Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1882, Image 1

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    " 8 ,
The Agricultural Bureau Rou
te an Acconnt of tlio
Year's ' Work ,
The Industries of the Oonntrj
Finally Fiuurad Out by
tbo Census Buranu.
New York Leads in WoaUl
nnd Number , With Pan -
A Monitor Ccznpnis ? Organized tr.
Want Katoln
Noted Won Land TKelr Nurnea tc
Facilitate the Sale of Stock.
SpttUl DIsratchcs to Tim Bun.
WASHINGTON , Novombar 23 Tht
special canaua bullelia just IKDIU
contains a table of atatiaticj coninilnc
from the census ralurna of 1880 ro
latiin ? to all manufacturing industriet
except gaa in each of the fitatea am
tcrittorioD. This xsblo aho < va thai
thcro were in the Unitad Stale 3 263 , <
840 establishments employing 2,025-
270 males above 1C year.i of aie , 531-
753 females above the ago of 15 auc
18 , 1,918 children and youth ; 2,700 ,
223,500 capital wan invented ; value oi
materials used amounted to $3,394 ,
340 029 ; v.ilu3 of manufactured pro' '
duo's amounted to $5 309,007.700 , MK
the to al amount paid in wugt-s d'triau
the year was $947,919.074 No Y.uli
Htito takoa the load in nuinbf r of c
tibliabmenti , etc. , with 42.739 catab
ILihmonta : Ponuavlv.iniaucond , vrttl :
George B. Loring , commissioner o
agriculture , aubmitted hia annu 1 report
port to the president. The otatisticA
divinion oatimalea nro ai follows fo :
1882 : Corn , 1,635,000,000 bushels
wheat , 410,000,000 ; oats , 470,000,000
barley , 45.000,000 ; rye , 20,000,000
buckwheat , 12,000,000 IIo then de
votcn considerable space to the cubjoc
of sugar from sorghum.
Two slteB , both tu Colorado , havi
boon selected for artesian wellu. It
the forestry division , increased acliv
ity has been shown. A ppccUl ngen
haa been appointed to collect inforraa
tion west of the Mississippi.
In deciding the cage of Sipchon v.i
Rosa , the interior department haa lieli
that public land which has been re
ducad in prlco to 81 25 muat bo cll'jr
ed at public auction at that rate bo
f ere being open to pra omption.
valuable iron landa in Michi
the granted limltn of the Mr.rqnott
end of the State Line railroad am
joint limits of that rnad and the On
tonagou & State Line road , upoi
which a number of pre-emption entrie
had boon made before the land wa
offered at reduced rates. It not
appears the decision gave rise to mud
alarm anio'ig settlers in those eectiona
of which r peculators were quick t <
avail themselves. Upon tboso repre
sentations and in conoidcration of lh <
fact that a bill is pending before con
gresa to rectify the defect in these entries
trios , the secretary of the interior ha ,
directed the camniiBsionor of the general
oral land oflico to suspend action ii
all cases similar to that of Sipchon va
Roaa and properly notify the receiver
and registers.
Some time a o thocontrac ; bjtweei
the secretary of the interior on on
part and Messrs. H. F. D inglas , o
Fort fates , D. T. ; and 0. T. Hobart
of Fdrgo , division superintendent o
of the Northern Pacific railroad , 01
the other part , for the erection o
hotels and providing other acconnno
dationa ana facilities for visitors t <
\lellowatono park , was publiahod ii
theeo diapatchea. Under thla C9iitrao
the parties of the second part hav
proceeded to organiza a joint etoc'
company , and for this purpose , wit !
other parties interested in the enter
prise , held protracted sessions in Chi
case some time ago nnd selected ai
executive committee and in part ap
pointed a board of directors. Thi
board will consist of many of the moa
noted capitaliata and business moi
and politicians of the country. It i
not yet quite complete , two or thre
other prominent gentlemen who hav
boon solicited not having yet eignlflix
a willingness to accept directorship
In the association. The followinj
named gentlemen have already beei
determined upon us directors : 0 , A
Roberta , Farce , Dik. ; H. F. Douglas
Ft Yates , DA , merchant ; Reese
Conkling , Now York ; A. J. Vander
pool , Novr York ; Rufaa Halch , Nev
York ; Gen. J. A. Williamson , Boston
agent of the Atlantic & Pacific tall
road ; J. B. Lyon , Chicago ; Cairo !
T. liobert , Far o , Dik. , divUioi
superintendent cf the Northern Pd
oific railroad ; H. J. Hastings , Nev
York , editor of The Commercial Ad
vertlBorj Hon. Jhn U. K-ood , No >
of the court o
York , judge supreme
Now York. .
Mr. Hobart , of Fargo , has booi
elected vice president , mid will U
superintendent of the branch of th
Northern Pacific in process of o.i
struotion from Livingston t J the 1 * -
and will have general supervision o
auocu'ion. C *
theaffira of the
work on tu
hundred men are now at
branch line and twenty-five men ar
out timber f. .
in the Park getting
hotel buildibfia. It la expected tha
everything will be ready for the ac
comrnodation of visitors by the 1st c
Juno next. Mr. Hobart ia now her
for the purpose of locating lands o
which hot'ole are to be erected an
obtaining lease from the government
As soon as thia' ia done $500,000 , whic
Mr. Hatch has promised to advanci
will bo forthcoming. The munagai
will have another meeting in Ne
York on the 3d of December , who
' / f'7l complete their organization
Jii * . _ JQ lit of ttm cnterpriao wil
30 prott-w _ " f park from vandaltsn
which , if allowed to continue , would
1 ia oald , in a few years entirely deprive
privo it of ita attraction r.o a phce o
imtional interest. Tt i caid ihut dur
ing the encampment i.f Gen. Shcridun'
roops in the patk thn worat sprcics o
vandalism were ccmmitted by th
soldiers and over 15,000 auroa nt titu
bor hind were hud \vaito by hu.
Tirnl of Public Llfo-
Special Li < p tch to Tin linn.
WASUINOTOX , November 23. Soco
Robcaon'a friends aay ho has made ui
Ills mind to retire trom public lit
iftcr thu cloa J rf hia present term
The chief reason given is that eve
since ho was secretary of the navy In
lias boon the target for searching crit
Iciam both iu the halls of ccngretaam
In the netrtpipor * , including those o
his own party. Ho fait heavily th
ohnrgo that ho entered public lifo pee
and is now very rich. Pictures of hi
residence In Washington were chcu
iatod fi-om Oatndou to Capo May
Eloboiiou Bjvya lii houao haa no
irAo'.icully coat him a penny
When ho came t , " > Washington fiixtooi
yoara ego ho bought n large -tract eland
land ou Maosachuaotts avenue. H
told it piece by piecn at incroaooi
trices , two parcela going to Senator
DJU Camsrori and Pondloton. Th
money thus obtained ho says wn
,11010 , than Bufilsiont to pay for th
iouso which will cost in reality bu
$28,000 and not SC5.000 na hi
nfmics have alleged. IIo has nova
.icou abUj to satisfactorily explain ai
: ho detail. ! of Ma connection with th
uouitor joba so called and over nine
lie was secretary of the navy it ha
been , taken for granted that ovorj
thing ho has done m a pnblio office
was done corruptly.
Thn T > ncl Joiirnalijt.
Special nUpatch to TUB UKR.
Nuw YCUK , November 23 Th
remmtm of 'i'hnrlow Wood will Ho i
itatt : at Aibnuy. The pill boaroro ac
[ ootcd are Gen. James Wutaon Wobl
ax-Govornoru Fiah and Morgan--T.
Seward , Charles O'Connor , John H
Van Antwerp , Alfred Vansanforc
John McKeon , Isaac Boll and Gor
Jf.mca Bowon.
Dcntruotlvo Fire >
Special Dispatch to Tun IBU. !
MINNEAPOLIH , Minn. , November 21
A lire at Morris , Minn. , thia morr
ing doitroyed the general stores c
Good & Brisban , Liraon & Nolsoc
Masonic hall , furniture store of Goo
& Brisban and several smaller sv.ruc
tures. The Monii Tribune newspaper
per occupied the second story of on
of the burned buildinpa and was de
stroyed. Total lose , $54 000 ; iuaut
ance , 819,500
PIULAUELPUIA , November 23. Th
fourth and fifth floors of Arrott's tw
milli , occupied by Clark & Keor
woolen manufacturers , Priestly i
Bro. , manuficturora of dreaa goodi
c.nd Wodlpy. jSs Totlow. cotton yai _
A7ahafciiijersliifttkod : out. " ' "Loci
§ 150,000.
Notice of Kcduotlon-
Special Dispatch to TIIK UKK. '
SCHANTON , Pa. , November 23. N (
tices are poitad in the stool mills of
roduotion of wages December Is
The reduction is made to keep tl
mills running through the winter ,
m m f - -
A. Challenge to Billiard * .
Special Dispatch to Tin ? BKB.
CHICAGO , November 23 , Eugor
Carter issues a challenge to any ma
iu the United Stated except Sextoi
Schaefer and Slosson for a game :
any style of legitimate billiards f <
$500 a side , '
Kunsno XVlnsnt nnd Frittt-
.Special Dispatch to TIIK UEK ,
TorBKA , November 23. The rope ;
of fifty of the principal wheat-grown ;
district. * in thia state nhows that fa
seeding f jr wheat will not fall abort <
1881. The condition of the plat
compatea favorably with that of fo
nvjr years. The fruit crop this yet
is one of the largest over gathered an
places Kansas among the loading fru
growing ataten of the union.
Robblnu tlio Mails-
Special Dlnputch to Tui BHH.
DKNVJiu.November 23. That mai
between Denver and eastern citioi
particularly Now York , Cleveland on
Butt'Alo , are being systematically rot
bed , there ia no doubt. Now Yor
and eastern mail which Inft Donvc
December 29 , 1881 , never reached il
destination , and ninco that time IOJDC
are almost cotiatantly being roportec
Postal authorities claim to have tin
fur been so Rucccasful aa to locate th
trouble east of the Missouri river , hi
otill the robberies o on.
iy Bllln-
Special Dispatch to Tin : liKK.
CHIUAOO , November 23. The ej
ocuttve committee of the Western o
portaVaociation , tocethor with reprc
oontatiVa of tha Kentucky diatillei
association met here in secret eoaaio
thta afternoon , and discussed the wa ;
and means to socnro passage at th
coming session of congress of th
pendina bill to extend the bondc
period on whisky from throe years t
to five years It was decided to Hem
Dr. Ku ! iof | thia city to Washington t
the opening of the seasion to urge it
passage. _
Stanford' * Fait Homos-
Special Dispatch to TUB U .
NEW YOUR , November 23. Th
Turf , Field and Farm says ox-Gov
Leland Stanford is now in the cit >
and on Wednesday visited Gentlemen' '
driving park and uaw flinda Ros
and Wildfbwer work. The traok wa
rough and far from elastic , but th
two-year old trotted half a mile ii
1'IOJ and the three year old wont th
same distance in 1:08 J. Ho haa mad
up hia mind to ship his stable back t
California , but ho would like to so
Wildlbwor with the western brei
three-olds before giving positive 01
ders to Marvin. He authorizes ua t
eay that if a race can bo arranged wit
Eva Alloy , Algatha , or any other three
year-old , he will keep hia atablo her
two weeks longer and start Wile
flower in it.lie makes no offer c
Hinda Rose , because there la no tw (
j oar-old this nido of the Allcghonira
; apablo of trotting with her. II
there ia no dltpaaitton manifested tn
moot Wildflower , tha two and _ three-
Vcar-ulds will c 'lurncnco the jounioy
to the Pncilio co' 3t m xt week , where
they will bo tn.Hcd nginst timp , pro
vided they are not weakened by tlir
long ride , and if wcathir nnd t o\
are favorablo. Jlolhinka HlndaRoac
can beat 2:21 : , r.iul ho looks for Wild-
( bworUbflfvt tlu three year-old 102-
ord. Governor Saaiford informs UE
that ho has r.omo very promising year-
lingo and two-year-olds at Palo Alto ,
which will como cast next summei
and trot In the stakes nt Lexington
and Now York. The governor will
rcsldo in the city during the comiuj
Munufacturinf ? Notorloty for Kolfor
Uo Uuloato Hum.
Special Dispatch toTim llr.r.
CiiiOAao , November 23. Tholutpr-
Ocean will publish an interview witl :
Thou. M , Niohol in regard to th (
statement published in The Cincinnati
Enquirer that the democrats in con
gress had laid n plan to oust Speakei
Keifcr from the chair uf the house ol
representatives last winter. Niche
pays ho fully believes there in norm
foundation torthoutory ; that ho hearc
it before the proiont story appeared ,
Ho know of it within n day or tw :
after. It happened that hu naked Gun
Keifer about it. Koifor gave no do
toils but did not deny then
were grounds for the raportj tha'
Kolfor managed the thinj
discreetly and by Baying nothing die
not stir up bad blood : that ho cout fo
a prominent democrat , told him A vim
ho knew of the plan mid convinced
him it would not snccaod , nnd hac
htm advise his uonfrorca to drop it
Niohol says it waa at tlio time whet
the dcmncrata wore making dilator ]
motioiw .ii'id the republicans won
about to introduce an amendment t <
the IIOUBO rules to overcome the difli
culty , and the democrats fcarei
Koifer would recognize- the motion t <
amend rather than a dilatory motion
that in such case hu waa to bo takei
from the chair by force , and men wen
picked to do it. Nichol docs no
think Blackburn or Kenna won
prominent in it.
The iJabar'CongrcKO-
Special Dispatch to TIIK BKB.
CLEVELAND , November 23 Th
labor congress this forenoon adopted i
icsolutiou condemning the Pacifi
mills and Lawrence & Harmony mill
at Cohoes for forcing a lockout by
reduction of wages , alleged to bo up
nocuaaary and oppioisivo. The logic
lativo committee was instructed . ti
urao the incorporation of trade
unions. Tenement houco cigar mak
ing was denounced in the discussion
It WAO voted to meet In New Yorl
next August. It was voted to adrni
ber per annum.
A memorial was received from th
Women's National Libor union , pc
tltioning for a represontatiou. Afte
discussion on the nature of the inquir
whether the petitioners are actually ii
the interest of labor , it waa voted t
admit all bona fide trades unions o
A resolution was adopted to admi
representatives from the district or
ganization of the Knights of Labo
on the same baaia ns the trades ussotn
blica. Two delegates declined to vote
A resolution was adopted to oncpur
age the formation of Btato federation
to influence legislation ,
A committee was appointed to obtaii
legal advice as to the constitutional ;
of the Miller Chinese bill , eorno pro
viaions of which have been act aaid
by the California courts , and the committee
mittoo waa instructed if the act wa
pronounced constitutional , to have i
enforced ; if unconstitutional , to scour
the paaaago of an amendment rectify
ing the defects.
A rcaolution by Mr , Gronol ) , of Detroit
troit , declaring land common proper
ty , was adversely reported upon anc
A resolution by Congressman Marc !
was adopted , nailing for onforcemon
of the national eight hour law , am
the secretary directed to notify Preftl
dent Arthur of the action of this con
gross. Hon. M. A. Goran , congrons
man-elect from this district , waa intro
dncod us one in vhom labor interest )
may ropoao in conCdonoa. He inadi
a brief speech.
Preparing for Puaco.
Special Dlujwitcli to Tim Bmt.
NEW YOHK , November 23 , Thii
la the story us given out to-night
Marvin Ilughitt and Albert Keep , o :
the Northwestern , nnd Aloxandoi
Mitchell , of the Milwaukee & St
Paul railway , this evening hold a pri
vale conference with William II. Vanderbilt -
derbilt , They diucuaiod some batii
of agreement upon which a ratisfac
tory settlement of the northwest rail
way war could be effected ,
The Iron Men-
Bpvclal Dispatch to TIIK Una.
ST. Louis , November 23 Mr ,
Hitchcock , prrsidont of the St. Louii
Ore and Steel company , owners oi
the Vulcan Steel worka , of thia city ,
who recently made a very unfavora
bio statement respecting the condition
of the iron and steel rail industry ,
will have a conference with the em <
ployos of the Vulcan worka on Satur
day with a view to at least measura
bly equalizing the wages of the met ;
and thus prevent the nocesaity ol
closing down.
A Cuttlo Route bjr Water.
Special DUpatth to Tin UKK.
GALVKSTON , November 23 , The
News Wichita special says a move
ment ia on foot to put on n line oi
cattle steamers from gulf ports tc
eastern cltiea and Liverpool in con
nection irUh the Gould roads ,
Malignant Diptlieria.
HKEEr.siE , November 23 , Ma
lignant diptheria haa appeared ii
Millerton , Schools are closed anc
families are leaving.
The Arrears of Kent Aot Dis
sected by the Irish Moni
tors of Parliament ,
The Govorntnout Wnrnod 01
the Diatrceo Prevailing in
tbo Wosi if Ireland.
The filnrqiii * of SulUlmry Comjill.
mnut * the Halted Htntm Su
preme Court
The Trial of Arftbl Acaln Porttpouod-
Satlefaotory'SottlomiHit of
Joint .Control.
Special Dispatches to THE Dim
LONDON , November 22--Inconau
quonco of Gladnlouo'n declaration
Prtrnoll ( supported by over 100 mnm
bets , the now ruld icquirim ; only ovc
30) ) moved- adjournment of the house
Parnoll contended , in consequence n
the provision 'introduced into th
atrcara of rent not , that concession t
the landlord intercut was rcudoroi
nmbiRuoui nnil i wao impossible fo
any tenant to. know how much rou
ho had to pay iu order" to nooaro it
ad vantages.
After it doauUory divcuiaiou nut
toiued bjr the Irish member * , Trove
lyan , chief sccretAiy for Ireland , aai
there was still n period of five week
for tenants to ta ro ndvnntaga of ai
ronra of the rchttpct , The land com
mission had prophesied that tha 1ml
of applications 'rould como in at th
last moment. If thia Hhould pnv
the CAHO , n much larger um thn
250.000 would bo noaded to mev
the claims. If vt&a moat important , } i
said , that the pc6plo ohould know th
time originally mentioned in the ni
roara act would lo strictly adhered t <
The cuflts against-tho tenant fox' ojoos !
mont are very r light , except who
increased by ' their own fault
acting in jBorrjo matnncoa on ' ba
advioQ. The art hw of rout aok wa
the greatest bonijlit parliament ha
over extended to ah unfortunate clae
of pooplo. It would bo giving thei
moro than they had expected if th
outstanding coata wore paid. Up t
the 22d inst. evictions were only hal
those in any previous month durin
'the joar. The Rovornmont , TraVolya
said , would not underestimate th
distress along the weak coaafc of Ir ;
land , and ho would not coaje to vrato
for evidences ot euu'jring until th
next harveat badybusji gatheredH
' ' 'most ' * ' '
had ordered' the minvlj
from seven counties.
mont did not intend
money for puHio workjy
would u
the distress.
great famine in Ireland 3,000OCvFpei
eons were fed for six motitha by dircc
poor law relief for 500,000 ; the
Dtim would only food them six ivcol )
by means of public works enterprise :
The government now intended t
conduct a system of relief with effii
iency thafwould give the moat pos
tivo assurance to the people that the
would not starve.
Gibson , member for Dablin univo :
eity , criticised the arrears of rent acHe
Ho said there was real distress in th
west of Ireland , but as yet there wt
no reason to dread famine.
Parnoll withdrew his motion for ac
journment. Ho aaid the govornmoc
wore now fully warned of the state (
things that might supervene In In
land through distress during the wir.
tor.Tho Times states , Monday nexl
when the commons ought to commcnc
discussion of rules relating to etanc
ing committees , Astoton Cross wi
move it is inexpedient to consider th
proposed rules at this period of th
seasion. It ia reported , ohould th
ministry rofuao to postpone ) the sub
jcot , the ruloa will bo very freely die
cussed ,
The polling for a member of parliament
mont for Cambridge University
which will continue five doya , openoi
to-day. At the close of to-day's poll
ing II. 0. Ratkcu , conservative , hat
529 voteoj Prpt. Stuart , llbnral130
At the election at Preston for a sue
cesor to Raikca , Tomlinson , independent
pendent conservative , received 0,1)5 ) ]
vote * against -1,107 for flanbury
Tomlineon WRH supported by working
men and a conmdorablo number o :
liberals , Htinbury is a strong tor ]
and had the support of party man
In the vacancy caused by the retirement
mont of Horatio Walnole , on account
of advancing yearj , lliikoe , ono of th <
membero for 1'rfnlon , applied for the
Chiltorn hundreds in order to contest
the University election ,
DUIIUN , November 23. Dilloi
[ jcos to America shortly to make , i
long sojourn v ith his brother in Col
orado Ho insists upon roalgniri (
his aeat in parliament bsforo his du
parturu ,
DUIIUN , November 23. The fina
meeting of the home rule arsoclatloi
will be hold to-morrow , The aeaocl
ation will be dissolved and merged it
( ho national league.
PAUIS , November 23 , Sadi Oirnot
reporter of the committed on publii
works'oatimatos , informed the budge
committee that Horriaaon's estlmati
of suuiB necessary for railway con
atruction were excessive. The budge
committee decided to request Horria
aon to produce documents to vorlfj
his estimates ,
The chamber of deputies prolongec
the powers of the commission ap
pointed to settle compensation t <
French and American citizens fo :
damages during the civil war ii
America and the Franco-Prussian wa
of 1870.
The reporter of the commission in
'ormed the chamber that the commie
lion WM unnblo to conclude their la
i > era within thi > term originally fixed
The estimates of the minister of tin
interior was adopted by the chamber
li > Itnzzi ntnrla for \frlcft in Do
OAIHD , November 23.The trial o
Arabl Patha h nrn ' postponed. J
very unoany fcoling is brguinini ; ti
prevail. The mimatrj' consented ti
\llow Uradley to defend Mahamoui
Bftroudi ,
JOINT coMuot. .
A LKXNimtA , November 23. Tin
question of the joint control will aaoi
bo brought to imtiafactory-BcUlomont
conip-vtibloMiththo Interests of Pranci
aud Enjtlaud.
LONDON , November 23 The cap
tain of h otoamor just arrived nt Sun
dcrland reports that oil' the coait o
Norfolk ho pasaod a largo raft I
which were laahud the bodies of thrc
Tin : rni.vor/H IT.TITION.
The ofValca has written
letter , cxprmnlcg the hope that th
sontono of William Brookahaw to to :
yonw' poual sorviiudo for Bcndin [ ;
threatouicig letter to him bo reduced
AH.Utl'rf HAY1NU3
, November 2T Two members
bors cf the inini < ktry under llsghol
Prtsha drolaro that Pasha ntale
in open council that if thn Dritiah lire
n shot AlorandriA ohould bo destroyed
UCMB , November 23. l < Vnlo wa
nj-uloptiid pn-jidcnt of the chamber c
deputies. AltiQi , F < itrari and Alonotl
Gniabaldi and other mombei
took the oath of ullegionco nt th
commeccemcnc of the Kitting.
BnuiiN , November 23. Baron Di
Oouroul. French ambauusidor to Goi
many , Ima arrived hero.
Tlio proposal of tUu roprpaontntivi
from Alunco nnd Lorraine in favor c
retaining the French langu e in th
deliberations of tbo provincial con
mitteo will bo strenuously opposed i
the bundearnth.
BEULIN , November 23. In tli
chamber of deputies Minister Ha ;
ciiok , of the public work a , stated th !
the atato railway aceaunta for tl
current year would probably yield
surplus of 14,000,000 mirks. A
parliamentary factious hcvo not yi
assumed final attitudes in regard I
indirect coursa taken. Meantime tli
chancco of thn apirila nnd tobacc
liciinco bills paaaiug nro not very pron
LONDON , November 23. The Stan <
urd bulievcs the attention of tli
taten government has bee
to the claims of Franco i
_ aded In public i
'ay. ] 1'ho ' executor , bungling torrlbl ;
aruusod tlio iridfgnntion of the peopl
LONDON , November 23 , The Ma
quis of Salisbury , in an address b
tore the Scottish Conservative clul
Edinburgh , Thursday night , tauutc
the liberal government with liavin
adopted ita predecessor's policy. H
strongly denounced the action ot tl
government toward Ireland and coi
demnod the arreara of runt act. H
had , he catd , favored achemoa of poai
ant proprietary that weru now irnpoi
oiblo , aa uucli surplus fund had boo
otherwiao disposed of. Stigmatizin
the vaguenoaa of Gladstone
uttorancea , ho u td , "I confcos I d
not often envy the United Statoa , In :
their institutions ponceau one fcatur
which appears to bo a subject for th
grcatoar envy , namely their mngnifl
ciont inutitution of the aupromo courl
If their parliament piasoti a moasur
inconsiatont with thu constitution o
the country , there oxiatu a cout
irhich will nogutlvo it at oncu , thu
giving a stability toiiho inalitutiuna o
tha country , v/hicliunder ) the cynton
of vague and inystcrinui promioo
hero , wo look for ju vain. " Theoo re
nnrkn wore received with applause ,
MAIIUID , November 23. Spain ha
rcnolved to adopt ineisuroa in con
junction with Franco , looliing t"1 th
aupproiaion of the anarchist move
muni. At u cabinet council to-day Kiiij
Alfonap , representing the miniate
of the interior , announced the arrcs
in Andalusia of thirty socialists con
nected with the Spaniards arrested li
Lyons. Ho also stated that other ar
rents had been made { n Oitalonia.
MADUIII , November 23. The cabinet
not has resolved to reply to the demand
mand of the United States in rtgin
to losses aullurcd byAinoricnna durlnj
the Cuban insurrection , and that thu ;
will act in conformity with principle !
of strict justice ,
CiiAHKOKJ1 , November 23 , Thi
government haa acceded to the petition
tion from the mining congroaa for tin
jinpocition of a tax 'of ' fifteen copoci
per peed on foreign pig iron , Th <
proposals of the congroaa to tui
foreign coal v/ill probably be accepted
MADHID , Novornbsr 23 , The government
ornment will liberate Cuban refugee
early in December in roaponeo to tin
appeal of England. The refugees wil
bo required to premise that they wil
not return to Cuba.
Gathering t'.itv Gcmblori.
Special Dlnpatcb t. . 'inn JEI.
CuiUAao , Novombor.23 , The polio
made a raid on ono ot the gatubllni
houaes to-night and captured 125 per
A Fatal MUtulio.
DUpatch to Tun ! ! < .
LITTLK HOOK , November 23. A
half past 7 to-night Mija Muttie Chrh
man , daughter of Dr. Chrisman and ;
prominent young lady in society , tool
a dose of strychnine , mistaking it fo
quinine. It throw nor into the IUOB
orriblo convulsion and uho died at
Tlio Qrontixt rttrlho of Awl.
SroctM Uljpatch to Tim Mis ,
MONTIIBAL , November 23 A strike
bonun by the laatora in Ooehian , Caa
oils it Op's , factory , aud it is fcoret
.Imt it will extend to other ehoo f.ic
tory employes , numbering between tot
and twelvethousand. .
The Iron nud tuba works nt Hut Syrn
cusc , f. Y , , employ 1.000 men.
Tbo totrvl production of tli tin nitntR olio
, lie world Init j car WM S8.700 tons.
DurlnR 1SSI the United SUtcn oxpottc
tinoty-nlno locoinotivcs nnd 11,02 ? en
\\bool ? .
The rolling inllln of the south nro tmn
on order ! ) , which will kcop them going fo
numtln nlicid.
The Worlilusmcn'a party of Now Yor !
elected three nirinborn of the assembly a
tlio rccrnt ulectian ,
It U uHlnntcd thnt trom1 ,10. ODD t
iOO.OOO tons of ahnrcunl nro nuuunlly mad
in the United States.
Tlio Clmimilon AUUitno Works r
8ptlnnfielJ , Ohio , roon tu bejin opcrrvtiom
will employ 2,500 men ,
The moulders ot Bay Vlow , WIs. , i
out otiBtiiko npnlnit n reduction of wngt
ruuglng from - . " > to10 per cent.
The Kulghti of Labor of Chto.iRP , lib
formed a co-o ) > orntlvn clgnr compnuy ft
tbo immufacturo ot nil gradci ) of cgi\tB.
The uteel works of llciseinor KUtloi
, , cover ono huudrrd nnd nix acres. Tl
weekly produstlon Is estimated at 10,00
tonn of mntcrlnt.
There WRH uevor such ntlmoforbullillii
( jrnin elovatorn. At every rnllroo
Btntlou In tlio west uow oluvntors nro boh :
Imllt or old ones onlnrccd , Tlio bounteoi
luirvest will ytvo the ciovator men n boon
The total output at coM for the nUto <
Iowa fro'ii , luly 1 , 1881. to July 1 , 188
wni 3,127,700 tons nveugo price par tc
for tnlnotH 1)0 ) cents , mivklnR tha totnl oitri
IIIRB of 7-1,000 miner * 8231,030 or S3U
pnr month par man.
At Sin Frnnclnco , O.\l. , the biilldic
traded nro busy , Carrcatprs' wngCH r'Uf
from S3 to 81 per day ; biioldnycra SJ I
$5 50 per day , nnd thn nupply h not cqu :
to tlio domamt. riumburH nnd BW litto :
receive $ t per dav , and nio orgnnizhiK
union with n view tojin Inercnaa of pay.
How Don. Turned It Off.
About n week after the recent olei
tionci , when the Pullman earn destine
for this city were dctnchod at llarrii
burg , u untluman iot ; in and took
scat neat n traveler from Nobraoki
The latter , a few miles this side <
Harrisburg , remarked , "Wo had
h 1 of iv cyclone , didn't wo ? " Tl
Ilarrisburgor , seemingly oblivious t
the remark , pulled oat hia watch unc
carefully noting the time , oaid :
"Wo are going at a tromondot
rate , I know thla road , and wo ha\
just mrulo five miles in four minutes ,
The western tunn took up n papo
and in scanning the news , aali
" and worao. II 1 broke loot
on them this time ; don't you thin
so ? " addressing tha Harriaburger.
" " said the latter
"By jingo , ,
will got to Washington on time if vs
kaap on thia vmy. "
h * -
nndorataud why his fellow travel
showed so Uttlo interest in the ole
tion , but prudently dropped the su
joct. Landing in Washington on tim
the Nebraska man immediately jum ]
od out and calling ono of the dopi
people , and pointing to his travollti
companion , naked ;
"Who is that gentleman ? " and n
ccivod the reply.
"Why , that is Senator Don Camoi
on. "
"Tho mischief it is , " said the Ne
braika man , "I don't wonder ho tun :
ed it oil1. "
Stalwart Compliments.
Albuny KxprfSH , SUiIwnrt of the tal arta.
Gro vor Cleveland's ancoatry la trace
back to Henry Sowoll , Eaq , of Oov
entry , in Warwickshire England , wh
flourished in Queen Elizabeth's day
and was several Union elected mayo
of that city. But the awful fact re
mains that Cleveland looks as thougl
> io belonged under the cup and in tin
uniform of a metropolitan policeman
[ leally , don't ho look like the tradi
tlonal policeman ?
Thu democratic papers are able t (
BOO that Mr , Cleveland looms up fo
president in 1881 , Our own oplnioi
a that Mr. Cleveland is doing moat o
lia looming now , and that after hi
Begins his career of mastorof the dom
ocralio legislative kennel ho will com
inoiico to seek the weatcni horizon
As Bob Ingoraoll nays , "hohnsloomoc
uu much aa ho ever will , "
. 'i'ho democratic governor-elect o
'liBDaohuaeltH ' figured lees glory outol
lluvoland'a victory than ii fcnnrnlh
awarded , Ho cays that Ci vol.tiu
polled a lighter vote than Hancock
lotwithstanding hta majority. Bor
muot learn to be moro coldly polilii
and cover up hia ambitions or the firs
ho knows ho will bo ooncidrrnc
a candidate for president and b :
'busted" accordingly. _
A Waste of Teara.
lulfulo Kx | > ruun ,
Theru ia a great outcry from tin
UosBomur etcul men the moot pro
ected of all our manufaclurcra , fo
hey are protected by patent anrol
ba by tarill' about closing their works
turning 20.000 men out to starve , etc.
etc , It all looks llko a game of b\ul \
to scare off congress from reducing th
luty , Kvon to-duy'a nowii loads i
that conolouion , for it tolls us of ;
> lan for a brand now and very larg
liessemer uteel mill at Wheeling. I
, lie atoel interest were really in sue'
duuporato tlratta M they pretend
mch a new project would nc
10 hoard of nor thought ol
[ t is a falno alarm , probabl
ntonded to work on the minds c
railroad builders nnd contractors , o
well aa of congress ; for It is said tha
the contractors are holding oif fror
buying ntcol rails , thinking the pric
extortionate , and hoping to force i
down. It would come down fas
jnouqh if competition were allowo
free play , even without reducing th
duty. But the Beaaomer interest la
pooled monopoly as well as a patonto
monopoly and a protected monopoly
It would bo n wasteof good tears t
shed thitm in behalf of such u tripplc
plated gold mine when there are B
many other things that need aympath
more , and deserve it moro too.
Tlio Amusing Occupation ot tlio
Out of 85 , Paul , / %
, s
Freight and Pduti n r Rates
in / Di
The Roult Iilnnil
Dtoji Rntcn on
the Main Line From
A Free Fight nnd No Favors.
Cnttlni : Fr lRht Itntut
Special Dlnpatch 10 Tun linn.
ST. PAWL , November 23. "Inking
iffeot to-day the from Chicago
uid cjimmon points thereto will bo fif.
lepn cents ] > or ono hundred pounds
regardluta of olnssiticatiou , to Whine-
jagoCity , Mankato , Sheldon , Sioux
Fall's , nnd Sioux City. These rates
are subject to change without notice.
Signed by freight ngenln of the Rock
[ aland , Burlin ton , Cedar R'iplds &
Northern , nnd Omaha linos. "
If the above ia a truthful indlca-
lion of the policies of the Omaha line ,
it looks as if n cut in west bound
freights from Chicago is imminent.
TllO _ . . _ UH A
Special Dispatch to Tui Ban.
Sioux CITY , November 23. The
Chicago , Minneapolis , St. Paul &
Omaha railway company to-day au-
nounced a reduction in freight rateo
between Chicago nnd Milwaukee and
Sioux City to 15 cents per hundred ,
regardletin of clarification , consirjn-
montB to bo m do by tha Chicago ,
Rook Island it Paci6c. The rate be
tween Sioux City nnd Sioux Falln wan
reduced to 10 cents per hundred and
passenger faro between the aamo
points was cut to $1.
Still Another Cnt.
Special dispatch to Tim DM.
CHIOAOO , November 23. Tomorrow
row the Rock laland road will an-
nonuco a p&gaongor rate of fifty cents
from Chicago to Rock Island , Daven
port , Oodar Rapids aud other loading
points in Iowa , and ono dollar to
points beyond , thus inaugurating a
war from Chicago west aa well aa from
western points to Chicago. The Mil
waukee & St. Paul will to-morrow
make a rate of fifty cento from Mil
waukee to Mollno , which is u slop iu
the aamo direction.
Trnnlc Iiiuo Talk.
Special Dispatch to Tin Bus
NEW YORK , November 23 , General
pnooonger agents of the trunk lines to
day agreed that thu Chesapeake &
Ohio railroad company ahould accept
from the 1st of Doccmbor next differ
ential rates and adopt continuous
rateo over Now York , P
nmrrtRtn' > ATrr.i' ' ' ; rtutij ; *
polntcd to inquire into commissions
paid to outside parties in San Fran
cisco for nclo of tickets from the Pa
cific coast to Notr York and seaboard
towns repotted in favor of 'discontinu
ing these per oontages. A great deal
of the time and attention of the
agents was taken up in calling elf
figures showing the amount of work
done at intermediate points since the
establishment of differential fares.
The Omaha & Southwestern-
Special to Tlio GloboDemocrat. .
ToracA , Kan. , November 21. The
charter of the Omaha it Southwestern
railroad company was filled with the
secretary of atato yesterday. It ia the
nirpoao of thu company to construct a
standard gauge road from the state
ino , in the northeastern part of
Washington , Clay , Cloud , Ottawa ,
3nliim , Ellsworth , Rico and Barton ,
o an intersection with the Atchison ,
L'opoka & Santa Fe , either in Rico or
Jarton countioa , The estimated
length of the road will bo eighty
nllea ; place of business , Clifton , Washi
ngton county. The directors are E.
B. Purcell , Manhattan jD. 0. McKay ,
Amos ; 0. P. Hamilton , Saliuaj Dr.
QilU-spio , Carmolj W. II. Collins ,
Washington ; 0. 0. Farrell , Glllton ;
Thomas Qoody , Washington ; Wm.
valhofer , Ilanovor ; A. J. Hoisllngton ,
jroal Bond , The capital stock is
imited to $3,000,000. )
The Journalist.
Chambers' Journal ,
Ihuro is no profession in which a
man stands morn supremely on his
merits than in that of journalism. In
nany others promotion ia moro a quoa-
ion of influence , of good fortune , or
of time , than of actual working capaci-
y , In journalism , influence goes for
title or nothing , unless there bo on
ho aspirant real efficiency to perform
ho work that has to bo dono. There
never was greater competition in the
> rces than there is at the present day ,
ind that competition is moro likely to
joconio keener than to diminish. It
a becoming moro and moro a question
of the survival of the fittest , and spec-
ftl eminence la ever moro difficult to
attain , The incompetent and inox-
) orionoed , therefore , must inevitably
; o to the wall ,
Lot Them Do Ponanco.
'rovldcnco Prow. '
Rspublioan congressmen , as far aa
icard from , are moro anxious to dis
cover waya to reduce taxation during
the coining session than to invent
means of disposing of the surplus
revenue. If they had shown an equal
wisdom last winter more of them
would not bo retiring from public Ufa
next March. _
The fine , rare ( mellow llavor of the
Sail tSAi'u Cigar is that given it only
by the oombltlon of fine HAVANA
TOBACCOS used in ita manufacture.
Warranted free from all scent or fla
vor produced by drugs.
McCoiiD , BIUUY & Co. ,
Agents , Omaha. Neb ,
Apples from 82.75 to $3.25 'per
aarrel , end from 25i to G5o per peck
atBUFFETT'S , iiov20-1w