Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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The Daily Bee ,
Saturday Morning Nov. 25.
By Cmttttr , . . . . - 20 cant * P * ' wet * .
87 M ll $10.00 per Year.
Offloo : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near
If. 0. OniFFIN , Manage ! .
H. W. TlbTON , City Editor.
J. Mueller's 1'alaco Muslo Hall.
Silk rolls only 81.K ) at IHIss' . n7 81
Ics wa < running In the river jester-
The Koyal Arcanum hail R pleasant
social lust evening.
Birthday , Holiday and Wedding Gifts ?
At H. E. Seaman's.
Dishes , glivwwaro , lamps , etc. , at 303
Broadway. Howe & . Son.
Subscribe for newspapers and jieriodl-
cals nt II , 1 Seaman's book utoro.
Furniture of Ml kinds repaired by
Howe & Bon , 303 Broadway
Large quantity of stoves * nd furni
ture at 303 Broadway. 1 lowe & Son.
Now lot nicely decorated , KG piece * , of
tta > nets , only 5 at Maurer & Crnlg.
The tickets for the Kellogg-Urignoll
concert sold lively jostcrday.
The bricklayer * bav e got fo far m the
nccond story of the ncwopcrn houne.
Hnnd.paintcd china , nrt oottcry , solid
silverware , bronycs , &c , at Maurer &
The outgoing train eastward this after
noon is over the U. U. & Q.
Gcorgo Glabley wai tha solitary drunk
to break the monotony of the police court
I'ertnltslon to commit tnntrlmcny wan
given yesterday to Prink IJarney nnd
Grace Thomas , both of Coimcl ) Bluirj.
The now meat market ot Shull k Mul
len , 709 South Main street , gucrantco best
of moatu and prompt attention ,
A fmo assortment of Boots nnd Shoox ,
sufficient to supply the demands of all , at
George Blaxlui's south Alain etrcct.
William Hanis nnd "nn unknown"
were arrested last evening for bolng both
drunk and disorderly , having bceu raising
n muss on lower Broadway.
The BOJH' band gave another of their
enjoyable parties last evening , the music
and the arrangements being all of nn en
joyable nature.
Cheap Railroad tickets to all points ,
Busbnell , fivodoors north of po.itolfioc , iclla
them. Entrance , Alain or I'carl ritroeta ,
Joseph Keller makes the Unoot Suits
in the latest styles , nt the lowest possible
prices. His merchant tailoring establish
ment is at 310 Upi'er Broadway , Council
Bluffs ,
There are still confidence men linger
ing about the city. They should be run in
as vagrant ? , without waiting to catch them
In any particular act of deviltry.
'Work ' on the Madison street bridge is
pushed along rapidly and well. The
veinent will cost moro than the city
at first thought , but It will bo per-
J. G. Lomen preaches at the
church , to-morrow evening , on
rarance in the Light of the I.ate
.okholT brothers received the sod
'day of the death of their other
try , which occurred in Califor- :
came just as they and their
in tbo midst of the festivities
iago of Louis BoekhofT.
r. Lockwood , who has been connect-
railway department at Mis-
Valioy , wiU on Monday move with
is family to this city and take up his per
manent 'residence here , he having ar
ranged to fit up rooms in f'mo shape near
Dohany'a ball , for the purpose of giving
electro baths. 5
John Mack , ot base ball fame , whs
< has n little cigar stand on Broadway , was
yesterday called before United States
Commissioner Key for an alleged violation
of the revenue law , Belling beer without n
license. Ho waived examination and gave
bail Cor his appearance at the next term
of the United States court.
The new M , K. church , nt Blanchard ,
is now nearly completed , and will be
J dLatod the lant Sunday In this month ,
November .20th. llev. P. F. Bresco , ol
Council Bluffs , will preach the dedication
sermon. Usv. 23 , is well known through
out the state as one of the most eloquent
pulpit orators > ln Iowa , and the congrega
tion are to bo congratulated upon securing
his presence on that occasion. State Liu
One of the most recherche social e\ent
of the season was the reception nlvcu Ion
evening by Mrs. CF. S. I'niey und Mr * . 1 >
W. Bushnell at tin residence of Gen. G
M. Dodge. It was n brilliant gathering ,
and the elaborate
arrangements were par
ried out most successfully , so that alt
eemed to ajoy the occasion tnoat heartily.
Yesterday forenoon , Constable 1'ox
created a little flurry by standing on the
corner of Uroadway and 1'earl streets nd
houttiijf at the top of olce. Some thought
fl wvi fire , but as there wan something
heard about revolvers aad guns , aej as
Fox started briskly down Pearl utreot , it
was judged by several that a sheading
scrape or a riot waa on Jiaod. The
tery was solved , and the secsatlon spoiled
on reaching Bowman , Itohrer & Go's ware
house , where FOE opened ac auction sale
of some guru and revolvers attached ou
some claim , dimply that dad nothing
You Cn Depend oixlit-
"For severe tooiliacne and neuralgia of
the head I used 'i'HOJUk. * llcti.vris.iu OIL.
This is certainly the best thing I e\er
knew for "relief of fain of any kind. The
house Isnevpr without it. " Mrs. A. M.
Frank , 177 West Tupptr street , Buffalo ,
.N. J- ,
Uacombor'tf Deotli.
A letter was received jciterdoy by
I. Heudricbi , of Hotler'a clothing
store , written by a fr/ond / of bii who
was an ey * witness to the suicide of
Wm. H. Macorabor at Miller , N b
Mocomber WM prnminotitly knoirp t' '
And h * incident * of the n D.
tnttoiml ending of hn c\rcer haa
caURed quite a > Hr among his many
acqURtntitnccB. It rippnors thnt ho
first killed R muti nainrd Wolfe , find
on heinr ; nrrostod for the murder put
a bullet through hii own head.
No ObnnRo In tbo Situation Uoro nn
PasaonRor Hotea.
There was a rumor here yesterday
that the Chicago , Milwaukee it St.
Paul llailway company , which has BO
far boon the only ono to cut on faros ,
would resume the old rates to Minne
apolis and St. Paul before sundown.
Up to last overling the oflico here had
received no such orders , however , nnd
hence thosituatlonremainsuncinnged ,
that company continuing to sell tick
ets from hero to St. Palil for 81 , the
route being ( iiulo a long ono , it being
by wixy of Sabula , Jancyvillo , Midi-
on ' , Win. , and so covdring n good
many.milcB for a hundred cento.
None of the other roach lending
from hero have shaved n cent BO far ,
and it is thought probable that they
will not.
The Chicago Times nays in regard
to the resuming of the rates front
Sioux Oity to Chicago :
The wi'stern railroad war continues
anabfttc'l , nnd but fdw now features
voro developed yesterday. The euv
in rates haa not yet extended to busi
ness weal bound from Chicago. It
was learned yesterday thnt thu Milwaukee -
waukeo & St. Paul had ronarned
rates from Sioux City to Ghicaeo ,
which on the divy before was $1,25.
It ia ( stated that tlio Milwaukee it St.
Paul , in issuing ito general ontarg to
out rates Monday morning , uninton-
tionallv included passenger ratt-a from
Siour Oily to Chicago. This elicited
a vigorous protest on thn part of the
Illinois Central , ami yesterday
the Milwaukee it St. Paul or
dered the SI".00 rate resumed.
Messrs. Ilughitt and Keep , of the
Northwestern , have gene lo Now
York , nnd it was reported that Alex
ander Mitchell , cf trio Milwaukee and
St. Paul , had also gene eaat , where it
is understood that the financial back'
ors of thoio two road a and the gentlemen -
men named will consider the situation
and determine whether the war shall
bo carried on or whether negotiations
in the intoroat of peace shall bo insti
tuted. Mr. Oablor of the Rock Island ,
states that , while stock-jobbers may
take advantage of the present railroad
complications to depress stocks , the
war , so far as the Hock Island is con
cerned , moans an irrevocable determi
nation to secure an equitable division
of the northwestern business , accord
ing to the Bock Island's viowp , which
ho alleges to bo one-third of the Min
neapolis and 'JO per cent of St. Paul
"GrnntltOat. "
Tlio above in nn old saw ns Ravage nn it
Is BcnsalcjH , You can't "grunt out" dys
pepsia , nor liver complaint , nor nervousness -
ness if they oncogi > t n ftood hold. They
don't remove tbemaplvoa in that way. The
taking a few doses of lluiinouic BLOOD
Uirrnus Is better than "grunting it out. "
What wo can euro lot's not eiiduro ,
Snoddorjy at Last C'allod Upon to
Serve file Sontonco.
TUG BEE has aovoral times called
Attention to the fact that Jim Snod-
dorly , who was fined $50 at last
B > ring's tbrm of the diatiiot court , for
ssaulting a boy , had neither paid his
no nor served his timo. Jim has ,
r some myotorious reason , been al <
wed to roam at largo , and oven when
eked up on aorno more * potty oflbnto
as boon lot looao again , with no rof-
ronco to this moro aorio'us olTcnao ,
ho other day n mittimus was issued ,
owovor , and Snoddprly was taken in
largo of by Sheriff Guittar and
ckod up to Borvo out the $50 fine
ho mittimus has boon a long time
oralng , but better late than never ,
ho aisault on the boy waa un out-
aupoua ono nud Snoddcrly got oil
asily with a $50 fine , and not to settle
lia was bringing contempt to the law
nd its execution.
Tens of thousands of dollars are cqxund-
red yearly on traveling quacks , who geom
om town to town proteasing to euro all
10 ills that our poor humanity is heir tn.
Vby will the public not learn common
ease , and if they are suffering from dys-
> cpjlaor liver complaint , Invest a dollar In
jfurxc BI.OSSOJI , sold by all druggliti and
mlorsod by the faculty. See testimoni
als. Price 50 cents , trial bottle 10 cents.
To the IMItorol Tun lint :
On the now tax books at the trcas-
uror'a oftioo , it appears there is levied
B18 640 for contingent fund for city
chool , in addition to what they have
on hand. This money is supposed to
bo ( or coal , chalk , window glass , putty ,
etc. , and the board were in the habit
heretofore to take part of it to pay for
Insurance an their buildiugv. They
have just discovered they can't do
this , and now the question arises ,
What do they want of n'1 ' that money ?
It amounts to over § lM)0 , ) a year , for
each of the twelve builcingv , or $1
500 a month for fuel , etc. , ou all.LB.
Given Away.
We cannot belt ) noticing the liberal oiler
made to all Invalids and sutfurera by Lr. )
King's New Discovery for t ousuinntion ,
You nra rcquwtttl to call at C. V. Good ,
man's Drug Store , and ret a Trial Hottle
fr < e / coir , If you are suffering with Cou.
Humptlon , Severe Coughs , Colds , Arthina ,
Hroucbltu , Hay Fever , Lota of Voice ,
Hoanieuegs , or any affection of the Tbroat
or Lunee. It will oosltively cure yuu ,
Loaa to tlio Parts' .
The oourso of The Nonpareil duriug
tiu recent campaign has greatly in.
jucsd the influence of that paper ,
Thin U not only a lost to its proprie
tors , but is a serious loss to the ropub.
licau party of thin district. That paper -
per hai in past years wielded a no
inconsiderable influence in this part
of the pUtc , but the hold it has hod
upon the public mind is broken , aud
wnon the party in the future shall
need auistatuo The Nonpareil will bo
found powerless for good , This
gives the democratic party a great
udvxntape which It has never before
enjoyed in this district , and seems
to u from a republican standpoint to
ba ( the moat ntrioui result of the cam
paitn. It will rtq lire years for that
paper to regain the prestige and power
it has so luthlefMy thrown awey , but
it is to bo hoped lor the interest of
the party , if lor no other reason , that
Its future courto will ba such that it
may regain the ground it has lost. We
foil to understand how the managers
of that paper could hnvo been so un-
wieo an to attempt to secure the elec
tion of their candidate by sacrificing
thomselvoi on the altar of public opin
Horaford'n Aold Phoaphnto
Dn. 11. X D. PAHKEU , Chicago ,
says : "I have thoroughly tested it in
nervous disoatos , ayspupsia nnd gen
eral debility , and In every case could
nee great benefit from its uso. "
W. JI. McCrew , of Indianapolis , is in
the city.
.T. .f. Jackson , of Philadelphia , U at the
.1 , h. Winehlp nndjwlfe , of Chicago , are
in the city.
H. C. Hemcnwiiy , of K.n < asCity , was
at llie Ofjden yesterday.
( J. M. Wftshnura , who , la connected
with licbbingtou's lumber yard , boa gntia
to Ohio , to visit friends there ,
K. r. Champ , of Kockfo.-d , 111 , , ii in the
city Suiting bti brother , Ouo , II. Champ ,
of KlmlmllClinmp , the real cntalo firm.C
It , Thompson , editor of the Hastings ,
Neb. , Democrat , and who was formerly
connected with Too Olobo of this city ,
paid lih leep-clH to bis Council Ulufls
friondo yebtenlay.
Brief Mention.
"I have u til UUHDOCK Di.oon UITTKHS
with fcrout licncflt for indigestion and con-
Htlpnltou of the bowels. " C , 1j. Katton ,
Hamilton , Ont ,
* "A Catholic church is being built ft
Spirit Lake. ,
A steam hay prcrs at Emmetaburg h
balling 30 tons dolly.
The ground was fro/.eu fi ur Inches deep
at Atlantio lost week.
The contract price of Mm opera bouse to
be built nt LoMarn is $27,000.
The new machinery being put into the
Dea Molnc * wntsrworka coit $05,000.
The Fort Dodge packing houne ex
pects to bo ready for bujhuas on Decem
ber 10.
The conl mines at Angus , Boone
county , are now taking out over 1,000
tons daily.
John Gray , of Jefferson , has an orch
ard which produced 800 bushels of npples
till * year.
Hsthervllle haa won back the coun
ty Heat of Kmmctt county by a majority
of 105.
Steps nro bcin ? taken looking to the in
troduction of the Jlmsh electric light In
The commlssionpra hope to have the now
capital roadv l > y the time- the legislature
meets In 188 i.
The delinquent taxex of Des Moinea nud
1'ollc county for the past five years foot up
over 880,000.
Uno thousand head of cattle will be fed
at the Mureli.alltown glucoao works the
coming winter.
Page county decided by a handsome ma
jority to bnild n § 76,000 fire proof court
house at Clarinda.
The Northwestern Loan and Trust com
pany has been formed at Ale-inn , with n
capital of $50.000.
A new building is to be added to tbo in
stitution for the feeble-minded
- at Glen-
oed at a cost of $ 25,000 ,
The ninth annual meeting of the Iowa
tute Improved block Breeders' asaocla-
ion will be held at Atlantio December 12 ,
j 3 and 14.
Greene county , on a total valuation of
this year , nays S122.7GJ.Gl in
of which SM.DOl fit are for school
No trace can bo found of Babbitt , tbo
ian who is supposed to have loaded the
masher pipes in the DCS Moines distillery
ith dynamite.
Two men with S 10,000 offer to start a
acklnghouso at Boonsboro , If they bo do-
lated ten acres of ground and cab secure
ater in mfliclent quantities.
Up to tho2lsttbo Marahalltowncanning
vorks bad shipped iorty-live cars of this
leason's production , and will continue to
icnd out two cars u day un to December
[ 0 , by which time the Roods will all have
jcen placed on the market.
The Dubuque Times says the now oat-
neal mills in that place uro turning out
xtrn good tros ) , and will soon run day
and night ; that the Novelty Iron works
have put in a mammoth iron planer Welch-
log fifteen ton * , and that electric llfhtx
have been ordered for tbo establishment ;
hat the liraps works have added a building
, o tbelr works 40x120 feet in size , contain
ing six blant furnaces ; that the Farley k
Loesctier Manufacturing company nave
added $10,000 worth of improvements this
year ; that the paper-box factory has
added nix now machines and is still crowded
with work ; and that the linseed nll-mills
shipped Ave car-loads of oil cake toKurope
list week.
The exact losi of the Prnston bank by
tbo recent robbery was $0,800. Tiie bank
is paylag all demands agabut It and offers
$500 reward for thn arrest < f the burglarr ,
tn which the sheriff uf Jackson county has
add > d 300. The details of tbe robbery
Aie thus told by the Msquoketa Excelsior
oftbelBth : "The jo of opening tbe Bute
was done in a scientific innnner by a pro *
foisloml crackiman The safe was u so-
called burglar nroof. m de of alternate
layers of chilled steel and soft Iron , impos
sible to dilll through or to break by heavy
blows. It wi * indexed in a vault of solid
masonry on three sides and at the top and
bottom. Tbo fourth side wan guarded by
two heavy iron doom , which apparently
offered but little realitance to the
burglars , The safe was not cal
culated to be fire proof , the vault
being depended on for protection against
lire , and when the door was shut a small
crack was left nr < und It. This crack the
burglars filled with putty , rxceot slight
spaces above and below , TJ the upper
opening an air pump was applied and the
ar inside exhausted. A suction WM thus
created which drew In an eiploehe with
which the lower opening was fed. A tre
mendous chtrge , of fine powder probably ,
was drawn Inside , which was exploded
with terrific force , The door WAS blown
clean off , the safe completely wrecked , a
four-ton stone lying on top broken in
pieces , and the concussion carried out the
front of the building , some twenty feet
away. Tbe glass was broken from the
time-lock , but the faithful chronometer
wn still running In the morning aud con
tinued until it ran down. "
Baby' * Appeal.
"What makes I cry and folkn say I *
naughty1 ?
Ouiso stomach nche , and tour in my
mouffy ;
, can't sleep , nud worms bites ze
belly ;
"Fever , " z * say , feel like I WM jelly.
Queen your babies bries , Dick and Vic
toria ,
When ummina'd gone , and don't La > eCAH-
Tom A ,
"You're right , they fairly yell , " There ,
Uncle Oy ;
Cousin Frank ha\e OABTOUIA , be don't cry.
Depart. ArrUc.
Atlantic Kxt. .5 SO p m I Padfle Kit W a m
Kx ana Mall * .OSH n tn Kx an < l Mall * G i p tn
V. ilolncs ac'.7.1Bam , | DesJIoIncsac'-IUOpin
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Kxt. . 630pm I Pacinc KxJ . . .n.-SOam
Mali and Kx' . . 0:20 : am Mall ami Kx,7.-00pm
N. Y. Kx 4 00 pin | Neb & KM Kx..8.20 a m
Depart. Arrho.
Atlantio Kx . . .Bir : pra Padflc F.xt..D.15am
Mall and Kx.020am Mali and Kx.CI5ptn :
Accom. ( Sit.5 > 0 p m Aecoin. ( Mon.l:45pm :
Depart. ArrUe.
Mall and KX..OJU n m I RxpreM. .
U > prc 0:10 : p m | Mall and Ex. . 0'45 pm
U.NIOI rAcinc.
Depart. Arrive.
0 > crland Kx.ll oa. m. Overland Kx,4 00 p. m.
Mncoln Ex..11:30 : a. m. DcmcrKx..8 00 a. m ,
Denver Kx..7.00 p. in. Ix > c l Kx CiWo , m.
( xxnl Kx 7:25 : a. m. " Kx 0X > a. m.
" Kx r-oOa. m.
Depart. ArrUc.
Mall and Kx. . 0:45 : n m I Mall and Kx. . 4 0 p m
Cannon IHH. . 4W : p m | Cannon Vail. . 11:03 : a m
- . .art. Arrive.
For Sioux Glty.T&'S ' a m Frni filoux 0'
For KortNloljrara. Frm Fott Nlobrara ,
Nth' . . . . . . .7:55am Net ) "G opm
For St. Paul..7:10pra : From fet. raul..8JX ) a in
Ixj.a\oCouncil lllulTn. ArrhwC" " - .
Mull Mid Kx. . < 0.-20ain I Mall and r.x.'G:55pm :
Allnntlo Kx. ' | 5I5 : p In | Atlantic tx. . { 8.10 a tn
IASI\CTOmaha. Arrlics at Omaha.
.Mall nnd Kx , * 7ll : > am 11'ncino Kmiillnni
Atlantic K.10110 p in | .Mall nnd IX ' 7-ia p in
KxccptSundajs. tKxccptSaturdajs. JKxccpt
Mondajs. JDallj.
Council Dluli ! ) Se Omaha Street R. R.
IAM e Council HIuHs. I ave Omaha.
fl a m , ! l a in , 10 a tn , 8 a in , 9 a in , 10 a m ,
n a inl in2 11 m,3 pin 11 a m , Ijim , 2pm , 3p
ln , 4 p in , C p in , C p in. in , 4 p in , C p in , G p in
Street cnre run halt hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sundaytho cars bcirln their trips nt
0at clock n , in , , nml run nvu any ilurlng the day
at 0,11,2 1,5 and G o'clock , and run to city time.
- - - - - - - - -
As It Is for all the palnfnl dliCMca of the
- It clMMcs the oystcm of tlio acrid poison
thAt causes the dreadful tuffcrlne 1111611
only the vlcUma of rheumatism canroallio.
of the worat forms of this tcrrtblo dlse se
have been , quickly relieved , and In short
rnirHi.nquncrimY , SOLDI/imtcctsTR.
f H Dry c n be sent by mall , . _
TV J.LT.S. lilCltAUDHON A CO. , Hurlington.Yi
Dr , Meaglior.ziOoulist , Aurisfc ,
n Chronic dlfeases , oilers his services to all of
; lctcd with diseases of tht Ejo , Ear , crCbronlc
Uosses ot nhy chuncter. Wumnts a cure In
1 Kheumaila ollcctluiis Can lie consnlteil I y
mall or In ncMon nt tuo Metropolitan hotel ,
ouncil UIulTs ,
Sulivan & litzgerald
Orookery , Glassware ,
Also agents lor the following linen ol
Steamship Companies :
nnard , Anchor , Gulon , American , and 8ta > <
Steamship Companies.
For tale on the Koyal Bank of Ireland and Bank
if Ireland , Dublin. Those wi o Intend to send (01
rlcnda to any part of Europe will find It to thelj
itercet to call on
Sullivan & Fitzgerald ,
843 Broadway , Council Bln %
MES fl. J. fflLTON M D.
, . . , , . ,
222 Broadwitv CoanolllBlnff * .
Fresh and Salt Meats ,
Poultry and Game in their season. Wiene
and other Sausages a specialty.
The most central ! r located hotel In the city
Rooms 76c , 81.00 , tl. round { 2.00 per day.
First Class Restaursnt connected with th
'HtTRST. - i Prop.
Corner Fourth and Locust Streets.
In golQZ E * | tike tbt
DMcago&Mliwest' '
'tralnt leave Ouiana 8:40 : n. m , and 7:40 : a. m
for lull Information call on A. P. DKUEt , , Tlcke
Agent. 14th ami Faruam [ . , J. BELL , U. P
lUllway Depot , oral JAMRvr.
Samuel C , Davis & Co ,
Wofibington Avo. and Tilth St
The Intrinsic merit and superior quality of on
Gold Hope Tobacco has Induced other mannfao-
turers to put upon the maiket roods similar t
our , brand In name and etjlu which are oflere
and iold ( or lues uiocey than the uenulne Qol
Rope. W caution the t ade and oonsnmer to e
thai our name and trade mark are upon eac
lump. The otily genuine and orMual Qold Bop
Tobacco U manufactured by
"WINE Or CARDUIjnolccs toil
* , : * U and clear u > ; uplexIoD * > -
NOTIOB. bpeclal advertisements , ROC
toW , Found , To Lo n , For Sale , To Kent ,
Wants , Boarding , etc. , will lie Inserted In thli
column at the ow rate ol TEX CENTS PER
IKK for the flnt Insertion and FIVE CENTS
'ER LINK for each subsequent Insertion.
ie vs adv at our office , Mo. 7
'carl Street , near llroadwty.
I ANTED A position a * cook by an experi
enced hunt ) .
TtT AXTKI ) . Itrooin-makcr ; a No. 1 broom tier
VV wanted Immediately. Apply or roll on
opnon llrooin Co. , Mahcrn , In.
WANTKD A position to do central \\rltlnjr
a j oung man w ell rccnmnicndc < l , and jroou
icnnnn Inquire at the olllro ol John I.lndt , at-
rncy at law , otlieo on llrandnay.
WANTKD- the AVcitem Home , a cook ;
ono who undcrttands the lm lnt sj nouo
her nttil npplj ,
Tl f ANTKK fiCO buildings tn mo\ . We make
YV atpctttlty of ma\l it IIOMICS and satcil
ddrcss w. f. Ajlosnortn , box 89 , Conncll
Hulls , la.
TrANTKD Everybody In Council llluBs Ic
rV to takn Tun UBK , 20 cent ] per wick , do
verod by carriers Office , No 7 Pearl Street
oar Broadway.
For Sale and Rent.
51011 liKNT Oil SAM , Ten urns o Und ,
* KO.'dhoti'o , ono room and kitchen bl.\k-
mtthihop , stable room for MX horns , R3od
ell , ROCUcellar an 1 on * hnndiul an4 twenty
a nijf Imlt ire s. Nor Cony creek , ntnut
> o tnlici ot Council lilullj. n > | ulro on iha
remise ] ot A. Miller or aJdicslhltu at Ccuncil
roil HUNT. Furnished roomNo. CCO Sauth
! Main ttrect. With Of without b-arJ.
7\OK \ KAI.n The Western 1 Iou c. Xo. 30S Up-
* pec llro.adun } ; or will tnulo lor Improicil
Itj or ( ami proputj : or will sill furniture nnd
int building ; icason , 111 hcnlth. Aildrc i J. 8.
/ . McOtLltiTl-R , f < 08 Upper Hixrulwo } , Council
luffs , Jovn.
7KJII HALE A lumbar ami coal jard , dolne n
; goal buslncflH In a new town , oj the Clil-
ajo , ftiilwauKociVSr , 1'mil railroad.
J\OIl \ linXT My new tuo story brlil ; store
J building , on South Main street.
FOH SAI.K My twc'.xc-acre ( rult farm , on
South Klr < tstreet. I'CTKU WK1S
IT1OH bALb llea'itiful residence lots , $ CO
[ } each ; uothliie down , and $3p'nronth only ,
ap3-tf !
[ " C8T On Tliurrd y cvaclnp , a p'dretboo *
U con'a'nlrjfr about $10. A repaid lor Its re
urn. Address "L" Uco office.
rCSTORSTUAYHD A light bay hcrae. bold
1 face and lob tall , both hind feet whl > ,
l s beincut on the b east and about the cjo
with awiro fcnro. Ho will bo four cars old In
ho ( price , lie been gene about four months.
Address V m Blum , Council L'lulT * .
QT1LL AHEAD Great success. Call and see
J new accessories and upcclmcns ot pictures
atenbv the reliable gelatine bromide process ) ,
at the Excelsior Gallery 1 OflMaln street
DU. W. I * . FA1TON 1'Ayslclan and Ocullot.
Can cure any case of eoro oyon. It Is only
i matter of time , and can cure generally In
rom three tc flvo nceKs It makcii nr differ
ence how long diseased. Will straighten crops
oycs , operate and remove Ptyreglnnm , etc. , and
nacrt artificial ejca Special attention to re-
movelne tadonorros ap5-tf
Council Bluffs'
Business Directory ,
Art Qallery.
Excelsior photograph gallery , South Main St.
natantancous process.
C. GEISE , Upper Broaduay.
Bottllnc Works.
D. HAGG & CO , Eoet Pierce St.
P. AVERS , 017 S. Main St.
Bathing Houses.
. E. J. HAIIDING , M. D. , Broadwuy and
Olenn avo.
DR. 8TUDLEY , Bethcsila Bathing House
Books and Stationery.
H. E. SEAMAN , Middle Broad oy.
OFFICER & PUSEY , corner Broadway and Bth
CITIZENS' BANK , Bth street.
Broom Factory.
MAYNE& CO. , a\cnuo A , and Gth St.
Cigar Manufacturers.
TEMPI/ETON & LAMB. 232 Broadway.
F. 11. LEVIN , 308 Broadway.
L. BOEKIIOFF , 531 Main St
A. H. MAYNE & CO. , 34 Pearl St.
J. ROSS , C15 East Broadnay.
SINTON & WEST , 14 Pearl St.
Dry Goods
HAUKNESS , OllCUTT & CO. , Broadnay am
4th street.
Eggs Shipper.
0. F. CRAWrOltD. B19 Main St.
Furniture Manufactory ,
E. K. STEINHILBEU , cor. 7th ave and 12th St
Furniture Store.
0. A. nEKCE & CO. , 207 and 203 Broadttay.
Groceries and Provisions.
BULIVAN & FlTZQEItALP , 343 Broadtt-ay.
OLLIVER & OHAHA5I , Bth street. Good
sold at eastern prices and tfiiarantccd.
Harness and Saddlery.
CIIAS. WALTER & liltO. , Middle Broadnay
Oil AS. BEKMAN.33t Middle Broadway.
Hair Goods ,
MRS. D. A. BENEDICT. 337 West Broadway
MRS , J. J. GOOD , i"J 5th BtreU.
Livery Stables.
A. COMPTON. 230 Broadway.
W. O. HOLLAND , 700 boilth Main St
II. BKhCUOFT , opp. I' . 0.
OODEN HOUSE. Upper Broadway ,
KIEL'S HOTEL , 601 and 607 Main street.
Meat Market.
E. W. TICKNOH , 630 Broadway ,
J. J. BLISS , 328 Broadway. Come and exam
MRS. J. E. METCALF , 618 Broadvray.
Marble and Qranlte Works.
CONNOR & GUANELLA , 117 Broadwuy.
Merchant Tailors.
JAS. FRANEY , 372 Brondnay.
CIIAS. RICE , Dot oft bulldlnir , Bth and Main
JOS REITEIl , 310 Broadway
Real Estate and Abstract.
KIMBALL k CHAMP , opposite court house.
J. W. bQUlltK 4. CO. . corner I'carl and 1st a > e
SMITH ft MeCUEN101 Broadway.
Stoves and Tinware.
R. D. AMY & CO. , 600 South Malnjtrcit.
Shirt Factory.
F. F. FORD , corner Blufl and Willow St.
MORGAN , KELLE11 Ss CO. , 318 and 31T Broad
"a " M. CONNELI- North Main St.
14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
Kitractlnisand tWeg a tpicUltjFlntclu
cork uarantecil.
Broadway , and fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
IF Headquarters For the Cele
Pt < fji yn f el
I d II O Dp
Toys and Fancy Goods
Wholesale and Retail. '
.A. Address ,
.A.O I
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and Mm greets , Conncil Bluffs.
Orders filled In any part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
We make tbe following a specialty :
JSTMail orders and correspondence promptly attended to. Office end
S. E. Cor. 7th Ave. nnd 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS ,
The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden nnd met olio W
Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or pnl
Our Mr. Morgan baa served as undertaker for forty years and thoroughly nnderstan
hisbusineBS. WA11EROOMS , 340 AND 357 BROADWAY. Upbolsterin ? '
all its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying nnd lambrequins. Tele
graphic and mall orders filled without delay.
.C 13 ,
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Beer and malt In any quanl ttyllo suit purchasers. Beer $8.00 per barrel. Prh ate families sup.
plica "Itli Bin ll kcgj at jl.CO cacl' , oelKcred ( reeof charge to any part of the city.
Wholesale Dealer In nnd SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the sountry elicited
City orders to families and dealers delivered free.
BKKBE , W. BUNYAN , . . _ . W. BKEBR
C. A. BEEBE & CO. ,
Wholesale and lletall Dealers In
Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailor
Al aj s t - " " " nn hand the finest qMortmcnt ol material for gentlemen's wear. Satisfaction imarmUsd
Millinery , DrosamaHlntr , Etc. Cutting and Fitting a Spedlalty.
No. 613 Broadway , Oppottte ReTere IIouso.
Laces , Embroideries , Jind Ladies Underwear.
Handkerchiefs , boee oi all KlnJo , thread , pint , needles , etc. We hope the ladlei will call
and see our stock of troodj.
Merchant Tailor.
( Late Cutter for Metcali 11 . , )
Devol's New Building , Main Stneet.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Suitstporder $18 and upwards.
( Successors to J. P. & J , H. Caisady. )
Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
We haier he only complete e of abitracl books to all city lots and lands In PottawaUml
county. Titles examined and abstraclifuroUhed on short notice. Money to loan on city and larm
, taw Ke l esti. bought and Mid Offlc. li
at the ol flriwslte eo lit