoa Ayrei
and Rio Grande light , middle and heavy
Special D' < if Jtchel to TIIK Bin
NKW Yoia' , November 2'J. Market dul
and weak ; domestic fleece , 32@lGc ; pulled
18@40o ; unwashed , 12@3lc ; Texas , 14g
LONDON. ' - \ ' , *
LONIIUX , November 29. Nine thousant
balea of wool were aold to-dav , chiefly Nev
Zealand and Victotian. ( Inferior wool
lower and dull ; cross breed , bette ; Cape
Wbaloialo Prices.
Oriios or Tna OMAHA Bier , )
Wednesday Evening , November 29. (
The only changes reported in. thn marke
are as follows :
Wheat , No. 3 declined | c.
Barley , No. S declined Jc.
Rye , declined Jo ,
Corn , old declined lie ; oew.adtimce
Tomatoea , tluree-punnd .cxetp , deoUnei
Sugar , C advanced jooxtra ; , C de
alined i : .
Lard , declined from i to Ifc.
Soda , declined &c.
i'ieklee , declined Bo per bared ,
Local Grain D allngtf.
WHEAT.- No. 2. 7 5ic ; c * h Nc
Ct02o : rejected , 4Vf < s.
BAllLKY.-Casn No 2 , 7 No. 3
KYE-C sh. 44c.
OLD CORN-NO. 2 , 4 < c.
SKEOS-Flax eeJ lOOyer 4 > u ; Rei
clover , choice newJ 00 per bvmhol
nuuntuoici clover new , 8700 ; whit
claver , oew , ( Jll CO ; Alfalfa clover
new , C12CO ; alslke , naw , 81300. liui
othy , good , new , $2 00 , blu
grau , extra clean , $1 60 ; blue KTUBS
clean , ? l 25 ; orchard grass (2 B9 ; red ton
choice , 1 OS ; millet , common or Mfuouri
80c ; millet , German , 8100 to 8125
Hungarian 80c ; OBage orange , 1 to I
bushels , $5 00 ; oeage orange , 10 bushels o
ney loou'tl 1)er lb" 25c ! *
Produce and Provision * .
POTATOES 40@46a per bushel ,
ONIONS-SO@50o per bushel.
BUTTEK- ioic9 country , 25@SOe ,
HONEY Coliforaia. per b , 21.
Al'PI-KS Per barrel. $2 75@3 25 ,
OYBTEnS-Select , 45o.
GRAl'ES-Callfornia. 81 B0@2 25 ,
LEMONH-U i5@l ! 60 per box.
BEAN8 Domestic Gcrow ) 2 00@2 K
per buibel
CH10KKNS-ll12c per pound.
TURKKYS-lSa per txmnd.
Grocers' List.
( Field1 * ) , per CM * , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) ,
x r caee , 2 76) ) do 2 Ib ( Ctandard ) , per case ,
J 7B. Lobsteri , 1 ft per dotcn ,
180 , TomatoM , 2 Ib 2G5 ; do 3 Ib per
cafe , 2 GO ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain )
per case , H 00 soaked corn , 1 GO ; do
2 Hi ( Yarmoonth ) p r cane , 800 ;
string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans
i > er ease , 1 70. SuccoUnh per case. 1 80) )
L'C.'WS common , per case , 1 60 : peas , choice.
ncrcMe,2 70. Blackberries , 2 Ib , { Mircaso ,
210 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 BO ,
raspberries , 2 Tb , per case , 3 30. Dam.
sons , 2 Ib , per cane , 2 45. Bartlett
pears per case , 2 60. Whortleberries
per case , 275. F jg plum ,2 Ib porcwe , 90 ;
[ } roen gage < s2 Ib per case , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
Ib per case t BO. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case
4 006 76. Poaches , 2 Hi per case , 8 00 ;
do 3 Ib. case , 4 00@4 BO ; do , ( pie ) , 8 Ib , per
cn o,2k ) ; do pie , 0 Ib , per doren. 2 SO.
FLOUR-JobblnR prlcon , Jack Frost
St. Louis winter ) $3.00 perlOOlbs. ; To.
lick a Patent Kama * . 83.85 : Minnehaha ,
Minnesota Patent. 8,3.70 ; Shawnco Fancy
winter , 83,10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter ,
$3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , 82.80 ; Chris-
linn's superlative , 3.60 ; bran , per ton ,
$14.00 ; chopped food , 823.09.
dUOAlW-Powderod , lOicj Cut loaf ,
101 ; Granulated , 9jo ; Oonlectlonor's A ,
yjc ; Standard Extra O , SJc ; Extra C ,
8Jo ; medium yellow , 8c ; dark j Dow ,
SYRUP-Standard Com. , 40c , bbls. ;
Standard do , 44 gallon KCRS , $2 25 ; Stan
dard do , 4 gallon kcgf , 1 80.
MEATS Hams 16c ; breakfast bacon ,
none ; clear side bacon , none ; dry salt
baoon , lO&c & ; shoulders , Hie ; tieroa lanl ,
'FISH No. 1 mackerel , halt brio , G 7B ;
No , 1 nuckorol , kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits.
85o ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 6 00 ; No. I
SPICES. Popper , 2Ui Allsrloo , 20o ;
Cloves , 35c ; Nutmeg , 91 00 ; Cassia , 24c ;
Mnce 8100.
LYE American , 3 3" ; Greenwich , B 40 ;
Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lowia' '
lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
FEED Jobbing prices , -Chop food ,
$1,60 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran ,
70o per 100 Ibs.
LARD OmahaRefinlnlnpCo. : Tierces ,
121 ; 40 and EO-lb cans , 11 Jo ; 20-lb cans ,
llie ; 10-lb pailei , screw top , llgc ; B-lb do ,
lljo ; 3-lti do , llgc.
riOMINY INOW , 84 50 per bbl.
SODA -In Ib papers , 83 per case ; keg
coda , 21o.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels ,
57 00 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , in bbla ,
003 do , in half bbls , 600 ; gherkins , in
bbla , 11 03 ; do , in half bble , G 00.
S'l'AHUH. Pearl , 4Jo ; Silver Gloss
84o , ; Corn Stnrch , 8Jo ; ExceiuiorGloso ,
7o ; Corn. 7c.
UOiri'ini ; . JHp , fair , lie ; Rle , good
12o ; iirhno to choice , 13 to 13.j ; Old gov't
Java ; 2CiUiJlc,2 Mocha , 23ic ; Atbucklo'e ,
13Jc.JHEE83 Full Cream , 13Jc ! Part
rfklin , Kliu.
TEAS jGnnpowder ; good1G56 ;
Imperial , ( food , 40fc ICe ,
upun , oiiuiuu , uv iuv gwuiuu , ui'u ,
; Oolong , cho.co10@i > 5 ; 8ouchon,7 ,
3.(5WOc ( : choiao. ; fai5c.
riC Sital , 4 inch and larger , lOJo ;
11 inch , lie.
WOOUUNW UIE Two hoop pMlf ,
1 7 > " > : tbroo hoop pails , 2 03. Turn , No.
. , 850iEJoii03r ; washboards , 185 Uoublo
; r.twu t ! 00Vcll ; buciiotu , J CO
LTCAD Bar , SI 05.
VINEGAR 1'uro npplo ostro , IGc :
uro npnlo , 13o ; ljni abitf unro anu'o , ICc.
cJALT. Ir / londa. j. r bbl , J 05 ; A-h-
o , in uao ks , . ' r-0 ; bbla dairy GJ.r , -O
fJOAl" ' Ktrk'a Savon Imperial , J 45 ;
Ifttl. i. vi til > i , , ! liDj Kirk'a oUudard , 8 76 ;
Kirt'itto ! llusaian. 525 : iCnk's
; * , 'J 15 Kirk'n Prairie ( lueeu ,
cahcn ) , fO ; Kirk's mnsuolia doz. ,
TAail Pennsylvania calm , ! CIBO ,
in CA3o , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case ,
1 DO : Aachor Ball 2 doz in cass , 1 50.
PKANOTS floated , choice , rod Tec-
ncnscc , ICe per Ib ; fausy white , lOio per Ib ;
raw white VirRiuin raw , lOc ; roaalod ,
CANDLES Boxen , 40 Ibs , KB , 15Jc ; Be ,
lujo ; be sou 40 Ibs. , 1C or. , Gs , 15Jo.
KICK * loufctBna prime to choice , 71 ®
7lo : fate , Gl7c ; Patma , 7c.
MATOJiEb 1'flr cuddle , 93o ; round ,
casca , # 8 10 ; cnnarn , cases , 50 40.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc )
Applcton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Bo ; Boot !
FP , BJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W ,
71c ; Chittonaniro A , GJc ; Ureat Falls E ,
850 ; Hooaler , G4c : Honest Width , 8 0. In >
dlan Head A , 840 ; Indian Standard A ,
8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8Jc ; Lawrence
LL , Vo ; Mystic River , 74o ; Pequot A , 8 c ]
Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utlca 0 , Gfco ; Wachun'
ett B , 7ic ; do A , BJc ; do E 48,12Jo ; Wai'
cott BB. 8r\o. \
4-4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , ? ? :
Atlantic LL , GJo ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7o
Bennington 0 4-4 , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , GJc <
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. SJc : Laconia G
39 , 8Jc ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 9Jo ; Lonsdalo 4-4 ,
lOc ; Pepperell N 30 , 7o : do O S3 , 71o ; do H
SO , 7io ; do E 89. 84o ; Pocasset 0 4-4 , 7Jc
gin L 4-4,94cBlackitoneAA Imperial 8/c ! /
do do half bleached 4-4,9o ; Cabot 4-4,82
Fidelity4-4 , 9JcVrult of thoLoom , 10 ; d (
Falls Q , lOio ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c
Lonsdalo , lOc ; do cambrio 37 , 121c ; Now
York Mills. 12Jc ; Penuot A,10c ; Fopperel
N G Twills , 12&cj & Pocahontaa 4-4 , OJo
Pocasset 4-4 , 81oi Utlca , lloj Wamsutti
O X X. UJc.
UuCKB Colored } Albany K brown
So ; do O , drab , llo : da JLa. stripes am
plaids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab
atrlpes and plaids , 12&c ; Arlington fancy
lOo ; Brunswick brown , 8o ; Chariot fancy
12Jo ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall Rlvo
brown , extra heavy , 11&C ; Indiana
brown ! < NcDonset A brown. 15o
T1OK1JNUO Aaioakeag A O A 81
19o ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowanca
OJo ; Glaremont B B , 16io ; Concstoga ex
tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , 1140 Lowuton . '
'M.l5o ; Mincohaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega eui > e ;
extra 4-1 , 28o ; Pearl River 32 , IGic ; Put
nam XX blue btripo , 12o ; uhotuoket f
lOJc ; do S3 Wo ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9i
DENIMH. Amoakeak , bluoand brom
If 4c ; An lovnr DD blue , 15Jo ; Arllugi
blue ScoUh , IHic ; Concord 000 , blue av
blown , 12iv ; do AAA , do do 131 ; doXXt-
do do 14Js Haymaker's blue And brown
UJej Mystic lUrer DD stripe , IGlc ; Pear
JUvor , blue and brown , Iticj Unoaavllle
blue and brown , 14Jr.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 5lo ; Eddystom
llnio24 Inch double face , 840 ; Garner /
glazed , & 4c ; Manhattan glove finish , 6J <
Newport do Goj do glazeo , 6o | Pequot 01
60 : Lock wood kid uotsh Go.
OOIdHET JKANB-Ainory , So ; Andre
cogglnjiatteen 8JcClarendcn ; , OjojCone
otga wtteens , 71cj Kallowel , , 80 ; Inldi
Orchard 7Joi Narr > ga&Mttlmproveiia
Peppeti'l sattnen 84 ; Rookport , 7Sa
PRINTS-Aliens , 6Jct American , C4o
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , ifo ; Oocbooo , 7o
OonestoiP. 64c ; Dunkirk , 4 c ; Dunnell
6J@7c ; liddyBtono. 7oj Gloucester , 60
Ilarjnony , 5Jo ; Knickerbocker , GJoj Met
1-1 60 D. t'o ; Mystic , 64c : Bprwnoa. 6c
Ooutbbrldg ? , Gcj do , Glnguuns , 7o ; Marl
biro. 5So ; Oriental OJo.
kc t' drew DJ Argyl" , iSls : Atlantic
9o | Cumberland , 74o ; Higtlana , 74c
Kcullwortb , 84cj Plun kett , lOJo ; Bui
oiz , 8c
OOTTONADE8 AbbervUle 18ii
Agal ? , 20c ; Ameripan , llo ; Artlalan , 20c
Cairo D and V , rJ4c ; Clarion D and T
174c ; Oeccan Co. stripes D and T.ICo ; Key
stune , ISJoj Nastuckot , 19ot Nonnareil
IGo ; Ocean D and T , ISjo ; Royal , 1641
Bussor , I2c ; Tioga. ISJc ; Wuchusett Bhlrt
In ? jhecka. 124c ; do , Nankin , 124c ; York
plain ManUtn. 12c ; do. checks , utripea an <
fancy , 12 cj do , 8 oz , iOc.
do 0.4,23cdo ; 8-4 , 2& ; ContlnentalC
42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New
York mllls98 , 3Sc ; do 78 , SOc ; do 6S. 2240
PembrkelO'l ; , , 25c ; l'equutlC.4 , 284o , dt
74 , 19o do 49 , 16c ; I'epptrell 90 , 29c
do 67 , 21cdo ; 67,18c ; Ut'/ca 1 0 , SGo ; d <
53 , 22lodol8.17c. !
PalnU Olls nd Virnlth * !
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon
a ; 150' headlight , per # ftllon
.Co ; 17V headlight , per rallon , 2U&
Inteexl. raw , per f/allon , 53 ; Unseed , boiled
icr gallon , MX ) ; Urd , winter ttr'rt , per gal ,
ont 1 00 ; No. 1 , Me ; No. 2. 75o ; castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 20 ; No. 8 , 1 15 ; sweet ,
> er gallon. 85ot ixrm , W. B. , per gallon.
1 G5 ; fish , w. B , , per gallon , COc ; neataf oot ,
utra , per gallon , 76o ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubrl-
eating , zero , per gallon , 80c ; summer , 15o ,
; oldcn maohtno , No. 1 , per gallon , S5o ; No.
I , SO : sierm , signal , i > er gallon , 80o : turpentine -
pentino , per gallon , Gfa ; n ptha , 7 * , per
lallon , 18c ; 64 , 17c
PAINTS IN Olb-Whito lead , Omaha
? , P. . 6Jc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Kir ;
tarMllles green , 1 to B Ib catii > , 20o
French zinc , noen seal. 12c ; French tine ,
ed seal , lie ; French tine. In vmidnh
o ! French tlncc , In oil aMV , U > c ;
ind burnt umber , 1 Ib cans liioi raw and
burnt Sienna , ISci vandyke brown ,
ofinod lamt > blftck. I2c ; oo. > eli black and
ory black , IGc ; ( irup black , 10c ; Pruimtan
) lue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrvtno
green , L. M , A U. , 14c ; blind and shutter
rreon , L. M. & 1) . , lOcj Paris preen , 18o ;
Indian rod , IGc : Venetian rod. Uc ; Tuscan
In , 22c ; American Vermlllod , LAP. , 18o ;
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O , , 18c ;
yellow ochre , Do ; golden ochre , 18 ; patent
Iryor , 80 ; graining colors ! light OAK , dark
oax. walnut , chestnut and AMI 15o.
Dry ° lnts
Wblto lead , Go ; French sine. lOct Paris
whitclnu Sic ; whiting gllacr * . IJc ;
vthttlng com'l , lie ; lampblack German.
town. 14o ; It tnpblack , ordinary , lOo ; Prus-
dan blue , 55cj ultramarine , 18o ; Vandyke
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4a ; umber , raw
4csionna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o
Paris green genuine , 25c ; Poria green com'
20u ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; chrom
green K. , 12c ; vormllllon , Eng , , 70c ; vermillion
million , America , IBcj Indian rod. lOc
roue pink , 14o ; Venetian road , Cookson'a
Vijoi venetian rod Am , , IJcj rod lead , 74 ° !
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel
low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle Sc | ochre
French. 2 c ; ochre , American , 2c :
Winters rafnoral. 24c ; lohigb brown. 24o
Spanish brown , 24c ; Trinco s mineral Soi
VAllNISUES Barrels per gallon.
Furniture , extra , (1 10 ; furniture , No , 1 ,
61 ; coach , extra , (1 40 ; oaoh , No. 1 ,
(1 20 ; Uamar , extra , 81 76 ; apan , 70caa- ;
phaltum , extra , B5o ; shellac 83 50 ; hard
oil finish , 81 SO.
Heavy Hardware List
Iron , rates , $3 10 ; plow steel , special
coot , 7o ; crucible , Ho ; special urGormanGc ;
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , sot.
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; folloea , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; oxlon ,
cocli , 75o ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llo ;
washers , per Ib. 8@18o : rivets , nor Ib , llo ;
coil chain , per Ib , C@126 ; malleable , 80 ;
iron wedges , Cc ; crowbars , Co ; barrow
tooth , 4o ; horeflfihocs , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
flteal. 7@8c ; Burden a borucchocH , G l > 0 ;
Burden's inuloshoes , 6 50.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 52.10 ,
Oriental Powder , kogs. 80.40 : do. , hal
kegu. $3.4S ; do. , miartor kngf , $1.88 ; Bluet
tag , toes , 53,35 : Ktto , per 100 feet COc.
UAUBKD WIRE In car lots , 7 50 per
100 ; in loss than car lots. 7 75 uor 100.
NAILS-llatos. 10 to GOtC , 4U5.
Oak nolo , 38a to 4Ua : hemlock sole , 2So to
35c ; hemlock kip , 80o to 100 ; runner ,
G.-JO to SOc ; bomlock calf , 85o to 1 20 ; hem-
look upper , 23o to 'JOo ; o.-\t ? upper , 21c ;
alligator. 4 00 to 5 50 ; calf Icid , Sfit SSo ;
Grctscn kid , 2 50 to a 7o ; oak kip , BOn to
1 00 ; oalc cilf. 1 10 ! to 1 30 ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run-
'ctts , fi 50 to 7 50s HnluRs , 0 00 to 10 50 ;
applngs , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , Mo
.0 J\r c ; pebble 0. 1) . Morocco , 35o ; cimon ;
LLVKNIJSS-No 1 Htsr oak , 42o ; No 2
do , BUo ; No. I Ohio OAC , 3Sc ; No. i ! do ,
e ; No. 1 Milw.uiltop. 37c : No. lido , 81f.
Horact nJ rnulai ,
'Clio market b briuU und nil irratluii ro
olltDi ; wcU at uliptht ndvnuco iu pilcrj ,
i.'ho ( t > 9iaitttl for good horara cxcearln I ho
supply nonaidoraoly. Prices range ivj fol-
. , rirhors , S150. to SOO.J Kctrn
draft honon , S17C. to Zl" . \ Common draft
.orse ? . C100. to IGO. ; Extra farm horiot : ,
110. to 125. ; Common to good farm hornorf
! K ) . to 8100. ; Extrn plui.T , SCO. to 7C. |
' 'ommon plnns , $20. to $40.
MULES. 15 to 15J bauds ( extra ) , C125.
to ICO. ; 14 } to 15 hands , 3100. to 140. ;
14 to 14) bauds , 876. to 100. ) 1SJ to 14
handH , 60. to 75.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 2 25 per wine
gallon ; extra California Hplrits , 187 proof ,
1 per proof gallon ; trlplo relined xpiritn
187 proof , 128jior proof gallon ; ro-rtlntilled
wtiBkio * , 100@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50@
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Km-
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 C0@7 00.
BRANDIES-Imported , $8 00lGOOj
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 60@0 OOl dementia ,
1400300 ,
RUMS Imported. 4 C0@0 00 ; New
England. 2 00@4 00Momeutlo * , 1 603 50
1 75(5)4 ( ) 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
M00@9i OjAmsrh a , oano , 1200(3 (
CLARETS er case , 4 6010 00
WINES Rb no wine , per case , 6 00 ®
2 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 007 00.
vVe quota lumber , lain and ohlnglos on !
curs at Omaha at the following prices ;
under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 60.
TIMBERS 10 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 It. , 823 50 ;
1C ft ,823 50 > 22 ft. , 82G 50 ; 24 ft. S2G 50 ,
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 In. , 824 00 ,
No. 2,822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmmot
boards ) . 20 00 ; No. 2 , 318 00 ,
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per ons
40c ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster
bbl , 82 60. Hair per bn , 40o. Turret
felt 100 Ibs , 83 60. Straw board , 83 50.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812
Morris Run Bltooburg , 812 ; Wbltobreas
lump , 85 50 ; Whitebroast nut $ C 50 ; low )
lump , 85 BOjIowa nut 85 50 ; Rock Spring
(8 ; Anthracite , SIO 50@U 00.
Carbolic , 50c ; Add , Tartarlo , COo ; Bi
Copabla , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Saosafroa , po
Ib , 14 ? ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchonldia
per or , 811C ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100
Dover's powder * , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epson
Salts , [ tor Ib , 34c ; Glycerine , pure , po' bl
33c ; Load , Acetate , per Ib , 22i
Oil , Castor , No , 1 , per gal , 11 20
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $110 , OU ,
Olive , per got. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ;
Opium , 85 00 ; Quinine P. R. & 8.
per oz , (2 05 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11
8175 ; Salacut , per oz , 40o ; Sulphate i
Morphine , per or , 83 85 ; Sulpnur flom
per Ib , < oi Htrvchnlne. oer or. 81 85 ,
Oliara na Tot > ccos.
CIGARS. BeodJi , 816.00 ; Connecticnt
125.00 ; Mixed , 885.00 ; Seed Havana
860.00 ; ClearUavana , 876.00.
21 Ib , GOo ; Our Rep , first quality , 62c
Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butU,60o | Hors Shoe
pounds , 24 Ib , butts. 68c ; Gilt Edge
pounds , 24 Ib , bntU , 60 ; Army and Navy
pounds. 65c ; Bullion , pounds , 69c | Ijoril
lard's Climax , pounds , 60o ,
FINE OUT-fb nalU.-nard to Beat
76c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80c
Favorite , G5o ; Rocky Mountain , OOc
Fancy , 660 ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foll-
Catllns O. B. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib 68c | Lori
Ulard's llger , 60o ; Diamond Crown , 660.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 K
333. Granulated Blackwelli Durham , II
oz Mo ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 4Go ; Seal o
North Carolina. 10 or. 40 ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 10 oz , 880 ; Lone Jack. 4 or , linen bags
jwrlb. 81.35 ; Marburgs'Puok 2 or , tli
oil , 5Bo ; DOR T all C6c.
Hide * furs. Etc.
HIDES 'jireen butcher's hide , 6@74i
cured 8 0 ; hides , green salt , part cured 741
hides , 74c ; dry flint , sound. 13@14o ; dn
Ktlf and kip , 12@llo ; dry salt hidesBound
10@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 to 16 lb . . ll@12o
grown calf , wt , under 8 It * , per bkln , Wo
( troon pelta , 60@81 25 ; green lamb sklnn
81 25@160i damaged hides , two-third rate
cut scored aud ono grub , claimed two
turds rate , ) branded bldoa 10 per cent , ofl
Cuon Kklni , No. 1 , 45c : No. 2 , 30o ; No. 1
20vj No 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. ' .
SOo ; No. 3,16c ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No.Jk ,
GOo ; No. 2,25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b25oj
G5e ; short stripe , 40o : narrow strlpeo
truad stripe , lOo , Tallow la ,
Merino twwas ed , light , 14@16o ; lieavy.o
medium unwashed , light , I8@20
washed , eholc * , 82o ; fair , SOo ; tub-ding ,
and w. , 28c ) bnrry , blackand oottod wool )
26c lest
O AI T B T money and order sll direct from
OML I tu.wothlpprotnptlr liy nil t th
lowMt pomlble cMh ptlc to all western points
IBm-m TYLER BXlT'CO , B ln w Cltr.Uh 0 |
How Uonutlful Ttioth nro Mndo Kx-
tout of the Ueo orimltntlon
Chlraito llcr il.
Tlio timohixs gone by when nwottmn
will permit a sot of crooked , dlccolured
and decayed tcoth to mar A pretty or
otherwise interesting faco. A not of
boautilul , oven white tooth nlwaya at
tract admiration , nnd the French nro
ight iu holding the assertion that needy -
ody ia posltivoly ugly that is the pos-
easer of beautiful tooth. It , ia ro-
nnrknblo bow muoh projcotlntt , incis *
rs drlvoa iu and ont nt intervals like
broken line will detract from the
oautlca of complexion nnd foaturo.
iotno tooth nro crooked because they
, ro crowded out by lack of room ,
Dthors for lack of proper attention per
mit the accumulation of tartar to spoil
heir appon nnco. Blaoknosa and dla-
oloratiun originating from bad
ligoation nro frequently nllowod
o pass unheeded , snvo by the oritioal
krangcr , Some poraona are unfor-
imato enough to have the two upper
rent tooth largely developed. Tlioy
tro called "iqulrrol tooth , " bocauao of
holr prominence , nnd iu nil cases
poll the facial expression by tending
,3 , shorten the upper lip. When
.hoy protrude , na ia often the caao ,
hey BO far distend the lips that it la
mpoaslblo to close the mouth. There
a little remedy for this dofoot , except
; o keep them scrupulously clean. Yet
with the perfection in dentistry it is
losaiblo to have n tooth removed nnd
ubatltuto cannot bo doteotod. Soften
fton ia this truism verified that ladies
ilooaod with perfect molaro arc fre
quently provoked into bemoaning this
tate of nfTalra , which glvoa them no
rodit for the gonuinonoaa of their
The fact that the false tcoth nro in-
ouiparnbly better than the real causes
iioat people to prefer them , It ia
\\ao \ quilo u common thing to have do-
'cctivo tooth replaced by fnlao onuo
atlicr than go to the cxponeo of hav-
nj ; the ai filled. 13 ut whether the
ooth nro rpal or fnlao the aamo nmouiit
f euro in necessary , both for their
reservation nnd the purity of the
The simplest method , which , if
.nod with poraiatonoy , ia tha most of-
Fcctivo , ia to brush the tueth lifter every -
ory mcnl if poaaiblo , but certainly
night nnd morning , using soap and
wutor nnd u little chalk , ohurcsal ot
mngnuiia While the brush should
bo linn , n atIT ! uno tuny scratch
the annmol. It in well tu
elect n brush with douhk
briallu pitla ; the long ridge for tlu
outbiilo und the ahoctor ono fo ; the
nr-ido. It la mill to nno u pick , neb f
julll nor motallo ono , lion-over , ti
oleanao thointoraticci from thu lodgc-
mont of pirtioloa of food which huatei :
decay. It is cualomary nmony people
who have added the aubjuot of teotl :
to their otudica to keep thorn filed
npart or well coparntod. Thta la uo
cumpllaliod by pasaing uilk or caarst
linen thread butwobn thorn aa often at
three times a day.
Very hot liquida , all noida am'
most medicines injure the erlnmol
and ahould bo avoided. If oaaen
tinl to the health ftip them through i
Tuuth were never iniondod to gnav
hard candioa _ nnd calcarcoun nub
ntunceu , or to 'ohnrpou pencila , cracl
nuta or aorvo aa n nulMtituto for i
ocisaors or knife ,
The old dootrino that candioa ant
oucoliariiio matter were injurious t <
the teeth has long boon denounced ,
The only injunction placed on food Ii
that it anal ! bo puro. Adulteration
are aa pernicious to the tooth no to tin
There never wan n time when thi
trufllo in tooth wan ao groat. Poopli
have learned to heed tb.o care of tin
tooth earlier than formerly , and llttl
folks of loan than a dozen years nr
bribed into the dontiita' chairs am
forced to renew their visit aa often a
every two years.
Where the tooth are peer by inhoi
itanoo and the dentate soft it is lik
pouring BO muoh gold into a funnel
In auch inatancoa the expansenf lillui
nnd the torturous attaclfo with lilc
drill and treadle in no way component
for the lack of durability.
At Wilmington , Delaware , n fals
tooth factory gota out 1,000,000 o
grinders cvory four weeks , and th
operation is tnua described :
"In the procosa of munufaoturo th
oilex and fold-spar in their orudo ntut
are Bubmlttod to a red heat , und the
suddenly thrown into cold water , th
elfect being to render thorn mor
easily pulvetizod. Having boo
ground very fine in water , and th
water evaporated , the two material
mentioned are dried and ulfted , Th
kaolin is washed and freed froi
impurities. Theao materials , wit
felo sjiir , apongo , platina aud flux , i
proper proportion for the onamo !
are mixed with water , and the
worked into masses resembling putt ]
This done , the unbaked porcc
lain mosaoa are ready for the moldin
room. The models are in two piecei
and are made of brass , ono half th
teeth or section * being on either side
The coloring materials are first place
in the exact position and quantity re
quired , and the body of the gum is Ir
sorted in lumps corresponding to th
size of tha toeth. The molds are the
closed , and they are dried by a slo
heat. When perfectly dry they at
taken out and sent to the trlmmoi
room. The trimmers remove impel
footions , and send them in trays of fit
clay to the furnaoo , whore , having n
mainod for twenty minutes , they ai
complete. "
There are numerous establishment
in this city whore ordora for ono c
thirty-two tooth are readily filloc
The dentist , after removing tli
troublesome molar , takes a ciat of i
in wax , and fr < - in this as a model th
order is filled. The better to dispi
suspicion of the counterfeit an inch
ion ia filed or made In the tooth un
then filled with gold. But with a
the facilities for masticating the fua
by artificial processes a perfect sot o
mother nature' * poarla ia not to b
rkspised ,
It pa > a to take care of thorn. Nox
t'i n birik account and pure pebbl
< i imonda nothiug ia morn admlrei
H > \n fine teeth. A sot of glistonini
ivories has caused many a man tu Vei
a girl , and not a few girls have
thought men akin to Adonia became
holr dental arrangement in sparkling
irhito enhanced their unite. 8nch
matrimonial alliance * h.ivo no * rOMa
eon of the felicitous kind V < rm
, nd women never begin t n > . * their
ooth until ftor * hich la
nst the period a they had
otter bo kn tongue ot a
luaaian , nr" i encl Robert
0. Inprr i nvii -i their own
mnn'i people i K fail to
i i > Dutiful looth i ittor how
m. ih they are shown \ fnoUor
.i , . litdica to remombi-i * tobao-
tistng boanx to bear in
Is a Ponltlve Cure
'or nil UIOIP I' lnf > ilCemrUlnt o a WrctoraMI
10 common to OOP but female popmUtloa.
i'rrparcd by a Woman.
nt ( JrtitMt M.'oifrj Rlvi Ik * Dim r ItllUnr.
tmltnTlrr * tha drooping "plrlU , Intlgoratei nd
h rmonl e the orcanlo functions etra J elasticity o4
firmness to ( lie tcp , rwtoroi tlia natural lustre to th
ejp , nnd plant * on the palo cherlc of woman the t *
rwo ot llfo'i rprlnit and early aumincr time.
57 Phjslcant ! U o It and Prescribe It Frcely.-W
It remorea f&lntncst , rtatulcncy , ilcatrojn nllerotlni
Tor Uraulant , mlrclliTMWcAknoMoC ( the itouiaeh.
Tlmt feeling of bearing down , cnunlnupatn , weight
and Wkaclie , 1 alwny rwrraancnlly cured by Iti uie.
Tor the euro oriCMncr ComplalnU of either ei
tlilt Compound U uniurpaucd.
will ornillento every TCftlco of llumon Ironi H'J
llooil. nnil cl o tone and ulivnctli ti > Iho nyetfin , 01
num woman or child. ln > l ton having It.
Ilolh the Compound nnd lllood rurlBer nre prenftr !
rttSM anil 115 Wcitem Avenue , Ijrnn , Jtaai. Prlcool
clllicr , } ! . Six bottles for $ X BcntbyiniUllnUio font
ofiillis or of loenceon receipt of prlco , Jlpcrboi
forolther. Mrs. I'lnUlmiii f roily aiiawcn nil letters o <
nijuliT. Enclono 3ct. ttixnip. Bend f or l unphU t.
No fnmlly rtionM bo without LTDIA E. riJfKHAJW
avi'.lt I'lUA Tlirv ruro pumtlrmtlon , lilll u ntM
" ' toroldlty of the llrer , 25 cents per box.
- - ( I )
aoknowladged to b -
besl by all who have pat
to n pra 'tloftl teat ,
Piercy & Bradford ,
Tholo doslrlng to rnako DIOUCV IIT
small and rueJluin Invootraeui' In
S2Q grain , provlalotis and < tock specul >
lions , cn iln oo liy operating , on nut
pltn From tUy 1. 1881 , to t tin pr -
WHEAT oout data , on linonmtn s of flo.OC
to $1,003 , caah profits have been
reilltoJ and paid ti Invoitnri
a'noun'lu tOBuvcrd times
$50 Inal Investment , FraQts i&IJ Ut o <
oury inmtli , etlll Ifutvlng tl > i
original Invottmont iu .kun { mono )
STOUica or ptyablo on demand Kipl ruto
rv circulars and tat meatii ol land
WBBiitfroj Wowant reipornlblt
. whowllr port cm crops > nJ
$100 int'oduce tha plin Liberal cora-
roUeloim paid. Aildrcsa
KLGMMlFm A MKtlltUM , Oru-
mission &orctiantf , ! * ] cr Clock ,
CblcoKO , 111.
AaCut on , Artists'
W. .V N , Tube Colon at Oo.
China Colon , llo and upwasds.
WaUr Colors In boxou , Co and up ,
UO Inrh Onvam per yard , Wo ,
Htrotchem , 2S to KK- .
HalilStlcVs , '
llrlntlu Un\iio ) , tlu and up , . i
Hablu Ilniihcn , irioandup.
1'oppy and lining Oil , Itiryo liottU < , Wo ,
Mniowl Oil , 15o.
Il'ack Crajoim , dor dozen , 'JOo.
Coplcri ( or I'lilntlnf far runt , Pla < | uu < , 1'an-
n * | , SlielN , I'nri'flalii and Ivory Hiiro far Deoo-
rutlmr at cost
Hve Uv fc'attn Tambirlnv , Drums , llanjoa
ami Wlilto llolljwool for ornamenting at low est
flgurcn ,
A. HOPdE ,
1519 Dodge St. , couth side.
Undertakers ,