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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1882)
I * 1 TIJE DTLY BEE OM.AHA TUESDAY , OVEMBER 2L of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : 11 is the best Iron preparation ever made ; is compounded on thoroughly scientific , chemical and medicinal principles , and does just what is claimed for it no more and no less , By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood , it reaches every part of the , system , healing , purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. / 7j Dcatbom Aye , , CM'ago , NOT. 7. I lu e been a ret mlTerer from o very weaU tomachlieariburn , ami ly ptpilalnitiwoi tfonn. Nearly evctyllilnff 1 ate civc mo cntre ! , and I could eat but little. 1 hare lrledevcryllilnfrcconn ; > eiidedliaY taken the jir cripti"nt of n uoien piiyilelam , butROt < " > relief until I look Drown' * Iron llillcti. I feel none of the old troubles , and am a new man. I ftm Retting jnuch ttronjcr , and feel fir t-rate. I am a railroad engineer , and now make my trip * regularly. I can not nay oo much In pralte of your wonder ful medicine , D , C , MACK. BROWN'S IUON BITTEUS docs not contain whiskey or alcohol , and will not blacken the teeth , or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia , indi gestion , heartburn , sleep lessness , dizziness , nervous debility , weakness , &c. Use only Hrown'f Tron Bitten mide Jiy Hrown Chemical Co. , Hiltlmore. Croiicd t red lines and trade-mark on wrapper. CORSETS Every Cornet ia warranted Balls- Jootory to ita wmror in every way , or tbo money will ba refunded by tbo person from wboin it was bought. The only Corwt pronounced liy our l * dlnp rlij , . * _ _ _ ot Inlurloa * to the wearer , nnilcndnrvodur lodlr * the "muitcomfortiiblo and perfect lUtluc Conwt aver * Uda' " ' rnlOEHby Mall.roitnzol'oldl Hwdth Prcicrrinc , 1.CO. Hcir.AdJuitlnir. $1.00 Abdominal ( extra licnTy ) $8.00. Nuritaa , H.OO ' coulll ) 8.00 , 1'aracoa Health I'mervlna ( One BUlrAapportlne. 1.00. For ale by leadtnc Jlctall Itenler * overrwhcrc. OIUOAQO COliSUX CO , , tiblcaco , 111. 100,000 They enrnaw ml other B for e&sy ildlng. ityle d durablfity. J They are for onlo by all Leading Oar Inge Builders and Pcwlors throughout "ho country. SPEINQS GEAEB & BODIES Foreil b Henry Timken , ratcDte nlBnUdcrof Fine Carriage ! , 11 Jim PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES. Otrici PCRCIIAHIVO AsuDr.roT , 0 , B , ) OUAIIA ; Ni'U. . November 10. 1882. ) Sealed proiosali. In Uupltcato , tublcct to the usual conitiUoin\\ bo rceclrcd at this otlko un til 12 o'clock noon on Dcecnuer till , 1R8L' , at which UiiiB and iilaca they u 111 be opened In pres- unco of bidden for lurnU.iing and ilelh try at the nuUUUmc-0 ttorchouee , or on earn In Omaha , Keb. , ( If on can after Inspection and acceptance at ploco of packing , ) as may bo required by the kutaUtencu dcitartmcnt , la ) barrels ] rk , light mcu , tobo dclltcrod by January Ctli 1KK1 : fXUUU pounds bacon , khort clear bides , medium wuglit and thickness ; pockcdln erate ; , utr ppiil , ol about ' 10 pounds bacon caili. Kaeh pluco ol baeon to bo 00 } ercd with cotton clotli : all to bo clellvervd by January Cth IB&t. The goM'rnment re cr\es the rljht to rele-cl any or all proposals. lilink proposaU and full Information as to the manner of bidding , tnd the ternu of vontraet ant pax merit lll bo furnUhixl on application to this ollleo. Ko proixwol lll booonklderod unlcus ooc5in | > a nled by the Drlntod "liutruetlons to bidden , ' to bo had at this ollleo. Km elopes containing pro | > o ali nhould be mar kixl , " 1'roiKwaU for nuUlitiiifu ktorcj.'anj ad circtsod to the undcnlgnol. , T1IOMAA8 WIIJJOK. no > H-Ct in 0. B. , U. 8. A. Crooutnc- Andull other fir Fill Pia'it'n ; l rx meet orcr thowu lu Chic vo- l.'t4 free , tend for it Hiram Sibley & Co. , SEEDCJEW , (10 04 pondolnh Bt. . 3OLD ROPE. Theli i to merit mid ispeilor quality of ou Gold lc ( > ] 'tcco bus induced outer tnaqnfac' Xurer * tq i pea tti muVet oodj iluillar ti , . , , , t.ur brtnttln nuuio tqd ttylq which are oOorei * and toldior luJipmcy than the genuine ( loli , Kope. Wo caution tbe t ad * and coneuuer to f e f that our cuno and trada mark art upou eac lump. Tbe only irenuli > and orjtioal Quid Uop Tobacco b uuuuf&ctund by , TJ3B WILSON & MoNALLY TO BAOCO COMPANY. UIQ AND LITTljU ; OAalNO. Scnndal in n WnahlnRtou City Hoiol-MidnlRht Tumble FiHbtln "My bor. " CircHticatl Oommett l&l. BALTIMOUB , Norombfir 13. A apeolnl from Wasliinnton eaya : For eonio dayn paat the donizen.i of a fish- : tenable lip-town hotel have been dls- cntscing with bated breath tha dotnil.i of n toiiidnl way up in r.ocioty. At first the mailer was jwilously guarded , but of Into ltd unsavory odor haa be gun to percolate thronph the veil of Hccrucy that nurrutiuda it , and your corrcepondunl fcula no further hesi- Uncy In milking U public. _ The dra tnatia pcreotto are a higt troftd- ury oflicial , famous for hia w\- \ lantrica , n dashing young widow , and a clerk in tlit * at ate dupirtmont. MM. U. , the lady in qnention , niado hnr dohut in Wnithington last eprinf ; Without quoting Jhe extravagant lan- guagu of her udinirers , U ia nafo to * y ho is very hanttiotno , n trillj under 30 years of ago , with a form ox- qu Bitcly molded. She was a notnan to be envied by her ex and ndortd by men. Ifor faoj ia nol ulrictly boautifu ) , judged by n hi h atandard of beauty , but all the moro dangerous bocauie of itn wonderful fassinalimi , together with that intangiblequality known na pornoual magnotiam. A Boatonian by birth and education , n thorough woman of Iho world in nil thai conntitutoa tact , ndroitnoas and a knowlcdgo of human nature , oho npeedily beoamo a favorllo in that ao- luct circle to which her talonto and lettera of introduction admitted hor. Among tbo gentlemen who ilutter r.d about her wan the oflicial npokoncf aboro , and who , for convenience fiako , will bo dceignated ao Mr. Q , Many and frequent were Uio curtain lectures which O. received from his wife , inopired by hia attontiono to thn fair widow , but the effect aoomed leak upon him. Day by duy ho grow moro faacinatcd , until at last the old dowa- ( era voted it scanduloun , and poured orth their sympathy , well mixed vith innuendo , into the willing ear of la angry apouao. What exasperated licm the moro wan the widow's din toot bohavior. Llko Cnmr'a wife , ho WBO outwardly above reproach , nd the breath of ccandal could find o lodgment on the polished front tie ahowed to the world , Still tiero waa nn indtfmablu some- ling nbont her that made the 'iaoaoron aunpcot that all waa not ight. Her moana were not ample , tie would say with ohanning naivottc , > ut novortholcaa aufiicicnt to supporter or genteelly , i have uaid all the cntlomon paid court to her oharma. 'horo ' waa onn uxccption , the atato opartmont younj ? man. Inatoad of ollowing htr about , happy to bo ro- rardcd with a amilo , hia manners were cold and distant. People mar- olcd nt thia the moro whoa it was iscovored that the widow enter- ainod n real penchant for the hand- omo olurk , buc hia deportment was Iways the same atndloualy polito. Ono night last wool ; \vhonthohoneo waa wrapped in slumber and cuoh irtuous matron alocpin ; ; the sleep of 10 just , n succession ' of ecreamsbroko 30 atillneas. The Bound proceeded rom the direction of the widow'a paitmonta ; soon n number of white- iiooted tigurco , issuing from the dif- cront rooma , hnddlod together in the mils and corridors. At lent one moro mid than the rest turned the look of ho widow'a doer. It was a curious poctaolo that presented it self. Prone pen the floor lay the official and the lork. The latter was ou top , poand- ng hia superior with all tbo weight of im vigorous fisto. The widow , attired nly in the moat abbreviated of gar ments , vainly csaaycd to part thorn. It Booms U , had long suspected ffhat wan a revelation to others in thn louso. the intimacy between his mis- : OBB ( for such aho really war ) and the lork. On the night of the opiaodo , eng after ho had retired to rust , ho ay tossing about on his pillow , a prey o the ijloomioat thoughts. The de mon jealousy had seized upon him and o could not ahako it off until hia oubto were removed. Ho stole cau- iously along until the widow's room was reached , The door yielded to" ia touch. The paa burned dimly , ut there waa sufllolent to provo his uapiclona , Maddened with raga ho onfrontod them with hia presence , 'ho lady burst into tears and begged orgivoneas. Not ao the clerk , no truck 0. full in the faco. The two men clinohud , nnd then followed a trugfjlo , during which chaira were vorturncd and the furniture einashcd euerally , but the clerk wna the bet- or man. Ho pounded G. in true ugiliatio style , and would probably itwo killed him but for the intorfor- uco of the apectatora , and now a uit for divorce ia on the tapia , a vhilom Booloty belle haa fled the town nd a government clerk' ia out of neb ob , What Wo Want. Giro Homeopath bis pollota , Allopath ila pllUj but for rhouinutlsin , for aches , or palna and apralai. THOMAS' KCLZOTIIIO ) IL Is luelfably superior to either. It haa leuefiUed BB many people us it hna had purchaeers. All drugf'UU tell It. A OplNE3E MASONIC OKDEK. Mootlue of the Fraternity of Goo ninsr , Hoia in Hansom Btroot , Phllaclelpbla. . 'bllidelphla Vrc . "No washoo to-day alleo samoo , lioap fun , mucheo dllukoo , oteo , aatco , ou n spleo plica samoo like 'Mclican man. " Such was the greet ing & reporter of the Preen received on entering the wash house of Quonj Sing Lunif , on Simoom street , above Seventh , yesterday afternoon , "What's the matter , John ? I don't want washing done to-day , " said the vliltor , "What wantco ? " "What does ull thia sinning , ehout ing , drinking and feasting mean ? " "At thia last question , the two dozen or moro almond-eyed patrons p the opium pipe , who were assemble * lu the wash house , ceased their chat ter , and a titmice foil upon the group To nil further questions theywor dumb , and thouph the reporter triec hard to fathom the mystery of a rea room , frpmwhlch the sound of merry making and the clinking of ghuac came forth , he was soon compelled b the strong fames of opium to rotrca to the atroot , 1'horo he mot anothe ono of tbo tribe , who after a moment' parley , explained &a well as ho couk the cause of the feasting and merry making of his countrymen. ( A CHINESn MAXMAniN. Several daya ao there arrived in thin city from Bofcton no less a trtwon- ago than L-JO Chew , n real Chinese mandarin , and the only ono in America who Is allowed to we r n moustache. Tit * oominj ; to thin city was tha cause of great rr joicing amoi g the Ohineee , for J-o is ono of the great Btory lollcra of tha nation , and the only mar.dailn Jn Amerio * . The traditions of the Flowery Kingdom are retold to the ponr "heathen Chinese" by him , and he ia worshipped with thn devotion of a gouoa hia words are law arid gotpsl , and the Ohinoto Implicily beltevo him. The occasion of hia coming to Philadelphia wflfl to take part in the initiation of nluo now members into the Gee Iling liing or Ohiumo Order of Frco and Accepied Ma jU . The order in this city ban about six'y members , andthty were all in attendance yesterday , lo < io honor to the occaeion. The imliatioh ia always observed with great euro- mony , nnd the proeonco of a man darin marked an epoch in the opium eating and smoking lifo nf the cslchtlala hnro that had to 10 fitlinRly observed. The ooremony iegan yesterday a'tornoon with a .rcat feast , cnneiating of chicken : , ice , nlmrW fina , winpu from China nd the Blolicnn man's "tanglefoot" wltiaky. There are in Philadelphia wo or throe very fine Chincaoaingoru. nd during the feast of yesterday and lie initiation they greatly enlivened bo occueion by uinging national airs nd nnthoma , the nound roBotnbling bo filing of n saw. The initiation iropcr did nut begin until about 10 'clock in the ovoiilup , and the secrctn f the order were unfolded to Iho now andidatca in a room just over the aundry , deeoratod with many colored mpcrs upon uliich curious nymbolio igna wcro drawn in Chincao charnc- era. Into Iho awful preaenco of the mandarin the candidates wcro ugh- rod , and to them , ono at u time , ho mparted the myaterica of the order , 'ho ceremony waaoupposcd to laatun- 11 8 o'clock this morning at which lour the last man waa to have been ut through , and the last ahnrk'a fin onaumed. The Molican man's "tan- lofoot , " however , affected the Coles- lala peculiarly , and they wanted to anco and tiinj ? and fight , just like lolican men. "Alleo aamuo. " From the Chinaman who stood out- ido the place , n few points of inter- at concerning the celobr.ition was ob- ainod : JUST LIKE JIEUOAN JIAN. "in Lee Chow a Chinese man darin ? " ho was aekcd. "Yes , ho mandolin , toll atoly fol all Ihinaman obey him. Him gloat nan ! Ho know all nbnut it nnd tell U othul Chinamen in Amolica about lanonn. Him gloat. Ho know much. " "What doea it cost to join your rdoi ? " "Ton dollars , muybo fifteen ; China man aomotimo apond heap mole , name a Molican man. Evolybody pay ton 'ollol alloo same. You bo Maaou ? " The reporter waa standing on the idowalk , and endeavoring to catch a limpao of the proceedings in the in- iiation room as the wind blow the urtain up , but on hearing the ques- ion turned and answered in the noga- ivo. ivo."Then "Then clomo away , " said the wily Celestial ; "gloat mundalin got heap caloua. Ho no likco you acO. " The reporter bade his Informant rood night , and as ho walked away hero nroio on the night air n long , oloful wail , issuing from the room whence the ceremonies were being arriod on , that made him turn with n inquisitive look to the enter guard , who said : ' 'Chinaman muchoo glad hat alleo. Josh BllliiiRB Hoard From- NEWPOUT , R. I. , Aug. 11 , 1880. Dear Hitters I am here trying to rcatho in all the salt air of the ocean , nd having boon n auffdror for moro ban n year with n refractory Hvor , I ras induced to mix Hop Bitters with lie see gale , and have found the tine- uro a glorious result. * * * I ave been greatly helped by the Bit- ore , nnd am not afraid to Bay no. Yours without a struggle , JOSH BILLINGS. LIFE IN THE AKMY. Tbo Privatlona Enduroi by Soldiers on tbe Plnlua , n Officer In tbo Army And Navy Journal , It is mere holiday work in the sorv- cp of the European nations compared with oure ; they have long periods of cat , with largo bodies of their troops if nil arma quartered in fine cities , in splendid barracks , whcro they are ilmost in as full enjoyment of nil the jood ; things ot lifo as the citizens , while with us our lives , in a measure , are paesod oil from almost everything hat enhances us to the most humble , in my personal cxporionco I have boon olovou years straight without a single day from aotivo duty. I have ulao been n Now York City for twenty years , ind not further east than Washlngtor since 18GO , 1 have boon stationed a1 posts whora wo were from 250 to 40 ( miles from a railroad , that ono 01 which wo did not taato oven so com mon a vegetable as potatoes for six months , beef , baoon , bread , colleo unc tea being our constant diet from Christmas to Christinas , My captain and my sol f once paid 815 for ono bar rel of potatoes , nnd divided them for 3ur family uao , all of ua being abao lutoly starved for a potato. Epgs are ? 1 dozen. Butter not to be had a oven n dollar a pound , and every thing elao in the same ratio , I coult ijivo you many such incidents regard ing the social Ufa of our army olliccw on the "frontier , " und the oflicinl life was ono everlasting go scouting scouting scouting winter nnd sum mer , spring and fall. My dear eir thcro is not ono person in ton thou aaud of our population knows any thing about the hardships and self denials which our little army under goes , nnd many think it is all holiday work , wearing fiuo clothes and livini on the fat of the land. The lifo of line oflicor on the frontier is onougl towear out any man in twenty years aotivo nnd continuous uorvice Yet the country nooda it , and patriot do it for alter all what Is th reward ) I am auro it ia not a big thing financially , and it does Beer hard that wo have to pray nud beseech seech eo hard for what we do get Look at what oongteaa did last aottior in the face of a prayer sent them b firec-fourthn of the army officer j > sk- ng for n little relief nnd very little t thn ? Wo uro woreo off than wo were before. Retiramont nt Iho ago f aixty-four , with a limited retired iat , is no boon at all , nnd the very iranch of the aervico that noedo it Tinat pete the least. I moan the line. " " " "GrtmtltOnt" . The nbovo IB an old saw as savage ns It cnselets. You can't "grunt out" dye- cptln , nor liver < complalnt , nor iicrvous- ess If they oncn gt a good hold. They on't lemnvo themselves In that war. Tha aHnK ft few d ° t09 of Bi'itnocK BLOOD Jtrram la hotter than "grunting it out , " Vhat we can cure let's not endure. In a Den or Bnnkee. reiito ( fa ] . ) Expositor. W. D. Hampton , of Hnraptonville , nforma us of a thrilling adventure bat recently took place nt the White lock qtfnrlz mine on the north nido of he San Joaquin , in Fini , Gold D v rict , which for ncrvu nnd dating is qual to anything we hnvo over hentd t. _ There ia nn old shaft on the mine which tins been unused for yearn , and econtly it became ncceasiry to t out nnd use it in working the mine. DID abaft is about thirty fcot deep. ) orpendicnlarly , with an incline of hirty feet moro. A number of rat- Icannkea had taken poasinjion of the nclosuro , probably in the start by full- tig down the shaft , nnd by breeding ind increased till the whole bottom corned like n writhing mass of reptiles. At first an effort was made to clonii hem out by dificharging Riant powder jartridgea nt the bottom of the abaft , ml Una process nnlynucccodcdin kiti ng such of the snakes ni chanced to )0 at the top of the incline , and n n ast rOBert ono of the workmen , Chas. Campbell , agreed to .go to the bottom uid kill the horrible , venomous rop- ilo3 , whoso hiaeinj , ' nnd rattling could bo plainly hoard at the top of the haft. Procuring a quantity of anti- lotea for nnakn poison , and ranking nil looded preparations for raising and oworing the adventurous man , who vas nbout , ns It wore , to place his lifo n hia own hands , Charles Campbell waa lowered into the shaft by hia rombling fellow-laborora. Ho wna armed only with a lantern nnd amnll stick. * The stench occasioned by the poia nod breaths of the rattleannkoa waa almost overpowering , but nothing limited , ho proceeded on hia errand , leaching the bottom of the shaft ho gradually groped hia way down the itcop and slippery Incline , stopping over nnd nnon to kill n venomous rat io ) : that impeded his way. Rfaching ho bottom ho plied his stick with vigor , while the tuaaa ot the onnkco equirmod nnd rattled , their eyes sparkling like diamonds and their 'orkcd tonguca lapping the air aa they moved their heads in the intensity of .heir fury orstruck with their poisoned 'anga at the bravo man that had dared encroach on their quartern and give , hem bnttlo. Rapidly they fell over in the agonies of death under the unerring blpws from ila live oak stick till not n single one was loft alive. Thirteen large snakes , with from seven to nine rattles each , were killed , nnd two with fourteen and iiftocn rattles rospootivoly. In addi tion a number of youngar ones wore dcstoyod. Finishing hia daring labora ! io returned to the bottom of the shaft and was hauled put , but the sickonina nnd poiaonouo air of the snake don so overcome him that h 'fainted away ou reaching the top. Restoratives were administered and ho was taken to his dome , where ho lay sick two or three days , but is now fully recovered and ready to assail another don of the vipers. Moro universally recommended than any proprietary medicine made. A sure nnd reliable tonic , Brown's Iron Bitters. "I reckon it'n VnnderbJt himself , " said nn urchin to n group of com ndoa who gathered around to hoar iia story of a man who had just boon rescued from drowning. "Why do rer think BO ? " asked ono of them. ' "Cause I saw 'im give the feller who laulcd 'ira out a quarter. " Brooklyn Eaglo. Unmarried Persons Should lose no time in securing a certificate in the Marringo Fund Mu- ; ual Truat Association of Cedar [ laplds , lown , concerning which circu lars and full information will bo sent iroo upon application. It in organized under the Insurance Laws of Iowa , nnd is the only legalized and legiti mate institution of the kind in the country. Its officers and managers ire among the most prominent bus iness mon in Cedar Rapida , including bunkers , the postmaster , capitalists , railway managers , insurance mon , leading lawyers , phyaicinna and other reliable citizens. Over $15,000 has ulroady boon paid to members. It is n splendid investment , as safe , secure and cafe aa a Government bond. You can juat aa well have a good sum of money to commence married lifo on , as not. Remember it only costs you ono cent for a postal cam to request full explanation and information. Good agents can got territory if ap plied for soon. write to-day , Do not postpone it. Mention whore you saw thia notico. oct26-lm * Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NEU. Capital Stook , - - $100,000. JAS.ll. lIEAimVKLU President. A. L. CLAHKK , Vlcu-Pre ldcnt. K. 0 , WhllSTKU , Treasurer imiKCTOHS. Samuel Alexander , Ogun'd Ollv r , A. Jj. 0 arKu. 11. C Wobstcr , Coo. 11 Pntt , Jan. II. Hcartucll , First Mortgage Loans a Specialty Tlilt Company furnUlios a permanent , homo Institution uhcro School liondt and other legally IMUCU Munldiul bccrrltlcit ol Nebraska ran lie bo ncjfotlatwl ou thu wobt favorable terms. Loans madeou lmpro\o < | farm * In till well settled vountieaol the Male , through responsible local correspondent * , EUROPEAN HOTEL , Th mott centralr located hotel In the city. Room * 76c. # 1.00. { I. M add $2.00 per uy. Klitt CUM Rcotaur.uit connected wltn the hotel. . HURST. - - Prop. Corner Fourth and Locuat Streets. IOMCO. TDE BAD AND WOETHLESS Are never imitated or couiier/ei ( Z. This is especially true of a family medicine , and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated i of the hiRheB4 value. As soon as it had boon IvaUil and protcd by the whole world thi- Hop Bitters Waa the purest , best ftud most valuable family medicine i n earth , mnny imitations sprung up aiul beg\n to steal the notices in whicL the preen and people of the country had oxpremco the moriia of II. B. , and in every way trying to induce nuf- foring invalids to ueo their etuff instead - stead , fipfcUng to mnke money on the credit and good tiAtno ci R. B , Many others atartod uostrumo put up iu similar style to II , B. , with van- oualy doviaed names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were need in nway to induce people f" believe thry wore the snrne an Hop Bitters , All ouch prcteudi'd remcdieo-or cures , no matlur what their style or name ia. mid oapicially thoao with the word " " " " In their in "Hop" or "Hops" name or any way connected with them or their name , nro imitations or counterfeit.- ! . Beware of thorn. Touch none of them. Uco nothing but genuine Hop Biltora , with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the wnito label. Trust nothing elso. Drugdiats and dcalura tire warned agninat deuling In iniita- iirmn or cnni-.irf"it ( T D PflfiFQC ! 9r Hf ! U , It itUllMb Si UU , . * a. < GMJ33a-1SeiES , K L , Sommers& Go' ? > BISCUITS , ( JAKES , JUMBLES . AND NOVELTIES Wholesale Manufacturing fB \ND DEALERS IN Fruits , Nuts and Cigars. Ill 8 14th St. - ' WTIB WESTERN IM1GE WORKS l 0. SPEOlITf - - Proprietor. 1212 Harnoy St. - Omrha , Hob. MANUFACTUUERS OP Inilraizei Im , CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS , Tin , Irou and Slate Eoofiug , Speoht'a Patent Motalio Skylight. Patent Adjuotcd Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am the general agent for the nbovo line of gooda. IRON FENCING. Qrcitlngx , Buluctradoe , Vor nd , 'iOfTlcs nn > Ean'.t Ralllnga , Window nnd Cellar v Qcinrdi ; eleo OENRHATj THE SHORT LINE OF TIIE- C23ECXO..A.O-O , llwankee & St , Paul RAILWAY Is now running Its FAST UXPIIESS THAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's ' Mapiflcent Sleepers -AND THK- Finest Dining Oars in tue.World- IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE , . Or to any point bo > end ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH TO ST. PAUt OR MINNEAPOLIS , Take the IlKST UOUTE , the Chicago , Milwaukee&StPaulR'y , Ticket ofllco located at comer Farnam and Fourteenth streets and at U. 1' . Depot and at Mlllaid Hotel , Omaha. SSTSeo TimeTable In another column. V. A. NASH , General Aent. Q. II. FOOTE , Ticket Agcnt.0maha. S. 8. MCIWILL , A V. H. CAUPENTEIt , General Manager. General Pass. Agent. J.T , CLA11K. OEO. II. HKAFFOHD , OencralSup't. Awl'ass. Agent. ESTABUSIIEU 81' . 3IDESPRma ATTAOIIatEHT-NOT PATENT A. J. SIMPSOi . LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 1109 and lilt OtidfO Etrcot. ang 7-me Cm OMADI , NED. 8 , Dai Br , Ucc. HEBIIASKA DIlflTDpft GO Iiincolu , Nei * SLVNUFAQTORERS OF Corn Planter * ) , Hrrrowa.Farm Bollera HtUfcy Hay Kaltiw , fluoEOt Eloyatlng ! 5StJM0o ? Jo Jb work and mannfcc urlre for other P itl < * . , iMANDrAOTUilNQ 00 Llccoln. No , a \ fopn rlron ir/orTii-EJfloJfT ? ilttiful tone tn \ , inaktnff ' fi ) < rpnf Jf fi6Jfl to General tile , 1-roftrntlnn of Vital Votrcr.i tint Jmjxrtener . miiui. WNUFACTUREO DY THE . HARTEli BIEPIOIMS CO. . BERQUIST BROTHERS MANUFAOTURKRS OF ingle Broooh Loading Shot Buns , from 85 to 1 oublo Brae oh Loading Sliot Buns , SIB from to 3 75 , uzale Loading Shot Buns , from 86 to 526. la Hag Taoil , Bane Balls and all Kinds of Panoy Doofls , ull in3i Ji ! ShowOasop , Always nn Imported and Key West Cigars , a large line of Meer schaum and Wood fipes and everything required in a first-Class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store. Cigars from $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. Send for Price List and Samples. WHOLESALE Zephyrs , Germantown , Etc , STOCK LARGER THANF.VEB.l { * ° * ftWfmfl I OBERF'SLDER & CO. CHICAGO , PEOR I ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Poluts East andOouth-Emt. TUEUNUCOMPRIDES Neatly 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Truck 11 connections ata nude In UNION DtPOT8 hat a National Kcpntatlon u being the real Through Oar Line , and Is universally encoded to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Kali , road in the world ( or all cliseos ot travel. Try U and you will flni ) traveling & Iniurj Instead ol A discomfort. Through Tlckoti vi rhis Celebrated Una ( ci ealo at all offices In the West. All Information about Bates n Faro , Hlecplai Car Acocmtaodatlong , Time Tablen , &c. , will bi cheerfully clTcn by applylnln ; to id Vloofres't & Gen. ManftgerChlac PERCIVAL LOWCLU Gen. FasseD , < { vr \ CbtrtiO W. J. DAVENi'OUT , Qen. Agent , Oonncll Blulfi. H. P. UIJKLL , Ticket AvI0" ' t maio-od ly HEAT YOTJB HOUSES S IB FURHACES Ill.THE WORLD. MADE BY RIOHABDSON.BOYNTON &CO CHICAGO , ILLS , Embody new 1882 impriiementl. Uoi. praotioal fva uro : Cost leas to k ieP , in Bider ; Uiw lewi fuel will glxe more fic t and a Urger voluiuo of uara air & * " ° y furnace made. Sold by PIERCEY fe BRADFORDOmana.Neb A. M. CLARK , Pauiter&PaperEanger. SIBN WRITER & DEDICATOR. SA LE& RETAIL WALL PAPER ! Window Slides' aiid Curtains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brasses. 107 South 14th Street ' OMAHA. - - NEBRASKA A Bravo and Faithful Guardian of Our Homos and Property Rescued from Imminent Peril. A \ cry popular and w ell-know n member of our polio force , who haa duty tw ch o years attlicUnlon It. U. Depot on Exchange Place In Providence- . 1. gives his unsolicited testi mony. Hear him : "I have been dreadfully troubled u 1th disease of the Kldncjs and Lhcr during the past six months ; at times 1 wasso tev erely aflllcted that I was unable to stand on my feet , 03 my feet and loner parts of my legs wcrocry badly swollen ; my urinary organs wcro In a dreadful condition , my lilood was Inn wretched state , and It had be come so Impoverished and circulated so poorly that my hands and feet would bu cold and numb , and to whlto as to appear lifeless. I could not rest nights , but was so distressed all over that 1 could not lie btlll In bed , but wou'd keep turning and rolling from ono side to the other , all night , bothatl would feel more tired and exhausted In the morning than when 1 vent to bed. My condition became to fccrious that I was oblijje'd to btop work , and for thirty da ) a I was unable to bo on duty , I consulted the best doctors , and tried the numer ous medicines and fco-cal cd cures , but rapidly grew waibe , and was In a sad condition every way when a longtimealueil friocd of mine , prominent In this city In a , largo express compa ny , ur'cd ( , mo to try Hunt's Itemedv , as lie had known of wonderful cures effected by It. Upon hhrcpr.scnlatlon t obtained two lott'cs ' ot the lUimdy and commenced taking It as directed and greatly to my surprise In less than twenty , fourliQUrsI commenced to feel relieved , I was- In an awful condition when I began to take tha Hcmedy , and had no filth In It ; therefore , when I found almost immediate re let. en en in ono day's use of It , my htort was made glad , and I assure jou 1 continued to take the remedy and to Im prove constintly from day to dav , I took Itvvith mo on my trip to .Maine , for I it as bound to have It with mo all the time , and the result Is that t ImprovoJ speedily all the time I VMS away ; and ovcTblnce my arrival homo , which was several w ccks ago , I hat o been on duty cv cry day , I foci llrst rate , nnd the swelling of hand , feet and legs luivo dltappcared and the terrible back-acho which used to bother ma moro than all the rest , troubles mo no more , and I bleep splendidly nights , and surely ha\ot cry excellent and forcf- hie reasons for speaking In praise of Hunt's Hcmcky , for It has made a new man of me , 1 don't know what I should liavo done without Hunt's Itimody ; It Is the , best medicine that I titcr took , and I > ery gladly recommend It to all who are allllctetl with Kidney or Liver disease , or diseases of the urinary organs. Hcspcctfiilly , nll-ood&w ISAAC W. FAIItnitOTHEU. " $500 REWARD. Tlie above reward will bo paid to any person who will produce a Taint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , for preserving Bhingles , Tin and Q ravel Hoofs. Warranted to bo Kire and Water Proof. Alii orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet ter than any other paint now In use. BTEWAUT & STEl'HENSON. Sole Vroprlctors , Omaha House , Omaha , Neb. REPERiiiNOES. Officer & lusey , Dr.lllco , Dr. Piunoy , Fuller Council DIuffH , Iowa , lisa ollicu , Omaha Nco , QKAY'U &ZEOIOIMK TRADB eiiv , Anun- falling ciuc tat Seminal bpcrmittor , Impot tncj , and ill follow is b BEFCRFTAKSa.ewjuMico ! o/AFTER TAEinU , ydl-Aliu o ; [ JJ lAitacf Memory , Unlvcrsil Lutii tudu , Fain in tlie IJiclr , Dluuietg of VMon , f re umturo Old Asa , nd cinny otbui DUciieo thil lead to Inaaalty ot tJonsutajitlcn and a Frcmfc- turc Grave. t& " TM pirtleaUn In oar pimohlet , which we deelre to tend Iruo troull to everyone V Iho Speclflclledlclco U Bold by ill dn&rlttt Lt 81 per package , or 6 paclt st8 for 5. or will lx > gent Irce by null ou recilpt of the money far .Mrpnri ! TI1KCIUAY JEDI01NECX ) ' BB3 Io , N. Y. OCiUlO *