TL1L DAILY B ib"TlUku [ ) * . Y , M ) VIS MB Jx SIIB , WUOLKSALK A 'D RKTAtb BOOKS AND STATIONERY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLED 4BJ5 TJ AJ TaoOaFi ! G E Lands and "Lot a Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUBIJO AND CONVEYANCERS. COUHCIL BLUFFS ' - " - WWft. _ _ _ JOSEPH 11BLTBR , MAKES T1IE FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowest t'otuiblo 1'ricos. NO. JUO UPPER 1UIOADWAY. That never require crimping. At Mrs. J , J. Good's Hair Store , it prlcin never bcfcro touched by ny other hair dialer. Also a ( all line ot switches , etc. it greatly reduced prices. Also gold , Illver and colored nota Waves from 11 1 rV ow D hilr. Da net ( all to call bolero purchiwln ? tlscnucrc. All it'coiln wairnntedca represented. MKS. J , J. GOOD , 23 Miln street , Council llliiga , lows. TAYLOR BROS , , 105 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Iliolesale Dealers in Liprs and fines , No. 13 Main St , Council Bluffis , Ia. Branch House : Liuder , Kiel & Jensen , Pious Fall ? , D. T. Wholesale Dealers in IOWA , NEBRASKA , AND MISSOURI , Also No. 102 Broadway , Dealer in Oouncil Bluffs ' 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , G-ie-OOIEIRIIrlSS Of All Kiuds. Hew Goods. New Prices and quare Dealing. Call and Examine Our Stock. BATIIIBIOUSSI At Bryant's Spring , Oor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Plain , Medicated. Vapor , Electric , Plunge , Douch , Shower , liot nd Cold Uaiha. Com petent male and female nurraa nntl attendants 1 ways on band , and tbe belt of m' o and atten tion flvcb natrons. Special attantiou given to bathing children. Investigation and patronage lolicitod. lolicitod.DR. . A. H. STTJDLEY & Co. , 10G Upper Broadway. Dr. Studloy : Treatment of chronic diseases nude a specialty. REMOVED without the GAUGES drawing uf blood or UBO of 1 knife. ; Curca lung diseases , nTHWP Fits , Scrofula , Liver Com- . . Jl l''alnti ' Dropsy , Itheuma- .i B. T U-flfl fl R S 'lsnl. I'ever and Mercur- I U 1B1 U II W lal sorc8i Kryslpelas , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Catarrh , weak , InlUmod and granulated Eyes , Scrofulous Ulcers and fe male Diseased of all kinds. Also Kidney and Venerlal diseases. Homorrholdi or Piles cured money refunded. Ml dlscasca treated upon the principle of vegct- Ureform , without the ujo of mercurial pois ing or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furulshcd who doelro them. Hernia or Hupture radically cured by tha use the Elastic bolt Truss and Plaster , which bat superior In the world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL ON OR ADDRESS Drs , R , Bice and F , C , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ia. DIl. A. F. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oiiice , No. 14 Pearl Street. Houii , 0 a. m. to 2. , uid 2 p. ra. , to 6 p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft street , Tulephoalc connection with Central ofllce. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMINIHS AUD &AAINIHO , Shop Oornur Broadway end Boott St F T. SEYBERT M. D. , . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA , Office No. 5 , Evorotfc Block , Broadway - way , over A. Luulo'a Iloataucant. S. L MAXON , > : a : a ? tink OOUNOIli BLUFFS , Iowa. I RTAT L &O B It I TV , 0. Jinxs , In connection with hit law and iclltctlon bueluosaLuya and ttlli rcil Mtate. i-erwm wUblngto buy P cell city pioptrt ) call > . ! hl office , over Bushntll'B book itore , _ . EDWIN J. ABBOH. tatice oi the Peace and Notary Public , 1 ; I bBroadway , Council Bluffs. n I. IES , E , J , HAEDINQ , ft D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNEGOLOGIST. Graduate ot Elocfropathlc InBtltutlon , Phila delphia , Fenna. Offlco Dor , Broadway & Glenn Avo. COUNCIL DLU1TF3 , IOWA. The treatment ol nil diseases and painful dlf- flcultlua peculiar to firjftlca a Bpaclalty. d. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Offlco over First National Bank , Council Blurts. Iowa. Will prnctlco In tbo ctato and federal courlaJ.NO. . JAY FUAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 014 BROADWAY , Oonnoil Bluffs. . - - W B. MAYES , Loans andSealEstate , Proprietor ol kbetractj ol PottnwatUtnlo county. Office corner of Broadway and Mala etrccu , Council Plugs Iowa. P , J , JflQMTIHIMBRY , M , 1) ) , , Fjir.B DlHPKKBAHY EVERY SATUKDAY. OiCcoln Kverott'i block , Pearl troet. Hoil ] dcnoe SStS Fourth street. Ofllco boura from 0 to 2n. in. , 2to4ond 8p.m. Council Mutfa F. G. OLAHEC , PEAOTJCAL DEHTIST. Pearl oppoalte the postofr.ce. One of tbo oldest ptatltlcncrB lu Council Uluda. Bat1' lifactlon guaranteed In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN 4 Confectionery , Fruits.Kuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAINS' ) ? , , OouncU Blntfa. 8TEKM 'LAUNDRY. 723 VBroadway. . LARSOH ANDERSON , Proprietors , ojxned far tusl- now , and wo am now priparcd to do U in-Jry vork of all kinds and guarautco authUctlon A epeclilty nvvdo of flue work , such ta colliro , Lu3ti , fine bhlrtc , etc. Wo want ever ) body to ul\b ua a trial * LARSON A ANDERSON. TIIOH. OVriCKR. W , U , M , OFFIOEB & PUSET Council Bluffs , Ia , Established , - - 1856 Deilen In Foreign * an < 9 ] Domettloj Kzcbango nd boms i6curlUcj.'J332J COUNCIL BI.tJFFS TIME TABLE. cntcAao , ROCK itn\o AND rAcine. D mrt , ArrUe. Atlantic Kx . . .5SOtim I Pacific V.xt..OilRam Kxaml M&I1V.PAl m Kx mlMallt..fl.Wtim 1) . llolnes no'.7:15nm | I'MMolncsnc'.UOin CII1W80 , Rl'RMNOTON AND QUINCT. l ) iv\rt , Arrhe. Atlantic r.I. I. . .fiulf ] > m Vacltto V.tJ.SO ! m mra MM ami Il\.nW : iin Mall and ix.7.tiOi | ra N. V. Kx \a.i Kx..8XO : a in ClIlfAQO AND CRTII MTKR . IVi\rt. Arrive. Atlantic K\t..r > : tr pin Kxt..nl5i : m MM1 ami IXV.fl 'Onm Ma ) ami IX'.0:15 : p in Acroni , ( Sat , ) . .BW ; i > m Am > in. ( Mon..l:43l : > m KASSM CUT , r. JOR AND COUNCIL BLUirS. lfl rt. Arrive. Mall nnd K < ! . . . .0ftt : A in I Kxiirri * . . . . . . .fiifiO p in KxprtMS. . . . . . .0:10 : V in I Mali anil Kx. , .C.M5 p m fMO.N rACIIIO. I > cpatt. Arrho. Overland Kv.liaotu in , ( hcrl < imlF.x.4OOp. : ill. Lincoln 1 > .llsoa. : in. DemerEv . . .B:01nin : , Denver Kv..TKlp. : in. 1/otiil lit CiflOa. lu , ' "J.S a. m. " r.oin.i. : . 111. . .S Ui. in. " 11 * . . . . ( oOn.m. WAIUSIt , ( T. LOUS AMI PACIFIC , Depart , Arrive. Mall and Kx. . 0:15 : n ni I Mall nnd I'.x , . 4M p m Cannon lull. . 4ftpm : | Cannon llaii. . 11 'M a in PIOUX CUT sn wnnc. Bcnrt. | Arrho. For Sioux Cltj.'iVi a in Frm Sioux U'y.CM : p inFer For KortNlobrarn. Frm Kort Xlonrnrn , Xcb' . . 7 : M nm Ncl . . . . Ou'iOpin For St , rnul..T:4U : p in From St. l'nul..8u'K ) a in rtllCAOO , MU.WAVKKS AND ST. TAfU l.c.i\c Coumll llluirs. Arrived Council ItlulTs. Mall and ll\"tlvo : n In I Mall and Kx.M ( : pin Atlantic l.x. ! f > :15pni : | Atlantic l-\liIU : m CII1CAUO , MIMIAl'KKK AMI XT. 1'AIU I.c.-ueaOinnli.i. Arrive Mall iiul i\'Tinam : : I I'.idno K\ [ ! > : l'ift m Atlantic KI3MU p in I Mall and l''T'il p in Except Siinili)1 * . tllti-cptSatunlajg. { Ilxcept MondajH. | l.illy. Council Blutta & Otnnliu Street H. R. IMo Council lIHiHs. IXXITO Oinnha. B a in , 0 n in , 10 n in , I H a in , ! ) n m , 10 a m , 11 am , 1 m,2 p in , 3 p 111 am , tpm , lpm ! , 3p in , 4 p m , 0 p in , 0 p in. | in , 4 p m , G p m , U p m. Street CAI-S run halt hourly to the Union 1'acllla Depot. On SundAV tha cirs : begin their trip * at 3 o clock a. m. , and run rogu'nriv during the day at 0,11 , 2 4 , D and 0 o'clock , and run to city time. IN IKON. A Prococo In the Wanufaoturo of Iron Which Will Dispense With Piuldllntf. f It'abutir Sptcla ! Dl pitch to ( bo Chicago Trl- bjuo. A inovomont ia on foot \Vhuoling to utterly rovolutioniza the iron-mini- ufncturing busiucas of that uity nnd ui the whole countrj1. Thu enterprise of the iron and nail manufacturer ! ) thora ia to do entirely away with puddling , puddlcrR , nnd , of courar , puddtora' Btrikea. A tyndicalo waa formed in Wheeling , the ecano of the recant jroubleaomo atriko , to carry out thia idea. They have held a aciiea of star- chamber cessions , the remit of which has been the sanding of ono of Wheel- ing'a moat prominent mill-managers , Frank J. Jiournu , to this city to nr- range the p/climinarioa for putt iug the phin in operation. Tlio gcmlomnn wna interviewed yectBtday , and , ufter some persuasion , ho gave the append ed iutormation. To do away with puddling , the only method to bo pursued by the syndi cate ia to use n low grndo o ! open hearth or Bcaaemer otoul in making naila. Thia uiovameut hau been atartod by the nail manufacturers of Wheeling , and my object in being in thia city is to further their plain. I have had numerous blows of eoft stool made at the Bessemer etecl works at Braddock'a and each blow accurately analyzed. Tnia soft ateel has been made into nail plate and quietly allpped into the Wheeling , mills , and cup Into nails , without the nailers being able to discover the difleronco between it and common nail iron. Our reason for doing thia was to BOO whether steel would make nails. The results of our experiments have been entirely satisfactory , and wo are now satisfied that wo can make naila out of soft stool cheaper and of a bettor quality for their weight than it was possible to do with the best puddled iron. Wo calculate in Wheeling that wo make about ono-oovcnth of the nails made in the United St.ilco. Over 5,000 puddlors are employed in puddling the iron which wo cut into nails. These will all bo thrown out of employment urikea they see fit to work nt aomo other branch of Inbor. I am in this city now placing contracts where they may bo concluded at any time moat suitable to the Wheeling syndicate , for all of the necessary equipments to bo found in a first cla.i Bessemer works. This ia no nmall atTitir. The syndicate have an unlim ited command of money , nnd will break ground in January for the now works. It will have a capacity to start with 500,000 tons per year of low carbon stool. This output the syndicate will divide up into consign ments , according to the capacity of the dilforont nail-milla represented in the syndicate , and each will got its allot ment of eo many car-loads of steel nail-plate per day from the Beaaemor mill. The principal mills in the Wheeling district nro connected with the now enterprise , Such firms as the Wheeling Iron & Nail company , Lauphilu Iron & Nail works , Martin's Ferry , llivcraido Iron company , Belmont - mont , Li Belle , Bnllcairo , Donwood , Standard , and Etnn Iron works are interested in the now project to put the negative upon the possibility of puddlcrs' strikes in thu future. The site chosen for the wprka ia near the Benwood mills , on the mJo next to the Riverside furnace , That point is convenient to the works nf the firms which I have already named to you , and M only about two miles from the center of Wheeling. The shipping - ping facilities at that point are unex celled by any location in the vicinity. The Benwnod mills are the terminus of the Baltimore * Ohio ; the Pitts- burg , Cincinnati & St , Louis runs clone to them , nnd the Wheeling , Pttrkersburg & Charleston from Char leston hau the right of way to the KlveraHo furnace. Besides all these fucilition , two other roads one a branch of the Baltimore & Ohio from the centre of Ohio , und u newly-pro posed road from Pittaburg can reach the upot. Thooo roada nil have branches to the diilcrjiit inillu which will nao the Bessemer product , and cara loaded with roil-plato oould bo nhoved Into them daily. During thu rtoMit strike this iron-men told tbo puddlera in c invention that the time wai coming when they would no longer bo kintB { of the forge , und in fact tuat they will Hya to BOO the day when puddling would ba a tradition and puddlors unknown to the face of the earth. The same idea was advanced before the tariff com mission , and some escorted upon that occasion that there was no purpoio for which iron ia now used but that in the next five years would be sup plied by a kw grade of Beaaemer or open-hearth stool. Mr. Alnswcrth , of the Pitteburg Steel Casting com- p Miy , shown mo Beoiemrr steel at tiis worka last w * thnt oould b * w. lde < l in u common blnoVnmith'a forjjo i o trmt the pine * of joining c , < uld not ta dotcotod. More thnu that , Ml * t- tempU to temper it fnil.'d , and I cannot - not tec why it ia not rn i > aientinlly iron ati nny product of tl.o clmro.'ml blast i' ) existcno * . Wlim KO brgin turning out ntool Jini'fl ' \Vhclli % nil ether nail mills in tl o country muit follow anit or lena thuir trade nt kwt thnt in the irny it has bwn ficurrd rut by thn be t nail oxperis in \Vhceliotr. The orKaniztfinu tf the CMiipunyl think best to koup from the public for ft whilfl * t ! n\t. Ml wire for barbed'/onccs / u > w mdo Ht the O.unbrin iron wort s ' tuaito 01' BjsBemer stot'l. Llortcstiiun will eventually bo mndo < ii u UMtcd nhnflinp , Bgrictiltural itnp'r > iiion * , md Rtamped nd hollow wan < -mst ( illow. I rogdtd tie movii as tin nmot import- ail Jiio made in J-K.M m the iron Lu'lnetB , r nd U will rtvoluti > i ,29 the tndo of the country. 1 fpol info in predicting that , if tbe iiiorvinont 1 . suocosti , in five ywuM pu.ltlled ito.i will nut be in the market. ' Millions Giv n .vway , Million * of BotDwot Dr. Khij's Now Discovery for ConawiipUon , ( . 'ou hs nml C'Oldi , liava been ijlvcn nway ni Trial Uottlcs of the 'argo ' izn. ThU ciintnumn outlay would bo ( Uiattroiu to the pro- prietors. wcro It uot for the rare inciHs JIOSIOBCU by this wonderful medicine. Onll nt O. If. Qoo.Uimn'a lni ( { Storu , ami | > ot n Trill Bottle free , nnd try for never fallu to num. How u Harvest Homo FcstlviU Wna Oolebrutod , In n little suburban village near Now York , there wui n harvest festi val recently , in which ninny faihion \ . bio ladioa took part , nnd this in the way they decorated the church. They dressed the font with whlln clematis und pyracoulhcs berries nnd plncod two sheaves of corn by the entrance. They filled the windows with little shu'ivoa of corn , relieving the npncea with scarlet nnd blue llowtirs nnd white marguerites. Small apples and leaves were disposed of about the lectern , nt the foot of which was a group of li\r o marrows and fruit interspersed with beet root nud the feathery folhsjo of carrots. Polen of hops , just as they came from the garden xvoro placed against the wall , from which sprang the chancel arch , and long trails of blackberries drooped from thu cupi- lots. The pnlnit wan dresaed with corn nnd scarlet nnd blue flowcra. A sheaf of corn ctood on each side of the entrance to the clmncol nnd there was on each side of the lower atop to thu altar two ahoavoo of wheel. Laurel wreatha crowned the roredoa , nnd the altar waa decorate d by n line of white grapcoj corn nnd bouquets of corn end scarlet. This outdous the thanksgiv ing decorations of Talmago'a taber nacle on Thanksgiving day. It fa not generally known that Tnlmago hai u stock of properties II in sexton is his property man , nnd he hau in his keep ing u number of things intended for the Betting of the gymnastic preacher's stage on festal days. The same old lemon tree and palm nnd orange tree aud mineral specimens como forth year by year. Thin year there ia to bo a very curious display of squashes , boete , turnips , corn and rice und cot ton plants. Yon Cira Depend an It- "For nevere toothache and neuralgia of the head I used THOIIAU' ECLECTIUO OIL. Thta is certainly the best thing I over knew for relief of paiu of any kind. The bou30 is never without it , " Mrs. A. M , Frank , 177 West Tapper street , Buffalo , GO V CLEVELAND. A Bachelor's Love Romance The Buf falo Qirls After Him. Buffalo better to The Now Ycrk Journal. Governor-elect Cleveland juat now is the moat interesting poraonaga in Buifalo. The men all admire him ; everybody on the streets stops him and nays , "How are you governor1' I congratulate you on your great suc cess. " The women are still more enthusiastic ; no nnui ao lovely as Gov. Cleveland was ever socn before. He is an old bachelor who has eschewed Docinty all his life ; why , has boon the theme of the gossips for years past. Somebody 1ms started the usual aturotypod etory about nn unfortunate love affair , followed by a disappoint ment and a broken heart , n resolution never to marry and that general sen timental smash-up which ia supposed to accompany an unrequited affection. However thia may bo , it is certain that Gov. Olcvoland'u farm has not wasted away under thia canker sup posed to bo gnawing at his heart. He is , perhaps , next to congressman- elect Dorsheimcr , the finest andntatb- liost looking politician of Now York , Tnliko Mr. JUorsohoimor , Gov. Cleveland - land only weighs 221 , but there ia Bomothing undosorib bly portly about hia majestic form which gives you the impression of much greater weight. The governor ia 40 yours old , and a man at 4U in utuully considered a having boon wanting ia hin daty to wards society if he haa not tukon a wife to hia bosom. It is not the fault of tlio Buffalo bolh'a if Governor Cleveland is otill a bachelor , for they have been setting their caps ut him over oincj he became sheriff of the county , with an income of SCO.OOO per year , of which he saved ยง 49,000. Tlio governor is probably the moct economical man who over entered the executive mansion at Albany , and when ho Ia procidont wo may tee such nn era of economy and retrenchment an will delight nil reformers and i < n- a bio President , Cleveland to retire with the savings of throo-fourtha ot hin culary. Though in the enjoyment of nn nm- nle income , he haa lor years been liv ing in a couple of rooms , where with iv faithful colored attendant ho keopu bachelor's lull Iliu rapugnaucu to female society Irw always bean Burae- thing extraordinary. When owy o { JIM intimate friemh uik him to dinner or any other fi.aive occasion his tint point of irxpuy faeoiiui tobuwhetiur the ladibB ol the e.tUbliihntent are to be thr-re ; if o , ho will iuvsriubly gut < > nt of it on si uio pretext or other , but if wife , counts , fciatur or aunt ara all i way , ( to in euro to aoeept the invita tion , make himaelf thoroughly at home bnd oujoy the h.iopitality which is of fered Lim , Whom will ho marry ? That u the great question which conopuliea Buf- lalo Bwuety ju t now. That he must marry u conceded. It is regarded an entirely impracticable for any mau to move into the executive mansion with negro waiter and tenant it wholly un- THE OTTAWA CYLINDER GORNSHELLER , KNTS , rouM'ii < KLUIWS , IOWA ( rnocd by BMHP tiur lu a t in. Bluniirit nnd biunotica , widows of forty mid UooimnirjimidetiB of awcot slxtuou U Bjsrro 5n dtoliiriiiy Hint tbo gov ernor tilrot m ; aoino ono from their midst nnd tnko lier * ilh him to Alb-tny. The ( lovirnor hlmiulf shnkcs hih hctul when ho is ntktid about hin mt rlmunial intention ? , nnd tuys , "I nm too old , I liavn iinerud my chanoo. " Uowovor , ns there nrn novurnl very ntlrnctivo lieirowa in liiilliUo , who would enable him to disponno tv mac- nilioent hospitality in Allnuy , nnd Ihuu prepare hiu way for the fullil- incut of hia proaideiiiinl nmbitiono , it Is still regarded lui not nt nil uulikoly Unit political Buccctn will noon bo wrd- dnd to beauty and a million dclliur. At nil ovoiita tha mr.tolnnakorn in Bnlfilo nooioty nro thoroughly busy canvassing the claimn of thia ntid the merlin of thnt uapirnnt to Governor Olovuland'a hand mid heart , nnd the fjrcalcat curiosity ia univcranlly mnnl- fcs'.ed as to the prolublo riiault. The Only "Follor" on Hla BiUo. Sim. Davis uatid to tell como ad mirable atorica of mi old Illinois o , ono of which wo chanou par- tioularly to romumbor , Ono of the Judaea was rnther remaikablo for con voying to jurora in hii ohargo to them hia own opinior.n with ugard to the merits of the cue. In ono case ho had done BO with grC'it , phunnoae , but , to hia nnmemuut , the jury hungout for hours without coming to mi acjoo- mont. The judge inquired of the bailiff what \rao the mutter , nud learned from him thnt ouo juror was hanging out npainsE the other olovcii. llo aeut for thu jury nt once , r.ttd Hinting to the jurora that ho hud plainly iutimatod how the case ought to bo decided , and ho undoratood ono juror wna atanding out n atnat the ether ( duvet ) , ho procaodod to rebuke the juror aharply. The obstinate juror wan n ncrvoun little muu , and us tioon OB the jndgo was done ho roan and said : "Judge , may I say a word1 "Yon , air , " Enid the indignant judge : "What have you to Bay ? " "Well , what I wanted to Bay ia , I am the only folior that's on your side. " A YclHnc ia something to bo avoided. Bnblcn wth colds , bnblca with croup , bnblca with ecalds , burns , bltec , aches , upralne , or iminn bound to become nolny tenants of the houeohold. Dr. THOMAS' KOLECTIHO OIL will cure all these complaints. SuHiyaa & Fitzgerald , DEALKIta IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookery , Glassware , BOOTS , SIMS , ETC Also agonta lor the following lined of Steamship Companies : Cunard , Anchor , Oulon , American , and Stall Htcauuhlp Companion. 3D * JSL J& . OE"Or S3 For sale on the Hoynl Rank of Ireland and Bank of Ireland , Dublin , Those wto Intrnd to honil foi friends to any part of Kuropo will Und U to tbel * ntcrcut to call on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGKNTH , 343 Broadway , Council BluSb OB , Iho Storyof tlio Sawing Maohino , Uttlo piuipLk' ; , L'.uoTiMi'J "jl L' , vrlll ] n QOT3I * AWAY 14 ny Miaio ( iciucri CKllltiif Ini It , nt aay Liruck or tub-oaiui nt Tuo Ulaxzi l/tau.'a-.Uuln Ccia- , ur M1 bo evit at u.ill , p H , tt llrlcj at & divUne'i 1/311 : u On , , ' Ulcti , iif. Union YOlXlf VI. U. fttiuntb , UCD. uu TEH KJBUKASKA HAMAOT UJUM CO Lincoln , teb MANUFACTUllE S OF Oorn PJpin.erri. Hrrrt'WB.Kurm Kollora anllry lluy HaUoa , liuauot Kturatlna VflnatntllB , < Vo Wo arc pt'ifcir3J | to do ] 3l > work aud m nU ? tirlitrfor other p Aditrcoo al or > on l Inroln 1'HUl'OSALS FOJt BU SiailSKOK STOKEa. OlTI K rUKCIIACISO MI IJKl'OT , 0. B. ) OJHIIA ; Nub. . Navuiilwr 10 , 183' . ) Sualod | iroioi.dn. | In dujilluatu , mblutt to the usual coM'lltlo ! ) ! , will | jo rucclvixl at UiU ollicu un til Io'oluck noon on lu.uiii cr Uh , 1IW' ' , at uhlili lime and | > laou tliuy it 111 l > u onuiiidlii prcn- cnco ol lilddtra fur furnUnmK uinl dvlitery at thu jUl Uinu ) vtorulioutv , or on uurn In Onuilia , Nub. , ( ! ( nn cars alter Induction and aiuupUiiuu ut plavuot | > ck lnfa ( ) < ) iiia > IKI rwiulrml b ) ' tliu > ulwl t < iiiu ) cltpartiiiuut , I'fl liurrtln ] > ork , light iiuiM , inlio dellMirwiiy \ Juiiimr ) Dili Itti ) : 00,000 i lunili biuKni , kliort t-luar ldu * , mmllum u'eht | [ iul thiulinuM , ) Mi Uuilht 1-r.ktun , tr pji lol iilxjut 2'J jKHiinU luton uacli. i'jtult piuuuol luoou to ixnur l with ootUjn i-lothull ; to IHJ ilullvcrul kv Juiiuir ) 6th lt U. IliUjouriiiuuiit r wi > w thu right to rvjvi-t a > y or all prujiowUi. Ulank propowtlii and lull Information an to thu manner bf liiddliur , < nd thu ttiruxof oontraut and j > ivuiuiit Mill he turnUhtxl ou appllcaUuli to thU b aui. Ku proposal uill bouojutldcrud unlvM nwi-mia i.iixl . b > the nrliitul "ln truttlons to ultldvrn,1 tu lit' to ) ut thU olliw ) . KuvidupiM uonUJuliii ; pro | > OMU tlioulil lie mar. 1.0.1 , 'TroiKttaU for vuluUtinvu ktorud/'and uJ- THOMAAH WILSON , novll-Ctlti aS.O.H , A. BOYEK AND SHIPPER OF EGGS. Ho , 519 South Main Street ' * UiVOlL BLUEFS , IOWA I Pay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFACTURING GO. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing , Bo-Sawlng , Planing and Matching , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Maniifaoturors and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J , Hathaway , Manager , Council Blnffs , la , Machinery "ill bo run exclusively for custom work on Thursday nnd Friday o each week. Orders Hnlicltod nud BaUalncUon guaranteed , ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LAGE1IMIA , LEHIG-H , BLQSSBM& ANDALL ; GOHNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffa. I'KTER , TUOLU HERUAN KRAOm. THOLL & KRACHT , 8'AND PROVISIONS. Oor. Main Street and 7th Avenuo. Kino Groceries , Tmu , K'jo. , a Spco'alty. ' Highest prlcen paid for country produce. New Diilldlnk' , new goodg , low prices. Wo will not bo undersold , Call and examine our ttock , delivered. P. T. MAYNE. 0. B. MAYNB GOUNGiL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE t BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES' CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Boat of Broomn < . onatantly on Hand , The Hlgheat Murket Price Paid fdr Oorn , Oats , Rye , Barley Partiea WiahinR to Bull Broom Oorn .Will Please Qund Sample. oo. IU > UHO C TJIK LKADINO D15ALKU IN 337 Broadway , Oouiioil Bluffs , Iowa. . ! LE Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLl'II DOKRFLINGKU , Proprietor. Oholco Wiuea and Clgaw. Uyutord in Kviny Stylu , 709 Lowflv roatlwny. Oounoil Blnffa Iowa _ _ _ " "TGTJIBBRT & co. , ( luccoarors to KllJI fi ; DUQUIlITi : ) , Printers and MM ( > a-ul 18 P ( > } irl > st . Council Bluffs , Ia. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . Funeral Director and Undertaker , JS'o , 17 , North Mam Street. Council Bluffs Oalll promptly nniwcrnl at all hourt , uUht nr d y. Kowhearoo and London carrlagoj ) direct tigsu the I4 wry are run In oo mec iau t.i UNION BAKERY , 057 80UT MAIN STREET. THE BEST JJi4 ) A.D H THE CITY. None bnt firat-olosa Baker ' j > Biioyod. | ! Bretul , Qaku , Plon 1 0. , delivered to any part of the city. ' Oni " * IB run all day , < P. AYRES , Proprietor ,