T1IF DAILY BBE--MONDAY , MJVKMUlMx 20 . IEL W10LKSAUJ ANB KKTA1L BOOKS AHD STATIONERY , m HOLIDAY ( COUNCIL BLUFFB , IOWA. FITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FIGE. or. and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TQ LOAN AT LOW KATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND COWVBYAKCERS. COUKCIL BLUFFS - - * - - - ' IOWA. _ _ JOSEPH EEITER , fi u MAKES THE FINEST SUITS IN T1JE LATEST STYLES , At the Lowest Possible Prices. NO. 310 UPPER BROADWAY. &STjaWlEHSS , L" " 3Eg g That never require crimping. at Mrs. J , J. Good's Hair Store , at prlcta nc\or bolero touched by ny other hnlr eaer. Ale a full line ol twitched , etc. at ft rcitly reduced prices. Also gold Silver tnd colored nets.Vikoa mads ( rom Udlca1 own hair. Da not IM tu call beloro purchisliif elaenhcre. All goods warranted an represented. WHS. J. J. GOOD , 21) ) Malnittoot , Council UluCfa , lo\ta. TAYLOR BROS. , 105 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Iliolesale Dealers in Lipors and fines , Wo. 13 Main Sfc , Council Bluffs , la. Branch House ; Lindpr , Kiel & Jensen , Rioux Falle , D. T. ( Wholesale Dealers in IOWA , NEBIIASKA , 'AND MISSOURI , tnrannuRkv * " " * " * " ' MMtpmwn | P "iir' ZETIEiTJ nri EBECSBm , Alee ' GROCERIES. > W Dealer in . 215 , 217 and 219 Main Street , Gr H O O IE S. I Of All Kinds. K"ew Gods. . 3S"ew Prices and [ Square Dealing. Call and Examine Our Stock. BATHIIft HOUSE ! At Bryant's Spring , 'Oor , Broadway and Union Sts. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Plain , "Medicated. Vapor , Electric , f lunge , Oouch , Shower , Hot and Cold Baths. Com. petent male and female nurses and attendants always on hand , and the belt o ( rare and atten tion ( { Iron natrons. Special attention given to bathing children. Inyestlgatlon and patronage loll cited. cited.DR. . A. H. STTJDLEY & Co. , 106 Upper Broadway. Dr. Studley : Treatment of chronic diseases made a specialty. c fl AUTninDO REUOVKD wlthou' the ' < Uilll Uibiilj knlfe/Cures / lunp disease" , : AlNJ-n rvpfrwn Fits. Scrofula , Liver Com- ; P'alnt' " > psy , Kheuma. I II M II K H "Bni fever and Mcreur- 1 I U HI U n W lal 80rcS | Erysipelas , Salt nBhoum , Scald IJo.J , Catarrh , weak , Inflamed ? And granulated Eyoa , Scrofulous Ulcers and Fe- 'male Disease ) of all kinds. Alto Kidney and Venorlal diseases. Hemorrhoids or Plica cured money refunded. Ml diseases treated upon the principle ol voRot- i „ Uroform , without the use ot mercurial pols- jqna or the knife. Electro Vapor or Medicated Baths , furnished ' , who desire them. Hernia or Kupture radically cured by the use [ the Elastic belt Truss and Plaster , which has superior In the world. CONSULTATION TREE- CALL ON OR ADDRESS R , Rico and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. R. A. P. HANCHETT , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. | i OflSoe , No. 11 PeCirl Street noujs , 9 a. m. to . : 2. , and2 p.m. , to 6. p , m , Residence , 120 3 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with [ .Central office. ' STARR & BUNCH , HOUSE , SIGN , AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING , PAPER HANGING , IILHNINQ AND DRAINING , . , iSkop Corner Ikoadway nnd Soott Si u' 'T. SEYBERT , M. D. , . . h r PHYSIOIAN& SURGEON , r.COUNGIL , BLUFFS , - IA , Office No , 5 , Everett Block , Broadway - way , over A. Loulo'n Rcatatirant. L WAXO.N - , . , . OlQce over savings bank BLUFFS , lona. ; IkCHL Sen I EQTAT W , 0. Jamca , In connection with hla law and tolkctlon business buys and tells real eatate. tnons wishing to buy or Boll city propert > call i | Mi Office , over Dushnell't book store , Pearl J. ABBOTT. istice ot the Peace and J4 Notary Public. oadway , Council Bluffs. MBS , B , J , HAEDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate ot Electropathlo Institution , Phila delphia , Penna. Office Cur , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFtJ , IOWA. The treatment of all dlsoaecn and ptlntul dlf- fleultlos peculiar to females a specialty. J. G. TIPTON , Attorney & Counsellor , Offlco over First National Bank , Council Bluffs , lown. Will practice In the state and federal court * JHO.JAYFRAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 814 BROADWAY , Council Bluffs. - Iowa. W B. MAYES , Loans andEealEstate , Proprietor ol abstract * of Pottawattamlo county. Office corner of Broadway and Main street ) , Council Bluffs Io a. P , J , flOHTIfOMKEY. M , JJ , PP.EE Disi'ENSABTEVEnY SATT/BDAY. Office In Kterett's block , Pearl Ireot. Ilcbl ] denco 028 Fourth strocl. Office hours from B to 2a. m. , 2 to anj 8p.m. Council fluffs I Ul PEACT1CAL DENTIST. Pearl opposite the postofBce , One ot the oldest practitioners In Council Dlufl * . Halls lefoctlon iruarantoed In HUGHES & TOWSLEE , DEALERS IN Confectionery , FruitsKuts Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. 12 MAIN ST. , Council Blutfa. STFAM I AIMinRV < G I Crilvl LfTiU'tsIJfis ' H i 723 W. Broadway. LARSON f ANDERSON , Proprietors. This laundry has Just been opened for but ) , noes , and wo are now prepared to do lamdry vork of all kinds and guarantee satisfaction A tpeclalty made ot flue work , such ad collirj , tufls , flue shirts , etc. We want everybody to gheua a trial , LAHSON ft ANDERSON. tiioa , oriricEU. w. n. u. OFHCEB & PUSET , 3B fc , KT3EEEI IctS , Council Bluffs , la , Established , - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange and borne iccurltles.1 COUNCIL BLUri'S RAILROAD TiME TABLE. CHICAGO , ROTK IMAVD AND MCIUC. tVpAtt. Arrlio Atlintlc Kxt .Sao p m I Piclflc KvJ .0.15 ft m KxamI Mall'.fl.2ftn in Kx nnd Mall" GMpin : U. Mollies ac'.7:15 a in | Des Moln ao'.4IO : p m CtllC OO , BtRUNdTON ASP QtlNCT. Arrh c. Atlantic Kxt. . fi-SOpm riflflfl R\I „ Mall and Kx1 .J11W iin Moll ftti.l Vv N. Y. Kx 4'WIHH Neb & KM KX..S.JO a I CIIICVQO ASP tVpnrt. Artho. Atlantic K\t..r : lipm ratine Kx } . Mali and K\.Sl.JOain Mad and Kx * . 0.15pm Accoin. ( Sat , ) . .tiM p in Arconi. ( Mon. ) 1.4t | > in KANSAS CHV , ST. JOB AMI COUNCIL KLl'rfS. 1'cpirt. Arrho. 1 Kx. . . OAT urn I ' I > prc , . . . . . . .CJOpm - ' " - - - ; ll ) p in JUll UNION r-Aciuc. Depirt , Arrho. 0\crhnd Kx.ll ton. m. " OtrrlnndK , .4 00 p. m. Lincoln IX lllon. : in. lonrr Kx . 8 W a. m , iKmcr IX. .7 IV ) p. in. I/ooil IX . . . .C.iOa. : in. lx > a\l K7:2Ti n. in. " Kx ( Via. in. KuiljTnnt . . .n Up. in. " KroOn , in. WA11MI ! , SC. LOUIS AND rACItlO tt > pxrt. Arrl\o. Mnlland Kx. , nilln m 1 Mall and Kx.liSOpm Cannon 1J.MI. . 4r : < 0pm | Cannon Iall..ll.u3nm ) siouvatr Avorinnr Dcp-irt. Arrh P. For Sioux Cltj .7:55 in Krin Sioux U'y.GiAO p m For 1'ortNlobrara , Krni 1'ort Nlobrara , Neb * 7Mnm : Neb 'OuVipin Kor St. r.uil..7lo p m From bt. ri l..80 : a m CIIICAOO , MILKAUKKK AND ST. TAIL. l > i\o Council UlulT < . Arrhi CounoltlllulTt. Mall nnd Kx.'nrJOnni I Mnllnnd i\'fi : to inn Atlantic K15:15 : p Hi I Atlintlc 1 \ U'.IO n ill C111CUIO , MIU\AtKfK AMI HT. TM1. . I.ca cs Onnhi. Arrh n nt Oniahi Mall and IX " 7:15am : I I'-iiitlc KU4Anm ( Atlantic K3:10 [ p m | Jlall and Kx < 7 J5plu KxccptSundajo. tKxccpt Siturdays. ( Except MontUjs. tlbll ) . Council Dlultu & Oruabn Street U. R. IAM o Council Hinds. Ix\ivo Oinilii. 8 a m , 0 n in , 10 n in , B n in , 0 a in , 10 n in , 11 a in , 1 m , 2 11 in , 3 p 11 a in , 1pm , 'Jp in , 3 p in , ( p in , C p in , G p in. inI p in , D p in , G p in. Street cars run half hourly to tlio Union 1'aclflc Depot. On Sund.ir the c.irs liogln their trip ? at g o clock ix. in. , and run romi nrly during the dny at D , 11 , i ! 4 , 5 and G o'clock , and run to city time. OUR KINGS , The Great Difference American and English Millionaires. The Americana Will Some Day Overthrow Their Pluto cratic Tyrants. London Spectator A lutter of the Times' Philadelphia correspondent illustrates what is be lieved in America to bo the greatest , or , at least , the most immediate social dangora the growing piominonco of plutocrats , and the growing jealousy with which they ore regarded. Wo bavo nothing in England nuito like tin American millionaire ) . Wo have rich men on this side , but , with the possi ble exception of the Rothschilds , who are not English , and of whoso position nobody knows anything accurately , our millionaires are not so rich , are not so prominent in the national lifo , and ate not inclined to devote them selves solely to public aflilra. No body hears much of Lord Ovorstouo , perhaps of all British subjects the man with the largest available re sources ; and the leaser millionaires , men with from two millions to five , either "found families" a process which involves large purchases of land and comparative obscurity or take to art and culture ; or , like Sir T. Bratj- aoy , range themselves into the system > y accepting oilico. Wo cannot recall i man who makes himself very visible jy his HBO of money alone , and still ess ono who makes himself obnoxious. 3aron Grant wanted to do thu former , > ut did not succeed , and now is only remembered by Emma shareholders , and the cosmopolitans in rusty coats who sit about on his a oat a and enjoy ho dreary liveliness of Leicester quare. In America' , however , the millionaire is what a kiqg In Europe an object always of perpetual no- ico. . and pttou of fanatical dotoato- ion. Owing partly to the immense paces , partly to the diffusion of wealth , and partly to nabit , almost all rrcat undertakings in the Union , and nero especially undertakings in the uterest of communication , are arriod on nominally by corpor ations , and these corporations end to fall under individual control. The Americans , to begin with , pro- or the presidential cystcm to the par- iamentary in all things , and leave to ndivlduals whom wo call chairmen , far moro direct power than Englishmen usually do. They do not use. more over , the chocks by which wo nabitn- illy prevent single men from monopo- Izmg stock In any concern , and then ovornint ; it at their own discretion , 'ho notion of one man In all the hares of the Bank of England , and ppointing all the directors , would lorrify Englishmen. An American with a great fortune can buy a joint- took bank , or a railway line , or a real telegraph syHtcm , and govern it s ho ploaaen ; and ho has many tempta- ions to do it , Ho wants occupation , 10 wants power , and ho wants status : md the control , say of a railway , with ts stocks , its contracts , its patronage and its importance to state govern ments , gives him all ho wishes for , bo- ides a prospect , if ho manages well , f indefinitely increasing his "pile. " What Americans want with colossal ortunoa wo can hardly imagine , for hey got little that Englishmen think ) leasant out of them ; but they do rant thorn and sot before themselves , pecuniary ideala which to Englishmen eem fabulous Capitalists who should mow toll ua that Mr. Stewart , with ! 19,00p,000 , was not the richest Amor- cm i.livo , ono man , ut least , possess- ng a much heavier impediment to cur- 'y ' on his road to heaven , With a mil- ion and a fovr sizpeucea an English- nan is inclined to retire nnd pursue iis tate in quiet ; but an American is uat beginning to "operate" on the grand scale , and with a sense of power md freedom. With that money ho > cxins to use his brains. An Amori- an millionaire , therefore , often makeu ifintolf master of eomo grand concern , or group of concerns , and is thence' orward a sort ot king , governing as 10 pleases , pushing his "policy" as against other "policies , " fighting huge corporations , defying the public , with which lie is ture , sooner or l.Uur , to coma into collision , corrupting State lovernments , and oven influencing the lavnrnrnent of the Republic , Ho oc cupies the position ut once of a great company and a great aristocrat , and as he has usually as fuw bowels as a company , and is as self -centered as the 'reat aristocrat , ho is hated ait neither s hated in this country , Nothing can be moro vexatious to a community than thnt n singln muti should control nil telegraph linm n | the continent. .10 in nearly thr onto li America , or ohpukl bo able to make o destroy entire cities , counties niu tnethodo of industry , by nltrrlntt ril way routes or ratcn things entire ! , within Mr. Yandcrbilt's jpwcr , o Mr. Joy Gould's throughout grc ( itntcf ; or not only own , but insist 01 doing the ropiira for half a city , like Mr. Astor in Now York. A much sharper statute of distribu tioiie for properties exceeding n mil lion pounds , a statute absolutely compelling polling division on pain of the stwtf stopping in a.nnoir , would palliate the evil , for it takes two ftuner.Ui.iiiii U make fortunes colotsnl , and to place them in young hands ; and snch n stitt nU ) would not bo wholly inconsictcn with American sentiment. Th y do not actually Icftfalato rgnlnst wills but juricfl very often upset them upoi grounds which are really rca&ons o public sentiment. An oasiur way would bo to create a board of contro for gigantic concerns , just ns MO would for the East India company and have done recently for thu col lective nuhwiy interest ; but the Americans are hampered by their connUuitlon. Tha millionaire ! ! will , therefore , wo conceive , bo protected toctod by legal dilHiultica , until on some fine day ono of them does some thing which touched general feeling tt the quick and produces one of those resolves lobodpno with ( ho oril whicl in America , aa in England , BO imllght * en constitutional lawyers. A "latcnl power , " or a "legal fiction , " or the possibility of an "amendment , " wih then bo discovered pretty fast , an : the world will wonder , where the dilll- culty was. Before that happens , however - over , wo expect fully to auo a central syndicate In Now York composed oi millionaires only , and controlling all tolographo , all railways , and consequently quently not only all intor-communica- lion , but all prices. The members ol that cyndicate , If they could only keep alive H twelvemonth which might bo difficult would nt the endol the time smile at the Rothschilds ns persona who , in the potty business ol Europe , were accounted very rich , Millions Given Away. Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption , Coughs and 3olds , have been given nway as Trial Bottles of the largo size. This enormous outlay would bo disastrous to the pro prietors , were it not for the rare merits jossosed by this wonderful medicine. Call at O. V , Goodman's Drug Store , ami got a Trial Bottle free , and try for yourself , never fails to euro. SULLIVAN HAS HIS SAY. Tlio Champion Will Fight Alton But Only Wth Gloves , Colorado Proposed for the Bat tle Ground. A reporter of the Washington Star alkod with John L. Sullivan , of 5oston , last night about pugilism. "A man who drinks , " uaid Sulli van , "can't over bo much of a fight- r that is , if ho drinks to excess. never drink to excess , I may ako four or five glasses of boor and ot intoxicated once or twice a year. ' . have not drank a drop since the night I sparred with Tug Wilson , our months ago Wednesday. I had > oen drinking nearly all the time hen for six months after the fight with Ryan. Drinking makes a man at. I wpiphed 22G pounds when I parred with Wilson. " "Will you over have another bout rdth Wilson ? " asked a bystander. "Never in the world , I think , " aaid ullivan. "I would rather meet Wil- on than any other man. I will bet 5,000 to $3,000 that I can lick him , nd I will pay his expenses over hero : ho will como. It is not right for mo to complain of the result of the natch with Wilson. It was my own ookout. I was in no condition at 11. " "Training , I suppose , is hard work ? " oaid the reporter. "When a man is training it is torri- lo work , " Bald the gladiator , with a tvry face. "It is the hardest Ihing a man can do. There is nothing in the world like it. I have licked bettor men than Wilson in twelve minutes , " aid Sullivan , musing over the Wilson fiairt "and I can whip Wilson in that imo , too. " "It Is said Wilson made a good deal f money out of it , " said the reporter. "Not much. Ho got $8,000 for his ot , and Arthur Chambers got half of hat. " "About Allen , " said the reporter ; 'you seem confident of whipping htm ? " "Well , a fighting man ought never o brag or say that ho can whip any * ody , " said the pugislist , modestly , ut 1 will fight anybody in the world , nd try to whip him I will make a natch to fight Alien in three months n Loavillo and try to whip him. " "It has been stated that you pro- ese retiring from the ring , " said the oportor. "A fighting man is very peculiarly tuatod. When ho fights ono fight nd wins spmo ono comes up and tiallongos him. If ho don't accept alf the people say ho h afraid. I want to fight Allen , and then I bo- eve I ought to bo champion of .morlca. I will fight Allen , but after ml I will not fight any ono in the ing. I will fight with gloves. I on't want to take chances for four or vo yeara in the penitentiary. " Dojiond Upon It. Mother Hhlptcm'd prophesies nnd I/raln. nub elections are very uncertain things , ut Tliomas' I.'cltclric Oil can be depended pen always. It cures aches and jmlus of rory description. The Poatol Curd. oomurang. No one denies that the postd card s a great thing , and yet it inaken most ooplu mad to got ono. This is bo- auiu wo naturally fool gentitivo about laving our correspondence open to the yo of the Postmaster and postal fork , Yet they do not read them , 'ostal employes Imto a postal card as ordially ua any ono else. If they were janishod , and had nothing to read but package of postal cards or o foreign took of statistics , they would read the tatistics. This wild hunger for poa- al carda on the part of poatnnstera is U a myth. When the writer dooim't are who actw Ills raeesago , that kuocks hu curioaity out of thosa who handle IE OTTAWA CYLINDER CORN SMELLER , iVT CO. . KICK MIA L At.hXTS , WHIXHU , KLUm , IOWA llioeo mcasngcs. A man \vljo would read tt pcatnl card without boiiiR compelled - polled to by aonm atrlngunt sUtuto must bo n little dor.tuaod. When yon recolvo olio you eny , "Uoro ( a n tnoa- nn o of oo little importance tlint the w ritor didn't cato who OAW it. 1 don't e.mi much for it myself , " Thou you look it over and Iny it nway and forgot it. Do yon think that thu poatmnateria Koing to wear out his joung lifo in devouring literature that the aoudor doesn't fool proud of whim ho receives it ? Nny , nay. During our ollici.tl experience have boon placed where wo could Imvo road postal cardn tlmo and ngiUn , nnd no ono but the All-Seeing Eye would have detected it , but wo Imvo controlled ouraolf and closed our oyoa to the written mosango , refusing to take advantage of the government nnd thoBO who thus trusted us with their BooralB. All ever our Rroat land every moment of the day or night thcao little tlo cards are being silently ecitterod , breathing loving v , ordn Inocribed with n hard load pencil nnd shedding in formation upon sundered hoarta , nnd they nro aato na though they hud novrr boon breathed. They nro uafcr in moat instances be cause they cannot bo road by anybody in the whole world. That is why it irritates us to hr.vo some ono npnn up n conversation by asying , "You remember what that lollow wrote mo from Ohyonno on that postal card of the 25th nnd how ho rounded mo up for not aending him those goods ? " Now wo cant keep all ihoao things in our head. It required too much of n otrain to do It on the mlary wo receive. A man with n very argo nalnry nnd n tenacious memory might keep run of the postal corrcn- londonco in a small ollico , bat wo can- lot do it. Wo nro not aocuatomad to t nnd it irritates and excites ua. Baliy'u Apponl. 'What makes I cry and folks eny Iz naughty ? " 3nuo stomach ncho , and tour in my moudy ; yftuso too , can't Bleep , and worms bites zo belly ; 'Fover , " za say , feel like I was jolly. Guess your babies brlos , Dick nnd Vic toria , When mamma's gone , and don't have GAS- TO in A. 'You'ro right , they fairly yell , " There , Uncle Oy ; Jounin Frank have OAHTOIUA , ho don't cry , Flour by Ralr and River. t. Louis UIolio-Dcmocrat. During the past two weeks there lave boon some extraordinary move- nonts in flour that should teach the ailroads the strength of the river outo as an antagonist to the overland runk lines in winter- The railroad nas.agora are discussing in Now York .ho propriety of raiting the summer arill'to a more profitable standard iftor the withdrawal of lake oompoti- ; < 'on by the lakes. The capacity of ho Mississippi is overlooked , although t would bo well to weigh carefully its nfiuonco in the seaboard movement. Within the last fifteen days ocal millers have shipped 10,000 mckngos of flour to Now ) rlaauB for export. Of this ivmount 0,000 barrels in sacks of 280 tounda each were exported by the bark Jna , which cleared lost night to Mal ms Rodruth , Cornwall , by the Allan- io Milling Company. The second lot , > r 13,000 packages , was sent on order > y Broodlovo , Smith & Oo. to the 3ity of Havana after transferring to ho steamship at New Orleans. Only wo mills were called upon to fill the orders nnd others uro doini ; equally ( roll with the ruilronl * to Now Eng- loints. The gross amount was taken n three barges , the hit of which eaves to-day. A ulmplo calculation will nhow that to cirry 10,000 barrels jf flour would require the use of 190 nrs divided into eight trains , eight ocomotivos and thirty-two train muds. First Hate .Evidonoa. "Often unaulo to attend ltiolnean , being abject to uerloiiH ellnorclor of the kliiueyo. iftcr n long Mono of filcltnca.H tried Mir- ock Jllood Jlittcrt and \VUH relieved by mlf a buttle , " Mr. 1J. Turner , of Jlochoa- er , N , Y. takes the palus tu write. SuHivan & Fitzgerald , DEALUHB IN GROCERIES , PROVISIONS , Orookory , Glassware , BOOTS , SH8ES , ETD Also agents for the following llnu of Steamship Companies : 3unard , Anchor , Clalon. American , and State Htutnulilp Companion , for sale on the 1'ojal llauU of Ireland and Bank t Ireland , Dublin. 'Jlioso wl o Intend to bend K'l rluids to any part ot Kuropu will Und It to thoh atereit to tall uu Sullivan & Fitzgerald , AGKNTH , 343 Broadway , Council Bin SB BIN rON WEST. DENTISTS. 14 Pearl Street , OounoU Bluffs. Extracting and lining a rpecltlty. ( Ttut-cU * ! BUYER AND SHIPPER OF EGGS. 1 , S19 South Iain Street COUNCIL BMJEFS , IOWA I Pay the Highest Market Price and Deduct No Commission. Mouldings , Scroll and Lattice Work , Wood Turn ing , Re-Sawing , Planing and Matching , Saali , Doors , Blinds , Boxes , Etc. Manufacturers and Dealers in Improved Hawkeye Wind Mills and Pumps. J , J , Hathaway , Manager , Council Bluffs , la , Mnehlnorv "ill bo run exclusively for custom work on Thursday and Friday o each week. Orders auHclted and untlsfnaUon guaranteed. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AJND RETAIL DEALERS IN LACMI1KIA , LEHIGH , BLOSSBM& ANDALL ; A.3C.SO GOMNELLSVILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffe. riSnm THOLL. HERMAN KRACQT. THOLL & KRACHT , GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Oor. Main Street and 7th Avenuo. Fine Orocerloi , Teas , K4c. , a Specialty. Highest prices paid for country produce. New nulldlnir. new goods , low prices. Wo will not bo undersold , Call nnd examine our stock , ilellvervu , P. T. MAXNE. 0. E. MAYNE COUNCiL BLUFFS STEAM FACTORY MANUFACTURE ' BROOMS , BROOM HANDLES , CORN MEAL , GRAHAM FLOUR AND The Very Best of Broom H Constantly on Hand. The Highest Market Price Paid for Oorn , Oats , Rye , Barley BIROOIM : Partiea Wishinfj to Bell Broom Oorn .Will Please Send Siimple. OO. MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , TJIK LHADINO DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. Saloon and Restaurant , ADOLl'II UOKRFLINGKR , Prourietor. Choice Wiuos and Cigars. OyuterH in Kvoty Htyle , 709 Lnwnr "Rroidwny. flnunoilBlnffa Iowa. " DUQUETTE , GUIBE11T & CO. , ( Suecossors to Kill ! & > ( > n a 18 Pearl st. . foundl Bluffs la. Funeral Director and Undertaker , No. 17 , North Main Street. . Council Blufla Cills promptly anjwir d at all hours , night or d y. New be and Loudoa carriage ! direct ( rom Iho tMlaty ur run In co-iiiwjtlon tlii re with. _ UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUT MAIN STREET. t4 * ! THI3 BEST BREAD II THE CITY , None but firnt-olasa Bakora umployod , Dread , Oako , Plea fio. , delivered to any part of the city , Oa P. AYRES , Proprietor , % t r