THE DALLY BBJffi OMAttA , TUESDAY NOVEMBKB 28 1882 The Daily Bee. Tuesday Morninp , Nov. 28. "Weather Itcportt ( llio following observation * arotaken nt thf iamo moment of time at all the ntfttlons turned. ) WAB DEPARTMENT , U. S. SIGNAL SKB- \ VICE , OMAHA , NOT , 27,1882. (1:45p.m. ( | II Denver. . . . 3044 Frcnh Clear Cheyenne. 3) 43 milk Clour WMbaklo. 'SO ' 4.1 8 W Frcti Clear rutto. . . . . .to .in H Brlik Jlear Omaha. . . . [ 3030 S W ( resli Cloudy T ( ink ton. . ,3023 , Kronh 1,1. Snow Del Molnes ' 30 Si S3 'S Frcnh touiljr Davenport , ,3032 , m N E t-eht Fair fii. r ul. . . 2r IKN Fresh Clouty 81. Louis . 3J2J N E rrciih Cloudy Moorbcad. 3)21 | SK Krlit Lt. Snow Tin cent. . . , 3027 BK Fresh uloudy Bismarck. . 30 VI Ilflsk Cloudy Buford . . . . .M. 30 SI Brisk Cloody Caster. . . . , ' 048 Frwh Houdy iJeadwood. . 130-31 Light U. Know Aaslnabolne. . Ulror 4 fet above low water muk at Omtha , 2 feet 2 Inches M 7 nkton , Mississippi 6 t t 0 Inchee at Davcnpoit , 8 feet 2 inches at St Paul , 10 feet S Inches at St. Ixmlj. 3 foot 8 lech at La Croioo and 7 feat C Inche * at Cubuqae. LOOAL BR13V1TIH8. City Council to-night. The elocution cl of tbo U. C. L. A , , meet to-night. Go to Wyrnan College to learn book * keeping , penmanthip , butinpM arithme tic nnd commercial law , n2-tf The caeca of the Gallagher brother/ , charged with obtaining money under false pretenses and disposing of mortgaged property , called up in the police court yes terday afternoon , were continued until next Monday afternoon , It U rumored that Messrs. J.W.lfcall and Wlllian 3. Morgan , well known rail- toad clerk * , are going east very shortly for tbe purpose of consummating matrimonial menial alliance * . Their intention U , how ever , to return to Omnh , accompanied by a pair of bltubing brides to permanently locate in tbo Gate City. Fielding Brown , the cowboy , wlto claimed to have been robbed of S185 by Joe Gorman and James Clark , failed to appear in the police court yeiterday after H noon , the time set for tbe trial of the al leged robbers , and tbo case was continued till this afternoon , upon request of tbo de fendant' * attorneys. A private masquerade party took place last Saturday cvonlugnt Metz's ball , and Irvine's band -furnished tbo music. Tbe committee , M. J. Lonk , 11. D. flchlnkcr , A , Mock , J. Doyle , made the evening a success. Everything WAS prepared - pared in first-class stylo. The invltatlonn , which were snt out-early , attracted a fair crowd , and dancing waa kept up till early in the morning. About thirty couples were present. Thanksgiving clay will bo celebrated t the cathedral of St. Pbllomena by a high mass at 9 o'clock , at which service hoSe Rev. J. E. English will deliver tbo ser. So mon. The members of tbo Union Catho La lic Library , as well as their friends and oxi Catholics generally , will bo in attendance. bn 5 In the [ evening at 8 o'clock the regular me monthly dime sociable , with an excellent meW programme , will take place in the U. 0. Fo L. A. rooms. col Tbe Omaha National bank occupy iniVc w Vc , ' their new building Sunday , having moved lea alnce Saturday. They are hardly nettled yet , but the boys look happy in their new tal quartern , and everything will be in apple- Jo pie order in a day or two. This popular Cede Institution has now one of tbe handsomest do and most convenient banking houses in the country. It is fire and burglar proof sir. and has every comfort aud convenience da that could be thought of. Drop in and ate give them a call. toi A special car from the Chicago , Mil ga waukee & St. Paul came In Sunday " morning from the east bringing General "a Superintendent J. T. Clark , General th In Ticket Agent A. V. Carpenter , General nu Superintendent Traffic W. G. Swan , Mrs. th Swan , and Dr. Thompson , and left last thwl night for Denver. The patty will go ou through to California , where Mr. and Mrs , ha Swan and Dr. Thompson will remain for a or time , as Mr. Swan is in IIl.hc lth.lTbe in- orwl teresU of tbe company will also be looked in after along the route. inmi The Social Art club will mite meet at 3 p. m. on Tuesday afternoon in llediok'sblock. to lei Managers' meeting at 2:80 p. m. th Mr , M , J. Plercy , a clerk at govern thw ment headquarter ! , was smiling all ovi > r he his face yesterday "setting up" the cigars for the boys and feeling very jubi 1st lant generally. Tbe cause of all this us hilarity was a bouncing boy , born about fl th o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. P. has been married ome four or five yean , and this being the "first fruit" he naturally re- jolceth. Tbe father , at leait/tsdolng well. at The Savings bank ( will commence re- pain at once upon tbe old Omaha Na. tional bank building , and have It ready for occupancy in a few days. It will be fitted op very neatly and will make this bank a very desirable place of buiineu. Councilman lllcharrl O'Keefe , tbe new county commissioner , wai serenaded by bis friends at bis residence a night or two Inoe , and the occatlon proved a most en joyable one to all tbe participants. Tbe aew official re eved tbe guests moat cor dially and gave them a royal entertain- inent , ' Tbe Utthe PaaUstto " Tbo second party , for the season , of the Standard club , takoa place at their roonu this evening , Tbo Iron l ouldors * union give a par ty and ball ou Wednesday evening at the Central ball. Tbo Tarnreroin will giro a grand concert and ball at Turner ball , on Thanksgiving evening , November 30 , BchHtz'a Milwaukee in bottles and on drought at Jacob Kauffman'e , Gil 10th street , between California and Webster. AUo dealer in all kinds of wine * . 22-4tm&o Notice. JUgular inwtlng of tbo Bricklayer * ' Union No. 1 , will be held at tbe Knightc of PythUa ball , corner Four teenth and Douglas , to-night , at 7:30. : Buslnwi of UnporUnev to bo trans- th ORDER ARMS ! ! Batoli ef Interesting Information mation for the Regular Army , Forts Hall and Cameron to b Abandoned. News From General Orook in Arizona. * Whom Onptnln BourW * u Doing Excellent Mtmlonnry Service It is a very cold day when Oolono Btanton'a fnnd of information up , and when vigorous pumping fail to produce some military items from the "fighting paymaster. " The colonel onol has just returned irom A TIIBRE WEEKS' TRIP through the department during which ho visited Forta Sidney , Russell , Bridget- , Douglas , Cameron and IIall , accompanied by Afr. Ohnso , his affable and grizzled clerk. At Russell , Lieut. Footo , BO well know'n in Omaha society , was found hcattlly cursing sago brush and cotton wood and sMiing for another season with the Omaha girls. Fort Dridgor has boon increased by a company of the Hovcnth Infantry and is now commanded mandod by Liout.-Ool. H. L. Chip man , of that regiment , who will devote his time , like all good army o(11 ( corn at that post , in shooting black tnilod door and jerking the festive trout from the icy watera of Black's Fork. Fort Douglas with six companies is now tbo largest post in the department mont , and is under command of Gon. AlcOopk who is making a visit to San Francisco. A detail of mon was re cently aont acrois the mountains to Fort Thornbargh to bring back the remains of Lieut. Russcl H. Day , Sixth infantry , who died at that post early last month. The body traa buried in the cemetery at Douglas ( with appropriate military honors. At Wahsatch where the trains mot , OEN. lIOWAltH and Capt. Hayden were interviewed feat a fair moments , The general was at his way from Fort Wosha'do to ? Forta < Hall and OAmoron , and loft'tn ' Salt Lake yesterday for the latter post. General Sheridan is now in Utah , and itat is believed that both posts will bo i. abandoned before the oloso of tho' ' year. This is directly In the line of the policy recommended by Generals Sherman and Orook , which contem plates the concentration of troops at several largo posts in the department adjacent to the line of railroad. of 'coi ' THE DEI'AIITJIENT now contains five rogimonta namely ' the Fifth cavalry , headquarters Fort Sidney , Fourth Infantry , headquarters Fort Omaha , Ninth infantry , head an quarters Fort Russell , Sixth infantry , rat headquarters Fort Douglas , and tbo ratpc Seventh infantry headquarters Fort Laramio. There are fourteen garrisons extending from Fort Omaha in Ne braska to Fort Hall in Idaho. The most northerly la Fort MoKinnoy in Wyoming , and the moat southerly Fort Cameron in Utah. Thn colonel is John Gibbon , of the Seventh infantry , the youngest Col , Van wh Voast of the Ninth now on sick leave. Letters received from the genial , talented and pleasantly eccentric Capt. John G. Bourke , and dated at San Carlos agency give some interesting He details ot TUB WOKK Of GENERAL CBOOK since hia arrival in Aricona. The day ; after hta arrival in Prencott ho started with Captain Bourke for a caih tour of the Indian agencies to investi , gate the causes of discontent among the Apaches. From that day to this "all quiet" has boon the report from by those redoubtable hair raisers. Every an anfl Indian baa boon counted , tagged and numbered , and each day a roll call of do the bravoa at the agencies ahow whether any of the bucks have slid E. out to plot mischief. General Crook > baa been absent ton weeks , the great > portion of the time at San Carlos , Ifwo where Captain Bourke boa been actIng - Je Ing ; u bead missionary , and conduct Jeit ing an Indian Bible claes with the marked aucoosa that so constantly at ai'h' tends : hla clibrta at evangelization. The 'h' lost letter announced the departure of the general and hia aide for Preaoott , where ] Col. Martin baa been doing the heavy dignified slnco hla arrival. One first steps la said to have boon the issuance of an order prohibiting the the use of liquors or cards by officers of the garrison , NOTKM. First Lieutenant Frank Alicblor , Fifth cavalry , is doing temporary duty deportment headquarters. Lieutenant 0 , E , S , Wood , aide-de- camp , la the literary man of General Howard's immediate atalT , and ia a frequent contributor to the Century 0. and other magazines. Captain Bubb's company , Fourth infantry , arrived yesterday from the wett to take station at Fort Omaha. Seven companies are now at the garrison , including Captain Ilawlo'a light battery , of the Fifth artillery. U. U. Court. The cttontion of the above court la to-day devoted to the CM a of The United Gtutoa vs. Kev. J , Harvey | VI - - - - Kockweil , the divine who is charged Jj with using the mails for fraudnlon purposes , The arguments were be ing heard yeaUrday forenoon , and it is hoped that a verdict will bo reached to-day. The next case to bo called is that v. Carolina J. Van Motor vs. State Na tional Dank of Lincoln , in which plaintiff auea for $10,000 damages fo conversion of personal property. Caned. A happy event occurred at the Mer be chanto * Exchange , on the corner o ; Sixteenth and Dodge street * , ou thi evening of the 21st. Air. Gee , Hlg gings , the deservedly popular pro prletor , wsj the recipient of a gold it beaded cane. A large number of hla patrons and friends assembled with J intention girJng / him peat ! n & ( surprise , but having retired earlier than usual from his place of business , the party was disappointed for the moment ; ho waa sent for however , on the pretext of other im portant businc8s , nd wbilo deeply on * gaged in convoreation , Col. E. F. Smytho stopped forward and made a neat and appropriate address. The apecch was a com of wit , humor and eloquence , Ho held the largo audi ence spellbound for oror half an hour , eliciting round after round of applause. Mr. Hiygtnga was almost overcome with surprise and gratitude , ho arose however , to the occasion , and grace fully acknowledged the splendid compliment plimont , not only in vrell-choaoti words , but in a more substantial manner nor , by ordering a splendid lunch , which with the wino and Havana nc. companlmontn , caused all present to realize that ho fully appreciated their efforts to commemorate hia forty-ninth birthday , RECEPJUuN OF BOOAMSIS An Interesting Ceremony nt CrolRh- | ton College Sunday. The jttondanoo at the 9 o'clock mats Sunday in Oreighton collceo taxed the accommodations of the chapel to the uttermost extent. It was composed in the main of ntudonts of the college and adults vrho bad been attracted by the announcement that an act of moro than ordinary significance and interest waa to take placo. Ono of the featured of the college , as indeed of all the colleges under the direction of the Jesuits , is a atudonta' aodality , organized for the purpose of encouraging the young folks in the practice of morality and inspiring them with a tondcr devotion to the Blosiod Virgin. The director of this sodality is Ilov. P. J. Loeson , 8. J. , vice.president of the college , to whoso interest and energy the progress made by the aodality this year ia to bo credited. It had been decided , in view of the number of postnlante , or students , who had passed the period of proba tion , of whom there were thirty-four , o hold a public reception. It had also boon determined upon , at the aamo time , to blosa a new atatuo of the Blessed Virgin which had just boon purchased. The mesa was cele brated ; by Father Loosen , and at the conclusion : a few remarks concerning the nature of the act they wore about to make , and the holy mon who had idealized the name of aodalist , were addressed , to the atudenta by Father Miles. The atatuo , placed upon a high pedestal and in itself noma five or six feet high , was blessed by the aamo gentleman according to the Roman ritual. The students were then ar ranged around the statue , while one their number read aloud the act of consecration to the Blessed Virgin. The words were repeated , also aloud , by the students. This acl ever , the 7at latter were invested with the medal atn and the blue ribbon of the sodality as n evidence of their recaption into its ranks. Tno older members of the sodality renewed their act of consecra tion , after which the service cimo to a , oloso. The new aodaliata were enter-'b ' ilaai tainod by the faculty at substantial break fast , served soon after the con clusion of the exorcises. The aodality boa DOW about 140 uaomboM , ctnd ia in n iwnl flourishing and edifying condition , the credit of which ia to bo accorded to Father Lee- son , its zealous and competent di rector. < DEWEVS CONTEST. flopoa Yet to be Ono of tbo Doug las Count ybon&tore. I At the solicitation of his friends | Mr. Oharlea H. Dewey , late republi can candidate for the state senate in thia county , bos determined to contest the election of Air. George Canfield , whom ho waa beaten by a few votes , and yesterday aervod notice to that effect upon Air. Oaniield , stating that depositions wonld bo taken on the 14th of December , at 2 p. m. , before 4ri W. Simoral Air. Dewey claims errors were made by the boards of election ia the First , Fourth and Fifth wards of thia city and in Saratoga , Jefferson , Chicago and Alillard pro- . . cincts. Those conversant with the ' facts state that a correct count that ' going behind the returna will ahow a majority of fully 100 for Air. Dowey. I PERSONAL , 8 , II , II. Clark is expected home from I east to-day. I Paymaster 1'owe 11 and wife have gone to Marshall , Mich , , to spend Thanksgiving Day with friends. F. M. Crlttenton , for a long time chief night operator of the Wetturu Union in this city , left for Denver last evening to become day chief there. Mr. Crittenton and family will bo greatly missed , Mr. . Dwyer , an experienced telegrapher , takes the vacancy created , and Mr , 12. W , May Cold becomes bis assistant. HA , W , llouck , traveling 1 salesman of C. Conrad & Co , , the great wine au > l liquor house of St. Louis Is at the Millard. Mr. Houck's is the great Dudwetser beer house. L. 0. Burr , a prominent attorney of Lincoln , is at the Millard , accompanied by his wife. I. K. Bi > eer , a heavy grain and ele vater man from HUwatna , Kan. , is at the Millard. M , le Young , of the Ban Francisco Chronicle , went west on the overland to day. "liob"Law and family pawed through the city this afternoon , bound east to lo cate at his new post of duty , W , T , McDevitt , tbe genial and whole- louled clerk of Auditor Wing'i office , left for a brief visit to hU old home in Phila delphia Saturday aveulog , JMao'a ub- eenoo will be felt by all tbe boy , and the sooner he get * back tbo happier they will , although they all join In wishing him royal good time. BLAVEN'S YOSKAHTE COLOGNE Made froir tbe wild flowers of the FAH VAMED YOSEAIITE VALLEN is the moat fraprant ot perfuin t Manufactured by H. D , * 81aven , San Francisco. For Bale in OmahK by W. , WhUehonie and Kennsto. .Bros. , 0o. A MODEL ROAD AGENT. Arreat o ! n Man Who Worked Out the Road Tax for Railroads. Deputy Sheriff Grebe returned yea torday frora California with W. W , Warren , whom ho arroatod at San Diego , CM. , and brought back to this city to answer to the charge of obtain' ' ing 815 under false pretenses from C&ldwoll , Hamilton & Co. , of this city some weeks ego. Warren made a contract Bomo months since with the U. P. and B. , & AI. railroads to settle tlinir road taxes in a number oi counties in this state. His schema waa to .mako contracts with the road nu porvinora in the several districts to do the work , obtaining the supervisors' receipts , which ho would then present to the railroad companies and receive his pay. By getting the work done chopper than the railroads could ho made a small margin of profit. By some means ho got hold of a number of receipts for work which ho had never performed. Those ho presented to the tax agent of the U. P. , Air. AIcAIurr y , and naked for mon ey on them , Air. AIcAIurray however , -delayed payment , fearing something tricky , and Warren called Oaldwell , Hamilton & Co.'a , and in formed them that Air. AIoAIurray waa out of town and that ho was therefore utiablo to realize upon thorn , obtained the amount above mentioned , giving his note no security , putting up these receipts as collateral to the amount of 81,700. Ho then loft the country. When the bankers made inquiry they found the collateral which they hdd waa worthless. The Union Pacific , although not a loser by the transaction , began .to aoarph for Warren to bring him to punishment. They tracked him Los Angeles , Gal. , to which place hii household goods had boon shipped last September , under the name of H. 0. Tibbitts , and from which place they were reshipped to San Diego , where Mr. Grebe obtainrd a clue to Warren's whereabouts at that time. Air. Grebe proceeded to the locality , which waa at a ranch in Southern Cal ifornia , near the Mexican line , and there got him. Warren will be examined before the police court this morning , and pro poses to make a hot fight for hia lib erty. CONCERT AND OPERA. Tbe Kollocrg-Brlgnoll Performance at Boyd's Lost Night. The Kolloge-Brignoli attraction at the opera honso last night was attend ed by an audience that would bo called lanje , the moat desirable seats and boxed being filled with a select and , musical class of people. Air. Gloso , a new pianist in the west , waa the first to open the concert part , ho giving an excellent solo ftom Chapin that dis played marked peculiarity of touch and ease , his playing being free from affectation that is becoming ao notice able among our new pianists. Air. L. G. Gattacralk rendered "Barbiero di Sivigla" in a manner that waa in clined to bo somewhat stiff and uncertain oltl tain at times , hia ease apparently being moro at rest in opera than concert part , Aliaa Dickinson , the oontrolto , U one of tbe latest addl- tiona to concert singing , thia being her first appearance in the west. Her voice U rich and quite sympathetic , her lower tonoa being particularly strong aud effective , aa shown in her Bulging of "Lncretia Borgia , " which gained for her hearty encore. Air. A damowakia * violin execution vraa re ceived with tbo greatest alienee and appreciation , bat ho declined to re ward bia admirers' recalls. Ho made ao decided Impression among our beat orcheatrtans , and will always receive a friendly welcome from Omaha's best musicians. Alias Kellogg , on making her first appearance , attended by Mr. Gloso , tbo accompanist , was enthusi astically welcomoh , and received a floral offering after her encore to "Somo Day. " Her voice displays the same clearness and easy range of ex pression that waa BO noticeable years ago , and shows a marked increase in volume and power. In II Trovatoro her singing appears moro finished and brilliant , the scene in the fourth act being the climax of her boat endeavors , both in the per fection of her singing and dramatic ability. Brignoli appeared to nearly as good advantage oa yeara ago , and infused hia role now and then with that old-time fire and vigor that seemed to fairly .wake the slumbering echoes. The audience waa inclined to eB eb not over enthusiastic , but appreci ative in quiet attention to the num bers in the concertparta , as well as iid the opera that they could not un derstand. A Grand Season of Opera. It ia decidedly to the credit of Manager Boy d that ho has secured the Boston Ideal Opera company , as one of the coming attractions at the opera house. ThU admirable organization , numbering fifty-two people , with a list of eleven principals and an orchestra of thirteen pieces , ia so much superior to all other English opera companies in America that it is justly said to bo without a rival. In tact , it haa dem onstrated to the entire satisfaction of both the public and the critica that it ia fully entitled to the- name of ' Ideal , " Formost among the artists of the company etands Alyron W. Whitney , whoso reputation as the greatest of living bassos is as wide aa it is deserved. It waa hia \oicewhich aroused the greatest en thusiasm. On the occasion of Ado- Una Patti's first appearance in Cin cinnati a year ago , and during the Alay festivals in Chicago and New York , ho his for years been looked upon as the one ' 'indispensable sin ger. " Of Tom Karl , the leading tenor , it is not necessary to say .anything of an introductory or eulogistic character In Omaha. Ho haa been board hero , and the recollection of his admirable method and splendid voice has not faded from the minds of muslo lovers in this city. Reoog- ulced as the first of American tenors for several years past , it only need be laid that ho haa grandly maintained hia reputation during the present sea son , and la now In the xenith of his powers aud fame. And then comes Henry 0. Barnaby , the prince of comedians IcC odians , and a basso of exceptional ex- collonco. Hia name has for a decade been I a synonym for all that t ia mirth-provoking , and his re turn t to Omaha will undoubtedly meet with a worm vrolcomo. But , wo beg pardon there are revoral ladies in the Ideal company , and each of thorn deserves a word of praiso. The three sopranos , Alario Btono , Alary Bcobo and Geraldine Ulmar , as well as the contraltos , Mathilda Phillippn and Lizzlo Burton , are all artieta of the first-class , and all enjoy high reputa tions. Allaa Phillips , by the way , la a alstor of the late Adelaide Phillips , and possesses a voice almost as phe nomenal aa that which made the lat ter the rival of Gary. In thia engagement the following principal arttata will appear : Alario Stone , Alary Bonbo , Geraldine Ul mar , sopranos ; Mathlldo Phillips , Lizzie Burton , contraltos ; Tom Karl , Herndon Aloraell , tonow : Alyron W. Whitney , H. 0. Barnaboo , W. H. McDonald , George Frothingham , bawoa and baritones. Alusical direc tor , Air. S , L. Studloy. The operas to bo given are Fatinit- ea , Pirates of Penzince , Aluaketoors , Bohemian Girl , and Alarriago of Fi- AN APPEAL TO THE ELECT. ' Waat is Expected of tbo Next Legis lature. Correspondent of TH * U . . DAVID CITY , November 28. Of ono'E ' fact none can bo mistaken that the railroad faction of the republican party are bonding ovcry effort to hold every member in line by caucus in the hope doubtless to retrieve what waa lost on the 7th of this month at the ballot box. For what purposes have these vampires labored in the past for republican aupromacy ? We all know only for purposes of barter and self-aggrandizement , and nine- tontha of oven the republicans in this state nro convinced that these men who are classing off the members elect of the next legislature in three classes 1. e. anti-monopoly , democrat and republican , are only doing BO for the purpose of Bearing timid republi cans into their own camp. Now , air , make bold to assort tnat not one- fourth of the members elect could have been elected but for their earnest professions of anti-monopoly principles ; not even the valorous Val. or the valiant Laird could have been elected by a plurality but for their warm espousal of anti-monopoly. Then , ia it not plain that the people of this state are anti-monopoly ? First- Republican or democratic only when these are strongly flavored with anti-monopoly , which means zeal and wisdom for the right , and in the name of justice and right , in the name of three-fourths of the voters of this state , in the name of good gov ernment by the people of the people and for the pseplo , I appeal to every man who will fill a Beat in our next general assembly , bo bo republican or democrat , to rise above party uama , and strike for the best interest of the masses. The greatest good to the greatest number ia what ia expected by the people thia winter at the hands of their lawmakers regardless of whether Lincoln shall have another capltol appropriation , or Air. Gere shall have the public printing , or that Messrs. Nye & Yost shall get a Unit ed States senator who will do tnoir masters' bidding. In the glorious name of republican ism , what monstrous injuries have we been forced to enduro. Now we do think Mesirs. Nye , Yost and Gore's masters should come down and take their chances with other citizen ; . Let onr precinct assessors assess their property and franchises according to its value ; lot them live like free Amer icans should , ( qually with every other frco man before the law ; no special partisan fraud to protect them in their princely style as the expense of the bono and sinew of this people. Now , gentlemen elect , wo expect you to bury whatever of partisan spirit yet may linger in your breast , in your best efforts to servo our in- torosts. Only justice do yon ask , and simple , plain justice do we most cordially bespeak for every citizen and industry m our great young state Brains and money nave ruled us tro " long. At our late election the people dissolved this firm , now lot brains and common honesty try awhile. Wo be lieve money can take care of itself without a ruler's powers , or in other words without having power to rule. Trusting that a good honesty major ity of our next legislature , will join handa and minda in mooting the do tnanda of the people zealously , wisely and independent of party lash or caucus pledges , wo anxiously wait your action , when you must , in the meantime feel assured our demands will receive your honest attention , and the pqwor to abuse us shall bu abolished. .Ami AIoNorouw. Brief Mention. "I have ustd liunuocK ] Jioun with great benotit for Indigestion ninl con stipation of tbe bowels. " O. L. Hasten , Hamilton , Ont. Benono'fl Benedictions. Judge Beneke's justice mill ground " lively for a short time yesterday morning. One suspicious character was discharged , having proved that ho was all "O. K. " Of the five drunks brought up , three paid the usual fine , and two cases were contlnnod. One disturber of the peace waa fined $3 and coats ; one ditto , continued , and two arrested upon similar com " plaint were discharged. Don't Die In tbe House. "Rough on Rats. " Clears out ruta mice , roaches , bed buga , flies , cuts molea chipmunks , gophers. 15c. Fimt Rate Evidence. "Often unable to attend buiineus. being subject to ( erious disorder of the kidneys. After long tiero of sickness tried Bur dock lllood IMttera and was relieved by half a bottle , " Mr. B. Turner , of lloches- ter , N. Y. , takes the pain * to write. FOK REST 1207 Faraam atreet , tormerly occupied aa the Omaha shirt factory , a three-atory brick atore , with two aud half yeara1 leaves. Fixtures and laundry for sale. For particulars T inquire . at . . . Brash's , _ tbe . popular - .Anw * ! L clothier , 1308 Farnaui street.uovSOtf oj ON TO OQDEN. Mooting of tbo California Pool to Con-11 eldertneO. B &Q Ways. It hna boon evident for the past year and a half that the 0. , 13. & Q have determined to push their line on to a Oontral Pacific connection , there by giving thorn a continuous through line Independent of the Union Pacific road. While they have n through line on the Son thorn PaciOo by moans of the Atohlson , Topeka & Santa Fo road , still it Is a lengthy route , as compared with the middle lines , nnd it would bo much moro convenient to their patrons and bettor time bo made if they had their own line , which has now reached Denver , extended a matter - tor of a few hundred miles to Utah. With this idea of extension in view , n mooting trill bo held at Kaunas City on December let , of the California pool lines , oonnistinj ; of the At- chUpn , Topcka Santa Ft , Union PaciGo and Oontral PaciOo roads. The B. it M. in connection with it nnd which haa already extended to Denver , will in March next bo another California line running in connection with the Central Pacific. This now liuo will therefore tnko part in all de liberations effecting buoiucsa to Cali fornia after Alarch 1st. backlin'a Arnica tialvo. The BKBI SALVK in tha < 7orld for Oati , Bruise * , Boron , Ulccrr , fc/alt Ithoura , fce- vur Bores , Tetter , Chipped Hands , Chil blnion , Corns , nnd all tkin eruption" , and t)0oitivoy ) curoijillert. Jt is RUftrantoed to clvo bati'stactJon t ttv coy rotnndoj. Piloa , > cent * per cr. for n U br 0 , SPECIAL NQTBKES , IO LOAN-MONtY. MONEY TO LOAN On personal property of any description A. C. Troup , Attorney , 213 south 14th Street. 128-lino ' 1U 1.OAW On LUtUel uiurteaea no- MOMttY . A. D. Tutton , No. 11616 Doughs itroct , front room , up-stalr * . 435-tf To loan a lejal rater , llallou Bros. H'Jl KdiimtnSt. 255-25 10 kOMi At a pet conlls Vf WWlVf W icreai in Buzn ui 53.BOO nau cptrards , for 8 to 6 years , on ant-claw city anil forci property. Buns Ban , Emn ind Lout I ' ; ISth and Dourlas Ota. | MONET TO LOAN Call 6) Law Ufflce Of D. T , Them * * RnirnP Crnlzbion Block. nELP WANTED W ANTED 2 or 3 furnished rooms. Acldresi "S. " 1011 Karnhum street. H WAN1EO Two good o n vsesers. Steady em ployment and good goods t o work on. Call 41 south 10th Btrset. 201-30 A1LORE83 WANTEDSImmedUtely 270 H r noy street , but. 15th and 10th , S07 3D ' D Carpcnteri Sltt and Harnoy. VrANT' S.Ji. Btll. > 0-Z8t ! " \T7"ANTED * jood tirl to do cneral ho > iBO < YY work , at 1600 Jackjon street. 234-ZSf W ANTED A good glr ! In a fam-ly of it a. . . Inquire 13thond Daroopoit , 2nd doer ncrlh on )3tb , 105-16 w ANTED-CIrl toJwnU on. table. 11515 Chi cago. 29 23t . . A.C . . Skandlnn\an ! girl about 11 W.n. old to taXu care of a baby. Omaha Balerj. BIO lOSt. 279-'JOt TTTANTED Ono g od canvasser tsell . . gcodi on Installment , steady work and gocd pay. Inquire at 21 * N. ICth street , room a 207-tf 21W TTTANTED Help at the employment office , YY 817 N. 16tb ttreet , up-HtMm. S3 "If ) A girl to no Keheral boiuenrork. Send references. Good wages paid. Ad dress F. O. arable. Kcarnev. Nat ) . flOT-tf " SITUATIONS WANTED "ITTANTEO Plai-e to teach mus'c , vo l or InV - V Y s'rumcntallu ' part piynicot fur b-aid by competent teacher. Aodiess "Music Ttarher" 1612 DHdeport ttreot 302 20 } ' E 0 Situ itlon by a Swaao to tike care WAN' , his b-en ttorklaiffor Dr. toss man. AddrioiK. Modlj , Ills" Jack ion treat , | city , WANTED K-nplojinenf , a good hand ai natcbman or otner work. Lcara word at V. Ml C.A. 300 2Ct \\1 ANTED Situation by a } oung man as YV bookkeeper or clerk , had slic yea's exper ience In a first class homo. Dost of references. AddruisG-M. 1M > 9 fet. JIarj'a A\enuo Unmha. SCO SOt MICELLANEOK3 WANTS. I / A Iresh cow. Inquire 131V 1'ur- WAMiJSu n m. 297-28 ANTED-A eet ot books to keep \cnlngs. I W ' 'Scribe" HeoOfflie. 2H7-S7f | WANTED Gentleman hoarder * it tbe south cast corner bf 20 b aud Daiecpjrt itreets. J53-U BUSINESS CHANCES. \TtrANTED An energetic joung man with H YY few hundred dollars. Can buyhilf Inter- ina business pacing large profits. No former exntrienc ncconsary as his duties will be princi pally collecting. Address D. Bee Olllce. 2tO-28t "Oft HEN r HOUSES AND LAND fTlOa BUNT One elegantly furnished room J > eulubo for two genilcmen , heated by fur- mce and with me of bath roon , 1821 Capitol > orjutr , Hitchcock block. SUl-liSt . BKST Rooms In nocoud story , 1518 F.IK uiiea : . JAB. Q. UHAI'MAN , 299-30) ) ITORRKNT I'oruer stow 1C h street and Kt ' 1 } M r > 'd a iuefrr drugs or dry Koods , a'l > It. t Cook , ftf Mlllartl hotel , nrnn nrnnitMi'ii. . 208-deo 2 * UEN1' Mealy furnished single room , Dealthlei.tlcatlun,20l3Cau8t. SOJ-2n ) O OTKL Killl RENT-The Monitor Home , of Q. Ainu , Hail in count ) * Nl > . A flrdtclus house , well furnlibed aid doing a good busln BS U fir reut to to d hotel uu , or w.uld sell or txchauge for otner jjro.nty. For particulars , Adortsa * rapply 10 ISAAUMULLHOLLAND , 290-lw Alma , Neb. 17011 * KENT ricauuitffront loom furnUhvd , J ? ros Ibth between Caltfornl i and Webotor. 283-28' ' EOlt UKNV-.Newly furnl.hol front rooms No. 279 Htmey street between 1Mb and ICth fit * . 290-28' FORUKNT Kcwseten room cottage well lo cated , haa > ral clonlto , ritaud c stern u-ater. t' , F , Driacoll. 2 3 tf TrjlOU KKftT Fumlsnod room ; W. l > r month JL' 8.0 Howard between 8 and DtlidU. 2-lJ8 | 171 Oil KENT Furnished room ( uth USD of par- X1 lor ) prl > ate family , 411 North UttiSt. UttiSt.SSKMf SSKMf FORBENT T enl cly fumlsbedrooms , mar UUhbchMl t3 reiptcUble pirtlea ; front room > ery nice for a gentlenua and wife , r two gcntlenm. For panlcalm addnuA.U. lito Odlce. 2406-27" OCR RKNT-Wlth board , a large front room P with bay window , gaa and bathroom , 1718 210 29t TpOR KENT J houses , e'gbt rocmi each on J > lath and Lo&vcnwortn. inquire at 1019 Far- nam ttrcet 213 3 ! ( 10R REST-3 ulc ly furnUhed rooms , ono 1 door no th of Dodge , on 18th. MI-SOJ F KENT House with C rooms , celUr , cm- tern , northcut vomer of fierce and Tenth streets. JAUKS G ; CHAPMAN. 247-X7 * G > mifi' Sew Uap of Omaha , lust completed and D ready for dellt ry t ? 7 each. U4 feet wide by 7 feet Ion ; , Lnvcat and raoet compleU map or Omaha c\er published. Official map ot tbe city , bcv column. T710RRBST The residence e > f M. W. Kenned ) , . JL a hou-e oC tlx raoms good well and cittern 17C9 J cktonSt. iiqnlrevn picmlSMorotSU 13th ; lit. 5Ml-tt TOOK IlEKT Home ol three rnomi J ; 8 . Mary's A\oiu . Inqnfiect H. W. Ken- ncdy 312 touth 18th tit. ? 42'L. I : OR ItKNT-Ollloo rooms. KiKinlrs nt Now r Vork Dry Goods storo. 105 dec-lfi , Oil KENT Cbcnp brick store , with cellar 22t . ' CO. Applj fct t , P. Rakcry , 010 fl. 16th st T710R It NT A new homo , furnlitred , eight JU room < , bMh room , i table , etc. Ono ot the finest locations In the city : $90.00 per month. Inquire for three dn)8 , BttnlV real estate A cncy , 15th Mid Douglra street * . norlB tl FOR KENT Hougo of six roonu , bay winaow , cellar , cistern , well. All In Rood repair. 16 per month. 1221 north 19th street 176-tf T710R KENT Two furnUihod roonu , 1814 Web- JJ eter street. 18C-30 Fit ttENT-UnturrMieJ rooms lu brick houio , 1418 Chjcago Street. IPO tf " | /OK"liftNT Furnished room with board im Jj Cnllfornla street. 171-tf THOU RENT tVrnlshcJ room and board 1016- 127-lf EORRK-T Upstairs , 1417 rarnhsm street. 6Mf JOHN G. JACOBS. 'TOUR KENT Jl'Uso of 8 rooms n rs JL ? order , 10 bloAs from opcri honoc , cheap , . . . . . . . . _ . . . 8'B' Hmuo of 11 rooDiB , all , 8 hloikj from opera nouso . . . . 40 House ol fi teems , 23d nnd Nicholas street * . lt > Store onFarnnm.S floors . . .o- . ! - " toreon 14th,2 fljors. . ? fi Sitell Iront rcsldcinc.- ! $50 to 06 4S-tf MoOAOUi ; . cppoijte Pootoffice. I lAOll HENT HOUMO of A rooms,30th andDouo JJ. glu street , 918 a month. 21-tfj HOGGS & HILL. TJIOR RUNT hlfgaotly furnlsbed roams with JU ta and heater. Htfarenocs required. Ap ply at northwest crncr if 23d and Burt Htrccta. U33 T710RBENT 2hou n cno fiand ouoOronms. JD Inquire corner Chlcagoaud lf > th ht. T. Swift , OSMf THOi ; KENT House , six rooms , furnished , In- Jj quire at D. Hyde's oulce , UtUard hotel. iOi u-.Nl' Two new UwelUiiga and two utliei dwelling ! ) In dcMrablo looillty , by McKoon NO. 1514 Douglas street 817-tf TT10R RENT A cottage of fire rooms. Inquire JJ at Northwest corner 15th and Chicago Hrect. 810-tf FOR KKNT Largo oinco room or half ssore , 1020 Farnham Bttcet. ' 707-U FOR RENT A store in Buloorabo block , no 16th street , near Davenport , St. A. D. Balcombe. CC6-2SK FOK | SAMI A small steam ergln. % at 182 * Webster street. K. WA UK. J90-27t ! u'Ort SALE COiquaresof Iron rooting , Appli P ' Omaha Foundry and Machine Co , , Omaha , Neb. 275-301 T710R RENT Plc > ant furnished room suitable J } for gtnlliman , 1619 Farnam n2i-3t -XCELLEXT BKICK for sale , $0.00 per thou- , i sand.Yard , 16th street , two blocks south of Bellevnieroad. LORK.VZO DIBOLE. 177-lmnovlSt F IOR SALE A fresh cow and calf pricc&O.OO Apply to E. Fcsreon 11211'arnam St. 257-U | 17 OH SAL h Ono first claw cocking range. Jj S. Lehman 1108 Farnam 221 tf OTEL FOR SALE First clasa hot l for tola L In a Ih o western ton n. Has all the first cla s trade. Reason for selling other business. 1'or particulars , address. Hotel , OIIAIIA BEK. 183-lmfnovl5t -pollSALECHEAl'-Bakery , welllocatcdjc xxl D business In moot the lhcllc t towns In No- bra'ka. Itcason for scl Ing , poor health and must get out of business. Inquire at BEE ofllcu. 114-lm EOK PALE Steam engines now nnd econd hand 8 , 10 , 15 , 20 horse power. Also steam boilers any size. Inquire Om ha Foun dry nnd Machine Co. nov2Hm-m 7710R SALE Barrels and kegs. Also hoop poles JJ bought at cooper shop , cor. 18th and Pferoc. IGOdccii * JERRY SETUOUB. TT EMIS New Map of Omaha , juitcompl ilotcd and JJ ready for dtlltery at S7 each. Is 4 feet I wide by 7 feet long Largest and most complete map of Omaha over publUhod. Official map of the city. Sea column. "T710K HINT Crick ( tore. Inquire at drug store J ; corner 10th and Douglas. ( T70 i flALK Three thousand western wethers , J ; lusdZjearso.d. Weight about 90 pcnndi. K. C.GRsBLU , 062 tt m and e Kearney , Neb. B IOYCLE FOR BALE-Inqulro C. M. Woodman - man , Omaha. 751-tf BF F [ OR SALE Good building , brick. Call al Water Works office. 416-ti ntlHOEIXAWETTH. AICEN UP-Amd hc'fer with wnlte head , red about the nosa , one mile south of county farm J. SC1INEIDERWINU. SCO-JO mAKEN Ul' Strawberry roan cow 8 jears old. I Onncrcunha > o the tumeby Colling , division and Burt. 282-30 * , /CREAMERY NOTICE-Citlzens of t wns in \j eastern Nebraska\\ithinelght 10 one hundred ruTloloftho Mlsiourl liver desiring Creamlnles ettabilxhed by an experienced firm with capital and willing to offer tmbbUntla cncurigemcntte such an enterprise will address L. 8. ib Co. Box o3 Hudson Ohio. 12t wit Silt cr Match 4 auncu case , rt\Vlthan LOST . Finder will receive $5.00 reward by leaving at S. K. corner 14th and Harney. 272-26" DOCTORS & JOIIND. PEABODY havd rcmotLd from 13th and Farnim streets to rooms 1 , 'J and 6 , Redlck'a block , 1607 Ftrnam scrcet. 249-n22-lm fllAK N UP Ono broun mare celt etir In fore- JL btaii , two bird loct whlk' . sboii' two viars Old [ 217-tlt JA . STEPHENS. S 0. BRA1NARD , Taxidermist , 13th and How- I. , ard. 65-n3-2m rpO FAHMERS-Tbe highest cash price paid X ror Rye , Bar or and Corn KreVu Vinegar Works , Jones street , between 9th a : d 10th , Oma ha. BOG-daw-U , JIAO ' STER 01' rALMYSTERY AND CONDI- TI XALIST , 4t8 Tenth street , hctuoen Farnam and Ilauicy , Will , \\lth iheald of guardian silrit , obtain for anyone a gltnco i tapost and prciuinl , and on certain conditions l'i' fa- turu. Hoots and Shoes made to order , ci eei uatli faction iruaranteed. POWDER \ Absolutely Pure. Tkis powder never varies , A marvel purity , strength and wbolesomeneaa More economical than tbe ordinary kintli , cannot be Bold In comp UUon with tbe multitude of low teat , short weight , alum phosphate powderi , Bold only in cans' KorAL BAKIMO FOWDKB do , Wall St. , New York