rnuT ? 11 , n V \ \ lT ou . V. s 1 TWELFTH Y.EAB. OMAHA NEB. THURSDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 23 133 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Operations of tlio Depaitmont of Steamboat Inspection Dur ing tlie Fiscal Year , Travel by Water Growing with the Oocmtiy Tno Proportion tion of Lives Loat , The Expenses of the Navy BuroJy Within the Annual Appropriations. PrtpnrntiouH Koarly Ccmpleto lor the OponlriR of tlio Gailleld IVEouumout Fair- DotoetlV3 Miller Bounced for Botrny- Inrr the Government. CAPZTAfc NOTES. Special Dispatch to Tux Unit. EXGHAXaiXQ BONDS. "WASHINGTON , D. 0. , November 22 Sin co November 1st there have been § 19,273,700 in 3J per cant , bonds ro ceivcd at the treasury for conversion iuto 3 per cenls. A UVKLY TJLK , Ex-Gov. Fontou , of Now York , had a long talk with Secretary Folger at the treasury doputment tc-day. During the progress of the discussion Senator Sherman urrivod and took active part. The nature of the topic discussed could not ba ascertained. The president did not'vUit tbo White liouso to < day , bub remained at the Soldiers' Homo cot tag o preparing his annual message. hTUAMUOAT INSPECTION Supervising Inspector-General Du- monl , in his annual report for the fiscal year ended Juno 30th , last , gives the following statistics of the stcatnbaat inspection eervice : Number of vessels inspected , 5,317 ; tonnatjo of same , 1,298,504 ; officers licensed , 20,407 ; showing an incroaao over the previous year in number of voeaola of 338 , in tonuasjo of 7tB01 , and in number of licensed officers 2,009. Total receipts from all sources during the year wore8270,889 ; total expend itures , § 227,015 03 ; receipts over ex penditures , $32,273 67 ; to'-al number of accidents to ateamurs resulting in losa oC lite , 41 ; lives lost from acci dents to atenm vecRe's , 205 , of which but 50 were lives of passengers. Total number of persons curried during the year , 354 070,447. Tha numberof lives loRt. shuWs one life lost to each 1,727- i72 persona carried , as against one life lost to each 50,714 persons carried in CO ycara previous to ho enactments of the first really efficient atoamborxt law. In the year last named there wera 30.000,000 jjinsBrjgera car ried and 700 lives lost. The super vising inspector general reports econ omy in the management of the contin gent expenses of the service , whereby such expenses have been reduced from $12 dollars per Btoamor inspected in 1876 and previous yoora to $7 since that year , making the gross eavmg in six year * i.f nearly $120,000. THE I'OURTII AUDITOlt'8 IlErORT. * % The annual report of Fourth Audi tor Beardsley Dliowa that the aggre gate payments on account of the navy for the fiscal year ended June 30th , 1882 , were little less than the aggre gate appropriations made by congress for that year. Some of the appropri ations were over expanded and a de ficiency waa provided for at the last session of congress. Disbursemonto amounting to moro than $15,000,000 have been made without loss. For Blip- port of the service in foreign waters , bills of exchange were eold amounting to $1,767,723 , of which $1,355,137 vftro drawn ou our agents in London and $412,586 on the secre tary of the navy. This latter sum ia moro than double that of the previous year and indicated the Improved con dition of our foreign trade and credit. A commission of ono per cent is paid to the London agents on the Bum pud by them. The auditor suggests that this work could bo as well done by a pay official of the navy , thus saving the expense , or , if the present agency is to be continued , one-half ot ono par cent would bo ampin commission. THE MONUMENT I'AIU. A meeting of the executive conunit- tee of tlio G.ufiold fair association was held to-night. It waa decided to extend invitations to thu Garfield guard d honor , justices of the im- premo nourt of the Diatrict of Co- lumbM , mombero ot the court of claim ) nnd 'o aociciioi of Mexican veterans and rf the oldest inhabi tants. Savon thousand tickets were authorized to bo printed for the use of ( school children. UOUNCEU. The district commissioners this af ternoon found George C , Miller , de tective , guilty of the BpsciUcationa charged against him by Attorney General - oral * Browsler , namely , conspiracy with the star routers , and in consequence quence an order has been iaauod re moving Miller from the metropolitan police force. NORTHERN 1'ACIKKl LANDS. Respecting the adjustments of with drawal of lands for the benefit of the Northern Pacific railway under the grant ot July 2 , 1804 , Secretary Teller has directed the commissioner of th-i general laud cflico to conform to I < j line of rouo aa definitely located , to make nn adjustment of route in ao cordanco with mapi of dofimt'i loca tion filed iu 1881 und 1882 , upon which the road h constructed from t' boundary liuo botwcen Dakota and Montana to the last crossing of the Yellowstone river , and such other portions tions of the raad as has been definitely located without mate rial deviation from the line ol the general route , and where the road has been contitrncted the purpose is to Eormit adjustment by withdrawal oi inds lying along the constructed portion tion of the road. Thia order will carry out the direction of the presi dent in approving the recommenda tion of the interior department that such psrtloua of the Northern Pee Hie riilroadna lias been constructed in accordance trith law bo accepted mid that ptnt8 bo issued for the InndV ranu'.d. It appears that mipa of the dflfini'.o location show bat slight diver gence from the forinrr nuxpe , rxcept where the line of roadoniora the Crow Indian reservation In Montana , nnd this deviation WAS a tluuiiv.d by law. Molvilt > ' Htory. SpcclM Ditpitch to Tiir. IXK. WAHiHKoro.v , November 22. Melville - villo thi ) morning concluded his ac count of hia oxporioncen up to the time hu arrived in this country. Cross- elimination then bcuan. In ronponso to a question Melville reiterated the formnr htitement that it would have been impossib'o to have begun the nyarch for DeLoug any soaner than it was Uono. , At the afternoon nf3ion rf the ileatinutto court a number of quvslionw nrtparcd by Dr. Collina , brotlior cf 1. J. Oolliirj , aieutiat of Iho Ji-amieUo party , were read , but moat of them ruled out. Aa a result of the naval court mar tial recently hold in this city to inquire Into the conduct of C.ipt. Alfred HopKins - Kins in leaving the Punsneola navy yard when yellow fever tnndo ils np- pearanco , an order wan issued to-day dismissing that officer. Uopkina was commander of thn yard. A TALK WITH GOD.IVD. The Raid on Btoclcs , the Business Outlook and the Crops , IpcclM Dispatch to Tint UBS. NEW YOUK , November 22. Jay Gould , in n talk with u reporter to day , said ho thought the decline in stocks had gene further than any element in the situation would war rant. The uneasy feeling an to what tbo ppHoy of tha government might bo with regard to the management ot the public treasury had arisen , and this uneaeiness had resulted in calling loans to a largo extent , which necessi tated an extensive liquidation. For his own part ho had not been purchas ing stock until within the past week , but was now buying and should con tinue to buy stocks to hold , as they wcro cheap enough to pay good return for thoao who could take card of them. Gould caid the product of the southwest this year waa very largo and the buainoto situation highly encouraging. The cotton crop of Texas would roach 1,500,000 bales and that state had produced an immense crop of corn tmd wheat. Texas waa now exporting moro caUlo and wool than over before. Kansas ban s. big crop and the eamo ia tiuo of the middle flection. In the southwest railroad rates are being maintained and the roado are doing a good businons. There ia heavy immi gration and a largo number of people going in by New Orleans and Galvea- -v I - Speaking of tbo iron troubles Gould said the chief difficulty was in regard 'to ' the Bessemer leel industry , which had the capacity for a much greater supply than the present railroad build ing of the country demanded. The iron interest was not depressed and ho uuderotood It waa doing fairly well. The Vulcan ateol works at Si. Louis would probably nhut down partially until they could adjust thetr differ ences with laborers , but there was n domtuid that would keep the mills running , it' not on full time , partially at least. Spoiikinff generally of the railway tutuation Gould said the roada were never in so good & condition to do business as at present , as they had all taken advantage of the prosperity of the last few yoara to perfect tlioir equipments und put them into first- class order He said that on the Wabiih syetom the average for fuel the last month had boon only $1.25 per ton in the engine , which was our- prisingly low for an article that en tered BO 'largely into the coat of opera ting a road. Gould Bald there waa little Wabash preferred stock on the market. About $15,000,000 of Block was held in Europe and it was prac tically cornered. In regard to the Western Union , Gould said the books show a laryo tu- croano of investment holdings und ho produced a copy which showed that ono year ago loat September them stood upon the bonks 301,054 shurea of stock held by the brokers , and 408,940 r.harea held by investors. On the 17th mot. the tnmafobooka eliowed the brokerage holdings had decreased to 272,513 almrfia while the invuHtmeat ucot/uut hud grown to 572-J7' , 5 pharei , At thn present time about 6,000 shared u weuk of ntock nro passing from the harirfa of brokers into the b.iea of invostois , and ut thu ruto it will take less than a year to absorb all speculative stock. The cashipr'a balance to-day shows $1,841- OUO in the treasury ; already a much larger sum than would bo rt quired for the next dividend , which IB not duo for two months. Gould said ho wai not buying opposition telegraph lines and found no rivalry. He know the poal- tion of the Western Union , and was not at all alarmed or anxious about the effects of rival linos. Notwithstanding the break in stocks , Gould eaid ho had been for many days steadily buying for people who wcro uninfluenced by the clamor of panic breeders. The aamo absorption for investment to which ho hud alluded in the caeo of the Western Union was observable with regard to other prop erties with which ho waa familiar , par ticularly the case of the Union Pacific. In conclusion , Mr , Gould Raid he looked for subetantial improvement in etocka , aud eventually a much higher market , as soon as money should br assured , KEENE WAS NEXT INTERVIEWED on the speculative situation and he did not hesitate to say ho thought it absurd to talk of stocks down aftui the decline that had been witnessed and with railroads earning such enor mous amounts as at present. He confidently expressed the belief that an era of bettor days was about tc dawn for holders of stocks. The sentiment of conservative houses In the tirtct ir decidedly in favor of hiuhorjricea Those \lowa were expressed by Oa- > "mm fc On , Work , Strong it Co. , Musgrnvo it Co. , G. A , Bennett & Co. , and by foreign lions IM generally. Stnol SpeclM DUpatch to Tim linn. PiiTsnuRo , November 22 The Iron manufacturers of this city generally do not agree with eastern manufactur ers who are disposed to indnlpo In gloomy speculations in regard to the future iron and steel trade. A largo number of the most prominent maim- facturera wpro interviewed to-dny and none anticipated any eorioua bsoak. A. F. Keating , vice president of the Iron oHsoofa'ion ' , speaking on thosnmn eubjcor , said ; "Btsacmer mon made largo profits , bub now when over pro duction has comothryfind thcr profits lessoned and their first object ia to re duce the price of labor. In order to do this thuy uro endeavoring to show th.it the entire bottom has dropped out of the busincac. Another point they have' ia to influence legislation and prevent any further reduction of the rate on steel railu. " Iron 'Worker * Jt\ttntoil- ( Special Dispute ) ! to Tint linn. SOUAMON , Pa. , November 22. The Lickawanna Iron and Coal com pany baa accepted a contract to deliver 20,000 tone of nteol rails at Iho works at § 40 per ton. Thia price is equal to $42 per ton delivered nt Now York. The cost of production ia over $40 per ton , but the company will keep the milln in operation without profit rather than suspend. The prospec tive cutting of wages creates much excitement. Men nro determined to aland against n reduction should the western ratca remain r.a at present , X31 cliburii' Deuinl- Special Dkintch to Tim BEE , LouibViui : , Ky. , November 22. Congressman Blackburn Bays , in ref erence to the alleged plot against Speaker Koifor , "I have not seen n copy of The Enquirer to which you reter , but have learned of it. _ There ia not enough color of truth in the re port to form a foundation. There waa an ido nupgoetod of offering _ a resolution to impeach Koifor for hio partisan rulings , bat such a thing us resorting to force was certainly never mentioned iu any democratic ciucus or mooting , if it was thought , and I do not believe the latter idea over en tered the head of any democratic member of congress. " Horrible Death. Special Dispatch to TUB BKK. BIRMINGHAM , Ala. , November 22. Thia evening a horrible accident oc curred at the Slosa furnace. A scaf fold waa formed iu the stack of the furnace and the fire in the stack ap parently died out. Two colored men , Robert Mayfield.and.Alex-Kiug , were lowered by ropes from the top for the purpose ot removing the obstacle. It ia auppoand..th.3 men were overcome by gas from below , as both fell to the bottom , which waa a fiery mass of ore and coal , and the bodies reduced to cinders. Train WreokerV 'Work- Special Dispatch to Tun Dm. CoLUJinas , November 22. The St. Louis limited express for the east , leaving hero at 12:05 : thia morning ou the Pittaburg , Cincinnati & St. Louis road , waa wrecked near Union station , 26 iniloa east of hero , by a rail which had been placed across the track. The accident happened shortly after 1 o'clock. The engine pitched down an embankment over thirty foot , turn ing twice over , landing in a field. The engineer and fireman escaped with alight bruises. Two postal and the baagago and passenger cars wore thrown to the bottom of the hill in a confused wreck , but no person was fatally injured. The people in the Bloopers all escaped , some with bruises and cuts. A largo number received received bruiaoa and cuts. The damage - ago to the cais ia about $10COO. The great marvel in the accident is the small number who received any thing like serious injuries. Liter ex amination ahowa the following re ceived alight \7oundu : Mrs. J. 0. Kennedy , Junction City , Km. , right arm bruiaed ; Harry Wield , roaidnnca unknown , cut in forehead ; Baggage Master Burria , of the wrecked train , hand mashed ; Jan. Lowrey , brakeman - man , hand out ; Goo Smith , colored , postal car porter , tmould&r hurt ; En gineer Stouu had ono foot hurt. Mrs. Dr. Summorsby , Now York , on route to Lsadvillo , rendered great aervico to the injured before the physicians ar rived , The track waa cleared and trains running ut 0 o'clock this morn ing , Detectives have been placed in ohurgo of the case to ferret out the party who placed the rail on the track , The Hlcgo of Troy. Special Dispatch to Tun Ut * . TROY , November 22 , The new su perintendent of police will isauo a general order to-morrow. Captains and patrolmen who recognize him will be retained , the others diamieeod , The old force hold the station houses and declare they will not give them up , Helping Mr . Brnwn- fijioclil Dispatch to Tn lien. BOSTON , November 22. The enter tainment in aid of the widow of John Brown , contributed toby Mrs. Julia Ward Howe , Madame Schiller , Oliver Wendell Holmes and Geo. llonscholl , netted about $2,500. Sentenced For Contempt. Special DUp&tch toTte Jko. NKW YORK , November 22. Abra- h&m Marks , an attorney , waa to-day sentenced to thirty dayj in the county jail for contempt in assaulting an op posing counsel while a case was pro- greeting in the supreme court , The Psnvltlenoo Fire. Special Dispatch to Till lit * . PROVIDENCE , November 22 , 81x of the perdoms injured in yesterday' * fire in the Cnllendar building are al ready deed and it is expected that the injuries' ' ! of others will prove fatal. FOREIGN HEWS. Kintr Humbert Addroesoa the "Potent , Ur ve Sod Rever end Seigniors1' at Rome , William Deooraten the Duke of Connaught for fer- vicoo in BtmnroTt.'B AdvJoo to the EuUna Frniioo , FOREIGN IJEWfl Cpeclivl IJlspatch to Tim BR BOUKGIiU'S BHIKF j OAIUO , November 22. Thd rcpott prepared by Borolli Boy , public ; pros ecutor , in which ho Bummnrkw the ovldcnco directly oonncctintArnbi ( Panln and other londeis with thr , burniug Alexandria nnd the massacre of Europcana , wnn submitted to the khcdivo nnd approved. It il ! bo proccnted to Lord Dufl'crin. It is un derstood that the Egyptian govern ment is prepared to leave it to Great Brltian for decision where the evi dence is oufllciont lor prccoFdtng with the hhl ou chargeo epacifiod in the report. nil'LOMAUV. BERLIN , November 22.v Baron Molironheini , the now Ruaeiaix minis ter at Londou , arrived hero fend via- itod DaGiors. It'isaUtod Goh. Von jjchwciuitz , Gorman ambantudor at St. Peteraburg , resigned and Cowut Von Solms Sonnonwaldo , minlster'ht Mad- tld , waa designated hia eucocn'pr. The condition of tlio r.rchbjshop of OAntorbury la unimproved. He is very restless at night. TUB ITALIAN PAHLtAMK'ST. ROME , November 22 , The Italian parliament waa opened to day. The king , in addressing the chambers , said ho grcotad with pride and joy the rep resentatives of the nation , fortified by the fruo vote of all classes of ciUzans. This admirable transformation , pre pared in accordance with the wish of Victor Emanuel , gave assurance that the people were lipo for liberty. The king imposed upon parliament the duty of carrying out those paoifio con- qnosto whlcii RIVO titlo'to real great ness. He indicated as subjects for legislation the condition o manufac tures , agriculture , mercantile navy and the railway system. _ Ho uaid there would nlao bo introduced - ducod measures dealing with public security , administration of jus tice , education , and elaboration of the penal cede for the whole country. The relations of Italy with foreign powers , ho aaW , were friendly. Italy responded to marko of sympathy from all by scrupulously observing her treaties , by advocating in the councils of the powers a frank and loyal policy , aiming at the maintcnanoo of peace and reconciling national interests with thoao of Europe. . The prok-cfed mar- riago"1of the Duke ot Genoa was a fresh pledge , of uympathy between the Italian and Gorman peoples. Reverting to internal affairs the king said : "Now that the destinies of Italy are in your hands , no foreign force from within or with out can impede your examination of great civil and social problems. You will thus add to the glories of Roman Italy the | pacifio glories of now Italy. " The king's apeoch was much cheered , particularly the portion relating to the improved organization ot the army and navy. Queen Margharetta , the prince of Naples nnd other members of the royal family wore present nt the reading of the speech. CO5IMONH TALK. LONDON , November 22. In the commons to-day Lord Randolph Churchill placed on the paper n fresh batch of amendments to the pro- corduro rules , otherwise the oppo sition to the remaining rules will bo nominal. In the discussion of the ninth procaeduro resolution , Glad stone made a further concession to the otfoct that collective ousponsion should only bo applied in case of wilful dis regard of authority of thn chair. The rule was adopted , 10 to 10. The limit of terms of suspension for offences after an'd Including the third ofl'enco waa fixed at ono month. DKMOLISUINQ FOIITIFIOATIONS. PAUIS , November 22. The munici pality has votud in favor of the do- moiition of the outer fortifications of Paris. AUAI1I AND TUB BUI-TAN. CONSTANTINOPLE , November 22 Two lettoru fcom Sheikh Mahmoud Xifer to Arabi Pasha will bo publleh od. The writer disapproved Arabi'a conduct in the namoot the sultan. 11LOWN Ul' . MAniiiu , November 22. By the ac cidental explosion of gunpowder in the barracks to-day nearly the whole building was blown to pieces and fif teen soldiers injured. llISMAltGK'u ADVICE. CONSTANTINOPLE , November 22 The porto la trying to ascerrnin the vlowa of Germany on the Egyptian and Tunisian question , At a recent interview of the Turkish ambassador at Berlin with Bismarck , siys a cor respondent , Bismarck 4 advised the porto to remain quiet , as the time w&s inopportune for raising the question of supporting the claims of Turkey. The porto has agreed to several changes in the organization of the the army recommended by | Gormati oflloeia. Hitherto this advice wat not acted upon. THK HOUriB Of HANOVKU. LONDON , November 22. A Berlin dispatch saya , in recognition of hi ; meritorious uorvlco in E ypt , the em peror of Germany has presented the Dako of Gonnaught with the order ol Frederick the Groat. This act hat political significance , which the advo * cates of closer union butwoon Eng < land and Germany will heartily hall Till ! PHUHBIAN 11UDCIBT. BKULIN , November 22. Debate or the budget commenced in the diet to day , Uichtcr , the most distinguished opponent of the budget , was absent 01 : account of illncen. Clorioal leader Schorlcmor invited the conaorvaUvca to go hand in hand with the ultrr- montfliio3 on nil questions. AN OM > MAY UXVIVKI ) . t'AliH , NovomVr 22. Tlio sncond uetf jrtnnnci ) i.f Victor llupo'a "Lo Roi S'Amno" WAU gi\un to-night. The first prrforrnnnco took vtnco tifty ycara ngo , IIONOKS TO AMK1UOA. RoMn , Novombor22. When Astor Iho American mini lor , prcsontod hi credentials yesterday ho was con- dueled to the Qairinal in the royal carriage nnd wai received by King Humbert ourroundcd by tlio ntato lunctloimrico. After the nudioiico wns concluded Mr. Astor wns rocon- dueled to his residence. It oral cuir- asslcra.veto drawn up OK a guird of honor In Iho court yard of the palace. VoONDKUBD , LIVKJIPOOL , November 22. The slcnuuir Wmton with ( train from tlio Black SFII foundered oil' the Island of Ufihant , on the coast uf Franco , Thirty persons wcro drowned. SCOTCH LAND T110U11LE3. LONDON , November 22 The au thorities of A bordcenshiro have agreed to send a detachment of police to thr Isle of Skyo to assist in the serving of procosBOS , provided the commtssionnra of Inverneeshiroyill hold thumrclvcs responsible for their oxpoissca. Mo n- time defensive arntngcmunta on the iclaud r.vo procoodtng. At the masa mooting on the island ouo of tlio spcakcrn raid thai any tenant paying rent , unluxa the revaluation Trna ( grant ed , would bj a marked man. It waa abe resolved to take every lawful means to prevent lonunts from taking evicted farms. A HOPELESS CAUSE. Prosoouting PolyKomlsts Proves a Fttlluro. SjicclM Dlspntcb to THK Bin. SALT LAKK CITY , November 22. The grand jury of thn third district , just discharged , found throe indict- monta.undor the Edmunds law out of 20 caaos presented. There were two Mormons whom the district attorney could not got rid of in empanelling the grand jury and they nro supposed to have given the warning to witnesses who were run off. When caught they know nothing or refused to answer or answered falsely. Prosi den J. F. Smith is supposed to have gene from the grand jury room and warned ono who was indicted and ho has absconded. The grand jury in the second district is in oeaaiou. The diatrict attorney onya ho cannot roach polygamy by prosecution. It moat bo done , If at all , by < jomo othoi method. The RuffarlnE" of Mlis Bond. Special Dispatch to Tux Bun. SriiiNQFiKLD , Ills. , November 22. In the circuit court at Tayloravillo to day Miss Emma Bond , the victim ol the gross outrage in Juno last , par ticulara of which the public well ro marabaiY.appeared beforetho pnranc jury , She was but recently able tc leave her bed , and during the examination ation was overtaken with paroxismi which have so often came near caus ing her death. Medical aid wae called and she was temporarily re stored. The examination proceedec again and aho was again prostrated. Again oho was restored and the exam ination resumed when she was seized a third time. In this opasm her suf ferings were terrible and her screams resounded through the building and wcro hoard in the strneta more than a aquaro distant. She was finally quieted und taken to her unolo'c houno iu the suburbs of the town , whore aha is lying in a precarious con dition , though resting with comparative - tivo quiet at n lute hour to-night. Jamaica Jaundioo. Special Dispatch to THK HEX. KINOHTON , November 14. The na tional agitation in Jamaica liaa reached a very carious and critical Htago. Pub lic fooling is fiercer than over. The whole colony io united against the government and the indignation ot every class , creed nnd color la poured forth In violent speeches at public meetings , which are now hold In every township , A Church Building Fond Spcclil Dispatch toTiu BBX , NEW YOHK , November 22. An im portant meeting of prominent laymen of 'the Protestant Episcopal church was held in Biblu house this after noon for conference concerning the American church building fund com mission. A resolution was adopted giving a plan for individual uubscrlp. tions to the fund throughout the church. A resolution was clto adopted concerning moro ironoral olForlnga upon the part of parishes. The meet ing vau Hpiritud and indicates increased interest in the movement to raise $1,000,000 for the church building fund in the Proteutant Episcopal church. Chalmers the Elect- Special Dispatch to Tin II . MKMi'JUH , November 22 , A Jack son ( Mis ? , ) } special says ; The amend ed returns from Tate county give a tally sheet allowing for Jamua R. Chalmora 1-J72 votes , Van H. Man- nlng 1,100 votes , II , P. Carter tl votea. The commissioners' certificate ia us follows : "We the undersigned commissioners of election frnm Tate county , Mississippi , Tuesday , 7th ol November , 1882 , for election of mem ber of congress from the Second con- grctsional district of Missitiaippi , do hereby certify that the above and forcgoiug is a true , correct lUt of the returns of votes cast in Tate count ) r.nd the came waa approved and by uc forwarded to the secretary of state ai the official vote ot Tate county , Mia siasippi , this November 18 , 1882. " Mexican KullroutU. Special DUpatcb to TIIK llin. MEXICO , November 22 , The open ing of an important branch of thi Mexican Central railway , which placei the great mining region of Guam Junto in communication with the na tlonal capital , ia being celebrated will jreat rplcndor. An excursion twin iron Mexico forOunt.a Juata included [ our cariiajjus mid Iho dircotora' CAT. The company numbered abtut 1(50 ( people , nprrtonting the govi-rnmont andrailrcnd and nnmtitorctkl intorcot of < ho country. Attached to the PH- ; ino in front waa the iiguro of llln i' luilding the torch tf pro rrsa ana m cither sMo the Mexicwi ard Amcrir t flags. The pcpulatiou of lowiir t1 citleo through which the train u , . .d turned out en mnaso. At Marfil thu visitors entered the IIOMO cnra and wcro driven ( o Guana Junto , followed ) y thousands of people. THT31.AUUA CONGRESS. Important Slonsurod Dncldod Upon by the Fodorittlou of Tnuloa nt Olovnlnnd. Special Dl i > atcli to TIIR Hun. CUVILANI : : > , November 22. In the i\bor congress to-day the act which is to ba presented tto legislatures is to nako employers liable for accidents tc pctsonn while in Jhoir employ , similar to the Indiana law , was ap proved. The protective tariff plank itaa ordered stiiokun from the plat form of prlnciplea by a vote of 17 to 1 , Mr. GrorapoM , of Now York , rep resenting thu Oigarmnkcr'a Interna tional union , in an earnest npeoch do- lied that strikes cauio losa in the end to workmen , notwithstanding temporary ary lees in nomctuues suatainod , The dcolnralion from the Chicago Trades nescmbly in favor of eight ticurs na a day's work won presented by Mr. Crawford and endowed , after uriking out the aontonco that eight lioura will lighten the burden of car rying u solera classes. The committao on legislation were instructed by a vote of 12 to I ) to en deavor to accuro the pnnsago of u uni form apprentice law , to insure thu thorough teaching of trades to the young. Thu congress adjourned until tomorrow , in tbo midst ot n discusoiou on the basin of future representation in this body , duting which remarks wcro made tending to discountenance the Knighta of Labor and denouncing socialistic organisations. A mans meeting was hold this evening in the city armory , Richard Powers , of the Ohicngo seamon'o union , presiding. Speeches were made by Congressman Thompson , II. Murch of Maine , Mark L. Crawford of Chicago , Snmuol Qonv pars of Now York , S. F. Lcllingwoll Lt Indianapolis , Robert Howard tuul Frank A. Foster of Manaachusottr , and E. W , Fitzgerald of Dayton. TEX.E9RAPHIC NOTES. 1'enn. , November 22. kini HuL-hoa uud Polk Hochefort were In Btmtly ktllpil and Jamoa Koborts , Win Haws and Thomas Wntkini , contractoi ? pnibubly fatally injured by a innaa u nccumulatod ice falling to the bottom o the Oxfoid colliery , whcro the men wore a work. HAI.TIMOIIG , November 22. At tbo banquet quot of the Coin and Flour Exchange to night , following the dedication of tbel now building und hall this afternoon , Join W Garrctt made a speech In which h laid another Atlantic cabin wlllba prompt ly built in the best manner and at th lowest cost. NKW YOIIK , November 22. At th county democratic jublloo to-night ronolu tlont were odopted declaring It would b nnuctof fully to exult otorthorccen tilumph without realizing the rcsponsibill ties that It IinpnHCH nn the victor. PHILADELPHIA , November 21 ! . Oharle Moore and Hernurd O'Neill were nrrontei to-night on the charzo of rubbing the houai of Hugh McNelll this afternoon of hand nnd older papers valued at 515,000 Tin papers wore not recovered , Tlio thieve are from New York. O'NoIll ii only ou of the penitentiary two mouths. A Notable Muaicat Kvont. It is a great pleasure to annouuci the coming to Omaha ot such a highl ; talonteU association of musical artist i as compose the Boston Ideal Open company , who will open an oiigago inent of four nightn and Wodnoadaj matinco at Boyd's opera horse 01 Monday evening , December , Ii will must acsurcdly bo the most bril Hant musical event of the uonrgti/m matter who may follow them. In tin great cities of the cast , where thej have appeared , it ia universally conceded coded tliat thin company stands at th < head of all , with no one to reasonably dispute tlio leading po aition with them. Madame Obor , tlu manager of the company , has groupoc together the finest talent she could possibly secure , nnd it hau been amos ezponsivo enterprise , for no oper.i manager liau oo 'argu a rH M h < i > is hers for their company ; but her en turpnso liua boim RO liberally rewarded by these who enjoy the very choioesl music that rho has inndQ it i > roitable. ( Crowded liomoo and "standing roon only" have boon the order whorovei thuy have nppoarod. Tlio company is componed of tin following : Boorano ; Murio Stone , Mary Uou bo , Geraldine Dlmar. Contraltos : Matilda I'JiillipK , ( ,1 tor of the late Adelaide Phillipt ) , ljz ( zlo Burton. Tenors : Tom Karl , Herndon Mor roll. Baritone : W. II. MaoDonald. BBSSOB : M , W. Whitney , II. 0 Barnabto , George Frothingham. The oompany Is accompanied by it own orchestra of thirteen pieces , uui a chorus uf thirty carefully scloctoi voices. The repertoire IB as follows : "Fatl nllzi , " "Patience , " "Mascotte,1 "Bohemian Girl , " "Marriage of Fie are , " "MngioBoll , " "Bolls of Corn villo , " "Pirateaof Penzanoo , " "Muak otc-or , " and a now French opera nevo bcforo produced in Urn country. Mr. W. II. Foster , the buainea manager of the oompany , inforwe ua recently in Chicago that it was venture corning to Omaha with B very expensive a company , but w assured him that ho would have i generous reception from Omaha then tre-goors , and wo know this nssuranc will bo ratified when the sale of seat opens , Wo belluro Iho Omaha engagement gagoment will be n notable and memorable morablo one , both to the compan and to thouo who attend thu aeries c entertainments they will give hero. CHICAGO GOSSIP. Hon , Dhas , B , Parwolt Tumbles into a Ocllar , but Ffcapes Sorioib Injury , The Great t nlo of Blooded Outtlo Reftliais Oyer $30,000. No Immediate or Remote Pros pect of Peace iu Rail road Circle B. . . The jQulvUnbllUjr of Paying a. Prc mium to PajRoiifj'tn Sorl- outly Cauiidnrcd Denver Unuka Kick Auulnst tbe Hob- blnu of tUolr Mallo , Special DlnpnUh to TIIR UKK. SKR10U8 VAU. . OutcAao , November 22. Hon. Charles JJ. Ruwell met with what ironiiced at drat lo bo a torlou * if not i fatal accident. By the tipping up of u plank ho was preclplUtod into .ho basement aron of u now build- utg , falling twolra fcot , ana was DO itunnod na to bo unconscious for a iimo. Examination Miowod , however , , hat no bone * w ro broken. Bath wrists wcro sprained and ho WAS con- lidorably bruised about the head uud jody. The doctor says hia injurioa are not dangerous , TitoRouoitimnDs Kotn A. draft 'rum ' the tl < tuford uud Polled Angni herds of M tl Cjch- ranoc , of HilhuratQuobuo ) [ Canada , was Bold nt tmotlun hi D xtor p rk to day. Thirty-imo Htrefotda ntiii itiir- ty-cight Angus wore diopoaod of fora total $32,900. The Horoforda averaged - aged $375 ; the Angus , feuialca , $ G64 , naloa $407. The polled cattle wcro | ust out of quarantine after importa tion. T1IK HATKH WAR. Investigation into the rumor cent From Now Y rk to the olToot that Messrn. Keep of the Northwuatorn and Riddle of the Rook lalaud were on their way to Now York on a lightning train with the track oloar for them to patoh up poaca in the northwestern war 3 on rates , seema to have buon a stock jabbing Bohumo. The facto are that Keep and Hughitt loft for Now York yesterday and should ba in that city now. Oflloura of the road atato that the trip was made nn ordinary bueinuaa , and had noth ing whatever to do with the war of rat.ua. lltddlo waa hero at 0 o'clock to night. President , Gable , of the Rock Inland , nays no meeting to fix up peace is in propped , either in Now York , hero , in Minneapolis , St. Paul or anywhere clao , llOlinihOTWBMAILS.S * -S , , . A unmbor of Chicago banks roceit ed copies of the following circular to day : "Fiiwr NATIONAL BANK OF DKNVKK , COL. , November 18. 188.-Frequent wholesale robberlex of United Htnteu maiU between hero and New York compel us to Jasuo thin circular. Commencing In December - comber , 1881 , nod contiuuing up to the present time , wo hove lost on an avcia e nbout ono ontlro mall each month for New York niul Now Kugland. Some months they take two , as In October , when they stole entire thotiy of the JJd and HUt. If remittance ! ) duo from us far collections or other matters fall to icach you on tlma nlcueo advice promptly and duplicate arnfts will bo fnnvnnfrd at once. Wo have repeatedly Informed the postal au > thorltlea of theao wholesale robbcrlca , but they continue nil the eatno. Very Respectfully , N. S. WOOD , Cashier. Correspondents of the brinks lioro any none of Choir remittances to Den ver have boon tampered with. AUTISia IN AHMBI Charles D. Ivos , general manager of the Burlington , Cedar Rapids it Western railroad , and Alias Helen M. Jervis , daughter of u well-known artist and literatour of this city , wore married lit St. James Episcopal ahuroh tills afternoon They will live in Cudar Rapid ? , la. Miss .Tor- via was musical editor of the Daily NOWB. JH. Q nil Sohoulo. Hpcclil niqiAtch to Tim llu. MII.WAUKKE , November 22 , Man- ogor Merrill said to-day , regarding the cutting of passenger rates ; "Take people wherever they want to go and bring them back , too ; this ia a big country , and neighbors live far apart ; give everybody nchance to go visiting and take thuir friends along. " Thurlow Weed Dead- Sroclal Dl | atch to Till lim , Nrw YOUK , November 22. Sur rounded by his weeping children , grand children , physicians , nurses , and the httaohca of his household , Thurlow Wood , the veteran journalist and Htatunmou breathed his last at 8:55 : this morning. Ilia daughter , Miss ilurrlet Weed , was so overcome that she had to bo supported by Iwo female attendants. The grief of tlio other children was none the lota poignant. Just Ixforo passing away Mr. Weed groped with hia right hand I around the bed as though he sought hia children's hands. His grand ( laughter took the extended hand and felt a nnft pressure , and the next mo ment ho wax dead. At thu funeral there will bo ton pall beurera , who huvo not yet been ee- lecttid. Private service will bo hnld at OiUOFridr.y for the family , In the house ; public services in the chuicU adjoining r.t 10 ; at 5 the romuiua will bo taken on the atoamor Drew to Al bany end buried in the rural cemetery Saturday , A Hugo Xiaucl Solo , Special Dispatch to Tun U . NE\V YOHK , November 22. The Northern Pacilio railroad company , at a mooting to-day with the laud ayudi- cato , decided to aril three million acres of land uaat of the Missouri river at four dollars per acre ,