Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1882, Image 1
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE TWELFTH YEAK , OMAHA NEB. TUESDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 21 133 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL A Vast Amount of Important News on a Variety of Subjects , The Annual Reports of 'Sev eral Departments Briefly Outlined. The Sioux Comtnlasion Suc cessfully Working Wiih the Indians. An Important Roftirm Cnntom- plntod by the PcstcIUpo Department * Qenoral Swalm Affirms the Hlgut of Army Offlcora to Bile the People. CAPITAL NOTES. Special Dispatch to Tim lien. THE CHINESE LEGATION. WASHINGTON , November 20. It was stated at the Chinese legation to day that there is no foundation for the utatomont that the Ohinoao minister nnd suite will bo withdrawn from the United States on account of the to- cent legislation restricting Ohinoao Immigration. The Mclvillo court this morning hoard Molvlllo respecting the search * made for DoLong. He detailed the wanderings of the party , and inciden tally mentioned their starving , freez ing condition , saying they lived on bunoa nnd other offal found in do- bcrted huts. huts.AN AN OFFICE SEEKElt. Secretary Teller appointed Col. Deahna , late collector at Sitka , Alas ka , special timber agent. Deanna was given a position as special treas ury agent at $0 per day which ho declined , since which time ho has con tinued to besiege heads of departments for a placo. TUB MULVIIiE FAMILY. Engineer Melville to-day , being in terrogated by a representative ot the press respecting statements of his wife published this morning to the effect that ho will bo compelled to al low her a part of his income for main tenance , said the ontlro matter will have to be settled by the courts. OPEUATl'oNS OF SPECIAL AOENTN. Supervising Special Agent Martin of the treasury department , has sub mitted to the secretary of the treas- nry his annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30 , 1882 , detailing the operations of the special agency service during that period. It shows that the amount recovered on account of seizures , fines and snito was $89- 579 ; increased duties , $769,440 ; mis- collaneous.tn12,153. Number of seizures , 217 ; appraised values , $91- 475 , The reduction in expenses recommended is $18,322. The supervising special agent says ; "To secure moro efficient and honest n administration of customs ser vice throughout the country , the con solidation of collection districts and abolition ol a largo number of ports , at some of which there are no duties collected and others where the ex penses are largely in excess of re ceipts , would seem aosolutely neces sary , and in this connection it is grat ifying to know that -luring the last session of congress a bill for consoli dation of collestion districts , for abolition of all foes and giving col lectors fixed salaries was introduced by a member of the house who was formerly a special agent and familiar with the wants of the service. " Respecting smuggling ho says : "Through the ao- . tivity and vigilance of the officers of this service , assisted largely by local custom of Users , smuggling has been confined to very narrow limits. The seizure , on the night of the third of January last , i of nearly a tdn of opium , valued at § 20,000 , which an attempt was being made to laud from the steamship City of Tokio , at the wharf of the Pacific Mail steamship company , in San Francieco , is the largest and most important case of smuggling discovered during the your , It is reported that thobusiness of opium smuggling on the Pacific coast has been carried on by an organized company , which included capitalists , custom house employes , steamship employ es , local politicians and Ohinamon. All custom officers Implicated were dismissed from the service , On the subject of under valuation , Mr. Mar tin says ; "Investigation has shown that upon ndvices of the agent of foreign oign manutrxotureraoften the invoice of consigned goods , are far below the cost of production , It is estimated that leas than 45 per cent , of the CO per cent , ad valorem duty on our silk is collected in consequence of under valuation of that article , " COL. C0008WELL , whoso sudden death was announced this morning , WAS one of the three union officers prisoners of war who were hold as hostages at Charleston ir 1802 to prevent the destruction of the rebel privateers by federal troops , The nayal advisory board spent to day considering the report of the late advisory board submitted n year ngo , A KEQUEST REFUSED The secretary of war having bow asked by telegraph to grant the uuu the barr&cka at Ghuttanooxa an small-pox hospital has refused to do HO on tbo ground that such use wou render them unfit for other purpose and probably require their destruo tion. THE OE11MAN LEGATION hero has information that the pro posed changes In the treaty of nutu ralization which the new German minister now en route for Washing ton has been directed to obtain , re late mure to the German applicatio ot the present treaty than to its pr6 visions , which are pronounced quit satisfactory , It is understood tha the principle objuot of the chnngo is to extend the provisions of the Ban croft trealy over the territory of Al shco-LorAtno , or some other portions of the Germnn empire acquired since the Bancroft treaty wna ratified. 1MMUIU ( > T3 , The chief of tlio bureau of statistics - tics reports that during the month of October there arrived in the cuUnms districts of Baltimore , BoMoii , De troit , Huron , Minnesota , Now Op loans , Now York , Prtssamquody , Philadelphia and San Francisco 57- C89 passengers , of whom -15,905 were immigrants. TUB TRIAL OP DETtOTIVr. MILLKtt , charged with complicity in the Star routers , by the district commissioners , ROOS on to-morrow , the request to postpone was declined. OAITAIX ALt'llED UOI'KINS , commandant of Ponsacola navy yard , Florida , submitted to the court marIn tial to-day , his Written defense of the charge of having deserted his post during the yellow fever epidemic , The doorkeeper of the house and sergeant - geant at arms of the senate have their respective halls in readiness hero , for the assembling of congress , two weeks from to-day. T1IE SIOUX HESEllVATION. Indian Commissioner Price is inJ foamed by Judge Edmunds , chairman of the Sioux commission , that the good Ynnkton and Ogallala Indians at Pine Ridge Agency , Dakota , have agreed to separate reservations of limited proportions. The Indians at Rosebud Agency had previously norrocd -reservations , and as the In dians at these two agencies comprise half the Sioux nation , the work of the commission is practically accom plished. The object of the commis sion in having the Indiana ngrco to select separate reservations in to con centrate all Indians In olio-half the present reservation , in order thnt the other luif may bo thrown open to the public. The Indians have not yet located their intended reservation and can not without authority from , con gress. Congress will bo called upon to pay them for the laud they sur render. lltlUGATINd THE UTES. Indian Commissioner Price will to- narrow forward to the Ute cornmio ion at Salt Lake City $5,000 for use n irrigating the Ute country in the outhorn portion of that territory. AN IMl'ORTANP DEPARTURE n the policy of the postoffico depart ment will bo inaugurated on January st next. It will consist in transfer- ing to the blank agency division , rhich is under the supervision of the rst assistant postmaster general the urchaao of all supplies in first and econd class postoflices of the ountry. As at present conducted , ID postmaster at * one of lose offices purchases stationery nd furniture for his own office , se eds such styles and tints as may lease his fancy and sends hi bill to ! io department , where it is paid , It s thought by "supply ing thes * offices with' iuoh'matorial as they may need nd have paper uniform in size , etc. , tiat at least 25 per cent , of the proa- nt cost can be saved. With this ob- ect in vlow prominent postmasters rom all sections of the country have eon requested to assemble herowhen 10 question of uniformity in blanks , Z3 of paper , and postoflico books , ill bo discussed. Ex President Piorrola , of Peru , ailed on the secretary of state to-day nd had an extended interview on 'ornvian ' matters. PUBLIC 11UILDINQS. Supervising Architect James G. Hill , of the treasury department , has ubmttted to the secretary of the treas ury his annual report for the year nding September , 1882. The report hews the amount expended upon var- ous pubiis buildings in the west and Iso unexpended balances of nppropri- itions remaining in the treasury at the lose of the year , The report also tatcs that considerable extraordinary cpairs have boon made upon the pub ic buildings at O.iiro , Ills. ; Indian apolis , Ind. , and San Francisco to ac- ommodato the increased demands of ho postal service. Alterations have > eon made in the postoflicos at Gal- ircston , Louisville , St. Paul , San Fran- iEco and Lincoln , Neb , AIUIV OFFICERS AND THEIR UEI1TS. Judge Advocate General Swalm de cides that the failure of army officers o satisfy any indebtedness fairly con tracted Is not a violation of the Ulst article of war , In reply to a question whether or not the charge of conduct unbecoming an ollicor and a gentle man , under the Olst article of war , is > roper to bo brought against officers > f the army who neglect to pay the ust debts incurred by by them , and jy their manner of lifoand current ox- lendlturo fail to exorclao ouch proper iconomy as might enable them in ; ime to save from their salaries amounts sufficient to satisfy their creditors in whole or in part , ho an swers in the negative , TUB MONUMENT KAIU. At a mooting of the oxccutivo com mittee of the Gat field Monument Fair association hold to-night , it was dcc'dod ' to extend invitations to the [ > ro .ldont and members of the cabinet , to justices of the supreme court and to the general of the army and other distinguished persons , to bo present and participate in the opening cere monies on the 25th inst- Monopoly \Vint- to THE UK/ . PHILADELPHIA , November 20. The supreme court to-day rendered a de cision in favor of the Standard Oil Company of Ohio , which ends the long controversy between the common wealth and the company concerning taxes and penalties. Over $700,000 were claimed to bo duo the state by the Utter. . Rope Hid Wlille He ! Hot- Special Dispatch to Tan On. KANSAS CITY , November 20. The Journal's Albuquerque ( N , M. ) special gays news was received there of a brutal case of wife murder near Las Graces. Juan Mantoyo , a drunken I vagabond , desiring ta raise money to ombnrk in the saloon business , endeavored - doavorod to gain his wife's consent to soil their home , but oho refused to sign the det'd. After she had retired at night Mantojo went to the bed where she wns ualccp mid ponndrd her skull to pieces with tvlonoa. Ho thtm wont to town nrd told thu cttizons his wife had died of consumption and asked him to nssUt in buryiiift her , roturuing with n party to the houso. Doing arrc&tod on suspicion , ho con fessed the crime and told , the whole story with brutish inorrlmont , Ho Is now in jail. _ The Steel Rail Bmlncss. Special llsjvxtch to Tun BSK. . ST. Louis , November 20. In an interview this afternoon published by The Post-Dispatch , Ethan A. Hitch cock , president of the St. Louis Ore and rftool company , intimates that the Vulcan Stool works ot that company hero will probably oloso downon December - comber 1 , nnd remain closed all next yoar. < Mr. Hitchcock gave the follow ing interesting information respecting the stool rail interest of the country : tlk said the price of stool rails has fnl- Ion oil 25 per cent. It was $00 par ton last spring , it is now $45. When rails were worth $00 pic iron was nB sold ( from $25 50 to $20 per ton. Iron men now want $24. Tftko 25 per cent , off $20 and it will Icavo $19 50. That is what wo ought to got pig iron for. I have offered these men $20 per ton , but they will not take it. It is altogether idle to talk about keeping the Vulcan nt ttw work , unless wo uot pig iron for $20. The price of stool rails have fallen because the production hus boon too groat. ' The estimated capacity of stool mills in the United States is now 2,150,000 tons against 1,250,000 tons for 1881. Now the demand , us far as fcI fcbi can got at it for the next year , will bo about 1,000,000 tons call it 50 per cent of the steal mills' capacity. That shows it will bo impossible for nil the mills to work full time under the most favorable circumstances , but as far as the consumption is concerned it Is very difficult to figure. I don't believe the railroads themselves know what 'they will want until after they have seen their annual balance shout at its best , there will bo little new road ( building. There will bo no trunk linca built into Texas or Mexico. There will be no Nickel Plato laid east and west ; wo will have to depend upon reconstruction nnd repair of roads already built. There will bo a good deal of thin done , but not enough to take more than 50 per cent of jtho pres ent capacity of the stool mills , 1 do not bpliovo congress will make any material change in the tariff duty on metals. It may bo lowered , that is expected , I believe , bat the condi tion of trade in this country is such that the duty on iron cuts a very little figure ono way or the other. If by the 1st of December , at which time our present contracts will bo worked out , wo cannot procure labor and material at rates which will ena ble us to meet the reduction in price in steel rails , wo will close our works. If wo Ao close 3,000 men will bo thrown out of employment and n pay roll of $150,000 per mouth will be stopped. For our men's sake wo would gladly contlnno work , but wo | cannot run our mills at a positlvo financial loss. _ Chicago and Joliet Mills. Special Dispatch to TiiKBisi. CHICAGO , November 20. The proprietors priotors of the rolling mills in this city and Joliet have boon interviewed in regard to the statement that they intend to shut down within a short time , They did not say positively they intended to close at a fixed data or at a future data , but said that < is things looked now , they did not sea how they could continue to run with out losing money , and intimated that unless a change in the situation oc curred they would probably bo compelled to close on Febru ary next , the time being de pendent on existing contracts. In some mills they run to January , in others to February , They say with stool rails at15 per ton , which is equal to $42 , a reduction in the price of both ere and labor will bo necessary to secure the mill from lose , In view of the present cost of living and general feeling among iron work- em , they cannot expect to secure a reduction in the price of labor. They will , therefore , for the time being only , run to wo k up stock on hand and fulfill existing contracts with n view to being ready to shut down when the proper time comes. Fear is expressed , also , by aoino of , ho proprietors that the uoxt congress will reduce the tariff on otoel to an extent to open business to for eign competition. The belief is ex pressed in some quarters that this is n concerted movement on the part ol stool mill proprietors of the west to influence public opinion and proven' ' a reduction of the tariff by congroes. Between 5,000 and 0,000 men are employed hero and at Joliot. IJooohor'a Bonui. Special Dispatch to Tint Ou NEW YOUR , November 20. In the Boochor case to-day Judge Barret granted the motion to dismiss. In moving for an extra allowance o 1,500 fur defense , Shearman said tin real facts of the case were that whoa the work was suspended the firm hac some 10,000 copies on hand and thor was no evidence to show they cos ono cent. Instead of losing money the firm had made a clear gain of ' $17,000. Judge Barrett made an order allowing Boocber $350 extra il- lowanco. Peit Homo Ulatarbanoo. Special DIapaUh to Tui ) ! CHATTANOOGA , Tonn. , November 20 . The rumors of a riot , at Chatta - eonga are unfounded. They arose from an attempt of the city authori ties to place the pest house on the United States reservation attached ton the National cemetery , The superin tendent ordered the city authorities from the grounds and ho at once stationed an armed guard around the place. No further trouble is appre hended as the authorities will not , oct without permission from Waskington. THE OLD WORLD. Ilia Parliament Party Whip ping the Irish to Par- nell's ' Support , Arabl Poaha'a Trial Turned Into n IP rce by the Commission. Another Great Day Per Dla- plny nnd Decoration of _ the Military. Important Proceedings in the Com- tnonn nud Fronoh Annoinbly. " ALtirffo ABOortmontofQenerftlNoWBw Special Dispatches to Tim Dux. THE 1III81I NATIONAL LKAOUK. TULSK , Ireland , November 20. Ton thousand persons attended a mooting of the Irish Nntiontl league yesterday. Among the speakers were Sullivan and O'Kolly , mombora of par liament. The latter referred to what ho called "tho efforts of D.witt to split the Irish party , " and said they wore tantamount to stabbing Ireland in the back. Jlo threatened to resign his seat if the country wavered in its alloganco to Parnoll. Ho ndvined the fanners to take aoVnntago of the ar rears of rout not. Votes of confidence in the speakers were carried. EXTLOJUNO AI'UIUA , LONDON , November 20. Lieutenant Wiseman , whoims boon exploring thu Conga river region , has arrived at Xinnibart Itit his journey across equatorial Africa ho gained valuable ) information , . I'llESIDENT OREVY CONVALUSOKNT. PAIUS , November 20. President Grovy is going on a shooting excur sion. Hia recovery is * apparently complete. IAW IN ncr.LW. BEHLIN , November 20. The police interdicted , under the socialist law , the sale of pamphlets on the labor question in the shape of two speeches delivered in the rciechtag. RUSSIAN SUSPECTS. ODESHA , November 20. Seventeen persons were arrested hero on suspic ion of being nihilists. AUAlll's TJUAL A 1'AllUE. OAIUO , November 20. The commis sion of inquiry is turning the trial uf Arabi Pasna into a faroa and Broad- ley has withdrawn from the defense after vigorously protesting against the violation of 'tbo agreement made with him. DECOHATINQ hOLDIEIU. LONDON , November 20.- The queen to-morrow jrill * decorate the officers and soldiers ho distinguished thorn- selvds in the ' .rar in E/ypt. Gen * oral Wolseley and 90 o libers go to Windsor in the morning. A ON < ! AFFIDAVIT BY NENET , formerly Arabi Pasha's advisor , is pubr lished. It is strongly in favor of Ar abi , who , Nonet declares , endeavored to prevent incendiarism and protected Christians. A DANdEIlOUB LUNATIC. A man named Sanders is arraigned for sending a letter to Gladstone threatening to murder him. Ho ' was remanded after disclaiming his intention - tion to murder the prime minister. The man is merely a dangerous lunat ic. When searched a knife wan found upon. him. ' ANOTIIEK OIIIOULAK. 'CONSTANTINOPLE , November 20. The porto intends to direct a circular to the powers calling attention to Montenegrin armaments and the stops thu porto has taken with a vlow to Bottling the last disputed points In connection with the delimitation of the frontier. roWDBU KXl'LOSION. GUAYAQUIL , November 20. A fear- iul explosion occurred to day at a powder magazine , half a mile north of town. It is rumored about ton persona were killed. A church nnd several houses near were deatroyod. Till ! TOW ! ON IHISII CHIME. DUJILIN , November 20 , The Free- man's Journal says the pope ut a re- cunt interview expressed his horror nt t the outrages committed in Ireland and charged bishops to usu their utmost exertions to prevent the people ple offending against the lawa. MICHAEL ( 'AHKY , father of Patrick Oaeoy , who waa sen tenced to bo hanged for the murder of Bridget Joyce , wan indicted for com- pliolty In thu murder of the Joyce family. CELANCV'H TJIIAL , To-day in the cauo of Delaney , charged with an attempt- assassinate - ate Judge L.v.YBpn , the accused was committed for trial ut the next Dub lin commhsicn. The prisoner was guarded to and from the police sta tion by a strong escort of mounted po lice with drawn n.ibnu. A UBKUAL DEFEATED. LONDON , Hovomber 20 , Konnord , conservative , was elected member of parliament for Salisbury , defeating Grenfoll . . . , liberal candidate for ro- election. THE I'AUNELLITEH KESOLVED not to take united action in relation to York'ti motion for appointment of a committee to inquire into the circum stances under which Parnell , Dillon and O'Kolly were released from Kit- malnham jail , A hTOUY , PAHIH , November 20 The Voltaire publishes a story portending a revival of the projected rising of legitimists i AKCHBISUOl1 OK CANTEUBUKY. LONDON , November 20 DM , Gull and Carpenter held a consultation to day with regard to the health of the Archbishop of Canterbury , The phy sicians issued a bulletin stating that during the past week there has been n return of fever , whtlo tbo mlicnt lias lost ntrength. The condition of the archbishop is regarded with in creased anxiety. TUB I'AIIAIIK TO MOBT10W will bo composed of nil the rcRimchts which sorvcd in the Eayptihn cum- > algn. A eprcial general order will uo rend , in which the qucnn , nfltr enumerating the hardships nnilered by the troops and the brilliant engage ments fought , thanks the ofllcora nnd men individually and collooliyoly for gallantry and exemplary conduct. ur AT AUCTION. AunuNimtA , November 20. The grounds of the buildings boloncring to the state domains , destroyed during the burning of Alexandria , will bo sold at auction. DOINOS IN THE COMMONS LONDON , November 20. Gladstone ill reply to nn inquiry from William Forstor , stated that the government wna anxioua to deal with the question ol the suppression of the olnvo tradn lr Egypt , and thnt the first dispatch to Lord Dalforin , since his arrival in Cairo rolutod to that subject. Dilkc , under secretaay of the for eign department , said negotiations were now passing between England nnd Franco in regard to the treaties which hnvo boon concluded. Courtney , secretary to the treas ury , informed Pnrnoll that up to the present time applications under the land not by tenants for loan to im prove tholr bulldimis numbered 025 , of which : UO has been granted , 210 in- ndmiBsnblo nnd remainder nro being investigated. Gladstone in reply to nn inquiry from Parucll , stated the government were not at present contemplating any amendment lo arrears of rent not. Frevilyan , chiif secretary for Iro- Innd , said Unit up to the 15th hist , upiihoatlotis under the nrronrs of rent not , had ruixchcd 14 1G7. The land cotntninMoiierB , h ii.ud , hoped to nettle - tlo ' before the 30th inst. all cases lodged prior to November 25th. Discussion of the eighth procedure ruio wns resumed , Gladstone no- copied an amendment providing that the rule should not apply in nominat ing select commissions , and the rule , as amended , was carried. THK AllllEAllS ACT. LONDON , November 20 The Nowo understands the government does not intend to attempt to deal with the arrears - roars not this cession , nnd the Pnrnoll- itcs will have no opportunity of dis cussing the administration of the land act bofo'ro the prorogation of parlia ment , THE THKHOn ARS3MDLY. PARIS , November 20. Horisson , minister of public works , to-day in formed the budget committee ho had still at hia disposal 00,000,000 francs of the fund allotted for his department , but ho could not consent to any reduction duction of the sum (488,000,000 ( francs ) which it was proposed to ex pend on important public works. The committee agreed that this sum nhould-not be reduced , but that the floating dbbt accounts/should / be charg ed with what the government expend ed in excess of available resources. Rlbat , reporter of the budget com mittee , accepted the decision , but stated ho would call attention to the deficit in the budget. The chamber of deputies discussed the estimates for foreign cflicos. Duoloro , presi dent of council and minister of for eign affairs , opposed an amendment of fered by n radical momborprovldlng for nbolitionof the embassy nt the Vatican. The amend mont was rejected , 339 to 171. Do Montjau proposed that the ambassador nt the Vatican bo re placed by n chargo-d'ttffairos. Duoloro said that if the motion were carried ho should resign. The motion was1 * re jected , 33 ! ) to 147. ENGLAND IN THE BOWELS OK AFJUOA. Lo Temps reports thnt England has obtained tlio consent of 'tho khedive to tlio cession of Mussowah to Abys- sinin , nnd is now Hooking the approval of the Turkish government. A DEADLY DUEL. MUNICH , November 20. A duel with piiitols wns fought nt Wurzburg between n captain in the nrmy und n student , who had nerved ao n one-year . oluntcor. JTho captain was killed. I'OUTUdAL WAKES VI' LIHHON , November 20 , Newspapers referring to the bill In the French chamber concerning DeBrazza's trcaf tioa , calls upon the government to protect the rights of Portugese subI jucto in Africa , MISSION. BEHLIN , November 20. DoGiors had nn nudionco to day with the em peror nnd prince Frederick William , and afterward dined nt the palace. It is somi-ofllcially stated the visit of DeGiors to Bismarcic at Vurzin had no special object , but may bo interpreted - protod us an expression of the inti mate relations existing between Rus sia and Germany , A dispatch from Berlin says : Do- Giors states the impressions ho re ceived nt Vnizln was most satisfactory - tory , The condition of affairs in Franco , ho s ys , were especially dis cussed. DcGiors , at the audience with the emperor to-day , inferred to him that Bismarck nnd ho were agreed on all essential points. A Vienna dispitch says when De Giors loft St. Petersburg the czar summoned Gen. IgnatUlf to an au dience at Gatechlnn palace , which denotes that Gen. Igttatojlf has already taken the wind oufof DtGiors' sails. How OUnlmera wan Counted Out- Special DUjutcU tu Tim Hns. JACKSON , Miss , , November 20. Democrats and cituans generally re gret the action of Secretary of State Ht nry Meyers and Gov. Lowrey in awarding the certificate to Van II. Manning upon n clerical error In a tully shoot. The commissioners ofo election of Tate county have telegraphed - graphed that the name of OhamhlesH appearing on the tally sheet is a cler ical error and should luve been J. itOt Chalmers. A corrected tally uhoot with a oortlQcato have been forwarded by thum to the secretary of st < - > to. The case will coma up v early in Do- comber on n mandamus. It will doubtlos roach the supreme court and an opinion bo rendered before Mnrch 4th. General Chftl- mom' petition alleges thnt Pccrotnry of Stnto Myers allowed the returns from other districts to bo inspected , but refused - fused to nllow nnyono to BOO the re turns Irom the second district until they were counted ; thnt thorolunis were purposely concealed to provoitt plmlmern or his frionda from examin ing mid hnving thorn corrected. Ihu burden of the potllion is Iho allega tion of fraud nnd concoMmont. It is understood there will bo filed n plea ns to jurisdiction of the court which will inrolvo how far the atnto courts can control congressional elections. _ TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. SpecUI f Dispatches to Tin BKR. UOITO.V , November 20. Tlio ropubll- cilia hnvo rcnomlnntod Mayor Cfievnc. HOST N , November 20. Isaac It. Unit ? , tbo oldcit lioflton printer and publisher , died Intt nUht , need 8G years , MKLIIOCRNK , November 20. The lcgls latlvo council nnd house nsnembly reached to hold an exhibition In 1880. READING , November 20 , The pipe mill of tlio Itondlng Iron works closed , cm- ployca remains to work upon nollco of rei unction of wngcs , MiNNKAi'OMS November 20.-Tho ang rornl Illuininntlon of nearly tbo ontlro fivmnmont wna witnessed by delighted crowds on tbo streets until n Into hour last nlftht. VOUK , November uu. TIM JJrlgh- ton Bunch linolug niuoclatlon detormlucd to close tlioRoaaon to-day , the 100th racing dny , announcing , however , If the wcnthor permitted , they would give a dny'a rnelng Thnntaglvtng uny. The Sioux Communion nt Work Dispatch to Tux llr.n. ST. PAUL , November _ 20. The Sioux commission , of which Judge Edmunds is clmirmnn , is on its way to Standing Hock ngonay. Judge Shan non , member of the commission , tnys they have had councils with thu Indians nt Simtco , Pine Ridge nud Ilosobud agencies , at which thuro are about 16,800 Indians. They found the Indians in nil cases ready to ngroo to separata on smaller reserva tions and generally anxious for aid tope po into farming nnd stock raising. They are all particularly anxious for the establishment of schools for chil dren. The plans of the commission are not completed , but they will recom mend allotments of lands to differ ent tribes sufficient to onnblo them to divide among themselves nnd establish farming facilities. They will rccom- mont allotment of nbout 20,000 cows to the ngonoics visited nnd nlso estab lishment of ono school for each thirty children , attendance at the schools to bo compulsory , with penalty of with drawal oi rations. The plan includes continuance of ammunition nnd ra tions until the Indians become self- supporting , It is said after the now allotments nro made several million acres will remain to bo ceded to the government. The Nickel Plata Road. Special Dispatch to Tun Bur CLEVELAND , * November 20 , Gen. Devf roaux and Judge Bnrfy have re turned 'from Now York whore they became directors of the Nickel Plato. They were appointed together with President Uumralngs to secure termi nal facilities in Chicago , Bath do- cliuo to reveal at present the identity of the purchases of the road , but Judge Bark says it may bo stated ab solutely and unqualifiedly thnt the Nickel Plato will bo operated as thoroughly independent of ether lines as any road in this country , He says the purchasing syndicate is composed of individuals and no corporation has any -Interest. Its arrangements for terminal facilities nt Buffalo are merely temporary. Tbo Colorado Pool Arbiter. Special Dispatch to Tin UBS. CHICAGO , November 20. 0. C. Wheeler , general manager of the Atohison , Topeka & Santa Fo rail road , will decline the arbltratorahip of the hroo western pools to which ho wns recently elected. It is under stood ho will decline in favor of Guorgo ( C. Manchester , assistant to W. B. Strong , formerly assistant gen eral manager of the Atchiaon , Topeka & Santa Fo , Bouton's Flib Trade. Spocltl Dlgpatch to Tin UEX , BOSTON , November 20. The now fish f exchange which wont into opera tion I this morning caused dissatisfac tion. I The price offered by the exchange was about 81.25 per 100 pounds nndfr the usual market price , Tun veasuls took fish to Gloucester , threatening not to return again , The Herald says if this state of affairs continues it will result in serious injury to the fish trade of Boston. Coal fiXino oil Fire- Special Dispatch to Tin DEI. HAIIKIHUUJIO , Pd. , November 20 , A Cre broke out last night at Short Mountain colliery ut Likens , The ilfttnoa commenced at the fan. A part of the slope building waa out away to BHVO the slope house and machinery Mnlos , 120 in number , were hointod from the mine. In January , 1877 , fire in this mine involved a loss of ono million dollars ; it was subdued by turning Boar Crook into it , A Good Iioomon to Sqneaco. fyusUal DlijmUh to Tim Km. BOSTON , November 20. Thomas Looman , the Australian banker , reported - ported to have left 82,000,000 to three children of the eamo name in Us city , is not doad. Ho has ed his intention of leaving the en at least $4,000,000 when ho dies , and will provide t'or their education in the meantime , The Minors' Strike. SpuliI PinpAhh to . PiTTSUUiia , November 20. The ' strike of the railroad coal minuts today day waa not aa successful as they had expected. Out of 51) ) pits , employing over 8,000 men , only 14 plU , or about 1,500 miners , are idlfl , The balance are still at work. Tha miners' oflic- ials assart that all wiU bo out in a few days. SAVE YOUR SOLES , The Bailroail Fare to Oliicagc Far Olieaper Than Walking , From Omabn to the Lake Me tropolis For Ono Dollar and Fifty Oents. The War on 'Freight ' Bates. Squally Cheap and .Agreeable. The Grnutl Trnnlt Ruilrond1 Corn- Ill tion Agniuftt Vimdorhilt in the Norlhonnt. A Variety of Rallroc-d Itoa * . Now For the Chrama. Dpcclal Dispatch to Tim Bit * . CHICAGO , November 20. The Chicago cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul company is to-day soiling tickets from Sioux. City to St. Paul for 25 cents nnd from Sioux City to Chicago or Milwaukee for $1.25. This ia to moot the cut of the St. Paul & Omaha announced on Sun day morning. _ The Bottomless Pool- Spcclil Dispatch toTfto Deo. Siou.v CITY , In. , November 20. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul company is to-day selling tickets from Sioux City to St. Paul for 25 cents , nnd from Sioux City to Milwnukco or Chicago for $1 25.- This is to meet tbo cut of the St. Paul & Omahn an nounced Sunday morning. The JL < ntost Katoi. Special Dispatch to Tnnlliu. MiNNBAronfl , November 20. Tho- Chicago , Milw.\ukeo&Sc. Paul issued n now schedule of passenger rates to day. The rnta to Chicago remains $1) but by the cut to other competing points the faro to Sioux Falls , D. T. , is 25 cents , Sioux- City 25 cents , Council Bluffs $1 , Omaha , $1 50 , Atchison - chison $5.75 , Kansas City § 0-95Don- vor $21.50. The cut on freight is to 10 cents per ono hundred pounds. The Albert Lea route posts now rates to points as follows : Now York , $21 Boston $20 , Portland $22 , Bi ngor 81U ; Philadelphia $19 ; Baltimore $1B 50 , Washington $18.50 , Montreal $18 , St. Louis $8.50. The rnto to Chicago remains at 50 cents , Tha Albert Lea rates on millstufl's were 10 tints per hundred to Chicago , To day a out from 20 dents and nn addi tional cut to 7i ii announced to go into effect to-morrow morning. The Omiha company charged 7 cento on mill stuff to-day. Another Slnah. Special DUoatch to TUB Bu 4 , ST. PAUL , November 20. No change In passenger rates to-day. The Omaha line announces a cut of grain rate to Chicago to 7A conta per liun- d.rid , , Trhieupon. the iMilwaukeo line- Omaha'has not yot' mot the Milwau- koo'a cut to and from interior points. Passenger travel .is brisk , though lack of low return rate prevent the in crease which cheap trayol both ways would cause. Shippers and merchants say the business community is not in position to take much advantage of the cut. Merchants have made their trips to the city for purchase nnd are stocked. Millers will realize an advance on flour-and grain stock if they can get it to market before the price falls , but say the price of wheat will raise on ac count of scarcity of CUB and they can buy only from hand to mouth , The uncertainty of the continuance of low rates from interior points will stimu late the sale of wheat by farmers and make trade brisker nnd money easier. Manager Merrill's Opinion. Jpoclal Dispatch to TUB DBS. MINNEAPOLIS , November 20In conversation with The Tribune re porter General Manager Merrill , of the Milwaukee line , said : l"Tho situa tion remains practically the same , and what the futnro will develop I cannot say. Our road docs not want to fight and did not commence the present war. Wo rhould like to close it at any time , but arc not prepared to say upon what teams. The trouble com menced about two months ago , Wo and the Omaha road were in n pool and tlio Itock Island wanted ono third of the business. They have the longest road by 100 miles and wo could not quito submit to the injustice of their demands. Then the Omaha road gives notice of , forty- five days that nt the end of that tiinn they would withdraw from the pool. Ttiat time expired on Saturday , Porter ter , while ho said nothing de3ulte , led mo to infer that wo might bo ablu to fix the matter up , and I tulegraph- ed that I would be in Minneapolis Monday , but they cut Sunday , We were not aggressors , and only light to protect ourselves. To-day the cut Is only ono way ; how long it will.remain that way I am nnablo to say , neither will I venture to predict what will happen nor how long the war will last. Combination Aurlusfc Vaniler- bilt. Special Dispatch , to Tim B . Oswzuo , N , V , , November 20. It is rumored that the Grand Trunk railroad of Canada is negotiating' with Sam Sloan for the lease of- the Homo , Watertown & Ogdensburg rail road. Should this lease bo made a strong combination would at once bo formed between the Grand Trunk-- , its Great Western divisions and the Watertown & Ogdensburg , Ogdons * burg & Lake Ghatnplain and Vermont Central roads , in opposition to Van * dorbilt's lines , which would enabla the former to control the freight and passenger traffic of the Now England states. OHIIAGO , November SO. The trial of Theresa Bturla , the disreputable woman whu shot and killed Charles Btlles , caller on the call board , last July , wai b gnu ia the criminal couit