THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA TUESDAY JSOYFMBER 21 .3 . zBiRO"w isr & oo OMAHA , NEB. Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , QQ0R8 , BLiKOS , MOLDINGS , LIME , OfcffiER Near Union Piwwt r OWAHA JOT JOBBER OF AND WI If T ) 0 w vy cQu riii il louts'f EASTERN PRICES 1(8 ( FARM AM ST. OMAHA STEELE J AND JOBBERS IN J-'our ' , Sail , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Boat Brands offer for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIH & BAND POWDER GO. POWER AND HAND IpWT { & & Steam Pumps , 'Engine ' Trimmings , UIN1K8 UAOQUTKRT , BKLTING , IIOSM , BIUHQ AND IRON FITTIKaa FIFE , PACKLHG , AT WHOLESALE ANB EKTAJL. GHURGH'ANDnBGHOOUAEULS Cor. Faroam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. DEALERS IN- ill ire and Burglar Farnham Street , IZQ DBQ O. Window and Plate Glass/ tST Anyone contcroplatlufr building store , bank , or any other fine will flnd II to their ad antage to coma end with uj before purchasing ; their Plato Glass. C. Ft GOODMAN , OMAHA W.B. MILDAlll > , EDWARD W. PUCK. ' MILLARD & PEOK , Storage , Commission and liolesale Fruite , 1421 & 1423 FAENHAM STREET. n OONSIGNSIENTS COUNTJII PR0DUOE SOLICITED ] gents for Peek & Bauuhsra Larfl , and Wilbor Hills Flour > OMAHA ' NEB , - - - REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MATTL . .SGO ) PERFECTION HEATING'AND ' BAKING Is only attained by using Stoves and Kanges. WITH WIEB GAUZE OVEB DODfiS , For aale byj MILTOI1 ROGERS & SONS JuU-m&elj IP. O. WHOLESALE GKOOEE as 1213 Farnam St , . Omaha , Neb. CORPSES PRESS \V Q A Dlicorerj- Profosior Srnlz Mtiltoixl Iiitpeotor tit Koiuc noino Letter lo IiOiuloii Tlmc < < "Through the courtesy cf Profosso Scal/.l , medical intpcctor vf Sintt Spirito , I hnd the opportunity of beIng Ing nrcsunt nt thu final oxnmiuation o the bidy of n younp innn upon whicl Dr. Tiutru Toinuotti , of Voronn , hat oxporltnontcd by the mo of a liqnic preparntion ho has discovirotl for the prtnurvatiou of dead bodies , whether of inon or autnia f , and the visible ro ault waa most ut prming , The rnibjeo died on the 12th cf iaU month thn is , nearly BIX weeks ago of tuunao of the lungs , .vid the liquid vran in jecti'dthlrtj-oixhonrn niterdtuth , Ot thu S.h lust i. e , , tnoiily-aix dfly later -the ordit nty wooden cdlin wH opened in the prosouco of Professor Sctilzl , roprcaouting on the occatiou the minister of public iuatniction ; Dr. Postonipski , demonstrator of clin ical surgery in.tho Uomnn uniycraity ; Dr , llrottl , nrniy surgoou , and others , nnd the body was found in n perfect state of preservation nnd flexibility and presenting the appearance of ono that had only boon doud n fo'v houra. The cranium , thorax nnd abdomen were then opened , nnd the braiulupgi heart and viocora , all of which wcio found to bo in n perfectly well pro eorvod and healthy otato , when removed moved , The operations completed and the procea verbal signed , the body , braluo nnd intestines wcro sot apart _ for a continued teat of time which expired on Wednesday. On entering the operating room I WAS uuablo to detect nny offensive odor. The nrma nnd legs and other parts felt were soft and aupplo , and except the absence of ri idity , presented the normal condition of recent death. Previous to the body being collinod for interment , ono leg and ono arm were taken elf for further prosorva tioti aud examination , Incisions were nuvdo nnd pieces \\oto removed for microscopic examination , nnd every where the muscles nnd tendons prq- oontcd their normal colors nnd wer'o perfectly fresh nnd awoot. The brain , lungs and liver , which were on a tabltt apart , had at first eight very unpiotnUhtt , appear- unco. They were completely covered with a coating of groou mould , and might hi\va been mistaken for lumpa u : old brouzu , but on being cut across they wcro found to bo in a per fect atato of preservation. The con dition of the brain was most remark able. It had undergone no alteration whatever. The white and gray aub- stances nnd all the convolutions wcro as distinct ns if it had only just been removed from the cranium. In addi tion to the commission named by the minister of public instruction with reference to the application of Dr. Tontnotti'a discovery , in the anatom ical schools of the kingdom and in other ways connected with the med ical and chirurgical sciences , the min isters of the army and navy have ap pointed others to consider what use can bo made of it in connection with their commissariat departments. Experi ments that have been made on the bodies of animals with equal success tend to prove that the discovery may bo of great utility for elementary pur poses , and especially in the preservation tion in a perfectly fresh state of car. caaaos of meat for exportation to long distances. As regards the liquid Dr. Toninotti declines for the present testate state of what materials It ia composed of. He states , however , is perfectly innocuous andeita presence imperceptible , and in proof ot its harmloasncsa drank , I am told , tumbler of it when in Homo last month before proceeding to inject the body.1' Horaford'sAold Phosphate FOB BEUVOUSNESS. Dn. H. N. D , PARKER , Chicago , says : "I have thoroughly tested it In nervous dlaoaeea , dyspepsia and gen eral debility , and In every case could see great benefit from its use. " Whaling Curiosities , iioston Acheniecr. For a month past Air. James Tom e Brown , assistant of the United States National museum , connected with the Smithsonian institute in Waohington , haa boon in Now Bod- ord collecting curiosities and phara- phornalia of the whaling traffic , which ire to bo added to a email exhibit already - ready located thoro. Mr. Brown has soon very Bucceeeful , and lias received valuable assistance from ship-ownora nnd captains , many of whom have ; ivcn articles which cannot bo dupli cated. The fact that some of the rarest specimens of harpoons , etc. , were found in junk shops indicate how soon they would have paused out of existence entirely. Even at the pres ent time it has boon impossible to complete a aeries of hnrpoona , al- .hough some fifteen varieties have ) ocn found. No article connected with the business has been despi&od > y Mr. Brown on account of its non- mportanco , and ho has collected everything , from the historical "pig tail" tobacco supplied to the nailora to fully-oquippou whaleboat , The hank to a lergo hook need in hoisting lubber from a whale would not seem of , muchjaluo , but with it Mr. Brown ' roposea'to convoy to the intellect of lersona unacquainted with the "mou- irch of thn seas" eomo idea of the size jf the whale , for the hook waa broken n hoisting a piece of blubber of un- laual weight. A huge boat-davit of ho ordinary pattern , broken by a ipavy aoa , illustrates the force of the illow8. The ingenuity of the whale- nan ia exemplified by a lamp made from an ordinary tumbler , to which is fastened n top and a burner , a butter- knife made from ivory , a ditty-box containing noodles , thread , etc. , and oven a spit-box , made aboard nhip , figures in the collection. A boarding * knife , improvised from a cutlass , the knife used in cutting the ambergris from the whale taken by bark Adeline Glbba , a boot-jack , a frog preserved in molasses , logbooks and charts , n throat-chain weighing 110 pounds , a whaling-gun which haa broken two collar , bonca by the force of its recoil , are included on account of their asso ciations. Among the more valuable articles collected are bombgnna and lances of every variety , many of them now. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ At Brigham Youug's Grave. Lartmle IlMmeran ? , They say that Brigham Young's grave la looking aa bare and desolate a boulevard now. At first , while her grief wa Iresh , hia widow used to inarch out there five abreast , and just naturally deluge the gra\u with tcald ing tears , and at that time tlio groci grasn { jrovr luxuriously , and thu pif wc d waved in the soft summer air but ftinco she learned to coutiol her emotion * , the humidity of the atmosphere phoro disappeared , ami gruf'a qrand irrigation failed to give down. Wo should learn from thui that the man who IhttcM himself that in marry ing a whole precinct during lifo ho la pull ing up for the futu ro i Ur i ) nuoico of tingorernnblo woo is liable to get left. The Prophoi's tomb lookn to-dny like a dusorlod buffalo wallow , wlulo hia widow ban dried her tears and in try ing to makrs n mn hon the Utah Cam- minion Such in lifo in tin Far West and Mich io the filing rosttug-pUco of u r"'l hertdud old galvanized Prophet who m imos n squint eyed fly-up tho- erfk and afterward ( jots a special rev olaiion u < iuinii { { him to marry a : enuo ! mass uiurtmn Never Ulvo On. If y u nro euirorlnof with ow nnd de > ro < iOil spirits , IOM of appetite , genera lehllity , disordered blood , w enk conttitu. .Ion , liculnclic , or any ditcnpo of a liiliout lAlure , by all moans procttru ft bottle of P.lectrioBitters. You will bo muiirisod to > ce the rapid improvement timt u ill follow ; ou will bo Inspired with new life ) utrensth and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease , and henceforth yon will rejoice In the praise of KlcctrJo Kilters Sold r.t fifty cents a bottle , byC. r. Ga:1. Kino td the Ola Won. \ Irglnh CltCiiternrUo , "I raise you throix dollars , father , " said a Oomstock young man who was n a little game of dr.uv with hia jatortml progenitor the othnr coniiiR. . "What nro you doing that for ? " asked the old man , rather pooushly. "Can't help it. Got two pair " The elderly gentleman throw up his mud , whereupon the youth showed tis cards , disclosing the fact that ho did not have even so much as a pair of deuces. The look of disguat on the old man's ace was intoiiDu , but it changed sud denly , for the next hand , wnich was dealt by hio accomplished con , con- : aiued three ncoa. "Mobbo you won't bo so previous in 'our bluffing this time , " chuckled the athcr , na ho drew two c\rda nd shoved n handful of hia liird-onrni.d ! oilror into the middle of the table. "I tap you , " WAO the son's laconic reply , throwing up A ยง 20 piece. In his cagorncna the old man did not lotice that hia boy had not drawn any cards , nnd ao unhesitatingly c tiled. Jo was downed. The boy had a flush. After the old gentleman hud left , the young man said , in the voice which vns almost choked , and which showed > lainly how much ho was moved by ho emotion of filial affection , "I hade o do it , boys. You know how it ia father has to work very hard , aud it vaa doing him a favor to break him quick , so ho could got homo and hayo lis regular Bleep. Bat-keep , fetch in ho drinks. " Buoklm'a jarnica tiulvo , The DEBT SALVE In the world for Onti , 3ruiEon , Sores , Ulcer * , bull Khoum , Fe ver Sores , Tetter , Chapped Ilnnds , Chll ) UiuR , Coras , and all akin eruptions , nnd jositlvely curoa piles. It in gunrnntood to 3 ivo B.itlafactfon i mv nojr refunded , 'rlco , 25 cento per ex.or tnla by U , v Cloodumn X-tTTEKS lemaiuing in PostolIIco during the weak uding November 18 , 1882. ll 9 It nf ' liu or . LAWKS. Ballinger Mra J Brldrford Mra A II Barhyto Mra G Berglund Mies A W Bonnolt Mra K K llyera Mra K Colllnn Mra F CunuiaKham Mra M Campbell Miss 11 Cook Mra HO Cooper Minn J IJlodrick Mra K Jay M ra M M ( . Dri/L-a Miss M Oustnvvaon Mlsa M III Gay hard Miaa H Gabriel Mi a lj til Gilmore Mra M IfaveaM ra F U Sta lurcm Mra J ICenioo Mra S cal Kadea Miss G Laudon Mra L it Lin wood Miss J LarBOU Mra T il McAllister Mra P Martin A McNeal MlM M Moore Mien 1C Miller Mra W V . Mra S _ Meryjield * " u McDonald Mra K K McGovern Mifta M McKiunev M Nordatruiu MissT Nieleon Mra A Olaou Mra A Peterson Mlfa M Pa e Mra. L 0 Porter Miu J It 1'lielpa Mra M Parklus Mra T 0 Pnyue Mlta V Roberts Miaa N A Lvenion Miaa G Bhaualmn Miaa M Starr Mra L Bhurks Miaa I Scott M I Smith Mrs M Tl omai Mn T i M lor Mr * 12 Whliesldes M ! a , T WllUon MM ! F , Tiiof. F. HAIL Pmtmnstcr. You Cnn Do pond oil It- 'Tor sr\ero tootliioiio nnd neuralgia ol tliollfftli I M 0d TllOMVS1 JjCtFCTRIO Oil. This 1 < cert duly the tet tlilnsf I c\e knew for relief of jnin of nny VInd. Tin homo linoM > r without It. " Mrs. A. M Frank , 177 West Tuppcr ntrcct , Buffalo , A DEUGIOUS mm In Hot WMthcr Mix ith 1'tnn Top , In Cold Weather Mix \\itli II a \ \ nicr. Add Lomound ( when Convenient ) to tUoTnpto Tha"llUil Pt'vrn"l of superior imllt\unil mectnwltli liv\rkcdi > oiul | rlioc la n honltliful It I' } < rcnrnl | ( thereat ore from tlia lirst tna. etUls mill will bo loual ixn ii rcoabla luMltlon > thn iholcft thing of the table which nmlonlix- iiy ciilvKothoplettiiurcs o ( lifo ml cncomafto ; ooJ follonihlpAiul Root iiatura II rlijhtlj en- oj oil. Vunilioi , Clubs , llotola. Excursions , 1'ionioa and Yachting Parties LJro- nounco Hub J'unch Unrivalled. The "HUE I'UNCIt" Is M by all leading bin * Traiic tupnlttdal Manufacturer's prices by Jf. A , .IftuVunmm , Omnha. i\itntlia upplicd by A IT , Olailttonc. Omaha , AV6 Samuel 0'Ms ' & Co , , DRY GOODS c a mi - Washinpton Ave. nnd Fifth si.r ST. LOUIS MO. iiewamed _ OR , I Hie SCorynf tno Sowing ffiaolilne , I'.ttl'j ipsiaphlo blue'f.nJ . > rc vIU numerous cutrtrlago , wllljba AWAY to nv Knoll pcnou cj'.llng ( or It , at any binnat ai euo-off.ce ol 11)9 yicror ManuUttarlnrOoin piny , or Hl'l be toil bj mall , peat \ > M , It KDVpirtor Urine ak n dUtinra tram oar ouloa * She Stopr Manafaot-nrtng Oo , , Pctnolpj ) ' ) fQco , 34 Union Hqnara W15W VOP.f. Sioux Cits S Pacific THH SIOUX CITY BOUTE Ul Knnj A 3olU Train Ihrough fron < ) Council Bluffs to St , Paul U Without Chnnaa Tlina , Unty 17 Hours IT is uitcs THE anoiiTEa AODTB llm noa OOUNOIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , UINNKAPOLI3 IJULUXa OB EUJMAUOR and all polnll ( n JioiUiom Jowa. Klnow * la nnc DihoU. Tljlo Una la timtppcd v/lih the luiprovil M XV'cc > tuthciM'.c AutooitUo Ali-lirake cad Ullli Pir.tfnnu Ocnnlcr in > l tlnlliir : nod fcr nyjutB , cAi'r.n' AJ ) OOMITOUT nnou/p iaJ. Pullnun PaUoi SIotniBi ; On ran through H ITBOIJT OflAKni : httirciu Ens be Oltyiuit ! > . Paul , via Coondl UltitTo t.nt ben Bloux City. Trilon Icava tnlcn Paclfln Traunfpr at Coon VI BluHa , at:30 : p. in. dally nu arrlifcl of Knuri VI1C Qt Mid Cuuncll DluCi tnln 1C City , Joaopli Iron 1Cu the Uoutb. Arrlrinic it Blour city 11:40 : p. ro u auclr.J IhoHn * Uulon P poJ at f , Pxal a. lltf noon IKH nouns IN ADVAHOX o ? ANT ornun EOUTE. , ' OJ MTBoaieinber la Uklu ; Che aionx City llau yon get a Through ? rala Th < ( * horli i u the tulckotri'lmu ; * n.I L OonoiUljo ! ) HMt la h vl Through C' r betwci > n ll OOUWUIt , liLHKJTS AUD Uf. PAOJ- . llil uS'liw KutjouiTIctoV ) rvJ vU ) bt "lUr.t ) ilo City cnJ P rlllc lUllroaJ iln J , S. WATTLKS , J , R. C001IA.UH Bni'urlDHaJeai. Oca' Pairj.Jk.S9i n Uloaoiirl VtHoy la. W K. JTiAVIH , Bsulhrejftm FaMcniccr nntcll liluHa * : I'AST TIMS1 . Trains toa\e Oman * 3:10 : p , m , and 7:10 : i. m tot full luforumtloii call oa ft. I' , DKUKI .Tlcku Acciit , llth and far dam t . , J. UKLL. U. P lUllnray Dupot nrat JAMICHT. OLAIIIf , Umer DOCTOR STEINHAHT'S ESSENCE OF LIFE. . I'on OMJ ASH VOLKU , MALK A\U I-VMAIK. ! Is a biirc , jironipt and iffeLltial rcmcda for In- illjjoatloii. UJniHIirla. liitcrinlttcnt Kuttrii. U'unt Anpctlto , Nirioiu DcblllU In all Its Stages , U'oak llcinori , ot llraln 1'owir , Prnatratlon , U'Laktiuisaiiil ( 'c.nrralIiOM of I'oncr , Itrtiialx * nervous \\0kto , rtjuu'iiattrf thu faded Intclluit , blnnKhthcim the Liiftiblctl brain anil restort-a aurrrU ng tone and \\gor \ to tbo cxhnuitud on train. Thu uxpcrlciicu of thousand * jirotisltto an Ititaliublu rimul ) Prku , 81 oo a bottle , nix for i5 , I or tululn all clrn l ts , or sent .Lcuru from obbcr atlon on ru-clpt of prlto , by Dr , Stoinkart , P. O. Box lilOO , St Louts Mo- _ DOCTOR STEIMHART'S SUPPOSITORIES ! 7 The Great Popular lUmulj for 1'llto , SurccureforlUInd , Itleuliu &I chingPllev ) And all foriut of UuiioirlioWal Tiiinoiu. Tlu u Kii'ibhiTOKiM act ilircitly ujion the .oaU ol tliu Illool \ lajitUgand 1 > \ Ihtlr aktrlii/cnl ilttcts tciitb forte the blood from thu swollen tuinorii , andb ) nmklng thu coata of thu ttlns tro i , promt thu r refilling , and liinco a null. ' ' inro In auru to full u thtlriuc. Prlcv , 73 ttnls a IH > X. 1'or ula tv alldrn/uletn , or sent b > mall onruilptof prltc. li > Eu lisli Mmlionl Institute , 718 Olive St , St. Louis , oldcit &ud meet reliable . in North Omaha. Yciy choice Moat , Poultryoanil YegotaWeB , ALWAYS O.N HANI ) . COOK & STIJEHM , Pronrietora em-jnj aotliuna OummnUo DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOfSL HOTELS , TOWJTt AHLINQTON. J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. 0 , WEATHERLY , Manning , Iowa. REYNOLDS HOUSE , 0. O. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , own. BARATOQA HOTEL , J. 0. STELLINIUS Mllford , Neb , MARSH HCUOE , C. MANS BROWNSVILU N b OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , ' JOHN HANNAN Otromnbunt H HALL HOU3E , A. W. HALL Lolil vlllo CITY HOTEL , CHENEY &iCLARK , Ulnlr , Ni . COMMERCIAL HOTE- , J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , ffob * GRANn CENTRAL C.IGEYMOUR , Nibrailfti Olty.'fitHj MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPPI7 , Hnnfy , GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAVriGLD , Ortinvn d. r/n ! COMMERCIAL HOUSE , C. STOfttY Cltrtnd * , tow * END'S HOTEL , E. L. CNO , EXCHANGE HOTEL , O ' 1 HAOKHtY , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , KRANK. i.OVI Ul. Atllrmon. Norj MORGAN HOUSr , E. L. GflUBC , cec ) , H SUMMIT HOUSE , CWAN & DECKER , HOUSTON HOUSE , QCO. OALPH , ixlrk , ( V REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantis , U , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKEff , Audubnn , U COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURGESS , M jlB , ffi CITY HOTEL , Dl A , LL1AM3 Hnrlan | pit PARK HOUSE , MRO. M. C. OUMMIN09 , Oornlngr , I * NEBRASKA HOTEL , JJU AVERY , at nton , MERCHANTS HOTEL Q. W , DURK , OurllrslcniJur'.tlon.U COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , 8r < otianfldett , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dnyld Clt ) , Kiih DAQNELL HOUSE , OHAS. UAGNELL , In. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTOH , Vllllsco , U. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , M.iKcrn , In DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ids Orovc , U COMMERCIAL HOUSE B , F. STEARNS , Odobolt , lit WOODS HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Otcuola , Neb OOUQLA3 HOUSE , J. 0. DUNHAM. Olarki. Nob. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QUEEN , Ocdford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M , DLAOK & SON , > tvlllo Mo j-- NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction N b WIN8LOW HOUSE O. MoOARTY , Howard Meb. , AURORA HOUSE M. D. JONE3 Auronr Net. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER , Sidney , floti , ' AVOOA EATINQ HOUSE D. W. ROOKHOLD Avoca In CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD A 8HATTUOK , Red Osk" " FOSTER HOUSE Oapt. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , la. WHITNEY HOUSE E. HAYMAKER , Qrlawold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap. l.i LU8K HOUSE. J A. LUSK , LoennVla. DOW ClIY HOUSC , W. H. MORTON , DowCltaCIa tlAGGER HOUSE , JAGQRR& QOiv , Donlton , la , HAUMON IIOUSU , TAMA CITY , IA. , Harmon & Kealcs , Prop 117 : St. Clinrlra St. , ST. X.OUIH , fll . A UEOULAll GRADUATE nf two inrillcal ollcRO . , hvi boon longer oiitriiroil In the feat- nont of cmiONIO , NKKVOUa. 8KIH AND niU ILOOD Dlsoasoi than any other nhyslcUn In 8t xiula u city pipora show and all old rcsldon { < now. Consultation free and ln\ltcd. When U Incoinonlont tolslt the city for treatment , ncdlclnrn can bg ecnt by mull or oxprcea o > ery- fhcro. Curnble cages xiiarantood ; whcro doubt xlsUltUlranlly itatcd. Uftllorwrlto. Norvoun prostration , Mobility , Mental nd I'hyaical Wonkncan , Mercurial and thor nlfoctiona of Thront. Skin nnd Bones , -Hood Impurities nnd Blood I'oinonlnpr. lltln Atteotiorm , Old aocca nnd Ulcora , nipodlrnonU to Marrmao , llhoumatinm , 'ilcB. Special nttontlon to casoa from vor.worked brain. SUltOIOAL OASES acche special attention. UlscnnoH arlnlug rom linpru Icnco. KxooBne Iiululioiico < ID u hole .Many . . / marry ry , u ho 111.1 } not , wli > , causal , consiiiue .nil cure. Sctletl ( or 25o itostago or stamps. SCROFULA. The neat of oil diseases of this na- uro ia in the blood , na nny ono mnni- cstly kiiowa ; tlioroforo , if you purify ho blood , the diacaao , in nny form or tngo , disappears. Read what thoao ay who hayo toatod the morlta of thereat ; roat vegetable blood purifier , S. S. S. t oloanaos the blood of all scrofulous aint ao thoroughly that the disease lover returns. I had scrofula for eovon montha , the ilcor covorinit the entire aurfaco of joth ( loga. After having tried the laual remedies with no relief , I ro- ortod to S. S. S.nnd am glad to say hat BIX boltloa haa ofToctually cured no. A. S. LENFESTY , Atlanta , Ga. I aujforod from scrofula 17 years. Vfy ahin bonca were covered with ill- era and ono mnsa of rotten floeh , and ho odor waa almost unbearable. AH omedioB and troatmonta failed until I jogan taking S. B. S. Provions to nlcing it I at times could scarcely vnlk. Now I can walk all day , and I mvo to thank 8. 8. S. and it only ferny ny euro. TIIOH , McFAKLAND , Atlanta , Qa. Somu thirty years ago there lived Montgomery , Ala. , u young man rho waa terribly aflliotod with Scrof- ila , After being treated for n long imo by the medical profession of this own with no benefit , ho commenced aking U. 8. 8. After persistently aking it two months ho waa cured , Joing acquainted with him for 20 oara thereafter , I can testify that the iuuiiBo never returned. J.V. . BIHHOI- . P. , Hot Springs , Ark , R1.OUO Rpwtvrii.wlH DO pUd to My liomlit who will llnU , on analy b > i x DoctiuO 0. B. , ono inrtlclo of Mcrmiry , lodlda of f o urn or ny Mineral nubntanco. SW1KT Sl'KOlWO CO. Prop ! . AtUDU , Ol. 1'flcc'of Small clio , 11.00. L uo tin 11.76. RnM hv all DrutrrUit NERVOUS DEBILITY , Ht. r . of\Vt'"a Herru and Brain Trealmont jprclfio for HystorU , Dltilnnw , Convahhui crvous llcadactiv , Mental Uuprce&lou , Lou onrjr j ,0normitoi hu > , lupotoncy , [ uu \ t \ \ ImlniouB , I'rematuru Old ASIC , cMued lyynt itttlou , nnlt'ikbuic , or over-luJul'onc | , wjj | jiJt to tncy ! , dooiy tnil death. Onoboivl uro roccot ca oa. Ca-h box couUlaaonumtnth reatment , OOP dollar a boi , or ctx boxeifoi ro dollm ; ttnl by mall prepaid on r cel | to ) rlco , Wu ( .ourantve < lx boxea to euro nuy cue. Vlth each order rbcol\cd by u > for elx bnxct , ao > ompantoil with flvo dollan , will lend the jiui. hwer our written nutnotco to return tbi uonoy If the treatment dow not effect a cure. U , JT. Ooodman , ttmti'M , Bole. Wbolebile and gill ccOtiiha , W b. j Ord ri by mall al r.tll diwJv To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT CUHOPCAM REMEDY. r , J. O. Simpson's Speclllc It ll fc t > ottUocuro | ( or ttpcruutouhe * , Gemliui VeaioRcA IinpoUncy , anil all dktuca resulting ram Ikll-Abuaa , M Meat * ] Anxiety , Loeai tumor y , Pilrn to ths Bkck or BUo , tud dlwuol mto ' ' iniii ftlat Jttd to " ' - > , Ccneuuiptlon -v u w S.W K j5SlPn ! , 'insanity i > * $ & 9 iMS 5K T l/Br e 1 i 'be Spcclflc UedUliie il bttluf osail with vendor- | jl iuccetx. . - - - _ - jl i'amphUU .iui lrc lo All. Wilts (01 ( Ibem mJ yd ( all pu . I'llct , Bfaclftc , ( l.CO per packagi , or olx pick. gov lor li.M. Addreu all orden to B. blilEON MK13I01NK CO. Nos. 101 aud IDS Uala EU Buffalo , N , T. Sold la Omaha by 0. r. OooOmio , J. Vf. Boll , tnd all druij1 twerywherr. | i 1 n > KW , nl ; an Hop Milfoil ? yu jou , lia yrur nj in'ciSn UoftuMntf. t"i * 'inor Dtliuiilitlngr ' " - You wtll 'jo -urrdlf jouutr iHo * > Sltturs KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE COL. L. T. FOSTER. Younffotown , Ohio , May 10,1880 Da. D. J. KKNDALII A Co. I had a , very valua- bio Hambletonlan colt thatlpilzad t cry highly , ho bad a large bona spavin en one joint and Email ono on the other which made him very lame ; I had him under the charge ot two Teter * tnary Burgeons which failed to cure him. I waa ona day reading the r.dvertlaement of Kendall's Spavin Cure In the Chicago Kxprcsi.I determined ntoncototry It and rat our druggists tiere lo tend forlt.Rnd they ordered throe bottles ; 1 took all and I thought I would gl\e It ft thorough trial. I used It aioordln ? to directions and the fourth day the colt cowed to be lame and the lumps have disappeared. I used but ono bottla and the colt'u limbs ara us { roe of lumpa and a * smooth as any horse In the ctato He Is entire * ly cured. The cure wax BO remarkable thai ! liavo lot two of my neighbors hate the remainIng - Ing two bottles who are now uslnilt. Very respectfully , L. T. FOSTER Send for tllnttratad circular ghlni ; poiltlvt proof. Price II. All UruggliU have it or can got itlor yon. Vl. V , J. Kendall A Co ; , Pro * prletora , Enoeburgh Fall ) , Vt. BOLt ) BY ALli DRUGGISTS Mra J. Q , Robortion , I'ltti&unr. Pa , , writes : " 1 was uuflerlnL'from general debility , want ot ap- rotlto , con ti ] > ation , vie. , so tuatl Ifo was a bur den ; utter using Burdock Ulood Hitters I felt bet tor than ( or yean. I cannot praUa your Bitters too much , " U. Clubs , of Buffalo , K. Y , , writes : "Your' unlock Blot i Ulttora , in chronic diseases o ( thu locdliver &nJ kldno } * , bate been signally marked ttlthnuccoas. I have used them myself with boat results , ( or torpidity ol the 1U er , and In case of a friend of mine suffering lictudiopty , thu elloct Haa marvelous. " Bruce Tumor , Rochester , N. T.wrlte ! : ' ! huva ttcmubjcct to ecrlouj disorder ol the kldneji. and unable to Attend to buulnois ; Uurdock Blood liltten rcllercd mo before hull a oottle wu iu il ( eel contldent that they will entirely euro me , " . Aaculth Hall , Blnghompton , N , Y. , writei : 'I nutlored with a dull ] uln through mr 'eftt ' lung and vhoulUor. Lost ray aplritu , apjtito and color , and could w 1th difficulty keep up alt day. Took your Uurdock Blood BitMrii aill - ' reeled , and have ( elt no fln eluca Bret week N tor ualni ; them. " Mr , Noah Bates , Elmlra , K. T. . wrlte : "About ( our juus ago I hadanaUacl. of bilious fovcr.uia never fully recovered. My dSfesthe orjrana were weakened , nnd I \ ould uacompletely pros trated ( or ilaja. After using two bottles o ( jour Burdock Ulood Hitters thol uiprot ement was o visible that I u as astonished. I can now. though 01 years ol arfo , da ( air and teawnablu Jiy'B work , 0. Uhcket Uoblajon , propiletor ot The Caned * Presbyterian , Torsuto , Cut. , wrltoa : "foir I Bufferud L'reatly from oft recurring lutadacbe. I Ubodi our Burdock Blood Bitten with happiest ro-mlCa , and I new find mvnell in better health X. Y , writes : -Ihav. used Burdock Blood Bitters for iieivcus and bl | . ous > adai-buj , and can recommend It ta anj ona ixiu K a euro for billlouenow. ' Mrs. Ira Uullnolland , Albany , N , T , writes : "For etnewl y .Ars I k&\e [ ixflcied lice ct-iejr > . Prlct , 1.00 pel Dottle ; Tfla Bottles 10 Ot * fOSTER , MILBUEN , & Oo , , Props. . H , Y. Bold itwholeuUby.UUIiMcM > houania