THE DAILY BEB-WEDKFSDAY , KOVRMBHJix 29 3SL IE WHOLESALE AND 11KTAIL BOOKS AND STATIONERY , TOYS AND HOLIDAY GOODS. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FF1CE. jr. TKT. e ea TET a : OR. sa .SB a o > . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold , MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. . NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - . - JOSEPH EEITER , T A 11.01 ? . & , ,0 , .A , JU / JCu MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowest Posaib'.o Fticca. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. That never require crimping , nt tin. J , J. Good's Hair Store , at prices never befcre touched by ny other hair dealer. Also a mil line of switches , etc. &t greatly reduced prices. Also gold , Hirer and colored no Is. Waves made Ircmi ladle. * ' cwn h lr. Da not fill to call bcforo purchMln ; tljowhore. All goods trairantod M represented MRS. J. J. 0001) , 29 Main sttcci. Council niuffa , Iowa. TAYLOR BROS 1005 STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wholesale Dealers in Lipors and fines , No. 13 Main St , Council Blntta , la. III Branch House : , Kiel & Jensen , Sioux Falls , D. T. { Wholesale Dealers in IOWA , NEBRASKA , AND MISSOURI , UEPIRTT fmJLmmt mJkmm JW M ) No. 102 Broadway , 'DoaloBrin j Council Bluffs 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , Gi-IR-p OIE IKIES Of All Kinds. Kew Goods. Kev7 Prices and quare Dealing. Gall and Examine Our Stock. BAT-HIMHOUSEI At Bryant's Spring , Oor. Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ri&ln , Medicated. Vapor , Electric , f lunge , Couch , Shower , liot and Cold Uaths. Corn , patent taale and femjJo nurves and attendants lw y on hand , ud the bejt of rate nnd Atten tion given patrona. Special rtt < iillrtti jrlvon' to bathing children. Invettlgatlauaad patronage lollcitod. lollcitod.DR. . A. H. STTJDLBY & Co. , 106 Upytit Uroadwoy. , Dr. Studloy : Treatment ol ihronlc diseased nuulo a specialty. DR. A. P. HANCHETX , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street. Hauls , B a. m. to 2. , and 2 p. m. , to 6 p. m. Residence , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central office. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. PAPER HANGNO , KALSOMININQ AND ttR/UHINO / , ju 83E BOT < -TTMrar. . Shop Oornsr Broadway i icl Sriifc 8t S. E. O - " ! X l E7 ' * ' $ Office over Barings bank. COUNCIL BLTIFFS , - . Iowa. i1 AL ESTATE. Tt. 0. James , In connection with hl law tnJ 3llfctlon buelnorabuya and tell ] real estate. Portono wishing to buy cr veil dty proport ) call > t fall office ) over BmhneU't book ntoro , Pearl ilteet EDW1H J. ABBOTT. Justice ol the Peace and Notary Public , * IJ5Broadway , Council Bluffs MAIN STREET All Shippers and Travelers will n good accommodation and roaaonabl charges. SOUTH STREET , . OPPOSITE CRYSTAL MILL , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa , HOLLAND & MILLER , Proprietors , JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Gonnsollor at Law. COUNCIL LLUFFS , IOWA , Office Broadway , between Mila and Pea UcctJ , WUI prtctlca la 8Ut and Kode urU MBS , B , J , HARDIM , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGIST. Graduate ot Klccttopathlo Institution , Phila delphia , Penna. Office Oor , Broadway & Etlenn Avo. COUNCIL BLnrra , IOWA. The treatment of all tllfcuiuu tnj painful dlf- Icultloa peculiar to females i. upoclaltr. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Office over Tint National Bank , Council Blu.Ha. Iowa. Will practice In the etato and federal courta Justice of the Peace , 014 UROADWAY , Dounoil Blufis. - - Iowa. W B. MAYE8 , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor ol ulintracta of PottawctUmle county. Olt'ce corner of Broadway and Main Btrcet ? , Council Blulla lav , A. _ HU6HES & TQWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Bluifa. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON e AHDERSDH , Proprietors. Thli laundry haa Just been opened for buet > nesi , and we are naw priparod to da lainJry work of all kinds and guirantee catltfactlon A epecUlty male of line work , euch 03 collira , iu3j , flno ehlrto , etc. We wunt everybody to give w a trial , LARSON & ANDERSON. THOU , . . . . > * vu orricia. w. u. u. ruatr OFFICER PUSEI Council Bluffs , la , Established , - 1856 Dealtira In foreign f ndj Douio tlo. and homa BecurltUO F. D. BDMDMpgo.l , 1. 1. BUU01BT. A. W. 8IKB.T , President , Vlce-Prc. ' ! . Canhler. CITIZENS BANK Of Counoll Blnffi. Oiiranlzod under the lawi of the State ol Iowa Paid up capital. , . , . . , , , . . $ 76 OOC Authorized capital. , . . . . . . , , . , . . , , 200.00C Interest paid on time depo.lti. Draf U Issued on the principal cltlea of the United Btatoa and Europe. Special attention clven to collection ! aud correspondence with prompt return. . DIRICIOU , J. D. Edmundton , E. L. Bhueart. J. T.IIirt W..W. Wallace , J. W. Ilodfer , I. A. Ullltr A. W. Street.- Jrrdt ! COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CIIICAOO , ROCK ISLAND ASD TACinO. Depart , Arrive. Atlantic Kxt..SriOpm : " . - - - Kx nml Mall'.6:55 : p > u D. Molnca au.7:15 : a m Dv Molnenc.4:40 : p m CIIICAOO , BCRttMUOX AND < ) OtXCT. Depiut , Arrhe. Allan tie rU . . . 6:30 pm Paclflc Kxt . , .9rJOnm Mall and ExS.O Onm Mall and Kx'.7.Wpm N. Y. Kx Neb & Has ix..8:20 : : a m CIIICAOO AND NORtllWKSTKRN. Depart Arrive. Atlantic K\t.n:15pm : Pacific Mall and Ex'.9:10 : am Mali and r.x'C:15p : m Accom. ( Sat.Bft : > p m Accom. ( Mon.yiMJpm KANSAS CUT , ST. JON AND COCXCIt , 1 Depart. Arrive. MMInnd K\.9VSfMn I Express. GM . Kxprcys. . , . . . .9:10 : pin | Mall tin J Kx..C'45pm UNION rAciric. Arrive. Overland Kx.lU'Wo. in. O > criandKx.4OOp. : m. Lincoln Kx. . 11:30a. : in. Dcincr Kx. . . .8.00 a. m , Denver Kx. . .7:00 : p. in. l Kx..fl lOa. m. Local Kx..7:2A : ft. m. r.x fl.ftla. m. Emigrant..6:20p. : m. Kx WABAStt , lir. LOVI1 AND rACIMO. Depart , ArrUe. Mall nnd Kx , . 0:41 : n m I Malt nnd r.x , . 430 p in Cannon Hall. . 4r : 0 f m | Cannon lUll..llo5 : a m BIOUX CUT AND PACinC. , Depart. Arrive. Tor Sioux Ulty.TMnm Krm Sioux C'y.CSO p m for KortNlobmra. Frm Kort Nlobrnro , Neb' 7.V.nm For St. Paul..7:40pm From St. Pau1..8 0 a in CIIICAOO , MILWAUKRH AND RT. rAft. LrA\ Coundl Ulufla. Arrh C1 Council UlnfTi. Mall and Ex.'OSO n m I Mail nnd Kx.-'GuVi pm Atlantic Kx.5l&p | : ni I Atlantlo K\9:1U | : a in CHICAGO , MILWAl'KKK AND NT , I'AVU tx nvrs Onmlia. Arrh 01 nt Onialia. Mall nnd iv.7lfi : n m I Paclfle r.x litIS ; a m Atlantic r.x.3MOp | ni I Mall niul i\7-2 : , ' > i > in Except Sundays.ExceptSaturdaj8. \ . ( Except MoihlayH. | Dally , Council Bluils & Omnbn Btroot H. R.\ Council IHulTa. I ave Oinalia , ! n m , B a in , 10 n in , B n in , 0 a in , 10 n tn , 11 ft in , 1m , 2 p in , 3 p 11 am , 1pm , 2pm , 3p in , 4 p m , 6 p m , C p in. in , 4 p in , D p in , 0 p in. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pnclflc Depot. On Sunday the cars begin tliclr trlpi nt ) o clock n. in. , nnd run rciru'ariv during tlio day nt 0,11 , 2I , 6 and 0 o'clock , nnd run to city time , SLIM JIM'S BURIAL. His Strange Oareer as Told by One of the Mourners. The L fe and Death of the Most Expert of Three-Card Monte Men. Now York Sun. There was a strnngo funeral from the uudortakor'a shop 82 Greenwich ntrcot yesterday aftcrnooii. No min ister , no vrcepint ; rolativcs , no ilnworo , no tears Vfoto to bo aeon. Only a coupleof dozen rough men wont late tllo nhop , Bin ! y or in aouplea , and took a look ut the corpso. It wan the body of n man of 30 , with a high fore- lioad , prominent noao und the oxproa- sion of a man who had aeon lifo in Bomo of its roughest plinscn. The un- iertakor said : There is no use in pub lishing hia nnmo. His laac request was that it ahould bp kept a secret , because ho did not wish his poor old mother to know of it. She is 70 years old and living in a comfortable homo down oust , which ho provided for her. Ho eaid it would not do any good to lot her know ho was dead , "Ho the slickest-handed woa - man that ever tossed n pasteboard , " said ono of the by-atandora. "Ho wont by the name of Jordan , but hia real name waa Bruce. Ho was well known amopg the sport ine fraternity as the original 'Slim Jim , king of the throo- card-uionto men. ' His real name was James Broce , and hb was a farmer boy away down in Maine up to 18G8. Ono day ho wont to a county fair and eaw a man tossing the three cards. Ho thought he could pick out the little joker. It looked so easy to make $5 ay saying 'that's the card , ' whou ho naw the comer turned. .Ha bet and lost , and bet and lost as many a green horn haa done before and since. In trying to got $25 out qf the three- card-monto man , on what ho thought a sure thing , ho lost $25. Then ho made up hia mind it would bo a good ; amoHu learn. Ho learned it so well that ho made ever ยง 400,000,000 out of it. "Jim was five feet eleven inches tall , weighed ono hundred and fifty pounds , had n smooth face , and looked like a natural verdant , or 'sucker. ' To look at him when he waa made up for business you would think him n conn- try lout , who needed to bo taken care of. Ho used to wear a suit of dunga rees , ' or brown country garments that made him look like a farmer's man in store clothes. Whan ho got on those dungarees , with a straw hat , big boots , with his pantaloons tucked in and a hunk of uingorbroad , ho waa ready to skin the sharpest countryman that over tried to rob a monte man by pretending tending to guess a card when ho thought ho had it sure. "Jim , dressed in this rig , would stumble into an express train at a country station , sprawl over the floor ; uplll a few out of a bag of $20 gold pieces , swear that ho had boon robbud of a part of the money ho had got for selling his farm , and in 11 clumsy way bring out the cardu to bhow how the gamblers got the best of him. Ill's cappers or confidants would gather about , und eoon Jim would have n first class gaino under way , The greenhorns would bo euro to bito. Jim would tarn up the corner of the ace in such a clumsy way and lot thorn win a few times to got them excited , Then the uimplatoua would bet all thuy had and Jim would scoop it. "For years Jim has been known at races , fairs nnd on the principal rail , roads. He worked them all as long as ho could. Ho was very nuccotsfnl on the Union Pacific and' Central Pacific - cific railroads , nnd was the boat 'fluro- thing gambler * in America. lie wan the equal of the celebrated 'Oanadu Bill , ' the throe-card monte man who dioci in Philadelphia recently. "Jim uflered the Union Pacific Railroad company $10,000 for per mission to ply his gaino on their road in 1870 , nnd ou'reott that ho would not fleece anybody but deacons nnd clergy , men. He uedd to say that it wan n perfectly fair thing to swindle the pious people who wore trying to cheat others by betting on what they thought was a euro thing. "Jim was well known in Utah , Cal ifornia , Nevada , and , in fact , through out the west. Often the railroad companies would put dotootlvea alter him to keep him off the trains. Lat terly ho has worked the trains be tween New York and Washington , He was not without sympathy , If ho won from a man who could afford to lose he would not oaro how much ho took away from him. liut , if he thought the victim oould not spare it , lie would give back part of tlio money with the good advlo ? , 'Don't gamble ; don't even bet that you arc nlivo.1 "Jim was registered t\t the l\irk Hotel , Mat Goodotson's old place , r.s James Jordan , and by that name ho was mostly known. A week ago last Saturday night ho was out with seine ft isndft pretty well on to Snnday morn ing. Ho got t" Bcullllrgiuidfooliiiff , nil la fun , with Mat Carroll , Carroll got into n sou 111-5 with another nun and shot at him , hitting Jim by mistake. The ball lodged in the groin , and ho was taken to Uollevuo Hospital , where ! io died Some of the boys visited liltn in the hospital , and did whnt they oauld for him. .They nxinod $150 to bury him decently , and seine of thorn Bar up with the body lost night. Who were they ? Well , perhaps thcro is no nso saying who they were , us the man WPS crooked. But , though ho was a crooked man , ho had a good heart , and many is the dollar hit took from those who could afford to lose it nnd RAVO to eomo poor emigrant without a dollar in the world , The Iloiurrootlon of'I.nzurnn WAR a miraculous operation , V > ono hluku ot raising the dead these time ? , though eomo desperately cl re to ilcAth'n door Imvo been completely rcUoroil by UunnocK Ui.ooO Dirrnu-s to gouulno utul nstlng health. Sleeping With Sorpoma. Prof. Boll , the Smithsonian in litu > .ion's Bgcnt , shipped hia collection of snakes 10 tl'o north two wocks ago , and already 1ms his muaoum full igain. It is surprising how rapidly .hoy become domeaticatcd under his treatment. During the recent cold snap sonio of them that he turned .ooso in his room at night climbed up , ho bed posts nnd coiled thoniBolvoo up in his blankets. ' Ho felt them hur.t- ing for cozy spots about his lees and know that hu ought to gut up and provide thorn with oomo loose straw , out n aloopy man in a warm bed of a cold night is not over-obliging , and the profeeaor onorcd on musically , aa ii his custom. The reptiles crowded upon ono another , quarreled , fought a little , hissed , but the professor did not budge ; only now and then ho would wako slightly and cry softly , "Whist , boys ; bo easy , boys. " At last a big coachwhlp snake found in opening near the edge of the blankets and slowly glided in. There was a goutlo waving up and down of the bed-clothes as the big clay-bank serpent moved about getting himself comfortable , when suddenly ho slapped - pod about two-thirds of his frigid ieugth against the warm loss of the professor. The professor made a violent lent rnmark. Ho sat up in bed , gath ered a handful of snakes in each hand , depositing thorn carefully on the floor ; ; hon , throwing back the bed-clothes , 10 admiuiotorod u kick that sent the coachwhip flying through the dark to ; ho other end of the room , oncoun- : oring the lamp in its aerial flight , nnd { necking from its bracket on the wall the fragtlo skull of an ancient Florida mound buildar "Freeze and bo hanged ! " oxolaimod ; ho irate professor. "I'll bhaio my 3od with you , but you shan't drive no out , " Hu drew the blankets over urn. A few moments later several jaira of little rod eyes moved up the Dod-posta on either side and noon snake herder apd snakes , in ono couch , were lost in peaceful'sloop. ' Dou't Hurry , .Gentlomon , " 5aid a man on h\i \ way to be hanged , "there'll be no fun till I , pet there. " We say to the dyspeptic , nervous , and debili tated , don't hurry thoughtlessly for some emedy of doubtful merit , uncertain of ro- lef , when you can get at the driigglata for one dollar Burdock Blood Bitters almost sure to cure and certain to benefit. Healthy Host } . Hitlne Breeders' Journal. Pure ulr helps to make pure blood , which in the course of nature builds up healthful bodies. Out-of-door pigs would not show so well at the faira , und would probably bo pisaod over by judges and people who have been ; aught to admiroonly fat and helpless things which got the prizes. Such pigs art ) well adapted to till lard kegs , whereas the standard of perfection should bo a pig which will make the moat ham with the least waato of fat , : ho longest and deepest Biilou , with , ho most loan moat ; it should have bone enough to stand up and help ilsolf to food und carry with it the evidence of health and natural de velopment in all of its pirta. Pigs which run in a range of pasture have good appetites the fresh air and exercise - orciso given them this hence they will eat n great variety of food and much coaraor than when confined in pens. Nothing need go to waste on a farm for need of a market. They will consume all the rpfuso fruit , root , pumpkins , and all kinds of vegetables , which will make them grow. By extending - tending the root patch , and planting the fodder corn thicker , BO thut nub bins will form on it , by putting in u ewcot variety , the numberbfpiya maybe bo increased in proportion , The pig pasture will bo ready the next year for nny crop , itnd tun timea the ad- vantni'.o accrue to the [ armor than If the pigs urn confined in close pens , for , as piga are usually managed on the farm , but liltlo manure is over made from them , How Muoli Will Do It. How much of Thomas' Kclectrlo OH ID required to euro ? Only a very little. A few drops will euro nny kind of an ache ; and but a trlllo more la needed for sprains and laraenesues , Rheumatism la not BO readily alfectedj an ounce nnd uoinotimes two OUUCOH are required , No medicine , however , Is eo uuro to euro with the name number of application , VOUIIK Woof. \Vestcrn AgriuuUurUt , Early maturity by using the Im proved broods of stock , together with judicioun feeding according to the latest improved methods , enables ua to markbt our stock earlier. Aa younj , small beef , aiytt A , B. Allen , in Live Stock Journal , is what the English butchora will bo oftoncst hi domain by their customers in the futuro. By this , wo anppoao , they moan animate from 15 to 24 months of ago , of com pact form , fine bonca and full of well- marbled , juicy , tender meat. To meet this requirement fully out breodora will EDO that it is not noceu sary to look for the largest eizee among their arrivals for the future breeding , but to select those wnlcli are closely put together in all thoii parts , and especially line in all thoii points. Even the Davon and Qalla way are not too ( null for this now purpose , and the nicer selections fro a the shorthorn , Hereford and Angus THE OTTAWA CYLINDER CORN SHELLER , iT CO. . KNKiUij AKKXTS , nuiXUIij UUWS , IOWA lot too Inrgo , Such aa ntu naturally of the great- st size may bo inoro profitably kept 11 growing till 3 , or even ! yearn old , nil then sell at top prices to nmku > cuf for uniting and barreling , Thus ho market for both fresh nml unit icof will bo properly aupplicd , imcl nil cquiromonto suited. There is coimdornblo ntlvnnlago oalizod in turning till'nuiuuls HI > ounij no possible , nf tor Dotting n good rowth , us it nquiros less capital in onductlng the business of brooding nd feeding , nndtborinkaof acoidcnln , incases , and nil other thinga nro much lessened. Tolnntnrr Ti Ibttn of Qrntitutofo lionofltH received- DKAR Em , Please allow me the i'tlvooo ! ol R\HK | | my testimony ro ardlnj the nondoiful jratlNo properties of your Invaluab o medicine , lunt's Koracdy Dur tig too past > tx or rercn can I have been n great tuHeror from kidney licas and during | iutof the tlmo my uHcrUR3hn\o been to Intense IB to bo Indltcrlb. bio , Only tluto who have suffered by tbli rend disease known o ( tin nwful b cknche , and mlns ol all kinds , accompanied by groit wa k. cssntid ncrTOiu prcttatlon , loss of fctco and tnllthn which InrarlaM ) attend It. I hut all IICBO tronblcs IntoncltTol , i iul , rai In mich n bad ondltlon that t e juld not got up of my choir ox qit by putting ; my hand i on my knocn , and nl- icst rolling out bofor * 1 eou'd ' itrilgh'.cn up tried the bet iloitors , nnd mviy kinds cf racd. cine , but nil filled to help mo , and I export- icntcd o long endeavoring t ) Rt cured that net eprlt R I aa In very poor ehnpo , and In eoi- : IR for relief my attention wan directed by A ilend to the rcmatknblo cures of kldnpy illsoas- s , A.C. when were belnicompllsl > oJ by Hunt's tomody. I Wi3 Induced to try It , nud began to iko It , and very Boon "llmbol np"n lt were ; iny sivcro backache , till the lutenio pains 1 Imd ulluoj teloni ; speedily dlsappcuttcd , nctvvlth- landing 1 lud biiou lothcrcil with hi ] com bined BO many } cats. Whcnltcgaa to tUo ( Hunt'ii llomody I was onuderablo rundown In my health , nnd ulTorcred also from loco of appetite. l > ur since hifo teen taxing tuo Uomcdy , however , m > rnpfrvomont his boon most nmked ; my former ornjplalntii , fichu ) , piles , &c. have disappeared , ndl I now fo 1 like my former ee'f lute , hearty nd sound In built. 1 ( hall always keep Ilunl't Remedy with mo , and would moit earnestly teo- mmcnd a I those who a'o tuller rs from kidney r liver diseases , or dlioiscn of the bladderoru - nary organs t } uao Iluot'a ncmrdy , and take no ther. Yours Tery tiuly 1IBN11Y II. 8IIKLDON. No. 280 Westminister 8t Provtilenco , R I. "In the lexicon of youth , o'o , thcro Is noaucb HordnaFall. ' Thif'lexlou" Is now found In ho Itboratory of HUNT'S HKMEUT. It knows DO ucb word as Kail. THE . HORT or TIII : ilwaulieo & St , Paul RAILWAY n now running Its PAST KXl'ltlSS TItAINS from OMAHA AND OODNCIL BLUFFS ' WITH Pullman's Mapifloent Sleepers AND TIIK - ? inest Dining Can in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE , Or to am point bojond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH 10 ? . PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS , Take tlio HIST UOUTi : , thu Chicago , Milwaukee &Sfc , MIR'y ' , Ticket olllco locntuil nt corner l-'uniain and 1'ourtecnth btrccln and at U. 1' . Depot nnd ut JIlIUul Hotel , Omaha , f jTHuo TliuoTablu In another foliiuui. 1' . A. NA91I , Ueueral Aiicnt. 0 , II. I'OOTi : , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. H. MKIIHILL , A. V. II. OAKl'IINTKU , ( Junerul Manager , ( lencral I'OHS. AKvut. J , T. OI.AUK , ( li:0. : II , JIDArrOKD , iup't. Aut'tUcn , l'aj , At'iiit , HEAT YOUR HOUSES H FURNACES IN THE WORLD , 11 AUK liy RIPHAKDSOiN.BOYNTON & CG CHICAGO , ILLS , Kmbody upw 1882 Improvements , ilot nraotloaBM'uruii ' ; Co t loss to keep It 'liter ; Uwfltai faol w'11 ' K > v moro boa1 and ft larger volume ol pui'o nlr thin auj furnace madu.\ GEORGE F. CRAWFORD BUYER AiJD SHIPPER OF EGOS. No , 519 Sontli Iain Street KLU6FS , IOWA ; I Fay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattioo Work , Wood Turn ing , Ro-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J , Hatliaway , Manager , Council Blnffs , la , Machinery "HI bo run exclusively for custom work on Thuradny nnd Friday a each week. Ordoru nollcltoil nnd natlalacUou Runrnntooil. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLES ALS AlfcD RETAIL DEALERS TH LEHIG-H , BLOSSBMB AND ALL COHNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oar. Eighth Street and Bleventh Avenue , Oouncil Bluffa. I'UTEIl TIIOLU I1KRMAN KHAOHT. THOLL & KRACHT , GJOGERIES 'AND PROVISIONS. 1r" Cor. Main Streut and 7th Avenue. Fine Orocrrle ) , Teas , Etc. , a Spcc'ftltv. IHi.-'jst prices piIJ for country produce. New Dullcllnj , new guoda , low priced. U'o will not bo underuold , Call and exainlun our ( lock , lellvoreil. a CJ > f SUB THE LKADINO DISALKR IN 2E3I < o > cs 337 Broadway , Oouuoil Bluffa , Iowa , Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLTII DOKKFLINaiSH , PronrJotor , Clu.tco Wlnc nnd Oj'Btnw in I voiy Stylo. 709 Lownr Krond vny. _ _ Council Bluffs Iowa DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( niccotaors to Ullll & DUQUK1TK ) , e Fmiers 7 ( > ana IS Pcftrl-st. , Council Bluff * . la. D. M. CON NELL , Funeral Director and Undertaker. fc No. 17 , North Main Stroot. Oopncll Blulla Call * promptly antwcrodatnll hours , nl ht or day. New heartu and London carriage * direct from thufactiirv nri run In coinrutlnn theruwlth. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT MAIN STREET. I'HM BH3T J3RBAD II THE CITY. None but firot-olfwa Bakora araploycd. Itroad , Oako , Pica 1o. , delivered to nny part of the city , On B ran all day. P AYRE8 , Proprietor. DOCTOR STEINHART'S I'ou OMI AMI YOVMJ , MALE ASH I'KUALK. It In a Mini , prompt ami Lffuctiul runiwla for In * ( IlKCitlon , ly pci ) la , liiU'rinlttunt IVi't'ni.Vunt ufApi > etltu , .Nertnua Debility In all lt Ktaiu , \VuiK .Miniyry , l ivs of llruln I'oucr , I'rottrauoii , \VuikiiCMaiul t'C'iicral l/n of 1'o-icr , ItmulrJ iicrmui uuotu , rcjuic'iiatua the fodotl Intelluct , etrunulithciiK lliu vnfeubluU brain unil H'atorua nun ila UK t nuund vl 'ur to tliu tuli.-uistgilor- rjim. Tlie vxpcrlciiru of tliomanil * prmtinltto bu an linaluulilo rcniwly. 1'rlcu , a bottle , or tlx ( or < K5. J'or taloby all dru 'hta , or Kent Bci'iiru from obbcrvatlon uu receipt i > f jtrlcu , by JJr.Stfilnlu.rt , P. O. Bux 2400'St- Mo. DOCTOR STEIMIART'S Tlio Gruat Iti-nicily for 1'llvt. Sure euro forllllud , Rleeilln &I chlngl'ilca And all fornu of Ilcmorrholdal Tuinord. Tliuo Kui'i'oaiiuuii-j ) act dlruitly upon the couU ol thu Illaod Vtebds. uiij by tlielr uitrliijient i llvitu fi'iilly foryu tlio blood from tliu uwolluii tumor * , and liy making thu c-oata nf thu tuln * btroiiK , pruvcut thu r rcfllllui ; . and licncu a null. ial vurv In buru to full jw tlivlr u o. Price , 78 cents a box , Kor Kilo by alldniKxInbJ , or bent by mall on rixxipt of prlco. by u Hull Mwdioul jimtituto , 718 Olive St- , Mo. OUarlo.St , ST. LOUIS Mo * A UKQULAK (1HADUATK of two medical cull gc . , liviboon : longer cmgairod In tha treat- UH'lit of UiUlO.MU , NKI'.VOUH. 8KIH AND 11 LOO I ) JJlwuaoK ttnu any other phyatcian tn 81. Ix > u(9urlty ( piporj ihow nnJ all old resident * Unow. Consultation Irci' and Invited. When It la Inconvenient ( o vlii't ' the city for treatment , medicines can be eent by mall or uxprea. every * where. Curable cucu guaranteed ; uliero doubt cxktitIt (9 ( ( run ) ly cUtid. .C' l | or write. . Nervn\u [ iroatratlon , Doblllty , Mental iiud I'hyaicalVouUncuj , Mercurial and other iilfi'ctiona of 'Jhroat. HKlu aud Bonua. lilood Imiiuritlca ami Itlood 1'oltoulpg. BliIujVHecll TiaTT > M 8Jrej i > nd Ulcerg. ImpedlmenU tu Marriut.'e , UbeumatUm , 1'ilud. Bpeclul uttcaUon to caaea from ovor-workeilbraTu. " 8UHQIOALTCASES receive gpedftl attentlou. DiaaaBca arising from Iinnru'lenoe , Kiceajoii , Iijclulgeooe * whole MAREIAGEE M til told. Many uhomayuiM * ry' * h9 " y uot < * h3r . . . - - cnuica , conBuqucncs * and euro. ScaleJ for Sio iKwtago or ttampi.