Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1882, Image 8

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    I t ,
The Daily Bee.
Wednesday MorniufiNov. . 29 ,
Woftthor Hoport.
( iho following observation * arc taken at
the RAtne moment of time nt all tha stations
named. )
VIDE , OUAHA , Nov. 28 , 1882. (1:45 ( : p. m. I
irttiors. g II " d
3040 60 NW IH k 01 ear
Cheyenne . 31 42 4i IN llrhk Clear
30 41 30 ,8 Itat Clear
Plitte. . . . . 30 44 24 .V nrltk Cla r
Omaha , . . . 13023 S4 SW llrlst U. Snow
Tankton. . 3)g Fresh UjtHy
DM Molntu 30 r si IN L'ghl f.t. Snow
Davenport. 30 10 37 NB
Bt. Paul. . . 0010 31 NK fresh l.t. Snow
BUIxrnli . 3) 12 23 W nilik Ulotr
Hoarhead . 40 Fresh Clcir
Vincent. . . . (30 ( 12 Fresh Clouly
Bismarck. . . . 12M Fie h Cloudy
Boford . . . . . . . . . 30 48 Light ( iloudy
M > 4' 31 B Light Cleir
3042 U H Lfcht Clf r
Arnmtbolue. 30 3) 19 BSV Llgtt Idcar
Blvcr 4 fc k above low water mark at i > iuaa ,
2 feet 2 Inches at Y nkton , Mississippi C foot 6
Inches at Ulrenpoit , 2 feet 8 inches at St Paul ,
10 feel 0 Inches at St. Laull , 3 foci 1 Inch
t La CrO'BO and 7 lent 2 Inches at Cu'nKjue.
Cora is idling oa the street to-day at
forty cents.
Tbo next Attraction at the opera house
ia Leavitt'd minstrel ? , on Friday and Sat
urday next.
Go to Wyrrmn College to learn book
keeping , penmamblp , business arithme
tic nnd commercial law. n2-tf
Biihop Clarkiion nnd Cannons Fatter'
son and Dobcrty will consecrate St. Mary's
church nt Blair on Thursday next.
PirraronD , Maas. , Sept. 22,1878.
Sina I have taken Hop Bitters
and recommend thorn to othora , na I
found thorn very beneficial.
&c. Women' * Christian Ttmyctancc
Tablon Buppllod with the beat the
market nllorda. The traveling publio
claim they got bettor accommodations
and moro general natisfaction hero
than at any ether honeo iu Omaha.
Rate , $2 per day. nnt-21tfm
Horace Newman "lit out" yesterday for
S. II. II. Clark la expected htme from
the east to-day. ,
Joseph ' 1'addock and
family are rejls-
-Ured'ta-day ' at the Millard.
L , A. Graft went west at noon yesterday
for two or three days' absence.
Lieut. Morgan , and bride ( nee Mollle
Bronson ) returned yesterday from their
-bridal trip.
General Manager 8. H. H. Clark , of
the'Union ' il'aciGc , > i expected homo to
( Frank Knight , the Rental "striker" for
the Bell Telephone company la spending n
few days in the oity ,
Obarlea Wanner , of O. Wasrner &
Bro.grain men of'Grand Island and St.
Panl , < ii In the city , en route home from
Chicago and Milwaukee ,
H. T. < Clark and family left yesterday for
4"lorlda to upend the winter for the benefit
of Mr. Clark'd health.
Mr. nndMw.iD.lD.-0. Mink , of Phila
delphia , are registered at the Pax ton.
Mr. O.ill. Sherman , the populnt chief
-engineer of'Bell'c. drag store , has returned
from hia trip cast.
* Y. < G. Lantry , the Washington county
"runtUr" was In the city yesterday ,
'G. ' II. Welli , ex-sheriff of Oolfax county ,
WAS at the Pattern yesteiday , and ia now
flatting an&onait living as a merchant .at
F. ( t CritUnton , for a long time chief
night operator of the Western Union In' ,
this eity , left for Denver last evening to'
becomo'daychief ' there , Mr. Crlttcnton
and family will bo greatly missed. Mr.
0. Dwyer , an experienced telegrapher , )
takes the vacancy created , and Mr , E. W.
Mayfield becomes his asslctant.
Henry 8. Jackson , who.tvlll bo better re
membered aa formerly of the wholesale
pnooory.firtn of Lord & > Jackson' , who car
ried on n very 'largo bunineau in Omaha
ome twelve y nra ago , is now iu the city
ae .representative of the United Gai Im
provement oM'hiladelphla.
Mr. tV. M. .Crltiendfn'foe Dome time
put ( tblef.nlgbt operator ofthe Western
Union bere , < hts been promoted to the
position of chief day operator at Denver
and left.last evening for hia now post of
duty. "Crltt. " boa Ainde a host of friends
dutioK hia stay here , and the patrons ot
the Western Union at Denver , are to bo
congratulated upon having secured no
cipable and efllcient u operator and so
affable a gentleuiau to Cake charge of their
office. Mr , Dwyer , tnother fint das *
telegraph man , oucceedi Mr. 0 here , who
willCIUbe bill most acceptably , . .in will
ulso bio new .otiUtont , Mr. K , W. May-
i A Kewopoper ISditor-l
0.1L. Holcom , cf Bloomvllle , Ohio , rises
to explain : "IIad that terrible dkeaie
eatarro , for twenty jears ; couldn't tarta or
melt , and bcarinx was falltag. Thouuui'
Kclectrlq Oil < cured me. ( Tbci are facts
voluntarily ftiven againi t n former preju
dice of pat at medicine. "
* # * "Tbero ia no ur/julng a coward
into coarage. " J3ut even the cowrrd' '
may bo bravo after trying Kidney- '
Wort , that uiodiclno of waudur/ul' / '
efficacy in all ditonsos of the Jivor and
kidneys. It ia prepared in both dry
and liquid form end cau always { to ro
lled on as an effective ettharMo and
diusatlo. Try it.
The ' 'Hawthorn
Centeunul Er-
celaior Roof Point , " was patented May
% 4tb , JLB31 , and otters patent num
ber 241 , 03. Any peraon found or
known to tamper with the uianti
feature of eald paint will bo punich-
ted to the fall extent of law No per
son has any authority trhaturer to sell
Dy pepeia , htart-turu , nauifa. in-
4lgcitfon , etc. , are uUtiye reliovttd by
Urowp's Iron Ulttore.
An Onialia Doctor in Search of
His Wife in the Wilds
of Missouri.
Whore Ho Finds His Faithless
Wife Blissfully Dreaming
the Long Hours Away.
The Nanality Pair Pulled in the
Night and Hnstlod into Court.
Ooirrapondenee ot Tin lit * .
, Mo. , No
vember 27. Quito a sensation has
been created in this part of the coun
try by the appearance among us of
Dr. 0. L. Olomonn , of Omaha , Nob. ,
in search of his wife and child. Ho
claims that hin wife loft his residence
in Omaha , carrying with her furni
ture and valuables to the amount of
several hundred dollars. Ho represented
sentod himself to bo a man of consid
erable moans , and of owning some
valuable property in Omaha , Ho
carried considerable papora and appli
cations of the Western ilorao and
OaUlo Insaranco company , of Ne
braska. Of this company ho claims
to bo the general atjent. Ho tolla a
very pitiful tale of his sorrows nnd
misfortunes. It is subitantially as
follows : That in July 1880 ho wood
and won the hand , and as ho fondly
hoped nnd baliovcd , the heart of Miss
Olara Do Artnoy , at Harlan , Iowa ;
that ho was at that time a widower ,
having living by his former wife a son
and little daughter of about 3 years
of ago. After his marmgowithOlaraho
located in Omaha nnd prospered great
ly in worldly affairs. That the con
jugal relation existing between him
self and Olara was of the happiest
nature , apparently. But about six
weeks ago ho was suddenly called
away on business for his company ,
and when ho returned ho found his
adored wife pone and his child and all
the silver plavo and other valuables ,
and himself involved in debt sev
eral hundred dollars by his wife ,
with whom he had intrusted his cred
it. Ho immediately undertook a
oearoh for hia wife and child , and
traveled about five weeks without a
clue , At lost , when ho was about to
despond , ho appeared in Maryvillo
und found that she had been there
and registered as "Hush Long , wife
and child. " Ho satisfied himself that
the wife and child was Clara and hia
daughter Stella. After diligent in-
qulry ho found Hugh Long to bo an
old bachelor farmer living near the
small town of Wcatboro , Atchison
county , M6. The doctor betakes
hiimpif to this secluded spot and
arriving there iu the night time , gets
up the ' ' ( quire , " the constable and a
' 'posse" ot men , arming themselves
with a warrant charging the parties
with adultery , etc. , goes to the resi
dence of Hugh Long , routs him out ,
after loud knocking. Hugh cornea
to the door , dressed only In his night
garment. Ho was arrested ; then they
wont up stairs and found only two
beds in the house , in ona of these lay
Stella , in the other was Olara , with
the front part of the bed bare and
mashed whore Hugh had arisen from.
The parties were arrested and ar
raigned before 'Squire Wright.
They got * , continuance from then
( the 23d ) until Saturday.
The doctor was about to take his
daughter nnd some of hia furniture ,
when Hugh made a slight objection ,
and immediately the Doe. put an en
larged jaw on him ; after this there
was no further objections ,
Well , the case came on for trial ,
and the evidence was substantially
the same as above , when tboy were
fined for their naughtiness.
A strange feature in the matter is
that Mrs , Olara Oloinous claims that
the little girl Stella is hor's from a
former marriage. Of course the child
dogs not know ; it is too young , How
ever it was allowed to make a state
ment to the jury. The little thine
said her ma told her to call Mr. Long
MUnole Hugh , " and that if she told
oho'had u papa living she should bo
thrown out of doors , and that hoc
< rna slept with Uuolo Hugh every
night. The child is a wonderfully
bright , sweet little ( htng only u'vo
> ycamold now.
Mrs. demons claims that Doc , of-
fored'hor such indignities as to make
hor.condltlon intolerable as his wife.
Choiis a woman who has received a
good education , dresses neatly and
makes a > first class appearance , The
doctor evidently worships her or eleo
is a little. ciackod , for hn can talk of
nothing else but her , pitiously begs
that aim will go back end live with
hlin , 'It ' ho sees her in conversation
with anyone pise , his jealousy nearly
drtaoa him wild.
It is & peculiar case and each claim
they have friends in good standing
in Omaha , A/ho will verify their
S About twenty-five couples met at
e residence of tieorgu H. Hotaling
last Saturday ov-anlcg and proceeded
to the TMidenco of
Mayor Brans , car-
ryinc ; with thorn an abundance of the
good thinifa to tenpt one's appetite.
The occasion the
was twenty-fifth an-
nlvortary of Dr. and Mr. Jas. trans'
married life. It
waa a complete cur-
prise to the mayor nnd his estimable
lady , There worn omo very hand
some and ooctly presents , among
which we * a full silver table set and a
Urge easy chair. The presentation of
the presents wnro made by llov , R. O.1
Bt. Glair , in a bocutiful and appropri
ate speech , in which ho hogged that
they be accepted not for their intrin
sic worth or value , but as a token of
the esteem la which the doctor and his
lady are held by their neighbors and
friends The
marriauo ceremony wan
renewed , speeches made , and a most
enjoyable time had. The recipients
were so taken by surprise , and the
feelings of gratitude wore so strong ,
that they could hardly find words to
oxprew their heartfelt appreciations.
Respectfully ,
. _ JASOM Fou.
Ilia Puxton Enlarging.
Tiio constant rush of visitors at the
Patton ever c/nce this truly elegant
hostelry vas opened to the public ,
put * M * irtr , Kitchen Bros , continu
ally to their wlU end to entertain the
multitude which continually throngs
in upon them. In addition to some
forty rooms almost ready for occupan
cy In the fifth story , they have recent
ly loafed about fifteen roomrt in The
Herald building adjoining , which are
to bo connected with the house and
fitted uo immediately for the use of
the help , thus Hiving them the
whole of the Paxton house proper for
the use of guests. After a
brief period thcsu onturprUing hotel
men hope to bo able to do away with
cots entirely , and bo prepared to en
tertain their numerous patrons to
their entire satisfaction. It is evident
that the faith displayed by Messrs ,
Kitchen Bros , in the future of Omaha
by the investment of so largo a sum of
money in this magnificent hotel is n
faith well founded.
Brief Mention *
"I have used BUIIDOCK ] } ix > on BITTEIIS
with great benefit for Indigestion and con
stipation of the howols , " O. L , Eaeton ,
Hamilton , Ont.
Oracling and Curbing Contracts and
Minor Matters.
The city c'-unoil hold a regular
mooting last evening , the following
members being present : Messrs.
Baker , Bohm , Oorby , Dallone , Leo-
dor , Kaufman , O'Keofo , Thrano and
President Stull.
The minutoa of the previous meet
ing wore approved. '
From the mayor : Approving ordin
ance amending nuisance ordinance ,
approving ordinance fixing calary of
city turnkey at $70 , also an ordinance
fixing salary of stokers and drivers of
the fire department.
From John Bam ford and Mary
Parrott : Binding themselves to pay
coats in matter of appeal from ap
praiiomont of certain property taken
for street purposes. Mrs. Bamford
also gives notice of appeal.
From Messrs. Hartman , Kennedy
and Konnuton appraisers , reporting
damages arising from construction of
cower through lotn 1 and 2 , in block
E. They report no duramen to lot 2 ,
and the damage to lot 1 , $75. Refer
red to the committee on judiciary.
From W. R. Bowen , secretary of
St. Barnabas church , asking n remis
sion of 1881 taxes on west half lot 3 ,
block 21 , it having been chnach property
porty since April 12,1881.
From W. A. Lane , policeman bond
in eum of § 1,000. Approved.
From W. 11 , Bowen , secretary , re
questing that city taxes of 1875 and
1670 againat the Masonic tompio craft
property in block 77 bo remitted. Re
ferred to judiciary committee.
From Foster & Gray , George A.
Hoogland and LouinBradford : Asking
that hydrantp be placed at the inter
section of Eighth , Seventh and Sixth
streets on Douglas , petitioners prom
ising to pay water rent for said hy
drants untllJuly 1 , 1883.
From board of public works : Re
garding resolution relative to ac
ceptance of Dodge street curbing and
guttering. Board report inspection
of the work , and recommend the ac
ceptance of that portion inspected ;
and they also recommend that certain
improvements be made in accordance
with the specifications. Referred to
the oity engineer with instructions.
From city' engineer : Giving final
estimate ot sewer work done by Mo-
Hugh , McGavock & Co. on Seven
teenth street and 'St. Mary's avenue.
Balance duo , $2,307.37.
From city engineer : Accepting the
curbing and guttering of Sixteenth
street. Estimate , $12,535 85 ; number
of taxable feet , 5,204 ; rate per foot ,
2.12 4 5. Acceptance approved.
From city engineer : Accepting the
curbing and guttering of Douglas
street , from Sixteenth to Nineteenth
street. Coat , $1,495 50 ; number of
taxable frontage feet , 1,584 ; rate per
foot , $2.834 5. Approved.
From oity engineer : Accepting the
grading contracts for Tenth street , be
tween Douglas and Farnam streets.
Approved ,
Lrom city engineer : Accepting
and giving estimates of grading done
by Stephen Robinson , amounting to
$3,147.07. Approved.
By Oorby : That a hydrant bo
placed at Boward and Saundera streets ;
also one at Clark and Saunders streets ,
provided that the rent nhall not com
mence until July 1st , 1883 , Referred
to committee on water works and
By Bohm : That the water works
company place four hydrants on
Leavonworth street , between Sixteenth
and Twenty-second. Referred.
By : That the street
commissioner Imvo not to oxooed
throe men to do necessary repairs on
bridges and culverts. Adopted ,
Committee of claims reaomraendcd
the payment of several small bills.
Several verbal reports were made
on matters of no public importance.
An ordinance ordering that part of
Tenth street , batweou Douglas and
Farnaiu streets curbed and guttered ,
was passed.
The council adjourned to 0 o'clock
this morning , when it will meet as a
board of equalization.
A. Pleasant Burprlae. >
The dotf and dumb institute was
last evening the scene of pleasure long
to bo remembered. A number of
friends bent on having a good time
and knowing well whore to find it ,
drove out and had "oysters on fun"
ia abundance , ,
The storm.nrovcatod many from at
tending , much 10' their regret , but
those who did go were mora than re
paid and declared it one of the vury
bust of occasions , fully sustaining the
well ocUblished reputation of the in
A little incitement was caused by
the sudden departure of a team , which
soon loft thfi carriage on a bridge and
iu a very fov minutes roAprted by
telephone their arrival at JsjcShano'a
Fifteenth street etablo.
cloaks , coats , stoiklngs
and all garments can be colored suc
cessfully with the Diamond Dyes ,
Fashionable colors. Only lOo.
An Invlnolblo Stmlfjut Flush on Five
of the Bame Kind ,
Chlc.i.o IntirOctun.
There are five railroad monarchies
in this country. The oldest nnd
richest in presided over by William H.
Vnnderbilt , whoso father created it
and bequeathed itto hia son , notwith
standing hia own harsh judgment ,
"William is n fool. " It may bo called
an hereditary monarchy. Jay Gould
is the second king of the rail , and ho
built himself up with the aid of James
Fisk , William M. Tweed , Judge Bar
nard and others. IIis monarchy is a
vfttit empire founded by his own genius
and matchless energy.
0. P. Huntington is another richl
rojnl mairnato of transportation , His
system of roads is not , finished , but it
will embrace n network extending
from the Pacific coiwt to several At
lantic ueaporto , New York and Newport -
port News being among the number.
The Southern Pacific , the Sunset
route in Texas , and the Chesapeake &
Ohio railroad are the chief links in his
chain. This system bids fair to bo a
formidable rival to the ether two men
tioned. Mr. Iluntington , formerly
of San Francisco and now of New
York , is n man of great power , the ar
chitect of hia own fortune , and a man
who has escaped the reproaches
heaped upon either Vandorbllt or
As a fourth may bo mentioned the
system of roads which are owned iu
Boston , and controlled , not by one
men , but by a syndicate of capitalists
quite as energetic and pushing as Mr.
Gould , but loss grasping and muru
liberal. In this monarchy may bo In-
eluded the Atchison , Topeka & Sinta
Fe , which now connects the Missouri
river with the Pacifn ocean , aud will
control the Australian commerce ; and
the Chicago , Burlington & Qainoy ,
which gives Chicago command of the
great west , and is already providing a
formidable rival for the Union Pacific
The fifth monarchy is that which
commands the great agricultural dis
trict of the northwest , and includes
rivals in its organization. This is
controlled by H. H. Porter , Marvin
Hughltt , Alexander Mitchell , James
Hill , Albert Keep and Henry Villard ,
the "blind pool" playon.
Whatever may bo the personnel of
these empires , it is reasonably certain
that the systems numed are rapidly
absorbing all the railroads of thin
country , which are links iu the chain
of through transportation. It ia safe
to say that when the schemes now In
process of execution have been car
ried out , either one of thono lines will
have mete mile of road and do more
business than all the roada combined
which belong to neither cf the ays-
terns. Not that the actual ownership
of the railroads will be thus unified ,
bat that the management is rapidly
drifting into this five-fold division.
In order to keep his present suprem
acy , na compared with other managers ,
Mr. Yanderbilt finds it necessary to
convert , some of his government bonds
into the securities of the railroads be
longing in the fifth kingdom. Other
wise ) he might find himself at the
mercy of rivals.
It may bo remembered that the rail
road commission in Now York , al
ready referred to , may prove a very
important factor in politics. The last
legislature of that state created the
commission , leaving the filling of the
appointments under the law to the gov
ernor elected last week. It is well
known that the similar commission in
republican Illinois has accomplished u
great deal towards establishing the
rights of the'people as against mon
opolies. Gov. Cleveland cannot afford
to appoint a board which will truckle
to the monopolists. If ho does , a re
action will sot in against him "which
will sweep him out of politics. If he
Is wise bo will appoint ono republican
on that board. In this state the
minority party has always been al
lowed ono representative. In a
direct way monopoly can never
bo a political ieaue , no party or candi
date over openly avowing sympathy
with monopoly ; but the people are
quick to understand the real situation ,
and know who are their actual friends.
In the impending crisis the very
strength of the monopolists will be
their weakness , but the struggle will
fully teat-tho reserve strength of the
the people and expose the hypocrisy
of these who pretend to be the friends
of the producers and shippers , while
really obedient to the bobcats of the
transportation monopolists ,
* It is impossible to disguise the
fact that the Vegetino Compound ,
prepared under the personal direction
of Mrs. Lydia E , Plnkbam , with the
Buporiorsciouoo and artof modern phar
macy , h the most successful medicine
forfemalo debility and diseases hither
to known.
Tbo Courts.
At the United States court the jury
in the case of Rev. J. Henry Rockwell -
well c uio in yesterday and re
ported that they could not agree , but
the judge declined to discharge them ,
and sent them back for further delib
eration. Meantime the court was
engaged with the case of B. I. Hin-
man vn. Irwin Davis , in which the
former , a North Plbtto attorney , sues
to recover , $5,000 , as fees in a case in
which honeourod a judgment for Davis
of $375,000 , The defense claims that
the charge is oxhorbitant.
About 230 ; p. m. the jury came
in again and rendered a verdict of
"guilty. "
The jury brought in a verdict of
guilty on the second oount ot the first
indictment , ( which charged the defendant -
fondant with divining n scheme to de
fraud and with executing it ) , and
guilty upon the second indictment
( which charged the -devising and
effecting of a scheme to defraud ) , and
found a verdict of not guilty upon the
tirat aud third indictments ( which
charge was subatantially set forth in
the second count ) .
The next step it is understood will
be a motion for a new trial and the
setting aside of the verdict. If that
falls , the prisoner's counsel may fall
back upon the question of the con
stitutionality of the law upon whioh
the indictment was found. They
raised the question before the trial
and made a demurrer , but withdrew
at the "instance of the court to allow
the trial to proceed with the under-
standing that the matter might bo
brought up agaiti in arrest of judg
ment if their client was convicted. ' *
Judge Dundy regarded the constitu
tional question as too important
weighty for a decision in the jbrlo
time at command when it was pre
ground out it * usual grist yesterday
as follows : William Martin , Arrested
for stealing a coat aud vest which were
found in his ponnesBion , WAS hold until
the police can find the owner of the
Uf four common drunks two paid
the usual assessments , ono wan dis
charged , and ono given permission to
emigrate provided ho ' ' "
'got" quick.
He "got- "
The case of W. W. Warren , who
was brought in yesterday by Sheriff
Grebe from the west upon a charge of
obtaining money from Caldwell ,
Hamilton & Co. by _ means of worth-
lees tax receipts , will bo called yester
day morning at 10 o'clock at Judge
Benoko'a ' court.
Suclclm'u Araica Waive.
The DEBT SALVK In the world for Onto ,
Brnion , Boron , Ulcore , bull Ithenm , Fe
ver Sores , Tnttor , Crnpucd Hnnds , Chll
hlalnii , Corns , and ell nkin eruption * , nnd
ponltlroly cures illea. It la ui r nwod to
give Btt'H.'actfon t xn. aoy refunded.
lcfl , S5 con ra pr > r CT. iCor aalfl by 0.
F. J. Allen's , corner of Twenty-
Third and Cunning streets , intends to
celebrate Thanksgiving with a full
Rtock of Froah turkeys , Chickens ,
Ducks , Fine Celery , Oysters , etc. ,
etc. Da not forget to give him a call.
Celery and Oytorn.
Phillip Ling's , the old established
Boot and ShooHouuo , " 1320" Farnam
rtroot , is loaded down with goo3a If
you want a good first-class Article in
Boots , Shoes , Ovorahoca or Rubbers ,
it will pay you to give him u call.
A large stock of Roger Broe. silver
aud plated ware at bud rock prices.
Clocks way down at Neve's , the Tenth
Street Jeweler. 24ood4t
; § ,
! \ / | ONEV TO LOAN On personal property of
1V1 any description A. C. ' Troup , Attorney , 213
south 14th Street.
-10 tOAM UD chattel moitKUKO " <
MONEY A. B. Tutton , No. [ 1610 Dougha
otrcet. iront room , up-atolr-t. 435-tf
O U > AN At H per cenllo-
, e 3t In sums.of W.DCO sna
( or 8 to 6 years , on oret-cJaso city and
l in prapcrjy. Buns KaiL Emta nnd 7XHE
AnsnoT , 16th uid Ucuclas nts.
ONET TO LOAM Oill Kt L w Ornse of D.
t > . ThowiM Uoimi R Cip.lzhton Block
Girl for assistant housework at
WANTUD Hitchcock Block , Capitol a\cnuo.
309 28f
ANTED 2 or 3 furnished rooms. Address
W "S. " 1911 1'arnham street. It
7wo goad cinvaiBcis. Steady em-
WANTED and good goadi to worn oa. Call
ill siuth lOta Btr et. 301-SO
AILOIU89 WANTED Immedlatily 270 Ha *
ney itreet , hot , 16th &nd lOib , 307 30
TX7ANTFD Carpcntcrj 2Ut antllUrney.
W P.W..BH. 10J-281
'ANTED * good vlrl to do cneral house
work , at 1600 Jacksou street. 291-28f
ANTED-Girl tojwait ou | table. IIC'5 'Chi-
cago. 29-281
- hkandinnlan girl about 14
WANTCD-A take care of a baby. Omaha
BaVcry. 510 10 St. 279-SOt
One p od canvosecr ti sell
WANTED on Installment , steady work and
god pay. Inquire at 214 N , ICth strcot , room G.
Help at the emplojme&t office ,
WANTED etreet , up-etslre. 95i-tf
A girl to ilo general housework ,
WANTED . Good wages paid Ad-
rtrom F. 0. Qrabln.Kearnov Noh. BSfl-U
" \TTANTEU-By an eastern lady , jiositlon ai
VV teahcr or sales lady. Address "To chcr , "
BCD olllco. 308-2t
Employment as assistant book
keeper , or any kind of n riling or work in
utoro. Address "K. M. " Omaha , Neb. 810 : ij
\T7"A NTK0 I'lfti-e to teach mus'c ' , > oal or In-
Vj BlrumentJllo part piyment fur Irani by
competent teacher , Addiesd "Music Tca-het'
1M2 Diverp-irt ( treat 202 2UJ
ihu Kltutilbnby a Swoao to Ukocaio
WAN hoiH-g , hub-en warkligfor Mr. rou-
rnan. Addrcti K. Itodln , 1113 Jono 8 treat ,
cliy. 304'28 {
K.nplojmonr , a goid band ai
WANTED or other work. Leave word at.
Y , M. 0. A. 300 $8 ! |
< = ° w- Inquire 131H Far-
ANTED Ufntlonian boarders it the south
W < act earner hi so haul Da\cr ) > irt Uriels.
"tTTANTED An energetic joung man with a
VV few hundred dollars. Can Imyli.ll Inter.
In ubusiness pa ) Ing large profits. No former
expurlcncncLCuKary ox h x dutlea will to princi
pally collecting. Adilrcnj 1 > . liio Oilleu.
lAOH HUNT crner urore 1U h mreetuucl tit ,
J1 M ry'H. uvd' ue bultublu frr dr ) m-o s i r drug-
gist. ( CooV.atMillaiilhoUI.ornu premises.
- boards nicely fnrnUl.ul front
FOHllFNT-Wlth St. between Douglas and
Dodge , D. ) boarders ft , per week. 311-tf
" 171 Oil BENT pno elegantly furnished recto
J ; BultoU for two gtnilcmcn , heated by lur >
m co a ml with use of bath icon , lUL'l Capitol
a\ciiue , JlitUiojelc block.
ill HKNT-Bomi In second story , 1M
F Dodifo HUC95. JAB. O. OllAl'iiAX ,
T710H HENf Klcely furnlibeil ttlogle room ,
J * biatthlot Ucatlon , 2013 Casi St. 303- )
- Monitor Home , cf
aoTKLFOHUENT-Tho Nt.b , A OriteluB
house , wcl turnlihed and doing a good bmln no
U fir rent tn a go 'd hotel ina , ft w uid sell or
txchargo for otoer pro oity. For paitlo < 'a's ' ,
Ad < res eracply to 13iAOMUI.LIlOLLANL > ,
290-lvr Alm , Neb ,
170It KENT Heasant front loom futnUhcd.
X1 COS Ibth bUnetn CatlfornU and Wcb tor.
HENr Ne l > ( unit-lied front rooms No.
EOtt lUrney etrect bctneeu 15thand Kith bu
- room cottage well lo
cated , haa ecral cloal Is , ilty and c stern
water. 0. K , Drlsuoll. 28S t (
T71 | R UENT rurn'khetl room ( w th use of par-
Jj lor ) private famllj , 411 North 17tb St.
202 it
ll UKSTfth board , a largo front room
FO > u-iudoK , gM and bathroom , 1718
T71QH BENT t iiouxu , eV'bt roouii each oa
J3 luthaud Lcaunugrtn. Jnoulro at 1019 Far-
nun itreet. 78 30 1
T70U * KNT-Furnlstd ] room ; * 3. per month.
Jj 8 6 Howinl between 8 and 9th Sts. 2:48
HE\T 3 nlc'y ) iurnl'h'd roTirs. cno
FOU no th of t/odjc / , on 18th. I6I-3H
B mils'New Jtap of Omaha , Just completed and
rcailyforiloll\ery t$7cach. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and mo t complete map
of Omaha e cr published. Ollidal map of the
city. Sec column ,
TTJOll K E NT The rMlfecceof TwT Ker.nTd j ,
I.1 a houce of tlx roomi god clt > nd cutern
17C9 .TiclitonSt. inquire n pJimlsaj or > 312
13tli at.
T7\Oa \ rtKNT House of threa rooms 23rd fend
J' Hi. Mary's Avonug. Ino'ifrotf M. W. Ken-
nfdy 312 tenth IRth * * . 245-tf
F OR UF.NT-Omce rooms. Enquire at New
York Dry Goods store. mVdcc-15
71011 H NT A new hou c , furnished , cljjht
_ J room , bath room , ttablo , etc. Ono of the
Dneot locations In the city : ? 90 00 l > er month.
Inquire for threa da > s , licmls' real estate a ency ,
15th nd Douglvs streets. novlS If
Poll HENT- House of six rooms , bay wlnuow ,
cellar , extern , well. All In good repair. 10
per month. 1221 north 19th street. 176-tf
F01111KNT TwofuniUhed rooms , 1814 Web
ster utrcet. 180-30
F Ofl KENT Unfur'lshcil rooms In brick
home , Min Chicago street. ) Wtt
OK HKNT Furnished room with board 1803
B California street , 171-tf
TOU UUNJC Kurnlshwl room and board 1016
TJ Chicago street.
Tnon HHNT Up a'aln , 1417 Farnhtm street.
FTlOIl 1U.N1 llruao of B rooms In flrbt-diti
JD order , 10 blo.ks from cpcr * house ,
cheap M 8JB
House of 11 rooms , all coartnloiicc , 8
blocki tram opera htiu-o 40
House ot B rooms , 23d and Nicholas etreeis. 1"
Store on Farnam , 2 floora 125
toroon Hth,2 floors. . , 76
S ell ironUcsldentcs , ISO to OS
4S-tf McOAGUK. Opposite PoatoHlcc.
ITtOH UFJiT Houisc of 0 rooms,30th andDouo
glas street , $18 a month. '
24-tfJ B0003&HILL.
\ \ ) HKN1' hlcgautly lurnbhcd roomiwlth
< gas and heater. Keforences required. An
ply nt northwest corner of 23 < 1 and Hurt fltroets
T7tOU H i\T-2 houi's rue 6 and ohoO rooms
JJ Inquire corner Chicago and 13th bt. 'I' . Stvlfp ,
ITIOll UKKT House , fix rooms , furnished , In-
.C ( inlre at D , Hyde's office , Mlllarrt hotel.706tf
FOR tl&MT Two new ttwclUnas fttd two ottici
dwellings In dcslrnhlo lee llty , by McKooii
Nn. 1514 Douelui RtrM R17-tf
"TTIon UBNT A ccttago of flv'e room * . Inquire
J ? at Northwest corner 16th mid Uhlonpo street
FOlt KKNT Largo otlicu room or half store ,
1020 Farnham street. 797-tf
FOR RENT A store m BMcombo block , nil
10th street , near Davenport. St A. D
Balcombe. 600-2811
(7 ( > OH SALE Saloon dolnjr a business from
$1,050 to 81,200 a month , In one of the best
locations In the city. Satisfactory reasons for
selling. Terms \ery reasonable. For pirtl u-
lars address "II C. " Bee olllco. 312-lwt
POtt SALS A small steam ciglu > > , ar Ib2t
Wobstsr street. n. Wt HE.
, . OH SAi K-OJ fqiures of Iron rootin . AppK
T Omaha Foundry and MiLtiliu C ) . ,
Nob. 275-301
jjTXCELLENTliniCK for sale. $9.00 per thou-
IU eand. Yard , 16th street , Uo hlocks south
of BelleMiororul. Loith.NZoDiBULK.
ft OTEL FOR SALE First clasi hotel for sale
JDL hi a Ihc western town. Has all the first
cla > s trade. Hcosoti for selling other business.
Tor particulars , address , Hotel , OMAHA BEK.
TT10R SALECHEM'-Bakery , well locatcdgood ;
D business in < noof the liveliest towns in No-
bra'ka. Reason for sel Ing , poor health and
must get out of business. Inquire at BRE olllce.
FOH SALF Steam engines new nnd ccond
hind 8 , 10 , 15 , 20 horse power. Also
team boilers any size. Inquire Om ha Foun
dry and Jlactln ( Jo. no\21-Im-m
FOR SALE Barrels and kegs. Also hoop poles
bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th and Fierce.
TEMIS New Map of Omaha , Just completed and
> ready for dtllvcry at 87 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha over published. Official map of the
city. Sea column.
U NT Brick itore. Inquire atdruv store
corner IQ'.hand Douglas.
rjlO I SALE Three thcmand western wethers ,
JL Iand2jcars o d. Weight about 90 prunds.
062 tf ra and e K'arney , Neb.
1CYCLK FOlt SALE Inquire 0. M. Wood
B man , Omaha. 751-tt
F OR SALE Good building , brlcii. Cell ct
Water Works office. 440-tf
rPAKKV Ul'-Arid ho'fcr with wn'lo htal , red
L about the iiosa , one irllo south of cnuutv
rPAKEN UP Str w lierry roan cow 8 J tars old.
I Owner can have the fnmo by Colling , oh Islou
and Burt. 282 30'
NOTICE-Citizens of t wns In
SREAMERY o ouohundred
e'oftho Mis ouri liter desiring Crcami leu
O't-xblUhcil byai experienced tlrm with capital
and Willing to offersubatamla cue urageuiunttn
Buch an enterprise will a > ldru > n L. S. A-Co. Box
3 Hudson Ohio. L'Jt wit
havj removed from 13th and Farn m streets
to rooms 1 , 3 and 6 , Itcdick'a block , 1507 Fjrnani
mreut. 219-112-2-lm
N Ui" Onebrownmarocolt tttr In forehead
head , two bird loot white , nbnu' rua > ars
Old [ 2l7-tl [ JAS. STEPHENS
S C. BRAINARD , TaxldcrmUt,13th and How-
V , ard. ( > S-)3-2ni
rnOFARMEUS The highest ca h price paid
JL ror llye , Bar ev and Corn Krcb'u Vinegar
Works , Jom street , betweenOth a dlOtb , Oms ,
Tl XALIST , 498 Tenth btrcct , between Fartiam
ami Ha noy. Will , with he aid of guardian
HilrlU , obtain for anyone a glance bnpast
mid | > ni3vnt , and on certain tonditiom hp fu
ture. Hoots and Shoes made to order , tint
uatl faction murantrcd.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies , A marve *
purity , strength and wholesomenen
More economical than the ordinary kinds ,
and cannot be eold In competition with the
multitude of low teat , short weight , lorr
or pboaphate powders. Bold only in capi
Wallbt. , New York
No. 112 G room house , cellar , cistern ,
< cry large lot , rim Jo trees $ 2,500
No , 140 7 room hottto , new , hot and cold
atcr hath , finely Ilniihod woodwork. . . 3tOO
No , HI Saao M uboi o . . . . " . . . . 3,500
No. 13ft 2 hou c ? , -I and S rooms , cellars ,
citterns , wel' ' , Inrn ; rent for M' 2,700
No. 137 4 roomhousc , cellar.well.clstcrn ,
harn tor R her cs , trees , fiult , irtulo for
Douglas county land COO
No. 136 3 room house , cellar , wo 1 , stable ,
largo and small fruit , lull lot l.COO
No. 131 0 room home , h < ril , well , corner
lot CCM3S 1,9
No. 133 1 room house , sumrcr Utc en ,
tcl ar , neil , cls'crn ' , harn , ono ncro lot. . 2,700
Nr. 132 3 room house , Itrge c stern , fruit
trees bearing , 3 full lots 1 ,
No. 13 2 room house , cellar , cistern ,
largclot , cost fiont 1,100
No. 128 3room house , harn , wcl , cistern ,
treesandshrubbety , fu 1 lot. . . . . . 1,500
No. 1st Small house , 4 full lots , trees ,
fruit , running water , corner 2,600
No , 113 4 room house , summer Kitchen ,
cistern , new house. 1,400
No. 112 5 room house , summer Kitchen ,
cistern , harn , lot 59x115 1,700
Nn , 111 1 room house , barn , lot 0x60 ,
leased ground. 450
No. 110 Small house , new cistern , lot fcOx
127 , corner 1,200 *
No. 10J 1 room house , summer kitchen ,
barnlargoand small fruit , full lot 1,400
No. 102 0 room brick house , cellar , well ,
cistern , lot 60x132 , south front , elegant
location 3,000
No 02 Ilrlck house , octagon , 3 rooms ,
well , 1 MO aero lot 2,100'
No. 84 4 room house , cellar , 1 } aero lot ,
largo fruit , oOO grape \Incs. 2,500
No. CO Tnohouseaon ono Iot40xl32 ; rent .
for $21 1,000
No. 55 Two h uses on ono lot COxlO , 4 I
r 01113 and 2 room * , well , cistern , stable 1,100
No. 82 Small house well , c stern , cclar
ono ncro lot 2,200-
No. 79 0 loom house , cellar , well , cistern ,
lot CGxl32 ; fruit trees ; corner 3,000
No. 78 Small house , well , cistern , good
barn , lot 33x132 ; excellent location 1,200
No. 73 5 room house , well , lot GGX132 ; cor
ner i 1,15
No. 71 Largo house , now , excellent loca
tlon , on street car line , city water 3,000 *
No , 70 3 room liouso , clstoin , trees , lot
60x12' ; well located 1,100
No. OS 0 room house , harn , outbuildings ,
fruit , 4 acres land ; beautiful locaton. . . 4,200
No. C8 5 room hou e , well , cistern , barn ,
4 full lots ; cast front , very easy terms. . 3,600
No. 67 3 room hou e , cellar , neil , cis
tern , barn , J aero lot 1,500
No. 51 7 room house now , w ell , cfstcrn ,
largo lot , corner , desirable location 3COO
No. 4'J 7 rom house , well , cistern , largo
tarn , lanro and small fruit , IU acres
land 3,000
No 4S C room house , good cistern , v cry
desirable location , cjri er , rents for 520. . 1,100
No. 40 5 room house , cellar , neil , cistern ,
lot 60x131 ; near street cars 2,000
No. 44 H room house , 5 closets , cel'ar ' ,
well , clstu n trcoK , barn , la go lot , clo-
gantl cat'on. ' . , 4,000
No. 41 12 room house , flno cclarwell ,
clitcrn , furnace , corner lot , most desir
able md co vcnlent location 9,600
Na. 40 Small house , barn , well , lot COx
168 950
No. 38 8 ro-m h-uso , new , well built ,
go d cistern , can bo us d by two fam
ilies It desired ; cosy payments 1,300
No. 30 Small liou-c , fruit trees , one and
a half acres land 700
No. 3 5 room house , cistern , barn , 3
ucrcs land , flno pi HO 2COO
No. 1C 3 loom house , aero let , shade
tree ] and fruit , flno location 1,300
No. 15 8 10 m house , new , flnoco'lar , full
lot , corner , ca t fr nt , > ery desirable
place 3,000
No. : t 7 room house , largo barn , out
buildings , line well and cistern , large and
smull fruit , 4 acres ground 7,000
No. 2 ti room house , barn , fine will ,
fruit , p rch , npu c and cherry trees ,
grape vines , 20 acres land 6,000
No. 1 5ro m house , frame , ono and one-
halfttoriosgo.d 1.cation 2,160
Business Property :
No. 34 Lot on Sheridan street. $1,450
No. C Improved property on Dodge 20COO
No. 62 TWJ Improved lots on Douglas. , 7,5'0
No. 63 1 ot on Two fth street , Improved. 4,000
No. 6.1 Improv cd lot on Douglas 10,000
No. Mi Lot on Dodge , 5 , < 00
No. 67 Improv IH ! property on Karnam. . . . 18,005
No. 76 Lot on Karnam 3,000
No. 42 Lot on For. , am , Improved 4,000
No. 85 3 lots on 16th , and ono on cross 8,500
btrect 8tOO
No. 89 Lot on Oth 1,400
No. 101 Two Improved lota on Douglas. . 8,400
No. 103 Improved property on Dod a. . . . 0,000
No 101 Improved corner on llth 6fOO
No 145 Improved corner on 14th 0,000
No. l'0-.l lots on 13th 9,000
No. 147 Vanobo corner on 33th. . . 4,000
No. 147 Two lots on 13th 0,000
Nj. 148 Two lots m Jurksou 4,000
No. 14 J Finolotonlfith 4.0CO
No. 157 T o lots onl'ark avenue , corno r
elegant slto for building purposes : unex
ccptlonablc neighborhood ; on street iar
line ; per lot 750
No. 110 T o lots on Georgia av enue , south
and vast front , flno tree on tlio ground ,
r < n y 10J feet from street ca a , splendid
but ding vlto ; per ot. . , , 700
No. 12J 3 line lots I ) Ight is Lyman's Ad
dition ; o st front ; per lot 2 0
No. 122 Klcgant bul ding lot In West
Omaha , 6Cxlt2 , south front 800
N. ' , 121 1 acre b'ocks , West Omaha , only
4 h ockn from street c.ra , up endid loca
tion , easy terms 3,000
No , Aero lot In Guise's Addition ; de-
B'rable. ' . , , 1OJ
No. 117 3 aero lot , north part of town ,
well located 2,625
No. 115 Hp cndld lot on I.eavcmvorth
street , corner , near street cars , nice trets 1,500
No. 114-Hlock In HojU's Addition , 10
lots , , 700
No. 91 5 lots on Leavcnvvorthstreet , near
cars , fruit and tlnco trees on them ,
iholcu property J per lot . , . ? ! ,0.0 to 1,603
No. 3'J Ila f lot on Moron struct , south
front. . . , 375
No. 37 Two lota Ixnie'b Addition , full 4
acres 1,500
No. 32Kplcndld lot on Co'fax ' btrect.
vcryiitar utieet cnr > , Jot 75x140 , cast
front , 1,000
No. 22 Twenty lots , t tar street cars ,
cheap 275
Acre Property.
No. 0 1 uero ( lisen audition. . , , , , , , , . $ 00
No. 171 acres west Omaha , 2,680
No -tlkirrs,0nil ssfrom city , pcracre 40
No , 50 5 acres north of tow n , per aero. . . . 250
No l'4 100 aeres , 15 inllea from town , Im
proved , per acru , . , , , , 20
No 8 20 acres north of town , per acre. . , . . 100
No 83 1 aeres , west Omaha 1,800
No 1004 acred , west' nialia , , , 2tOO
No 8 HO acres , Pierce county , per aero. . . 8
Ho yl 1 0 acres , Colfa\ county , per acre , 15
No 05 ICO acres , S'aJ no county , per a re. .
No 11C200 acres , Sarpy county , Improv cd
per aero 12
No 108 1&3 acres , Douglas Co. Improved , 2,250
No 110 3-0 acres , D uglos Co. Improved- , < 00
No 1IU160 acre , 1'lereo county. . , „ ] ,000
No 12S ( .60 acres , Clay county , per aero. . . c
Nol''U 7ehoieImproved farms In lilch-
ardson county , easy terms
No 127 1 ? choice Improv txl farms on cosy terms / ,
undwlld und from $0.50to * 10.7 > per acre , 4
to 8 > earn time at 8 per cent , U ay county.
No UK 2000 acres very eholci w | it land in Gage
couety at rcrj tnasonab o prices and easy mv-
Q menu. ' '
No 130 1000 .arcs > er > Jtslrabe land and several
floe r p.tin anil stock farm Icr talt at low
No. 136 n-.rfau County wild and improve i ! lands
it rta.onablo tUurcs and low ut of Interest.
No 113 and 141 B.O.O&ccU choice firming lands
at lowflguru and
tmprjveJ tjwa property in
Pumas - *
count } ,
No UO-2.6(0 acrescholcs wild .land la Admin
cainty , per aero 81 to 7 60.
No 161 1,300 acres floe Und la Kearney county
per acre , 81 to $9. ' "
Nol5 SWiOte-rt In rt'eb
| lercouuty
, per acre ,
' ' ' " Kuckcl" count
ooTo'ittto0 P" * * *