w TilJK DAILY ] MK0-iAil\ : .l"KSl\\r . Lil 23 i ne HfitoU National Bank Uf Oaiixhn , Nob. , i'UMi wp OffptMl , . . . . § 850.000 DIItKOTOIlS : It. JOttjraOJf , PrtHJent , f. } Stee.c , Johnson ft C * \ . ft. UOUXVLIN , Vice rrwMMit , ol 0. , U. a Q. it. H. , Rnnon. 't ; ' OllSn , olV. . V. Moreoft Co. -.DUN S. COLLINS , of 0 , II. & J , S. Colllru. SI. WOUJAVOUTH , C uii lor ! & Attorney-it- Lnw. C. S. IlUEt ) , of Byron llccil tt Co. U. V. YATES , Cajhlcr.lMo Cashier of the First National B-vnk of rm.ilia , and connected with the active management of that Bank ulnco 18 orK&nlzatlon In 1SC3. . .rxNKO for buslnsss April 27 , 18 , with lb Urjo't raplUl of nny tunn In Knliratha. CourcnoNsro.-clvocp'clil Attention and char- pw Ir.vo t cbtilnablo hero tr chcnlicrc. lKTRRrjTa'lo cdo' ] tiu9 ! dcpoilta UK < U lavor- rtblo tormi rind upon ; cou' ts ot bankianJ lank- Ooveratneut Bonds , and County and Clly sectirltloa l > : ubht a'jd oilil. U li prepared t ) do a gp.nrr.il banking dullness la nit It' dot&tl * , and In the trfatmontolcuftom- era will iMir.iaj the most liberal pcllry consistent with Rife hinllny . FHAHG ! Af D GOMMERfiE. Spoi lil l > l | iatch to TMK URE. NEW YOKK , Nnvamhor 22. MONUY. Money C@2S pur cunt , oloEo.l offered nt 0 j-er ci'nt I'ritne AlftrenuUIe Paper Gn."J ( per cent. Sterling iCxchaiigo Steady ; Bankers' bill ) , 94.70 ? : demand , 31.81. Goverutneut wore trrogulnr bat gener ally i per cent lower. Too d.iy ont'iied with great excitement on the Block Exchange , und denlinga up to moa wore on n ecale of great maK i- tudi. Thu s.ilu8 uf Htocks up tu nooa were < (0OGO shares , which is beyond all prece dent for two hours' hubiac i. In ently tram ctiom largu supporting orders were in the market and timid operators rushed in lo cover th > : lr puicliaate , leading to an advance of i@2 } per cent on closing quo * tations of > vsterday. This sharp rlsu was tullowod Bhortly before the ( ir.st call by a rndlcnl chan o iu tho' tunpor of specula tion , and the "heam" wore BOOU iu complete - pleto pjcsession of the mnrkct. Those who hid boupht ttoc'ca r.t the opening throw them overboard , nnd Uria tele graphic orders were received by brokois to sell , both from Iho east and the west. At different time ) during the morning thu market waa . greatly demor.iliz d , nnd haste to dijporo of btocku caused n decline of 1@2 per cent between sales in many in- Etv-iJCJ. About noon u decided chungo for the hotter net in aud prices recovered i@2 per cant. There were free purchases to cover t-hort c-jn'.rnct ? , nnd ulaa cor.sid- erablo buying for investment. Sumo bankers received through cable considera - * ble orders for Blocks , nnd especially for 1 Wabash pruforroJ , Denver , Centr.il Pa cific nud Louisville & Nnshvillo. The market continued to advance up to the close of Lusiucss , aud not only was the early decline fully recovered , but higher quotations thau those current at the close of yesterday were established in many in stances. The transactions were eimply enormous , and considerable excitement prevailed. The advance from the lowest point of tha day waa 1@5J per cent the latter in Canada Southern , which sold up to C74. Western Union roti ' 'i per cent to 81 < [ , Northern Pacific 3 per cent to W , and Oregon & Transcontinental 3 per cent to 833. It appears that eeveral of the prominent speculators , including some of th-jeo who have recently been on the "bear" bide of the account , were heavy buyers of stocks this afternoon , when the [ harp decline forced a.jgreat many weak hoklora into Belliug. Hhethcr these operators Imvo bought iBBUirn with the view of fright ening thesnort interest into covering or whether they have decided to enter into a prolonged movement on tbo "bull" aide , tituo will determine. Accompanying the advance this after- noun were reports that upon tlio arrival of officials of the northwestern roads , who are now on their way to thia city from the west , n settlement of existing difficulties would be wpeedily arranged. Among the specialties St. Paul & Mani toba advanced to 1-UJ , Fort Worth & Denver to 3'Jj and Indianapolis , Uloom- ington & Western to 33 ; lllchmoud & West Point terminal to 23. During the day a rumor of trouble in the truuk line pool was current , but this was subsequently denied , Officers of the Northern Pacific road , who were In consultation with ths land syndicate , ollijially etato tha ? preferred stock lo be given iu payment for land will be bought in open market (50,000 ( thirei > ) and that portion hns already been bought. When the full amount is obtained the fiO.OCO r.liares will bo cancelled. The Htock firm of Uutterick i Kllirnan , which buipendo.l to-day , it expncted to re sume wlthiu the time allowed by the lulea of tha Kxchango. The members of the linn refused this afternoon to muko public their reason for uuspdudiug , but offiora i.f the Kxchaupe expressed the opinion that they were loaded with securities upon which it u difficult ti burrow , and as margins are very great , were unable to keep up with the market , , No other firms will be affected by tha suopenulon it in thought , TIIESH COMML.S'TH. The Mail nnd Kxiirua nays : "Tho inteu-a depression nnd great fihtinkige iu values on tha Stock Kxchunxo this morning after tlio he ivy doslmu which had previously taken place , natur ally f jrmed th-i alt-aheorbing topiu of dia- cimlon i-.i nmmoul ciruluj. iii/oni tlio 'railroad war iu the uoithwc't , which h aomoivhat lucal lu iU i.'iaiaotcr and con fined to u few roadr , there h really nothing - ing in thu general aitiutiou to warrant any tush oojliae lu pri'C3 aaluajust tavun placo. It Is true steel rallu IIIVL decliuud , and this h > a given ribo to the buo and cry about the ilapreuaii u in the iron trade , winch , whila there may be just cauiea fur cainpU nt uf dullneu h ro and then , ii dosd i ut t , nrally oxUt. Ou the other hand , tliu tidffio cf railroads U * , - < ' , * simply enuriuuu * , and iu nia-ty eaten . I larger than ever before in the hUtory of our railroad Byute.n , The crops of 1883 are uuusually bbuudnnt ; our exp'jrU of product * and merchiudUe are Eteadily in- creailuj. Itatea of Bteriini oxo aniu are nearly down to upeo'lio importing point , and thu geueral Imaluew uf tha c.mutry U pro permu nd ha Ithy. The icflaoncjof third favorable factor * will ho felt when the peaple thall have rocovtred from their pre ent acare and demoralization , for vfhioh no good reason eiiuta. Ahead/in , vjbtori are coming into market , and to- Uay a number of uymmitsion brvkera were 1. g dividend ft cks fur tbe people , wh i r y ft > r nnd put tiif in in tin b.uci. In ro quauer h there .itiy pr < i p * < cl o { eluctl-n of dividend , hut , on the cotitty , the prospers ro in f > voroH'iO'fM In dlvi- aVndii In tlie tu tirth Min"-nti IVwihc , Union l'flclfiortdVOTlPtn Unton Iwltig ftnmn , ! tha eomp > nin mujtiouo I .141 Iktly to Adopt this policy. " The Commercial Bulletin i "At the opening th in ; liDpr.ot tt.ur , on iufounatlcn that sever al tit tip huge tptcul > tor , inclining Ketne hud met the previous evening nct ( icciled en purchasing Blocks. It wis soon discovered , however , thnt that Ron. lldii-n was yelling imle.ut of buying , nnd tha result wai n nub of order * to p.Mt with atock" , which coniplettly demur * ! Izcd the iniuket. The dhpoMtbu to te'l WM further increased iiy silei of long tock , p.irtculnrly ! the Michigan Cen tral. " OOVKr.NMl'.NTS. Ytitenta ) . To d iky. 3's 10.5 10)2 ) IV Coupons UVi lli'J V IIHJ 111) ) Pncitio G'a of 18M. i 128 120 BONDS. Central Pacific Croli 114 } 1U& & Kne socondi OSi 08J Lehlgh ft Wilkoabarro UiJ ) ! ICO l.oiiUunn cousoh Gil GS UlwwiiG'u 111 ! Hi ! St. .Tosepb 11)8 ) 118 dt , Puul & Sioux City tirsta. HOi HUi i'oniioiteo G'o ) ( ! -15 do new. . . . . 45 -IPS Texns ft I'licific luud grnnta. . 55 51 do E. Q. dlv. . . . 7G 7KJ Unlun Pacific 1st n irt h ? . .lir ) H5 do Innd KnCnto. . . ! ! ! " ! llljl do sluUmg fund. . 1171 HM Vlrpnia 6'o KG 8(5 ( do consols ( Va. , ( JOj > 00J do deferred 11 $ 13 QTORKO. Ac'.nrss Eiprcss .loS 1TG Allegheny Central ll i TU'l Alton & Terre Haute -JSj -13 do pfd. . . . 81 SG American Express OJ 02i IJinl. , Cednr ILipids & North. 774 78 Canada Southern Gig CGj Col. , Cm. & Ind. Central..10 > 103 § Central L'nctllc 813 85 Chcaapcnke & Ohio _ 2Jt i-i ! do latpfd. . . I-OJ Mi d , ) Sd pfd. . . 2l | 21 Chicago SAltcn IS'J 131J do pfd 140 140 Chi. , Burl. & Qulnoy 125 12"J Ohi. , St. L. & Now Orleans. . 75 78 Oiu. , 8 nd. & Cleveland 49J 50 Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 71 73J Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .1172 1034 Del. , Lack , a Western 25J 27 Donvsr & Hio Grande 419 -ll § Ihio 342 8U do pfd 82J 81 Kast Tenno-doo HNn 10UJ di preferred. . . . , 117i 1175 Fort Wayao & Chicago 184 J184 Hannibal & Ut. Joseph 45 45 do pfd. . . 78J 701 Uavlem ! ! 00 2UO Ifouilon & Texan Control..i"oi G" > [ Uinoiu Central 143 11 li [ nd. , Uloom. & Western 33 Sli Ivanaaa & Texas 30J 31J Lalto Krio & Western 25 2G J Lalio Shore & MichiRan So..llli 112J Louisville & Nashville fie G1 jj fiouiav. , Kow Alii. & Ohicaio GO G8 larietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 15 15 do do 2d pfd 5 5 Memphis & Charloitou JIG J4G Michigan Control OB3 07 ? Minueapolia & St. LJUIS 25 < Jl do pfd. CiQ\ Glj Missouri racific 101 lU'J MobiloitOhio 11G 118 Manhattan .Beach 12J 1211 ' ' ' ' " N ashvillo & Cliatta'uooga' ! . . . G5J CGJ Now Jersey Central CO 614 Northern Pacific 43 44 do pM 023 04i Northwestern 132 * ISJrf do pfd 152i 151 New York Central 12GJ 128 Ohio Central 13 13J Ohiojfc Misaiaaippi 32 $ 32 do pfd 80 80 Ontario & Western 259 2G Oregon Transcontinental 8U 8U Pacific Mall 34 35 ? Panama , . . .1G7 1G7 Peorio , Decatur & K\ani > v. . . 25 SCi ! ; Pitteburg tt Cleveland. . ; . . . .138i 130 Reading. . ' . . . .140 HO Rock Island 125 125J St. Louis &San Kiau 82 Si ! do Iat'pfdt93 01 St. Paul& llilwaukeo 101J 1C3 do pfd..118 120 St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba I40i 141 3t. Puul & Omaha 43 | 44i do pfd 5l | G2A Texas & t'aclfio 373 38 Union Pacific 10 $ 105J United States Express 61 04 Wobiah , St. L. & Pacific. . . . S0309 do pfd. 63A 55g Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. 128 128 Western Union Telegraph. . . 801 SI A Oaribo-i 1-i I ? Central Arizona i Ezcelslor 1 1 Homcstak o 1GJ 1GJ Little Pittsburg 1 1 Ontr.no 3G 35J Quicksilver JIG 8 } do pfd J134 44 Robinson 1 1 SilverClilf ? J South Pacific , lu 10 Stamhrd . ' G C J 3utro j i "Offered. tK * . lutsroat. JAsked. | | Ex. Dividend. PltODUOH & PROVISIONS. Special Dlapatcbca tn Tun Bra. CHICAGO , CiliCAOo , November 22. Flour quiet ; common to choice spring , 3 50Ti5 ( 50 ; ooiniiiuu to fancy Minnesota , 4 00@ G (0 ( ; p-itant * . G 50 ; winfer , 4 0 ? ; nouth- rrn Illinois , 4 C0@5 r,0 ; Kentuokj , 4 tl' @ 500. 500.Wheat Wheat Steady nuil firm ; 031 for No- vembnr ; ! > 31o for Uecsmberj U.'tj for the year ; 9U@Hi- ! ! Januaiy ; OUj 20'J o for May ; No. 2 Chicago npritifr , OJs for cadi ; reht same as reRitUr ; No. 30hcafo ! cprint' , 70s ; rejected , GOj ; No , 2red winter. Olgc for cash and November ; 91o for Ueruui * berj'Jiflj for , January ; iSi > , I ! rad winter , OO&OOfj ; rejected , 81 o ( ; oru Kxcited ai d Wfh"r ; 70 > f"r cash ; GSJo f jr November ; Glf iilVj for Ikccm- bar rnd the year ; 51jf@5lo | for January ; 55o for May ; ri'jeotcd , ( lOJe. Oats Firiner 35 0 for cash and Novem ber ; SSJo Jor December and the year ; 3iy@344o for January ; 352o for May ; rejected - jected , : i2l@33o. Kye-Market dull ut 57&o. & lUrloy Market dull a' 81@82c. Flax Seed Market dull at 1 15. Pork Acllva hut lo 'cr ; 17 017 21 for cnsh ; 17 00 bid for November ; 1G I'D ' © 17 00 for December and llio ytar ; 17 0. ' bid lor Jantwy ; 17 07i@17 10 fur F bru- ftt.v ; 17 474W 5J for May. L-irJ Uus ttleland lower ; 1080C/1085 Jor oaahj 10 bO for Novcmbst ; 10 42J'c/ for Da member and tlui ynnr ; 1017itel0.rjO for January ; 10 53@10 67J for .February : 10 75 10 7/4 for Mar. liulk .McitK In fair demand ; Bhonldera , G 75 ; eh jrt rib , U GO ; nh-.rt o B r , y 8'J. Buttfir Dull ; fair to fancy croainrry , lio.Mii ) * heat Firmfr ; insular , 93 o for November ; 9 'ggOJjo f r D-cein. ber93Jof ; rtheyeai } yjlfeDlgj for J.mu- srv ; 'JJjJj for May ; No. 2 if ( I wii.tsr , 95J a.03a for November ; 93Jo for Dee m- ber ; 9 if fe95 } . - for the year ; ytijo lor Janu. ery ; 1 04 io.May. . Firmer ; C'Ja for November ; Gle ! for Dasember ; G1J i 01q for the v r ; 64 } f r January ; { tfja for Feliruary for May. P.irk-Firmerj 17 07J for Novemb r ; 1G 'J7J ( or December ; 17 0 1 for the v nr ; 1707 * for January ; 1715 for February : I * < rd HlRlitr ; 10 8j for N j cmberi 10 52110 65 for December an ! the year ; 1057J@10GOfor Januaiys 10 G5 for Fo' tusr. , ; 1J S2i@10 85 foe M y. NR\V YORK. seta intent pmci < , C ft1 ® \Vhe. t On h J Jo l'lxl > "f nnd flrni ; op tions of ncd ca-ier but Mii Nitt nUy be- cama wronger * nd t < Ui ncefl 3i5l8ci ( clwnff tirm ; No. 2 rpriuc , nomliml : ungraded aptliiif , IK ! ; uncradtd ret' , 85c@l 10 : No 3 ted , 1 nyal 0) ? ! stenmor No. 2 red , 1 Olj CrfUfiiJ N" 2 n > , 107Jlt8forccrtj hc tc . 107iWlODioh ! fror ) : No 1 red , 1 14 : UDRrAit d Hlillo , JDord ) ! 11 : steftinor No. 3 white. SGaSGJo ) No. 2 white , 97f ) HSj ; N > > . I white. 5i.O tin hcl , > old nt 1 0 i No. 2 rod for Not oniher , 32,00 ) bushels ( md ! 1 073l 08 ; No. 2 red for December , 424,000 Ii .ifhols to.d nt 1 031 03J , clcsiiiK nt IWJ ? No. 2 ted for .lamury , 4lOOW IAi hof ! old at 1 10JSll ( 11 , cloiitiR nt 1 11 ; No. 2 tfd for Fohruftty , 80,000 Iw-hoJs told at 1 128@1 18 , cUsiiiB at 1 13J. Corn Kxollcd nnd htphcrj spot nhd No- vcmbcr OirtJIa hlshi'i ; December nnd the voar. Sfrf.JUo btttcrj nufjr dcd , 5568950 ; No. 3 , S2j ; Hto nmr , IK'c ; No. 2 , < . )5l)8j ) ) In elevator , ! f(3.97o ( delivered ; Nn 2 for November , IWftiwU OH , f losing at 1 00 : No. 2 for Orconlir r , 81J@H4Iclosing at SIJcj No. 2 for iTanunrr , CO@G7i , olnsing : tt G7icNo ; 3 lo * February , Oli@G5c | , cloa- lap ! at C > r > Jc. O.xts / \ shade lower ; mixed WMtern , 39 4 'c : whlto wes rn , 42@49j. Hay Firm nnd fairly uetlvc ; GOo. HODSQuiet nnd steadily held ; New York stRt. . . 1 00@1 in. ER/K Ftoih weateri ) , qul-l but firm ; 28J@23o. Pork Dull nnd uouilml ; ucw inci1 ? , 2003 , Beef Qaiot but nloidy. Cut Mauls Dull and nominal ; long clear middles , 10 CO. LirdBuoyant ; 11 70(3)11 ( ) 75. iUtttor Dull ; l37c. . Cheese Dull nnd nuiulnnl ; western ( lit , 5@12Jc. ST. I.OUlfl , Sr. Lonis. Novomlter 22. Flour Sto-uly : XXX , 3 C5ff3 { 70 ; fauillv. 4 10 ® 4 25 : choica 4 CO@G50i f.iney , 4 75 ® 105. \VhoH-Quiol ; No. 2 red fall. 9l@9ljc for cash , Sllc for November ; Ol'Ja for De- cembci ; ' . )4o for the year ; 95Jo for Jim- nary ; il7Jo for Ftthrtmry ; 1 021 for Mny ; No. 3 rod full , 83 bid. Corn-Higher ; 072(2088 ( for cash ; GSi ® CS J for November ; 64 J for December ttud tl-.o year ; 4Sjaor { January ; IDJoforFob. rinry ; r > Uc tor May. O.xts Higher : 35@3fljo for oasli ; 35Jo for November ; 34s fur-Dcciuibor nnd the you ; 3IJo for May. llye ilirfhcr ; 57o. 15irlcy Steady ; sample lots range from 50@80s. Butter Quiet ; crcirnery , 33@37c ; dairy , 223lc. ( Kii'8 Steady : 242lic. Whiiky Higher ; 1 15. Pork-Dull ; old , 18 00 ; imw , 17 50. Bulk Meati nnd Bacon Very dull ; only n email peddling Undo in boxed bts at irregular and lower priccj. Lard-Dull. BOARD Wheat Quiet ; 91o for the year ; 953otor January ; Ojgabidfor February ; 1 12. } bid for May. Corn Stcadj ; C8c for November ; 518 © 51c for tlio yum49Jc ; for January ; 4UjJo fcrFebruary ; oOJ : for J\Iay. Oats UuchmiKcd ; nothing done. KAK8AS CITY. KANSAS CITV , November 22 Wheat Weaker ; No. 2 red , 7Qj bid for cash nnd tlio year ; SOJc for January. Com 18c for c.ish ; 42-Jo bid for the year : 41Jo bid for January. OaU Slnw ; 29j bid for canh ; SOJo bid Cor December ; 31o bid fur the year. Btter Wo k ; store iiacked , 20@23c. EgKt Uuuchnused ; 2Go. COUNCIL , BLUFFS. COUNCIL ] JLUPFB. November 17. The Council Biufh inarkota carefully revised to date are as follows : Flour Golden Sheaf. 3 00 ; Kansas City winter wheat , 2 75@3 25 ; Minnesota winter wheat , 3 00@4 00. Wheat No. 2. 75c ; No 3. l,65c ; rejected , 50c. 50c.Corn Corn No. 2 , 50o. Oats No.2 , 30c. Rye No. 2 , 45c. Barley None. Kggs Scarce ; Belling tn packers af20o , Corn Meal 1 GO for white ; yellow. 1 GO ; corn chop , 23 00 per ton ; corn and oats ohoo , 28 00 per ton. FllUITS-Applcs , 2 00. Broom Corn 8i@9c. Hay Looao , 7 00@9 00. Wood 5 00 ( 6 00. Wool 1D@25. Butter Cronmory , 30cln ; rolls , wrap- ced , 20c ; rolls not wrapped , 22c ; mixed colors , 10@l2ic. Onions lOo par buehol. Llvo ChicUeus 2 50@3 00 per dozen. Potatoes 30c per buuhel. Cnbbagea 25@10opor doz , Turnips 30c per bushel , Sweet Corn 7o per dozen. LIVE STOCK.CnttlsExtrn , 300 ® 3 DO Vcnl Calves-5 50 ® " 00. UORS 7 00@7 25. Sheau 3 0. MHROHANDISB. Special Dlepatchea to TUB Dun. NKW IOIIK. NEW YOIIK , November 22. Coffee - Market dull and weak ; Kio cargoes quoted - ted nt Gl@8c. Sugar Market dull nnd weak ; fair to good refining quoted at 7.i@7Jij. Molasboii Quiet but Bteady ; New Or leans , 40@57c ; Porto Jlico , 35@58c. llice Dull ; Domestic , 5@OJc ; Ilaugoon , 2Jc ; 1'atno , 3o in bond. Petroleum - Dull nud nominal : United , 117 ; crude , 73@8j.cj refined , 7J@8o. Tallow Market dull and weak ; 7J@8c , lloam-Firm ; 1 80@1 90. Turpentine Markut dull nnd weaker ; 53JcLeather Leather In good demand ; Hemlock eolo , liucnod Ayret and Ute Grande light , miadlo nnd heavy , 22@20a. LIVH 3TOOK Special C'rpitcbea to Tan BBS. CH10AQO , CHICAGO , November 22. The Drovera Joiiruiil rpiurln M follows ; Iloga Worn aoll\o nt n decline and 20o lower than Tuesday } mixed , 5 70C6G 2.1 : honvy , G 10@C 70 ; light , 5 75@0 40 ; eUii > j , 5 50. 50.Cattle Cattle Moderately active ; chipping lOo lower ; good to chcilco , 5 10@ > 00 ; onm- imm to fa'r , 4 00@5 00 : butchorh' uotiva nt 2J@ 100 ; Btoskers and feeders , 3 10@1 25 ; Tcxniu , 3 60@4 20 , Sheep Steadier and value * firm ; onm. montofalr , 2 C0@3 CU ; medium to good , 3 75@4 25 ; choics to'extra , 4 40@5 00. NK\V YnllK , NEW YORK , Novembnr 22 , Tlie Drovera' Journal bureau report * : JJeeves QuiHty fairly jood with eavernl cjr lots of very choice MCUM < u"rad ; nur. kttt a0iatle firmer ; nil wore 'old ; eilriuos : nallvea , 8 7fi12 f 0 ; medium to ( ; oed ateerf , 10 25QI11 50ix car ) o idi of Tavina mild nt 8 f O&O 00 ; exportew used 200 fat teen at 10 OOCojU 00 , fihoep Klrm and fairly active ; extromesi lull-u , 400000 j1jl. fcWf. jttiuw 500 ® G 40. Hogg-Dull aad lot/or for live hogii at G OjgG ( GO j'er ovvt , ICANSAH rjirv. KANHAH CITY , Nov mber 23. Tha Live Sl'ick Indioatur i | JoiU : Cattle Very nulei , ; native ttaera of 1,200(3)1,300 ( ) ( Muuda Hold at i 5QA (0 ; atoolierurnd faeJais , 3 f.0 4 . ' 15 ; cowv , 2 GO ; Hinnll 'J'cx.m ht. w , 3 40&3 ! ) ! ) . . llo s Liwrr and weakG ; 75SG 20 : with tha bulk at 5 000 00 , Hhe p-Quiet ; 300@350 for good to choice. BT , LOUIS/ BT. LOUIH. November 22. Cattle ( Joocl' dooiaud at strong prlcaa from all ojawti of lniera ; light native thinplng fair to choicg native butcher u'totra , 3 CO © 1 ' 0r : cd toc1iol' " > < "w-i d Ivoif tf , 1f)0 10 ; common. ' 4 < < 1 ; . u , , i ic- iris , 4 ( . ' 0@l f > 0 ; iI.1U1 i tn fmr , .1 3 75 ; g'ooktr * and ttdo. . , , 00@ I IK ) . Bhsnp Steady ; ROI d o th K-o n Mvo mutt.m , 35034 60 ; Ttx r. . , 2 8 ® I IB. HOR l\M nnd 1 > werj Yorkcra , GOO ® G 15 ; iiaeKliur , 0 20i ? 6 Mj hntchcw' to ex- tr , G 40@0 GO. l Ulip Ui ( S to TIIR Han. tfLOUU AN1 OR.UN8 , CiltOAOO , No mber 22. Uecripts MM ! Bhlpmonla of Hour nnd grain for the p * t 24 hours liavo been na f > Flour bbla . 8rt CHX ) 17HO ( Wheat bnnholii . 9 ,000 10K.2CO Com " . Hi2OW lln.030 Oatn " . . . IS.IKK ) 4rHX ( ) Uyo " . 10.5(0 ( 7-VK ) IJnrloy- " . M5.000 13,000 NEW YORK , November 2. . Ikoeipt * and shlpaitntH of flour and gnln fitlio past 24 bourn have been M follow M KcreiptK Shp'U , Flour-bbls . 2vSO'0 705 Wheat bushoU . 2 9.0J.I l.TOJO Com " . liVyM 1.2JO Oats " . , ufO 8W ST. Louis , Noiomlisr 22. - KccoipU nud hinwuuti of Hour nnd grim for tha piwu 21 hours have been ns tolbwaj Itacolpti. Shlp'ls Flour bbl8. . . . . 1)000 ) 18,000 Wheat luwhbl * . MI.OPO 11 ,003 Corn " . . "AOOO 2J.COO Oats- * . 17,000 . Ky " . l.OUJ 2.COO IJarlej " . 12,000 . KAKBAB OITT , Novcmbor 2J. Uooetpti nud ehipmonts of RMIII fnr the past 2t houra hn\o becu in follcms : lleo'ia. Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels . 21,000 27,000 Cora " . 59.000 37OiO LIVK STOCK. CHICAGO , November 2J. Kcccinte nnd chlpmontu of Hvo ntucV : for the past , 21 houra have been ns follovcat lieo'tn. Sliipm't ' . HOIJH . 4J.OOO I'.UOO Oat'tlo . ! > , fCO 2,300 Sheep . 2,500 GOO New Youic. November 22. llocolpta nnd nhipuicnta of lire , tock for tha put 48 hut8 have been ni follows : Jloc'ts. aiup'ts IIo a. . . . 15.850 . Cattlu . 8,7i , > 0 . Sheep . 13.3DO 420 Beef , qr . 3.n.OD , Muttou cnrcnasoj . , 520 ST.Loui9 , November 22. Uocolpts nwd shlpmciitfl of live etock foi thu past 21 houra have been ns follows : lUo't" . Bhlpm'ts , Bogs . . . . . . 7fOO . Cattle . 2,7(0 50 Sheep . ; . 2,900 1,400 KANSAS OITV , November 22 , Kcceipls nnd nhlptnenta of live Htock for tbo pat.t 21 houra hr.vo been as follows : 1WK Shipm'to , tlocs . O.ICO . . . . Oittlo . 1,003 Shcop . 100 OMAHA MAKKJLTS. Wliolccnlo OffriCK OP TUE OMAHA UEK , ) Tuesd&y Evening1 , Novcmbor 22. j Tlio only changes reported in the mar ket to-day nvo as follown : Cnetoroil ndvuuccd 10a per gnl. Quiuinu uJvunced 15j per oz , Local Grnlu DoallnfiB. WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , v51c ; cash No 3 , Glic ; rejected , 44Jo. UAIlLliY. Cash No , 2 , 70o ; No. 8 , 41Jc.KYECaah KYE-Caah , 43c. CORN No. 2 , 65o. OATS-SOc. SEEDS-Flax seeJ 1 OD pr bu ; Ked clover , choice new , CO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , 87 00 ; white cbvcr , now , 314 ft1 ; Alfalfa clover , new , $12 50 ; alsike , uuv$13 00. Tim < othy , good , new , 52 00 , blue grass , extra uloin , $1 50 ; blua grnco , clean , 31 25 ; orchard grass 02 50 : rod top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Mi&iouri 80c ; millet , German , 81 00 to 151 2D ; Hungarian , liOc ; Uesco oranKO , 1 to I busheli , 555 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels 01 over , 64 CO ; honey locnct , par lb , , 23oj ps ; 100 Ibs. , 825 00. Produce and Provliloni POTATOKS 40453 par bushel. ONIONS-30@50o per bushel. BUTTER Choice country , 25@30o. 15GGS-27@28s. RON BY Calif or jin , per b , 21. APPLH3 Per barrel. Jj2 75@3 25. OYSTERS -Select , 45o. GHAl'KS-Californin. 81 f.0@2 25. FLOKIDA OIIANUHS-SG 5'J. ' LEMONS-81 254 50 per box. BEANEs Dome io German 2026 ( per hnflhcl. CHICKENS -11@123 per pound. TUllKKYS-13a per pound. Grocers' Lloc. CANNED GOODS OyHtero , 2 11 ( Field's ) , per cnae , $4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( ITIold'H ) par case , 2 75 ; do 2 lb ( Ctnudnrd ) , per CMC 3 75. Lobtitora , 1 Ib per dozcnj 180. Tomatoes , 2 lb 205 : do 3 ! b pci CIEO , 2 75 ; Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountnln per RO.SO , 3 00 soaked corn , 1 GO ; do 2 lb ( Yaruioouth ) per oaw , 3 00 string bcauc , per caao , 2 10 ; Lima beam per cnao , 1 70. Succotaoh per case. 1 80 ; PeaB , common , per caiie , 1 50 : pea1) , choice , per co < o,2 70. Bhckbcrricn , 21b , per caao , 210 ; strnvTliorriub , 2 Ib , per case , 2 59 , raspberries , 2 Ib , per cnbo , 3 39. Dam < cona , 2 lb , per cj.su , Z 45. Bnrtlett peara per CMO , 2 GO. Whortloborrlo ; per case , 275. KKS l > luinn,2 IT ) porc > .FCK 00 ; Grocn iaKW ; ,2 lb per caoc , 2 'JO ; do choice , , to per C.VW 1 KO. PlnoApploa , 2 lb , porcnBe 4 00(2,5 ( 75. L'caohcr , 2 lb per case , 3 00 , do 3 lb , case , 4 00@4 0 ; do , ( pie ) . 3 11 , poi ctoo,23D : do pie , S Ib , per doron , 2 30. FL'jIJH Johhtajr i < rloo , Jack Frost St. Louii wintfir ) SH.90 per 100 11)8. ; To. poka Patent Kau > : an , 33,85 ; M innohahn MinuPBQlu 1'utent , § .5.70 ; Shawnco Fancy winter , 8UO : ; Eagle , XXXX winter , 93.CO ; Triumph cpring , beut , f > 2.80 ; CJirU. tian's mip Tlativo , 3.70 ; bran , per ton , Sl-5.00 ; chopped feed , S28.00. dUGAJtoPowdered , lOJc ; Cot loaf , 10J ; Granulated , 03cj Coniectioiier1. ! A , Ufij ; ntanitnrd Kxrrn C , 8Jc ; Extrn O , Sic ; medium yellow , 8cj durl : yjllow , 760. 760.SYllUPStandnrd Com. , lie , hbla.i Standard do , 44 gallon ke n. $225 ; Stan > dard do , 4 gallon keg * , 81 00 , MKATiS Hams , IGc ; bieiikfaat bacon , nons ; clear ildo bwon , none ; dry salt ba ou , Ifjt ; fhotildera , lljc ; tlorca lard , IS'f. IS'f.11O1M5 Hlsal , 4 Incii nnd Inrgor , 10i | li Inch. lit. L \KD-OmnhivUefinInin ? Co. : Tior.-cd , 13J ; 41 and 50-lb cans , 133u ; 20-lb cunn , J3jt ; 10-lb pailn , ocrov/top , 13 ; D-lb do , lie ; 3 l.rtu , 14Jo. I'JSH Nr 1 raacVoral , half brli , 0 75j No. 1 mewl , kit * , 1 00 ; family wank- cral. half UK 4 75 ; family muckorul , kltx , 85a ; No. 1 white fab , half lulu , U 00 ; No. 1 tWLQSJ.-lfmi'm ' , 0i Al' sco , MOe ; Olovea , 3 c. Nutxitf r , V Ou ; OMHI , 2 < u , iltce SI < M. LYJAonriaai 8 3S : Greenwich , 8 Jrtj sVenUn. , ' . ! 7f > i North tibu , Si 00 { JjavrU iyo , 40CJWolllljreaP. FiiiJ ; Jobbing price * , Chop toed , 91.50 j.er 1CKJ Ibx , ; ebop ooru , (1.40 ; UMI , 70o iwr 10J Ibn. Bllv a Mom 't I t nJHo , Mi. 13 o ; k , to d ioiw , l to ISc ; UW .jov'l Ja < A' " i. . \ , 2 Uiijl , SSkoi Ajrbutuie'n , :3jc. : ' ? n Otvuu , Ulio , Cult th * hp fiajhi , a 20 , Tub * , No , 1 , 9 : 0Pvnf < * . > r j , IS5 ri 2 WjV 6 Jl < i. si , , 8 H\ . VlNKttAU- imra nijple , Wt ; 1 1 ivme uux iUip , 16c , SALT. Dr. y 1 , . . t r bbl , 1 06 ; Af- low. In * c k , 8 - M > lg rtAlry 80 , fir , 8 M HOMtNY-Ncw , W fn bbl , SODA In lb pspew , S3 pet Cfte ; korf sn.li , 9c. ao\t' --Rirk'iiSAvmi Inimriai , J 4' Ktrt i wtlivn , 8 GO ; KHk'ii rtanannl. 7 . < lrk > wh 'o Uavitui , 5 38 : v > , U. KJrU'n PiMrlo , i , l.- j , OiKirk'a in . - . * . . . . , POTAiJH PrwMylTaot * cs . W n PM , 8 S5j I'ftbWll'n Wall , < - > ttao , \ 90 : Anohof ltII ! < dor. in l M. . Ifle wv l' > j fan5 5 * ' ' , iOL-- . T T white * lr < Hi ii rv. 103 ! t * > vwi < Ml , * NKV r > tf i.3 i - - " < MMnm , ! w ? rri'\ ' f7r > ' ) ; d < > : c' ' ' > ! ( INI r > , 4 S'imk'l ' < . ( * t liiiln , 053 do , ! ' i.if h ls , r,2 > i ulurl'aj , in hMa , 11 5Ji cin , lit hnU 'ibtii. G C\ . 0.\JNl > ' Kt - l ot * . 40 tho.Hi' . 1 % ; Ho , Ufi ; K too 40 lb # , , 1 6 . , flu , It Jc. ilIC'V * iKtnMin prime toohnli * . 7jl ? > 7i . - ( Mr , G f7c ; P tmi7c. . ' ' . > . W 10 } snu o , o so . $5 40. Dry CMotlt. MttOVTJN COTTONS AthnUo A , 840 } Vppleton XX , 7c ; Atlnnta A , Ros Hoott fl8.W : Utwkaya LL. 4-4 , 7o ; O.ibot W , Tie ; ClittenaUto ! A. K\c ; urjnt Valla B. tUoj Houiicr , Oic ; llonoat Width , 8Je. In- tfan Ifond A , Hjc ) ; tudtan SUiuUtxl A , tt U , 74o ; do A , Sic ; do K 48 , l io ; Wai- uott Ittl , J . FINF BUOWN OOTTONa-Alloudale 1-1 : 7ic ; Allltrntor 3-4 , 3c ; Arpylo 4-1 , 7ie ; Atlantlo LL , GJcj BndKtr SUto X 4-J , 7o ; Donutugton 0 4-1 , G-Joj IluoUoje H. J-4 , ljcc ? Indian Orchard AA 'J-3 , Rio ; Lnconia O BLUAOHKD COTTONS Androsoo- Klu L 4-1 , Bk : Itlnckulouo A A in.porlal 8i'o , do do half lileaclietH'l/Jc ; Cabot 4-4t ) ; VMolltyM , 9JcVrult ; of tholrtoiu,10 : do cnubrio4-4lSodoWntcrTwist,10icGrtat. ; ; rnlliiq,10JcIiuHaa ; llend hrunk 4-4 , 12o : Lons-lalc. lOo ; do combrio 37 , 12.Jo ; Now York JMllb , 124c ; Ponnot A,10a ; Popnorol N G Twills , lyjc : Posalumtua 4-1 , 9jo , ; Pooarstt 4-4 , Uioj lltlca , Uo ; WnuunttA 0 X X. 12ic. DUCKS Colored ) Albnny M brown. ; do C , ilr.ib , .il . do XX otrlpoa and plaide , 12\c ; do XXX browu nnd drab , Btriptu nud plaldr , 12 c ; Arlington fancy , lite ; Bruuwlck brown , 8Jo ; Chariot Innoy , 12io ; do extra honvy , 20o ; Full llivcr brown , extra heavy , lljcj Indiana A brown 1H < " Nououael A bro\ra. 15o TlOKtWUa iiaionkunff A O A S2 19c ; do XX blue 82 , 18jo ; Arrowannn , 9 o ; Claremout B B , 15Jo ; Couostoga ox trn , 17-io ; Unmilton D , 1140 LowtBton t\ . JO , 16c ; Minuohnlia 4-1 , 20c ; Omcun sui > or cxtra4-It28o ; Pearl lUvor 32. lOjo ; Put- IGJc ; Andovcr 1)1) blue , 154o ; ArliugX blue fScotoh , 13ic ! ; Concord OOO , blue aw browu. lic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; doXXto doilolljo lliyui.Mcr'j : blue nnd brown , ( tic ; Mv tlo llivcr DD alriiw , IG o ; Penri Kivcr , blue nud brow" , H > c ) blna and brown , 144r. OAMBU1CS Bnrnard , liniug. 2 1 inch double fnco , 8Jc ; Garner A glazed , 5Jc ; M'anhattnu clove finish , 5Q Nowiort do Go ; do glared , 5jcj [ IVciuot do Oc : Lokwood kid liuish Go , COKSET JEANS Amory , 80 : Andrea cogsln Kattocn S o ; Clnrcndcu , G ojConoa o"gn untteeivj , 71o ; HnlloweL , 8c ; Inidi Orchard 7io ; Nnrr gnniottimprovpda ! Paunerill BaU > on 9in : Ilookport , 7Jo , PKINTS- Aliens , Gio : American , Oicj Arnold , To ; Bonvick , 4Ju ; Cooheco , 7ci Concstoga , GJc ; Dunkirk , 4o ; Duunoll , GJ@7c ; EddyHtone. 7o ; GbucoBtcr , Go ] Harmony , 5 c ; ICmckorbocker , G4c ; Moi rl nc D , 7c ; M'ystlc , G4 ° > Sprarues. Co Southbridgo , Go ; do. Ginghnuia , 7c ; Mnrl- bore , SJ c : Oriental 6&c. GINGHAMS Amnskoftg. 12Jc ; Amos. koasf drcea 9J | Argyle , lOjc : Atlantic , Da ; Cumberland , 74o ; Highland , 74o ; Konilworth , 81c ; Pluu kott , 10 lc ; Sui oax , So , COTTONADE3 Abbarvlllo UJc Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; ArtlMnn. 2Uc Cairo D nnd T , 134c ; Clarion D and T 17 Jc ; Doccnn Co. stripes D and T.lGc ; Kay etuue , liijc ; Nautucket , lOo : Nonpareil IGa ; Ocean D nnd T , 13jo ; Roynl , 104 1 Sussex , 12c ; Tlogn. 12ip ; Waohusott nhirt in < ; ibcoks. 124o ; do , Nankin , 12&o ; York plaiu Nankin. l-'Jc ; do , cliocke , stripes nni ancy. 124c ; do , 8 02 , 20o. SHEKTINGS-AndroscoBRln 10-4,2740 do 9.4 , 23 : ; do 8-1 , 22o ; Continental ( 42 , lie , Fruitjof the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Nov York mlllB')8 ) , 80o ; do 78 , 30c ; do 6H. 224c Pombrko ; 10-1 , , 25o ; PeciuotlM , 23lo , di 74 , 193 do 49 , IGc ; Pepporcll 90 , 20c do G7. 21cdo ; G7 , 18c ; Ut ca 90 , 3io ( ; di 53,22io ; do 43. 17c. Painty Ollt and Vernliltea. OILS 110" carbon , per gallon 14 c ; 150' headlight , per gillon IGa ; 176' headlight , per gallon , 214o liuiiced. raw , per gallon , 53 ; llneood , boiled per gallon , SO ; ; lard , winter att'd , portal Ion , 1 00 : No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 7f > c ; castor XXX. per gallon , 1 20 ; No. ! ) , 1 15 ; nweet per gallon , 85o ; sperm , W. B. , per gnllon 1 05 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; uoatafcot oxtrn , per gallon , 76c ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri eating , KTII , pur gallon , 30c ; aummor , 15c golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 85o ; No li , SO : gpcriu , elgnal , per gallon , 80c ; turpentine pontino , per callou , G5s ; nnpthn , 74' , po ; gallon , 18o ; Gl' , 17c PAINTS IN OIL Whllo lend , Omahi P. P. . Oicj white load , St. Louis , pure , GJo uInrHaillca grcon , 1 to 5 lb cane , 20 < F/ench zinc , ( ; ioou senl , 12c ; French zlno red ceul , lie ; French ziuo , lu vorninh iwat ' . ! 0 : : French zlncc , in oil aunt , Ifio ; Hav nnd burat umber , 1 lb cans 12o ; raw nui bunit , Slcnnn , 13o : vnndyke brown , * ! refined lainphlbck , 12c ; cuach black unJ Ivory black , 16o ; drop black , IGc ; PruunliH blew , 0c ; ultmmarino hluo , 18c ; chr\nii groaa , L. M , ti D. , lie ; blind r.nd uhulte ; Krcen , L , M. li D. , IGc ; I'arin green , 18c Indian rod , Ific : Venctluu rod. 9o ; TIUCTJ dit , 22c ; Amorlcan Vonnlllod , I , &P. , lUc Uiromo yellow , Ii. , M. , O. & D O , , 18c yulluw ochre , I'c ; golden ochre , Ifl ; patou dryer , 8c ; ( 'raining colum : light oak , dur2 oat. walnut , ihoiitnut .ind tuth Vta Dry u lnt WhiU ) load , Gc ; i'ltncn jJnn. 10s : IMI v hllelna 2Jo ; whiting gildiiM , IJi. vii'ti ! ! ; : com'I , IJc ; liiuipbmok Gcruinn town. )4o ) ; Ifjupbii.ck , oiUiuary , KJ ) ; l'i\\a ula.ii blue , OSc ; ultrnnir.nuu , IHo ; vandyki brown , fie ; umber , Inu-nl , 4j ; umber , ra-.i lojsleunr * , burn t , 4c ; Manna , r w , 4c I'arls grocn genuine , 23c ; Pnrlu g : on oom' ' 20u ; rhromo Kwm , N , Y.1 23s ; c'lrom green JC. , 12o ; vcrmlllion , Eug , , 70o ; vet million , America , IKc ; Indlnu red , 10 > : ro.io pink , Mo ; vi.nutiuu rcud , Oookaoti'i ' ic : voneUnu iwl Am , , loj rel loiU , 71 chrome yeilow , genuine , 'Ma hromo- yellow low , K. , 12c ; oi-hro , tuohello 3a ; onhrt ; rjt , Volute * ( . uuueriJ , 2Jc ; IchftfU bro/n , 2J , < rt > ; J'rlaoo B rnlnttnl S wct/A , 91 10 ; furultuw , N > \ 1 * ! ; coueu , eUra , 91 40 ; oaoli , N > , 1 ( U 80 ; Dtyoajr , elr , U 75 ; p > om , ) OCM ; I'luitnw , extra , Muj ihaU * < j f fl SOi Yin , il ttuiuU , 1 30 Mi < K.vy H rdw ro Lint , > i yiu , li& yj WttKOU gMktii | , cot 00 , UuL j , ins KOI , i J5 ; feliuwi , g5e < * & , Viuar.i ntts : , per Id , 7&llo /a , hc-ni. par It 8 ' 'jlfcM irnoui , itor Ib , lie oil cliJ4O , IHU Ib , G6lu ! ) ; lualwalilo , tie IAH. vyeiu , & ; uuwiMi , Cki ( Uinov Wv , i jr ky , 8 00 ; itprini > ' 'Oil. 7@Hj ; Hurt ! j tn horuethutti , 5 M ) lurifen'n mulcjl'oiw , * > ! > 0. rfliW. * ! hot , 91 * ; back . .hot , . , " 1.1C t. ilti.u.i' \ > .wJ ir , uiB , 03.40 : do. , hi ] i ago , 1M.-UI i , iiuarUr iiita , > t.W ; n'w. | 1 i-t , IMM , W.8& ! Fiue. ter 100 fust 50c. BuSWD WIltK-In we lot * , 7 5' ) p ; tU li or U > U. 7 76 n r 10 J , -llatw. 10 to C t' , 425. Leather Oak Jolo , DSc to 42c ; hemlock Bole , 28o t ? r < c ; hemhtlt kip. 80o to 100 1 1 "Ocj h mloc it c'lf , 8Do to 1 20 ; t < > V'foaK \ upper , 24i. ) Uigfttur. 4 00 to I ) f.O ; c\lf kid , P2' ? V > o ; Grei * n kid , 2 50 to 2 7t > , > o lt kip , 80s to 1 00 ; onk calf. X 20 to 1 80 ; French kip , 1 10 to 1 M : i--cnch calf , 1 25 to 2 COi rue- wtU. 0 CO < < i (0 ; llnlncd , 0 00 to 10 fOj pfiinfjn , 11 ' "j > o 10 10 ; It. 1 1. Morocco , 0c ! r.nj pv 'W i ) , D. M'orosco , 35a ; elmon ; NnV ttni oak , 42o ; No 2 ti. 8V < ; No. lOUi. ( mh , 88cs Nn , 2 do , * " " : No. 1 Miw ; < tnD , iCoj No. 2 do , 3-lc , Morton I nd vult > k. L'ltKi uiiu-kn In I'M ' * * snii nil grndca DTP rtilliw < \ \ \ nt ; v divht luiv.vnot' b > pHon ? h < ( inMuHar good Jinrvi ) * iu > iut > hf i'pJy ooruU ri > iity. Prtco * rAti v tv > fol OWi Flo.s ! nRlt ) diUcn. * 1HO. to 300. IBttro UhomML SI ? b. to SB'Ccmmtm drn.'t l vT $100. to 11VO.J Extra fart/i hurs'ja , ' 110. to 1'5. ; Ocrnruon wo rood fnrm horios ' to 5100.1 F.Us phiifs RJiO. to TO.j S20. to $10. 141 to 15 hnndis S100. to 140. ! 14 to Hi Wids , W. to 100. | l t to 14 h n.li , ? & ) . to 7f > Llnuori. AI COnOLltsf proo ! , 323 per wino gallon ; oxtrn CMIformn spitlti. 187 | > roof , 1 per fioot cnltoii ; trlplo rolinnd nplrlti 187 prool , 1 28 per proof gallon ; rotlMtllod vL ( UM , 1 OOC01 CO ; fine blended , 1 i > 00 $ J 50) ) Koulnoky bourhonti , 200700 ; Krn- tup.ky nnd Poiuuylvnnln ryei , 2 00 7 00. bllANBIKS-lmportod , 8d OOQJIOOOi domc-tlo 1 404 00. GINS lie ported , 4 50@ OOj ilomostle , HWOO , iUMlmporlrd , 4 r.0f0 00 : Ne f iifflnnd. U ( KO4 ) ( 00Momn ; tic , 1 M > @ 3 50 PUAOH AND A L'PLK lillANDY- 175 ® I 00. 01IAMPAGNr.3-Imvortojt W CM * . OO$9i ( CAECjrl | ) J , OMO , 1200 ® 1(100 ( , OLAUBTS or cftwc , 4 CO@1G CO WINKSJ-Iih ue wine , per cwo , G 00 © 20 00 ; GateTbft , per cxio , 4 00@7 00 , Lumtor. VTIIOLIMALK. Wo quote lumber , lain ami nhlnglw on ! anra nt Omaha nt the following prlcoi ; JOIST AND .SCANTLING 1G ft. and under , S22 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 50. TIMUKUS 1ft ft. nml under , 8C2 00. No. 2 , $22 110. S11B1ST1NO No. 1 (2nd ( common boarda ) . ? 2) ) OD } Wo. 2 , 818 00. STOCK BOAUDS , 12-in. I ) , 82300 Liu. O , C35 00 ; 12-iu. 1) , § 40 00. IiIMl" Per barrel , 91 33 ; bull : per one 10 : ; Comcut , bbl , $2 25 IOWA plaster , bbl , 82 50. Hair per bu , 40o. Tarred felt 100 lb * , 83 50. Straw board , 83 BP. COAL Oumborland blacksmith , 312 ; Murria Run Blosahurg , C12 ; WhltobroMt lump , 55 f > 0 ; Whllohreast nut , W CO ; Iow lump , 85 50 ; low : * nut 95 50 ; Kock Spring J8 ; Authracito , S10 5C1100. Or u i > i DllU 8 AND GIIKMIOA U3.old , Carbolic , 50o ; Acid , Tartarlo , GOo ; Balaam "Jopabin , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Saiuitfnxg , per ! ) , 1'ii ; Calomel , per lb , 70c ; Glnchouintn , ior oz , $115 ; Chloroform , per 11) . 100 ; Dnvor'a pcnvdort , per Ib , 81 'Wi ilpaoin Silts , per lb , Hie : Ulyottluo , purd , po hi , 83o ; Lend , Acetate , prr lb , 22o Oil , Oaitoi' , NP. 1 , per ! , PI 20 ; OH , Castor , No. 3 , per pal , 0110 , Oil , Ollvo , pcriral. SI 50 ; OH , Ortanmim , 5C ; Opium , 95 00 ; Quinine P. ft W. k K. ft H. , nor u : , 22 05 ; Potaisiurn , Iodide , per 11 $175 ; Salaciu , per 01 , 40o ; Sulphate o Morphluc , per or , 83 8 , " ; flulpnur Hour per lb , 4c ; nlrvohnlno. uor oz , SI 35 , Olaarn nrt Tco ccni. OIOAttS. Bcoda , 5515.00 ; Conneottcnt , 025.00 ; Mixed , 335.00 ; Seed Ilivana , SJ.iO.OOs Cloarllavann. 575.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rula , 24 Ib , GOo ; Our Kopo , lirat quality , G2c ; Slur , poundo , 2-1 lb , butto.GOc ; lloruo Shoe , pounds , 24 lb , butte , 680 ; Gilt Kdfe [ , pounds , 24 lb , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , jjounda. 55c ; Bullion , ponnde , 50c ; Loril- lard'a Climax , poundo , GOc , FINK OUT In imila. Hard to Beat ! 7fc ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80o , Fr.vorito , G5o ; Rocky Mountain , GOc : Knncy , 55c ; Daiay , 60c. In tin foil Catlluu O. 8. , C lb boxes , per lb G3c ; Lori- iUanl'a Tipor. GOc ; Diamond Crown , G6o. SMOKING All cradcs Common , 25 to 3So. Granulated BlacUwolla Durham , ID oz 51c ; Dukoa Durham , 10 ot , 4Gc ; Seal ol North Carolina , 1G oz , 4G ; Seal of Nobrna- Un , 10 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 or , linen bags porlb , (51.35 ( ; Marburps'Pncfc 2 oz , tic oil , 55c ; DDK T ail CrJc. Hide * rurc. Etc. HIDES 'jroon butchor'a hide , Gft7i ( < cured 8Jo ; hides , green pr.lt , part cured 7J < hidua , 74o ; dry Illnt , eound , 13@Mo ; dn calf and kip , 12@14o ; dry salt hidenpound 10@llc ; fjrcon calf , v/t. 8 to 15 Iba , . 11@125 ireon ; calf , wt , under 8 Ilia , po ; ukln , 50o Krcon jiflHa , 50@$1 25 ; nroeii lamb eUiiw , $1 250150 : damaged hiden , two-third rnto , cut ncorou nnd ono crub , clawed two. tLirdsratoirandodhidea ) ) lOpnr cent , nil Ooou ekina , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , SOo ; Wo. 1 20. ; No 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 5Co ; No. 1 ! SOa ; No. 3,16o ; No. 4 , 60. Vex , No.lk , COoj No. 2,25o. Sknnlc , No. 1 , b25oj G5oj ehort 8trij > o , 40n : narrow atrlpco broad atrlpn. iQn 'I'nlloi * 7n CAI T E vo money anil order "lit dlroct from uHL , I us , o hli promptly by r IN at th low oat poBnllilo cash prlcoto all wontorn points ICiu-m TVLKIl HALT . 'CO PttirlimwOltyUha | * It ia linpoosiblo to dicguiso tlui fact that the Vogotinu Compound , pruparod under thn purnanal direction of Mro. Ljdia E. Piiikhani , with the auperioraoionco and nrtof modern phar macy , la the moat successful medicine forfumalo debility and dicoaaca hither to known. CRETE ITEMS. CorreBjionclcneo of Timimti. Tlicro bus buun n change in the ownorahip of botli ( if our village pa- poii Mr. II SI. Wells rctiroa from the Union ; Mr. JJ , 0. True buya bin intorc.it , Mr. W. U. Purcull hau aold hiu almro in the Standnrd lo hin purt- norfl , In addition to tlio above lliuro arc not ? publbliod in Oroto the Dj.int 0\vl , our college ) pnper , nnd the Liter- nry Notes , tint cducationi > l paper ol Nobrstku. Thin paprr wnn atortcd nt Ko.irnny by Iti'gont Filiold und \vuii lutor publiiihud by him r. Fuirmont , Eduoaliuinil piipeivi r.eldoiu mnko for. tunus for thutr proprietors and tbin in probably no exception lo the general ruly. Hut it in n f Urly good papur : ; tid dcaurvoj thu eupport of toaohora und aohool olllcoic. Jiuniuoaa muii euy thut trade has bean dull thin fall , Gornpirntivi'ly littla building ban beer done thiauuujon , A novr brick ia the bmlntm pint of town waa iinmbcc ( iiuo iimo HUH and another in ncurlj oijinp'eted , TIIUM ave aovorol now (1 r.nllirg hoiiMori , amout ; tliuia thoat Her. I' . Matthcwa nnd J. L , Tid l > jll , Tim latter ia the finest roti < denco iu Oreto. Tlu OnriKra/iiiioiiU ( ) iiU Jiave luid the tounrtr.tion of nt onlaruutuoiu to Uicir ohurcli. Th ) addition la U ) bo 30x10 This wi ! jidl , cuniuiltuji ) rooms , parlor bt , des inurousiug thwsiiid of tin audionoo room. Tlio library board luve madd nr riingomcnta tor a COUMO of l.cturci this winter. Proiidont Perry , of Douno collepo , tarts oust this wuok. A etrong cil'uri > rill In' made thia year to iucrujBu the - ndowmor.t of tha sallugo , It ia ru mored th . n mw boaroin ; ; hnll foi utudotita will be built next yunr. yunr.Cou. . WODLD not ha withuntlteddlng'a Balve. ia the verdict uf t.11 who use It , 1'rice 25o. VWu WOMAN CANV/ HEALTH OF WO SYMPATHIZENVmfSSrIS THC HOPE 0 LYDIA E. PINKHAMJS TSGETABLH COMPOUND. A Siiro Ciiro for nil IfK.IIATiTt WKAK- ] \ NltHSKS , Inplmllus I.cucorrlian , Ir- rcaiilnr nnd rnliiful .Tlcnnlnmllon , lullninmntlou iintl ttlccrnllnn of thuVomii , ] > inoiiini , run- ij.vi'suH UTIJM : , &c. nrl1pn f > ntlolliOtn > tc , cnicnclom nnd ImmpAUt * IliirfTcct. HlincrMitliflpIn liTcpnancj- , ana r - rinsim\s MtT : AMiir.rsir.inr. IT nariv. ITTTon AlAWctFsnssra of tlio Rcncnxllro onr n cf cltlirr PCT , It literondtano rimfOytlmtlmi ere * Icon licfom the imlillci nnd for nil dlrriiKH of tha lie Gn-iilMf llnnnl In ( Ac rind Urcnt Itcllcf tu Itn n. rrsiniAMV itwion rcumru * lll rrnilU'lto rvcry vrsllsm , nf llumoi Iroin Iho Illimt , nt Iho Minn llmo ll nlvn tntin nint ( lirngth tn the jitcni. A * iniuvelloMiln limit * us Iho Cciiiuiouna. nrfolli the Compound rind Hlood IMrlflcr nro laivil nt 111 nnd SM Wrslcm Arcnau , Lynn , M JVIroofelthor , * ! . Blxbol tics for CTlio ComponmJ li iicnt hy mnll In the form of rill" , or of I < vcn2o , on receipt of price , 81 per l > ox for rllher. Mn. 1'Uikbnra freely ninwcni nil loiters of Inquiry. Knclow 3 ccn Bond for liainiililit. Xtntian { W".vnti ) . t . mm Constlp- tlon. mUoimiie" ! nmlTorphlltr ° t the Liver. M cent * . liy iiIl.IlruirnliiM.ICS ( Jl Are aoknowledged to bo the jest by nil who have put theme ; o a practical test , ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT GOAL COKE OR WOOD. MANUFACTURED BY BMNT LOUIS. Piercy & Bradford , SOLE AGENTS FOU OMAHA , 1SMCREASE YOaB CAPITAL. Thoao desiring to nmko money on small ami iiioJIiira Invojtmonli In 20 if rain , provliloos anil itoskfirpocuU- lions , c\n do S3 hy oporit lilgJ on oni plan. From tUy 1 , 1B31 , to tHjo pro- WHEAT Font dale , 03 Invotnionu 0 ( 110,00 to Sl.OOJ , cajii prollts hare boon roillzoil and paU to Investor ! inoun'lnjto8ovor ' l tlmoa the orig sso inal InvoBtmont , otlll Inavln ; the ordinal Invoitmont irikkm ? money or piyablo on demand Kiplanato- STOUK8 ry circular ! and ntatomonU of ( und \VflontIroo U'o w nt roiponalbU njonta. who \rll rfport on crops and Introduce the plin. L'.boral com SIOO missions p > U , Address mlaalon .I.nro laats , ilijor Oo , III. & THE SIOUX Ol'n ROUTB linns SollJ Trtln IhronRb Iron- ' Ooancil BlailB to Bt. Paul Without CJlunao Tlmo , Only IT Houn ' " fl.CJ C3 > UJILE-J 'rui"lriioiiTEfl : KOUTB racw OOUNOIL DIiOTFPB f 9 IT. TAUn. iaHHBAI'OJ.lll nUMTll OK IWJAIWB Mjdl polnjj lu KarlhrinlQwk.UIiineEt.Utid psXoti. tl\'e line U coulpKij ) wiib tbt luijiro\ VM'.lrgboaM.ulorotllo AlrorfAe nd UUU I'lfitlcnn 03u : > I aid lluCer : uid far HU'ttKD , UAKETY AND OCMfOBT la uninrp nwd. J'ulmnn ! falt o rJbtplaK C t run tlimuKh WITHOUT OUANQK latcr n Btu- < Oltyi > ? d fit. ( 'ml , vlt Council Ulnffn nJ Sioux Oily. T lna6v ) l.nlon l' rin Trar.iicr ft Conn til UlufTtf , r.t 1:10 : y. m. dntly on urrlvM c ! Xcea , | City , fit Jr/j ph nnd Council IlluBs tral1) ( rani the South. A > rlvlnfit3l7i > xOir ; 11,10 p. n. , u l h * ( l.o N w Union lUoot ii Ri > 'tnl . lilt ) Q&UU nouns iu AAVACiurc ox ANY ornHM nourc. oj tifLi ) > Uuvnli\ic \ In t&'ulnj thu Qloux City Uou yonuet nThroiifh Vrtia. 1h fihoiteit the ( { n'.cUiit'iTlma &ud a ComtoiiiLle Uldi In Ih Itircuxli IJiin lirtwruu COUNCIL nwrtu AND ST. PAOII. ( < 7tJoo tUt your Tlriotj rtid > U tbo "Bloai Clly fJQrt PuMv RAllruJ J a. W\11'fIi9 , J , H. HCOIIA.UH Uuporlntcndent , ( Ha * Pan. Agon uiMouti v&iior u. V K. UAVU4 , Uontiv ! ci'tip Vaiwenijer " -IDCll UlUflj * " _ _ _ "HEAT YOUlT IOUSES FURNACES IN THE WORLD. 11ADB II V RIOHAEDSON.BOYNTON & 00 CHICAGO , Embody now 1882 Uupr > vciutnta. Mor , rnotloal < oa ucuo ; Cost let * to keep In Sidur ; Ute loa fuel wilt give nior oeat and a larger volume ol pure air thin nay luruace m de , Sold by PIKRO&Y ft BUADKOUD.OmiVNcb