r 1 DAILY ttS&--ruJhSDAY , , 21 HI. EL WHOLESALE AND IICTAIL BOOKS AMD STATIONERY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. * r * K T" c ? ° B rt . .PT1 Bfc n T * fi * * c * * P < r t" fillfe MB3TRAGF B iF I G E. . . vr ac .BV Lands and Lota Bouht and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW UATES. NGTABIES PUBLIC ANB OOKVBYANOERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - : - - IOWA. _ _ _ JOSEPH BEITEE , / * I MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN THE LATEST STYLES , Atto Lowont Vosoiblo Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. Thit never require crtranlnff , lit Mrs. J. J. Good's Ilalr Store , at prlcos noror bcforo touched ty ny other hMr dealer. Al j n full line of ( twitches , etc. atftra.ttly reduced prices. Also ( fou , ttircr ami coined nctj. W vca rnado from ladles' ov-ti hair. Da not fall to cnll before mirchwluj rlccmhero All sooc'.ft v ntranted u tcpracntad. MRS. J. J. tJ001 > , 23 Muln trtci , Council Ithiffn , Iow- > TAYLOR BROS. , 105 mm STREET COUNCIL BLUFFS. IMesale Baalers in. Lipors and fines , No. 13 Main St , Council Bluff's , la. Branch Fouse : Linear. Ziel & Jensen , Sioux Falte , D. T. Wholesale Dealers in IOWA , NEBRASKA , AND MISSOURI , ) No. 102 Broadway , . { FAiGY GROG . ) Council Bluffs ! * 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , O OE1 ZRIIES Of All Kinds. Mew Goods. IfTevy Prices and quare Dealing. Call and Examine Our Stock. BiTHIM HOUSE ! 'At Bryant's Spring , Qor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Plain , Medicated , Vapor , Electric , fluago , Dee b , Shower , not txti Cold Batha. Com petent male ana lomalo IIOTPOS and attoodanta Llwuys on band , and tha bit of rare and atten tion. Riven patrono. Spooltl attention ( ; lvou to bithlcg children. Investigation aud patronage ollcltcd. ollcltcd.DR. . A. H. STODLEY & Co. , 100 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Treatment of chronic diaiaeca made s. epeclalty. fl a ftTflinTin BKMOVED without the 1 1 A U I I K N drawing ot blood or use of UlLil U JJlUIJ knlft. Cures lun ? diseases , A Mnrniit.'T > Flti , Scrofula , Liver Com. Ji B P' * . Dropsy , Kheuma- ( I R S tl" Fcvor and Uercur- * m - \ K U III U n O i l eores , Eryelpelas. Salt Uhoum , Scald HoiJ , Oatatrh , weak , Induncd knd grr nutated Eyes , ticrotaloua Ulcurs and Fc male JJlsoaso tof all kinds. Alao Kidney aud TenorlcJ tUsuaaoa. Qomorrhoida or Piles cured money refunded. Ml diseases treated upon the principle o/vogat- lircform , without the KM of mercurial pois ons or the knife. Electro Vapor or Modlcatod Baths , furnished who desire them. Hornli or Kupturo radically cured by tbo use the Elastic belt Truss and 1'laator , which has eupiiior In thoworla. FREE. CALL ON OK ADDRESS Drs , B , Eico and J , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Ja. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Fearl Street. ZIouii , B a. m. to 3. , and 2 p. m. , to 6 p , m. Uosidcnce , 120 Bancroft street , Telephonlo connection with Central oillco. STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND GRNAMENTAL PAINTING. PAPER HANGING , KALSOMININQ AND KRAININO , Shop Oomer Broadway and Scott 3 | F. T. SEYBERT M. D. . . , . . , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IA. Office No. 6. Everett Block , Broadway - way , over A. Lome'a Restaurant , Baa i4iflKj , OE& o aac aca ? aa a OOce over savlae banic OOUNOlLi BLUFFS , - - Iowa. W. 0. Jamca , la connection Tilth hi * Uw and olUctloa t/nelnete Luya and edit real toUte. fcrjons vlehlDto | buy or eoll city property call I hljolfics , over BoiUcdr book etore , Purl EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. < M6Broadway , Council Bluffo. MBS , E , j , HAEDINB ; M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGHST. Ortdnate of Eloi'.ropathlo Inatltatlon , Thlla- Mtlphla , Fonna. p.'Br-oaflway&BlencAve. COU17CIL BLUFFS , IOWA. { The treatment ot nil dtseuca and ptfatal dlf- flcultlca peculiar lo females a ep J. G. TIPTON , ittomgy&Cmmsonop. Offlco over First National Bank , Cornell liluftc. Iowa. Will prestlce In the rUle uad fedcn/ ecurta. ecurta.JMO. . JAY FRAIMEY , Justice of the -Peace,1 814 BROADWAV , , Council Bluffs. - - lows * W. B. M'AYEQ , Proprietor of abstract I of Pcitawattarulc county. Office corner of Broadway and UMc. strecti , Council BUliTs Io > \ \ . _ P , J , MOMTHOM.KEY , M , jj , . FflDE DlBPENSAHY JV EKY S/.7DKDAr. OtEceln Everett's block , Foul trcit. decee b'23 Fourth stnitt. 0 Kce toura from S tc ga. m , , 2 lo 4 nnd Up. in. Oooncll htofc II PBAOTiCM , DE2TIBT.j | Pearl cpposlto the poato&ai. One of . ' - " - thootdeaepractltlonerv in Council Ckifft. ttfactlon muirantoed In HUGHES & TOWSLEE. DBALiOB IN Confectionery. FruitStNuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters nnd lee Creaoi in Season. 12 JilABSTBl' . , Oouncil BlntSa. 723 W. Broadway. LARSON f AKOERSOK , Proprietors. This laundiyhn Juit boon cpen&J for bull * na , and wo tro now ftipued to tto Ia indrr vork of all kind * and Kuarmtco catUUctloa A tpecialty made of fine worlr , iracb cs colUrr , cuffa , llnethlrte , etc , Wo want uvMyboJy to ghouja trial , LAIISON & ANDE.UBON. moo. orricxu. w. u. x. nuti QfflOIR & PUSSY CflMBil Bluffs , Ia , Established , - - 1866 Dealer * In foreign and Uooicitlc t > d COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILKOAD UIICAOO , ROCK ISUXD AND PACIflC. iJctwrt. Arrttc. Auliitickxt .B-Mpm ratlflc ixt . . . ! > lSnt Kxnnd JIMP .USBam K * am' Mall * 0 W p in u. Jlolnn c\.7.15 a m DM MolnrancM.K ) p tu CMICAOO , nxUNQTOH AND O.OIVCT. l > amrt. Arrive. AthnticE t . 8SO p m I r rtne Kxt . . .OrJOnm Mali nnd Kx' > A m Still ami KxV.TWpm N. Y Ex..I-00pin I N b > V KM Kx.8. 0n in CIIIC\80 \OtlTIIWl1tHUN. . tVpart. Arrho. Atlantic r.xt..5 ISpm 1'adflc F.xl fMSilm Mai and IX.920am Mai and it" : 015pni Accom. ( Sat. ) . . ( .MO ) i m Accom. KANSAS rnr , ST. JOK AXD cortcit. nu'iis. ' Depart. Arrho MMInmlUx. . fl-JWtxm I Kxnrww. . . . . . .CiBOpm Kxprew 9.IU p m | Moll Mid Kx. , c-lSim ] VMON \CIHO. . Arrive. Oierlnml Kx.lligQa. m. OverMnrlKt , . 1001 * . m , Lincoln Kx..ll.SOn. in. DornorKx . 8 in a in , IV-tncr Ux..TOOJi. in. I/oc l IK (1:30 : a. in. Local ix.,7:9ft : : n. in. " lit , . , O.mn , in. iml'rnnt..C | Up. in. " Kx . . . .r-oOn. in. n VIHMI , sr. LOUIS AND rAcine , Deiwrt. Arrlto. Mnll and } . \ . 9:45 : n m I Mall nnd IU. . 4SO : ) i in Cannon llall. . 4ro : p m | Cannon Ihit. . 11.03 n m B10UX CltV aMIPACUKV Deinrt. Arrh c. For Sioux rity.TcSS n m rtm Sioux O'j.l Tor FortNtobrnra. 1'nn Tort Nlolirarn , } "eh * fl..V ) p in For bU Paul. . . 7 ! 10 pin From bt , Paul..8,50 a m CIIICAUO , MILWAUKri AM > ST. PALL. Lfiuc Comifll UltilTi. Arilus Council ItlulK Mall nnd I\'II.LII : n in I Mnll and Kx.O.Vi pm Atlantic I \ iJitnpm I Athntlo bx , (9IUim ! 111IC\00 , MlLUAlhH : AMI ST , 1'UI , . lxe 0nnhn. Airl\p < At Omaha. Mall and Cx ' 7:15 : n in I I'adllu K\ . , . . ( ! > .J."i a in Athntlo i\ . . [ J.10 p in .Mall nnd U\ ' 7-l p lu "ExceptSnnilttjs. tKxccptSatunlajs. Council Ulutla & Omnua Street R. B , I/c.a\o Council lllnlls. 8 n in , ! i n in , 10 n m , 8 n in , ! ) a in , 10 a in , 11 a in , 1 in , 2 p m , 3 p 11 am , 1pmlip ni , 3p m , 4 p m , A p in , G p In in , 4 p in , 5 p in , C p in. Street cars run half hourly to the Union 1'Aclflo Depot. OnSundiU the cars Infill tlalr trips at 0 o clock a. in. , and run nvru'arry during the day at 11 , 11 , 2 4 , 5 and U o'clock , and run to city time. FARM NOTH 3. Hog tvro Omnivorous. It ia remarkable how many farmers there are who seem to wholly ignore the fact that any other food than dry corn is suitable for swine , when it is within their power to keep ouok stock half or two-thirds of the year on food not nearly so expensive and on which it would thrive much better. No umi Is really a cuccessful hog raiser who relies on corn nlono or on exclu sive grain diet of any kind for build ing up the fnunojwork of hi * growing pigs and nhoats. Grain is nil essen tial nt feeding time but only ot mod erate extent before. Smnll Grain for TVgs. Wcstotn ff.rmcra hr.vo become so accustomed to making pork from corn that they ixurcoly know what to do wlwu a coru crop fails. Many farm ore hesitate to settle north of the line wlioro largo crops of cern are rained , because they think thcj" can not pro- ducu pork to advantage. Now no ono will detsjr that corn 10 a most excel- tens food for fattening hogs , and whore it can bo cheaply produced it is goneroUy the most economical article tlmt oan bo employed for that pur pose. It is true , however , that pork is economically produced in places where corn cannot bo ripened aud that Carmera ttero'find na much profit in robing beef and mutton. In Great Brltein barley is chiefly used for fat tean.p hogs. In'Canada all the small grains except wheat , peas , and roota lur aly take the place of corn. In the New England states n little corn fa need in connection with potatoes , pumpkins , and mill'feed , A variety of the food given to hogs appears to promote health c.nd to produce m of fine favor. As prices rnngo thic season it is likely that oata will prove to bo a cheapen" ! oed for hogs in miny yurta of the west where but little oora ic raised. K&perimonts tried by eor < ccal ooetn to shew that two bnshclo > of cats are worth ai much as ono buohol of corn for mi&ing pork. In ntny tpartti of the > couutry it ia easier to raise two buetcls of oata thauoao bushel of corn. The cost of ttiraah- ing the oata'ia less than that of buc the . 'To the beat ing corn. produce re sults thooats-ohould bo ground before they are fed. They will bo rea&ly oaten and digested , however , if they are soaked in .railk ar water. B vrh < y which has boon discolored by ccrios- uro is an excellent food for pigs. The hko is true of rye and peas. Ohiolzsn Cholera Although wo have not proved the eflioaoy of fending onions freely te the fowls during the prevalence of cholera , wo , however , have some faith iu its valuable end health giving qualities. Onions fed/.to.young chickens , nay twice a week , 'help to keep thorn houlthy. A modium-sized onion , minced very "fine , ia enough for a brood. When 'contagious diueascs nmko their r.ppor.ranco in the nuf h- borhood , onwna out up line and mixed with the morning mess is invaluable. A little roimd giaer ; ; added makes it better ; and while it is good in itoolf and healthful for. poultry , there wro many broodeca who recommend it ati a valuable pro-vcntivo-of disease. Huro is a rotaody , or preventive , of the chicken cholosa , whhli I have success folly used for twp years. While my neighbors liaro been lohing nearly thrir oaUro Iflosk , mine have boon IioalUiy , and I hr.vo never had a case to my knowledge : Take a btrrel , law it asurcior an halves , put about throe quarts of nnslockod lime inono of the hakoategothoj with half a pound or poundi ( < o suii the noccsaity ) of alum ; fillihohalf bar-'ol with water ; when etactad and sotUad take from ono pint to no ( ju it ( au the case ro- ire ) and put m evorj pail of w&tor ( , 'l7en the fovln to drink. The Jluio ll answer fee tha stcoud half barrel of.watar , but the .samu quantity of alu.ii should ja added as boforo. It cotttinucd daily during tin- sickly sea- eon , I can from iny .txporionoe ansnro youc readers that tlioir forlw will not bo troubled with ohieken oholora. Kur C. Now Yorker , A Daliota Poulti-y Yard. The Jiiumarck Tribune publishes the foKowing article in regard to anew now poultry yard etartod lately by ono of Dakota's moat -ontorpnaini ; farmers : It may bo intorestiug to many if not all of your Traders to [ earn of a very importun' addition [ 1.13 been tcado to the Iivo Block do- pirtmont of the farm ofV. . P. Stool en addition important not only ( o the proprietor himself , but of vast importance to every settler within & Hundred miles of this place. The addition referred to consists of three mndrod Plymouth Itock fowls , and Ivo Cno cockerels of the same breed , Tlieao fowla were raked by tha very ) est breeders In the ttato of Mama- chueottg , pspecmll/ for Mr , Steele , it nd Imvo been carefully selected from the wliolo teaton's hatchlnfj , the order having been given early last spring. No cxponso has been spared to secure the beat opecimons of their kind. This enterprise , for which the proprietor of the S' o1o farm deserves great credit , docs not end with the importation of the poultry ; it consUtn also of an in cubator for the hntohiuf ; of the cgcs b/ artificial hnt This imtchine helm suvoii hundred and twenty e gs , The heat is applied by two kerosene lamps which lieat ' .ho water , oauaiiiK it to circulate through pipni under nud over the egg drawon , thus .prc duolng nn even aud ho ltl > y heat , which hewt in turn is govorne < \ by an electric but tery and clock work , thus regulating the amount of hcut noocssnry for the successful hnlohing of tJH > eg > , to a degree of oxactncaa which U iu > t eur- pnesod by darao nature honrlf. It may nlso interest jour renders to know the kind and extent of building * noc ( itary to accommodate nnd Sfcuroly hnuso ngainst the f rosin of n D.tkotn winter tins tine Hook of poultry. Thu housfes n o now under coustiuctiun and couti ] of n hoiino two hundred feet long by Bixteon fcot wide , oitjht fent front , four fcot roar , and made sufficiently warm by all the boat ma'o- ' tial ktiotvn ( ft the builder's trade in this western country. Next comes iv hatching liouao eixteon by lhirty-ti\o foot , also to bo built in thu brat pousl- bio matmor for warmth and vontlla tion. Tliou a chicken house to bo twenty feel ; wide nnd ono hundred fcot long , and to bo heated by u sys tem of hot water circulation , the luutor and pipes for which are on the ground ready to bo put in when the building han been completed. " Brief Mention. "I Imvo used Uuimocic Biooi ) BIVTKIIS with croat benefit for ImUgoV.iou nnd con- Btlpitiau of the bowels. " 0. L. Kiston , llaiullton , Ont. Qorman Cnrp. * Several oubacriborn during the past week have boon asked for information respecting German carp , their charac teristics , their value for food , the construction "of ponds for them , the method of feeding them , their excel lence ns compared with other frosli water lish , and the means of obtain ing a full supply. Detailed informa tion on thcno point a 1ms been given in the Chicago Times during the paot two ycais , but it may bo proper to repeat n portion of it. Thu Gorman carp is greatly inferior to the white Ilih , lake trout , black baau , or even the pickerel , ao far aa Ihvor is con cerned. The 'flesh is white , but not very 'firm ' , and is gen erally deficient in fat. Tha fish grow to 'largu oizo and increase very rapidlp'if allowed nulliciout food. They ace doslrablo , chiefly for the rea son * that tkoy are easily propagated , that they -will do well in water too warm und -too impure to support other and tmtro Taluublo fish , thai , they will eat u grout variety of substances that am of little value , nnd that the mua'.l ' try will > ondurp transportation long diatancec'with little liability to injury. Experiments show that the fish thrho iu almcit any latitude , and that 'they are not molested by noises and din- txrbancza that operate to exterminate many < voriotlep. On thooo accounts the German carp is a very desirable fish for persons who live remote from mar kets , 'for farmers and village people who have water on their own grounds ant1 'pan ralso the food required for feeding them. The German carp has been sailed the "iiih of civilization , " tho'"farmer'B ffih , " and from its pro- pons-ty to eat almost anything placed .it Its disposal , the "aquatic p tfl. " It is not likely that this fish will over bo n favorite in city markets , but it is lihoJy to provo a great boon to people - plo living in the country. ( The lish waa first brought to thin country by the United States fish commissioners several years po , and has boon propagated at their hatahory near Washington. The fish commia- sionora of each state have boon aup < plied with thorn , and several of thuni tlmo boon engaged in propagating them. The proper way to obtain a limited supply gratuitously ia to apply to the fish commisBionoro of 'tho state where ono lives. Several persons who are engaged in fish farming on their own account have thorn for sale in largo and small quantities. The small fry can bo transported in milk oiua or other suitable vco- Bola. The ileh coimnLisionoru of aoveral states have arranged to uend them by oxpreso to persona ordering them. They may bo kept in 'tuba or barrels of water & short time after their arrival , but it ia deniable to have n pond in readiness for them. The Gorman carp will Iivo in water thct ia somewhat impure , but with very little doubt they will thrive best in water that is nearly pure. A iimull ncturul lake that ia free from other kinds of fish or from those kindo tiiat will devour thorn , is suitable for crp , An artificial pond can ofion bo propircd for them at little coat. It nhould bo In the main from tltzen lt > four foot dcop , and should comum several deep holes for the uo- cauiiuudiUion of the fish during. cold weather , The fish are not active during the winter , but Ho in a sort of dormant state , covered or partly .cov ered tin the mud. The pond should contain a few islands and should have part of the water shaded by flat rooks or , plank extending from the books [ t is uUo desirable to plant some trooa on thoibanks of the pond and on the islands. The carp pond can easily bo made attractive aa well as useful , The pond can bo supplied with w&tor drawn from a stream through pipe , or can bo filled by water iesuing iroiBtt spring or raised from a well by lue&us of a wind-pump. An artesian well will supply sufficient water for lovocal cirp : ponds. A small utrnaw runuin/l from u spring can bu utilized to uxunlunt udvaiitngu for filling the pond. Provision nhould bo made for jetting the watarout of the pond after it had boaomo tomowhat dirty and for preventing the fieh from oacaping with it , Ono con comrnonco the buei- ncsa of raising carp with quite a small pond , and can make additions to it as hia stock in creases. As soon us ho b jiua to raise fiah from eggs ouo pond vill 1)3 desirable for Uio young fieh and uu- other for those that are more mature , The tvro ponds may bo connected , the water going over a slight fall in patt ing from one tu the other , Oaro mu t bo taken to keep minks and muskratu awaj' from the ponds. The fiah will eat Dourly all kinds of animal and vegcinltJa matter that pij { will , They will dcriyfl considerable benefit from THE OTTAWA CYJ INDE SHELLEP , grass , oroaa niul olhor vegetables th , k will grow on the banks t > f tto pond. They vrill nlso oat olovi r , o i1-- bajp | calory , and ninny oh ( r kt'.tla of K ulon vogotablcnJ'Veth cunlo , blood niul chopped liver Are nil ox- oollcnt kind of food for young carp an fur thoflo of Inrnoc growth * Most of the leavings of the table \vijl bo rcnd- tly devoured by Iho e.irp. , The hr , o liuh111 oat nil kindo of brain nfur they nro boiled. In feeding theui care nrnnt bo taken not to fjivo thorn BO much of nny nrliclo which i > a co < into decay cnsily that Uiovntor will become foul in consequence. The fish nro the rovorao of ' 'gnrriy. " They will rarely bite nt n hook , how-over temptingly baited , but inuat bo tukon from the water by inonna oE n dip net Millions QivouAway. Millions of Mottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery for CoiiRumpUon , ( Jouglm niut OeMs , lm\e been given nwny an Trt.il Uottles of the largo izo. Thin enoimotm outlay would bo disastrous to the jiro- prlctors. were it not for the rnro' merits pofBcnmt by thti woiulorfttl medicine. Cull nt 0. F. ( joodnmu'a Drug Store , and gut a Trial Bottle / w , anil try for yourulf. never fails to earn. It Wasn't ; t Cold Slinku. tiin 1'rtnclgco Wasp. "What is it , darling ? " O ing upon tlio still , white beauty of thu summer night , lost to all thought save of the aweet young love that filled their boinga and Intoxicated their BCIIBCB , living uaoh in the heart of the other und caring for naught else , Mary Boyle and P. Murphy trod eiloutly the shadowy way a that led to thu rustic inonotrooity known as the Vavillion , in Goldou Oato Park. "What ia it , darling ? " ho murmured agnin , while ttio moEinolio lent n Cf- tmit'Cent tenderness to hio tones and lin manly boeom throbbed with aynv pathy. But oho answered not. There was n look of anguish on her features. The fair yomij , ' Qalwuy face wan troubled , and , though the oidi nary observer might have soon noth ing but freckles upon it , the eye of love looked deeper and BOW the writ- tint ; ° f cllro 'hat told of tronblo in her hocrt. She clasped his hand in hers clasped all of it slip could nt ono clrsp and giuipod faintly : "Loavo mo1' ! Ho started as if shot started with suddenness and there wan n pallor on Li(3 ( fncu nfl bo asked ; "You don't mean it ? " "Yea. L.'avo mo , " she answered , almost weeping. "Not for aye , dail- ing , " she hastily continued , with some embarrassment. "Just n little , plain leave of five minutes' duration. " "Loavo you unprotected against the errant haekman and yon carnivorous hotel-keeper ] " ho protected. "It must bo. " Ho left her , and the reckless stops of his accordion ohous as they crunched the gravel made rapid re treating raunlo. Then the tnaidtn atolo forth into the moonlight and then into the nhadow. Acircle of white showed ominously under her polonaieo as It trailed along the ground , and with norvouo , inimtuouo otups she sped along the shadow-mat kcd paths , through the BWOO * , cool night breezes , freighted with the mists of the BOH arid the perfume of the scrub oak , until u dark glade of the half- aero foroat waa reached. Hero , with none to regard her , her busy hands tied knots and things in mad impetu osity , and then shit hurried baok. Torn with conflicting emotions of dpecrtion and n cocktail , ho was the picture of despair. Ho loaned uuainat ono of the pavilion poalu , almost weeping , She kid her hand on hits shonlder tcndoriy , lovin/dy / , "Then it ain't a cold shako , " ho aakod , brightening. There waa the light of a great love in her oyoa na nho hold her right oar toward him and murmured , us a wo man only can : "No , Ptitsy dear. It was only my skirt. " KAIIOKA , Mo. Feb. 0 , 1880. I purchased iivo bottles of your Hop Bitters of Bishop & Co. last fall , for my daughter , and am well pleased with the Bitters. They did her moro good than all the medicine she has taken for six years. WAI. T. McOLUilE. The above in from a very reliable farmer , whoso daughter was In poor health for aoron or eight years , and could obtain no relief until she used Hop Bitters. She la now in us good health as any person in the country. Y/o have u largo anle , and thuy arc making remarkable cures , W , IJ. BIS HOP & 00 , SuHivan & Fitzgerald , GROCERIEir PROVISIONS , Crockery , Olacsware , BOOTS , SHwESETC Aluo bgcnti lor /onowlnulliuu ol Steamship Companies : CuiurJ , Anchor , Oulon. American , and OUtt OCA 3EtCi. . OE" O ? S3 For sala on the lto > al Ilnuk of Ireland and B u > ot Ireland , Dublin. Iliom wl.o Intend to Bond Ifi IrknJj to anv iart ot Kurorxi will find It to IU I ntercut to tall on Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AQENIU 343 jProadwayi Oounoil Blufl's BUYER AID SHIPPER OF EGGS. 1,519 Sout Iain Street. EOWA I Pay Iho Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattioo Work , Wood Turn ing , Ro-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Sash , Doors. Blinds , Boxes , Etc , Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , -J. Hatkway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la , Mftolimorr will bo run exclusively for custom work ou Thursday unit Frld. > 7 o each week. Ordcw solicited nnd Batlntnct ( Successors to J. V7 , Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DEALERS EN ' LAGEAIMi , L1HM , BLOKSBUR& . AND : ALI. < & CL 3D 351CH COHNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , Lll E , PLASTER , ETC , Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor , MiRhth Ktrtw r\uii Eleventh Avenue , Oouncil Bluffc. TIIOLU UP.aUA.N KUACHT. THOLL & KRACHT , GROCERIES 'AND ' PROVI Oor. Main Street and 7th A.venuo. Flno arocerlo , Teas , Etc. , n Speo'altv. Illehost prices paid for country produce. Novr inillJIiu , IIIK gocilt , \ uprices. . Wo will not bo undersold , Call and nximlno our stock , delivered. ' P. T. MAYNE. ' 0. E. MAYNE COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAH1 FACTOR' ' MANUPAOTPUH BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , GQR.1 MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND .tan The Very Best of Brnomp oriHtuntly on Huud. Thw ftlf.rlcot Price Paid for Gorn , Oats , Rye , Barley OOIRIM * Partlea Wiahiug to Sell Broom Corn Will PleoHo Soud Stimplo. ! < SD oo. MRS. 0. A. BENEDICT , TJIK LUADINQ DKALKU IN x : E& oh o o * 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. ST. LOUIS HOUSE. Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLl'II DOKRFLINGKR , Proprietor. Choice Wines and Cigars. Oysters in livery Style , 709 Imypr Rroidwny. Oonnoil Bluffs Iowa. DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , ( Successora to iitl : | ft DUQUKTTK ) , )1 ) 1 ! l il Hi nud 18 Poarl-st. . foiinoll Bluffs , la D. M. OONNELL , 'Funeral Director and Undertaker , tx"o , 17 | Nortli Main Street , Council . "j CtlU promptly auswcrfd at all hours , night or diy , New hearts and London carriage * direct' ' ( rein thv ftttlory ar run In connection therewith UNION ( BAKERY , 617 SOUT Um STREET , I'HH ' BEST BREAD II THE CITY , None but fiwt-claw Bakere jrnployod. Bruad , Cake , Pica Ac , , delivered to any part of the city , Ou Wogona run nil dny , , * j . " \ P * AYRES , Proprietor , r