Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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The Secret
-of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters in sim
ply this : It is the best Iron
preparation ever made ; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific , chemical and
medicinal principles , and
docs just what is claimed for
it no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
assimilation with the blood ,
it reaches every part of the
system , healing , purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and rdstorcs lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
79 iJcarborn Ave. , Chltaeo , Nov. j ,
I have liccn n MifTcrer from
avcryweaL. lom.iclilieartLurnlaniI
dyipemla In III worst form. Nearly
everything I ate cave me dutrcn ,
nnd 1 could eat but little. , I liara
lricdevcr > lhnsrecommendeoliava !
taken the prescriptions of n doten
j > ! iy lclamliutiol : no relief until I
tool < llrown'n Iron Ilillcri. I feel
none of the old trouble * , and nm a
new man. I am getting much
Uronger , and feel Tint-rate. I am
n railroad engineer , and now make
rny trip * reguUrly , 1 can not nay
lee much In praise of your wonder
ful medicine , I ) , C , MACK.
docs not contain whiskey
or alcohol ; and will not
blacken the teeth , or cause
headache and constipation.
Jt will cure dyspepsia , indi
gestion , hcartbu'rn , sleep
lessness , dizziness , nervous
debility , weakness , c.
. Use only flrown'i Iron Titters made liy
Drown Chemical Co. , llaltlmorc. Crossed
red line and trade-mark on wrapper.
Every Corset Ia wnrrantocl satis
factory to its wearer Inovorjr way ,
or tbo money will bo rolundcd } > y
tbo person from -vTliom Itwns bougut.
The onlrOoract pronounced br pur Icnillnf phyfjetani
not Injurlout In llu > wearer , nndtnilprvnclliy Indie * BI
tbo "ino tcomfortablu and perfect llttliig Conet ever
* ' '
PIIICE.S , by M1I , ro ln o Told I
Health Vrtten\as \ , 1.GO. Hclf-AdJuitliiB , $1.BO
Abdominal ( cilrii henry ) B.OO. Nur ! nir , 1.BO
Health 1'rctf r lnir ( One ooulll ) S2.00. I'urnaan
Bklrt-HuppurtlnB. # 1.00.
Jcr a lo liy Irndlnff Jtetull Dtulcr * ever/where *
OI1IOAGU COKbHX CO. , ClilCUfo , 111.
Tfi ? urkt' llotheri ' Ipr onjr rldlnjf. itl ;
' ddutaufity , -
i They ara fci' sale by all Loading Oar
. lego Buildora and Dealers throughout
' ho country.
Ferial b
Henry .Timken ,
FAtentce Builder | of Kino C rrl ici ,
era *
OrncB IH'RciiAKisn ' AM > IKror , 0 , S. )
OMUIAXcb. ; . November 10. Iggt. f
Bcalctl proiranalk. In duplicate , subject to the
usual conditions , will bo rwclvul at this olllca un
til 12 o'clock noon on Dctcm'cr Mb , Its. , at
which time tnd iilocu they will be opened In prctt-
cneo of bidders for furnUalni ; and dctlury at the
nub ist nce ton bouse , or on can In Umalia ,
Neb. , ( If on can alter Inspection und acceptance
at pUce of | iackliik'i ) as may bo remind by tha
HubsUtcnco dcmrtment , I'J3 barrels park , ll.'ht
man , lobo delivered b ) January Mb 188JI fiO.OUU
poundi bacon , bhort ilcar kldcn , iiiullmu wuuht
and Uilckiiesii , p.-u Vixlln i rates , str ppwl , of about
JM ) K > uid | jiacoil each. K > u.h piece of bacon to
lieooterixl with cotton cloth ; ull to bodclhcrud
by January Mb 1S8X
Thotovcriimciit resolves the rl.'ht to reject
any or all proi > osal * .
Blank proposali and full Information as to the
manner of bidding , nd thoUnnsof tontracUand
iwyiueut will be furnished on application to this
office ,
No proposal will be considered unless acc-inpa-
nlcd n ) the minted "instructions to bidders , '
to b had at this blilce.
Knvilopc * contalnlni , ' proposals hould be mar-
kul , " 1'ropooals for siibaUtclicu ktorco/'ond ad'
drcwed to the undersigned.
novll-Ctm C.K..V ti. A.
BULBS Tulit > > .
Crocus et.
And all other lit FJ > P'&it'nf Lirjo t wvort-
lueut cirr ( howp In Chlct o-
Illu trutd Utal gue Ires. Bund for It.
Hiram Sibley & . Co. ,
200 EM audolpb fie Chlraro
Tim uJc merit and niperlcr quality of out
Bold 1 > < "obacco haa ioduced other inanntao
tureri t * upon tie niikei oo4i ilinijar to
curbrau < nauo aud tle wlilch are offered
andioldUiJe'iuiotry IhhQ the ( enulDO OoK
Hope. Wo caution tbo i * de aud oonuioicr to we
( bat our Dame and trade mark are upou cacb
lump. The only genuine and original Gold Kept
Tobicco U taaaufacturtU by
The Approaching Qnrfleld Mon
ument Fair.
froino cf tbo Bills on tbo Calen-
General licnitroRnril Said to tin
About to Mnriy the \VliU-w uf
Commoilorn Vaudor/blH
Election Bnltod Mont * .
Worts Tiara Woa Not Uono M the Li Bt
SoBulon Au Immnnao Amount or
BuslnoBB Tliat Probably Will
Mot bo Acted Upon
November J1J. Iho
second Bcajioii of the lorty-nuvcnth
cnngreHS will begin fro weeks from
Monday nuxt. A lurgo nmount of
unlinisticd butincBs wus icft by the
two houace nt the cud of the first HOB-
nlon in August , and thin will either
bo dispooad of ut thu coming session
or allowed to lapao. Dining the lait
Boanion there wuro introduced in the
fonato 2,283 billa Mid joint resolu
tions , nnd in the lioueo of representa
tives 7,18'J billa and joint resolutions.
About 800 proposition ! ] wura reported
favorably to the houno of repronta-
tivqs , and nbi ut 300 billa nnd joint
resolutions passed that body. The
senate paused nearly 500 bills nnd
joint resolutions , but of these only
about 300 found their placa on the
statute b.oolt. Among the moat
important billn nnd joint res
olutions remaining on the Eon-
nto calendar nru the following :
house bill No. 5C18 ! , to reduce the in
ternal revenue taxation , which Jms
boon amended by the aounto so no to
niter certain ouatoms duties on sugar ,
Btcel railway bars , hoop , band , and
Bcroll iron , &c. ; billa to authorize the
payment of cuatoma duties in legal
tender-notes ; to establish n uniform
pyatomof bankruptcy ; to regulate and
improve the civil service of the United
States ; to incorporate the Maritime
Onnnl company , of ' Nicaragua ; the
Eada bill for an 'inter-oceunio ship
railway ; billu to provide for ocean
mail service between the United
titntca nnd certain foni n ports ; to
uuthorizu the nccrotary ot the interior
to ascertain nnd certify the amount of
land entered with military land war-
ranta ia certain States ; a joint resolu
tion to provide for a commission
to report legislation regulating
commeicD between thq elates ;
bills to authorize the construc
tion of a building for the congroasional
library ; to establish an educational
fund and to apply a portion of the
proceeds of the talcs of the public
landa tu public education ; to convert
the ngricultural bureau into an execu
tive department of the government ,
with additional powers nnd duties ; u
bill providing for n bureau of animal
industry ; the Fitz John Porter ; the
bill reported by the judiciary committee -
too to remove the ditqualitication of
ox-confederates for appointments in
the atmy , which was defeated by the
coalition of Hahono with thu repub
lican senators ; the bill to create n
United States court for the Indian
territory introduced by Senator Vest ,
and n bill to provide for the perform
ance of the duties of the illico of
president in case of the removal ,
death , resignation , or inability both
of the president and vice president.
Of these measures the bill modifying
the internal revenue and custom
house taxation is the foreground and
will como up as unfinished business.
The majority nt the last session * af
ter turning over the subject of the
tariff to n commission undertook , ut
thu yory close of the session , amid the
torrid heat of July , to make n revision
of the ( customs dutioa. The minority
in the senate insisted on the right to
have a full discussion , nnd to odor
amendments , nnd , owing to the anx
iety of the house to adjourn , the whole
subject wont over. It will now como
up in connection with the report of the
tariff commiaslon , who will probably
submit promptly the outline of n bill
for the consideration of congress , with
n report , leaving the testimony to bo
printed afterward. Nnturnlly , thofirot
business { n order to be dealt by the
house will be thu disposition of about
200 sonata billa now lying on the
sneaker's table. Many of tlioso nro
Blinpjo in their phurftotcr ami practi
cally .covered by fiivorrbla reports
Tom house committees on the same
subject. An oll'ort will bo made to
) na at least those which Involve no
ippropriation of money , and other *
will bo sent to proper committees.
Among thcso bills are measures to
irovido for erecting public buildings
it Augusta , Mo. ; Montpelier , Vt. ;
[ luvorhlll , Muss , ; Oamden , N , J. ;
Newcastle , Del. ; S. 0 ; LnUrosso ,
\Yls.j Jefferson City , Mo. ; Ilot
Springs , Ark. , nnd Carson City , Nov. ;
Olarkflburg , West Vn. ; Aahovillo , N
0. ; Greenville , S. C.
Among the measures on the house
calendar of the committee of the
whole arc the following ; To create an
alcoholic liquor traflio commission ; to
provide n permanent construction
fund for the navy ; to provide force in-
ing the goloid dollar ; to regulate the
collection of the tax on Weiss boor ; to
provide for the admission of Dakota ;
to authorize the construction of ves
sels of war for thu United Status
imvy ; to provide for ocean mail serv
ice ; to admit Washington Territory as
a state ; a bill relating-to tbo exporta
tion of tobacco , snuff and cigars in
bond ; billu to establish a branch
mint at St. Louie ; to grant
the ri ht of way to the
St. Louis and Sau Francisco railway
company ; to provide for the Hennepin
ship canal : to provide for the Delaware
nud Maryland ship canal ; to iix the
compensation of United States district
attorneys ; to adjust the duty on im
ported hay ; to create n board ot com-
mwsioners of Interstate commerce.
Among bills on tbo housa calendar
proper -
per itro bills to 'establish a municipal
code for the District of Columbia ; to
incroaao the eilloiency of the marine
hospital eorvice ; to establish a postal
savings depository ; to establish the
Territory of North Dakota ; to regu
late the removal of causes from state
to federal courts ; to provide for the
French spoliation claims , toprovldo for
the tfliciency of the revenue nmlne
service ; to promote the cfUcieuoy of the
signal service ; to authorieo the couuol
idatiou of railroad companies in the
territories ; to create n retired list ol
the army ; to declare forfeited the laud
crania of certain railroads ; to declare
Forfeited the land grants of the Texas
Pacific railroad in Arizona , Now Mexico
ice and California ; to suspend the
Istuo oi silver certiticates , nnd to limit
the coinaga of niivor dollnrr ; and to
establish n uniform ByMem of bank
ruptcy. Tharo i also tfio senate bill ,
known na the Court bill , to create an
intermediate conrr. Very few ol the
above named nii-nsuros tire likely to
bt'como laws for the reason that moat
of the nhort session will bo devoted 10
consideration ot the appropriation
I'hllftdclplila llecord.
' WASHINGTON , November 1' ) . An
interesting rumor com en to mo from
New Orleans to the effect that Oen.
George Pierre ( hn has dropped the
1'iurro , though , I bclinvc ) Touwanl
Deaurcgard is about to marry Mrs.
Cornelius Vandorblll , the widow of
the dead commodore , Boatircgnrd , 11.1
all the world knows , waa ono of the
[ gnmoit cnginr.or ofllcerfl on cither
Hide in thu late vrar. Ctrefully trained
at Went Point , vrhcro ho graduated
second In his class in 1810 , ho ren
dered valuable services to thu United
States in the Mexican war , iind
invaluable nervicca ityalnr.t it in
the war of the rebellion. Ho
is considered to day ono of the
foremost military onianours of bin
time by competent critica. Some of
them contend that hn is the uiial | of
any engineer nineo Vauhan. Curtain
it la that he ia very highly spoken of ,
nnd that some of his work that lit
MaViatfus' battlolield , in Virginia , for
example ia pointed out by the older
engineer oflicorn of thu army an a
model for the young lieutenants of the
corps. IIo is , however , nothing more
than n great engineer. Ho wan not n
; ; oed fightur , and after the war he
Tailed mpnnlly in nn attempt to revive
n nouthorn railroad which was on ita
foot within BIX months after he left
its protidoncy , and is now striding for
ward into permanent prosperity. Per
haps , since wo have no great engineer
ing work for- him to do , General
Beaurcgard is best employed as ho Is
it present in assist kg to manage n
lottery enterprise at a salary of
$10,000 n year. General Beaurcgard
o a abort , shapely , handsome old gon-
Joman , with gray hair and white
moustnoho and n ruddy /ace. IIo hau
the uppoaranco nnd accomplisbmento
of n courtier of the dayo of Loum
XIV , nnd withal hosta of friends.
Uo haa buried two wiveo and haa n
narried son nnd a married daughter
n Now Orleans. Mrs , Vanderbilt
was the reigning belle of Mobile while
pot very young in the years imme
diately preceding the war. She wan
not pretty , but was exceedingly at-
ractivo "nandzomo " " ! >
; , "stylish ,
"lovely , " the old beaux say.
3 ho married William H. El-
.lotr , . . Now Orleans lawyer ; but
they did not ogreo with one another ,
and finally separated by way ot thu
courts. For several yeara Mrs. El-
iott , who was utill very attractive ,
nupportod htraelf and her mother by
caching music. They had mot the
Vandcrbilta before her first marriage ,
and it is said that the commodore ,
who admired them , quietly contribu
ted to their support through her
mother , after her Reparation from her
husband. Do this na it may , they
met again in the north after the war ,
and When Mrs. Yandorbilt died
Mr. Vanderbilt married Mrs. Elliott.
Now eho ia n handsome widow
of about 40 , with legacy of 8800,000
§ 100,000 for each year of horlifo
with the Commodore , ns nomcono haa
observed and nothing to ptovont her
marrying anybody oho pleases to
marry. Mrs. Vnndorbilt ia , an is well
known , like her late husband , a great
admirer of the Rev. Dr. Dooma , of
the Church nf the Strangers , New
York city. Vnndorbilt University at
Nashville , Tennessee , probably owes
Its existence to the appeals made by
Dr. Doomo nnd Mrs. Vanderbilt to
the dead millionaire. Gen , Boture-
jard , n Oroblo in everything elan , is
presumably a member of the Roman
Dathollo church.
I would advise you vO come over to
the Garfiuld Monumental fair week
next. It will bo , I think , w ell worth
n visit. "It is not what it ia cracked
up to bo , " na Joe Blnokburn oayo. A
leal of chall' has boon written about
it. A great deal of chaff ia always
written about ouch an affair. It Is
not going to bo a second centennial ,
but it will bo n very interesting httlo
exposition , It will last , as you know ,
about ion days. The capitol will bo
the centre from which nil its attrac
tions will radiate. Workmen have
been busy with its bare , cold , uunt-
tractive walla for weeks , and they nro
beginning to lank nt least lukewarm.
The booths and atunda for the ex
hibits are all neat , nud even pretty in
design , There will bo plenty of terra
cottu and Turkey red paint about them
and the walls of the rotunda itself
will be hung with heavy maroon cloth ,
Wliou you get the handsome oil paint
ings which the managers have secured
hung on the maroon cloth , nnd the
multifarious exhibits , ( lowers and re
freshments on the stands and in the
booths , the rotunda and the old hall
of the house of representatives , and
oven the oepulclnal crypt beneath the
rotunda , will present n very attractive
appearance. Right in the center of
the rotunda Trill bo a gothio pagoda
( to mix terms a little ) containing a
btutuo of Oilfield , llight under
neath this in the crypt will bo
u fine exhibit of last century relics
from the best private collections in
Washington. Thu Marine band will
occupy a curious rounded shell of
wood on the east front ot the capitol ,
where the piesidonta stand when they
take thu oath of ollioo , and ita music
will come floating in through the open
bronze doors upon which dear old
Christopher Columbus and horrid old
Amerigo Vcapuc'ui" , na thu y uog
ladies say , utand facing onti another
all the time. AU the gas jitta all aver
the capital have been cleaned , nud it
\\lll bo lighted from thu crypt to the
oupalo on top of the dome. The two
halla wherein cpngrces will hold forth
in the follpwing week will bo closed ,
but all the rest of the capital
will bo open to visitor * . They
can roam from the collar to the
Goddess of Liberty. YOU know how
dearly corners and utaircueeo arc beloved -
loved by young people at parties and
the like. Well , the capitol nbands
in corners , Curious , unique cornore ,
of all shanoa and Bites and of nil vur-
Intioa und Biiagnets , Then there are
the great marble staircases why , 1250
couples could sit comfortably on each
Hlght. And those long corridors ,
with teasebtod floors and lotty walls ,
all of marble ; what famous promit\
ides they will bo while the Marino
band wakes the echoes of the moat
distant corners of the great labyrin
thine building with the gay music of
iho " Turkish Patrol" or dinning
' Olivette , " Then there will bo mili
tia drilln , bicycle races , concertsa mo-
mortal mooting , nnd a dozen other
things calculated tomakotho efTairiu
terestinc. The men who nre behind
it nro thu men who made the TJionius
statue enterprise , tha Norfolk Centen
nial nnd the Gar field inaugural ceremonies -
monies what they were. They nro
moil uncustomed to succeed nnd nl-
wayo deserving of success. Carbin ,
Stvnlm , Rockwell , CJapp , the Garfield
"chumn , " Commissioners Morgan end
West ; John W. Thompson , the most
successful business msn in Washing
ton ; General Sherman , and half n
hundred mori > of the snmo sort. They
expect to pot Romothing like $25.0(10 (
out of this fair. This , with.tho § 20-
000 or ? 3o,000 they have callucted
from ull over the country ,
will glvo Unm n first-nito nudem
for ii monumnnt fund , i They
nill ncod soinuthing like $100-
O for the monument they pro-
Hc. They haven't made up their
ininda yet an to whore it shall bo
placed exactly ( I like that ) , but I
iiavo n fancy that whan they have got
ten together the nionoy that they
want they will nelccfc the little park nt
tlui intersection of Connecticut nnd
MaieacliUEOtts nvcnuoi , right in the
tioart of new Washington , nnd di
rectly in front of Blaino'a now house.
To bo euro , thai IB already known as
Dupont circle , and last session con-
; resa appropriated $10,000 fora aUtuo
of the bravo old admiral to bo therein
errotod ; but. Secretary Lincoln eaya ho
does not at present contemplate doing
Anything about n iDnpont atntuo , and
it would certainly bua.i flttinx in itself
us it would bo agreeable to Mr. Blainu
LO have the statno of Garfield directly
n front of his door. LTowover , Blalno
and the chums never got an well to
gether , and the chums nnd not Blaine
O running this thing.
And when the deluge came they
wore natonishod very muoh so , in.
fact Ono republican candidate for
congress ( his name inMoulton , and ho
rnu for congress in Buffalo ) was BO
sure oh , BO sure that ho actually
find his carpeta covered with crash the
day before the election , and laid in a
supply of provisiona to the extent of
thirty chickona nnd ducks , a hogshead
of bread and a dozen kcga of boor ,
and heaven , only known now many
other thinga. I wonder if the election
baked meals nro still coldly furnlnhing
Forth hia breakfasts , dinners und imp-
pert ? MACK.
Unmarried Persona
Should lose no time in cccuring n
certificate in the Marriage Fund Mu
tual Trust AsBociatiosi of Cedar
Rapids , Iowa , concerning which circu
lars and full information will bo aont
free upon application. It in organized
under the Insurance Laws of lown ,
und is the only legalized nnd legitimate -
mate institution of the kind in the
country. Ita officers and managers
nro among the moat prominent bus
iness men in Cedar Rapids , ' including
bunkers , the postmaster , capitalists ,
railway managers , insurance men ,
leaping Inwyerskphysicians , and other
reliable citizens. Over $15,000 haa
already boeti paid to members. It is
n splendid investment , as safe , secure
nnd enfo a ? a Government bond. You
can just na well have a good sum of
money to commence married life on ,
ns not. Remember it only coata you
ono cent for n postal card to request
full explanation and information.
Good agents can Ret territory if ap
plied for BOOH. Write to-day. Do
not postpone it. Mention where you
saw this notice. oct2C 1m *
Nebraska Loan & Trust Company
Capital Stook , - - $100,000-
JAS.B. HIAHT\VIU : : , , Vreildcnt.
A. h. CLAItKi : , Vlco-1'rc'ildcnt.
i : . C. WtliSTlUl , Treasurer
i.nnuol Alexander , Oeuald Ollv. r ,
A. I. . C arko , Ii 0. Webster ,
oo. II 1'ratt. Ja . II. Heartttcll ,
1) . ii. JIcEl HInney.
Piret Mortgage Loans a Specialty
Tiili Company furnishes a permanent , homo
limtltutlonvhcro School Jkyidn and other U gaily
litbued Jlnnlclpal fccurlllcs of Nebraska uau be
bo ncgotlatid o-i thu most favorable terms.
Loans made 011 Improved farms In nllvvcl nettled
counties of the btate , through responsible local
( lonms teamed ,
Ilia Story of UIB Sowing Machine ,
A Ltudtomo llltla piirphlcJ , LInt'tnJ rol
tori "lib ncmcioco tafiM lccs vllUtii
13 uy aaoli pciacn railing for It , ktacy btinca
or luL-oXcaof TlioSlncer Uanufactatlng Com-
piny , or Mil bo tout bj teal' , pen pld , Is
aar ptreon living t a dliU'Jca from oar offlcei
Ww Singer ManufaoimrlDR Co , ,
Prlnotpul Ollloo , 34 Union SqniMo
Thomoet c ntrallr located hotel in the city.
KoomiTCc , C1.00 , < l.Uand 2.00perUiy.
fini Clus Itodtaur nt connected with thi
hat l.
.HURST. - - Prop.
Comer Fourth m ! Ixicust Btrotts ,
"liy a thor nitli uowo < ' , ot tlio na n i Uwt
which Cavern th'i opcratlODj of dlgu tlon tnd
nutrition , and bv n careful application of tht
Ono property ol ellleo cd Cocoa , Mr.
Epni haa piovidtil our brcakfut table * with a
delicately lltored b rcrago which icay ea > o M
rouiy hvavr doctor * ' blll It U by tha Judlcl ui
use kl luch articled of diet that a conatltutloo
oaf bo Gradually built up until Strom : euongh
to rr l t every tondcucy to dlica e , llucdredi
of subtle maudloj are floating around us [ t&d ;
to attack Mhiro-ver there Jj w > .ak polat.V
Made bimply with bollintr water or milk , gold
ID tlui cnlv ( j-lb and ib ) . labeled
Homcoopathlo Obutulettt ,
nta i-lv Ijoadon. Ifinarlnn
Are never imiiakd or counterfeited.
This is especially true of n fnmily
mecllcino , nnd it is positive proof that
the romi'dy imitated is of the highest
value , As noon as it Iind been tcatod
and proved by the whole world that
Hop Bitters WAS the purest , best and
moat valuable family medicine , on
onrlh , many imitations Bprung up nnd
began to steal the noticen in which
the press nnd people of tlio country
had expressed the morita of II. B ,
and in every rvay trying to induce suffering -
foring invnlido o uao their ctulT in-
ctcad , expecting to make money on
the credit and good tmmo of U. B.
Many others started nostrunin put up
in pimilar style to II. B. , with vnn-
ouoly dovipod namen in which the
word "IIop"or "Hops" were need in
away to induce people to believe they
wore the same no Hop Bitters. All
such pretended , remedies or cures , no
matter what their atylo or numo in.
nnd enpicially thofa with the word
"Hop" or "Hops" in their name or in
any way connected with them or their
name , are imitations or countorfeiln.
Beware of them. Touch none of
them. ( Jso nothing but genuine Dop
Bitten ) , with n bunch or cluster of
green llopa on the wbito label. Trust
nothing olsu. Drugsista and dealers
are warned ugaitmt dealing In imita-
tinn or coiii'tnrfoitii
J , R fiOBEBS & CO.
L. Sommers & Go's
V * * XLtVilA
WholoBalo Manufacturing
Fruits , Nuts and Cigars.
Ill S 14th Si
OMFA , . . MRB
0. SPEOHT , - Proprietor.
1212 Barney St. . - Omrlia , Nob.
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing ,
Spooht'a Patent Motalio Skylight ,
Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar
and Bracket Shelving. I am
the general agent for the
above line of goods.
llnxs , Baluatrcdet , VoranduJOffie * cr > J
Bank Ralllnnp , Window arid Cellar
Quardu ; also
ilwaukee & St , Paul
IS now running Its FAST KXI'IUSS TltAINS
Pullman's Magnificent Sleepers
Finest Dining Cars in the World.
Ortonn\ point bojond ; or
Tak-o the HUVr llOUTi : , the
Oliioago , MilwaiikeB&SfcPaulR'y ' ,
Ticket olllco located at corner 1'arnam and
rourtecntli streets and at U. I' , Depot and at
.Mllla d Hotel , Unuha.
ISrSiso Time Table In another column.
F. A. NASH , General Aecnt.
O , H , KOtVTi : , Ticket Agent , Omalia.
S. S. MiniHII.L , A. V. ' II. OAUl'KNTKH ,
General Manager. ( Jencral I'ass. Aucnt.
J. T. CIMKK , OKO. II. IIKArKOlll ) ,
Cent rat Sup't. AKt't Oen , 1'ass. Agent.
El ) .
1109 tnd 1111 Dodge Street ,
nug7.moOru OUJUIA , NUB ,
, , .
p c ! d n ) Vlso Pnx I.
W , a. DMSJIM , hoc. n < i1frc e
Lincoln , 3NTob
Corn Plantara , Hrrrowa.Farm Rollpra
Bulky Hay IlaHea , Ducuet liloyatlug
Wlndmllla , &o
We ate prsr red ta do Job iroik ud mumhe'
ntlrf for other partlo * .
tlacolu , H
) a palatable form , i
\nnlt/preparation emi / * > -
//mi / tclll not blacken <
I lrrth , o eharactcHstir
I'NTiAtMi'.N "jri tnrlfr'aclicoo ' l&ronrii in rnwlicin * * , 1 hao loiinil nothing To pTvn the rrenfw that 1
HAUTFR'8 inox TOHIO < 1 . In enww of Norrmu rrortratlon , 1'ymale UISMWW. Dysi twl/u , and Itnpm
" n.million . rf thoblnod,11ii4p ' ' 'l' T rem lf hA , In mihanrt < , mvleiiom wonderfnlcnr < < , Uiumthai h
hauled ivimo of onr most rmtnmt phjuiclitu hate rleldwl to UiU ITTCAI Mid Incomparable rrmMf. I pnwer
nfj \ " . nnvr pu. UQIIKUT HAMDI IS , Slffl Wimh ATB . Ht l/nin. > ln , NOT , ath. 1BSI
b. < Tirrroor- tlwMootffi
Wtral ItntUlifiil tniif ta |
" ' .
ft ) mppUealilo to General
tiff row of A fv- \
, ' roitratinn of I Itall
Potrcrs ntl Intpotriirr.f _ _
The Oldest Wholesale and THK LEADING
" "
[ T
in Omaha. Visitors can here IN TUB WEST I
Grmerai Agents for the
find all novelties in SILVER
Finest and Best Pianos aud
VER WARE. CLOCKS , Orga-as manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low an
ihe Latest Most Artistic any Eastern Manufacturer
, ,
and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organo sold
PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices ,
all of FEtfE
descriptions A SPLENDID stock oi
WATCHES at as Low Pri Steurway Checkering ,
ces as is compatible with Knabe , 7ose & Son's Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren ,
Store Tower Building Sterling , Imperial , Smitb
, , American Organs , &c. Do-
corner llth and Farnham
fail to
not before
see us pur-
Large Stock alwavs on Hand.
IE1. C.
1213 Farnam St. . Onnaha.
Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc ,
& CO.
Firs-Class Paining and Trimming , Eouairing Promptly Done ,
4t < ( Jinalia N ob
- TOR -
, ,
And all Potuts Eatt andOouth.EaiL
Hoirly 1,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track
11 connections aru made in UNION ObPOTO
has a National Rotmtatlon u > being th
real Through Car Line , and la universally
encoded to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED IUlf
road In the world ( or all cligjca or travel.
Try It and vou will flm * traveling a Inxur ) .
Inatcad ol a discomfort.
Through Tickets via rhn Celebrated tlna tci
Bale Lt all offlcco In the Wot.
All Inloimatlon about Katca o Fare , Bloenlnj
Car AcocmraoditlODB , Tlmo Table ) , ftc. , will bi
cheerfully KlTen by npplylnlug to
2d Vlco-f rea't & Oen. UanoKerChls gb
. Oen. Pamcivfer Aft. Chlcigo
Oen. Agent , Council Bluff * .
II , V. DUKLIT1ck t A l. om hi
nuun-ed ly
Embody now 1882 lmpro\ement . Uor ,
praotioal ' * u' : Coit loss to keep la
Bidcrj CM less fuel U K jnore hek
and a larger volume oi pure air " &a * ° 7
lurnace mado.
ABi-uveand Faithful Guardian of
Our Homes and Property Roaonod
from. Imminent Peril.
A \ cry popular aud well-known member of our
polio forteuhoImspirformrddutytMcho jcara
attbcUnlon It. It. Depot on Exchange 1'laco In
l'ro\idcnce , H. I. glc3 Ills unsolicited testi
mony. Hear him ;
" 1 been dreadfully troubled with disease
of the KMnoyj and Liter during the past six
months ; at timcsl UO.S.EO ovcrely alllittcd that I
uas unable to stand on my ftct , 03 my feet nnd
lower jLirtsof my lejfs were \cry badly swollen ;
my urinary orsans wuro Inn dreadful csndltlon ,
myblooda.s Inarctcliej state , and It had be
come 60 lmi > o\criithcd and circulated so poorly
that nij hands and feet uould bo cold and numb ,
and so uhitoos to appear lifeless. I could not
rest nights , but uos HO clNtrcssul nil over that I
could not Ho htlll In bed , but \\o\i d keep turning
and rolling from ono sldo to t'io other , all nla'ht ,
BO that I would feel moro tired nnd exhausted
In the morning tha'ihcii I went to bed.
11 } condition became. HO ttrloua that I wan
obliged to ktop work , and for thirty
da > u I wax unable to bo on duty. I
consulted the bust doctors , and tried the numer
ous medicines and so-cal cd cures , but rapidly
grew u jibe , and uas In a sad condition e\ery
way \\hcn a lonjj-tlmu raluot frloid of mine ,
piomlncnt In this city In a express lompa-
ny , urged mu to try Hunt's ilemcdj , as ho had
Known of wonderful cures effected by It. U ] > oti
Ms repr < sen atlon I obtalnal two lottlcs of the
11 nirdy and tommcnccd taking It a ? dhccted
and Krcatl to my turprUo In leus than twenty ,
fourhoursI commenced to feel relieied. I was-
In an awful condition when I bc an to take the
lifinuly , nnd hail no f itli In It ; therefore , hcn
1 found a moat Immediate ro lef.evcn In one daj'n
neu of It , myli art was mada clod , and I assure
jou Icottlnuul totalo the remedy and to 1m-
pro > o const ntly from day lo da . I took Ituitli
me on mv trhi to Maine , for I was hound to hate
It with me all the time , nnd the result Is that I
lmpro\i > il tpcodlh all the lime I was awn ) ; and
everfclnco my arihal Iiomc , which was several
wccl.8 ajo , I bale been on duty every day. I fuel
llrst rote , .and thu bwclllnif of hand , feet and legs
ha\u dl appeared and the terrible back-acho
nhkli used to bother mo more ) than all the rust ,
troubles mo no moro , and I sleep splendidly
nights , and surely haio \ cry excellent and forci
ble reasons for speaking In praise of Hunt's
JlcmcKy , for It has made a new man of me. I
don't know what I should hale done without
Hunt's K mcdy ; It Is the bent mcdlUno that I
c\cr took , and I tcry gladly recommend It to all
who are atllkted with Kidney or Liver dlscasu , or
diseases of the urinary organs.
Ilcsncctfulljr ,
nl4 od&w ISAAO W. KAIUIlUOTHiil. : "
$500 REWARD.
Tlio above r ward will bo paid ia any person
who will produce a Taint that Hill equal the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
for preserving Shinties , Tin and Gravel Koofa.
Warranted to bo Fire and Water Proof , Ml
orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet.
tcr than any other paint now In UBO.
Sole Vroprletora , Omaha liouw , Omaha , Neb.
oniccr fc I'usey , Dr.Hlco , Dr , Pinney , Fuller
Coupdl UlulTd , low a ,
llKi olllce , Omaha Ncu.
o Ai Eriiii
e a
fioK'Alnwc ; at Lo of Msmorj , Unlvcisil Laisl
tude , Patn ID the luck , Dimncag of VUIon , Pra
mfcturo Old Ago , und iauy ctbcr Diso ! thtl
load to fuanlty cr Ccucumpilcn aoi a Promt-
tuio Grave.
raTull ( artlcahn la car punobtet , which
vo desire to teed frco I v mull ta eviry ono.
3TTho BpudQ c McdldM In Bold by all drugjriitj
at tl IKr pocka e , or 6 packtgcl for { 6 , or will
be lent free by mail on rcotipt ot the money , by
BvSalo. N. Y.