1 THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS JOWA I UESDAY lSTOVEMtfEii The Daily Bee , Tuesday Morning 'OT. 21. SUHSOR1PT10N RATKS : U UMtlrr. - - - - - to ttnl perw l HMMI . - . - - - JIO.OO { XT Yc l OlTlco : No. 7 Pcmrl Street , Non IL(1. GRIFFIN , JUnifter. H. W. T11.TON. City Editor. 9 M1NOH MENTIONS , J .Mueller' * r lneoMu : lc Hall. ' . - ± SIlk mite only $1.60 fit BlUs' . n7 8 Birthday , Holiday ftiul Wedding Gift : at II. K , Se man' . The ChatUauqua club met as mua' ' ln.it ovcnlnj ? . Subscribe for ncwapapcra find pctlodl c U at II , 13. Seaman's book store. New lot nicely decorated , 50 piscnjo ! lea mis , only 58 ( it M outer & , Craig. The Hound Table meets thin evenlnf at the residence of Mr . Hewitt on FJnl avenue , Hand.painted china , art tiotlery , nolid silverware , bronzes , &o , at Mnurer fi Craig. " The new meat market of Shull & Mul- Irn , 700 South Main street , gucranteo best of meats and prompt attention , L HoccUioff , of the Junction cigar store on Main street , baa just received a large full sleek of meerschaum goods and smokers' articles A fine assortment of Boots and Shoos , sufficient to supply the demands of all , at George Blaxlm'a south Main etrcet. Cheap liailroad tickets to nil points , Bnsbnell , fivodoora north of postolfico , tells them. Entrance , Main or Pearl strcc'ls. W. 8. Smith was yesterday fined $9.GOforbonBdiunkand scratching the varnish off the furniture In the calaboose and breaking n window. -Joseph Keller makes the If best Quits in the latest styles , at the lowest possible prices. His merchant tailoring establish ment Is at 310 Upper Broadway , Council Binds. K'ncue engine company have arranged for their sixteenth annual ball to bo given at Bloom & JNIxon'H hall on the 30Ih inat. , Thaiikigivingday. Music to bo furnish ed by the Little Gcnnan band. There was a spirited foot race yeater- day forenoon between George 'Kcllogc and Bob Kooto for n $10 nnto , the distance being 100 yards. Kooso Rave Kcllogg ton yards of a sUrt , and then managed to win the race. Yi The Jolly Bachelors are to give a social at the widens e of Mr. A. B. Wal ker Thursday evening , to which tha public Is luvitcd. Amonythe novelties is "Oyni- notus , " whatever that Is. An oyster sup per and other treats for stomach and head are promised , and a good time for all. Among the late permits to wed are those given to John Smith , of Neola , rind Lizzie Hitter , of Garvcr township ; Georga Paglnyton , of Kansas , and Leonora Wll- san , of Macedonia ; James Hartinan and Mary Jane McGlnuls , both of this city , - Mike Marrney was brought in from Ncola yesterday and lodged In jailhere tu Awult the action if the grand juiy on the charge ol ' { { jmblln ? . Neola is belnj prttty well reprciented in jail here , there being now tlx In jail here from Ncola. , Ai there are only eighteen p'lsoners ' now , Ncola has just one-third of the total u nv bcr , and yet Neolu gave a big majority against the building of n now jail here. Ncola evidently thinks the present quar- tcrs good enough for its citizens , Tom Hughe' , who was arrested tome days ago for playing Qollceman with the star belonging to Sweigort , ( of the Call- fonm homo , who is a special , had his caia disposed of yesterday. On looking up the law it was found that there w .i no city ordinance covering the cflcuic , and under the state law the penalty is very sfcTere , it being a choice between $1,000 fine and a year In jail , Tom claimed that ho meant no harm in wearing the star , but was jutt In fun , It seems llkt a heavy penalty for n joke , and the matter was finally dropped on Tom pleading guilty to being drunk and paying a fine ( > f $7.GO. Ilu won't try to joke any more. Mtn. Joseph Smith , upon whom a sur gical operation was performed a few days 8go , by'which an ovarian tumor weighing twenty-five pounds WAS removed , died Sun day afternoon , She has miTered from the tumor for ten years past , and the opera tion seemed the only posBlble chance for prolonging her life , and that clmi.oo was but a sllmoneT iMr'sTSmlth was aged 4G yemv andjwlth herhiubandlijs lived here for the i-ast eevtnteen yean , being known by many and rejected by-ull , The fu. ceral tefvlcfB ute to bo 'h jdthli forenoon Tromjtlie Uatiioljo hurch , tlieTrpmls to meet at the house at 10 o'clock" A middle-aged men from Ouawaspent Sunday , In thli illy and took in tlid city , The city took him in also , according tc hlistoiy. Ho nays that ho went Into n Brondway saloon , even if It was Sunday , and at down to flay for the drink * . lit got full , and claims that he was drugged , Any wy be w as so boozed that he let the . fellows he was playing with get hl . pocket book , Including MO. He lays one fellow objected , and salct that vnmu't right , ami . the i them kicked him out of dotw. Tliej then went out the other way nd let theh \ictiiuBnooioltout. He was rather mor lifted and preferred not to prosecute be cause he did not ewe to be drugged inti publicity , PERSONAL , J. B. ) tinman , of Chicago , to at the Og den , W. I1. , Sapp has gone to Chicago ou brief stay , George H. Warden , ol Chicago , la at th Ogdcn , KMIu Mamie Wood , of Omaha , la her Tiling FannGTWood. flrT\ViU"Wobd I - also in the city , Dr. White , of Sidney , who hag locate here for the practice cf liii profeesiou , I one of the tmeUes f the College for tl Blind. Physicians say it combines all tl desiderata of every ferruglnovu1 toni pn-Bcritod by evtry chool of raed cine. Brown's Iron Bitten. AN EARI/V FHEEZ . A Poor Victim Pound WUM Foot \n Honda Bndly Frozen. Yesterday morning there wa brought to this city ftoni Undcrwoo < in Norwnllc township , nbont sixtcoi miles from the city , an unfottuimt man who wa3 in a terrible condition [ If g feet and hands wcro very bad I ; TOzon , and the man presented other wi o a piHablo appearance , ho havini a atarvod look of the face , his clothe , orn and thin , and his only posGC.'nini Doing a few dollnr raited for him b ; oubBcription at Underwood by thoti hero who took pity upon him on ace ng his condition Uioro , and ono o ho rcaidonto brought him In hero fo : ho county authorities to look after Us light hnnd was in A particular ! ] ) ad condition , and Dr. Bellinger , wh < oxamitiod the unfortuuato'n conclitiou eaya ho ftara one &t least of the fin' jroro will have to bo amputated , Thi man in a llusninn and unable to npcal iny Knglloli , but can spcnk German , hough poorly. In Gorman hn nu\v \ ifittd to tell hie story to the ofToat thai 10 had boon at work thrcohing for f man about eight miles from thin city , and after working for him about o rook trna turned out in the cold hat Monday night , without being paid oil rcn. IIo tried to got a chauco tc Icop at oomo of the other houeca , and ran rofuood , and had to sloop out ol ooro. Ho thus fro/.o his hands nnd oat. Ho crawled the nrxt day from 10U30 to houno , and by bogginji lis way aucoootlqd in getting to. the ttlo utation of Under -ool , fr m wlionco ho was brought hero. > IIo hnj evidently received no rdrdi- al or surgical help durlnc ; the whole week and hence his hands r.nd foot were in a moat horrible condition , IIo van taken ycatcrday to the county louao vrboro ho wan taken care of , and ho authoritioa nay that aa floon ns ho 3 well enough to travel they ) will ale him back to where ho claimn ho waa at work , and BOO if ho con ; point > ut the man who , ho says , inhumanly urnod him out of doom to freeze 'ho man caya ho ia unable to toll the trmor's uamo exactly , ho claiming imply that ho is a German ' 'called Tonky , but aaya ho can point him ut. SKIPPED TOQETHERj no Young Husband ot an Old Wo man Elopou With n Well-Known Amazon. A man named Da via , Trho came lore about three months ago , haa sud- only loft for parts unknown. Ho ia man about thirty-five yean old , and s the husband of a woman of about iztywho ia hia'second wife , and moiig whoao attractions to him acoma o have been a small forluno of 1,000 , It ia said ho managed to got lold of moat of hia wife's money for in own purpoBOA , and that when ho Uuppearud ho had in hia ponacaaion bout $1)00 of it. The money waa not ( in only thing which ho is said to lave taken with him. The rent of hio > aggago conaiatod of a hale , hearty , muacular young woman known aa llrs. Barbara Bush , and atill better cnotvn aa Ella Harris. She will bo emomborod aa the woman , who a tiort time ego got couaidorablo free dvortiaing for oliootiug several times t a woman in Strootvillo , of whom ho became jealous on nodpunt ol otno man whose aolidily each doted n , She failed to hit her target , but uccocdod in getting in jail , where ha became noted as one of 'tho moat iltby mouthed and noiuy , persons ho jail over hold , She waa afloat oloaaod on his own recognizance to wait the action of the grand jury lezt month. Now that she has a refill man with $000 in money , aho will probably not bo anxioua to return o find out what the grand jury think boat her caso. It ia natd that ono of the inciting ausoa which led to Davis thus dlsap- joaring , ia tlmt it waa discovered by mo of the o Hi sera of the connty that ) avia voted on election day , when lie tad * no right to do BO , . having inly been hero three months. It wae ntimated to him that the next grand ury waa to look into hia case for legal voting , and it is thought thai i in frightened him , and not wishing o travel alone , ho took the luaty moxon with him , The wife who haa thus been bereft f man und money haa not decided vhethur to protocuto or not. She ias no means which she cares to ox- ) end in getting htm back , and the air will probably bo allowed to con < inuo their journey westward without nolostation. A bUNDAY WEUDJKQ. A Oolorod Oatnsol Arrested foi Uolnar Druclc la Boiooeod uy Bocomlner a Oriao. On Sunday two colored girla , Mln lie Holmoa and Lizzio Dixon , wen treated and looked up in jlio nov larlor at the calabooao , thuy boinj > roty ( fall of boozo. After gottiui oraonlmt sobered up a youiif | colored ollow appeared on the Boeno. Hi ave hia name an Mark Lowry , am xplainod that the girl Dlton wai \bout to booomo hia bride , ibut hoi getting drunk interfered with hci seeping her engagement , Miiyoi iotTtnan , who chanced to bo present otl'ercd to marry the couple rlgh 'hero and then if they wantot .0 bo joined. The colored , youii ( man showed hia Ivory moat merrilj and haatonod to got ont a license while the mayor waited for hia , return On comlni : back with the noccssarj document , the fair and blushing brldi ) elug well sobered now , waa callui ont of the calabooao , and , ( standing U | reside the dusky groom , Mayor Bow mail proceeded to perform the ceremony ny , It waa the fuel tlmo the mayo : lad over acted in thia capacity , bu tie performed hia duty well and dldn' tnako u break or a akip until ho hac inado the twain one. The bride wa given her freedom aa a gift , and th only fee the mayor received waa polite "Thank you1' ou the part of th groom. The city clerk > lookc aroaad wltk a hungry lee forotke , but in vain , and w a BO dlt appointed that ho failed toaaluto th bride. The brldo'e female oomradi who had boon with her ou her aprei WM bailed oat by Mollle Wallace , an yesterday waa civcn $7 CO fmo in atcad of n hnaband. It ia now fiuory which of the girla got punishe Iho woraf. Trapped for Thloyory. Ycatorday afternoon a young man 'who ' refuses to give hia name , was ai rested on the charge of having stoloi a horao and buggy , Ho came to thi California houao yesterday and wa recognized there by the proprietor Sneigort , as having boarded there las spring for eomo time. Ho said IK had juat aold a horse and buggy , nnc had the harnoea ntill unsold. Hi wanted to get rid of that , no ho couh start for Chicago. Sweigort finally bought the harness for $5 nnd at unpaid board bill againftt a obum , noTi in Chiojgo , of whom ho thought h < cnuld collect the money , Swcigorl also bought of him a lap robe foi $1 CO. Afterwards lie found that the properly waa stolen , and on tackling the young man about it the young foi low gavf > him back moat of the moiuj paid. Officer Hirhyto and Swcigori ihon took the young man to jail and ocltod him up. Swoigcrt found out whcro the horao iwd bu py were , and ; ho olllcorn took poBscaaion of them tc await the discovery of the owner. * A11 ladies who may bo ironblod with nervous prostration ; who suffoj from organic displacement ; who have a sonco of wcarlncsa and a fooling ol acsitudo ; who are languid in the morning : in whom the appetite fet oed ia capricious and sleep at propot loura uncertain , should have rocourne o Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable com- pound. Further Facts- To the Editor ot Tim Cm. PJcuao make corrections in your morning paper about the coee of com- itiation in the alley back of Woia & ) Jau3on'n store. It ia not back of .heir utoro , but on Franklin avenue , ictweon the residence of John Clau- on and tlmt of the chief of police , where the heavy ralno of laat summer washed holes in the middle of the treat to the depth of twenty or thirty eot , and the city , Instead of fixing ho street , fenced it up. Since that iruo several hundred loads ol manure iavo boon deposited in thcao holes , md laat Saturday somebody set fire to t , to the great annoyance of the neighborhood , on account of the offon- ivo odor it sent forth. X. The Roturroction of Xinzants VRB a miraculous operation. Mo one hiuka of raising the dead these times , houtli ; some desperately close to death's opr have been completely restored by iuitnocic BLOOD BITTKRS to genuine and astlng health , Eye and Ear. Dr. Monghor , ocoallat , auriat and pcciallat in chrnnio diaoaau , offora hia orvieia to all nllhctod with diseases of ho eye , ear , or chronic dhtouses of riy character. Warrants a care in all h.ounmtio affections. Can bo con- ulted by mail or in parson at the lotropolitan hotel , Council Blufio , ! owa. nov7-2t Turner Hall. Grand ball iu Turner Hall , upper iroadway , on the evening of Satur- lay , the 25tU inst. The masio will bo urniahed by Prof. Olkor's band. A ; rand tirao is anticipated. All are nvitcd. Admiesion for gentlemen und ladies ia put at fifty cents. MET LOOSE- I'iio Tony Pair of Confidence Men are Released On Bull. Yesterday the two men , Connorton and Howard , who were locked up lore for an assault on the crippled illlia , secured bail in the amonnt of $500 , and were released to appear for ho notion of the grand jury at the December term of- the district court. L'om Ilatllflb became their bondsman. Cilia will cause a atop to the further iroccfidiiiRa In regard to raising or oworing the amount ot the bonds , which waa to bo further considered o-morrow morning , on a motion made ast Saturday to increase the bonds rota S300 to S500. * * . * "Mon are but sorry witnesses in heir own cauao. " The praise of Kid- icy-Wort comes from the mouths oi lioso who have been made strong and loalthy by it. Listen : "It is curing everybody , " writes a druggist. "Kid- icy-Wort ia the most popular medi cine wo Boll. " It should bo by right , or no other medicine haa &uch specific action on tiio liver , bowels and kid- toys. ' Photogrnpbinir a Ballet Dancer. "Tho other day wo had rather an umising inatanco of posing , " said a ocal photographer , "Mile. AstogRi- ano , the premiere danioueo , gave us aoiuo sitting * . Ono of her drcsaea was the cpsturno she wears in the bal- ot of natious. She could not apeak a word of English , and BB there were no Inguiats in the establishment wo had great difficulty in conversing. She : amo out of the dressing room with a top , okip , and a jump , and pirouetted In front of the camera. The artist tried to explain to her that aho waa ,00 near , but aho did not understand and immediately began a mazourka movement with lightning rapidity all over tlui studio , Iaud \ out of the chatra , around the camera stand , up and down the room , wont the nimble dancer in every possible attitude oi grace , except that of repose , but a photograph waa not feasible. Finally , wo sent tor an interpreter , and while twaitiug the advent of that person the Dallnt-quoon continued her dancing , looking at the artist from tlmo tc Lime with a puulod and Impatient expression , Talk about a paa-do-aeul , what I witnessed that day was the moat wonderful exhibition ol log-agility you ever Imagined , Finally the Interpreter arrived , and Mile. Aateggiano pauaod foi bretth. "Ia ic finished } " aho askoc in Italian. "I am tired. " On It beIng Ing explained that she waa expected to remain still for a few minutes ahi laughed very heartily. 'Dear mo ! she exclaimed , 'hero I have been per forming a complete ballot in front o the camera under tha Idea that all mj movements wore being Instantaneous ly photographed. However , I an mdy now. Bho gave a bound in th air and landed ori the tip of the bij too of her right foot and romainec motionkaa for over half a minntt while the picture waa being taken , [ Philadelphia Prcea. Is Homcthtnf ? to be avoided. Babiei with cold , babioi with croup , babies will roams , burn * , bltef , nches , sprain * , oi pains nro bound to become nol y tennnti of the liO'ijchoUl ' , lr. THOMAS' Eouzcrnu On , will cure all these complaints. Uow she Caught Him. New Yorlt Trllmtie. Night In St. Louts. Soutnd in the patlor of her father's mngnifioQiit residence , Lurltno Looao hnir nllowod her Uper finRcr * to wander - dor idly over the koya of the piano , nnd , obedient to her delicate touch , fioro floated forth upon the air the strains of that beautiful miserere , ' Since Papa Tore Ilia Parts. " And aa she sat there , absorbed in the sad rcflcclionato which the mudc gave rlao , the door opened softly , atd Berwyok HothcMiigton entered the room. Lurlme , all the Ronecs of her passionate nature absorbed in the mu'ic , continued to play , not knowing that the man bho loved , and to win whoso pookotbook in return she would have hustled around nith iroad carneauicas , wan standing by tier sido. But at last Borwyck placed iiia hand grntly on her shoulder , and by that Indefinable acnao that tolls us of a human presence , although wo aoo it not , aho knew that somebody was around. Turning quickly aho aaw Mr. llothorlngton. "I did not know you were hero , " aho caid , n bluih Hooding the face that such a little time ago was pale and calm , "or I ahould not have ilayod ao confidently. " "Oan you favor mo with something more ? " ho aaked. Tlio'bluah grows deeper and more , vivid now , and the drooping oyoa are moist with toaru. But in an inatant > ha recovers her solf-poaacssiou , cud ooka at him in the frank , honoat way n which Cincinnati girla ask for more plo."I "I cannot play any other piece , " oho says , half sadly , half defiantly. "Aro you sura of this , Lurline ? " Borwyck asks , bonding ever her in a oving way. "Think well before you speak , " ho continue. ' , ' 'for on your anawer may depend the future happi ness of two yonng lives. " "I am quite euro , " she says. "Thon you must bo my wifo. " And is ho speaks these words Borwyck BLothoringtoil's face lights up with a rapturous SchuylerColfax smilo. "Do yon love mo ? " ho asks. For answer , she puts her arms irouud his nock , kiseoa him coldly > ohind the loft oar , and then a great nilcnco falls upon them. Presently Berwick rises to RO. 'You will como again to-morrow ovon- ng ? " she asks. "Yes , " ho replies , "yo'umny tie the dog at eight. " "And you will not regret your choice ? " "Never , " ho says , in clear steady ones. "I have spent the best yeara of ray life looking for a girl who oould play only ono tune on the pi ano. " your old things look like now by uaing the Diamond Dyea , and 'ou will be happy. Any oi the faah- enable colors for 10 cento. FQRTHEPERMANENTCUREQFi CONSTIPATIOW. Ho other dlccnso la so prevalent la thii j ; country as Constipation , and no remedy O G hat over equalled the celebrated KEDKKJT- WOHT aa a cure. Whatever tbo cauae , however ofcstlnnto the coco , thla remedy n-111 ovcrcomo it. _ THIS dlstrosslns complaint - plaint In very aptto be frith constipation * Kiducy- , i : \7ortttrcnfrthcn3thowcalccnodparta and a quickly cures all Itlndu of Piles even when ti phyalelana and medicines havobeforofiiil' < ed. drTryouUavacitherorthaaotroublcs it MMN STREET AND- SALE STABLE. All Shippers and Travelers will need ; oed accommodation and rcaaonabl charges. SOUTH STREET , OPPOSITE OHYSTAL THILL , Council Bluffs , - - lo ra. HOLLAND fc MILLER , ' Proprlatorg. MAURT3R & OBAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Qlaaa , Fine Prono1 Silver Wore 3 c. , 810 DaOlDWAt COUNCIL 11LUFFH I , 0 IDUOKD10N , I. L. BHUaiBT. A. W , BTRBBT , ' rresldent. Vlco-Prei't. Cwihler. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Blnffs. Organised under the law * o ! the Stite o ! Iowa Paid up capital 9 76.000 AuthotUcd caplul 200,000 Interest p&Id on tlmo deposit * . Dntti Issued on the principal cities of the United State * and Suropo , Upeclal attention ( riven to collectloni and corrotpondeuc4 with prompt roturna. DIKCCTOK9. J. D. Kdmundioa , K.L. hufr rt , J , T.Htrt , JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , COUNCIL LLUFFS , IOWA , Offlce Broadway , between Mala anil 1'ea Street * . > VU1 practice la SUtd aud Vttt urti JOHN STEIHER , M. D , , DeuUchtr Aril. Oor. WASHINGTON AVE & 7th St Council Bluff * . 4/ljMM6i ot women and children a ipoclaltj. SINTON & WEST ; DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , Oeunoil Bluffs. Extracting and ailing a ipecUUy. Flnt-clar work GOUHGIL BLUFFS SPECIAi HOT8GES. NOTICK. Kpcdkl ndwrtljetaont * , sue Loil , Found , To Loin , For flile , To Renl Vttnti , DoirJIner , etc. , will be Interted In thl column at the ow r ta of TKN CHNT8 PE1 MNE tu ths flrsl Innttlon tnj FIVE CENT ! PRU LINE for each eutH ] U nt Insattlftn Learo dv ertlwmtnts ai eur oflleo , No. ' , Pestl Btryt , ftcar Ilrovlff r. Wnnte. WA STKI ) . llrooivitiaker ; n No. 1 hrooni tlei w-nntcil ImmpillMclj. Am > Iy or cnll or Cowon | Ilrooin Co. , .Mahcrn , la. WANTKD A ixwttlon lo do general rtl ! a - a } onus man \rt\t \ rfconunetuleil.ancl good penman Inquire At tlic oltlc-e of John Llntlt , at- omcy nt l.iw , ollkc on I WANTKI-At tbo \ \ tcrn Home , a cook ! ono who understands the lWit s ; none oilier need ftppl , > . -COO Imllcllnns to move. Wo mike WANTKICOO ntped'lty ol tnovl g Iiou c8 nnd Kitesl AddrcM w. r. AIcsHortli , box 870 , Conncll lllulT. ' , la. _ -ITTANIKD ETcryboily In Council Klutla lo W to take THR lite , SO ccuta pot vcck , ae IvcrW by carrlora. Ofllco , No 7 I'a rl Street nc r Dri ; For Sr.lo and Rent HINT. : rurt'Micd room , No. COO South Foil . With or without b-ard. HUNT Small liouso n o room * , ( food ; collar , well , &C. At ply nt Merchant's Uest.-ui- rant , corner Ilroailwnj nnil Fourth street * . nll-atf J.A. 110SS. FOH BALKTho Western Hou e , Xo. 303 Up- per llroadu nj ; ortill t < ndo for tnipro\cil city orfann property ; or will sell furniture ami rent building ; icason , III health. AildrcM J. S. 2. JlcOAtLiirrR , fo3 Upper Ilroadua } ' , Council JlnlTs , Jo\\n. FOKSALK A lunibsr and coal jnrJ , dolnprn goo ! Imsncsx In a now ow. DJ the Chl- cigo , Alllwwikco k St. I'aul railroad. . . . KENT My new two-story brick Btorc ju building , on South Main street. -PETER WHS. SALE My twelve-acre Inilt larm , on FOR rir.t street. I'ETKU WElS KENT Furnished rooms to rent , with FOH board , nt 730 Mynstcr street. Day board J3.BO per week. , ocutl"-lt rjlOH u7TLhIoautimi rWaVnco iota , 5uti Jj each ; nothing down , and Krcrmonth only , by KX-MAYOKVAUQHAN. apl3-Vl MlBoellaneoua. QTlLLi AHEAD Great eucccia. Call and see O new accessories and specimens ol pictures taken 1 the reliable gelatine bromide process , at the Kicclslor Oallnry i 00 Main street. Dn. W. L. PATTON PAyelclan and Oculist. Can euro any caoo ol sore eye ? . It Is only a matter ol tlmo , and can euro generally In from three tc flve weeks It makes no difference - once how long diseased. Will straighten cross eyes , operate and remove Ptyreglnnis , etc. , and Insert artificial eyes. Special attention to re. movclnpr tadconna ap5-tl Council Bluffs' Business Directory. Art Gallery. Excelsior photograph ga'lcry ' , South Main St. Instantaneous process. Brewery. 0. GEISE , Upper Broadway. Bottling Works. B. H AGO & CO. , East I'lcrco St. Bakery. P. AYEUS.C17S. Main St. Bathing Houses. MRS. E. J. IIAUDING , M. D. , Broadway and Glenn are. DR. STUDLEY , Bethesda Bathlnj House , Broadway. Books and Stationery. II. E. SEAMAN , Middle Broadway. Banks. OFFICER & PUSEY , corner Broadway and 5th street. CITIZENS' BANK. 5th street. Broom Factory. MAYNE& CO. , avenue A , and Cth St. Cigar Manufacturers. TEMPLETON li LAMB , 232 Broadway. F. H. LEVIN , 308 Broadway. L. BOEKIIOFF. 631 Main St. Ocal. A. n. MAYNE & CO. , 31 Pearl St. Cooper. J. ROSS , 015 East Broadway. Dentists. SINTON 4 : WEST , 14 Pearl St. Dry Goods IIARKNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , Broaduay am ! 4th street. Eggs Shipper. 0. F. CRAWFORD. B19 Main St. Furniture Manufactory. E. R. STEINHILBER , cor. 7th ai e and 12th St Furniture Otofe. 0. A. BEEDE & CO. . SOT and S09 Broadway. Groceries and Provisions , BUHVAN & FITZOEltALP. 343 Broadway. Qunsmlthlng. OLUVER & GRAHAM , 5th street. Good ; sold at eastern prices and guaranteed , Harness and Saddlery , CHAS. WALTER & BRO. , Middle Broadway. CHAS. BEKMAK,33t Middle llroadn ay. Hair Goods. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT. 331 West Broadway , MRS. J. J. GOOD , 29 Mil street. Livery Stables. A. COMPTON , 230 Broadway. W , 0. HOLLAND , 700 South Main St. H. BEEOROFT , pup. P. 0. Hotels. OGDEN HOUSE. Upper Broadway. KIEL'S HOTEL , 501 and COT Main street. Meat Market. E. W. T1CKN011 , 530 Broadway. Millinery , J. J , BLISS , 328 Broadway , Come and examIne - Ino tor yourself. MRS. J. E. METCALF , 643 Broadway. Marble and Granite Works. CONNOR tc GUANELLA , 117 Broadway. Merchant Tailors , JAS. FRANEY. 372 Broadway. CHAS. RICE , Devol'a building , Bth and Main street JOS RE1TEH , 310 Broadway Real Estate and Abstract , , KIMUALL & CHAMP , opposite court house. J. W. SQUIRE & CO. , corner Pearl and 1st at e , Restaurant. SMITH & McCUEN , 401 Broadway. ( Stoves and Tinware. R. D. AMY & CO. , COO South Main ( treet. Bhlrt Factory. _ F. F. FORD , corner Bluff and WillowSt. Undertakers , MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , 310 and B17 Broad- WD' ! M. CONNELL. 17 North Main St. PETHYBRIDGE& EUNAS , I'ROPRICTORS BROABI AT IAMET DEALERS IK Fresh and Salt Meats , Poultry and Game in their season. Wlenei aud other Sausages a specialty. No. 387 BROADWAY. -MBS , fl , J. HILTON , M , D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , RKNE88 , OEiGUTT & W. , Broadway , .and Fourth Street , , Couucil Bluffs , Iowa Headquarters For the Cele brated CM : Weber Pianos , Toys and Fancy Goods Wholesale and Retail , Address , > * O J. MUELLER , COUNCIL BLUFFS , i aa Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1,75 and $2.00 Bluff and fillow greets , Coimcil Bluffs. B. HAGG & CO. GEISE' BOTTLED BEES , MADE FH01I THE ARTESIAN WELL WATER. ALSO AGENTS FOR THE Orders Oiled in any part pf the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. MANUFACTUEERS OF ALL KINDS OF CUPBOAKDS AND SAFES. We make the following a specialty ; WALNUT EXTENSION TABLES , POPLAK OPEN WASHSTANDS , WALNUT BKEAKFAST TABLES , POPLA.lt W-AEDROBES , POPLAK BREAKFAST TABLES , POPLAR CUPBOARDS , WALNUT WARDROBES , POPLAR SAFES , WALNUT OPEN WASHSTANDS. JZTMail orders and correspondence promptly attended to. Office and Manufactory S. E. Oor. 7th Avo. and 12th Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and motallo cases. Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices , Our Mr. Morgan has served as undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands hia business. WAREROOMS , 346 AND 857 BROADWAY. Upholsterin ? in all its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Telegraphic - graphic and mall orders filled without delay. CONRAD GEISE'S MALT Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' Bear nnd malt In any quanfltjjlo suit purchasers. lifer 58.00 per barrel , Private fimlilca sup plied wit ! ) small kcgt at gl.CO each , aelacrecl froa ol cbargo to uy part ol the city. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer in and SOLE AOENT TOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company's Celebrated ILWAUK : No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the sountry elicited Citv orders to families nnd Jcalere delivered free. \ DEKBH , W. RUNYAN , TV. BEEDH G. A. EEBE & CO. , WholcttloonJ Uctall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY iSTos. 207 & 209 Broadway. Council Bluffs. JAMES FRANEY , Merchant Tailor 372 BROABWAV , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Always keeps onhandthBfloestaeaorlp'entotmatf riallor gentlemen's wear. Satisfactioncmrantttd ' MRS. J. E. METCALF , Millinery , DroBsmatlner , Etc. Cutting nnd Fitting a Bpedlalty. No. 543 Broadwav , Opposite Reyero House. Laces , Embroideries , and Ladies Underwear , Handkerchief , bow ol all Klnd . thread , pint , needles , ets , Wo hope the laaleg will call . and see our stock ol eoodi. OZEI-A-IRILiIEiS IRXOIE - - ; , Merchant Tailor. ( Late Gutter for Metcalf B . , ) . Devol's New Building , Main Streex. Council Bluffs , la , SulU to order 818 and upwards. _ _ _ J , F , KIMBALt. GEO. H. CHAMP. KIMBALL & CHAMP , ( Succeesors to J. P. A J. N. Cossody. ) Abstract , Real Estate and Loan Brokers. We have h only complete set ol abstract booki to all city IcU aad UuJi In PotUwt-tUml county. Titles examined and abitracts lun Ithtd on short notloe. 11 onT to loan on dtj and farm property , short and lonjr Um , la tumt to lult the borrowir. Kealcsta bought and tolJ. Offlcs U th old lUni oppoiltt cout bou .